September 15, 2024

Be Your Knight | Recap and Review

Be Your Knight
A woman hires her "brother-in-law" to be her husband.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Fan Zhi XinYe Ran / Xiang Ting Dong 
Yang Yu XiCheng Che 
Chinese Title
He Resembles Fire
GenresEraRomanceEra Romance 
NetworkTencent Video
Episodes: 29 (Mini)
Recap Grade: D
First Impression: 2.99/5

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Recaps: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]


Fan Zhi Xin:
Ye Ran
Xiang Ting Dong 

Yang Yu Xi:
Cheng Che

Wang Jun Hao:
Yu Jia Hao
Yi Lin:
Xiang Ruo Lan
Wang Ruo Lin:
Lord Thirteen
Guo Jia Yu:
Xiao Xiao

Mini Recaps

[Ep1[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Cheng Che needs Ye Ran to fake her comatose husband who might be comatose because of her self defence. However a year ago, she gave Ye Ran a criminal record and not that he committed a crime, ofc /s. He isn't going to help her. She begs him. Doesn't work. She shoots him. Doesn't workPhew, the way he dodged that. My heart somersaulted. She rams her car into his enemy to save him. That might workHer killer "defence".

[Ep2[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ye Ran accepts the husband job, but Cheng Che's husband, Xiang Ting Dong, is actually his brother, meaning she’s his sister-in-law (dasao)! Ye Ran has one question for her. "Dasao, let me ask you, my brother, is he dead?" And not "Is he alive"? It doesn't seem he cares about the answer as he smiles and understands what she means by a "business trip".
He who resembles the fire
"You can't be thinking that a contract can bind me, right?"
*Ding*. It just did.

[Ep3[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ye Ran stops in his tracks when he learns Cheng Che still hasn't married Xiang Ting Dong. They were only engaged, and now Ye Ran will be the one to actually marry her. 

[Ep4[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Please kiss the bride, will ya. The officiant is an official troll in our favour, haha. Ye Ran isn't supposed to kiss Cheng Che per her rules, but the ceremony ain't over if the kiss isn't on the lips! He cusps her cheeks and commands her lips. When they're alone, Ye Ran slaps him. He's astonished. She's mad because he had to kiss her like "that". She shapes "that" with her hands – the cheek cusp. He mutters that if he doesn't hold her face, he might miss. This is cheating, sir, you can't be cute too! 

It seems his real name is Xiang Yi Ru.

[Ep5[Jump to: Top | Comments]

So it goes like this → Aunt Xiang Ruo Lan strips, then Ye Ran is whipped, and finally he half-strips too. *Heart-eyes*. Cheng Che had taken the whippings with him, but how could he let her be hurt? He, who had taken all the blows before, blocks the whip from coming down on her. I can be whipped, but no one whips my woman! <- I translated his body language

[Ep6[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Cheng Che slaps Ye Ran againI love that he's stunned for a second. It's part of an act to investigate Xiang Ting Dong and his "mistress", Xiao Xiao, through Lord Thirteen. Lord 13 also knows about "Han Shan", Xiang Ting Dong's alter ego and the reason Ye Ran agreed to be an identity thief. 

Cheng Che tearfully tells Ye Ran everything (i.e. her comatose husband). He hugs her to comfort her. Later, she apologizes for threatening him in the beginning and promises to have faith in all that he does. Me too, girl, me too. He's too hot to not trust. Brain --> Trashcan. He smiles, and then brings up if his sleeping bothers her. She quickly reassures him that he doesn't snore, grind teeth, or sleep walk. It's the same for him. "But you snore." He smirks and says he's only joking.
The answer to Han Shan:
"Seemingly far away, but actually right in front of your eyes"
"Today, [she] has an umbrella"
The pair of umbrellas. They tried their best to make a heart.

[Ep7[Jump to: Top | Comments]

2CP has logged in. It's an OWYM romance where Yu Jia Hao, the family's handyman, has a crush on Aunt Xiang Ruo Lan. Their relationships reminds me of Destined to Meet You

Ye Ran learns waltzing and wine-tasting from Cheng Che. He overestimates his tolerance and now he's drunk. She takes the chance to ask him about the type of girls men like. 

Cheng Che: Do all men like that type? 
Ye Ran: Which type? 
Cheng Che: This type? (Xiao Xiao)
Ye Ran: Don't like. 
Cheng Che: Then what do you think about me?
*Sips his alcohol*
Ye Ran (smirking): Not much. 
*Grins to himself*

[Ep8[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ye Ran approaches Xiao Xiao, the "mistress". Does she already know he isn't Xiang Ting Dong?

[Ep9[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ye Ran tells Cheng Che that he did everything that he could with Xiao Xiao tonight. In reply, Cheng Che gives him Chinese herbal medicine to replenish there. No, no, no. Our man is more pure than she thinks. He's into flowers (because she likes flowers).
Hopeless. Why am I so into him sliding those flowers.

[Ep10[Jump to: Top | Comments]

TIL how much feather is actually in a single pillow. Cheng Che retrieves the key Ye Ran wants, but Ye Ran doesn't just want the key anymore. She wants him safe and alive. But it sure took you long to get there! And now it looks like Aunt knows Ye Ran isn't Xiang Ting Dong.

[Ep11[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Nobody really cares about Xiang Ting Dong because even Xiang Ruo Lan forgives Cheng Che for nearly killing her nephew. 

GG, it's a CC. How do we escape Childhood Connections! Cheng Che is the girl who saved Ye Ran when he was a (homeless?) kid. 

Ye Ran cries! He realizes they're star-crossed lovers. He cries again when Cheng Che ends their (fake) relationship. Aunt Xiang Ruo Lan had ordered it, but if Ye Ran is willing to return to their family as the grand/son, she'll allow it.

[Ep12[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ye Ran leaves the house. Cheng Che chases after him! But she doesn't say anything, and he leaves. Oh wait, no. He went to pick up her heel that fell off. Awwwwwwwww. He asks why she ran to him, but she sniffles and gulps down that she wants him to stay. Isn't she supposed to tell him that Aunt will let him stay as Ye Ran at least?
Ye Ran: Cheng Che, I'm leaving. What's going to happen to you?
Cheng Che: Have a safe trip.
Ye Ran: Take care of yourself.
Ye Ran continues to investigate his "Mountains and Oceans" (Shan and Hai) and partners up with Xiao Xiao ~ 

[Ep13[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ye Ran becomes a nameless hero (*swoon*) for Cheng Che who's being targeted. She's also looking for an "Ocean" (Deng Da "Hai").
Oh my. I'm clutching my heart at him opening a door.

[Ep14[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Deng Da Hai orders Ye Ran to smash Cheng Che's head with glass. He lifts the glass, swings down, and hits the man behind Cheng Che. Phew. Deng Da Hai points a gun to his head for disobeying. *Bang Bang* It's Xiao Xiao. This girl can call the shots! She fired her ammo into the air like the ceiling ain't there. Our couple leaves safely, except they're captured by Lord 13 who knows Ye Ran isn't Xiang Ting Dong. Lord 13 says he's protecting them as ordered by Xiang Ruo Lan. 

Correction: Ye Ran let Lord 13 capture him to spend more alone time with Cheng Che. Her gasps, and the tingling when his knuckle grazed her arm, lol. Cheng Che tells Ye Ran her plans, and begs him to let her take her own revenge. He agrees, and tears up! Ye Ran has so many tears.

Who is Lord 13? Is he good or is he bad? Ye Ran thinks he's grey with a bit of white. Lord 13 has the same question for Ye Ran. I love the image. Ye Ran took a step back from the light, and entered the darkness, but stared at the light. Ye Ran wants to be where the lights are so that he can hide with the shadows.

[Ep15[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ye Ran asks Cheng Che, "Why did you run to me that day?" She finally answers: "Because the flower bloomed." Because of him, everyday starts happily. Because of him, she found love. He promises her that [as long as he's around], she will always see flowers. 

[Ep16[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Cheng Che nearly kills Deng Da Hai to avenge her parents, but Ye Ran stops her because it's suicidal. She's emotional and demands, "Who are you to decide for me? You can't actually think you're my husband." Snap. Ye Ran's heart breaks. Tap Tap. He walks away. Cheng Che regrets immediately, hoping he doesn't actually leave her. Oh, women. It's as if he heard her heart. He stops in his steps, and turns around to ask if she's hungry. AW. Slowly, but surely, he walks up to her again.

[Ep17[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Cheng Che kisses Ye Ran, holding his face like he held hers at their wedding. Then she wants him to forget it. Man is not a goldfish. He slaps her back. He pulls her back and kisses her again.

Ye Ran may not have a mother, but now he has an aunt: Xiang Ruo Lan ~ Cheng Che also realizes that every happy moment his mother gave him, he gave her: the flowers, and the piano playing. Summary: he found a mother, and he became a mother

[Ep18[Jump to: Top | Comments]

2nd CP: Xiang Ruo Lan is into the good stuff. Jawlines and Adam's apple.

Main CP: What's their relationship? Tight enough to ride rickshaws together. Cheng Che's real answer though is "good partners". If that's supposed to be romantic, then I disagree.

[Ep19[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Recap missing because I died laughing here::

[Ep20[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Xiang Ting Dong wakes up from his coma! .....To die. Why is this funny, lol. He's killed by Elder Ba who has also captured Ye Ran and Cheng Che. No pictures because watching the torture once is tough enough. Poor Ye Ran :(. It wasn't that cruel, but Fan Zhi Xin's painful acting hurts.

[Ep21[Jump to: Top | Comments]

This episode was the slowest of the slowest episodes, but the ending rocked. Cheng Che will take on Ye Ran's revenge because he's in a coma right now. Xiang Ruo Lan is her partner in justice, and they rock their walk, but she says they'll need more help. Bring it on. You too, Lord 13. (Does Lord 13 have no idea he's sending Ruo Lan to another guy or did he never love Ruo Lan that way?)

[Ep22[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Time to wake up Ye Ran, my sleeping hottie.

[Ep23[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Deng Da Hai is dead– sabotaged by Cheng Che and killed by Xiao Xiao. Our girls took revenge for their parents. Xiao Xiao makes sure his daughter is taken care of though, aw.

[Ep24[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ye Ran: Cheng Cheng, I miss you.
Cheng Che: I miss you too. 

[Ep25[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Since Ye Ran missed Cheng Che, she (who misses him too) bought tickets to find him ~ Without seeing her, he already recognizes her just by hearing her footsteps. His dewy eyes! He's banged up and still tenderly gardening. This softie-lethal man setup is too deliberate! Lol. He gave her the same tour of roses before, and asks if she knows what they mean.

Cheng CheI am passionately in love with you. 
Ye Ran (echoes her love)I am passionately in love with you.

[Ep26[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Xiang Ruo Lan and her beau are captured– strategically captured. It’s a plan devised by our team to fool Ba Gong. 

[Ep27[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Cheng Che puts her life on the line to capture Ba Gong and trusts Ye Ran will find her no matter what. Ye Ran does not disappoint.

[Ep28[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Lord 13 finally learns the man (Yu Jia Hao) that he sent to protect Xiang Ruo Lan...protected her really well and even protected her from marrying him. Lol. And ok, this all has to be a reference to a previous mini where Lord 13 wronged XRL that I didn't watch

[Ep29[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Hey, the officiant is back!
Omg, a bomb at the church!
Oh no, Xiao Xiao!!
Oh lord(13), Matrix mode! LOOOOOOL

Happily ever after, haha. What a ride.
Dude's like "I can feed myself." Haha.


[First Impression (Ep1-4)] Story, step aside. It's Fan Zhi Xin. I am watching art. 

Contrary to my recommendations below, ML is actually NOT toxic. He's sometimes lethal and sometimes tender. *Melts* There's even a bit of humour in this.

Story – I can't ignore all of it. They both have a motive in entering Xiang family. Nobody knows where the real husband/fiancé went except the FL. Nobody knows what the ML wants in agreeing to marry her. He could be marrying a murderer, and she could be marrying danger, but these two are like ok, let's marry

[Cast&Crew] Not the same director (Zeng Qing Jie), but the same duo (Du Hao, current director, and Zhao Lin, screenwriter) as A Familiar Stranger, The Killer Is Also RomanticProvoke, and Butterflied Lover. Zhao Lin's resume also includes Destined to Meet You and Hard to Find. I do like that this team does their minis closer to 20 minutes. There's more room for conversations, and lingering emotions.

You may recognize Yang Yu Xi from Fireworks of My Heart, the manipulative girl who likes Wei Dan Xun's character. 

[Ending] Happy.

[A HighlightHmmmmm. Whenever Fan Zhi Xin glares stares at the screen.... (: 

[Review & Rating]

Pro: This mini has no trash.
Con: This mini has no trash!

I can't believe that I get to say this for a mini: it's so high quality that it's low on entertainment.

Overall impression though, is still positive because I can't really take off marks for quality aesthetics, a story that's filled with strong characters, emotional stability is everywhere, and a full closure at the end. The finale was a fun ride, actually.

To be picky, this is a sterile mini. When I see Lethal Man + Mini, I might not actually be looking for a shiny, clean, healthy, and quality mini, which this is, but maybe a toxic explosion of chemistry would have been better…(: Aesthetics is this mini's strength. Overextending the aesthetics is this mini's weakness. The constant slow-mo – to tell me Show is pretty – was benumbing. The sound effects were eargasm until every motion needed a sound.

Fan Zhi Xin was having chemistry with a rock. FL character was supposed to be like a rock, stable and strong, not actually be a rock.

Fan Zhi Xin is consistent. He’s really not that handsome, but his charisma is magnetic in every scene, and so if you're watching this for him, you'll have enough fun (like me).

Rating: 2/5 


Supportive ML Random Mini Aesthetics
Bloody Romance Circle of Love Falling Before Fireworks