Notable Actors/Actresses
Mini Recaps
Yan Qing is under a narcoleptic aroma. Ling Long gives him the antidote but he eyes her skeptically. She takes the pill to prove it isn’t poison. Thus, he takes it too but with a bit of skepticism and what looks like a bit of love and admiration. I’m starting to feel a teeny bit of chemistry.
Second couple: Xuan Yu (Yan Qing’s right hand man) and You Rou
Third Couple: The young boy and the maid (whose names I will fill in once I see it again).
Yan Qing has always been dubious about Ling Long but now that she truly transformed into someone suspicious, he refuses to believe she’s the murderer. I like this. After he finally has proof she is suspicious like he had thought, he’s not elated at all.
Yan Jue Falls in Love. Yan Jue thought he could steal Yan Qing’s credit for solving the murder by capturing Ling Long. However, Ling Long is Lang Yin right now. Lang Yin attacks Yan Jue and was about to escape but then a fire starts. Lang Yin, our cool girl crush, saves Yan Jue despite what he did to her. Instantly, he falls in love with the manly Lang Yin. The classical music in this scene xD.
Ling Long is semi-back. She’s arguing with Lang Yin (what you see is one actress walking back and forth pretending to be two different characters and talking to herself). Yan Qing walks in, “The two people here, calm down.” LOL Ling Long and Lang Yin continue to argue. Yan Qing’s ears are bursting from “their" fight so he hits her again to make her
Ling Long is back to herself. Yan Qing wants to know what’s her deal. She asks him first. Yan Qing is investigating his mother who disappeared eighteen years ago. His father told him she ran away and was a singer (perhaps prostitute). Yan Qing doesn’t believe it. In his memory, his mother seemed like a noble lady, someone who knew how to read and write. He hasn’t even told his buddies this. Then Ling Long shares her plans: to make sure no one wants to marry her so that she can return to Nanchu, find her mother and be free. That’s why she’s been keeping her docile act so as to not offend the girls or raise the interest of the boys. Basically, she’s saying being a murderer isn’t on her agenda.
Yan Yu (4th Yan son) vouches for Ling Long. He had seen her alternate persona. She saved him once. Yan Yu assures Yan Qing that Lang Yin only appears when there’s danger. She has never hurt anyone unprovoked. Yan Jue also overhears of Ling Long’s disorder.
Yan Qing finds Ling Long’s alibi. She’s no longer a suspect.
[Ep5] Ling Long and Yan Qing drink together. They’re having fun and in the morning, they wake up naked. Wait. Hold your horses, it’s not Ling Long in his bed. She teamed up with Yan Jue to catch Yan Qing sleeping with courtesans. Just how many times has this man been drugged or drunk in the past few episodes? Ling Long who normally pretends to be a sheep is clearly showing her wolffish nature. Sometimes a girl needs to prove who’s the boss. One can’t always be bullied.

Now that the case is closed (even though the real murderer is still roaming about), Yan Qing has no reason to hang out with Ling Long. He lies to her that he’s going to the brothel. She happily asks him if he can run an errand for her. He’s disappointed she doesn’t care. Ling Long saw through his motives.
A courtesan thinks of a plan to help out Yan Qing’s unrequited love.
There’s also these men who are after Ling Long because of the sapphire but they can’t seem to find the right time to attack her.
Ling Long returns safely (thanks to Yan Yu) but there’s another obstacle in the manor: You Rou. She’s jealous of Ling Long because of Yan Qing. As Ling Long is bullied, she suddenly turns into Lang Yin. Lang Yin isn’t one to be bullied. She attacks You Rou back. The men had to hold Lang Yin down, claiming Ling Long is drunk.
[Ep7] As a result of another one of Yan Jue’s sabotages, Yan Qing is accused of sexually harassing Ling Long. Lang Yin also had a part; she tried to seduce Yan Qing because she thought there was something between Ling Long and Yan Qing.
[Ep8] Yan Qing helps out the treatment process by angering Ling Long so that she faints over, allowing Mi Sa a chance to hypnotize Lang Yin.
[Ep15] Yan Qing and Ling Long are on a trip back to Nanchu. Along the way, Yan Jue sends men to kill Yan Qing. Yan Que is controlled and he has thrown a coup against his father. He also has You Rou’s father captive. You Rou escapes and alerts Yan Qing of everything. To keep Ling Long safe, Yan Qing secretly returns to the Xique to save his father without her. He didn’t even consult her and left her. You Rou doesn’t think it’s right and tells Ling Long everything. At this point, Ling Long is already willing to go through thick and thin with him. She will help Yan Qing.
Guest Mini Recaps
KD is King DadLL is Ling LongWP is Wolf Pup (Yan Qing)
Miracle Doc saves Ling Long. Wolf Pup and 4th Bro talk about Ling Long - 4th Bro is stunned and unhappy that Wolf Pup loves her. Wolf Pup's wolf senses take a hike so he doesn't realize how bummed his brother is by this development. And Evil Bro is now mentally 6 years old and apparently no longer a threat - or nasty.
Dad kidnaps Ling Long to the Secret Room. He wants to know how she got the Wolf King Energy. She's all: "Oh, is that what it's called?" He doesn't pick up on this clue that he's asking the wrong person and instead calls people to torture her. Wolf Pup stops that before it starts. Dad explains that Wolf Mom was the Wolf King and that she left to protect everyone and that he sent away Wolf Pup and lied to him about Wolf Mom to protect their son. Dad is going to imprison Ling Long and march an army to Southern Chu to get revenge for Wolf Mom's death.
Wolf Pup, Trusted Aide (now revealed to be Dad's secret bodyguard) and Miracle Doc all argue for Ling Long's innocence (because she was kind of young to be killing anyone - being an infant and all). Dad is finally convinced to let Wolf Pup investigate. Wolf Pup has one month before he mobilizes the army. Wolf Pup, Ling Long, Miracle Doc, Trusted Aide (because he's still Wolf Pup's good buddy) and Wolf Pack are all going to go to Southern Chu to investigate. The engagement is their excuse.
[Ep18] Step Mom loads them down with gifts, including six maids for Ling Long. She just loves Ling Long now. Ling Long hides her dismay well. You Rou also shows up with the bratty friends who made life miserable for Ling Long in the beginning. Everyone is friends now.
4th Bro meets them on the road. They have some wine in a convenient gazebo and say their goodbyes. Wolf Pup hands the maids' contracts to him and asks him to settle them down somewhere. He and Ling Long leave. 4th Bro has his steward(?) give them their contracts and some silver and send them on their way. He's in a hurry to get back to the capital.
Ling Long is depressed and Wolf Pup finally figures out that it's probably because she's going back to nasty King Dad and the Palace of Unhappiness. They decide to make a detour to check out the rich merchant who gifted the iron box. Ling Long and Wolf Princess hold a conversation with each other via a mirror. Wolf Princess wants to heat things up for Ling Long with Wolf Pup. Ling Long is horrified.
The merchant's house seems deserted but they notice lots of traps. Wolf Pup sends the pack to scout but just as the merchant's minions are about to activate traps Wolf Pup and Trusted Aide stop them. The Pack was a diversion.
Merchant is trembling behind a curtain - begs them not to kill him. He reveals that a wolf-like group in black is coming to get information from him about the black box. They agree to protect him from Pack 2.
Pack 2 attacks that night. Ling Long throws an Intoxicating powder on the leader (who is a woman). It has a scent the Wolf Pack can follow. They follow it to a music house where Wolf Pup claims Ling Long is his personal maid so she can enter. She gets jealous while he's dancing with the women (who are veiled) trying to see if they are Pack 2's leader. Wolf Princess bursts out, dances enticingly, and stuns Wolf Pup. He knows she's not Ling Long and knocks her out.
Miracle Doc gives Ling Long a sedative because she needs to rest. She takes the whole thing because she remembers what Wolf Princess did and she's embarrassed. She thinks she's dreaming and kisses Wolf Pup. Her maid and Miracle Doc help her realize she's not asleep before it goes too far. Wolf Pup is not pleased with their help.
[Ep19] Ling Long is embarrassed and tries to pretend it was Wolf Princess who behaved so shamelessly. Wolf Princess isn't having it and pops out long enough to clarify that she had nothing to do with any kissing. Ling Long then kicks everyone out of her room - forcefully. Wolf Pup sleeps in front of her door - apparently hoping she'll engage in more sleep-kissing with him.
4th Bro shows up with his hair in a man-bun and armor on. He's commanding an elite guard unit and is now the special envoy to Southern Chu. Wolf Pup is happy for his brother but Miracle Doc - watching them from a distance - thinks 4th Bro is a little different now. 4th Bro tells Wolf Pup that this merchant is a shady double dealer who plays both countries off of each other.
When 4th Bro wants to see Ling Long, Wolf Pup explains she isn't seeing anyone at the moment. He's jealous when she lets 4th Bro right in but he tries to hide it.
Ling Long is sad that 4th Bro is all militarized. She thinks he gave up on his dreams. He tells her he can now protect her from her father - she's not appeased. (She STILL doesn't get his true feelings for her.) 4th Bro's love confession is interrupted by Wolf Pup telling them Pack 2 has been tracked down.
4th Bro and Wolf Pup fight (ever so politely) about who will lead the expedition to capture the second pack. Ling Long suggests they cooperate. Since both want to please her, cooperation it is. But as they're waiting for the second pack to walk into their trap Ling Long starts to feel ill.
Wolf Pup wants to send her back to the merchant's house and Miracle Doc - 4th Bro says she's too sick for that and sends her to her carriage while sending for Miracle Doc. He tenderly cares for her until Wolf Princess pops out. (This was one of her best transformations ever. Just that steely gaze that let you know she was there.)
Wolf Princess distracts 4th Bro and knocks him out. She then uses the "wolf alarm howl" to warn the second pack - they escape. Wolf Pup tracks the howl to find Ling Long unconscious in the alley and 4th Bro unconscious in the carriage.
They track the second pack to a warehouse where they find a bronze kettle and some of that weird "mystic grass" stuff. Wolf Pup is now sure that the second pack is working for Mi Ya. They hypnotize Ling Long so Wolf Princess can come out and answer the question of why she's helping Mi Ya's people. She doesn't know - she just knew she had to do it.
4th Bro locks Ling Long in her room - for her protection. Wolf Pup says this is a bad idea but 4th Bro pulls the "I grew up with her, I know her better than you" card. He also tells Wolf Pup that he's the reason Wolf Princess started showing up and that he should stay away from Ling Long now. Then he adds that the 2nd Pack is now surrounded so why don't they check it out?
It's a house in the woods. They burst into the courtyard. No one is there but the ashes of the fire are warm. Wolf Pup uses his superior tracking skills and points out the really obvious footprints in the dirt. A "hidden" (by a stack of straw) tunnel entrance is found. Ling Long is in the tunnel and kicks out the first man who tries to investigate. Wolf Pup knocks her out but the 2nd Pack has escaped again.
They try hypnosis on Ling Long again but this time Wolf Princess won't budge. 4th Bro puts metal bars on all the doors and windows to Ling Long's room - for her protection, again. Wolf Pup argues that this is "jail" and insists he can control Wolf Princess if she shows up. Ling Long agrees with 4th Bro.
Ling Long has a nightmare that Wolf Princess wants to kill her and take their body. She calls for Wolf Pup to save her. Wolf Pup is there! He takes her out for a jaunt in his handy hang glider that he used to fly to her bar-free second floor. He fakes losing control of the hang glider to bring out Wolf Princess. She stays long enough to demonstrate her amazing hang glider abilities but in the next scene it's him and Ling Long on the bank of a river.
Wolf Pup gives Ling Long some sage advice on cooperating with Wolf Princess and then 4th Bro shows up. Ling Long feels guilty - Wolf Pup is unrepentant - 4th Bro says he didn't take Ling Long's feelings into account and that the 2nd Wolf Pack's lair has been surrounded. Ling Long wants to go along. Wolf Pup backs her.
At the entrance to the cave Ling Long says arresting the 2nd Pack makes her feel uneasy. 4th Bro wants to send Ling Long back - Wolf Pup says to listen to Ling Long.
Suddenly we're back at the merchant's house as Wolf Pup brings the 2nd Pack leader in, tied and gagged. The merchant complains that they only caught one until Wolf Pup threatens his life and then explains that they can use her to lure the rest.
This plan works. The 2nd Pack, Wolf Pack, and 4th Bros men all fight. The merchant hides until the sounds of battle end. Everyone has wiped each other out. Only Wolf Pup and 2nd Pack leader are still standing (and 2nd Pack leader is tied to a pole). Wolf Pup tells the merchant to send his people to tie up the 2nd Pack and provide assistance to the others.
Cue villain laugh - Merchant has betrayed them! Mi Ya walks out with 4th Bro and Ling Long captive.
[Ep20] (Mi Ya is rocking his evil red lipstick - makes me a little jealous.)
Mi Ya smiles smugly, Shady Merchant smiles smugly, it's revealed that 2nd Pack is actually what's left of the Blue Wolf tribe (Wolf Mom's tribe, if you've forgotten). Mi Ya engages in a melodramatic, evil monologue about how he'll be the next Wolf King after he takes the energy from Ling Long and wolf blood (presumably from Wolf Pup). Wolf Pup bursts into laughter (me too, Wolf Pup) and reveals that all the bodies in the courtyard are actually fine. Just like that the tables turn and we're having a flashback to the cave where Ling Long convinced the tribe to work with them.
Back to the courtyard, Miracle Doc makes his dramatic, floaty entrance. Everyone is surprised (I'm pretty sure he's never demonstrated martial arts prowess before.) Mi Ya is the most surprised of all. He calls Miracle Doc "Senior Brother" and begs for mercy as Miracle Doc starts flicking acupuncture needles into him. Mi Ya says he was forced to do his evil deeds and that he didn't know it would cause Shifu's death. Finally Mi Ya casts some throwing weapon at Miracle Doc who redirects it back at Mi Ya, killing him.
After burning Mi Ya's body, Ling Long and Doc have a talk. He's suffering from a relapse of an old injury and she scolds him for not taking better care of himself. He says he has to pay his debts, even if it costs him his life. He blames himself for all the people Mi Ya killed because he had two chances before to stop him but he was too "soft".
Wolf Pup, Ling Long, and Cousin Wolf (2nd Pack leader is Wolf Mom's niece) have a discussion. Blue Wolf tribe is declining because the Wolf Heart was lost with Wolf Mom. Cousin Wolf had no choice but to go look for it herself because the Wolf Warriors never came back (because Mi Ya was capturing them, stealing their mystical grass and blood and making them slaves). Wolf Pup speculates that the heart is in Ling Long and the source of her Wolf King energy. Cousin Wolf begs her to return it and Wolf Pup and Ling Long both promise that this is on the agenda - when they figure out how.
Now Wolf Pup takes a minute to thank Doc for taking such good care of Ling Long. Doc's all: "Yeah, but that's for her to thank me for." Wolf Pup says they're a couple and "one body". Doc wants to know if he can truly act like nothing happened if it turns out Ling Long's blood relative killed Wolf Mom. (Ling Long overhears this.) Wolf Pup thinks about it but when he starts to answer he's called away to a banquet the grateful Blue Wolf tribe has arranged.
Now Ling Long is worried and trying to figure out how Wolf Mom died. Wolf Princess avoids the question (via a mirror conversation) and Cousin Wolf doesn't know. But Shady Merchant knows!
Wolf Mom was pursued by many people - injured and desperate, she's trapped. The royal family of Chu sends troops! No, they weren't there to kill her, they saved her. Wolf Mom went to Chu and lived there for six months before setting out again, thinking that the pursuit was over. Pursuit was not over. She was ambushed and ended up, injured and alone, at the mouth of a volcanic crater. Rather than be captured, she jumped into the volcano. Wolf Mom is no more. Oh, and while she was in the palace Wolf Mom did something with her magic power to repay the King of Chu for saving her life but no one knows what exactly she did. After Wolf Mom's death Mi Ya started making "immortal pills" with the mystic grass and blood of wolf warriors. And, by the way, Mi Ya has a secret room in the merchant's house.
Everyone but 4th Bro set out to pay their respects to Wolf Mom at the volcano. (4th Bro has a secret room to investigate.) A tear trickles down Wolf Pup's cheek as he talks to Mom. Then he brings Ling Long over to the altar and announces she's his most precious person and insists Ling Long say something to Wolf Mom. Ling Long asks Wolf Mom to grant them a safe journey. (Kind of insipid...) While the rest of the tribe is paying their respects, Wolf Pup proposes to Ling Long.
He'll give her all his money, never make her angry, and raise their children (except she has to teach the kids reading and writing.) Ling Long is hesitant. (I think she's still not convinced that her father isn't connected to Wolf Mom's death.) Before she gives him an answer they get distracted by Doc's emotional performance at Wolf Mom's altar. He's quietly grieving and he tells them it's because Wolf Mom could raise the dead - he's grieving "the medical way". Ling Long says she can do that and she'll show him one day. He scoffs that every time she does something like that he has to save her and walks off in a huff.
The secret room is creepy with bones and anatomical drawings. They find stuff that is specifically about hunting Wolf Warriors with their weaknesses and the location of their mystic grass. Once again Wolf Pup tries to romance Ling Long. Just as she starts to soften, 4th Bro shows up. He shows them letters written on the stationary exclusively used by the royal family of Southern Chu.
Ling Long drops off in front of her mirror and dreams that Wolf Mom is apologizing to her. She wakes up and realizes that Wolf Mom was injured. She wonders why she never noticed that before
[Ep21] Ling Long hides one of the letters 4th Bro found with the palace stationary in her clothes. Later she tells Cousin Wolf and Wolf Warriors that they can't come to Chu and even if someone says they're from her or Wolf Pup they STILL can't go to Chu. Wolf Pup backs her up and then when they're alone asks her why. She's evasive and says she's worried about their safety. So he changes the subject to "What gifts should I bring your Mom?" Ling Long says the engagement is fake - which he hates. He and the Wolf Pack discuss gift ideas.
Next scene, they're at the palace being told King Dad is sick and not receiving guests at the moment. Ling Long is not unhappy to hear this. They go to Mom who is thrilled to have Ling Long back. She greets 4th Bro and Doc warmly and is polite but standoffish to Wolf Pup. Wolf Pup's gifts are failures but 4th Bro, with his knowledge of Ling Long's Mom from all those years ago, brings her some meat and a clay pot to cook it in. Ling Long finally takes pity on Wolf Pup and leads him to the kitchen and has him make tea to serve to Mom and the others. The tea is just ordinary but the act tells Mom that Ling Long loves Wolf Pup. Mom thaws.
Ling Long and Mom talk later. Ling Long asks why the Wolf King energy is in her. Mom says the answer might ruin her relationship with Wolf Pup. Ling Long still has to know. Mom says she'll tell her in 7 days. Ling Long is now firmly convinced there's no future for her and Wolf Pup and is trying to keep her distance from him. He's baffled because he thinks everything between them should be fine.
4th Bro and Doc show up at Ling Long's room first thing in the morning to tell them that Doc found three "weird" corpses. They were drained of blood. Of course they must investigate but Ling Long wants to keep this from Wolf Pup. This proves impossible since Wolf Pup never met a boundary he was unwilling to violate and was eavesdropping again.
While investigating they find that there are no missing person's reports. Perhaps the bodies were beggars? Doc (after much protesting) is dressed as a beggar and put on the streets. At midnight he and three other beggars are picked to do a "short term labor" job. When they reach the "job site" they are fed. Doc, not being a fool, doesn't eat his. He pretends to pass out when the others fall over. Just as the killers are about to start draining their blood, Wolf Pup (he, 4th, and Ling Long follow the carriage with Doc) and his Wolf Pack save the day. Before they can question the killers a mysterious man blows a whistle just like the one Mi Ya had and the killers kill themselves.
Wolf Pup decides to take the two corpses already there, load them on the horse carriage, and see where the horse takes the bodies
[Ep22] The horses go to the place Doc found the first bodies. Officials show up to take the bodies. They say they're just following orders and suicide when asked who gave the orders. Ling Long notices their badges - they are Inspectors. She says it's time to stop investigating. (Apparently she's solved the case but she's not telling anyone anything.)
Wolf Pup visits Mom's room that evening. He wants to know why Ling Long got really cold towards him after talking to Mom. Mom says Ling Long is trying to protect herself and Wolf Pup.
Next morning Ling Long is clearly setting a plan in motion. She writes lots of invitations to officials for a ceremony she wants to have in the palace in 5 days. Mom reads her invitation and seems to know what Ling Long is planning. Ling Long visits uncle and tells him to leave Chu tomorrow. 4th Bro intercepts her leaving Uncle's house.
4th Bro wants her to stop what she's doing. Ling Long wants to know why he's monitoring her. She also wants to know why he didn't reveal who the mastermind was instead of leading them all to Chu. He admits he wanted her and Wolf Pup to break up and he's mad at Wolf Mom for making her suffer all those years because of the Wolf King energy. He begs Ling Long to run away with him.
Ling Long refuses. She can't run away from the prison in her heart and only she can undo her "heart knots". She tells 4th Bro to stop trying to protect her and let her do what she needs to do. They hear fighting outside the carriage.
Wolf Pup has taken down 4th Bro's men. He heard enough to know Ling Long was planning something dangerous before the men tried to interfere. He wants Ling Long to head home because Mom is worrying. She asks him why he isn't trying to stop her - because her mind is made up, of course. (I do like how they are drawing the obvious difference between the two brothers.) She leaves and the brother takes a few verbal jabs at each other until Wolf Pup tells his brother to get some rest because tomorrow is going to be exciting.
Next morning Ling Long goes to greet Mom, she's all dolled up. Mom is all dolled up too. Mom won't let Ling Long face King Dad alone. Neither will Wolf Pup and Doc who have both shown up. There's no point arguing because a eunuch arrives with the order for them all to go see the King.
The king is sitting behind a sheer curtain. He rewards Ling Long and indicates his approval of the marriage. The officials/uncles (apparently they're all part of the royal family) indicate their approval. The King says he's tired and for everyone to leave but Ling Long has more to say. She sends Wolf Pup, Doc and Mom away then starts telling about the bodies and the witchcraft they represent.
Mom fakes illness so they can "rest" in nearby rooms. The Wolf Pack has infiltrated the palace as eunuchs.
The officials are horrified about the witchcraft. Ling Long mentions Mi Ya and the name seems familiar to the officials. Ling Long tells them the magical practices are the forbidden mystic practices of Southern Chu. But the only people who practice those mystical arts work for the Investigation department - which is run by the King!
Ling Long brings out the letter. It has a special mark that proves it is only used by the King himself. The Mastermind is --- the KING!!! (dun dun dun)
The officials tell the King to appoint a successor and abdicate. The King will not! (Cue evil monologue) Ling Long summons her magic white light, knowing it will kill her but willing as long as it takes out her evil father. Wolf Pup bursts through the doors and stops her. (Cue fighting, yelling, and running away and hiding for the royal family - except Ling Long and her mother, of course.) Doc and Mom use acupuncture to power down Ling Long before she hurts herself. Wolf Pup and Wolf Pack win the battle. He's got some questions for King Dad.
WP: How did my Mom die?KD: I don't know your Mom.LL's Mom: Liar! You drove her to her death.KD: Are you betraying me too?LL's Mom: Hahahaha - I was never loyal to you. (I loved that response - more consorts/concubines should use it.)
Mom explains that back then someone told the King about the Wolf King Energy's abilities. King Dad instigated the officials to go after Wolf Mom. When she was trapped he pretended to save her. He had all the other consorts and concubines imprisoned or killed. Mom had just given birth to Ling Long and was imprisoned in the Cold Palace with her. Apparently King Dad was going to marry Wolf Mom but Wolf Mom figured out he was behind it all. She was badly injured and fleeing when she passed by the Cold Palace and realized that Ling Long, by happy coincidence, was one of those rare people who could hold the Wolf Heart. She didn't want to but she had to protect the Wolf Heart for the people of the Blue Wolf tribe so she put it in Ling Long. Mom's plans to fake death and escape the palace were put on hold because the Cold Palace was the safest place for Ling Long to hide.
King Dad's eyes light up and he turns to Ling Long. "You're my daughter - give me the heart and save me."
LL: No. It's not mine to give and you're a terrible murderer.Doc: You can't handle the heart - it'll just kill you faster.KD: It's a risk I'm willing to take.WP: It will kill Ling Long if you take it from her by force.KD: I gave her life so she has to give it up for me and Chu.LL: You are no longer my dad and no longer the king of Chu.KD: Then don't blame me -- (you know the rest)
Inspector Chu Wizards drop from the ceiling. Oh no! Mystical magic! No worries, Mom and Doc are on it. Doc's case has a powder in it. They toss the case and the powder kills all the wizards. Mom wanted those 7 days to spread poison throughout the palace. The poison affects magic users the worst. They just needed the trigger which was the powder in the case.
Unfortunately, King Dad now pulls out a whistle and turns all the officials/uncles into raging zombies. Once Wolf Pup and Pack kill the royals there will be no stopping the war between Western Turk and Southern Chu. If he's going to die, everyone can die. (He reminds me of the mayor in Racoon City.
Ling Long starts ramping up her magic power again but Doc stops her
[Ep23] Ling Long reaches for the needle suppressing her Wolf King Energy but Doc stops her. Wolf Pup tells her to trust him - he won't let King Dad succeed. He sends Ling Long, Mom, and Doc out with the Wolf Pack as escorts but Doc slips back to the throne room. Wolf Pup and Trusty Aide are knocking out the royals until they're all unconscious then Wolf Pup faces off with King Dad.
In true narcissist style, King Dad begs Wolf Pup to spare him because he's Ling Long's Dad. Wolf Pup yells, swings his sword, and cuts off the King's bun. He says it would dirty him to kill King Dad and stalks off. Doc goes up to King Dad and gleefully tells him about the slow, agonizing death he has coming (now that he can't get immortality pills anymore). He suggests that King Dad stick to light meals because he can't handle nutritious meals. Then he heads out, dropping a ball that releases a pink gas and hanging a crystal on a lantern and setting it swinging. The royals wake up with no memory of what happened.
Mom and Ling Long meet the 4th Bro at the gates. He's got a carriage and an escort ready for them. After he sends them off he tells his general to get the troops over here so he can rescue his brother. The general is appalled because this can get him punished by military law. 4th Bro insists and says he'll take all the punishment himself but he's going to save his brother. Before the troops start fighting, though, Wolf Pup, Trusty Aide and Doc open the gates. All is well except Wolf Pup has a sword cut on his chest.
Mom and Ling Long are at the remote place 4th Bro sent them to. Mom tells Ling Long how she and Wolf Pup discussed Ling Long's plans that one night. Mom is happy when Wolf Pup tells her that he would never blame Ling Long for what her dad did. She's even more impressed when he isn't going to stop Ling Long's plan but instead is going to support and protect her as she carries it out. He says Ling Long needs to do this to heal. Mom wholeheartedly approves Ling Long's choice in a mate.
Wolf Pup and 4th Bro are in a carriage together - Wolf Pup isn't doing well with his sword injury. 4th Bro takes the medical sachet Ling Long gave him so long ago and uses the medicine in it on his brother. (Am I bad for finding his howls of pain amusing?) Nope. Wolf Pup is amazed that his brother finally used the medicine. 4th Bro is surprised his brother knew he had it. The medicine has a smell, of course Wolf Pup knew about it. 4th Bro admits that Ling Long chose Wolf Pup, not him. He's going to step back but if Wolf Pup ever let's Ling Long down, all bets are off. Wolf Pup assures him that he'll never get that chance. The brothers are happy with each other.
They get to the house where Wolf Pup rushes to Ling Long's room. Now that his brother has told him that Ling Long really does like him he's excited. But he acts cold towards Ling Long when he sees her. She tells him she didn't want to hurt him but she understands that he can't forgive her. She turns to leave (it's your room girl! where are you going?) but he hugs her from behind and tells her she needs to start trusting him and not try to do everything alone. He vows to always love and protect her. They discuss plans to open an inn on the border of the two countries and be bounty hunters. (I'm not sure how the two go together but -- whatever.) There is kissing.
Next day everyone meets. The news from the palace is that the six-year old prince is going to be the new king and King Dad is dying. Mom says they're safe then because the royals are covering everything up. As long as no one tries to talk, their safety is assured. Their excuse for heading back to Western Turk is that Mom misses her daughter and wants to meet the in-laws.
Now all that's left, says Ling Long, is returning the Wolf's Heart. Mom restores Ling Long's memories that she blocked 18 years ago. (How many memories does a baby actually have to block?) Ling Long meets with the Wolf Princess in an imaginary place. The Wolf Princess scolds her for taking so long to realize they aren't enemies. She asks if Ling Long now understands that she's not something someone put into her but rather is part of her. She tells Ling Long to start defending herself against bullies and don't try to please everyone. They hug and Wolf Princess vanishes - and the Wolf Heart goes back into Ling Long. (Frankly, I have no idea what this is all about.)
Ling Long opens her eyes and shares that she now knows that every Wolf King must return the Wolf Heart to the Holy Altar before their death so the Wolf Tribe has the energy to continue. She then draws an image that is on a stone somewhere. It's written in Wolf Tribe language and Cousin Wolf translates it. It's instructions on how to get to the Holy Land and the Altar. It also reveals that restoring the Heart to the Altar might just result in Ling Long's death. Wolf Pup is adamantly against this move now but Cousin Wolf is desperate because the tribe is dying out. Eventually everyone agrees that Ling Long has to make her own decision about it.
Doc sneaks into Ling Long's room to convince her she must give up the Wolf Heart. It's bad for her, he says. He promises to use everything he knows to keep her safe and even promises her mother to die if he can't keep her alive. Ling Long already made the decision to return the Wolf Heart. Mom decides to take Doc as a disciple and teach him the Golden Needle method that is best for controlling the Wolf King energy. Doc and Ling Long are siblings now.
[Ep24] Ling Long and Mom say their goodbyes. Mom tells her to follow her heart and that she'll wait for Ling Long's return. Wolf Pup and Trusted Aide also say their goodbyes. Trusted Aide has paid his debt to Wolf Pup's dad and Wolf Pup has better martial arts than him now anyway. Trusted Aide has had the best time with Wolf Pup and Wolf Pack but now he must move one - specifically he's going to meet up with You Rou and go on adventures with her. Wolf Pup tells the Pack that they'll meet again eventually. 4th Bro is also leaving. Wolf Pup says he can say goodbye to Ling Long alone but 4th Bro says there's no reason to. She wanted Wolf Pup, not him.
WP: Brother, don't worry. I vouch with my integrity that I'll protect her.Bro: I know.WP: Although I don't have much integrity.
Tong (he's the one who helps Wolf Pup with the Pack - part of the Pack) and Ling Long's maid have a touching goodbye too. She gives him a huge basket of snacks she made for him.
Cousin Wolf takes Wolf Pup, Ling Long, and Doc to the White Wolf Valley where the tribe used to live. The Holy Land should be somewhere close. They search all day and can't find it. Ling Long sees a cliff face and says that's from her vision but she saw it at night. Doc is excited - they must need to look for the Holy Land at night!
That night the iron box glows (the blue stone on it glows) and they use it to find the entrance to the Holy Land. Wolf Pup cuts his hand and his blood on the stone causes a door to open leading into the mountain. They find the stone tablet from Ling Long's vision. It has a picture of the Wolf King and a person in black and a person in white. These are the Black and White Envoys of the Wolf King, Cousin Wolf explains.
Wolf Pup doesn't remember Wolf Mom having two children with her and neither does Cousin Wolf. Doc reminds them about the task at hand. They find the altar. It has a huge, glowing, blue stone that Ling Long says is the meteor that brought the Wolf Heart to Earth. Doc takes out the needles suppressing the Wolf Energy and Ling Long stands in front of the stone and starts chanting the spell from the tablet.
The Wolf Heart emerges from her but it's missing a piece. If she tries to put it back without being whole it will be very dangerous. Wolf Pup goes ballistic, trying to reach Ling Long and stop her but there's a force field around the altar. Doc says she has to do it because if she takes the Wolf Heart back in her now it will kill her. White light glows around him and he breaks through to Ling Long. He takes control of the Heart from her. Doc is thrilled. He suspected that Wolf Pup had the Wolf King energy too.
Wolf Pup demands to know just who Doc is. He tells them he, Mi Sa, is the White Envoy and Mi Ya is the Black Envoy. Wolf Mom was his Shifu. Doc grabs control of the Heart and then pulls the missing piece from Wolf Pup. He throws them away from the altar, combines the pieces to make the Heart whole, and turns to the altar. He's bleeding from the eyes, nose, and mouth as he pushes the Heart back into the meteor. There's an explosion of white light.
Wolf Pup and Ling Long are in a dark place. Doc has brought them there. He had something to tell them and he wanted to say it face to face because they were friends. Doc went with them because he suspected their relationship to the Wolf Heart from the start but also because he liked them. Being with them reminded him of the good times when he and Mi Ya would accompany Wolf Mom down the mountain to help people. But when Mi Ya started exploring evil practices he hid it. Mi Ya told rich and powerful people about what the Wolf King energy could do and this led to Wolf Mom's death. Doc tracked down Mi Ya and pulled out his mystic grass. Then he hid away for 18 years until they came to him for help. Ling Long, he says, is a lot like Wolf Mom. She's compassionate and kind, etc.
Wolf Pup agrees that Ling Long is perfect but they need to go back now. But Doc is just telling them goodbye. His mystic grass died in the first battle with Mi Ya and the Wolf King energy is too much for him. Doc is no longer with us.
Ling Long wakes up with Mom and 4th Brother hovering over her. Wolf Cousin brought them back to the palace. King Dad, before he left, made Ling Long regent for the 6 year old prince and all the royal family agreed to it. (My guess is that this has something to do with the hypnotic crystal Doc used back in the big showdown but that's just a guess.) Ling Long asks the big question: What about Wolf Pup?
Mom and 4th Bro look sad. The Wolf King energy hurt him and then he had his mystic grass forcibly removed. It doesn't look good. Ling Long runs to his bedside and weeps over him, reminding him of the plans they made (for an inn and making money). He opens his eyes. He's half normal human so the loss of his mystic grass just means he can't do some of the cool Wolf Pack moves. Ling Long beats him gently for tricking her. Then she forgives him. There's kissing again.
3 Years Later
It's a bustling inn and Tong is bringing food to the customer's table. Ling Long's maid (his sweetie) is the cook. Guards rush in and a veiled figure stands in the door. It's You Rou. She pulls out a badge and says they're handling a case - all unrelated people should leave. The customers run away and Ling Long comes out of a back room. She wants You Rou to pay her back for the lost customers. You Rou tells Ling Long she wants help with a big case but she's kind of flirting at the same time. Wolf Pup jumps from the upper floor with his sword to defend Ling Long from that filthy official. Trusty Aide protects his wife and tells Wolf Pup to behave.
You Rou wants their help figuring out who is embezzling disaster aid from Bohai. The previous two investigators - one got sick on the way and the other got there but died. Trusty Aide adds that someone from Bohai's court traveled to Southern Chu during the Wolf King events. You Rou then pulls out what appears to be a note for a lot of money. Ling Long and Wolf Pup are convinced. The four friends and the Wolf Pack are off to adventure together.
[First Impression (Ep1-8)] This drama comes from the same director as The Romance of Hua Rong. Is it as good? Not yet. Our female lead is Ling Long (yet again, another Ling Long). With the appearance of a normal girl, she’s anything but normal. She has a dissociative personality disorder which the drama calls Many Soul Disease. Her alternate persona is Lang Yin, a bold girl who’s rougher on the edge. Let’s say if Ling Long is bullied, she’ll pretend to be meek but secretly plan her revenge (if she really hated that person). If Lang Yin is bullied, she’ll speak with her fist in your face. Oh and you’re not supposed to see this as a disorder, there’s really two people inside her. To me this is the interesting part of the drama and also the weakest. The poor actress (Kang Ning) has to argue with herself with two contrasting personalities. The camera and special effects aren’t helping her at all to pull it off naturally. It’s too hard to not see her as crazy.
The story reminds me of The Sleepless Princess: unlocking the Wolf Tribe secret will bring about immortality; the girl transforms; the guy is investigating his family member’s death (or disappearance).
The chemistry isn’t quite there yet but that’s subjective. There isn’t a lot of romantic moments so far unless you count the times she touches his naked chest or he accidentally sees her naked or she tries to catch him naked. All this naked business is related to her wolf girl transformation and that’s how Drama justifies her sexual harassment of him. I’m not bothered by it, I’m just putting it into perspective. If my brain seriously processed half the things in dramas, I wouldn’t be watching 90% of the stuff I do.
I’m posting this with hopes of completing this drama (I dropped too many romcoms lately). There seems to be enough interesting content to fill 24 episodes. I also like the second couple.