Showing posts with label Li Jun Jie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Li Jun Jie. Show all posts

February 18, 2015

My Sunshine 何以笙箫默 Episode 32 (Finale)

This last episode is pure fan service. Half of it is their re-imagination of the past. I didn't know dramas can do that.

February 17, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 31

It's an episode of dangerous voyages and time travels. (: 

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 30

Knots are being tied! (But what's going to happen for two more episodes? o_o)

February 16, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 29

It's Xiao Mei's episode today and she finally gets to do what she hasn't done seven years ago: a light bulb. Oh right, she's pregnant too. 

February 15, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 28

It seems that Mo Sheng and Yi Chen are pretty much on a smooth sailing ship while others are rather rocky. 

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 27

It's an episode with more travelling. However, the spotlight disperses on a couple of side characters rather than simply Yi Chen and Mo Sheng, but don't worry these two are as blissful as ever. 

February 14, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 26

One couple's basically settled down and are showering us with their love while the other couple are...still bickering.

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 25

It doesn't feel like anything can penetrate this couple now. 

February 13, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 24

It's the real deal this time guys.

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 23

So their thumbs up sign lost the connotation it had before. ): 
But the highlight of the episode is Consummation! 

February 12, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 22

Lesson: Girls, don’t give random thumbs up because it could give guys the wrong signal.

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 21

Yi Chem's got a new job! 

February 11, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 20

My Sunshine – Episode 20

Finally on the twenties! And I finally realize none of the main pictures for the recaps have been a solo one of Yi Chen. The above picture is my apology to you Wallace Chung. Your Yi Chen is actually very splendid.

Onto the episode; after a few setbacks, it seems like our couple is finally back on track.

(And show, can you quit it with the obvious product placements?)

February 2, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 19

A Ying Hue-centric episode. It’s not as boring as it seems as we see Yi Chen’s unwavering confidence.

January 31, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 18

I like this smile! Anyways, highlight of the episode: showdown between Yi Chen and Ying Hue.

January 28, 2015

January 26, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 16

Big transformations today for Mo Sheng: physically and emotionally. Plus, we get tons of cute scenes between Mo Sheng and Yi Chen. 

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 15

Their first day as an official married couple…is not what you’d imagine it to be. It’s so slice-of-life sometimes that I wonder how you can be a drama, but I like it still. I’ll sum up what generally happened in this episode: they exchange text message(s); they go to work; lastly, they eat dinner.

January 24, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙簫默] Episode 14

Dun dun de dun / Dun dun de dun / Dun dun de dun dun dun dun de dun !

January 23, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙簫默] Episode 13

Mo Sheng gets pushed around this episode but the final thrust needs to come from herself.