Their first day as an official married couple…is not what
you’d imagine it to be. It’s so slice-of-life sometimes that I wonder how you
can be a drama, but I like it still. I’ll sum up what generally happened in
this episode: they exchange text message(s); they go to work; lastly, they eat
Yi Chen’s celebrating his win with his clients in another
city and refuses to attend the after party (it’s probably a bar). He uses the
excuse of a scary wife monitoring his every move to refuse. He’s complaining,
but he’s actually glowing.
He walks to the hotel and enjoys the night scene. It’s
probably his way of celebrating after becoming a married man. He comes across two
ladies taking pictures and is reminded of Mo Sheng when she first took a
picture of him. He smiles at that thought but is immediately interrupted by the
thought of Mo Sheng’s ex-husband. He tells himself to just admit it: “You’re
mad jealous.”
Back in Shanghai, Mo Sheng’s not kidding when she says she’s
changing the curtains. She also decorates the entire condo. She happily texts
Yi Chen while rolling around on his bed, “I really did change the curtains.” She waits and waits for a reply until
she has to send another one because nothing arrived. She texts, “The new
curtain is really pretty.” Yi Chen must not be used to texting because he’s
completely immune to the sound of it. Mo Sheng tests her signal and sends
another message: “You’re the one that let me change it. If you don’t like it,
don’t blame me. Did you get that text yet? I swiped your card to buy it. Also I
bought a lot of things for the kitchen.” With all these incoming texts, the
assistant has no choice but to inform Yi Chen about them. Yi Chen reads the
last of her text messages: “Did my phone break? Why are you not replying?”
Yi Chen’s reply: Okay.
Mo Sheng smiles at that.
(I wouldn’t necessarily flip the table but I’d be more
worried than relieved if he sent that short of a reply.)
Yi Chen returns to his home sweet home and finds pleasure in
the new decorations. His ice cold demeanor melts at the sight of his home that
now breathes life.
On the other hand, Mo Sheng is asleep on his bed, still holding onto her
phone. He stares at her as she’s within arm’s reach. He gently covers her up and returns to the
living room and takes a deep breath to absorb the fact that Mo Sheng’s his now.
The next morning, Mo Sheng wakes up surprised to find
herself snuggly tucked into Yi Chen’s bed. She doesn’t know that Yi Chen’s back
and is startled to see him in the living room. She wonders when he returned
because he wasn’t supposed to be back until Friday. She asked him whether he
saw her sleeping in his bedroom. She apologizes for it but Yi Chen gives up his
room to her to sleep in while he'll take the guestroom with the excuse that he’ll be overseas
quite a bit.
That morning Yi Chen also insists on driving her to work
because he’s heading that way too. Before leaving the car, Mo Sheng gathers her courage to ask if they could have lunch together but Yi Chen declines. He turns his car to the opposite direction to head back to his office.
Turns out it wasn’t convenient at all. Hehe. We also find out that he purposely
came back a day early. Aww.
Yi Chen’s busy at work but gets interrupted by an SOS call
from Mo Sheng; she forgot her keys. Yi Chen’s not one bit surprised and drives
home just to let her in the house. He’s just about to cross the road when he
spots Mo Sheng across the street. (You walked home??)
Mo Sheng’s hopping on the tiles patiently waiting for Yi
Chen. (It's cute and all, but what grown woman would do that? Is that why I don't have a Yi Chen?) She gets interrupted by a tourist asking for direction but she’s no
expert and redirects it to Yi Chen when she spots him. Yi Chen overhears Mo
Sheng introduce him as her “husband” to the tourist.
After giving the tourist to the tourist, Yi Chen turns to Mo
Sheng and advises her that if she would ever to commit a crime, she should utilize
her right to keep silent otherwise she’d just expose everything after a simple
interrogation. Yi Chen, I thought you’d be happier getting introduced as her
He hands Mo Sheng the keys and leaves. Mo Sheng chases up to
him asking where he’s going. He’s returning to work. But Mo Sheng’s worried
about his lunch. He says he’s not hungry. Yup, work over health. Mo Sheng uses
her tactic: she grabs onto his sleeves and quietly, yet firmly, tells him
she’ll wait for him. Yi Chen’s a weakling to that and looks at his sleeve that
Mo Sheng’s still holding onto. He nods his head and off they go to Yi Chen’s
law firm.
Lawyer Yuan comes down to find Mo Sheng waiting for Yi Chen.
He smugly asks whether she’s here to actively pursue Yi Chen now. They’ve
already tied the knot, dude. He kindly advises her that Yi Chen won’t be done
until at least 10pm. Mo Sheng’s worried about his health and thinks of
something. She asks Lawyer Yuan whether he’d have time to have a coffee with
her. Her real motive is to order take out for Yi Chen and ask Lawyer Yuan for a
favour. She wants him to tell her whenever Yi Chen’s not eating properly.
Lawyer Yuan teases her that he’s being used here.
Yi Chen’s finish with his work but is disappointed to see Mo
Sheng missing. He’s even more disappointed to learn that she’s eaten with
Lawyer Yuan without him. He was just about to dismiss the whole idea of eating when Lawyer Yuan does us all a favour: turning off his lightbulb status and
texts Yi Chen, “She only treated me to coffee to ask if I could monitor your
eating habits. Don’t misunderstand. And don’t bully her.”
They go to a restaurant he frequents that serves specialty
food from their hometown. Mo Sheng zips through the menu and asks the waiter if there was
anything that didn’t contain bamboo because Yi Chen isn’t quite fond of them.
The waiter is confused because Yi Chen always orders them. We get this awkward
silence. Yi Chen breaks it by ordering the usual. So, you’ve been torturing
yourself with the food you hate to remind yourself of Mo Sheng? Or, you miss
her so much, you changed your appetite?
After eating, Yi Chen returns to work. Mo Sheng’s
disappointed and asks when he’s coming back. Yi Chen, unfamiliar with this
situation, pauses at that and asks her whether she’s going to wait for him. She
nods and adds in (unnecessarily) that his key is with her. He assures her that
he has a spare key hence she doesn’t need to wait for him. You disappointed, Yi
Chen? Well, Mo Sheng’s obviously disappointed.
This almost ends their first day together as a married couple. Quite sad I’d have to say.
Ying Hui finally makes his appearance in Shanghai. He only
goes to Mo Sheng after he finishes his work. It speaks to us his fate with Mo
Sheng: work before her. Hence, he’ll never get the girl. He’s very manipulative
too because he plans to ask Mo Sheng if he could stay the night because he’s
got nowhere else to go (...when you're a CEO). He arrives at her apartment and goes up the steps
happily with flowers and all. However, he reports down to the ground solemnly
because a kind neibour has notified him that she’s moved and perhaps married.
(This is what you get for underestimating Yi Chen and overestimating your
charms. The first time you let her go was your biggest mistake. Now you choose
work first but it’s already too late to regret because you’ve lost any ounce of
chance you possibly had before.)
The next day, we’re with Xiao Mei as she shops to buy a
wedding present for Mo Sheng. However, she bumps into her “stalker” and he’s
here to buy a present for Yi Mei. He first teases her for her bad taste as she
picks up this (hideous) gold colourful necklace but seconds later, they end up
fighting for the same necklace. Yuan Feng argues with her that this clean,
white, clear necklace doesn’t suit her (LOL). He continues, “Since you’re a
supermodel, it’s embarrassing to buy yourself jewellery; if I were you, I’d
manipulate it from some other guy and, oh, hey, that necklace in the front with
all those colours and gold-ness suits you much better.” Ouch, ouch, ouch. His
final blow is to threaten her that he’d go out on the street and yell, “Oh my
god, bigtime supermodel Xiao Mei is here to buy jewelry, hear ye, hear ye,
come one, come all!” Ding, ding, ding! Our winner this time is Yuan Feng.
However, Yuan Feng’s happy mood doesn’t last as Y Mei
refuses such an expensive gift. He decides to lie that it’s fake so Yi Mei will
accept it. Yi Mei asks him whether it’s true and Yuan Feng tells her it’s “true”
(or real). Realizing he said that the necklace was real, he shakes his head and
confirms its fake, “it really is fake”. I love how clumsy this guys is.
Since Xiao Mei didn’t win the necklace, she buys something
else for Mo Sheng: cook books. I’d much prefer this gift to be honest. Since
food is in the topic, Mo Sheng asks Xiao Mei, “If a guy doesn’t like this
particular food yet he always eats it, why do you think so?” Xiao Mei begs Mo
Sheng to not ask such an idiotic questions because the guy will die if he doesn’t
eat, obviously. Mo Sheng shakes her head at that ridiculous answer. Girl, you should
know why!