September 17, 2022

My Girlfriend Is an Alien 2 | Recap and Review

My Girlfriend Is an Alien 2
An alien falling in love with her CEO all over again - but will he?
Notable Actors/Actresses
Wan Peng: Chai Xiao Qi 
Thassapak Hsu: Fang Leng
Wang You Jun: Fang Lie
Chen Yi Xin: Xiao Bu
Gao Cong Kai
Chinese Title
Alien Girl Chai Xiao Qi 2
Episodes: 30

Recap Grade: A
First Impression: --

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Romcom / Romance Checklist

How much of the plot is angst/romance?
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The ML
Cold / Warm / Shy / Falls in Love First / Noble Idiot / CEO / General 
The FL
Bold / Cute / Cool & Independent / Falls in Love First / Better Than ML / Noble Idiot 
Describe the Relationship (the tropes):
Bickering Start / Childhood Connection / Cohabitation / Contract Marriage +/- Fake Couple / Enemies to Lovers / Hidden Identity / High School to Adulthood / Love Triangle / Married Couple (Real) / Secretly in Love (F/ML) /
Relationship Progress (officially togetherfirst (official) kiss; breakup*):
Ep 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 
# of CPs (including main CP):
0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Happy / Sad / Open Happy / Open Sad / Bad

FanFanX: I’ll be slowly recapping this one, so join me in the comments! 😄

If I see any similarities or parallels with S1, I've made a note of it in red in the recaps. This will not be an exhaustive list though - quite random.

I've posted a review for S1 along with some moments (via GIFs) in the comments section.

Mini Recaps

[Ep1Recap of S1: Chai Xiao Qi (Qi = 7, and her alien name is No. 7) is an alien from Cape Town Planet. In 2019, she had been forced to land on Earth due to spaceship failure. She had rescued Fang Leng who almost died in a car accident. But she accidentally dropped the signaler used to contact her planet, which ended up embedded in his heart. So their paths kept crossing over and over as she was looking for the signaler. However, the two eventually fell in love and faced many obstacles together. For her, home is wherever he is and so she stayed on Earth. They're finally getting married!

Present Timeline
Fang Leng's company has extracted the Hormone Element from the human body and used it in its perfume, as it can create dopamine secretion and make people happy. Today is Fang Leng and Chai Xiao Qi's wedding day. When it's time to exchange their rings, Fang Leng presents a familiar-looking sapphire - it's the stone from her spit from when she saved him previously (in S1). The two kiss but then time stops. It wasn't her. Uh oh. She and Xiao Bu (the tortoise aka AI robot) are suddenly beamed back to their planet.

Back on their planet, while waiting for her punishment for an unauthorized marriage, Xiao Qi saves her memories with Fang Leng in the sapphire ring. A mysterious man orders her back to Earth to retrieve the Hormone Element before it wrecks havoc with their way of life. She’s returning as Fang Leng’s wife but he's supposed to be the enemy. When Xiao Bu wakes up, she discovers that she's in female human form now! Both Xiao Qi and Xiao Bu have their memories of their time on Earth are erased and are left with basic details for their mission.

Upon her descent to Earth, complete in a wedding dress (because she thinks it's the prettiest), Xiao Qi is saved by Fang Leng from falling off a scaffolding when her skirt gets caught on a pole and then rips by. This results results in her landing on top of him. The two are looking at each other, and plenty of hormones are being released everywhere now, and some are going into her sapphire ring. She manages to grab at his chest, right over his heart and starts panting. She's quite intoxicated by his human hormones and can't stop sniffing or touching him. When his assistant, Han Zhi Ming ("Assistant Han"), comes looking for him, he finally snaps out of it. He's totally clueless as to who she is. She basically follows him to his work event, however, when she freezes time, he seems unaffected by it. So she herself transports out of there instead.

Meanwhile, Xiao Bu runs into Fang Leng’s brother, Fang Lie at the airport and the two run to hide from the authorities. However due to their close proximity, she’s basically overheated her core and reverts back to her tortoise form. He’s confused as to where she went but he does find the tortoise.

Later, Xiao Qi sneaks into Fang Leng's place to look for the Hormone Element. When he returns home, she does a poor job of hiding. lol She even manages to watch (read: lust after) Fang Leng undress and shower. (~31:15) She stays and waits until he's asleep to resume searching the place. Why isn't she transporting?! She stuffs her nose with tissues and searches him with her scanning ability, but a sleeping Fang Leng ends pulling her into the bed, right next to him, and so she stays. When he wakes up the next morning, he finds her groping his chest in her sleep. XD Some things never change! He asks who she is and she mentions a bunch of things, including that they're husband and wife. She runs out of there. Fang Leng then calls Assistant Han to have her investigated as she seems to be quite familiar with his place. She flees.

Outside, Xiao Qi encounters Xiao Bu in tortoise form waiting, as she's spent all night walking/crawling to her. The two discover that it’s actually 2018 on Earth, and not 2021 as she thought. They’ve traveled to the wrong timeline as it's one year before she was originally stranded on earth. So it's no wonder Fang Leng doesn't know her, and the Hormone Element must not exist yet.

As it's 2018, Fang Leng still has his illness, the rain-triggered amnesia, which means he forgets any and every woman he's ever met. However, he's unable to find out anything about Xiao Qi as she doesn't have much of a background or history. 

Xiao Qi meets Chai Jie [Sister] again but they don't know each other yet (also where Xiao Qi's surname originated from), and requests a cup of milk tea without the milk or tea - so basically a cup of ice. After Xiao Qi gets the cup of ice, she stops time and places Xiao Bu in the cup so she can cool and return to her human form. The two also realize that Xiao Bu's signaler is broken, so they have no communication with their home planet. Xiao Bu suddenly realizes that Xiao Qi's ring is collecting male hormones. So they need to collect more male hormones to power up enough to send a signal. Xiao Qi tries to drum up male hormones by dancing before the various customers, but she’s only succeeding in driving away Chai Jie's customers. lol She wants them to leave but neither one of them have paid for their drinks. When Xiao Qi tries to pay her with blue stones from her planet but that’s not acceptable, so they need to work it off to repay her. (Just like S1.) 

Later, Xiao Qi transports in order to save Fang Leng from being hit by a car. So she yanks on him and...
He falls into her arms! XD As if in a trance, the two continue to gaze in each other's eyes.
She ends up collecting the hormones that she needs. Suddenly, she seems to recognize him?!  

[Ep2She can’t hold him up any longer so they both fall to the ground. LOL She resumes sniffing him for his hormones. He gets up to run away and she can’t stop sniffing him. He says if she doesn’t stop, he’ll call the police. And so he traps her arms and pulls out his phone but she uses her power to zap the phone from him and then she runs away. He picks up the phone and calls Assistant Han to update their security. 

Xiao Qi grabs Xiao Bu on her way out and the two continue running. But they have to stop because Xiao Bu is worried about getting too hot and turning back into a tortoise. Xiao Qi wonders if certain physiological reactions are needed to produce hormones. She recalls when she was holding him, he was breathing fast at the time, his ears were slightly red and his heartbeat strong.

Xiao Bu recalls that he wears a health monitoring bracelet so she hacks into it. His respiratory rate rose to 23 times per minute, body temperature rose to 37.3 degrees Celsius, and slight sweating during both situations (when she landed on top of him and when she was holding him). They’re unable to gain access to his work building as they don’t have permission. So Xiao Bu figures out how to stay near his home: 1) The place next door to Fang Leng’s, the owner, Li Chun Jiao, is out of the country it’s unoccupied but Xiao Qi says that’ll be too obvious and highly suspicious, and 2) an open-air room that’s 200m away from his home and has a free double-bed - Xiao Bu means the bench they’re sitting on by fountain outside of his work. 

The two end up going to the property management office and Xiao Bu hacks into the system and inputs Xiao Qi’s photo into the profile for Li Chun Jiao. When an employee finally appears, Xiao Bu claims that Xiao Qi (who is wearing a very tight dress with a very wide hat) is Ms. Mary, Li Chun Jiao’s daughter, who has recently returned from France. They get the keys to the place and Chai Jie arrives with food. The girls try to leave but Chai Jie suddenly hugs Xiao Qi and says her mother said she’d come and stay this year. Chai Jie has been asked to check on the place and she’s brought them cake and milk teas. While the girls are eating cake, Chai Jie asks if they’d like to go live with her so they can look after each other. They don’t say anything in response but continue stuffing their faces with cake. Chai Jie then offers them a job at her cafe, so they can have all the cake and milk tea they’d like, and they can always try the new products first. Xiao Qi says no, they can’t take advantage of her - and then offers herself to do deliveries and Xiao Bu as a cashier. Suddenly, Xiao Qi leaves with a slice of cake and knocks on Fang Leng’s door. He only asks why she’s here again and when she replies that  they’re neighbors and swings her hair around, he just shuts the door in her face. XD 

The next day, Fang Leng asks Assistant Han what he’s found on Xiao Qi. She’s his neighbor’s daughter who has just returned from overseas. Later, Xiao Qi and Xiao Bu try to scare Fang Leng to get the hormones, but he only calls it boring cosplay and dismisses them at every turn. The girls are frustrated by this. Later, Chai Jie introduces them to her moxibustion (heat therapy with mugwort leaves) chair which can enhance immunity, tone the body and delay aging. Xiao Qi tries out the chair and feels quite relaxed, can feel her heart racing and her body temperature rising accompanied with some sweat. The girls are overjoyed with this contraption. 

Xiao Qi delivers food and the chair to Fang Leng’s work – and pretty much forces him to sit on the chair. He fights against this, so she just hugs him even tighter to keep him on the chair. He says they’re not this close, and she says they’ll be friends after a few more meetings. She keeps one arm locked around his neck and then rubs one arm, and then alternates as she tells him to feel the warmth from inside. She then rubs his chest and notices that nothing is happening and her ring isn’t collecting any hormones. She asks if he isn’t feeling anything, and he finally pulls her around to land in his lap instead. 
Endless [unwanted] caresses [for him]!
Surprisingly instead of being fiercely angry, he only calmly tells her to be more respectful but she’s more interested in his skin that’s peeping through the buttons of his dress shirt now as she slips her hand inside. The two squabble as he tells her over and over to let go, but she just continues caressing him, and that’s how Assistant Han finds them. XD He apologizes for the intrusion and turns to leave but Fang Leng yells at him to come back and throw her out. Our poor disheveled Fang Leng re-buttons his shirt (but his tie is still askew) and then fans himself. Xiao Qi just stands there with her arms crossed and waits. He asks why she isn’t leaving and she gestures at the chair that he’s sitting on. He gets up and she rolls the chair away and finally leaves. Fang Leng asks Assistant Han if he let her in. His assistant asks if they quarreled. Fang Leng denies this. 

Back at the cafe, Chai Jie scolds them for using her chair to flirt with a man and wonders where their brains are. Xiao Qi says she wasn’t trying to flirt with him. LOL More like molesting him… Chai Jie asks, racing heart, rising body temperatures and slight sweating? She says Fang Leng wasn’t scared nor heated, and with her years of experience - she thinks he’s into her. Xiao Bu explains that he likes her, so Xiao Qi says then she’ll need to make him fall for her. Chai Jie wishes her luck in snagging the most sought after bachelor in their town. Later Xiao Bu hacks into his payment system and finds out that he’s booked a hot spring resort VIP package for two tomorrow. They wonder who the other person is.

The next day, the girls wait in the lobby of the hot spring resort as Fang Leng checks in. Later, Xiao Qi spots a relaxed (possibly naked? *raises eyebrows*) Fang Leng is sitting in the hot springs with a towel over his eyes. She then wonders how she’ll attract him in her cute lavender romper. He hears her rustling around and tells her to get in. When she gets in, he pulls out his arm and asks for a massage. Oh, I see where this is going. Xiao Qi thinks to herself, how annoying as he has an average personality with many weaknesses. But when she looks closer at his muscular arm, she thinks he’s even sexier now. She starts rubbing his arm with both hands and notices how supple, bouncy and smooth it is. She then envisions herself rolling around on silk sheets. XD Her expressions! He says that they’ve always taken showers together but she still has the habit of molesting him. 
Xiao Qi is repulsed by this (ha!) as she thinks he’s been with this woman for years and she actually stops touching him. He urges her to carry on and when she does, he asks why she’s so weak. She scowls and starts really squeezing on his arm and chest, which makes him yelp and move away. He then goes to remove the towel over his eyes, which makes her duck down to hide under the water. 

Fang Lie is walking through the resort as he’s sending a message to his brother that he’s just arrived and he’ll look for him. He bumps into Xiao Bu who has upgraded the resort’s robot into a dancing robot. He recognizes her as being the girl who disappeared from the airport. She does a quick scan and finds out that he’s Fang Leng’s younger brother, and realizes that this is who Fang Leng was waiting for. She buys time for Xiao Qi by turning up her cuteness and offers to play with him, and then starts dancing with the robot. He asks her why she disappeared last time. She says he ran away first. Fang brothers don't know what they're up against.

Meanwhile, Xiao Qi finally pops back up to the surface and an annoyed Fang Leng asks why it’s her again. She replies that it’s been her this whole time. He quickly puts the towel on around his waist and goes to climb out as he mutters she’s so clingy. She grabs onto his left wrist and says that he may act like he hates her but he’ll fall for her very soon. She declares that he’ll be madly in love with her. She then swings her wet head around and splashes him with some droplets, as she says she’ll allow him to like her now. She then tries to sexily remove the wet tendrils of hair from her face. lol! He only tells her to consult a doctor. He tries to get out and this time she latches onto him with her arms around his waist and leans on his chest and tells him to not go and to at least give himself the chance to know her. Only Wan Peng could make stalking seem almost cute… instead of what it really is - psychotic. He removes her arms from around him but then she grabs onto his shoulders and continues hugging him. He shoves her away from him and tells her to go away. In the process, she grabs onto his towel. When he tries to climb out of the hot springs, he realizes that his towel is missing. He turns back and pulls the towel from her and the two engage in a tug-of-war in the water. At this point, Fang Lie shows up with Xiao Bu not far behind him but he stops when he sees his brother fighting with a girl in the water. Xiao Bu immediately does a scan of his physique (broad shoulders and narrow waist) even as he’s bashfully covering his pecs with his hands. The girls are lustful in this! Fang Lie is full of mirth but he actually bows and apologizes to his brother for interrupting. He also grabs Xiao Bu by the neck and forces her to bow as well and then the two run away. Fang Leng calls his brother’s name but he’s gone, and he drops his hands from his chest. He looks down and sees that Xiao Qi has been slowly inching her hand closer and closer to his chest, again. Heh. He swats at her hand and she backs away from him. He then tells her to listen carefully, he will never fall for a woman like her. Then he roars for her to stay out of his sight from now on. She just pushes on his chest and tuts at him, and says that everyone is bound to fall in love. One either stays beautiful or makes money to support the family. Doesn't he regret rejecting her when he recalls the past after falling in love with her or feel sorry for shouting at her in the past. She tells him to go ahead and regret and then wraps his towel around her shoulders and gets out to head for the doors. He goes to follow her but then realizes that he's still naked. He yells for her to come back - and when she does, he angrily demands that she give him the towel. She throws down the towel on the steps for him. 

Now in a robe, she complains to Xiao Bu that she failed again and he’s so difficult to deal with. Xiao Bu says to not worry as they have more chances, and he invited Fang Lie, and not another woman. Xiao Qi says it seems complicated as two grown men are meeting up sneakily at a hot spring resort. 

Elsewhere, a robed Feng Leng meets Fang Lie who is more than happy to give him a shoulder massage. He says he’s surprised that he’s enjoying life and found him a sister-in-law again. Again? Fang Leng tells him to massage a certain spot and then says to stop talking nonsense. He then asks why he’s returned instead of taking his finance course in the U.S. Fang Lie doesn’t say anything but his brother notices that it appears that he doesn’t want to return there. Fang Lie continues massaging his shoulders and says that wants to pursue his painting ambition as he was born with an artist’s soul. He should pursue romance and freedom and that’s why he’s here to see him. Fang Leng moves away from him and says his mother will hate him if she knew he was helping him. They’re half-brothers. Fang Lie whines to his older brother that only he can help now. He tells him to not let him down. Fang Lie then hugs his brother’s arm and whines Ge over and over and starts shaking his brother. Fang Leng says he knows, and he chose an art gallery for him yesterday. So he can work while living there. It’s also remote and secluded so no one can find him. Fang Lie grins and then hugs Fang Leng around the neck and says “Ge, I love you so much.” Fang Lie then kisses him on the cheek, and Fang Leng starts telling him to behave himself. And Xiao Qi and Xiao Bu have been eavesdropping nearby.

Xiao Qi whispers to Xiao Bu that it’s no wonder he dislikes her. He hid it deeply. Xiao Bu says she thinks they look good together and chuckles at this. But she knows they’re brothers?! Xiao Qi says since they’re so close, the mission has become more difficult, so what should they do? Xiao Bu says she’ll take care of Fang Lie while she deals with Fang Leng. 

The girls are waiting for the guys in the restaurant and when they show up, Xiao Bu approaches Fang Lie. She tells him that she’s going to play with the robot and a video game later and asks if he wants to join her. He says that he needs to dine with his brother. She just ignores what he says and drags him away with her. She gives a slight nod at Xiao Qi as they walk by. Xiao Qi gets up from her table and brings two drinks over to Fang Leng’s table and sets them down. When he realizes it’s her and not his brother, he gets up and walks away.  

In the exercise room, Fang Leng is running on the treadmill when Xiao Qi interrupts (as she’s ogling) to say this explains his good shape as he has a habit of exercising. She then claps and says he’s awesome. She’s going to accompany him and so she gets on the machine right next time and sets her machine to the same pace. He smiles at her and then stops running and gets off the machine. He walks over to her and pushes all the buttons on her machine and she’s stuck trying to keep up the much faster pace as he leaves. 

Now Fang Leng is at a cafe and reading a catalog that mentions “Flower room introduction. But when Xiao Qi sits down, he immediately gets up to walk away from her before she can even finish saying the word “Hi.” Xiao Qi continues talking as if he never left: “You won’t even let me talk. How can I collect hormones?” 

Xiao Bu is beating Fang Lie in the video game and she tells him that the person who loses has to tell a secret. He says he should actually still be studying abroad but he came back in secret., and his mother doesn’t know. Xiao Bu thinks to herself that he immediately went to Fang Leng so these two are simply too close. They return to playing the game and this time, if he loses, he’ll have to promise her one thing. Oh, Fang Lie, still so cute… and clueless. lol When Xiao Qi shows up and Xiao Bu excuses herself and then asks her how the hormone collecting is going. Xiao Qi says that he totally ignored her when Fang Lie wasn’t around. Xiao Bu says that she’s heard that bad guys on Earth are easily seduced. She wonders why Fang Leng is such an incompetent bad guy. 

Fang Leng is looking around inside the conservatory, and guess who shows up? Xiao Qi watches him smelling the flowers and wonders how he’s so handsome even under this kind of light. She starts giggling but then slaps herself to focus. She tells herself: He’s the bad guy. All bad guys are ugly. Ugly man. Ugly Fang Leng. XD  She finally walks into the room and he notices her and says she’s stalking him again. She says he’s ignored her the whole day. He replies that he’s told her multiple times to stop appearing before him. Xiao Qi says he won’t allow her to talk to him to see him so he’s disrespecting her. He asks who is disrespecting who. She says he is disrespecting her. He tells her he doesn’t want to argue and walks through her to get out of the room. 
She then uses her superpower - activated with several heart-shaped poses – a large heart with her arms, then her hands, and finally, finger hearts. A pink glow slowly surrounds her, and then she throws this Light Wave of Love at Fang Leng’s departing back. When this energy ricochets off of him, it’s redirected into the entire room, which makes all of the flowers bloom, and suddenly it's raining popcorn as this burst of energy has also caused the tray of corn kernels to pop. 
Fang Leng actually turns back to look up at the raining popcorn and a small smile appears on his face. As he also seems to be smiling at her, she walks over to him and puts her hands on his chest. She thinks this plan finally did the job! (~39:10)

[Ep3]  Xiao Qi then starts pinching his cheeks. But she looks at her ring and realizes that nothing’s happening - no hormones. He asks if she planned all of this. She nods yes. Then he asks her what she is up to this time. He tells her to listen well as he starts pointing a finger at her and walks towards her which forces her to walk backwards to get away from him. He tells her that he doesn’t care where she came from or what her purpose is as his time is precious and he won’t waste it on her. But then she trips on the steps behind her and he actually catches her in his arms and they stare at each other for a moment. But he continues saying that he doesn’t care about her background and for her to stop harassing him. Xiao Qi is confused as to why he isn’t falling for her and goes to poke at his face but he grabs her arm to stop her from making contact. He says this is the last warning as he’s never seen anyone else like her – challenging his limit again and again. He drops her arm and turns to leave. She wonders if her ultimate trick, the Light Wave of Love is broken

Xiao Bu beats Fang Lie again, and so he asks her what she wants. She casually suggests that they start dating. He’s shocked and says that there’s a difference between requests and unreasonable requests. She pleads with him to say yes as she grabs his hand between hers. She tells him to not make things difficult for her and blinks her cute eyes at him. He asks her who is making things difficult here. He says he knows that she’s a really, really nice person but he’s still young and wants to focus on his career. He doesn’t have time to fall in love and suggests that she ask for something else. She leaves in a huff and then she recalls that he’s hit her on the head (when she was in tortoise form) and broke her system (overheated) so she has to make him pay. She decides to turn back and goes to hit him on the head so she can give him a concussion. He stops her by saying that he was being impulsive just now. He says they’ve only met twice, don’t know each other at all, nor each other’s profession, so it’s just perfect for dating. His logic is not wrong. He asks what she thinks, and now she smiles and nods in agreement. 
Fang Lie smiles at her but when he averts his face away from her, he’s grimacing. Awww. Fang brothers v. Xiao girls: 1-1. (If I include Xiao Qi’s failed attempts, then they’re definitely in the negative range, lol.)

Later Fang Lie tells his brother that he thinks there are four important things in life: Eat, sleep, ambition and fall in love. He never imagined he’d achieve one of those today. Fang Leng chuckles and asks him if he had a meal today. Fang Lie says he underestimated him – today a girl insisted on dating him, and she still wouldn’t give up after being rejected by him. In the end, he saw that she was pitiful, so he reluctantly agreed to her. Fang Leng looks at him and asks if he’s brainless - as he has no career nor the ability to take care of her. She can take care of herself! He adds that he’s also average-looking. Ha. Fang Lie says really, that’s the first time someone has said that to him. Ha! Fang Leng just smiles and says that he has a meeting tomorrow morning, so he [Fang Lie] can stay here for a few days. He’ll let him know when the gallery is done. So the two brothers go to sleep. However, Fang Leng asks him why he isn’t going back to his room. Fang Lie says they’ve been sleeping together since they were kids so it doesn’t matter. Fang Lie says "Good night, Ge," and Fang Leng quite literally kicks him out of the bed and as he’s rolling onto the floor, he tells him to get out. XD 

In their room, Xiao Bu is running low on battery so she plugs in to recharge. Then she reviews the footage from Xiao Qi’s last failed plan. Xiao Bu is impressed and asks if the radiation of her superpower is so great to Earth’s environment? Xiao Qi says her Light Wave of Love is an emotional element superpower, which can make a person fall in love instantly. However, it doesn’t seem to work on Fang Leng. Xiao Bu scans her system and says there’s nothing wrong with the system. Xiao Qi wonders if it’s because they were married before, so he’s immune to her superpowers? Xiao Bu shows her on her phone that she has Fang Lie listed as “My boyfriend on Earth”, and says that Fang Lie agreed to go out with her, so his name can be removed from the list of love rivals. Really? lol *facepalm* Xiao Qi is surprised as to how fast that was and Xiao Bu tells her that Fang Lie likes girls who are into video games and can operate robots so she fit the bill. So Xiao Qi needs to figure out what type of woman he likes. 

Future Group is launching a new perfume, Rainy Rainbow and its tagline is “Have a dream date with nature.” When Fang Leng takes a whiff of it, he’s quite impressed. So he tells the advertising department to come up with the promotion plan as this fragrance will be their main product at the upcoming press conference. Afterwards, Uncle Zhou (Fang Lie’s uncle) approaches the perfumer for this project to tell him he has a business proposal for him but he'll let him think about it. What happens when timelines are reset, the annoying characters return. Argh.

Xiao Qi has been reading a romance novel, “Domineering President Falls in Love with Me” and laments to Xiao Bu that it’s no wonder Fang Leng doesn’t like her. This president acts and speaks in his own way and there are so many rules. Xiao Bu pulls up her system and searches for everything related to domineering bosses in novels, TV series and mobile games. She’s already summarized the three characteristics of such bosses:

1) Name of the boss is often related to his character. 

In Fang Leng’s name, the name Leng translates to cold. Xiao Qi puts on the board that she’s going to start a task diary so she can check for mistakes later.
His pecs & abs. XD
2) Boss had an unpleasant childhood and an unspeakable disease. 

They wonder what his hidden disease is. Xiao Qi writes cold, distant, fierce, mean but then she says he has a good figure and draws a set of six-pack abs and pecs on the board. XD One-track mind. Xiao Bu asks if being in good shape is a hidden disease. Ha! Xiao Qi says one has to learn to see past the appearance for the essence. Exercising creates dopamine, which is a happiness hormone. But why does he need to be happy? Because he’s always unhappy. He’s stressed out so he needs physical activities to bring him happiness. The cycle: Exercise ⇒ Happy ⇒ Stay fit. So he’s really twisted and really negative. According to this logic, fit people are a miserable lot? lol!

3) Behind every demanding boss is a hardworking butler or a dedicated doctor friend. 

And we see that Fang Leng is indeed at a doctor’s office, his psychiatrist friend, Dr. Zhang, who tells him that he’s in the worst health state that he’s seen him in in a while. He asks if he was sure it was a hallucination. Fang Leng asks what other explanation is there. Dr. Zhang says that the flowers in the conservatory are from all over the world, and they’re brought in using freezing technology. When there is a uniform and suitable temperature, all of the flowers will bloom at the same time. But since he thinks it’s an illusion, Dr. Zhang thinks Ms. Chai really has an effect on him. Explain the popcorn! lol Corn pops at 180℃/355℉. The flowers would have perished in this heat. Unless she did this on an individual level, which doesn’t seem to be the case. Fang Leng corrects him - he’s only mentioned the hallucinations and never mentioned Chai Xiao Qi. Dr. Zhang says then he hasn’t seen Assistant Han’s daily work updates on WeChat. He proceeds to read him one of the WeChat moments:

When the boss is lovesick and too busy to work, we must be considerate of the boss and finish the work on time well, so as not to trouble the boss. [Does anyone know Ms. Chai Xiao Qi? She caused my boss to suffer. She’s really something.]  

Dr. Zhang decides to give him a thumbs up and posts a comment asking for more updates. lol Fang Leng says she’s just a fan, so nothing to fuss about. But he fusses. 🤔 He then asks him to prescribe him a tranquilizer as he has new products coming up and needs to concentrate. His friend says over-reliance on drugs isn’t advisable for the recovery of his current mental state, and what he needs is a long-term comprehensive treatment to find out the real cause of his hallucination. Xiao Qi. He points that although it hasn’t rained recently, there is the possibility of deterioration of his rain-triggered amnesia. Fang Leng receives a message from Assistant Han stating there’s a problem with the perfume’s production line. 

The girls are watching a cdrama when Chai Jie comes in and complains about being too busy lately. She then sees what they're watching and says this female lead is kind to everyone, except for the male lead, so she’s the most annoying female lead ever. (It’s Once We Get Married, same network. lol) Xiao Qi says she doesn’t think the audience dislikes her but Fang Leng finds her to be annoying. Chai Jie says then she didn’t do a good job with her appearance, as men are visual creatures. The girls think she means all men are shallow. She meant that everyone has a superficial side to them, and falling in love is two shallow people seducing each other to see who is the more superficial one. She then says that Xiao Qi’s everyday outfits are too plain. Help, I hear my mother in this gripe. She suggests that she dress up when she sees Fang Leng tomorrow during her delivery. The girls then look for the drama series’ heroine’s outfits: Sailor Moon outfit, Black Widow bodysuit, Street Fighter’s Chun Li’s blue qipao, and finally a couple sensible white and black flowing dresses.  

It’s nighttime as Assistant Han brings a coffee to a worn out, yawning Fang Leng and tells him that so long as the perfumer can provide samples and the formula on time, the factory can get all the products ready before the press conference. Fang Leng tells him to get some rest, but before he leaves, he asks about his WeChat Moments. Assistant Han thinks to himself, didn’t he block him? XD He tells him it’s mostly to record his work experiences because he’s a good mentor. Fang Leng tells him to delete all of them and not to post anymore. 

The next day, Xiao Qi shows up to Future Group with cake delivery, in a skintight Black Widow jumpsuit along with a red wig. Everyone is talking about how inappropriate this outfit is, but she obliviously thinks that this outfit is working for her today. When she drops off the delivery at the receptionist’s desk, it turns out that Chai Jie was too busy this morning and forgot to label the cakes. Fang Leng and Assistant Han arrive as she’s bent over sniffing the cakes for proper labeling as she has a very keen sense of smell. She then saunters over to him and says in a sultry tone that he’s a little weird today with one hand on her hip. He asks what she means by that. She then does a spin-and-snap dance move (lol!) and practically coos that he’s quite cute. He says that she’s exceptional today - exceptionally crazy and then walks away from her. Assistant Han stops her from following him and says that he’s quite busy. She tells him that this is just Plan A - there’re also Plans B, C, D, E, F and G. 

So on another day, she's back with a delivery, in a Wonder Woman costume and puts the lariat of truth over her shoulder as Fang Leng and Assistant Han walk by. He ignores her, so she mutters how he’s turning a blind eye to a sexy women. Next time, she’s in a Sailor Moon costume and doing various poses directly outside his office, but he only closes the blinds on her. lol Now dressed as Chun Li, she’s jumping up and down to greet Assistant Han and Fang Leng as they open the doors. Fang Leng actually bobs his head up and down in sync with her jumps but he ultimately walks away again. (~20:00, Our adorable Wan Peng is enduring all of this cosplay!) She’s finally discouraged and wonders if there’s something wrong with his vision. Xiao Bu encourages her to keep trying though. 

The perfumer suddenly terminated the contract with Future Group, and they’ve taken the formula and all samples with them. They’ve even paid the full liquidated damages in advance. Uncle Zhou must be behind this. (I hate this character in S1 and continue to do so, so there’s minimal mention of him unless necessary.) Unfortunately the press conference is tomorrow, so they don’t have enough time to replicate the formula. Lo and behold, Xiao Qi shows up in yet another costume and dances into Fang Leng’s office. A light bulb comes on when he recalls her saying that she has a keen sense of smell – so he has her sniff several ingredients to recreate the perfume. She actually impresses him as she's able to help them recreate an improved version of Rainy Rainbow that's longer-lasting. To her shock, he says thank you before he leaves. She thinks it’s because of her outfit. She thinks he's into the wuxia-styledress with long flowing skirt paired with a long-haired wig.
The next day, Fang Leng is able to present the perfume but then he’s asked about why he didn’t include it in the sample packs. This brings into question about what he's hiding. Fang Leng notices that Uncle Zhou is purposely trying to bait him but he's prepared and has his team distribute the sample to everyone. He now answers that the most important quality for the beauty line is sincerity.

Fang Lie continues to pretend he’s still studying overseas while he’s on a video call with his mother. After this call ends, Uncle Zhou gives an update to Fang Lie’s mother about how they’ve failed to ruin the press conference. *rolling eyes* I hate these two. 

Fang Leng asks to have a gift sent to Xiao Qi. Assistant Han dares to suggest that he prepare it himself to show his sincerity. Fang Leng replies that he’s becoming too talkative. So package is delivered to Xiao Qi at the milk shop – it’s a limited edition sheepskin purse. Chai Jie says that Fang Leng is hinting that he wants to be her sugar daddy. *facepalm* Xiao Qi replies that she doesn’t like him. However, she decides to go see him to thank him for this expensive purse. 

Since he knows they’re neighbors, Assistant Han leaves Xiao Qi with the very drunk Fang Leng, as he had too much to drink at a business dinner. (~34:00) He’s so drunk that he doesn’t recognize Xiao Qi and initially thinks it’s Assistant Han in a skirt. Pfft. She tries to get them a taxi cab but he’s so drunk that the driver refuses as he's worried that he’ll puke in the car. Fang Leng then spots an empty shopping cart and yells that that's his car.

Before she can stop him, he manages to squeeze his tall frame into it and yells over and over for Jie Jie to get inside with him! XD (Thassapak Hsu being silly is my favorite (& only) reason why I tolerate his iciness at all.) She refuses but he insists on buying this “car.” He then starts trying to propel himself forward while inside the cart. She yells at him to get out but he decides to settle in completely and makes car sounds as she’s forced to push him home now. He starts whining about wanting to fly and see the stars. And so she stops time and then sends them flying up into the skies towards the bright moon. (Ep4 of S1, the scooter ride to the hospital after she fed him seafood.) During this "ride", Fang Leng asks Jie Jie, if there are aliens on the moon that’s so close to them now. With a smile, she says of course, as every planet is occupied by one-of-a-kind aliens who make their own brilliant civilization. This is what makes the universe mysterious and great. He says then he needs to go and expand Future Group’s beauty market. She drops her smile and says on behalf of Cape Town Planet, he’s not welcome on their planet. lol A drunk Fang Leng is very affectionate as he even insists on hugging her. 
Eventually, she drops him off at home and when she tries to leave, he won’t let her leave as he’s scared that he’ll get kidnapped by a bad guy. He's totally reverted to being a child! He gets her where he wants her and cutely hugs her around the waist. When she threatens to hit him if he doesn’t stop, he only whines and pouts how could she as he’s so handsome. LMAO! His tone. (~41:20) She can only concede that he is quite handsome. 

Now she’s falling asleep as she’s reading him stories from a book, but he isn't sleeping and tells her that he wants to hear more. She's so sleepy and tries to leave but he grabs onto her arm to keep her there. She decides to tell the story of an alien girl, Xiao Qi, who has arrives on Earth but has no way to return home as she’s lost her signaler. Then she met an ugly, bad guy named Xiao Fang, who was smitten by her beauty and fell in love with her at first sight.

However, they fought and poor Xiao Qi Qi had to give in under his pressure. He asks and then what? Then Xiao Qi’s companions from her home planet find her and take her back home. She gets an upgrade and returns to Earth to find Xiao Fang to give him a hard time. Fang Leng empathizes with Xiao Fang, and says that falling in love isn’t so simple. He asks if it isn't because Xiao Fang couldn’t bear the pain of Xiao Qi leaving, and it’s not that Xiao Qi doesn’t like Xiao Fang. For whatever reasons, she’s forgotten Xiao Fang, or she does not dare to admit that she likes Xiao Fang. [The truth that neither one knows in this timeline… except for us! Gah.] He continues that perhaps Xiao Fang became a bad guy because someone who loved him dearly left him a long time ago. He admits that Xiao Fang loves his mother very much, but his mother left him when he was a child. He flips through the book next to him and looks at the photo tucked inside - it’s a photo of young Fang Leng with his late mother. With deep pain in his voice, Fang Leng tearfully says that he misses her every day. Xiao Qi says that she doesn’t have a mother and doesn’t understand this emotion. She’s not sure how to console him but she lets him continue crying as he holds onto her. She now realizes that he has a very shrewd tongue but has such misery deep down. Suddenly Xiao Qi is once again drawn to his hormones but makes herself snaps out of it. (Ep5 of S1, drunk Fang Leng cries about his late mother before falling asleep.)

So she tucks him into bed and gets up to leave but he pulls her by the arm and says, Jie, don’t go, and she lands right on top of him. He insists that she stay and sleep with him. He repeats for her to not go. She replies that she’s a dangerous person so if he lets her stay, she won’t be nice to him. He replies that she won’t as she’s not that type of person. Intoxicated by his hormones, she stays where she is. The two lock eyes before she closes her eyes and purses her lips for a kiss...?

[Ep4But Fang Leng actually falls asleep right at that moment and turns his face away from her hovering lips. When she realizes he's asleep, she convinces herself to not take advantage of the sleeping man. As she’s so quite intoxicated by his hormones and is quite tired, she succumbs to slumbering right where she is - right on top of him. When he wakes up the next morning, he finds her on his chest but his shirt has been unbuttoned, tie removed, and her right hand is directly on his bare skin. He suddenly recalls last night’s antics - him shouting about the cart being his car and later pulling her into bed to stay there and sleep with him. He rudely wakes her up and then pushes her away – right off the bed. Zero tact. She explains to him that he’s the one who put her hand on his chest and begged her, Jie Jie, to stay here, and to read him stories and – he puts his hand over her mouth to shut her up.

Over breakfast, he says that he forgives her as he knows he’s amazing, and that’s why she can’t help but be attracted to him. She tells him that he’s narcissistic as she has no interest in him whatsoever. She just likes his scent. So he leaves and tells her to finish her food so she returns to her place (across the way). When she returns to her place, Chai Jie and Xiao Bu set off confetti cannons to celebrate her new relationship with Fang Leng. Horrified, she says that she only stayed for one night so why are they so excited. Chai Jie asks for details. The two are disappointed to find out that nothing happened. When they’re alone, Xiao Bu asks about how much hormones she must’ve collected last night. When they check her ring, it’s actually gone down to 0.8%. 

At work, Assistant Han is practicing his speech in preparation for Fang Leng’s gratitude in setting him up with Xiao Qi. A stone-faced Fang Leng shows up and angrily demands to know why he didn’t send him home last night. At the meeting with his team, Fang Leng tells them to discover new fragrance concepts. They inform him that every aspect of this industry has been exploited by now, so there are no new surprises. He replies that some people use fragrance to be attractive, and others simply because they like the scent - like the scent of their lovers. He shows them the new fragrance to be launched, Dreamy with the tagline “Cute selection, mysterious temptation.” In this fragrance, there is the scent of a lover. They will use this element to make fragrances that give users a dreamy feeling of being in love after using it. (And in the wrong hands, this could be used for evil.) 

Afterwards, Uncle Zhou tries to probe information from Assistant Han, who tries to ignore him. He manages to provoke him into telling him about the latest project for a perfume called Dreamy. Uh oh.  Another plotting phone call between Zhou siblings while Fang Lie’s mother is at the milk tea shop. She's receiving terrible service from Xiao Bu and Xiao Qi as they’re both running into the chairs at her table. Ha!

Xiao Qi arrives at Future Group with the milk teas, and the women who receive it tell her that her husband [Fang Leng] is in a meeting. So she waits right outside his office, as one woman tells the other that Leng-Qi CP is her motivation to come to work. lol She then says everything else can be fake but this CP must be real. lol Just say what we’re all thinking already!

At his meeting, Fang Leng says that in the next financial quarter, the fragrance department will have more funding and technical support to increase effort for the research of new products. Uncle Zhou objects and says that the budget for the fragrance department should actually be halved. What does this odious toad do for the company again? Fang Leng replies that he is only worried about costs, that he can’t even see the possibility of doubling the earnings. To his surprise, Uncle Zhou mentions Dreamy fragrance which has a concept but no prototype, so he thinks it has no research value. That’s what R&D is for. Now one of the other board members asks Fang Leng for an estimation before developing a new project. They don’t want to waste funds on pointless projects. Assistant Han’s stupid big mouth.
Fang Lie is nearly spotted by his mother, but Xiao Bu happens to show up and the two hide together under an overpass. (But it's out in the open - why aren't they indoors? lol)  Once again, she’s leaning up against him, but this time he’s the uncomfortable and overheated one. Teehee. When his mother disappears, he offers to show her around his new studio. She finally realizes that he likes to paint. He points out that she had hurriedly forced him to go out with her, yet she doesn’t even know him. He then asks if he’s her first boyfriend. She asks if he’s had other girlfriends before. He hasn’t but he knows that couples who don’t text nor meet up are considered to be broken up already. She replies that they’re already a couple, so why would they need to meet up. He says she’s such an amateur and asks if she knows why people fall in love. Her pragmatic answer: It’s because human beings have needs for physical pleasure and reproduction. To meet these needs, it requires at least two people. Fang Lie looks taken back by this answer, but he forges on, it’s because one feels lonely when doing certain things alone. However, when two people do it together, it becomes romantic. So the purpose of dating is to make people’s lives romantic instead of lonely. She refutes this by saying she’s happy when she’s alone. He asks then why did she want to go out with him? She replies it’s because she doesn’t want him to be with someone else. He laughs and then mutters he’s just too charming. Ha. He continues saying that being in love is just two people helping each other out. She troubles him and vice versa. In this process, romantic feelings will arise. She understands it as two people granting each other’s wishes. He nods. She asks if he wishes to be a painter. He says yes and then asks what hers is. She laughs and says it’s beyond his capability. Our AI tortoise has no soft center. lol He says to try him, and if they can’t get it to happen, they’ll destroy it together. Then she can have another wish. She replies that she can’t change her wish. She needs to fix a super sophisticated computer system. He says he can help her smash the computer and buy her a new one and this makes her spit out her water at him. He doesn't know that she's the super computer.

When Fang Leng gets out of his meeting, Xiao Qi cheerfully greets him but he’s back to totally ignoring her. Uncle Zhou notices her and asks one of the employees who that is. The woman explains that she’s the delivery person from the milk tea shop. He asks if she’s very close to him, and the woman replies that they’re a couple. Ha. He then approaches Xiao Qi. He’s such a cretin.

Inside his private office, Fang Leng is telling Assistant Han that he’s told the fragrance department many times to keep the research and development process confidential. He then asks him how  the Board knew about their new concept. He asks him to find out who leaked the plan. Assistant Han grimaces but doesn’t say anything. Fang Leng looks out his window and notices Uncle Zhou speaking to an animated Xiao Qi. In reality, she’s confused as to his meandering way of speaking. She finally begs Uncle Zhou to ask whatever question it is he wants to ask as she doesn’t understand his words. Ha! The cretin asks what her relationship is with Fang Leng. She decides to take the opportunity to hard sell him on scanning the QR code for the shop for 20% off discounts and she’ll let him know about her relationship with Fang Leng. Uncle Zhou readily agrees to scan the code.  

Back in his office, Assistant Han is getting ready to confess but before he can even start, Fang Leng interrupts him to tell him to have Xiao Qi come in. Outside, Uncle Zhou waits to hear about her relationship with Fang Leng. But Xiao Qi says he’s only a regular VIP now and can only enjoy free delivery service. lol! He has to top up money to become a super VVIP and find out about their relationship. She then turns to leave but he follows her and Assistant Han comes to tell her that Mr. Fang wants to see her in his office. She’s excited that he’s asking for her to go inside and she quickly turns around and walks in the direction of his office. 

Inside his office, Xiao Qi unpacks the latest hangover cake made by Chai Jie and even gets a bite ready for him. But he’s not happy, as he backs away from her and grabs her wrist before the fork touches his lips and then stares at her. She asks him why he’s looking at her like that. He asks her what’s the purpose of her approaching him. She thinks to herself, oh no, he really knows, so she starts moving her captured hand and flicks the cake onto his face and then it lands on his leg. She suggests that he should change his soiled pants and that she’ll go as she heads for the door. He picks up the piece of cake on his leg and throws it down on his desk and then stalks her. When he reaches her, he grabs her by the arm and walks her until her back is against the glass window. 

He tells her that she can keep pretending but he won’t mind leaving her matter to the police. She says no, no, she’s just doing her job. He says, so it’s really her – they’ve sent her to destroy him and she’s completed her mission now. She’s confused and says that she still has a long way to go. Her mission won’t ruin him as it’ll only cause a little impact on his life. He removes his hands from her in disgust and says that she just wants to replace the president. He then points his finger at her and says to go back and tell her boss that he - pointing at himself now - Fang Leng, got to this position and is not afraid of being replaced! He then yells at her to get out! She’s really confused as she walks toward the door, and he only stops her to throw the insulated delivery bag at her.

After she leaves, Assistant Han returns to say that it’s not her, correct? Fang Leng says it is her, as he tested her and she admitted it right away. *facepalm* Assistant Han says that’s impossible. Fang Leng orders him to tell the security department to blacklist her name as he doesn’t want to see her again. Assistant Han wouldn’t dare say anything now. You coward!

Back at home, XIao Qi is angrily writing in her notebook about Fang Leng – big pig head, stupid Fang Lang. Xiao Bu checks on her and Xiao Qi says that the more she thinks about it, the angrier she gets. She doesn’t understand as collecting hormones doesn’t harm Fang Leng at all. Mentally and emotionally, she’s affecting him. She starts angrily ranting that Cape Towners can’t be bullied by earthlings. (I hate the VA’s angry voice. *mute*) Xiao Bu asks if Fang Leng is treating her this way because he wants the opportunity to find out about their alien identity. She says no, and two agree to resort to extraordinary measures such as murder to protect the safety of the home planet. But they don’t know how to do it, and if Fang Leng isn’t around, then how are they going to get the job (their mission to pick up Hormone Element) done. 

Back at Future Group, Fang Leng finds out that the funds for the fragrance department have indeed been reduced by half and R&D has been suspended. There is still overwhelming opposition from the shareholders. Fang Leng says to tell the fragrance department to continue and he’ll take care of the financial matters. Assistant Han then says that he doesn’t think it was Ms. Chai who leaked the information. He thinks she may seem this way, but he’s sure she’s not a bad person. Xiao Qi has also never ever seen their proposal. Fang Leng asks then who else could it be as he won’t give anyone who harms the interests of the company a second chance. Assistant Han asks what if they didn’t mean to. Fang Leng says a careless mistake made everyone’s effort go to waste. Sometimes stupid people are more unforgiveable than bad people. 

Xiao Qi tries to deliver at Future Group and finds out that she’s been barred from entering the building. Assistant Han sees this and feels bad but… again, coward! A deflated Xiao Qi returns to the shop and is reading that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. She then sees recipes for various dishes. She received this tip from “The Unknown Matchmaker.” Assistant Han? Chai Jie says that’s so old-fashioned and says that the way to a man’s stomach not only needs to be delicious but also to leave a lasting impression. Xiao Qi asks what the difference is. Chai Jie says if it’s delicious, it just looks good and is full of flavor, but there’s nothing to remember it. However, for a lasting impression, along with the previously mentioned, it also needs a name that stands out to make it more special. (Ugh, the way Chai Jie delivers her words here – it’s soooo dramatic and very coy. *mute*) Chai Jie then gives her own secret recipe book which contains her years of research. 

Now Xiao Qi is trying out the recipes: Shaving Ice with Love, Stealing Glances and A Kiss, and Fly Together Into Your Heart. Xiao Qi envisions serving Fang Leng with a dish and feeding him a bite of the food with her hand, and then he pulls her onto his lap as he compliments her. Then the two are on their way sharing a kiss. They're making fish lips. lol! In reality, Xiao Qi has actually burnt the chicken wings in the oven as there’s smoke billowing out of it. Fang Leng returns home and notices the smell of smoke and when he opens her door, he finds her inside looking at the small fire in the kitchen. He manages to put out the fire and asks her what she’s doing. She replies that she was cooking for him but it’s all ruined. And then the fire sprinklers come on so they hightail it out of there.

At his place, she’s sitting on the couch and then removes her ring and sets it down on his coffee table. He returns to throw a hand towel at her for her wet hair. He’s just looking at her as she’s drying her hair. She asks if he’s planning to call the cops even though she didn’t do anything this time. His response is to push her up against the back of the couch and ask her how much money they gave her. She replies that it’s between her and him only. She gets up and pushes him down on the couch and asks if he thinks he can just bully her because she didn’t get mad. She tells him to reflect on what he did and throws the towel at him before walking towards the door. 

While she’s leaving, Fang Leng notices that she forgot her ring and when he grabs onto it, he’s flooded with memories and conversations with her. He’s getting flashes of when they first met (the accident), when she’d been attracted to his hormones and kept sniffing at him (many times), their kisses, her feeding him – but Fang Leng’s head starts pounding and he yelps in pain. Xiao Qi hears him and turns back around to see what’s wrong. She notices her ring is in his hand and she quickly collects it. Then she helps him back up onto the couch, and this time when he sees her, he openly stares at her. When Xiao Bu comes looking for Xiao Qi as she’d just seen the state of their kitchen, the two are still staring at each other. Xiao Bu realizes she’s interrupted something and quickly makes herself scarce. The two separate from each other and Fang Leng asks what happened to him just now. Xiao Qi says he’s fine and nothing happened and runs out of there. Then the news report comes on, there’s a typhoon alert for tonight at 6 p.m. 

Assistant Han receives a call from Fang Leng telling to pick him up and take him to a city without rain. However, while Assistant Han is driving, it starts raining. Fang Leng starts having severe head pain again as he’s remembering conversations with another woman (Jiang Xue?). And then he remembers being in a car with Xiao Qi and asking her to be his girlfriend. He now says that Chai Xiao Qi is actually his ex-girlfriend.

[Ep5Fang Leng and Assistant Han look into his past relationships with women, romantic and workwise. Fang Leng asks if he’s hiding anything/anyone else from him, and Assistant Han says he isn’t. When he asks about Chai Xiao Qi, Assistant Han admits that he didn’t mean to leak the perfume idea and blames Uncle Zhou for pushing buttons which made him slip. Fang Leng decides to deduct his year-end bonus for the next three years. However, he still wants to know why there’s nothing in the memory vault about Xiao Qi, as she’s not an ex-girlfriend nor a work partner. Assistant Han then points out that it just rained, so how is he able to remember Xiao Qi? Fang Leng asks again about missing information and Assistant Han says this includes everything that Dr. Zhang provided to him – unless he’s dating in secret? Fang Leng cuts his eyes at him and Assistant Han promptly sits down and enters in the data about Xiao Qi now. 

At Dr. Zhang’s, he’s told that he went to Los Angeles for a three-month work trip last year, and during this time, his memory bank didn’t have any data updates regarding women. So maybe that’s when he met Xiao Qi as he didn’t bring Assistant Han nor did he contact him so no one knows about it. Dr. Zhang looked at the travel dates and noticed that the day before he returned to China, it had rained quite heavily in Los Angeles, which is why he forgot about her before he came back. Random. Fang Leng recalls Assistant Han telling him that Xiao Qi was his neighbor’s daughter, who had just returned to China, so he thinks she really is his ex-girlfriend. He still wonders how he remembers her even after it rained this time. Dr. Zhang says perhaps she’s left a lasting impression on him and perhaps the rain made him remember her as his ex-girlfriend. Fang Leng asks but why has he fallen for this type of girl? His friend tells him to ask himself that. Ha. So he marks her as a dangerous individual in Fang Leng’s memory vault.  

Xiao Qi receives a message from Fang Leng saying that he remembers what happened before. She assumes that he’s referring to when he forced her to marry him. Xiao Bu points out that didn’t happen for another year, so how could he possibly remember that. He then asks to meet in the afternoon. Xiao By assumes that he’ll help them with their mission and give them the Hormone Element so they can go home. Xiao Qi says how she can not know his character by now - as in he’ll want something in exchange for his hormones - her blood which turns into sapphires. Xiao Bu offers to go with her but Xiao Qi says it’s a dangerous mission and she needs her to repair her signaler so she can go home. Xiao Bu starts crying at this. Xiao Bu is starting to get more emotional.

Fang Leng and Assistant Han are waiting for Xiao Qi, and they’ve come prepared to break up with her. If she says she wishes to cherish their relationship – here’s a key to a car. If she can’t be bought with money – here’s a black bank card. If love is priceless – here’s the checkbook so she can write whatever amount she wants. Suddenly Xiao Qi shows up (is she transporting here? lol) and asks why he’s looking for her. Fang Leng says that he knows she’s his ex-girlfriend. She says no, they’re husband and wife as he forced her into the marriage. Fang Leng tells her to dream on. Assistant Han admits that Fang Leng argued with her the other day because he thought she’d leaked the perfume project. Then he apologizes for affecting their relationship. 

Fang Leng tells her that he won’t reconcile with her. Xiao Qi says she’s not his ex (前 qián) – and he cuts her off to say he knew she’d say that money (钱 qián) can buy everything. So he hands her the bankcard and she’s not sure if it’s worth anything. So he gives her the checkbook and car key and says so long as she disappears from his sight. He’ll compensate her with whatever else she wants. She asks really. He tells Assistant Han that she really is a greedy person. Then he tells her to give it some time to think it over and tell him what else she wants. 

Xiao Qi is looking for advice in romance novels, and this one says that when a guy offers to make it up to you, he’s actually implying that you can ask for more physical contact and intimacy from him. Oh no. The girls think if Fang Leng compensates her in this way, they’ll have the hormones very soon. Xiao Bu asks but why does he think she’s his ex-girlfriend. Xiao Qi says he’s a playboy and must’ve mistaken her for someone else.  

Xiao Qi asks for compensation - by means of him accompanying her for meals, shopping and being on call 24/7. Xiao Qi is waiting for him at a restaurant, but Assistant Han shows up instead per Fang Lang’s instructions. Assistant Han has it all planned out - after their meal, they’ll watch a movie, then go shopping, followed by dinner at a Michelin rated restaurant. After dinner, they can go for a foot treatment, ear picking and bone setting on top of an aromatherapy spa. He asks what she thinks and she replies that he’s too much. He assures her to not worry as everything is on Fang Leng’s dime today. Xiao Qi knows that he’s trying to brush her off and so she leaves. 

Later, Xiao Qi is sending a message to Fang Leng about a broken pipe in her kitchen. And she suggests that he come by and repair it. She’s given instructions on repairing it herself, so she does. Then she gets the idea to send him a message about how she injured herself during the repair and whines for him to come over and give her a massage. Fang Leng finally appears with Assistant Han to deal with the maintenance repairs. Whoa, just look at Assistant's Han's shoulders here. She demands to know why Assistant Han is eating with her and doing the repairs as this isn’t actually compensation from him. He replies that he’s given her his best staff member to compensate her. She then decides to sit down on his lap and asks for a massage as Assistant Han is already working on the repairs.  He then calls for Assistant Han, who offers his assistance as a masseuse as well.  

Xiao Qi is wondering why he’s ignoring her even more now that he thinks she’s his ex-girlfriend. Xiao Bu does research on the term “ex-girlfriend” and the results are not flattering. Five percent (5%) of men think their ex-girlfriends are white lotus (白莲花 bái lián huā) as in someone who is pure in appearance but not on the inside. Three percent (3%) think ex-girlfriends are the least expensive flirt subjects and two percent (2%) think borrowing money from them isn’t a bad idea. The remaining ninety percent (90%) think compared to their current girlfriends, ex-girlfriends should be kept on social media, just in case there’s a chance of getting back together. I’m 100% positive that I want nothing to do with my exes ever again in this lifetime and the next. And I know it's mutual. lol And as for avoiding the ex-girlfriend like the plague, it must be because he owes her money. Xiao Qi says he’s so rich, so why would he owe her money. Xiao Bu then tries to do research analysis on Fang Leng but he’s too complicated for her system. Ha! She then thinks that she can ask Fang Lie about it. Xiao Qi replies that they’re siblings so of course he won’t tell her. Xiao Bu says he will, so long as she’s granting his wishes. 

Fang Lie receives a text message from Xiao Bu to meet at a hotel. He looks up how to protect himself and ends up making some mustard essential oil. Nonetheless he shows up, and protects himself from what she’s planning to do to him - as she starts removing her outer layer - her jacket. He then takes a look around and sees that she’s set up a mini art studio in the room as she plans to teach him how to paint. lol He drops the essential oil bottle on the couch and claims it’s his mouth spray, and when he tries it, it makes him cry. Haha.
She tells him that she wants to test his level so she can see how to help him with his wish. And so she cutely sits with an apple on her head as he paints her. She then starts asking him personal questions if he has any siblings. He says that he has an older boyfriend, and if it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t have been able to paint here with peace of mind. She then asks if his brother severs ties with his ex-girlfriends or has lingering feelings for them. He’s surprised that she’s asking about his brother, but then he assumes that she’s just trying to know him better. He says never mind his brother’s ex-girlfriends but he definitely doesn’t have an ex-girlfriend. So she asks what type of girls his brother is attracted to. lol Fang Lie assumes she’s just trying to find out his type, so he says he’s a very loyal person, and no matter how others try to please him, he won’t change his mind. (Contradiction: She talked/browbeat him into dating her! lol) She says she’s asking about his brother and he laughs to himself and thinks she's really shy. Ha. He’s so cutely… naive. He says he knows she’s asking about his brother, so go ahead and ask away. It doesn’t matter if his brother likes the homely or willful type, as he only has eyes for his girlfriend. She glumly says, yes, yes, he’s the best. He’s finally done painting – and it’s only of the apple. She asks what about her? He says it’s not an apple on the table or in the bowl, but the one on top of her head. (Ep3 of S1, Fang Lie painted a portrait of Xiao Qi with an apple.) He then asks her to see if the details are a bit different. She scans it with her computer eyes and says the perspective is wrong, the color is off, and he also forgot to include the blemish on the apple. Heh. Everyone’s a critic. He says it's a reasonable beautification process, which allows certain deviation from reality, just like girls taking selfies with the beauty filter a slight difference from reality. He says he always paints still life and is sick of it now. He has no inspiration at all. She hands him a pair of glasses and says it can project any scene. He asks to go to outer space.

So now they’re standing (floating?) in outer space and asteroids are heading towards them so, he pulls her into his arms to protect her. He looks like he wants to kiss her but she bursts that bubble to tell him that this isn’t real and then taps him on the head to look for inspiration. He continues exploring, and then he offers to help her find a place to fix her computer. 

Meanwhile, Assistant Han is asking Fang Leng why he won’t consider dating Xiao Qi, as she’s someone he will not forget. He thinks she’s kind, warm and thick-skinned as she’s been rejected so many times by him but won’t give up. Fang Leng asks if he’s finished with his resignation letter. lol Assistant Han aka “The Unknown Matchmaker” sends Xiao Qi a message: “Men look cold and tough, but deep down they’re actually creatures full of sympathy. If his attitude is ambiguous and he even refuses to have direct contact with you, I suggest the method of pretending to be sick to stimulate his desire to protect.” 

Xiao Qi is now waiting outside their apartment building and bumps into Fang Leng and whines that she’s ill as she manages to drape herself all over him. He removes her body from his and asks what she is doing, and he’ll give her everything she wants except this. She starts dropping down to the ground, and he pulls her back up, and then she becomes dead weight in his arms. He’s had enough, pushes her away and walks away. She tries to follow him but ends up spraining her left ankle. She drops down to rub her ankle and he tells her to stop pretending. He returns when he realizes she really did sprain her ankle, and he carries her to her place. He drops her right outside her place and just stalks away to his place. She enters the passcode but it won’t work. She yells for Chai Jie and Xiao Bu but there’s no answer. She starts whining about spraining her ankle, being unable to go home, and no one’s answering - and suddenly Fang Leng returns to carry her to his place. Once he does, Chai Jie and Xiao Bu finally open the door. A fretting Xiao Bu wants to save her but Chai Jie won’t let her. The two then overhear Fang Leng telling Xiao Qi to not move. She replies that it’s her first time, and he says there’s always a first time for everyone. Xiao Qi says it hurts so much and at this point Xiao Bu starts crying her name and wants to go to her but Chai Jie won’t let her. Xiao Qi asks if he can be gentler. He tells her to take it off and she tells him to not move, that it hurts and to do it gently. The two continue bickering and poor Xiao Bu is crying and still trying to get to her. Chai Jie says she’s succeeding and hugs Xiao Bu continues fretting over Xiao Qi’s well-being. (~34:45)

Inside his place, Fang Leng is trying to put a medicine patch on her ankle and she’s fighting it as she’s sitting on the edge of the bed and complaining about it being her first time. He finally gets it on there and then he tightly wraps her ankle in a bandage. XD I knew it! He then says since no one is at her home, he’ll let her stay the night in the guest room. He gets up to go but she hangs onto him. She says she gets cold at night and needs him to keep her company as she drapes herself on his chest. 
To her surprise, he finally says okay and slowly leans over her in bed. She closes her eyes and puckers her lips anticipating his kiss but he’s only reaching over the remote to the heater, which he turns on and says she won’t be cold now. XD Her face! She doesn’t like this and sits up from the bed to grab onto him again. She says that he used to be worried whenever she felt cold and hug her to sleep. He says okay, and tells her to wait. He’s tucked her in with three layers of blankets. He wonders how long she’s going to keep pretending she’s cold. She then goes to remove her hat, and he stops her with a hand to her head and tells her isn’t she feeling cold? Then he says oh, she’s breaking out in cold sweat right now as he looks at his fingers and says he’ll get her another one. Hahaha! She stops him and says she has a habit of kicking off the blanket when she sleeps so she needs his company. He says okay and leaves. The minute he’s out of the room, she peels off the three heavy blankets and starts fanning herself as it’s so hot. She then quickly returns to being under the covers before he returns.
With one leather belt slung over his right shoulder, Fang Leng sexily struts back into the room as he’s snapping another leather belt in his hands. (The leather must be talking to me - as after 33 eps, he’s finally sexy! XD Oh, and the music isn't helping with dispelling those thoughts.) As he’s walking towards her, he snaps it again and Xiao Qi flinches as she wonders what’s going on because she’s just trying to collect hormones. lol He snaps the belt a few more times before reaching the bed. She flinches again before asking him what he’s doing. He then hovers over her which makes her sink further back into the bed.
[Ep6Fang Leng finishes cinching the belts around her and the blankets. LOL! Her face! He announces that she won’t be kicking off the blankets now. She just glares at him. He says it’s perfect [wan mei] before leaving. This scene is killing me. XD Later on, she manages to get out of this trap, and tries to get into his bedroom. But the moment she touches his doorknob, she’s zapped by it! She tries touching the knob with one fingertip and it’s still quite reactive, so she scurries back to her room. He smiles and then sends a message to Assistant Han to thank him for his help with the doorknob. 

The next day, Xiao Qi goes to see Fang Leng at work. He’s not sure how she got in again. She clings to him and says that her condition (her left foot/ankle) worsened in his absence. He gets up and pushes her up against the window and she takes the opportunity to grope his pecs (again) and says she’ll only get better if she stays with him. She then asks if she can work with him and starts begging for a job. He'll agree but only if she follows his rules. 1) He’s the boss and she’s the employee. She needs to follow all of his rules unconditionally and if she breaks them, he’ll dismiss her immediately. 2) She’s not allowed to let anyone know she’s his ex-girlfriend. If she discloses it, then he’ll fire her. 3) She needs to complete all tasks asked of her. If she makes a mistake, then he’ll fire her immediately. If she has any objections, then the first rule applies. She agrees and understands, so she’s starting work tomorrow at 10 a.m. Late start for an office job. She cheerfully says she’ll work hard and starts to march out of there. Then she realizes that she’s supposed to be injured and starts limping. He says it’s on the left foot. XD And so she switches the limp to the other foot. He only shakes his head at this. 

Back at home, Xiao Bu helps Xiao Qi with her work relationship plan. Xiao Qi isn’t wearing her usual sweatshirt and skirt combo she’s in business attire with a cute handbag. Assistant Han is outside ready to drive Fang Leng to work, and of course, Xiao Qi hitches a ride as she says they’re going to the same place. He asks if she’s forgotten the three rules already. She says she’s remembered all of them. He replies that he’s adding one more – keep ten meters away from him at work. She readily agrees to it - and then he promptly kicks her out of the car. lol

She’s happy to start her first day as a secretary as she’ll get close to Fang Leng on all fronts and collect the Hormone Element soon. She daydreams of hanging onto his arm at work, and during a meeting, the two even dance. Haha. She envisions herself giving him a shoulder massage which turns into her groping his pecs. Assistant Han snaps her out of it and shows her to her desk, which to her disappointment is the furthest away from Fang Leng’s office. lol After her whining and begging, Assistant Han is forced to tell Fang Leng that she’s not happy with her desk location. He firmly replies that she can leave if she’s unhappy. Assistant Han returns to her and says that Fang Leng says it was the best spot in the company, especially as it’s close to the bathroom. Poor Assistant Han is once again forced to run back to Fang Leng and tell him that Xiao Qi says she’d like to sit closer to him as it would help her excel in the company. Fang Leng replies sternly to tell her to stop haggling, focus on her work, and if she makes more than three mistakes, she’ll be fired. Assistant Han runs back to Xiao Qi to tell her that Fang Leng is rooting for her and that given three chances to make mistakes is more than enough. She mutters under her breath that she doesn’t believe that Fang Leng said any of this. Assistant Han tells her to hang in there, and to not get fired. 

Her first task is to make copies but she's totally clueless on how to use the copier. Xiao Qi takes a photocopy of her face which results in a cute printout of her gleeful face. (The printout is inaccurate as the lid is left mostly open. With light exposure, this would’ve resulted in a mostly black printout around her face and we would’ve only seen only a small segment of her face. lol Good try, Show. :P) Fang Leng tells her that she’s wasting ink and paper, and this is her first warning. She asks him how to do it – but he just gives her a glare and quickly walks away. At his meeting, Fang Leng is being informed that there are various marketing articles smearing their makeup products and even some beauty bloggers have denigrated their products, defying their reputation. Fang Leng asks about the data report and Xiao Qi finally shows up to distribute copies of the document. They’ve also received bad reviews and their rating has dropped significantly. When the guy reads the document, it turns out to be the wrong one as she had grabbed the wrong one. *facepalm* Is she trying to get fired immediately on Day One?! The guy says that sales have dropped and in the last few days, it’s been the lowest record ever. A woman tells him that the PR team has negotiated privately with several marketing agencies, but they refuse to relent no matter what terms were offered. Fang Leng thinks someone is behind this as everything’s been happening the past three days. (I think it’s the Zhou siblings, again.) He lists out several directives: 1) PR department to issue a lawyer’s statement on the product’s official website. Formally warn those accounts that have been maliciously spreading false claims. 2) As they can’t rely on the marketing department right now. He needs the technical department to analyze the disinformation videos, and evaluate the bad reviews to see what their targeting points are. Cooperate with the R&D department to officially experiment and find more data as soon as possible. Work with the sales team to find a way to clear their name. 3) Everyone may have to work overtime today to come up with a solution to the crisis. This crisis can be turned into an opportunity. Xiao Qi is pretty impressed by his quick thinking and business acumen. 

Afterwards, she follows him into his office, but he points a finger at her and reminds her to stay ten meters away. She stays back and then enthusiastically compliments him on how cool he was just now, shining like a star, and so handsome. Fang Leng remains stone-faced as Assistant Han tells her this is a bit too much. lol He asks if she doesn’t have any work to do. Now Xiao Qi is the go-fer girl: changing out the water for the water cooler, making coffee, tracking down someone’s takeout, making copies, tracking down packages and files, grabbing someone’s milk tea and then grabbing the minutes of the meeting. She hears her name over and over all day long. She finally sits down at her desk for a moment and begs for a break. But then Fang Leng finds her and picks her up by the back of her collar, and tells her to deliver a stack of files for him. She whines and asks if she could have an assistant. LMAO He says if she makes another mistake, she can just leave. She immediately says she’ll go right now and scurries away with the files. Everyone else around the office is just as busy. 

Assistant Han gives him an update: The PR department has located a new marketing team and they’re working intensively on coming up with a solution. Assistant Han turns to leave but Fang Leng stops him to tell him to keep an eye on Chai Xiao Qi as they’re all so busy, and don’t let her cause any trouble. Assistant Han says to leave fu ren (bwahaha, wife) in his care, which makes Fang Leng give him a stern look. Teehee. Assistant Han changes the subject by asking who he thinks is behind this. They’re interrupted by Uncle Zhou’s boisterous laughter as he’s looking at his phone. *rolling eyes* Later, Fang Leng tells Uncle Zhou that he’s gone to a lot of trouble to make him step down this time. Uncle Zhou plays dumb and even advises him to have faith in his staff. Fang Leng promises that he’ll bring the whole company back into line and won’t spare those who have a hidden agenda. After Fang Leng leaves, Uncle Zhou calls his sister. I wish these two would disappear into the abyss. 

Fang Lie is at the science museum waiting for Xiao Bu when his mother calls. He answers the call and when asked where he is, he says he’s at the library as he leans up against a bookcase. Suddenly, Xiao Bu shows up and hands him a bottle of juice. His mother asks why he’s always surrounded by Chinese people when he’s on the call. (He’s supposed to be overseas and not in an Asian country. lol) He replies that she’s not Chinese but Korean. Xiao Bu plays along and greets her in Korean and then speaks several other languages to imaginary people. He tells his mother that he needs to go and Xiao Bu even says bye in Korean. Ha. Fang Lie tells her that he’s impressed. Xiao Bu says he’ll fix her computer and she has lied for him, so they have each other’s back. He then takes her upstairs to the most advanced computer at the science museum. She thinks to herself that she should be able to load up her central system with it. She then asks him to get her a bottle of juice. He looks at the bottle in her hand, and reminds her that she just bought some and even gave him one. She replies that she bought the wrong one and shoves the bottle at him. She insists that he go and get her another one. She says a fruit and vegetable one and sends him on his way. Once he leaves, she enters the mainframe and starts typing away. Fang Lie returns with the juice and is quite impressed that she can play games, paint and fix computers. He finds her to be amazing. 

Back at work, Xiao Qi has to deliver files to the third floor again but the elevators are out of order. So she has to take the stairs and she thinks about using her powers but there are too many witnesses including the cameras. She continues going up and down the different floors to deliver files, process packages, etc. She finally collapses back at her desk and Fang Leng has been keeping an eye on her. She returns home complaining about being exhausted and whines to Xiao Bu about why humans have to work. While they’re talking, Xiao Bu rubs Xiao Qi on the head and finds a loose follicle of hair. Singular. Xiao Qi starts crying about losing her hair for the first time ever. She says she gives up but then she changes her mind and says that if she gives up, then today’s efforts are in vain. She then looks into 100 skills in the office. 

The next day, Xiao Qi returns armed with help she calls Xiao Bu who is able to link into the copier to help her make copies. lol Could I have a Xiao Bu for all of my technical issues - for life? Xiao Qi then finds an isolated area to collate and staple the documents using her powers. (Technically, I think she could’ve collated and stapled all of these documents with the copier. But okay, Show, let’s have her use her powers.) Fang Leng gets into the office and finds copies of various documents along with a note from Xiao Qi on his desk. Xiao Qi finds Assistant Han watching something and wants to know what it is. He’s a bit worried that she’ll rat on him to Fang Leng but she’s only curious about what he’s watching. So he shows her his phone – it’s a live streaming video. Fang Leng sees the two getting along right outside his window and he gets up to check on them. He breaks it up by reminding them that they have a meeting at 3 p.m. so they both return to work. 

At this meeting, Fang Leng informs everyone that with the release of their official statement, most of the disinformation videos have been automatically deleted. The most important thing right now is to regain the trust of their customers and recover sales. There are suggestions of launching new products, lowering prices and adding special offers. However, Fang Leng says they need to work on regaining trust and the problem isn’t with their products. No one else has any other suggestions. Xiao Qi brings up live streaming. Assistant Han tells her to keep ideas for another time. She asks if they aren’t trying to restore the image of their brand. Through live streaming, viewers can have a better idea on the authenticity of their products, thus dispelling these rumors. Fang Leng says there are many cases of live streaming fraud right now. She believes that if they display their products with dedication, then their sincerity will be apparent. Everyone agrees that this is a good idea – so Fang Leng is forced to say yes. 

Xiao Qi is now the face of their live streaming videos. When she has makeup applied, the comments come in about the use of filters, etc. She decides to take it to the gym and works up a good sweat proving that Future Group’s makeup is holding up. She continues to receive negative comments but she has keyboard warriors: Fang Leng, Chai Jie and Xiao Bu. Next Xiao Qi is at the pool to show the viewers how waterproof their makeup is. She gets into the pool to demonstrate hat her makeup is holding up quite well. However, she suddenly has a foot cramp while she’s in the middle of the pool. Luckily, Fang Leng happens to see her struggling in the water and actually shouts her name. He then springs into action by jumping over a glass partition and removes jacket right before jumping into the pool to swim to her.

[Ep7Fang Leng reaches her and pulls her out of the pool. She says it’s just a foot cramp. He rubs her right foot and scolds her don’t push herself too hard. He then asks what if something happens to her. Ou? He cares? She says she’s fine and then she looks over at the camera that’s still recording. She limps over to it and shows the viewers her face to prove how well the makeup held up. There are various comments asking if Fang Leng rescued her and why she’s working so hard. She continues saying that the mascara and brow pencil didn’t come off so it proves that Future Group’s products are of good quality. Fang Leng appears behind her and waits in the background. Xiao Qi says she’ll go to the gym next, so she’ll see them in a little while. She says goodbye and Fang Leng tells her to take a break. She says she can’t as she can’t let all of their effort go to waste. She then asks him why he’s here. He replies that he’s her boss and needs to check on her work progress. When she goes to move the camera setup, he insists on doing it for her. 

Back in the gym, Xiao Qi says she’s fine to the camera but she’s struggling to do knee push-ups. Surprisingly, Fang Leng reaches down to catch her face with his hand, to keep her from plonking directly down onto the mat and tells her to take a break. What is going on with him suddenly?! She replies if she stops now, then the viewers will start flaming again. She insists that she can do this, and so he says to the camera that he’ll do it with her and plops down next to her. Then he accompanies her on the elliptical machine, and later spots her on a butterfly machine. While she’s doing core training on a half bubble dome, he catches her when she slips and almost falls backwards. Finally he helps anchor her legs for sit-ups and the two share a moment when she puts her arms on his shoulders to rest for a moment, which makes his heart race. She finishes the sit-ups and appears quite tired so he tells her to slow down and not push so hard. She argues then why doesn’t he join her, instead of just talking. 
She continues doing sit-ups but she loses her balance on her way down, and grabs onto his hand which pulls him forward and makes him land half on top of her and half hover over her. The two stare at each other as both their hearts are racing now. The lyrics, "Who hides in my heart?" is quite apropos here. Heh. (~6:07) Meanwhile, back at Future Group, the women in the office who are watching the live stream are cooing at how sweet they are and even say they should get married. Assistant Han breaks it up by saying since Fang Leng isn’t around, so they’re lazing around. Once they leave, he pulls out his phone and looks at the live stream and says with a smile, behind every CP is a silent matchmaker. 

Back at the gym, the two are still staring at each other wordlessly and Xiao Qi wonders if he thinks she did this on purpose. Once she flexes the hand on his chest, it snaps him into action as he quickly gets off of her and stands up. He grumpily says since she has such poor balance,  don’t do live streaming in the gym anymore. The live stream is going crazy about this CP. Xiao Qi tells the viewers that her makeup looks good despite all of the sweating, and Future Group’s cosmetics are the best. Fang Leng pleasantly tells the viewers that they’ve recently had bad reviews online and thanks them for their continued trust and support during this period. He then promises to develop even better products to repay them and then he smiles before bowing. She joins him in the bow. When they look at the phone, she sees that the viewers are complimenting his good looks, nice smile, etc. She asks why they are focused on his good looks and no one cares about her makeup. Heh. He says it’s because their cosmetics are so good as he reaches over with one finger to gently move her bangs away from her forehead, to prove that there's no smudging nor running rivers of foundation. Then he puts his fingers up against her right cheek and says that the foundation didn’t come off at all.  He signs off with a wave and turns off the camera. She’s left perplexed and can only roll her eyes at his departing back. 

Now Xiao Qi and Fang Leng are sitting down side by side on a couch. She massages her right leg (the one that was cramped earlier) and then asks him if she performed well this time enough to stay in the company. His response is to grab her right leg and pull it over his lap and spray some medicine on it, right before he starts massaging it. She starts flinching and making sounds of discomfort. He continues saying that she’s too reckless and relentless and is pushing herself too hard – and with every word he’s been pressing harder and harder on her leg. She says fine and then quickly swings her leg away from him. If he doesn’t want her to stay, fine, so she’ll just do delivery again. He asks if he said he’d fire her. She asks if that wasn’t his intention when he listed off her flaws. He gets up from the couch and tells her to rest up, and not be late for work tomorrow morning. She’s surprised by this and then happily gets up from the couch and grabs onto his hands as she jumps up and down happily. She continues exuberantly doing this as she starts pulling on his hoodie and says he’s the best boss. I know why I love Xiao Qi – I’m her in a nutshell. Hahaha. He asks her if she could behave herself, and so she drops her hands and he readjusts his hoodie. Then he says she did well today and offers to treat her to dinner. Once again, she’s surprised but before he leaves, she says his name and he turns around to look at her. She puts her arms in a heart formation over her head and says mwah, then creates another one in front of her and says mwah again, and finally her hands cupped into a heart and says da! With a confused look he asks what is that. She repeats the hearts with a thank you. He scoffs at it but when he turns away from her – he actually has the cutest little smile.  More smiling and less frowning for this man!

Afterwards, she tries to follow him inside into his place but he won’t let her. Fang Leng then sees Fang Lie talking to Xiao Bu and overhears how he’ll get money from his brother for dinner – by sending him a message that he’s in pain as he’s broken his leg and needs money urgently. Fang Leng replies from behind him – should he transfer the money to him now? Oops.

Now the foursome are inside the girls’ place, and Fang Lie is kneeling on a cushioned stool whilst holding a bowl of fruit over his head. Gee, a cushioned stool? Wimp. XD Fang Leng asks him when he is going to break his leg. Fang Lie drops his eyes and says he was wrong. His brother asks him what is he at fault for? Fang Lie says he shouldn’t have lied to him, shouldn't be in a relationship without his knowledge, and shouldn’t have been caught by him. He quickly amends the last part to, he should have told him the truth. Fang Leng replies it’s no wonder he’s been spending so much money lately. Fang Lie’s arms are getting tired and he starts lowering his arms but his brother tells him to lift it properly and he quickly corrects himself. Haha. The girls are quietly watching them.

Fang Leng replies that he helped him because he supported his dream, and not because he wanted him to be idle and waste his time. Xiao Qi interjects to ask how he’s wasting his time by being with Xiao Bu, as maybe the two of them are truly in love. Fang Lie quickly latches onto that sentiment and then asks who she is. She introduces herself as Xiao Bu’s friend, Xiao Qi. Fang Lie lowers the bowl of fruit and sits down on the stool. He then says Fang Leng denied it before at the spa, but how he could find him a future sister-in-law without his permission. And it’s no wonder he hasn’t been answering his calls recently. XD Cheeky didi. Fang Leng tells him to stop spouting nonsense as he’s not in that kind of relationship with her. Xiao Bu says Xiao Qi is working at Future Group and helping him dispel the rumors via live stream – and why would she help so much, unless they’re in a relationship? Fang Lie says at least he’s a responsible man and didn’t expect his brother to be this type of person. He then starts acting like he’s very sad and disappointed and gets up to return to his painting. Fang Leng tells him to stop and asks him if he thinks sadfishing will work on him. (Sadfishing is when social media users fish for sympathetic reactions and comments by posting sad stories and images.) Fang Lie quickly runs to Xiao Qi, calling her saozi [sister-in-law] and says that she’s friends with Xiao Bu, so please help him convince his brother. Hahaha. She’s not comfortable with this and tries to steer him away from this approach. But then he asks Xiao Bu why she’s never told him that she’s good friends with Xiao Qi. The girls have no real answer for him (at least not the truth, ha) and the ever-gullible Fang Lie chalks it up to Xiao Bu being forgetful. XD Fang Leng isn’t done with him and just drags him away. 

In the car, Fang Lie says that love is a sentiment for all artists – the best source of inspiration. It may seem like a waste of time but dating helps him be creative. Fang Leng points out that Van Gogh, Monet and Gaugin all died of love. Fang Lie tells him to stop being so negative as Xiao Bu is also teaching him how to draw. Fang Leng says he can date all that he wants but he can’t ever lie to him again. Fang Lie then swears that he will only lie to his mother from now on. Heh.

The next day, Fang Leng is back to being his usual block-of-ice self to Xiao Qi. From Assistant Han, she finds out that The One Design ("The One") which was founded this year, has already reached the top in a few months’ time. Assistant Han feels like he’ll be fired or Fang Leng will dislike him over this. Xiao Qi stays late at work, and when Fang Leng leaves, he stays a moment longer to peek at her. But then Assistant Han sneaks up on him and asks what he’s looking at. Fang Leng makes the lame excuse that the glass display next to him needs to be dusted before he quickly walks away. Assistant Han puts a finger on the glass and doesn’t find any dust and wonders what he’s talking about. Then he looks over and sees Xiao Qi at her desk and realizes that’s what/who Fang Leng was looking at. He grins at this. 

At the next day’s meeting, when asked if anyone has comments, Xiao Qi actually stands up and says that the top five global brands have a place in consumers’ hearts because of their high-tech technology in their signature product. She suggests that Future Group invent such an innovative product. Assistant Han quietly tells her that Fang Leng had been asking for the managers’ opinions. Oops, awk-warrrd! Heh. She apologizes and quickly sits down. Fang Leng says he’s given some thought about this, and agrees that they need a signature product. One of manager tells him that it’s difficult to achieve technological innovation.  Another says that those companies have a research department to keep the core technology in their own hands. Fang Leng then asks to have a research department set up immediately, so future production plans and all research will be handled by the Research Department. 

At home, the girls are drinking and thanking each other for their sacrifices – Xiao Bu dating Fang Lie to keep him occupied, and Xiao Qi working for Fang Leng so she can get close to him and collect hormones. Xiao Qi throws down the collection of romance novels and says she’s tired of reading them as they’re ridiculous. 

Fang Leng and Assistant Han are waiting for Mr. Zhou (one of the board members) but he’s once again a no-show. Fang Leng asks if Mr. Zhou is going to the cocktail party tomorrow. Back at Future Group, a couple women ask Xiao Qi if Fang Leng is taking her to it. She replies that she has no idea why he’d take her. However, he breaks up the group, and then hands her two boxes. He tells her to study up on the materials inside. 

Back at home, she works on studying the documents inside one box, but then Xiao Bu discovers a dress shoved inside the second box, along with a pair of silver heels. They’re both in her exact size. Xiao Qi then finds his note: “See you downstairs tomorrow night at 8 p.m.” Xiao Qi says she knows - he wants her to be a waiter at the party. lol! Chai Jie comes in and sees her dress – it’s the latest gown from the Jubilee House along with their limited edition crystal heels. Xiao Qi doesn’t want to assume the wrong thing, so she won’t go and suggests that Chai Jie keep both items. Chai Jie goes to try on the dress and shoes. 

It’s nighttime now and Fang Leng is in a dark suit with a bow-tie, and Assistant Han are downstairs waiting for Xiao Qi. Assistant Han chides him for inviting her to the party by just handing over a note and if it were him, he wouldn’t go either. Haha. Fang Leng asks then how should he have done it? Assistant Han says he should've shown his enthusiasm and charisma. He then grabs Fang Leng and pushed him up against the car - and then car-dongs him with one finger. He says, “Xiao Qi, may I have the honor for you to be my date at the party?” He tells him to make eye contact and then lean closer to her and show his affection - and then puckers his lips. At this point, Fang Leng shoves his face away from him. He then sees Xiao Qi in the off-the-shoulder white gown and feebly walking towards them in the silver heels. She waves at Assistant Han who waves back at her and Fang Leng just wordlessly stares at her. She takes baby steps towards him and when she’s right in front of him, she steps on his foot which makes her fall. He catches her and the two stare at each other. She finally says that she’s starved all day to fit into this dress and asks if she looks good. He replies that she’s… stepping on him! So charming...not. XD She looks down and quickly steps away from him. She apologizes as she’s not used to wearing heels and has sprained her ankle three times so she can’t walk properly. Xiao Qi, are you my spirit animal? lol He says yes, pretty - for the dress. Assistant Han opens the back door for her as Fang Leng walks around to get in on the other side. While en route, Fang Leng is giving her sidelong glances as his face remains impassive. Assistant Han notices this and decides to help – by asking Fang Leng if he has something to say to Xiao Qi. Fang Leng matter-of-factly says that he has a meeting tonight so she should behave herself and not cause trouble. *facepalm* She asks why did he ask her to be his date if he’s afraid that she’d cause trouble? Ta you daoli! [She has a point.] She asks if he’s trying to get back together with her. He denies this as being the case. 

After they arrive, Xiao Qi is busy loading up her plate with delicious desserts. But then she sees and hears that Fang Leng is surrounded by three women who ask him why he doesn’t have a date tonight. Then they say it’s okay as there are plenty of prestigious ladies here anyway. Xiao Qi walks over and asks him why he’s taken so long to get her a drink and then places her hands on his arm. She then waves at the women and says if they’re looking for a date, she points over in the distance and then says there seem to be quite a few gentlemen over there. The ladies flee. Ha. She tells him that he takes her out for a nice meal and she’ll be his shield. Fang Leng then spots Mr. Zhou, so he tells Xiao Qi to go ahead and enjoy the food. 

When Fang Leng approaches Mr. Zhou, he says he’s persistent and then asks if he’s here about the Research Department. Fang Leng asks if he’s refusing to see him because he’s against the creation of the Research Department. Mr. Zhou says the company already spends a lot of money on its makeup line every year and setting up the Research Department would be a burden. He then says everyone’s busy, enjoy the party and don’t bring up work before walking away. 

Xiao Qi witnesses a female guest sniping at a server who accidentally spills a drink on her friend’s heels. The server offers to pay for the damage but the woman gets angry and says these heels were her birthday present to Meng Fei and there are only two pairs available nationwide. Meng Fei tells her friend, Na Na, that that’s enough and that she didn’t mean to. Na Na isn’t done and demands to know where the manager is. Meng Fei tries to get her to drop it but Na Na isn’t having it. Xiao Qi walks over and says “Some people appear to be very quiet, but actually have a harsh tongue,” before picking up and popping some food into her mouth. 

The server wisely makes her escape as Na Na has a new target to be angry with now. Xiao Qi says she’s not talking to her and then turns back to the table. Na Na notices Xiao Qi’s shoes which are the same as her friend’s and asks if she isn’t afraid of someone finding out that she’s wearing a pair of fake shoes. She replies what is she talking about, as how could Mr. Fang give her a pair of counterfeits. Meng Fei perks up at the mention of Fang Leng’s name and asks if he gave them to her. Xiao Qi nods yes. Na Na asks what her relationship with Mr. Feng is. Xiao Qi is about to say that she’s his assistant but then changes it to a colleague next to his assistant. Na Na latches onto her being a lowly employee and then grabs onto Xiao Qi’s dress and says that she rented the dress and then flings Xiao Qi away. Na Na continues ranting and Xiao Qi uses her power to give her the hiccups. Xiao Qi says maybe it’s because she’s been saying awful things and Na Na goes to push her and nearly falls but a stranger catches her and stares at her in his arms before she thanks him. He lets go and she stands back up and asks if they’ve met before. He replies that she’s mistaken and then walks away. Na Na isn’t done and continues berating Xiao Qi for seducing guys. Meng Fei apologizes for her friend and then she’s told by a guy that they’re ready for her to go stage soon.

Xiao Qi returns to Fang Leng’s side but then she notices that her earring’s gone missing. She starts looking around on the floor around her but is interrupted by Mr. Zhou speaking on the stage, who introduces the new spokesperson for the product line, his niece Chen Meng Fei. Xiao Qi realizes who she is and starts looking scared, which is noticed by Fang Leng. She asks if she accidentally offended Mr. Zhou’s niece, if he would still agree to giving him the grant. Na Na interrupts them to say that his staff has gone too far, as she was asking for an apology from the server but she [Xiao Qi] threatened her using his name. Xiao Qi wants to say something but holds her tongue and uses her power to block out her voice and all sounds. Na Na continues saying that she said that this pair of knock-offs, and points at Xiao Qi’s shoes, were a gift from him. He turns to look at Xiao Qi and says her name but she’s oblivious, and so he puts an arm around her shoulders and pulls her to his side. This startles her enough to remove the block on her ears, and she looks at him. He says that she said the heels her boss bought for her were knock-offs. Na Na’s eyes are bugging out of her head now as she gapes like a goldfish. He continues saying that this statement will probably tarnish their company’s reputation, so should she, as an employee, explain herself? She tries to say something but Na Na interrupts to ask if the heels were really from him. Fang Leng says he’ll deal with his employees himself, as it’s not a matter for outsiders. Hehe. Xiao Qi just looks at him with admiration, and then he grabs her by the wrist and leads her away. Meng Fei finishes her speech and sees Fang Leng leaving with Xiao Qi. Na Na makes sure to tell her that Fang Leng really did give her the shoes. Mei Feng’s eyes harden at this but she only pleasantly says she knows. I don’t trust her. 

Xiao Qi is angrily griping about the women and Fang Leng tells her to slow down so she doesn’t sprain her ankle. She starts to argue that she won’t sprain her ankle but then she slips on the stairs and definitely sprains her ankle. He tells her that she’s usually so good with talking back so why didn’t she say a single word earlier. She admits that she was afraid of offending people, in particular, Chen Mei Feng, which would make Mr. Zhou unhappy. And then he would not agree to set up the Research Department. She continues rubbing at her injured ankle.

CXQ: I didn’t cause you any mafan [inconvenience] today, did I? 
FL: You’ve always been a mafan for me. I’m already used to it. She glares at that. Hehe.

She then thanks him for speaking up for her today as she continues hobbling around on one foot and trying to alleviate the pain in her foot. He says it’s not a problem and suggests that they go. He walks away and she struggles to follow him as she can’t bear to put weight on her left ankle. He hears her sounds of pain, even as she says she’s fine as she gingerly walks towards him. He walks back to her, takes a look around first and then suddenly lifts her into his arms.

[Ep8Xiao Qi tells him this isn’t appropriate. But he continues walking through with her in his arms. Meanwhile, Na Na is being mean to someone on the phone as she’s walking next to the pool and then she’s suddenly pulled into the pool by an invisible force. Ha! Who did that though?

The next day, Xiao Qi gives Assistant Han a new dessert that Chai Jie is testing out, Cola Sea Salt with Pudding. I’m adventurous but not with salt in my drinks. lol He shushes her and whispers that Fang Leng is in a bad mood. And don’t ever mention R&D Department to him as Mr. Zhou didn’t agree to it yesterday. He then warns her to be careful and not to rub him the wrong way. So she quietly walks in and wordlessly hands him the drink. She turns to leave and sighs but he hears her and asks what’s wrong. She says he seems to be in a bad mood and asks if it’s related to what happened last night. He looks out the window at Assistant Han and asks her if he told her about it. She has Mr. Zhou hasn’t agreed because of her. He replies that being rejected is normal for work, and the most important thing now is to figure out how to solve the problem. He then says worrying about it or having regrets doesn’t solve anything and it’s not her fault. He’s the boss so he needs to be responsible for whatever happens in the company. 

While Fang Leng is being stonewalled by Mr. Zhou, Xiao Qi has shown up as the new cleaner with the world’s smallest cleaning caddy ever at Mr. Zhou’s residence. She eavesdrops on Mr. Zhou and his wife’s argument: the wife is angry with him not being at home nor looking after their kids. His wife then throws out his shoe and tells him to leave. Xiao Qi wants to talk to him but needs to go inside and clean the place. Mr. Zhou’s wife hands her the vacuum and tells her to start cleaning, and Xiao Qi mistakes it for a cane. lol  Suddenly the doorbell rings and Xiao Wi sees Fang Leng on the doorbell monitor. She ignores the doorbell and runs to hide in the living room - just standing out in the open. lol Mr. Zhou’s wife answers the door and Fang Leng asks if Mr. Zhou is around. She replies that if he’d arrived 5 minutes earlier, he’d still be alive - erhm - she meant, he’d still be still here. Ha. When he asks when he’ll be back, she invites him inside as she’ll give him a call. Xiao Qi then keeps her back to him and starts pushing the vacuum around (it’s not on!), and of course, Fang Leng recognizes her. He grabs her by the arm and asks her why she’s here. They’re interrupted by Mr. Zhou’s wife who asks how he likes his coffee. Fang Leng answers in a normal voice, and then asks in a whisper what Xiao Qi is doing here. She stammers out that she’s here to clean and lifts up the vacuum for him to see - and then promptly asks him if he knows how to use it. XD He says she’s here to clean but can’t even use a vacuum cleaner. She repeats the question and he goes to show her but he fumbles for a moment on how to turn it on and the two continue arguing. C/Kdramas are convincing me that I need this Dyson stick vacuum. Lol But they’re quite expensive! Once he has it on, he starts vacuuming the floor while Xiao Qi just watches as she’s quite impressed by the machine. She then tells him where to vacuum and he follows along until he realizes that he’s doing the work instead of her. Haha. He hands her the vacuum just as Mr. Zhou’s wife brings him the coffee and asks if they know each other. Fang Leng says she happens to clean his house. She sets down the coffee and calls her husband. She then leaves the room and goes upstairs, but Xiao Qi wants to eavesdrop on the call. Fang Leng follows her to try to stop her but he waits with her right outside the door, and the two end up face-to-face. 

They’re interrupted by Mr. Zhou’s wife's loud voice as she’s still arguing on the phone with her husband. Xiao Qi whispers to Fang Leng that they were arguing when she first arrived, and it seems to be something that won’t be resolved with a simple apology. Then they overhear that he’s forgotten about their wedding anniversary, and she’s holding a bottle of Future Group’s first generation perfume in her hands. Xiao Qi suggests that they help them resolve this conflict as a big favor to Mr. Zhou. Fang Leng isn’t sure what she’s trying to say. She replies that some people have certain opinions and attitudes about certain things. However, that greatly depends on the mood at the time. If they can help them resolve their conflict and improve their relationship, then Mr. Zhou will be in a good mood and might even help him set up the R&D department. He understands now but that perfume is a first generation perfume, which has been long discontinued and they didn’t keep the formula. She reminds him about her keen sense of smell and goes to enter the room but Fang Leng grabs her by her collar and tells her to not go anywhere. 

Fang Leng knocks on the door and Mr. Zhou’s wife tells him to come in. She asks if he needs a fresh cup of coffee and he says no and then asks about the fragrance in her hand. He explains that this first generation fragrance has been a classic among their consumers. But the formula was lost a few years ago and they had to discontinue it. He then says that the company has a new project, to bring back the first generation of fragrances. He asks if she could lend him her bottle of perfume, and he’ll ask their perfumer to restore the original scent. She happily agrees and hands him the bottle. 

Back in the lab at Future Group, Xiao Qi is figuring out the top, middle and base notes for this first generation perfume as Fang Leng accompanies her. He pours her a glass of water but she blindly reaches over and grabs the beaker of perfume. He quickly places his hand in between her lips and the beaker – so her lips are on his hand. There’s a short pause before he removes his hand to grab the glass of water for her. When she tries to reach for a specific scent from a top shelf but struggles to reach it, he stands behind her and grabs it for her with ease. She turns around and they’re practically chest-to-chest now. They stare at each other for a moment before she walks away and returns to trying to mix the perfume with the right notes. 

Meanwhile, Xiao Bu is back at the museum and seems to have finished retrieving the necessary data. But when she tries to send a signal, it says “sending failed.” When Xiao Qi returns home she sees Xiao Bu sitting at the table about to ingest a large handful of pills. She stops her and asks her what’s wrong. Xiao Bu says humans usually take medicine when they’re sick so she was going to try. She suspects that she might have a computer virus. Xiao Qi takes a look at the package – it’s medicine for indigestion. My guess is she has an anomaly in the shape of one Fang Lie. ;) Xiao Bu says her signaler has been repaired and the system check says everything is fine but she’s unable to get a signal connection with their home planet. She then hugs Xiao Qi and says she’s depressed as she’s wondering when they’ll be able to go home. Xiao Qi says it’s okay as she still has her hormone-collecting device and waves her hand to show off her ring. Once the ring is full, then she’ll send a signal. Xiao Bu suspects that someone is blocking her signal, so she tries again and it just bounces back to her. 

At home, the stranger (the man who caught Xiao Qi when she almost fell at the party in Ep7) receives an update from his computer that Xiao Bu tried to send a signal again and she’s intercepted it. The stranger thanks the computer named Candy as she pours him a drink. He then says, “Xiao Qi, I’m here.” 

Back on Cape Town Planet, he was the mysterious man on the ship before Xiao Qi and Xiao Bu returned to Earth, and goes by Jiang Shi Yi (十一, Shi Yi = Eleven). He was the one who pushed for her to return to Earth and complete this mission to retrieve the Hormone Element. He had suggested that someone go to Earth and help her in secret through their Earth Hub, The One design company, but no one else wanted to go. So Shi Yi had volunteered himself to protect her and help her with the mission. When Shi Yi had arrived on Earth, he’d had Candy locate her coordinates and that’s when he’d appeared and saved her from Na Na’s shove. He’d also been the one who pocketed her earring when it fell off during the incident. Shi Yi was the one who’d used his powers to shove her into the pool. Shi Yi and Candy have been the ones who have been intercepting Xiao Bu’s attempts to send a signal to Cape Town Planet. 

The next day, Xiao Qi hands Fang Leng two thank you cards, one in Mr. Zhou’s handwriting addressed to his wife, and vice versa. The night before, she had used her powers to draft these cards. Fang Leng then asks Assistant Han to send the cards out to Mr. Zhou and his wife, and to book reservations for them tonight at the Rose Restaurant. When Assistant Han finds out that this was Xiao Qi’s brilliant idea, he starts complimenting her and starts high-fiving her and fails to notice that Fang Leng is being as stone-faced as ever. Fang Leng dismisses the two of them from his office, but when they leave, he cracks a smile.

Now at the restaurant, Xiao Qi and Fang Leng are watching Mr. Zhou and his wife at a nearby table, engaged in a cold war.. Eventually his wife tells him to apologize, and he says okay and then waits expectantly for his wife to apologize. The two argue about the other saying they were at fault. Xiao Qi thinks they’re having a pleasant conversation. Fang Leng asks how many pleasant conversations involve eye rolling. Ha! Mr. Zhou asks his wife why she’s returned all of his gifts. She says she’s told him before – she’ll like any gift as long he chooses it carefully. She then asks if he put any effort into it. He says it’s up to her whether or not he put in effort or not, so what else can he say. His presents include an electronic aromatherapy toilet seat (XD!) and smart housekeeping robot are all very practical, so what does she mean he didn’t put in effort? Fang Leng says they’re having another fight as their voices continue to escalate but then he notices that Xiao Qi has disappeared. 

She’s crouching down behind some columns that are closer to their table to really listen to their words. She gets a little grin on her face and then pulls out her phone to text Xiao Bu that she’ll be home late as she’s going to use her superpower to resolve a lovers’ quarrel. She then starts gathering her power to activate the Light Wave of Love, but it’s too late. Mr. Zhou’s wife dumps a glass of wine at her husband. He complains that he’s been here all night to chat with her yet that’s not enough. She says she just wants a gift that she really wants – is that so difficult? He tells her that she should tell him what she really wants instead of making him continue to guess. Xiao Qi continues trying to gather the energy for the Light Wave of Love but she seems to have forgotten something as it’s not coming out. Fang Leng finally interrupts the quarreling couple and Mr. Zhou asks if a busy man who rarely buys his wife a gift - is his girlfriend also this unreasonable? His wife squawks at him saying she’s being “unreasonable.” Mr. Zhou says she’s shouting in public, does she have no shame. He finishes wiping off his wet glasses and then turns to leave. She tells him if he leaves now, they might as well get a divorce. Fang Leng tells the wife to calm down and then Xiao Qi remembers what she forgot for her Light Wave of Love. She finally aims the energy at Mr. Zhou which ricochets off of him and into his wife, and everything and everyone is frozen except for Fang Leng who can see the flowers blooming everywhere. She unfreezes time and the quarreling couple are looking at each other with love, and the wife asks for a hug and he gives her one. Meanwhile, there are fireworks going off outside. 

Outside, Fang Lie and Xiao Bu notice the fireworks and water fountain going off. Xiao Bu comments that Xiao Qi must’ve been successful, but she’s glum about the fact that she did nothing to help her. Fang Lie asks her why she asked him to go out tonight, and she said that she was in a bad mood. He says then she’s thought too much and she has too many worries in her mind. He then tells her to look at him, as he doesn’t have anything on his mind so there’s nothing worrying him. Then his phone rings – it’s his mother and now he’s walking around in circles like a dog chasing its tail. He ignores the call but Mom is persistent and he starts whining about what he should do. Xiao Bu looks around and gets an idea. 

The two sit down on a bench and Fang Lie finally answers the phone. His mother asks why it took him so long to answer. He replies that he’s busy studying, so why is she calling every day? She says she needs to make sure he is studying and then she asks where he is. Next to him, Xiao Bu (offscreen) starts speaking in several languages (English, Italian and Korean) as different people, and ends with English about finishing their project tonight. Mom gets the hint and finally lets him hang up to call. Fang Lie doesn’t look happy even though she’s helped him out. He says he’s hiding in China and wonders when he can tell the truth. He knows once he does though, Mom will want to brainwash him and force him to go abroad. She realizes that he has his own worries. He changes the subject and thanks her for help. He then asks why she was in a bad mood. She says she was in a bad mood but since she’s seen him, she’s feeling better now. She explains that the difficulties she faces are too complicated and he’s the simplest thing on Earth for her. So helping him resolve his difficulty makes her feel worthy. The two laugh and then Fang Lie pats her on the head. She starts panting as she’s overheating. He asks her what’s wrong so she says she’s thirsty and sends him away to get her a drink. He gets up and when he turns back around to ask her what she wants – she’s gone. Xiao Bu in tortoise form jumps into the water. Fang Lie notices the tortoise and mutters that it looks a bit familiar.

Back at the restaurant, Fang Leng asks her if she’s seen the flowers blooming. She plays dumb and says it’s a gimmick of Instagrammable restaurants. She gives him the same explanation that Dr. Zhang did – frozen buds, lower the temperature, and then raise it to get them to bloom. She tells him to pay attention to the reconciled couple, who are still hugging. Mr. Zhou’s wife asks if he knows how long it’s been since he’s hugged her. Mr. Zhou replies that it’s his fault as he’s been too busy making money and neglecting the important people in his life. The wife then pulls out the perfume bottle out of her purse and asks him if he remembers this - the token of their love. She explains that she just wanted another bottle of this perfume but he kept giving her other stuff. Fang Leng reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a bottle of perfume. Xiao Qi gestures with her eyes for him to give them the bottle. Mr. Zhou understands now, and Fang Leng presents the bottle to him, saying that this is the bottle of perfume that he asked him to restore and it was delayed until now. His wife asks Fang Leng if that wasn’t the new project he’d been talking about. Fang Leng says it’s actually a surprise that Mr. Zhou had planned, including the fireworks and this restaurant, for her. (Giving him face, 给面子 gei mianzi.) Mr. Zhou says yes, as how could he forget their token of love and hands her the bottle of perfume. Xiao Qi is smiling gleefully at this. He then gives an almost imperceptible nod to Fang Leng. His wife then sniffs the perfume and gets this big smile, and Fang Leng says he’s glad that she likes it. Fang Leng continues that he thinks technology isn’t cold. In fact, it’s quite the contrary. In the future, Future Group will make a fragrance that can capture emotions, to create a product that stores users’ good memories. Mr. Zhou says that technology does give one surprises however… His wife interrupts to say that he should support the young and talented Mr. Fang. Mr. Zhou gives it some thought and finally says if Fang Leng can confirm that the R&D Department will bring more value to the company, then just go ahead and do it. Mr. Zhou says he’s impressed and then the newly-reconciled couple leave together. Xiao Qi finally approaches Fang Leng and starts dancing to celebrate. He asks her if the fireworks were her idea. She says yes, as she bought and released them. Then she asks if he finally agreed. Fang Leng loftily says of course. The official board meeting will be held tomorrow to formally establish the R&D Department. Xiao Qi continues happily celebrating by way of more dancing. Fang Leng even smiles at her. But then her stomach starts rumbling. 

Sitting outside, Xiao Qi is eating fried chicken (and has had several beers), while Fang Leng is on the phone giving instructions for Assistant Han to organize the board meeting for tomorrow regarding the preparation of setting up the R&D Department. When he sits down next to Xiao Qi, she leans on him and drunkenly tells him to stop talking about work at this hour, and then offers him a piece of chicken - but it’s a partially eaten chicken wing. Ha, drunk! He replies that he’s not sure why people like to eat this kind of junk food. She tells him that he can’t judge a book by its cover, as it looks delicious and tastes even better and then she shoves the chicken into her mouth. Fang Leng doesn’t say anything but removes his jacket and covers her legs with it. She thanks him as she’s much warmer now.

He then asks why she’s helping him. She says she just did. He says it must be because she likes him. She says if he wants to think of it that way, she’s fine with it. He says it takes two people to be in love, and it’s useless if the feelings aren’t mutual. With a mouth full of chicken, including crumbs all over her lips, she says he’s overthinking it as she doesn’t have feelings for someone like him… He asks what she’s saying. She tries to talk but she can't so she finishes chewing and swallows her food. Then she tries to talk again but then she has to take a sip of beer. He tells her there’s no use in drowning her sorrows and advises her to give up. He tells her to find someone who is right for her and live a happy life. She finishes sucking the chicken off of her fingers and then puts that arm around his shoulders and practically shoves a piece of chicken into his face with the other hand. He stops the chicken from reaching his face and says he’s not eating it. She’s quite close to his face as she asks if he can let her eat fried chicken in peace. Bwahaha. She continues saying that he’s so noisy. He repeats that he doesn’t want to eat it. She insists on trying to shove the piece towards his mouth and the two fight until he falls back with her on top – and her greasy lips land on his lips! Her ring starts filling up with hormones, and she mutters that he’s finally quiet. Then she falls asleep on him. Three sheets to the wind!

Meanwhile, Xiao Bu has just gotten out of the water (and somehow wearing miraculously dry clothes), and complains that the water doesn’t work as well as ice cubes as it took so long to cool down. She knows her system’s been fixed, but wonders why the temperature is so unstable. She sees Fang Lie’s text asking where she went. She replies that she didn’t feel well so she left first. Then she sighs.

Fang Leng drops off a drunk Xiao Qi to Chai Jie, who asks how much she drank to be in this condition. He says she had three fruit beers. (Low alcohol content.) Chia Jie takes her from him and he walks to his place across the way. Chai Jie then realizes that she should have pretended to not be at home as it’s a waste of a perfectly good opportunity.

Back in his own apartment, a pajama-wearing Fang Leng lays down in his bed and closes his eyes. But he immediately thinks about the kiss. He sits up and says with a deep sigh that it’s just an accident and it doesn’t mean anything. Then he wonders if she did it on purpose. Next he’s wondering what’s wrong with him as he’s wasting this time when he could be sleeping. So he lays back down but then he sits right back up. 

He looks at his phone and then posts a question online: A girl kissed me on purpose, what should I do? 
  • If she only likes your body, she’s not respecting your soul. 
  • What are you waiting for? Don’t miss this chance. 
  • Just do it. 

He says to himself, how is that possible as his soul is much more attractive than his body. 

He posts another question: What would the girl think after kissing? 
  • She’s anxious.
  • She’s excited.
  • She wants to be responsible to the guy. 

With a smug smile of satisfaction, he says he bets she’ll be so surprised when she wakes up tomorrow morning. 

The next morning, Xiao Qi sees that her ring is at 2% but she looks perplexed by it. Xiao Bu asks why she isn’t excited about this. Xiao Qi says she is a little bit excited but she’s not sure how she collected it. And she really doesn’t remember it. She says it doesn’t matter as the R&D Department will be set up, and while they’re developing the Hormone Elements, they’ll collect them simultaneously and then they get to go home. They’re interrupted by Chai Jie who asks what they’re talking about. Xiao Qi says they’re talking about how it appears that Fang Leng has a crush on her. 

Chai Jie then tells her that falling in love is like waiting for a bus. When one waits for a bus, it doesn’t come. However, when one doesn’t wait, one by one, the buses arrive. So Xiao Qi needs to seize the opportunity. Xiao Qi asks how she should do that. Chai Jie says, play hard to get. 

At work, when Fang Leng arrives, he notices that Xiao Qi isn’t at her desk. But then he sees her walking around and he actually waves at her but she only politely says good morning to him and quickly walks away. Fang Leng awkwardly drops his hand and Assistant Han notices this with a knowing smile. She later brings Fang Leng his coffee and he stares at her. She then starts smiling and goes to walk around to his chair. He gets nervous when she stands right next to him. When she starts leaning over, he says that they’re at work, but he still leans back in his chair and closes his eyes and waits. This isn’t real, is it?! Show, I’m onto you! And the music. XD

[Ep9She reaches over to remove the cup and saucer and tells him that she’s taking this. Ha. Fang Leng seeks out Xiao Qi at the copiers and she hands him the meeting minutes and then turns to leave. He stops to ask her if she has anything to say to him. She says yes, and then grabs another stack of papers for him - statistics, something he’d asked her to do. She’s all business right now which confounds him. 

Later, when Assistant Han tells Fang Leng that the meeting is at 3 p.m. but there’s no response. So he says his name a couple more times before Fang Leng is startled by this. Then Fang Leng asks him a question. He says that he has a male friend - and Assistant Han laughs at this. He asks if he can have friends with his temper and he continues laughing until he notices Fang Leng’s glare. He stops laughing and asks what about his friend. Fang Leng says his male friend was kissed by a girl. Assistant Han thinks to himself, oh heavens, someone kissed Mr. Fang! Fang Leng continues saying that this friend hoped the girl would give him an explanation, but the girl didn’t explain anything to him and suddenly kept her distance. Assistant Han immediately realizes that Xiao Qi has given him the silent treatment - karma. He actually tells Fang Leng that in this day and age, a kiss is nothing. What is there to explain about a kiss? Then he asks if it wasn’t his first kiss. Fang Leng laughs awkwardly at this and says he’s not sure. Assistant Han’s jaw drops in shock as he thinks to himself, Xiao Qi stole his first kiss! He forgets himself and says that’s awesome, which earns him a glare from Fang Leng. He quickly drops his giddiness and says if the girl who kissed his friend suddenly kept her distance, then she’s playing hard to get. Fang Leng scoffs at this as he says there’s no way her brain would ever come up with such a trick. Assistant Han says the most important thing is - if the friend has feelings for the girl - if yes, then be proactive and approach her if he can. 

Xiao Qi is at her desk updating Chai Jie that she’s been ignoring Fang Leng all day. Assistant Han sneaks up behind her and she puts down her phone to stare at him. Assistant Han says as Fang Leng’s assistant, he thinks she’s going too far. How could she do this to Fang Leng! However, as a wingman, she’s doing a great job as he’s fallen head over heels for her. lol! He then whispers to ask her if she’s playing hard to get. She’s relieved that he knows and says that she’s just done a poor job of it. He says she’s on point with her expression and emotional state and then he gives her pointers on the flip-and-wave motion (flip her hair and give a dismissive wave of the hand) to show her disdain. She’s then asked to go into Fang Leng’s office, and she practices this move as she's walking. 

While she’s in Fang Leng’s office, Assistant Han is writing down everything that’s occurred for his novel. lol In his office, Fang Leng brings up the subject of the fried chicken from last night and brings up that there’s a new fried chicken shop he wants to take her to tonight. She gets excited and even smiles over the mention of fried chicken. But then she does the flick-and-wave move and then says "fried chicken again" dismissively. Poor Fang Leng is confused about her sudden change of heart as she’d listed off the fine points of fried chicken love the night before. She says she has a long list of favorites and proceeds to list off steamed lamb, steamed bear’s paw and steamed deer antler, braised duck, goose and chicken, baked duck, goose, and chicken - and he asks what’s wrong with her. Can’t a fried chicken drumstick satisfy her? She says it’s just a drumstick after all. This makes him scoff and then he asks, can’t she take responsibility for once? He then says she has to stay loyal. If she didn’t like chicken drumstick in the first place, then she shouldn’t have messed with it or make requests midway. He’s the drumstick. lol! She’s confused. He continues passionately, she can’t keep her distance from the chicken drumstick without saying a word as he angrily points at his desk. She asks why does the chicken drumstick care? He yells back, “Of course I care!” She looks at him and he says, he meant the chicken drumstick. She says fine, then she won’t have chicken drumsticks from now one - she’ll have duck leg instead. This makes him huff in frustration before he stands up from his desk and walks over to close the blinds in his office. 

Fang Leng then walks to stand next to her chair, and leans over her. She tries to lean away from him but he only gets closer and closer. He asks what she is doing. She thinks to herself, why does playing hard to get annoy him so much? Haha. She's missing the point! She starts pushing on his chest to push him away. She says she doesn’t know what he’s saying and she has so much work to do. But she’s been dragged in by him to talk about chicken drumsticks and what not. XD She gets up from the chair and walks to the door but then she stops and turns around. 
She gestures at the chair, for him to sit down. So he sits down and asks if she knows what she did wrong. She does the flip-and-wave move along with the best eye roll ever! LOL! And then she scoffs at him before walking out confidently with her head held high. Fang Leng follows her out, to ask Assistant Han how an office girl has so much work assigned to her from him. His assistant says he’s not in charge of her assignments, as Fang Leng is the one who assigned her the task of liaising with The One design company. Fang Leng doesn’t say anything so Assistant Han reminds him that he has a meeting in ten minutes. 

Xiao Qi goes to meet with Mr. Wang at The One but is told that he’s out and to come back another day. She says that they’re supposed to meet at 3 p.m. The receptionist tells her that it’s normal for someone to be out of the office - and then the woman stands up and greets Mr. Jiang. Xiao Qi turns around and recognizes the mysterious stranger from the party. He asks if she’s here to liaise. She says she is but Mr. Wang is out so she’ll go back to her office and they can talk another time. He asks her what the project is and she can speak to him directly. She looks at him with curiosity. 

At his meeting, Fang Leng is once again proposing the creation of an R&D Department to the board members. Uncle Zhou is the first voice of dissent as he brings up the fact that R&D will create more costs for their products and he doesn't think R&D can guarantee the acceptance of new product concepts. He suggests that he drop this idea as they already have a customer base. Fang Leng refutes this by saying that they need to expand the customer base so they shouldn’t sit on existing merits and remain complacent. To Uncle Zhou’s surprise, Mr. Zhou agrees with Fang Leng’s points as he says that young people can bring innovation and energy to the company. If Fang Leng is confident in bringing more value to the company through the R&D department, then he thinks it should be approved. Everyone else is on board now, except for Uncle Zhou. 

After the meeting, Fang Leng wonders if Xiao Qi has gone home already. Assistant Han says she’s out to liaise with The One design company. As they’re quite hard to please, she’ll likely have to visit them frequently. Fang Leng tries to look unconcerned but Assistant Han points out that this is called “shooting yourself in the foot.” Fang Leng glares at him so he flees. Hehe.

Back at The One, Jiang Shi Yi (“Shi Yi”) offers to treat Xiao Qi to a meal. She says no but then he says he’ll take her for fried chicken and now she readily agrees to go with great enthusiasm. So while she’s stuffing her face with fried chicken, he just watches her eat. When he asks her if she’s in a relationship with Fang Leng, this makes her choke and deny it. Outside, passing by in his ride, Fang Leng happens to spot the two of them at the chicken shop. When Shi Yi is about wipe some chicken grease off of her face, she receives a call from Fang Leng. She quickly answers and then gets her stuff (including the bag of extra three orders of chicken) and runs out to meet him.

Fang Leng greets her with, “Didn’t you say you didn’t like fried chicken?” XD This fried chicken debacle! She claims that she’s an air sign, so her thoughts are inconsistent. Fang Leng looks around and sees a couple sitting outside and he takes the bag of chicken from her and gifts it to them. She starts sputtering at this and he just kneels down and lifts her over his shoulders in a fireman's carry and starts walking. He says, “Chai Xiao Qi, listen up.” Even as she’s protesting and saying that the chicken is hers. He continues saying “Starting today, you can only eat the fried chicken I bought for you. Don’t eat other people’s fried chicken!” She demands to be put down as he tells her to get in the car. She asks if he’s lost his mind, and he finally sets her down by the car. She tries to walk away but he only opens the door and shoves her inside and then gets in next to her.

At the cafe, Chai Jie asks Xiao Qi how the playing-hard-to-get trick worked for her. Xiao Qi says not only did she fail to captivate him but also angered him. Ha! Chai Jie’s dreams of getting rich by way of Fang Leng and Xiao Qi dating isn’t happening anytime soon. Xiao Bu says that getting rich overnight isn’t about the boss but their mother who wants to pay the woman to leave their son. And just like that, Fang Lie’s mother walks in asking for Chai Xiao Qi. Xiao Bu’s scan only registers her as Fang Leng’s stepmother and it comes with a danger warning. Both Xiao Bu and Chai Ji quickly point to Xiao Qi. lol, the traitors. She then demands to meet with her and books the entire place for today. Xiao Bu and Chai Jie leave wait outside. When Assistant Han sees that they're suddenly closed, he bemoans the fact that he was here to get coffee. He then sees Fang Lie’s mother meeting with Xiao Qi, who is examining a bank card. Xiao Qi thinks she’s here to ask her to leave Fang Leng, so she doesn’t let her finish talking and slides the card back to her and says she’s not leaving him as love is priceless. Fang Lie’s mother says she’s misunderstood. She’s paying her to stay. She wants them to work together, and wants her to report Fang Leng’s every move. So Xiao Qi asks for double the amount she offered - $10M and Fang Lie’s mother agrees. As of today, there’s 100,000 RMB on the card.

Assistant Han brings Fang Leng his coffee and Fang Leng wonders why he’s bringing him the coffee. Assistant Han then says that Xiao Qi is on leave and tries to leave. Fang Leng stops him and says he’s hiding something from him. Assistant Han tells him about Fang Lie’s mother and Xiao Qi meeting and that Fang Lie’s mother gave her a card. Fang Leng goes to see Dr. Zhang about this recent development. When asked how he feels, Fang Leng says he doesn’t think Xiao Qi is that type of person, even though she’s accepted Fang Lie’s mother’s money.

The girls go shopping with Xiao Qi's newfound riches and it’s mostly Chai Jie and Xiao Bu spending the money. Xiao Qi tries on a dress but when she sees the bill, she decides to not get the dress for herself. When she spots a store that sells headbands and she buys a yellow duckie headband for herself and a matching one for Fang Leng. Afterwards, at their apartment building, when he sees them and their many shopping bags, he refuses to accept it and pushes her away. He goes into his place and closes the door on her. Xiao Qi thinks that he's upset that she bought all of this stuff and only got him this measly headband. Fang Leng sends a message to Dr. Zhang saying that she’s working for Fang Lie’s mother. Xiao Qi sends an invitation to hot pot dinner at the milk shop tomorrow evening, including Fang Leng in the group chat. Fang Leng tells Dr. Zhang that here’s a chance for him to finally meet Xiao Qi. Dr. Zhang says he’s off tomorrow but he needs to work - is there a pretty girl? 

While they’re setting up for the hot pot dinner, Shi Yi shows up to say hi. Xiao Qi and Shi Yi exchange WeChat information before he leaves. Xiao Qi is having this get together because she thinks she offended Fang Leng. Fang Leng shows up with Dr. Zhang and Chai Jie thinks Dr. Zhang is someone named Mulong Yunhai. She says he’s finally returned and then she suddenly hugs him. Dr. Zhang is confused as to why this woman is hugging him. Chai Jie continues on about how he disappeared five years ago without a word. Dr. Zhang tells her that she’s got the wrong person as this is their first time meeting and he looks over at Fang Leng for help. Fang Leng says this is Dr. Zhang, a psychiatrist and he’s just returned from England after studying abroad for five years. So he’s not the person she’s referring to. She insists that he looks the same as Mulong Yunhai, except that he’s bald. So she yanks on his hair and finds out that it’s his real hair. She asks to see his right palm to confirm if he has a mole. He doesn’t have one. She screams that she's so embarrassed and then runs off.

At the dinner table, Fang Leng gets up as he thinks she’s continuing to show off her newfound riches, with lobster, abalone and steak for hot pot. He says he's going to grab some wine, and Xiao Qi follows him to ask if he’s still angry. He doesn’t say anything except to grab the wine, but Xiao Qi sticks the duckie headband that matches hers onto his head and says about the gift, it’s the thought that counts. She laughs at how cute it looks on him. Then she hands him the card from Fang Lie’s mother, and says this is the card from his stepmother and there was 100,000 RMB on it. She’s bought some clothes and electronics for Xiao Bu and Chai Jie as well as the food and drinks for tonight. So there’s probably only 50,000 RMB left for him and the R&D Department. He says nothing, so she just tucks it into his pocket. He asks her why Fang Lie's mother gave the money to her. She says that she wanted her to be her spy. He asks if she’s telling him everything now. She says yes, as she definitely can’t trust her. When Chia Jie calls to ask Xiao Qi if she’s found the wine, she quickly leaves with the wine. (~35:00)

Fang Leng slowly follows her back to the table and sees himself reflected in the mirror. He looks at the headband on his head and then smiles at himself. He’s interrupted by Chai Jie, so he quickly yanks off the headband. Chai Jie appears to be ripping off a wine label. She tells him that Xiao Qi bought them many gifts but didn’t even buy a dress that she really liked. There aren’t many innocent girls like her, so please cherish her. Fang Leng nods and thanks her before he leaves. She goes back to ripping off the label. 

Back at the table, pours the wine from the decanter and says it’s a 1982 LaFite bottle that she’s saved for special occasions. Xiao Bu scans the wine and sees that it’s 14% ABV and takes a sip and thinks that alcohol has no effect on robots. So she continues drinking more wine. Xiao Qi and Fang Lie are fighting over meatballs as she complains that he’s eaten the majority of them. Fang Leng breaks it up and tells his brother that he’s eaten a lot of food, and then gives Xiao Qi a large piece of lobster. lol 

Elsewhere, the Zhou siblings are discussing the recent developments. Or rather, in the case of Fang Lie’s mother - utter lack of development as she's annoyed that she’s pretty much paid 100,000 RMB to find out that Fang Leng doesn’t like seafood and loves dipping sauces. Hahaha. 

Fang Leng and Xiao Qi are now discussing the “intel” she’s provided to Fang Lie’s mother. lol Chai Jie calls for her help so she leaves and Dr. Zhang sits down in her place. Fang Leng asks what his observations are. Dr. Zhang says she doesn’t seem human as they’re complex beings. She’s so naive and one can’t tell if she has any desire or selfishness at all. She simply loves him. Fang Leng says she still accepted the money from Fang Lie’s mother. Dr. Zhang says yes, she accepts the money and then puts a headband on him. Don’t worry as Chai Jie told him that Xiao Qi has liked him for a very long time. Dr. Zhang says if it wasn’t for his icy poker face, it wouldn’t have progressed this slowly. When it comes to love, the worst fear is not indecision, but one not knowing how he or she feels. His friends and wingman can help him solve his decision but whether he likes her or not, only he can know. Dr. Zhang then takes off and Fang Leng looks at the headband in his hands. 

Xiao Bu starts short circuiting while she’s helping with cleanup. Her computer system says her body is failing to process the alcohol so she’s entering drunk mode. Xiao Qi sends her away and says to walk straight. So she starts walking and Fang Lie stumbles drunkenly after her. Fang Leng tells Xiao Qi that to thank her for her help with Fang Lie’s mother, he’ll take her to the mall. She gets excited but then asks if they aren’t closed at this time. He takes her to a dark and empty mall. When he claps, all of the lights come on. Xiao Qi looks rather impressed.

This recap mentions chicken 25 times with 8 of them referring to the drumstick. lol!

[Ep10] Fang Leng explains that the mall is run by Future Group. Of course it is. lol So she can come anytime she wants to. She asks if that includes nights. He then walks to the store where there is a sales clerk waiting. He asks for her to bag the dress that’s on the mannequin. It’s the same dress she tried on and didn’t buy. Xiao Qi asks how he knows this. He only says to pick whatever she wants, as he’s richer than she thinks. She then laughs and says to bag everything in the store. Xiao Qi becomes more interested in playing with the blocks at the kids’ table than shopping. 

Meanwhile, Xiao Bu and Fang Lie are drunkenly stumbling around. He points at the night sky and says this is his painting and he’ll draw a star for her. She says she can’t see it and so she puts her hand over his and uses her power, to start drawing in the air - it’s his name 方烈 and then she sends it flying into the sky. The characters get larger and brighter and then they disappear. Fang Lie is quite impressed by this. She says she’s even better than this. She then puts her hands together and then pulls it apart to make a glowing sphere float right in front of them. When it gets larger, he then swats at it and it turns into a starry night. He exclaims that she’s amazing. He then says that he knew she wasn’t an ordinary person. Her system shows her a prompt: Identity compromised - Taking him down by force? Yes or no? She selects no. He continues saying that she’s able to do things that most people can’t - as if she has a superpower. Then he says everyone is unique and no one can be replaced. She then says she was afraid he found out she was a robot. He says a robot is just a pile of codes, and she’s different as she’s unique. Then he looks like he wants to kiss her and he even leans in but then she stops him with a finger on his lips. He says no, as he’s looking at her neck, which looks like it’s on fire. They’re interrupted by his mother calling his name. Uh oh. She asks why he is here, and in his drunken stupor he tells Xiao Bu that this woman looks like his mother. Xiao Bu scans her and sees her name and says yes, this woman has the same name as his mother. The two drunken idiots laugh about this. Fang Lie walks up to his mother’s face and realizes - that it’s really his mother. He yells surprise and then tries to hug his mother, who stops him from hugging her. She then pulls on his arm and says he’s coming home with her. Xiao Bu says he’s an adult and she has no right to deprive him of his personal liberty. His mother sputters at this and then recognizes her from the video call. She asks who she is and Xiao Bu says she’s his girlfriend. The two then proceed to pull on him. His mother stops and pulls out a blank check. She tells her to fill it out and then stay away from her son. Fang Lie starts puking into the water. Xiao Bu says she’s not greedy but could it be a bit more than what she gave Xiao Qi. lol The two then start pulling on Fang Lie, and his mother wins. 

Fang Leng is now carrying several bags of snacks, as this is what Xiao Qi wanted. He says she could’ve bought anything but she got snacks. She’s even eating something now. *raises hand* Same! lol She offers some to him and tries to put a piece in his mouth but then she receives a call from Xiao Bu who tells her that Fang Lie’s been taken away by his mother. Fang Leng tells her to go home and then leaves. She tries to go with him but he insists that she go home and he’ll take care of this. Fang Leng returns to the family home and his stepmother asks if he’s the one who lured Fang Lie back here. He says that he’s an adult so he doesn’t need anyone to decide for him. She complains to her husband about this. Fang Leng’s father sides with his wife and questions his position in the company. Fang Leng asks him if he even remembers why he set up the makeup department, and what tomorrow is. Fang Lie’s mother tells him that Fang Lie will be under her watchful eye so don’t even think about getting close to him. *rolling eyes* What is wrong with her?

Xiao Qi knocks on Fang Leng’s apartment door but there’s no answer. So she calls Assistant Han to ask him where he is and if he’s contacted him today. He says there’s no way he would contact him today as it’s his mother’s death anniversary. And he won’t allow anyone to contact him today. Xiao Qi asks if he knows where he’d go then. 

Fang Leng is at the amusement, sitting alone on a bench with a bouquet of flowers. Xiao Qi spots him from a distance, knowing that he’s quite down. She wonders what she can say to him. She starts practicing what she should say on an Iron Man statue and loses sight of Fang Leng. He shows up behind her and asks why she’s here. She stammers out that he can cry. He asks if she’s looking for him. She says yes, she was and then runs towards him. He says let’s go and he’ll take her home.  She tells him to wait, as he’s already here at the amusement park, they should have fun. An announcement is made that the park is closed, and they should leave at once. She insists that he wait and then walks in a circle around him and tells him to not leave. She runs into the park manager’s office and persuades him to keep the place open. 

Xiao Qi and Fang Leng up doing bumper cards. And then they end up on a ride that requires pedaling to move it forward. She encourages him to yell to let go of his bad feelings. He refuses at first but then he does it. Then she tells him to pedal along as taking the deep breaths will open his heart and mind. He starts pedaling and then she puts her head right against his heart to see if his heart is racing but this makes them realize how close they are. She quickly says she didn’t mean it, and then goes back to pedaling and making the turn. Fang Leng almost has a smile. Finally, they’re on the carousel, and she asks if he’s still unhappy. He admits that he often dreams of the last time his mother took him on this ride. She sits in front of him in the ride and he’s seated behind her but it seems like he can never catch up to her. Ever since his mother passed away, he’s been coming to the amusement park once a year. But he doesn’t dare ride the carousel because to him, the carousel means permanent distance. Xiao Qi recalls a previous conversation with Xiao Bu, who was reading a book, that on Earth, children come to the world through their mothers. To them, mothers are bridges that connect them to the world. If one day, that bridge disappears, the child will think the whole world has nothing to do with him or her anymore. However, they’re forced to face the world alone. She had pointed out that Fang Leng has a bad relationship with his father, so that’s why he misses his mother very much. 

In the present, Xiao Qi transports from her current spot to one right next to Fang Leng. He’s startled and asks when she got here. She tells him that he should be happy even when he’s alone on the carousel. She says not to focus on just the view in front of him but also on the view around him. His mother would’ve wanted him to see those views. Also, he doesn’t always have to feel alone as he has her now. He starts smiling and then Xiao Qi rides without holding onto the pole. Fang Leng reaches over to hold onto her hand as they continue riding the carousel together.

Then the two start drinking, and in their drunkenness, they see dolphins popping up into the night sky. Their drinks expired some time ago… so they’re hallucinating that they’re on a ship together. The two have a Titanic movie moment as they’re both wearing British clothing from the 1900’s and Xiao Qi even has on a Rose wig. (~21:50. Yup. I’m not recapping this.... lol I’m cringing so hard.) When they’re hit in the face with water, they’ve changed to (kind of) reenacting a scene from the Wall-E. More cringe.
Once their umbrella gets struck by lightning, their outfits change into wuxia dresses, and that “Spring Rain” song comes on… (~23:50) Fang Leng is waiting with an umbrella in one hand, on a pedestrian bridge. (Bwahaha, the guy’s part of this song is so dramatic while the woman’s part is so pretty.) Xiao Qi arrives and the two hold the umbrella together. She’s sooo pretty here.

FL: Ever since my mother left me, I was ready to live alone forever. Ever since I met you, I realized that self-imposed isolation was a cowardly act. Thank you, Xiao Qi. 
Then he offers her his other hand and she places hers in his. She then lets go of her hand around the umbrella and shoves it out of his hand. He then puts his free hand around her waist and pulls her close to him. (Thassapak Hsu does not have the right hands (not tapered fingers) for this genre.) His heart starts racing and her ring starts glowing. As they’re about to kiss – they’re interrupted by water again. In reality, they’re sitting on a bench in front of a very large pink heart, and some kid is spraying them with a water gun. lol! The father comes by to admonish his son and apologizes for bothering them. They've been hallucinating! Fang Leng's head drops onto her shoulder as he starts sleeping. Xiao Qi realizes that she wanted to kiss him just now, which she chalks up to hormones. She pokes at him but he doesn't react as he’s dead asleep.
The next day, Fang Leng wakes up in Xiao Qi’s room which is a sea of pastel pinks and white, and he’s hugging a teddy bear. He reaches over to have a sip from his glass and realizes it’s a pink insulated flask. He’s confused. But he quickly gets up to grab his stuff and then notices Xiao Qi’s pictures of the two of them and sticky notes about doing things with him. (Okay, Show, so who took all these photos? lol) He pauses on the one that says “Make Fang Leng love me” and then accidentally knocks it in her hamper. Just as Xiao Qi comes in, he’s struggling to keep whatever article of clothing off of his face. (I don’t even know how that even happened. Haha.) She sees what he has in his hand and snatches the picture and note from him. She tells him that breakfast is ready, so he leaves. When she turns over the picture, it shows the back of the note which reads “Then I can collect hormones.” She’s relieved he didn’t see that. Fang Leng thinks it’s like a diary and she’s really liked him for a long time. To his surprise, he’s greeted by Assistant Han. 

Fang Leng asks how he’s here. He replies that Xiao Qi said he wasn’t feeling well so she asked him to pick him up. The five of them sit down to breakfast, which Chai Jie claims Xiao Qi made for him. Xiao Qi tries to correct her but Chai Jie stops her. Fang Leng then compliments her and then mentions her flaws. Xiao Qi is fine with this. She then asks what’s going on with Fang Lie. He says his mother has locked him up and confiscated his cellphone. He says it’s likely she’ll send him out of the country or make other arrangements but he won’t be able to make his own decisions anymore. Xiao Bu asks, then what about his painting dream. Fang Leng assures her that he won’t abandon him and finally leaves for work. 

After he leaves with Assistant Han, Chai Jie says that Fang Leng is already captivated by her. She now needs to start the next stage, being proactive and wilder – and she could even give him a kiss by force sometimes. Xiao Qi feels a bit shy about this. Chai Jie says a romance is supposed to be a transition from the mind to the body. Without dominance in action, all the preparation is useless. Like a hostile takeover? lol

In the flavoring room, Fang Leng’s team is having issues trying to create the Love Perfume but it’s low in quality and isn’t innovative. Fang Leng suggests that they not settle for less and continue working on this. Uncle Zhou is gleeful about their current issue and makes sure that Assistant Han knows this. *rolling eyes* Go away.

Back at home, Fang Lie is on a hunger strike so he refuses to eat, unless his mother releases him. He then claims to be sleeping naked. So she yanks off the covers and finds several bags of snacks in bed with him. lol She says it’s no wonder he had a double chin during his two-day hunger strike. She then collects the snacks and says since he refuses to go back to the U.S., then he can just stay in this house! He asks for his phone and computer. Nope. His mother just leaves with the snacks. He then pulls out his sketchbook which has a sketch of Xiao Bu. Suddenly there’s a knock on his window - it’s his muse, Xiao Bu! He actually tears up at the sight of her and quickly lets her inside. She’s brought him a backpack full of snacks. She then starts to grab his pillows and he asks what she’s doing. She says she’s taking him away with her. He says no, it’s enough that she comes and keeps him company. So she promises to come here every day to keep him company.

Back at the office, Xiao Qi is trying to figure out her next move but she doesn’t think she, herself, is tempting enough. She goes to the flavoring room to find something to tempt Fang Leng. She manages to trip and causes a loud commotion when she knocks over several bottles. Her hand ends up in the puddle of fragrances, and her ring ends up releasing the collected hormones into the perfumes. It’s all in the air now. Fang Leng comes in to investigate and becomes quite intoxicated by the scent. She starts apologizing and says that she didn’t mean to do this. He approaches her and she ends up backed up against the wall as she’s worried that he’s angry. He takes a sniff and then he drops down to where the puddle is and tells her to apply some on the pulse as he puts some on the inside of his wrist. He continues saying that as the blood flows, it allows the perfume to evaporate more quickly. He takes a long inhale and then raises his wrist to her face to allow her to sniff it. She does and says it smells quite good. But then Fang Leng gently cups her face with one hand, and the two are quite close now. He seems to be looking rather intently at her lips.
[Ep11Fang Leng slowly leans down and kisses her. They kiss briefly before she pushes him away. She wonders how hers (kiss) got snatched first. He tells her this isn’t like the fried chicken incident last time. This time it’s him kissing her back. She asks, fried chicken? XD Now she knows it was because of that. He tells her that the perfumes she broke were the results of the R&D department. So he’ll give her a chance to redeem herself. He continues telling her to replicate the scene as soon as possible - so start blending it. Oh, Fang Leng, you truly are the domineering CEO. SMH. He leaves and she touches her lips with the tiniest smile. 

Xiao Qi returns home and sees that Xiao Bu has paused a show on a kissing scene. (It's of OWGM's Yin Si Cheng and Gu Xi Xi again!) Xiao Qi feels exposed and asks why she’s watching this. Xiao Bu says Fang Lie wanted to kiss her when she was drunk, so she wants to find out the kissing logic of earthlings. She’s been watching this the entire day and has learned about the accidental kiss, love confession kiss, and break up kiss. There are no real-life “accidental” kisses! lol She asks Xiao Qi if she knows the logic behind the kisses. Xiao Qi quickly shakes her head. Xiao Bu says there’s no logic at all! Haha, that was my first thought. So if a person kisses you suddenly, it shows that he’s been planning it for a long time. Xiao Qi thinks about the kiss, and then says, so the reason why Fang Leng kissed her earlier was because she kissed him last time. So he’s returning the favor. Hehe. Oh boy. She thanks her for explaining it to her, otherwise she would have misunderstood her. Xiao Bu is very shocked and quickly asks about Fang Leng kissing her. Xiao Qi assures her that there’s nothing to be surprised about as she just said it’s a logical problem. She shoos her away to go study. 

Back at the office, Fang Leng is telling Assistant Han about the kiss - the friend’s kiss. He asks why would the friend want to kiss the girl? Assistant Han says it’s purely interest in her. Fang Leng denies this as it was only a short kiss. Perhaps it’s just being in close proximity paired with the right atmosphere. Maybe it’s just interest and attraction towards each other. He continues with the excuses and poor Assistant Han sighs at this. Assistant Han interrupts by standing very close to him and says that he’s always in close proximity to him - with a big smile - does he want to kiss him? Hahaha. I was waiting for this "logic." Fang Leng glares at him. Heh. Assistant Han says he understands now - his friend must be feeling stressed from his first love. He explains that as humans, when one likes someone for the first time, they’re unfamiliar with such emotions. One’s heart will subconsciously deceive others to deceive oneself in response to this new feeling, also known as self-deception. Fang Leng if he has any idea to prove that this feeling is pure interest. Assistant Han nods and says it’s simple - the eyes are the windows to one’s soul. According to Erlang Shen (Chinese god with a third truth-seeing eye): First of all, when you like someone, you can’t help but smile when you see that person. Fang Leng quickly smiles but hides it before Assistant Han can see it. Secondly, when you don’t see her, you’ll look for her. Thirdly, even if you close your eyes, you still see her in your dreams. These are the three truth-seeking rules for finding out if you like someone. Assistant Han thinks to himself that it’s great that his novel will have new material now. lol Fang Leng looks deep in thought. 
The next day, Xiao Qi is in the flavoring room trying to figure out what’s missing in the perfume. She then uses her powers to remove the lids from every bottle in the room, and tries to smell everything with an eye mask on. At this point, Fang Leng quietly walks in and she’s quite captivated by his scent. She’s sniffing and tiptoeing right in front of him as she gets closer and closer until their noses finally touch. His heart races at this. She continues sniffing and he’s standing quite still as he takes a hard swallow. She reaches out and touches his chest and now her ring is collecting his hormones. (~8:00) She starts touching his face before she finally yanks off her mask and is startled to see that it’s him. She quickly backs away and asks him when he came in. He hasn’t uttered a word and she notices that his face is red. She starts touching his face again and asks if he’s having an allergic reaction. He walks away from her touch and says that he feels a little bit hot as he starts fanning his hand. She pulls on him to continue sniffing him. She then thinks about the spill from last time and checks her ring, which is now at 10%. But it was 45% before. 

She now realizes that the missing ingredient is hormones but she’s thinking about how to tell him this. She says she’s trying to blend the ingredients and then asks if she could borrow his hand. He doesn’t give a response but slowly moves his hand, and she quickly pulls his hand out of his pocket and then puts an eyedropper of perfume on the inside of his wrist. She quickly sniffs it and says yes, that’s it. He sniffs his wrist and says it seems familiar but it’s not exactly the same. She says she mixed the ingredients according to the set ratios but it never seemed right, until she added his scent. He’s surprised by this. 

Back in his office, Fang Leng is reading about attraction based on pheromones. I knew it! Internet definition on the distinction: In hormones, this communication occurs between the organs and cells of one individual. In pheromones this occurs between individuals, outside the body. Assistant Han brings him the investigation report and then he sniffs and notices how good Fang Leng smells. Fang Leng isn’t amused. Assistant Han says that the majority of love perfumes in the current market uses animal musk, as it increases stimulation and attraction. Fang Leng says if human hormones can be used to make perfumes, their company will then invent a new type of scent. It can also allow consumers to have a new experience through the sense of smell. Assistant Han is surprised at the word “hormones,” and amazed at his boss. They’re interrupted by Xiao Qi who brings him his coffee. Assistant Han asks if she’s heard of using hormones in perfumes, and she acts like this is news to her. Fang Leng tells Assistant Han to tell the perfume department to change the theme of Dreamy Love perfume to hormonal fragrance. Then to notify R&D team to study on how to purify human hormones. Xiao Qi is pretty ecstatic and even happily punches Assistant Han and then Fang Leng on the arm, before skipping out of there to send her samples to R&D. Fang Leng smiles after her and Assistant Han reminds him of the first rule of Erlang Shen - smiling when you see the person you like. He starts laughing and Fang Leng joins him. But then Fang Leng deadpans if he remembers that this action will negatively affect his bonus. Assistant Han quickly stops laughing and gets out of there. Ha! Once he’s gone, Fang Leng returns to smiling and even laughing to himself. 

Later he checks in Xiao Qi’s work area but she’s not at her desk. He asks where Xiao Qi is and finds out that she’s at the R&D Department. He wonders to himself where she is and sighs as he checks the time on his watch. He then sees Assistant Han at his desk and remembers the second rule – when you don’t see the person you like, you’ll look for them. Later that evening, Fang Leng is in bed but Xiao Qi shows up on the other side. When she sees him looking at her, she scooches over to him, and gives him a little peck on the lips. He doesn’t say anything so she asks if he didn’t like that. His response is to kiss her and to pull the covers over them. Fang Leng wakes up to an empty bed. He wonders what’s wrong with him. He’s feeling quite hot…   Heh. (~14:05, Show is teasing him, and us. lol.)

The next day, Fang Leng returns to work and tries to avoid talking to Xiao Qi at the elevators. She waves at him and he pretty much ignores her. She gets a closer look at him and asks if he had a bad dream. He’s surprised by this and asks how she knew. She says he looks pale, and not well-rested, and then offers to make him coffee as always. She smiles at him and he resists the urge to smile back at her. Instead, he tells her to go work outdoors today and deal with some flowers. Then he tells her she’s prohibited from coming back into the office before her shift ends. lol Domineering lunkhead. She’s confused by this and when the elevator arrives, he gets on by himself. 

Now this lunkhead is asking Dr. Zhang to hypnotize him to hate Xiao Qi. Dr. Zhang says he can’t do that as it’s a strange request. Fang Leng says she’s already heavily influencing his daily life. Dr. Zhang says he has a suggestion: If he likes her, so be it. He needs to follow his heart. The more he runs away from it, the more it proves that he cares. Fang Leng argues that he knows about his amnesia best. He won’t have a future with anyone. This isn’t about likes or dislikes. It’s just a short-term emotion, and he’ll make a promise that he can never fulfill. Dr. Zhang tells him that he’s neither cautious nor responsible – he’s simply afraid. What if what he thinks is being safe turns out to be a missed opportunity. What if she really leaves? Will he really not regret it? Assistant Han suddenly runs in to tell him that Xiao Qi is in trouble, and then shows him the news footage about an auto accident involving a pink scooter - it’s hers! Fang Leng now bolts out of his office. 

He rushes to the crash scene and sees someone being rolled into the back of the ambulance. He runs to ask the doctor what her condition is. The doctor asks who he is. He says he’s her boyfriend. Ou? The doctor tells him that she’s suffered blood loss and because it was a sudden accident, she’s suffered from shock. She still has a pulse, and he goes to leave with the doctor. From behind him, a woman’s voice says, “Fang Leng, where are you going?” He turns and sees Xiao Qi walking towards him with an envelope in her hands. The doctor asks if he’s going with him, and Fang Leng says no. He then walks over to Xiao Qi and grabs her by the arms to ask if she’s all right. She asks if he thought she was the one who got hit. He nods and says that she scared him to death. She says she was trying to save someone but she soiled the document. She says that she messed things up again, and he pulls her in for a hug. How short-term is this again?

They return home and she suddenly realizes that she forgot about her scooter. Assistant Han arrives with her helmet and keys and says that he’s parked her scooter. Fang Leng tells Assistant Han to replace that helmet with a sturdier one, and then tells her to go home. She leaves and Fang Leng asks Assistant Han to find him a few successful love confession cases. Ou?! The lunkhead goes from zero to warp speed in no time. Assistant Han wants to ask questions but Fang Leng tells him the sooner, the better. He assures him that he has a set of ways that’ll guarantee success. 

Confession Attempt No.1: Fang Leng takes Xiao Qi to a restaurant and she notices how expensive everything on the menu is. Assistant Han is nearby giving the waiter the instructions for a single red rose to appear at their table. When Xiao Qi asks why he’s treating her to dinner, he says it’s to thank her for guiding the team in the direction of hormonal fragrances. The waiter appears with the rose on a tray with a domed lid. But when he goes to tell her a love story (provided by Assistant Han), a man at another table says that these 33 red roses represent their fate across three lifetimes, and his love for her across three lifetimes. The man then asks the woman at his table if she’ll be his girlfriend. The woman says yes. Xiao Qi starts clapping happily for them. Fang Leng stops the waiter from continuing and tells him to get the dishes. The server takes the plate with the domed lid with him, which confuses Xiao Qi. Fang Leng says it’s not a dish. In the background, Assistant Han sends the waiter away to buy 99 roses. lol

Confession Attempt No. 2: The waiter returns with the huge bouquet of red roses and waits directly behind Xiao Qi. So Fang Leng tells her that he has something to tell her. She becomes distracted by the cart full of roses rolling by behind him. She gets up to see what’s going on. A man at a nearby table says that these 999 roses represent their long-lasting love. It’s their anniversary! As the woman hugs the man, Fang Leng waves away the waiter with his now-paltry-99 roses. Bwahaha. 

Confession Attempt No. 3: When they return to their table, Xiao Qi asks what he wanted to tell her earlier. He says that he wanted to tell her that beef steak here is delicious so eat as much as she’d like. Ha. She digs in. He looks over at Assistant Han who is gesturing to his collar, and Fang Leng pulls out a jewelry box. A waiter walks by and Fang Leng asks if there are any more love confessions. He assures him that there aren’t before walking away. Fang Leng opens the box, and looks at the necklace inside. He says this necklace is called Wandering North Star and this was – he’s cut off by a man at yet another table who proposes to his girlfriend with a ring. The man even looks over at Fang Leng and says a diamond ring must be used to express sincerity, right? Fang Leng just snaps shut the necklace box in his hand. LMAO. The woman says yes, and Fang Leng can only laugh and clap for the newly engaged couple. He quickly drops his smile as he glares over at poor Assistant Han. 

When they return to their seats, Xiao Qi asks him about the necklace. He claims that he wanted to give it to a customer. So she offers to take a look at it and he quickly says to not bother and don’t look at it. He then receives a text from Assistant Han: “Mr. Fang, cut my bonus. This restaurant is something else. I don’t have a clue.” XD I'm enjoying his failed attempts though!

Afterwards, the two are on a walk. However, Xiao Qi asks where his car is. Apparently, Assistant Han had told Fang Leng that after a successful love confession, the most romantic thing to do is for two people to take a stroll back home. He had offered to drive his car so the two of them could stroll under the lamplights while holding hands. Back in the present, Fang Leng acts like he doesn’t know where his car is but he’ll ask Assistant Han about it later. He then notices that Xiao Qi looks cold as she’s rubbing her hands together, so he offers her his jacket and then puts it on her. He stares at her for quite some time before he walks away awkwardly. To set the mood, her stomach starts rumbling. Bwahaha. He asks if she’s still hungry. She says that portions were so little, and then she notices a fried chicken stand. She runs to it and orders several items, and Fang Leng offers to pay with his black card. She stops him to say it’s her treat and pays with her phone. 

She sits down with the chicken and quickly stuffs her face. He tells her to slow down. Through a  mouthful of food, she says that she doesn’t get it, why not give fried chicken instead of roses. He asks aren’t roses the standard for love confessions? Depends on whose standard! ;) She replies that fried chicken can be eaten. Once the flowers wilt, they have to be thrown away. But that’s not the case for fried chicken, as once you eat it, it becomes a part of you. And you can’t shed them away. He can only smile as she continues stuffing her face. She gets some crumbs on her face and starts wiping it off on her hand, and essentially, his jacket sleeve. She realizes what she just did and apologizes to him. He smiles and says it’s fine and has a napkin ready for her. She starts rubbing at the sleeve, and he notices the crumbs on her lips. He reaches over to wipe it off her lips with his thumb. The pheromones start flying around, which are collected by her ring. The two stare for a moment longer before he sits back down and she resumes eating her chicken. 

Back in his own office, Fang Leng is thinking about the fried chicken first kiss and confession. There’s a map of Xingqing Park on his desk with a little toy bucket of fried chicken and toy boxes of fried chicken, and he’s plotting how he’s going to confess to her on a bench with the chicken. He sends Xiao Qi a message: “See you at the park beside the lake at 5 p.m.” He’s interrupted by Assistant Han who says Mr. Zhao has arrived. Fang Leng quickly tries to hide his confession plans before Mr. Zhao comes in. Fang Leng gets up to greet him with a handshake, and the man hugs him. He says that he’s quite busy in the U.S. but he’s purposely dropped by to see him. He asks how it’s going and Fang Leng says that they have an R&D department, who are developing a new product. He asks Mr. Zhao to invest in one of them. Mr. Zhao asks if he’s still single and Fang Leng’s response is to smile. Mr. Zhao asks for him to hear the gossip. He tells Mr. Zhao that he’s sure that he met his girlfriend in Los Angeles last year. Mr. Zhao thinks about this and then says that’s impossible as he dragged him everywhere. If it wasn’t for meeting, then it was with clients. There was no time for a girlfriend. Mr. Zhao asks if he’s been scammed. 

Fang Leng tells him to look out his window and points at the Xiao Qi, and asks if he knows the girl in green. He says he doesn’t. Fang Leng asks him to take another look, and Mr. Zhao says no again. Fang Leng sees him out, and then has an employee give him a tour of the place. Fang Leng has Assistant Han go back with him into his office, and he closes the blinds. He asks how he did his investigation on Xiao Qi before. Assistant Han says that he found her apartment’s agency, and that she’s the daughter of Li Chun Jiao, the landlady. Fang Leng tells him to investigate it again. Uh oh. 

It’s 5 p.m. and Xiao Qi waits for Fang Leng. He’s nearby in the car looking at the report that says “family information is not clear.” He finally gets out of the car and she happily runs up to him. He asks her who she is. Xiao Qi asks what he means. Fang Leng says she’s not Li Chun Jiao’s daughter, and they’ve never met in the U.S. before either. He asks why she has to lie to him. She thinks to herself that she can’t say that she’s an alien, and even if she did, he wouldn’t believe her. So she tells him not to talk about this now. It can wait until she makes something delicious for them and she’ll tell him slowly over food. She asks if this is what he wanted to talk to her about. It starts raining and Fang Leng starts having a headache but he starts seeing and hearing events involving Xiao Qi with a man in a mask. (From the original timeline in Ep27 of S1, it's Xiao Qi with Fang Leng.) He says that she’s even held another man’s hand and she’s betrayed him before. She says she hasn’t and then tries to help him up but he shakes off her hands and walks away from her. She then sits woefully on the bench even as it's pouring out. Eventually, someone shelters her from the rain with their umbrella – it’s Shi Yi.

[Ep12Xiao Qi looks up at him and asks what brings him here. He smiles (more like a smirk) at her and then sits down next to her. He says that he’ll shield her with the umbrella. She thanks him, and then he asks her if she had a fight with Fang Leng. She says it’s not like that, and it’s just a small misunderstanding. He then reaches his hand into his pocket and then presents it to her - a piece of candy wrapped in pink foil. He tells her to try it. She accepts and eats it. He asks if it’s helped lift her mood. She agrees by saying sure enough, sweets can lift one’s mood. He tells her where he’s from, in his youth, sweets are foreign treats. Whenever he’s feeling down, he’ll have one and his mood is better then. Xiao Qi says she used to be able to have great moods. But ever since she’s met Fang Leng, she’s been worrying a lot. It seems like she needs to prepare more of these sweets. She asks where he got this from. He laughs and says how could he tell her - then he wouldn’t have a business. He then offers to send her home. 

When he drops her off outside her place, he tells her to let him know if she wants these sweets. And if she’s feeling down, to also let him know as he wants to be her friend. When he smiles at her, she’s suddenly struck by how familiar his smile is to her. She says it’s like they’ve met before. His smile falters for a second before he says, then they should be friends even more. She agrees, and he has her lock pinkies with him before letting her go. 

Uncle Zhou is trying to sow the seeds of discord for Fang Leng, with another board member, Ms. Chen. He sees her out, and when the elevator door opens, it’s a very drenched Fang Leng inside. Ms. Chen is concerned about him, but then Fang Leng greets her as Ms. Li. Uncle Zhou notices this and points it out to Ms. Chen, who says Fang Leng sure is a forgetful person of high rank. After she gets into the elevator, Assistant Han comes running up and fretting about the sudden rain and removes his own jacket for him. Fang Leng covers his mouth as Uncle Zhou is still nearby and can overhear everything.

The two are now back in his secret server room. When Assistant Han brings up Xiao Qi as his destined partner - Fang Leng tells him to fire her. Assistant Han is relieved that he still remembers her - and asks if he’s laying her off as he wants to make her his wife. Fang Leng just glares at him. Nope. So Xiao Qi gets fired from Future Group, and Xiao Bu tells her that it’ll be fine as she’s done many things that were out of line but he’s always forgiven her. Xiao Qi says that she has a feeling that he’s more angry than ever this time as he’s quite different this time. I understand his anger.

Back at work, Fang Leng asks Assistant Han to book a hotel room for him tonight. Assistant Han is surprised that he’s not returning home, and suggests that maybe Xiao Qi wants to explain herself. Fang Leng taps his fist on the desk and Assistant Han quickly starts looking for a hotel room. He tells him if he dares to tell her where he’s staying at, he doesn’t need to come in for work tomorrow either. Assistant Han assures him that he won’t. 

Later, Xiao Qi receives a photo of Fang Leng outside a hotel from an unknown number. Xiao Qi asks Xiao Bu if he really doesn't want to have anything to do with her. Xiao Qi sadly says that she shouldn’t have lied from the beginning. She didn’t mean to lie to him. Chai Jie says an apology will do. As long as the apology is done with a sincere heart and some affection, she’ll definitely be forgiven. Xiao Qi tries to come clean about lying to her – and Chai Jie says that she’s known from the beginning that neither one of them are Li Chun Jiao’s daughter. The landlady had already contacted her and told her that her daughter had migrated overseas. The girls are shocked, and Xiao Qi asks why she isn’t angry. Chai Jie says that she has lived with them long enough to know that they’re good people, and must’ve had no choice but to lie. If she hadn’t taken them in, then what would’ve happened to them. The girls hug her and offer to help her in whatever way they can. Two alien girls and their surrogate mother.

In his hotel room, Fang Leng has a video meeting, which is interrupted by the doorbell for room service. He lets them in and doesn’t see that it’s actually Xiao Qi. She rolls in the cart and unloads the cake that says “I’m sorry” on it. She also sets up balloons with the letters for “Sorry” on the couch. One of the people in the meeting can see someone setting up something in the background, so he urges Fang Leng multiple times to attend to his personal matters first but Fang Leng reminds him that no matter what happens, their meeting can be interrupted. When Xiao Qi gets her microphone working, she starts singing an apology song… and Fang Leng finally slams shut his laptop. He asks what she’s doing here. She says he’ll feel better when he eats this cake. He pulls out his phone to call Assistant Han to instruct him to get security. She tries to stop him and asks him who asked him to not go home tonight. She continues that he didn’t even give her a chance to apologize. She asks for him to give her 10 minutes. He says no. She asks for 5 minutes and he says that he needs to work. She says 3 minutes and he says he has a meeting. She says 1 minute and he finally agrees. She tells him to ask her whatever he wants and she promises to not lie.

He asks her why she pretended to be his neighbor. She thinks to herself that she definitely can’t tell him that it’s to collect hormones, so she says she can’t tell him. Then why must she pretend to be his ex-girlfriend? She thinks to herself, she was afraid her alien identity would be exposed so she had no choice. She tells him, she can’t tell him that either. Why did she approach him in the beginning? She thinks to herself, because she wants to collect his hormones. She tells him again, that she can’t tell him that either. She is failing so hard at this. He says that she came here to apologize to him but she won’t even give him a single explanation. He’s never met anyone as shameless as her. He tells her not to appear before him again, and if she does, he’ll call the cops. 

She argues that she helped make perfumes for his company, so she is of value to the company.  She recalls in the employment contract agreement, unless a serious mistake has been made, the company can’t just fire their employees. Also, those that are derelict at work - and she doesn’t fit into either category. I wish she would just tell him the truth? He wonders who wrote this contract but he agrees to allow her to continue working at the company. He’ll see if she can take it or not. He then walks up the stairs and tells her to leave. 

The next day, Xiao Qi is assigned to deal with The One, and everyone else in the meeting is concerned as they’re difficult to deal with. After many rounds of discussions, they still reject any offers. One of the executive says they should stop trying to collaborate with them, plus Xiao Qi has no experience with contract negotiation. Fang Leng decides that all of the projects with The One will be Xiao Qi’s responsibility. Xiao Qi has been too busy looking at Fang Leng to pay proper attention to what was actually said. As Fang Leng leaves, Assistant Han just wishes her all the best. She goes to Fang Leng’s office and says she was an errand person before but now he’s asking her to negotiate a contract with them. She’s worried about messing up. He says if she can’t do it, then resign. He tells her to go see Assistant Han about the paperwork and he wants results by tomorrow. 

Zhou siblings are busy plotting against Fang Leng, and they’re going to look into what made Assistant Han so concerned about something bad happening that day with Ms. Chen. While the “diabolical” siblings are having tea outside, Xiao Bu sneaks into Fang Lie’s room with snacks. But he’s finding these snacks to lose their luster as he misses his freedom more. Xiao Bu says she has some ideas for him. 

1) Give up his painter’s dream and listen to his mother. Then inherit hundreds of millions worth of property. 

He shakes his head at this as he won’t give it up as it’s his passion. If a person doesn’t possess any passions, even an anchovy won’t look up to you. She scratches off that idea. 

2) Completely cut off from his family. Become a pauper chasing his dreams. 

Fang Lie says in theory, it’s possible. But if the Fang family loses a precious child like him, his mother and father would both be heartbroken. For their sake, he can’t do this. She understands his logic and scratches off this idea.

3) This one relies on his acting skills the most. Outward devotion but inner opposition. His mother wants him to work with Future Group, so that’s why she’s sent him abroad to study finance. So it doesn’t matter where he studies. So he needs to find a place to study locally so he can continue to use it as an excuse to continue painting. 

He points out that he gets sleepy when reading a finance book. So he won’t be able to pass the exam, so there’s no acceptance letter to fool his mother with. Xiao Bu says she’ll take care of that. He thanks her and then pats her on the head. This sends her system into maximum heat overload as she's about turn into a tortoise soon! His mother tries to enter the room but it’s locked. Xiao Bu tries to hide all the snacks and herself. Mom has the key and barges in. She knows that he has snacks and eventually she yanks off the covers to find snacks and a tortoise. He claims it’s his only companion now as he’s stuck in this house. He lets her take away all the snacks and sees her out. When he returns, he can’t find the tortoise anymore. Xiao Bu has gone outside as she continues bemoaning about returning to this form yet again.

Back at Future Group, Fang Leng finds Xiao Qi falling asleep at her desk. He quickly catches her head before she falls right out of her seat. She suddenly jerks awake and asks what time is it. He tells her it’s half past midnight and to go home. She says she can’t as the cooperation plan with The One has not been finalized yet. Otherwise she’ll get fired. She returns to typing on her computer and so he leaves.

Xiao Qi gives her presentation but Mr. Wang (the one who’s been dodging them) isn’t impressed or particularly interested as there’s nothing special about this cooperation. Shi Yi then asks Xiao Qi to speak further (beyond her slideshow and rehearsed script) on the matter. She gives them her personal opinion. Future Group has studied their style of work before choosing them. They share the same preferences. So in other words, they exclusively want The One, and Future Group is also the one they need. Mr. Wang tells Shi Yi that he was correct, that Xiao Qi is quite capable. He finally agrees to sign the contract. Afterwards, Shi Yi says since they’re friends, she doesn’t need to call him Mr. Jiang, but to call him Shi Yi instead. She agrees and gets up to leave. But then she seems to feel weak and actually falls over the couch. He helps her up and asks if she’s okay and she says that it’s probably due to lack of rest. Before she leaves, he hands her a candy. 

Xiao Qi returns to the office and gives the signed contract to Fang Leng. Xiao Qi says that she’s going home to get some rest. Fang Leng tries to stop her but she says he has no reason to fire her now. She leaves. Assistant Han asks if there’s an issue with the contract. Fang Leng says that they did not revise any clauses in the contract. At the same time, during the contract period, they will not be collaborating with other competitors. Assistant Han says that shows that Xiao Qi has a way with words, and she’s been working hard for the past few days. She worked overtime until 3 a.m. yesterday. He thinks to himself that it’s great that the enthusiastic and resilient female lead had touched the male lead’s cold heart. So they’ll reconcile sooner than later. 

An exuberant Xiao Qi returns home. Xiao Bu is busy analyzing her system trying to figure out what’s causing her transformation. Xiao Qi asks that he won't be mad at her anymore, right? Xiao Bu says what other reasons could he have now. She then says if it doesn’t work, then she should send him a small gift. 

The next day, Fang Leng overhears some employees talking about Leng-Qi CP separating soon. An employee from The One has captured a photo of Xiao Qi looking pretty chummy with The One’s boss (Shi Yi). Fang Leng looks at the photo - it’s Shi Yi helping Xiao Qi up from the couch with an arm around her. (How did someone take a picture from that angle - the person would’ve needed to be inside Shi Yi’s office.) Fang Leng clenches his jaw at this.

And now he’s showing this picture to Dr. Zhang, who says it’s just a photo of their backs. Fang Leng is still suspicious. And jealous. Dr. Zhang suggests that he limit his interactions with her, but since she’s the one who got the contract with The One, he has no reason to fire her. Fang Leng says then he can have Assistant Han give her the tasks then. Dr. Zhang points out that they’re neighbors so it’s impossible for them to never see each other. Fang Leng thanks him for reminding him that they’re neighbors. He then calls Assistant Han.

At her desk, Xiao Qi has a cute kitty flash drive that she plans to give to Fang Leng. But then she receives a call and rushes home. Chai Jie is sobbing and being consoled by Xiao Bu, who tells her that Fang Leng has bought their apartment and ordered them to move out today. Chai Jie says this place was given to her by Yun Hai. Before he went abroad, she had even helped him sell it to Li Chun Jiao. She still believes that one day he’ll return to come find her again. So that’s why she stayed here and now, she sobs that he’s gone and the house is gone, too. 

Xiao Qi returns to the office to tell Fang Leng that it’s fine if he hates her but he must let Chai Jie and the others stay. He tells her that this is a deal between him and the property owner. She explains that he doesn’t know how much the place means to Chai Jie who is waiting for the return of her first love. She says he can hate her and even fire her but can’t he let Chai Jie continue staying there? He tells her there’s nothing in this world that can’t be done. To wait is to deceive oneself. Isn’t it better to realize it sooner? 

CXQ: There will be people like this in this world, that’ll keep waiting for another. You don’t believe in love yourself. How can you deny others their love?

FL: I don’t believe in love? The most unqualified person to tell me about love right now, is you. CXQ: Who says I’m unqualified?  

FL: Do you really believe in love? She doesn’t say anything. If you really believe in it, you wouldn’t keep lying to me. 


[Ep13Xiao Qi returns home to confirm that they’re all getting booted out of there. So they’re staying in the stock room of the tea shop. Chai Jie says since they’re staying there, she plans to extend the shop’s hours to midnight. Business remains slow, so she remains quite depressed. 

Later, Xiao Qi comes up with the plan to bring Dr. Zhang over to comfort Chai Jie. When she brings up her lost first love, he makes her angry, which is better than her previous state of moping around. She then goes to leave him a bad review, which makes him smile. 

Xiao Qi returns to work and Assistant Han can’t help her with Fang Leng - unless he wants to lose his job. Mr. Zhou contacts Fang Leng to let him know that his sister is very interested in Future Group. So, he’s invited to tomorrow’s family lunch. Assistant Han then provides him with the first batch of grants, which includes Xiao Qi as a perfumer for the pheromone project. Fang Leng decides to set that one aside and have him follow up on other ones instead. Assistant Han tells Xiao Qi that Fang Leng is concerned about the follow-up funding delaying the project. So he’s been worrying about the investment. Xiao Qi decides to work on getting funding. 

Later, she goes to see Fang Leng about the investment and drops off the “Manual of Procedures Regarding Loans Secured Against Nude Photos” and “Rules for High-Interest Loans.” He’s not interested. She then kidnaps some rich lady’s dog to collect on the reward for its return home. He yells at her to return the dog. She has more ideas and he continues shooting down all of her ideas…

Xiao Bu is showing Fang Lie the site for “Cape Town Normal University,” which is the number one university in the world, in terms of teaching staff and employment rate. Normal. lol She’s already prepared the admission letter for him. He’s impressed and thanks her with a soft pat on the head, which quickly sends her system into heat overload. She tries to take slow breaths to calm down but then his mother knocks on the door, and she’s shoved out onto the balcony. She promptly turns into a tortoise!

Fang Lie’s mother finds him reading but notices that he’s tearing up. She asks what’s going on. He claims that he’s in tears because of his studies. Then he tells her that he’s been too willful and childish. Now he knows that learning can make him happy. He then shows her the admission letter, and that he’s wasting his time at home when he could be at school. Her happiness at this is dampened by the fact that he didn’t apply for an Ivy League school in the U.S. He tells her that he chose a local school because he wants to take over the family business. When she asks about the ranking of the school, he tells her what Xiao Bu told him - it’s number one in the world. Then he says they only recruit geniuses or prodigies, so many people don’t know about this school. She’ll support him so long as he ceases pursuing the arts and gives up his dreams of becoming an artist. Mom happily leaves to tell his father. Fang Lie runs outside to look for Xiao Bu but she’s gone.

Xiao Qi is at the tea shop trying to figure out where to get an investment. Chai Jie interrupts to ask why Xiao Bu isn’t back yet. Xiao Qi has no idea either. Then she asks how her conversation with Dr. Zhang went. Chai Jie says he’s a very sweet man, very attentive, has high empathy and a good listener. She says that she almost left a five-star review. She then heads for bedtime in the stock room. Xiao Bu finally shows up, still in her little tortoise form, and asks for Xiao Bu to help her cool down. After an ice bath, Xiao Bu returns to her human form. She immediately asks Xiao Qi to rub her on the head. Nothing happens. She asks why it is that when Fang Lie pats her on the head she turns into a tortoise. After confirming all of her symptoms, Xiao Qi arrives at the conclusion that her head was cracked - meaning her central processing unit (CPU) has been damaged. So that’s why she’ll turn into a tortoise whenever he touches her head. 

The next day, Fang Leng arrives at the Zhou residence and is greeted by Meng Fei, Mr. Zhou’s niece. Ugh, she's back. She claims that her mother insisted that she come along. The family lunch includes Fang Leng’s father and his stepmother, who is less than happy to see him. Mr. Zhou explains that he was just singing praises about him. Meng Fei’s mother says that she’s heard about him setting up a special research department for the company’s beauty line, and asks if he isn’t afraid of the high upfront costs and the impact on profitability later on. Fang Leng says it was set up mainly to gain consumer acceptance of their products in the marketplace. As for a quick return on investment, it’s just a matter of time before it comes profitable. She thinks he’s quite bold but has great vision. She had hoped that her daughter would study finance so she could pass the company to her but she has no interest nor talent in doing business at all. Her uncle says that she needs to find the right person to take care of her, and she looks over at Fang Leng. *rolling eyes* I don’t trust her. Fang Leng’s stepmother says if she’d known that business required more networking than studying, then she would’ve brought her son, Fang Lie along today. Fang Leng shakes his head at this. His father says that he’s still young and should study more. His wife says she thinks that he can take over the company in a few years’ time. 

Meng Fei then mentions that they’re having a business reception tomorrow evening, and then offers an invitation card to Fang Leng. He replies that he has a meeting tomorrow. Mr. Zhou says that she reserved it for him herself, so don’t turn it down. Besides, the R&D department will need more investment in the future, so he can meet more people and expand his network. So he accepts the invitation. Later the Zhou siblings make plans to use Xiao Qi’s falling out with Fang Leng to their advantage.  

Xiao Qi delivers milk teas and cakes to Shi Yi’s home, and he hands her an invitation to the same reception. He asks for her to accompany him tomorrow. She says that she can’t as she needs to make deliveries for Chai Jie. He then says it’s too bad as she needs investment for the R&D department. She snatches the invitation from him and agrees to go. When she leaves, he opens the fridge that’s full of milk tea cups and cake boxes.

Xiao Qi returns to the shop and finds Chai Jie laughing at her tablet. She asks how there’s not a single customer in sight. Chai Jie says that she, gesturing with her chin, at Fang Lie’s mother, who has booked out the entire place again. Fang Lie’s mother asks her if she’s run out of the 100,000 RMB. Xiao Qi asks how she knows this. Fang Lie’s mother replies that she was supposed to report Fang Leng’s every move, but she gave her some other nonsense. Xiao Qi replies that she knows how he works, and won’t let others interfere. Fang Lie’s mother says forget it and then throws down an invitation to the same reception, and tells her that Fang Leng’s going to this reception tomorrow. So she needs to dress up to impress him, and gestures as the bags on the table. Xiao Qi thinks about needing to get an investment and having Fang Leng forgive her. So she accepts this invitation and the bags.

The next evening, Assistant Han is waiting to drive Fang Leng to the event. The minute he sees him, he asks where Xiao Qi is. This is met with a derisive look. Assistant Han quickly says that his bow tie is crooked and goes to adjust it. They take off even though Assistant Han seems to be waiting for Xiao Qi to appear – even though he knows that she’s not living there anymore. Xiao Qi is upstairs updating her collaboration documents on the cute kitty USB drive. It’s for Fang Leng. She’s hoping that her beautiful outfit and this present will make him forgive her finally. 

Shi Yi waits for Xiao Qi to arrive, and she does so, in this lovely pink dress on her pink motorbike with her matching pink helmet. She hands her motorbike to the valet person, and then puts her hand on Shi Yi’s elbow. He’s startled by this, and she explains that ladies will hold their partner’s arm to enter the venue, which is what Fang Leng told her. After they turn in their invitations, he stops her at the top of the stairs to show her something – it’s her missing earring from before! He helps her put it on and at this point, Fang Leng arrives to see her smiling as she’s adjusting the earring into place. Meng Fei arrives right behind him and asks if that’s the same girl as before. He watches as Xiao Qi links arms with Shi Yi, and when Meng Fei asks who the guy is, Fang Leng only offers her his arm. 

Inside, Shi Yi introduces Xiao Qi to a Mr. Li, who asks if they’re a couple as they look good together. She clarifies that they’re only friends. When she spots Fang Leng, she uses the excuse of getting food, when she's really going to say hi to him. Meng Fei responds wiith a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, says she looks lovely and Xiao Qi says the same to her. Xiao Qi asks him if she fascinates him in this dress, and he jealously says that she came with someone else so what’s the point. She tells him that she’s just met Mr. Li, as there appear to be several wealthy people here so they can surely get an investment. A girl calls out Meng Fei’s name, and it’s that annoying twit, Na Na, and she's with her parents. Na Na’s mother asks Meng Fei if this man is the Mr. Fang she’s been talking about. Fang Leng politely introduces himself to the parents, and the mother says that he’s not only young and talented but also good-looking. Xiao Qi smiles at this. The mother then says that he’s a good match for Meng Fei, which makes Xiao Qi lose her smile. Meng Fei softly tells her to stop joking around. The woman insists that she’s serious as they’re a match made in heaven. Fang Leng just sips his wine as Xiao Qi loses the sparkle in her eyes. The man then asks to speak to Fang Leng about investment issues. 

Xiao Qi tries to follow them but she’s blocked by Na Na who tells her that some people are made for each other, while others are not. Meng Fei tries (pretends) to stop her but Na Na is incessed and says that she remembers Meng Fei only invited Fang Leng. Xiao Qi says it’s none of her business and turns to leave when Na Na grabs her by the shoulder. She then asks if she got another rich guy to pay for her dress. Xiao Qi says to be careful what she says or she’ll get the hiccups. Na Na says don’t try to fool her as she won’t back down, so Xiao Qi uses her powers to give her the hiccups. She asks if she gave her the hiccups and then goes to throw her glass of wine at her, but then her heel breaks. At this point, Shi Yi stops time and transports himself to catch Xiao Qi as she’s backing away from the flying wine. Things return to normal, as he asks Xiao Qi if she's okay. She says she’s fine and waves off his hands. Fang Leng returns and Shi Yi introduces himself as the CEO of The One, which makes Fang Leng look at Xiao Qi knowingly, and Na Na sputters if she’s obsessed with CEOs. Meng Fei tries to get Na Na to stop saying things. The two guys size each other up, and then Fang Leng says it’s no wonder the deal came through so quickly. Fang Leng then introduces himself as the CEO of Future Group, and the two shake hands. Shi Yi says that he always keeps business and personal matters separate. He says it was all due to Xiao Qi’s own efforts to get everyone’s approval. He says he envies him for having such a good staff. Fang Leng then cuts his eyes at Xiao Qi and tells her not to come to work tomorrow. She’s surprised by this. Fang Leng then walks away and Xiao Qi chases after him. Na Na comments that Fang Leng really is jealous, which makes Meng Fei’s cold eyes become even more icy. Na Na keeps yammering on until Meng Fei sternly tells her to stop talking. Na Na stops talking but continues to have the hiccups. 

Xiao Qi catches up to Fang Leng as he's hanging out on the balcony. She asks if he’s still angry but he doesn’t say anything. She then dangles the kitty USB drive in front of his face and says that he won’t be angry when he sees this. Fang Leng turns to look and then shoves at her arm, which causes her to drop the USB drive down into the bushes below. He facetiously says that she must be tired after all of this hard work. She’s upset as looks over the balcony trying to see where the USB drive landed. He tells her that she’s trying to please both him and Jiang Shi Yi at the same time. He didn’t expect her to be such a tactful person. 

CXQ: I just want to apologize to you. Don’t be so rude. Besides, I’ve apologized to you so many times, yet you’re still not happy. 
FL: Apologize? Did you know that an apology is the most hypocritical thing in the world? And do you really want to ask my forgiveness or do you want to make yourself feel better? 
CXQ: I have to get your forgiveness before I can feel better. This is not a conflict, isn’t it? 
FL scoffing: Then your apology is too expedient.  
CXQ: Expedient? I came here to help you get sponsorship, but you say I’m expedient. If I’m expedient, I wouldn’t have agreed to Shi Yi, let alone come here, okay?
FL: Shi Yi? I really didn’t expect you two to get close so quickly. So are you saying you’re with him because of me? Now he's angry and jealous?

CXQ: Yes. I’m glad you know. 

FL: Then you don’t have to worry about the R&D department anymore. She looks shocked by this. I set it up because of pheromone perfumes. The idea of pheromone perfumes came about because of you. If that’s why you’ve been struggling, then from now on, I will officially cancel the project. You don’t have to get any more financial support for it. He then turns to leave. She calls after him.
CXQ: How can you just give up when you’ve held on for so long?
FL roaring: Because I hate the sight of you! She looks so hurt by his barbed words. I don’t want to keep this going. He walks away from her. Her face finally crumples as she watches him go. I can’t handle her face here. :(

Fang Leng returns to the reception, and Meng Fei quickly introduces her to Mr. Gu from Sanshu Technology. Fang Leng politely says hi and exchanges a handshake with the man. He then tells her that he needs to leave. Meng Fei asks if he isn’t going to send her back. Mr. Gu says if it’s not convenient for him, he’ll send her back himself. Fang Leng thanks him and then walks away. Meng Fei is peeved. 

Xiao Qi is outside looking through the bushes and grass for the USB drive. But no such luck. Afterwards, Shi Yi joins her at the table by placing a piece of candy on the light. She asks him if he finds her loathsome. He laughs and asks if she finds him loathsome. She says no, as she thinks he’s gentle, kind, and helpful. So of course she doesn’t hate him. He replies that he thinks she’s kind, cute and funny. If she’s loathsome then no one in this world is worth liking. This doesn’t seem to make her any happier though as she looks down glumly at her feet. He looks up at the sky and tells her to look at the moon. He says some people find it to be serene and beautiful while others find it indefinite. It’s the same for them, as they can’t please everyone. So just be herself. She nods at this. He then says if someone makes her sad, then someone else will make her happy. He then tells her to eat some candy. She unwraps the candy and eats it. As she’s chewing, she glumly asks why she’s still unhappy this time even though she’s eating the candy. Her poor heart is shattered right now. And she's not the only one...

Shi Yi asks if she knows why he carries candies with him. She shakes her head no. He says when he was young, he had no friends. Whatever happened, he had to take it on himself. Once, when he was sad he hid in the garden alone. Then a little girl came and handed him a piece of candy. She had told him that eating candy would make him happy. That was the first time someone cared about him. When he had seen the little girl’s smile, he’d smiled back. Xiao Qi says since he remembers this so well from his childhood, then it must be a very important memory for him. He says yes, and since then, he’s been smiling a lot as he wants to spread his smile to everyone around him. He says that as her friend, she looks her best when she smiles. He then offers to take her home. She asks to be dropped off a bit away from her place so she can walk back by herself.

[Ep14It’s a flashback of a young Shi Yi who is sad as he looks at his test - he's failed. A little girl walks up and asks him how is this something to be sad about, as she’s failed seven times but she’s still fine. She then hands him a piece of candy from Earth and says if he eats one, then he’ll be happy. She then eats a piece and encourages him to eat one, too. She smiles at him, and he says she has a nice smile. She then suggests that they become friends. He’s not sure what that means. She says it’s a term used on Earth, as friends will share delicious food and praise each other with all of their heart. But most importantly, friends should be sincere and never betray each other. She continues smiling at him. In the present, Shi Yi is looking at the candy wrapper and smiling to himself. He says that Xiao Qi is here to complete her mission, not to be bullied by him [Fang Leng]. 
While at Wubo Boxing Club, Fang Leng is quite aggressive in the ring as even his sparring partner is quite winded and laying on the floor. Shi Yi appears and offers to spar with him. The two guys start fighting, no holds barred. Then the two are laying on the floor and trying to get the other to surrender by grabbing onto each other’s foot, and they’re arguing about Xiao Qi. Shi Yi yells that he has no right to be mad at Xiao Qi. Fang Leng retorts that their matter is none of his business. Shi Yi insists that Xiao Qi’s business is his business. He warns Fang Leng that if he dares to bully Xiao Qi, he’ll kill him! Fang Leng says that he doesn’t have what it takes. The two then try to get the other to acquiesce by tickling each other’s foot and start rolling around in the ring. Hmm. Was there a point to this?

Today, Xiao Qi has decided to resign from her position at Future Group and is quietly packing up her personal belongings. Assistant Han gives her a romance novel as a parting gift. He encourages her to continue to learn and improve herself to make a comeback. Xiao Qi says the tea shop isn’t far from his place, so order more takeout to support them. Fang Leng walks by but he doesn’t acknowledge her. She pauses for a second and then returns to packing up her stuff. Assistant Han goes to talk to him, but when he brings up her resignation, Fang Leng doesn’t have much of a reaction except that he doesn’t want to talk about it. He just wants to know what’s on his agenda for today. Assistant Han tells him the schedule and they’re interrupted by Meng Fei who’s here to drop off coffee for him. Assistant Han isn’t sure what to think of this. 

Xiao Qi finishes handing off her work and then takes off. Back in his office, Meng Fei is telling Fang Leng about the details for the Future Group lipgloss photoshoot, which will be at the aquarium. Fang Leng is actually looking out his window at Xiao Qi’s desk which is bereft of any sign of her. Meng Fei asks for his opinion on taking publicity photos this afternoon and has to get his attention a couple of times before he says it’s fine. She gets up to leave but then turns around and asks since he didn’t send her home last night, isn’t he going to see her off today? He politely smiles and walks her out to the elevators…where Xiao Qi is waiting with her box of stuff. Fang Leng looks at her as Meng Fei sweetly asks her why she quit. Fang Leng says it was her own decision. Meng Fei says a real diamond never loses its shine. So no matter what company she goes to in the future, keep up the good work. She’s so phony. Xiao Qi just smiles and nods politely at her and Fang Leng, before getting into the elevator that’s just arrived. Meng Fei follows right behind her, and once the door closes, she drops her fake smile and starts telling Xiao Qi to know her place. She then warns her to not let her see her around Fang Leng again as she gives her a withering look. She says that a girl like her is just a pastime for him. Xiao Qi tries to give her a withering reply of her own but by the time she’s come up with it, Meng Fei has already left the elevator. 

Fang Lie finally leaves the family home as his mother helps him pack his bags to go study. Then he’s back in the studio and celebrating with Xiao Bu. She’s already found an art competition for him, so he needs to start preparing now. He says there’s no hurry as an artist’s mind needs to be fully relaxed so it can be inspired – and Xiao Bu throws a pillow at him. She tells him to not waste any time. He hasn’t painted for so long, so he’s out of practice. She forces him to sit in front of an easel and puts a paintbrush in his arm and tells him to start painting. Fang Lie’s jumped from one frying pan into another… Hahaha. At least it’s something he does want to pursue?!

Back at Future Group, Fang Leng hands some documents to Assistant Han and asks him to have Xiao Qi make the copies. Assistant Han reminds him that Xiao Qi has resigned. Fang Leng looks over at her empty desk and then ells him to do it. At the lab, Fang Leng says that the fragrance dosage can be more precise and then says that Xiao Qi is in charge of this project. Once again, Assistant Han reminds him that she’s resigned. Later, he calls Xiao Qi’s extension to ask her to bring him a cup of coffee. Assistant Han answers and asks if he’s missing Xiao Qi. Fang Leng asks if he shouldn’t disconnect the line of the employee who just left and then asks him to bring him coffee. 

At the tea shop, Xiao Qi is unable to keep track of the orders for the right customers. Chai Jie asks if she’s just tired. They’re interrupted by Shi Yi who has tickets to the Candy Art Show. Chai Jie says she’s thinking about adding candy to her shop, so she should go check it out with him. Xiao Qi agrees to go with him.

When they arrive at the show, Xiao Qi looks pleasantly surprised by the display of so much candy. She asks if she can buy all of these, and he tells her to pick out whatever she wants. She’s back to smiling and laughing as Shi Yi takes pictures of her, and then selfies of them together. 

Back at the office, Fang Leng is reminded of the photoshoot at the aquarium, which he’s not happy about. Assistant Han then receives a notification from Meng Fei who says they’re ready. Fang Leng says to cancel it as they have a meeting this afternoon. He then receives a notification from Dr. Zhang: “Your backyard is on fire. Look at your Moments.” Fang Leng checks and sees a photo of Xiao Qi with Shi Yi and he’s quite exasperated by this. Assistant Han says that he doesn’t like Meng Fei either but he did promise her so if they cancel and delay… Fang Leng interjects to say they can do the photo shoot, but change the location to the candy art show. Assistant Han says that’s impossible, which earns him eye daggers from Fang Leng. He quickly says he meant it’s impossible to change it right away. Fang Leng just tells him to hurry. 

Xiao Qi and Shi Yi are enjoying their time at the candy art show until a child drops his bag of candies and it spills all over the floor. Xiao Qi steps on them and ends up nearly falling but Shi Yi catches her with an arm around her, and this is when Fang Leng shows up with Assistant Han, Meng Fei and the photography crew. Fang Leng definitely notices Shi Yi’s hand on her shoulder. Shi Yi removes his hand and then asks how he has time to come to an exhibition like this on a weekday. Fang Leng says he’s here for work and asks what they’re doing. Shi Yi says they have their own plans, and goes to leave. Xiao Qi gives a polite smile and says let’s go. However, the photographer stops them and asks if they’d like to be their models. Xiao Qi is confused. The photographer says they’re photogenic, and she knows Fang Leng, so it’ll be good for them to work together. Meng Fei says it’s inappropriate at the same time Fang Leng says he likes the idea. He continues that their two companies are already partners so he’s sure Mr. Jiang won’t mind helping out. Shi Yi asks Xiao Qi if she’s willing and she says no and goes to leave. Fang Leng says one can’t build up chemistry in a short time. If they can’t do it, then let’s not waste time. Xiao Qi takes the bait and asks who says they don’t have chemistry. Meng Fei rolls her eyes at this as Shi Yi grimaces. 

Xiao Qi is now in a flirty white dress while Meng Fei is in form-fitting black one. The two vye for the better photo with a product in their hands. However, Xiao Qi is a novice at this and is a bit stiff. Meng Fei tells her three key points to focus on in photoshoots: image, appearance and figure, and gestures at herself - implying that she’s taller, slightly more curvy, and has better poses. Xiao Qi tries to emulate her poses but she’s too robotic. Meng Fei tells her that this isn’t for her, so Xiao Qi tells her to forget it and returns to being more natural. When Xiao Qi smiles, both the photographer and Assistant Han encourage her to maintain that smile. Wan Peng’s smile is one of my favorite things about her. The two girls then start trying to outdo each other and even block each other at every shot. Once this round is done, the photographer tells them to change their outfits. 

Now it’s the guys’ turn - Fang Leng is in a black tux with white embellishments and Shi Yi is in a white suit with black embellishments, to convey the manliness and femininity of the makeup. Right… The photographer suggests that Fang Leng undoes his top button. Why would he unbutton with a bowtie on?! lol The photoshoot starts and the competition starts. It soon dissolves into both men removing their jackets, then their vests and finally the bowties come off. Fang Leng then ups the ante by unbuttoning his shirt to showcase a deep V view of his chest, which makes all of the women swoon. Shi Yi starts unbuttoning his shirt as well and Fang Leng is practically unbuttoned down to his navel area, before the photographer tells them both to stop. lol Both guys offer to continue unbuttoning but the photographer says one more button and they can’t broadcast it. XD (~25:40, This scene makes me cringe and laugh at the same time.) 
It’s nearly time for the couples’ shots now. Xiao Qi brings Shi Yi a bottle of water, and trips into him as she’s not used to wearing heels. Fang Leng notices her attentiveness. Meng Fei tries to give Fang Leng a bottle of water, but Assistant Han takes it away from her to give it to him himself. Heh. When she attempts to blot some sweat from Fang Leng’s brow with a towel, Assistant Han takes it away from her, which makes her scowl. Bwahaha. Fang Leng drinks his water but has his eyes on Xiao Qi who is taking a sip from the water bottle that Shi Yi opened for her. Meng Fei now snatches back the towel from Assistant Han’s hand but she notices that Fang Leng’s gaze is fixed on Xiao Qi. 

They start round two of the photoshoot with Xiao Qi paired with Shi Yi and Fang Leng paired with Meng Fei, however, Fang Leng is still staring openly at Xiao Qi. When Xiao Qi looks over at the other couple and notices Meng Fei hanging off of Fang Leng, she then starts placing her own arm on Shi Yi for the shots. Now both Xiao Qi and Fang Leng are jealous of the other’s attention on their partners. The photographer asks Xiao Qi to raise a leg for a more playful shot which she attempts with one foot lifted forward but it makes her teeter backwards and Fang Leng quickly catches her. The two stare at each other as the photographer continues snapping away. The photographer is very pleased as he says this is the CP he wants. He then suggests they swap partners, as Meng Fei to be paired with Shi Yi. Xiao Qi objects to this. Meng Fei says that she and Fang Leng are great together. Fang Leng says they shouldn’t swap partners but he guesses that he’s trying to get the best shot. Bwahaha. Sneaky CEO. The photographer nods at this, and so Fang Leng asks if she’s afraid. She takes the bait and rises to the challenge. 

The photographer tells the extras Shi Yi and Meng Fei to take a break, which makes Meng Fei walk off in a huff and Shi Yi reluctantly joins her. The photographer tells our original couple to stand closer to each other but Xiao Qi won’t budge. So Fang Leng pulls her to his side and leaves his hand on her shoulder. He asks her why she’s so distant and if she’s feeling guilty. She replies what she has to feel guilty about as she hasn’t done anything wrong. She then spins away from him. He then tells her that since she’s left the company, their productivity has gone up by 25%.

This makes her sneer and sputter at him but the photographer tells them to mind their expressions. Ha. Her sneer. (GIF in comments.) Xiao Qi is forced to change her sneer into a tight smile instead. Fang Leng brings up the fact that she left without saying a word to him. He asks if she liaised with Assistant Han. She says that she’s passed all of her work to him. Every single one of them. 

He puts his arm around her again and softly asks, what about him? She cuts her eyes at him for a second before remembering to smile for the camera. He looks at her tenderly as he says she usually brings him coffee and prepared documents. He asks if she checked with him before she left. She jerks out of his arm and walks around to the other side of him and tells him to stop being ridiculous. He’s the one who said he hated her so he should be happy that she left, and then she turns her back to him. He reaches around to swing her around to face him and into his arms, and then he says emotionally that it was said in anger. She's surprised and looks up into his eyes as he stares back at her. It’s as if time stopped and they’re alone in the world – until the photographer tells them to look at the camera. She realizes her hands are on his chest and he smiles at this. She avoids looking into his eyes now. The two turn to face the camera, and soon they’re both sporting a cute little smile. (~28:45, sweet with a tinge of sadness.) 
The two try to not sneak peeks at each other but they’re not succeeding. The photographer continues taking shots of them doing various cute poses and asks them to be more affectionate. So cute! A concerned-looking Shi Yi and angry-looking Meng Fei watch them from the sidelines. Meng Fei chides Shi Yi for letting his woman get so close to someone else. Shi Yi retorts, isn't she as well? She doesn’t have a response - just a sour expression. 

Fang Lie struggles to find inspiration to paint anything. Xiao Bu tells him to think of something that makes his heart flutter. He looks at her and when she smiles at him, he realizes that he knows what makes his heart flutter. She asks what it is and he asks if it would be appropriate to say it out loud as he continues looking into her eyes. She smiles and starts fanning herself as she’s getting overheated already, and tells him that he can say it. He whispers, first place trophy. This cools her down immediately. LOL! She sits down and wonders why she got so overheated and then suddenly cooled down as Fang Lie continues chanting about first place. When his mother calls, he freaks out as he’s so late in returning home. She assures him that she’ll show him a shortcut and he’ll be home in five minutes. When he goes to pat her on the head, she stops his hand from touching her head, and warns him to not touch her head anymore. But then she grabs his hand and they take off running hand-in-hand. Fang Lie notices that they’re still holding hands, and asks what kind of logic is this that he can’t touch her head but they’re holding hands. She says she doesn’t care, but don’t touch her head.

The photoshoot wraps up and Xiao Qi returns to ignoring Fang Leng. Shi Yi asks if they go to dinner and she agrees and leaves to change her clothes. Afterwards, Meng Fei confronts Xiao Qi about having the knack for spoiling her day. She tells her if she can give up on Fang Leng, then she will introduce her to other rich men. Xiao Qi tells her thanks but no thanks and then goes to leave. But Meng Fei stops her to tell her to be realistic as Fang Leng will definitely choose someone who can help him, not an ordinary delivery girl like her. Besides, in terms of background and appearance, how can she compare with her? Xiao Qi asks why she looks down on people who work – because they don’t wink and squeeze fake tears like hers? Meng Fei takes offense at this. Xiao Qi says there’s only the two of them here, so who else could she be referring to. Then she asks her to stop bringing up her family, as without her family, who cares about her, and who would recognize her. No one would recognize her in a crowd as she’s a nobody. She sputters at this but Xiao Qi says she’s beautiful (I think she isn’t because of her dead eyes) but what’s the point as there are plenty of beautiful people like her out there. Xiao Qi then says her makeup looks cakey before she walks away from her. Heh.

Xiao Qi sighs in relief that she recited it all correctly. Shi Yi says her name and they go to leave together. Meng Fei sees Fang Leng making his way over and she suddenly feigns a sprained ankle. Shi Yi rolls his eyes at this as Fang Leng asks what’s going on. Xiao Qi says sarcastically, “Wow, Mr. Fang is so kind. Then please take care of your pretty girlfriend who is worthy of you.” She then turns to Shi Yi and says let’s go. As Fang Leng watches her walk away, Meng Fei seizes the opportunity to say that she’s sprained her ankle and it hurts. He looks at her with a bit of derision and asks if she’s fine. She asks if he could take her to the hospital as she continues pretending to be in pain. He says, “Ms. Chen, you’ve overacted.” Then he walks away. Buh-bye!

Fang Leng is driving and replaying recent events in his head, namely, Shi Yi’s hand on Xiao Qi’s shoulder and how he’d knocked the USB drive out of Xiao Qi’s hand over that balcony. Her words about her apologizing to him so many times makes him finally stop and turn the car around. He returns to where the reception was and searches through the same bushes for the USB drive. After a while, he finally sits down as he’s unable to find it. It’s actually right next to his feet, as it’s fallen through the grate, tucked perfectly out of sight.

[Ep15Shi Yi walks Xiao Qi home and says that they ate so many sweets today, so hopefully she’s cheered up. She asks if he thinks she’s upset. He comments that she’s had an awkward smile since they’ve left the exhibition. She says that she’s had fun today but she kind of misses home as she’s been away from home. She looks up at the sky and says “take me home” over and over. She realizes that she’s being weird and tells him to ignore it. Shi Yi thinks to himself that he’ll definitely take her back home. 

Shi Yi returns home and asks his AI assistant, Candy if she misses home. Did he pick her name or just coincidental? She replies that she’s a robot without emotions or mood swings. Suddenly a call comes in from the Cape Town Chief, and he appears by hologram in his living room. Chief asks how the mission is going. Shi Yi says that he’s still looking for opportunities to approach Fang Leng, and at the same time, trying to help No. 7. The Chief reprimands him for being on Earth for so long yet he hasn’t secured the Hormone Element. He reminds him that if he wants to be the next leader, he’ll need to keep his promise. 

Back at the tea shop, Xiao Bu learns from Xiao Qi that Fang Leng is dating Meng Fei. Since she can no longer collect his hormones, this mission is a total failure. The girls are eating bowls of instant noodles and Xiao Qi adds vinegar to hers. Chi chu = eating vinegar, ergo jealous. Xiao Bu says then in a few days' time, when they find out it’s been a failure, Cape Town will send someone to pick them up. Xiao Qi is angrily jabbing at her noodles with her chopsticks and wondering why they’re still not ready. Xiao Bu asks why she’s so angry, and shouldn’t she be happy to go home so he can’t bully her anymore. Xiao Qi says she’s quite happy and overjoyed. However, seeing the two of them annoys her so much and then she takes a bite of her hot noodles. Xiao Bu checks her temp and says she doesn’t have a fever. So she analyzes her data, and it shows her that Xiao Qi is frustrated because a man is with another woman, meaning she’s jealous. She asks if she’s jealous. Xiao Qi says yes, she’s chi chu as she pours more vinegar into her noodles and then dumps the rest of the vinegar into Xiao Bu’s bowl. When she thinks about Fang Leng with Meng Fei, she starts muttering about how she’s helped him with the proposal, and everything else. Who does he think he is?  But then she realizes that her USB drive is still missing. 

Back at home, Fang Leng is accessing the USB drive and looking through its contents on his computer and smiling about it. Oh, so he did find it! 

The next day, Fang Leng tells Assistant Han to contact Xiao Qi and tell her to return to the company as soon as possible. The proposal needs to be revised. *facepalm* Assistant Han tells him that he’s told him many times, Xiao Qi has resigned. Fang Leng looks at him and tells him to go. Assistant Han smiles as he understands what this means now. At the tea shop, Xiao Qi tells Assistant Han that she’s not his employee. Why should she help him with the proposal? Assistant Han says that’s just an excuse, as he actually regrets it now and wants her back. She asks if the proposal wasn’t in her USB drive, so how did he see it? He explains that after the photoshoot yesterday, he went looking for it. It’s the first time he’s seen him so anxious. He tells her that she doesn’t have to feel touched, just go back with him. She tells him that she doesn’t want to go – does he think she’s stupid? Why go back and be bullied by him? She returns to her work at the tea shop.

Fang Leng asks Assistant Han what she said. He says that she wants her USB back and it cost 200 RMB and it’s quite expensive. She also said she’s quite busy, and she doesn’t want him to disturb her all the time. Assistant Han then suggests that he order takeout from the shop as she does the deliveries. Fang Leng pulls out his phone but he doesn’t know how to order from his phone. He tells Assistant Han to teach him. Ha! 

A large order arrives at the tea shop: 7 milk teas and 7 slices of cake. Xiao Bu notices that it’s from Fang Leng. Nincompoop. Why not use a different name? Xiao Qi wonders what’s wrong with him - first he asked for her to revise the proposal and now he’s ordered so much food. She scoffs at this and then walks away to get started. Fang Leng is waiting in the lobby for the delivery and he’s pacing back and forth in anticipation. When he spots the pink motorbike with its matching driver, he smiles and pretends to be not waiting for it. She brings in the delivery and taps him on the shoulder. He turns around and it’s actually Xiao Bu! He asks if Xiao Qi doesn’t usually do the deliveries. Xiao Bu says that she happened to be free today so she’s doing it now. And if he places more orders, she’ll be delivering it anyway. She gives him a smile and then turns to leave. But she turns back and pulls on her right lower eyelid and then sticks out her tongue at him before finally walking away. Akanbe! [A Japanese expression to taunt, or an insult.] Assistant Han’s been recording this interaction from nearby and thinks that the boss can’t do anything. He’s a bit entertained by this but stops immediately when Fang Leng glares at him through the camera lens and yells at him to get over there. Ha! Fang Leng then orders him to eat all of the food. No food waste! 

Fang Lie calls to ask his brother why he’s transferred all of this money into his account. Fang Leng says to treat it as his living expenses as he’s just ran away from home and he has a girlfriend. So he’ll need to spend money. And then he suddenly encourages him to go on a date right now with his girlfriend. Take her somewhere unique, and the longer, the better and don’t come back before 11 p.m. Ah. XD Get rid of the stand-in.

He sends in another order, and Xiao Qi sees his order and calls for Xiao Bu. Chai Jie tells her that Fang Lie asked Xiao Bu to go on a date at the technology exhibition, so she gave her a day off today. She finds this to be so romantic. Xiao Qi says then she’s not doing the deliveries. Chai Jie says young people need to know priorities. How can one let work get in the way of dating? LMAO! Xiao Qi says if she’s not doing the deliveries, then - and with a whine in her voice - she has to, and she doesn’t want to see Fang Leng. Chai Jie solves the issue, but not taking his order - and unplugs the connection. Haha. Okay, so no need to pay the bills now? Xiao Qi asks if she’s serious about this. Chai Jie says of course, and he’ll need to do more than this if he wants to see her. Xiao Qi hugs her for this. 

Fang Leng shows up at the shop looking for Xiao Qi. Chai Jie sees him and sighs that he didn’t even bring flowers. She says he’s insincere and then asks if he’s there to see their Xiao Qi. He says he was in the area after work. She says as their shop’s super VIP, he’s welcome here. But as Xiao Qi’s friend, there are some things that she must say. How could he make her so sad? First, he kicked her out of the company and her home. That wasn’t enough as he then said that he hated her.  She asks what does he take her for - someone he can drive away as he wishes? Fang Leng replies that she lied to him first, so why is it his fault now. She says she’s a kind and naive girl, and if she lied, then she must’ve had her own reasons to do so. They’ve been together for so long, how does he not have even the most basic trust in her? They’re interrupted by Xiao Qi who asks about the tray of milk tea. Chai Jie waves her away. Fang Leng tries to walk over to her but Chai Jie keeps him there as she’s not done with him. Is anyone going to give Fang Leng a break for being rightfully angry for being lied to though? 

Chai Jie says as the boss of a huge company, at least he’s learned about emotion management, right? Don’t quarrel or let their relationship turn sour over trivial matters. Fang Leng keeps his watchful gaze on Xiao Qi’s location. She says he should learn from her - she remains calm and at ease no matter who it is. Then Dr. Zhang shows up and Fang Leng slips away. She becomes defensive as she asks Dr. Zhang if he’s here to insult her further. She doesn’t let him get in a word edgewise, so he finally stops trying to say anything and lets her finish talking. When she’s done, he apologizes and invites her to the new Rose Restaurant that she’s been wanting to try, for tomorrow, as an apology. 

Fang Leng follows Xiao Qi upstairs, and she tells him to put the USB drive on the table and then tries to walk around him. He blocks her from leaving, as he tells her that he’s read her proposal. But then he says that she’s been at the company for so long yet her proposals haven’t improved at all. He continues going on about how to write a proper proposal… lol! He says as the boss it is normal for him to correct his employee. She then collects the glasses on the table and tells him to take his time and walks away from him. He gets closer to herHe walks closer to her and she backs away from him. She tells him to keep his distance as he has a girlfriend now. He asks, girlfriend? She says Chen Meng Fei, and if she sees her next to him, she’ll give her trouble again. She can’t handle it so she’ll stay away. He smiles and tells her that they’re just work partners. She’s not his girlfriend. Xiao Qi repeats the last sentence and looks surprised by this. But then she averts her face and gives a little smile. She stifles the smile before turning back to him, to ask if he’s lying to her. He replies that they’ve been together for so long. She lied to him, has he ever lied to her? She thinks about this and then says that she’s going back to work. But she’s got a little smile as she’s walking away from him. 

Fang Lie and Xiao Bu are at the museum, and he says that he’s here to collect material for inspiration. He’s taking pictures of Xiao Bu and says it’s all for inspiration. When she spots an exhibit on the love between human and robot, she gets curious. She overhears a nearby couple saying that it’s ridiculous for a human to fall in love with a robot, as robots don’t have emotions.  She corrects them by saying that advanced robots are capable of emotional thinking, and there’s no difference than normal humans. The woman argues that no matter how advanced a program is, it still doesn’t have a human heart. So falling in love without a heart is deception. The couple leave and it makes Xiao Bu pensive. Fang Lie says that dating a robot would be cool. She asks if he’s okay with the fact that robots have no heart. He replies that heart and sincerity are two completely different things. Humans with hearts can also be cruel. A robot with a heart can be sincere. She smiles at this and says she agrees with him. When he goes to pat her head, she blocks him from doing so. So he squats down next to her and places her hand on top of his head and has her pat his head as he looks up at her! Squeeeeeee. Why are they so cute?! (~20:20) She grins as she continues patting his head and he takes several pictures of her. One of the taglines on the exhibition sign: “Some have even fallen in love with the machine friend. Love was only meant for humans. Now, AI makes human-robot love possible.” 

Dr. Zhang is at dinner with Fang Leng, who finally asks him what he’s writing as he scribbles away. Dr. Zhang says every time he says, “I’m used to it,” he’s made a note of it. Then he shows him the napkin with the tally marks, so far 11 instances of 正 [Zheng, meaning true or right, 5 strokes in this character], indicating 55 times he’s used that phrase tonight. It proves that he’s not used to it and starting to feel insecure. Dr. Zhang says that he’s afraid that Xiao Qi will leave him for good. He denies this and says that he thinks it’s irresponsible of her to just leave suddenly. Dr. Zhang chides him for refusing to admit it, and then asks if it’s so hard for him to just admit that he cares about Xiao Qi. He suggests that he just get her back if he can’t bear the thought of losing her. Fang Leng asks how, if she keeps avoiding him. Dr. Zhang says no one chooses to leave on a whim. He needs to recall carefully why she left him. Dr. Zhang receives a call and has to leave to answer it. Fang Leng talks to the empty seat, that she left him because he was angry that she lied to him. So he surmises that he’ll just have to forgive her then and that’s so simple. Oh boy… 

Forgiveness. The next day, she’s working at the shop when Fang Leng sends her a message - “I’ve forgiven you.” She looks at it and shoves the phone back into her pocket, and then mutters she doesn’t understand him. When she looks at a new order ticket, the name of the customer is “I’ve forgiven you.” She rolls her eyes at this and then crumples up the ticket and says he’s so annoying. While she’s doing the dishes, Xiao Bu tells her that Fang Leng told Fang Lie to ask her to relay the message: “I forgive you.”  

Apologies. Over the phone, Dr. Zhang tells Fang Leng that she left him because he did something wrong. Fang Leng isn’t sure about that. Dr. Zhang says that without understanding Xiao Qi’s reasons, he kicked her out of the company and forced them to move out. That’s why she’s angry. It isn’t the question of him forgiving her, but rather, he should apologize to her. She’s hurt. And they should both just apologize to each other. Now Xiao Qi receives a flower delivery at the shop with a note that says “Please dedicate these flowers to the most beautiful Ms. Chai.” Chai Jie says they’re for her, from Dr. Zhang. Xiao Qi is disappointed that Fang Leng didn’t send those. And then the delivery man returns with a package for Xiao Qi. When she opens it, it’s a black bank card. She asks the man if it’s from Fang Leng. The man says that Fang Leng is a VIP customer but he can’t disclose the customer’s information… She just looks at him. Oops. She hands the package back to him and says to send it back to where it’s from as the delivery fee will be paid by him. She waves him away. She then mutters that it’s an entire family of black cards. Ha. 

Assistant Han brings the rejected package to Fang Leng and says that she’s returned it. He explains that a black card makes a substantial gift. But for Xiao Qi and the others, it isn’t the most practical. Fang Leng doesn’t understand. Assistant Han asks if he’s forgotten - that they’re now living in the stock room of the tea shop. Fang Leng quickly tells him to tell Xiao Qi to move back. 

Back in his apartment, Fang Leng is setting up his table with hot pot ingredients, boxes of fried chicken, and other snacks as he waits for the return of his neighbors. He walks out and sees Chai Jie and Xiao Bu moving in but no sign of Xiao Qi. He asks where she is, and Chai Jie tells him that she’s very stubborn and insists on staying at the shop. Xiao Bu wonders if she’s had dinner yet. Chai Jie says no, probably not as she can’t cook, but it’s likely that she’s eating instant noodles now. Fang Leng runs to his apartment and packs up the snacks and fried chicken. He then drives over to the tea shop. 

At the tea shop, he sees Xiao Qi having dinner with Shi Yi - it’s fried chicken. Fang Leng looks quite floored by this as she’s happily eating fried chicken with another guy. He remembers their previous conversation, when he told her that she could eat the fried chicken he buys for her. Now, he sets down the bags into a chair outside and leaves. 

Inside the shop, Shi Yi asks Xiao Qi if she’s doing well. She nods. Then he asks if Chen Meng Fei is bothering her. She happily replies that she forgot to tell him that Chen Meng Fei isn’t even Fang Leng’s girlfriend. He asks why she seems to be happy. She says she is a lot happier than a few days ago, but she doesn’t know why. He asks her if she still wants to go home. She shakes her head and says not really right now. It’s because she suddenly realizes that staying here is pretty good and there’s so much delicious food. 

Back at home, Fang Leng asks the forum what he should do if his apology is not accepted. The responses: She just doesn’t love him. It’s one-sided love. Break up with her. He throws down the phone. Then he asks what he should do if he’s still hoping that she can forgive him - Not one-sided love. Haha. So concise now. The response: He must’ve used the wrong method! Think about what she likes the most. He rubs his own chest and thinks about what she used to say about his pecs – bouncy, delicate, smooth, elastic. LMAO!!! (29:40) He says of course she likes his body the most as well as his scent. She does… 

Pecs. Pecs. Pecs! The next day when Xiao Qi opens the shop, Fang Leng is outside in head-to-toe black gym clothes and making sure she sees him. She asks what he’s doing here. He replies that he’s here to exercise as he continues stretching, and he just happened to run into her. He continues stretching and essentially, waving his scent around. She becomes intoxicated by the scent of his hormones. He asks for a bottle of water and she runs away to grab it and says he’s so annoying. When she returns with the bottle, he walks towards her and she tells him to not move and sets the bottle on the table and keeps a safe distance away. He asks her if she thinks the weather is nice today as he enjoys the light breeze. She starts sweeping and then pinches her nose. He then removes his jacket to reveal his tank top - and she notices his muscular arms and pecs. She can’t look away now and stops trying to pinch her nose. 
Fang Leng just continues stretching and even flexes his arms as he asks if the restrooms are over there. XD No one points like this! She starts walking towards him and sniffing but catches herself and shakes her head. She points the broom at him and tells him to leave before the customers show up. Some customers show up and she hurries in to help them. He tries to follow her in but she tells him to stop and stay outside.

She takes their order as Fang Leng notices a paper fan by the register. He then starts fanning himself and when she’s done taking the customers’ order, he tells her that it’s sooo hot. It actually looks quite cold out. lol She pinches her nose again and walks away from him. He smirks as he continues fanning away. She places the order and then waits but she struggles to stay upright as she’s quite intoxicated by Fang Leng’s scent. He continues fanning as he walks closer and closer to her. She thinks to herself that his hormones smell so good. She makes herself snap out of it and thinks that she can’t fall for it. The order’s up and she takes the tray but Fang Leng says he’ll help her. She tells him to not cause trouble for her, as she doesn’t have time to play games with him. 

After she sets down the order for the customers, she turns around and is met with Fang Leng who is now flexing again and says that he hurt his arm during this morning’s workout. But he’s flexing and Xiao Qi struggles to look away and to stop salivating over him. She goes to the counter and picks up the tray of beverages, but when she turns around, she’s greeted by Fang Leng’s pecs! She can’t resist and starts leaning towards his pecs and continues basking in his scent. She's smiling at his pecs! LOL She nearly touches him when she realizes what she’s doing. So she drops off the drinks for the customers and then runs away. Fang Leng calls her name but there’s no response. He’s quite proud of himself. (~31:00)

The girls sit down to dinner with Chai Jie at the shop. Chai Jie tells her that Fang Leng genuinely wants her to move back in. She then asks what her thoughts are on this. She replies that she doesn’t think so, as he is always saying and doing things that she doesn’t comprehend. Even if he asks them to go back, he still hasn’t apologized to her. Chai Jie says that the hardest words for men to say aren’t “I love you” but “I’m sorry.” She asks if she doesn’t plan to go back tonight as well. Xiao Qi says she doesn’t want to talk about this and suggests they drink instead. 

Fang Leng tells Dr. Zhang that he hasn’t said he’s sorry, but he’s done so much, isn’t that enough? Dr. Zhang says that a girl may not want his effort. What she wants is his attitude. He can’t always assume that he’s right and apologize with his actions. He suggests he let go of his pompousness to sincerely apologize. He then calls Chai Jie to ask if Xiao Qi is around. She says that she was about to call him. She tells him that she’s in a bad mood, and she’s gone for a walk after drinking. She says it’s not safe for a girl to be walking around at night and suggests that he check on her. 

Xiao Qi walks until she sees Fang Leng waiting for her. So she turns around to get away from him but he follows her and stops her with a hug from behind.

FL: I’m sorry, Xiao Qi. I shouldn’t have made things difficult for you at work. I shouldn’t have bought your place. I went overboard. He tries to turn her around to face him but she’s still resistant and tries to get away from him. I’m sorry. She continues trying to shake him off. Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi. He turns her back around to face him and he sees her tear-filled eyes but she won’t look at him as her eyes are looking at the ground. I wanted to make you happy, but I couldn’t let go of my pride. He bows. I’m sorry. Please forgive me, okay? She finally looks him in the eyes. 
CXQ: I thought you hated me. Why are you apologizing to the person you hate? 

FL: I didn’t mean what I said in anger. She looks at him.

CXQ: In anger? Still, you shouldn’t have given up the R&D department. The saddest thing is not just that you hate me, but because of that, you gave up something obtained after working hard for so long. Her voice breaks. I blamed myself for a long time. He starts smiling at her.
CXQ: I thought I was despicable and I made you lose everything. You gave up so easily. He slowly moves towards her. How irresponsible. He interrupts her words as he puts his arms around her and pulls her in for a kiss. As they’re kissing, her ring fills up with his pheromones. (~36:15, Ep20 of S1, they had a similar make-up kissing scene.)

The kiss ends and they separate from each other. She sputters that she kissed him last time because… she trails off and then asks why did he kiss her this time? He says it’s to celebrate. She’s confused and waits. He says it’s to celebrate their R&D department is back on the agenda. She excitedly says, really? He says yes, really, and now they can officially move on to the new fragrance. However, this project lacks a perfumer with an exceptional sense of smell. She starts jumping up and down excitedly. He continues, besides there’s no one in the company who is up for the role. She happily says that she can do it. She’ll come back if he wants. He drops his smile and seriously asks if she’s no longer angry. She looks away and says, just a little bit. He grins at this. She continues, however, since he’s bringing back the R&D department, she’ll go to work. He then pats her on the head and tells her to come to work early tomorrow. He has a surprise for her. He caresses her cheek, and she says okay. He then moves his hand to hold hers and the two walk away together. They don’t make it far before he squats down to tie her shoelaces for her. Then the two continue happily walking together hand-in-hand.

[Ep16At home, Xiao Qi wonders what his surprise could be. Xiao Bu either gives a black card or buy fried chicken, so what could he think of. Xiao Qi ponders if he bought a chicken farm, so the chicken could be prepared, fried and eaten on the spot. XD Chai Jie enters the room, as she’s now ready for her date with Dr. Zhang. 

Xiao Qi returns to Future Group, and Assistant Han shows her the surprise. Xiao Qi’s desk has been upgraded and loaded with goodies – snacks (all the candies), rose scent diffuser, leather massage chair, and so much pink accessories. It’s now a luxurious place just for her. He asks if she’s satisfied with this, and she replies that she thinks her former desk was a better fit for her.  She tries to return to it but Fang Leng shows up and tells her that she deserves this. She says it’s too much and inappropriate. Both guys insist and so she’s put into this massage chair and Assistant Han turns it on. Fang Leng then speaks into her ear, that this desk is the closest to his office. And if she misses him, just go to his office. Ohhh, he’s going all in now. She smiles shyly at him but then remembers where she is and quickly drops the smile. But then he puts the pink neck pillow around her neck, and gently pats her head. He tells her to have a good work day before walking away and she smiles lovingly after him. 

Chai Jie and Dr. Zhang’s date goes well as they both admit to liking each other. Couple No. 3 is here… 

Later, Fang Leng tells Xiao Qi about the issues with the hormone perfume – it’s difficult to extra hormones in large quantities, and the hormones’ stability is too weak to blend well with the fragrance. So they’ll need to obtain a large quantity of hormones as raw material before converting it into more stable hormones to achieve the desired effect. There are few experts in China, and Assistant Han has found one, Ke Ren but he’s unsure if he’ll cooperate with them. He’s an expert in extracting and converting hormones with 30 years of experience but he’s retired and eccentric. He’s refused various offers and lives in the forest reserve. He also owns three patents. Fang Leng says he’s going to see him tomorrow and asks Xiao Qi to go with him. Assistant Han is quite giddy about the beginning of Fang Leng and Xiao Qi’s romance. 

Back at home, Xiao Bu is packing alongside Xiao Qi as she’s also going on this business trip. Fang Lie drops by to see what’s going on as he’s been unable to reach Xiao Bu. He thinks they’re going on a fun outing and then wonders why his brother didn’t ask him to come along. He starts whining about how neither Fang Leng or Xiao Bu care about him anymore. Xiao Qi receives a message from Shi Yi saying that he has something important to tell her. So she leaves to meet him.

It turns out that Shi Yi had seen Xiao Qi making up with Fang Leng, including their kiss. He thinks that she’s too naive and if she continues to stay on Earth, Fang Leng will deceive her further. Deceive her about what exactly? He thinks returning home with him is the best solution. When she shows up at his place, he asks if she’s thought there have been many coincidences since they’ve met. When he helped her at the reception party, helped her with the contract, sheltered her from the rain, etc. It’s not a coincidence if you’re stalking her! Then he says that his real identity is – but they’re interrupted by her phone. She answers Fang Leng’s call and cheerfully tells him that she’s packed for the trip. She also says once the technical problem is solved tomorrow, then R&D will soon be able to extract the Hormone Element. Shi Yi perks up at the words Hormone Element. She hangs up the call and asks him to continue. He asks about her business trip being related to the Hormone Element. She then asks about his identity, and he says his real identity is her guardian angel. *rolling eyes* He suddenly tells her that it’s late and time for her to go home. 
The next morning, Fang Leng discovers that Xiao Bu and Fang Lie are joining them on this business trip. He’s not happy to see his brother, as he’s treating it like it’s a vacation. On their drive, the three passengers decide to sing into microphones and Fang Leng can only laugh at this. His smile is so bright! Eventually, Fang Leng joins them. The song is actually his song for this OST. 

When they arrive at Ke Ren’s house, they’re greeted by a standoffish man who says don’t bother as he doesn’t lack money nor fame. Nor is he going to sell the patents of his technology. When Xiao Qi tries to persuade him to give them five minutes of their time, he refuses and goes inside his house and shuts the door in their face. From outside the window, Fang Leng tries to talk to him but the man tells them to go away and walks away.

Xiao Qi notices an orchid plant in his yard and recognizes it as the one he had before his wife passed. His wife passed away five years ago and he’s been taking care of the orchid ever since. However the plant looks like it’s dying. Xiao Qi whispers for Xiao Bu to look up the growth conditions for the plant, and they determine that they need pine bark. So they decide to forage for pine bark… and when the guys are busy with that, Xiao Qi uses her Light Wave of Love power to heal the plant’s leaves. The foursome return to the house with bags of pine bark and show Ke Ren the revived plant. He’s impressed that they went to the effort of searching through the forest for it. It’s a forest. How hard could it be to find one of the largest trees? lol Ke Ren decides to share his invention with them. It’s an arm cuff (think of Avengers’ gauntlet…) that’ll extract the hormones and will require a connection to a monitor for real-time data. He then shows them the machine that will help them convert the hormones into the more stable Hormone Element. It’s the only one in the county but he’s giving it to them. He also gives them his notebook that contains 30 years’ of research. He cautions them that collecting such large amounts of hormones is a difficult task and the breakthrough lies in selecting the best experimental sample. The last time he was able to successfully extract large quantities of hormones was with his wife, and that was more than 10 years ago now. 

Elsewhere, Xiao Bu is playing on the pier and watching sailboats as Fang Lie sketches her. When she wants to take a look at his work, he won’t allow it and keeps the sketchbook out of her reach. When the two end up in a near hug, she tricks him into letting go by saying there was a bug on him. He freaks out and drops the sketchbook, and she flips through it – they’re all sketches of her, including one of them together. She asks about that one and he says like in the dramas, when a guy sees the girl he likes, he would find her cute and feel like touching her head. She thinks about him liking someone and she grins at him. The two stare into each other’s eyes but then she gets overheated. She “slips” and falls into the water. He jumps in to save her.

Back at the campsite, Fang Lie is quite chilled but now Xiao Bu won’t look him in the eyes, or get within arm’s length of him. She asks Xiao Qi to look her straight in the eyes but nothing happens when she does. Then she makes direct eye contact with Fang Leng and still nothing happens. But the minute she makes eye contact with Fang Lie, she starts overheating. Fang Lie tells his brother that he doesn’t want to sleep in a tent for the night, so he drags Xiao Bu with him to find a hotel. 

Xiao Qi and Fang Leng decide to sit down and gaze at the stars. After he puts a blanket on her, she tells him about her teacher telling them about independent stars emitting only a faint light of their own. Only with the help of planets that they are able to create miracles and civilizations. It was from that time that she became immensely interested in Earth.

FL: In the future, if there’s a chance, I will travel around the world with you. 
CXQ: Really?

FL nodding: That way, it will fully satisfy your curiosity.

CXQ smiling: Okay. She then shares her blanket with him. You should use some of this, too. He gives her a sidelong glance. She settles back into her seat. Besides, I’ve noticed that earthlings are similar to the relationship between the earth and the moon. If anything happens to one person, and someone else is willing to help them, this matter will be resolved in no time. He’s looking at her face so tenderly.  Every time I encounter difficulties, I really hope Xiao Bu and Chai Jie can be by my side. Then she looks at him. You, too. If you encounter any difficulty, you must tell me in time. He shakes his head. 
FL: You’ve helped me a lot. 
CXQ: However, not this time. How to choose a sample for extracting hormones? What kind of people can secrete more hormones? I have no idea at all. 
FL: In fact, hormones produce a feeling of being in love. People who are in love, naturally have emotions. She nods. Emotions release more hormones. 
CXQ: Oh.
FL: If you think about it this way, I think couples who are in love are the best experimental samples.  
CXQ: Oh, right. Then we just need to recruit a few couples to start the experiment. He nods. You’re so smart. She nods. Yes, find a few couples. 
FL looking at anywhere but her: Actually… I think I can do it now. 
CXQ: What do you mean? He looks her in the eyes and hesitates for a beat.
FL: Xiao Qi, I like you.

[Ep17They continue staring into each other's eyes.

CXQ: Why? XD!
FL: What do you mean why? 
CXQ in all seriousness: Yes. Why? Didn’t you dislike me right from the start? You wouldn’t have hired me if I didn’t pester you. You were even mad at me and asked me to leave you alone. Although you apologized to me, that was it. What does it have to do with liking someone? Are you mistaken? He gives a wry smile. 
FL: In fact, I used to believe everyone in the world was independent and we could live without each other. To me, the so-called soulmates or a match made in heaven, are something made up by screenwriters who don’t believe in these things, yet they want the audience to believe otherwise. Then I found out it wasn’t that I didn’t believe in love. I just never realized – He turns to look at her. I would be so lucky. Although I live an ordinary life, I’m able to meet a special girl like you.  
CXQ: Do you think you’re lucky to have met me? He nods and then reaches into his inside pocket and pulls out something. He dangles a necklace in front of her face. 
FL: Does it look nice?  
CXQ: Wow. Yes. She holds it with one hand as she looks at it closely.
FL: It’s called Wandering North Star. I’d wanted to give you this. He really tried to in Ep11! xD The North Star can show us directions. To me, you’re my North Star. I’ve finally met you after wandering for so long. I don’t want to lose you again, Xiao Qi. Will you be my girlfriend?
CXQ: (Thinking: How strange. How come my heart is beating so fast? I could accomplish my mission by being with him. I might as well agree.) Okay, so be it. They then grin at each other.   
FL taking the necklace from her: Let me put it on for you.
CXQ: Sure. He places it around her neck and the two stare at each other for a moment. And then they share a long kiss. All the pheromones flying around and going into her ring. The kiss ends and they rub noses as she giggles. His sincerity wins and he finally gets the girl!

At the hotel, Fang Lie is trying to get two rooms for the night but is told that there’s only one room available. Xiao Bu says it’s fine as it’s only the two of them, and she’s shared a room with two other people, Xiao Qi and Chai Jie before. She thinks to herself, she’s fine so long as they don’t look at each other. *facepalm* Fang Lie tries to look her in the face to tell her that that’s not the issue but she continues turning her back to him. She then says since it’s getting dark, this will do and grabs the room key and her stuff. She runs ahead of him. Now in the room, they’re staring at the one bed in the room. Fang Lie says he has a solution and pulls out the extra bedding and sets it up for himself on the floor and says she’ll take the bed. 

Things are fine... until Fang Lie gets out of the shower in a bathrobe which reveals some of his bare chest. She closes her eyes, covers up her face and then reaches out with one hand and promptly gropes his chest. lol! So Xiao Bu takes after Xiao Qi… When she opens her eyes to see what she’s grabbing at, she quickly gets overheated and runs to stick her head inside the fridge. Fang Lie asks what she’s looking for. So she finally grabs one of the cold drinks and puts it against her face. Then she crawls under the covers with the drink and demands that he put on some clothes. Ha. 
Finger hearts!
The Modern Couple: Looking at their phones instead of each other.
Shi Yi is looking unhappily at his phone as Candy says that the mission is going well, so why is he unhappy? He’s looking at the picture that Xiao Qi posted of herself with Fang Leng. Cute photo! ^_^

Inside their tent, Xiao Qi complains to Fang Leng about making the announcement by herself as he isn’t posting anything. He says that he wants to announce it officially. She mutters that he’s not announcing anything and he doesn’t even like her post. He says fine, and gives her post a like which has already been liked by Assistant Han and Dr. Zhang. Now she’s renaming him to “Cold Demon King” on her phone, but he glances over and she tries to hide it from him. He takes the phone away from her and changes it to “Milk Green Tea”. She’s confused and he asks if they don’t have a taro drink. He asks if that isn’t their shop’s signature item. She says yes, it’s the taro kissing milk… She repeats the word kissing and realizes what he's doing. He hunkers down right next to her and she quickly says who wants to kiss him. Ha! She rolls her eyes and says why does he think he’s the green milk tea. He says then sometimes, he’ll just take the initiative and then pulls her over to him to hug her. Then he gives her some sweet pecks on the cheek. The two turn in to go sleep and she thinks about how good it feels to be in love, and she can now absorb his hormones openly. But then she starts sniffing and turns over to happily lay her head and both hands right on his chest. He laughs and tenderly strokes her head. She continues kneading his chest so the pheromones are floating everywhere again and filling up her ring. (~9:00)

The next morning, Xiao Bu wakes up in the hotel room and looks over at Fang Lie who just woke up. But when he looks over at her, she throws the pillow at him and yells at him to not look at her. Ha. Back at the campsite, Ke Ren joins Fang Leng and Xiao Qi for breakfast and realizes that they're actually a couple. He’s happy as he knows that two lovers will have a higher success rate in using the hormone purifying technique. He then leaves them alone. Xiao Qi feeds Fang Leng some food but they’re interrupted by Fang Lie who asks what they’re doing. They reply that they’re eating breakfast. Then Fang Leng puts his arm around Xiao Qi and says they’re together as he rests his head against hers. Fang Lie scowls while Xiao Bu is just smiling happily at them. Not to be outdone, Fang Lie spears a piece of apple with a fork and feeds it to Xiao Bu who eats it but still won’t look at him. lol Fang Leng asks Xiao Qi to feed him and so she dangles a piece of bacon from her mouth and he takes a bite of it. Fang Lie objects to this display, even as the girls are giggling. Fang Leng quirks his eyebrow at his brother as if challenging him. Ha. I’m a fan of his eyebrow quirks! Fang Lie tells his brother that he'd like to stay for painting, and asks if they can stay longer, too. Fang Leng says they can’t as they have to get started on research. Xiao Bu then looks over at Xiao Qi and silently pleads with her to help her get out of this. Xiao Qi misread this and thinks that she wants to stay here alone with Fang Lie. So she tells him that Xiao Bu should stay here and keep him company. Xiao Bu’s jaw drops at this. Hehe. Oops. Xiao Qi also says that she’ll take care of her absence with Chai Jie. 

Xiao Qi and Fang Leng are greeted by Assistant Han who’s driven up to meet them with a second car. He startles Xiao Qi when he releases a popping streamer and says congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Fang as they’re finally together! He wishes them to be forever in love. Fang Leng hands Assistant Han their bags and then tells Xiao Qi to get in the car as he’s going to drive. He then helps her get into the car and Assistant Han is quite gleeful about the cold bossy man being deeply in love. 

At the tea shop, Chai Jie and Dr. Zhang are feeding each other fruit. When they go to kiss, they’re interrupted by the return of Xiao Qi and Fang Leng. Fang Leng asks why he’s here as Xiao Qi turns and hides her face on his chest from the private moment between Chai Jie and Dr. Zhang. Haha, it’s like she saw something scary. Dr. Zhang says he can explain – but Chai Jie just nips it in the bud and says that they’re together. 

Xiao Qi and Fang Leng return to work. However she wants to keep their distance when they’re at work, and keep it a secret for now. When they’re at the elevators, her colleagues see them together and wonder why they're together. Fang Leng reaches over and holds her hand in plain sight of everyone. She quickly jerks her hand away from him and gives him a disapproving glare. He continues trying to hold her hand and she keeps flinging him off of her, but he’s grinning at this. When they’re finally alone together in the elevator, she finally holds hands with him and grins so cutely. He even comments on her smile. The minute she hears the elevator doors open, she’s back to putting distance between them. He just leans closer to her and she pushes him off the elevator and makes him go ahead of her. 

Upstairs, the female employees are clamoring over a post about them being together along with a picture of them together. A clueless Xiao Qi goes to her desk and avoids any further contact with him. So he goes to his office and everyone else starts whispering and looking at her now. He smiles and then he closes the blinds in his office. He calls her on the landline and then says her name in a stern tone, and then in a softer tone for her to come to his office. She says loudly, oh, he needs to see her for work so she’ll be there right away, and gets ready to go there.

Fang Leng waits right inside the door, staying out of sight so when she comes in, he pulls her right into his arms, even as she’s asking about work. (~19:25, Bossy CEO in love is the cutest. Haha.) Everyone in the office starts texting furiously that they must be hugging in there. In his arms, Xiao Qi asks what he’s doing and he says recharging. She tells him to stop it lest they see them. He refuses to let go and looks over at the closed blinds and says they can’t. She finally stops resisting and shyly puts her head on his chest. He tells her isn’t she the one that was all handsy in his office before, so she’s bad for having double standards. She starts sniffing around his chest and then he makes her look at him and tries to steal a kiss. She keeps away for a second before she gives him a tiny peck and they go back and forth with the tiny kisses. So many cute expressions! As their embrace continues, an abundance of pheromones are going up into the air. She then gives his pec a tiny peck and then starts grabbing at it, which makes him laugh as he’s accepted this. How cute is his smile here?!

At their meeting, Fang Leng announces to everyone that they will need four couples for specimens. Xiao Qi asks him if they aren’t supposed to have five couples. Fang Leng turns in his chair and smiles at her. He happily tells her that they’re the fifth couple. She’s appalled by his statement while everyone else snickers at this. (~20:36) He stands up and says that it’s time to announce their relationship. She says it’s too sudden as they’re not ready and neither is she. One of the employees tells him that they already know as they’ve seen the way they look at each other. Others say they’ve already seen it on Moments. So Fang Leng sits back down and says let’s get back to the meeting then. An employee tells him that in order to get the optimal result, couples mustn’t meet before the experiment starts. Fang Leng loses the joy in his eyes at this, while Xiao Qi says it’s fine as it’s only for a day. He looks at her in shock. Hahaha. 受不了!

The next day, Fang Leng is in his office and wondering where Xiao Qi is as she’s not at her desk. He starts pacing back and forth, looking at his watch, and even drafts a message to her but finally just waits it out. After a while, he asks Assistant Han for the documents. Assistant Han tells him that they already have five couples, so they can opt out of this and to go look for her already. Fang Leng says no, this is an important project to them, and he must set a good example as the boss. Assistant Han says they can’t meet in person, but he can still call and text her. He asks Assistant Han if he thinks he’ll break the rules. Assistant Han shakes his head. But the second Fang Leng returns to his desk, he looks at his phone. 

Meanwhile, Xiao Qi is at the tea shop and is about to delete him from her WeChat. Chai Jie peeks over and is shocked that she’s going to remove him. Xiao Qi explains that they cannot see nor contact each other before the experiment and he might break the rules. Chai Jie understands and says that absence makes the heart grow fonder so everything is under her control then. Shi Yi suddenly appears. When Fang Leng messages her “miss me?” he receives an automatic reply of needing to send her a friend request. He stares at his phone and then demands that Assistant Han give him his phone and sends her an emoji from it. It goes through without incident. He’s now forced to send a friend request to her but he’s not happy about it. He’s so upset that he starts chopping at the air with the phones. XD! (~24:30) Assistant Han has been grimacing the entire time, whose expressions are killing me. lol! He goes back to his office even as Assistant Han feebly says that maybe she hit the wrong button. Assistant Han quickly calls Xiao Qi and Fang Leng tries to listen as he presses his ear right up against the window to eavesdrop. Haha! Assistant Han quietly calls Xiao Qi to ask her why she’s removed Fang Leng from WeChat. Before he gets an answer, he’s interrupted by Fang Leng loudly tapping on the glass and asks who it is. (~25:20) Assistant Han quickly says it’s no one, so Fang Leng gestures at the phone. Assistant Han quickly puts it away. Fang Leng returns to pacing around his office for a better connection… lol.

Later in the evening, Xiao Qi receives a call from Assistant Han asking her why she still hasn’t added Fang Leng. Shi Yi asks her if Fang Leng treats her well, and Fang Leng suddenly gets on the line demanding to know who that is. She quickly hangs up on him. Hehe. She then tells Shi Yi that she and Fang Leng have officially gotten together since their trip. Shi Yi asks if she’s been in love before. She shakes her head no. Aww, and now I think about S1...  He says as her friend, he wishes her to always be happy. But not everyone deserves her trust and she should be careful. Pot, meet kettle. She asks who she should be careful of. He says she should protect herself, especially from those who have hurt her before. She tells him to not worry as Fang Leng isn’t a bad person.

Back at home, Candy asks Shi Yi if she should report the fact that Xiao Qi has fallen in love with Fang Leng, without authorization. He says it’s part of her mission so it’s no big deal. She says that Xiao Qi is his genetic match so her behavior has violated the Law of Cape Town Genetic Matching. Ou?! He tells her to just do her job as it’s none of her business. She tries to say more but he turns her off.

Fang Leng is waiting for Xiao Qi to return home but Chai Jie arrives home instead. He asks where Xiao Qi is, and she says that she’s decided to stay at the tea shop during the experiment. Fang Leng thanks her and runs to go find her. Xiao Qi is sweeping inside the shop when Fang Leng knocks on the glass and she refuses to unlock the doors to let him inside. She just wordlessly shakes her head. He pulls out his phone and then shows her a marquee scroll with the text “I’ve missed you. 💋” She gives a small smile and then grabs her notebook to scribble in it. She shows him what she’s written, “The experiment states that we can’t meet each other.” He reads it and then looks at her, and she’s shaking her head at him. He types another message to her: “Are you used to life without me?😿” She furiously scribbles a message: “Hang in there. We can meet tomorrow.” His reply: “You won’t say you miss me already. 😭😭😭” Bwahahaha, he’s at the I-can’t-live-without-you-for-not-even-a-single-day phase. I want to clarify that these are all of his emojis! She looks like she’s about to kiss him through the glass so he goes to press his cheek against the glass. But she just points to the hours posted and then she smiles and waves goodbye. She runs away and he says her name a couple of times. 

It's bedtime now, and they're both thinking happily about their earlier exchange. Xiao Qi is interrupted by her thoughts with Xiao Bu’s call, who asks how the dating is. She replies that there’s nothing special except that Fang Leng tends to kiss and hug her all the time. Xiao Bu asks if she experiences feelings of rejection when he hugs her. Xiao Qi says no, as she actually feels really good. Xiao Bu says that physical contact is crucial in the earthlings’ emotional system, especially for those who have just fallen in love. They like establishing a feeling of familiarity physically. She then reminds her that Cape Town forbids emotional attachment. She’s just carrying out a mission so it’s not real love. Too late…?! Xiao Qi smiles and tells her to not worry as the experiment starts tomorrow so the Hormone Element will be developed soon enough. Xiao Qi asks if her body temperature is still rising when she’s with Fang Lie, and is she still turning into a tortoise? Xiao Bu sighs and says not even mention it. She then admits that she is currently using ice water to cool herself down when she’s around him, and now he wants her to be his model for his artwork. 

At the same time, Fang Leng is on a call with his brother and tells him that he used to think that falling in love would disrupt his daily life. He now realizes that a stable relationship enables him to focus on his work and life. A somber Fang Lie asks his brother if he could stop bragging. Fang Leng ruefully admits that he forgot that Xiao Bu has been avoiding eye contact with him. Fang Lie then asks if people’s preferences change – as in one likes a guy with eyes like his brother’s instead of his own big eyes. LMAO! Only Fang Lie… with a total dig at Thassapak Hsu’s eyes. Fang Leng says that’s why he’s always told him to go to the gym, as that’s how he will stimulate his androgens (group of sex hormones, including testosterone). He explains that the first time Xiao Qi met him, she lusted after his chest and abs – and this makes Fang Lie roll his eyes. But when Fang Leng talks about how she touched him for the first time, Fang Lie finally hangs up on him. Ha! 

The next day, Fang Lie is trying to sketch Xiao Bu by the water’s edge, but her back is turned to him. She asks if this is okay. He asks her to turn around. She complies with a smile plastered on her face but her eyes are now squeezed shut. He decides to not even quibble over this and starts sketching. But then he gets up to goes to relocate a stray hair that’s right by her eyes. When she opens her eyes, she realizes he’s quite close and she starts to back away from him. He pulls her to safety and then the two stare into each other’s eyes until she realizes that she’s overheating again. When she gets the alert that she’s about to turn into a tortoise, she runs to find a fever cooling gel pack for her forehead. The second she puts it on, her body temperature starts dropping. A concerned Fang Lie asks if she’s got a fever. She quickly says no and goes back into the same position for him to resume sketching. Her heart is on fire. Hehe.

At Future Group, the couples, including Fang Leng and Xiao Qi are being set up with the arm cuff. However, Xiao Qi notices that her ring is extracting the hormones away from their arm cuff. So this makes the team think that something is possibly wrong with their technology. 

Later, Xiao Qi brings a hot beverage to Fang Leng, who is closely examining the arm cuff. Xiao Qi notices that only 0.5% of hormones were extracted. He says that R&D will make some adjustments tomorrow. She senses his anxiety and tells him that experiments are full of uncertainties, so failing the first time is normal. He lets out a deep breath and tells her that he wants to recharge. She’s not sure what he means. So he pulls her in for a hug, which goes from sweet to less so because she, with an angelic smile, reaches around with her right hand to grope his left pec. LOL Fang Leng just smiles and then asks when she will break her bad habit. She leans back and tells him this isn’t a bad habit. She then puts both hands on his chest and says that his hormones really have a strong smell and it’s simply unchangeable. He removes her hands from his chest and sits down on the desk behind him. She immediately puts her hands back on his chest, and he moves her hands away and she’s back like a moth to a flame. He finally lets her hands stay where they are and the two giggle about it.

In a serious tone, he asks her if she really likes his hormones or him. She asks if there’s really a difference as she thinks he’s a walking hormone and then she squishes his face between her hands. She sits down in a chair and then asks him what he likes about her – her intellect, her cuteness or her good looks? He says to let him think about it. 

FL: I like your… stupidity. 
CXQ: You – She’s raising her hand at him. 
FL: What are you doing? 
CXQ softly: I want to hit you... 
FL in a serious tone: Frankly, it was kind of weird when you first entered my life. She quirks her eyebrows at him. You made a mess of my previous life. She’s smiling now. Then you joined my company. You knew next to nothing yet you kept going passionately.  Initially, I thought you were wasting her time. It was during the live stream event in the gym that I started to see the rare quality you had. Most people tend to give up when facing difficulties But not you. I don’t think anything can deter you at all. You do your best and achieve your goals, no matter what. She beams at him, and then he pulls her towards him. Are you feeling grateful for being foolish back then? You wouldn’t have been awesome today, if you had been smarter. She nods in agreement. He crinkles his nose at her but he’s smiling. (~39:00)

Nose-rubbing is so cute!
He leans down to kiss her and she closes her eyes and rubs her nose against his. And he returns the nose rub. Eskimo kisses! Gaaah, SOOO CUTE! How is this so cute?! Her ring continues collecting hormones. He pulls back and looks at her. Then he leans back down intending to kiss her this time, but she puts her hands on his chest and starts squeezing. He laughs as she giggles in joy. (~40:30)

[Ep18While on a call with Xiao Bu, Xiao Qi hesitates to push the button to send a signal to Cape Town Planet. Xiao Bu urges her to push the button as their mission has been completed. Xiao Qi says the hormones in her ring are just normal hormones. It’s not the Hormone Element for R&D’s extraction. Xiao Bu says Fang Leng hasn’t collected the hormones, let alone completing the extraction. But just press the button so their job can be done. She’s raring to get away from Fang Lie. lol Xiao Qi asks if she gives the hormones to him, does it mean that he can continue the extraction process then? She then asks Xiao Bu if she has ideas on how to convert the hormones in her ring. Xiao Bu says to think carefully about this as once the ring is activated with the hormone, there’s only one chance to launch. Xiao Qi sneaks into the R&D lab to look for the arm cuff and offloads the hormones in her ring into it. 

The next day, R&D is able to create the Hormone Element. Fang Leng is confused as the hormones collected were not up to extraction standard yesterday. The scientist says it may have been a delayed response from the collector (the arm cuff). Fang Leng asks why there isn’t a response from the other collectors. Xiao Qi says maybe it was collected from when they were chatting yesterday. Chatting = Nose rubs! lol He tells the scientist to keep the Hormone Element in the incubator, and to continue to find ways to mass-produce the hormones and to modify the collector. 

Xiao Qi is happy about the Hormone Element but realizes that when she leaves Earth, she’ll likely never see Fang Leng again. She wonders why the thought of never seeing him again makes her a little sad. She starts air-pinching at his pecs on the massive sign outside the office and beams at the sign. Then she loses her smile as she gently cups his face instead. A nearby construction worker is trying to lift and move a metal frame from above, but the rope holding the frame snaps and drops down towards Xiao Qi. Someone says her name and she notices the frame and ducks and puts her arms over her head and waits. But time has stopped and she opens her eyes to see the frame suspended less than a foot away from her head. She stands up and wonders how everything is frozen in place. She knows it wasn’t her. As she looks around, she sees that Shi Yi is the one who did it and he transports over to where she is. She’s shocked to find out he’s an alien like her. He formally introduces himself as the current inspector for Cape Town Planet and one of the candidates for next chief. He says he was sent to assist her in the mission. Right… He knows that the Hormone Element has been created and tells her that he has more important tasks for her. Meanwhile, someone is at Future Group…

The next morning, the lab is in complete disarray and more importantly, the Hormone Element and the equipment has been smashed. Fang Leng wants an internal investigation conducted before contacting the police. He then says no employee is allowed to disclose anything to the public. Head of security tells him that all of the surveillance equipment was damaged but he has found something - and hands him Xiao Qi’s employee badge and a wrapper for disposable gloves. Xiao Qi arrives to everyone whispering about her daring to show her face. Assistant Han tells them to get back to work, and he quietly gives Xiao Qi the news about the Hormone Element and her name badge being found at the scene. Head of security and his team shows up to ask her about the badge. She says it’s always on her desk, so how would she know where it went? He tells her since she refuses to admit to it, then he can only hand her over to the police. The rest of his team move to haul her away and Fang Leng asks what they’re doing. He reminds them that he’s already said he didn’t want the police involved yet. Head of security says that he was just trying to scare her into admitting it. Fang Leng asks if she’s someone he can scare. She’s put in a lot of effort into the Hormone Element project, and if she really wanted to steal or destroy it, she would’ve done it long ago. He then announces to everyone that he will find out the truth, but in the meantime, he doesn't want employees doubting their colleagues. He asks Assistant Han to send Xiao Qi home. Uncle Zhou smirks in the background at this… with his stupid bright yellow insulated flask.

Xiao Qi returns to the tea shop and Shi Yi shows up to ask if Fang Leng’s given her any issues over the R&D department. She says the Hormone Element is in such a small quantity right now, otherwise she would’ve taken it already. But who knew someone else would act first. He tells her to not worry as they’ll wait for the truth to be revealed. She smiles and offers to treat him to a milk tea but when he goes, she drops the smile and returns to looking quite worried.

At the Future Group meeting, Uncle Zhou happily brings up R&D’s recent issues, and calls it a big waste of effort and funds. He then asks for Fang Leng’s explanation. Fang Leng says he will explain as soon as possible. Uncle Zhou then asks wasn’t the suspect, Chai Xiao Qi caught? He follows it up with oh, he forgot, she’s Fang Leng’s girlfriend. Then he explains when the security team tried to question her, he had her sent home. The other directors are surprised by this. Uncle Zhou tells him that he’s mixing personal matters with work. Fang Leng addresses the room and says that all surveillance equipment was damaged. Her name badge was left at the entrance to the lab, which is a blatant attempt to frame her. Uncle Zhou smirks and demands to get an explanation within three days, or else it’ll be enough to force him to resign. *rolling eyes*  I hope this toad suffers from impotence. 

Xiao Bu tells Xiao Qi that Shi Yi’s powers are a level above theirs, and wonders if he stole the Hormone Element. Xiao Qi says if he really wanted to steal it, he wouldn’t have to wait until the truth is revealed. He could summon the spaceship and leave with them right now. Xiao Qi says that this way is good, so they can stay on Earth for a while longer. Xiao Bu looks at her and teases her - it’s really that she can’t bear to leave Fang Leng behind, right? Xiao Qi squeezes her face and asks what she’s thinking as she would never break the rules of their home planet. But she’s got a cute little smile on her face when Xiao Bu returns to folding their laundry. 

Fang Leng finds out from Assistant Han that there’s no sign of a break-in, so it’s likely one of their own employees. Back at home, Xiao Qi knocks on his apartment door but there’s no answer. So she knows he’s staying the night at the lab, and texts him that she misses him with a cute hugging sticker. He sends her a smiling emoji even as Assistant Han peeks over his shoulder. Fang Leng glares at him, but Assistant Han sends him one that he says is cuter - Kirby with the text “Love you.”

Meanwhile, Xiao Bu receives a message from Fang Lie asking her if she wants to go to a cool science fair with him. She says she doesn’t want to. He then says he’s found a nice restaurant for dinner and she says she’s not hungry. Fang Lie looks over at his artwork and tells her that he has questions for painting, so could she come see him. She says she’s not free. He looks surprised by this response. Xiao Qi tells her that she and Chai Jie will be at the shop tomorrow, so she can take the time off. Xiao Bu just groans at this. Fang Lie thinks about how she’s been ignoring him since their trip, and recalls that they say traveling together is the biggest test between couples. He wonders if he’s failed. Xiao Bu tells Xiao Qi that whenever she sees Fang Lie recently, the probability of her turning into a tortoise has increased to 99%. She then sighs that she can’t see him any longer. Xiao Qi says they should go see Shi Yi tomorrow and ask for him to fix her system. Xiao Bu says that everyone knows that she’s a Level 3 antivirus firewall of Cape Town Planet so why can’t she resist Earth’s virus. Ha, it's a virus. Xiao Bu then notices that Xiao Qi is still wearing her ring even though it no longer has any hormones in it. Xiao Qi says it still has storage capabilities so maybe one day it will come in handy. Xiao Bu says sapphires can store physical substances, from gravel to daily necessities and abstract information such as memories. At the word memory, Xiao Qi recalls how Fang Leng defended her today and how handsome he looked while doing it, and she wishes she could restore that memory.  

Xiao Qi later dreams about today’s incident, and her emotional state seems to trigger the ring into releasing a memory -  what happened at the art gallery over the stolen sapphire. (Ep8 of S1, love rival sets up Xiao Qi as the thief.) Xiao Qi isn’t sleeping well as her ring continues glowing. 

The next day while the investigation is going on, Uncle Zhou taunts Fang Leng about looking for taking the long route to find the answer when it’s very obvious. He sounds like a eunuch here. Assistant Han assures him that they’ve hired a professional team so they’ll find the clues for sure. The team isn’t able to find any new evidence but at least Uncle Zhou finally leaves. Assistant Han notices that there are no signs of damage to the door, surveillance equipment was destroyed and this occurred during the security guards’ shift change. 

Uncle Zhou is now on the phone, bragging to his sister about how cool he was two nights’ ago in his leather outfit in the lab… and he had handed out the dinky disposable plastic clear gloves from the pizza place to his crew as they destroyed the lab and Hormone Element. *facepalm* He’s a jerk + moron. His sister is still having Fang Leng investigated, in particular, his medical records. She wants him to be replaced in the company. 

Fang Lie texts Xiao Bu to ask if he can visit her at the tea shop, and she replies that she’s not there even as she’s wiping down a table. He’s actually hidden out of sight and can see her perfectly. He now asks the forum, what are the signs that his girlfriend doesn’t like him anymore. Responses: Lies, annoyed, keeping secrets, avoiding him, lack of reply, excuses, unconcerned, etc. Nonetheless, he walks into the shop and Xiao Bu quickly ducks down behind the counter and wills him to not see her. He just looks over the counter and asks her about saying she’s not here at the shop. She stands up and says that he’s got it all wrong. (1. She just lied to him boldly.) He then asks about her recent short answers to his messages. She continues avoiding any eye contact, then turns her back to him and says that she’s quite busy at the shop. (2. She didn’t look at him and seemed annoyed.) He then invites her on a date when she gets off of work. She curtly tells him no as she has things to do. When he asks what sort of things, she says that he wouldn’t know. (3. She’s keeping secrets and told him nothing.) Fang Lie looks so sad at her responses. She tries to leave but he stops her with a hand on her arm, and asks her if she’s in love with someone else. She jerks her arm away from his grasp and walks away without saying anything. Poor Fang Lie is poleaxed by this.

Later, she peeks around the shop to make sure Fang Lie is gone. Chai Jie tells her that he’s gone and asks what’s going on that she’s avoiding her own boyfriend. Xiao Bu says that every time she sees him, her cheeks get hot and her heart races, and it feels so uncomfortable. Chai Jie says, silly girl, that’s what love feels like. Her cheeks are flaming up due to shyness and her heart races due to being in love. When she’s truly in love with him, she can’t help but think about him all day. Xiao Qi pops by to say goodbye as she’s leaving for a date with Fang Leng. Chai Jie continues saying that couples in love should see each other every day and be unashamed about it. Dr. Zhang drops in to surprise her. Xiao Bu thinks about the fact that she’s just a robot which means she has nothing to do with love. Besides, she's going home soon. 

On their date, Xiao Qi is digging into her fried chicken. Fang Leng removes his jacket to cover her legs and comments that she’s been misunderstood by so many people yet she’s still happily enjoying her food. She says her happiness is simple - as long as she gets to eat delicious fried chicken, and look at the stars in the sky, then she’s happy. He replies that everyone thinks it’s her, so how is she not worried at all. She continues eating chicken and says what’s the point of worrying. If they’re misunderstanding her, then it’s their business. Why must she punish herself and be unhappy because of other people’s mistaken belief? He’s relieved to hear this as he had thought she’d be sad. She says others can think what they want, so long as he believes her, it’s fine. He says that the board meeting is tomorrow but there’s no clue. He gives a deep sigh, and she finally sets down her chicken and asks him for a hug. He says he doesn’t feel like it, so she cutely whines, and he still refuses. She then does a heart with her arms and then finger hearts before she finally puts her arms around him. She asks if he’s better now, and he says no with a cute pout. She continues hugging him and tells him to cheer up. He then asks for her to give him a signature taro kissing – and she quickly pulls him in for a kiss. The kiss ends and she asks if he’s happier now. He’s smiling as she continues hugging him.

Fang Leng continues reviewing surveillance plans… and later at the meeting he plays surveillance footage of what happened in the lab that night. The footage makes Uncle Zhou spit out the water he’s drinking. He claims that Fang Leng made this fake video. Fang Leng says what he didn’t know was that there was more than one set of surveillance cameras installed. He says he can deny it but he’s going to hand the evidence directly to the police to have it verified. Uncle Zhou asks why he’s getting the police involved, as he wanted an internal investigation, and he really should consider the interest of the company. Fang Leng says in the company’s interest, he’ll hold him - pointing at Uncle Zhou - solely responsible for the loss incurred by this event. He’ll also be placed on a 3-month probationary period. If anything else happens, he’ll be suspended from all duties within the group. Uncle Zhou can do nothing but accept this. Fang Leng says there’s one more thing – and Assistant Han brings in Xiao Qi. Fang Leng says he needs to apologize to his staff. Uncle Zhou begrudgingly apologizes to her. Xiao Qi takes this in stride and even thanks him! She’s thinking to herself, if it wasn’t for him, she’d have left already. Ou. 

Afterwards, Xiao Qi says he told her that there wasn’t any evidence. As it turns out, they’ve had three system upgrades but two of three systems were not dismantled. So those cameras were not tampered with. Fang Leng tells Xiao Qi that Uncle Zhou must’ve thought that only the newest cameras were in use. However, the old cameras were working as well. Fang Leng says that their project can resume, as well as the creation of the hormone perfume. 
I just wanted to showcase her hair accessory. 🐢
Back at Shi Yi’s, Cany is scanning Xiao Bu’s system. Shi Yi assures Xiao Qi that what happened wasn’t her fault, and soon the Hormone Element will be developed in no time. Candy tells Shi Yi that Xiao Bu’s system is perfectly fine and everything’s working perfectly fine. Xiao Bu asks how that could be true as she never suddenly turned into a tortoise back on their home planet. Candy says it may also be a new type of virus found on Earth but she’s unable to detect it temporarily. Xiao Qi is exchanging cute messages with Fang Leng, who is going to pick her up from the tea shop. Shi Yi says that he guesses that she may need to undergo a factory reset. She pouts at this. Shi Yi says not to worry and hang in there, as they’ll go home when the mission is completed. Xiao Qi doesn’t look happy but she gives a little nod at this. Xiao Bu says this is the second time, so it should be quicker, right? Xiao Qi nods but this makes her more pensive. 

Later, Xiao Bu receives a call to pick up a parcel. When she goes to pick up the parcel, the guy turns around to hand it to her - it’s Fang Lie. She immediately turns around to leave but he stops her from leaving by holding onto her arm. He says he wants them to have a talk and this was his solution. She refuses to turn around and says that she has nothing to tell him and she doesn’t want to see him. He says they’re a couple, and even if she’s angry with him, she should at least give him a reason. She thinks to herself, if she told him that she turns into a tortoise whenever she sees him, would he believe her. He finally turns her around to face him, and she immediately closes her eyes and turns her face downward. He tells her if she says that she doesn’t like him anymore, then he will never look for her again. She opens her eyes and finally looks up at him. She thinks to herself that it’s not what he thinks and he’s misunderstood her. Poor Fang Lie! But as they stare at each other, she starts overheating and she actually shoves him away and runs away from him. Fang Lie runs to follow her but then she turns into a tortoise and is nearly stepped on by him as he continues scanning the area to see where she went. Xiao Qi wonders what’s going on with herself.

At work, Fang Leng is told that they can resume their project in about three days. Xiao Qi seems concerned so Fang Leng asks for more people to be added so it can be done in two days’ time. She quickly says there’s no need as it’s better to ensure the quality of work. The hormone perfume press conference is tentatively scheduled in two weeks.  As Fang Leng continues giving directives to the different teams, Xiao Qi watches him with a touch of sadness in her eyes.

Later, Xiao Qi is glumly eating fried chicken while looking up at the stars with Fang Leng. He asks why she’s in low spirits today. She denies this and claims that the chicken’s spiciness is bothering her. He tells her then she should get some water from the trunk of the car. When she opens the trunk, there’s a surprise waiting for her. The trunk has been decorated with red, white, and green balloons, matching pennants and colorful lights strung around lavender. Fang Leng walks up to join her and gives her a back hug.  (~38:35)

[Ep19He tells her that he’ll take her on a trip after this project is completed, to each fried chicken from all over the world. She’s pretty happy about it but she’s quite sad that he’s planning a future with her and doesn’t know she’s leaving Earth. So she burrows herself into him for a deeper hug.  

Xiao Qi returns home to Xiao Bu who is hiding in her room, under the covers. She’s still wearing the cooling patch on her forehead but she now has a shell on her back. lol! And her system is equipped with has a new heart-shaped firewall. Ninety percent of the system is occupied by love, so nothing else works. Hahaha. Xiao Bu realizes that she might be in love as she recalls Chai Jie’s words. Xiao Qi asks if she knows how to extend their time so they have more time to refine the Hormone Element.

The next day, while in the lab, Xiao Qi uses her power to take out the power in there. It’ll take about a week to resolve. While they’re collecting hormones, Xiao Qi turns on the PDA - rubbing noses with him, grabbing his pec, and pinching his cheek, as she assumes the cuff is still slowly gathering the hormones. However, it’s actually been improved upon so it’s working triple its original speed. Xiao Qi finds other ways to delay the project but she’s thwarted at every turn. 

Back at home, Xiao Qi has prepared goodbye gifts for everyone. She asks Xiao Bu if they’ll ever see them again, and if they’ll be forgotten if they just leave like this. Xiao Bu replies that saying goodbye and forgetting is a part of life. They’ll lose contact with everyone when they return to Cape Town. 

Xiao Qi gives Chai Jie a makeup set; Assistant Han is bestowed her pink scooter; and Dr. Zhang receives a notebook filled with Chai Jie’s favorites. Xiao Qi is trying to figure out a way to earn money quickly so she can get a roaming phone to contact Earth when they’re back on their home planet. Later, Fang Leng finds Xiao Qi’s notebook with her list of farewell gifts. On his way to pick her up, it starts raining and he sees himself with Xiao Qi at a crosswalk intersection. (Ep28 of S1, when Fang Leng spends the day with her before she’s taken away.) He goes through the pain of losing her without a proper goodbye. Fang Leng ends up getting T-boned as he’s stopped in the middle of an intersection. 

Back at home, the doctor tells him to get some rest. A very worried Xiao Qi runs in but Fang Leng doesn’t know who she is! Assistant Han sends her to make some noodles and then he tells Fang Leng that she’s his girlfriend and shows him their picture. Assistant Han tells her about Fang Leng having temporary amnesia from the car accident. She later tells Shi Yi about Fang Leng’s accident and amnesia. He mutters that it’s a good thing. She’s confused and he quickly says it’ll delay their mission. She pretends to be upset about having to stay on Earth longer. 

She later brings Fang Leng a taro kissing milk green tea drink. He coldly says he only drinks Americanos. She explains that she’s the taro and he’s the milk green tea and then plants one on his lips. She then asks if he remembers her, and he promptly throws her out of his place. But then Assistant Han tells him that the equipment has been repaired. So he has to let her back into his place.

Xiao Qi is now wearing her wuxia costume and carrying a cup of the tea. She asks if he remembers when she delivered food to work in this outfit. He coldly says that the company’s security system really needs an upgrade. She just continues dancing and then spins around in front of him. He leans back away from her every movement. LOL (25:00, his head bobbing is cracking me up the most here. Like a chicken’s…) Then she hands him a box of fried chicken and gives him the chicken leg lecture about being responsible about eating it. XD She asks if he remembers and he just looks blankly at her. She forces him to stand up and then acts like she’s about to carry him, like the way he carried her off fireman style. (Ep9.) She gives him the same speech about eating only the drumsticks that she buys for him. She asks if he remembers and he says he would never have done or said such a thing. Plus he would never eat such junk food. Now they’re reenacting the live stream at the gym event. As he’s holding her feet in place for the sit ups, it appears that he wants to kiss her. She thinks it’ll work but he suddenly lets go of her feet. He says that this mustn’t be important as he doesn’t remember anything. 

Both girls are at home trying to deal with their love issues. Xiao Bu creates a virus to destroy the firewall but it fails. Xiao Qi complains about Fang Leng remembering everyone except her, his girlfriend. Xiao Bu reminds her that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. The next day, she starts cooking at Fang Leng’s. But she creates so much smoke, that Fang Leng puts his arm around her and deftly removes the wok from the stove and puts it into the sink. He then tells her to stop forcing herself to cook if she doesn’t know how to. He continues saying that the experience of burning the kitchen once is enough. She notices that he’s letting her hold onto his hand still. He removes his hand and she quickly goes to tidy up. She asks if he remembers something as how does he know that she can’t cook. He looks around and says isn’t it obvious. She agrees but then asks how he knows that she’s burnt the kitchen before. He says that Assistant Han told him to keep her away from the kitchen. He leaves and tells her to order takeout. She quickly messages Assistant Han to ask him about the kitchen remark but he’s clueless.

Fang Lie shows up at the tea shop but Xiao Bu still refuses to look at him. He brings out relics of his memories of their time together. He tells her that today is their 56th day together. She replies that it’s 55 days, eight hours and three minutes. He tells her that the first 30 days is the honeymoon phase and the next 30 days is the burnout period. He tells her as long as they’re able to get through that second period, then they can enter a stable period. So it’s normal for them to have a bit of conflict right now. He finally spins her around to face him to tell her that the key is that they be understanding and overcome this together. She looks up into his eyes and she starts overheating and runs away from him. She doesn’t make it far before turning into a tortoise. Poor Fang Lie looks so crestfallen at this. When he leaves, he runs into Chai Jie who asks what he did to tick her off. He says he hasn’t but then wonders if he’s pestered her too much. Chai Jie says girls like guys who are career-focused. So he happily runs off to complete his artwork. 

Back at Fang Leng’s, Xiao Qi has ordered take out: century egg pork porridge, snow fungus porridge and an assortment of fried dough and pancakes. He says he doesn’t eat fried things and pushes the pancakes towards her. He then hands her the snow fungus porridge. She comments how he knows that she likes sweets. He says he doesn’t but he only likes savory. She says he remembered that he disliked fried foods but doesn’t remember that the snow fungus porridge is his favorite. He claims that he’s tired of it and wants a different taste. Then he says he needs to return to his room to work and takes the porridge away with him. 

Now Xiao Qi is sitting down to hot pot and can’t figure out if he’s really lost his memories of her or not. She then looks at the bottle of grape juice and gets the bright idea of replacing its content with red wine. He sits down and eats the spicy hot pot and starts drinking glass after glass of wine… He ends up quite drunk and whiny. Haha. (40:00, The drunk Fang Leng of Ep3 is back…) 

He starts whining about drinking some more. She asks him if he’s really got amnesia, and he tells her that he wants to go to the amusement park. He starts walking around the place like he’s going to go on a ride. She’s chasing him around and tells him that it’s closed at this hour, so he says he’ll go to the arcade then. He starts acting like he’s playing on one of the console machines. She tells him it’s closed, too and he starts whining and trying to make a break for the front door. She gets him to sit down on the couch and tells him to be good. She mutters that it’s so hard to talk to him in this state, and he starts whining that jie jie hates him. LMAO He reverts back to a little kid every time! She denies this and he says that she just scolded him because she hates him. Haha. She consoles him by hugging him and says that she doesn’t hate him, and she actually likes him. He says then if she doesn’t hate him then she must like him. According to his mother, if one does not hate another, then it’s love. He asks if she loves him. 

[Ep20She replies that she doesn’t know what it means to like someone. She likes fried chicken, hot pot, summer and winter. She’s never thought about what makes her happy except him, and never thought about having to replace him. She’s also never thought about what would happen if she lived her life without him. She asks if he likes this answer. He says he doesn’t understand. He then asks for jie jie to read him a story. She tells him a story of Xiao Qi Qi leaving Xiao Feng Feng. He whines that stories should have happy endings, and Xiao Qi Qi should stay with Xiao Feng Feng forever. When she falls asleep, he admits that he’ll have amnesia forever just to keep her by his side. 

The next day, Shi Yi asks to see Xiao Qi. She tells him about Fang Leng’s amnesia. Shi Yi stops time and transports to Fang Leng’s place. Fang Leng is immune to Xiao Qi’s ability to stop time but not Shi Yi’s. So he recovers Fang Leng’s memories of Xiao Qi and is caught by Xiao Qi who stops him. She begs him for one more chance to complete the mission. He says it’s the last chance. Otherwise, he’ll do it his way next time. After he leaves, Fang Leng feels a bit weakened. 

Xiao Qi takes him to the pool, and she goes to jump into the deep end first. He fusses over her and she asks if he remembers something. Nonetheless, she jumps in and he dives in to pull her from the bottom of the pool. He has to resuscitate her and she says that it would be nice if he didn’t lose his memories of her as his girlfriend. He finally says that he’s been pretending to have amnesia. She gets quite angry and starts scolding him for making her work so hard to recover his memory, etc. He asks how she could play around with her life like this. She argues that he’s getting mean. She tries to leave but he pulls her in for a kiss. She resists at first but then she acquiesces. He apologizes for lying to her as he thought she was leaving him. He then asks about the farewell gifts, and she tries to say it was only an experiment. He pulls her in for a hug. Shi Yi sees this display from the comfort of his home.

Now they’re sitting outside as she’s eating two sets of fried chicken and milk tea. Fang Leng is writing the new rules for their relationship: 1) Fang Leng can’t lie to Xiao Qi in the future. 2) Fang Leng can’t make Xiao Qi angry in the future. She adds one to his list. 3) Don’t use the black card to blow her off if he makes her angry in the future. She says he can add more. He says he doesn’t but then he changes his mind. 4) Xiao Qi can’t leave Fang Leng suddenly. They’re interrupted by Assistant Han’s call who tells him that Fang Lie’s mother has obtained his psychological records in the U.S., pertaining to his rain-triggered amnesia(Uhm, how does one’s medical records get released without his knowledge?!) Assistant Han lets it slip that Fang Leng had this amnesia since he was five years old. Fang Leng tells him to upgrade the security for his memory bank, ask Dr. Zhang to secure his medical records and upgrade the hacking system. After he hangs up the call, she asks him about the amnesia. He, in turn, asks her to never leave his side, even if he ever forgets her in the future. She thinks about how she won’t be here in the future, but she asks if there’s a cure. He says that he’s forgotten every woman when it’s rained except for her. Even so, he’s not sure if his condition will get better or worse and if he’ll ever forget her. She realizes this is why he was so angry when she had lied to him before, because she’s the only one he won’t forget. She promises to never leave him, and she’ll try her best to help him recall who she is just like she did this time. She then asks for his notebook, and signs her name next to the fourth rule. The two hug but they both have a bit of a sad smile on their faces.

Xiao Qi returns home to ask Chai Jie what love is. Chai Jie says this question is too broad. But she says it can be vigorous. It can be serene. It’s whenever one’s heartbeat becomes faster when one sees that person. It can also calm one’s mind when one is leaning on his shoulder. It’s love when one bravely expresses their love. It’s also love when one sits to the side and waits silently. Everyone has a different understanding and need for love, so love is also different for everyone. Xiao Qi realizes that she’s really fallen in love with him when she decided to stay. 

Xiao Qi goes to see Dr. Zhang about Fang Leng’s amnesia. His amnesia is a means to diluting a painful memory, by way of escaping. He suggests that she speak to Fang Leng’s father if she wants to cure him. She asks what this has to do with his father. He says that Fang Leng’s mother saw her husband cheating on her at the time, and she had run away with Fang Leng, which resulted in the car accident. Whenever Dr. Zhang suggests he reconcile with the past, ergo, his father, Fang Leng avoids the topic altogether. Xiao Qi runs off to go see Fang Leng’s father. 

Uncle Zhou is at the Fang residence uttering nonsense about Xiao Qi, but then he sees her ringing the doorbell. He doesn’t even let her get in a word before just telling her that Fang Leng’s father isn’t here. She realizes it’s Uncle Zhou so she hangs around and waits for them to leave the house. Fang Leng’s father leaves in the car without Uncle Zhou. Ha! Xiao Qi shows up at their luncheon, as a waitress. She asks for ten minutes of his time. Uncle Zhou tries to get thrown out. But when she mentions that it’s been a long time since he’s talked to Fang Leng, he actually waits to listen to what she has to say. Uncle Zhou continues trying to shove her out of there, but Fang Leng’s father agrees to give her ten minutes of his time. 

Later Fang Leng receives a message from Xiao Qi to meet her at the movies. He asks where she’s been all day. She shoves him into the movie theatre and when he sits down, he sees footage of his pregnant mother (lol, sorry but that pregnancy bump was so horrible - it’s like she literally has a bowling ball under her dress!) and his father saying hello to him. Then it’s footage of his parents with him as a baby. Fang Leng is sobbing in his seat when Xiao Qi joins him and hands him a tissue. She tells him that his mother would want him to be a little bit happier. He thanks her. She says that he should thank his father, as he’s the one who gave him the videos. His father shows up and the two men look at each other. His father asks why he didn’t tell him about his amnesiac condition. Fang Leng says that he’s unneeded in the family, and if he had told him the truth, then his stepmother would make him leave the company immediately. His father asks who said he was unneeded. Then he says how could he hide such a big thing from him, and asks if he’s even his son. Fang Leng says he’s his son but if he hadn’t treated his mother that way before, she wouldn’t be dead. Fang Leng walks away and his father says he doesn’t know anything. Xiao Qi runs after him. Fang Leng’s father asks if he wants to know the truth.

[Ep21What really happened back then was Fang Leng ran out into the street chasing a dog, and his mother ran after him. But she got hit by a car and it started raining. When he woke up, he’d asked for his mother. He’d suffered from selective memory loss. His father had been afraid of scarring him for life, so he’d made up the cheating story. His father never thought he’d hate him for this for so long. Fang Leng asks if his mother died because of him then. Xiao Qi says that he’s not trying to make him feel guilty but to not be stuck living in those memories. She tells him to not forget who loves and cares for him now. His father agrees with her, and tells him to take it easier and be happier and his mother would be proud. Fang Leng tearfully apologizes to his father. The two tearfully hug as Xiao Qi watches on. 

Afterwards, Fang Leng thanks her. She tells him she’s not sure if this will cure his amnesia but she’ll stay by his side. He asks for how long. She says forever and always, as she loves him. He looks at her with surprise as this is the first time she’s said it. She asks what with his expression, and he says she hardly ever says she loves him. She says she’s said it before, but he just doesn’t remember. But it’s okay because she just decided yesterday. A ticked off Shi Yi is watching our lovey-dovey couple from a distance, as he’d been on his way to see Xiao Qi with a huge bag of candies. Fang Leng asks her what decision. She says it’s nothing. Then she says she will always love him and be good to him, and she meant it. So don’t be surprised and just get used to it. The two hug and Fang Leng says he loves her, too. Awww. 

The first pheromone perfume has finally been developed at Future Group! It’ll be launched in about a week’s time. There’s an impromptu meeting with Zhou siblings in attendance - but it’s about to rain soon, and they’re waiting on Fang Leng. He brings in Assistant Han and Xiao Qi into the meeting with him, which Uncle Zhou makes sure to gripe about. *rolling eyes* I just want a muzzle on him. The meeting is about the future development of the company. Fang Leng counters that it’s odd that his stepmother is here as she’s not even an employee of the company. She says it’s her family’s business. It starts raining and Fang Leng’s head starts hurting. The Zhou siblings insist that Fang Leng introduce the new clients (two females) in attendance to the group, and they won’t allow Assistant Han’s help. Xiao Qi says it’s not their first time meeting so there’s no need for an introduction. His stepmother then brings up the fact that it’s raining and he suffers from some kind of amnesia. Fang Leng tries to overcome the headache and Xiao Qi rubs his hand to comfort him. Suddenly, Fang Leng sees the two women and knows them by name, Ms. Li and Ms. Wang. He also knows the names of the other females in the room. (Wait, so he normally doesn’t forget his stepmother either? lol Plot hole!) Fang Leng denies having this amnesia that she spoke of. His stepmother argues that she’s already looked into his medical records abroad. (Again, how does she have the right/privilege to do so?!) She pulls out the psychological records confirming this and the two siblings start talking about how he’s mentally ill and unfit for the CEO position. Fang Dad shows up and asks who says that he’s not qualified? 

Dad says that he gave Fang Leng three years as the CEO’s appraisal period, and although, this period isn’t up yet, it’s obvious that with Fang Leng’s ability and personality, he can definitely undertake the position of president. So he’s ending the assessment early, and as of today, Fang Leng is the CEO, in fact, of Future Group. His wife stands up and brings up his amnesia, and he tells her that this is a company and not a place for her to mess around in. Hahaha. She walks out in a huff. Fang Leng then announces that they’ve just successfully created the first pheromone perfume and confirmed the production plan and launch date. 

Afterwards, Fang Leng tells Xiao Qi that he thinks he saw something that hasn’t happened between them yet. He saw her walking towards him on their wedding day (from Ep1!). She says that maybe it’s just a hallucination. And then they’re both interrupted by a phone call - Fang Lie and Xiao Bu have broken up! 

Xiao Bu had dropped by the studio to see Fang Lie, and then she’d broken up with him this afternoon. She had said that they could be friends. He’d asked what he could change to change this but she wouldn’t say much else. He’d said that a relationship is a two-person thing, but she’d interrupted and said that breaking up is a one-person thing and then she’d run away from him. He’d stood there distraught with tears and dropped the painting he’d made of them on their outer space date. She’d actually been hiding by the car and suddenly became sad and turned into a tortoise again. So she had to jump into the lake to cool down before returning to her human form. 

Xiao Bu figured that this firewall had everything to do with Fang Lie, so the only way was to break up with him. Xiao Qi asks if she wasn’t too harsh with him. Xiao Bu’s firewall program is getting worse after this breakup though, as she’s now receiving an urgent system alert. 

Poor Fang Lie is crying about his heartbreak to Fang Leng. His brother comforts him - with his favorite drink and potato chips. LMAO Boys…pffft. Fang Leng tells him to not give up. Fang Lie says he’s already tried for so long. Fang Leng says so why not hold out longer, go pursue her and be the strong person he really is. 

It’s the press conference day for Destiny Lover, the first pheromone perfume from Future Group. It was created with the intention of generating a feeling of being in love when someone uses it. This perfume is currently the highest priced perfume in their company. When asked why he entrusted a newcomer perfumer with the task of creating this perfume, Fang Leng says they’re the inspiration for the project. It’s thanks to them that this perfume has come into being, and they’re actually a very gifted person. After seeing this, Shi Yi gets ready to go home. 

Afterwards, Fang Leng says everyone loves the new perfume. In pre-sales, it's already broken the record for the best-selling perfume in the history of Future Group. She then tells him to close his eyes and has him sniff a perfume that she made for him – Cold Outside, Warm Inside aka Fang Leng. He likes the way it smells. She then asks if she has a small present for all that she’s done. He tells her to sit down and wait over there. He turns to walk away but she grabs onto his arm and suggests that he just buy her some fried chicken. Haha. He asks how that will be enough. When Fang Leng returns to the stage, he’s strumming a guitar and starts singing her a song. When he’s done singing, she claps and then runs up onto the stage to ask the name of the song, it’s “Destiny Lover.” (Thassapak Hsu’s OST for this series.) Xiao Qi says it’s the same name as the perfume. He admits that he wrote this song in secret when he was thinking of the name for the perfume. So the song and perfume are both dedicated to her. The two then share a sweet kiss. 

Shi Yi is waiting outside Xiao Qi’s place for the Hormone Element. Xiao Qi hands it to him and when he says to get ready to go home, she tells him that she wants to stay on Earth and be with Fang Leng. He tries to take her with him but she won’t go with him. He insists that Fang Leng lied to her. She says he hasn’t lied to her, and she loves him, as he loves her. She doesn’t want to return to an emotionless life back on their planet. Xiao Qi goes back inside and Shi Yi insists that he’ll prove everything is a lie. 

[Ep22Xiao Qi asks Xiao Bu if she returns home with Shi Yi to get her system repaired, does that mean that she’ll never see her again. Xiao Bu says yes but she decides to stay on Earth with her. The girls hug each other. 

Shi Yi has Fang Leng meet him at One Design. He tells Fang Leng to break up with Xiao Qi. Fang Leng says that’s impossible. Shi Yi laughs at this and says when he finds out the truth, then he’ll realize how his persistence is really ridiculous. He tells him he’s from Cape Town Planet and then shows him his superpowers. He asks him even if this is real, how is this related to Xiao Qi. Shi Yi tells him the truth about Xiao Qi, an alien, whose mission is to use him to collect the Hormone Element. 

Fang Leng then picks up Xiao Qi and asks if she loves him. She says that she loves him so much and shoots him finger hearts. Then he asks about her mission. She plays dumb and says that she’s starving. He says that Shi Yi has told him everything. She holds both of his hands and tells him that she’s been wanting to tell him everything but wasn’t sure how to tell him. She didn’t expect Shi Yi to tell him first though. She said it was initially a mission but it’s no longer the case as she really does love him and wants to stay by his side. She asks if he’s prejudiced against aliens. He asks what if he does, will she leave him then. She says she won’t and even if he breaks up with her, she’ll pursue him. She then says that she knows he’s got mixed feelings about this right now, so she’ll leave him alone for now. She slowly walks away, and as he watches her go, he can’t stand it. He gets up and hugs her from behind. 

FL: Whether you’re a human or an alien, I still love you. She giggles and turns around in his arms. However… She looks around.
CXQ: I don’t think we should do this in public. She shyly shoves her face into his chest. 
FL: Tell me. How are you going to prove everything you just said? 
CXQ: Are you still not trusting me? 

So she transports them somewhere, and then explains that she can travel anywhere she wants to go in an instant. He says it’s no wonder she always flashes up in front of him. Then he says it’s not that impressive. So she shows him something cooler – she then freezes time. Everything around them stops, along with the people. She then ties a balloon to a child’s hand, and then readjusts someone's spilled drink by putting it back into its cup, and then retrieves someone’s phone from falling into the water by placing it in their hand now. He realizes that she was the one behind the blossoming flowers at the hotel before. She then transports them somewhere else and then she uses her superpower, Light Wave of Love to make flowers bloom in what looks like a fallow flower bed. He’s impressed now. She says this power is specially designed for Earth, those who are affected by it will be touched and fall in love. She then says she was behind the orchids at Ke Ren’s, as well as the flowerbed, and Mrs. Zhou (the bickering couple).  She says it’s a good thing it didn’t work on him before otherwise she would have completed the mission and returned home. And he wouldn’t have fallen in love with her. He says that indicates that she’s destined to stay on Earth and that he’s destined to love her. She asks for a kiss and when he leans over, her stomach growls. Ha! 

Now they’re sitting in traffic, and she complains about starving to death. She then uses her powers – she freezes time, and then she sends the car flying up into the sky. After they’re up in the sky, she unfreezes time. Fang Leng is shocked and kind of scared by how high up they are. He’s amazed, and the car even drives itself. The two enjoy a bird’s eye view of the nighttime city view. 

Xiao Qi returns home to a blue Xiao Bu, who realizes that she thinks about Fang Lie whenever she sees Xiao Qi with Fang Leng. She still hasn’t figured out what’s going on with herself. Xiao Qi asks if she’s in love with Fang Lie. Xiao Bu says she doesn’t know but then asks how she knows that she loves Fang Leng. Xiao Qi says her feelings for him built up over time. When he had his [fake] amnesia, she’d been worried about him and became afraid he’d really forget her. It was then that she realized that she had always loved him. Xiao Bu laments that Fang Lie doesn’t have amnesia, so she’s not sure how to figure out if she actually likes Fang Lie or not. Xiao Qi then has her play a word association game - she suggests a word and Xiao Bu comes up with the first word/thing that corresponds to it. When she says Fang Lie, Xiao Bu immediately says boyfriend.  Her system turns from blue to the throbbing heartbeat. Xiao Bu asks if robots, like her, can fall in love. Xiao Qi says why not, she absolutely can. Xiao Bu finally cracks a smile. 

Fang Leng calls Fang Lie to check on him. He’s been asleep and says that he just got up and going to order some breakfast. His brother tells him it’s 11 p.m. So Fang Lie says he’ll go back to sleep and talk to him tomorrow. Before he can hang up, his brother asks him when was the last time he stepped outside. He says he hasn’t been outside since submitting his competition entry. He’s been staying at the studio this whole time. They hang up and Fang Lie returns to sleeping at his desk. 

The next day, Fang Leng asks Xiao Qi if they should tell Fang Lie that Xiao Bu is a robot. Xiao Qi says she’s not ready to tell him so they need to respect her choice and keep it a secret for now. Fang Leng is worried about his brother being so down - and then Fang Lie runs outside and happily jumps onto his brother! Xiao Qi comments that he doesn’t look sad at all. Fang Lie just received an invitation for the competition awards ceremony. He then asks them for a favor. 

Our couple then take Xiao Bu to the competition awards ceremony. Xiao Bu checks out the exhibition but doesn’t find Fang Lie’s entry. She’s worried that he didn’t make the cut. But then they hear the announcement for the top three entries, with first place going to My Inspiration by Fang Lie. Xiao Bu runs off to the ceremony and finds Fang Lie in a suit, accepting his award. He gives his acceptance speech and thanks the girl who suddenly came to him and brought him many unexpected experiences. And because of her, he was able to win this award today. He then reveals the winning piece – it’s a portrait of Xiao Bu [reminiscent of Gustav Klimt’s Golden Phase but in a softer palette and tone]. He says that this is Xiao Bu, his muse, who is a cool, sweet girl. When asked if she’s his girlfriend, Fang Lie says he thought they’d be together forever, but he did something wrong and hopes he’ll get another chance and he won’t screw it up. Xiao Qi encourages her to be braver. When they realize she’s in the audience, everyone starts pressuring her to give him an answer. She runs away from the scene. 

Xiao Qi finds her and asks if she’s being too much of a coward. Xiao Qi tells her that of all the superintelligent robots, she’s the only one willing to be her friend and keep her company. She’s the one who took the initiative to go with her to complete her mission. So just know that she’s already brave enough. She reminds her that it’s hard to meet someone that she likes on Earth, but it’s even more rare to find someone who likes her back. Xiao Bu says she’s afraid that he won’t like her when she tells him the truth. Xiao Qi tells her how she knows that if she hasn’t told him anything. Xiao Qi brings Xiao Bu to Fang Lie, and then she tells him the truth. He says that she’s been lying to him the entire time. She says that she’s sorry, but he actually pulls her in for a hug and then smiles. He thanks her for lying to him for so long. He says this is more rewarding than his first place win. He thinks it’s cool that she’s an alien robot. She asks if he really doesn’t mind that she’s a robot without a heart? His response is to kiss her. She leans into the kiss but then she overheats and turns into a tortoise. 

He calls her name and this time, she tells him to look down here. He picks up Xiao Bu and lovingly cups her in his hand, and then asks how she’s a tortoise if she’s an alien robot. She explains that her system is unstable, and if her temperature suddenly rises, she becomes a tortoise. She admits that she loves him so when she’s in close contact with him, her temperature control is out of control. With a big smile, Fang Lie says, so she fell in love with him at first sight when she saw him at the airport. Bwahaha. She says he’s overthinking it, as at that time it was simply due to excessive physical activity. She admits that the first time it happened really was when he touched her head and she couldn’t help it. She then chides him for making her flutter all the time, as she’ll turn into a tortoise every day. He tells her to not worry as he’ll help her find a way as he lovingly strokes her turtle shell with one finger. 

Now our three couples are having hot pot together at the tea shop. Xiao Qi and Xiao Bu now both openly use their powers in front of the group. Only Chai Jie and Dr. Zhang are surprised by this. Heh. Fang brothers act like nothing’s going on. The couple finally ask if they could get an explanation. Fang Leng says it’s magic, as the girls just put on a magic show. Fang Lie quickly agrees with him. Xiao Qi tells him to stop, and it’s time to come clean with them. The girls admit that they’re aliens and they just used their superpowers. Chai Jie and Dr. Zhang then each asks the other to pinch them. However, they forget the point of the task and end up talking about who is cuter. lol Idiots. Xiao Bu interrupts to say that they didn’t mean to lie to her, but according to their planet’s security laws, they’re required to hide it from earthlings. They both expect her to be angry about being lied to but instead, she’s upset that they didn’t reveal their superpowers sooner. Then she would have made a lot of money and bought more designer purses. Ha. She then says she’s not mad as she’s already considered them as family. The girls then hug Chai Jie. Chai Jie then insists that the two younger couples need to be tested on their knowledge of their partners.

[Ep23Shi Yi ends up drugging Xiao Qi and keeping her at his place. Fang Leng is waiting for her but she’s trapped inside Shi Yi’s place. Meanwhile, Fang Lie gives Xiao Bu a surprise which makes her happy and raises her temperature. He insists on kissing her and then pulls them into the nearby pool. They share a kiss underwater. They’re interrupted by Fang Leng who is wondering where Xiao Qi is. The three then pay a visit to Shi Yi and he denies knowing anything, except to say that she’s promised to leave to return home with him. 

Xiao Qi keeps trying to escape but her powers don’t work inside the room. She tries to trick Candy into letting her out but to no avail. Later, Xiao Bu finds a way inside Shi Yi – she kisses Fang Lie and then turns into a tortoise. She props the door open long enough for Fang Lie and Fang Leng to come inside. The three search the place but they don’t see her anywhere. However, she can see and hear Fang Leng but the invisible force field keeps her cloaked from him. He hears her voice but… 

Xiao Qi eventually breaks out of the room and runs out into the stret looking for Fang Leng. He's also out there looking for her, and while they can hear each other, they actually never see each other.

[Ep24Fang Leng asks Xiao Bu if there’s a way to keep someone in one place but not be seen by others on their planet. Xiao Bu says yes, it’s a barrier, which must be implemented by Candy. 

Shi[t] Yi insists that they’re genetically matched even though Xiao Qi says that she only loves Fang Leng. Shi Yi decides to absorb Fang Leng’s hormones so Xiao Qi will follow him instead. It’s not enough, so he decides to reformatting (brainwashing) Xiao Qi into believing that she doesn’t love Fang Leng and was only with him for the mission. Now she will only follow Shi Yi’s directives. Xiao Qi is very docile and obedient with Shi Yi now. 

Fang Leng goes to see Shi Yi at One Design about renegotiating the contract. Xiao Qi appears but she doesn’t recognize Fang Leng. She’s quite cold and robotic. When a concerned Fang Leng asks if he’s okay, she avoids his touch and says that she was only with him before to complete the mission. Fang Leng knows that Shi Yi did something to her now. Shi Yi happily gloats about this victory. Not long after, Xiao Bu comes across Xiao Qi but she’s not very friendly with her and all business. Xiao Bu tries to scan her system, but Shi Yi won’t allow it. Ugh. I hate him. 

Xiao Qi does whatever Shi Yi wants but her personality – she’s a shell of who she was. Shi Yi is sick though from absorbing Fang Leng’s hormones, and Xiao Qi stays by his bedside to take care of him.

[Ep25Xiao Qi runs out to get candies for Shi Yi but she actually no longer likes candies herself. 

Fang Leng isn’t giving up. So he uses the excuse of dropping off her luggage at Shi Yi's, along with her favorite flowers, lavender, but she flatly rejects him and his flowers as she's genetically matched with Shi Yi.  Later, Xiao Bu explains what genetic matching is –  it's the best offspring by high-tech means. Relationships are not allowed, along with emotions. 

It’s another day, and Fang Leng is in wuxia clothing, carrying an umbrella and her dress in his arms. None of this means anything to her except that she thinks he’s mentally unwell as he’s been in a car accident in the past.  (LMAO. I am enjoying this wuxia song so much for some reason. I'm wired to laugh at the song every time. I am also seriously loving this role reversal.) She really doesn’t remember him or their past. 

Fang Lie asks if there's anything Fang Leng has that Xiao Qi finds irresistible. Fang Leng shows up in his sweats. He then grabs her hand and puts it on his chest and she resists. She asks him to stop bothering her and wasting her time. XD (Is it bad for me to say that I like this guy when he's in sweats the most? Bwahaha, as opposed to his suits.) She gives him the same rejection lines he's given her before... Awww. He then fans his hormones at her. Xiao Qi says that Shi Yi smells like him, and his hormones are stronger than Fang Leng’s. When Shi Yi shows up, Fang Leng hugs him and then sniffs him.  

Fang Leng figures out that he's used the Hormone Element. So that’s why he can’t take Xiao Qi away yet – he needs a new Hormone Element to complete the mission and return home. Xiao Bu says that using an unknown substance is also a major offense. Fang Leng plans to delay his mission. 

While they’re at dinner, Xiao Qi is very polite with Shi Yi. This entire scene with the planets/stars. I just can’t recap it. Eh…

Fang Leng shows up at One Design, and Shi Yi says he’s terminating their cooperative contract. Fang Leng brings up the fact that he won’t get his Hormone Element then. He asks if he used the only hormone he had to enchant Xiao Qi, right? Fang Leng says that Xiao Bu explained it to him. He also knows that hormones aren't good for his body. He then has Assistant Han play him a video of Fang Leng dumping out the rest of the extracted hormones. Fang Leng wants Xiao Qi back at Future Group to develop the Hormone Element again. Phase I of his plan.

Xiao Qi is returning to Future Group tomorrow. Fang Leng and the gang celebrate. Thus begins Phase II of chasing his wife – deep affection.

Xiao Qi returns to Future Group with directives and words of caution from Shi Yi. She returns to her desk and is confused by the surprise welcome back party. She’s only been gone a week though. She asks Assistant Han if he isn’t curious why she went to The One. He says Shi Yi was jealous of Fang Leng and stole her away. Xiao Qi finds everyone to be idiots.

Xiao Qi shows up at the R&D Department and asks Fang Leng when she can start collecting the hormones. Fang Leng is busy and keeps her busy as well. If she does well, he’ll think about taking her to collect the hormones. She finishes every task and asks when the experiment will start after each one. He just ignores her question and gives her a different task each time. He even gives her a drink. She’s not happy with him. Fang Leng is so happy about making her agitated that he walks into a shelf. Bwahaha. (~27:00)

Later she stays late at work and nearly falls asleep at her desk. Fang Leng gives her a pillow, which wakes her up and she asks when they’ll start the experiment. He says it’s late so she should go home. She says that nothing’s been done today so why would she go home. He then offers her a ride home and she says if the experiment isn’t starting tomorrow, then they’re not meeting again. She then transports out of there. 

The next day, they’re together for the experiment - hormone collecting. (Does it work if only one of the two people is in love?) He thinks about their past memories and instead of seeing a happy Xiao Qi, he sees her as she is now - not smiling. The cuff on his arm starts beeping, and so he stops the experiment. When he returns and puts on the cuff, the cuff seems to be malfunctioning. As it turns out, the night before, Fang Lie had suggested that they find a way to keep the hormones from emanating. Fang Leng had remembered that they had a special product that stops the perfume from evaporating. So Fang Leng’s been wearing this special suit under his normal work suit. Ah. 

Fang Leng takes Xiao Qi somewhere that is full of their memories. He’s made a museum of them with the diary she wrote. She tells him that she only has her diary to keep track of the mission. She notices the fried chicken and picks it up, but she just drops it back into the bucket. There’s a board – 

Day 1

Fang Leng: Chai Xiao Qi, super crazy fan.
Chai Xiao Qi: Fang Leng, cold-blooded. 

Day 2
Chai Xiao Qi: How can I get Fang Leng to love me? 

He tells her that they had a very bad first impression of each other. In the beginning, he wouldn’t have thought that he would love her so much. She matter-of-factly says she just wanted to finish the mission quickly. She didn’t think she’d be stuck with him for so long. 

Fang Leng: Although Xiao Qi is a troublemaker, she has many qualities 
Chai Xiao Qi: Fang Leng’s domineering, but he seems lonely and fragile
Chai Xiao Qi: I can finally work together with Fang Leng

She looks confused. He tells her he realized how sincere, kind and committed she was doing the live stream at the gym. She then sees a board with photos of them together. 

Fang Leng: Xiao Qi has agreed to be my girlfriend in the forest? 
Chai Xiao Qi: Taro milk is tasty 

There’s another board with a couple of notes on it - Chai Xiao Qi: I want to forget about many things. When she turns to look at him and says she doesn’t think she wrote this one, he takes a quick photo of them. Once it’s done, he shows her and says this is their present and pins it up on the board. He then says she’s wasted a lot of energy and time on him in the past. From now on, he will do his best and utmost to prove that he is worthy of her love. Technically, she’s already spent twice as much time on him. lol She gestures at the room and asks him if this is his solution. He nods. She shows him her ring, it’s empty. She tells him if she allowed him to get close but now what? She can participate in the experiment but she doesn’t want to waste time with him. She stalks away in anger. Poor Fang Leng. The other note on the board – Fang Leng: No matter what Xiao Qi has been through, he’ll get her back. Aww.

Back at home, Shi Yi asks Xiao Qi if she really didn’t feel anything when Fang Leng showed her the past. She says that she actually was not only unimpressed but she wanted to hit him. If this is their approach to hormones, it’s a little too slow. Shi Yi is pleased with this. He thinks that Fang Leng will soon give up if this is Xiao Qi’s attitude. 

Fang Leng texts Xiao Qi asking to meet tomorrow. She says yes, if it’s about collecting hormones but not if he wants to waste time. That night Xiao Qi has a dream about that museum and it triggers the ring to slowly unlock her memories. It’s the memory of when Fang Leng from the original timeline (the future) said they’d take a picture every day and hang it in the cafe. He’d told her he wasn’t trying to retrieve memories but to create more memories.  

The next day, Xiao Qi wonders why she’s had such a dream. Shi Yi is unwell and unable to take her outside for her birthday. Back at Fang Leng’s, Xiao Bu laments that she used to spend all other birthdays with her but she can’t be with her today. Wouldn’t birthdays fall under being sentimental, ergo too emotional for Cape Town Planet? Fang Leng asks how she celebrated her birthday in the past. Xiao Bu says she likes starry skies so she used to watch the stars with her. 

Fang Leng invites Xiao Qi to a bar for tonight but she declines as she already has plans. Shi Yi tells her that they appear to be out of candy so she leaves to grab some. After she leaves, Candy asks if he didn’t buy all of the candies in the city. When she finally returns home, Shi Yi has decorated it for her birthday.

[Ep26Xiao Qi likes Shi Yi’s birthday surprise. 

Elsewhere, Fang Leng has put together a birthday surprise for her as well. It starts raining but Fang Leng still insists on working outside and continues waiting for her. Xiao Qi sees his text message belatedly so she finally shows up. She then finds Fang Leng soaked to the core and fixing the lights. She explains that she’s only been with him for the mission but he says that he’ll continue trying as he likes her. She says it’s ridiculous given how many times she’s rejected him. He says when you love someone, you’re willing to do anything foolish for them. He’d do the same for the rest of his life. He then pulls out his guitar and sings the song he wrote for her, “Destiny Lover.” At the end, he wishes her a happy birthday and presents her with a bouquet of roses. When he asks her for a dance, the fireworks start. The two dance and she admits that the starry sky (the one he created with the lights) is beautiful but she says she won’t fall in love with him so soon. He smiles and says that it’s something he’ll work on and then he passes out on her. 

Fang Leng wakes up at home and Xiao Qi is there. She tells him that the doctor said he caught a cold from the rain. She tells him to take his medicine. When he tells her to go home as Fang Lie can take care of him, she stays as she knows he waited in the rain for her. Fang Leng is pretty happy about it. Shi Yi calls to ask where she is, and he finds out that she’s at Fang Leng’s. All roads lead to Fang Leng. Heh. 

Later when Xiao Qi goes to sleep, she has dreams of Fang Leng and their memories (from the future). Her ring seems to be unlocking with more memories. She then asks Fang Leng about him being in the hospital, and about him asking to have their photos taken every day. He says perhaps this is in a parallel time, from rejecting him so many times.  

Back at Future Group, when Xiao Qi says she’s returning to Shi Yi at the end of the work day, Fang Leng starts acting ill. He tells her he’s fine and tells her to go but she insists on staying another night to take care of him. He sneaks in a smile. When she tells Shi Yi, he knows that she’s been lied to again. 

Fang Lie has found a way to help Xiao Bu deal with her rising body temperature – ice cream and frozen pieces of fruit. lol Xiao Qi calls Xiao Bu to tell her that Fang Leng’s gone missing, as he went out two hours ago and she hasn’t heard from him. She’s actually worried about him. 

Fang Leng goes to some abandoned warehouse but he gets knocked out by Shi Yi. The two then start to fight over Xiao Qi as neither one will give up on her. Shi Yi is stronger and more powerful than Fang Leng. When Shi Yi throws his superpower at Fang Leng, Xiao Qi shows up to block the attack and she ends up getting knocked out, and the sapphire in her ring unlocks every one of their memories! Xiao Qi wakes up and remembers everything and refuses to go with Shi Yi. She tells him if he tries to hurt Fang Leng, she’ll still protect him. Shi Yi wants to know what spell Fang Leng has her under, that she only has him in her heart. Shi Yi insists that he wants to be chief because of her, but Fang Leng asks if he’s sure that it’s not just for himself. Xiao Qi tells him that love is a choice and then asks for him to let them go. She holds hands with Fang Leng and they leave together. 

Back at home, Fang Leng won’t let Xiao Qi leave to get him water, and instead hugs her very tightly. She hugs him back and sweetly tells him that it’s over. However, he needs to keep an eye on her as she’s apparently easy to brainwash. He says then he’ll hold her like this forever. She then tells him that they’ve actually been together for a long time. And if her division hadn’t come and extracted her and then reformatted her, they would be married now, and even have children already. She then shows him her sapphire ring and asks if he remembers giving it to her. He doesn’t. But she says she was smart enough to  store all of her memories in the sapphire. Otherwise the memories would’ve all been completely erased. 

Fang Leng figures out that the images he’s seen on rainy days and in his dreams, are all actually real memories. She nods and then shows him their life story from the beginning. (37:20, S1 highlight reel!!) It starts with him groping him over and over. Haha. She finally turns it off from embarrassment. He tells her that even if they’ve lost their time or their memories, so long as she’s herself, he’s sure they can start over no matter what happens, and they can make things right again. She nods in agreement. And then they share some sweet kisses. But then Xiao Qi starts feeling dizzy. 

Shi Yi is recovering from his injuries and asks Candy to keep the matter of Xiao Qi a secret. As it turns out, on Fang Leng and Xiao Qi’s wedding, Shi Yi was the one who extracted Xiao Qi from Earth. He had vowed to not let hormones affect her ever again.

[Ep27Xiao Qi has fallen ill. She’s also worried about Shi Yi completing his mission. Fang Leng tells her to not worry as he’ll have plenty of hormones to give to him. Xiao Qi is surprised as he’d said it’d all been destroyed. He admits that if he hadn’t said that then how would she have returned to him. 

During their meal with their friends, when asked about her genetic match with Shi Yi, she says it’s at 99% compatibility, the highest score ever recorded in Cape Town Planet history. Fang Leng looks a bit upset by this and Chai Jie tells both girls to eat some pig brain as they both need it. lol When Xiao Qi asks if he’s upset, he says no as the genetic matching is just data extrapolations and not based on her feelings so it makes no sense. But he actually is very bothered by this. 

Later, in front of Assistant Han, he asks Xiao Qi if she really can’t break the genetic match with Shi Yi. He says her Cape Town Planet is so backwards as they don’t even have the freedom to marry. Uh oh. She gets upset at his choice of words. I’d be too. He says that he doesn’t want his girlfriend to be 99% compatible with someone else. Assistant Han continues asking questions about aliens, genetic matching, etc. but neither one answers him. Xiao Qi says that Xiao Bu is a robot and she’s in a cross-species relationship with Fang Lie. So they can’t even calculate their genetic match, but neither care about that. Fang Leng says then he’ll have the tech department come up with a program to check the compatibility value of couples of different species. She asks him to stop thinking about this and be more open-minded. He scoffs at this and turns his head away at this. She does the same. Meanwhile, our poor Assistant Han is totally clueless about what’s going on as our lovebirds are now giving each other the stink eye. Assistant Han then suggests they test their compatibility by meeting the parents. 

Chai Jie gives the girls a lesson on conduct for meeting the parents. This is the same as meeting leaders. Everything the parents say is out of courtesy but they still have to pretend that they are convinced in order to get closer to them and win their favor. She then says as Fang Leng is Ms. Zhou’s stepson, she’ll likely treat her biological son’s girlfriend better. Xiao Qi says she’s nervous now. Xiao Bu is envious of the guys as they don’t need to prepare for anything as tomorrow’s a normal day for them. The guys interrupt their lesson as they’ve brought them gifts for the parents from the girls. Fang Leng says there’s a cake that his father likes but it’s too late to order it, so Xiao Qi suggests that they make it together. Both couples quickly disappear separately as Chia Jie asks the empty room where they’re going as she wasn’t done with the lesson. Ha. 
Xiao Qi and Fang Leng are now making the cake, which involves putting flour and frosting on each other, and sharing multiple kisses throughout the mixing, baking and decorating process. (~8:20, too cute!) 

Today, the girls arrive at the house with the guys and Zhou Mom is actually nicer to Xiao Qi than Xiao Bu. No surprise! lol  Xiao Qi and Fang Leng are now in the kitchen preparing a meal for everyone. Xiao Qi asks him if he’s had another quarrel with his father. He says no and asks why she thinks that. She mentions that they have exchanged a few words and are quite polite about it. Fang Leng asks if it isn't the norm for fathers and sons, as there are some things that are kept in the heart only. Meanwhile Zhou Mom is asking Xiao Bu questions but Fang Lie answers every one of them. lol Mom scolds him for interrupting and Xiao Bu tells him to not be so worried. Mom tells Xiao Bu that she’s not bad looking and has a nice physique but she has bad posture and bad taste. She bets she’s from a small family and doesn’t deserve their Fang Lie. Fang Lie reaches over to hold Xiao Bu’s hand and asks his mother what she’s talking about. Mom notices the hand-holding and he quickly moves their hands to under the table.

Xiao Bu thinks about Chai Jie’s lesson that the first step to conquering the parents is to read their minds. So find out what they like and use it as a topic to draw them closer. Xiao Bu notices Zhou Mom adjusting her jade bracelet and she’s able to tell that it’s an antique. Mom says it’s a gift from someone who said it’s from the Yongzheng period. Xiao Bu corrects her to say it’s from the Republican period (meaning it’s not as old) and suggests that she get it appraised. Zhou Mom is impressed and latches onto her ability to identify gemstones and has her look at all of her jewelry. 

Chai Jie’s second step is to cater to their tastes, so Xiao Bu has to agree with their tastes. Don’t show her personality and expressing different opinions will make her look bad. Xiao Bu compliments her on her choice of necklace and then offers to help her with her makeup that’ll go better with this baroque European royal necklace. Zhou Mom gets up and literally shoves her precious son out of the way as she’s walking away with Xiao Bu for this makeover. Bwahaha. (~14:55) Poor Fang Lie. 

Back in the kitchen, Xiao Qi is reading the cooking instructions as Fang Leng cooks but he’s unsure as he’s used to cooking Western style cuisine. Fang Dad shows up and tells him how to season and what temp for the pan. Xiao Qi lets the two bond over cooking, as Dad tells him he used to help Fang Leng’s mother with the cooking. He even created this fish fragrant eggplant dish for her when she became sick and allergic to fish. Xiao Qi is quietly taking photos of them nearby. Fang Leng mentions that whenever he was sick, his mother gave him egg custard. His father says he made it as his mother couldn’t control the heat. Whenever he was sick, he was worried that he had no appetite so he learned to make it for him. Dad had actually learned to cook from Fang Leng’s mother but those two dishes were the ones who knew how to make best. Dad finishes cooking and has Xiao Qi try the dish. She really likes it and then Dad puts his son’s hand and hers together in his and says that he’s leaving Fang Leng in her care now. 

Zhou Mom is very happy with her makeover by Xiao Bu. She even says she wished she would’ve met her sooner. She then glances over at her sleeping son, and squawks his name. lol He wakes up with a jerk and she scolds him for not getting coffee for Xiao Bu who must be tired now. lol Fang Lie says he thought she didn’t need him anymore and then he gets up to grab the coffee. When he returns with the coffee, he spills the very hot coffee onto his mother’s jacket. His mother fusses over the stained clothing. Xiao Bu recalls Chai Jie saying that the third step is to be attentive as elders like witty and smart young people. If she can help her resolve a small problem properly then her impression of her will be doubled instantly. Xiao Bu scans the coffee stain and material and realizes that she has a solution. Mom tells her that this jacket mustn’t get wet. Fang Lie tells her to trust her. Xiao Bu leaves with the jacket and uses her high frequency vibration power to pull out the stain from the jacket. 

Meanwhile, Mom is giving Fang Lie a very close look, but he can’t meet her eyes. Finally he asks what she’s staring at. She says she doesn’t think he’s good enough for her dear Xiao Bu. LOL! Xiao Bu = 宝宝! (~22:00) Fang Lie is surprised by this and says he’s her true son! Zhou Mom then comments that the eldest son of the Zhang Group is not bad as she’ll introduce her to him when she doesn’t want him anymore. This mom is savage as always! Fang Lie says he was worried that she wouldn’t like Xiao Bu but now he’s wondering if her fondness for her is a little too much. She says not only is she pretty but also smart and capable. She’s an expert in jewelry, makeup and styling. While he… what else does he have besides long legs? Ha!! He says he can draw and he’s even won a competition. Mom says what’s the big deal and then she realizes he’s back to drawing. Even though he promised her that he would never draw again and that he would study hard. She goes to hit him and he yells out that he’ll never draw again. She calls him an incorrigible liar and that she no longer has such a son. She wants him to not have to suffer and go through hardships. He mutters that it’s his dream. She replies he can live his dream now but he’ll regret it, especially when he’s unable to sell his artwork. She begs him to study hard and work at the company. He tells her that his contest piece is now valued at 1,000,000 yuan and he can survive with this kind of money. She says 1 million is nothing but then she realizes that someone offered that for his one piece of art. He says yes but he rejected the offer because he painted it for Xiao Bu. She’s amazed that he can sell his artwork for that price, and suggests he keep art as a side job after he gets home from work. She then asks when did he learn to draw. He says that Xiao Bu taught him and if it wasn’t for her, then he wouldn’t have participated and won first place. 

Xiao Bu returns with the jacket sans stain. Mom is relieved to see that the jacket is perfectly fine. Then she says that it’s a shame that a good girl like her likes her son. Xiao Bu says not at all. Meanwhile, poor Fang Lie looks like a crushed puppy here. She tells Xiao Bu to sit down and when Fang Lie gets up, Mom just shoves the jacket at him. Bwahaha. Mom explains that Fang Lie seems naughty and childish but he’s really very kind and responsible. A mopey Fang Lie is sitting down and hugging the bed post. Mom says Fang Lie isn’t young anymore and they should settle down and get married. Xiao Bu asks if that means she approved of their relationship. Mom says she should take care of him well. Xiao Bu excitedly says yes, she will. Mom clarifies that she needs to teach him to draw well so each piece will be worth at least 1 million each, and when they’re sold then they’ll be rich. Fang Lie interjects to ask why she’s always talking about money. 

Our silly Fang Lie decides that since his mother is in such a good mood right now, this is the time for him to confess that he hasn’t been to campus for quite some time. He’s been drawing in a studio this entire time. Now she really tries to beat him, and he starts yelling for his brother. Fang Dad leaves to see what’s going on. He tells Fang Leng to make a vegetable dish for Xiao Qi. Once Dad leaves, Xiao Qi uses her power to get the vegetables from the fridge. But her powers seem to be waning as she drops the vegetable on the floor on its way to them. 

During dinner, Xiao Qi remembers Chai Jie’s lesson on the 83rd step, which is to give priority to elders, mainly used in table manners. When eating with his parents, one always gives the best food to his parents. Both girls are busy making sure the parents have food on their plates before they start eating. 
While waiting for Fang Leng to pick her up, Xiao Qi uses her powers to pick up a cake but she only manages to levitate near the table and then it plops down onto the surface. Fang Leng sees this and then calls her silly for not being able to hold the cake properly. She says she made this cake for her but since it’s ruined now, she sticks her finger in it and then puts some frosting on his nose. He says she’s so cheeky and to stop fooling around and then swipes some frosting to put it on her left cheek. He laughs when she pouts and then the frosting drops off her face. She says no more, just give her a hug and so he does and she reaches over to put more icing on his nose. Now they both have frosting on their faces and they’re staring at each other. She sticks out her lips like she’s waiting for a kiss but she bops her nose against his lips and kisses his chin instead. (~30:00, Reminds me of their cleansing foam kiss in Ep25 of S1.) They then lean in for a real kiss and just as their lips are about to touch, his phone rings. She reaches into his breast pocket and retrieves the phone for him to answer. It’s Assistant Han telling him that the mass production is a success. 

Xiao Qi goes to R&D and confirms that the pheromone perfume is the same as the one she’d made before. So they can start production. Assistant Han says the last trial release of pheromone perfume was already sold out. The Marketing Department said they’ve doubled the orders this time. So they need to restock soon. Xiao Qi gets ready to start making another batch. Fang Leng helps her while Assistant Han takes pictures of them working together. Assistant Han reminds Fang Leng that he has a meeting. But he wants to stay with Xiao Qi and tells Assistant Han to let them wait. She encourages him to go do his job and not make them wait, so he asks for a hug before going. The two hug as Assistant Han takes pictures of them, as he chants for him to give her a kiss. Fang Leng looks over at him and Assistant Han quickly pipes down. Fang Leng says a kiss? It should be two kisses and so he gives her two forehead kisses. (~31:55) After he leaves, she tries to use her powers again but she’s suddenly in severe pain. 

Shi Yi is back in top form, and in fact, as stated by Candy, his power is stronger than ever after breaking down the Hormone Element. Fang Leng has sent him a vial of the Hormone Element when he was in a coma. If he leaves now, it’ll take him at least half a month to reach home. He then asks Candy how Xiao Qi is doing, and she says she’s with Fang Leng. However, she noticed that she’s losing control of her powers. Today is the 76th day that Xiao Qi has been on Earth. 

At Xiao Qi's desk, Assistant Han goes on about having issues with his story. Fang Leng shows up behind him and asks if he has too much free time. Assistant Han quickly leaves. Fang Leng tells her that the perfume’s been sent to production and it’ll be officially released in a few days. He offers to take her to dinner but she says that Xiao Bu wants to see her tonight. She gets up to leave but she’s fairly weak and falls over. Fang Leng is concerned and she tells him that her stomach hurts and she runs out of there. 

Back at home, Xiao Bu does a scan of her and says she appears to be fine. The doorbell rings and Xiao Bu answers it – it’s Shi Yi. Xiao Qi tries to levitate a glass but drops it mid-air. Shi Yi and Xiao Bu are both concerned for her. He tells her that Cape Towners must maintain their survival energy to stay on Earth. She’s been on Earth too long and her energy’s nearly all depleted. It’s from when she defended Fang Leng from his attack, so her energy is draining fast. She says that she doesn’t care if her energy is draining or that she can’t use her powers. But he wonders why she’s been dizzy today. He says this is a warning signal that her body is sending her. He then asks her to follow him back to the home planet. 

She says no as then she’d have to be separated from Fang Leng. She asks Xiao Bu to calculate how many days she has to survive on Earth if she doesn’t use her powers: 28.6 days. Her body will get weaker as even walking will feel tiring. She asks them to not tell Fang Leng about this. 

Later, Fang Leng drops by to see Xiao Qi. He’s brought her fried chicken but she can’t eat it (because it would require more energy to break it down), so she says she’ll eat it tomorrow as she doesn’t want to gain weight. She asks him if there’s something special he’d like to do. He replies that he likes her so everything he does with her is what he likes. She likes this answer and asks him if there’s anything he wants to do the most, and asks him to make a wishlist. She’ll work on it tomorrow and then she kicks him out. When she closes the door behind him, she pouts. Aww.

[Ep28He has a wishlist for her. Sooo cute. And so they do everything on the list. She falls asleep as they’re looking at the stars. :( Xiao Qi and Xiao Bu won’t tell him what’s going on. Fang Leng goes to see Shi Yi, who asks if he wants to see Xiao Qi die on Earth. He tells Shi Yi that he’ll help convince her to go home with Shi Yi. Shi Yi admits that he had absorbed the Hormone Element before. As he was decomposing it, he’d discovered a special element, which can sustain their survival on Earth. But he can’t transfer it to Xiao Qi. She’d have to absorb the element herself and then decompose it but her body’s too weak right now. If Fang Leng can find a way to extract this special element and create a survival potion that can be directly absorbed then Xiao Qi can continue to live on Earth. But he doesn’t know what the element is. Shi Yi says if he fails to do this, then he’ll make the best decision for Xiao Qi.  

Fang Leng returns home and finds Xiao Qi waiting for him. He asks if she’s saying goodbye to him. She denies this but he says that he knows about her draining energy. He tells her about what Shi Yi told him. 

The next day he extracts her powers into vials for research. But she practically passes out afterwards. He drops her off at home to rest and then returns to the lab to create the survival potion. After many sleepless nights, he finally creates the first trial batch. But he can’t test it on Xiao Qi. He gives it to Shi Yi who asks Candy to test it. She says she can only test his body. So Shi Yi drinks it and asks Candy to monitor his body. While the potion has the special element but still has other elements that are harmful to his body. Candy says it may work if it’s further purified. Fang Leng goes to see Xiao Qi and asks her to help him recharge. Aww. 

Fang Leng has created the second batch and Candy says it seems more pure but there aren't any signs of increased energy rate. So they’ll need to monitor for the next few days.  A few days go by and Fang Leng tells everyone that the survival potion is a success. To celebrate, he takes her shopping for a ring but she finds the diamond rings to be boring. Heh, I feel the same. He tells her that he has a business trip to the Wetlands Park and she’s going with him. But she’s worried about him keeping something from her, so she pays him a surprise visit at home and he seems to be writing something but makes sure to hide it from her. 

At the Wetlands Park, he leaves for a meeting and when she’s by herself outside later, a drone shows up with a note: “Come with me.” Fang Leng has made signs with photos of them along the water and when she gets to the last sign, it says “To be continued.” She then sees a path lined with lavender bushes and at the end of it are Fang Leng, Assistant Han, Xiao Bu and Fang Lie waiting for her. She wonders why they’re all here. Fang Leng pulls out a ring box and opens it to reveal her restored sapphire ring.
FL: Sapphire ring. I’ve recovered it. After all, it has witnessed everything we’ve been through. So I think it’s the best ring for our wedding proposal. She smiles at him. He then gets down on one bent knee. She waits. Xiao Qi, you’ve done so much for me. I wish I’ll only have you in my future memory for the rest of my life. She giggles at this. I love you. Will you marry me? She extends her hand and he laughs. When he goes to put the ring on her, she removes her hand and turns her back on him. But she’s smiling. What happened? She turns back around to face him but drops the smile.
CXQ: Getting married is huge. You have to let me think. She turns her back to him again and she’s back to grinning. She then turns back to face him. Will you buy me fried chicken?
FL nodding: Yes. 
CXQ: Breakfast?
FL: I’ll make it. 
CXQ: Lunch? Dinner? 
FL: I’ll make them. 
CXQ: What about supper? 
FL with a grin: I’ll buy it for you.  
CXQ: Will you hang out with me?
FL: Of course. She finally extends her hand again and slides the ring onto her left ring finger. He stands up and she hugs him. He then spins her around and around. (Ep28 of S1, When he spins around in the lavender field.) They finally kiss. (~28:00) Engaged!

Meanwhile, Assistant Han posts that the Lengqi couple lives happily forever after. Let’s wait for their baby. 

Our three couples plus our singleton Assistant Han are celebrating the successful proposal – as they all had a hand in helping with executing this proposal. Fang Lie says he’d like Chai Jie’s help in the future for his own. 

Now Fang Leng and Xiao Qi enjoy a private dinner together and then the two dance together. But she insists on twirling him around, too. They end the evening by watching the bright moon and making their wishes together. Later, when Fang Leng drops her off at her room, she invites him in. He takes her hand and pulls him inside. The two start kissing and clothes start coming off… The next morning, our couple wakes up together in bed. Ou. Heh.

When they return home, while Fang Leng is getting dinner together, Chia Jie is asking her if she and Fang Leng have… and Xiao Qi quietly nods. Chai Jie is elated by this and says they need to set a date soon. Fang Lie is impressed by his brother’s prowess. During dinner though, Xiao Qi passes out mid-chew, right on his shoulder. She stays asleep. Fang Leng is frightened as to how suddenly she just shut down. Previously, Shi Yi had told him that the potion was still too impure for any machine, and Xiao Qi would have to decompose it herself but her body’s too weak to do so. Xiao Qi can’t live on Earth for much longer as her body can’t handle it anymore. He had also told him that the spaceship would arrive within three days’ time. Fang Leng becomes tearful that there are only three days left. He had then asked to spend these few days to properly bid farewell to her. 
In the present, he tearfully watches her sleep and then kisses her on the forehead. He says, “I’m sorry, Xiao Qi. Goodbye.”  Awww. T__T 

[Ep29He continues talking to her even as she doesn’t even stir from that kiss. He continues stroking her hand and shoulder. 

FL: I don’t wish for you to understand me. I only hope that when you’re awake, you won’t blame me, okay?” 

Shi Yi comes in and tells her that it’s nearly time and he can never see her anymore. He then asks if he will regret it. Fang Leng says his feelings don’t matter. The most important thing is that he wishes to see Xiao Qi living well. He then hands Shi Yi an envelope and asks for him to give her this letter. If she’s going to be sad when she wakes up, can he delete all of her memories of him? O_o Nooo!! Shi Yi asks, “Don’t you people from Earth emphasize on relationships?” Fang Leng sniffles as he says yes, but for her to have the memories, and thies relationship along, it’s just too cruel. Shi Yi says that he’ll never understand the feelings one has on Earth. Fang Leng asks if he doesn’t think that kind of life is too boring. Shi Yi says he just needs to get used to it. Then he corrects himself, no, someone is different. The two guys look at the sleeping Xiao Qi. Fang Leng sits back down beside Xiao Qi.

FL tearfully: Qiao Xi just like that. He pauses to try to control his consuming pain. She’ll always share her happiness with others. Ever since I got to know her, I’ve never thought that my life - he cries - can be so interesting. Each and every day is worth being remembered. Feelings are really complicated. But if two people are in love, they don’t have to be together. I won’t ask her to remember me. He laughs through his tears. But feelings can be very simple. As long as you’re truly in love with someone, you’d do everything for her. Shi Yi, you may not yet realize that your protection over Xiao Qi is not only because of your feelings for her since youth, and it’s not the responsibility of a superior over his underling. It could have originated from the banned relationship in Cape Town Planet. 
JSY: Really? He sniffles loudly. Why do I feel like I totally obey my mother planet’s belief and I’m not shaken at all. Xiao Qi turns in her sleep, with her face towards Fang Leng. He lovingly strokes her face.
FL: Take care of Xiao Qi.
JSY: There’s not much time left. Keep her company. He leaves them alone. Fang Leng kisses Xiao Qi’s hand. (~2:50)

The sun is out, and Fang Leng returns with her favorite foods – cake and fried chicken. He tells her to eat well when she goes home. The doorbell rings and he says that her favorite milk tea is here. He answers the door and when the guy hands him the milk tea, there’s a flash of blue. Fang Leng quickly realizes what just happened, says her name and then runs back to the bedroom. He sees that the bed is empty and made up as if she’d never been there. Fang Leng breaks down and starts sobbing quietly and then loudly. He angrily punches at the empty spot where she’d been. (~7:15, Ep28 of S1, when a man bumps into them at the crosswalk and then she’s gone.)  

Back on the spaceship, Xiao Qi finally wakes up and wonders why she’s here. She immediately asks for Fang Leng. She’s greeted by Shi Yi who tells her that the second survival potion was a failure. She asks him to stop joking around as Fang Leng just proposed to her. Shi Yi explains that the proposal was his farewell to her. They had a deal, if he couldn’t save her, then Shi Yi would bring her home. She tries to walk away but Shi Yi pulls her back and asks where she’s going. She says she doesn’t care how much energy is drained, as she just wants to be by his side. He asks if she goes back now, wouldn’t she be letting down Fang Leng? He asks if she really thinks Fang Leng wants to see her die before his eyes? They’re from Cape Town Planet, and going home is the best choice for them. Furthermore, they’ve done their job well this time and she’s redeemed herself. He’ll become leader when he goes back, so he can protect her better. She’s still a match for his DNA. Her position will be more elevated than ever. Fang Leng knew about this, so that’s why he looked for him and asked him to bring her home. Xiao Qi says no way, he wouldn’t think that much. He only thought about her safety so that’s why he gave up by himself. She tells him that she can’t stay here, she needs to go back. She can’t let him suffer alone. 

Shi Yi asks her to think about the reality. On Earth, they’re aliens, and their bodies aren’t suitable for them to live there. Today, it was because of her survival energy issue but what about tomorrow, as she might die at any time. She says she doesn’t care as she just wants to stay with Fang Leng. When she tries to leave the chamber he uses his powers to bind her and forces her to stay in the space. He knows that her powers aren't where they used to be. He tells her to rest up and then enters in the passcode to leave. Once he’s gone, she breaks free from his bind, and enters in the passcode as she had seen him enter it. She’s able to get out of the chamber but she sets off the intruder alert. She’s forced to go back to her chamber. She then finds ways to cover up the cameras. When she uses the stairs, the alert goes off about an unknown sound. She finds another way and a robot finds her trying to escape. Xiao Qi keeps trying to find ways to leave but is caught by the system every time. 

Shi Yi tells her to stop this foolishness. She argues that one has to practice and be familiar to escape. She can escape once she’s familiar with it. He then gives her a box with the gifts from Fang Leng – the fried chicken, cake (with a note: “P.S. Eat a little when you’re sad. Then you can go home when you’re full”) and his letter. She finally opens his letter.

Xiao Qi –

I’m now at the end of the flower road looking at the ring in my hand. I’m waiting for you to walk towards me. At the same time, I am writing this letter. 

I can’t help but think, how nice it would be if it’s just a normal proposal. It’s not the ceremony that I want to give you in the end. It’s not that I want to write an end to our story either. It’s just that two people who love each other have decided to be together forever. 

I’m sorry, Xiao Qi. I didn’t manage to extract the survival potion. I’ve let you down. That’s why I’ve made the selfish decision to ask Jiang Shi Yi to bring you home. I know you’ll be mad at me but please forgive me for my arrogance. I know that you’ll let go of everything for love, even if it costs you your precious life. But I want to tell you this. 

To protect a relationship, besides giving up, there’s also blessing. Because someone who loves you would prioritize your safety and wouldn’t let you die before his eyes. 

After sending you to Jiang Shi Yi’s place, I was still keeping your luggage. I found that I could hardly let go of anything about you. I wish I could keep everything as my memento. However, I hope you’ll keep wearing this necklace. 

She’s in tears as she’s reading his letter. She then looks inside the envelope and pulls out the Wandering North Star necklace. 

Because I gave it to you when I was confessing my love for you. The polar star indicates the direction for the lost. Even if you don’t remember me anymore, it can protect you forever. Also, the sapphire ring, there’s no memory in there. Just let me remember all the stories alone.

Xiao Qi, did you see that drone? It means you’re walking over here soon. I’m a bit nervous. I can’t help but look at the signboards on the side of the flower road. I’m worried that the paintings can’t express my feelings completely. I’m also worried that I can’t deliver my confession well later. So, I can’t help but tell you every detail since the day we met. 

Why did I fall for you every time? What was I thinking every time I saw you? When was the time that I was moved? Which time was it that I felt that you’re cute? When was the time that you can’t see me, but I was looking at you? When you lifted up your head, I turned my head to the other side. If I knew this was about to happen, every time you looked at me, I should’ve looked at you with a smile. Every time that we met, I should’ve hugged you. Every time that you asked me if I loved you, I should’ve said yes with a smile. If I knew…If I knew you’re about to leave me, I might not have the guts to fall in love with you.  

You should’ve found the petals on the roadside by now, but I still have a lot of boring matters to tell you. Fang Leng had been crying as he’d written this letter. Like “Destiny Lover” which I wrote. I was not happy with the few versions that I wrote. Fang Leng had written several versions, each one crumpled up into a ball. I was so upset that I snapped some strings. Actually, when I was recovering the sapphire ring, I noticed that my handwriting was so ugly. I don’t have any artistic sense. Actually, I still want to make a cake with you again, so I bought a lot of equipment. The blanket and pillows that you’ve slept on are still there in the living room. I don’t want to put them away. Actually, I didn’t want to let you go. 

She’s sobbing uncontrollably now. 

I really don’t know how to face my life without you. Actually, I’m not that tough. Fang Leng had had tears streaming down his face as he’d waited for her. I’m just a normal person. The only thing that makes me different is that I’m loved by you. 

Okay, I have to stop thinking. I need to adjust myself. I can’t be noticed by you. The sunlight today is amazing. There’s no wind at all. So I can’t give an excuse that the wind has blown my eyes red. Fang Leng had stared at the ring nestled in its box and then continued waiting for her. 

Xiao Qi, in the vast universe, I’m so lucky to have met you twice and fell in love with you twice. Therefore, let the memory stop at the most beautiful moment and become the everlasting label. Our love will not end just because we’re apart, but it will be forever engraved in my life as the most beautiful source of warmth in my future life. 

Xiao Qi, I see you coming over here to me. That’s all for now. I wish you’ll live in peace and joy from now on. 

Xiao Qi just sobs heartbreakingly onto the letter. She then says his name and puts on the necklace. She says she will. And then she returns to sobbing into the letter. Suddenly, the glass in her room seems to be cracking. T__T His letter and every one of their sweet scenes together. Both of their tears. (~14:58) Nearby, Shi Yi is standing out of her view, and starts to feel pain from her heart wrenching sobs. He’s recalling their childhood days, when she had suggested that they be friends. She’d said that friends have to be honest with one another. They can’t lie to one another as they wish. Shi Yi starts crying and smiling at the memory and then he walks away. 

Back in his room, Candy tells Shi Yi that the boundary has been destroyed. She asks him if she needs to consolidate it. She repeats the two sentences over and over but he doesn’t answer. He then snaps his finger and the footage of Xiao Qi shows up and he sees her pain filled red eyes. 

Back at her place, Fang Leng is looking at Xiao Qi’s photos and sticky notes. He then makes the bed and cleans up under the bed. He then finds her cute kitty USB drive and hair clip amongst the trash (empty snack bags), which makes him recall when he’d been mad and made her drop it off that balcony. He hangs his head in shame now. Fang Lie and Xiao Bu interrupt to check on him. When his brother asks if he’s okay, he just nods his head. Xiao Bu asks about Xiao Qi’s hair clip and where he found it. Then she says this is just like her as she doesn’t know how to tidy things up and she keeps things everywhere. Fang Lie tells him that they’ll wait outside for him and to call them anytime if he needs anything. Fang Lie gently ushers Xiao Bu into the living room. She’s quite sad that Xiao Qi is gone and she didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to her. She says she’s not qualified to be her AI secretary nor her friend as she wasn’t able to help her. Fang Lie says Xiao Qi won’t blame her. Try to think positively as she will be healthy when she arrives in Cape Town. She won’t need to worry about not having enough survival energy. The advantage of friendship is even with great distance, as long as they still miss one another, they’ll always be best friends. He wipes the tears from her face and tells her to stop crying. She says she misses her and then cries into his shoulder. He says his brother isn’t the same as he has to live alone again. 

Fang Leng finds the romance novel, “The Domineering CEO’s Ultimate Love,” which makes him chuckle through his tears. He then grabs some tissue to wipe her hair clip. He notices some origami boats and he unfolds one. “Why is Fang Leng’s smile so nice? How nice if I can make his smile semi-permanent.” He smiles at this. The next one says “I regret lying to Fang Leng, but I was brainwashed. I was eager to complete my mission.” He recalls asking her why she became his neighbor and she had said she couldn’t answer. Then he asked why she pretended to be his ex-girlfriend. She had said she couldn’t answer that either. He then asked why she approached him in the beginning. She had repeated the same answer. “I feel like the lying Xiao Qi is no longer the cute Xiao Qi.” He opens the next one, “Chai Jie said something today. One-sided love is wishful thinking. Mutual love is true love. A love triangle is a drama. One-sided love is the most common. Mutual love is the rarest. Then it seems like Fang Leng and I being in love is a low possibility. I didn’t expect it to come true. I’m happy.” He recalls asking her if she loved him. He remembers swimming to rescue her out of the pool. He remembers giving her the Wandering North Star necklace. He recalls asking her if she’d leave him and she’d promised she’d always stay by his side and would keep her word. Now he’s looking at the design and notes for his “7” ring – with the intent of keeping it simple as Fang Leng doesn’t like fancy things. Since her name is Xiao Qi, she wanted an inlaid diamond “7” in the middle. Fang Leng will only love her alone. He starts sobbing after this. Tissues, get lots of them. 

Back on the spaceship, Xiao Qi is still trying to figure out how to escape. Shi Yi arrives to tell her that they’re about to reach the mother planet. He then enters the passcode and leaves with a smirk. She quickly enters the same passcode and somehow the cameras are disabled on their own. She continues walking in the corridors and everything appears to be deactivated. Even the robot that scans her suddenly shuts down. Back in his room, Candy tells Shi Yi that Xiao Qi has been sensed to be escaping the monitored area. While it’s clearly on the screen, Shi Yi asks why he can’t see this. Xiao Qi finds the lifeboat and Candy tells him that she’s on it. Shi Yi asks Candy if her system is down. Candy goes to answer but the mid-word, she says that yes, her system is down and she couldn’t sense anything. On the lifeboat, Xiao Qi sets course for Earth. Shi Yi just watches her go. Xiao Qi then finds a box on her chair. It’s a piece of candy and a vial of blue liquid from Shi Yi. A message pops up from Shi Yi. He apologizes as this is likely the last time they’ll see each other. He then says actually, the second survival potion was a success. Because he wanted to take her back to the mother planet, he lied to her again. When Fang Leng was saying goodbye to her, he was shaken. But he chose to keep the truth from her. Until she’s trying to escape from the spaceship over and over again. Until she read Fang Leng’s letter and then cried like a baby. Until then he could confirm that maybe letting her go back to Earth is the right decision. Fang Leng had told him before that… he said his feelings for her are not only as friends or her superior. He had denied it but when he looks back at what he’s done. He thinks the only logical explanation is that he loves her and that’s why he kept stopping her from seeing Fang Leng. He loves her and that’s why he can’t let go of the memory of the candy. So feeling is not some lowly emotion. It’s not scientifically proven. It’s not limited by DNA matching. It’s not affected by hormones. (Technically, it can be…) Loving someone is the determination for a person, for a long period of time. She made his childhood warm, so he wanted to take care of her for the rest of her life but he was too late. She has Fang Leng by her side. So what he can do now, is to let go of his obsession. She must be happy. He then says goodbye. Yay, but that was so abrupt. 

Back on the ship, Shi Yi tells Candy that they’re going home.  On her lifeboat, Xiao Qi eats the candy and looks at the vial and thanks Shi Yi. Then she says, “Stupid Fang Leng. How dare you dump me?” She sneers, “Just wait and see how I’ll punish you.” XD But then her ship encounters turbulence.

[Ep30Fang Leng is at the press conference for the release of their new perfume, Forever.7. A reporter says that hormone perfume is Future Group’s ace product. As he’s releasing Forever.7, is he worried that it will affect the hormone perfume’s customers. Fang Leng says the two perfumes are a couples’ series. Hormone perfume is for men, and Forever.7 is more suitable for women, so he doesn’t think they’ll lose the customers. (Just a tad sexist here but okay…) On the contrary, they’ll be able to attract more customers. When asked about his initial intention for Forever.7, Fang Leng answers that Forever.7 originated from his girlfriend, Xiao Qi. The perfume is influenced by what she’s been through with her and all the things that they’ve done together. Another reporter asks if he’s not worried that his future girlfriend will get jealous with this perfume. 
Fang Leng pauses before finally saying Xiao Qi is his only lover, so he’s decided to stay single forever for her. He then raises his left hand to show off that hideously tacky “7” ring from Xiao Qi. (Simple, my foot. Show, you crack me up. LOL) The crowd murmurs that it’s so romantic and he’s so loyal. 

Back at his art exhibition, Fang Lie and Xiao Bu are watching this press conference on a phone and Fang Lie glumly says his brother is going to be alone forever. Xiao Bu asks if some day she has to return to her home planet, what will he do? He replies that he’ll be more loyal than his brother. He’ll kill himself for love after she gets on the spaceship. *facepalm* Your loved one doesn’t want to hear that! She flicks him on the forehead and says no, he must live on well. He smiles at her. They’re interrupted by someone telling him that he’s about to go up on the stage. She fixes his tie and he pats her on the head before they hold hands and appear together - Fang Lie, is a new painter, with his muse, Xiao Bu. 

Back at the milk tea shop, Chai Jie is on a video call with Dr. Zhang as he’s in the UK. She’s counting the days until he returns from his studies. I have no idea. *shrugs*

Fang Leng returns to the office and Assistant Han says the launch today is a great success. Then he admits that he cried when he heard Fang Leng’s love confession to Xiao Qi. Fang Leng asks if he doesn’t have any other choice of words. Assistant Han doesn’t say anything further but he looks at him. Fang Leng asks what’s going on, and Assistant Han quietly hands him his book, “Alien Girl Pounces on Me” and says it’s been published. That title. So apt. lol Assistant Han thinks he can save romance literature as he’s a good writer. *rolling eyes* Don’t get me started on what I think of guys writing romance novels for women.  Assistant Han then says he’s planning to resign. He’s found a new assistant - and it’s his cousin, Han Jin Ming. Is this the assistant we all know in 2019 (S1)? lol Assistant Han tearfully says he must be more excellent, more diligent than him. So he can take care of him well. He continues that he’s the best and most handsome boss. Fang Leng doesn’t say anything. So Assistant Han bows and then takes his leave. Fang Leng stops him with a “Assistant Han” and then he extends his hand - and Assistant Hand pulls out his phone and hands it to him. Fang Leng laughs at this and then puts the phone in his other hand, and extends his empty hand again. Assistant Han goes to hug him and continues sobbing into his shoulder. Fang Leng rubs his back and says if the novel isn’t selling well, come back to him anytime. Assistant Han pulls back and then nods, and returns to hugging him. 

Fang Lie’s parents are at Fang Lie’s art exhibition and Zhou Mom is really checking out the art… placard for the value of his artwork. Uncle Zhou shows up and apologizes for being late. Show, I could’ve lived without seeing this stupid character - forever! He then hands over a flask filled with jujube goji berry tea - and there’s a Patrick sticker on it. Then he gives one to his brother-in-law with a Squidward sticker on it. lol One sour-faced being to another.

Fang Lie and Xiao Bu are looking at a painting and Xiao Bu says she hasn’t been to her home planet in such a long time. She wonders how Xiao Qi and Shi Yi are doing.

Back on Cape Town Planet, Shi Yi meets an alien girl, it’s actually Candy! Cameo by Ji Mei Han. She seems to like Shi Yi as her body overheats when he accepts the candy from her. 

Zhou Mom insists on setting up Fang Leng on a blind date as he’s not getting any younger and needs to get married. So he’s forced to accept this blind date. Fang Leng returns home and still has signs of Xiao Qi in his place - the whisk they used to make his father a cake with, their last happy memories together. Fang Lie drops by and encourages him to show up for this blind date tomorrow. His brother insists on staying over and tries to sleep in Xiao Qi’s room but Fang Leng forces his brother to sleep on the couch and leave the room untouched. 

Back at work the next day, there’s a new intern and her sense of smell is very keen. Fang Leng suspects that it could be the return of Xiao Qi. The perfume she’s created is called Reunion. Fang Leng runs to the intern’s desk and doesn’t find her but he recognizes the pink pencil. However, no one’s caught her name and she’s just left for a blind date. Now, Fang Leng is excitedly driving to the blind date location. However, he’s two hours late and she’s already left. His stepmother calls to tell him that she was introduced by his father, but she’s probably angry and gone now. Fang Leng wonders if Xiao Qi is back. 

He gets back on the road but then time stops - except it doesn’t affect him. He looks around and sees that everyone and everything is frozen. He looks ahead and sees a bride holding a very large bouquet of lavender flowers. 

It’s Xiao Qi beaming at him. He gets out of the car and she says that he almost ran into her, so he needs to be responsible. She says that she’s planned this for sometime and had help from his father and stepmother. He takes the flowers from her and she says he can’t be angry as he lied to her before. 
She continues talking but he stops her words with a deep kiss. When the kiss ends, our lovebirds are smiling at each other and they hug in the middle of the road. Zhou Mom happily shows Fang Dad a photo of Fang Leng and Xiao Qi together. Fang Lie is pacing anxiously wondering what’s going on with Fang Leng not going on the blind date. Fang Leng shows up and calmly says he’s cooking for Xiao Qi. Fang Lie freaks out thinking he’s lost his mind as he’s missing Xiao Qi so badly and having delusions. Fang Lie gets his phone to call the hospital and says he’ll take care of his brother forever. Xiao Qi slowly walks up behind Fang Lie and quietly asks who he will be taking care of. He absentmindedly says he’s calling the hospital for his brother, and then he realizes it’s Xiao Qi asking him. But he freaks out and says that he’s having delusions, too and quickly hugs his brother. Haha. Xiao Bu shows up wondering what’s going on with Fang Lie. When Xiao Qi blinks at her, Xiao Bu also freaks out and runs to her boyfriend, and the two idiots start freaking out that she’s a very real illusion. 

One Month Later

Xiao Qi and Fang Leng are getting married today! Fang Leng insists on staying by his bride’s side before the ceremony has even begun. Shi Yi makes a surprise appearance and brings them a red envelope filled with sapphires. When he tries to introduce them to Candy, it seems that he’s lost track of her. Candy is helping herself to the desserts, when she says hi to Xiao Bu and Fang Lie who have no idea who she is at first. Xiao Bu becomes impressed with her human appearance, but when they find out she’s here with Shi Yi, the couple run off. Assistant Han now meets Candy, and she seems more interested in the chocolate on his plate. They’re interrupted by Shi Yi who says they need to sit down as the wedding is about to start. 
Fang Leng and Xiao Qi finally get married! Our new bridal couple kiss! 

Later, Xiao Qi shows Fang Leng the wish she made before: “I wish I can stay by Fang Leng’s side forever.” He’d made the same wish - for her to stay by his side forever. He then asks his wife for another wish – to fly them to the sky. So she freezes time and sends them up into the sky. Their happiness jumps from the screen! Our couple then share a long kiss from way above. 

The End.

Nope, not yet.

⬇ ⬇ ⬇
10 Years Later!

There’s a large delivery for Fang Liang Liang, Fang Wen Wen and Fang Tang Tang at the Fang residence. Fang Liang Liang is annoyed that it’s another parcel from Uncle Shi Yi. Meanwhile, the younger two, Fang Wen Wen and Fang Tang Tang are excited to see what’s inside. 

When they open the large box, a small box pops up towards the ceiling and the little girl, Fang Tang Tang chases after it but it stays out of her reach. So she raises her hand and uses her power to try to catch it but it doesn’t work. Fang Wen Wen pulls up his system and scans the box and finds out that their powers can’t control it. Fang Tang Tang continues chasing the box around the room and eventually jumps up and down on a chair and then slips. The older boy, Fang Liang Liang uses his powers to transport and catch her, along with Fang Wen Wen. She claims that she’s not in pain, and both boys say in unison that they’re in pain. lol

Xiao Qi and Fang Leng return home calling the kids by name. They find the kids on the floor and ask what happened. Fang Wen Wen says it’s Uncle Shi Yi’s present, so Xiao Qi zaps it over. Fang Leng doesn’t look thrilled. XD! Xiao Qi excitedly opens the box and both her husband and Fang Lian Liang grumpily sit down on the couch together in the same fashion with their arms folded and legs crossed. It’s a box of candies which Xiao Qi and the younger kids are happy about. Then the video message starts with Shi Yi telling her that it’s Cape Town’s latest candy. Fang Tang Tang [Hot Hot] says he’s playing favorites and he says he isn’t as he’s created a custom-made princess dress for her. She’s quite happy and bubbly like her mother. Shi Yi then waves at Fang Liang Liang who barely acknowledges him, and tells him that he’s giving him a multipurpose calculator as he likes business dealings. Fang Liang Liang [Cool Cool, like Fang Leng] scoffs at this which pleases his father. Shi Yi then tells Fang Wen Wen [Warm Warm] that he’s given him many mechanical components and he can ask his mother to upgrade the system for him. Shi Yi then begrudgingly greets Fang Leng, and then he hangs up. lol! 

The kids run off to play as Xiao Qi walks over to sit next to Fang Leng. She asks him if he’s angry. He grunts no. She pleasantly says then she’s going to eat this super nice candy and when she tries to offer him a piece, he refuses. She eats it and claims it’s awful. But then she shoves a piece into his mouth. He says it’s awful and spits it back out. She then says she’ll throw it all out. He says it was a specially prepared gift so she says she’ll keep it. She then hugs onto his arm and says her favorite are the dishes he makes for her. He knows what she’s doing. Hehe. She says it’s the best food on Earth. She then puckers her lips for a kiss and when he tries to kiss her, she turns her head, and they two play this game. (~45:40, so cute!)

Elsewhere, Xiao Bu is drawing Fang Lie with an apple on his head but it’s a stick figure with a red apple on its head. XD He tries to be supportive, so he just says that it’s nice. She says that everything she draws is nice to him. 

Back at Fang residence, Fang Liang Liang takes Fang Tang Tang’s present away from her and the two start fighting over it. Fang Wen Wen gets in the middle of it and in the scuffle, Fang Wen Wen disappears. Xiao Qi and Fang Leng look for him and he’s turned into a tortoise! Oh, he’s totally Fang Lie and Xiao Bu’s son! LOL 

Now, Fang Lie and Xiao Bu are waiting for their son who is now on ice, to return to his human form. When he returns to his human form, Xiao Bu reminds him to remember to use an ice cube to return to his human form, and his father tells him to avoid physical education class when he’s in school. lol The fireworks start outside as it’s almost the new year. The families go around and make wishes, and Xiao Qi makes a wish that their happy story can continue on and there will be a Season 3! LOL How meta. Fang Leng says he hopes her wish comes true. Happy families!

This is the real ending.

The End.


by FanFanX

[First Impression (Ep1-)Not long ago, I watched S1 so it was a pleasant surprise to find out the S2 was coming out this year. Lo and behold, it's here now! I jumped in feet first and now we’ll see where this weird ride goes…
Love this poster.
Takemeto style, and apropos for the phrase "Take me to your leader."

[Actors/Actresses] Wan Peng makes me do crazy things - like watch this series while it's still live airing. If it's not her dialogue, then it's definitely her facial expressions and/or body language that will make me laugh out loud. Thassapak Hsu as Fang Leng still doesn't do anything for me  unless he's in a scene with Wan Peng. Their chemistry is spectacular when he's a willing participant. lol

Wang You Jun is quite adorkable in this. I really liked him in S1 and he’s glowed up a bit since then. For me, he has the same charm as Wan Peng - it’s in their less-than-perfect teeth yet endearing smiles.

Chen Yi Xin is especially cute as Xiao Bu, our AI tortoise/alien girl/super computer best friend to Xiao Qi. And I just realized she was the adorable FL in My Neighbour Can't Sleep! (She was the best part of that series but I seriously can't recommend that series.)

[Behind the Scenes

Ep1. Who is holding whom here? lol Gotta watch the feet placement! I love how the director demonstrates the move and placement for them.
Pectoral grab. The director does his job by demonstrating. I'm enjoying Thassapak Hsu's smiles here!
Ep3. Rehearsal for the Black Widow jumpsuit-and-wig combo scene. Gotta love how Zhao Guan Yu (Assistant Han) can’t keep a straight face around Wan Peng in that wig. And when she suggests blowing Fang Leng a kiss for the scene, it makes everyone crack up. Assistant Han’s line about how she almost hit him - in the heart - really tickles Thassapak Hsu and makes everyone including Wan Peng guffaw. BTW, I really love Wan Peng’s real voice but I’ve made concessions to live with the VA for both S1 and 2. About her dancing being so awkward in the series – she’s actually a really good dancer, as she graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy.

When Wan Peng is in the various cosplay outfits, it was as cold as it looked.

[OST] This OST has been pretty enjoyable and on point with the scenes. 

Exclusive Starry Sky 专属星空 | Chen Zhuo Xuan 陈卓璇  
This song is the prettiest and bubbliest! (Perfect for her Light Wave of Love plan in Ep2, and when she catches him in Ep1.)
Don't Forget 不忘 | Jin Wen Qi 金玟岐 The lyrics tell the story for this series. 
Destiny Lover | Thassapak Hsu 徐志贤 I'm usually not into being serenaded but this might work.
Of Course Love 爱所当然 | Thassapak Hsu 徐志贤 (For contrast, here's the one from S1.)

[Ending] Happy and full of sweetness.

[Highlight] I have two! :P Fang Leng's ride when he's drunk in Ep3. Xiao Qi and Fang Leng's Eskimo kisses in Ep17, which are so sweet!

1. Clarification on Xiao Qi's wuxia costume. I think she’s supposed to be Bai Su Zhen (who’s a white snake) from 新白娘子 (although the hair can pass off as Bai Qian from Three Miles of Peach Blossom too...). There’s a lot of adaptation of 新白娘子 with different English titles. Cyn Lynn's comment.

[Review & Rating]
This is going to be short and simple. The opposite of the recaps. ;) Usually a second installment can fail so hard but this one isn’t too bad. 

Cute couple ✅
FL that cracks you up ✅
ML who wins her (and us) over✅
Sassy assistants ✅
Cute side couple ✅ 
Intergalactic love overcoming all ✅
Epic eye-rolling
Fried 🐔🍗 (true affection) ✅ 
Annoying bad guys ➖
Timeline that doesn’t make sense ➖

It’s a fun and easy watch – except for some of the drama with ML’s father issues, rewritten timelines that are not fully explained, and a third couple that is wholly unnecessary. Be prepared to laugh at our trio, Xiao Qi, Fang Leng and Fang Lie. Wan Peng is my forever girl crush. I truly enjoyed Thassapak Hsu’s Fang Leng in this series more than the first. Wang You Jun stays cute in this one, too, and he has a better story since he’s not a potential love rival. While I missed the childish antics of Xiao Qi and Fang Lie together (from S1) – in this one, you get to experience the softer and sillier side of our icy Fang Leng. One word: Shopping cart. 

Random Recommendation: Crush Another cold ML falling for a sweet FL, who will stand up for herself. It’s also with Wan Peng!

Rating: 3/5♥♥♥

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