September 7, 2020

The Ordinary Glory | Recap and Review

The Ordinary Glory
An ordinary drama about the ins and outs of an intern's life. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Bai Jing TingSun Yi Qiu
Mark ChaoWu Ke Zhi
Qiao XinLan Qian Yi
Wei Da XunHao Shuai
Pang Han ChenGao Si Cong
Zuo Xiao QingYu Wen Li
Lv Xing
Chinese Title
Episodes: 41
Recap Grade: C/D
First Impression: 3.5/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] It's Sun Yi Qiu's first day at work. He never attended university and because of his introvert personality, he is immediately an outcast in the group of new interns. Wu Ke Zhi is his manager. He missed yet another chance at a promotion. His uncompromising personality hinders his chances at climbing the corporate ladder. 

[Ep2] Lan Qian Yi helps a clueless Sun Yi Qiu with the photocopier. She's a feminist; she doesn't like it when men comment on what women should be like. She's self-capable and one of the strongest interns. 

[Ep3] The group of interns are asked to compliment each other's strengths and what their own strong points are. Sun Yi Qiu lists each person's in detail but he doesn't know how to answer when it comes to his own strengths. He doesn't think it's valid at all to voice his own qualities. As an investor, it should be the buyer who can determine the product's strength, not the product itself. His reply impresses the group and also Wu Ke Zhi. 

There's a scene that really left a deep impression on me but I can't remember which episode it was. Su Yi Qiu is right behind Gao Si Cong when they were both arrive to work at the same time. Everyone greets Gao Si Cong but Su Yi Qiu is like thin air behind him. No one saw him. 

[Ep4] Although Sun Yi Qiu appears like he doesn't fit in a cutthroat business environment, he's extremely detail-oriented and saved a contract from derailing. Wu Ke Zhi recognizes his strength. 

Sun Yi Qiu is blamed for carelessness but it technically wasn't his fault entirely. Another intern made the mistake and Wu Ke Zhi found out he wrongfully blamed Sun Yi Qiu. Wu Ke Zhi stands up for Sun Yi Qiu and called Sun Yi Qiu his "Team 4 Family". Although Sun Yi Qiu was unfairly blamed, feeling "included" by someone he admires makes his day. I'm slowly getting back my Misaeng memories and this part of the drama in both versions strike a chord

[Ep5] Sun Yi Qiu finds himself unexpectedly popular. Every intern, even Lan Qian Yi wants to partner up with him for a project. Jin Yu Ming has been watching on the side and finally tells him the truth about why everyone wants him. He's an easy target whose weakness will make them shine. Disappointed, Sun Yi Qiu wishes he stayed unnoticed. That's when someone new, an intern who has never shown his face yet, asks him to be his partner. He's Hao Shuai. Lol, it's Wei Da Xun calling himself "very handsome". Ha. Lan Qian Yi had no ill intentions when she asked Sun Yi Qiu to be her partner. She wanted someone who was cooperative. When she couldn't partner up with him, she'd rather go solo. Sun Yi Qiu decides on Hao Shuai. He made the decision after Wu Ke Zhi gave him an advice: rather than exploiting someone's weakness, it's best to complement each other that's why he chose Hao Shuai. He has knowledge where Sun Yi Qiu doesn't and he has weakness that Sun Yi Qiu doesn't care about. 

[Ep6] Wu Ke Zhi has to give up on a project he worked really hard for (but he still gives due credit to Jin Yu Ming). He could have continued the project but that would mean betting on Jin Yu Ming's career as well. He can put his own career at risk but not Jin Yu Ming's. 

Gao Si Cong makes a comment to Sun Yi Qiu to not waste his effort on something that doesn't yield results. 

Sun Yi Qiu: "If there's no result from my efforts, is it all worthless then?" 

Sun Yi Qiu regrets partnering up with Hao Shuai. He's irresponsible and doesn't care about the project at all. He's constantly taking "perverted" pictures of girls. Wu Ke Zhi reminds Sun Yi Qiu how it's absolutely idiotic for an intern to not care about this project. Sun Yi Qiu would be the greater idiot if he innocently believes Hao Shuai's words. 

[Ep7] Sun Yi Qiu and Hao Shuai are finally working together as Sun Yi Qiu reveals his hidden card (that he does care about this project that determines if the interns get to stay). Sun Yi Qiu stands his ground against Hao Shuai but the fact is he does have more experience than Sun Yi Qiu. Meanwhile, Wu Ke Zhi will quit to keep his pride and protect his teammate, Jin Yu Ming. Jin Yu Ming says he’ll quit too if he does that for him. 

Both men this episode have to lower their heads to keep their position. Wu Ke Zhi has to apologize to the CEO for Jin Yu Ming’s mistake and Sun Yi Qiu has to listen to Hao Shuai’s every orders. 

Wu Ke Zhi, being the amazing boss that he is, gets a petty revenge for Sun Yi Qiu by “accidentally” pushing Hao Shuai out the elevator making him spill his drink on his nice suit. Sun Yi Qiu also avenges his boss when Hao Shuai insults Wu Ke Zhi for being a useless trash who can’t even protect his own employee. The two boys fight it out with punches. 

[Ep8] It’s presentation day and Hao Shuai has gotten a case of jitters. The CEO is also super intimidating and incredibly keen. Hao Chen's lips are pale and he can’t speak without stuttering. Sun Yi Qiu confidently takes the baton from there. But he’s stuttering too. Wu Ke Zhi cringes for him. Sun Yi Qiu doesn’t give up and stutters all the way. This motivates Hao Shuai that if Sun Yi Qiu can speak that terribly (continuously stuttering with composure, lol) then he can overcome his own nervousness too. Hao Shuai continues the presentation smoothly from there. The second rounds of the presentation begins. Hao Shuai brings out his trump card. He was constantly misunderstood for being a pervert by snapping pictures of girls but he was actually researching for his new entrepreneurial idea. It's to create a brand of China's own (like Louis Vuitton.). In front of everyone, Hao Shuai asks Sun Yi Qiu if he'll invest in his proposal. Sun Yi Qiu ponders, "No."  

Hao Shuai’s background. His father bought him his university degree because he gave up graduating to be an entrepreneur but his ventures failed. The pressure to succeed in front of his father is overwhelming suffocating which is why he got the case of jitters. 

[Ep9] Sun Yi Qiu rejects investing in Hao Shuai’s idea because he doesn’t have the knowledge nor the expertise to make his dream flourish. Sun Yi Qiu believes the one who’s most deserving to invest is Hao Shuai himself. If he decides to invest, Sun Yi Qiu will help him to the best of his abilities. It’s Sun Yi Qiu’s turn to promote his product to his partner. His idea is to establish a stage for university students to market their ideas. Hao Shuai scoffs at that idea because university students aren’t polished enough to create anything marketable. Hao Shuai is technically the perfect example of this. He failed three entrepreneurial ventures in university. Sun Yi Qiu debates that if Hao Shuai rejects his idea then he’s rejecting his own past. Although it was a failure, it made him a better person today. Will Hao Shuai reject his proposal? That would mean denying his entire life thus far. Hao Shuai’s response to Sun Yi Qiu “You can.” I understand it as ‘you can do it’ or ‘if it’s you, then you can do it.” 

Sun Yi Qiu’s strengths are displayed. He’s clear headed. When Hao Shuai gave him such a surprising curveball, he was calmly thinking through how to make his project flourish. It makes sense why he was almost a Baduk professional player; calm, insightful and pensive. He seems like the guy who won’t fail in investing in the right episode as long as he’s not too slow at making a move. Heh

The interns are all waiting to be notified if they’re hired. Sun Yi Qiu is working all sorts of part time to fill his schedule. Lan Qian Yi is watching dramas complaining that everything is romance. She’s watching Eternal Love (Ten Miles of Peach Blossom), lol. Hao Shuai is the first person we see to get accepted. Sun Yi Qiu also receives his. I knew it was coming but I was still happy for him. When Sun Yi Qiu arrives in the lobby, Hao Shuai gives a fist pump. Yes, my bromance! Lan Qian Yi is happy to see him too. The only who’s not so happy is Gao Si Cong. I sort of get his feelings. He believes in ability. Sun Yi Qiu isn’t exactly someone who appears fitted for the job. There’s actually another person who’s not so happy to see him back: Wu Ke Zhi. LOL. He’s obviously dissatisfied to not get Lan Qian Yi. But he’s secretly happy to get him. 

Wu Ke Zhi: Hard work might not always lead to success but without hard work you’ll never succeed.

Although the other interns have a better team, they don’t get to do anything important. Wu Ke Zhi gives Sun Yi Qiu a chance to learn. He calls him Manager Sun. Sun Yi Qiu isn’t used to that at all but he’s all smiles. The best boss award goes to Wu Ke Zhi.

[Ep10Wu Ke Zhu’s pastQu Zhong Hui (the teacher who Wu Ke Zhi had once admired) committed a grave mistake. Wu Ke Zhi was planning to take responsibility for it but Bu Guan Jin’s cameo says she should bear all the responsibility because she’s the newest of them all. That’s how Qu Zhong Hui became the current CEO and Bi Guan Jin’s character committed suicide. After her death Qu Zhong Hui only cared if she defamed the company. Hence Wu Ke Zhi’s current attitude towards CEO Zhong. 

Wu Ke Zhi is forced to apologize for something he hasn’t done to a team who had stolen his project. Wu Ke Zhi is being blamed for missing an unimportant document. Gao Si Cong knows where the missing document is. It’s with the team who’s making Wu Ke Zhi apologize. He doesn’t reveal the truth because there really isn’t a point when the entire company knows whose in the wrong but not one single person is rectifying the truth. The missing document is hidden in the locked cabinet. I laughed when all the eyes started following Lan Qian Yi, then Sun Yi Qiu, then that other guy, and finally Wu Ke Zhi. They're all staring at the cabinet for the missing document. Wu Ke Zhi can tell what Sun Yi Qiu wants to do and warns him he better not leave his side at all. 

Lan Qian Yi’s natural ability to excel makes her teammates envious of her. Her inability to lie and suck up to her boss also makes her an immediate outcast. She considers to steal the missing document from her own team to help Wu Ke Zhi. Gao Si Cong convinces her to stop. He advises her to set her sights farther, to see the bigger picture. Life is a marathon, there’s a long way to go. Lan Qian Yi agrees. Life is a long marathon, it would suck to run with that regret forever. I’m upvoting her reply

Wu Ke Zhi assigns Sun Yi Qiu the daunting task of picking up another manager’s daughter. The kindergarten teacher (Li Shi Yan) is making a move on him. He’s completely oblivious though. 

[Ep11] Lan Qian Yi tells Sun Yi Qiu the cabinet combo so that he can find the document (and then what?). The manager of that team reverse accuses Sun Yi Qiu of sabotaging their team. Luckily, Wu Ke Zhi appears. In his hands is the missing document. He confronts the manager. This manager innately fears Wu Ke Zhi. He can’t blatantly lie in front of him. The one who gave the document to Wu Ke Zhi is actually Gao Si Cong. 

The next morning Wu Ke Zhi is absolutely abnormal. He made breakfast for his two boys and wife. He barely ever cooks. Turns out, he had a plan for his apology letter that he was supposed to publicize to Lan Qian Yi's team. It’s the most insulting apology letter ever, lol. He isn’t an ounce apologetic. Everyone if forced to stifle their laughter. Lan Qian Yi’s team becomes a laughing stock. Unfortunately, Lan Qian Yi is on the short end of that stick. The team thinks it's her who betrayed them. 

Team Four has a celebratory gorilla heart thumping moment for justice that is well deserved and for a successful project. Mark Chao is really selling it (LOL) and I get to see Bai Qing Ting being silly like he usually is

[Ep12] Team Four isn’t happy for long. They get a difficult project. Wu Ke Zhi thought he saw light because the CEO is his high school friend but it’s those guys who are the most villainous. It seems like this guy had a grudge on Wu Ke Zhi who had no idea he was hated by the CEO. 

Lan Qian Yi is ostracized in her team. Wu Ke Zhi tells Sun Yi Qiu that the only way to help her is to not help her in front of her team. It’ll only make it worse for her. The other interns still don’t get to do anything in their teams.

[Ep15] The group of interns are trying to promote Made in China products. Most of them are saying it’s impossible because once people see that products are made in China, people won’t trust it. Pft.

[Ep16] That boss (Qu Zhong Hui) continues to deny Wu Ke Zhi his acknowledgement and almost strips him of his hard earned project. 

[Ep17] Sun Yi Qiu and Li Shi Yan go to the movies. They bump into Lan Qian Yi and Gao Si Cong who coincidentally bumped into each other. They had wanted to watch a movie alone. Sun Yi Qiu and Lan Qian Yi have the same taste in movies but Lan Qian Yi purposely changed her mind on her movie selection to give Sun Yi Qiu and Li Shi Yan some alone time. Is she jealous? 

[Ep18] There’s a new hire. Wu Ke Zhi hopes the new teammate will be like Lan Qian Yi. Sun Yi Qiu plays cute and threatens he’ll request to be assigned to Team 2 if Wu Ke Zhi continues to complain. Wu Ke Zhi stops and looks at him. He happily tells him to go, lol. The new member (Lu Si Qiu) is awful by the way. But maybe he’ll be redeeming near the end???  

Gao Si Cong is looking for a new job. He purposely receives an interview call in the elevator full of coworkers and his direct supervisor.  

Lan Qian Yi is doing all sorts of random meaningless tasks (washing cups) to earn brownie points. Gao Si Cong is fed up for her. She tells him she wants to learn here. She’s learning how to socialize. People aren’t obligated to like them. This isn’t school where marks will earn them respect. If he thinks he will never need to beg anyone for help then he can leave. 

[Ep19] Lu Si Qiu orders Sun Yi Qiu like he's a servant and directly degrades him. Jin Yu Ming tries to protect him but Wu Ke Zhi wants Sun Yi Qiu to learn under Lu Si Qiu because although he looks like a hooligan now, he was once a talented investor. I like Wu Ke Zhi and Jin Yu Ming are like parents looking over Sun Yi Qiu.  

Lu Si Qiu requests Sun Yi Qiu to massage him. Sun Yi Qiu, being such a pushover, doesn’t refuse. The entire office watches him massage his shoulders to his thigh. Luckily a call comes in to save Sun Yi Qiu. Jin Yu Ming is furious at Sun Yi Qiu.  

Hao Shuai’s manager is a sod. He steals all of Hao Shuai’s work and calls it his own.  

[Ep20] Sun Yi Qiu invites Jin Yu Ming over to his place for dinner. He wants to explain he’s not a pushover. Like a game of Baduk, he can’t let his enemy know his game plan. Hence his current pushover act. Okay... The disadvantage to this strategy is that he has to lie to everyone. Jin Yu Ming finally understands but he brings up a fact: Sun Yi Qiu can’t treat everyone like his enemy; he must know who his friends are.

Gao Si Cong is determined to stay. A lot of it is because of Wu Ke Zhi. He made Gao Si Cong understand he has his imperfections too. It's not that Jiang Nan isn't giving him a chance, it's that Gao Si Cong isn't polished enough. I like the actor for Jiang Nan.

[Ep21I’m starting to like Manager Liu. Finally someone in Lan Qian Yi’s team is giving her a bit of love

[Ep22] Sun Yi Qiu finds proof of Lu Si Qiu accepting bribes. He’s fired. 

[Ep23] Lu Su Qiu’s dismissal also takes out the nice manager, Wang Yun Dong. Now there’s a vacant spot. Qu Zhong Hui wants to promote the shameless dude in Team 2 (Lan Qian Yi’s superior) but this new guy, Chris, has someone else in mind. Will it be Wu Ke Zhi? Chris is a young fella who’s got a lot of power (because of his father) that even Qu Zhong Hui has to bow his head to. There’s another new member for Team 4 now. It’s Ding Li Bo. Jin Yu Ming was looking forward to his arrival but when he puts the team at a distant, the atmosphere turns awkward. 

[Ep24] Unfortunately, after Lu Su Qiu’s incident, it looks like Team 4 did their boss (Wang Yun Dong) dirty. The whole company (at least the ones with power) ostracizes them. 

Gao Si Coong gets his first praise from Jiang Nan. I know why I particularly like Jiang Nan now. He’s the one from Missing Persons.

[Ep25] Everything goes well for Wu Ke Zhi’s presentation that moves the entire staff. Wu Ke Zhi credits Sun Yi Qiu for the inspiration but a lot of it is Wu Ke Zhi delivering it exceptionally. Qiu Zhong Hui didn’t want to approve but was forced to because Chris liked it. 

Sun Yi Qiu has earned Gao Si Cong’s respect. Gao Si Cong was surprised to hear Lan Qian Yi was envious of Sun Yi Qiu. The thought of envy never crossed his mind. Aw. By the way, the one who motivated Sun Yi Qiu was the kindergarten teacher. 

[Ep26] Chris hired externally to fill in Wang Yun Dong's position. Wu Ke Zhi isn’t happy. Not because he didn’t get his promotion but because this guy (Li Manager), although has an amazing portfolio, is here to wait until he retires. This man has no interest in doing any more investments to prevent ruining his own reputation if he makes a bad choice. Chris hired him probably just to raise the company's reputation. 
[Ep27] Jiang Nan tells Gao Si Cong he’s not slower than the rest. He has patience. That's the first real compliment Jiang Nan ever gave him. 

Paintball game. Sun Yi Qiu is forced to shoot Hao Shuai. Hao Shuai is utterly disappointed in him. 

I think this episode Qu Zhong Hui is asking Wu Ke Zhi to be the mountain Team 4 can lean on because the new manager is useless. Is he finally giving Wu Ke Zhi his acknowledgment?

[Ep28] Sun Yi Qiu and Qu Zhong Hui have an intense poker game. Sun Yi Qiu wins and he just leaned how to play poker tonight. Everyone was nervous for him beating the boss but Jin Yu Ming was so happy for him. He's like a proud mom.

Full story of Ma Xi Yuan (Bu Guan Jin cameo). She was an exceptional intern who took the fault for Wu Ke Zhi (who was taking the fault for Qu Zhong Hui).

[Ep29] Ma Xi Yuan has depression. She was inclined to commit suicide whether or not Wu Ke Zhi was in her life. Her mother never reprimanded Wu Ke Zhi. However, that doesn’t mean Wu Ke Zhi forgave himself. It has nothing to do with her depression. The blame was his to take. Not hers. 

Sun Yi Qiu learns that his mother had asked Qu Zhong Hui for Sun Yi Qiu's internship position. She was at work (hotel staff) when she came across Qu Zhong Hui's father fainted in the washroom. Qu Zhong Hui wanted to repay her so she asked for the job opportunity instead of money. I'd say that's a good investment standpoint from mom. Learning this, Sun Yi Qiu realizes he's really not that special. He had thought he perhaps had a talent in this field but now he feels like he's back to square one. 

[Ep30] Lan Qian Yu meets her ex in a meeting. He’s Chen Zhan. They were dating when he was an exceptional employee and she was just an intern in another company. She could feel the distance between them and how others looked at their disparity. That’s probably why they broke up. 

A hopeless client shows up to look for Sun Yi Qiu to invest in his dream. Sun Yi Qiu passes this man to Jiang Nan’s team. Goa Si Cong was certain Jiang Nan would reject the project but to his surprise, Jiang Nan wants him to write up a proposal for this man’s project. Goa Si Cong is very confused. There’s something Sun Yi Qiu and Jiang Nan see in this man: Dream and Passion. 

[Ep31] Gao Si Cong is the romantic hero for Lan Qian Yi. Her annoying manager wants her to use her relationship with Chen Zhan to nab a project. Lan Qian Yi flatly refuses making him very angry. He splashes HOT coffee at her. How does this man have any pride in himself as a human being? Gao Si Cong blocks the boiling coffee for her. To thank him, Lan Qian Yi buys Gao Si Cong a new set of clothes and a lucky necktie. 

Gao Si Cong is off work. He bumps into Lan Qian Yi who congratulates him on getting his own independent project (it must be the effect of her lucky necktie). He's working on the video game project. Sun Yi Qiu is his assistant and he’s having an OT. Lan Qian Yi is confused that Gao Si Cong is heading the project but it’s Sun Yi Qiu who’s OT-ing. This wakes up Gao Si Cong who returns to work. He’s serious about the project now. 

Team 4 sans Sun Yi Qiu are having a hot pot. Lin Yu Ming complains to Wu Ke Zhi for sending him as an assistant for a hopeless project. Wu Ke Zhi is looking out for Sun Yi Qiu. If he’s not kept busy, he’d waste his time running around aimlessly looking for projects. Sun Yi Qiu is desperate for a project of his own because his contract is terminating. He wants to show results so that he can stay.

I can’t decide who has the worse senior: Hao Shuai or Lan Qian Yi. Their seniors are both pretty rotten. Fortunately, Lan Qian Yi has other team members on her side. Hao Shuai has had enough of Yin Sheng Chao. He's going to make him pay for it.
[Ep32] Hao Shuai complains to Qu Zhong Hui about Yin Sheng Chao. However, every manager heard his complaint too. Qu Zhong Hui was holding a meeting with the executives. It’s a big taboo for juniors to complain about their seniors to their senior-senior. Poor Hao Shuai has to brownnose Yin Sheng Chao. Ugh. Yin Sheng Chao is annoyingly haughty again. 

Gao Si Cong has a tiny complex about video games. When he was young, he poured all his efforts into academics. To make himself focus, he snapped all his video games. Just like Sun Yi Qiu, he’s a hardworking man too. Nothing came easy for him. Even though Gao Si Cong is being a prick this episode, he’ll come around. 

[Ep33] The video game client rejects to work with Gao Si Cong. He wants Sun Yi Qiu. It’s an embarrassment for Gao Si Cong. However, Sun Yi Qiu returns the project to him. Gao Si Cong doesn’t want Sun Yi Qiu’s pity but he soon realizes it’s not pity. Sun Yi Qiu earnestly wants the project to succeed. Gao Si Cong sees his way and appreciates the project now. 

Lan Qian Yi meets up with Chen Zhan. She tells him why she left him without a word. When there were rumours about how she wasn’t his match, he offered to marry her and support her. That’s the one thing she hated. Lan Qian Yi is a career woman. She has goals for herself. She couldn’t breakup with him properly because she knew she’d give in to him and then the person who’ll change for the relationship will be her. If she does become a housewife for him, she know she’s going to regret it. Chen Zhan also tells her why he quit the project. It wasn’t for her. He shows her his wedding ring. He’s getting married. Lan Qian Yi’s eyes are red but she’s forcing a smile. 

We later learn that Chen Zhan isn’t getting married. He lied to her. They both like each other but have uncompromising goals in life. Is there that big of a conflict though? Can he not let her work after marriage? 

[Ep34] Gao Si Cong and Sun Yi Qiu’s project is approved by the board. Gao Si Cong proudly tells Jiang Nan who still has a steel face on. Jiang Nan tells Gao Si Cong to stop hiding his smile. A grin is peeping through until a full fledged celebratory shout is heard. Cute

The three post-interns finally drag Hao Shuai out of his self imposed dungeon. He’s been avoiding elevators or any public area in the company. Although they got him out and talking to them, no one has a solution for him. 

Ma Deputy lectures Xu Tai Ping on giving Lan Qian Yi her own project. He doesn’t want Lan Qian Yi to excel because he’s leaving his spot for Xu Tai Ping. Xu Tai Ping and the other members on her team find it unfair for her. They care about her. 

[Ep35] Sun Yi Qiu’s contract extension is running into problems especially with an uncooperative (lazy butt) manager who doesn’t care about his employees. 

Yin Sheng Chao is finally getting what he deserves. Hao Shuai had warned him but his stupid ego got the better of him. 

[Ep36] Lin Yu Ming and Li Shi Yan motivate Sun Yi Qiu that if he were to leave the company, leave it gloriously.

Lin Yu Ming is also giving a lot of love to Wu Ke Zhi. Everyone says Wu Ke Zhi is a useless manager who can never bring light to his team but Lin Yu Ming thinks otherwise. He admires Wu Ke Zhi. He’s staying in Team 4 because he loves Wu Ke Zhi. I mean he admires Wu Ke Zhi’s capabilities. 

[Ep37] Lan Qian Yi gets a tiny approval from Ma Deputy. 
Sun Yi Qiu enjoys a last OT before his contract terminates. Sun Yi Qiu thanks Wu Ke Zhi for making his last few days productive. Being in Team 4 this year was one of his happiest and most fulfilling time of his life. 

Qu Zhong Hui drops a hint to Wu Ke Zhi that perhaps there’s a way to keep Sun Yi Qiu. 

[Ep38] Hao Shuai wants everyone to delete the embarrassing picture Wu Ke Zhi took of them but Sun Yi Qiu wants to keep it as a memento since he’s leaving soon. This is the first time Hao Shuai heard of this news. 

Everyone is eager to help Sun Yi Qiu stay but he’s already accepted his fate. However, he’s given a chance to stay. It’s all because of Wu Ke Zhi. He accepted a difficult assignment from Qu Zhong Hui. It’s an assignment Wu Ke Zhi would have never accepted if it hadn’t been for Sun Yi Qiu. 

[Ep39] Lin Yu Ming cutely threatens Wu Ke Zhi to let him and Sun Yi Qiu join this difficult project that Qu Zhong Hui threw at him. Sun Yi Qiu’s innate reaction is to look away like he’s innocent in threatening Wu Ke Zhi. 

Hao Shuai is investigating into Yin Sheng Chao and his dirty deeds. It’s not just a revenge for himself but it’s more for the innocent workers who fell under the scam that Yin Sheng Chao is part of. First, he needs to hack into Yin’s phone which Gao Si Cong can do. However, Gao Si Cong doesn’t think this is ethical. Hao Shuai teases with him a valuable piece information: Lan Qian Yi’s shoe size. Hao Shuai has trained eyes, from one look, he knows her size. Shoe size, I meant. Deal done. 

When Hao Shuai was making the deal, it almost looked like Hao Shuai was bullying Gao Si Cong. Jiang Nan was cutely looking out for Gao Si Cong, don’t bully my kidOr was this my imagination?

Li Manager drops a hint to Sun Yi Qiu that if this project fails, Wu Ke Zhi will have to take responsibility. Qu Zhong Hui is looking for another scapegoat. 

[Ep40] Li Manager plays chess with Sun Yi Qiu. Sun Yi Qiu has many chances to win but he’s distracted by this one piece. There’s an underlying message from Li Manager. Neglecting the forest for the tree. Wu Ke Zhi sees the ominous sign in investing in this company but he’s ignoring all the signs for this one piece. This piece is Sun Yi Qiu. The manager is telling him Wu Ke Zhi is taking the high risk in order to keep him. If the project fails, which given the evidence, it is likely to fail, the person responsible is Wu Ke Zhi. Qu Zhong Hui is such a fox

There’s a get together. A drunk-ish Sun Yi Qiu cries. He thanks Wu Ke Zhi for giving the tiny hope his life needs. Pout

[Ep41] Gao Si Cong gives Lan Qian Yi a present. It’s a pair of shoes. It’s to congratulate her on her first project. She also receives a chance to work in France. It’s a rare opportunity from Ma Deputy. She happily accepts. Gao Si Cong isn’t that happy though. That’s why you don’t give shoes as presents

Sun Yi Qiu voluntarily quits. He doesn’t want to be a burden to Wu Ke Zhi. 

Ding Li Bo and Lin Yu Ming quit too. It’s a show of support to Wu Ke Zhi to ban the project that Qu Zhong Hui so wants to approve. Qu Zhong Hui threatens Wu Ke Zhi that if he goes against his order he’ll make him never see the day of light in their field. Wu Ke Zhi: Then so be it

The next day, the person who quits is Qu Zhong Hui. He’s given up on the project. It’s better for him to quit than Wu Ke Zhi. Qu Zhong Hui admits to his faults. He wants Wu Ke Zhi to be better than him. He believes he will be the better option for the company.

Wu Ke Zhi is promoted. He’s taken the spot of Li Manager and Li Manager has taken the spot of Qu Zhong Hui. What a lucky man to be promoted so quickly for doing nothing or was it all within his plans? If it was, he's the true genius. However, the office is tense. There are rumours that this was Wu Ke Zhi’s grand scheme all along (to kick out Qu Zhong Hui so that he can rise). His buddy has his back though. There’s no way Wu Ke Zhi is that type of person. 

However, Wu Ke Zhi has decided to quit too. He hands his resignation letter to Li Manager. He also confronts him on what he did to make Sun Yi Qiu to quit. Wu Ke Zhi doesn’t want to work with a man like him. He also probably doesn’t want to follow the steps of Qu Zhong Hui. 

Two months later. 

Sun Yi Qiu is working part time as a delivery man. His attitude on life has changed but the world around him remains the same. Meanwhile Hao Shuai is the popular and skillful employee everyone loves and respects. Gao Si Cong received an award for the success of the video game project (90% of that should be Sun Yi Qiu’s credit!). Lan Qian Yi was so exceptional, her one year training in France is over in six months. She’s promoted to a higher position than Gao Si Cong but he probably still loves her. She’s also wearing the shoes he bought her. Meaning...? 

Wu Ke Zhi has opened his own company. He’s running it as a one man team. Someone is knocking on his door. Is it Sun Yi Qiu with the food delivery? Nope. It’s Lin Yu Ming. He’s here to apply for a position. Aw. He really loves and trusts Wu Ke Zhi. He gave up a stable job to be here. It takes a lot of courage to do that. Wu Ke Zhi immediately piles his table with a ton of work. Lin Yu Ming asks to for a new table with a better view. However, Wu Ke Zhi says that desk is already occupied. It belongs to Sun Yi Qiu! He was temporarily away from his seat because he went undercover as a delivery man to investigate a company. 

Rewind back, Wu Ke Zhi personally visits Sun Yi Qiu because he’s not picking up his calls. Sun Yi Qiu was part-timing and studying up investment courses. He got turned down for another interview but he’s not giving up. No worries, Wu Ke Zhi is here to hire him. Before Sun Yi Qiu accepts, he asks him, “As an entrepreneur, can you tell me what is your company’s selling point?” Lol, Wu Ke Zhi has trained him well

The work dynamic has also changed despite it being the same Team 4 members. Lin Yu Ming is the newbie. Wu Ke Zhi orders Lin Yu Ming to address Sun Yi Qiu properly. Sun Yi Qiu gives him a straight face. Lin Yu Ming mumbles “Manager Sun”. That’s when Sun Yi Qiu and Wu Ke Zhi burst out laughing. 

The end. 


[First Impression (Ep1-6)] I have watched the Korean version but I don't remember how everything went. As I'm watching this, the memories of Misaeng slowly fill in. This drama reminds me why I kept tuning into Misaeng every week when it was totally not my drama. So far this drama has succeeded in creating an underdog – two underdogs – I want to root for: Sun Yi Qiu and Wu Ke Zhi. They're the people who work hard but they're always on the short end of the stick. They're the people who I want to succeed because it gives me hope that I can succeed too. This is the beauty of this type of "ordinary" drama because it can give us, ordinary people, hope.  

[Actors/Actresses] I can watch Bai Jing Ting and Wei Da Xun in anything. Bai Jing Ting is truly an actor, he's doing a great job as Sun Yi Qiu. Wei Da Xun, lol. He's a comedic relief. His variety persona is way too overwhelming. I smile and laugh just seeing him speak. At the same time, his character is also quite funny especially when he calls himself Hao Shuai. Mark Chao is definitely an upgrade in visuals from the Korean version. There could be a potential Bai Jing Ting x Mark Chao CP brewing (other than the most obvious Bai Jing Ting x Wei Da Xun).

[Episode 9 and 10]. I don’t think I was in the right age and time to appreciate Misaeng when it aired. Now that this is airing, I get flashbacks of Misaeng and realize how well it captured the mundane beauty of life. Pleasantly surprised to be enjoying this so much. 

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy.

[Review] My favourite part of this drama is the beginning, the transition from being interns to full fledged employees. It brought back my Misaeng memories. After they were hired, a lot of the tension was lost. Things were on repeat for Lan Qian Yi, Gao Si Cong and Hao Shuai (the other three interns). I couldn’t differentiate one episode from another. But I kept watching because I was fond of all the interns and Team 4. I'm glad it didn't disappoint. The ending arc does a fine job wrapping up into a satisfying closure. Bai Jing Ting's Sun Yi Qiu is someone to root for to the end. This isn't just Sun Yi Qiu's drama though. The strength of The Ordinary Glory is in the ensemble. 

I knew I was going to like Bai Jing Ting, Mark Chao and Wei Da Xun. The one who unexpectedly won me over was Zhang Zi Xian as Lin Yu Ming. So cute. So loyal. So caring. Team 4 is like a family. Bai Jing Ting is the child. Wu Ke Zhi is the dad. Lin Yu Ming is the lovely mom. 

The second character who had me smiling is Liu Chang's Jiang Nan. This guy, did he ever smile? I don’t think so. Yet, he had that warm papa vibe, raising Gao Si Cong the right way.