About Recaps. You are getting your recaps as detailed as cynlynn is watching her dramas. She is a regular drama-watcher who may skip, get distracted, fast forward and/or misunderstand scenes. Her recaps may reflect that. Read with discretion. Sometimes her recaps are less detailed because she's also watching five, six, seven other dramas. When she does that you may think she’s crazy enough to watch ten dramas at once and have the time to write about them but you are the one who’s crazier to think that she watches them one by one at regular speed. However, when it comes to a drama she loves she will devote her time to it.
About Reviews. cynlynn is not trying to be the most objective person in the world of Cdrama watchers. She usually loves rom-com. She's easily impressed if the story is solid and the acting is convincing. There are times she can forgo the story if the chemistry has won her over. She also loves underrated dramas. They're usually ones that are not headlined by top tier actors. She loves finding new actors and actresses to stan.
Check out the Rating Guide for more information on her rating system.
About cynlynn's Chinese background. cynlynn can understand spoken Mandarin but not written Chinese. Chinese subtitles are easy to read because it's paired with the voice speaking it but reading plain text is another thing.
Post Layouts (From March 2020):
Mini Recaps
- What are "Mini Recaps"? They are cynlynn's version of recaps where she talks about anything she likes. She has complete freedom in what she wants to omit or include. She may even skip episodes in between if she wants. Read it with discretion. She does try to be accurate. Do give a nice reminder if she's wrong.
- Why are there Green Texts? These are cynlynn's thoughts. She purposely chose light green so readers can skip over it if they find her comments annoying and only want to read the content of the drama.
- Is there a difference between quotes with quotation marks (") vs quotes with Pink-ish text? Yes. cynlynn tries to be accurate with her translations but sometimes she doesn't like pausing every second to catch every word. Quotes in quotation marks are less accurate. Quotes that are indented with pink-ish text are accurate to the best of her abilities.
- If I don't want to be spoiled but want to read a certain episode how should I go about navigating the post? Use "Ctrl+F" or "Command+F" to search for "EpX" where "X" is the episode you want to read. cynlynn recommends searching a few episodes prior to the one you want to read because the function will bring you to the middle of the page and you will see the episodes below it.
- Mistakes: Unfortunately, cynlynn doesn’t use proofreading applications because it’s annoying for her to copy and paste stuff here and there and then have to format. She’s currently trying to balance quantity and quality. She usually does a last proofread before she writes out a review. However, she sucks at it. If the grammar, spelling mistakes, and or wording affects your apprehension of the content, do leave a (kind!) comment about it so she can fix it.
- [First Impression] Usually cynlynn tries to watch at least four episodes before she gives a first impression.
- [Actors/Actresses] Usually posted along with the First Impression if cynlynn has anything to say about the actors/actresses' performance and their previous projects if she's seen them.
- [Behind the Scenes] If she has time, cynlynn will watch BTS especially if she liked the drama. Feel free to link BTS videos in the comment section because she doesn't always have the time to search for them. If there's a request to translate the overall content, she may. No guarantees. She doesn't like too many requests, there's already way too many dramas she's handling.
- [OST] Not always present. cynlynn only lists the one she likes. The English translations of the title are direct translations and not the actual English title. A lot of times she can't find the English name and just translates the meaning of the Chinese title herself. If you would like to find the music it's better searching with the Chinese characters.
- [Ending] This section is usually reserved for cynlynn to ask questions about the ending or if there's something interesting and it deserves a separate discussion.
- [Review] cynlynn tries to be spoiler-free here but it's hard to review something without talking about it so be prepared to be spoiled here. She'll try to warn you with her Spoiler Tags ([Sp])
- [Verdict] Not always present. If it is it's usually because the review is too long.
- Random Recommendation: The recommendations can be related or completely unrelated to the drama being reviewed, hence 'random'.
- Rating: See Rating Guide for more information.
cynlynn uses Disqus. If you don’t see the comment section, try refreshing the page. You can post as a guest; you’ll just have to prove you’re not a robot and provide an email which cynlynn has no access to. Please give up to 48-hours to allow your comment to show on the site.
cynlynn is actually lazy at replying comments. She will try her best to reply but if she’s swamped she’ll give your comment a thumbs up to acknowledge she appreciates your comments.
If you have criticisms to make, go for it. cynlynn only has one request though: please be civil and give a rationale for it. She might not respond to it very well but she will try to improve.