June 21, 2021

The Day of Becoming You | Recap and Review

The Day of Becoming You
A body-swap between a female reporter and a male celebrity
Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhang Xin ChengJiang Yi
Liang JieYu Sheng Sheng
Chinese Title
Episodes: 26
Recap Grade: C → A

First Impression: 3.25/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1Yu Sheng Sheng is a reporter. Jiang Yi is a celebrity and he’s quite the introvert. He much prefers time alone in his Tao-tastic room than in the company of human beings. These two are complete strangers who happen to have the exact same birth-day. Using this connection, Yu Sheng Sheng attends his birthday fan meet to win a dinner with him. She just wants to score an interview. The real idol she stans is Pei Jia Shu. Too bad for her, Jiang Yi figures it out and skips out on dinner.
[Ep2] Reluctantly, Jiang Yi accepts the interview but he's barely cooperative. She interrogates him: "Do you like Xu Shu Yi?" He loses his composure. He most likely does. The dinner/interview is over. It's raining outside. They take the elevator down from the 54th floor. Dun dun dun. They're stuck. Yu Sheng Sheng's reflex is to drop down and hug Jiang Yi's leg. He shows her a way to calm herself: lie against the wall. Kaboom. The elevator drops at full speed. When they're awake, their bodies have swapped. 

Jiang Yi is in Yu Sheng Sheng's body and vice versa. From here on Zhang Xin Cheng is “Yu Sheng Sheng” and Liang Jie is “Jiang Yi". They don't have much of a choice but to live each other's life until they find a way to switch. 

Yu Sheng Sheng calls up Jiang Yi. She’s solemn as she’s about to inform him of something important: "I need to take off your clothes. Pft. But you can't take mine off!" 
Yu Sheng Sheng nervously takes off the shirt, and oulalala, she's stunned at her godly abs. Zhang Xin Cheng xD. Then at the photoshoot, Yu Sheng Sheng makes a cute pose with each snap, forgetting she's supposed to be the introverted Jiang Yi. 

Another dilemma: washroom. Which one? Too bad they only have two to choose from

[Ep3] Yu Sheng Sheng panics when she discovers Jiang Yi isn't wearing a bra after he showered her body. He finds them annoying, plus there isn't even a difference. He pokes at her chess and comments it's smaller than his. Yu Sheng Sheng's jaw drops. E-yaaaaa! I'm starting to believe Zhang Xin Cheng recorded this sound effect

This is an episode in which they live in each other’s bodies. I love how Yu Sheng Sheng is trying her best while Jiang Yi is merely a guest in her body, experiencing regular work life, and yet both are on a trajectory for failure.
[Ep4] Jiang Yi wants his 60 000 RMB walnuts. ~$9000 USD... Yu Sheng Sheng lies that it's at home, safe and sound. He believes her. Then they go back to the same elevator, hoping it's the secret to swapping back. Nope. Nothing happens except for some leg holding and bidongs.

[Ep5] Jiang Yi refuses to believe Yu Sheng Sheng when she tells him Xu Shu Yi is a "fish manager". What that means: she baits a lot of men and Jiang Yi is just one of her fishes. 

Jiang Yi is late. He’s supposed to meet Yu Sheng Sheng to body swap in the elevators on this rainy day. He helps her up but since she's been squatting for so long, she can't stand properly and falls on him, which leads to a temporary hug. Jiang Yi looks like he's slightly in love...with himself? Lol

In the elevators, they try something more exciting to recreate the heightened emotions they had in their first elevator fall. They kiss! Guys, "kissing" is the answer for all of Liang Jie's dramas. They're back in their own bodies. 

*Note: Naming wise, Jiang Yi is Jiang Yi and Yu Sheng Sheng is Yu Sheng Sheng.

Jiang Yi discovers the demise of his walnuts. Jiang Xin Cheng's expression xD. He’s not screaming. He’s hollow.

[Ep6] At least Yu Sheng Sheng kept the remnants of the walnut. Yu Sheng Sheng has Jiang Yi's mess to clean up too. She’s gained a love handle from all the braised pork Jiang Yi has been savouring with her body. 

Jiang Yi has to babysit his kid sister because Yu Sheng Sheng promised for him. Yu Sheng Sheng comes back to help him. She's cooking in the kitchen and that leads to chest touching, the usual affair. What, you guys don't do that? It's more like chest flicking to see how hard his pecs are. An impassive Jiang Yi asks Haven’t you already touched enough when you were in my body? Yu Sheng Sheng argues that it's different touching someone else’s body. Jiang Yi is like O rly. He moistens his finger, ready to flick.... LOL. Yu Sheng Sheng covers her chest. It doesn’t work the other way around. Well, that’s not fair! xD

Yu Sheng Sheng stays overnight to babysit. She asks for clothes and for him to leave the room (his room). As he's slowly leaving, she snickers, "I thought you wanted to stay and look at me." This offends Jiang Yi. 

Jiang Yi: I don’t have any interest in your body. I have seen everything I can.
Yu Sheng Sheng: Me too! Even if you’re naked, you're like oxygen to me.

Jiang Yi isn't leaving the room; it's a dare for her to treat him like oxygen. Yu Sheng Sheng proceeds to expose her shoulders. Jiang Yi grits his teeth and gulps. His eyes remain as confident as he can feign. Yu Sheng Sheng chickens out. She walks out of the room. He won but it was a close call.

P.S. I like how Yu Sheng Sheng has a special ringtone for Jiang Yi. She also saved him as 江道友 Jiang Taoist Friend

[Ep7] Yu Sheng Sheng accepts Shen Bo Qing (doctor) as her boyfriend because she thought Jiang Yi accepted on behalf of her. The problem is she doesn’t look very happy about dating him and she’s way more concerned about Jiang Yi than her new boyfriend.  

Yu Sheng Sheng "officially" meets Jiang Yi's team members (Pei Jia Shu and Cheng Le Yi) and Xu Shu Yi. Xu Shu Yi gives her attitude. The girls have a showdown with verbal attacks that the men can't understand. 

[Ep8] It’s cute how Yu Sheng Sheng’s Dad saved Jiang Yi from his crazy fan girls. Jiang Yi specifically went to Dad's restaurant because he missed Dad’s food. The way to a man’s heart is through the stomach indeed, lol. No matter who’s the chef

Yu Sheng Sheng learns Jiang Yi never accepted Shen Bo Qing on her behalf. She's exasperated. Jiang Yi is regretting it too. Ha. Poor Shen Bo Qing, though.

[Ep9] There's nasty rumours circulating about Jiang Yi's family. Everyone around him thinks it's Yu Sheng Sheng who leaked it. She did not. He's not picking up her calls so she searches everywhere for him. From their previous body swap, she knows he likes the mountains. She tries to find him there but she doesn’t see him. She crouches onto the floor. Oh hey, is this the mountain Yu Sheng Sheng was at in Ep1? 

Then Jiang Yi walks to her with pretty music in the backgroundIt’s just like the romantic scene in Ep5 when I thought he was falling in love with her. She clarifies it wasn’t her who sold his information. It never crossed Jiang Yi’s mind that she would betray him. If she wanted to, she would have ruined his career when she was in his body. 

Jiang Yi chuckles: You found me. He even repeated this twice with a silly smile. He is in love~~
They stay overnight in the hotel nearby. Jiang Yi is a celeb so Yu Sheng Sheng lies to the front desk that her "boyfriend" forgot his ID and uses her own to book a room. The receptionist asks if they want to buy a condom. Jiang Yi is like, "I got two boxes." *Victory sign (2)LOL. Yu Sheng Sheng begs him to stop embarrassing them.

Minutes later, Yu Sheng Sheng gets her payback when she offers to shower with him. ♪ Horses are meh-ing. She continues: "Not like we haven’t seen each other." He gulps. I love how comfortable they are (well mostly) with each other's bodies

Some bedtime talk (in separate beds): Jiang Yi's father neglected him since young. When he had a high fever, his father would rather watch TV than take him to the hospital. Hearing this, Yu Sheng Sheng thinks she’s rather fortunate. To Jiang Yi, she is. In fact, one of the happiest memories for Jiang Yi was being in her body. 

[Ep10] Yu Sheng Sheng offers to swap bodies again since Jiang Yi was happiest when he was her. There's even a thunderstorm outside. Jiang Yi bolts right up. He's eager for the (kiss) swap. Insert dramatic opera music (Carmen - Habanera) ♪ L'amour est un oiseau rebelle, hu hu hu huhu hu hu hu ♪. They kiss – no, they don't. He sneezed. He's coming down with a cold. Yu Sheng Sheng is no longer in the mood for the (kiss) swap. She takes care of him for the night and he's slowly falling in love. 

The next morning, he's sick to the point that he's slouched back on the chair at the lobby, completely lifeless. The receptionists giggle because Jiang Yi is the "two boxes" guy. Pwahahaha. Jiang Yi who heard the giggles, puffs his chest to walk upright to show how manly he is. After all, he is the  legendary Two Boxes, haha

Once Two Boxes is home he texts Yu Sheng Sheng who just texted him. He smiles just at something that small. He would also video call Yu Sheng Sheng for no real reason. 

Yu Sheng Sheng is green with jealousy because of Xu Shu Yi. Pei Jia Shu asks Jiang Yi if he really can't tell Yu Sheng Sheng wasn't happy with Xu Shu Yi around. Nope he can't. All he knows is that he can't stand Pei Jia Shu's sweaty hands touching him. Pei Jia Shu just finished working out and he's like "You don’t understand. My sweat is all for my fans." *Shivers.

[Ep11] Yu Sheng Sheng realizes she no longer likes Shen Bo Qing the way she did in high school. Oh, and she’s also picking up Jiang Yi’s habits of twirling walnuts in her palm.

Jiang Yi asks Yu Sheng Sheng for advice on love. The entire time she's explaining, Jiang Yi’s eyes are fixated on hers. 

Yu Sheng Sheng has an overnight trip with Shen Bo Qing. During the day, it's always him who's starting the conversation. She just says okay to everything. Omg. I'm feeling really bad for the guy. Jiang Yi secretly tags along. When they're too close for Jiang Yi's jealous little heart, he’ll speed walk through the area and sneeze in this high pitch tone, pft. Yu Sheng Sheng catches him (with a bidong). She's way too familiar with his body to not recognize him. She asks him if he grabbed the wrong script: Why is he, a celebrity, tailing her, a reporter? Lol. He reverse bidongs her that he’s here to study people for his new acting project. It just so happens he's studying her. 

[Ep12] Yu Sheng Sheng receives a present from Shen Bo Qing. It's a couple item. That's it. She can't pull through with this relationship anymore. She breaks up with him. Jiang Yi offers to cheer her up because he feels responsible for convincing her to break up. Yu Sheng Sheng brightens up at his offer and grabs her tablet to watch a variety show of her favourite idol (Pei Jia Shu). It's the episode where she was in Jiang Yi's body! And so Jiang Yi is watching his own face melt horrendously at the sight of Pei Jia Shu. LOL. The editing is doing justice to the BL vibes. So meta xD. I also love how calm Jiang Yi is. 

All of a sudden, Jiang Yi wants to kiss her. Perhaps he finds her beautiful at this moment. She freaks out. What will happen if they switch again? 

Jiang Yi is resolute: Then let’s try. 

They kiss! 
They switch! 
Jiang Yi grabs Yu Sheng Sheng to the hotel room for some privacy. They need to kiss again to switch back. But it doesn’t work. They try again, this time, moving their head around a bit more. Zhang Xing Chen’s lips, lol. Nope. Not working. The third time, they try sitting down to kiss. Yu Sheng Sheng asks him what he was thinking before he kissed her so she can properly reenact it. He avoids telling her because then he'd be admitting he loves her. They kiss the third time. The third time is not the charm. Yu Sheng Sheng screams and falls back on the bed kicking his (or her) legs. xD

[Ep13] Jiang Yi (who's in Yu Sheng Sheng's body) learns from Tong Hua why Yu Sheng Sheng is Pei Jia Shu's die-hard fan. Seven years ago, she fell and scraped her knee. Pei Jia Shu, who just made his debut, gave her a bandage. And that's it. She has been a fan ever since. Interestingly, it seems Tong Hua knew Pei Jia Shu before he became a celebrity and her impression of him isn't that high. Ah, will Tong Hua and Pei Jia Shu be our second couple?

Yu Sheng Sheng thinks back to the kisses. She sighs that "Kissing the person I like comes with such great cost". Oh, she knows she likes him.

Jiang Yi makes an effort to look pretty for Yu Sheng Sheng. He's even in a white dress. Perfect-o!  Because Jiang Yi has his period! Or her period. Note: Chinese call "periods" as "Aunties". 
The phone call between them: 

Jiang Yi: I know why your stomach hurts now
Yu Sheng Sheng: O rly?
Jiang Yi: Your Auntie is here! 
Yu Sheng Sheng in her/his calmest voice:  O. I actually knew. 
Jiang Yi: I, a man, am helping you with your Auntie. What is this! 
Yu Sheng Sheng: Calm down. Right now this is your Auntie. 
Jiang YiYour Auntie!
Yu Sheng Sheng: No. Actually, this is our Auntie. LOOOOOL

Yu Sheng Sheng is so embarrassed she can die. Literally. But this is Jiang Yi's body. She can't. Why is she so unlucky to have the person she likes experience her period? 
The whole day Jiang Yi is annoyed. He has a cramp, and he's cold. And why must he change his pads so often? Later, he visits Yu Sheng Sheng. She notices he's still in pain and so she tells him to lie down. The next scene we see Yu Sheng Sheng rubbing Jiang Yi's ... stomach. Feeling much better, he asks for a chest rub. Yu Sheng Sheng slaps his tummy for being inappropriate. He clarifies this is her chest. True, but these are his hands. Fine, so be it. Jiang Yi settles for a back massage. There's all sorts of sweetness in this scene despite my giggle fits. I need a scene where they're back in their own bodies and he's caring for her when she's on her period

[Ep14] The problem in this episode: everyone is telling Yu Sheng Sheng that "he" can't fall in love with Yu Sheng Sheng. It's not good for Jiang Yi's career. 
Later that night, they take a picture together, their very first selfie, but Jiang Yi is a celebrity after all, so they take a picture of their shadows instead. Yu Sheng Sheng thinks it's perfect since they're each other's shadows anyway. After that, these two agree to not meet anymore when their bodies swap back. 
As for now, their bodies are still swapped, so they continue to meet. Yu Sheng Sheng catches Jiang Yi watching an idol drama (it's My Amazing Boyfriend 2). Oh, our Jiang Yi loves romcoms? Yu Sheng Sheng goes and pinches Jiang Yi's cheeks – well her cheeks. She finds him cute because he's smiling so genuinely when he's her. Even though this is Yu Sheng Sheng's face, the one who is smiling is Jiang Yi. Aw. Awkwardly, he changes the topic to the cold drinks, telling her to avoid them. It might be the reason why her cramps are so bad. Yu Sheng Sheng is like Oh you already know my body so well! 

[Ep15] This episode is all about finding a way to swap back. 
  • Exercising! Doesn't work. 
  • Strolling + Hand holding! Doesn't work. 
  • Sleeping + Hand holding! Doesn't work. 
  • Watching a scary movie + Hand holding! Doesn't work. 
Nice one, show. Doing all the couple stuff without being a couple. Jiang Yi's mom is supposed to be visitng but Jiang Yi isn't very eager to see Mom. Both his parents had neglected him. He never felt wanted. As he's telling Yu Sheng Sheng his story, she's holding his hand in both of hers. Aw. Yu Sheng Sheng really wants to switch back with him so that he can see his mother. This is why she suggested sleeping together, like closing your eyes and sleeping. At least they're holding hands. Oh, and Yu Sheng Sheng is quite the active sleeper.  

Tong Hua catches Jiang Yi at her place! She is Jiang Yi's biggest fan, but the way she presents herself, you wouldn't be able to tell at all. She's controlling herself. Lucky for her, Yu Sheng Sheng has full control of Jiang Yi's body and indulges her. She signs everything for Tong Hua because she mastered Jiang Yi's autograph. She even records a wake up alarm for Tong Hua in Jiang Yi's voice. The real Jiang Yi is rolling his eyes. 

At the end of the episode we're teased that Shen Bo Qing might know our leads have body-swapped! 

[Ep16*] Yu Sheng Sheng and Jiang Yi babysit his kid sister. The whole time they're touching and hugging each other. It's so flirting but it's disguised as their desire to body-swap. They even play footsies under the table and take a footbath together. Hand holding wasn't enough.

Mom is here to visit Jiang Yi. In the middle of the visit, Jiang Da Chuan (manager) asks to speak to Jiang Yi privately. At the same time, Dad is here to pick up his kid sister. Mom and Dad meet. The parents point fingers at each other for neglecting Jiang Yi. They don't know Jiang Yi is right there listening in Yu Sheng Sheng's body. Suffocating from the pain, Jiang Yi escapes the condo. Yu Sheng Sheng searches for him. 

There's a tracker on Yu Sheng Sheng's phone so she's able to locate Jiang Yi. He's drunk as he mumbles that no one wants him. Yu Sheng Sheng assures him she wants him more than anything. She wants to keep him safely in the palm of her hands. Semi-inebriated, Jjang Yi asks her what's good about him? Yu Sheng Sheng wants him to go home and so she suggests that each street light they arrive at, she'll tell him a merit of his: 1) You're good looking but other than good looking, you're constantly improving yourself;  2) You sing well but other than singing well you strive to exceed yourself and compose your own music; 3) You appear cold but you truly care about others –  your heart is warm and soft. Jiang Yi loves the compliments. This relationship is beautiful. It doesn't matter what body they're in at all.  At the last streetlight, Yu Sheng Sheng tells Jiang Yi that there are people who love him. The lights on the stage, the lights in the audience, they're all on because of him. 

Jiang Yi: Lies. If I'm that good, why do you like Pei Jia Shu?

Yu Sheng Sheng says it's different. Then a car passes by. Jiang Yi is in danger. She pulls him out of the car's way and that heightened emotion with that hug was the key to switching back. And now it's Yu Sheng Sheng who's drunk. Lol, clever scene. Yu Sheng Sheng is so drunk, she starts telling Jiang Yi why he and Pei Jia Shu are different. Pei Jia Shu is an idol who she's satisfied from staring afar. As for Jiang Yi, she doesn't want to just watch him. She wants to walk towards him. She wants to touch him. She wants to hug him~ He thought it was going to be a kiss. He even closed his eyes for it. Still, he happily settles for the hug. 

Yu Sheng Sheng whispers in his ear: Towards you, I am filled with selfish desire. You're very very special, worthy to be loved by many but I only want you to look at me. Jiang Yi, I like you. 

After that confession, she pulls away. She knows he doesn't like her but she just wanted to get that off her chest. She walks away. Jiang Yi smirks. He grabs her hand to make her stay, "You're running  awy after that much flirting?" Yu Sheng Sheng begs him to let her leave. It's embarrassing that her first ever confession is a failure. Jiang Yi smiles some more. I bet he's smiling after hearing it's her first confession

Jiang Yi: It's not a failure. You can walk towards me (he's walking towards her). You can touch me (he's touching her hand to let him caress his face). You can have desires for me (he's the one pulling her in and whispering in his ear)

Omg. Zhang Xin Cheng!!!!! <3
She had once commented that he smiled more when he was in her body. He reflected on that. The real reason he was happy is because he was with her. They kiss! They're also themselves.

[Ep17] When Yu Sheng Sheng wakes up, Jiang Yi is already in another city, auditioning for a drama of a director he loves. She never got confirmation of their relationship. To make it worse, he hasn’t texted her the whole day and she’s afraid to text him first. What if he tells her everything was a mistake? 

Later, she’s invited to a hotpot at Jiang Yi’s place with the other guys (Cheng Le Yi, Pei Jia Chu and Jiang Da Chuan). She's clearly ostracized by the guys (except innocent Cheng Le Yi and, well obviously, Jiang Yi). Yu Sheng Sheng gets up to leave. Jiang Yi stops her. He takes her hand and introduces her as his girlfriend. This hotpot dinner was for the purpose of announcing his relationship. He’s not looking for approval. He's informing them. Dang! 

When they’re alone, Yu Sheng Sheng confronts him. She never promised to be his girlfriend. Plus, he never asked. Well, according to him, she asked when he put her to sleep. And he agreed. Apparently, he also wrote a note for her before he left in the morning. She didn’t see it. He realizes she was worried all day because of this. Smirking, he moves in to kiss her but she stops him. Her excuse: she ate garlic. 
Once Yu Sheng Sheng is back in the room, it’s all dark. Jiang Yi projected stars on the ceiling for her, recreating the night she confessed to him. Tonight, it's his turn to confess. 

Jiang Yi: Yu Sheng Sheng I like you. Let's be together. 

Yu Sheng Sheng responds with a tiptoe kiss. It’s also a passionate one. Jiang Yi’s dimples are showing as he kisses her back. Look how happy he is! 
Jiang Yi drives Yu Sheng Sheng home. Not long after she gets off, she comes back to tap his window. He rolls it down. Apparently, she left something behind. It's a surprise kiss. She owed him that kiss because of the garlic and she hates owing people. Ah~ Zhang Xin Cheng's, I mean, Jiang Yi's loving eyes, I am 😍

Jiang Da Chuan doesn’t approve of the relationship but seeing how Jiang Yi has found the person he  truly loves, Jiang Da Chuan is happy for him. 

[Ep18] It’s the first date! Yu Sheng Sheng wears the white dress that Jiang Yi wore (y’know the day he had her/his period). She deduces he chose this dress because he likes this style. Jiang Yi confirms. Jiang Yi also has a present for her. It’s an exclusive Pei Jia Shu fan collection that no other fan could ever have access to. However, each present has him in it too. Jiang Yi, I see what you’re doing there xD. Yu Sheng Sheng loses her smile, though. Pei Jia Shu had mistook her for a fake fan who is approaching them with intentions. Jiang Yi has a sure way for her idol to never misunderstand her. Yu Sheng Sheng's eyes light up. 

Jiang Yi: Make me your idol. 

Then he digs a note out. She quickly grabs it, saying it’s hers. He clarifies that he wrote it. Flashback: Jiang Yi did write it but Yu Sheng Sheng was in his body. Ha

The note: "To Pei Jia Shu, I’m not unfaithful*. You are still my idol, but towards him, what I want is even more (selfish).” *Drama uses idiom 爬墙 which figuratively means to be unfaithful and literally means climbing the wall (to the enemy' territory; therefore, a betrayal). 

Jiang Yi teasingly asks what could she have wanted. Blushing a deep shade of red, she admits, “I want to be your girlfriend!” Then she throws a box of snacks at him. I approve of this PP. Jiang Yi’s grin widens. And then he turns on the seduction. 

Jiang Yi: Since you left the note in my pocket – slips the note in her palm – I return you the note and myself. .. So whaddya think? Will you 爬墙 to me?” Omg ~~ How did Yu Sheng Sheng even come up with a coherent response to this? & How on earth can she still stan Pei Jia Shu over this man?? 

Yu Sheng Sheng convinces Jiang Yi to open the presents his mother gave him all these years. He reluctantly does and it only proves what he tried to avoid all these years. The presents are thoughtless. 
The next dating course: our lovebirds go camping (or picnicking). She shows him her new phone wallpaper: it’s their shadow selfie. He compliments her taste. Of course, she has taste, her boyfriend is the real deal. She pinches and rubs his cheeks. As she's still caressing his face, he asks if she wants to come inside the tent with him. 

Jiang Yi: Your lips are so sweet, I want to taste it. 
Yu Sheng Sheng: Stop watching idol dramas! I can’t receive your lines anymore. 

Tong Hua meets with Shen Bo Qing. Uh oh, are they going to confirm the body-swap? Nope. She concludes that Yu Sheng Sheng’s suspicious behaviours are because she’s dating Pei Jia Shu. Shen Bo Qing has a question for her too. Did Yu Sheng Sheng seem different after the elevator incident? Tong Hua doesn’t think so.

Tong Hua immediately phones Pei Jia Shu. He’s pretty happy about it! He offers to talk about it at his place. These two have a history back in high school. At first he thought he looked good until she saw all his flaws. He’s insensitive and stupid. One time he even gave her chocolate that (she thinks) his fans gave him. Being his deskmate was a nightmare because girls thought she was hogging him to herself. His narcissism made her high school years agonizing.

[Ep19] Tong Hua accuses Pei Jia Shu of dating Yu Sheng Sheng. Pei Jia Shu is not computing. Tong Hua is convinced he’s a jerk until she sees Yu Sheng Sheng and Jiang Yi walk in linking arms. Tong Hua is hurt from the lie but then Yu Sheng Sheng just learns that Tong Hua and Pei Jia Shu were high school desk mates. Both lied about something. There was almost a fallout but the girls truly care for one another. Yu Sheng Sheng is melting because Tong Hua confronted Pei Jia Shu for her. It’s Tong Hua who’s in a meltdown after finding out her best friend is dating her idol. She needs time. 

Like a day. And now they’re back being besties. 

Also, Yu Sheng Sheng tells Tong Hua about the body-swap. She believes it! 

Jiang Yi explains to Yu Sheng Sheng about Xu Shu Yi and why he liked her. She stood up for him when he had his debut. It seems she empathizes with his family situation because hers is the same. 

Yu Sheng Sheng’s parents are still under the impression that she’s dating Shen Bo Qing. When there's a family dinner with Shen Bo Qing, Jiang Yi invites himself. Mom, the sensible one, brings in a love letter Yu Sheng Sheng wrote to Shen Bo Qing in high school for the boys to read. Jiang Yi’s lips flatten to a straight line. 

[Ep20] The issue of the love letter is getting out of hand. To cure Jiang Yi’s jealousy, Yu Sheng Sheng admits to Mom she broke up with Shen Bo Qing. 

Both Jiang Yi and Shen Bo Qing are curious why Yu Sheng Sheng never sent out her love letter. She lies to Shen Bo Qing but tells Jiang Yi the truth. The day she planned to confess, she heard him fart a loud one with multiple bloopies at the end. Hahaha. She's a high school girl. Understandable

When the youngsters are gone, Mom wonders if Jiang Yi likes Yu Sheng Sheng. Dad dismisses her, "You're overthinking it! He just wants to eat my food." Dad, it's you who's overthinking! xD

Yu Sheng Sheng and Jiang Yi are almost caught on a date. He's forced to drop her off early. She comforts him that she's okay. She's close to home anyway. Unbeknownst to her, Jiang Yi actually follows her in his car the whole way, aw.

Yu Sheng Sheng scores an interview with Pei Jia Shu but he wants Tong Hua to be in charge instead. Rather than an interview, he wants her to write a biography for him which means she'll have to follow him all day.

[Ep21] Yu Sheng Sheng and Jiang Yi have a date together in this resort located on the mountains. They stargaze. When Yu Sheng Sheng makes her wish, it's all about him. He's touched but he tells her to make a wish for herself. Yu Sheng Sheng smiles and wishes to always be with Jiang Yi. Aw, the wish still involves him. His eyes fixate on hers and they're so expressive! Jiang Yi isn't used to so much love when he's been raised with neglect his entire life. He tries to kiss her but then the wind blows and he sneezes. Lol. Deja vu. Jiang Yi laughs and calls it a night. To Yu Sheng Sheng's disappointment, he booked two rooms. She slyly asks what she will do when snakes and spiders climb her bed. Jiang Yi's eyes shift around as he stutters something about the doors and keeping them shut. Sighing, Yu Sheng Sheng turns the handle to leave his room but Jiang Yi pushes it shut again. 

Jiang Yi: Are you really going back? Didn't you say you wanted to help me practice a scene (a bed scene)?
Yu Sheng Sheng: I was joking
Jiang Yi: What if at night, there are snakes or spiders in my room and I'm scared. What should I do? xD
Yu Sheng Sheng in her best snobby voice: Then shut the doors –

Jiang Yi silences her with a kiss. Someone knocks outside. It's room service. Jiang Yi puts a finger to her lips, telling her to stay silent because he's not done kissing her yet. He opens the door ever so slightly for his hand to slip out to receive the thing, whatever it is, without breaking the kiss. And the night is theirs. 

On the news: the B56743 meteorite is expected this week.  

Back to our couple! It's the morning after sex and their bodies have swapped! It's a joke they're playing on each other. They are still them. I actually believed they swapped and then I was dying to know whether they swapped during or after sex...because, well xD.

Yu Sheng Sheng and Jiang Yi actually swap after an almost-car accident. With them is Tong Hua who is in disbelief. Yu Sheng Sheng (in Jiang Yi's body) proceeds to whine and pout to prove that he is Yu Sheng Sheng. Tong Hua begs her to not distort her idol's image. Lol. Poor Tong Hua, her head hurts. Heh.
Second Couple: Tong Hua's impression of Pei Jia Shu is improving. He still ties his shoelaces the way she taught him back in high school. He makes her show her sneakers to see if does it too. Of course, she does. Cute. Tong Hua is surprised he's so cooperative, letting her see his life from such close proximity. His follow-up: "Treat it like I'm pursuing you." Essentially, two journalists hitched two of the hottest stars.

[Ep22] Jiang Yi and Yu Sheng Sheng switch back in minutes. It's from an electrical shock. Realizing they're back to normal, they quickly let go of their hands. They don't want to switch back. Yu Sheng Sheng runs to hug Tong Yao, but she's repulsive now. Tong Hua doesn't know who she's hugging. To test, Tong Hua tickles Yu Sheng Sheng's chin. Confirmed. Yu Sheng Sheng is Yu Sheng Sheng. 

Jiang Yi and Yu Sheng Sheng's relationship woes: not only do they have less time to date, now they can't even touch each other. They're afraid of switching. Jiang Yi has a theory. Their bodies have adjusted to swapping. As long as they can simultaneously increase their heart rate, they can change at their whim. They confirm it. Yay, so are they safe to touch each other from now on then?

Pei Jia Shu and Xu Shu Yi are embroiled in dating rumours. The fans are attacking them, well mostly Xu Shu Yi because y'know it's a crime that she's dating the popular idol.... The comments are nasty. Yu Sheng Sheng writes an article to defend Xu Shu Yi. Then Xu Shu Yi drunk calls Jiang Yi. Yu Sheng Sheng accompanies Jiang Yi to visit her. Inebriated, Xu Shu Yi mumbles that yes, she’s a flirt, she just wants a bit of fame from the men who are so famous already. Plus, she has her principles: she doesn’t flirt with men who have girlfriends and neither does she flirt with men who are ugly. Yeah, that’s a principle too, haha. Yu Sheng Sheng sympathizes with her.
Pei Jia Shu continues his normal idol activities. Tong Hua is astounded. This scandal is demolishing Xu Shu Yi’s career and yet Pei Jia Shu looks carefree like he’s not involved at all. 

[Ep23] Tong Hua ditches the heartless Pei Jia Shu. However, he calls her back and shows her a video that he was about to upload. It’s a clarification for his fans that he’s not dating Xu Shu Yi and an apology on behalf of his irrational fans in which he also lectures them. Tong Hua wonders if he’s not afraid of losing his fans because these obsessive ones are rather powerful. He doesn’t need these fans. If anything, he’ll just quit. His smile is sunny, or is that Tong Hua’s impression of him now? 

Jiang Yi and Yu Sheng Sheng are to meet his mother. They body swap. Jiang Yi is hoping that with Yu Sheng Sheng in his body, there can be a change in his relationship with his mother. Jiang Yi's wish is granted. Yu Sheng Sheng is rather mischievous and cunningly leaves Jiang Yi and Mom alone (but Mom doesn’t know she’s talking to Jiang Yi). Jiang Yi speaks in third person and learns why Mom chose to leave him. Firstly, there was no love between her and his father. Secondly, she chose her dream. She is a researcher and her skills were needed. Does that mean Jiang Yi deserved to be abandoned? Although Mom doesn’t regret it, she is remorseful. She will accept all of Jiang Yi's hate. 

Jiang Yi begins to understand his mother. He starts remembering that he did have happy memories of his family. He only chose to remember the bad ones. Jiang Yi asks Yu Sheng Sheng to switch back with him. He wants to face his mother as himself. Our dinner ends on a warm note with Jiang Yi forgiving Mom and showing it with his actions. 

[Ep24] Yu Sheng Sheng confesses to her parents that she’s dating. Tong Hua is with her as support which then leads to a hilarious misunderstanding from Mom that they're lesbians, ha. When Yu Sheng Sheng finally tells them her boyfriend is Jiang Yi, her parents are receptive about it. Being an idol doesn't matter.

Next month, Jiang Yi is to go abroad for his movie. The filming will take place for six months. In between he’ll come back. Unfortunately, the next day, their dating becomes a scandal. Yu Sheng Sheng  is lambasted on the internet with all sorts of fans attacking her and her family. Dad reads it, his blood pressure skyrockets and he collapses. Even the coworker who usually doesn't like Yu Sheng Sheng is furious at the paparazzi for the irresponsible article that's tainting their profession. 

Jiang Yi feels useless. He can't do anything for Yu Sheng Sheng. Thus, he decides to gather the team: Jiang Yi wants to disband Little Galaxy. 

[Ep25] Little Galaxy was scheduled to disband anyway, it just didn't have a specfici time. Jiang Yi brings it up now so that he can use it to cover up his dating scandal with Yu Sheng Sheng. The boys agree. They're doing it to help Jiang YI. Pei Jia Shu was the first one to agree before Jiang Yi even said anything. Cheng Le Yi is also happy to help. If a dating scandal happens and then an idol group disbands, won't fans hate the girl even more? o_o

Yu Sheng Sheng and Tong Hua's Weibo account closes too. 

Shen Bo Qing brings up another very real problem: the body swaps can get out of hand. What if they're stuck in the other's body forever? 
It's inevitable. They breakup. The scene where she sat one seat apart from Jiang Yi was painful to watch. He said it but she initiated it. They watch one final movie together. As the movie is playing for them, we get flashbacks of their moments. Their voices hover over the flashbacks; both of them wishing they never met. The flashbacks end. The movie ends. I don't like this scene at all, but I do love how the drama uses a movie to play the flashbacks.

One year later.

Jiang Yi was abroad for half a year. Xu Shu Yi interviews him and notes his drastic chances. He doesn't wear masks when he's out on errands. He's forthcoming with autographs and handshakes. Jiang Yi is choosing to live life as regularly as he can. The stimulus for his change stems from his mother who  taught him that if he really wanted something, it means he'll have to sacrifice another. Jiang Yi chose this lifestyle and he will accept the consequences of losing his fame. There's actually one more person who influenced his decision but Jiang Yi refuses to name this person. I didn't realize Mom's experience of choosing her career over family could impact Jiang Yi in this way. He did the opposite of Mom and yet it's a Mom-inspired choice. It's nice ~ 

Xu Shu Yi has a last question for Jiang Yi and it's about him being spotted with multiple girl friends (as in girls who are friends). Is he preparing his fans for when he has a real girlfriend? To lessen the impact. Jiang Yi nods. Dating is part of regular human life, isn't it? 

Yu Sheng Sheng watches the interview from her couch. She had told Tong Hua that she wasn't interested in anything Jiang Yi related, but her body language betrays her. She's leaning forward, completely engrossed in the interview. 

[Ep26] There's a gathering! Yu Sheng Sheng had no idea Jiang Yi would be there. He picks lamb which she notices and remembers he can't eat it. Look at Jiang Yi's smile! He drops it in her bowl as a reward for remembering. Jiang Da Chuan asks Jiang Yi if he's really looking for a girlfriend. He is. In fact, he has someone he likes but he hasn't confessed yet and the girl might not accept him. Awkward, awkward ~ 

Tong Hua: I don't think there's going to be much of a problem – eyes Yu Sheng Sheng – 
Yu Sheng Sheng
Pei Jia Shu: You never know.
Yu Sheng Sheng
Jiang Da Chuan: Introduce her to me, so I can prepare. 
Yu Sheng Sheng
Cheng Le Yi: Yes, yes. Don't be like the time with Yu Sheng Sheng. No preparation whatsoever. 
Yu Sheng Sheng
Jiang Yi: Don't worry. This time I'll tell everyone – smiles over at Yu Sheng Sheng –
Yu Sheng Sheng

I didn't forget Yu Sheng Sheng's lines. Everyone was talking like she wasn't there, haha. They all know he wants her back! 

After lunch, Yu Sheng Sheng tells Jiang Yi to never meet again. Jiang Yi disapproves. Each time she tries to leave the car, he stops her. When he holds her hand, she flinches away. Yu Sheng Sheng isn't repulsive of his touch but of swapping. Jiang Yi has good news: they can't swap anymore! He knows because his mother is a researcher and researchers know all. Mom concludes their supernatural abilities arose from B56743 meteorite because meteorites do that – they swap soles. Mom has also confirmed the meteorite has left Earth’s orbit. This is the reason Jiang Yi is back. They can date without restriction. However, it's Yu Sheng Sheng who needs time. 

Tong Hua tells Yu Sheng Sheng that although Jiang Yi kept his distance, he has always kept in touch with her (Tong Hua). Tong Hua self proclaims herself as Yu Sheng Sheng and Jiang Yi's number one CP Fan. Oh and, Tong Hua and Pei Jia Shu are dating! Too bad we don't actually see them dating

Yu Sheng Sheng has yet to give Jiang Yi an answer but first she asks him to meet on the mountain they had their date on. He arrives first. When she finds him, she goes, "I found you again." His reply: a sweet kiss. Next, they walk down the mountain, hand in hand. Jiang Yi notes how different she is. The old Yu Sheng Sheng wouldn't hold his hand in the open. She tells him she made changes too. She quit her job. So what is she going to do now? 

Jiang Yi and Yu Sheng Sheng take a proud selfie together (no more shadows!) and send it to their close friends. The congratulatory messages flood in. Cheng Yi reserves the spot to be his best man. Pei Jia Shu assures Cheng Le Yi the spot is his – Jiang Yi doesn't have other friends, lol.

The reason why Yu Sheng Sheng hesitated on accepting Jiang Yi was because she felt guilty. He put in so much effort to maintain their love but she stayed in her spot, motionless. He's grateful to the skies she stayed where she was because she waited for him. 

The end – as in Yu Sheng Sheng's story ended and now we're back to the real world!! 

I guess I know why Yu Sheng Sheng quit – to be a writer.

Everything thus far was in her book – we were in a story within a story. It was her SO, "Yi Jiang" who inspired her to write about body-swap: he was frustrated at how she didn't understand his idol-life and wished she could live as him for a day. 

Currently, Yi Jiang reads her final piece and notes that she changed the timeline. They had met after his group disbanded but everything else about his family and their experiences are real. The only false thing was the body-swap. Throughout their conversation, Yi Jiang has been massaging her neck. I really like that detail because as someone who constantly types, it's stiff there.

Yu Sheng Sheng's voice hover: In life. you will meet this person and it'll be like you have body-swapped with him/her. There will be mutual understanding, mutual respect, and mutual love. Ideally, yes.

Happily ever after! 

The end. 


[First Impression (Ep1-7)] There's not a lot of plot – is this going to be a Liang Jie thing? – and frankly it's still a lot of fun. I credit a ton of my amusement to Zhang Xin Cheng. The body-swap happens in Ep2 and he’s impressively hilarious. Why impressive? Because I actually see Liang Jie in him. Rather than mimicking what girls are projected to be, he is specifically imitating Liang Jie and the way she talks, moves, etc. His expressions are animated and then when he's himself (Jiang Yi) he transforms – reserved and complex. This guy is versatile. 

The story is basic. They switch. They get to know each other in a way they’ve never known another person before. They fall in love. He’s not a jerk and she’s not an idiot. This is simple and a lot of fun. 

One more thing. Our drama is infested with auditory stimuli. There is a sound effect for Every Single Reaction. Yes, they’re funny, but, omg, I want some peace! There’s dogs barking, horses meh-ing, cows moo-ing, and guns shooting. There’s even opera (Carmen – Habanera) and a lot of E-yaaa! The more I hear "E-yaaa!" the more I think it's Zhang Xin Cheng's own voice

Here's a challenge: sip water every time there's a sound effect. 

[Actors/Actresses] Oh yes, this is from the same writer (Wang Xiong Cheng) as Go Ahead and Find Yourself but a different director. 

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy ~

Warning. If you haven't watched the drama and you plan to spoil yourself beyond this point, I'd stop reading because the next spoiler may ruin your watching experience. 

I warned you ~

I really warned you ~~ 

The whole drama except the first and last few minutes are part of Yu Sheng Sheng’s novel that is based on her life with “Yi Jiang.” We are in a story within a story. The characters and their feelings and experiences are real in the drama-verse except the body-swaps and B meteorite. In Ep1, Yu Sheng Sheng (who I think is still Yu Sheng Sheng) was having writer's block – stuck on a sad ending – because she just broke up with Yi Jiang. Methinks she was going to end the drama at Ep25. Then at the very end, like the last ten minutes of the drama, she tells us she got back together with Yi Jiang and that inspired her to write the happy ending in Ep26. 

The drama uses "body-swap" as a hyperbole for "empathy". "Body-swapping” is living in someone else's body which is understanding that person and therefore empathy. 

Generally, the ending is very well thought out. I appreciate it, I really do, but I can’t ignore the part of me that is disappointed. What a safe ending. Can’t I enjoy some fantasy romance? 

[Rating & Review]
Were body-swapping romcoms always this hilarious? Zhang Xin Cheng ogling at his abs is just a teaser to the onrush of comedy. There’s the walnuts, their Auntie visiting, the belly rubs, and Mr. Two Box. 

For a good half of the drama, the comedy outshone the romance and honestly, I was satisfied with the romance being just cute, but lo and behold, Ep16’s streetlight confession overfilled my heart. Zhang Xin Cheng’s velvety voice as he said those lines and the way he confidently moved was lordly. He destroyed my impression of him in the best way possible. I had thought he was just suitable for boy-next-door roles. Dear Lord, I was wrong. Here are just a few scenes of Zhang Xin Cheng that I am still in love with: 
The Walnut Scene as Yu Sheng Sheng. A smile so blank
Jiang Yi reliving the last moments of his walnuts: "Door", "Kak", His spirit has evaporated~
Legendary Two Boxes.
I kind of love it that perhaps Show foreshadowed Mr. Two Boxes from the very beginning.
And just how did Zhang Xin Cheng capture this mortifying experience so accurately and so hilariously? 
And yet such a simple expression of love in his eyes is so expressive
I know I’m neglecting Liang Jie, but Zhang Xin Cheng’s performance is too blinding. There is one thing Liang Jie always does well! Chemistry – even though half of her co-stars are/is the same guy, it still counts as "always", yes? (I actually think it’s harder to have sparks with the same on-screen partner)

The drama starts off a little slow where I doubted if this had a plot other than body-swapping. It does! The writing and transitions between the scenes and theme are clever too. Some things I liked: 
  • The drama took a philosophical spin on body-swap, touched upon toxic fan culture, and asked a thoughtful question: what if these toxic fans can live a day in a celebrity's life and be a victim of their own ruthless insults? 
  • The love confession scene is one of the best; switching drunk bodies to profess love is something only this drama can do. 
  • It was very smart how the drama inserted flashbacks like it was a movie (Ep25) 
  • It was thoughtful how Jiang Yi's Mom became an inspiring figure – not because Mom deserves it but because Yu Sheng Sheng's optimism infected Jiang Yi. She changed him into someone who can see the good in the bad and turn a negative experience into positive reinforcement. 
Two more random things I'd like to add: 

1) Go Ahead fans! You should know that The Day of Becoming You and Go Ahead are penned by the same main writer (Wang Xiong Cheng) and that is why you’ll see a familiar cast. But! Did you catch these two: 
Xiao Cong Hua is the child actress for Jiang Mo and Xiaoli Zhen Zhen is the child actor for little Jiang Yi. If you’ve noticed, these two are the same child actors for Li Jian Jian and He Zi Qiu from Go Ahead! The Day of Becoming You reunited the siblings: Jiang Yi (He Zi Qiu) is the older brother to Jiang Mo (Li Jian Jian) again ~ !!!! And they once again share the same father!! This is probably one of the sweetest cross drama connections. 
Go Ahead's little He Zi Qiu and little Li Jian Jian

2) Something else I thought is really cute:
In both these pictures, it is Yu Sheng Sheng who’s pinching Jiang Yi’s cheeks :D

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