Also participated in: ♠ Life Is a Long Quiet River (2022) ♠ The Wind Blows From Long Xi (2022) ♠ Minning Town (2021) ♠ The Blooms of Ruyi Pavilion (2020) ♠ The Great Ruler (2020) ♠Like a Flowing River (2020) ♠Wu Xin: The Monster Killer III (2020) ♠ A Little Reunion (2019) ♠ The Best Partner (2019) ♠ Love and Destiny (2019) ♠ Joy of Life (2019) ♠Go Go Squid! (2018) ♠ Rise of the Phoenixes (2018) ♠ Ode to Joy II (2017)
If you love hot kiss scenes between two top actors and laugh out loud comedy, go. Watch it. You don’t even need to read this review.
Love is Sweet is a mindless romantic comedy. Luo Yun Xi and Bai Lu make a cute fool out of themselves in this. These two are certainly in their comfort zone. It doesn’t even look like they’re acting. They’re playing around on screen. If you have any inkling of love for these two, you’ll love them even more here because all their charms are fully unleashed. This drama is a treat for fans.
Okay. What if you’re just a casual fan? Like me. Ahem. Well. This story is so generic, it’s dull. Coming out of this drama, I don’t quite remember the story or even care to. The only merit the story has is that it’s watchable. There’s nothing too annoying for too long. There’s no drag. But there is something unforgiving about this drama. It took a strong set of supporting actors and rendered them worthless. These are probably the most boring, undeveloped characters ever given to Wang Yi Lun (Riley Wang), Xiao Yan (Shane Xiao), and Gao Han Yu (Kido Gao). They each have main lead potential. It’s pure injustice for them. I guess that's the perils of hiring popular actors for a romcom; there just aren’t enough resources to go elsewhere. It all went to Luo Yun Xi and Bai Lu. Was it worth it? I’d say yes for the most part. Because even as a casual fan, I could not resist Luo Yun Xi and Bai Lu’s undeniable charms. It is only because of these two I finished a drama I otherwise would have dropped if any other actors took on these roles. And it is only because of these two I'm rating this higher than it really deserves.
Overall, this is a light watch where I enjoyed seeing a perfect Luo Yun Xi, a perfect Bai Lu, and a perfect Luo Yun Xi and Bai Lu together. Their make out scenes were serious stuff. He’s got some very scary fangirls and for Bai Lu to kiss him the way she did takes bravery, at least from my perspective.
Verdict: A mindless romcom. Stayed for Luo Yun Xi and Bai Lu.
I love Yuan Shuai and Jiang Jun's relationship then and now - the bickering, histrionics, sweetness, and hilarious moments. I like how he saunters in and out of a room. At least he went abroad already?! 🤣 They're so cute together. - especially when they're fighting?! Haha I also love their air kisses! His proposal, the (3rd) dictionary one is my favorite!! I totally love Bai Lu and Luo Yunxi now. (I saw the BTS, and looks like they were having a lot of fun.)
Is it bad that I originally noticed this series because Riley Wang (Li Xiao Chuan) was in it? (I loved him in First Romance.) His crooked smile, then that half smile, and peekaboo single dimple. 😍 He's sweet but more dense in this series. His eyes seal the deal on that front. 😆 I can't blame Xu Li for falling for him. (Although, her getting that job was definitely stalker territory.) That dating app - I just can't! 🤣 I'm not a fan of this sentiment that "I can change myself so you'll like me more....." after Xu Li confesses to Lin Xiao Chuan. He's a robot.
I'm generally not a fan of Kido Gao (Du Lei). (And he's usually playing that creepy character... and for shirtless scenes? I'm not into him so he does nothing for me.) He's so weird in this one, too. This is the most screentime I've seen him in in a series, and he's very good at being the bad guy. Du family is a mess. His delusions still got the best of him. Jiang Jun's been with Yuan Shuai for 3+ years, why would he think that he had a chance with her? Then again, how is she is oblivious and cavalier about being alone with him outside of work/work hours? And she falls for his fake vulnerable act every time. He thinks he loves her but he's doing the same thing Linda did to him - controlling and obsessing. 🙄 I was so happy when Yuan Shuai rescued her from him and decked him. Yuan Shuai is too nice - he cleans up the mess later. Sigh.
Qiao Yu is a badass. And moved on from Yuan Shuai. I realized she's from Whirlwind Girl - did not like her character there but still a badass.
At the end of the day, I just watched this series for the lead couple and Riley Wang. The plot... *scratches head* Not sure it matters if you're just enjoying the ride. It was entertaining. (Yes, it dragged on for a bit after E22 to about E30.) Oh, and stay for the hot kisses. 🔥 So many laughs, too.