September 12, 2020

Marry Me | Recap and Review

Marry Me
A man who won't give up on his girl even if she's blind. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Xing Zhao LinLong Yao
Xiao YanJu Mu Er
Chinese Title
Episodes: 14/35
Recap Grade: B
First Impression: 2/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1Long Yao is a penny counter even in front of the Empress Dowager. Matchmakers are scared of him too. He has a mission from Empress Dowager to receive an important guest: Shi Bo Yin (a cameo by Nicky Wu Qi Long). His disciple, Ju Mu Er, shows up instead to relay the message to them that Shi Bo Yin can’t make it. They’re suddenly under attack. Someone doesn’t want Shi Bo Yin and Empress Dowager to meet. Upon escaping, Long Yao and Ju Mu Er accidentally kiss. That skinship doesn’t change his scrooge-ness. He calculates how much she owes him for saving her. 

After Ju Mu Er gives Shi Bo Yin the letter from Empress Dowager, Shi Bo Yin immediately disowns her. He’s sensing there’s danger for himself and probably doesn’t want to involve her. 

[Ep2] Long Yao and Ju Mu Er find themselves entangled with each other as he wants to find this 'Fu Xi Score' and she wants to find her master. They’re in Shi manor. He finds the score and tries to memorize it. As she’s peeping through this hole in the wall, a gaseous element injures her eyes. The manor is suddenly under attack. Shi Bo Yin saves them and tells them to leave but Ju Mu Er runs back to her master. The scene before her eyes is shocking. Her master (Shi Bo Yin) is standing with his sword among a dozen corpses. Shi Lord points at Shi Bo Yin but he dies before finishing his sentence. Long Teng (oldest Long Brother) arrests Shi Bo Ying. However, Long Teng is aware there might be a grander scheme. There is one. Consort Shu framed Shi Bo Yin. She wants him dead because he played this particular qin score that not only led to her miscarriage but also made her infertile. Amazing, lol. There's also this dramatic scene of Wu Qi Long playing qin. Haha

Fu Mu Er thought Long Yao was nice for once when he took care of her after she was poisoned in the eye but she takes that thought right back when she overhears him talking to his younger brother (Long Fei) that he’s only keeping her in his inn because she’s his only way to locate the qin score. Her eyes are okay by the way. 

[Ep3] Long Yao agrees to help Fu Mu Er to investigate the crimes charged to her master. She dresses up as a maid and her new look gives him a pleasant surprise until she opens her mouth. 

Long Yao becomes jealous of Yun Qing Xian (he just doesn’t know it’s jealously yet). He also asks Fu Mu Er to help him get rid of this girl (Ding Xing Shan) who’s determined to make him her husband.  

Second Couple: Long Teng and Shu Ruo Chen. She's the daughter of Shu Lord (the man working for Consort Shu).

[Ep4] Long Yao and Fu Mu Er sneak into the morgue that has kept all of Shi manor’s corpse. However, all the corpses suddenly burn. Fu Mu Er’s eyes become impaired. With this fire and the uncleared poison from last time, she might turn permanently blind. 

Shi Bo Lin pleads guilty. Yun Qing Xian believes his testimony and is disappointed in him. Fu Mu Er is shocked her master would do that. She doesn’t believe it. Long Yao continues to help her investigate the deaths of Shu Manor in exchange for her helping him get his hands on the qin score. 

[Ep5] Long Yao and Fu Mu Er collaborate to find the witness. There's only one hotel room left and so they're forced to sleep together in one room. She sleeps on the bed and he on the floor. She tells him Shi Bo Lin is her saviour. When she was young her father was accused of stealing a Qin for her. Only Shi Bo Lin believed them. This time she must believe her master and save him from death punishment. 

The next morning, Ding Xing Shan is here to bug Long Yao again. She's flabbergasted Long Yao and Fu Mu Er slept in the same room. Ding Xing Shan settles with being his concubine at her own accord. Suddenly, a boy (Long Bao) runs in and calls Long Yao his daddy. Feng Wu (the child's mother) comes in and clarifies the boy will call anyone rich his daddy. Pft.

Long Yao finds the witness but she's dead before he gets to ask anything.  

[Ep6] Long Yao is accused of killing the lady (witness) but thankfully, they find proof that the lady died a few days ago. There's something fishy about how the Shi Manor died and it seems to all revolve around this hidden child in Shi Manor. 

Yun Qing Xian is working with the enemy to force Shi Bo Lin to admit to his crimes. He's not the nice dude Fu Mu Er thinks he is. 

Third Couple: Long Bao's daddy is Long Fei. He completely forgot he slept with Feng Wu. Feng Wu seems pretty cool though. She's got amazing qinggong.

[Ep7] The hidden boy in Shi Manor is the son of this consort who Consort Shu hates. Shi Bo Lin willingly admitted to the false crimes charged against him to protect this boy. Shi Bo Lin is punished to death. Fu Mu Er cries. Long Yao follows her to make sure she's okay. He also tells Long Bao to check up on Fu Mu Er. Even Long Bao can tell Long Yao likes Fu Mu Er.

[Ep8] Feng Wu chases Long Fei around. Flight of the Bumble Bee is the BGM, haha. He still cannot accept he has a son. Long Yao assures her that Long Fei will come around, just give him some time.  

Feng Wu offers Long Yao a way to cure Fu Mu Er's eyes. It is to use his eyes to replace her eyes. Long Yao considers it. 

[Ep9] Yun Qing Xian is to marry Ding Xing Shan's elder sister. Long Yao thought Fu Mu Er would be upset about this but she's not. 

Feng Wu admits she lied about using Long Yao's eyes to recover Fu Mu Er's. She lied to test if he was serious about Fu Mu Er. Long Yao ends up finding another way to cure her eyes. It will require an entire night to take effect. Fu Mu Er is afraid and holds onto Long Yao's hand so he spends the night with her. He promises to be the first person she'll see when she regains her vision in the morning. 

Long Yao wakes up to an empty bed. He finds her in the garden and to his disappointment, she's still blind. A disappointed Long Yao slumps beside her. Then, Fu Mu Er smiles brightly. She was only messing with him. Her eyes are healed.

[Ep10] Out of jealously, Ding Xing Shan accidentally sets fire to Ju Mu Er’s wine cellar. Long Yao saves Ju Mu Er from the fire again. Her dad somehow twists the truth enough to make Long Yao take his daughter as his wife. Long Yao isn’t exactly against the idea but Ju Mu Er denies it out of courtesy. 

[Ep11] Long Yao purposely chose to hang out with Ding Xing Shan over Ju Mu Er because he’s investigating the fire incident. He knows the arsonist was Ding Xing Shan. However, Ju Mu Er doesn’t know he’s doing all this for her and angrily leaves his manor. Long Bao makes it slightly better for her by telling her Long Yao really does care about her. I was wondering for the longest time why he’s so familiar. Not only is he in The Sleepless Princess but also Skate into Love as the little Li Yu Bing. 

Long Yao also misunderstands Ju Mu Er. She’s performing Qin at Long Yao’s rival inn. He thinks that’s a betrayal but she’s spying on their business to help his (failing) business. 

All the misunderstands clear up this episode between Long Yao and Ju Mu Er. The two of them enjoy a romantic night with lily light. They’re both in each other’s minds but neither have made a forthright move. 

Third Couple: Long Teng is in love. He successfully made Shu Ruo Chen believe the Emperor is an old man. 

[Ep12] Long Yao is accused of murdering the owner of the rival inn. Ju Mu Er is determined to prove Long Yao’s innocence. I’m tired of saying proving innocence in these period dramas because that’s not how law works it today's society. We’re innocent until proven guilty. Ju Mu Er’s reward if she solves his case is that she gets to marry him. Long Yao was surprised she accepted the reward without hesitation. It’s a happy surprise for him. 

The real murderer is the man working for Consort Shu. They’re trying to find this name list that cannot be in the hands of others. 

Long Yao is attacked in prison. He was smart enough to hide from the intruder but the masked man pierced him with a poisonous sword. 

[Ep13] With the help of all the siblings and especially Ju Mu Er, Long Yao is a free man. 

[Ep14] Feng Wu tells Long Yao that Ju Mu Er is in the backyard. He says he doesn't care. Everyone yells at him to stop faking it. Long Yao clears his throat and obediently gets up to find her. Fu Mu Er was planning to leave the manor now that Long Yao is safe. Long Yao prohibits that. He quickly steals her bag. Ju Mu Er laughs. 
Because of the ongoing case, Long Yao takes advantage of it to make Ju Mu Er agree to fake marrying him. Although it's a fake marriage, Long Yao is putting in all his fortune to make the wedding grand. For a fake wedding scene, it's exceptionally long. And although it's a fake marriage, everything is real. Except the night of consummation. Long Yao pretends to sleep on top of her. While they're in that position he complains that he's the one at a disadvantage because her front and back are about the same. 

Their fake marriage is a success. The culprit turns himself in. 

[Ep15] Ju Mu Er is the only one who thinks this marriage is fake. Long Yao is using every opportunity he can to make her live in his home like his wife that she is.

When Long Yao is denying his feelings for Ju Mu Er in front his brother, Long Teng is like whatever, I'll just treat her like my sister-in-lawI don't get Show. Why is Long Yao still confused about his feelings??


[First Impression (Ep1-9)] This is a period romance that's more comedic than I expected. Overall, something about this isn't quite engaging. It has actors I like but it just doesn't have that factor that's pulling me in. A bit of it is because of the way the story is told. A lot of it might be the romance. There's quite a lot of scenes where they're suddenly forced to have skinship and I mean literally forced. Then they separate like nothing happened. The feelings after those skinship isn't captured well on screen. I also find myself zoning out on the story about the palace and what their scheme is. However, there are things I like: The secondary romances/characters. I think Feng Wu and Long Bao are so cute together and I'm looking forward to the father reunion arc. I'm also waiting for the general (Long Teng) to warm up to Shu Ruo Chen. I will stick around for a while for the actors and to see if the story somehow becomes more interesting. 

[Actors/Actresses] I like Yan Xiao. I actually watched a good ten episodes of her in The Little Nyonya where she's deaf and now in this drama, she's temporarily blind. I think she's a good actress. My only little complaint about her is that she doesn't make me feel bubbly when there are romantic scenes of her. Maybe she looks too smart to fall for such common romantic tactics. As for Xing Zhao Lin, I did like him. However, he's sort of stuck in this box where he only has these type of roles offered to him and the way he tackles them is the same each time.  

[Dropped] I tried. I don't feel any chemistry for any of the couple. I've lost focus on the story, I have no idea what's going with the cases.