Notable Actors/Actresses:
Wang Shuang: Xia Lin
Xu Kai Cheng: Ling Yi ZhouYear: 2020
Episodes: 16
[Ep1] Xia Lin is an aspiring actress who just filmed a successful drama with Chu Yan (her costar as well as her good friend). They see Lin Boss at the same gala but Chu Yan hates the sight of him. Upon their first meeting, Lin Boss gets splashed by the wine that was aimed at Xia Lin (who dodges it like lightning). Upon their "first" encounter this is how their conversation goes:
Xia Lin has made up her mind: she's going to use any means to convince him to help her. Here we go again. Instead of swimming her way into his heart (season one), she barges him when he's fencing. I can't believe this drama is using the exact same formula, ha. He recognizes her immediately (even with the mask on and everything).
Fencing alone wasn't going to work so she uses her acting to induce some pity from him. Meanwhile they're still in handshake mode. She doesn't realize it but he does and he holds her hand even tighter. Hahaha.
He asks her to take something from his butt pocket (it's AirPods) and tells her to put it in his ear while their hands are still attached. What is this absurdity? But I'm still smiling. He makes a call and organizes a press conference tonight to clarify their relationship. He'll even prep for her dress and makeup. She thanks him.
He offers his hand for her to kiss in return. She doesn't know if he's serious or whether this is a fencing etiquette. She's laughed at by LYZ as he retracts his hand before she kisses it.
At the press conference, they enter with their arms linked and clothes matched.
Ending bit: LYZ drops the ring in her bag. He puts on his own ring and says "I do"
[Ep2] So much preposterous reasoning from LYZ to get her to sign the contract. In the last clause of the contract: Keep in contact everyday; send a good morning and good night text. He saves her contact as "Ling's Mu Mu"; he makes her save him as "Xia's Zhou baby".
Incoming morning texts from LYZ make me smile. Or maybe its the OST. So sweet. Because words are not enough, he sends her cute stickers (that he asked Wen Secretary for). And then they go on their first date. He reserved the entire restaurant for them to have breakfast. She tastes a bit of the breakfast, and although delicious she stops herself from eating because she's on a diet.
By the way, her full body check up report came out: she's healthy. A nod to season one.
She's over at his place to practice being a couple before going on a live broadcast. He puts on the apron for her oh so seductively. He ends up getting lost in her beauty and cuts his finger. She's so worried that she sticks his finger in his own mouth to stop the bleeding. Lol.
Ending bit: Interviewer comments on his seldom appearances on shows and asks him why he decided to attend them now.
The finger move to get her attention (Season 1: she did it on him at the marriage centre)
A cooking match between LYZ and Chu Yan: CY wants to expose LYZ's ulterior motive (which he doesn't know yet). Xia Lin was able to pick out LYZ's dish immediately because he personally made that for her in episode 2 on their first date.
He takes her out to a pretty camp site to cheer her up because she's upset she's unable to tell Chu Yan about her secret engagement with LYZ (in which LYZ comments that he has no friends. Aw).
[Ep7] LYZ knows her lock combo before she even tells him. Its the day she received one of her first acting award which means he’s been loving her since since 2018
This drama makes me reminisce season one so much. They film the same drunk sequence (where LYZ is looking for the steering wheel in his passenger seat) but in the first season it actually happened before the whole marriage shenanigan. After they reach home, these two have this intense make out scene. She pushes him away but comes back to sweetly stare at his sleeping face (+ a forehead kiss)
Two jealous men show up at their gym.
[Ep8] That soccer scene was unexpected. The two jealous men allow the girls to see all the muscles they want, not at a gym, but on a soccer field under their supervision.
She confronts him that night: Why her?
They spend the night waiting for the office to open. Next morning, they’re officially married. He treats their new ID like a precious treasure. There’s more, I don’t know when but XL prepared wedding presents for LYZ: Two years worth of neck ties (to tie him down). But...
[Ep9] Chu Yian has his love interest now: Ruan Meng. She’s got a Lolita(?) fashion. She's the same love interest from The Romance of Hua Rong 😂. Poor girl always has weird visuals in her dramas. I actually completely forgot she's also the same love interest from season one.
Although LYZ and XL are married but he never gave her a proper proposal. And this is the episode for it. He's still as desperately in love with her even though she's already his.
Ending tidbit: LYZ to his Wen secretary: "This type of thing, only I can do it myself". He's photoshopping himself into her ads. Of course he can't let his secretary do something as lowly as that.
[Ep10] There's the dress scene again (cue season one) and he’s still as overprotective with skin exposure as ever. But this time he can display his overbearing nature all he wants.
LYZ’s unrequited love revealed: Two years ago, she bought him a birthday cake and that has deeply touched his heart. It was love at first sight. Half a year later he meets her again at a bar. There’s a special event: mask dance. She happens to fall right into his harms, hence that frivolous pose in Episode 1. Her heels fall off and like Cinderella, he charmingly puts her heel back on. But when midnight strikes, it's him that rushes to leave. (Actually, he was too shy to take off his mask in front of his crush.) His feelings for her consumes him as he secretly visits her set and sweetly stares at her billboard ads. He’s a fan boy.
We also learn that he wasn’t going to attend the banquet in Episode 1 but because he saw XL on the guest list he decides to make an appearance. Hence the beginning of their whirlwind romance. After learning everything, she’s not one bit touched. Instead, she’s upset that’s he’s lied so much to her. She doesn’t even know anymore if he might be linked to the “murder” of her classmate.
Ending tidbit: LYZ returns to the dress shop and speaks to the sales representative.
[Ep11] XL personally apologizes to LYZ, telling him that she didn’t publicize the break up post. LYZ remains cool like a cat but you can tell he’s containing his happiness with all his might.
Project: Pursue him back. XL believes in LYZ but he suddenly gives her the cold shoulder. Thus her, Fei Fei, and the new girl Ruan Meng form a team to win their man over. Following the plan, XL pretends to drown; LYZ saves her but he’s still cold to her. Snicker. The scriptwriters are reusing the same scenes but in different order. It’s the same formula that gets us every time. Sigh.
Ending tidbit: After the drowning incident, LYZ confronts his secretary.
[Ep12] XL pretends to fracture her foot to get LYZ's pity. He sees through it all and exposes her lie. If being passive wasn't going to work, she goes aggressive. She barges into his home as his rightful wife. At least he's willing to give her a piggyback upstairs as she feigns injury. LYZ doesn't explicitly show he cares, but he makes sure to investigate into XL's (non) injury. He does apply ointment on her foot for her after her two attempts at seducing him in two different beds (fail).
That night they have a heartfelt talk (involving him and his mom issues). He's once again touched by her words and they make up.
Ending tidbit: We rewind to the moment LYZ first learns of XL fractured her foot. He freaks out. But when he finds out it's her little trick he snickers. He's determined to find the best specialists to treat that fracture.
[Ep13] XL prepares a special mask event for LYZ to reminisce their first meeting. They kiss
[Ep14] Chu Yuan and Ruan Meng get a happy family meeting when their “relationship” is exposed. After the dinner she apologizes for causing the misunderstanding. That’s not all. She confesses and then kisses him and then runs away. It finally seems like CY wants her as he smiles watching her leave embarrassingly. The next day he’s constantly thinking of her. Fate has it that they also get stuck in an elevator. His asthma acts up and she’s got the inhaler for it. He finally learns that she’s carrying the inhaler just for him. When the elevator is fixed, he reaches for her hand and together they leave. A done deal?
Meanwhile LYZ and XL are kidnapped by that evil guy. They’re saved but XL loses her memory. So it’s her that’s amnesic this time. She doesn’t have two years of her memory. Therefore, no LYZ. It’s LYZ’s turn to pursue her all over again.
Ending tidbit: LYZ stole Wen secretary’s idea of having a romantic dinner for Chinese Valentines Day as if it was his own but he doesn't even use it anyways.
[Ep15] Not only does XL have no memory of LYZ, she's grown doubtful of their relationship. She finds proof of that with their "contract". She wants to terminate the contract but she doesn't have the money. LYZ allows her to break it but only if she goes on three dates with him. The first date is to watch the Ferris wheel. They don't sit in it because couples who do will break up.
Ending tidbit: LYZ buys her a thousand piece puzzle thinking she would love it but its actually torturing her.
[Ep16] Their second date is the place where he proposed to her. Their last date is at the soccer dome, the day she proposed and married him. He's reenacting the fight and her memory comes flooding him. I was expecting new scenes of him pursuing her, not repeating scenes over again...
After rekindling their love, XL insists on videotaping their wedding planning process but in actual fact she just wanted to record LYZ’s reaction to her pregnancy news. LYZ can’t contain his happiness.
Wedding day! The weather’s terrible and everyone’s complaining. Because of that LYZ wants to tell her that no matter what weather it is he has to marry her today. However, XL cuts him off and steals his romantic lines. It took me until now to realize that this version of the drama is for XL to say all the cheesy stuff. And here I was waiting this whole time for LYZ to make me squeal. Meh. It’s time to kiss the bride but he doesn’t lift her veil, you know, the conventional way, but ducks inside of it and fervently kisses her.
Chu Yian and Ruan Meng get their happy ending too. Notice the background: 木已成洲. LYZ and XL's love slogan.
Five years later. There’s an award ceremony and XL gets her best actress award. By the way there’s also a best director award and it’s the name of the director of this drama (Wu Qiang). LYZ is babysitting their son outside as they wait to pickup his lovely winning wife.
LYZ complains about sharing his wife with his son. They make out but Nai Nai (their son) is already waiting for them in their bed. And thus commence the father and son’s never ending fight over XL. They all sleep together and XL dreams of Season One. She thinks it’s another life though. She tells LYZ that it doesn’t matter what life they’re living in, fate will have it that they will always meet each other. They make out. But wait. Where’s Nai Nai? They scramble to find their son. The name, Nai Nai, I would assume derives from the Chinese title: “Nai He Boss Yao Wu Wo”
Ending tidbit: LYZ and XL are interviewed. The interviewer asks what place LYZ thinks he is in XL’s heart. He thinks he’s first but he’s third. First is Nai Nai and second is their dog. Doesn’t that mean he’s actually last then? Don’t think there’s anyone else after him. The second question is his thoughts on her kiss scenes. He says he’s fine but she reveals he didn’t let her film the one with kiss scenes. Lastly XL wishes everyone can find their true love just as she did.
[Review]: It’s cute but still mediocre. Not bad, it just didn’t meet my expectations. It's not enough as a standalone drama; it's mainly for fans of season one to indulge in. I was looking for LYZ’s signature cheesy lines but instead it’s XL’s turn to say them all. There’s less over the top cliche scenes. However, the beauty of season one was the cliche scenes that made me roll my eyes until they were stuck but still made me wonderfully addicted. This season reused the same scenes but shuffled them in a different order. It’s a nice sense of familiarity. The flip side though, nothing new made this season stand out. Nonetheless the drama did one thing well. It consistently sent one beautiful message: Ling Yi Zhou and Xia Lin will always be a pair no matter what world of order they’re in. Their love will forever be everlasting.
Xu Kai Cheng: Ling Yi Zhou
Network: Sohu
Episodes: 16
First Impression: 4/5
Mini Recaps
Xia Lin: Sir, don’t you think I look a bit familiar?Next morning, they're all over the tabloids and Xia Lin gets a ton of hate comments. Xia Lin's agency is scrambling to mitigate the damage, but Ling Boss's side is quiet. Ah, what familiar tactics. Except the news continues to blow up. Xia Lin visits his office to qualm the news only to be turned away by his front office. As Ling Boss is leaving in his car, he turns around and looks at her disappointedly leaving.
Ling Yi Zhou: Lame. Miss, your hook up lines are very lame.
Xia Lin proceeds to posing to reinvigorate his memories.
Then she puts his hand on her waist.
She ends up tripping and falls into him
Ling Yi Zhou: Miss, do you think this is appropriate? Absolutely.
Fencing alone wasn't going to work so she uses her acting to induce some pity from him. Meanwhile they're still in handshake mode. She doesn't realize it but he does and he holds her hand even tighter. Hahaha.
![]() |
Why is my Ling Boss like this? |
LYZ: You're welcome - kisses her hand -
LYZ: I'm kidding, but - pauses - your innocence has touched me (delightfully touched my heart)
LYZ: There are news that Xia Lin and I are dating, but I want to clarify that we're actually engaged.
There's a reason he wanted to organize her whole makeover to her accessories. He placed a ring in her bag. Girl is shocked. It's a proposal.
Their use their love slogan: 木已成洲 (created by Grandma from last season). It uses the same phonetics as "木已成舟" which literally means the wood has already made a boat or what's done is done, and cannot be undone. Therefor their marriage is a done deal. It's also a slogan that uses their names: "木" (Mu) is the Chinese character for "Lin" (in Xia "Lin) taken apart and "洲" (Zhou).
[Ep2] So much preposterous reasoning from LYZ to get her to sign the contract. In the last clause of the contract: Keep in contact everyday; send a good morning and good night text. He saves her contact as "Ling's Mu Mu"; he makes her save him as "Xia's Zhou baby".
Incoming morning texts from LYZ make me smile. Or maybe its the OST. So sweet. Because words are not enough, he sends her cute stickers (that he asked Wen Secretary for). And then they go on their first date. He reserved the entire restaurant for them to have breakfast. She tastes a bit of the breakfast, and although delicious she stops herself from eating because she's on a diet.
LYZ: I don't think I'll mind if you gain weight - serious face -Their date's second course: movie. She comments on how hot the actor is when he drives fast. After the movie, LYZ insists on driving but he drives like a snail. She's unimpressed but then he suddenly accelerates and its too fast for her. His tempo is all over the pace just like how he's pursuing her.
XL: An actress who has gained weight gets no job offers
LYZ: If you can't then it doesn't matter. I'll take care of you (marry you), Mrs. Ling.
By the way, her full body check up report came out: she's healthy. A nod to season one.
She's over at his place to practice being a couple before going on a live broadcast. He puts on the apron for her oh so seductively. He ends up getting lost in her beauty and cuts his finger. She's so worried that she sticks his finger in his own mouth to stop the bleeding. Lol.
LYZ: Earn money to take care of Mu (Xia Lin)[Ep3] Season 2 is following the story of season one to a T. A reason to marry in episode one, a contract in episode two, and now living together in episode three. Even the bathrobe scene, ha
The finger move to get her attention (Season 1: she did it on him at the marriage centre)
LYZ whispers in her ear: If you like it, then I'll make it for you everyday.
LYZ: Actually, we don't have to go back.Ending bit: After they're done playing with the water he asks her why she named the dog "Pi Dan" (Preserved Egg). She says it's because of a dream she had (alluding to season one)
XL: Are you pulling my leg? A big boss like you staying here on vacation with me forever?
LYZ: If you're here, then I'm here.
[Ep4] After their date, he wants a goodbye kiss. He then pulls her close pretending there are paparazzi nearby and sneaks a cheek kiss from her. There actually are pap's around and he's protecting her. That's not the only thing he does for her: he fired the lady who pushed XL in the water.
The unemployed LYZ visits her set to sabotage her kiss scene with Chu Yan.
LYZ is in turning up the notch this episode as honey is dripping from his words.
LYZ: I hope you will be by my side because that's when I feel that this warmth is real. Sometimes I think you're a little thief because your every move steals my heart (makes my heart beat away).
And they kiss. Only for a bit because Jia Fei interrupts. XL hurriedly hides LYZ but this just allows him to kiss her in secret. A second guests invites himself: Wen Secretary. His appearance makes Jia Fei hide. Lol, so there's a second person hiding in her home now. Then a third guest appears: Chu Yan. Wen Secretary uses this chance to find Jia Fei, and decides to hide with her. Why do I like this drama. LYZ, being a rascal that he is calls his secretary to make his phone ring to make things even more awkward.
Innocent Chu Yan discovers a couple here and there. Ha.
Ending bit: After their fight in the car
LYZ: Do you think my attitude was a bit too much to Mu Mu? Secretary: Boss, I think -LYZ: Forget it, why would I ask you; you don't even have a girlfriend.
[Ep5] She's insecure about LYZ's feelings towards her. Fear not, he comes and saves her from the paparazzi (only to be caught by more cameras...?)
[Ep6] XL gets drunk from one glass of wine. She climbs onto his lap and seduces him yet doesn't let him kiss her. He asks her to live with him and she tells him that if he insists on staying then he can sleep in her room while she'll sleep in the guest room. Taking her words seriously, he moves in. She's exasperated, 'You had this all planned from the beginning"
LYZ: Yes, you said it right. Regarding you, I did already have everything planned from the beginning
Ending bit: LYZ gets a hickey from a drunk XL
This drama makes me reminisce season one so much. They film the same drunk sequence (where LYZ is looking for the steering wheel in his passenger seat) but in the first season it actually happened before the whole marriage shenanigan. After they reach home, these two have this intense make out scene. She pushes him away but comes back to sweetly stare at his sleeping face (+ a forehead kiss)
Two jealous men show up at their gym.
[Ep8] That soccer scene was unexpected. The two jealous men allow the girls to see all the muscles they want, not at a gym, but on a soccer field under their supervision.
She confronts him that night: Why her?
LYZ: To make you fall in love with me is the most vital part of our contract. What you can't see though is I like you. I, Ling Yi Zhou, want to be you, Xia Lin.She tells him she wants to end their fake contract. He reminds her there will be consequences for terminating the contract. Smiling, she takes him somewhere: the ministry of the marriage office
XL: Marriage is like a gamble to me. Do you dare to take his gamble with me?
LYZ: I dare. As long as the gamble isn’t you, I can gamble anything.
LYZ: Two years isn’t enoughEpisode ends off with a cheating scandal to frame LYZ but XL isn’t one bit fazed.
[Ep9] Chu Yian has his love interest now: Ruan Meng. She’s got a Lolita(?) fashion. She's the same love interest from The Romance of Hua Rong 😂. Poor girl always has weird visuals in her dramas. I actually completely forgot she's also the same love interest from season one.
Although LYZ and XL are married but he never gave her a proper proposal. And this is the episode for it. He's still as desperately in love with her even though she's already his.
Ending tidbit: LYZ to his Wen secretary: "This type of thing, only I can do it myself". He's photoshopping himself into her ads. Of course he can't let his secretary do something as lowly as that.
[Ep10] There's the dress scene again (cue season one) and he’s still as overprotective with skin exposure as ever. But this time he can display his overbearing nature all he wants.
LYZ’s unrequited love revealed: Two years ago, she bought him a birthday cake and that has deeply touched his heart. It was love at first sight. Half a year later he meets her again at a bar. There’s a special event: mask dance. She happens to fall right into his harms, hence that frivolous pose in Episode 1. Her heels fall off and like Cinderella, he charmingly puts her heel back on. But when midnight strikes, it's him that rushes to leave. (Actually, he was too shy to take off his mask in front of his crush.) His feelings for her consumes him as he secretly visits her set and sweetly stares at her billboard ads. He’s a fan boy.
We also learn that he wasn’t going to attend the banquet in Episode 1 but because he saw XL on the guest list he decides to make an appearance. Hence the beginning of their whirlwind romance. After learning everything, she’s not one bit touched. Instead, she’s upset that’s he’s lied so much to her. She doesn’t even know anymore if he might be linked to the “murder” of her classmate.
Ending tidbit: LYZ returns to the dress shop and speaks to the sales representative.
LYZ: I never said they (the dresses) weren’t suitable. I just wanted her to try on each dress for me to see. Those dresses, I want them all.And he also picks up (another) wedding dress.
[Ep11] XL personally apologizes to LYZ, telling him that she didn’t publicize the break up post. LYZ remains cool like a cat but you can tell he’s containing his happiness with all his might.
Project: Pursue him back. XL believes in LYZ but he suddenly gives her the cold shoulder. Thus her, Fei Fei, and the new girl Ruan Meng form a team to win their man over. Following the plan, XL pretends to drown; LYZ saves her but he’s still cold to her. Snicker. The scriptwriters are reusing the same scenes but in different order. It’s the same formula that gets us every time. Sigh.
Ending tidbit: After the drowning incident, LYZ confronts his secretary.
LYZ: Wen Lin, how many bosses do you have?
Wen Secretary: Boss, I’m at fault. I promise there won't be a next time.
LYZ: I never said you were at fault - smirk - Lol.
That night they have a heartfelt talk (involving him and his mom issues). He's once again touched by her words and they make up.
XL: 那木还能成洲?Basically, she's asking for forgiveness with a play on their names; it's the saying they always use (can the "wood" still build the "city"). And he's saying he's already long forgiven her (the wood has already built a city). My interpretation is she's already built a city in his heart.
LYZ: 木早已成洲
Ending tidbit: We rewind to the moment LYZ first learns of XL fractured her foot. He freaks out. But when he finds out it's her little trick he snickers. He's determined to find the best specialists to treat that fracture.
[Ep13] XL prepares a special mask event for LYZ to reminisce their first meeting. They kiss
LYZ: This kiss, I've waited for two years.Meanwhile on the other love line: Chu Yian and Ruan Meng are mistaken to be a couple and it`s all over the news. Somewhat familiar to our main couple.
Meanwhile LYZ and XL are kidnapped by that evil guy. They’re saved but XL loses her memory. So it’s her that’s amnesic this time. She doesn’t have two years of her memory. Therefore, no LYZ. It’s LYZ’s turn to pursue her all over again.
Ending tidbit: LYZ stole Wen secretary’s idea of having a romantic dinner for Chinese Valentines Day as if it was his own but he doesn't even use it anyways.
Ending tidbit: LYZ buys her a thousand piece puzzle thinking she would love it but its actually torturing her.
[Ep16] Their second date is the place where he proposed to her. Their last date is at the soccer dome, the day she proposed and married him. He's reenacting the fight and her memory comes flooding him. I was expecting new scenes of him pursuing her, not repeating scenes over again...
After rekindling their love, XL insists on videotaping their wedding planning process but in actual fact she just wanted to record LYZ’s reaction to her pregnancy news. LYZ can’t contain his happiness.
Wedding day! The weather’s terrible and everyone’s complaining. Because of that LYZ wants to tell her that no matter what weather it is he has to marry her today. However, XL cuts him off and steals his romantic lines. It took me until now to realize that this version of the drama is for XL to say all the cheesy stuff. And here I was waiting this whole time for LYZ to make me squeal. Meh. It’s time to kiss the bride but he doesn’t lift her veil, you know, the conventional way, but ducks inside of it and fervently kisses her.
Chu Yian and Ruan Meng get their happy ending too. Notice the background: 木已成洲. LYZ and XL's love slogan.
Happily ever after.
[Review]: It’s cute but still mediocre. Not bad, it just didn’t meet my expectations. It's not enough as a standalone drama; it's mainly for fans of season one to indulge in. I was looking for LYZ’s signature cheesy lines but instead it’s XL’s turn to say them all. There’s less over the top cliche scenes. However, the beauty of season one was the cliche scenes that made me roll my eyes until they were stuck but still made me wonderfully addicted. This season reused the same scenes but shuffled them in a different order. It’s a nice sense of familiarity. The flip side though, nothing new made this season stand out. Nonetheless the drama did one thing well. It consistently sent one beautiful message: Ling Yi Zhou and Xia Lin will always be a pair no matter what world of order they’re in. Their love will forever be everlasting.