
I thought it would be nice to dedicate a place for recommendations because I noticed you guys would make great suggestions but they would get buried in the comment sections.

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Double posting is okay and is recommended (e.g. you may want to comment in the Monthly Posts for more exposure and here as well so that your rec isn't buried).

Recommending dramas that already have a post is okay too. Hey, if it deserves the extra love, it deserves the extra love.

Not limited to Chinese dramas (e.g. Korean, Japanese, Western, minis, micros, verticals, etc).

Not limited to dramas (e.g. anime, books, movies, variety shows).

If you want a dedicated post on the blog consider 1) Submitting a Review or 2) a more general Spotlight Post (examples) via google form.

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If you find that your comment has been deleted, you have stumbled on the only page that has rules to stay on topic. Lucky you.

Commenting Rules:
  • Main comment should be a recommendation. If you're looking for recommendation, drop an example of what you're looking for. That works as a recommendation!
  • Under main comments, you can go off topic (e.g. replying a comment is free for all)