January 10, 2022

The Romance of Hua Rong | Reviews

The Romance of Hua Rong
A pirate kidnaps a princess.
Chinese Title
One Night Bride
Episodes: 24


Yuan Hao: Qin Shang Cheng
Zhao Zhao Yi: Hua Rong


(Updated as of May 2022)
Wu Xin: The Monster KillerThe Wolf PrincessWu Xin: The Monster Killer IIIBe My CatSu YuMysterious LoveMy Dear LadyWell Intended Love
DirectorGao Lin Bao 
♠ 春花爛漫陳小豬 [Su Xiao TongSun Ze Yuan]
♠ The Journey of Flower (2015)
 Wu Xin: The Monster Killer (2015)

Scriptwriter: Li Nan
♠ The Wolf Princess (2021) 
♠ Wu Xin: The Monster Killer II (2017)

ScriptwriterXiong Jia Nan
 Be My Cat (2021)
 Su Yu (2020)

ScriptwriterZhong Zu Yao
 Be My Cat (2021)
 Mysterious Love (2021)
 Su Yu (2020)


Other Relationships
Other Genres


Five (5/5)

Four (4/5)

Reviewer: cynlynn

Reviewer: FanFanX 
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Jan 2022
Qin Shang Chen is obviously very into Hua Rong but he still doesn’t trust her. Gee I wonder why? She is only stealing stuff, getting into fights, creating a mess, blowing up stuff and insulting (and injuring) him - all the time. Hahaha. Except Qin Shang Chen is a bit of a cad at times. I appreciate Hua Rong’s need to stand up for herself but I’m not sure why she kept putting herself in harm’s way over and over again. (BTW, only Yuan Hao gets a pass with that open v-neck look, because he can pull it off. lol) His sidekicks are just that - one is slightly more cunning than the other. And the other one even looks dopey with his exaggerated eyebrows. Hahaha. And yes, I noticed the crossover of actors from Well-Intended Love series. This is probably the one role that I actually like Yi Bai Chen as a SML. Oh, and for pirates - they spent a lot more time on land than at sea. I wish they could’ve at least stayed longer on that island. I suppose this was to further the storyline... I enjoyed this series mostly for Yuan Hao (okay, maybe it’s also the coupledom) - I’ve seen him as the odious SML too many times and he’s so much better as a ML. His smolder and smile combined is dangerous. So I also watched the special episode and can tell you to not bother. It’s just for the fandom and adds no value to the overall series. lol It’s basically a short modern rendition on the couple’s relationship. And they still barely kiss without interruption. Ha!

Two (2/5)

One (1/5)

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