September 10, 2021

Lucky's First Love | Recap and Review

Lucky's First Love
A childish romance between a gaming company CEO and his assistant.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Bai Lu: Xing Yun
Xing Zhao LinXia Ke
Zhai Zi LuHe Yu
Chen Hao LanYao Qing
Chinese Title
The World Owes Me a First Love
Episodes: 24

Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.713/5 (Bonus points for anyone who gets this reference =P)

More recaps and more Bai Lu love ~ This time from flash2351! Yay! flash2351 is on the cynlynn express from being a lurker to frequent commenter to recapper xD

flash2351- big cdrama fan and likes to ramble on incessantly as you will soon see in his recaps (unfortunate habit from his day job). I also have a lot of random thoughts, so you will probably see a lot more blue text hahaha… But I’m open to feedback so let me know!

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Drama starts with Xing Yun (which sounds like Lucky) being called by her boss, Xia Ke (his name in her phone is “Answer Immediately” lol) because he got into a traffic accident with another female driver. Boss Xia pays the female driver no heed and gets Xing Yun to sort it out instead. We get a flashback where he picks up her resume at a job fair and hires her because of her name lol… She’s also the company’s first employee and Boss Xia likes to refer to her as their lucky charm (also her name on his phone). We also get a prelude of his mis-treatment of Xing Yun, such as locking her in the study until she completes the sketches, ordering only spicy food and just giving her a cup of water to rinse off the chilli oil. The voiceover here is pretty hilarious because she seems to be highlighting qualities that make him a good boss when he is doing the exact opposite lol. However, it seems like he is a really talented boss and his company (TIG) is widely successful after two years.

Xing Yun finds out that there is an open call for proposals for the company’s hit dating game’s sequel and comtemplates sending in her proposal. She gets an opportunity to show her proposal to her boss, but she nearly gets run over by a car. Boss Xia pulls her out of harm’s way and they end up in the classic romantic pose. He reaches up as though to stroke her hair………. And flicks her forehead instead (lol, sidenote, am I the only one who finds forehead flicks quite endearing? Haha). Back to the proposal, Boss Xia asks if she has being in a relationship before (he knows she hasn’t) and tells her to go on a date if she wants to submit a proposal…. Whattttttt, if he likes her, why is he asking her to date other guys????
A few days later, Xing Yun’s colleague (Yi Yi) tries to enter her code for her to check in to work, but she can’t remember the exact numbers until she gets prompted from behind by…. None other than Boss Xia (interesting that he knows her code 373258 haha)… He threatens said colleague with her annual bonus and so she spills the beans that Xing Yun is on a blind date. Boss Xia looks perturbed (did he expect she won’t follow through on his request?) Her blind date is Chu Nan, who looks quite reasonable, but a little old for her hahaha…. The date was a little awkward, but very short because Boss Xia called her incessantly (a bit childish eh). She finally picks up on the third call and he demands her to go back and rush some random work. Chu Nan, being a gentleman, totally understands and even sends her back to the office. He also offers a follow-up dinner date, which Xing Yun accepts in a totally cute and flustered way.

The scene cuts to Boss Xia, who is tricked into a blind date as well. His blind date notices he is in a foul mood ever since he made the phone call, so she offers a listening ear. Boss Xia starts ranting about a stray cat (Xing Yun because shes their 招财猫 fortune kitty hahaha), that the company adopted, that is bringing home other stray cats (wow jealous already? Hahaha). He gets a text from Xing Yun that she’s back at the office and he perks up immediately and starts praising the stray kitty as being both capable and a source of good fortune LOL. However, he’s worried that she will become more playful and bring home even more playmates???? Cutting to late at night, he has a nightmare of her taking maternity leave, childcare leave, maternity leave for a second child, second childcare leave and finally….. Resignation letter! KO!
His dream has quite hilarious street fighter-esque graphics haha… Very funny to watch
Ok, I think I understand the plot a bit more. Xia Ke isn’t fully aware of his feelings towards Xing Yun yet, he thinks he is just very attached to her and doesn’t want her to leave. I’m getting What’s wrong with Secretary Kim vibes here…. Back to the date, he gets a call from another woman, who purposely provokes his blind date into leaving haha. Turns out it's his sister Shen Qing (why do they have different surnames?)

Back at the office, Xing Yun starts imagining living the good life being pampered by a loving boyfriend while waiting for Boss Xia. However, it turns out that Boss Xia has already left and just purposely pulled her back from her blind date. Angrily, Xing Yun calls him and asks him where he is. He claims that he is also nearby (he actually is, coming back from his blind date), but Xing Yun thinks he is just jerking her around, so in a fit of anger, she announces that she’s dating already! Boss Xia immediately stops (clearly very affected) and leaves?

In a club, He Yu dumps his 28th girlfriend after 7 days and decides to go to Xia Ke’s house to crash. Boss Xia wakes up and kicks He Yu out of his house. He also works for an advertising company and wants to collaborate with TIG.

Xing Yun gave her presentation for the sequel and did a very good job (she also did her research very thoroughly). However, while chatting at the pantry, her colleagues seem to think that the open call is a sham and just a way to scare the creative department to step up their performance. Annoyed, Xing Yun starts bitching about Boss Xia, how he is a black-hearted businessman, how she only slept a few hours rushing the proposal and calls him sick and twisted…. Obviously with him standing behind her hahahaha….. He calls her into his office and tells her to hand over her work to her colleague. Thinking she’s being fired, she pleads with him and he’s like ok, then I will get someone else to work on the game sequel then (LOL, I like his sense of humour). She’s super happy and dances out of her office and he can’t help smiling as well. He also compliments her to He Yu, saying she’s very special and worth the wait. (Is this implying that he is waiting for her? I’m really struggling to tell the extent of his feelings for her…)
Her dancing out of his office and him smirking at her happiness
Xing Yun accidentally overshares that Chu Nan hasn’t contacted her and she’s not sure if she should contact him. Boss Xia takes her phone and helps her msg Chu Nan, proposing a movie date. He can’t help but glance to see Chu Nan’s reply, but Xing Yun kindly reads it out anyway hahaha… Chu Nan agrees to a movie this evening, which seems to upset Boss Xia. Boss Xia notices Xing Yun getting into Chu Nan’s guy and chases out…

Ok, after Ep 1, I think Boss Xia is quite childish, but he also likes Xing Yun, which is why he does all the bullying in a childish attempt to attract her attention (the adult equivalent of pulling the ponytails of the girl you like). At the same time, I think he realizes she doesn’t have feelings for him so he doesn’t want to pressurize her. Instead, he tries to be mature and pushes her to date, but at the same time he can’t help being jealous and interfering in a childish way.

[Ep2] Xing Yun is at a movie date with Chu Nan, but she keeps flashing back to her movie dates with Boss Xia and him bullying her lol…. Chu Nan falls asleep during the movie and so, Xing Yun offers to watch the genre he likes next time. Chu Nan says he likes historical documentaries, but they don’t show it in theatres… Instead, she has to go to his house, which she agrees to readily (our girl is really so naïve hahahaha)

Xia Ke meets with Shen Qing and asks why she broke up with Chu Nan (OMG, he’s her ex? No wonder the reaction at the end of Ep 1. And also, I like this twist since Chu Nan clearly feels too mature for our naïve Xing Yun). Turns out Chu Nan’s mum didn’t like that Shen Qing was married before and has a kid (which apparently is Xia Ke’s fault?) Poor thing, she clearly still likes Chu Nan. Fun tangent, Shen Qing’s name alliterates with 深情 (passionate/love deeply, and also has a connation of persistence and everlasting love) while Chu Nan sounds like 处男(virgin male). So it’s quite an apt reference given that she still holds on to her feelings for Chu Nan, while Chu Nan’s family dislikes Shen Qing because she’s not a virgin (like their son)….

Xing Yun returns home to see her mum doing a spicy Spanish dance (meant for her dad lol). Her dad also appears dressed as Zoro with a bouquet of flowers. Turns out they are celebrating their one year anniversary of their Spain trip. Mum is also super pleased that their daughter’s love life seems to be going well? Hahaha, I love these parents so far #lifegoals
Spicy dancer Mummy and Zoro Daddy hahaha
Yi Yi doubts that they will be just watching documentaries and more likely to be doing some Netflix and chill ahahahaha…. So she drags Xing Yun to a lingerie shop, and their conversation is hilarious

XY (looking at price tag): How come the price is so high for so little material?
YY: Cabbage is cheap, why don’t you just wear cabbage instead? LOL

They run into Boss Xia, leading to some extreme awkwardness (Boss Xia: I can’t believe you are this sort of lucky charm…). Yi Yi also tries to explain that it’s for a special occasion with her boyfriend. Shen Qing calls Boss Xia over to settle her bill, and so the girls misunderstand that Shen Qing is his girlfriend. They also take the chance to run away LOL….

Xing Yun shows up at Chu Nan’s place (can I just say she is wayyyy underdressed even for a date, much less what’s coming next. Perhaps this is drama’s way of telling us she isn’t actually in love with Chu Nan since she barely puts any effort into looking pretty for him). He rings the doorbell to his house and his mum answers the doorbell. (RUN GIRL! THIS AINT WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR! Who the hell springs the parents without warning, much less on the third date!!!?!). Mum is super enthu about Xing Yun, telling her that their marriage house is already ready and asking her if there is any décor style she prefers. Errrrr, can we just pump the brakes here? Dinner gets even more awkward when they overload her bowl with all the dishes and tell her not to be too skinny, after all too skinny is not good for pregnancy. Everyone, jump if you can! This train is outta control!!!! This ride ain't over though, and parents start suggesting she can teach the kids to draw and ask whether she likes baby girls or boys!!?! Somebody save this poor girl!!!! And of course, our knight in shining armour Boss Xia calls her, trying to disrupt her dinner by saying he is at a meeting with the advertising company and needs her to send some materials. Xing Yun jumps onto this lifeline and pretends that Boss Xia is demanding her to send the materials in person. Boss Xia is slightly confused, but at the same time he’s flustered, because he has to conjure this fictitious meeting up now. Thankfully, he has his trusty sidekick, He Yu to play along. When leaving, the mum also forces an expensive jade bracelet onto her wrist. My god, with parents like this, who needs enemies hahahahaha….
Look at the mountain of food on top of her bowl LOL, can’t even see the rice anymore...
Xing Yun got a cab to the golf course (where they are supposed to meet), but it’s in a very remote location, with no GPS or phone signal so the cab driver got lost too. He’s in a rush to end his shift and offers to send Xing Yun back to the city instead, but Xing Yun turns it down and decides to try and find her way in the middle of the wilderness Girl…. What are you doing? This is a recipe for disaster…. Sure enough, she runs into a bunch of human traffickers. Luckily, she manages to use her wit to escape, but she twists her ankle in the process.

2 hours later, Boss Xia calls her angrily, demanding to know where she is. Meekly, she says she won’t be able to make it which makes him even more angry (because he thinks she is still at Chu Nan’s house). His anger immediately changes into concern when he finds out she’s at the police office. He rushed into the station and couldn’t wait to see her. Seeing him, she immediately apologizes for losing her laptop and sketches, but Boss Xia shouts at her: “You idiot! I’m not asking about the equipment, I’m asking about you!” While he shouted this line, I think this is still a very sweet line. It also perfectly shows his childish personality as well as how much he cares about her, probably so much more than he actually realizes. The thought of losing her probably scared him so much, which is what caused him to lash out at everyone (childish, but sincere) The whole police station starts telling him off for letting her girlfriend walk alone, but Xing Yun quickly clarifies that he is her boss. But the officers won’t let it go, emphasizing how compatible they look and how anxious Boss Xia was initially. Boss Xia supports Xing Yun to go watch the footage because of her ankle. He is super protective of her here (asking if she could be spared the trauma of watching the footage again). He also holds her super tightly, leading Xing Yun to ask if he is cold (Silly girl, he’s holding you so tight because he’s afraid of losing you!). He also lashes out at the driver for abandoning her there (but really, it isn’t his fault cause she insisted on alighting there lol). I really like this segment showing how much Boss Xia cares for Xing Yun. He just a little immature, and doesn’t express it correctly sometimes…. The kind police officer also advises him to show more warmth, knowing that he really cares about her…. Boss Xia immediately takes his words to heart, offering to piggyback Xing Yun because of her twisted ankle.

While walking, Xing Yun thanks him and also notes that while he is sharp-tongued, he has a kind heart, listing examples of his kindness (that he does in secret). She continues rambling, which Boss Xia happily listens to, until she starts saying good stuff about Chu Nan and promises to treasure her relationship with Chu Nan. This triggers our baby Boss who says this is all Chu Nan’s fault and that he doesn’t actually like her. This leads Xing Yun to think that the whole meeting tonight was a sham to pull her away from Chu Nan (but wasn’t she the one who used the excuse to escape?). She gets annoyed and accuses him of toying with him. She clarifies that while his looks appeal to him (lol why would she admit that), she would never like him and she hates people like him who toy with others. She also tells him to grow up (totally agree hahahaha). As if right on cue, He Yu shows up, leading Xing Yun to think that she wrongly accused Boss Xia. If awkwardness could kill, pretty sure Xing Yun would have died multiple times. Also, I guess the two of them are a perfect match. Come on, who in their right mind would say such stuff to their boss hahaha. Guess it takes two immature hands to clap. Also, while I keep calling Boss Xia immature, I admire the amount of nonsense that he is willing to put up with from Xing Yun. Anyone else, she probably would have been fired ten times over. The two guys send her back, but unfortunately her bag was snatched so she cant get home and her parents are an a romantic hotel getaway #lifegoals. Chu Nan is not picking up and neither are her other friends, so she’s forced to spend the night at Boss Xia…

At the other end, Shen Qing was spying on Chu Nan and Xing Yun, after which Shen Qing and Chu Nan had coffee and sat in the car together for basically eternity, ignoring Xing Yun’s call. I get that Chu Nan is also hung up on Shen Qing, but I disapprove of his handling of the situation. He should never have gotten together with Xing Yun if he is still hung up on Shen Qing, and if he is serious about Xing Yun, he shouldn’t be spending so much alone time with Shen Qing/ignoring Xing Yun’s call. Very big blearghhhhh for me here. Like dude, decide and don’t play with two girls’ hearts…

Drama is looking up at this point. The traffickers plot is a little contrived, but I like how it showcased how much Boss Xia cares for Xing Yun. I’m also starting to understand their personalities more and their childish interactions are growing on me. Our secondary couple (Chu Nan and Shen Qing) looks to be more of a slow burner, but I’m not a big fan of Chu Nan so far as stated above.

[Ep3] At Boss Xia’s house, he prepared medicine for her sprained ankle, but somehow our FL is incapable of this small task, so Boss Xia lovingly attends to her ankle… He then notices the jade bracelet on her hand, which he tells her is very expensive, so they try all methods to remove it (dipping her hand in ice water, soap, some ribbon thingy) but none of it is successful. Well, besides causing them to get into a childish fight with soap bubbles which I must admit is kinda cute haha…. He also prepares pjs for her, which she thinks is his gf’s.
Our childish couple having a soap bubble fight
Boss Xia offers his room for her to sleep, but she immediately says she’ll take the guest room, except it doesn’t have a bed. She asks him why not and he says that he doesn’t like people staying in his house except for her? =P… She then offers to take the couch, but he makes up some lame sleepwalking excuse to finally convince her to take the bed.Alone in his room, she gets a document called “Love’s Cheat Code” from Yi Yi, basically a way to evaluate her boyfriend based on his bedroom, a test that Boss Xia passes with flying colors lol. Except that she still thinks the pjs is his gf’s, so the guide tells her to get out of there immediately or there is going to be a bloody disaster hahaha…. Does her evaluating Boss Xia’s room using the guide means that she’s actually considering him as a boyfriend?

The next morning, she gets roughly woken up and carried into the wardrobe by Boss Xia. He covers her mouth and hides in the wardrobe with her. She thinks that they are hiding from loan sharks LOL This girl has one overactive imagination.... The closet door gets opened by…. A little boy Xiaoxi, Shen Qing’s kid…. I have no idea why they thought they could hide in the closet. And like wouldn’t his sis be suspicious if Boss Xia is not in his own house???? Anyway, Xing Yun recognizes Shen Qing from the lingerie shop and continues assuming that she is Boss Xia’s gf. Xing Yun tries to explain, but her story sounds way too ridiculous hahaha… Boss Xia chases Shen Qing away, but doesn’t clarify…
Seriously, why would you think the closet is a good hiding place?
Xing Yun tries to run away before breakfast, but she gets stopped by Shen Qing and her growling tummy LOL...Breakfast is a little awkward and Xing Yun gets the wrong idea that Xiaoxi is Boss Xia’s illegitimate child (I have absolutely no idea why Boss Xia isn’t clarifying). Tension gets slightly defused when Xiaoxi asks Xing Yun to draw Peppa Pig for him. He then continues with a whole variety of situations (swimming, driving tank, parachuting, etc) that Xing Yun happily complies with (I find it such a waste that this is being drawn on tissue paper LOL. Couldn’t they get some proper paper instead?). Xing Yun wolves down the rest of the meal and hastily escapes. Shen Qing asks why Boss Xia is not giving her a lift, and he says she wouldn’t dare to take his car now (Pretty sure he got that right hahaha.)

Shen Qing gives Xing Yun a lift to the hospital (I’m guessing Boss Xia asked her to do it?). Shen Qing takes the chance to find out more about Chu Nan and Xing Yun’s relationship (a little dishonest for my taste, but somewhat understandable I guess)...Shen Qing tries to oversell her relationship with Chu Nan to reassure Shen Qing that there's nothing between her and Boss Xia, but that’s literally the worst thing to say hahaha….

Boss Xia also finds out that Chu Nan has been secretly meeting up with Xiaoxi behind Shen Qing’s back (wow, his scummy value just went up a whole lot…. Like idgaf about what sort of relationship you have, don’t use children as a means to an end…) That night, Boss Xia drops a hint to Shen Qing that she should make more pizza for Xiaoxi (pizza is the bribe that Chu Nan has been using). I’m a little conflicted here because while I appreciate Boss Xia keeping his promise to Xiaoxi (not telling Shen Qing about the meetings), I think this is the sort of situation where he should use his adult common sense and realize protecting the kid is more important than the promise.

The next day, Xing Yun accidentally sends her rant about Boss Xia to the entire office chat. She announces that Boss Xia has a secret girlfriend and an illegitimate child and calls him fake for pretending to be single. She ends off saying I can’t believe he’s such an ass, to which Boss Xia replies I can’t believe I’m such an ass too (I wonder what it says about me when I really enjoy Boss Xia’s humour hahahaha, maybe I’m just as childish =P)....Xing Yun immediately hobbles into Boss Xia’s office to apologize, but he doesn’t respond. He just takes a sip from his cup before he realizes it’s empty, so she immediately hobbles to make another cup of coffee for him (based on his expression, I don’t think he meant for her to refill his coffee cup lol.)... He then tells her to pack her stuff and she immediately assumes she's being fired, so she pleads for her job again. I notice she uses literally the exact same lines to plead for her job every time, making me wonder how regularly she does it lol. But actually all Boss Xia wants is for her to rest up at work from home and rest up her ankle. He also asks for daily pics of her twisted ankle to make sure she isn’t pretending to be injured to skip coming to work (sure………..).

Working from home doesn’t allow Xing Yun to escape Boss Xia’s evil clutches… She has to work non-stop under his supervision via video call >_<. Her parents misunderstand and assume that she spent the night with Chu Nan and his parents, so they invited Chu Nan over for dinner Lol, I totally love how cute the parents are here. Boss Xia overhears that Chu Nan arrived and he seethes with jealousy. Daddy Xing puts on a stern act in front of Chu Nan, but Mum just tells him to shut up LOL. Chu Nan is surprised to see her ankle is injured and also figures out that they think she spent the night with him. Xing Yun tries to explain, but Chu Nan quickly apologises and assumes all responsibility and explains that her injury is from rock-climbing. Her parents immediately soften up LOL, apparently they really approve of him making her more active. Hahaha, these parents are wayyyy too cuteeeee…

Ahhhhh, liking Chu Nan less and less with each passing episode. I’m also starting to admire Boss Xia more for putting up with all of Xing Yun’s nonsense lol, but I guess it’s really a two-way street since she also puts up with all his nonsense as well.

[Ep4] After dinner, the two of them adjourn to her bedroom, but apparently she hasn’t hung up her call with Boss Xia, so he hears their entire conversation. She recaps her encounter with the human traffickers to Chu Nan. She tries to reassure him that nothing happened with her boss that night, but he doesn’t need it. He trusts her. Or maybe he just doesn’t care? Like it’s one thing to trust, but if he really liked her, I feel like he should have had a bigger reaction…She finds out that Baby Boss (I’m just going to call Boss Xia this from now on, or at least until he becomes more mature hahaha. Plus Baby Boss sounds nicer than Boss Xia) was still on the line and he brazenly admits to listening in on her convo with Chu Nan. *Cue typical couple bickering*

Chu Nan picks Xing Yun up at work, but as they drive by a cake shop (run by Shen Qing?), he glazes over. Like dude, make up your mind and stop this idocry… He sees Shen Qing exit the shop and get into another man’s car, so he starts driving super recklessly chasing after her. He totally ignores Xing Yun and drives like a man possessed… He finally loses Shen Qing at a red light, but the sudden brake causes Xing Yun to hit her wrist on the dashboard, breaking the jade bracelet from Mummy Chu. Xing Yun quickly apologises for breaking the bracelet (Why girl??? It was totally his reckless driving!!!). Chu Nan asks to get married. WTF! Just when I thought he couldn’t get any worse… (Also random tangent, Bai Lu seems to have an affinity for abrupt proposals eh?) Later, at night, he retracts his proposal and apologises, saying he’s been too stressed lately. Urgh, please just wake up your idea and decide on what you want instead of jerking our poor Xing Yun around...

Xing Yun is trying on her bridesmaid dress for her cousin’s wedding (the one who introduced Chu Nan to her). I have no idea why her bridesmaid dress is white, it can literally pass for a wedding dress lol…. Anyway, after hearing about Chu Nan’s proposal, the cousin decides to mess with Xing Yun and sends the photo of her in the white bridesmaid dress to Chu Nan, with the line “Please come and marry me immediately”... But of course, she accidentally sends it to Baby Boss instead LOL… Upon receiving the msg, Baby Boss immediately leaves the meeting with his investor! He runs into her at the convenience store (where she’s wolving down her lunch) and finds out that Chu Nan proposed to her and the msg was meant for Chu Nan (Is this going to prompt him into action??)...

More Xing family time as they prep for the company retreat. #LG is going to be my shorthand for lifegoals from now on hahaha…. Mummy and Daddy Xing are super sweet and humorous and the line there is no awkwardness that cannot be resolved by food resonates so much with me hahaha….Oh also, Xing Yun and her two besties (Yi Yi and Amy) has a group chat titled 三宅一生 (three nerds one life? Or maybe more accurately, 3 nerds together for life?) Anyway, that explains the 3/1 hand signal that Amy and Xing Yun did to each other in episode 1. On the day of the retreat, Baby Boss suddenly announces that family members have to make their own way there, forcing Chu Nan to drive there himself. He also manipulates the seating so that Xing Yun is forced to sit next to him hahaha…. And of course, we have the classic damsel falling into the arms of her shining knight scene lol…
In the meantime, Shen Qing had a meeting with the clients from hell literally, a snobbish, unreasonable wife and her perverted husband. I’m glad she stood up for herself, but I would’ve given him one tight slap across the face for good measure. It turns out that her meeting was at the same resort as the company retreat, so she runs into Xing Yun and Baby Boss. Noticing the gossiping colleagues, Shen Qing decides to have some fun and pretends to be Baby Boss’ secret girlfriend. She has some of the most hilarious lines, like “You haven’t come by our house in so long… Baby and I miss you so much! Do you have another woman outside!!!” Because of this, the colleagues start to become wary of appearing too close to Baby Boss lol.

At a sightseeing spot, Shen Qing approaches Xing Yun and bluntly asks about her relationship with Baby Boss. She tries to downplay it, but her warm colleagues happily blurt out all the things that Xing Yun did for the company since the start, causing Shen Qing to comment on the chemistry between the two. Xing Yun tries to run off to hide from Shen Qing, causing Baby Boss to finally reveal that Shen Qing is his sister. Turns out they took the surnames of their respective parents, hence having different surnames. Xing Yun also brightens up visibly (Does that mean she actually minds Baby Boss having a gf???) and decides not to run off anymore.

Chu Nan finally arrives because he was stuck in a jam (why was the bus unaffected then? lol)... Xing Yun introduces him to her two close friends, Amy and Yi Yi. Yi Yi sniggers at his name sounding like 处男 (virgin) in chinese lol. Baby Boss and Shen Qing walk in at the same time.. *Cue the imminent collision of worlds*
This is like watching a train wreck in slow motion
Chu Nan upgraded his and Xing Yun’s room to an executive suite, and Shen Qing decided to stay in the suite next to them. Xing Yun asks if the two men know each other and in unison, they answer No. Urgh, Baby boss answering no is understandable, after all it’s his sister’s story, not his to tell but Chu Nan should have been honest with Xing Yun. More scumminess BLEARGH…

At dinner, Chu Nan is in a bad mood and just keeps drinking wine. Xing Yun offers to take some dishes for him, but our immature Baby Boss keeps snatching the food she was trying to take and eating it LOL. Xing Yun is not one to be bullied though, so she pretends to make a duck wrap for Baby Boss, but after completion, she gives it to Chu Nan instead… Really, two immature babies who are perfect for each other xD…
The delicious duck wrap.... So near yet so far....
Post-dinner, they play a game of “Never Have I Ever” but Baby Boss refuses to participate. Chu Nan answers yes to the question of having someone he knew he wanted to marry the moment he set eyes on her. Everyone thinks it’s Xing Yun but he’s clearly looking at Shen Qing when he drinks URGH scum. Next question, who has experienced a knight saving a damsel in distress… Xing Yun drinks and everyone thinks it’s Chu Nan who saved her, but Xing Yun quickly clarifies, it’s not him, it was a… friend Chu Nan, look at literally how easy it is to clarify. Be a man….. Anyway, Baby Boss smirks and drinks as well, hinting that it was him that saved Xing Yun (flashback to the car incident in Ep 1).
Baby Boss’ smirk when he realizes that he is the knight in shining armour. Tbh, the actor is growing on me a bit, I’m really enjoying his subtle expressions
Following question, who has slept in another man’s bed? All the girls drink, including Xing Yun, leading Shen Qing to snidely (and sadly?) comment “I didn’t know the two of you progressed so fast”. Chu Nan quickly clarifies that they haven’t slept together (O wow dude, you are actually able to clarify stuff? Where were you two questions ago then?). This leads to awkwardness and Dong Dong (a colleague) starts hassling Xing Yun exactly which guy’s bed she slept in before. Our Baby Boss tells Dong Dong to get a fruit platter, indirectly helping Xing Yun out of her dilemma. She shoots Baby Boss a grateful look, before taking the chance to retire for the night. Her two besties aren't so keen on letting her rest though. Instead, they grab Xing Yun and dolls her up in anticipation of a hot and steamy night. Of course, instead of Chu Nan, they first run into Baby Boss sending her drunk sister back to her room.

The more I watch, the more I like Baby Boss and Xing Yun’s interactions. They are quite childish for my taste, but hey, it feels like they are both equally childish, making them appear very compatible. I also like how both of them are able to roll with the punches and give as good as they get, rather than a single party constantly bullying the other. Ahhhh, I can’t wait for Xing Yun to dump the stupid Chu Nan and get together with Baby Boss….

[Ep5] The besties ask Baby Boss what he thinks of Xing Yun’s get-up, and our sourpuss Baby Boss snaps “Ugly!” (Judging from his stares, he clearly thinks the opposite LOL). Xing Yun is clearly very upset at that and decides to remove all her makeup and the sexy nightgown. Instead, awaiting Chu Nan in the room is the most authentic Xing Yun, dressed in an old shirt, laughing out loud and stuffing her face with potato chips (FWIW, I think authentic Xing Yun is much cuter). Chu Nan pours her a glass of wine and asks Xing Yun what’s on her mind? She replies that she thinks her parents will really enjoy this romantic atmosphere (what better way to kill any potential romance eh?). Chu Nan remarks that her lack of situational awareness shows she probably didn’t inherit any of their romantic genes (please, it’s just because she’s not with the right guy.).

Chu Nan pulls her into a slow dance, and they are about to kiss.... But all he can think about is Shen Qing. Urgh, scum. Cannot be bothered wasting my words on him anymore.The kiss doesn’t happen and they break apart awkwardly. Chu Nan says let’s wait to do it after we get married? WHAT!!! Scum. Xing Yun feels super awkward so she offers to sleep on the sofa and runs off, claiming that she wants to go for a swim…

Walking in the darkness, Xing Yun realizes someone is following her. Afraid that it’s a predator, she turns around and aims a kick to his groin (something that Baby Boss taught her last time). The “predator” was actually Baby Boss, following her out of concern and he manages to grab her leg before she inflicts any serious damage.
I like how they always end up in this sort of semi-romantic, semi-awkward poses hahahaha
Baby Boss laughs at her outfit, but shows her the way to the pool. Xing Yun dips her feet in the pool and chats with Baby Boss. Baby Boss makes a good point that in a crisis, she doesn’t think of her boyfriend and that it’s irresponsible of him to let her wander around unaccompanied at night (Baby Boss obviously used more abrasive words, but I’m paraphrasing it nicely for him :P). Xing Yun defends Chu Nan and sings his praises. So Baby Boss proposes an experiment. He sits next to her and leans in to kiss her. As he moves closer, she closes her eyes and braces for the kiss. That’s more than enough proof for Baby Boss, so he doesn’t actually kiss her, but Xing Yun still denies it. So he does it again, while showing remarkable self-restraint by stopping just short of her lips. My liking of Baby Boss just increased dramatically. I think he chose a good way to show Xing Yun that she clearly doesn’t have romantic feelings for Chu Nan, and I really admire his restraint in not kissing her despite clearly liking her. This would be a terrible way for them to have their first kiss! Also, I think his hypothesis is incomplete hahaha… Her accepting the kiss is not just because she doesn’t have feelings for Chu Nan, but also because she has unconscious feelings for Baby Boss. Xing Yun is still in denial of both her lack of feelings for Chu Nan and feelings for Baby Boss though, so she pushes him away and ends up falling into the pool LOL. She then runs off on her own. Baby Boss chases after her (Look Chu Nan, this is what a guy does for a girl).
His satisfied Yang yang-esque smirk when Xing Yun closes her eyes for the kiss.10/10
Yang Yang’s smirk from The King’s Avatar for comparison (and eye-candying =P)
Shen Qing and Chu Nan bump into each other as they exit their rooms, but she gives him the cold shoulder. Chu Nan forces Shen Qing into a bidong and they end up kissing URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH total scum. Not only do you not look after your girlfriend, you hook up with another girl right under her nose? Shen Qing deserves some blame too, but much less because she’s pretty drunk and he was the one forcing himself on her. Baby Boss spots them, but decides not to intervene, until Xing Yun walks in. He distracts her until the cheating couple adjoins back into Shen Qing’s room by pretending to be harsh (telling her to not to use catching a cold as an excuse to take MC). While I appreciate Baby Boss’ intent here, I think he should have just let her walk in on them. His actions protected her in the short term, but it’s just setting her up for a bigger fall down the road. He should’ve just ripped off the band-aid, 长痛不如短痛 (long pain is not better than short pain)...

Xiaoxi had a bad fall at home :(. Shen Qing gets a call and immediately rushes back and Chu Nan chooses to accompany her back, claiming that he also has a family emergency. Well, technically he’s not lying if he considers Shen Qing (and by extension Xiaoxi) family, but still scum. Xing Yun naively believes him and even helps the two of them order a car… Urghhhhhhh, poor girl...

At the hospital, Chu Nan calls his mother and pleads with her to come because apparently she is the head surgeon. Mummy Chu arrives and agrees to operate on Xiaoxi. Thankfully, Xiaoxi is fine but Mummy Chu (for ??? reasons) decides to take the chance to emphasize that she does not approve of Shen Qing and also blames her for not taking care of her kid properly as she wasn’t there when Xiaoxi got injured. Wow, the whole Chu family are like literal asses… So by her logic, parents need to be tied to their kids 24/7? And even a blind person can see from Shen Qing’s expressions that she is beating herself up over the incident already. So she just enjoys twisting the knife for fun? Or does blaming Shen Qing more help inflate her pathetic sense of moral superiority?

Back at the resort, Xing Yun can’t stop thinking about her almost kiss with Baby Boss. She even googles how to tell if a girl is in love (Girl you don’t need google to tell you that you are in loveeeeeeeee). The next day, she oversleeps (couldn’t sleep thinking of Baby Boss eh? =P) and her two besties wonder what sort of action she got up to last night xP. Their disappointed faces when they realize Chu Nan has left are totally epic… Xing Yun falls asleep on the bus (clearly up all night thinking of Baby Boss eh?) and Amy takes a video of her and uploads it. The video becomes an instant hit, resulting in a wrestling match between Amy and Xing Yun as she tries to delete the video off the phone. The phone somehow ends up with Baby Boss, who quietly deletes it (Ahhh, her knight in shining armour again hahaha).
His smirk is totally growing on me hahaha
Meanwhile, literally anybody with a brain remarks on how coincidental it was that Shen Qing and Chu Nan left together last night. Baby boss suddenly announces that whoever wins the paintball event later will get 3 days of leave and a bonus cash prize (It’s not super clear, but I suspect it’s his way of distracting her from thinking and becoming suspicious of Chu Nan and Shen Qing).

For the paintball event, they draws coloured straws to split into teams of two. Amy (truly the best 歪打正着[unintentional] wingwoman) notices she has the same colour as Baby Boss, so she tricks Xing Yun into switching with her. Baby boss is a pro at paintball though, and successfully eliminates most of the other competitors, although one of his tactics involved using Xing Yun as bait hahaha….
Their interactions throughout the paintball segment is hilarious. I also like how it started off and somewhat stiff (left column) and progresses to become more and more natural (right column)
Finally, it’s down to them and another team, stuck in a standoff. Xing Yun trips when running, but Baby Boss notices in time and lunges in front of her, cushioning her fall (Truly her knight in shining armour). However, he knocks his head hard on the ground and Xing Yun is super worried about him. She shouts at the other two members to go call for help and Baby Boss shoots them in the back the moment they left. He was actually fine all along LOL, but now Xing Yun is mad at him because she was truly worried about him. However, she childishly claims that it’s because she is worried about the medical expenses (I like this symmetry between our characters where they struggle to show concern for each other, and instead use the most childish ways to express it. Also, I’m thankful that this is not another amnesia arc LOL).

Waiting on the bus, Baby Boss overhears the colleagues discussing an article about a 27y.o. woman committing suicide after breaking up with her first love I guess this is his motivation for not exposing Chu Nan? But like what is his solution though? Get Chu Nan to be faithful to Xing Yun? Or maybe he is just buying time until he can break the news gently? Meanwhile, the three besties visit a temple in the afternoon and write their wishes on a red ribbon. Xing Yun wishes for her game design to be a success, but then her besties are like, you can definitely achieve this if you work hard, so why don’t you wish for something out of your control, like love? I like all this subtle hints that drama is dropping to show that Xing Yun does not have feelings for Chu Nan at all (since he was not her first thought when she was wishing). I also like how supportive her two besties are, saying that her career success was going to be a given LOL. Xing Yun tried to hang up the ribbon wishing that her romance with Chu Nan will bloom, but she couldn’t reach the string… So obviously Baby Boss has to swoop in and save the day… I mean, help her hang it up. Except he realizes what her wish is, so he tosses the ribbon into the lake instead, using the fact that the three of them are late as an excuse. Walking back, Baby Boss tries to ask if Xing Yun has met any setbacks in life, which she replies in the negative. She grew up in a comfortable and loving family. Baby Boss muses out loud on what would happen if she encounters an obstacle later on in life then (thinking of the whole Chu Nan issue). To which, Xing Yun happily replies, “ Don’t worry, I’ve had a lot of experience with obstacles in life…. Because my boss is you!” LOL. We also find out that Chu Nan has not contacted Xing Yun ever since the night he left (scum).

It’s the end of the team building trip and on the bus back, Xing Yun falls asleep, and Baby Boss subtly shifts his shoulder so that she can rest her head on his shoulder and uses his another hand to stabilize her head Sweetttttttttttttt.

In the hospital, Mummy Chu uses her alone time with Xiaoxi to enquire about Shen Qing’s ex-husband (It’s not really invasive questioning, so maybe I’m a little harsh, but I really dislike how the entire Chu family is asking the kid for information. You have something to ask, go speak to Shen Qing directly then!). She finds out that Shen Qing’s ex-husband abandoned the family ever since Xiaoxi can remember. This seems to soften Mummy Chu because apparently she never thought of that possibility? Errrrr, so what did she think? I don’t even know lol. I did watch ahead a few eps and understand the necessity of Mummy Chu disapproving of a divorcee in terms of the plot, but like, this character inconsistency here really bugged me. At another part of the hospital, Baby Boss confronts Chu Nan on his scumbag behavior, but Chu Nan insists that Xing Yun is his girlfriend and he was going to propose soon (Wow, I too enjoy having a partner who is uncontactable for multiple days. Definitely the sort of person I would want to marry and spend the rest of my life with). Baby Boss looks like he wants to rip Chu Nan a new one but unfortunately he gets a call from his sis that Xiaoxi is unwell.

Full disclosure, I’ve fast-forward and jumped around a bit to find when Chu Nan and Xing Yun’s arc ends (thankfully soon) and somehow I managed to catch the bit where Chu Nan explains his intentions with Xing Yun, so that might colour some of my judgement here. But I think even without knowing that, Chu Nan is literally acting like a complete and utter ass here. Is it so difficult to just reply Xing Yun? Is it so difficult to keep it in your pants? Is it so difficult to not jerk around two girls at the same time? I’m so glad Baby Boss calls him out on it, but sad that we don’t get to see him rip Chu Nan a new one.

Speaking of Baby Boss, I’m liking him more and more. His interactions with XIng Yun are becoming more and more cute, and I appreciate all the subtle things he does. Also, seeing him interacting with Chu Nan and others in the later episodes, he isn’t actually as immature as my first impressions. He’s just immature when interacting with Xing Yun haha. It reminds me of a chinese saying 爱情会使人变得年轻 (love will make people become younger), or in this case, love will make people become childish. Hahahaha….

[Ep6] Thankfully, Xiaoxi just has the standard post-op fever, but Mummy Chu advises that someone should stay with Xiaoxi at all times. Baby Boss volunteers, but Chu Nan cuts him off and says he can do it. Shen Qing coldly refers to him as Mr Chu and tells him this is none of his business (Good job Shen Qing! I knew the Ep5 bit was clearly due to alcohol-compromised judgement!). Baby Boss calls Amy to reschedule his meetings and to bring his laptop and notebook to the hospital. Unfortunately, she has a bit of a wardrobe emergency, so Xing Yun ends up bringing the stuff instead. Chu Nan still hasn’t replied her btw (scum! So tempted to just rename him as scum, but I’m afraid it will confuse the readers hahaha…. That’s the only reason I haven’t done it, not because of any redeeming factors of his).

At the hospital, Xing Yun bumps into a mysterious man all dressed in black in the stairwell who seems to respond to Baby Boss (Xia Ke)’s name. The mystery man then hangs around Xiaoxi, but just out of sight from Shen Qing and him. (Is that the ex-husband?). Baby Boss meets Xing Yun and takes his stuff from her. He then accompanies her out to make sure she doesn’t bump into Chu Nan, resulting in a bunch of awkwardly hilarious interactions. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, XIng Yun still sees Chu Nan when she is in the cab. She immediately alights from the cab and chases after him. His excuse? His brother is hospitalized with some heart problem (Dude, you’re more like the one with a heart problem). He pretends to not know about Xiaoxi and asks her out for dinner. My heart physically aches watching how much concern Xing Yun is showing this scum. Like drama has told us she has no feelings for him, but she clearly isn’t aware of that and she is still showing care and concern for him URGH….Dinner was terrible btw. He just drank until he was drunk and totally ignored her… I am at a loss of words. How is this guy even supposed to be the 2ML or 3ML? I am probably going to gloss over most of the segments from now on because even recapping it upsets me.

The next day, seeing Xing Yun being all moody and depressed at the office, Baby Boss decides to bring her as his +1 to some annual game design conference. This immediately brightens up Xing Yun. She wanders around on her own for a bit, and catches the attention of a random old dude (Jeremy Leung?) who seems to want to poach her from TIG? Just keeping this here in case it's relevant later on.

After his speech, he goes looking for Xing Yun and quietly sits behind her (clearly setting up for some awkward overhearing). Random girl tells Xing Yun how lucky she is to be working with such a handsome boss, to which she replies no matter how handsome someone is, you’ll be sick of him sooner or later and that he is a cold-hearted slave-driver boss.
Love his expression here (overhearing her description of him)
He coughs slightly and she instantly realizes he is behind her (how does she even know hahaha, does she have a Baby Boss radar?). She immediately changes her statements and sings him praises instead. Initially, Baby Boss wanted to leave and refused to give his keynote address at dinner because the questions were scripted and some other random stuff that I didn’t pay attention to. However, he finds out that Xing Yun really wants to meet one of the other VIPs (a famous manga artist) and so he changes his mind again and agrees to give his address. He also arranges a private meet and greet for her (hahahaha, the things people do for love). She doesn’t attend the dinner though, because she was uncomfortable sitting among all the VIPs so she went to a cafe downstairs. Citing the same excuse (lol, we all know it’s because she’s the real VIP), Baby Boss also eats next to her. When her spaghetti arrived, she tries to eat it without her hands…. Because those hands still have the famous manga artist’s aura on it….
Showing that she is just as childish as Baby Boss
She accidentally drops a bit of spaghetti on her hands though, so she instinctively wipes her hands… and instant regret!!!! Her solution, grab onto Baby Boss’ hand because he shook the famous manga artist’s hand as well. LMAO. I love this segment hahahaha…. He also sends her home (no big deal, just highlighting how much of a gentleman he is compared to some other scum).

Shen Qing finds out that Chu Nan has been secretly helping her cake shop out with delivery and also left food for her at the hospital. She chases after him with an umbrella, but Mummy Chu strikes first and shelters Chu Nan from the rain. So Shen Qing quietly turns around and goes back to Xiaoxi. Mummy Chu tells him that she really pities Shen Qing and Xiaoxi, but because Chu Nan is her only son, she cannot approve of him marrying a divorcee with a child, especially given that she is his first. Chu Nan stomps off angrily. Urgh…. I hate it when people say stuff like oh, if it’s someone else, I would help her, but not if it concerns my child. This is just a roundabout way to say I am discriminating against X (in this case divorcees), but I will tolerate them insofar as they don’t interfere with my or my children’s life. Her logic is very reminiscent of Wu Yan’s mum in Crush, except arguably worse in this case because divorcees is a very broad class and besides the label, there is little difference between a divorcee and a random woman on the street. I hope that as a society, people can truly accept all sorts of people being different, rather than merely tolerating them… A bit idealistic and childish of me I know, but hey, fitting with the theme of this drama eh?

Chu Nan asks to meet Xing Yun (who thinks its just a lunch date), but turns out he brought her to a bridal studio (note: he just gave her an address to show up at, too busy stalking Shen Qing to do the basic courtesy of picking up his gf. Sarcasm is my only crutch left). He gets her to try on wedding dresses as a subtle way to influence her to want to get married. Xing Yun is hesitant, but she agrees because she hopes to help him relieve some worry about his “brother” Our poor angel :’( What did she do to deserve this?.

Baby Boss finds out that Shen Qing has been having insomnia and has been taking sleeping pills by the handful every night. He also receives a call from Shen Qing, who drank herself to a stupor because she found out that Chu Nan was proposing to Xing Yun today. Angrily, he calls Chu Nan, but Xing Yun accidentally picks up. Without realizing who it is, he rips into her, telling her that Shen Qing has been taking sleeping pills and forces Chu Nan to make a choice between the two girls. Xing Yun relays the message, and Chu Nan immediately grabs the phone and rushes to attend to Shen Qing. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL. I AM LITERALLY SO PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW. I get you care about Shen Qing, but literally what is Xing Yun to you then? Someone for you to toy around with to relieve your boredom? Thank god he is just a fictitious character, I cannot imagine how such a big ass can exist in real life.

Chu Nan and Shen Qing embrace in front of the hotel, totally oblivious to the fact that Xing Yun is watching them (If I had a most hated character list, pretty sure Chu Nan would top it). Baby Boss shields her eyes from it and tries to comfort her. However, she lashes out at him and accuses him of sabotaging her relationship for his sister. Ahhhhhhh, my heart aches for her.... Also, poor Baby Boss, he doesn’t deserve this blame when all he’s done, he’s been trying to protect Xing Yun… Xing Yun doesn’t believe him though and stomps off… He tries to coerce her to get into the car by threatening to withhold her monthly bonus (bad move dude…. But I appreciate the intent). She screams that she never wants to see Baby Boss ever again… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………. These two idiots…………… :’(
Her heart breaking for an idiot, while his heart breaks for her… So much sadness because of an idiot’s dumb plan… (side note: both their expressions are super on-point in this scene. This sadness is just overflowing from the screen)
Sooo…. Chu Nan drags Shen Qing to confront his mum. His master plan? To marry Xing Yun and divorce her, so then he will be a divorcee too. Then his mum will have no reason to object, since both of them are divorcees…. Are you f-ing kidding me? This is probably the worst plan in the entire history of plans. Does he really think that doing this is going to change his mum’s mind? And more importantly, what is Xing Yun then? A bloody prop? Just use her and dump her, as though she doesn’t have feelings or a life of her own? What about you destroying her first love experience? What about you trampling all over her feelings? Thank god she has Baby Boss, but what if she runs into another mother-in-law, with similar prejudices as his mum? God, does this guy even have a brain? Shen Qing gives him one tight slap across the face and stomps off (Good for her, though a kick to the balls would have been much appreciated).

Xing Yun meets Chu Nan and initiates the break-up. Chu Nan apologizes. Wow, wtf, after hurting her so much and jerking her around, a simple sorry is going to suffice? What if she had really gone through with marrying you? Xing Yun reflects that Baby Boss was correct about her relationship not being a real one and says that he doesn’t count as her first love.

Thank god the Chu Nan arc is over, but I really feel like he got off wayyyyyyy too lightly for the amount of havoc he wrecked (and the amount that he could have if Baby Boss hasn’t interfered). Through all the shows that I’ve watched, even people who are scripted to be villains or assholes don’t elicit as much disgust from me. And he’s supposed to be the 2/3ML? I don’t even know how I can tolerate those segments. I might end up skipping through those.

Xing Yun did lash out at Baby Boss, but I think it was just the timing and the fact that he was the only one there rather than her truly believing what she said. Given that she can maturely end her relationship with the ass, I hope she can apologize to Baby Boss in the next episode too. Also, finally, the path is clear for our main couple to get together. Anticipation abound!

[Ep7Random foreword regarding Chu Nan: Watching the next few eps, I realize I need to rationalize Chu Nan’s behavior for my own sanity, because everyone in drama seems to move past it instantly and he’s a good guy again. So here goes nothing. First, I think his motivation is good-ish? He’s trying to show his mum that anyone can be a divorcee, even her own son. The stigma attached to a divorcee is purely a societal construct and it’s something that she shouldn’t be swayed by. Second, no harm no foul? Given how quickly Xing Yun bounced back, I guess we can think that she didn’t actually invest much in the relationship emotionally… Plus they didn’t do anything (no kiss, no sleeping, no marriage), so there’s like no irreversible things (like stealing her first kiss, etc). In a way, they weren’t even in a real relationship, like what Baby Boss said. And if they weren’t, no harm right? And following this logic, the kiss+extras with Shen Qing in Ep 5 isn’t really cheating? Maybe???? Third, maybe even without Baby Boss’ phone call, Chu Nan wouldn’t have gone through with his ridiculous plan in the end? Like he is not a bad guy at heart, just a big idiot with a dumb plan. Fourth, he’s totally in love with Shen Qing and who hasn’t done dumb things for love? I know I have.... Sure, he did something dumber than most people, but at the end of the day, no irreversible harm or injury was done, and everyone came out relatively unscathed. Lastly, and I guess the most convincing bit is that Xing Yun is so quick to forgive him? So since the person involved is already over it, it’s a bit weird to continue being outraged for her. So perhaps lets just forgive him? Maybe? (How convinced are y’all? I’m kinda on the fence, but for the sake of drama, I’m just going to keep psycho-ing myself. It also helps that [Spoiler (Ep12)!!] Shen Qing’s ex is an even bigger asshole [/Sp])

Back to our main couple, unfortunately, Xing Yun shows that she can be as childish as Baby Boss. She gives Baby Boss the cold shoulder and refuses to engage with him. Annoyed, he calls her behavior childish (LMAO, pot calling the kettle black much?). Baby Boss also gets snippy with her, the two of them have a whole bunch of childish interactions which is actually kinda cute hahaha. Baby Boss proactively tries to seek out chances to interact with Xing Yun, and gets her to make a cup of coffee for him. Xing Yun takes the chance to express her frustration with him, by putting salt instead of sugar in his coffee. She then goes “Sorry, we were out of sugar, but I was afraid of hurting your feelings so I put some salt in instead. Even though I lied to you, I was truly worried about you and I hope you can understand my good intentions.” Basically mimicking what he did regarding Chu Nan haha… I enjoyed this bit for two reasons. 1) I think it’s a smart way of telling Baby Boss why she’s pissed at him and 2) telling us that she is mad for a legit reason, not the dumb one she went on about in the previous ep.

Baby Boss learns that Xing Yun is having a lot of difficulties at work so even though she is still mad at him, he still looks out for her and helps her out, albeit indirectly. One night, he noticed that she was working late and half-asleep when she left, so he offered her a lift. She turns him down, but our noble Baby Boss is still worried about her so he follows her in his car. Sure enough, she oversleeps and nearly misses her stop, so Baby Boss gives her a call to wake her up. But our immature Baby Boss can’t admit he was following her, so he makes up a random excuse about scheduling a meeting early tomorrow. Annoyed, Xing Yun yells at her phone after he hangs up (not knowing he’s within earshot), calling him a vampire and a slave-driver hahaha… Poor Baby Boss, he did a good deed, but still got scolded by his love interest...
Her knight escorting her home :)
He also teaches her how to play a popular fortnite-esque FPS to help her gain the acknowledgement of the programming head, and also treats the rest of the team to an expensive meal in her name to curry favor with them. I know it’s unfair that she has to do all these extra stuff to get people to work for her, but that’s kinda the reality of the working world especially when you don’t have a proven track record =/. Also, it’s funny how even though he is helping her, he still has a sharp tongue. When a colleague asks about why the sudden treat, he stares at her and says “The progress on this game is so slow… probably because some people only have food on their mind”. Hahahaha…

After dinner, Xing Yun realizes all that Baby Boss had done for her and thanks him (after some overt prompting by Baby Boss). Side note: I think Baby Boss is more mature than I initially gave him credit for, but I’m sticking with Baby Boss because it sounds nicer than Boss Xia. The two of them make up Yayyyy and Baby Boss also imparts some game design wisdom to Xing Yun. Xing Yun sighs, saying that she regrets being so childish previously (self awareness!) and she should have approached Baby Boss for help much earlier.

On the car ride back with Baby Boss, she receives a phone call from her mum and reveals that she hasn’t told her parents about the break up. She explains to Baby Boss that she doesn’t want her parents to worry, and also she’s afraid that her dad will make things uncomfortable for Chu Nan (and interfere with his pursuit of Shen Qing). Hearing that, Baby Boss gets upset at the differential treatment, how she didn’t harbor any resentment towards Chu Nan and still worries about him VS she being angry and annoyed at Baby Boss for such a prolonged period. In a fit of childish rage, he drops her off 2 stops away from home, instead of at her home. I think the differential treatment was definitely there, but Baby Boss should have realized the reason behind it. She doesn’t resent Chu Nan, because he’s just like a passer-by in her life, so there’s nothing to mind. In contrast, she cares for and trusts Baby Boss, and so when Baby Boss hurts her (albeit indirectly), she feels very upset about it. I think this is drama’s way of subtly making us dislike Chu Nan less and telling us that even though they don’t overtly express it, Baby Boss and Xing Yun do have feelings for each other, that’s why they mind these small things so much.

At the hospital, Mummy Chu and Chu Nan have a heart to heart talk. He seems to sincerely repent and regret his actions and says that he is not worthy of Shen Qing (at least he acknowledges his mistakes, I guess it’s a good start). Mummy Chu also apologises for unintentionally forcing him down this path and indirectly causing everything that happened. She also tells Chu Nan that she will no longer interfere with his relationships.

Xiaoxi is discharged, but Baby Boss is held up at work (protecting Xing Yun awwwwwww…...) so Chu Nan steps up and offers to send them home. At Shen Qing’s house, he subconsciously tidies up and offers to help her find a reliable helper. Shen Qing rejects his advances, saying that she is very grateful to his mum for fixing Xiaoxi’s legs so well, but she thinks that it’s her way of making Shen Qing indebted to her and hence subtly asking her to leave her son alone. In fairness, I think Shen Qing misunderstood Mummy Chu’s intentions. Fixing Xiaoxi’s legs is her professional duty, not a personal one, so there isn’t any debt per say. Also, I think Mummy Chu saying she will no longer interfere is not because she is exasperated with Chu Nan or whatever Shen Qing thinks, but more of her realizing that her interference was just making matters worse, so she decided to back off and let Chu Nan make his own choices.

Oh, the random guy in black is Ling Shan, Shen Qing’s ex husband, who just found out that Xiaoxi is his biological son. How did he get Xiaoxi’s DNA? Do hospitals just run whatever DNA test you want without the person’s consent? That seems to be the idea.

Xing Yun gets rewarded with an early knock-off time due to her good performance at the investor’s surprise evaluation and can’t wait to go home and snuggle up in bed (a person after my own heart hahaha). Unfortunately, she gets intercepted by her cousin Xing Cheng (the one who set her up with Chu Nan) who thinks that she must be devastated by her breakup and drags her to a KTV to vent. Except that Xing Cheng is a mic hog and all Xing Yun can do is smile and listen to her horrible singing hahahaha…. Random tangent, Xing Cheng’s name sounds like 行程 (journey). Would have been great if she ended up with He Yu, because Yu means to meet, so their couple name could be journey to meet you hahahahaha….

Xing Yun falls asleep and when she wakes up, Xing Cheng is nowhere to be found. Instead, she bumps into He Yu who asks her to sing with him. She doesn’t recognize him and mistakes him for a predator, so she whacks him with a mic and runs off, leaving her phone behind. He Yu calls Baby Boss to complain. Instead of being concerned about He Yu, our Baby Boss is busy attending to Xing Yun. He gets her favorite breakfast (how does he know this???) and coffee for her (I wonder if it was actually meant to be his breakfast and he gave it to her? And it's just a sweet coincidence that they have the same favorite breakfast stall?). Xing Yun also dozes off during a meeting so Baby Boss even lets her sleep in her office for a few hours. Baby Boss doesn’t miss the chance to make fun of her though- saying that he is letting her sleep because he can’t stand her tired face hahaha. Xing Yun also comments that the blanket Baby Boss used this morning smells comfortable… D’awwwwwwwww

I’m glad the childish standoff between our two leads didn't drag, but I appreciate the standoff for showing how Xing Yun can be just as childish and also showcasing the differential treatment that Xing Yun exhibited, showing that she does care for Baby Boss. In the recent episodes, I think Baby Boss is stepping up his pursuit of Xing Yun and I appreciate all the little things that he does for her. Liking him more and more with every passing episode. Rewatching Chu Nan’s convo with his mum and Shen Qing also softened me up a bit more? I think on my first watch-through I was too mad at him, but now I can somewhat appreciate his sincere repentance and acknowledgement of his mistakes. He owns up to everything he's done and accepts full responsibility, which is a very redeeming quality for me (有男子汉的担当).

[Ep8] Even sleeping, Xing Yun is thinking about food, and murmurs a few dishes. Our thoughtful Baby Boss overhears it and orders the exact dishes for lunch. Xing Yun wakes up to the smell of the food and is surprised that he ordered all her favourite dishes (how can you not tell that he is totally into you hahaha).
Baby Boss leaning in to hear her order for lunch hahaha…
After lunch, Baby Boss brings her to meet He Yu. He Yu pretends to be seriously ill and teases Xing Yun, but Baby Boss steps in to protect his gurl hahaha. Baby Boss tells He Yu to return her phone and also tells Xing Yun that he will cover He Yu’s medical fees.

Xing Yun’s parents are super worried as they couldn’t contact her for a whole night & day, plus Xing Cheng just told them about her breakup. Mummy Xing is being a total drama mama (these parents are the best comic relief ever hahaha) while Daddy Xing called Chu Nan to come over and explain the situation. Xing Yun rushes home to comfort her parents but they misunderstand that Xing Yun was super upset about the break up and wanted to run away from home. It’s too late to bail Chu Nan out, who arrived to get badly scolded by Daddy Xing (unfortunately this was off-camera =( I want to see Chu Nan getting scolded by Daddy Xing so bad hahaha). Xing Yun apologizes for her dad and tells Chu Nan that she’s not angry with him anymore because she realizes that he truly loves Shen Qing. Chu Nan apologizes again and says he cannot count as her first love, so the world owes her a perfect first love (title of this show).
Shaking hands as an official end to their relationship….
At Shen Qing’s cake shop, there is a custom order for bread with a prescribed recipe and a dedication “To the love and marriage we once had”. Turns out it’s a recipe that she came up with her ex-husband, Ling Shan, so she rushes to the address with tears in her eyes. Flashback to the past, it seems like Ling Shan got into an accident while street racing with Baby Boss and divorced her at the hospital. Shen Qing gave birth to Ling Shan’s kid, but fell out with her grandma who wanted to send the kid away. In typical cdrama fashion, I’m pretty sure this is not the full story haha. Ling Shan is giving me subtle, but major scummy vibes, especially when grandma was so adamant against her keeping the kid. That said, whatever Ling Shan did, it shouldn’t implicate the kid, children are innocent.... Surprise, surprise, it’s indeed Ling Shan who ordered the bread. He tries to explain his past actions, but Shen Qing doesn’t care and says she’s totally over the past already and turns to leave
However, Ling Shan stops her and asks to see his son. Shen Qing agrees why girl why???? and brings Ling Shan to pick up their son. Ling Shan immediately grabs Xiaoxi and tries to pull him over, telling him that he is his dad. More scummy vibes. Also I don’t understand why she introduced him as his dad straight away? What if Ling Shan just ups and disappears again? Wouldn’t that give her kid a complex? They bring Xiaoxi to lunch where Ling Shan keeps offering him food. He also claims that he is super emotional now, and so happy that he has a son and a family because he was an orphan. He doesn’t look emotional at all here though, it’s like the sort of fake smile that doesn’t reach your eyes feeling… Could just be bad acting, but I suspect that it’s telling us Ling Shan has some bad agenda.... At night, Xiaoxi secretly uses his phone to call Chu Nan and warn him that Ling Shan is back. Chu Nan is shocked

At work, there is a hilarious mix-up. Xing Yun meets Uncle Lin. She thinks that he is the representative for some animal volunteer agency, here to interview her as a volunteer. He is here to matchmake her with his son. Baby Boss overhears and misinterprets it as Xing Yun being on a blind date with Uncle Lin. Totally hilarious hahahaha… Baby Boss has an outburst of jealousy, which helps clear up the confusion. *Cue all sorts of confused looks* It turns out that Xing Cheng, as a way of making up to Xing Yun, decided to put her details up at a marriage market to help her find a boyfriend. Marriage markets are a real thing in China haha, but it’s usually the parents that are anxious for their kids to get married and post the details (more thoughts in random thoughts section below.). They remove her details and try to leave, but end up being walled in by aunties who are desperate to have Baby Boss as their son-in-law. LOL, their expressions are hilarious here- Xing Yun gloating at his awkward situation and him being annoyed at her for bringing him here in the first place.

He Yu is being difficult and refuses to work with anyone except Xing Yun. Don’t understand why Baby Boss is condoning his terrible behavior, like even if they are friends, this is a professional setting and it’s not like He Yu is bringing some irreplaceable value to the table… Baby Boss agrees because it’s a way for him to keep Xing Yun busy and unable to go on dates while he is away in Shanghai hahaha. His order is for Xing Yun to be at He Yu’s beck and call. Train-wreck incoming in 3… 2… 1....

Also, it turns out that whenever Baby Boss travels, he makes Xing Yun (instead of his secretary) handle all his bookings, because she understands all his random and frankly ridiculous preferences. He also asks her to plan his entire itinerary, including dinner places etc. This also sounds like the sort of thing that a partner does hahahahaha, which makes me wonder if that’s the reason why he asks her to do it.

He Yu starts showing up at work and captures all the ladies’ hearts with his charm. He makes life hell for Xing Yun, making her get breakfast, hot cocoa for him and then pranking her with a fake snake. He is also super slow in terms of work progress. Honestly, his character is just coming across as super obnoxious here and Xing Yun is rightfully pissed at him. Unfortunately, Baby Boss calls her right at this time, so she lashes out at Baby Boss. The next day, He Yu again pranks her by tricking her to stay past the building blackout and making her go turn off a ghost film in his office and walking her to his car. I seriously don’t understand why he is doing this to Xing Yun… Like what the heck is his deal? Even if this is like childish revenge, it’s super unprofessional and ridiculous.

Xing Yun wants a custom figurine from Hangzhou (which is like 2 hours from Shanghai) so she tries to make up to Baby Boss by catering to his whims. She arranged a trip for him to a place with an awesome night view and wrote a bunch of random stuff for him. In the show, he imagines her next to him, telling him all this in person. I wonder if show is telling us that he is subconsciously wishing that she was here with him. Xing Yun apologizes and timidly asks him if he could go buy the figurine for him.
His disappointed face when he realizes that he was only imagining her presence…
Poor Shen Qing doesn’t seem to have any luck when it comes to suitors eh? Actually, tbh, with the exception of Baby Boss, literally all the other guys are either weird or bad. I don’t really see any redeeming quality in He Yu’s character, like there is literally nothing he does well besides being irritating as all hell.

[Ep9] Baby Boss got distracted, and subconsciously asks Xing Yun to arrange a flight for him to Hangzhou. He suddenly realizes what he was saying and makes up an excuse saying he is asking her to fly over herself to buy it. I think he is starting to realize the extent of his feelings for her, but is still in somewhat of a state of denial. He also says that he isn’t satisfied with his current life. Because he's not with Xing Yun? xD.

Random He Yu tangent that I don’t really care about. TIG has random internal gaming competitions, so the next one is a horror survivor game. Xing Yun previously found out that He Yu was pretending to be timid, so she tricked him into winning the game for her, He Yu finds out that she knew beforehand and becomes angry at her (like what??????????????? Dude, you are the one who started this childish nonsense). Xing Yun being the nice girl, apologizes and offers to take him to dinner. Unfortunately, He Yu gets locked up by a vengeful ex and messes up a sponsorship event, so he gets ripped a new one like a boss. Poor Xing Yun waits for him in the cold rainy weather until he finally shows up hours later, super apologetic. He does seem sincerely touched by Xing Yun, so he’s going to be another love rival???? He asks Xing Yun to be his gf, which causes her to first spit up her coffee in his face, and then laugh in his face. 10/10 reaction by Bai Lu ahahahahaha, also I don’t really care for He Yu tbh.

At Baby’s Boss dinner, two drunkards were harassing two random girls, so Baby Boss and a random girl, Yao Qing, beat them up. They know each other from a long time back (his ex-gf?). Her heel broke, so she asked to tidy up in his room. She looks totally in love with him btw. Amy, his secretary, calls at this time, leading to widespread speculation about Baby Boss having a mysterious girlfriend ahahahaha…

The next day, Yao Qing offers to bring Baby Boss around, so Baby Boss asks her to drive him to Hangzhou. Getting your ex-gf to drive you to buy a present for your future gf, what a power move hahaha. He buys the figurine that Xing Yun asks for, but also decides to buy a Fortune Kitty (with the word 运 Yun on it), probably because it reminds him of Xing Yun hahaha… Yao Qing also gets transferred back to clear up He Yu’s mess. While packing, Baby Boss reminisces over how he and Xing Yun met. I wonder if he was already attracted by her bubbly personality back then? Also, the way she said "I believe in you!" 
The box clearly does not fit in the luggage…. *face palm*
Ling Shan brings Shen Qing back to the orphanage, where he reminisces over old memories. I wonder why Shen Qing was at the orphanage as a kid? He sends her back and tries to explain that he didn’t want her to be straddled with a crippled him, which was why he left her. He tries to hug her by force, claiming that he still loves her, but Shen Qing still pushes him away. He asks her to consider, because he wants to give Xiaoxi a complete family. The amount of force he is exerting makes me super dubious of his intentions. Poor Chu Nan witnesses the entire scene with tears in his eyes.

Returning from the trip, he looks clearly disappointed that Amy was the one picking him up, not Xing Yun. He returns to office, taking the lift up with Xing Yun. Xing Yun awkwardly tries to ask about her figurine, indirectly, but he purposely misses the point hahaha. He also complains that the itinerary she planned for him has a lot of her own interests and influences Pretty sure this is not a real complaint and the main reason he gets her to do his itinerary. He Yu sends an enormous bouquet for Xing Yun, which totally pisses Baby Boss off. Baby Boss gets even more mad when he finds out that He Yu asked her to be his gf. He also gives the Fortune Kitty to Xing Yun, but still holds on to the figurine secretly (why???) You said it: “Baby” Boss. She’s a bit annoyed, but still gratefully accepts the present.

Not a fan of He Yu getting more and more feature time, but I do like how drama is showing us the feelings that Baby Boss has for Xing Yun slowly developing. Yao Qing is an interesting character so far, it seems like she is going to be competition for Xing Yun. Although I doubt that she will employ any underhand means based on her character so far.

[Ep10] He Yu is hanging out at the bar, but he seems to be no longer interested in the random girls anymore. Instead, he buys a bunch of expensive bags, and gets the girls to list their favourite manga in exchange for it. He also keeps sending flowers non-stop, except Baby Boss keeps intercepting it and storing it in his office. She also blocked his messages.

The next day, He Yu crashes Xing Yun’s meeting with Baby Boss and refuses to finish his work because he is in a bad mood. He’s upset that Xing Yun blocked him and all his flowers ended up with Baby Boss. He demands to have a meal with Xing Yun, which Baby Boss approves. Like whatttttt???? If only there was this thing called a contract that could be enforced to ensure people do their work eh? How amazing would that be!

Xing Yun couldn’t care less about the lunch, just wanting to get it over and done with so that she can get back to work. She literally asks for the cheapest and fastest dish hahahaha. He Yu insists that he has serious feelings for her. Xing Yun tries to dissuade him by saying they aren’t compatible, but He Yu is interested in literally anything she says. She can probably count 1 to 10 and he’ll still find it interesting hahaha. Our jealous Baby Boss is clearly not going to let his precious gf surbodinate out of his sight, so he stalks them to the restaurant. He disrupts their “date” by paying for their bill as a girl named Susan. He asks the waiter to relay a message: “Best wishes with your 29th girlfriend and when you have time, please come over and collect the underwear you left behind” LOL.
Bai Lu’s priceless expression and laughing until she spits water… Totally the best part of this arc hahaha...
Late at night in the office, Baby Boss puts a coin in the Fortune Kitty and tells it: “I’ve paid your salary, so keep an eye on your owner for me.” i.e. protect her from He Yu hahaha. Baby Boss also intentionally keeps Xing Yun away from He Yu, by arranging meetings out of office, bringing her on site visits, etc. He is also clearly affected by He Yu’s pursuit of Xing Yun, even losing focus during meetings.

He Yu is not one to give up though, so he tricks her to come to work on a Saturday (claiming that he left his laptop at TIG). He Yu bribes her by offering to bring her to the second most popular dating destination, which Xing Yun needs to add to the experiences for her dating game. Xing Yun reluctantly agrees and they head to this Italian restaurant where they get to make their own pizza. Baby Boss just happens to bring Xiaoxi to the same pizza place (I like this continuity, since previously Chu Nan also bribed Xiaoxi with pizza hahaha). Jealous Baby Boss kidnaps Xing Yun and brings her and Xiaoxi to the most popular dating destination (just to one-up He Yu hahahaha)...
Bai Lu’s expressions are sooooooooo on point hahaha
The number 1 destination turns out to be this romantic, scenic restaurant that only serves one family a day. He also makes her pretend to be a family, claiming that it's essential for the entire experience hahahaha. He tells her to record it carefully for the game and also because it’s their first date? Hahahaha. After lunch, they chill together on a swing in the backyard and she goes “Wow this is so romantic, no wonder it’s number one!”, to which he replies “Just this is romantic already?” Dumbass, it ain’t the place, but the person that’s making it romantic hahahaha.
It turns out that on each plate, there is a different love saying that slowly gets revealed as you eat up the food, just like how love is what remains after you remove 生活中的柴米油盐 (this phrase is a figurative way of saying the grind of daily life, but literally it means food and seasonings, hence the analogy). Totally love this analogy btw. Her saying was “Wish that you live your life with no regrets” while his was “If you want someone to love you, learn to love them first” but he refuses to tell Xing Yun. He sends Xing Yun home and tells her that he has all of He Yu’s contacts and more, so for future experiences, she should just approach him. Possessive much? hahahaha...

While dropping Xiaoxi off, Baby Boss bumps into Ling Shan, dropping Shen Qing off. Without another word, he punches Ling Shan, shouting “I told you to never show your face in front of me again!” Ling Shan tells him that even if Baby Boss punches him to death, he wants to stay here with his family. I’m sorry but this sounds wayyyyy more manipulative than sincere for some reason. Shen Qing realizes that it was Baby Boss and their grandma was responsible for sending Ling Shan away. She thinks that the whole car accident was a ploy to separate her and Ling Shan (because the family never approved of him) and blames him for all her past misery. Baby Boss gets agitated, and it only gets 10x worse when he hears Xiaoxi call Ling Shan daddy. I feel like there is clearly a lot more going on and I seriously doubt Baby Boss would ever hurt Shen Qing intentionally… Later on, Ling Shan speaks to Shen Qing more, claiming that he doesn’t know what her grandma would do to him, but he is willing to bear any consequences for her. He says that Shen Qing and Xiaoxi are his only family left and ask her to let him stay by her side. Shen Qing doesn’t reply and just says that it’s too late and she needs to take care of Xiaoxi. Yaaaaaaa…. He is being wayyyy too forceful and purposely painting himself as a victim… I’m guessing there is something he wants from her which is why he is trying to get back together?

Back home, He Yu wants to talk to Baby Boss about Xing Yun (wow could you have picked a worse time dude?). He Yu asks if baby Boss is interested in Xing Yun and says if he is, let’s compete fairly. The next day, Yao Qing starts working with TIG as well and she notices the Fortune Kitty on her desk. She realizes that Xing Yun is the one Baby Boss likes haha. Baby Boss also switches the contact person for He Yu to Tina (so much for competing fairly eh? hahaha).

I really like the family restaurant with the plate messages. They are also quite apt in describing our CP I think. Live a life with no regrets definitely embodies Xing Yun’s carefree and go-getter attitude, while Baby Boss’ advice is so applicable to him! If he wants Xing Yun to fall in love with him, he needs to first learn how to express his love for her properly, and not do all these random childish things haha.

[Ep11] Xing Yun bumps into Xiaoxi and learns that his father is back. But Xiaoxi still likes Uncle Chu Nan a bit more than his daddy. Shen Qing and Ling Shan show up, and Ling Shan offers Xiaoxi vanilla ice cream. Xiaoxi be like, but I only like chocolate ice cream! I suspect this is drama’s way of telling us that Ling Shan clearly has zero interest in Xiaoxi and doesn’t bother learning his preference? Although I think the msg would be clearer if Xiaoxi had mentioned liking chocolate ice cream previously…

Baby Boss is super angsty at work, taking out his frustrations on his staff (boooooo). Of course, only Xing Yun is able to pacify him and get him to calm down and relax. Next up, an awkward 3 way meeting between Chu Nan, Ling Shan and Shen Qing. Shen Qing tells Chu Nan to leave and pretends to be together with Ling Shan (but it’s actually the first time he enters her house). Chu Nan and Shen Qing gaze at each other longingly through the window…

Mummy Xing interrogates Xing Yun if she is really over Chu Nan and tells her that Chu Nan is super distracted and unfocused at work. Daddy Xing goes “Serves him right…” and Mummy Xing agrees. #LG The discussion gets interrupted because Baby Boss texts her to pick him up at a bar. The obnoxious doorman refuses to let Xing Yun in because she’s dressed in her pjs lmao IMO The doorman is clearly blind cause Bai Lu in PJs is still hotter than the two random girls he let in haha. Anyway, Bai Lu adjusts her attire to appear sexy (totally doesn’t work IMO) and finally gets in lol. Turns out it was He Yu texting her because Baby Boss is drunk out of his mind. He asks Xing Yun to help him bring Baby Boss back. Our brilliant gf assistant is all prepared with sobering pills and honey lol. They carry him home together and He Yu spills the beans on Baby Boss’ big secret.

4 years ago… Baby Boss saw Ling Shan making out with another woman and getting into his car together, so Baby Boss gave chase in his car. Somehow Ling Shan realized, which resulted in a high speed car chase that ended in a crash. It’s not super clear, but it looks like Ling Shan intentionally caused it by swinging his car in front of Baby Boss, who jammed the brakes but couldn’t stop in time. To protect the Xia family name (for grandma) and Shen Qing (for both of them), Grandma Xia and Baby Boss covered up the presence of the random girl by giving her a bunch of money. Baby Boss was the one who proposed hiding the truth from Shen Qing and just getting rid of Ling Shan on the down low. Grandma asks if he thinks Shen Qing will ever forgive him? To which Baby Boss replies… It doesn’t matter…. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, such a mature and unexpectedly noble side of our Baby Boss. I don’t agree with what he’s doing, but I truly respect and admire his willingness to carry the blame to protect his dear sister. He also gets a tight slap from his sister for his troubles.
Heart-melting nobleness with just a touch of idiocy 
Grandma agrees and offers Ling Shan a villa and a huge amount of money to disappear forever. Ling Shan, rather than negotiating to stay, demands more money as compensation for his barely injured legs (turns out he was never at risk of being a cripple or anything). Grandma agrees to giving him even more money and he happily abandons Shen Qing for the money. Wow, suddenly Chu Nan looks like the kindest angel in comparison eh? Also, my scum radar is 10/10 hahahaha... After leaving, Grandma shudders in disgust and tells Baby Boss it was a good idea to protect Shen Qing from seeing Ling Shan’s true colours. I didn’t expect such a complicated back story, but wow, my heart feels for Baby Boss and Shen Qing - Baby Boss nobly and stupidly taking the blame to protect Shen Qing’s perfect first love memory and Shen Qing, shedding tears and longing for this gigantic jerk who literally had zero qualms about abandoning her.

Baby Boss wakes up from his drunken stupor and Xing Yun looks at him with adoration and admiration in her eyes. She is also clearly worried about him. Baby Boss tells her he is fine and to go home. However, he is worried about his safety, so he pushes He Yu to send her home. But of course, our Baby Boss is full of contradictions, he’s afraid they will have the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better, so barely minutes later, he calls Xing Yun and pretends that he wants her to report on her work progress hahahaha, Baby Boss does not disappoint. He Yu also smirks knowingly...

After sending Xing Yun home, he goes back to the bar and bemoans that Xing Yun only has eyes for Baby Boss. One of his 28 exes comes knocking, but he pretends to be He Yu’s twin, He Jian. The ex doesn’t really believe him, but Yao Qing shows up just in time to bail him out, pretending to be a super jealous possessive gf of He Jian.
I typed the entire chunk above just so I could include this great snap of Yao Qing hahaha… Can totally imagine her as a domineering female boss character
Yao Qing goes to find Baby Boss at the kendo studio, where they discuss some random business. Baby Boss needed a random document from work, which ends up being delivered by Xing Yun cause everyone else is too afraid of Baby Boss hahahaha… Anyway, Yao Qing proposes for Xing Yun to give kendo a go and after much motivating, Xing Yun agrees. She has terrible flexibility and terrible form though, so of course we need the classic cdrama male wrapping himself around the female to teach her hand in hand… Yao Qing must be totally regretting proposing this now hahahaha….
The quintessential cdrama scene, be it archery, coffee-pouring or kendo. Anything can be taught in this romantic posture hahahaha...
Baby Boss notices that Xing Yun’s hand is sprained, so he tells her to wait in the car. Minutes later, he shows up with ice cream, which Xing Yun happily starts devouring. Baby Boss actually intended for her to use as an ice pack because there was no pharmacy nearby. Reminiscent of a certain couple with a hard boiled egg eh? xDOu, I know, I know! Our Secret! Xing Yun is shocked at him using such an expensive ice cream as an ice pack and says she can ice her hand while eating it since she's holding the tub anyway. Baby boss smiles and shakes his head in exasperation, but quietly opens another tub of ice cream and eats next to her. They chat, and Xing Yun advises him to tell Shen Qing the truth. She comforts him with the saying “All stories will always have a happy ending. If…” He completes the saying “If it isn’t a happy ending, it means the story isn’t over yet.” Awwww, so cute when they complete each other’s sentences

On Xing Yun’s advice, Baby Boss decides to tell Shen Qing the truth. He’s blocked by Shen Qing though, so he asks Xiaoxi to relay a message to Shen Qing, asking to meet at her favourite restaurant tomorrow night. Unfortunately, Ling Shan overhears and interferes, tricking Xiaoxi into not telling Shen Qing because he wants to bring Xiaoxi to the amusement park. The next day, even though Shen Qing is at the amusement park with Ling Shan, all he can think about are the memories she had at the amusement park with Xiaoxi and Chu Nan. Poor Baby Boss is left waiting at the restaurant the whole night.

Baby Boss takes out his frustration on his employees so everyone is looking for Xing Yun to help handle him. I find it funny that everyone turns to Xing Yun for help when it comes to dealing with Baby Boss hahaha. Xing Yun cooked a bunch of herbal supplement food for Baby Boss (that is supposed to reduce heatiness aka his temper hahahha). He gets Amy to put out a sign that forbids Xing Yun from entering his office. Annoyed, Xing Yun yells that she regrets waking up at 5am to cook the food for him. Baby Boss smirks in his office upon hearing that, as he tucks into his food. So I guess he actually appreciated the gesture, but didn’t want to admit it to everyone since it will be acknowledging that he has a bad temper. Truly a baby boss indeed...

Chu Nan also finds out that Ling Shan is deep in debt. Guess that’s why he wants back with Shen Qing eh?

It kind of feels like Baby Boss is taking his plate’s advice to heart? He is no longer just doing random childish acts, but slowly becoming more expressive of how he cares for Xing Yun, e.g. getting He Yu to send her home, getting ice cream for her hand… Of course we still have the random bouts of childishness, he won’t be our dear Baby Boss without it eh?

[Ep12] He Yu intercepts Yao Qing as she is heading out, offering to handle her site visit for her. Random tangent, I love the chinese saying they use: 醉翁之意不在酒 which loosely translate to people don’t get drunk because they like to drink wine. It’s used to describe people who is doing something, but the objective is not the task itself, but often something tangential, e.g. In this case, He Yu isn’t interested in the site visit, he’s using it as an opportunity to spent time with Xing Yun.

Xing Yun is not impressed with He Yu dragging her out. They bump into Ling Shan entering a jewelry shop. Worried, they follow him in and pretend to shop. Xing Yun is busy trying to overhear what Ling Shan says, while He Yu takes the opportunity to put wedding rings on both their hands and snap a photo. I have to say, He Yu is somewhat growing on him. He still feels a little slimy and annoying, but looking past that, he is quite a quirky and humorous person. Actually, I wonder if it’s my perspective that’s changing, or show is slowly peeling back the layers of his character to reveal more charm? 100% it’s me influencing you ;D. Ling Shan is buying a wedding ring and makes a lunch appointment with Shen Qing. Worried that he might propose, the pair follows Ling Shan and gives Chu Nan/Baby Boss a call.

Ling Shan brings Shen Qing back to their favourite restaurant and reminisces about their past memories, before asking Shen Qing to marry him. Xing Yun and He Yu jumps in to stop the proposal, begging Shen Qing to wait for Baby Boss to arrive before she answers. Ling Shan tries to pressure an answer out of Shen Qing, but fortunately (well unfortunately for him) it’s not the answer Ling Shan wanted. She tells him that she is grateful for all he has done, but there is only one person in her heart right now, and it’s Chu Nan. Of course, in cdrama fashion, Chu Nan appears and overhears her love confession for him. Her confession is really quite romantic and I translate it loosely here:

SQ: Yes, I initially thought that he was just a shelter for me. Whenever the world gets too exhausting for me to handle, I will hide there for a while. However, when I recover, my pride prevents me from admitting that I need him. I use countless sharp words to hurt him, to push him away, but deep inside, I know that he is actually the one who saved me time and again. I won't be here without him. Perhaps I can’t ever let go of my pride, but I will always save my heart for him. 

CN: You never have to give up your pride. Because I will never leave your side...

Baby Boss enters and nearly punches Chu Nan because he mistakes him for Ling Shan lol. Baby Boss finally tells Shen Qing the truth, earning him a slap, and then an apology and a hug from Shen Qing. I’m totally a sucker for these sort of family reunion scenes.
That single tear dripping down Baby Boss’ cheek….. Wah, my heart is melting.... 
Unfortunately, this family reunion is cut short because Ling Shan took Xiaoxi from the kindergarten. He also finally reveals his true colours, yelling at Xiaoxi to shut up and sit down. Luckily, Baby Boss gave Xiaoxi a watch with GPS, so they managed to chase down Ling Shan. I find it quite touching how Chu Nan seems to be even more worried about Xiaoxi’s safety than Shen Qing (more character redemption). Upon catching up, Baby Boss gives Ling Shan an extremely well-deserved beating. Ling Shan begs for forgiveness and says he was just trying to use Xiaoxi to get some money from Grandma Xie. JUST???? O so that makes kidnapping your own kid so much better eh? Honestly, I think Baby Boss should have punched him more for good measure. Shen Qing yells at him, “I am so grateful that back then, I chose to let Xiaoxi follow me and have the Shen surname, not Ling!” basically refusing to acknowledge Ling Shan as part of their lives… The police arrive on the scene hopefully to lock the asshole away for the rest of his life…

Xing Yun notices that Baby Boss’ hands were injured from the beating he gave Ling Shan, so she buys some ointment and plaster for his hand and applies it for him. He thanks her for all she has done for Shen Qing and Chu Nan, and asks if he can take that as a sign she is over Chu Nan already? You idiot, she clearly did all these because Shen Qing is your sister! Anyway, Xing Yun says she never really had feelings for Chu Nan, so there’s nothing to get over. Baby Boss also explains that because Ling Shan was Shen Qing’s first and they were together since they were 7, he didn’t want to destroy her image of her first love. He believes that as long as her first love is perfect, she will be full of hope for the future, and approach each new relationship with an open heart. It’s a very naive point of view, perfectly suited for our childish Baby Boss, but at the same time, it’s touching how much he cares for his family/sister… Xing Yun clarifies his misconceptions, telling him that no matter how painful the truth is, it’s always better than being kept in the dark…

Chu Nan sends Shen Qing and Xiaoxi home, except the day isn’t over. He asks for her passport (not really that, but basically a personal document with your information and what’s needed for a person to get married [and other associated stuff like buying a house, etc]) and wants to take her to the marriage registry and get married right now. Shen Qing isn’t so sure though, so Chu Nan makes his love proclamation.

CN: I will never lie to you or hurt you. From this moment on, wherever you and Xiaoxi are, that is where I will be too….. You will never feel the rain again… because I will always carry an umbrella for you… You will never feel cold again… because I will always be by your side to provide you with my warmth… You will never feel alone or scared ever again…

Yes, I once promised to keep my distance and just protect you from afar, but I can no longer do that. I have to be by your side, I cannot risk letting anyone hurt you or Xiaoxi ever again… Shen Qing, marry me… 10/10 love proclamation.

Chu Nan whines to Yao Qing about how terribly the day went for him and asks her to comfort him. Yao Qing be like “Dude, you took my car, you took my excuse to meet up…. And then not only did you fail, you let them experience the thrill of speed and passion… And you want me to comfort you????? Be thankful I’m noy scolding you this pig teammate” The two of them start bickering more and more. Ok, I’m getting quite strong 2nd CP vibes from the two of them. And I quite like this sort of (欢喜冤家) bickering couple feel hahaha
Winning the argument with superior firepower =P
Shen Qing and Chu Nan announce their marriage to Baby Boss and they stumble across the figurine that Baby Boss bought for Xing Yun. Chu Nan realizes that it’s most likely for Xing Yun hahaha. So to help his little brother out, Shen Qing decides to organize a get together “to thank them for their help” hahaha. She also asks if Xiaoxi wants Xing Yun to be his aunt-in-law, to which Xiaoxi seems quite happy about. Chu Nan is backing He Yu though, so clearly He Yu is doomed to fail hahaha.

At Shen Qing’s house, He Yu and Baby Boss are playing a racing game, and seemingly talking about it, but really they are talking about Xing Yun.

HY: 让让我吧 (which can mean go easy on me please for the game, or let me have what i want i.e. Xing Yun)
BB: Don’t think that I will always do that...
HY: Oh so you are serious (about Xing Yun)?
BB: Of course I am serious.
HY: Fine, let’s have a fair competition then…

Meanwhile, Xing Yun is drawing pictures for Xiaoxi, who requests a picture of Baby Boss. So Xing Yun draws a very cute lion. (Random tangent, in Cute Programmer which has the same ML, he was also represented by a very similar looking lion when the CP made sugar figurines of each other). Shen Qing observes their interaction and bemoans that Xing Yun would make a great sister-in-law, why is her dumbass brother not being more proactive! Hahaha…. Sitting down for dinner, He Yu snatches the seat next to Xing Yun, claiming that it’s because Baby Boss takes spicy whereas he and Xing Yun both don’t (Dinner is a hotpot with the pot split into spicy and non-spicy halves). Baby Boss claims that he is feeling heaty, so he isn’t taking spicy either, in a bid to sit with Xing Yun. Shen Qing was like, oh no, but I bought your favorite spicy soup base! Hahaha, Baby Boss giving up his favorite soup just to sit next to Xing Yun :P. The situation finally resolves with Xing Yun moving opposite, so she and Baby Boss sit face to face. Round 1: Baby Boss victory? (Random note: I appreciate the drama consistency here cause in ep 1, we were already shown that Baby Boss loves spicy and Xing Yun couldn’t take it hahaha, plus we also had references to Baby Boss being heaty/bad tempered in Ep 11).

Dinner is interrupted when they realize the scheduled promotion event for their game went live earlier than expected and for some reason, they are releasing 1 million freebies instead of 1000. Everyone rushes to the office in a panic, but Yao Qing was like, keep calm dudes, I got it under control.

Random thought, it’s funny that Shen Qing’s surname is following her mum, and her child’s surname is also following his mum. So the Shen surname passed through 2 generations of mums instead of fading with time haha.

Character-wise, Chu Nan is pretty much fully redeemed in my book. Tbf, I think it’s not so much what he did after (since he had next to no screen time), but more of how Shen Qing feels about him, and the stuff they said that make me feel as though Chu Nan is genuinely a good guy, and that the Xing Yun arc was just a momentary lapse of judgement. Of course, caring so much for Xiaoxi is a huge plus for me too

[Ep13] It turns out that Yao Qing quietly resolved the issue on her own (I’m not really clear how, but something about reducing the price of the freebies? But the math doesn’t work out lolololol). Apparently she overheard their boss scheming, so she already prepared her counter-measures.

Shen Qing and Grandma Xie finally made up, now that Shen Qing knows the truth about the past. Grandma says she approves of Chu Nan and asks for Shen Qing’s forgiveness. She replies that she never hated her and with Xiaoxi, she finally understands why Grandma did what she did.

Shen Qing offers to teach Xing Yun how to make Baby Boss’ favourite cake, which she agrees to super readily haha. Over tea, Shen Qing asks Xing Yun what she thinks of Baby Boss, not as a boss, but as a person. They also gossip about Baby Boss’ childhood and his fears, just in time for Baby Boss to walk in. Watching Xing Yun make the cake, Baby Boss thinks back to when they first met? It was in a pet shop, where she rushed in with an injured kitty, super worried. While reassuring the kitty, she said “All stories will always have a happy ending. If it isn’t a happy ending, it means the story isn’t over yet…” Oh, so this is why he knows the quote! Huh, it looks like it was really love at first sight for him eh?

Back to the present, he leans in beside her and says “I can’t believe someone who studies art can be so clumsy”. Xing Yun turns to retort, but seeing how close he is, she startles and knocks the entire cake over. Annoyed, Xing Yun asks him “why were you so close? (Cause he likes you dummy!) Guys and girls should keep their distance!”. Baby Boss retorts, well, why didn’t you think of that when you were making pizza with He Yu. Wow jealous much??? Shen Qing comes up with an excuse to send Xing Yun away and lectures Baby Boss. She tells him that if he likes Xing Yun, he needs to show it, and not to keep up this cold, uncaring front. Getting no reaction, she's like forget it, you won’t admit it anyway. Except that in the next instant, Baby Boss says, “then what should I do?”, subtly acknowledging his feelings for her. Citing that her brother has no redeeming quality, Shen Qing suggests that he try and get the pity vote hahaha.

On the way back, Xing Yun gets intercepted by He Yu, who tempts her with this new figurine shop that his friend opened. Finally convinced, Xing Yun agrees to follow him after delivering the stuff to the cake shop. Desperate to stop Xing Yun from leaving with He Yu, Baby Boss decides to play the pity card and pretends to drop his cup. Xing Yun immediately rushes back to make sure Baby Boss is alright. Even a blind person can see that she likes him… Baby Boss happily smirks and says, I’m ok, I just need you to wash my dirtied jacket and send me home… *absolute face palm* Xing Yun snaps at him to get one of his 300 maids to do it and stomps off. Even Shen Qing doesn’t know how to help her hapless brother lol.

The next day, Baby Boss buys cake and coffee for Xing Yun’s breakfast, but his sudden change of character incites more fear than anything else hahaha… At the same time though, he sends Amy to buy a birthday present for Yao Qing (this looks ripe for the big misunderstanding =S). He Yu tries to give Xing Yun a four-leaf clover necklace, but she wrestles to return it, finally sticking it in his jacket pocket, but He Yu doesn’t seem to realize it. Talking with Yi Yi, she says she has no feelings for He Yu. Yi Yi asks why. Because he is not Baby Boss, that’s why…

Yao Qing invites Baby Boss to spend her birthday with him, but he turns her down and just sends her a birthday present via Amy. Worse still, “he” bought the exact same earrings that she had on that day, clearly showing that either he wasn’t paying attention or he didn’t buy it himself. She gives the earrings to the waitress, who happens to have the same birthday. Is this a sign that she has finally given up on Baby Boss?

Xing Yun attends her university reunion and reconnects with an old friend Lin Jing, who asks if she is willing to help her design her wedding invite. Lin Jing tries to set her up with another ex-classmate, Wang Nan. He asks to date her, but he is super obnoxious lol. He Yu happens to chance by, so he bails her out. She agrees to have dinner with him to thank him, but over dinner, He Yu accidentally lets slip that their first meeting (the one where Xing Yun almost got kidnapped by human traffickers) was actually a set-up by Baby Boss to interrupt her date with Chu Nan. She gets super upset and worked up that Baby Boss never admitted his mistake and apologized for her near kidnapping. I find it quite funny how Xing Yun is generally a super reasonable and understanding person, but when it comes to Baby Boss, she becomes equally childish and super unreasonable hahahaha…. In a fit of rage, she gets super drunk and He Yu takes the chance to turn off her phone. Chu Nan walks by and notices her drunken state, so he calls Shen Qing. Conveniently, Baby Boss is having dinner with her, so he overhears and rushes to take care of her. In her drunken stupor, she confronts Baby Boss and demands an apology. Baby Boss is super patient with drunken Xing Yun and indulges her every whim, until someone accidentally knocks their head together. Unable to resist, Baby Boss starts kissing her, but he stops himself after a few seconds. Xing Yun hasn’t had enough though, so she proactively kisses him back…. D’awwwwwww...
Anyone else find this backdrop and lighting weirdly romantic? Hahahaha…
He Yu sees them kissing, and tells Baby Boss he’s breaking the rules. Baby Boss sees the necklace He Yu got for Xing Yun and misunderstands??? Without a second word, he left and let He Yu send Xing Yun back… Wuttttttt? What sort of dumb rules are this? Also, what sort of guy kisses and leaves????

Ahhhhhh, is He Yu going to be a serious contender now? This whole thing looks like a setup ripe for misunderstandings, since Xing Yun probably won’t even know Baby Boss was there that night. I was so hopeful that they were just going to get together after that kiss…. But hai, guess I have to wait a few more eps.

[Ep14] Throughout the night, Xing Yun keeps dreaming about the kiss, but she mistakenly believes that it was a kiss with He Yu because he was the one who sent her home and she has no impression of Baby Boss being there. He Yu purposely avoids answering her questions about last night and intentionally misleads her, further contributing to her misunderstanding. He gives her one week to decide whether to be his girlfriend. This is kinda slimy tbh… If what Baby Boss did was breaking the rules, He Yu is just tossing the rulebook at the referee’s face now lol...

Baby Boss takes Xing Yun out for coffee and tries to talk to her about last night, but he’s shy so he talks about it in a super roundabout way, which totally does not help the misunderstanding…

BB: I couldn’t sleep a wink last night (because I kept thinking about our kiss =P)
XY: Huh why?
BB shoots her a look as though she should know, but she misinterprets it as him being offended by the question.
XY: It’s ok, you don’t have to tell me.
BB: Don’t you have anything to ask me?
XY: ????

Xing Yun decides to ask Baby Boss for advice, still thinking she kissed He Yu. So she says, “I have a ‘friend’ who got really drunk and kissed a guy she didn’t like…” Baby Boss was so startled at this proclamation T_T… the misunderstandings… Trying to worm his way in, he starts speaking up for the guy that she kissed, thinking that it’s himself, but Xing Yun thinks that he is talking about He Yu. So Xing Yun insists that she doesn’t have feelings for He Yu... Baby Boss tries to tell her that she subconsciously wanted to kiss him (Baby Boss), but Xing Yun says, no, I didn’t want to kiss him (He Yu), I thought he was someone else (Baby Boss). So she asks Baby Boss, how do I know if the person I like is the person I kissed (He Yu) or the person I was thinking about (Baby Boss)? Stupidly, Baby Boss says of course it's the person you kissed (Baby Boss), and says so much good things for He Yu hahahaha. Xing Yun says that she also isn’t prepared mentally, because she has a working relationship with the guy, to which Baby Boss quietly hints that he will wait for her, no matter how long... Man…… If there is anything I learn from cdramas, it is to make sure that the two of you are talking about the same damn thing hahaha….  

But of course, how can a baby grow up overnight eh? Baby Boss tails Xing Yun around the office, waiting for her to confess to him, leading to a lot of random awkward encounters. Shen Qing asks Baby Boss why won’t he simply confess his feelings for her? Baby Boss says that she is currently worried about their working relationship, so he is giving her some space. Shen Qing is like “Space? What space?” My thoughts exactly!!!! She advises Baby Boss to actually give Xing Yun some space to mull things over properly This is usually such good advice, but no when there is a misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up!!!!!

Baby Boss finds out that He Yu is planning a huge proposal for Xing Yun at the office celebration party, so he orders everyone to exclude Xing Yun from the party. This is so in character for Baby Boss and literally the worst thing to do hahaha. But of course, he forgets to prevent He Yu from contacting her, so she finds out through him, and gets superrrrr mad at Baby Boss. In a fit of rage, she agrees to go to the party with He Yu. The two besties suspect that Baby Boss and Yao Qing have something going on, and that’s why she returned from Shanghai for this project and also was in Baby Boss’ room in the middle of the night. Omg…. I cannot deal with all these misunderstandings… Please talk to each other…. That’s why Baby Boss is purposely pushing Xing Yun away, to prevent Yao Qing from misunderstanding…

Baby Boss tries a large ditch attempt to block He Yu’s confession, but his childish antics just irritate Xing Yun. Xing Yun walks out to see He Yu with a huge bunch of flowers and fireworks. Unfortunately, she is in no mood to deal with this and stomps off, after all, she just had a big fight with the person she actually likes… He Yu chases after her. Baby Boss exits late and misunderstands, thinking that Xing Yun accepted his proposal… The reality though, is that Xing Yun already knows that there is only one person in her heart, and that ain’t He Yu. She rejects him as gently as she could, apologizing for the kiss and says that she was thinking of someone else when she kissed him. She also uses the same analogy that Baby Boss used previously (see afterthoughts) and tells him not to waste his time on her anymore.

Baby Boss gets drunk because he is so upset about Xing Yun. Drunkeningly, he unlocks his phone, and scrolls through his photo album, which is totally filled with photos of Xing Yun. He finally understands how much he really loves her. Yao Qing encourages him to confess his feelings to Xing Yun (Wah, she is so noble here!).

Shen Qing, the best cupid ever, makes up a random excuse to get Xing Yun to check on Baby Boss, who is completely hungover in bed and feverish. Xing Yun immediately goes into caring mummy mode, getting an ice pack for his head, tidying up his house and cooking porridge for him (she even had to call Mummy Xing for help hahaha). Looking at his sleeping face, Xing Yun couldn’t resist using the chance to get back at him, scolding him for being so mean to her hahaha. Truly a childish couple :)
Look at the love in his eyes <3 <3
Baby Boss wakes up to Xing Yun preparing food for him, and he quietly spies on her, eyes filled with love. She makes fun of his poor alcohol tolerance and he’s like, you are one to speak, don’t know who’s the one that…. (flashback to her kissing him when drunk). He timidly asks about her and He Yu, and visibly perks up when she tells him that she rejected him and that she has no feelings for him. She says “This relationship thing is soooooo difficult… Mocha and latte…” Lol, still obsessed over the analogy, plus subconsciously putting mocha first now =P. Baby Boss musters up the courage to confess, but Xing Yun interrupts him and begs him not to demote her (why would you even think that girl???). Baby boss begins his confession anew…

BB: I rarely eat alone at home. But just moments ago, watching you cook, I got a glimpse of what people call the bliss of everyday life. And so I think we can….
*Bread in the toaster pops out to interrupt* Why did she even make bread? The rest of the food looks like lunch stuff!
BB: What I’m trying to say is… *phone rings incessantly*

Huge problem cropped up at work. This smug ass, Executive Duan (omg, he has the most punchable face ever, I don’t even know what’s going on and I just want to punch his face…), accuses Xing Yun of leaking company secrets because of her friendship with Lin Jing (who works for a rival gaming company). 

**Mocha and Latte**
When Baby Boss was talking to Xing Yun about the kiss, he tried to use their coffee as an analogy, her latte representing He Yu and his mocha representing Baby Boss (random aside, I like the use of mocha as Baby Boss’ drink, since it's the most sweet/baby-ish coffee hahahaha). He says, you have always been ordering latte, but one day, you accidentally drank mocha (i.e. kiss Baby Boss) and realized you really like mocha, what should you order in future? Xing Yun hesitantly replies mocha… After the analogy, she accidentally drank his mocha, thinking it was her latte (just like how she kissed Baby Boss, but mistakenly thought it was He Yu) Later on, when rejecting He Yu, Xing Yun replies, even though I order latte (i.e. thought that I kissed you), what I really wanted was mocha (Baby Boss)... D’awwwwww, I like this continuity of analogy, and it also shows that Xing Yun takes everything Baby Boss says to heart.

For our second CP, even though they haven’t started dating/pursuing each other, they do feel quite compatible. He Yu is the go-getter, proactive and slightly reckless type, which perfectly compliments Yao Qing’s cool, calm and wait-and-see attitude. On their own, neither attitudes are optimal, but perhaps they can balance each other out? 

Ok, I’m a little confused because Executive Duan is part of the investment company right? AFAIK, investors generally don’t get involved with a company’s day to day grind? And like sure, they can threaten to withhold investments, but that’s about it. Why is he sitting in on an internal investigation? And man, whoever is acting as Executive Duan is stellar, his punchable face is 10/10
. I agree on the punchable face xD. He even has this nasally whiny voice! Sorry, Mr. Actor!  

[Ep15] Executive Duan is being an utter ass and keeps insisting that Xing Yun must be the leak with zero proof. Well, his proof is a photo of Xing Yun with Lin Jing? Lmao. Baby Boss reluctantly agrees to suspend Xing Yun, which totally pisses her off and she stomps out of the office. So I kinda agree with what Baby Boss is doing here? Sure, he probably believes she is innocent, but he needs to act as a CEO and be accountable to the company. So suspending her pending investigation seems reasonable? Afterwards, the other executives try to convince Baby Boss to switch the game they are developing but Baby Boss refuses. Executive Duan threatens Baby Boss with the investment.

He Yu sends Xing Yun home and tries to comfort her, but the only thing on Xing Yun’s mind is, “Why doesn’t Baby Boss believe me?” I guess, when love is involved, all logic goes out the window. He trusts you, you dummy! Xing Yun bemoans to her mother that she finally realizes how it feels to be betrayed by people you hold dearest. Mummy Xing asks her what nonsense she’s saying, isn’t Mummy here? Yes you are mummy, but you are no longer the one she holds dearest =P. Mummy Xing joins Xing Yun in cursing Baby Boss, but she also points out that she should trust Baby Boss, after all, they’ve worked together for such a long time. Go mummy!

Back at the office, Baby Boss throws himself into work and accidentally calls Amy "Xing Yun"… Awww, 日有所思夜有所梦 he is still subconsciously thinking of Xing Yun… He works throughout the night, finally, he couldn’t control himself anymore and called Xing Yun. Unfortunately, her phone has already been seized (based on Executive Duan’s ridiculous request), so our couple doesn’t get the chance to connect. Baby Boss quietly stands and stares at Xing Yun’s empty seat… Yao Qing reminds him that Xing Yun’s phone is with him now and advises him to rest early. We also finally get to see the back of Xing Yun’s phone case, which is a lion representing Baby Boss… D’awwww….
The amount of sadness in a single silhouette...
Xing Yun also starts doing some investigation on her own, especially after remembering that she has been approached by the rival company before. She tries to get in touch with Lin Jing but she has already left on vacation. He Yu accompanies Xing Yun and tries to jolt her memory on other possible suspects. There’s a funny scene here where He Yu fell off his bike, but he still needed to maintain his handsome pose hahaha.
Quite a cute doofus indeed.
The atmosphere at TIG is quite tense as well, because everyone is concerned about the traitor. Even Amy is worried, because she gave project updates to He Yu when he was trying to stalk Xing Yun. She worries that He Yu might be the traitor, and she might have helped him indirectly. Yi Yi meets with Xing Yun privately, because she too thinks she might be the leak. She was contacting a magazine editor for information and they were chatting happily, so she accidentally let slip quite a bit of information on the game development. She apologizes to Xing Yun and intends to come clean to Baby Boss the next day. However, it turns out that she was worried over nothing. Baby Boss has already investigated the magazine editor and he came back clean.

Shen Qing asks Xing Yun to help deliver some cakes and she bumps into Baby Boss “accidentally” on the way out… Sureeeee…. Baby Boss asks Xing Yun to help deliver the cakes with him, and after a lot of back and forth, she finally relents and agrees. Baby Boss asks her how she's been, to which she sarcastically quips that she couldn’t be enjoying herself more. Reading between the lines, he tells her “I believe you” D’awww you dummy, that was all she needed to hear from you! He explains that this is just a ploy to lure the real traitor out. She whines to him that he should’ve told her earlier, or come and find her since she didn’t have her phone. Our playful Baby Boss replies sarcastically “If I had found you earlier, would you have been able to enjoy life for the past few days?”, earning him a rare smile from Xing Yun.  
D’awwwwww these two <3
The cake delivery also serves to jolt a memory. Xing Yun recalls that someone named Big White had received tickets for a special reserved performance for recent buyers of Benz cars. No-one claimed it initially, but someone took the tickets secretly at night, so she suspects that someone is trying to hide their purchase of the car. At night, her parents notice a 180 change in the attitude of their daughter. She proclaims, “Baby Boss believes in me! And his opinion is the only one that matters to me!”

At the office, Yi Yi and Amy use a fake tarot card reading, claiming to be able to find the real culprit. In reality, they were trying to scare the real culprit into revealing himself through his search history. It turns out to be Dong Dong. In converging lines of investigation, Baby Boss and Xing Yun also noticed Dong Dong cycling to a nearby car park, where he parked his new Benz (that he was probably bribed with). Random tangent, how stupid do you have to be to search sensitive things on an office computer? It’s almost as though smartphones don’t exist lmao.

Ooooo, this was definitely one of the best episodes so far. So much to like here. CP-wise, I love how Baby Boss is slowly growing up and showing his love for Xing Yun in the right way. Xing Yun is also totally in love with him already, so much so that a single line “I believe you” can melt her heart. I also liked the feature on the besties. I appreciate Yi Yi bravely owning up to her mistake and was willing to face the consequences. Furthermore, it’s quite funny how Yi Yi and Amy actually successfully identified the culprit through their own efforts (though their proof is a little flimsy), whereas despite all the effort Xing Yun and Baby Boss put in, they relied on two chance encounters (the chatty cake recipient and bumping into Dong Dong knocking off work) to put two and two together. Lastly, I’m glad this suspension arc didn’t drag too long, I can’t handle the angst!

[Ep16] Xing Yun and Baby Boss have dinner together, while they plan on how to find evidence of Dong Dong’s betrayal. Xing Yun whines that Baby Boss only ordered some plain vegetables, so Baby Boss gets the menu for her. Xing Yun sneakily tries to ask the waitress for the most expensive fish, but Baby Boss is way ahead of her, and simply orders a lobster and a king crab for her (probably 10x more expensive than any fish she could’ve ordered haha). He’s doing all these just to cheer her up, and Xing Yun acknowledges that Baby Boss has changed - He warmed up a lot and treats her a lot better now. Baby Boss replies, maybe it’s not the person who has changed, but the relationship that changed… *cue romantic music*... Unfortunately, they get interrupted by a phone call by Mummy Xing telling her He Yu is waiting for her at home. Baby Boss gets jealous immediately, totally ruining the romantic moment. 

The next day at the office, Yi Yi lures Dong Dong to a coffee shop and the three besties confront him. He denies everything and says that everything they have is circumstantial. Luckily for them, Baby Boss is on top of things. He “accidentally” knocks into Dong Dong’s new car, and obtains the insurance information. The car is registered under Dong Dong, but the insurance is bought by the rival gaming company. Finally, in the face of undeniable evidence, Dong Dong admits his wrongdoing and Baby Boss informs the police. 

In the office meeting, Executive Duan, even after hearing about Dong Dong, still refuses to let go of his suspicion of Xing Yun. He Yu pulled out his trump card, he had Yao Qing to pick up Lin Qing from the airport. Lin Qing clarifies everything for Xing Yun, wrapping up everything finally. Of course, the smugface Duan refuses to let go of his prejudice, and says that Xing Yun still bears responsibility for her oversight as the person in charge. Baby Boss and He Yu speak up for Xing Yun and forces Duan to apologize. The petty Duan apologizes against his will, but pretty sure he is not going to make things easy for Xing Yun down the road. I can’t even find words to describe my disgust for this idiot, and I can’t be bothered to try. After all, the opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. And that’s the perfect way to describe my feelings about him

Lin Qing and Xing Yun have a chat afterwards, where she reveals her fiance was her previous boss. It was a slow burn romance, but in her mind, it was the best, how they unknowingly fell for each other and before they knew it, they were no longer two individuals, but a couple for life. D’awww, is this going to be the push she needs? Xing Yun also learns that Baby Boss visited the rival gaming company as well to try and prove her innocence. 

He Yu’s boss uses the whole leak scandal to justify taking away all of He Yu’s subordinates, so poor He Yu ends up having to do all the work himself. Taking pity on him, Yao Qing helps him out as well. Both of them worked together through the night and fell asleep on each other’s shoulders…
Liking this CP more and more...
Xing Yun gets officially reinstated and Baby Boss gives her the figurine (that she asked him to buy from Sheng Zhen) as a reinstatement present. Mummy Xing made braised chicken feet for Baby Boss, so Xing Yun wanted to sneak in and secretly put the chicken feet on Baby Boss’ table during lunchtime. She accidentally ends up overhearing Duan threatening Baby Boss with the investment funding, demanding that he replace Xing Yun. Duan spews a whole lot of garbage belittling Xing Yun (if she is really so inconsequential, why are you expending so much effort to get rid of her?), but Baby Boss simply refuses his demands. I don’t understand, why can’t Baby Boss just ask for a different contact person besides this idiot? Duan is just a mid-level management, not the primary decision-maker… Xing Yun quietly walks away, but she is super worried about her job, after all she doesn’t know how Baby Boss can not cave…

Baby Boss brings her out for lunch after, but she is worried it's her equivalent of the last supper, so she is super moody and worried. Baby Boss says I actually have something to tell you, but given all that happened these few days, I don’t think this timing is appropriate (referring to his confession of love). However, Xing Yun misinterprets this as him wanting to fire her, but not knowing how to say it. She asks him if the investors are very unhappy about the recent events, but Baby Boss simply reassures her, don’t worry, there’s me to handle everything. The two besties walk in on them having lunch, and mistake them as a couple. 

At work, Xing Yun can’t help but notice that Baby Boss is a lot more stressed. She also overhears that the company is having financial issues, and all the employee salaries were delayed by a week. Xing Yun realizes the best solution is for her to resign, so late at night, she types out her resignation letter. Baby Boss refuses to accept her resignation, he already knows that she is resigning to resolve the issue with Duan. He tells her, “Don’t worry, even if the sky collapses, I will be there to hold it up for you”. *swoons*

Duan is purposely making things difficult for Xing Yun, demanding a review meeting before agreeing to continue the investment. At the review meeting, he makes nonsensical demands, like font size too small, not enough numerical data, your voice is too flat????? The professional team that Duan brought along had no complaints, but of course Duan feels the need to belittle Xing Yun more, implying that she won’t be able to achieve anything without Baby Boss’s help. Duan again demands that he fires Xing Yun and threatens to withhold the funds otherwise. Baby Boss just ignores him. Really, dramaworld is a magical place where contracts and agreements don’t exist eh? Plus, isn't Grandma Xia super rich? This shouldn’t be an issue at all right?

Anyway, Xing Yun decides to take drastic measures to make Baby Boss fire her. She reads and laughs about web comics during office hours, sleeps during meetings and throws the fortune kitty away T_T. Finally, Baby Boss confronts her in front of her house. He calls her childish for pretending to be a problem employee to get him to fire her. He tells her not to worry about any other problems… At this point, He Yu appears and tells Baby Boss, her reason for resigning was that she is together with He Yu now. Baby Boss asks her to clarify, but she doesn’t know what to say before He Yu whisks her away. Feel like this is quite slimy of He Yu? Especially because he is aware of how Baby Boss feels about Xing Yun while Xing Yun isn’t sure. Moreover, he is clearly using this as an opportunity to get closer to Xing Yun… Later, Xing Yun yells at He Yu for making such a tasteless joke, but He Yu convinced her that this is the only way Baby Boss would accept her resignation. 

Xing Yun lies to her besties that she has fallen in love with He Yu and she intends to marry He Yu and be a full time housewife. Our poor Baby Boss overhears everything, and he walks away, his heart breaking with every step he takes…

Urghhhhhhh…. Just when I was liking He Yu a little more, he comes round and does this sort of slimy move… Also, while I appreciate Xing Yun’s noble intentions, I think I’m mostly on Baby Boss’ side here. Sure, Xing Yun resigning might smooth things over in the interim, but in the long run, people like Duan will just keep making more and more unreasonable requests. What if the next day he wants to fire the whole artistic department and outsource it? What if the next day he decides that he wants an entirely new game proposal? At the end of the day, I think you just need to do what Baby Boss does. Draw a line, and if he refuses to play ball, so be it. You can’t keep giving in. What Baby Boss could have done better though, is communicate with Xing Yun, let her know that she’s not the problem, Duan is. 

[Ep17] In Baby Boss’ office, he asks Xing Yun if she has thought things through. In a flashback, we see He Yu instructing Xing Yun to emphasize how much she loves He Yu, claiming that that will convince Baby Boss that she isn’t leaving because of Duan and so that Baby Boss can accept the investment money with no guilt. While I agree with this somewhat, I feel like it’s clear He Yu is also using this chance to achieve his ulterior motive, driving a wedge between Baby Boss and Xing Yun. Xing Yun replies, Yes, I love him. I’m willing to give up this job for him. She purposely left out the name, because the person she loves is Baby Boss, not He Yu, but she can’t admit that to him right now… Baby Boss also maturely decides to let go, he doesn’t want to stand in the way of her happiness (or what he thought is her happiness)... Baby Boss recollects all the wonderful memories that the two of them shared over the years, starting from setting up their office, to that wonderful kiss they both shared… Suddenly, the office feels so empty eh… Xing Yun also bids a tearful farewell to everyone else… She also left a list of 128 things that Amy needs to watch out for for Baby Boss, like how he likes his coffee, where to put his chargers, etc…

Baby Boss also terminates the contract with the investment company regardless, but this offends the investment company's big boss, so it seems like things are only going to get worse. Yao Qing visits Baby Boss and comments that she now knows why people say a person can do anything for love, implying that Baby Boss terminated the contract just to get back at the investment company for bullying Xing Yun. Baby Boss replies that he did so not for Xing Yun, but because he didn’t want to be burdened by constant pressure from investors, rushing him to push out games before they are ready. The truth is probably a bit of both I think, he was already unhappy with the investment company, but Xing Yun was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Yao Qing comments that even while he is espousing all these noble ideals in his office, his employees are busy outside looking for alternative/backup career options. To which he replies, “That’s perfectly understandable, after all not everyone has the ability to believe in something unconditionally”, with a pointed look at the Fortune Kitty. Perhaps that’s why Baby Boss likes to refer to Xing Yun as his lucky charm. It’s not her ability or anything, but her unconditional and unwavering belief in him that allowed him to achieve the success of today

He Yu finds out that Xing Yun is unaware of TIG’s troubles, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell Xing Yun the truth. Yao Qing meets He Yu at a bar, where she points out how he doesn’t seem happy to be able to spend so much time with Xing Yun. She even questions if he really likes Xing Yun, or she is just a manifestation of his need to one-up Baby Boss. This is a great question actually, I suspect it started off as the latter, but right now, he is really in love with Xing Yun. He is just unhappy because of his guilt about manipulating Xing Yun and hiding the truth from her. Yao Qing reflects if what they are doing here is really right…

Two months passed, and due to staff jumping ship, TIG’s games are not doing well, the income from gamers can no longer cover the server costs. Baby Boss decides to pull the plug literally, shutting down the servers. Baby Boss reassures everyone that this is just a temporary measure, and that they will relaunch the game again, together with the sequel once it is ready. Slowly, people are leaving one after another… Does Xing Yun not follow the game? Shouldn’t she know that the game has shut down? 
Baby Boss looking at the Fortune Kitty figurine, thinking about Xing Yun. 望梅止渴 hahaha
Anyway, it’s now He Yu’s birthday. It seems like He Yu and Xing Yun are still just friends. She made him a birthday cake, except its black forest cake (i.e. Baby Boss’ favourite). Even He Yu realizes, asking her who she was thinking of as she made the cake. Baby Boss and Yao Qing arrive, and our CP are both stunned to see each other. I think they are both a bit jealous too? Baby Boss seeing Xing Yun at He Yu’s house, and Xing Yun seeing Baby Boss arriving with Shen Qing and sharing a present. Just to point out, this party crash was planned by Yao Qing. I think that she realizes Baby Boss truly loves Xing Yun, and so she decides to try and bring them together. After arriving, she immediately drags He Yu aside, to give the CP some time to talk. The CP doesn’t make much progress though, although Xing Yun does accidentally reveal that she is still very concerned about Baby Boss. When she calls him Boss, Baby Boss also corrects her, “I'm no longer your boss, I’m just another guy who is chasing you =P.”. 

Yao Qing tells everyone an urban legend that if a couple kisses at the top of a ferris wheel, they will be together forever. At the ferris wheel, Baby Boss and Yao Qing chats

YQ: Do you think He Yu and Xing Yun will kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
BB(avoiding the qn) why did you suggest coming here? Ferris wheel is not your style…
YQ: Maybe I just want to spite you? Perhaps after seeing them together, you will finally give up on her
BB: Nope (as in he won’t give up on her..)
YQ: ?
BB(suddenly shy) nope, they won’t kiss…
I’m pretty sure that Yao Qing is provoking Baby Boss, and doing a great job at it btw. Who would’ve thought the best cupid ended up being her love rival?

At the base of the ferris wheel, Baby Boss suddenly grabs Xing Yun and runs into their own cabin. Our Baby Boss is manning up!!!! Both of them ignore He Yu’s phone call. 

XY: Did you accidentally grab the wrong person?
BB: Nope

The tension in the air is palpable…
They kiss!!!! 
At the top of the ferris wheel, the two of them kiss and Xing Yun finds the feeling super familiar… She wonders if the person she kissed last time while drunk was Xia Ke. In the other carriage, Yao Qing lectures He Yu that liking someone means that you pursue them honorably, not through lies and manipulation, and if that person likes someone else, you should wish them well… Awwww…. Yao Qing is such a likeable character… if not for Xing Yun, I will definitely root for you Yao Qing!

Xing Yun asks Baby Boss if it was him at the restaurant, but He Yu’s appearance triggers Xing Yun’s guilt, so he leaves without a second word. Yao Qing explains that Baby Boss still thinks that Xing Yun is He Yu’s girlfriend, that’s why he is feeling guilty and also clarifies that there is nothing between her and Baby Boss. She also finally reveals all the problems TIG is facing… Without a second word, Xing Yun leaves to chase after Baby Boss. While I’m happy that our CP is finally getting together, I can’t help but feel for Yao Qing… It must be so hard pushing your love rival into the arms of the person you love. And yet, she did that, and more. What a character indeed.

Xing Yun runs all the way to Baby Boss’ house, but he isn’t home, he’s hard at work in the office. So our marathon runner runs all the way to the office lol. She yells at him for not telling her about all the problems the company is facing and that she wants back, she wants to live or die with the company. Baby Boss chases her out, asking her to call He Yu to pick him up. She shouts “He’s not my boyfriend!”. 
The shock, the joy, the awe...
Xing Yun comes clean about their scam, which Baby Boss is super happy about. Who else would be so happy about being scammed eh? Xing Yun tells him that she misses working together with him, and there are many days where she subconsciously makes her way to work before she realizes she’s no longer employed. She really wants to get to work again with the company… with the staff… and with her dear Baby Boss…

The MVP of this episode clearly goes to Yao Qing. Amazing Cupid moves, could not have done it better myself. And doing it for a love rival… Wow… Our childish couple is slowly making progress, but I suspect it’ll be a few more episodes before they get together, since they have to save the company first. One thing I really appreciate about this drama is that the angsty parts are super short, totally to my taste haha... 

[Ep18] Yao Qing and He Yu get drunk together, nursing their broken hearts… Man…. Yao Qing crying as she says,“ it doesn’t hurt so much right?” Daggers through my heart… I think she really loved Baby Boss, but ultimately, she realized this is what is right for everyone… Both of them get drunk out of their mind and they end up spending the night together. I did not see this coming… The morning after, He Yu is super nervous and doesn’t know what to say anymore (despite all his experience eh?) but Yao Qing is super calm and business-like, getting ready for work. She tells him to just forget about last night since it was an accident. 

In reality though, she is super distracted, and she even forgets one of her earrings at He Yu’s house. He Yu is also super distracted, answering the tv remote instead of his phone. He has to return a comic in person, but he gets distracted when he finds Yao Qing’s earring in his bed. He starts to wonder if he actually has feelings for Yao Qing all along. 

The next day, Xing Yun cycles to work happily, still obsessing over their kiss atop the ferris wheel. She also discovers that Baby Boss saved her Fortune Kitty, so she happily takes it back to her desk. Xing Yun learns about how terrible the situation is at the company. Most people have left, even Amy has left already… Xing Yun asks to speak to Baby Boss privately, who eagerly agrees and turns his windows opaque (anticipating some steamy kissing action eh?). He looks solely disappointed when Xing Yun starts asking him about the state of affairs in the company instead. Baby Boss tries to talk to Xing Yun about the kiss, but she tells him now is not the time. She’s back here as an employee and to focus on saving the company, so they can talk about their stuff later on. Baby Boss whines, “how much longer then?” but immediately softens up with a pout from Xing Yun. 
Who can resist this pout eh?
Xing Yun reassures Baby Boss that since the lucky charm (herself) is back now, things will definitely get better. Baby Boss is surprised, since he recalls Xing Yun hates being called a lucky charm. Xing Yun replies, “That was before, now, I wish I was an actual lucky charm! If only I could just shake myself and scatter good luck all over TIG.” She does this super cute jiggle as she exits his office, and jiggles all the way back to her seat. Sooooo cuteeeeee. And I don’t think that Xing Yun no longer minds being called a lucky charm, it’s just that there is something she cares about more (Baby Boss, and by extension, TIG)
Baby Boss watching her jiggle her way back to work =P
Xing Yun approaches Yao Qing to find out the reality of the situation. Turns out the big boss Baby Boss offended got all his investment buddies to blacklist Baby Boss and also spread a lot of bad rumors about Baby Boss. Feel like this is not how the world works?? Like don’t most investment companies have an adversarial relationship with each other by nature? At best, a neutral working relationship? So it is quite unrealistic for a random big boss, no matter how big a company he owns, to block all investments. Xing Yun also admits to Yao Qing that she likes Baby Boss (She finally admits it!!!!) and thanks Yao Qing for all she has done. 

Xing Yun works tirelessly for the game sequel, staying late into the night and waking up at 5am the next day. She notices Baby Boss sleeping in his office often, brushing his teeth at work, and also overheard him selling a house to a real estate agent, so she assumes that she no longer has a home. She secretly tries to look for a house for Baby Boss, but she always seems to bump into him, leading to a lot of awkward encounters. Baby Boss finally confronts her and asks her if she is hiding something. She denies it and asks him to send her home that evening. At her apartment, she drags him out of his car and up the stairs, telling him to “Hurry up, don’t worry, I’ve gotten everything ready” Totally random tangent but the phrase she uses “我准备好了” is the exact same one as SY and ZSC (in Forever and Ever) uses just before they consummate their marriage =P. So naturally, Baby Boss snickers and asks “Oh, looks like you can’t wait to be my wife eh?” Xing Yun is like WTH are you thinking lol. 

It turns out that she rented the house next door for Baby Boss to stay, but she lies to him that it's free, all he needs to do is tidy up. Except Baby Boss doesn’t tidy up, so Xing Yun offers to tidy up too. In the house, everything is prepared nicely for Baby Boss, with Xing Yun even labelling all the food and leaving random reminders such as “Drink more water”. 

Exiting the house, Xing Yun bumps into her mummy, who confronts her. Xing Yun spills the beans, admitting that she rented the house for Baby Boss. She pleads with Mummy Xing, who realizes that her dear daughter is in love… After all, who else will sing such an endless stream of praise for their boss? In fact, Mummy Xing starts worrying about what Baby Boss will eat. Such a great mother-in-law hahaha… She also agrees to hide Baby Boss’ presence from Daddy Xing.

The next day, Mummy Xing buys a mountain of breakfast food, telling Xing Yun to bring it for Baby Boss, under the pretext of bringing food for her colleagues at work. She tries to knock on Baby Boss’ quietly, but Daddy Xing hears the knocking. Mummy Xing tries to distract Daddy Xing, albeit unsuccessfully. 

Random tangent, I find it funny how everyone assumes that the reason they aren’t together yet is because Baby Boss wants to focus on the company first when in reality, it's Xing Yun who wants to focus on the company first. That said, I don’t think Xing Yun actually cares about the company THAT much, it's more of 爱屋及乌 (love by proxy). She loves Baby Boss, and she feels that the company is extremely important to him, and hence she wants to do anything and everything she can to protect it. 

For our 2nd CP, I totally did not expect them to end up sleeping together… I sort of get the idea that sleeping together is the push that they needed to realize their feelings for each other? But I can’t say I’m a fan of it… I much rather it be something like Yao Qing gets drunk and nearly gets hit by a car, and He Yu saves her in the nick of time or something. Also, while I feel like they make a good CP, I feel that it’ll be tricky to handle their feelings in a consistent way and not like a sudden 180 just to force the CP together

[Ep19] The two of them narrowly avoid detection with Xing Yun hiding behind the door and Baby Boss opening his door a few seconds too late. Baby Boss finds out Xing Yun is living next door and she instructs him to avoid his dad. Baby Boss asks for a picture of Xing Yun’s dad, so she shows him a family portrait. He only has eyes for her though, so he asks for her to send him the family portrait so that he can study the father carefully. Lol…. sure, study the father… Xing Yun feeds him fried doughsticks with beancurd, but he seems quite reluctant. He does cave and take a tentative bite though. Does he have a soy allergy??? But I feel like Xing Yun would be aware.

At work, Xing Yun is playing with Xiaoxi and accidentally bumps into Baby Boss, but she gropes his chest a few more times for good measure hahahaha. Shen Qing dropped by with Xiaoxi to take Baby Boss out for lunch as he often skips meals during crunch periods… The four of them go for lunch and Shen Qing and Baby Boss have a quick chat while Xing Yun entertains Xiaoxi.
D’awwww such a sweet family photo. Just missing Chu Nan haha...
SQ: I was worried that once you get busy, you will forget all your meals. But it looks like I need not worry, you have someone taking care of you and all your meals now (looks at Xing Yun). 
BB: Ya, today someone just made me eat a whole bowl of beancurd!
SQ: What, you ate beancurd? I thought you hated it. You even said it looks like something the dog threw up!
BB: Well, what could I do? Someone prevented me from leaving until I finished it. If only there was this thing called words that you could use to tell someone that you don’t like beancurd eh? =P. Tbf, his comment was probably more tongue-in-cheek than an actual complaint, just like my retort.
(XY immediately pours BB a glass of water to try and shut him up, but Baby Boss is on a roll)
BB: What’s more, Xing Yun’s neighbour is looking for someone to housesit. She’s not charging any rent and he only requirement is to keep the place clean and tidy (huh, it sounds like Baby Boss knows that Xing Yun is renting the place for him then)
SQ: Wow, there’s such a good deal? 
BB: I know right, what’s even more coincidental, the renovation style of the place is exactly the same as mine. Even the position of the furniture is the same as my house. Ok, he clearly knows and is poking fun at Xing Yun.
SQ sniggers knowingly hahaha..
XY: Boss, errr, I don’t think having the same taste as a 60-year old auntie is something to be proud of Hahahaha, you go girl! 
SQ: Sooooo…. Are the two of you together now?
XY: Not yet! Freudian slip much? Clearly wanting to get together with Baby Boss
SQ (grasping the keyword): yet?
XY: We are focusing on the company first, the only reason I fetched Baby Boss over is because it’s inconvenient for him to stay at the office.
SQ (clearly surprised, but quick to catch on): Oh wow, you were staying in the office? She gives a fake sympathetic look. Clearly Baby Boss still has his own house.

What a convo indeed hahaha. Shen Qing clearly knows exactly what is going on and is just enjoying these two idiots chasing each other round in circles.

After lunch, Shen Qing asks, you two are clearly almost together already, why are you still hesitating? Baby Boss replies, previously, she has always been following my pace, now I want to follow hers. Shen Qing looks at Baby Boss with admiration and says, wow, look at my baby brother maturing… Amy returns to the office to ask for her job back, and Baby Boss gladly offers her her old job back. She offers to treat all her colleagues as an apology for abandoning them. Everyone readily agrees, except Baby Boss who looks to Xing Yun for her cue D’awwww, not even together yet and already so whipped?

He Yu hears rumours of Yao Qing going on a date with another male colleague and gets visibly upset. He waits for her outside her car, asking to chat. Yao Qing turns him down, but He Yu doesn’t take no for an answer. He leans into Yao Qing’s face, who sighs… and leans back into him. He Yu loses the game of chicken, and is forced to lean back against her car. This is basically a bidong, just with an imposing aura instead of hands hahahaha.
Aura bidong hahaha
Yao Qing asks He Yu if he likes her, a question he cannot answer. She bulldozes on ”if you don’t like me, why are you harassing me? Don’t tell me you want to say you always had feelings for me all these years, you just never realized it until we slept together.” He Yu doesn’t know what to reply because what she described is exactly what is happening here!!! Shen Qing still thinks that He Yu is just toying with her like another fling. 

Amy’s welcome back dinner is a huge success. After hearing all her horror stories about the other gaming companies, everyone is super glad to be at TIG. As for Baby Boss? He’s just glad that Xing Yun is at her side :). Xing Yun and Baby Boss were walking up the stairs home together happily chatting. Unfortunately Daddy Xing was waiting to open the door for his daughter, so Xing Yun had to push Baby Boss behind the wall, and they didn’t even get to say a proper good night :(. 
Her sad puppy-dog face because her time with Baby Boss ended so abruptly
At home, Mummy Xing asks what sort of porridge she should get for breakfast tomorrow, rattling off a whole list. Xing Yun is like, Mum, don’t need to be so complicated. Mummy Xing replies “Not for you! It’s for your boss!” Pretty sure she already thinks of Baby Boss as her son-in-law hahahaha. She comments that Baby Boss is super handsome and asks if Xing Yun has confessed her feelings for him? Xing Yun replies, but he’s my boss and we need to focus on the company now! Mummy Xing tells her that this sort of guy is hot property and encourages her daughter to actively pursue him hahahaha. #LG. Daddy Xing interrupts, wanting to know what the two girls are talking about, so Mummy Xing sends Xing Yun to water the plants on the balcony as a distraction. Baby Boss was also drinking out on the adjacent balcony, so the two of them ended up chatting about all sorts of random nonsense. Xing Yun comments that she once thought that having adjacent balconies is very romantic, but not anymore because in reality, it’s too cold in winter, and too many mosquitoes in summer… Maybe she just never had adjacent balconies with the right person eh? Hearing that the meeting with another investment company didn’t go well, Xing Yun decides to go back and do some more work on the game sequel. Baby Boss doesn’t want their time together to end though, so he says that he has work to do too, and suggests that they do it together. He makes up an excuse that it’s easier to work together, since there are many issues with the sequel and working together, he can point them out immediately. 

The plan works out well, and we get a glimpse into their daily lives. During the day, they work together in the office. For the meals, Mummy Xing cooks and packs food for the two of them, letting Xing Yun head over with the food. At night, Xing Yun works together with Baby Boss (by which I mean she works and he just stares at her lovingly hahaha). Baby Boss isn’t content with the status quo though, so he tries to steer the conversation from work to their relationship. Looking through the list of dating activities, he notices that the last one is a Ferris Wheel. He points out that the Ferris wheel seems like quite an ordinary activity. 

XY: But I feel that we can’t keep pursuing new and interesting things. Sometimes, what's important is the feeling of romance during a date. So even a simple and ordinary event can feel romantic...
BB: Then what about you? Do you find the Ferris wheel romantic?
XY flashes back to their kiss and blushes.
XY: I’ve said it many times, I want to focus on saving TIG first, I don’t have time for romance now.
BB (gently holding both her hands): I told you before, I will handle all the problems at work. Just like how you took care of the injured kitty and gave it new hope and life, I believe that with you, the injured TIG now will also gain new hope and life.
XY: Oh… So it was you at the pet shop
BB: Yes. Meeting you at the pet shop was a chance encounter. Meeting you at the job fair was also a chance encounter. But I don’t want to leave our relationship up to chance anymore… D’awwwww…
XY still avoids the issue: I will always be at your company, so our stuff can wait. The money won’t always be here though.
BB: But what if I won’t always be here? What if I marry someone else and have children? Will you still stay in my company?
XY: Are you crazy? Why would I stay then? To help you look after your kids?
Baby Boss is happy to see her jealous reaction.
BB: Give me a proper title to stay by your side please…
XY: But I don’t know how to be a girlfriend…
BB: It’s ok, we can learn together. Promise me we can try together?
XY hesitates, so BB says: It’s ok, I’m willing to wait for you, no matter how long…

Xing Yun is finally convinced, and gives Baby Boss a quick peck on the lips. That’s not enough for Baby Boss though, so he pulls her in for a deep, passionate kiss. Honestly this confession is a bit too long (I’ve already cut out some irrelevant bits in my quoting) and a bit disjointed and random, but there are bits of it that I really like. For Baby Boss, I like how he expresses his feelings for Xing Yun clearly, and his confession was very sweet, telling her that she will always be part of his future plan. As for Xing Yun, I think that the reason why she was so focused on saving TIG was because she thought that TIG was most important to Baby Boss, and so she wants to pour all her efforts into that. But the conversation helped her realize that TIG was not what Baby Boss cared about most, it was her. That’s why she finally accepted his feelings and kissed him.
Finally together!!!!
Unfortunately, their kiss doesn’t last long because a knock on their door interrupts them. It’s Shen Qing and Xiaoxi, and Baby Boss complains about her terrible timing (I agree totally!). Suspicious, Shen Qing asks what were our CP doing before they arrived? Baby Boss cheekily replies “You sure you want me to answer this question in front of Xiaoxi?” Hahahahaha, once a Baby Boss, always a Baby Boss. Shen Qing figures out that they are dating, so she proposes inviting all their friends along for a celebration. Can’t that wait????? Let the two of them get back to their action first!!! Even Xing Yun is like “nowwww???? But I want to kiss Baby Boss more hahahaha”

Meanwhile, Daddy Xing is getting suspicious and he figures out that she is visiting a guy staying next door, so he angrily pounds the door, wanting to confront the mystery man. Mummy Xing reacts first though, and just drags Daddy Xing back home hahaha… Mummy Xing sits Daddy Xing down and lectures him (cutely) to let his daughter live her own life. But Daddy Xing is super protective and is worried that his precious daughter is being scammed (I can totally relate to this hahaha). Daddy Xing points out that there are a lot of scammers out there, even Chu Nan who appeared so nice ended up being insincere! Mummy Xing replies “Well, you always have to let her go out and experience the world. Are you expecting her to remain single and stay with us forever?” Daddy Xing smiles and nods vigorously at the last statement HAHAHA all dads are the same eh?. After more cute lecturing from Mummy Xing, Daddy Xing stomps off…. And grabs two cans of beer from the fridge. In his most pitiful voice, he says “I need to get myself drunk…. My heart hurts too much… I won’t be able to sleep unless I’m drunk...” Mummy Xing fiercely tells him to put the beer back… because she has a much better alcohol to get drunk with (a bottle of red wine she secretly bought during their spain trip). She also lectures him one final time, “Stop thinking about other people’s wives, I’m your wife and the one you should be thinking about!” Hahahaha, in her mind, Xing Yun is already Baby Boss’ wife lol... These parents are wayyyyyyyy too cute hahaha. They are both so relatable, and also provide a huge amount of comic relief. I literally burst out laughing at Daddy Xing’s pitiful face. #LG
Daddy Xing is tooooo cute haha
Chu Nan, He Yu and Yao Qing all come over, but things are still awkward between our 2nd CP. Yao Qing avoids talking to He Yu and has also been ignoring his calls. He Yu flashes back to what Yao Qing said about loving someone… Looks like drama is telling us he is finally aware of his true feelings eh?

Xing Yun has been secretly working weekends, but she doesn’t want Baby Boss to feel bad so she always lies that she’s out shopping with Amy and Yi Yi. Baby Boss is suspicious though, because she never buys anything back from her shopping trips, so he tries to test her by asking her to buy a tie for him. Ehhhh, bad behaviour from both parties. Lying is wrong by Xing Yun, but so is testing your partner by Baby Boss, tsk tsk tsk. 

The next day (which is the weekend), Baby Boss returns to his own home (HA! I knew it, he didn’t sell his own house!). He changed the door code to 0805 (8th May? I wonder what's the significance?). Shen Qing is there too and lectures him for suspecting Xing Yun. She has spent all her money on renting the flat for Baby Boss, so clearly she isn’t shopping. Just at this time, Xing Yun (after wrapping up her work) calls Shen Qing, asking her to recommend tie colours and design for Baby Boss. Shen Qing mentions that it’s so late already, plus Xing Yun still needs an hour to get to the mall, so why don’t she buy it another time? Xing Yun replies, “Baby Boss is such a proud person, the fact that he was willing to ask me must mean he is quite desperate. So I should just try and get it for him tonight.” Shen Qing lectures his baby brother, telling him off for making Xing Yun travel so far late in the night and commenting on how good a girlfriend she is, going to such lengths to protect his fragile ego. You go, Shen Qing!

Thankfully, our Baby Boss is not stupid and immediately rushes out to pick up his dear girlfriend from the rain. Handsome Baby Boss gives her his coat and piggybacks her to his car (to prevent her shoes from getting soaked). D’awwwwww (Also have some random thoughts, but leaving it at the bottom so as to not spoil the romance)
D’awwwww too sweet
Xing Yun smiles as she recollects the last time he piggybacked her (after the encounter with human traffickers) and noted the changes in Baby Boss… Baby Boss apologizes for being too arrogant and insensitive to her feelings in the past. I think he’s actually apologizing for testing her, but he doesn’t want to admit it haha, but still awwww, Baby Boss is maturing in front of our very eyes…

Our CP is finally together!!!! So much to love here! While I couldn’t wait for them to get together, this timing and pace does feel very believable and correct. At the start, Baby Boss didn’t understand his feelings and also was not mature enough to be in a relationship IMO. Furthermore, Baby Boss was still carrying the burden of splitting up Ling Shan and Shen Qing. Similarly, Xing Yun also needed to take a detour to understand what love truly is, so that she can realize the depth of her feelings for Baby Boss. This reminds me of the saying 爱情是在对的时间遇到对的人 (love is when you meet the right person at the right time). They were always the right person for each other, but only now, is the right time for them to be together. 

[Ep20] At work, He Yu seizes an opportunity to talk to Yao Qing again. He says “We will be working together 40 hours a week, 2080 hours a year, for many many years. It’s inevitable that we will fall in love. So just tell me, do you want to date first? Or get married first and then date? Regardless, I want to take responsibility for that night.” Yao Qing hands him a bag of walnuts, “Eat this, it helps boost brain power and stop saying all these crazy things” and walks off. For He Yu, it's interesting how his confessions to Yao Qing are so awkward. I guess it’s drama’s sign to us that Yao Qing is the first girl he is actually serious about, whereas every other girl before was just a game, hence his sleekness. For Yao Qing, I totally understand her feelings. She’s seen the parade of girls entering and leaving his life, so why should she believe that she is any different. Plus, he wants to take responsibility for sleeping with her? How about the previous 28 girls he slept with then? Fwiw, I appreciate drama for making Yao Qing super rational about this. I would not be able to swallow this relationship if they just sleep together and fall in love straight away. A random colleague overhears their entire convo… O man, I have a bad feeling about this…

At night, Baby Boss makes his way to the office alone. In an empty office, he quietly works on the game. Suddenly, the game opens up on his computer, with the line “A brief farewell is for a better future, happy 2 year birthday to TIG!”. Turns out all the staff are here to celebrate TIG’s 2 year birthday with him. Baby Boss is super touched and thanks his staff for their trust in him, and promises to live up to their faith. Awwwww, this is quite touching as well (in a non-romantic sense)... It shows how great a boss Baby Boss is usually, to inspire such unwavering loyalty and faith in his staff. This is the sort of company that everyone dreams of working for haha
Baby Boss finally figures out all of Xing Yun’s shopping trips were working on the surprise for him (and also for their loyal gamers). Clicking on each of the carriage on the Ferris Wheel will reveal a memorable moment in TIG history. Wow, the effort! Xing Yun asks if he likes it, but our childish Baby Boss says he doesn’t like it because he can’t bear for his precious girlfriend to work so hard… He places his hand on hers, “ Actually you don’t have to do all these for me, just having you next to me is enough…” D’awwww, someone has been learning from He Yu eh? Drunken Amy stumbles over and Xing Yun immediately pulls her hand away. Worse still, Amy starts commenting on how Xing Yun is a lot more romantic after her relationship with He Yu. She even says, Xing Yun’s next boyfriend should really thank He Yu properly. Baby Boss jealously echoes the last line... Hahahaha, Baby Boss’ jealous face is too good!

On the drive back, Xing Yun tries to change the topic, but Baby Boss won’t be deterred. He confirms that Xing Yun told everyone she broke up peacefully with He Yu and asks why she is unwilling to disclose their romance to the rest of the company? Xing Yun replies, “Workplace romance is a sensitive topic, does he want all his employees to gossip about his personal life? Moreover, what if they were to break up…” Upon hearing the words break up, Baby Boss slams on the brakes. He gives her 5 seconds to erase any thought of breaking up from her mind. Hahahaha, Baby Boss is so cute sometimes…
To make matters worse, He Yu calls Xing Yun at this exact time hahaha. A jealous Baby Boss answers her phone and forbids He Yu from calling her at such a late hour in future. He Yu asks Xing Yun for a meal and some help, after all he helped her so much previously. He’s about to go into specifics, so Xing Yun quickly agrees and hangs up. Baby Boss is so jealous, so Xing Yun pulls out her ultimate weapon, her puppy-dog face hahahaha.
Who can stay mad at this face?
Baby Boss has a potential investor (Mr Qin), but he is apparently a very happy-go-lucky person (just like Baby Boss eh?) and it’s very hard to schedule a meeting.

At dinner, He Yu comes clean to Xing Yun. He realizes that he doesn’t love Xing Yun, he was just in love with the process of seriously wooing someone (I feel that way too). But the problem is, all the techniques that he used on Xing Yun, he can’t seem to use them on her. Xing Yun is super confused as to who her is. Just tell her the truth, you dummy! (I just realized her referring to either girls works in this context HAHAHA).

Jealous Baby Boss puts on his most handsome suit and waits downstairs for Xing Yun. He bumps into Mummy Xing and the cutest conversation ensues. Baby Boss doesn’t want to admit he is waiting for Xing Yun, so the best excuse he can come up with is…. He is exercising… LOL… Mummy Xing clearly knows what’s going on, so she just takes it as a given hahaha…

Baby Boss hides the moment he sees He Yu’s car approaching, and he times how long Xing Yun was in the car for (1m 35s, truly a jealous Baby Boss)... The two of them were actually talking about Mr Qin, and Xing Yun finds out that his precious daughter frequents a manga cafe. Anyway, Baby Boss makes some indirect jealous statement about an ungrateful stray kitty, so Xing Yun gives him a peck on his cheek to defuse his jealousy. D’awwww, the two of them are too cute together… At night, neither of them could sleep, so both of them went up to the balcony. They’re surprised to see each other, but they end up talking about work. Xing Yun is worried about the company, but Baby Boss takes her hand and tells her, all you need to do is hold onto my hand tightly and never let go… While this is quite romantic, I can’t help but feel that it’s a little chauvinistic? Like in a relationship, I think that the couple should share their woes and frustrations, not just tell your partner to not worry, without any details…

At work, their co-workers were gossiping about Yao Qing and He Yu, behind their back. However, of course the two of them overhear it. He Yu angrily tells the co-workers off and threatens them to stop talking about Yao Qing. He also clarifies, it’s not her sticking to me, but me who refuses to let go of her. *clap clap* Well done dude! Yao Qing appears to be quite touched by his actions. Unfortunately, the co-workers go complain to the big boss, who threatens to fire them because apparently the company forbids workplace romance. What sort of anarchic rule is that! Yao Qing rebuffs their boss, claiming that if he were to fire anyone who woos her, he will need to fire more than He Yu. She also counter-threatens him (apparently he was having an affair with someone from finance?). As they stomp out, He Yu is only interested in one thing, who else is wooing Yao Qing? Haha, dude has his priorities in order! Yao Qing puts him in an arm-lock and tells him to wake up his idea. 
Even when pinned, can’t afford to mess up his hairstyle =P
After stalking out the manga cafe for multiple days, Xing Yun finally manages to bump into Mr Qin’s daughter. Using her artistic background, she manages to strike up a conversation with her. Over time, it seems like they are becoming quite good friends, so Xing Yun was invited to a cosplay party at her house. She drags Baby Boss along, who is a huge hit among all the cosplay girls. Feel like it is a bit underhanded to use the daughter tbh, but maybe they will still maintain the friendship even after this? Idk… They finally learn from her that Mr Qin is in Las Vegas, so Baby Boss immediately arranges to fly there. 

Before leaving, Baby Boss sets ground rules for his girlfriend, No flowers, No presents, No giving out contact details, No going out with guys past 10pm, No meeting with He Yu alone. Even then he doesn’t feel safe leaving her behind, he wants to drag her along.  Such a possessive Baby Boss hahaha. Xing Yun asks him to message her once he arrives safely, after all this is a habit in her family, whenever someone travels, they will report safe arrival so that the people that love them can feel at ease. D’awwwwww, she already considers him family! 

In Las Vegas, Baby Boss successfully meets Mr Qin, and manages to impress him by solving his personal issue. Everything is going swimmingly well for them. At their appointed time, Xing Yun calls Baby Boss and she is super happy that he managed to meet Mr Qin. Happily, she blurts out, “Have fun in Las Vegas!” which annoys Baby Boss a lot. I like this bit a lot because it showcases their two different views on love. For Baby Boss, he sets all these rules and restrictions because he is worried about losing her, so in a way, these restrictions are his way of expressing love. Hence, he’s upset when Xing Yun gives him the freedom to play, at Las Vegas, no less. In contrast, Xing Yun has had unwavering faith in Baby Boss first as a boss, and now as a boyfriend. And so, she doesn’t see the need to set restrictions because she knows he won’t betray her, and what is most important to her is his happiness, which is why she tells him to have fun. Also, despite Baby Boss being annoyed at her, he still turns down Mr Qin’s invitation to party, showing that Xing Yun’s faith in him is well placed.

He Yu continues to pester Yao Qing, telling her that he can’t stop thinking about her and that night. She insists that it was just a one-off event, and that the two of them can’t be together because they know each other’s sordid past. She knows all the girls he slept with, and he knows her years of yearning for Baby Boss. He Yu says that doesn’t matter, they can forget it, but Yao Qing says she can’t. In a fit of desperation, she tells him that that night, she was just using him as a substitute for Baby Boss. He Yu’s heart shatters into a million pieces and he walks away. Looking at his retreating figure, Yao Qing also looks despondent… I think drama is showing us that Yao Qing is starting to care for He Yu, but perhaps she just hasn’t come to terms with it, or is unable to get over his past 28 girlfriends.

I… still don’t know how I feel about the 2nd CP. I can sorta come round to He Yu liking Yao Qing, but I still don’t see a reason why Yao Qing would fall for him. Perhaps that’s something to come in the following episodes. I’m kinda disappointed that we don’t see much Baby Boss and Xing Yun interactions tbh, I want to see more lovey-dovey stuff! 

[Ep21] Xing Yun finds out from Amy that Baby Boss never sold his own apartment. He simply sold off his investment properties. Angrily, Xing Yun drags her two besties to redecorate Baby Boss’ house as revenge for tricking her. Because of this, she had to reveal that she and Baby Boss were dating, leading to some hilarious interaction between the three (e.g. them calling her Lady Boss and saying that they need to stick by her forever to lead the good life :P). Xing Yun is focused on figuring out the door code though, and after trying out a lot of dates, 0805 unlocked the door. She says it’s the date that he 捡到她 (picked her up, I think it means the date he hired her at the job fair?) The usage of this phrase is usually used to refer to taking home stray animals, so it’s consistent in how he likes to refer to her as a stray kitty haha.

They redecorate the entirety of Baby Boss’ house with pink Hello Kitty decorations. Hahahahaha…. Way too hilarious. Her besties comment on how fearless she is, which probably means Baby Boss must have spoiled her rotten on a day to day basis. In the middle of redecorating, they find a picture of his guest room, decorated in pink and with a cat in the foreground. Xing Yun seems to be quite affected by this photo? At night, she asks him about it indirectly by asking whether he had a cat before? Baby Boss says, “Ya I did, it was a super cute and bubbly short-haired cat. It was a stray that I picked up… O right, you can see it if you look in the mirror” Haha, I did not see this joke coming. Xing Yun is less amused though, and tries to probe again, but Baby Boss needs to rush off. :/ O man… this is not a good sign.

He Yu finds out that Yao Qing has resigned and rushes to find her. But she's nowhere to be found and she’s not answering her phone either. Angrily, he rushes out to confront his boss, thinking that he forced her out, but turns out Yao Qing has planned to leave long ago. Depressed, He Yu tries to get drunk at the bar, but he has lost all interest in alcohol…

Baby Boss is finally back, and the first thing he does is interrogate Xing Yun whether she received any flowers or presents. Dude, wayyyyyy too possessive! He also visibly perks up when he finds out that Amy and Yi Yi know that they are dating. It’s also interesting that Baby Boss is the insecure one in this relationship, it's usually the girl/subordinate that’s more insecure haha. Xing Yun also puts her revenge plan in motion by lying to Baby Boss that the house she rented for him is not ready, so Baby Boss needs to find an alternative arrangement. 

Baby Boss returns home, to a fully pinked out Hello Kitty themed house. He sighs helplessly, knowing that this is the payback that Xing Yun planned. Xing Yun confronts him about his lie, and complains “How can you not know that honesty is the most important thing in a relationship after your numerous relationships!”. Baby Boss replies, “I haven’t dated that much really…” Xing Yun snaps “Is that the point???” Sure you say that girl, but I bet you are secretly happy hahaha. Baby Boss explains that he wanted to use the excuse to be closer to her, he didn’t want to give her another chance to meet another random guy like Chu Nan or He Yu, that’s why he just went along with her misunderstanding… To apologise, he poses cutely with all the soft toys on his pink bed and posts it online. Everyone in the office literally burst out laughing upon seeing it. 
Too cute hahahahaha
While picking up Zhang Si Rui (Mr Qin’s subordinate who will handle the evaluation of TIG), they come across a thief. Zhang Si Rui subdues him with an umbrella, showcasing her kendo skills (Ermmmmm…. I have a bad feeling she is Baby Boss’ ex). While chatting with Si Rui, Xing Yun blurts out that Baby Boss is single (because Zhang Si Rui hinted that being single would help the evaluation). Later on, it’s revealed that she was trying to set up personal time with Baby Boss… Why drama…. Why must you throw another spanner? I just want lovey-dovey time… Is that too much to ask for????  

Later that night, Xing Yun received a phone call that someone else is willing to take over the rental of the house she rented for Baby Boss. Moreover, he likes all the furniture and decoration, so he’s willing to pay her to keep all of that. It’s probably Baby Boss doing this? Anyway, Xing Yun goes to check out the flat and Baby Boss is inside, lying that the water supply at his own home is disrupted. In the most abrupt of transitions, he proposes that she can move in with him, because it’s so inconvenient to live with her parents. She naively replies, I don’t find living with my parents inconvenient. You dummy, it’s inconvenient for your lovey-dovey relationship! She agrees, but on one condition, she gets to stay in the guest room and re-decorate it. However, for some reason, Baby Boss doesn’t want her to stay in the guest room and this leads to a mini-quarrel. I’m a little confused here. I’m not sure if it’s because he wants her to sleep with him in the master bedroom? Or is it because there is still stuff about the guest bedroom that he can’t let go. They get interrupted by a phone call from Daddy Xing, who knocks on their door to see if Xing Yun is spending alone time with Baby Boss. Xing Yun instinctively covers the phone’s microphone, and Baby Boss instinctively hugs her??? How does hugging her help????
His instinctive hug lol….
The next day, Zhang Si Rui arrives at TIG, walks up to Baby Boss and hugs him in front of all his employees. Literally, WHAT THE HELL???? Yup…. She's his ex-girlfriend, but he didn’t realize it because she changed her name from Zhang Rui. Haiiiiii, drama whyyyyy… Baby Boss requests a change of evaluator, but Zhang Si Rui says there’s no need. Baby Boss clarifies that he is no longer single and that Xing Yun is his girlfriend. Go Baby Boss!

Meanwhile, Xing Yun gets very very jealous. That said, she still believes in her Baby Boss. D’awww, I really like her unwavering faith in Baby Boss… Zhang Si Rui gets assigned Amy to assist her, but she demands for Xing Yun instead. Urgh, she is clearly going to abuse her position. I hate it….. She makes Xing Yun buy a whole list of office items to buy, including a specific tea set and tea blend, and personal afternoon tea. Freaking ridiculous… She intentionally portrays an image of knowing Baby Boss very well, trying to stir the office gossip. Our Baby Boss knows what she is trying to do though, so he publicly announces that he has a girlfriend already (grabbing Xing Yun’s hand just for Si Rui to see). Xing Yun is not ready to reveal it though, so Baby Boss doesn’t reveal her identity to the rest of their colleagues. Honestly, I’m quite impressed at the way Baby Boss is handling the situation. He is respecting Xing Yun’s wishes for privacy, but at the same time, he is making it clear to his potential suitor and to Xing Yun that Xing Yun is his girlfriend, and his only choice. Just then, there was a short blackout, and Zhang Si Rui seized the opportunity to jump into Baby Boss’ lap. Literally wth woman, do you have zero self-respect? Xing Yun understands that it’s not Baby Boss’ fault, but she can’t help being upset. Noticing that, Baby Boss uses the excuse of buying more food to drag Xing Yun out for some personal time. He apologises to her (even though it’s not his fault) and brings her out for supper. They have a super romantic time at the restaurant and Baby Boss comments, “I think this is actually the most romantic dating activity.” D’awww it’s not the place or activity, it’s the person!
Even just wiping the face is cute when it's our CP...
2nd CP update, He Yu barges into Baby Boss’ office to find out where Yao Qing is. He immediately books a flight to chase after her. Baby Boss warns him to be serious and not hurt Yao Qing, to which He Yu replies, I’m a million times more serious than you!

Why does there need to be a freaking ex-gf…… I’m sad now because I guess her arc is going to take up the better part of the last few eps. I also hate this sort of character that abuses her authority and has zero self-respect… It’s your freedom to like someone and to chase after them, but do it the right way, by winning their heart and not by doing all the stupid things like generating office gossip or jumping into their lap… I guess Si Rui is going to be the one who stayed in Baby Boss’ guest room before then? And the cat they reared together? Haiiiiiiiii, when will I get to see Baby Boss and Xing Yun just go on a date together or something!!!!

[Ep22] Everyone is full of praise for the supper Xing Yun and Baby Boss brought back. Score 1 for Xing Yun! Watching everyone tuck into supper, this inspires Xing Yun to develop another idea for the game, where the couple can play together. It’s too hard for everyone else though, but way too easy when our lovey-dovey couple plays in each other’s arms =P. 
Clearly the game with ease, showcasing their chemistry for everyone to see.
Zhang Si Rui approaches Grandma Xia and pretends that it is a coincidental meeting. Grandma Xia sees through the ruse immediately, but comments that she doesn’t hate smart people. Zhang Si Rui claims that she broke up with Baby Boss because of her claustrophobia. She didn’t want to burden him, which is why she didn’t tell him. This feels like a lie since she was perfectly fine during the blackout? She offers a trade, if Grandma Xia helps put in a good word for her with Baby Boss, she will convince Baby Boss to move back in with her. Grandma Xia stupidly believes her lies and tries to pair her up with Baby Boss (which draws his ire). It’s later revealed that she abandoned Baby Boss because of his bad public image after the car crash with Ling Shan. WTH, that makes everything 10x worse. Zhang Si Rui also takes the opportunity to flaunt her closeness with Grandma Xia and her wealth in front of Xing Yun as well. Such a b****Thank you for your effort in keeping the blog profanity-free. I can sense all the restraint xD

Xing Yun finally decides to confront Baby Boss, but before she can speak to him, she sees Baby Boss and Zhang Si Rui leave together. She follows them to see them pick up a cat, after which she can’t stand the two of them being together anymore, so she marches up and kicks Baby Boss out of his own car, saying that she can send Zhang Si Rui home. Go Xing Yun! Mark your territory!

Baby Boss tries to find Xing Yun to apologize, so he throws rocks at her window. Unfortunately, it’s Daddy Xing who answers and gives him a rightful lecture. #LG Baby Boss timidly agrees with everything he says and even lets Daddy Xing take his car for a spin. Just like that, he wins over Daddy Xing and gets to see Xing Yun in her room hahahaha. Baby Boss apologizes to her for his poor handling of the situation and reassures her that no matter what, every bit of him will always love her. 
Mummy and Daddy Xing were listening at the door and got caught with their pants down haha #LG
He explains everything to her, about the name change and his history with Zhang Si Rui. He also clarifies, it’s not that he wants to preserve the guest room that he’s not allowing her to move there, but because he wants her to sleep in the master bedroom with him…. D’awwww, Baby Boss can be quite romantic when he tries…. Xing Yun asks Baby Boss to promise to tell her the truth always, and never to hide the truth from her. I like this from Xing Yun a lot, she’s demanding her equal share of responsibility, and not to be simply bubble-wrapped from the world.

He Yu chases Yao Qing all the way to her hiking trail, but we don’t get to see what happened :/. Next time we see Yao Qing, she bumps into Xing Yun at the market and invites her and Baby Boss to He Yu’s house for dinner Ooooooo, are they together already? They chat, and Yao Qing reveals that Si Rui abandoned Baby Boss due to the criticism he drew from the car accident. This reassures Xing Yun a lot. 

Yao Qing recaps the events that happened at the trail. He Yu confesses his feelings for Yao Qing, and shows her all the stuff that he prepared for her in case she needs it on the trail. Except that it’s all not suitable for hiking, stuff like perfume, ready meals that require a microwave, etc. Although in a way, it’s a cute method of showing his inexperience with climbing and yet he is willing to follow after her… Yao Qing reflects that although she used to like Baby Boss in the past, her feelings have dimmed, but she is so used to the feeling of liking him that she convinced herself that she still likes him. But now, with He Yu, it's a new experience for her. (I noticed she’s wearing the earrings that He Yu gave to her, which made me realize there’s a lot of symbolism here. See the end of this episode) 

Zhang Si Rui went to look for Baby Boss, but she got stuck in the elevator for an hour. Turns out she really has claustrophobia, so the building management called Baby Boss to inform him. Baby Boss said he was unable to come and simply told them to send her to the hospital. Zhang Si Rui feels angry at how Baby Boss is treating her now. I mean…. What do you expect after abandoning him and not believing him? 

Zhang Si Rui uses her position to threaten Baby Boss with a bad evaluation unless he gets back together with her. WTH, does this thing called professionalism not exist anymore? This is ridiculous to the extreme. Xing Yun finds out about the bad review and approaches Zhang Si Rui to apologize for the cat incident, and beg her to give them a fair chance. Zhang Si Rui uses the opportunity to plant more seeds of doubt in Xing Yun’s mind, saying that Baby Boss needs to go back to look after the family business, he is just trying to settle her and TIG first. She still flaunts her relationship with Grandma Xia and claims that she is the one best suited to help Baby Boss with his future. ???? I never understood women who say this sort of stuff. If only you know, there is this thing called professional relationships, or friendships, where you can help people or work together without needing to sleep together… Otherwise, do you expect Baby Boss to sleep with every investor????????? Zhang Si Rui attends some gala with Grandma Xia, apparently organized by her enemies on the board. Baby Boss shows up to show his grandmother support. 

*Yao Qing’s Earrings*
The earrings in question
In Ep 13, both He Yu and Baby Boss gave her the same pair of earrings. Initially, I thought this just showcased Baby Boss not caring, but now I think it also showcases how she was unable to distinguish her feelings for Baby Boss and He Yu. She gave away Baby Boss’ earrings to the waitress though, foreshadowing her giving Baby Boss away to Xing Yun. After the one night stand, she left one of the earrings at He Yu’s place, so the pair of earrings are split up, just like how the two of them are in a fractured relationship. But now that they are together, the earrings too are reunited on her ears.

Even after hearing their explanations, I’m still kinda…. Meh about their relationship? The symbolism of the earrings does help to increase my good feeling towards them though. Maybe they just didn’t get enough feature time for me to adjust bah, especially on Yao Qing’s end. If only we could cut out one of the annoying arcs (*cough* Zhang Si Rui *cough*) to give them more screen time. 

URGHHHHH, I cannot stand Zhang Si Rui. Funnily enough, she basically has an equivalent character in Cute Programmer, both ML’s ex-gf, now investor and active saboteur of his current relationship. I feel like this just shows women in such a bad light, like I doubt there are many (if any) instances of people abusing their professional relationship to threaten someone into rekindling a romance. It’s just so ridiculous and stupid really…

I also feel like Baby Boss needs to communicate more with Xing Yun. At the very least, he should let her know his background and stuff? With that, there won’t even be the opportunity of Zhang Si Rui to interfere or sow discord!

[Ep23] Zhang Si Rui continues to stir the pot, sending photos of herself and Baby Boss at the gala to Xing Yun. Xing Yun tried calling Baby Boss, but he didn’t pick up, so she decided to show up at the gala. Upon Seeing Xing Yun enter, Zhang Si Rui purposely trips and falls into Baby Boss’ arms. My god, taking the words throwing yourself at someone wayyyy too literally… Baby Boss immediately pushes her away and rushes to clarify, but Xing Yun is acutely aware of what Zhang Si Rui was doing. Without a second word, she pulls Baby Boss in for a deep and passionate kiss. A bit reckless, but hey, I like it. 
You go girl!
Baby Boss apologizes for leaving his phone in the car and Xing Yun wonders if Zhang Si Rui tripped on purpose. Baby Boss replies, “Regardless of whether it was on purpose or not, I’m truly grateful for her. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have reaped such joyous rewards =P” Smooth talker alert! Unfortunately, their conversation is cut short because Grandma Xia collapsed. 

For the next few days, Baby Boss stayed by Grandma Xia’s bedside. The evaluation is over, but the future of the company is still uncertain. Xing Yun wants to visit Grandma, but Baby Boss hasn’t asked her to, plus she’s afraid of contributing to the chaos at the hospital. Thick-skinned Zhang Si Rui doesn’t care though and constantly shows up at the hospital, all teary-eyed and whatever. Shen Qing and Baby Boss just give her the cold shoulder though. 

It’s Xing Yun’s birthday tomorrow, so her parents take the opportunity to shower her with love. Mummy Xing gives her two red packets to celebrate with Baby Boss, while Daddy Xing dresses up as a king to deliver her present. Seriously #LG. I hope I will be as great a parent as Daddy Xing. Xing Yun is truly blessed to have such a loving family.
These parents are wayyyyyy too cute. 
Baby Boss offers to have dinner with Xing Yun on her birthday. She spends ages picking out her outfit, but sadly Baby Boss is relentlessly stalked by reporters. Not wanting to expose her to all the paparazzi, he lies that something urgent cropped up and cancels the dinner. Xing Yun, not wanting to add to his burden, pretends that she doesn’t mind at all, but she quietly goes to his rented flat to mope…

Her doorbell rings, it’s a special delivery from the restaurant they were supposed to meet! A heart-shaped box, filled with freshly peeled baby lobsters. To put it in context, I take approximately 30 seconds to fully peel a baby lobster? I doubt Baby Boss peels any faster based on what we’ve seen, so a conservative estimate of 300 baby lobsters in the box? works out to 2.5 hours of constant peeling! *clap clap clap* Baby Boss, I’m impressedOmg, I am impressed of this being calculated! xD. Our dummy Xing Yun doesn’t realize and comments, Wow, Uncle Huang, your restaurant has such good service now! Uncle Huang be like, “If we peeled it, the lobsters won’t look so ugly” Hahahahaha… I love this sort of speech, a compliment disguised as a superficial insult. Xing Yun is super touched by this… Who wouldn’t?
D’awwww even I’m touched by this..
Rumors about Zhang Si Rui and Baby Boss surface, but Xing Yun chooses to trust Baby Boss. Even though she trusts him, she can’t help but be affected by the news… Finally, she gets an opportunity to deliver some documents to Baby Boss, but with the media stalking their every move, Baby Boss doesn’t openly acknowledge their relationship (I think he is doing this to protect her, but still….). Xing Yun gets quite upset, but Baby Boss also doesn’t know what to do to comfort her. Haiiiiiii……. 

Yao Qing is looking for a new job, so He Yu tells her he knows of one. Apparently it’s an international company, with good pay and flexible working hours, plus the boss is both good looking and kind. 10 bucks says the job is to be his wife. Yao Qing agrees to go for an interview tomorrow at 3pm. 

At 3pm, she meets the “interviewer”, who seems surprised to get her resume? Turns out the interviewer is a wedding planner, hahahahaha. Yao Qing is not amused though and stomps off. Tbh, I would be annoyed if I was Yao Qing too. He Yu is treating this too casually for my liking, plus she pushed 3 job interviews for this! Also, I understand Yao Qing wanting to have her own job, being He Yu’s wife shouldn’t be her only identity. To make matters worse, He Yu bought a ton of stuff (new bed, new sofa, new stereo) in order to move in with Yao Qing. Yao Qing tells him to return everything and stomps off again. That said, I think I understand He Yu somewhat. Sometimes, when you love someone, you just have the urge to bubblewrap them up and hide them from the world. It’s a childish expression of love, but an expression of love nonetheless

At night, the two of them finally have a heart to heart talk. He Yu apologizes for being too controlling and too over-eager, and Yao Qing starts to understand He Yu’s feelings better. Finally, she relents and decides to move forward with him, starting by giving him a key to her house. D’awwww, this couple is getting cuter too. Maybe cute enough that I can gloss over the inconsistent backstory???

A chance encounter with Yao Qing allows Baby Boss to borrow her car and visit Xing Yun in secret. Unfortunately, Xing Yun passes out on the lift due to exhaustion, so Baby Boss rushes her to the hospital. It turns out that she also has some neck problems due to her long working hours and has to be warded for a week. She is secretly happy that Baby Boss came to check up on her though :):).
This is apparently the medical treatment for her neck issues???? (lol)
Things are also finally being resolved, with Shen Qing taking over the family business so that Baby Boss can stay on at TIG. Grandma also thinks that Shen Qing is more suitable to take over. She claims that it’s because Baby Boss likes to take personal responsibility for everything, so she doesn’t think he is suitable. However, Shen Qing thinks it's because she doesn’t want to burden Baby Boss with such a huge responsibility and wants him to continue chasing his dreams. They also successfully get the investment from Mr Qin’s group somehow?

He Yu and Yao Qing definitely make quite a cute couple and I like how there is no abrupt change, they are slowly understanding each other better and taking steps towards each other, one at a time. Grandma’s collapse came at an unfortunate time, but honestly, I wasn’t super interested in this whole family/Zhang Si Rui arc. It kinda feels a little superfluous and is just denying me couple lovey-dovey time!!! 

[Ep24] In a flashback, it is revealed that Baby Boss had secretly sent his own evaluation to Mr Qin. Moreover, Mr Qin was always intending to invest, the evaluation was just a matter of formality. Mr Qin lectures Zhang Si Rui for her unprofessionalism. Why is she not fired? Or at least demoted for her terrible behavior?

At the contract signing ceremony with Mr Qin, Baby Boss finally has a chance to talk with Xing Yun… not. Zhang Si Rui interferes right away, dragging Baby Boss to meet Mr Qin and other people. Xing Yun gets upset, and drunk. I think this is totally understandable here. She has been upset and feeling neglected for days on end already, it’s just that she’s been using work as an excuse to keep busy and distract herself. But now that everything is settled, she still doesn’t get time with Baby Boss, causing all the annoyance, sadness and feelings of neglect to bubble to the surface

Everyone also mistakenly believes Zhang Si Rui and Baby Boss are together, so they congratulate her and imply that the reason Baby Boss got the investment was because he offered himself to Zhang Si Rui. Hearing this really upsets Xing Yun, not just because of Baby Boss, but because this undermines all the effort that TIG put in, so she drunkenly confronts Zhang Si Rui. Zhang Si Rui tries to humiliate Xing Yun and calls her nothing more than a pet, but Xing Yun, though drunk, rebuffs her perfectly. In a way, she also confesses her feelings for Baby Boss, “ What’s wrong with being a pet? A pet is the most loyal creature there is. Since I chose him, I will stay by him forever. I will always choose to believe him and be by his side. Even if Baby Boss just treats me as a pet, at least I loved him with no regrets.” Baby Boss overhears all of these and rushes to her side, catching her just before she falls. He just says a single line to Zhang Si Rui, “Stay away from my fiance”, before carrying Xing Yun away. #bossmode
Too handsome already hahaha….
Sending Xing Yun home was an…. interesting experience. Mummy and Daddy Xing tries to pretend to be strict, but they are both secretly happy hahaha. They also don’t dare be too fierce for fear of scaring Baby Boss away. 
Mummy Xing flashes him a thumbs-up behind Daddy Xing
Baby Boss tries to ask Xing Yun for lunch, but Xing Yun chooses to have lunch with her besties instead. Hahaha girl, did you drink yourself silly? Her two besties end up having to deliver lunch to Baby Boss, but Baby Boss refuses to let them leave without some advice. Finally, the girls have no choice but to tell him that he should propose to her. Hahahahaha… truly pig teammates 猪队友... So Baby Boss secretly gathers all the female employees, half of which has to help him brainstorm proposal ideas. The other half had to do street surveys, gathering 500 respondents to know their wedding ring and proposal preferences.

Using all the data he gathered, Baby Boss invites Xing Yun to a restaurant filled with balloons. The theme of the proposal is based on Up! the movie. He enters, and pops one of them, catching the ring as it falls. On one knee, he proposes, “You will always be my greatest adventure (a quote from the movie). Marry me Xing Yun…” Xing Yun turns him down though. In fact, he has been incessantly proposing, but Xing Yun has just been coldly and hilariously turning him down. I kinda get her POV? While it’s clear they both love each other, I think Baby Boss still hasn’t learnt to treat her as an equal and that is something essential in a marriage...

At a work site, He Yu saves Yao Qing from a falling ladder. Well….. Actually he thought he was saving her, she actually moved out of the way already… But regardless, this selfless act was the last bit needed for Yao Qing to agree to marry him…. D’awwwww…. Shen Qing also enlightens Baby Boss on why Xing Yun hasn’t accepted his proposal yet. She is angry at him because he is unwilling to share his troubles with him. Since she already chose to be with him, she is willing to bear the storm that follows. She feels like he doesn’t trust her enough, nor does he believe that he can lean on her for support. This is spot-on I feel. Baby Boss loves her, but his way of loving is to shelter her from everything. Whereas what I think love is, and what Xing Yun think love is, is to be able to weather the storm together, to lean on each other as you walk down the rest of life’s journey. Baby Boss realizes his mistake… sorta?

He overcompensates though, by literally asking her about every single detail, from what colour shirt to wear to how to invest his money. Hahahaha… Frustrated, Xing Yun rants to her parents, who tell her to just go check on him since he is just next door. It turns out he bought the house next door because it contained a lot of their memories (also he has successfully won over Mummy and Daddy Xing to help him). On the table, there’s a tablet with all their memories, ranging from their paintball game experience to their day to day daily life.... D’awwww, so touching… But it doesn’t address the crux of the issue though... 

TIG’s game successfully launches, but they have another issue. Mr Qin feels that Xing Yun is not suited as the lead game designer and asks Baby Boss to remove her, if not he would withdraw the funding. This feels kinda OOC for Mr Qin tbh… Baby Boss refuses, citing that this game is all due to Xing Yun’s hard work, but Mr Qin asks him to mull it over. Afterwards, Xing Yun asks him if something is bothering him. Suddenly he stops walking, and instead, drags Xing Yun back to Mr Qin’s office. He tells Xing Yun what is going on and asks Xing Yun to explain her contribution to the game and why she is passionate about the game. It turns out this is a test (organized by Xing Yun and Mr Qin’s daughter) to see if Baby Boss truly believes in Xing Yun now and is willing to lean on her. Ehhhh, not sure how I feel about this… I don’t like all these testing and probing in a relationship. That said, Xing Yun apologizes for what she did, but it was her way of showing him that trust isn’t asking her what to eat for lunch or what colour tie to wear, but being willing to tie your lives together, to move ahead together.. She doesn’t get to finish, because Baby Boss pulls her in for a long, long kiss… The two of them finally agree to get married, and they chose to get married on the same day as He Yu and Yao Qing. 

The day of the wedding rolls around. Just before the brides arrive, the guys have a quick chat, where He Yu apologizes for his actions pretending to be Xing Yun’s boyfriend…. Awww, I like this little wrap-up. The brides enter…. And it’s a lovely ceremony, ending with a kiss in front of the water by our CP.
In an epilogue, we see Xing Yun throwing pillows and yelling at Baby Boss because he’s not letting her go into the guest room. Finally, he relents, and lets her open the door. Turns out right after the wedding, he got too excited and already started buying baby furniture and goods already and has been secretly storing them in the guest room. 

Well, we finally got our happily ever after. Honestly, the last episode felt a little flat??? While I understand and appreciate the drama highlighting the fact that marriage should be a couple supporting each other, and not the guy endlessly bubble-wrapping the girl, I didn’t quite like the execution? It just felt a bit awkward, and I don’t like the testing and probing bit. I much rather they sit down and talk it out properly? But I guess expecting children to act like adults overnight might be a bit much. Also, not really sure why they needed to make it a joint wedding? I was expecting some bride mix-up confusion humor, but there wasn’t.


from flash2351

[First Impression (Ep1-6)] I’m glad I chose to wait till Ep 6 to do my first impressions because of 2 things. 1) I finally get to see a more mature side of Baby Boss so it makes the main couple more relatable and 2) the annoying side-arc is over (THANK GOD).

I started this drama for Bai Lu, but I must say that Xing Zhao Lin is growing on me more and more. I love his Yang Yang-esque (at least for me) smirk hahahaha (they probably make up the majority of my screencaps). The main couple is quite childish towards each other, but also clearly like each other, even though the FL might not be aware of her feelings yet. It’s a funny contrast in that the childish ML is more mature and in touch with his feelings than the FL. The chemistry is kinda there, but feels a little lacking? But I guess they haven’t had any steamy, heart racing scenes yet. Anyway, their childish interactions are quite endearing in their own way so I do quite like it still...

There are 2 side couples in this drama, but so far, we’ve only seen one pair, Chu Nan and Shen Qing. Shen Qing is a pretty like-able girl who has had her world torn apart previously, but she still pulls herself together and gets through each day for her son. Her character is very relatable and I like her a lot. Chu Nan, urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Blearggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. He doesn’t even do much repenting for his actions as far as I’ve watched, so blearghhhhhhhhhh. Shen Qing deserves better. No idea about the third couple, but so far it’s looking probably like the typical playboy falling for a girl and cleaning up his act sorta storyline?

I quite like the setting of this story (a gaming company to showcase our two childish leads). Haha, FL’s parents are great too, as are her two besties. Overall, I think the show seems quite promising and both leads are performing quite well, leading me to anticipate the next episodes

[Actors/Actresses]  Bai Lu!!!!! I’ve only seen her in Forever & Ever (and Running Man) and wow, her acting is 20/10 for me. I love how she basically becomes her character (a drastic change from her real personality if you see her BTS/reality shows) so I decided to check out her past dramas. I’m not super into period pieces and I didn’t like the set-up of love is sweet, so here I am on Lucky’s First Love. I love her here so far, again she is a totally different person from Shi Yi in F&E, but there are some traces of Bai Lu in this character. 

Speaking of Bai Lu, apparently she is confirmed to be a series regular on Keep Running Season 10 (China’s version of Running Man). Very hyped for that!!!!

Xing Zhao Lin is ok so far, this is my first time seeing him. Not really impressed, but also nothing to criticize really…. Kinda just ok-ish. Tbh, I don’t think Xia Ke is an easy character to shine with, but I do wish there were times where he can up the charm a bit more haha... 

[Ep 6 Update] I have no idea who wrote the above paragraph on Xing Zhao Lin. He is definitely better than ok-ish and I really enjoy his subtle smirks and expressions. Bai Lu is still amazing, but lol at her getting engaged by Ep 4. Looks like rush proposals are a theme for her eh?

[Random Thoughts]  I actually wasn’t intending to do this because meh, just reading cyn-lynn’s recaps and commenting mostly scratched my itch. Until I watched Mummy and Daddy Xing and I needed some way to express the ridiculous amount of humour they had (and cyn-lynn didn’t recap this :’( ). So that’s what motivated me to start writing. The amount of work is actually surprisingly much and even though I touch-type most of my recap, I still end up having to pause throughout the episodes to finish recapping. I’ve kinda taken to watching the eps once through first, before writing the recap while doing a second watch through, but that nearly triples my watching time. I can’t imagine how much effort cyn-lynn puts in to pump out so many recaps concurrently! Can we all take a moment to appreciate her?

The Chu Nan arc also clearly embodies why I cannot watch angsty dramas/ dramas without a happy ending. My life is already so bitter (it’s not actually), why must I watch something bitter as well? Hahahaha, I get pretty angsty at unfairness and mistreatments in a drama, so I need to keep watching balls of sugar like YAMG or Our Secret hahahaha….

[Ep8] Marriage markets are actually quite well known in China hahaha, but I’m surprised to see it be featured in dramas since I feel like there is a fair bit of stigma attached to it? So what generally happens is parents (or anyone really) will print fliers with their children’s details on it and hang it on strings in the park, or pass it out to people that they find attractive/potential in-laws. I think a lot of this is due to the one-child policy in China, which means that this generation of 20-40 somethings are all only childs, so they carry all of their parents’ hopes, especially for grandchildren (which is quite a big thing in chinese culture). This is further worsened by the fact that the average marriage age is rising. Interestingly though, research has shown that success rates at marriage markets are very low (unsurprisingly given most of the time the kids aren’t even aware/in favor of it), but there are a lot of parents who still insist on going year after year. I sort of think that it has evolved into somewhat of a socio-cultural phenomenon, where parents don’t simply go there with the sole purpose of seeking a son/daughter-in-law, but it is also a place to meet other parents with similar worries and get to know people of a similar age group and family situation? (The last bit is pure speculation since I never had the chance to go to a marriage market before hahaha).

[Ep 19] I never understood cdrama’s (or all drama really) fascination with guys giving girls their jackets/coats to wear. Like if it’s that cold, doesn’t that mean the guy will be freezing? Plus like, all the girls always look so awkward in the oversized guy’s clothes! The scenes generally feel sweet because of the romantic music and slow-mo camera, but I think it’ll be a very different scene in reality. In all my life, I don’t think I’ve seen such a scene (outside of dramas) before.

[Ep 22] Urghhhhhh…. I just need to rant about cdrama’s terrible portrayal of working women in love. I understand that there needs to be villains, but I hate the stereotypical “oh, I’m a successful woman so the ML should be with me because I can help his career” villain. It’s made worse when these women are portrayed as willing to give up their professional ethics just to blackmail the guy into being with them. Like 1) Do such people even exist in the first place? And 2) Why is it always women being cast in this sort of role?

[一见钟情 (love at first sight) vs 日久生情 (slow burn) romance] In reality, I don’t believe in love at first sight. There are people that can catch your eye, sure, be it a smile, a wink or a simple gesture. However, I think that that is only the initial attraction. It’s a superficial thing, you know absolutely nothing about the person besides that one look. Alone, this initial attraction will never blossom into love, just like a spark can never turn into a fire alone. You need to feed the spark kinderling, wood, oxygen and slowly nourish it, before it can burn into the fire of love. Similarly, even after the initial attraction, you need to constantly put in effort to improve yourself, to understand your partner and to grow together so that the two of you can develop into a relationship, and walk down the path of life together. I think this is perfectly embodied in LFL. Xin Yun caught Baby Boss’ eye right away, but that wasn’t love, it was merely an attraction. It was only through their interactions day in day out, that this attraction blossomed into the love we see before us.

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy! All 3CPs end up together! 

[Review & Rating
Plot-wise, this story is nothing special, it’s a pretty typical boss-assistant love story. That said, while I enjoy both 一见钟情 (love at first sight) and 日久生情 (slow burn) romance, it’s the latter that resonates with me more and Lucky’s first love is definitely a slow burner. The key standouts for this drama are the character development/consistency, the CP romance and the acting, while the negatives are the final arc and lack of sugar.

Character Development/Consistency
One thing I really like about this drama is that the characters are very consistent and we also see some very nice character development. This is not only true for our CP, but also for characters like He Yu as well. I really enjoyed seeing Baby Boss mature and developing into a responsible and caring husband. Xing Yun also grew so much, evolving from a little assistant to someone who is able to headline her own projects and stand next to Baby Boss. Even He Yu matured from a seasoned playboy to someone who can’t wait to get married. It’s also a testimony to the quality of the writing that all these character development is relatable and none of the changes feel unbelievable or inconceivable.

Furthermore, the writing makes the characters appear much more 3D and relatable in general (with the exception of a few). In most dramas, I generally get a feel for the characters within a few minutes of their appearance and form an impression early on that is usually quite accurate. It is interesting though for this drama, I started out disliking both Chu Nan and He Yu, but in the end, they are both good-ish to neutral in my book. I think my change in perspective parting arose because drama effectively peels away layers of the character slowly and in a believable manner.

The CP romance
I think the CP romance is another highpoint in this drama. Their relationship progressed in a very natural and organic way, nothing feels that forced or scripted. One of my common criticisms of slow burn romance is why now? Why did the couple suddenly discover their feelings for each other at this coincidental point? This is totally not true for LFL. Here, everything feels organic. Even though our CP has known each other for ages, and has already started relying on each other, neither of them were mature enough to handle the relationship yet. Hence, it’s unsurprising that their relationship is in a limbo prior, and only through the events of the show do they mature and start developing the relationship. Once the sparks fly though, they just don’t stop. The kisses were HOT!!! Their couple scenes are filled with sugar and I enjoyed them a lot, brief as they might be.

The Acting
Bai Lu delivers another stunning performance in my book. She gives off a totally different vibe as compared to Forever and Ever - this time she wins over hearts and minds as a bubbly and cute Xing Yun. A lot of her expressions are so on point and hilarious, it's definitely worth rewatching the show just for her!

Xing Zhao Lin delivers a great performance too, but I suspect that Bai Lu and/or his chemistry with her has a huge part to play. Seeing him in Cute Programmer (which shares a very similar storyline/setting), he looks a lot less attractive/handsome. I really enjoyed his little smirks and other microexpressions. Oh, and the scene where a single drop of tear falls down his eye as he hugs Shen Qing was perfection!

Other associated good stuff
I enjoyed the setting of this story a lot, a gaming company is perfectly suited for the childish romance that we witnessed. Speaking of, I also found their childish romance quite refreshing as compared to the typical adult romance stuff, though I kinda wish we saw more of their adult romance too...The peripheral actors/actresses were also great, ranging from Xing Yun’s hilarious parents to her two besties.

The final arc
Honestly, I wasn’t a fan of the whole final arc, I’m also not sure what they added to the show? Our couple was already together, so why do we need to throw a spanner into the works? The ex-girlfriend was also my most hated character type, abusing her professional position for a relationship and literally doing nothing else. She was also a super one-dimensional character. Also, what does the whole Baby Boss’ family being some conglomerate head has to do with anything? If anything, it makes the whole investment arc kinda weird? Like why doesn't Baby Boss just get his grandma to invest in his own company then? It makes zero sense to spend so much effort on acquiring external investments, and even slowly shutting down TIG. Worse still, the final arc meant that we had very little time to enjoy the sugar, tying in directly with my next point.

Lack of sugar
My biggest criticism of this show is that we sat through the slow burn, the angst of misunderstanding, but we never got the spoonfuls of sugar that we were promised. I don’t think we even had a continuous date between the two of them? Even after they got together, we only got discrete snippets, like a morning jog, or a flashforward of them sharing a pot of noodles. This just isn’t enough for me haha. IMO, the show would be a lot better if they successfully found Mr Qin and signed a contract with him in Ep 21, and then the last 3 episodes can just be sugar after sugar eh? It’s kinda ironic that part of what the drama preaches is that sometimes, romance can be found in the most ordinary of days, hidden in our daily routine, and yet we never get to see that for ourselves.

Overall, I’m kinda torn between a 3/5 or a 4/5 for this drama. Prior to Ep 21, this is easily a solid 4, but the last 3 episodes kinda let me down a lot. The ending also felt quite flat, there just wasn’t enough sugar for me. However, I wonder if giving it a 3 is too much of a recency bias, after all, Ep 1-21 were all pretty good. So after much pondering, I’m going to give it a 3. I was super tempted to just give it a very very low 4, like the sort that barely scraps past the cutoff because I really liked the overall message of love being about meeting the right person at the right time, and that loving someone is treating them as an equal, walking into their future hand in hand.

Unfortunately though, I think the issue with this drama is that it didn’t stick the landing. The set-up, the build-up was great, but the poor wrap-up made it feel wasted and in a way, the greater the anticipation, the greater the disappointment right? Just like diving or gymnastics, no matter how good your routine is, you can’t get a good score with a poor landing, similarly, I don’t think this drama can stay as a 4 with these final 3 episodes. So I’m going to give it a 3, but a very high 3 with all the hearts hahahaha.

Random Recommendation: Love Scenery (Starring Ling Yi, who is premiering as a series regular on Running Man with Bai Lu :)) )

Rating: 3/5 ♥♥