October 9, 2024

Snowy Night Timeless Love | Recap and Review

Snowy Night: Timeless Love
[Coming soon] 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Li QinXue Zi Ye
Zeng Shun XiHuo Zhan Bai
Chinese Title
Seven Nights of Snow
Episodes: 11/32
Recap Grade: B
First Impression: 3.6/5

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Zeng Shun Xi:
Huo Zhan Bai
Li Qin:
Xue Zi Ye
Wang Hong Yi:
Miao Feng
Chen Hao Sen:
Zeng Ke Ni:
Miao Shui
Jin Ze Hao:
Zhang Wu Jue

Shao Yu Qi:
Qiu Shui Yin

Mini Recaps

[Ep1[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Introducing the very cute actor, Xue Yao, the hawk, and her plus-one: Huo Zhan Bai.
Huo Zhan Bai takes the blame for killing his shixiongXu Chong Hua, when he actually committed suicide after being defeated by Huo Zhan Bai. The shixiong leaves behind his wife, Qiu Shui Yin, and newborn, Mo'er, who is sick and dying. Huo Zhan Bai takes them to the world's best doctor. They say that shixiong betrayed, but if there's a person who looks evil it's the old shifu. By the way, is there a corpse for shixiong? Y'all know about Cliff(ords)...
Xue Zi Ye is our renowned sickly doctor in a fur coat. We finally have a sickly fur lady and not man! It's New Year's Eve, and she's shutting her doors, but a hawk hawks, and a sword strikes. Then she sees the owner and her intruder: Huo Zhan Bai. She takes a better glance with her lantern, and eagerly checks on his small wounds while lying that she isn't the doctor, but he knows she's the one he's looking for. 

Huo Zhan Bai: Rumour says [that she's] greedy and perverted. I don't know about greedy, but perverted doesn't seem false, except I didn't think that a person in dire straits like me would please the eyes of Master Xue. Way to go, sir, calling her perverted to her face. So this is why she's got an attitude whenever he's around xD

Xue Zi Ye harshly shuts the door at Huo Zhan Bai but that doesn't limit him nor do all her traps. Our ladies brace for a physical battle, but Huo Zhan Bai steps out the doorless door frame. He bows respectfully. She's aware of his intentions. His aggression was only to let her know if he wanted to intrude he can, but he won't. 

The mother and newborn finally arrive. Xue Zi Ye assumes Huo Zhan Bai is the father, and confirms he isn't. Yup. Man is single. She agrees to treat him.

[Ep2[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Baby is ok! Mo'er will need 3 more days of isolated recovery.

On the same night, both Huo Zhan Bai and Xue Zi Ye reminisce about the dead – or the frozen. Him about his shixiong, and Xue Zi Ye about Xue Huai. She kept him in ice to persevere his life (or dead body). He risked his life to save her just like Huo Zhan Bai is risking his to save Mo'er. 
Xue Zi Ye has a mystery Go-pal (Miao Feng). Every once in a while she visits her oversized-Go-board to make a counter move.

Oh wait. Baby is not okay. It's because Qiu Shui Yin breast-fed Mo'er. I knew her face was trouble. I don't like her either, but would it not have been better to be open and transparent about the treatment? It's already traumatizing that a baby died, but to know that he died because of breast-feeding.... Xue Zi Ye transports the un-breathing baby to an ice cave for emergency acupuncture. 

Mo'er is saved! But Xue Zi Ye faints from hypothermia – extreme cold is dangerous to her frail body. She's treated in a therapy spa where Huo Zhan Bai transfers his qi to her underwater. When she's slightly conscious, she notices he's touching (a faraway corner) of her chest. She knocks him off, but he pulls her back to finish the treatment. People above the water are like, "Isn't he saving her, why are they fighting?" Ask your master, ladies. When she recovers she slaps him, and then thanks him, but overall, she's still mad.

Huo Zhan Bai: I [helped] you, and didn't get a thanks, but got a slap from you – a slap is fine, but calling me ugly too! LOL.  

Alright, this baby. He's okay now, but he won't be okay in the future, and won't live long.

[Ep3[Jump to: Top | Comments]

O' Molly. The mother commits suicide. What a pair of parents you got there, Mo'er. They keep ditching you! Qiu Shui Yin knows Mo'er's illness is her fault even though Xue Zi Ye took the blame for it. And what a pair we have here: Huo Zhan Bai and Xue Zi Ye silently taking blames.

Huo Zhan Bai couldn't save his shixiong, but saves his shixiong's wife. Now he falls down on Clifford. Lady...you nearly took down 3 people! Baby, FL, and ML. And she's so weepy, no wonder her name has Shui (water) in it. Huo Zhan Bai wouldn't have been so susceptible to Clifford if he hadn't transferred so much qi to Xue Zi Ye (who wouldn't have needed qi if not for Weepy Lady). To make it worse, he's trapped in his unconsciousness because of the guilt from the couple who likes committing suicide in front of him. Xue Zi Ye clutches his hand and lies about a treatment for Mo'er. Huo Zhan Bai finally wakes up with a will and purpose to live.
The hair on these grandpa-dogs feel so authentic. They need grooming.
Zhang Wu Jue, the despot "priest" of Yuanyi Temple, raises animals and raises humans like animals, turning them into ruthless slaves. His words are spun with silk, but laced with poison. His promise to the two slaves –freedom– is merely a facade, and Tong knows it. When the other slave is unguarded, Tong kills him with his hypnotic blue eyes. Tong! A quiet, lethal, mysterious beast.

[Ep4[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Huo Zhan Bai leaves the Medicine Valley to gather the rare ingredients to treat Mo'er. Xue Zi Ye laments on how long it'll take. 3 years? 5 years? Miss him already? It hasn't even been 10 minutes.

Tong! Who are you? As long as the three looooooong needles stay penetrated in his head, he cannot remember his past and will obey Zhang Wu Jue forever.

Xue Zi Ye bows to an entire cemetery. Her Mojia Village was annihilated. It was Xue Huai who risked his life to save her. He kept her afloat on a glacier as he supported it from underneath. She only has one clue behind her clan's obliteration: a poisonous dagger.
Beautiful ladies and powerful men square-off respectively. Xue Zi Ye wins Qing's trust to "cure" her in order to hypnotize her. The poison on the dagger is a speciality from Qing's clan, Shiyue Sect. Meanwhile at Shiyue Sect are Tong and Huo Zhan Bai, and whew, a footstep from afar and they can sense the each other's aura. They walk by without a word or a glance that is until they meet again, duelling for this Mushroom Branch.

[Ep5[Jump to: Top | Comments]

I say Huo Zhan Bai is the winner of the duel, but it's technically undecided because They're both poisoned. Miao Feng gives Tong an antidote and orders him to retreat and accept his punishment back at the Temple. 

As for the ladies, Qing thinks she conquered Xue Zi Ye –who really was responsible for Qing's slow-release-poison, luring her into her valley – but Xue Zi Ye was only pretending to be vulnerable so that Qing would be unguarded about the truth. Xue Zi Ye confirms Qing's Shiyue Sect had nothing to do with Mojia Village's extermination and releases Qing, but she returns. She respects Xue Zi Ye who could have killed her, but instead chose to release her. Girl, she poisoned you first

She promises to provide her intel on Mojia Village. Xue Zi Ye is grateful and reveals the truth. She never gave her poison. It was all medicine that just made her feel bad. 
The ladies exchange hearts (info). After Qing promises to update Xue Zi Ye about Mojia Village, Xue Zi Yi reveals she never poisoned her. It's medicine with pronounced side effects. She also shares that she isn't born from Mojia Village but was adopted after her mother died. Qing has a story about a man too who she lost four years ago, the same time Xue Zi Ye lost Mojia Village. Qing's clan members – in order to make her their Saintess – killed her lover because she wasn't supposed to have family, friends, or even a name of her own.

Just when Qing and Xue Zi Ye become sworn sisters, Huo Zhan Bai returns with the Mushroom Branch he stole from Qing's clan. Fortunately, Qing trusts Xue Zi Ye, but as the leader of Shiyue Sect she still needs to punish them. She makes them pick their poison: a fatal one or a chronic one. Huo Zhan Bai drinks both! He also trusts Xue Zi Ye can cure him. That is both manly of him and clever of him. But uh oh, he's still poisoned from the other poison. That's 3. To save him, Xue Zi Ye uses one offshoot from the Mushroom Branch. 

Who would have thought that Huo Zhan Bai loves being called handsome, or maybe he just loves being handsome to one person: Xue Zi Ye.

[Ep6[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Xue Zi Ye charges Huo Zhan Bai 200 000 gold for curing him. He stutters. "Is my life that expensive?" No. Her skills are that valuable. LOL. For his astronomical debt that he cannot pay, she makes him stand in as her human model. (Xue Yao is laughing too!) Compared to being a model though, he's a better student. He learns all the acupuncture points and applies it back on her. She's now frozen and on mute, and absorbing some good Vitamin D.

Villain paradise
Miao Feng is forbidden from emoting for the martial arts he's practicing, all to enhance Zhang Wu Jue's powers. Every month he will suffer heart-splitting pain.

Xue Zi Ye desperately searches at night for her hairpin from Xue Huai to no fruition. It's dark and cold when they return, but Huo Zhan Bai has lit the way with lanterns.

Huo Zhan Bai misunderstands that Xue Zi Ye used the Mushroom Branch on her "lover" (i.e. Xue Huai) instead of keeping it for Mo'er. He confronts her, and calls her Xue Huai a dead man. Ouch. Enraged, she tells him she used a piece on a "dog" (i.e Huo Zhan Bai). Thankfully, the misunderstanding doesn't last too long. Feng Lu tells him he's the dog.

Huo Zhan Bai realizes the gravity of his mistake when he called Xue Huai dead to Xue Zi Ye's face. Everyone knows the truth, but no one tells her because she won't admit it herself. Four years ago, to stop her from harming herself in search of a cure, her shifu had "lied" – just as Xue Zi Ye "lied" about Mo'er's treatment – claiming the cure was hidden in the tree's roots. Ever since, Xue Zi Ye waters the tree daily with dew, holding onto hope. 

[Ep7[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Huo Zhan Bai and Xue Zi Ye are trapped in a cave by a snowstorm. She tells him to strip, leaving him dazed. She wants his clothes to keep warm, knowing he can handle the cold, especially after taking the Mushroom Branch. After some tit-for-tat exchanges, they finally settle their issues. He apologizes for misunderstanding her and she apologizes for not telling him the truth. He then tells her how it all started: Qing! If she hadn't told him that Xue Zi Ye used it on her lover, none of this would have happened. I say Qing is innocent and correct.
Xue Zi Ye takes an extra glance at Huo Zhan Bai wiping the lip of his bottle before giving her his alcohol. Considerate, isn't he? :) He's also meticulous. He picked up on her words that the Mushroom Branch is a "heated" medicine, which means he can take her special alcohol, but she was just petty and wouldn't share. Freaking Chinese sorts food as "hot" or "cold" and in between, e.g. pineapple is hot and grass jelly is cold, and watermelon is "wet-hot". Unlike her though, he'll let her take all his alcohol. She warns him she won't be grateful. Oh, but he'll make sure she's grateful. (She is.)

Xue Zi Ye: If one day you need me... 
Huo Zhan Bai: What? You want to give me your body?
Xue Zi Ye: ...your medical bill won't be discounted for even one bit.

Xue Zi Ye makes Huo Zhan Bai take a sip of alcohol too. He refuses until she tells him that he if collapses too, she definitely can't make it home safely. To better protect her, he takes some. (She also wipes the bottle-lip). 
Huo Zhan Bai sat by the cave opening the whole night to block the blizzard cold from entering (this is the one time I think romcom tropes are more realistic. Surely, hugging her would be more effective? Throw in some qi and you two would be hot, hot, hot), but Xue Zi Ye is still not okay. She's barely breathing. He takes her on his back to take her home, but in his haste, he slips and falls and they roll down the mountain like snowballs. She's still unconscious. Desperate to keep her alive, he lies that he found her hairpin. She's still unresponsive, and so he swears at her "Wretched Woman!" Haha

Xue Zi Ye is timely treated by her medical squad. After she recovers, neither she nor Huo Zhan Bai visit each other, at least not openly. They may be far from sight, but never from connection. He's been upgrading her dew collection and she knows why he's avoiding her. He's guilty for lying about the hairpin. But that's not all, she says. She knows that he called her "Wretched Woman." Lol!  

Huo Zhan Bai leaves to collect the second ingredient (a flower). Xue Zi Ye shares with him her speciality alcohol (Laughing Red Earth). She also warns him that if he comes back severely injured, it's better he doesn't return. Translation: "You better come back in one piece". He understands what she means precisely.
Another man collecting dew :')

[Ep8[Jump to: Top | Comments]

To ship or not to ship, that is the question:
Huo Zhan Bai made a wooden hairpin for Xue Zi Ye. Aw! That's why he was struggling with the wood when he had no problem setting up the dew machine. And he's too shy to even give it to her in person! Aww.

Baby update: Baby is no baby. It's only been one year and he's like 4?! 

There's a guy, Qin Tian Cheng – he died. He betrayed his sect, Baiyun Temple, for Yuanyi Temple (the villains). Huo Zhan Bai is accused of killing him because of Tong's disguise. Huo Zhan Bai was actually busy disciplining a roaring, dumb brute, Miao HuoI love their exchange the most when he indirectly called Huo Zhan Bai handsome. This show makes everyone call Zeng Shun Xi handsome ^^".

[Ep9[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Huo Zhan Bai immediately returns home to Xue Zi Ye after retrieving the Flower. He has stories to tell her like how he isn't interested in the pretty ladies there whatsoever. *Hint Hint* She tells him to cut the crap, lol

Our couple's reunion is interrupted when Baiyun Gong's Lin Tian Bao wants revenge on Huo Zhan Bai because he murdered his disciple. Looking ominous! Don't worry, Xue Zi Ye promises to clean up Huo Zhan Bai's corpse. Except there's his debts... and so for only that, she will accompany him in confronting his enemies. What a sweet lady.
Xue Zi Ye has absolute faith in Huo Zhan Bai even if there's no proof. She, who never took part in jianghu matters, stands in front of him and protects him at all costs. Awww! I have love eyes for her too. Then she's slandered for loving Huo Zhan Bai, and now it's his turn to protect her reputation. 

Huo Zhan Bai doesn't dodge when Lin Tian Bao strikes him. Xue Zi Ye understands Huo Zhan Bai's intentions before his bro gets him. He wants to prove his innocence and has nothing to hide, so why would he dodge.

Huo Zhan Bai #2 shows up. It's 4th Bro, Xia Qian Yu, with a mask on. Despite holding a grudge on Huo Zhan Bai for killing their shixiong, he still investigated the truth for him. The human-mask and Liu Fei Fei's (Tang Min) testimony are evidence that Huo Zhan Bai is innocent.

Huo Zhan Bai receives permission from Lin Tian Bao for stealing his Flower. I see the pattern now. He always gets permission after stealing
Xue Zi Ye treats Huo Zhan Bai's wound. He casually strips. She's looking his body not as a patient~ She orders him not to move, but it isn't pain he's struggling with, It's his heart that's fighting not to show that he's in love with her. She thinks he's shy that he's naked and assures him that he's no different from her copper-model. Sure.

Xia Qian Yu cries and hugs Huo Zhan Bai like all big men do. He realizes that for the past year Huo Zhan Bai has been risking his life to save Mo'er. Now he insists on tending him = failing as wingman because now Xue Zi Ye can't take care of him. He wants to feed him too, "Ahhhh (open your mouth)." He doesn't take no for an answer, "Ahhh!". But he does take alcohol. For alcohol, he won't feed his buddy. Man is grateful.

[Ep10[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Xia Qian Yu might be infatuated with Xue Zi Ye, but he's still a good bro, assuming Huo Zhan Bai's debt responsibility. While Xue Zi Ye naturally accepts for her philanthropy. 

Huo Zhan Bai('s jealousy) is talking: gold hairpin is trite. But he is sincere that a white jade suits Xue Zi Yi more. It is the colour of snow, the brightness of clouds and the shine of the moon. The hairpin should be plum-shaped because they bloom when it's cold – naturally vigorous. Then he tells her not to move as he leans down to visualize how the plums (in the background) would be beautiful on her. A romantic mood like this, of course has to be interrupted by Xia Qian Yu.

Huo Zhan Bai vs. Copper gege – 0:1
But hey, she finally said you're pretty, Huo Zhan Bai!

[Ep11[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Xia Qian Yu wants to help Huo Zhan Bai win the girl he loves but it doesn't seem the idiot realizes he's in love??! How does he not know he's in love. Xia Qian Yu though, what a true bro, and he still doesn't know Huo Qi didn't kill shixiong

The 8 bros. 7th bro is Huo Zhan Bai (That's why they call him Huo Qi (7), btw). 6th bro is the shixiong who died (with no corpse). 5th bro is someone who retired from jianghu to have a family and disappeared into thin air. 4th bro is Xia Qian Yu. 8th bro is that other guy who tags along. 

Huo Zhan Bai left his alcohol behind. On purpose? Xie Zi Ye shakes her head at his forgetfulness and then smiles just recalling the night she drank with him. 

One night, Xue Zi Ye stares wistfully out in the snow. She sensed Huo Zhan Bai before she saw him aww, and of course this big idiot returns to her at the brink of death once again. He is always either poisoned, bloodied, or unconscious, and always for someone else (Mo'er). Huo Zhan Bai wakes with a strained voice, but his first concern is his shifu, followed by the ingredient, and only then his own wellbeing. There’s a lilting, almost sing-song quality to Xue Zi Ye tone as she breaks the news to him that he might be mute forever. Before he can rasp out his next question, she already knows and answers him that he can't retrieve the next ingredient anytime soon. She critiques him that he's more distressed by this than the prospect of losing his voice forever. He puts himself last, but there's someone who places. him first.
I can't be an actor. I'd die laughing doing what she's doing.
Huo Zhan Bai's heart races uncontrollably with Xue Zi Ye so close. Gripping the gwa-sha stone, he massages his throat, gagging himself, lol. She snatches it back, chiding him that it's not about brute force. Then she strikes him forcefully. He spits out thick, black poisonous blood, and his voice returns. The first thing he says is this: "This woman." I'll finish: "This woman .... making my heart go crazy." She shoots him a glare and he quickly lies that his throat still hurts. She sees through the lie and, without missing a beat, returns the favour, telling him that recovery will now take a half a year. Nope. No pain at all. Lastly she hands him medicine with one last instruction, and just like how she knows him, he knows her too: he's not to practice qi.

[Ep12[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep13[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep14[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep15[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep16[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep17[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep18[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep19[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep20[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep21[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep22[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep23[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep24[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep25[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep26[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep27[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep28[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep29[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep30[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep31[Jump to: Top | Comments]
[Ep32[Jump to: Top | Comments]


[First Impression (Ep1-5)] I always thought it was obvious if you've been here, but in case you aren't aware, I love wuxia for the grand romances. How they (un/realistically) fight doesn't matter to me. Why they fight matters, though. With Snowy Night, I am happy with both. ML is fighting to save the child of his sworn brother. 

The romance matches the show's vibe so well. It's cold on the surface, but there's a quiet, steady warmth that's simmering. I love that Huo Zhan Bai knows everything Xue Zi Ye did for him even when her top lip is stubbornly locked to her bottom lip sometimes.

And cheers, there's finally a female version of the Sickly Fur-Coated Beauty! Li Qin looks the best she's ever been. While Zeng Shun Xi will always be the noble fighter who wears his heart on his sleeve.

The "villains", I haven't seen much and don't know what their deal is, but the evil people sure look sumptuous with one exception: the despot.

[Cast&Crew] The director, Ren Hai Tao, has worked on Mysterious Lotus Casebook (co-director), Immortal Samsara (co-director), Love and Destiny (assistant director). Liang Sheng Quan seems to be the veteran director perhaps guiding Ren Hai Tao who mostly been a co-director.


[A Highlight

[Review & Rating]

Rating: /5


Preliminary recs are random / a peek at the list. These may be updated if drama is completed

Wuxia Wuxia
Listening Snow Tower The Vigilantes in Masks Ancient Detective

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