March 28, 2020

Well Intended Love | Recap and Review

Well Intended Love 2
A CEO’s “well intended” love. 
Notable Actors/Actresses:
Wang Shuang: Xia Lin
Xu Kai Cheng: Ling Yi Zhou
Chinese Title:
Why Does Boss Want to Marry Me
Year: 2019
Episodes: 20

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Their first car ride together when she thought his luxurious leather car was an Uber.

XL: Have we met before? You look a bit familiar.
LYZ: Miss, your pick up lines are very lame. But you do look a little bit familiar.
XL goes and list every cameo she's made in every drama.
LYZ: Sorry, I usually don't watch a lot of dramas - reverts back to aloof self -
She stalks him to the swimming pool where he still pretends to be a pickle. However his attitude softens when he notices her injured foot.

LYZ: Get in the car - being all cool and everything -
XL is surprised: Me?
LYZ pauses: I can help you but I have a condition.
XL: I can promise you anything
LYZ: Don't say that so soon.
XL: Yes, yes. Whatever you say is right. But I won't do anything illegal.
LYZ: Let's get married.
Cue music. 

Ending bit: When LYZ sees her trying every method to sneak into his company, he tells the security guards to go easy on her.

[Ep2] The dress scene: he furrows his eyebrows at every dress change but still snaps pictures for her. He criticizes every dress because they were too revealing. Hence he chose the one that was the most reserved. He also gives her a very expensive necklace

XL: If it's that expensive and I lose it, I won't be able to compensate...
LYZ whispers at her ear: Then you'll have to pay with your body.
LYZ puts his hands on her shoulder as she's fidgeting around
LYZ: Are you nervous?
XL: N-No. Yesss

The car ride home she answers his phone for him. Why she doesn't use the speaker function is beyond me.

Grandma: Can I ask what seat are you sitting in the car?
XL: Uh, the passenger seat.
Grandma laughs until she coughs.
LYZ smiles knowingly as he drives.

The contract scene:
At the marriage centre, the officiant questions whether she's being threatened into marrying. Offended, LYZ is about to make him lose his job but XL cleverly steps in

XL puts a finger right under his chin taking up all his attention: This is the first day of our marriage, let's not create any bad luck.
LYZ: I don't believe in such superstitions. But I don't mind you seducing me, - kisses her finger - Mrs. Ling

[Ep3] When she first moved in, she walks into a half-naked LYZ who will no longer be half-naked when she accidentally removes his towel, revealing everything. The first night, she hurts her leg while fetching water. Worried, he nags her for not asking him to help her fetch water....
LYZ: You are the only person other than my grandmother who can bother me - princess carries her back to bed -  
CY confronts LYZ about his marriage.
CY: Do you know what her real self is like?
LYZ: No matter what she's like, I still love her.
CY: You must be poisoned to the brain.
LYZ: If it's her who poisoned me, than I'll take it - cheers -
Her seduction arc where she thinks he's gay and drunk kisses him.
LYZ: Who told you I'm gay? I'm very willing to prove to you with action. Too late, she's already on it.  
Ending bit: It refers to the credit card LYZ threw at her like it was nothing. She gets robbed by a thief but he comes back begging her for forgiveness. It's LYZ controlling everything behind the scenes and scaring the thief.

[Ep4] Because of one kiss it's enough to make LYZ so fazed he's late to work for the first time ever. He's also happy for the silliest reasons: he's super elated to get a text message that XL used his credit card, ha. As if it was something to be proud of, he shows it off to Wen Secretary (along with the one tie she bought for him) and thus begins his forever taunting of his secretary not only in this season but also season two

Ending bit: Immediately after the kissing scene, she actually puked all over him. She's also so drunk she wants to change her clothes right in front of him. Flustered, he stops her. Or does he? A mystery to this date. 

[Ep5] She trips when getting out of bed
LYZ: Can I take it as you got too nervous seeing me that's why you tripped? 
She's setting up his Weibo (China's facebook/instagram/twitter)
His handle is "Earn money for Mu Mu" (Xia Lin)
His password is her birthday (and his birthday)
[Spoiler for Season Two]: CY was kidnapped when he was younger hence his fear of dogs. His love interest in season two also happened to be kidnapped and hence has a fear of men. 

She's convinced him to keep the dog for a few days.
LYZ: Are you trying to make a deal with me right now?
XL: Can I? If there's anything you need me to do, please do tell me.
LYZ: There really is something you can do and only you can do it.
XL: Speak.
LYZ: Grandma wants a grandchild.
XL: Uh... - fidgets around - but we have a contract
LYZ: Aren't you trying to make a deal with me right now?
XL: Aren't you afraid I might cling onto you?
LYZ: No worries. I'm quite looking forward to that - smouldering gaze -
But he gives in seeing how hesitant she is.
XL: Why did you suddenly agree?
LYZ: Because compared to that, I value our relationship more - caresses her neck -  
She's trying to celebrate his (their) birthday but he's making it difficult
LYZ: I'm very busy
XL: Can't there be any exception?
LYZ: My life only has one exception. And that's you. 
He celebrates her birthday. His present to her is a building. An entire building. She thinks it's too expensive but for him whatever is his is hers. Meanwhile his present... she ate it. Thus she makes another cake at a bakery he reserved. It's the bakery place they first met where he first fell in love.

[Episode 6-9 Summary: Amnesia Arc]

When XL finally returns his love after a [Ep6] morning make out session, he gets an episode of amnesia and forgets only her. XL doesn't give up and squeezes all her brain juices for [Ep7] any seductive tactics but they all fail. Or do they? He appears cold but that ice in his heart is slowly melting. However, it might have frozen up again when she decides to pick him up in her cutely decorated car driving slower than a snail (this is why there was that driving scene in season two). With no choice she relies on CY for some sexy ideas. They're still lame but when LYZ sees CY and XL buddy up [Ep8] a jealous itch creeps his back. It's enough to make him [Ep9recover his memories at one point or another. For reasons he does not reveal his recovery but he cannot hide it anymore when CY's father is threatening his lovely wife's well-being. He princess carries her back home and here comes the ultimate confession of who loves who more:

XL: I like you. I like you more than I thought I did. Don't look at me right now or else I don't know if I can say this to you. If I miss out on today I don't know when you will be this sweet again.
LYZ listens thoughtfully to her confession 
LYZ: You shouldn't have told me all this.
XL looks disappointed but LYZ swoops in for a kiss. 
LYZ has a confession of his own: Mu Mu, I love you. I love you more than I thought I could.

The next morning he leaves her a sticky note: "Can Mrs. Ling please move back to our master bedroom." Yes

[Episode 10-15: Everything is bad, bad, bad]

[Ep10] Their love is broadcasted through live television which is all orchestrated by LYZ to publicize their relationship. [Ep11] Everything was lovey-dovey until XL learned of his manipulative dark ways: he faked her cancer to make her sign the marriage contract. Sickened, she moves out. I do feel sad for LYZ when he's waiting out in the rain and getting sick even though he deserves every bit of it and more actually. [Ep12] LYZ tries to prove he'll change for her. [Ep13] However, something else more important happens: CY dies. After realizing how precious life it XL forgives LYZ. Why waste time on being separated from the one you truly love? [

Ep14] But hold up, CY didn't die. It was all a plan to expose the annoying girl. Another girl is introduced and it's CY's potential girlfriend.  Wow so they've been paired together for three consecutive dramas. Then comes the ultimate love confession from LYZ to XL on public transportation. He tells everyone on the bus: "My wife and I have some misunderstandings. If anyone has suffered any lost, you can find me at my company - swoops in to princess carry her amidst a bus full of people -"

[Ep15] All is well but then comes the mom trope. XL secretly asks Wen secretary to help investigate LYZ's mom. When Wen secretary wants to update LYZ, LYZ stops him. He says he trusts XL to tell him when she's ready. That's a really big improvement from him. LYZ actually hates his mom and the two lovebirds have their first fight over this. But the two make up relatively quickly. 
XL: Did I forget to tell you that I love you?
LYZ: Even if you don't tell me, I know. But do you know, Mu Mu, I love you even more. 
Ending bit: The highly efficient night 

[Episode 16-20: Everything is bad, bad, bad]

[Ep16] After a highly efficient night, LYZ's potency is proven. She's pregnant. [Spoiler for Season 2] Sooooooo I'm actually writing this up after finishing season 2. In this episode she tells him that if she gives birth to a son she wants LYZ to teach their son how to fight, that way he would be popular with girls. Meaning she has a thing for men who fight well. Hence in season two it seems that whenever there's a fight scene, XL makes a big move romantically. In season 2, XL married LYZ precisely after his fight at the soccer dome. Additionally, she also started regaining her memory after he performed a one-man-fight.  [Ep17] Not knowing she's pregnant, XL is kidnapped right under his nose. [Ep18] He risks his own life to save her and ends up in the hospital with a coma.

[Ep19] As if it can't get worse, LYZ's mom shows her true colours and schemes to buyout his company. She really is a heartless mom. XL shows her who's boss to protect her man. But her man is still in a coma. To stimulate him, she purposely says things like filming kiss scenes and finding a new dad for their child. It works because we all know highly possessive of a man LYZ is. [Ep20 Finale] This possessive man is also very romantic (obviously). He wants to plan the world's grandest marriage for his lovely wife
XL: As long as you continue to dote me, I don't need the world's grandest marriage and I will be just as happy.
LYZ smiles: Right now, I just want to give you the world's longest kiss.
Poor Wen Li has to listen to all these cheesy lines. 
The next morning he's preparing breakfast for her.
XL: You don't look one bit like Ling Big Boss.
LYZ: There is no boss here, just your man. 
You'd think the episode would continue to be sweet, but nope there's one more dramatic kidnap by the stepbrother who's later shot by the police officer. Let's ignore this ever happened. It's their wedding anniversary and they invite everyone close to them. Only Wen Li isn't there. He's actually planning a surprise proposal to Fei Fei. Everyone's cheering for them until XL's water breaks and she needs to give birth. Now. LYZ is so happy he forgot his wife is in pain. I guess their son will have his birthday on their anniversary. Let's also forget that she's giving birth seated on the chair with no medical staff, just her friends cheering her on.
The cute CEO dad is the one doing most of the babysitting while his wife is busy acting. 
CY's happiness: His cool girlfriend comes riding in a motorbike to pick him up from work.

The end. 


So Bad: A super creepy man has spied on a girl for two years and once he sees a chance to clinch onto her, he takes it. He makes her think she has cancer and he's the only donor available to cure her in this whole entire world. He makes her beg him and cons her into a marriage contract that ties her down for two years. Within those two years she has to live with him. After she discovers his lies, he manipulates her feelings claiming he's changed, but he's still the same. Through the course of their marriage he's kidnapped once, she's kidnapped twice, and their friend is kidnapped once. There's also amnesia mixed into all this. It's awful

So Bad But So Good: So awful but so good. It's got the cheesiest lines I never knew can be spoken. Plot line is a mash up of the tropiest tropes but everything is for the purpose of making the couple happy instead of putting them in angst. I didn't take the drama seriously, but if the so bad bothers you so much, don't watch it.

Rating3/5 ♥♥♥