Cold–Lukewarm–Warm / Timid / Falls in Love First / Noble Idiot / CEO / General /
The FL:
Bold / Cute / Cool & Independent / Falls in Love First / Better than ML / Noble Idiot /
Describe the Relationship (the tropes):
Bickering Start / Childhood Connection / Cohabitation / Contract Marriage or Fake Couple / Enemies to Lovers / Hidden Identity / School to Adulthood / Love Triangle / Married Couple (Real) / Secretly in Love (F/ML) / Star-Crossed Lovers /
Relationship Progress (officially together; first (official) kiss; breakup*):
Mr. & Mrs. Smith references are funny to me, because Tang Dad was the villain in Mr. & Mrs. Chen.
Xiong buffer.
The poor kitten.
If only one could see his hair shaking here.
His turn.
Smirking away.
If only that fan would double as a shield from the other end of the table.
In time for the holidays... er, press conference.
Mirth has a face.
Sir, there is something around your nec -- ou...
In between two headstrong bosses.
Death glare. How dare he slap him on the butt like one would a child. xD
Nose rubs.
Hideous glasses.
Frightening. [Funny only because of the one of her in Blooming was just as creepy.]
They are pretty together.
Lu Zhi Xing's candy collection.
Asking for his reward. Cute!
Simba Hua Juan.
by FanFanX
[First Impression (Ep1-4)] Never say never. I ended up picking up this one even though I had declared that I was never watching another series with Huang Ri Ying. I like the way the description reads more than where the series is going so far.
[Actors/Actresses] Wei Zhe Ming has a pretty face but I have yet to be overly impressed with his roles. (Although he did endear himself as ML in Hello, I'm At Your Service.)
[Epilogues] If there is an epilogue, it rolls after the stills end. Eps1-4, 13, 20-24.
Visually and audibly enthralling unhealthily sweet CEO drama. Let's break this wordy sentence down:
Unhealthily sweet. If this statement is more appealing than it is appalling, I May Love You may just be for you: Stalkers finding love and forcing kisses in a cute CEO romcom. She loved him, but he rejected her. Now he’s grovelling, pouting, cuddling cats, and swooning ladies (myself included). Be warned that our CEO is very CEO.
Audibly. My dumb, dumb CEO drama doesn’t deserve this calibre of OSTs. I don't even know what these singers are doing in this show except energizing every scene with their addictive voices.
Visually. People are cute, interior decor is eye-catching, and fashion is arresting. The fashion statements in this show gripped me like never before. They were scene-stealers, oi, the receipts, the slanted tie, the metal cuffs on shoulders, the zippers on arms.
The ensemble is fun. It's been many full moons since I’ve been sucked into a Wei Zhe MingCEO drama. I think this is the best chemistry he’s had since Xu Ruo Han and Hu Yi Xuan. This is my very, very first time liking Huang Ri Ying's acting in a FL role. The rest of the supporting cast are charming, and absolutely harmless. There’s a cute 2nd CP, an even cuter secretary, and very supportive friends and family. Everybody is just so nice. That's actually rare in CEO dramas.
P.S. Don’t miss the ending credits ~
Two (2/5)
Reviewer: FanFanX
Date: December 2023
Aesthetics: B
Acting: B
Plot: C-
It felt sour from the initial first four eps, and the feeling never truly went away with 1CP – even when it finally became sweeter. The romance felt a bit forced - physically and emotionally between Tang Xin and Tang Yu. If it wasn’t for Tang Ding Ding’s story and the development of 2CP, I probably would’ve dropped this much sooner. Wei Zhe Ming seriously needs to branch out away from these brooding CEO/professor roles, because we’re all so over it now.
If you’re like me and mostly interested in Tang Ding Ding’s (2FL half of 2CP) story, it picks up around Ep10. Yang Shi Ze’s performance (and his dimple) as Lu Zhi Xin gave me the flutters.
Not sure if I’d rewatch this one - unless I was keen on going candy shopping (2CP). OST is amazing. Too bad the series didn't live up to its OST's expectations.