Note: cynlynn had stopped blogging in 2016 and returned in 2020 hence the vast difference between the posts after the hiatus. She had wanted to delete the older posts because it wasn't consistent with her newer ones but that would mean all her hard work would disappear in this world. cynlynn couldn't bear to do that so she's gathered them here in a little corner of her blog.
The long story short to why she stopped blogging: Recapping was a drag. She was forced to watch an episode to its entirety when she was bored of that episode. She felt obligated to complete a drama once she started recapping. That obligation made drama watching a chore.
She started recapping again after watching Under the Power because she loved the drama so much she had to write notes down in case she wanted to rewatch. Thus she created "Mini Recaps" where she can write about anything she wanted and wouldn't feel bad if she skipped a few episodes here and there or dropped the drama.