Rating Guide


These are cynlynn’s "objective" rankings, where she tries to be as objective as she can. 5/5 dramas might be an exception because she can be blinded by love. The dramas do not have to fulfill all of the points under each rating

→ LOVE this drama (with all its flaws)
→ Excellent; masterful
→ Love this drama
→ Strong plot
→ Like this drama, stable all around
→ Really like this but there are flaws
→ For low-budget dramas, this is a good score. 
→ For high-budget dramas, oopsies..
→ Cute but mediocre
→ Not bad, but mostly boring
→ Good, but not good enough
→ Awful, awful
→ Increasingly boring and dreadful
→ Pretty with no substance

*Do NOT translate cynlynn's 5-point scale to a 10-point scale by multiplying 2. If you have to compare these two scales it would roughly be like this:

→ Five = 9.50 – 10.00 = ~10
→ Four = 8.50 – 9.49 = ~8/9
→ Three = 7.50 – 8.49 = ~7/8
→ Two = 5.00 – 7.49  = ~6/7
→ One = 0.00 – 4.99 = <5


's are cynlynn’s subjective ranking when numbers-ratings fail to capture her love for the drama. Sometimes the hearts might represent the chemistry, and sometimes she doesn't really know either. It's subjective. Maximum is three hearts (♥♥♥).

♥ is for the humour.

First Impression Ratings

[-/5]: Don’t take this too seriously. She spends about 5 seconds on these ratings. It’s a little different from her normal ratings; 2.5 is a neutral score. More than that means she likes; less than that means she dislikes. It's rare for her to give a score of 4 or more.

Recap Grade

In case people think cynlynn is scamming them into thinking every post is a detailed recap, she tells you as precisely as she can how detailed her recaps are before you click the post.

A: 80-100% detailed
B: 65-79% detailed 
C: 50-64% detailed 
D: <50% detailed

*A/B would mean some episodes are A grade and some are B grade. 
*A→B would mean it was A initially and then it changed to B

Additional Notes: 

Her ratings are not static. They may change over time.