January 31, 2015

My Sunshine [何以笙箫默] Episode 18

I like this smile! Anyways, highlight of the episode: showdown between Yi Chen and Ying Hue.

Mo Sheng’s at a department store and sees a jacket she wants to buy for Yi Chen. She swipes Yi Chen’s card and apparently in Shanghai, she has to “sign” Yi Chen’s name as well. She smiles as she writes down “He Yi Chen” in the way that Yi Chen taught her in the past.

She gives him the present after he picks her up. She cutely tells him that she used his card to buy his present. Yi Chen smiles at that and casually, ever so casually, puts his arm around Mo Sheng. She also tells him he can bring her to the university gathering wearing this coat.

However, unbeknownst to them, they’re being stalked by Ying Hue (with his awesome sunglasses).

Mo Sheng’s staring at the clock wondering whether Yi Chen’s going to leave for the university gathering but he says he’s not attending. Mo Sheng depressingly settles to go with Lawyer Yuan and the others but Yi Chen gives in. He tells her, “Don’t bother other people”. She smile-winks at that.

They take a walk around the university and Mo Sheng recalls her first day of school, the day she fell in love with Yi Chen. He comments, “Yes, it really was an unlucky day.” Mo Sheng playfully glares at him.

She also decides to buy two school T-shirts and once again; she uses Yi Chen’s money because she forgot her purse (containing her wallet and cellphone). He willingly gives it to her with a smile. Buying it wasn’t enough, they also have to wear it. Yi Chen actually looks pretty bad in it LOL. Everyone walking buy is giving them weird looks. Yi Chen is totally self-conscious while Mo Sheng is totally oblivious (or she’s embracing this moment, lol). 

They walk around some more and stop by to take pictures of her old dormitory. There’s finally something Yi Chen’s bad at: photography. Mo Sheng complains that he made her look fat in the picture and he, protecting his pride, tells her, “You really do look like this.” Mo Sheng laughs at that.
Their bickering fun is over as he gets called over to join the other lawyers (in the law department). Yi Chen wants her to go but she’s firm on not going because she’s not familiar with anyone. Yi Chen has no choice but to hand over his phone to her.

One of the lawyers ask Lawyer Yuan whether Yi Chen has a girlfriend so that he can introduce someone to him. Lawyer Yuan brazenly confirms that Yi Chen doesn’t have a girlfriend. Well, it’s true; a girlfriend is not a wife.

On Mo Sheng’s side, she wanders around and comes across a speech and it’s given by none other than Ying Hue (remember he was also from this university). We hear a little bit more about his ex-girlfriend. They were a match made in heaven: she was the prettiest girl and he was the smartest in the university. Nevertheless, she left him back then because he was poor. Mo Sheng doesn’t get to finish to listen to his speech because a girl falls right in front her and she takes her to the nurse’s office.

Away from the speech now, Mo Sheng, realizing that Ying Hue has returned to Shanghai, recalls all the sad events she experienced in the States and suddenly really misses Yi Chen to the point that she voices it out loud in their phone call. He’s speechless to that as it’s the first time Mo Sheng’s expressed her feelings so frankly. After being silent for a few seconds, Yi Chen tells her to quickly come join him (and his colleagues) for lunch. I like how they milk out Yi Chen’s scenes because after the phone call we get a shot of him still gathering himself after being told “I miss you.”

Then we get a random bike scene. I don’t know how it happened, it just did. Maybe she got lost? But where’d they’d get the bike? I guess he’s being nice to her because she told him she misses him?

They arrive at the restaurant but they’re still waiting for a table. Then, suddenly, she gets recognized by one of Ying Hui’s colleague and he keeps calling her Mrs. Ying. Yi Chen grabs hold of Mo Sheng’s hand and is just about to save her but she thinks she has to save him from the possible embarrassment (of how he married a divorce woman) in front of all his colleagues, so she tells the man that he has the wrong person. Yi Chen’s disappointed at that because he wanted to clarify.

At this same moment, Ying Hue walks by (ever so coolly…) and glances at the two holding hands. The man calls out to Ying Hue asking him to confirm whether Mo Sheng was his wife. To put us all at ease, he denies it.

Ying Hue walks away (trying to look cool) but turns his head to catch a glimpse of Yi Chen while Yi Chen stares fixatedly at his direction. Romantic. Really. Anyways, through that encounter, Yi Chen discovers the identity of her ex-husband.

(Yi Chen’s actually a lot calmer that I thought he’d be when he finally encounters her supposed ex… Not exciting D: )

It’s finally lunch time but to Mo Sheng’s dismay, she’s infamous in the law department. Apparently, that law professor, who lectured Yi Chen to educate not only himself but also his family (which was the same professor that invited him over for dinner a couple of episodes ago) retells that tale every year to his students. Wow, what an embarrassment. So basically, everyone at lunch knows about her and Yi Chen.

He excuses himself and, another coincidence, he bumps into Ying Hue in the washroom. Bam! They both stop in their tracks as they pass by each other.

Dinner is over and Yi Chen princess carries the drunk Mo Sheng back to bed and sweetly kisses her forehead. He asks her while she’s asleep, “Has he kissed you like this too? Was he this close to you too? Why did you come back?” Psst, notice her clothes are changed again.

The next morning they have breakfast together and this time Mo Sheng’s nervous about Ying Hui’s issues. He assures her that he’s over about her past but he wishes that the topic doesn’t surface.  

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