November 1, 2024

Love Game in Eastern Fantasy | Recap and Review

Love Game in Eastern Fantasy
A bookworm couch queen reincarnates as an evil 2FL in a mediocre story.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Yu Shu Xin: Ling Miao Miao
Ding Yu Xi: Mu Sheng
Wang Yi Xu (Stellar)
Chinese Title
Eternal Night Star River (Galaxy)
Year: 2024
Episodes: 32

Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.8/5

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Love Game in Eastern Fantasy


Yu Shu Xin:
Ling Miao Miao
Lin Yu
Ding Yu Xi:
Mu Sheng
Zi Qi
Zhu Xu Dan:
Mu Yao
Yang Shi Ze:
Liu Fu Yi
Chen Du Ling:
Mirror Daemon
Gillian Chung:
Murong Er
Xu Hai Qiao:
Zhao Qing Huan
Bao Jian Feng:
Mu Huai Jiang
Zhang Chen Guang:
Lu Huai An

Wen Zheng Rong:
Consort Dowager Zhao
Zhao Qin Ru
Hai Lu:
Madam 10
Yu Meng Long:
Li Zhun
Fei Qi Ming:
Zhao Ruo Shi
Wang Xiao Chen:
Madam Liu
Paul Che:
Zhu Qing Qing Elder
Lai Yi:
Tao Ying
Lu Yu Hao:
Cui Cui
Rao Jia Di:
Tao Zi

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ling Miao Miao (Yu Shu Xin) loves her Saturdays where she can spend all day – staring at fish. But today there’s something else she wants to do: read her favourite author's Fu Zhou's new book, “Catching Daemons”. She's been a diehard fan for ten years.

The book sucks.

How it sucks: FL is a saint-in-training (the scorn for good girls doing good things is real) and a tragic-fool-in-waiting as she misses all the warning signs that the people she loves are veiled villains. She’s devoted to a ML who will betray her, a 2ML with a hidden cruel streak, and a rival 2FL quietly plotting her downfall. Hates these guys, why include the FL too. Ppl can be dumb! Right?

The book really sucks – as in sucking in Ling Miao Maio, transforming her into Lin Yu, the rival 2FL. The System instructs Ling Miao Miao that she is to 1) complete the main/group mission, which is to survive till the end and participate in defeating the big daemon boss, Lady Resentment, and 2) complete the individual mission, which will be revealed once she finishes her tutorial tasks.

Tutorial #1: Pretend to marry Liu Fu Yi (Yang Shi Ze) and consummate. His name (Fu Yi) sounds like "to reconsider". Sprinting with a scream, Ling Miao Miao escapes – and is struck by lightning.

The end. LOOOL. We’re only 10 minutes in! XD

After collecting a few more death badges, Ling Miao Miao surrenders and invites her marriage, which is just another way of dying, agree?
The fake marriage was to lure the Mirror Daemon. What a coincidence that Chen Du Ling is a daemon here and a daemon hunter in Fangs of Fortune that is concurrently airing. Girl is plastered in gold, even her skin is gold-ing (really earning that RMB, lol). This daemon resents grooms, but it's not because she was betrayed. It was her master who foolishly gave her heart away to a man who wasn't worth it.
Rock music for Mu Sheng’s (Ding Yu Xi) entrance! However, he can care less about Ling Miao Miao's wellbeing. I genuinely believe that Ling Miao Miao survived only because the Mirror Daemon took mercy on “brides”. Also when the Mirror Daemon revealed her resentment at unfaithful grooms, Mu Yao glanced at Liu Fu Yi...

The daemon is sealed in Liu Fu Yi's Tower. Ling Miao Miao ogles at the CGI thinking, If my company wants these effects, how much would they need to spend? Meta. Yu Shu Xin would know. LOL. Her investment allowed LBFAD (and LGIEF?) to upgrade its CGI.

Ling Miao Miao stays clear of the terrifying Mu Sheng. As if hearing her thoughts, Mu Sheng flicks his sharp gaze at her. Then Liu Fu Yi approaches to ask how she knew about the Mirror Daemon's weakness. Our 2024 heroine can't reveal that she was spoiled by the whole ending and so she says this, "Of course it's because of my sharp observational skills and reasonable judgement." How is this everything that's not Yu Shu Xin, lmao. Mu Sheng was overhearing this the whole time, and agreeing with me.
Ling Miao Miao wants her distance from Mu Sheng, but she loves his jiejie-obsession with Mu Yao (Zhu Xu Dan)

It is dog-blooded, but bring on the hot-blooded-men-rivalry, I love watching it!
Ling Miao Miao can't stop herself (Lin Yu) from crying, hahaha. She lies to Mu Sheng that these are happy tears for the main CP’s loveline, but he’s not falling for that. Looks like avoiding Mu Sheng won't be easy.

Ling Miao Miao’s game-dad is her dad in real life (but he died) ~ A carriage almost runs this dad over and then Ling Miao Miao is an emotional mess, clinging to her father and sobbing in his shoulders. Awwwwww.

[Ep2] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Our smart cookie Ling Miao Miao deflects Mu Sheng’s suspicions by having an emergency hair spa. Now the strand of hair he found has no match.

Tutorial #2: Switch out Mu Yao's medicine to elongate her (and Liu Fu Yi's) stay.

Ling Miao Miao is exasperated. How stupid is this villain? She means herself (Lin Yu). How can she tamper with the medicine and personally deliver it? How is that different from sending yourself to prison? Well, our Ling Miao Miao is smarter than that! She doesn't send herself to prison – she just gets on the express to death. No matter what she gives, Mu Yao is adversely reacting (i.e. coughing up the liquid, ofc, it's the only symptom), and Mu Sheng is avidly killing Ling Miao Miao every time.

On one try, she emphasizes she really didn't change the medicine this time.

Mu Sheng: What do you mean you didn't change the medicine?
Ling Miao Miao (fatigued): You mean no one mentioned it before? Haha.

She dies.

On another try, the medication is practically an inoculation to Mu Yao’s future coughing reaction. She can’t still cough (up), right?


Here comes the aggressive kill – wait. She does it herself…except she's too scared, hahaha. Before she can ask him to do it lightly, he already slashed her.

The 1627373rd try. OK! It’s WATER. This game is rigged if Mu Yao cou– she coughs.

Ling Miao Miao: This isn't scientific. LMAO

She brings up a common idiom: 是藥三分毒 Shì yào sān fēn dúEvery medicine has 3 part poison / has its side effect. I like the knowledge these common idioms give, except here it's 100% poison for Mu Yao, hahaha.
"Come, (drink, it's water)."
"This isn't scientific"
Mu Sheng demands from Ling Miao Miao what she did to the water. Sir, it's water. What else can she do!! Then she understands everything: Mu Yao is allergic to the pot. She begs Mu Sheng to kill her now so she can end her loop of death. He obeys. RIP.

The 1627374th try. Hallelujah! Mu Yao overcomes drinking medicine.

[Ep3] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Ling Miao Miao and Mu Yao talk about their mothers. The former says her mom is in another world, and so does the latter, but her other world is not her other world. Ling Miao Miao's is alive, back at home; Mu Yao's is dead. LMM’s mom is the same actress from A Romance of the Little Forest. They chat like sisters, but Ling Miao Miao feels sorry for this jiejie. Mu Yao is so sweet but so naive, trusting everyone she shouldn’t: the green tea that is Lin Yu, the black lotus that is Mu Sheng, and the AC that is Liu Fu Yi.

绿茶 Lǜ chá – Green tea (bitch) 🍵 → Derogatory term directed at girls who pretend to be innocent and charming but is actually manipulative.
黑蓮花 Hei lian hua – Black Lotus → (Grey) "Villains", openly dark and clever
中央空調 Zhong yang kong tiao – Central AC → Typically are men who appear kind and give special attention to multiple people without clear romantic intent, which leads to misunderstanding and jealousy among the ladies.

Revenge is sweet for Ling Miao Miao. Since Mu Sheng killed her so many times, she makes him peel grapes. It’s only fair and totally doable, lol. And he’s only doing it because Mu Yao is always on Ling Miao Miao’s side every time she squeezes out an invisible tear. Mu Yao is dumb, loool.

Some necessary body contact: (Ling Miao Miao finally got her hug from the Ep2 air-dive)
Tutorial #3: Go to Mu Yao's room and burn her map (the key to destroying Lady Resentment).

Ling Miao Miao complains about the plot-holes before I can complain about the plot-holes xD. This 2FL (Lin Yu), if she must burn the map, why do it in the room? These powerful daemon hunters, how did they not hear this 2FL eavesdropping! When Ling Miao Miao doesn't want to betray Mu Yao’s trust, a meteorite kills her. Ok! Burn the map, it is! Some things are just above and beyond friendship like space debris, hahaha. Ling Miao Miao regrets it immediately, except the map burns too fast, leaving only a fragment.

Mu Sheng catches Ling Miao Miao and here we go again – Ling Miao Miao, our record keeper of death badges, respawns, rinses and repeats. When she successfully swallows the map, not leaving a trace, Mu Sheng is still murderous.

Ling Miao Miao: 大哥,你別不講武德- AH!" (Da ge, act with martial values will yo– AH!").

Conclusion: if there's proof, he kills her; if there's no proof, he still kills her. xD.

4th Try. She confesses her love to him. It works!
As Mu Sheng‘s leaving, he vigorously shakes the hand Ling Miao Miao held as if that will shake the feelings that already seeped into your heart. A Sheng, resistance is futile ~ (;

[Ep4] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Mu Yao suspects her brother, Mu Sheng, of burning the map because he doesn’t want her to die duelling Lady Resentment. She claims he's dispassionate about her revenge because her parents aren't his. Non-bio-didi is hurt at the accusation. She goes even farther, comparing his actions to daemons, the species she abhors.

Bubbly Ling Miao Miao bursts in on the sibling’s stifling confrontation, planning to confess her crimes. What's death by Mu Sheng anyway? But wait, the System speaks. Her ten days of unlimited lives are over. If she dies now, it's really game over. Without a split second of hesitation, Ling Miao Miao confes– screw confession! She asks if they want food. She's a real one LOL. They're silent. She adjourns. Pretend nothing happened.

Our "Black Lotus" (Mu Sheng) actually has a black lotus in his heart. Ouuu.

System speaks. Our "Green Tea" has to seduce the Black Lotus! What a direct way we're getting our romance. That's the System's individual mission for Ling Miao Miao (on top of beating Lady Resentment). Right now Mu Sheng's feelings towards her are 200%....negative.

Ling Miao Miao starts with flowers, but Mu Sheng crumbles it in her face. But hey, they were on the same wavelength. He was just staring at flowers and she brought him more. Then he has her at knifepoint. Swell start. Nothing spells romance like some thrill! Ling Miao Miao manages to turn her fate around by mending the siblings' relationship (she played devil's advocate for Mu Yao to admit her brother will always be her family and for Mu Sheng to overhear his jiejie’s true feelings). But gosh, why is he still at -200%?

In the original story, during the Lantern Festival, a fire burned down the city’s food bank, revealing the utter hollowness, and since Ling Miao Miao’s father was the mayor, he was beheaded for embezzlement. The fire's point of origin was Mu Sheng’s heart, where his fiery jealousy lit into real flames (via his magic fingers). Ling Miao Miao has to prevent that at all cost and this is her plan: steal Liu Fu Yi from Mu Yao so Mu Sheng can’t be jealous. It’s also killing two birds with one stone because Liu Fu Yi isn't worth it anyway.

Mu Sheng is still jealous – of Ling Miao Miao this time xD.

[Ep5] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Feelings are going off, but the reception is a little off. Mu Sheng's "love" towards Miao Miao is at -250% because she stole his jie. Then Miao Miao's father majorly misunderstands that she loves Liu Fu Yi. He's elated with only one concern: will Liu Fu Yi marry into his family against traditions? Father Lin(g) doesn't want to be separated from his daughter, aw.

Father Lin(g) rigs the Lantern Festival so that Miao Miao is the final winner to release the Sky Lantern with the man she loves....except she goes and releases it with 3 other people. Then Mu Sheng reveals that he knows she helped his jie remember their childhood promise and demands for her motive. Miao Miao sighs, "狗咬呂洞賓(,不識好人心)" – "A dog bites Lv Dong Bin, not knowing how kind he is." ("Lv Dong Bin" is a scholarly, clever man with a genuine desire to help people, but a dog bites him). Basically, she's calling him an ungrateful dog.

Miao Miao's wish to the goddess is to be more beautiful, to never get fat, to be rich, and to have everything she wants. Mu Sheng calls her greedy and so she changes it to just one. She hopes that all good-hearted people, filled with love and loyalty, stay safe (平安). Mu Sheng is taken aback by her selflessness, and in awe, he seals her wish in the sky, inscribing "safe" among the lanterns.
Mu Sheng's feelings are at 0%! Woot!! Progress.

The food storage still blazes, though. Mu Sheng actually searched for Miao Miao among the chaos and even helps her father burn the incriminating fake evidence. Her father hadn't embezzled out of greed – it was the palace's consort dowager's doing; he was merely her pawn. The story changed when Miao Miao altered her wish. Instead of wanting for wealth, she wished for her father's safety, and so he spent his entire fortune replenishing the storage. They're poor now, but Miao Miao is more than grateful her father is safe.

Daemon alert: it's a Money Toad (a fengshui charm for wealth and prosperity). Human food is its weakness, and so Miao Miao even steals Mu Sheng's precious treat from his jie to lunge at the toad.
[Ep6] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Miao Miao sends off her maids because her family is bankrupt. Her maids are idols from the survival variety show Youth With You S2. Relevant because Yu Shu Xin had her first peak on that show ("WooOOoW"). And btw, Miao Miao's real mom is the same mom in Yu Shu Xin's A Romance of the Little Forest.

Miao Miao's real father died after he visited her school because Miao Miao was bullied. She had stood up for a victim and became the new target. That day he also wanted to buy her a bubble tea but as he left the store in a rush, he didn't notice a car coming his way. That's why Miao Miao was an emotional mess when a carriage almost ran over Father Lin(g) :( She would wonder to herself that if she minded her own business and didn't help others then would her father still be alive now. Does he blame her? Father Lin(g) knows what Father Ling would have wanted to say to her. He would be worried about her and blame himself that he couldn't protect his precious daughter.
Mu Sheng overheard Miao Miao's dream-father conversation with her father and confronts her about this other world. Her lips are tight and so he invites her to a game of qi and here comes the second inquiry. Since Miao Miao can't play, why are her pieces lacking lustre?
Our miao Miao Miao (miao means clever!) introduces Mu Sheng to a new game called 五子棋 / wǔ zǐ qí / Five-in-a-Row / gomoku. According to her, wuziqi predates weiqi from the Yao and Shun rule. He stares at her, skepticism all over his face. She heeds him from underestimating wuziqi. It looks simple, but it's highly intellectual. You have to connect five so that it's 五子連心 "Five Sons With Connected Hearts". A Chinese phrase that means mutual support and strong family ties.

Why am I translating so much about this wuziqi? It's because Mu Sheng's courtesy name is Zi Qi: 子期. Maybe that's why he was more amused than usual, playing 子棋. He's also weak to her love-attacks. She called him pretty like her white stone and he's rendered speechless, lol. He's a softie.

Mu Sheng wants to know Miao Miao's name in her other world. Aw! She tells him each of her characters. Ling is for lingxiaohua, a Chinese trumpet vine. I figure one of the flowers on her head must be the trumpet vine...? Miao is for 不可言, indescribably wonderful / beyond words. And together their names sound like Qi Miao 奇妙 Miracle.
The Mu siblings pack up and leave without a proper farewell to Miao Miao. Mu Sheng urges his jie to see her once last time for his sake, lol. Fortunately, Miao Miao remembered about this plot and caught up to them. She needs to join them. Mu Sheng is in agreement!
Miao Miao compliments Mu Sheng's hair-tie. His eyes harden as he picks a flower that also compliments her. It's poisonous. To him what's beautiful is always poisonous. After scaring her. he walks away with a smile, swaying his high ponytail side to side. If you liked the compliment just say it with simple words, man.
Is that a ponytail swaying or a dog-tail wagging, haha.
Miao Miao left her father, but she left him a treasure. He'll be wealthy again!

Mu Sheng is at Miao Miao's side, closely watching her so she's not falling off the rails. Aw. And then he's back to menacing..... Mu Yao was right about her didi. Mu Sheng did burn the map and sabotaged Miao Miao. It's why he put his jie to deep sleep and knew Miao Miao stole the map, evidence or not. This also means he let her go despite knowing her guilt all because she confessed to him? Aw. That is progress! He says he's letting her join to keep his enemies close.

[Ep7] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Mu Sheng becomes Miao Miao's shifu, which he hates because she's a dumb disciple, and she hates because he's a negligent teacher who gives a gourd as a relic.
Miao Miao is captured by a Water Daemon. Understanding Mu Sheng's slight signal, she ducks and escapes, but Mu Sheng still injures himself to protect her. He not only exposes his Yin-est Blood, but also his half-daemon status. To hide this from his jie, Mu Sheng shifts the earth's axis, plunging them into the shadow realm. Cool! He's weaker here, but he'd rather die than let his jie know his true identity. His strategic use of his bangle-sword fended the Water Daemon, but he has no energy to escape anymore. Bleeding profusely, he collects his blood in a marble, telling Miao Miao to bring it to his jie. He will die here. If Miao Miao disobeys, he'll destroy her ticket out. No need. Miao Miao tears the talisman. She's not leaving without him.

Mu Sheng: Living like this is really meaningless. Right now this is the best ending, isn't it?
He thinks that once his jie knows his identity, there will be no one else who will mourn his death.
Miao Miao (shakes her head and cries): Mu Sheng, you moron. In this world, there isn't just Mu Yao jiejie who cares about you. There's still me. So what if you're a daemon? No matter who you are, I will still care about you and want you to live well.
Mu Sheng (repeats): Even if I'm a daemon.... Yes, you moron *sniffles*.
Her answer and steady gaze stir something deep within him.

Miao Miao sobs. She begs him to tell her how she can save him.

"Undo the hair-tie." !! But the hair-tie has a personality! A touch, and Miao Miao is repelled, blasted miles away.
Mu Sheng watches her weak and injured body thud on the ground, pain flickering in his eyes too. His gaze casts downward, defeated that it really is hopeless. But Miao Miao refuses to give up and crawls her way back. His eyes light up. As Miao Miao reaches for him, he tilts her head to her too. He wants this *sniffles*.
With all her might, Miao Miao grips the hair-tie and forces it to unravel....unleashing the "black lotus" in Mu Sheng's heart, his daemon form.

Mu Sheng: You.....aren't afraid of me?

Miao Miao's unflinching shake of her head speaks louder than words.

[Ep8] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Why hello there Childhood Connection. A rabbit-shaped apple sits at Miao Miao's bedside. Mu Sheng carved it for her just as someone from her past used to. Mu Sheng awkwardly mentions it was his jie who watched over her while she was unconscious for two days, downplaying his own care. Miao Miao's only concern though is to rip apart Mu Sheng's clothes. To check on his injuries, of course. It's the only medically approved way.
Mu Sheng notices Miao Miao is smiling more. She reveals a fact: there's not a day she's not smiling at him. It's you who changed, A Sheng! He retreats bashfully. The System updates: Love is at 85%!!! Wait. There's a little guy there. He's a blinding, obnoxious decimal. It's actually 8.5%.

Mu Sheng abruptly barges back in, demanding answers from Miao Miao: why did she risk her life to save him, and what she said back there, was that the truth? She could have confessed (for her mission), but Mu Sheng's too sincere. Miao Miao feels guilty.

Miao Miao washes Mu Sheng's bloodstained clothes to ensure his jie isn't suspicious. She learns that he keeps the hair-tie on because he can feel the daemon that's filled with fury and pain grow stronger every time he's released. He's afraid he can't control himself one day. I guess he doesn't need to wash his hair ever. As the air turns thick around them, sweet Miao Miao has a favour to ask: "In the future, stop bleeding okay? Because...blood is harder to wash than dirt!" It's a lighthearted attempt to ask Mu Sheng to not get hurt anymore ~
System update: Love rises to 10%. Wait, no. It's 20% ~~ But Mu Sheng ditches her! He can't let Miao Miao stay when she knows his secret. He hypnotizes her to return home. Before leaving her, he washes her hand from the soap.
A hypnotized Miao Miao can still get lost. She walks straight into a daemon's lair. Mu Sheng frantically searches for her. The evil daemon, however, is this harmless kid: Cui Cui. He's a Bamboo Shoot. He also has a case of social anxiety and just wants humans to leave him alone. He's just a kid waiting for his grandpa to come home. I totally overreacted when he called himself benzhuo xD. Btw, there's wordplay here. Bamboo-shoot's pinyin "Sunzi" is also "grandson". In slang, grandson => inferior status. Origin: Chinese values family hierarchy and so "grandfather" (yeye) would have the highest authority and "grandson" (sunzi 孫子) has none.
Mu Sheng jumps down to the rescue, but no one needs rescuing. Heeding to Miao Miao's plea, he spares Cui Cui from being stir-fried with beef. As for facing Miao Miao, he can't seem to look her in the eye. Guilty. He ran really fast to get to her though. Jie and Jiefu still haven't arrived.

Miao Miao ignores Mu Sheng the rest of the day. Noticing she only eats peeled fruits (so lazy loooool), he peels a tangerine, hoping for forgiveness. She lets it drop on the table, and what a shocker, his love spikes! ...By 1%. Then when he wants to talk to her, she pretends he's thin air. Again, his feelings increase. When Liu Fu Yi offers her a protective pouch, Mu Sheng's jealousy flares, his feelings rising. At this point, really, Miao Miao is no longer angry. Furthermore, Liu Fu Yi tells her how worried Mu Sheng was about her.
An impressive lateral range his chin has.
After pissing off Mu Sheng, Miao Miao is back to cheer him up. She knocks on his door, calling him "shifu~". She used her hands to bring tangerines and says she has no hands to peel them. She insists tangerines peeled by him taste sweeter. A grumpy Mu Sheng presses her for answers though. Why didn't she expose him to his jie? He demands her motive. Miao Miao sighs and reminds him he's the one who owes her a favour. Don't be the dog who bites Lv Dong Bin! She also makes him promise never to shoo her. He agrees.
I want to have hands and act like I don't have hands too.
Miao Miao's hand is needed. Mu Sheng made her a ring and put it on! It's a relic and not what we think and oh hey, it matches his bangles. Couple items~
DYX's nails created a topic. It really is cut beyond the nail bed.

[Ep9] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Miao Miao tells Mu Sheng to see a psychologist, lol. It's because obeying his jie is his only purpose. Otherwise he doesn't understand why a beast like him deserves to live. Then Miao Miao (the unlicensed psychologist) tells Mu Sheng that because of his existence and everyone else's, she's starting to believe in this world and realize that she will miss it dearly. She's aware that this sounds ridiculous, but he assures her that he's listening.

Miao Miao and Mu Sheng call each other by their "real" names. His "Miao Miao" was so cute!

And I will follow Miao Miao to call Mu Sheng "Zi Qi" from now on.
As Miao Miao practices the fire-spells, Zi Qi sends fireworks into the dark sky – a picture of his heart being stirred by Miao Miao's brightness? <3 The night sky also reminds me of the poem that Mu Sheng's name comes from (C&P from Remarks):

The eternal night yearns (mu)
The farewell song becomes theflute(sheng)

Mu Sheng's yearning is endlessly dark like the eternal night, and wistful like the flute that plays for farewell songs.

And tonight, Zi Qi's heart isn't like the eternal darkness, humming alone ~
The System updates: 35%

Cui Cui clings onto Miao Miao because his home has been invaded, but she reminds him there are powerful daemon hunters with her that he fears.

Cui Cui: But I'm not afraid of you. You're not powerful at all.
Miao Miao: I thank-you you.
Cui Cui: You're welcome.
Miao Miao refuses Cui Cui's clingy request because Mu Yao hates all daemons but Cui Cui has perseverance. He hides in the gourd. If that doesn't work, he turns into a bamboo-cane, and if that doesn't work, he uses his big tears and pouty cheeks! Kid is lethal! But Miao Miao withstands it, and sends him away. *Poof* He disappears.

Our team departs, and look at Zi Qi (Mu Sheng) grabbing Miao Miao's luggage for her, but she doesn't grab his helping hand down the carriage, instead she takes Liu Fu Yi's. Jealous! And it's only part one. Part two: he burns Liu Fu Yi's protective pouch to give her a new...

...sandbag? LOL. Forgive the guy, it's his first time making one ~~
When Zi Qi and Miao Miao are back with the fire-wood (which Zi Qi purposely went to help her with), jie and jiefu ask her about the sandbag. LOL. Mu Yao also tells Miao Miao that she hasn't seen Zi Qi this happy for a long time.

Miao Miao: You sure this is happy?
Perfect constipation look, lol.
We arrive at a weird new village. For some reason, everyone's family members are coming back home tomorrow. Zi Qi catches a kid stealing Miao Miao's money. After hearing about her sad circumstances, Miao Miao gives the kid money, but the kid runs away without gratitude.

Zi Qi: Will you lose your flesh by saying thank you?
Miao Miao peeks up at him.
Without shifting his glare, he demands why she's staring at him.
This needs to be asked? xD

[Ep10] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Our team enters the eerie forest to save the humans, except they're all trapped in their own nightmares – the manifestation of their greatest fear. Good thing Miao Miao has a "grandson" on her head! Except Cui Cui is too weak to save her. But aha! Good thing Miao Miao has a sandbag on her waist. (Time for a new one, Zi Qi. I don't mind if the strings are short again).

Zi Qi looks for Miao Miao first ~ She's already more important than jie?! But he too is consumed by his fear. Miao Miao, without the slightest hesitation and only his safety on her mind, enters into danger with him to bring him back. I agree with netizens that drama deleted a kiss scene here. Her lips are "du-du-ing" and he's stuttering while recalling something about the lips, but I'm also totally fine without an underwater kiss.. Although it would actually make sense here xD. I guess Show is sensitive to more LBFAD comparisons.
Miao Miao's kiss voice reaches to Zi Qi and he breaks through his nightmare. When they're safe, she tells him she experienced the same thing too.

Miao Miao: Good thing I had your pouch.
Zi Qi: Good thing I had you.
(He was too soft for her to hear it)
Zi Qi and Miao Miao look for jie and jiefu with the help of Cui Cui. He collapses from exhaustion because the silly child valued obeying to Miao Miao's desires over his own health. Aw.
Miao Miao is told home is north, but where is north? Now Zi Qi knows why she got lost. Teasing her more, Zi Qi playfully disappears, scaring Miao Miao. Now she won't let him go, and so he vows to her.

Zi Qi: I, Mu Zi Qi, vow that if I didn't ditch you intentionally (? lol), I would definitely turn back to find you no matter the distance or the energy it takes.
After another jump-scare, Miao Miao's hand, like a magnet, finds Zi Qi's. Their fingers interlace, and his love rises to 50%.

[Ep11] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Zi Qi ain't so nice to the little girl who's searching for her father. He's like Your dad's dead. He's unapologetically rude now that his jie isn't around, meaning he's his true self with Miao Miao. But look who's this softie helping the little girl find her father. Miao Miao laughs at him. She realizes she's only starting to learn about this cute man. There's new things to learn everyday if that's the person you love ~

Too bad the father is dead. Fortunately, Miao Miao performs the flimsiest chest compressions. Of course he doesn't come back. Those shoulders are working harder than her hands. Then she realizes she's a walking-defibrillator and sends electricity right to his heart. We have a heartbeat! Now that he's alive, Zi Qi applies therapeutic magic. Unfortunately that drains his energy and harms him, putting him at a greater disadvantage against the Level 7 Water Daemon Queen. Miao Miao is dragged from danger, but our Miao Miao never abandons Zi Qi. She runs back to him and slaps the Queen's face with her puny fire-sperm. LOL.
Zi Qi, who endured countless assaults, cannot withstand Miao Miao suffering the slightest. When the Queen dares strike her, Zi Qi unleashes his daemon wrath and defeats the fleeing Queen.
With a back hug, Miao Miao pulls Zi Qi from the edge of fury, calming his demonic energy. Slowly and obediently, he kneels down for her to tie his hair. Awwww, he's like a pet she tamed.
With a front hug, she caresses Zi Qi's vulnerable soul who hates himself. His voice, laced with self-doubt, asks, "Was I frightening like a beast?" She answers with honesty, "No. Not in the least." She also notes the lack or resistance from his hair-tie. Apparently, it's only aggressive when someone – who's not Zi Qi – takes it off. It's like a protective charm.

So where is our "FL" and "ML"? Well dude (jiefu) collapsed and dudette (jie) will join him soon because Guo Xiu, the daemon hunter and the village's revered god, will knock her out to keep her from his Landslide Plans. But first, he satisfies Mu Yao (and our) curiosity about this village and the Water Daemons.

TL;DR: This is all Consort Dowager Zhao's fault (the same consort who sabotaged Father Lin(g). Meanwhile this is Guo Xiu's one-sentence-version Guo Xiu was ejected from his sect, but in his politically correct version, he says he sought for better opportunities with the palace. He was accepted by his skills, which is bribery. He was dispatched by Consort Zhao to arrest the daemons in this area at all costs. If he couldn't defeat them, he had a spell to collapse the mountains and the landslide would kill them. However, the villagers refused to evacuate the area, and so he requested help from his sect to eliminate the remaining daemons. All of them entered, and not one man escaped. His shifu saved his last breath to seal the mountains, trapping the daemons within. However, while daemons can't escape, humans can still enter the hidden barrier and fall victim to them. For 7 years, Guo Xiu protected the village, hypnotizing the villagers to believe their deceased loved ones will return and warning them to stay clear from the mountains. The money he took was to bribe officials inspecting the area for Consort Zhao.

But Guo Xiu's version isn't the whole story. According to the Water Daemon (male), the daemons were innocent – the hunters attacked without cause, slaughtering their species and destroying their habitat. He would have been trapped if his lover, the queen, hadn't pushed him out just in time. For 7 years, he's been luring humans to her so she can grow stronger. Once she's powerful enough, she can break the barrier from within. (Sounds romantic, but why isn't the man levelling up to break the barrier from the outside? He has access to all the humans. Unless she was more powerful to begin with?). Now the Water Daemon traps all the humans in the area, but Guo Xiu just activated the Landslide Spell. Everyone will die here.

Liu Fu Yi's snooze button is off. He – the "ML"– finally wakes up. Summoning his tower, he prevents the mountain from totally collapsing. Mu Yao is held back from finding Zi Qi and Miao Miao because of the Water Daemon though.

Cui Cui guides the father and daughter out, but the barrier repels Cui Cui. Realization sinks in like a stone; he's trapped inside, caught in the path of the landslide. This is where it ends for Cui Chi?! There's barely tears in eyes as he watches the mountains crumble. He turns around. They ask him where he's going. He needs to find Miao Miao. He can't escape, but Miao Miao and Zi Qi still can. NoooooOOooO! Not Cui Cui!

[Ep12] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Zhao Xin, the dying water Daemon Queen, surrenders her power-infused orb to prevent an impending landslide on one condition: the release of her lover, Ying Zhen, the other Water Daemon.
Ying Zhen, however, rushes into the barrier to be with her. He reflects that he shouldn't let her be alone for so long.

Beautifully tragic! But landslide, hello. Since the deal is off, Mu Yao prepares to fight for the orb, but Liu Fu Yi intervenes, insisting they remain as honourable hunters. Instead, Liu Fu Yi will expend his own life force to stop the disaster.

Finally, Guo Xiu – the culprit – has found his mouth, revealing that Water Daemons can be revived if returned to the "Source of Weak Water". Then he takes down the daemon barrier, and he's surrounded by the spirits of his sect in what looks like approving apparitions. Finally, Ying Zhen fulfills his end of the deal, releasing Zhao Xin's powers. The mountains have calmed. Everyone is safe.

The etymology of our Water Daemons, Zhao Xin and Ying Zhen. A pair of lovers admire a pair of 纏纏綿綿 waterfalls that look like lovers too. 纏纏綿綿 Chán chán mián mián – To wrap around continuously. In a romantic context, it suggests a bond that's hard to break and a relationship full of tenderness like something that tugs at the heart. Since the water is so clean and pure, they name them Ying Zhen (映真 = reflecting the truth) and Zhao Xin (照心 = reflecting the heart).
Gillian Chung and Xu Hai Qiao as parents.
Cui Cui finds Miao Miao and Zi Qi ~
Future parents. Also 纏纏綿綿.
Future kid?! xD Yeah?
Zi Qi presses jie and jiefu if they're really freeing Ying Zhen, the accomplice. Zi Qi sounds like he's against this, but really, he's yearning for their acceptance. Liu Fu Yi explains that "life for a life" isn't the only way to atone. It's a tough process for Ying Zhen to find the Weak Water at Kunlun. He will need to turn over a new leaf, which may take hundreds of years, but as long as he's sincere, the doors to Kunlun will open. And if he sins again, the Tower has his criminal record and ID. Catching him will not be hard.

Zi Qi can't utter a word when Mu Yao asks how he defeated the Level 7 Daemon. Our miao Miao Miao pops in that she contributed. She pinged here and ponged there and in conclusion, she parachuted down to save Zi Qi. LOL. She definitely saved him right now. Zi Qi tugs at her clothes to tone down the lie, lol. Mu Yao was still skeptical until Liu Fu Yi explains that the daemons are weakened in the barrier, but it seems Liu Fu Yi actually knows Zi Qi's identity. It's because his Tower downloaded Zi Qi's information too.
I love his smile at the end when she complains that he's complaining.
Hey look it's a Yu () for Yu Shu Xin

If anyone's worried about the town, don't. Guo Xiu has it covered. This weasel sucks at hunting daemons, but he's good at weasel-ing money. Guo Xiu had prepared for landslide relief. Miao Miao converts that into human RMB for us = many, many luxurious buildings.
Cute that Zi Qi is carrying Cui Cui around too ~
Miao Miao has a fever. Zi Qi kidnaps Herb Daemons to cook for Miao Miao. He spreads them on the cutting board and with a knife, he's ready to hack down on the vulnerable daemons. Apparently he only needs their hair!! This is not environmentally friendly and so Miao Miao, who's still sick, makes candies with Zi Qi's help to exchange them for herbs in a fair transaction. Zi Qi whines that they're just daemons. Miao Miao casually replies, "Daemons and humans are the same." And it's her casualness that warms Zi Qi's heart. Yeah, Zi Qi. Stop being racist to yourself.

The candies are popular that even the selfish He Shou Wu (何首烏; Chinese knotweed) wants to exchange his roots. Clever Cui Cui throws his words back at him, "But you're not a medicine suited for our illness." He Shou Wu curses advises the kid that he may not need it now, but one of these days he may lose all his hair and will need his roots.
Zi Qi refuses to try the candy. He hates sweets. Miao Miao surprises him, sending one right to his mouth.

Miao Miao: Is it sweet?
Zi Qi savours the pastry and doesn't answer.
The System updates: 55%! So sweet!

[Ep13] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Poor Miao Miao keeps nose-bleeding from the traditional medicine. It's too strong! Cui Cui explains herb daemons are rare and potent and all have human-anxiety. It's why Zi Qi spent the entire night capturing the daemons just for her. Even Cui Cui can tell Zi Qi really cares for her. As Miao Miao explains her relationship with Zi Qi she realizes she hasn't thought about her love-mission for a while now.

Cui Cui hides from Mu Yao by disguising as an 'old people's product". That's the direct translation for "backscratchers" that are made of bamboo. He's not a hairpin because he has to make eye contact with Mu Yao, awwww. I didn't think about that pov, kiddo! But Mu Yao already knows about his existence. She comments that the backscratcher is a hassle to carry. He's lighter as a hairpin. Aw!
The System malfunctions. They keep looping around the panda statue because they've entered an undeveloped area in the video game. The game glitches and shows Miao Miao the tragic ending. Traumatized by the reminder, Miao Miao spoils the ending (everyone's true feelings) to Mu Yao, but no one takes her seriously. Hahaha.

Everything's back on track: 1) Miao Miao, who was too invested in this world, remembers this is a game and she has an ending to prevent, and 2) the team is headed to the Holy Capital. Consort (Dowager) Zhao Qin Ru ("Consort" because Empress Dowager is dead, and normally there shouldn't be a Consort Dowager bc only the mother of the Emperor is kept in the main palace...) summoned Mu Yao with her family jade. Meanwhile Miao Miao hopes knowing more about Zi Qi's parents and his half daemon status will change the ending, but his memories oddly start at 7yo. He only has vague images of a woman giving him the hair-tie and isn't even sure if she's his mother.

Literal Chinese lessons from Cui Cui. Miao Miao tells Cui Cui to 長點心 – be more mindful (grow a brain) – after he takes her words too literally. Since 長點心 literally means grow a heart, Cui Cui says he actually can't grow anything inside because bamboos are hollow. LOL.
Introducing the 2nd kid: Zi Qi showing off his rock-skipping to his jie, xD
Jiefu notices Miao Miao is troubled, and everyone thinks it's Zi Qi's fault, even Zi Qi himself. He's told to cheer her up, and genuinely asks how. Aw. What can a kid do except what kids do? He makes Miao Miao a bamboo dragonfly. Cui Cui, our bamboo, asks where that came from. You? xD. Nah, he's still a sprout. I want to defend Cui Cui though. He did "grow a heart/mind" and knew to be mindful of our romance and disappear into fluttering leaves for our couple xD
I love his body language. Every part of him is following her. Zi Qi says he doesn't like uncontrollable things (like the bamboo dragonfly), but boi, your feelings are uncontrollable now too ~

[Ep14] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Miao Miao has important news. She's got them a group name: The Four Martial Artists of the Bamboo Forest. Cui Cui pouts that she forgot him. Nonono, he's the bamboo – when he grows up, lol. Miao Miao shouldn't be complaining about Zi Qi's sandbag, haha.
Mu Yao asks if she can pass on the badge and then we see Liu Fu Yi is already wearing it. Aw! Jiefu! Zi Qi adamantly refuses but when Miao Miao puts it on his head, look who's smiling.

Just as our Four Martial Artists of the Bamboo Forest 4MAoBF step foot in the Holy Capital, Mu Qing Shi's (Mu Yao's mother maybe?) sword glows. This is an auspicious sign for a second god-level daemon hunter. (I thought we already mentioned this when Zi Qi was explaining the ranks.)
Mu Yao realizes she's third-wheeling Zi Qi and Miao Miao. She leaves to find Liu Fu Yi and Zi Qi has no reaction to that whatsoever. He only reacts to Liu Fu Yi when it comes to Miao Miao now. For a dream-catcher accessory that Miao Miao loves, Zi Qi spends double the price to buy it. He loses sight of her in the process, and asks around for a "silly, laughing, loud girl who's actually kinda cute." Aww.

The Holy Capital is a hub of daemon cruelty. Their blood is harvested for beauty products and their flesh is woven into fabric. The finest cloth comes from skinning them moments before death. Some are even sold as pets, stripped of their powers, and if necessary a nail is hammered into their hearts. Anyone else reminded of another familiar species, you know, humans.

Miao Miao warns Liu Fu Yi to beware of his 桃花劫 (calamity brought by love), but the calamity is actually with Miao Miao: Zhao Ruo Shi, a marquis, falls in love at first sight with her. However, he's supposed to marry Li Song Min, the princess, Zhao Qin Ru's (Consort Dowager) daughter. Also, Zhao Qin Ru finds one of our 4MAoBF very familiar, looking like a parent she used to know.

Mu Yao is summoned to the capital to exorcise the princess but there is no daemon possessing her. She might just be purely crazy.

[Ep15] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

I thought this hair was massive. No wonder. It needed to support a legit pavilion, lol.
Marquis Zhao Ruo Shi has a tacky taste and what does that say about Miao Miao? xD. He keeps cueing Miao Miao who's unimpressed with the flirt, which Zi Qi doesn't see because he's blinded by jealousy. Anyway, Zhao Ruo Shi is here to probe the team... and not spill his own crimes, right? Well, he practically confesses that he poisoned Li Song Min, his fiancée. However, it's supposed to be a mild poison.

Cui Cui's literal Chinese lesson. Miao Miao tells him to be on the lookout "望風" (watch the wind). Very seriously, Cui Cui obeys, and asks, "Ok. The east wind or the west wind?" xD.

Miao Miao and Zi Qi confess!
....psyche and double psyche. They're hallucinations. The transitions between the dreams are good. I almost fell for the second one, lol. They're high on whale blood aroma, which allows them to dream of their heart's desires.
Cui Cui's cheeks need to be protected!
These two lovely kids ~
The hallucinations are over, but Miao Miao's heart is still somersaulting. She can't sleep and so she slides right in with Zi Qi, who also can't sleep......and it's another (gah!) dream – his dream. The snuggler is Cui Cui, who's no longer afraid of Zi Qi ~. He couldn't sleep with Miao Miao, who's tossing and turning, and dreaming of Zi Qi ~ ~ Hearing this, Zi Qi really can't sleep and hides his grin under the blankets (just like Miao Miao).
#ProtectCuiCui xD
Guo Xiu is here! He stole all the credit for "capturing" the Water Daemons, haha, ofc. He's like this, but I still like him, lol. It's a favour – per his words – to the team because none of them would want the Consort Dowager to know they freed the daemons. You're welcome!

Li Song Min's mania is fake. She's excited after learning the person she's been searching for is one of our 4MALHFDF&fd.

[Ep16] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Zi Qi can't help but smile at Miao Miao's delight over Guo Xiu's (smart) compliment, but Guo Xiu's mention of Qilin Mountain triggers Zi Qi's memories and realization that it's his home. Also, Guo Xiu is back to uncover why Zhao Ruo Qin intends to destroy the area and its daemons so that when he dies, he can face all the victims.

Marquis Zhao Ru Shi doesn't want to be like his parents in a loveless marriage with the Princess (and traumatizing his future offspring too). Zhao Ru Qin also doesn't want him as her son-in-law, but she owes the Zhao Family for adopting her and unfortunately, he's the only Zhao male.

The Princess's dream prince is Liu Fu Yi. She's been faking her mania to delay her marriage and to hire daemon hunters in search of him. At the sight of a love rival sinking Miao Miao's CP ship, she glares at Liu Fu Yi (and the Princess). Zi Qi is also glaring daggers, but at Zhao Ruo Shi who's beaming at Miao Miao (who's still glaring). This stare relay, lol.

The Mu siblings are moody. Miao Miao hates that the Princess is like a sticky candy, gluing to Liu Fu Yi, but what she doesn't realize is that Zhao Ruo Shi is just as sticky, but to her. These royal cousins are a royal pain in the butt for Mu Yao and Mu Zi Qi.

Cui Cui is bullied by Miao Miao and Zi Qi, nothing new, lol. From this kiddo's experience, he knows Zi Qi likes Miao Miao because his grandfather is the same; he fell for a heath and called her smelly. Sounds like Zi Qi, alright. I also love how this kiddo is stroking his fake beard. But the heath chose another daemon who knew how to be sweet, leaving his grandfather heartbroken for 900 years. To this day he still hasn't given Cui Cui a grandmother. Miao Miao asks the obvious, "So where'd you come from?" LOL. If you didn't know, bamboos can produce asexually. They're taking this bamboo stuff seriously. Also, Cui Cui is sleepy these days because the Holy Capital restrains daemons. This is why we don't even see the mushrooms to know Zi Qi's feelings. But who needs mushrooms when we have Cui Cui :D
Cui Cui: Do you like Miao Miao?
Zi Qi: Who-who likes her? It's clearly her who's been clingy and smiling so prettily.
Zi Qi(?) orders meat bun, but there's only one. As Miao Miao salivates, he lies says that he doesn't like it. Mu Yao smiles at Zi Qi, knowing her didi wants to give Miao Miao her favourite food. Zi Qi catches himself smiling at Miao Miao again and Cui Cui's question from last night swirls in his heart, "Do you like Miao Miao?" Uncontrollably yes.

Miao Miao has a new job. She's Mu Yao and Liu Fu Yi's love bodyguard. She's locking down on this CP and making sure this ship sails.

[Ep17] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

The Princess interrupts jie and jiefu's date and so Miao Miao, our love bodyguard, intercepts all her questions to Liu Fu Yi like his hobbies – to stare blankly – and his alcohol tolerance – one cup. If it's tea he prefers, the Princess will learn about it then. Miao Miao mutters audibly, You still need to learn? I see that you're very familiar with tea already. She's referring to her Green-Tea-ness. However, it seems Miao Miao might be persuaded by the Princess when she explains her perspective. She's generously showering her love because she wants Liu Fu Yi to know that she's worthy too. As long as he hasn't made a choice, she will persist. She doesn't want to live in regret. Also if they have to talk about first come first serve (which shouldn't apply in love), then Princess, who now deserves a name, Li Song Min says she would be first since Liu Fu Yi gave her his pouch. This "AC" LOL. How many pouches does he have?
Zhao Ruo Shi "protects" Miao Miao from Li Song Min, that is if he doesn't get beat up by her first. These two unrelated cousins should just marry.
Emo alert! Zi Qi doesn't want to be in love with Miao Miao when he's already uncontrollably in love. In his latent memories, he's traumatized by love because his mother would cry everyday for his father. Zi Qi shuts the door, hoping to shut his heart, but when Miao Miao cries for like 5 seconds, a whole day of anti-love-incantations dissolve.
Miao Miao plans a confession night for her CP (jie and jiefu). She invited Mu Yao, and Zi Qi invited Liu Fu Yi. She wants Cui Cui to turn into flowers, but he'd have to die for that. This is not a funeral, so Miao Miao settles for a swing, but Cui Cui doesn't understand. Zi Qi gets her! Why? Because he can read Miao Miao's heart or he's seen one because of his parents? I really like the instrumental for this scene tho! Cui Cui understands something else though: the romantic atmosphere. He pretends to sleep in his hairpin form while enjoying the romance from his front-row seat.
Liu Fu Yi, this man, is seriously thinking Zi Qi invited him to duel and tells Mu Yao to retreat xD. Meanwhile Zi Qi and Miao Miao are squatting behind a rock. Miao Miao is giddy just watching her CP sit together, but Zi Qi is distracted and asks her a question.

Zi Qi: But love, must it be said aloud, and must they be together?
Miao Miao: Yeah!
Zi Qi is solemn that not all loves have happy endings.
Miao Miao: Why are you like this? It hasn't even started and you're already talking about the ending. [...] Although the ending is important, it's not the most important. In a world full of people, it's hard for two who love each other to cross paths. It's like someone led you right to the gates of paradise, and all you have to do is push open the doors to find happiness – yet you turn back, afraid. That's such a pity!
What's your wish, Zi Qi~
Even if our couple is squatting behind a rock on a night with shooting stars, they are still more romantic than jie and jiefu sitting nicely on the swing. Zi Qi has the urge to hold Miao Miao's hand, but she's ecstatic that Liu Fu Yi confessed and kissed Mu Yao. However, a daemon (Lady Resentment) interrupts, except only Mu Yao can hear her. The Lady Resentment is inside her, indeed.
Zhao Ruo Shi's father is Zi Qi's father?! They're half-brothers?! Unless Zhao Ruo Shi's mom had someone else's child, who knows, lol. Ok, so the father, Zhao Qin Huan, had his memories erased, but not his heartbreak. It seems he lived his entire life lovelorn for a woman he can't remember (Zi Qi's mother) and Zhao Ruo Shi was on the receiving end of his depression. Even his name "Shi" means "lost". Zi Qi may not have a father, but Zhao Ruo Shi didn't live a better life with a father. Both are scarred from love/marriage.

Pei Yun isn't a simple maid! Her daemon master, who's entity is sealed in a statue, needs a bride to wear Zhao Ruo Shi's wooden bangle. It's made from the hair of the Great Demoness (no a before e because she is evil. It should be Lady Resentment). The bangle victim will fall in love. No medicine can cure her. The victim was supposed to be Li Song Min, but Pei Yun cherishes her despite the fact that her sister (Pei Yu) sacrificed in her stead. Her only enemy is Zhao Qin Ru (Li Song Min's mother). Pei Yun has another target in mind. Could it be Miao Miao? Unfortunately, Zhao Ruo Shi also wants her to wear his bangle, thinking it's a love token from his father.

Zi Qi!!! He's going to confess! He prepares lots, and lots of flowers because Miao Miao said confessions need flowers. Awwwww! Please let this happen!! D:
[Ep18] [Jump to: Top | Comments]
Zhao Ruo Shit intercepted Zi Qi’s confession in the front lawn. Miao Miao rejects Zhao Ruo Shi, but dude put the wooden bangle on her, disregarding her non-consent. Now Miao Miao is spontaneously and hopelessly in love with him.
Marriage is happening at light-speed and I hope it crashes and burns even faster. Zi Qi squeezes his cute butt into the carriage with the engaged ugh couple. Miao Miao approves of Zi Qi joining – because he represents her (bride) side. Later, Zi Qi is asked which wedding dress he likes. He can’t stand the sight of them and juts his chin in a vague direction, and Miao Miao somehow agrees that she likes the same one too. Zhao Ruo Shit thinks it’s boring and chooses puke yellow instead, (which is designed by this Grand Master who said this "Cloud Light" dress is fashion a thousand years ahead of its time). Miao Miao, being hopelessly love-brained and with no opinion of her own, agrees with the shitty taste. I kinda wanna meet this Grand Master Fashion Designer. The wooden bangle doesn’t have total control on Miao Miao, though. She only lets Zhao Ruo Shi call her fake name: (Lin) Yu’er.

Mu Yao learns about the Celebrating Benevolence Hall and its connection to the Mu Sect massacre. 14 years ago, Tao Ying (a daemon hunter) was controlled by a Great Demon who needed a host. Then Tao Ying gained Zhao Qin Ru's trust and built the hall, but it's a cover for the Meridian Life Absorbing Spell. It allows the user to drain human blood and flesh in exchange for unlimited demonic powers. If enough lives are swallowed, the user’s body will become imperishable and invincible. To activate the spell, a girl needs to be sacrificed – it was Pei Yu (and now it will be Miao Miao). Mu Yao's father, Mu Huai Ying, destroyed the keystone (eye) of the spell before its manifestation.

And is that Lady Resentment with Zi Qi's mother's face in the flashbacks? But they clearly have different personalities. What happened!

Zi Qi kidnaps a drunk Zhao Ruo Shi, who has memories of little Zi Qi! For whatever reason, he undoes his hair tie. Dude, how rude of you. Can't you just take Zi Qi's assault. Between Zhao Ruo Shi and Zi Qi, Miao Miao chooses Shit. She's also shocked at Zi Qi's transformation. Whyyyyyy.

Zi Qi: Miao Miao, you’re afraid of me?
Zi Qi cries. His tears burn. Literally.
Zi Qi: You were the only one not afraid of my true self. Now you’re afraid of me.
Miao Miao: I’m not afraid of you, Zi Qi. I’m not afraid of you. But Miao Miao, look who's side you're on T___T!!!

Zi Qi is on his knees T_T to look for his hair tie. All. Alone. Miao Miao is showing signs of resistance, but the bangle binds her feelings back to Zhao Ruo Shi.
After turning around to see Miao Miao who isn't looking at him anymore, Zi Qi turns upward to the sky. Tears fall again. The full night isn't shown to us, but it must be eternally dark in his eyes. His light is gone. His Miao Miao is gone.

Pei Yun, who waited 7 years for this day (the marriage), is the second devotee controlled by the Great Demon. The first one was just like her, filled with hate and lived only for revenge.

[Ep19] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Mu Yao is certain that the Great Demon is Lady Resentment. She plans to avenge by herself, and so instead of accepting Liu Fu Yi's confession that included his love and the truth about his shifu's mission, she chooses Noble Idiocy.
Heartbroken are our brother-in-laws. The heart-breakers, Mu Yao and Miao Miao, pick up the drunk pair. Zi Qi grabs Miao Miao's hand, but it's too late. Zhao Ruo Shi whisks Miao Miao away, and Li Song Min escorts Liu Fu Yi.

Triggered by a bamboo dragonfly, Miao Miao returns to Zi Qi, but he's gone. She can't remember why the bamboo dragonfly is important to her either. Cue name of restaurant: 忘機. It sounds like Forgotten. Zhao Ruo Shi might have an inkling that Miao Miao loves Zi Qi.
Zi Qi and Mu Yao only have each other now, but Mu-Noble-Yao-Idiot sends him away on a random task.

Cui Cui cries at their disbandment, Me too kid, me too. Humans are liars! 100%.

Li Song Min confesses to Liu Fu Yi again. She asks him to think about it for a day. She will wear a wedding dress that day (Oh? Please take away Zhao Ruo Shi then!). If he doesn't show up, she will forget him. Liu Fu Yi says he won't go. Li Song Min says she will wait.

Zhao Qin Ru dreams of Pei Yu, haunting her for burning her alive. According to our consort, she was fooled by the Great Demon.

Zhao Ruo Shi chooses the red wedding dress because Miao Miao's eyes can't lie about which one she loved. Meanwhile, Miao Miao recalls asking Zi Qi to pick her dress. In her heart, she must realize she lost someone important. Then a maid assists Miao Miao to remove the bangle(!!) but we're interrupted by Nanny Ru Yi, who has served Zhao Family for two generations (Zhao Ru Qin, Zhao Qing Huan + wife, and Zhao Ru Shi). She recognizes the bangle!

[Ep20] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Liu Fu Yi rejects Li Song Min before she embarrasses herself at the Celebrating Benevolence Hall. His only love is Mu Yao, who appears strong when she's actually fragile. No matter how much she struggles, she refuses to let her weakness show.
Thanks to Nanny Ru Yi, Zhao Ruo Shi learns Miao Miao is love-brained because of the bangle. Clarity hits Lu Jiu (the guard) because no matter how he looked at Miao Miao, she didn’t appear like her brain was fried. Then Zhao Ruo Shi removes the bangle! Immediately, Miao Miao runs to Zi Qi. Once she's out of sight, Zhao Ruo Shi wails like a baby. It didn't cross his mind that Miao Miao wouldn’t even consider his charm (pft) for a millisecond.

Zi Qi killed his father?! The servants gossip that a 6-7yo boy with a hairtie killed Zhao Qing Huan with a knife to his armpit, lol. But in the flashback, the father was still alive when Zi Qi left.
At the Tavern of Reunion (Tuanyuan), Miao Miao finally enters her room . T_____T. It’s filled with flowers and a swing. There's everything she wanted in a confession, everything but Zi Qi. T_____T There's no shooting stars but Zi Qi gave her "stars" too. It's the glowing bubbled-mushrooms! This guy does details :')
Zi Qi is back! He gives Miao Miao himself and the dreamcatcher. He asks why she’s crying like this. You! She asks why he's back. You! He actually never left. He was just hanging outside the gates when Cui Cui caught up. Cui Cui gives him Miao Miao's dragonfly and a letter that's meant for her father. He isn't sure about it, but lets Zi Qi read it anyway.

"Dad, I like Zi Qi, I’m willing to marry Zi Qi." Hmmm?! Where's the instruction manual for this bangle. So she can write who she actually loves, but she can't express it or see that she's loving/marrying the wrong face?

Zi Qi takes a closer look at the bamboo dragonfly. She engraved his name and two symbols: a plum(?) and a flower ...for Taohua = Blossoming Plum Flower = Love. Is this the olden day heart ♥ symbol. He's reminded of her words to leave the uncontrollable to fate. He realizes Miao Miao's "uncontrollable" was her love towards him. Grateful to Cupid Cui, Zi Qi hugs our little pre-bamboo and spins him around.
Now it's Miao Miao giving Zi Qi a big hug <3 (': "I understand now," she says. Zi Qi also understands – he's at 99%. (Btw, the mushrooms have power now because Zi Qi insulated them in his bubbles).
Mu Yao pins on the "ugly" badge, ready to brace danger, but she's not alone. Our Four Martial Artists of Bamboo Forest have reunited. It seems Zi Qi always knew about his sister’s plans(? or at least knew she was willfully distancing herself). Liu Fu Yi wants to stay with Mu Yao too even if he fails to his reputation and isn't the man she loves – stop, no words needed anymore because Mu Yao hugs him. Cui Cui covers his non-innocent eyes, asking what's up with all the hugging this episode? Love it!

Zi Qi ah, if your sister and Miao Miao fell in the water, who would you save first? xD

[Ep21] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

14 years ago, Consort Zhao Qin Ru trusted Tao Ying to fulfill her wish of making her son the crown prince, but it requires a sacrifice: her daughter, Li Song Min. The daughter will serve as the keystone of his spell, confining her to a life of unfulfilled desires and unhappiness.

After our team finishes posing, they finally make a move because the linchpin has entered their trap. Zhao Qin Ru has been successfully lured to the Hall to stop her daughter from marrying Zhao Ruo Shi. (In the last episode they had agreed to help our team). Since the wedding has commenced, the statue's true form materializes to activate the Meridian Life Absorbing Spell, but he's only a Level 4 Nightmare Daemon, not Lady Resentment as Mu Yao had thought.

The Nightmare Daemon's dreams of invincibility can stay a dream because every attendee is fake. Mu Ya and Liu Fu Yi reveal their disguise from the servants. Other than them, the only humans left are Zhao Qin Ru, Zhao Ruo Shi, and Lin Song Min. The Nightmare Daemon resists defeat and transports everyone into Zhao Qin Ru's nightmare. She won't explain any of her crimes, and so we're shown them:
  1. Qilin Mountain. 20 years ago, Zhao Qin Ru ordered the mountains to be flattened and all its daemons to be slaughtered.
  2. Death of Zhao Qing Huan. He always listened to his sister, but now that he's dying, his last wish is to know who he loved, even if she's a daemon.
  3. Celebrating Benevolence Hall. 14-5 years ago, Zhao Qin Ru burned Pei Yu alive.
Tao Ying's involvement is because of #1. His daughter died in that landslide. He was the man filled with hatred and revenge the Nightmare Daemon referred to. Tao Ying wanted Zhao Qin Ru to kill her own daughter, but he had died 10 years ago. What happened in the 4- 5 years in between his death and the fire?
The back of her head has the back of the pavilion! LOOOOL.
Zhao Qin Ru would rather die than admit her crimes, but when her daughter takes the blow, she finally confesses. She forbade her brother's (Zi Qi's father) romance with a daemon because it would ruin her reputation and her son's ascension. She not only killed Pei Yu, but everyone involved to conceal her connections with Tao Ying and the daemons. Her image of benevolence is built upon a mountain of corpses.
The show's over. Li Song Min gets up, dusts her clothes, and undisguises herself. She's Miao Miao! She was good at imitating Yu Shu Xin! Meanwhile Zhao Ruo Shi was Zi Qi! No wonder they were standing like this:
I went back to watch more of Zhao Ruo Shi Zi Qi in the nightmare sequences, and noticed that he reacted to Qilin Mountain (because it's his home) and demanded why the consort killed the innocent daemons (because those are his kind). Also, the royal pair make excellent covers! Their moral character is so convincing that it wouldn't be a stretch seeing them standing for justice over family.

P.S. The family is complete LOL:
[Ep22] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

If the Nightmare Daemon can't win, he'll make sure no one wins. He fuses with the Meridian Life Absorbing Spell to engulf everyone and the city. He taunts Mu Yao that if her father had done his job and killed him 14 years ago instead of sealing him, there would be no chaos today. Mu Yao defends her father that he couldn't kill him. The vaporizing vapour laughs, reminding her he's only Level 4. Just what is Mu Yao's father protecting? Mu Yao?

Escape is too late for our team, but they stick together. Mu Yao can enter the "eye" and delay the explosion. Liu Fu Yi and Zi Qi will support her, and Miao Miao recruits the rest of the palace daemon hunters. Cowardly and greedy Guo Xiu gets randomly cool scenes. xD
What is this hack! When it looks like it is all over, Miao Miao can prompt the System and unlock God-level Powers. There's an instruction manual for the consequences, but Miao Miao has no time to read. She accepts the power of the 7-petal-lotus. Her mighty forehead saves everyone.
Of course Guo Xiu does a favour for our team and takes all the credit. Sir, what would our team be without you! Zi Qi, with his chipmunk cheeks, approves. But the funniest is Liu Fu Yi, who's mouth can swallow the world LOL Fans zoomed in on him eating: read disqus comment, and Yang Si Zi's follow-up.
I love how proud Zi Qi is of her.
All hail Miao Miao! The ministers are convinced that she's the Godly Protector, the legacy after Mu Qing Shi from 900 years ago. But after all that loooong setup, Miao Miao cannot activate the sacred weapon. Hahaha. But Zi Qi can! If the lotus is the symbol of the godly powers, then Zi Qi also has one in his heart, which shows on his forehead when he's in his daemon form. Everyone kowtows again. Even Miao Miao's knees cave, which is so iconic of Yu Shu Xin! She (Xiao Lan Hua) hilariously bowed to Dongfang Qing Cang in LBFAD too.
Pei Yun leaves the palace who's much prettier without the royal hair. In a flashback, we learn that she chose to save Li Song Min over taking revenge for her sister, aw. She had begged our team (Zi Qi, Miao Miao, and jiefu) to save the princess, which probably allowed them to learn of Mu Yao's plan and devise a counterattack.

Here's the cover poster! Zi Qi is invisible because the ministers won't leave him alone. He pulls Miao Miao with him. Did he make her think she had cling to him to be invisible or she just wants to cling to him? :D
Their butt marks!
Miao Miao knows Zi Qi's daemon form is a taboo, but she urges him to tell Mu Yao. Zi Qi, who assures her she can say anything she wants to him because he'll never be mad at her, agrees. His jie used to be the only person who mattered to him. And now? :) It's about time he stopped living in fear. *Deep breaths, guys* Go Zi Qi – No wait, bye Zi Qi; he chickens out, wasting our deep breaths.
Miao Miao tells Zi Qi the truth – kind of. She tells him she's not Lin Yu, but then says it's a joke. Zi Qi knows though, "You're Miao Miao." But does he know know?

Miao Miao "dreams" about the panda, but she doesn't recognize it anymore! She forgets she's in a game! That's the consequence of the 7-petal lotus. Ohhh! Zi'd you get your lotus then?!

In the morning, Zi Qi tells Miao Miao that she's a scary drunk. She grabbed onto him the whole night (and it's not that you were worried and couldn't let go, Zi Qi?). Even Mu Yao saw. Miao Miao is embarrassed, which he dismisses. What's there to be flustered about when she already wrote to her father, "I like Zi Qi. I want to marry Zi Qi." When she snatches the letter back, he sends it directly to Father Lin(g). Zi Qi also snatches her into a hug ~ Awwww. I also like this small detail with the letter: Miao Miao, our modern girl, writes on the (A4)paper in portrait mode instead of landscape.
Zi Qi snuggles into Miao Miao too. Since she drank last night, he'll take her out for some sun for her hangover.

[Ep23] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Zhao Qin Ru is imprisoned in the cold palace. She tells Mu Yao it was at her father's suggestion to use a replacement (Pei Yu) and burn everyone involved. She suspects Mu Huai Jiang knew about this cruel conclusion right from the start and allowed it to happen. Mu Yao refuses to believe her, but her words haunt her: "Parents always want to show their best side to their children."
The ministers pester Zi Qi to stay in the capital because according to another prophecy, there will be doom in three years. Zi Qi intensely glares at Guo Xiu, an unspoken demand for him to step up. Hehehe. With Guo Xiu's "one phrase", he somehow fixes the problem, deflecting the ministers to allow Zi Qi to leave the capital in search of a weirdo widely known as Wen Xin (= Ask the Heart). He is also Liu Fu Yi's shifu but Liu Fu Yi doesn't actually know much about him. This shifu, however, knows a lot like the "doom" and maybe Mu Yao's father's story.
Time to leave! This is how Zi Qi packs for Miao Miao. He's got to bring everything she likes (e.g. her pillow, steel wok, chopsticks, etc). Poor Cui Cui has to carry the steel wok.

Zhao Ruo Shi knows Zi Qi is his half-brother, gege! He envies Zi Qi because he's living the life he and his father yearns for: to be free and with the person he loves. Zhao Ruo Shi returns Zi Qi the bangle, which he thinks is from his mother. Zi Qi doesn't even know if she's alive. Zhao Ruo Shi innocently replies, "What if?" Aw. Before they part, the brothers prop. The message is this: "Sorry bro, I didn't know she was my SIL"
The size difference.
Updates on sister-in-law Miao Miao: 1) Due to the lotus, Miao Miao has forgotten she's in a game. which Zi Qi reacts oddly to (it's like he's aware of the game/contemporary-world, but he's ignoring it), and 2) Miao Miao can also summon her powers at will without talismans.
Hand moments are all with the guys, eh
Before meeting Wen Xin, jiefu applies a seal on Zi Qi's palm to conceal his daemon identity from his shifu, shocking Zi Qi that he knows. When exactly did Cui Cui know? The seal should block his true form at the security check.

For Liu Fu Yi, the Shadow security check reveals his true form is a child. Mu Yao's shadow is like a warrior, wearing her family's armour. Cui Cui is a bamboo forest. This is where it gets interesting: Miao Miao is a girl with pigtails sitting in front of a laptop, but Miao Miao no longer remembers. Zi Qi, once again, reacts oddly like he knows. It's finally Zi Qi's turn, and his shadow is a regular one. Phew! Except Shifu Wen Xiu removes the seal and sends him back to security check. Alas, his daemon form, Ursula (LOL). is revealed. Of course he wants to hide that hair.

[Ep24] [Jump to: Top | Comments]
This isn't what it looks like ↑. Mu Yao caught the sword Wen Xin threw at Zi Qi. She hurls it back at Wen Xin. Mu Yao will not allow an outsider to insult her didi. Ya! So what if her didi is a daemon? Ya! He never hurt anyone. Ya!
This isn't what it looks like either ↑. Wen Xin attacks Zi Qi to send him back to the security check to cast the shadow of his heart: a lotus. If he (and Liu Fu Yi) didn't play tricks, this was his original shadow. Bad jiefu! It was totally at his influence. Wen Xin was also testing Mu Yao's reaction to see if she's (still) racist.
Everyone wants to help Zi Qi make up with Mu Yao. But Mu Yao only wants to speak with Zi Qi. The didi she spent a decade with never told her the truth, but friends he met for only a few days already know. She feels like a failure as his jiejie. She thought he didn't make friends because he didn't like having friends. Now she knows. He was hiding himself, afraid others would know. The life he made himself live in all these years, how could she be mad?
Someone help Cui Cui now. He's panicking.....because the backyard is filled with daemons. If you forgot because Cui Cui has been so sociable, he's got social anxiety or more like stranger anxiety. He finds his grandfather, Elder Zhu Qing Qing – and he's got Alzheimer's Disease. What a pair of bamboo yeye and sunzi. Apparently, Liu Fu Yi always knew about his whereabouts but kept it a secret because according to Wen Xin there would be no surprise.
By the way, the end of the world isn't in three years. It's in three months. Grandpa Bamboo, being a thousand years old, has memories of the first "End of the World" and the first legend who saved the world, Mu Qing Shi. It's Miao Miao's face! The updated family tree: Mu Yao = jiejie; Liu Fu Yi = jiefu; Zi Qi = didi; Miao Miao = great(x9)-nainai. Wen Xin clarifies there's only one Legendary God-level Protector per era. Will it be Miao Miao with the lotus or Zi Qi with the spear (and the lotus)? The more Wen Xin taunts Zi Qi's skills, the more it seems like he's the chosen one. He just needs to be stronger. Zi Qi is rebellious, though. Miao Miao is exasperated and orders him to listen to Wen Xin.

Zi Qi: Why must I listen to someone!
Miao Miao: Then my words, will you listen or not?
Only Zi Qi is afraid of Miao Miao xD.
What comes around goes around. Zi Qi was once a stern shifu to her, and now she gets her sweet revenge.

In the span of one episode, Zi Qi can beat Wen Xin! Speaking of sweet revenge, Zi Qi wants to knock him into the Shadow Security Check too, but Wen Xin is resisting. Just what is Wen Xin (= Ask the Heart) hiding in his heart?

[Ep25] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Wen Xin agrees to reveal his heart's shadow when Zi Qi can be one with his spear. Zi Qi, though, can care less about training or if this world perishes. He was never accepted when the world was peaceful, and now they all want him because the world is doomed. Puh-lease. He is training however, not because he's obeying Wen Xin or it's for this world, but it's for the person he loves (Miao Miao), his family (Mu Yao), his bro (Liu Fu Yi), and his friend/partner (Cui Cui). He included everyone! It is for them he can endure anything whether it's tearing his body or crushing his bones. Ten thousand deaths will not stop him from protecting his loved ones. Screw this world, though.

Wen Xin's real name is Lu Huai An. He was Mu Yao's father, Mu Huai Jiang's daemon hunting partner. They both knew about the Consort's Hall, the end of the world and Lady Resentment's involvement. For some reason Lu Huai An decided to live in seclusion that even Mu Huai Jiang could not find him. As for Mu Huai Jiang, he wanted to save the world, but he couldn't even protect his family. Sad bros.

Zi Qi sucks too much compared to the original legend that even forgetful Grandpa Bamboo is complaining. However, his "wise" words inspire Zi Qi to quit practice and do what he ought to do: find Miao Miao! He needs to spend time with his loved one and not regret anything.
Zi Qi wants Miao Miao to go home with him – oh already! OK, no, it's – to search for his childhood memories at Qilin Mountain. He would regret not knowing his past and who else to do it with other than Miao Miao. He won't run away from his past anymore, and he's no longer afraid. Oblivious Miao Miao doesn't know he changed because of her. And Oblivious Miao Miao no longer understands the mushrooms' 99%. So Zi Qi can see it too. So they all see it and think it's just dust eh because numbers and % didn't exist yet.

Mu Yao and Liu Fu Yi also leave the valley to Southern Rainbow Town (Cainan Town). They're in search of a silkworm that grows with this qihun flower in hopes of repairing the map to locate Lady Resentment. However, it seems this town has a past Liu Fu Yi is running from. He was accused of killing the townspeople. They called him a monstrous creature (instead of daemon).
The "Four Martial Artists" have left, leaving only the "Bamboo Forest" behind. Cui Cui chose to stay with his grandpa, who finally remembers his name, and just not his age. Cui Cui is only 150 years young. What's he carving?

Miao Miao and Zi Qi are on their honeymoon at Qilin Mountain. Why is Miao Miao holding the map when she can't tell where North is.
Chinese trumpet vine? (Her last name)
They arrive at No Way City (Wufang City). It's famous for its stories. Miao Miao had wanted to come here because she knew the plot, but this current Miao Miao no longer remembers.

[Ep26] [Jump to: Top | Comments]
Miao Miao and Zi Qi listen to a story about a Ms. Murong and a Mr. Zhao. Who could it be! Miao Miao thinks the love story is exaggerated, but Zi Qi thinks it's reasonable. The first time he thought she was just a bit cute was also at a lantern festival. So his father fell in love with his mother the same way eh. Miao Miao smiles, but still explains her perspective that love cannot be the only priority in this world. Zi Qi asks what could be more important. Career! Thank the heavens that she doesn't know what career is anymore. We've had enough of girls wanting to be business owners in period cdramas. Just do love properly.

No surprise, the story is Zi Qi's parents, proudly written plagiarized by Ji Yue, which reminds Miao Miao that she had a favourite author. Zi Qi teases her that he might just be as ugly as Ji Yue. Careful there, Fu Zhou Zi Qi. Ji Yue's patron is Madam Liu. She gave him half of a red pearl, the materialization of Murong Er's tragedy. The story was like a child-poster to search for Murong Er's son, Zi Qi. His memories are slowly returning, but he thinks he's an abandoned child because it was his mother who took his memories.

Ji Yue – as if the System took over him – reminds Miao Miao that Zi Qi's memories are coming back, but what about hers? "Floating life is but a dream. Between you and him (Zi Qi), only one can awaken."

Zi Qi meets Madam Liu but the spear is more excited to see her – it's aggressively attacking her.

2nd CP:

Liu Fu Yi's parents were bandits, but the townspeople of Cainan never discriminated against him, and even took him in. Then he met Fantasy Daemon, and he, just like the townspeople, never judged her either. However, she burned down the village, and so he killed her. He was later adopted by his shifu, Wen Xin.

However, everyone in this town is still alive. Are they real? Why don't they age? They affectionately call Liu Fu Yi by his little name "Mao Dan" (毛蛋; Balut egg; lit. 'feathered egg'). It's also Miao Miao's favourite food, hahaha. The townspeople were saved by another Madam, but she's Madam Shi (10). She's also the saviour of her langjun, Li Zhun and his daughter Chu Chu, who doesn't greet people. Madam Shi isn't very comfortable around our daemon hunters.

[Ep27] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Madam Shi thanks Mu Yao and Liu Fu Yi for concealing her daemon identity to Li Zhun. He doesn't know she's a Fox Daemon. He had saved her when she was captured as a fox. Then she observed him until she was certain his kindness to daemons wasn't superficial. She smiled when his house was hanging white cloth. Someone died.... She was determined to save Li Zhun, who was weak and frail. At Level 6 and with the silkworm, she can revive the dead, and that's how she saved the townspeople too. She promises to lend Mu Yao and Liu Fu Yi the silkworm, but they will have to wait until the full moon. The silent little girl, Chu Chu, overhears everything.
Madam Liu wants to speak with Zi Qi privately, but he doesn't want to leave Miao Miao behind – he promised he would never. Also, she's his fiancée! My bbs! They grow up so fast! But Madam Liu insists and Miao Miao is understanding.

And now nothing is going well for our Four Martial Artists. Where's our bamboo, Cui Cui!

Miao Miao is momentarily seized by Tao Zi, a daemon in the valley. She takes a tear from Miao Miao. We also learn two things from Tao Zi:

1) Qilin Mountain is hidden among illusions of mountains. When it was still there, all people saw was its illusion. When it isn't there anymore, people still see its illusion. So is it there or not there? 2) A Gold Pearl forms from the final tear shed by a dying person, embodying their deepest worry for a loved one. It's also a single-use, amulet protecting the recipient from life-threatening danger. Madam Liu has one too.

Zi Qi is trapped in a lethal spider web of memories by Madam Liu (a Calf Daemon). The spear was indeed sharp at attacking Madam Liu. She not only wants Zi Qi's daemon-core, but also to kill him to avenge Murong Er (who she calls A "Rong" not part of her surname).

Murong Er was Madam Liu's saviour, a Level 9 Daemon, and hailed by humans as the Goddess of Mei, the goddess of love, and ironically, she was betrayed by love. Her tear is red because Murong Er doesn't have tears. She was crying blood (but she cried in Zi Qi's flashbacks...that must be sweat..). However, Murong Er still believed in Zi Qi's father and wouldn't abort Zi Qi even if he was swallowing all her powers, leaving her powerless to defend the destruction of Qilin Mountain. After she gave birth, Murong Er worked in poor conditions to raise Zi Qi. She loved Zi Qi, and only left him because he attempted to kill his father, and the daemon hunters (Mu Huai Jiang and Lu Huai An?) set a trap for him. There was no way Zi Qi would leave his mother in danger if she didn't take his memory. Murong Er left these last words for Zi Qi: grow up bravely; the world is so large, you will meet someone who loves you dearly.

The memories are only lethal because Zi Qi feels guilt that his mother died because of him. Don't be Zi Qi. Your mother didn't sacrifice herself for you to die here D: Questions, questions, questions. Does Madam Liu want Zi Qi's revive Murong Er? But is Madam Liu's Gold Pearl from Murong Er? Is she dead or alive? Also the song that Mu Yao keeps dreaming of from Lady Resentment is Murong Er's lullaby for Zi Qi.

The "marriage" between Mu Yao and Liu Fu Yi at the insistence of the townsfolk turn eerie when these humans start resembling lifeless zombies, which means they never revived. Madam Shi, what do you want? Other than our jie and jiefu, are there any humans here?

[Ep28] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

After consummation, Mu Yao is disturbed by Lady Resentment's voice who's always aroused when Mu Yao's intimate with Liu Fu Yi, I see. Awakened, Mu Yao wanders the village and is alarmed by Madam Shi's midnight surgery. She video-calls Guo Xiu (Hi!) for information on Hanyu Silkworm and Qihun flower. He's surprisingly efficient and finds that if these two exist together, then there is a Fantasy Daemon nearby – it's "Chu Chu". They have a three-way mutualistic symbiosis: the Fantasy Daemon protects the flower to nourish the silkworm, which allows the daemon to spin her cocoon. After her 4th metamorphosis, the night of the full moon, she will be Level 8, making her the second most powerful daemon after Lady Resentment. And now she's got her hands silk on her Liu Fu Yi "gege". He's possessed and hurts Mu Yao who can't snip the silk because that will kill Liu Fu Yi. Lu Fu Yi gege, your AC has been blasting since you were a child!

Madam Shi and the Fantasy Daemon also have a symbiotic relationship. Madam Shi needs the silk on a monthly basis to treat Li Zhun. Meanwhile Madam Shi, wth her foxy wit, conceals "Chu Chu's" identity (to daemon hunters) and nourishes her with human blood until she's a full-fledged daemon.

The other madam, Madam Liu, exploits Zi Qi's powers and life to revive Murong Er – meaning she died already. Madam Liu has a fragment of Murong Er's heart, which she has been using her own heart blood to nourish. With Zi Qi's power, she can hit factory reset to restore Murong Er to her purest condition before she met Zi Qi's father. Ah, so that's not being alive. That's a haptic reality. She needs Zi Qi's life too because he will break her Forgotten Spell on "Murong Er" if he's physically close to her. Realizing Madam Liu is obsessively delusional, Zi Qi refuses to succumb because he has a purpose to live for and a person to love.
As hot terrible as Zi Qi looks in his predicament, he's confident about one thing: Miao Miao. She would never forget him even if she's under Madam Liu's spell. He's right! Miao Miao descends to save her hero in a sticky situation. She had realized she's forgotten someone crucial probably because Zi Qi is physically close enough to trigger her memories and had demanded the valley girls to return her memories. Even if it's dangerous, even if her memories are painful, Miao Miao wants to remember the man she loves.
Miao Miao attacks Madam Liu to protect Zi Qi, but the Golden Pearl protects Madam Liu, surprising even Madam Liu because they were all certain Murong Er's pearl would be meant for Zi Qi. And alas, here is the VR, Madam Liu has been waiting for: Murong Er's last message. She has no regret for Zi Qi – she gave her life and powers to him. She owes nothing to his father either. Her only regret is Madam Liu. She promised to live forever together, but she broke her vow. Madam Liu catches the fragments of Golden Pearl, glowing in her hands. She releases Zi Qi.
Back to Mu Yao. Guess who's here to save the day! Guo Xiu! She asks him how many men he bought. Gurl, lol. One whole – person! Our lovely, cowardly glory-thief.

[Ep29] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Madam Shi, at Li Zhun's persuasion, becomes a good spy and poisons the Fantasy Daemon. Liu Fu Yi was still under her control until Mu Yao's holy tears touched his face. He cuts the silk, which will end his life, but if he continues to live hurting the woman he loves and betraying his principles, then what is death?
Wen Xin – glad to see you're here when the damage has been dealt – does at least stop Fantasy Daemon from imploding the land – and nothing before that, thanks. man. As for Liu Fu Yi, he gets a miracle cure because Madam Shi sacrificed her human form and Level 6 powers to perform surgery on his heart. As for Li Zhun, who needed monthly therapy, Wen Xiu gave him a self-help manual. This is not a fair trade. But Madam Shi does have some crimes to atone for, which happens to benefit only jiefu. I'm not complaining anymore.
Zi Qi masters his spear now that his past is complete as he learns via the Golden Pearl that his father never betrayed his mother, and his parents loved him too. The only puzzle is his mother's death. The Forgotten Spell she placed on Zi Qi should only crack if his loved-and-forgotten-one is nearby, but Zi Qi's mother died. How could she have been near? My other puzzle is the bangle. Murong Er gave it to Zhao Qing why is there a love spell on it?
Everyone congratulates the newlyweds – except grumpy Zi Qi.

Wen Xin's shadow is his friendship with Mu Huai Jiang that's filled with regret. He's guilty because he gave Mu Huai Jiang the map, which allowed him to capture Murong Er to achieve godly powers. When Murong Er did nothing wrong, Mu Huai Jiang killed her. However, he didn't know because he failed to read the instruction manual that when Murong Er's heart breaks and dies, the goddess will become the greatest evil. Murong Er placed one last shackle on Lady Resentment though: she must be killed by the person she loves. So she was already killed, and she still has to be killed, ok. That's why Lady Resentment lured little Zi Qi with her lullaby to serve her poison.

The undead-ing is not over! Zi Qi wants to revive his mother with the liuli heart shard and his daemon core. Will this cost him his life too? Will Wen Xin agree to this risky plan?

[Ep30] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Wen Xin promises to help Zi Qi, but this old tart reneges to accept Mu Yao's deal instead. She will do her secret noble thing and sacrifice for humanity (and her revenge) because she learns Lady Resentment resides in her. New Year's Eve will be her last night with the unknowing gang.
Zi Qi made the snow. Other than this being a hint that he's from reality, this is another visual metaphor of 白頭偕老 Bái tóu xié lǎo (which I'm bored of bc too many dramas do it now, but in case you don't know). It means to live to an old age in conjugal bliss. The direct translation is “white head” (白頭) and growing old together (偕老). Sometimes drama will have a snow scene to create artificial white hair to make this idiom come true.

Wen Xin will kill Mu Yao (Lady Resentment) with the Mega Tower. This will also kill all the daemons (because Bamboo Grandpa connected the earth's roots) and Wen Xin himself. I don't think Mu Yao knew the full plan eh.

Our miao Miao Miao asks if there's another entrance to the tower. Yes! The very top. It'll be dangerous, but for Mu Yao, there's no peril too great. Inside the tower is a whole new realm with 9 levels. This tower has material for a new 40-ep drama, and not the finale of this drama! This tower might just be a very tall lie, though. The captured daemons have worked for years to start anew, but there's no exit as promised. Was Wen Xin always lying? Liu Fu Yi can't promise anything at the moment, but convinces the daemons he'll try his best to free them. For now, they need to go downstairs.

Cui Cui opens the door, and he's done. Liu Fu Yi says Cui Cui is too weak to proceed. When Miao Miao kept hugging Cui Cui for these eps, I realized he has more skinship with her than Zi Qi, lol. This is my only gripe about Cui Cui, haha.

However, Liu Fu Yi didn't tell them that opening the doors was harmful, and he rushed forward every time. Aw! He's at his limit after opening the last door for Miao Miao and Zi Qi to save Mu Yao. Jiefu 4eva!

[Ep31] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Outside the tower, Bamboo Grandpa dies to thwart Wen Xin's attempt at activating the Tower's self-destruction, saving everyone inside and all the daemons. He's got a dying breath to say this: he may be forgetful, but he still trusts Wen Xin, who can't be bad when he believes in harmony between daemons and humans. Bamboo Grandpa is not wrong: Wen Xin stabilizes the tower.

Inside the tower, Miao Miao and Zi Qi fail to restore Murong Er's heart – this was always hopeless. Lady Resentment has total domination on all daemons, even Zi Qi. She reveals that Zi Qi was always her Qi-Zi (chess piece). Miao Miao, being human, resists and counters that Zi Qi was never her chess piece. In fact, she failed to overtake him seven years ago.
Zi Qi breaks Lady Resentment's control because she made him hurt Miao Miao. Then Zi Qi transforms when Lady Resentment attacks Miao Miao. His strength is truly born because of Miao Miao, lol. He's now a Level 9 Daemon + Godly Daemon Hunter. Does he not cancel himself out then.
Zi Qi defeats Lady Resentment!

But wait, why you dying Zi Qi?! From the injury? From the transformation? You're so powerful and you're out already?

Zi Qi: Don't cry. My Miao Miao, who's like a little sun, loves to smile.
Zi Qi evaporates. Then the System speaks. Game is over. Miao Miao can exit since she completed her missions. But he's not at 100%.... Her memories are restored. Previously, she had accepted the amnesiac consequence for the Godly Lotus powers to save her friends. Now our Miao Miao rejects this ending. She activates her powers, risking her memories forever and her ticket home. Back when she accepted the Godly Lotus power, she already made her choice: no matter the consequences, she will save the people she loves.

And Time-Reset is activated, and I don't know why this is bringing back Lin Yu??

Zi Qi is back too.

He also rejects the ending and activates his Time-Reset
We meet Mu Qing Shi – the intermission before every reset. She has answers that I'm barely computing so bear with me.
  1. Godly Lotus Powers allow them – being Miao Miao and Zi Qi – to hack the system reset time.
  2. Miao Miao brought back Zi Qi (How) who she knows will time-travel to save her too. This time travel makes sense if I don't think about it. She knows because he promised: I, Mu Zi Qi, vow that if I didn't ditch you intentionally, I would definitely turn back to find you no matter the distance or the energy it takes.
  3. Miao Miao looks the same as Mu Qing Shi because she is her, but not her. Many years ago, Miao Miao already saved Zi Qi, but at that time, it was unintentional. Now she's choosing to save him.
Miao Miao quotes:

Miao Miao: Even if it takes a million (千千萬萬) times, Zi Qi will definitely find me.
(千千萬萬 = thousand, thousand, ten-thousand, then-thousand = many, many, many times)

Miao Miao: Even if I have to choose a million (千千萬萬) times, I will make the same choice.

Miao Miao: Please tell [Zi Qi] I will wait for him in every ending.

Zi Qi finds Miao Miao floating in the galaxy. I have lived to finally see a plot launching itself into a black hole. Time is actually reset. Zi Qi and Miao Miao – with their lotus powers combined – defeat Lady Resentment. The villain was never going to win if our CP can hit factory reset every time, lol. Zi Qi briefly reunites with his mother who thanks them for killing her before she vanishes. Man- and daemon-kind is saved. The only exception is Cui Cui's grandfather. He blossomed....and died.

But wait, why's the air turning red. There's a doomsday part 2... (or Lady Resentment was never the real doom).

[Ep32] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Zi Qi wants to deus ex machina reset time again, but Miao Miao reveals it's futile. The real source of the apocalypse lies with Fu Zhou, the author, who predestined a tragic ending where everyone dies. "Daemon Hunting" is his virgin novel, depicting characters who conceal their thoughts and trust no one. However, being a devoted fan, Miao Miao trusts Fu Zhou that he must have a hidden solution and it's usually in the nursery rhymes. With Zi Qi's memory, the answer seems to be in outer space again, in reference to the Chinese title btw, the Milky Way. Cui Cui becomes a full fledged bamboo and uses his social network (ironic isn't it, lol) to help Zi Qi channel everyone's powers. Thus, a set of galactic stairs are made for Zi Qi and Miao Miao to climb.
Zi Qi enters the System. He meets...himself – past him and the author. "Zi Qi" inserted himself in a supporting role – a character no one loved. It mirrored his life – lonely and unloved, even by his parents. Zi Qi lived in the shadows of Moyamoya Disease, a rare, progressive cerebrovascular disorder (symptoms: recurrent strokes or TIAs; treatment: no cure... but there is therapy to improve blood flow and prevent strokes. Therefore, keep calm and stay alive.). He couldn't run, couldn't play, couldn't belong. He was always on the sidelines. To "Zi Qi", his ending felt written before he even began.
Life was so unbearable to "Zi Qi", he even wanted to die (the scene of him on the roof). Our Zi Qi realizes the key to ending the apocalypse lies in Zi Qi rescuing himself. Zi Qi reminds the author it isn't all doom and despair in the future. After all, didn't "light" find its way into his life before? The author clutches the pen that belonged to Miao Miao (which is the inspiration of his chosen spear). It was Miao Miao from high school – she was bright, optimistic and righteous. He admired her and secretly gave her a rabbit-shaped apple slice. He also drew her lotus hair tie on his wrist (which is the inspiration of Zi Qi's hair-band). He even wrote her into his story, casting her as the hero who saved his world (Mu Qing Shi). But life was unkind to her too. She stood up for a bullied victim and was lectured by her teacher (Consort Zhao). Her father died as well. However, Miao Miao's courage stayed with Zi Qi, and inspired Zi Qi. He even stood up for Miao Miao during class. Can the current Zi Qi persuade the author that even the smallest lights can pierce the darkest skies?
Zi Qi returns to Miao Miao who trusts Fu Zhou will end this story as wholesome as he can because he's filled with gentle strength. Zi Qi isn't sure. He now realizes he's the author, but when he wrote "Daemon Hunting", he wasn't the person she described. The reason he changed, he says, is because of her.

Zi Qi: Every book I wrote was written for you.
As much as Miao Miao was a fan of Zi Qi, he was a fan of her. He's one of her five whole followers on Weibo. He read all her comments about his novels. They were both healing each other. (I am assuming he now knows Miao Miao owns that Weibo account. Also her Weibo DP is a girl with pigtails in front of her PC, the shadow that he reacted to oddly).

The current Fu Zhou (Zi Qi) is in brain surgery – and his surgeon is Guo Xiu! Should we be worried? xD, Nah, we trust him. He made three wishes. (1) He wants to be able to write a happy ending for his virgin piece. (2) He wants to confess and it's the same wish he made in Ep17:

Zi Qi: I hope that you can see the true feelings I've been hiding and know that I have always loved you.

(3) Finally, he wants to live, and runs towards Miao Miao to tell her his strength came from her. She had guided him to light, and now his "apocalypse" is his battle to defeat. The red and the "ridges" must be the blood from his neurosurgery. And actually, the whole game story is him having a stroke.
With the confession, Zi Qi's feelings are at 100%.

Miao Miao wakes up and thinks everything is but a dream. She forgot the name or the face of the person she thought she loved. I think this is the consequence of forcefully using the lotus powers that she'd lose her "memory"...but not all of it. I dunno. This game did not come with a manual.

Miao Miao attends Fu Zhou's "Eternal Night Star River Press Conference". She didn't like the novel but heard that he rewrote the ending to a wholesome, happy one. Then she sees Cui Cui and Grandpa Bamboo. She stares at them, thinking they look familiar.
Someone calls her.

"Miao Miao." I think starting from here it's Ding Yu Xi's real voice instead of Zi Qi's VA.
She smiles at him...remembering who she loves. He kept his promise of finding her, and she kept his promise of waiting for him in all endings.

There's an ending voiceover from "Fu Zhou", which is the foreword of his book's second edition:

When can a person love another 100%?
It’s not when I love you more than I love myself,
But only when I truly love myself, and believe in myself can I fully and genuinely love you.

This book is for the girl who saved my world twice.

Don't miss the ending credit ~
So the joke is on top of a transmigration ban, they say our CP also can't kiss because our author, a self-insert character, is a middle schooler, lmao.

The end! Can I reject this ending too? LOL.


[First Impression (Ep1-5)] Fun romcom! Where have you been all of 2024?! Two episodes are enough to tell you if you're into this drama about a bookworm couch queen reincarnation as an evil 2FL of a mediocre story.

Ling Miao Miao is a witty heroine who steals my job at jabbing at plot-holes, acted by our overacting Yu Shu Xin, and she OWNS it. I wasn't expecting her to actually be so funny. It sounds like Yu Shu Xin put in the extra effort during post-production to enrich the voice-overs for her character. I like her inside jokes like cueing the CGI budget (because everyone who watched Love Between Fairy and Devil should know she invested in that).

Mu Sheng is just your regular ML who aggressively kills FL all the time, haha. Don’t worry, (or it’s too bad that) it only lasts until Ep4. It’s so funny every time she respawns. I'm so glad Ding Yu Xi is back in the game and people have stopped calling him ugly, gosh.

As I see it, this romance is about Ling Miao Miao, like a guiding light, leading Mu Sheng to cherish himself first – because this man is too harsh on himself. I quite love this sorrowful poem that embodies the essence of "Mu Sheng":

The eternal night yearns (mu)
The farewell song becomes the flute (sheng)

My interpretation: Mu Sheng's yearning is endlessly dark like the eternal night, and wistful like the flute that plays for farewell songs.

[Cast&Crew] From the production company (Stellar) that brought us Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red Moon Pact, Love You Seven Times, Love Between Fairy and Devil, here's another Love Between a Fairy(-like FL) and a “Devil” but with a new acronym, LGIEF. Everyone enjoying the show is comforting Wang Yi Xu (Stellar Boss) that he doesn’t have to be emo anymore because his fish (“Yu”) saved him. Although Yu Shu Xin seems to be his lucky charm, the story really speaks for itself! It's written by the same screenwriter (Bai Jin Jin) as Love Between Fairy and Devil.

There's two CP reunions:
It's the 4th drama of the year for Chen Du Ling (5 if all of The Legend of Heroes aired properly). She also appeared in 5 dramas last year.

It's the 2nd "battle" between Yu Shu Xin and Zhao Lu Si. In 2022, their Love Between Fairy and Devil and Love Like the Galaxy air closed together, but not head on like this time (same day, same time).

Wrapped on January 1, 2024.

是藥三分毒 Shì yào sān fēn dú – Every medicine has 3 part poison / has its side effect. [Ep2]
绿茶 Lǜ chá – Green tea (bitch) 🍵 → Derogatory term directed at girls who pretend to be innocent and charming but is actually manipulative. [Ep3]
黑蓮花 Hei lian hua – Black Lotus → (Grey) "Villains", openly dark and clever [Ep3]
中央空調 Zhong yang kong tiao – Central AC → Typically are men who appear kind and give special attention to multiple people without clear romantic intent, which leads to misunderstanding and jealousy among the ladies. [Ep3]
狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心 – A dog bites Lv Dong Bin, not knowing how kind he is. ("Lv Dong Bin" is a scholarly, clever man with a genuine desire to help people, but a dog bites him.) [Ep5]
纏纏綿綿 Chán chán mián mián – To wrap around continuously. In a romantic context, it suggests a bond that's hard to break and a relationship full of tenderness like something that tugs at the heart. [Ep12]
白頭偕老 Bái tóu xié lǎo – Live to an old age in conjugal bliss. The direct translation is “white head” (白頭) and growing old together (偕老). Sometimes drama will have a snow scene to create artificial white hair to make this idiom come true. [Ep30]

[Ending] Happy.

[A Highlight] In Ep7, even when his world turns upside down, she will always be at his side.

[Review & Rating]
Benzuo approves! For the most part.

A romcom xianxia in a video game. It had the recipe for absolute entertainment with all the feels of team ensemble, blossoming romcom cuteness, mystical powers and video-game hilarity. I love watching Mu Sheng (Zi Qi), who was convinced Miao Miao is his enemy, fall for her. With everything that she does for him, I'd fall for her too.

I also liked the various supporting characters and their unpredictable stories. Shout out to Guo Xiu, Cui Cui, the Water Daemons, the mushrooms, the poor herb daemons, the father, and the royal wailing trio

The beginning outshined the ending, but it did set an exceptionally high bar to begin with. The drama has two phases: when Miao Miao is aware of the game – LOVE it – and when Miao Miao is unaware of the game – which, well, let's discuss. It's typical Cdrama move to shift heavily toward para-romance plot towards the end. I do highly appreciate that they're not throwing problems to separate the couple at the end and the plot isn't dumbing down. It actually expands in complex ways, which is totally my thing. However, this comes at the cost of emotional connection. The most detrimental to me is that I forgot to wear my spacesuit and they launched the plot to outer space. The high stakes turned into no stakes because the "game" was too rigged in favour of our CP. I was also miffed that Zi Qi didn't have enough powerful scenes despite all his transformations.

Despite its very unreal ending issues, it doesn't factory reset my affection for the whole show and all the lovely characters. I still love this with its flaws.

Yu Shu Xin and Ding Yu Xi surpassed expectations. It should be hard for Yu Shu Xin to play a similar character (Xiao Lan Hua) differently, but watching her here, it's like she didn't even think about it and nailed Miao Miao. I tripped in love with her again.

Ding Yu Xi – of course – impressively grasped Zi Qi's duality. He has the toughest exterior and the softest heart. He isn't playing two extremes though, but a whole range of emotions from fiery intensity to heartbreaking vulnerability to childlike, youthful innocence. Ding Yu Xi made all of Zi Qi's emotions believable as one consistent character. I'd gush about his eye-acting too, but I already did recently.

I would love to praise jie and jiefu too but other than the decent setup of their characters, Yang Shi Zhe and especially Zhu Xu Dan were mostly bland. Fortunately for them, the blandness doesn't affect their character-likability and they're randomly hilarious outside of the drama.

Ending Thoughts. SPOILERS, duh.

I had only one wish. Since I was convinced this had to be a happy ending (which it is), all my prayers were for that ending to last longer than five seconds. I was rolling in laughter at myself at the end. Is that even a full second of happiness? Does that even count? LOL.

On a more serious note, if I were forced to answer Yes and No about liking the ending, my answer would be No. Although the theme of (self-)love is explored, the vibe is hopeful, and the future is imaginably happy, I didn't feel closure for either realm. The video game characters – I really wanted to see them happy and not leave them in a sky suffering from stroke and be told they're going to be happy. The real world – I want more answers from the author himself. Although Zi Qi is a self-insert character, I still don't feel like I know this "Fu Zhou". In the end, yes, it's Miao Miao and Zi Qi finding each other, but I can't shake the feeling I lost Miao Miao and Zi Qi.

Overall. Show slaps for most of its run and I will generously give points for giving me a Miao Miao and Zi Qi in the first place.

Rating: 4/5


Game Game Nested Story
Romance on the Farm Unique Lady Season Oh My Drama Lover