Showing posts with label Wang Zi Xuan 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wang Zi Xuan 2. Show all posts

June 28, 2023

Stand or Fall | Open Thread

Stand or Fall
A meddlesome middle-aged romcom.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Qin Lan: Guan Wen
Wang Yang: Ding Ning
Chinese Title
The Sparkling Her
Episodes: 32

September 7, 2020

The Ordinary Glory | Recap and Review

The Ordinary Glory
An ordinary drama about the ins and outs of an intern's life. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Bai Jing TingSun Yi Qiu
Mark ChaoWu Ke Zhi
Qiao XinLan Qian Yi
Wei Da XunHao Shuai
Pang Han ChenGao Si Cong
Zuo Xiao QingYu Wen Li
Lv Xing
Chinese Title
Episodes: 41
Recap Grade: C/D
First Impression: 3.5/5

June 14, 2020

The Eight | Recap and Review

The Eight
A man finds himself entangled in The Eight (Alliance) and is forced to be their leader. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Ou Hao: Hua Min Chu
Tan Song Yun: Xi Shui
Qin LanLady Jin Xiu
Shu Yang, Liu Tan
Chinese Title
GenresEraRomanceTeamEra Romance
Episodes: 34
First Impression: 5/5

March 20, 2016

Princess Jie You Episode 1 to 4 (Jie You and Weng Gui Scenes)

I’m just recapping/translating my favourite scenes in detail, which all revolve around Weng Gui and Jie You in the beginning of their romance. These two are love and the fact that they’re dating in real life makes me love this couple more.

You may need to read the summary in my previous post to fully understand this post.

Princess Jie You Episode 1 to 11 Summary (Brief)

Sooooo good. Are you going to be the best drama of this year? 

The story is written out in history already but it’s the process of how Jie You gets from point A to point B that is so satisfying to watch. Zhang Xin Yi, the actress playing Jie You is beautiful and charming. The couple took their on-stage chemistry off-stage too. These two are dating in real life, which explains why their chemistry in the drama is through the roof. And my gosh, Yuan Hong has never looked so fine on my screen before. He looks awfully good with facial and curly hair. 

I don’t have enough time to recap this fully. Even this is only a very brief summary of the overall storyline. Episodes 1 – 4 were amazing to watch and I didn’t mind going through them again to translate scenes that made me giddy. I hope some subbing team will pick this up for you guys. I don’t know, maybe try begging on every drama site for subs? xP. This summary does no justice to this drama; there are so many tiny moments that enhances this drama’s worth that my simple summary cannot capture. Even if I were to go as far to explain every detail, I still don’t think it’d be good enough. Plus, this drama is just so pretty to watch. It'd be a waste just to read about it.