February 13, 2020

Well Intended Love Season 2 | Reviews

A CEO in love with an average girl
Chinese Title:
奈何BOSS要娶我 2
Why Does Boss Want to Marry Me 2
Year: 2020
Episodes: 16


Xu Kai ChengLing Yi Zhou
Wang Shuang: Xia Lin
Yi Po Chen: Chu Yan


(Updated as of December 2022)
Be My CatMiss Crow with Mr. LizardGeneral’s LadyWell Intended LoveMysterious LoveMy Dear LadyUnchained Love
DirectorWu Qiang 
 喂,给你我的小心心 Give You My Heart [Li Kai Xin, Jin Ze
 今日宜加油 Never Give Up [Zheng KaiChen Yu QiWang He Di
♠ 狐狸在手 Fall in Love With a Fox [Wanyan Luo Rong, Xu Hao
♠ 擇君記 Choice Husband [Zhang Xue YingXing Zhao Lin
♠ Unchained Love (2022)
♠ A Camellia Romance (2021) 
♠ Be My Cat (2021) 
♠ Cute Programmer (2021)  
♠ General's Lady (2020) 
♠ Well Dominated Love (2020)  
♠ Well Intended Love (2019)  
♠ My Love from the Ocean (2018)  
♠ Eternal Love II (2018) 


Other Relationships
Other GenresCEO


Five (5/5)

Four (4/5)

Three (3/5)

Two (2/5)

Reviewer: cynlynn 
(Copied and pasted from Recaps&Review)
It’s cute but still mediocre. Not bad, it just didn’t meet my expectations. It's not enough as a standalone drama; it's mainly for fans of season one to indulge in. I was looking for LYZ’s signature cheesy lines but instead it’s XL’s turn to say them all. There’s less over the top cliche scenes. However, the beauty of season one was the cliche scenes that made me roll my eyes until they were stuck but still made me wonderfully addicted. This season reused the same scenes but shuffled them in a different order. It’s a nice sense of familiarity. The flip side though, nothing new made this season stand out. Nonetheless the drama did one thing well. It consistently sent one beautiful message: Ling Yi Zhou and Xia Lin will always be a pair no matter what world of order they’re in. Their love will forever be everlasting.

Reviewer: FanFanX 
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Oct 2021
I like Xu Kai Cheng - for the way he looks and I think he can act - but it depends on what role he is in. I did not like him in Young and Beautiful, which had him as a main lead but he's not really there much and he was mostly stone-faced when he was. (And I disliked the female lead, her character drove me crazy!)

I did not watch S1 but chose to dive into S2 because it's not really the same storyline and seemed slightly less creepy than S1. I enjoyed the series for what it is - sweet & funny rom com. He was so goofy (seriously, an idiot at times) and sweet in it. [From what I've seen clips of and read your recap for S1, I think I made the right choice to just go to S2. 😆]

Satisfied my romance craving, even if it was far-fetched and semi creepy. 

One (1/5)

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