October 11, 2021

Once We Get Married | Recap and Review

Once We Get Married
An average girl in a contract marriage with a CEO
Notable Actors/Actresses
Wang Zi QiYin Si Chen
Wang Yu WenGu Xi Xi
Yi Bo ChenMo Zi Xin
Chinese Title
Episodes: 24
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.499/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Gu Xi Xi, an aspiring fashion designer, is commissioned to buy an expensive wedding dress (called "Marry Me") from a renowned designer, Alex. She's supposed to attend Alex's pool party but after a near miss car accident, Gu Xi Xi forgets her invitation. No worries. She smartly uses Yin Si Chen to bypass the security. Our ML, though, is even smarter and uses her to approach Alex. But neither of our dummies smarties realize they're on the same team – he's the one who commissioned her to buy the dress. Now Alex thinks they're a pair. 

Gu Xi Xi cleverly one-upped Yin Si Chen and received Alex's promise to sell his wedding dress to her. Grudgingly Yin Si Chen asks her to dance – a chance to slight her while appearing to be loving. She snubs him back using his words that her pumpkin carriage will leave soon.  Walking away confidently, she slips. Oh, and look, there's a pool right behind her. Yin Si Chen saves her but not without coolly taking off his suit jacket first (lol, he wasted those extra seconds to save his suit). The fall becomes a kiss-and-fall as they splash their way down to the pool. Somehow he ends up on the bottom, cushioning the fall in the water. 

[Ep2] Clearly, Yin Si Chen wasn't saving Gu Xi Xi, he was saving the necklace on her that he bought (to attract Alex's attention). The next morning, Yin Si Chen also signs the contract with Alex behind her back. He now has the exclusive rights to sell Marry Me in three months. Alex thought they were dating and the wedding dress was a surprise proposal for Gu Xi Xi. Oh, Gu Xi Xi is indeed surprised. Furthermore, Gu Xi Xi learns the one who caused her near miss car accident was Yin Si Chen and now they're embroiled in dating rumours because of the kiss. As a result, Gu Xi Xi's boyfriend breaks up with her (but he was cheating anyway). 
Tasting non-spicy chicken wings
A drunk (and supposedly brokenhearted) Gu Xi Xi mistaken Yin Si Chen as her best friend (Lin Xiao Ya) and thinks his lips are chicken wings. Nom nom nom. Why isn't it spicy? Those lips. Chicken wings? Then when he's trying to drive her home, she falls onto his chest and grabs it, wondering why this pillow is so hard. Her fingers are like chicken claws trying to remember the feelings of his pecs. Obviously when a girl does it, it's not sexual harassment.  

Gu Xi Xi reunites with her old friend, Mo Zi XinAh, the guy she'll never look at. Boy, I already feel bad for you. The near miss car accident reconnected these two. He recognized her immediately (because he likes her). He also becomes her art pupil when he himself is a manhua artist (that she's a fan of) just for more chances to see her. 
Gu Xi Xi gets an easy pass to meet Yin Si Chen at his office because she's his rumoured girlfriend. She wants him to clarify their dating rumours. However, he won't because that would be admitting they lied to Alex. She also wants the wedding dress. But she won't get her hands on it unless he proposes to her which will NEVER happen – his words. Well, whaddya know. Angered, she picks up his cup, looking like she'll splash water at him. With his reflexes, he holds down her wrist but she says she's just drinking the water. After she takes a large gulp, he awkwardly clears his throat that he just drank from it. Embarrassed (but they already kissed twice), she leaves, but oh, she trips on her own laces. Again with his reflexes, he catches her by the arm, and it's a spin-and-twirl-and-fall on the couch scene. They don't kiss but she remembers her drunk kiss. Episode ends! No wait Gu Xi Xi visits Alex ~ 

[Ep3] Gu Xi Xi asks Alex for the Marry Me wedding dress, lying that she wanted to surprise Yin Si Chen by accepting his marriage proposal  that never happened. Alex can't give his previous designs (because he signed with Yin Si Chen) but he can give her the new one he's working on. Then at night, Gu Xi Xi texts her buyer, telling him she's nabbed the deal to the rights for Alex's dresses. I don't get the business behind this. One dress = all his dresses? Well thanks to her little trick, Alex announces the engagement to the press with Yin Si Chen right there in the audience not knowing he even proposed. He can only smile and nod. 

Mo Zi Xin isn't just a manhua artist. He owns a five star hotel and gallantly helps Gu Xi Xi out of an embarrassing situation but this is interrupted by Yin Si Chen who literally came outta nowhere and drags Gu Xi Xi away. She calls him crazy and he calls her crazier, adding this endearment: "fi-an-cée". Gu Xi Xi is like Oh yeah. Off they go to discuss and she finally learns he's her buyer. I love her reaction when she learned his ID is "行走的少女梦". It means he is Every Girl's Dream Man – The Walking (and living) Version. Her reaction is like she received a double air slap from his narcissism. Meanwhile he's not embarrassed at all because according to the stats, it is true. Pft. Gu Xi Xi realizes she messed up and is willing to cooperate with him to fool Alex and is only asking for the amount she lost (for the down payment for the one dress?). 

Mo Zi Xin isn't just a manhua artist and a five star hotel owner, he is also a CEO of Wen Corp and he is interested in Alex's dresses too, making him Yin Si Chen's rival in business (and in love). Yin Si Chen won't lose to anyone. His secretary (Chen Fei Ang / Secretary Chen) says the worst possible outcome is for his father to buy out his company. Yin Si Chen hates the idea of that. 

Gu Xi Xi shows up for the wedding dress fitting. Yin Si Chen watches with love oozing out of his eyes. However, once he gets Alex's contract sealed, he discontinues working with Gu Xi Xi. They have one last lunch together to clear off their debts. However, Gu Xi Xi doesn't want a ride from him. She may not have a car but she has a pair of legs. Gu Xi Xi is a girl with attitude, but this girl forgot she's located in this stranded place with barely any cars. She twists her leg as she walks on this never ending road. Yin Si Chen zooms right by with his sleek Mercedes pumpkin carriage. But slowly, he reverses. He tells her that to pretend to be strong, one needs to be somewhat capable. This is true. He opens the door for her and inside, there's a pair of sneakers for her. How? When? Guys, learn. You need to have a pair of shoes of all sizes ready in your car for anytime and any girl. Just when she's a little touched, he calls her a money grabber. At lunch, she splashes him with water (and this is snapped by a paparazzi). Our narcissistic ML was deliberate in angering her. He doesn't want her to fall for him, after all, he is Every Girl's Dream Man. 

Whoop-dee-doo. The contract from Alex has an extra clause: the dresses will be Yin Si Chen after he's married with Gu Xi Xi for three months. Yin Si Chen zooms back with his pumpkin carriage to catch Gu Xi Xi. He asks her to marry him.

[Ep4] Gu Xi Xi thinks Yin Si Chen has gone bananas. He's like You must marry me. And so what does a CEO do? He fools her into thinking she has three days to pay off Alex's wedding dress otherwise she'll have to compensate $$$ that she can't afford. Uh oh. ML, we need to have a talk. This is threatening, blackmailing, extortion, etc. Three days are up. He gets the call from her. The contract is signed. They're going to marry!

Gu Xi Xi had wanted to ask Mo Zi Xin to lend her money but he was away without reception for days. What was he doing? He was making a rare red dye, which is Gu Xi Xi's favourite. The man helping him with the dye asks if this girl is his girlfriend. He says she's not but his sweet smile says it all: he loves her. And now she's someone else's wife. I can't believe it dude, you lost your girl for dye.

Currently, Gu Xi Xi has a(nother?) wedding dress fitting. Yin Xi Chen was so focused on waiting for her to come out in her dress that he completely ignored Lin Xiao Ya's introduction. Once again, he's stunned by Gu Xi Xi's beauty – he thinks it's the power of the white wedding dress. Kneeling down, he helps her with her heels and hopes that she'll like the wedding tomorrow. She promises she won't. He doesn't care if she likes it but he needs his Mrs. Yin to like it. 

It's the wedding!! Gu Xi Xi complains to Yin Si Chen: Where in their contract did it say she has to deal with her love rivals (because Ran Xi Wei is chilly with hostility). Yin Si Chen answers the question with a question: "Since when did you fall in love with me?" There's no such thing as a love rival if she's not in love with him. Failing to refute that, Gu Xi Xi skips away, ignoring him. Yin Si Chen smirks at her. How does he not realize he's already in love with her?
At the altar, they resentfully say their "I do's". When it's time for the kiss, he swoops in but his thumb is in between.

Mom Gu leaves a touching note for Yin Si Chen, her )fake) son-in-law. It's filled with details of Gu Xi Xi, things like when she's upset she'll want to eat spicy food because it'll make her cry to hide the fact that she's actually crying. She also has a big dream to be a fashion designer. Mom is happy that Xi Xi can finally leave her home and wishes he can support her and her endeavours. Secretary Chen informs Yin Si Chen that Xi Xi is drinking a lot (according to Xi Xi, it's the only way she can prevent herself from running away). Yin Si Chen is aware – he's been watching her, his wife, the entire time. 

The wedding is over. Gu Xi Xi is inebriated as she complains to Yin Si Chen that he destroyed her dreams of marriage. Yin Si Chen looks painfully at her. He reveals that he envies her. She can cry and complain meanwhile our CEO has denied himself any opportunities to vent. He admits to being an emotionless jerk and that he has no time to be emotional. 
And what is our drama without its signature falls? Drunkenly, Gu Xi Xi pulls him down and it becomes a fall-and-kiss-on-the-forehead. She wishes him "Goodnight, My Little Fortune" She probably meant money-fortune and not happiness-fortune but well, soon it'll mean the latter and actually, I think he'll be both. Helpless in her embrace and with her lips still softly on his forehead, he whispers back "Goodnight" 

[Ep5] Yin Si Chen gives Gu Xi Xi a tour of his – what do I call the thing that he lives in? A mansion? A castle? Whatever. As for the room she'll be sleeping in, it'll have to be his walk-in-closet (think of your closet x10-50 depending on the size of your closet). Others can't know their marriage is a sham. At night, Gu Xi Xi hugs her "Little Fortune" to sleep, which is actually a plant. How do you hug that and not spill the dirt? It's cold and hard too. However, there's an eerie sound outside. Gu Xi Xi checks and it's Yin Si Chen exercising. He has a serious case of insomnia and if he's lucky, the physical exhaustion will earn him three hours of sleep. Ah, this explains his pecs. Gu Xi Xi doesn't want to sleep in the closet anymore (it scares her?). She tries to steal his bed but he lifts her up and plops her on the sofa chair. Sighing, she settles down and picks up her book to read in which she has to read out loud. Guess what? Our insomniac Yin Si Chen falls asleep in seconds. The next morning, he's astounded he slept through the night. Gu Xi Xi now has a new night job: put him to sleep. I love how she wipes her own saliva after waking up xD

Gu Xi Xi learns Mo Zi Xin is a CEO. He helps her settle a problem with her online business account and they have lunch together. It's a tad questionable how he's approaching her while knowing she's married. But hey, I'm going to flip my romcom switch on

Back at home, Yin Si Chen is questioning Gu Xi Xi's interactions with Mo Zi Xin, his "business" rival. He is somewhat satisfied with her answer but he's still grumpy. Gu Xi Xi remembers Grandma's advice that as long as he wins a video game, he'll forget everything and so Gu Xi Xi challenges him. But she forgets to let him win and creams him. She begs for another round just to suck up to him. It works like a charm. What a cute child he is xD. After winning, he excitedly tells her to shower first and then "sleep with me". Uh. He corrects himself: "sleep with me." LOL. Guys, it sounds very similar. He just separated the characters "me" and "sleep" with an auxiliary word because together, it can mean "have sex with me".

Gu Xi Xi visits Yin Si Chen at work with soup. He knows her well enough that she must have a reason for being generous. After he's done with his meeting, he finds her asleep in his office and smiles lovingly at her. He also catches her head before it drops off her hand. 

[Ep6] Gu Xi Xi wakes up and screams. Yin Si Chen flies away, pretending he never touched her. She thinks she had a nightmare and grew out a third hand. Ha. He was right that she is visiting him with motive. She needs money for her mother who's struggling with the rent for her dry-cleaning business because Dad Gu and Grandma Gu are leeching off of her. She tries to bargain with Yin Si Chen that he failed to deliver on one of her conditions: a separate room. He should compensate. It's not working. Fed up, Gu Xi Xi throws her most vicious hug at him and whines for just a little compensation. 
"Vicious" Hug
Yin Si Chen smirks as Gu Xi Xi latches onto him. He mutters under his breath, "Seems like I like it when it's direct." LOL. Embarrassed, she un-claws him. I don't quite know what her rationale was but it worked. I think? Then Yin Si Chen reminds her that if she was going to bribe him of some sort, at least bring something she made herself. He accurately guesses the soup is from Grandma because it's "songzi tang", a soup that will bring children. Mortified, Gu Xi Xi steals back the soup and runs back home. When Yin Si Chen is back, he finds a note on his closet door for him to respect their contract and her working hours. 10pm-8am is her private time. If he's going to be so anal, then so will she. Which means our kiddo doesn't get his bedtime stories, aw

Struggling for money, Gu Xi Xi sells the bag Grandma Yin personally designed for her. Ran Xi Wei buys it back to expose Gu Xi Xi in front of Grandma Yin. Yin Si Chen helps her cover up, but he remains angry at her. However, he still fixes her problem. He becomes her tenant and decreases the rent in half. Ah, money, money, money, so good to be rich. However, Gu Xi Xi thought Mo Zi Xin was her angel. Meanwhile Yin Si Chen is in the next room practicing on how to gain credit for the angelic deed without sounding like he’s a beggar desperate for praises. 

[Ep7] The misunderstanding clears up quickly. Gu Xi Xi realizes Yin Si Chen is the angelic tenant. Shyly, Gu Xi Xi looks for a chance to thank him but she senses his dire eagerness and so she leaves him hanging, ha. He forces her to look him in the eye with their faces mere inches apart because fixedly staring at her will make her remember stuff. Gu Xi Xi's neck is drawing large circles to avoid his eye contact, prolonging the tease ~ She has him on the leash xD
Eventually, Gu Xi Xi thanks him (not without calling him a devil first, and hence his expression from angel to devil xD). Our “angel" wants to feel the depth of her gratitude, which means he wants to be fed. Hear my eyebrows raising? How is it that he’s not exposing he loves her from this one request? Awkwardly, she takes a spoonful of soup and blows away the heat while ramming up the heat elsewhere
And like, blowing soup has to happen this close. 

It's him who's awkward and says he has hands so he can feed himself. Then she timidly asks if she needs to read him stories again. He tells her he's still got a few more things to do and he'll be in the room soon which means yes, he needs her.
Clearly, he’s rolling up his sleeves
After she leaves, he's in a grand victory pose, soaking in the glory (for getting her gratitude lol).  But she's still there. As smooth as he can, he pretends he was just rolling up his sleeves (that are already rolled) and fixes his expression to a "I'm-still-cool" look. She just wanted to tell him she bought a VR game system for Grandma with the rent money that she didn’t end up using. Then she retreats, letting him keep his ego while she mutters to herself, "Childish brat.” 

By the time Yin Si Chen is in the bedroom, Gu Xi Xi has fallen asleep. He wonders about her: "Greedy, deceitful, generous. naive. Which one is the real you?" Clearly, the first two descriptors are him and the last two are her. Gu Xi Xi suddenly wakes up and screams because he's way too close like always. Her book bruises him. And so Gu Xi Xi has a wet (? dry? hot?) towel(?) applied to his bruised (?) forehead. And of course his hair is still perfect and only the forehead gap between his bangs is supposedly injured. And of course he doesn't have his own hands to apply the thing to his own forehead and that’s why Gu Xi Xi is doing it for him. 

Ran Xi Wei hires Gu Xi Xi's ex to win her back. She even invites Yin Si Chen to the same venue to witness Gu Xi Xi cheating. It backfires on Ran Xi Wei. When the ex notices how skinny Gu Xi Xi is, her reply is this: Yes, of course I'm skinny. Look at my partner. His figure even makes models shameful. His ID fits him to a T. He isn't just every girl's dream guy, he's every girl, woman, and grandma/s dream guy. Oh my god, this is seriously feeding Yin Si Chen’s arrogant ego. He’s loving the (insincere) praises. This guy is so easy to please, lol. The ex is like I know you're not that superficial. Gu Xi Xi is like Okay then, let's talk about his capabilities and intelligence. Ah, more music to Yin Si Chen's ears. However, the ex is taking pictures of their meeting. Ah, but Yin Si Chen took a smug selfie with Gu Xi Xi in the background as proof (purely by coincidence). And Gu Xi Xi had a backup plan too! Attagirl! She found her ex suspicious and was recording the entire conversation. 

Ran Xi Wei confesses she loves Yin Si Chen. He’s a little surprised but before he can reject her, he receives a call from Lin Xiao Ya who's worried about Gu Xi Xi meeting her ex in this stranded, dark place. Lin Xiao Ya was supposed to pick her up but Lin is lost. 

Yin Si Chen dashes to find Gu Xi Xi who’s just about to be thrashed by her ex with a brick................... Yin Si Chen punches him and the ex is a goner. Yin Si Chen has a coolbordering lame line: "Mess with my woman? Suffer the consequences." He hugs Gu Xi Xi who feels safe in his arms. I thought Yin Si Chen had people following her.

Yin Si Chen tends to Gu Xi Xi’s wounds. He compliments her plan of recording the conversation and having Lin Xiao Ya drive there. Gu Xi Xi thinks she's stupid, stupid for falling in love with her ex. Yin Si Chen thinks it's better not to love in the first place because if you don't love, you won't know the pain of losing. It seems like Mom Yin had a lot to do with his upbringing – taking away all the things he loved in order to groom him for success. Gu Xi Xi smiles; she can sniff it in the air: this man hasn't dated before. Yin Si Chen becomes defensive and directs the conversation to hormones and stuff like that. Gu Xi Xi smirks and closes in on him, catching him off guard. Innocently, she asks if his cheeks are flushing and if his heart rate is accelerating. As calm as he can, he denies both. Gu Xi Xi throws back the hormone jargon at him. According to him, that if two people are close like this, hormones should be secreted. It's biological. He should have reacted. Gu Xi Xi wins!
Then Yin Si Chen retaliates and pulls her close again. Will he kiss her? 

[Ep8] Yin Si Chen doesn't kiss Gu Xi Xi. He was just teasing her, making her cheeks blush. A petty little revenge. Take the W, Yin Si Chen. You childish brat. Later, she takes him out for dinner so that both their cheeks can be rosy from the booze. While she's a little tipsy, Yin Si Chen makes her sign a contract to terminate their marriage. Disappointingly, she signs it but then realizes it's actually a contract extension for another three months. Gu Xi Xi rips it but Yin Si Chen has already gleefully snapped a picture. I think he knows that contract is invalid but he's simply happy to see it signed by her

After a night of mostly drinking, Gu Xi Xi is sleeping on the bed. In the morning, Yin Si Chen is already awake, staring at her. So...how did we get to the bed? Where did he sleep? He's got a silly smile on as he recalls the description of her mornings to her ex: Yin Si Chen would wake her up with a passionate kiss, then princess-carry her, and finally feed her. Yin Si Chen is doing it all! Well, he didn't get to do the passionate kiss because she woke up and freaked out. He also just teased her about feeding her. By now, Gu Xi Xi realizes he has heard everything. Did he steal her recording?  Our man child's eyes glitter, "There’s a recording!" That’s the one thing he regretted not doing that day. Like a toddler, he's whining for it. Gu Xi Xi runs away and lies that no such recorder exists. 

Gu Xi Xi is now at her favourite manhua artist's fanmeet. It's Mo Zhi Xin and he's wearing a mask to hide half his face and voila, he's a different guy!. He's doing this just for Gu Xi Xi and he lets her hug him. 

Gu Xi Xi's ex sends their “dating” pictures to the press. Gu Xi Xi organizes a press con to clarify. She has her recording as proof but the reporters drill her on how she managed to nab a husband like Yin Si Chen after breaking up with her ex all within one month. Gu Xi Xi struggles to answer. Yin Si Chen dashingly enters! That strut!

Yin Si Chen: Because I like her [...] It doesn't matter who Gu Xi Xi was before. Right now she is my, Yin Si Chen's wife. Any other questions? 

The reporters are silenced. Our married couple leave the press con and now the recorder is in Yin Si Chen's hand *insert a muahahaha* and this brat won't return it to her. She fights for it in the car and lands herself an accidental kiss #3. These kisses are almost like nothing to them. He will give it to her on one condition: extend their wedding contract for another three months. Her answer: Impossible. *Plays the recorder* Alright. Three more months it is. 
How many variations of bidongs have they had by now?
Gu Xi Xi needs help with writing a proposal for work. She doesn’t want Yin Si Chen to think she’s an idiot so she tempts him, making him offer to help her. I think he knew what she was up to and because she really did solve his problems, he’s quite amused. In the end, he gladly promises to help her with her proposal. 

The next day at work, Yin Si Chen compliments Gu Xi Xi’s intelligence in front of Secretary Chen who then notices our boss has changed. But what exactly changed? He wonders: “Is it her who changed? Is it you (boss) who changed? Or is it her in your eyes that changed?” From his words, perhaps Yin Si Chen detects the love that is surfacing from deep within his heart. He stares at the ship model on his desk. It’s a reminder for him to not love. Our boy is afraid of losing what he loves. 

Yin Si Chen's way of helping with the proposal is telling Gu Xi Xi to give up. She’s got no hope. What a poop. It seems Gu Xi Xi will turn to Mo Zi Xin for help. Will this make Yin Si Chen jealous? 

Second Couple: It was love at first sight for Shang Ke who met Mu Ruo Na at a pub. Shang Ke is Yin Si Chen's friend and he had a one night stand with Mu Ruo Na, who is also his secretary/employee. At work, he overhears her conversation with a peer. He thinks she’s sharing about the sex they had. It goes like this: "It didn't feel like anything...a little painful.... quite fast... to the point that I felt nothing.” Oh dear, lol. But she was talking about her surgery.  

[Ep9] Yin Si Chen asks Gu Xi Xi to describe him (the him in her eyes). Well, she says he's a durian. Which means he’s a stinky poop. Yin Si Chen takes offence and so Gu Xi Xi explains the durian is the king of all fruits, royal and elegant, (she knows how to play him, like a pianist to a piano) and royally pungent, ha. She goes on: Once someone accepts this smell they will love it. She just didn’t say for those who don’t, they will hate it, ha. He wants to know if she likes it because that's all that matters. She answers way too casually that she does and then corrects herself that she prefers the commoner fruits, the humble ones like bananas and apples. 

In the morning Yin Si Chen wants durian. For breakfast?? That’s living on the edge. Meanwhile Gu Xi Xi lied to the maids she went out for a run to visit Mo Zi Xin because he is willing to help her with the proposal. When Gu Xi Xi heads back home, she’s covered up so that Yin Si Chen can't recognize her. It’s too late, he did. Somehow though, Gu Xi Xi managed to sneak into the house before him. He glares at her and warns grandma there’s a crazy lady on the streets (= Gu Xi Xi). Also from this scene, I think Mo Zi Xin is moving into the neighbourhood. I like the actor, but his character...

Gu Xi Xi worries Yin Si Chen will penalize her when he finds out she went to Mo Zi Xin. Thus, the next logical action is to take Lin Xiao Ya's advice: seduce Yin Si Chen. And so Gu Xi Xi is at home in her little black dress to captivate his big heart. He’s clearly flustered at her attire and attitude. He can't even look at her. When she sits closer to him, he scoots away, wondering why she’s not hot. Well, he’s the one in the suit and she’s in a dress. And well, I don’t think the source of heat is external. Our girl also utilizes the entire cute-girl package: the pouts, the giggle-slap move, and the grown-woman-copying-baby-speak. Yin Si Chen begs her to stop and tells her to hold off on her thoughts and keep her distance. He is now convinced Gu Xi Xi loves him. Being the responsible man that he is, he can’t let her fall into her delusions.

Yin Si Chen realizes he’s unfairly treating Mo Zi Xin because of Gu Xi Xi. He reminds himself that she is only a temporary guest in his life, says our delusional genius. Then he accepts Ran Xi Wei's interview. One of her questions is for him to describe his wife. His answer: Gu Xi Xi is like a gift basket, a treasure trove of surprises. As he's thinking of her, our boy doesn't notice his loving tone and expression but Ran Si Wei does. Then he brings Ran Xi Wei home to make Gu Xi Xi feel like she’s nothing to him. I think that was the plan. This guy’s logic is, um, above mine. Ran Xi Wei  has an apology gift for Gu Xi Xi. Yin Si Chen, who realizes Ran's intentions, sends Gu Xi Xi away but Ran Xi Wei blurts that she confessed her love to Yin Si Chen. 

Gu Xi Xi awkwardly pauses: ....Oh↗
Ran Xi Wei(Just an) Oh?!
Yin Si Chen: Oh?! – in his head. I swear that I heard him say it by looking at his expression ;). 
Gu Xi Xi looks around, confused, tries again: Oh↘

Yin Si Chen is annoyed and distracts the girls by asking for a mask. Ran Xi Wei has one in her bag because it’s a habit for her to prepare one knowing that he has pollen allergies. Ran Xi Wei nonchalantly adds that Gu Xi Xi shouldn’t mind. Girl, don’t worry, Gu Xi Xi doesn’t mind. It’s only  annoying Yin Si Chen that Gu Xi Xi doesn't care
They're both so cute!
When Ran Xi Wei leaves, Yin Si Chen confronts Gu Xi Xi for blowing their cover and we all know that’s not why he’s really angry. Cleverly, Gu Xi Xi glamorizes the “Oh”, explaining that it was all she needed to express her trust in Yin Si Chen. Even if Ran Xi Wei confesses, Mrs. Yin can only be Gu Xi Xi. He smirks! LOL. A+ answer. However, he reevaluates her response that she should have at least been jealous. Gu Xi Xi, our genius, admits she was careless. She will demonstrate her jealousy right now: taking a marker and the mask, she draws a pig on it. And now this mask is personalized by Gu Xi Xi.” Yin Si Chen snickers and leaves, but then stops in his tracks. He snickers again and comes back to snatch the mask, calling her “Childish”. *Snickers* xD. 

Gu Xi Xi turned this man into a softie by calling him a durian and drawing him pigs. Impressive. I look up to her. 

After that piggy mask, our Yin Si Chen is in happy mode and he stays up to write a proposal for Gu Xi Xi but when he gives her the iPad, she's already asleep. Rich people sure are different. I’d email the document or have some cloud service but he gives her an iPad. He notices her proposal is completed and there is a special thanks to Mo Zi Xin. The next morning, Yin Si Chen jealously drowns her iPad. Then he gives her his iPad with his proposal. She smiles, noting that it must have taken him a long time. He denies it and insists to be “specially thanked” to show her gratefulness. However, she refuses him. Her proposal is saved elsewhere. She also won’t “thank” him because he only neutralized his mistakes of destroying her iPad. I prefer Mo Zi Xin’s way of helping over Yin Si Chen's way of doing it for her

Lin Xiao Ya had a drinking night with Mo Zi Xin and can't remember if she leaked the marriage contract to him. Gu Xi Xi meets him to confirm. Then Mo Zi Xin talks about the "contract". Gu Xi Xi is astonished, thinking Could he really know? And then voila, outta nowhere, our dandy Yin Si Chen struts in. The men have a stare down. Yin Si Chen tells Mo Zi Xin to stop meeting his wife. Mo Zi Xin stresses that his wife has freedom to meet who she wants. 

In this entire episode, it's funny how Yin Si Chen is the one planning to make Gu Xi Xi jealous but our Durian King is the green-eyed one.

[Ep10] Yin Si Chen glares at Gu Xi Xi for her answer. 

Gu Xi Xi is impressive with her hypocritical answer again: Personally, I don’t like freedom! Also I’m married – peeks at Yin Si Chen – so I don’t need freedom. LMAO.

The smirk on Yin Si Chen is enough to say he approves of her answer. But did our couple manage to fool Mo Zi Xin? Nope. Mo Zi Xin knows their marriage is fake. Lin Xiao Ya did spoil everything and Mo Zi Xin is letting them continue their act. He's determined to not let go of Gu Xi Xi again (and will "actively" wait for her contract to terminate?)

Yin Si Chen asks Secretary Chen for his advice on how to penalize Gu Xi Xi for almost exposing their marriage contract. Our observant Secretary Chen tells his boss that ever since his marriage, his childish cells have been activated and that he (Yin) looks very happy about it. I am slightly amused Chen realized Yin's childish cells were always there but just latent. Secretary Chen informs his boss to postpone his childish punishments because he'll need Gu Xi Xi to fool Alex who has just invited them to a honeymoon trip in Milan. Yin Si Chen simpers. He has found a way to retaliate. 

Yin Si Chen will torture Gu Xi Xi with Italian and dancing lessons. Her schedule is packed to the point that she barely has time to sleep. I think his priority is to occupy all of her schedule so that she can't meet Mo Zi Xin. Yin Si Chen is her devilish Italian tutor. Cute Grandma tries to help but Gu Xi Xi is so horrible at Italian that Grandma retreats. The lesson is paused when Yin gets a call from Ran Xi Wei and Gu gets a call from Mo Zi Xin. 

Coincidentally, they're all meeting at the same place. Yin Si Chen catches Gu Xi Xi's meeting with Mo Zi Xin. Our very jealous Yin Si Chen makes Gu Xi Xi learn the postures of a lady from Ran Xi Wei (to make Gu Xi Xi jealous? Yin Si Chen, have we not tried this already?). During the lesson, Ran Xi Wei makes Yin Si Chen be her partner while Secretary Chen is Gu Xi Xi's partner. Gu Xi Xi's jealous cells have not been activated, who knows if they're even there, she just wants to ditch the lesson and so she dramatically twists her leg but Yin Si Chen knows her tricks and takes her hand to walk instead. Ran Xi Wei is envious and makes Yin Si Chen stay with her for a bit longer. Gu Xi Xi is like Yes, please take my husband away from me. Pft. Once Ran Xi Wei is alone with Yin Si Chen, she tells him that he has changed because of Gu Xi Xi. He smiles and wonders if he's dumber. Because love makes you stupid? 
Gu Xi Xi asks Grandma to teach her how to say "Pig" in Italian. Instead, Grandma teaches her "I really love you." Thus when Yin Si Chen is back home to check on her homework, Gu Xi Xi sticks out her tongue to say "Pig" over and over again. But really she's repeatedly confessing "I really love you" over and over again. Yin Si Chen laughs at her brazen confession. And we get a close-up shot of these two for no reason but Drama, I like it. Please continue

Dance lessons are scheduled for today. Gu Xi Xi is a twirling mess. The teacher suggests she dance with Yin Si Chen. She accidentally steps on him and he calls her dumb for it. Angered, she childishly steps on him again. Waltzing turns into a game of footsies but he's still smiling, genuinely smiling, at her as she steps and glares at him. Aw! Then she slips and he catches her before she falls. They stand there, motionlessly and lost in each other's gazes. Gu Xi Xi's heart flutters. She has to remind herself this man is her devilish boss. 

Mo Zi Xin invites Gu Xi Xi to watch a sunset together. She goes because she owes him this date since their childhood. During their conversation, she thinks he makes a better artist than a boss. Like being a boss is something that can be learned in school..

At night, Yin Si Chen invites Gu Xi Xi to Ran Xi Wei's event. Gu Xi Xi whines that she doesn't want to go. She's certain he's ridiculing her again until he has to spell it out for her the good intentions behind his invitation. Ran Xi Wei's invitees are all in the fashion industry. This is a prime opportunity for Gu Xi Xi to display her designs. She hugs him not once but twice and the second time, she lingers around him, not wanting to let go ~ When she finally realizes she's hugging him for way too long, she feels him around, pretending she's taking his measurement. She explains that she will make him a suit. 
The next night Gu Xi Xi tells Yin Si Chen to strip. He's confused but strip, he does. Gu Xi Xi stops him at the first two buttons. He can leave the dress shirt on. Why? She needs to measure him with a measuring tape. Aw, not hugging him to measure him anymore? The tension escalates as their proximity narrows. 
Then Gu Xi Xi falls over because Show knows I don't have enough close-up screenshots already and now they're both are on the bed. 

Second couple: Mu Ruo Na has decided to take responsibility for Shang Ke. She needs to be a responsible person. She proposes they have a trial lasting half a year in a point system relationship and if they don't reach 80 points then they'll breakup. Shang Ke accepts without much deliberation. Mu Ruo Na smiles and rewards him five points for being decisive. Shang Ke is proud of himself and keeps his eyes wide for more opportunities. I think I like her, but I don't see why he's likable

[Ep11] At Ran Xi Wei's launching party, she foxily tells Gu Xi Xi she'll have to borrow her husband. Gu Xi Xi is like "Of course! – looks at Yin Si Chen – Uh, just remember to return him." think Yin Si Chen gave her a passing grade for that reply. Ran Xi Wei can take Yin Si Chen all she wants, but his heart and smiles are all for Gu Xi Xi. 

Milan, Italy.
Gu Xi Xi is lost in the woods (she was searching for this fashion show). Thinking that she heard howling, she flees. Thankfully, Yin Si Chen is there. Legit, the man from nowhere. Gu Xi Xi's eyes dazzle at her prince charming, her hero. In the car, she apologizes to him for delaying the meeting with Alex. Yin Si Chen isn't mad about that. Has she thought about her safety? Does she not know how worried he was? Gu Xi Xi smiles up at him and confirms with him if he really cares for her. He doesn't admit it but she has to know it (right?). Then she notices the scratch on his hand (from saving her). He says it's nothing but she's worried and plasters a bandaid on it – the ultimate way for Cdrama girls to show they care: The Holy Bandaid. The driver compliments Yin Si Chen's wife's considerateness. Yin Si Chen is like Of course; she's my wife. Gu Xi Xi bashfully looks down, unaware of Yin Si Chen’s loving gaze directed (only) at her. I refuse to melt at the warmth that's radiating from this man's eyes! 

At night Secretary Chen disinfects Yin Si Chen's injuries. Our boss flinches in pain. Ah, of course he was pretending it was nothing in front of Gu Xi Xi. Yin Si Chen was expecting Gu Xi Xi to be kowtowing to him tonight but Secretary Chen tells him that she's already in bed, asleep. She's not. Yin Si Chen probably knows that and texts her. Gu Xi Xi ignores the text but in comes the red packets! Lol. He knows her so well! She succumbs to the temptation and opens the packets (of itty bitty money from cheap Boss) which exposes that she's awake. When she's in his room, he tells her to fix up his injuries (he had ripped off the perfectly fine bandaging by Secretary Chen). As she's taking care of the wound, Gu Xi Xi falls asleep while sitting. 

Yin Si Chen puts Gu Xi Xi in bed. He lies down too as he's listening to her dream out loud. She's thankful he was there to save her today. She continues, "I love..." Nom nom nomI think she loves "spicy chicken wings" with hard chicken pecs breasts. The camera zooms out properly and we see that Yin Si Chen is holding her hand! He finishes her sentence... 

Yin Si Chen: I love you. A confession! From him! The Durian King?! I am melting ~ 
Gu Xi Xi freaks out when she wakes up. She roughly shakes him awake but then learns this is his bed and she's the one who fell asleep (yes, but girl, you're not the one who made him sleep next to you. Anyway). She meekly apologizes, but a sorry isn't enough for the undeserving push she gave him. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tells him to push her back, lol. With a threatening pose like he's about to whack her, she flinches. But how could he hit her? He smiles and softly lifts her chin with his finger. He taunts her for being afraid. Gu Xi Xi clutches onto her pillow, denying that she’s fearful.  
Yin Si Chen smirks: Not afraid?
Gu Xi Xi: Not afraid!
Yin Si Chen: Hmm, don't dodge ~
Gu Xi Xi: I'm not!
Yin Si Chen: You're still dodging
Girl, why are you dodging this pair of eyes and those pair of lips?
No kisses. But Yin Si Chen gets the tease he wanted. And I have melted. I will be with you all in puddles.
Picture time with a happy couple trying their best to look unhappy
Gu Xi Xi helps Alex with his design. During dinner, Yin Si Chen is off to the washroom for a long, long time. In Gu Xi Xi's conversation with Alex there is regret underlying her words to Alex but his response is almost cryptic as if he knows and is forgiving in that there is no absolute truth. In lies there are truths and in truths there are lies and perhaps in the process the result can be pleasant. He knows? Because this makes absolutely no sense if he doesn't know.  

Gu Xi Xi shares with Yin Si Chen her guilt for lying. He offers to humbly sacrifice himself to marry her (for real) and that way none of them are lying. Gu Xi Xi doesn't answer that insincere proposal and instead challenges him to win at the claw machine. Yes, in the middle of this fancy convention hall with glass chandeliers, there are claw vending machines that light up like they belong in an arcade. It provides the perfectly staged distraction that Gu Xi Xi needs to activate Yin Si Chen’s childish cells but he fails to claw anything on the nth attempt. Beside them, another couple breezes through and wins a toy. The couple had a lucky routine: the girlfriend kissed the boyfriend's cheek. Yin Si Chen smiles. With eyes like a deer, he touches his cheek against her lips for some luck and voila, he wins a bear, a couple-bear ~ Yin Si Chen ah, I am already reduced to a puddle, and now I’ll have to vaporize ~  

Secretary Chen asks Yin Si Chen if he likes Gu Xi Xi. Yin Si Chen smiles and shakes his head, "I'm in love with her". Our CEO is so truthful!! Yin Si Chen doesn't know when it was, maybe last night. Secretary Chen recounts his changes date further back to Yin Si Chen using his (embarrassing) online ID to interact with Gu Xi Xi. Yin Si Chen frowns because that would mean he liked her first. Lol, I almost forgot he's under the illusion that Gu Xi Xi loved him first, hahaha. He holds off on confessing to her because he knows that she wants love to be built from sincerity and right now they're in a fake marriage. He will make her a free woman first and then let her accept him on her own free will. But Gu Xi Xi doesn’t like freedom! xD 

[Ep12] Yin Si Chen's grand plan for confessing is met with obstacles. Alex wants Gu Xi Xi to manage the Enjoy project but that will mean Gu Xi Xi cannot create her own brand. Secretary Chen is preparing a contract for Gu Xi Xi to sign and she'll never know of the hidden clause but Yin Si Chen doesn't want to lie to Gu Xi Xi anymore. He tells Secretary Chen to work with their legal team for a new plan. 

Yin Si Chen also has a cold. I know why he has a cold ~  Gu Xi Xi wants to buy him meds but he pulls her down to sit with him because what better cure is there than her presence?. She has a cake for him because it's his birthday. Our birthday boy also wants a birthday song from her and even if it doesn't sound that great, he's loving it. He makes his birthday wish: to always have her by his side. He won't tell Gu Xi Xi his wish because you can't say your wish out loud or it won't come true ~!
Gu Xi Xi wants a taste of the red velvet cake. Yin Si Chen dares her to steal a bite from his spoon that he's holding very close to his face. She bites and bites but natta, except some tension as they're close enough to kiss. She breaks the tension by looking away but he pulls her back for a kiss. Non-Accidental Kiss #1

Yin Si Chen: Is it (the cake) sweet? 

Gu Xi Xi bashfully leaves. Yin Si Chen savours the kiss cake. Yin Si Chen, was it sweet?


Gu Xi Xi delivers a present from Mom to Mo Zi Xin for helping her replace a dry cleaner. It's qingtuan (mugwort glutinous rice with various fillings like red bean paste). Afterwards, Yin Si Chen is jealous and demands Gu Xi Xi to make some for him. When he tastes it, he doesn't like it. Well. He loves it but it's his biological reaction to say that he hates it when he actually loves it. Gu Xi Xi whines that he made her cook it. Yin Si Chen argues, "Someone is eating the food from my mother-in-law, so of course, I have to eat the ones you make." I am sad that the scene cut off his head. I want to see his reaction! Geez. He leaves but not without snatching the plate of glutinous delight. Gu Xi Xi calls him "Childish" with a childish smile of her own. 

Yin Si Chen still hasn't told Gu Xi Xi of Alex's plans. He decides to set up a surprise by inviting Nian Xi (Gu Xi Xi's favourite manhua artist) until he realizes Nian Xi is Mo Zi Xin. Yeah, no, Yin Si Chen ain't using Mo Zi Xin to make Gu Xi Xi happy. Yin Si Chen is back to square one. How to tell Xi Xi?  Yin Si Chen knows that he won't make Gu Xi Xi give up her dream. If Alex doesn't accept the alternate proposal plan, then Yin Si Chen will have to give up on the collaboration with Alex. To Yin Si Chen, Gu Xi Xi is more important. 

However, Yin Si Chen needs a bit more time to prepare for the solution and so he asks Gu Xi Xi if she can delay the opening of her store. Gu Xi Xi had found out about Alex's plans on her own. She thinks Yin Si Chen wants more than just delaying her opening. She's holding back her tears. She's disappointed in him because she believed in him. Miscommunication +++ The conversation did not have to go like this. To deepen the misunderstanding more than necessary, she believes he stole her store location while he thinks she pulled a publicity stunt to boost her reputation as the Designer Gu Xi Xi who rejected Alex. Gu Xi Xi swears it had nothing to do with her (it was Ran Xi Wei). Yin Si Chen resentfully agrees, "It has nothing to do with you. You are free."

[Ep13] Both Gu Xi Xi and Yin Si Chen are individually investigating the source of the leak. Gu Xi Xi asks Lin Xiao Ya if she accidentally said anything. Lin Xiao Ya swears she didn't unless she was too loud at the restaurant when she first learned of it. Although Gu Xi Xi is innocent, she feels guilty if it is her fault. Lin Xiao Ya reminds her that it's not her fault. She's not the one who lied. 

Gu Xi Xi: This was supposed to be a problem between the both of us (Yin and Gu). It could have been solved with proper communication. Omg. This is rare logic among FLs in all of Cdramaland

Dolefully, Gu Xi Xi listens to her own recorder, and is surprised with Yin Si Chen’s new recording: "To reward you – no, to motivate you to record another book, I can grant you a small wish but I want to hear Pride and Prejudice next." The classic romance novel on a girl falling in love with a wealthy bachelor and overcoming obstacles to arrive at their happily ever after. Xi Xi, do you get the hint? She smiles and is slightly comforted. With light steps, she looks for her wealthy no-longer-bachelor husband, but instead she overhears his plans to manipulate her with materialistic stuff like fancy restaurants and expensive presents. Then he'll accuse her of breaking the expensive present and she'll have to help him. With a heavy slam on the door, she leaves. Yin Si Chen didn't hear that. He's still on the phone with Secretary Chen, clarifying that manipulating her would be his old ways. He’s a new man now! He won’t do that. 

The same night, Yin Si Chen knocks on Gu Xi Xi's door but there's no response. He finds the recorder instead and hears her wish, which is to ride the Ferris Wheel together. She also records her apology, thinking it was Lin Xiao Ya who spoke too loud (but Yin Si Chen already knows it's related to Ran Xi Wei). Our FL has such a good temper. Yin Si Chen smiles as he continues to listen to her reading Pride and Prejudice. 
After Gu Xi Xi's grand opening of Ci Ci (her store name), she gets an invitation from Yin Si Chen to a fancy restaurant. Unimpressed, Gu Xi Xi sits down and asks for her (expensive) present. He’s pleasantly surprised that she’s so perceptive and proudly sets down the (ring) box. He strides across the table and swivels his gaze towards and presents her with the perfect angle to admire him. Oh man. Yin Si Chen, you're looking great in that picture but that stylish finger is like a gun to your head. You dead. Gu Xi Xi refuses to open the box. However she will uphold her side of the contract – she will close her store as he wishes and accept Alex's proposal until the contract expires and then he can be his Yin Si Chen and she can be her Gu Xi Xi. Yin Si Chen asks her to at least open the box but Gu Xi Xi refuses. She thought he changed and that he was sincere with her, but she was wrong, wrong to believe him in the very first place.

Gu Xi Xi leaves but before Yin Si Chen can chase her, it’s time for his appointment with Alex. He takes Alex to Gu Xi Xi''s store to show him her passion for her designs. However, Alex rejects Yin Si Chen's back up proposal. Yin Si Chen had prepared for the rejection. Even  if his company fails to secure the collaboration with Alex, he will continue to support Gu Xi Xi's dream. When Yin Si Chen returns to his office, he offers his employee a chance to leave this sinking ship but they all choose to stay because they're boss is now looking like a human being (imo, the stupidest reason to stay for a job, but whatever, lol)

Gu Xi Xi is alone at home. The ring box is on her table. She finally opens it and inside is her coin! The one her father gave her that she accidentally threw in the fountain at Milan. This was the reason he had a cold – he went searching for it in the middle of the night. There’s more inside the box: a note asking her if he can ride the Ferris Wheel with her. Aw. With tears, she runs off. Where? To see Alex. She offers to work with Alex (because she realized how much Yin Si Chen has been sacrificing for her dream). Alex refuses because Yin Si Chen would reprimand him and he has already decided to accept Yin Si Chen's alternate proposal. 

The next day, Yin Si Chen receives the good news from Alex. He thinks it was all Gu Xi Xi's credit. He can’t wait to talk to her but she shushes him. She’s drawing. Yin Si Chen quietly lounges on the chair, waiting for her to finish her painting. They sit there in silence and she ends up mesmerized by his handsome features and he in turn admires her beauty, thinking it's not a bad deal to marry someone pretty like her. He finally stands up to look at her drawing but she snatches it away and runs. It's a cue for him to chase her. She slips. And I get another close-up shot! He catches her by the waist and y’know why not chat in this pose? He thanks her for the help with Alex. She's being a little mischievous and keeps it a secret that she actually did nothing¹. 
The painting has fallen to the ground. Yin Si Chen peeks around and so Gu Xi Xi covers his eyes and we get Accidental Kiss #4. She runs away again and this time forgetting her drawing. Yin Si Chen picks it up and yells at her. That drawing looks nothing like him. I guess our fashion designer can't draw people? xD 

Gu Xi Xi has no models (because Ran Xi Wei stole 'em). Mo Zi Xin pops out of nowhere and he's suddenly the perfect fit for her suits. Girl, you have Yin Si Chen, and you're asking Mo Zi Xin?? No offence to the actor, but c'mon. When Yin Si Chen finds out, he volunteers to be a model too. Yay! But then they make him do this pose....
....which earns a grimace from Mo Zi Xin (thinking, Shoot I have to do this too?)
And then our lovebirds get into a childish fight as if they're the only two people in the entire studio.

Yin Si Chen had dirtied the tie and Gu Xi Xi demanded compensation. He calls her too young and naive to lurk money out of him. Then at night, Yin Si Chen has a thick envelope of money to compensate but he has a question for her first. Gu Xi Xi's eyes are fixated on the wad of cash as he asks who's better: him or Mo Zi Xin. She gives Mo Zi Xin 100%. As for Yin Si Chen, she gives him 99% because of his murderous aura, lol. Yin Si Chen flips through the pack of bills and wonders if the money is too heavy for her. He needs a minute to reorganize it. Gu Xi Xi holds him down, claiming she has more to say, "99% is good too. That 1% is room for you to improve, meaning you have unlimited potential!" Sounds like what a teacher says to a failing student. He ain't falling for it but she snatches the money from him anyway. He captures her on the couch, hovering over her and asks again just who is first (in her heart). But Nanny Song is here with warm milk. Still, Yin Si Chen is in the exact same position, waiting for the answer. Timidly, Gu Xi Xi gives him an extra point for the warm milk so therefore he's #1. I was surprised Nanny Song didn’t leave, but Yin Si Chen didn't care anyway so it didn’t matter. But then I wonder if Nanny Song did that on purpose to help Yin Si Chen get that extra point xD. Still in that same position, Yin Si Chen asks her if he needs to teach her how to be his Mrs. Yin. *Blinks innocently*

[Ep14] Gu Xi Xi runs away from Yin Si Chen, saying she doesn't need to learn. She has her own way of being "Mrs. Yin". The next day at his work, she brings him lunch and loudly coos "Hubby~" *Meow* It was so cute how Yin Si Chen reacted to her voice (when he may have known she's being naughty). She prepared all the food he hates (like bitter melon, bitter herbs, etc.) and feeds him in front of his employees so that he can't refuse her. Revenge has never been so bitterly sweet xD. She pats his cheek and quietly asks him if she passes as his Mrs. Yin. Not everything is bitter, though. She left behind another bento, and although it's still the food he hates, she made it in a way that removes the bitterness. Yin Si Chen likes it! He tells Secretary Chen to try some and when he picks up the chopsticks, Yin Si Chen is protective of his wife's food. Yin Si Chen had meant that Secretary Chen could try to make some of his own. I knew he wouldn't share

Gu Xi Xi's plans backfires. Now Yin Si Chen wants her to make lunch for him every single day. However, Gu Xi Xi has a devious smirk – she has plans to tortured him for his greediness. Gu Xi Xi prepares lunch, but it's more than just lunch, she's prepared to embarrass him by overdosing him with a cringe-y show of love. I am a Wang Zi Qi fan but this girl, Wang Yu Wen is holding up her own! xD 

Yin Si Chen retaliates and hugs her even closer in the canteen for everyone to see. Gu Xi Xi doesn't back down and pushes him closer with a hard smack on his back. Loving his surprised expression. Then she turns on the baby-speak. Yin Si Chen fakes a smile and speaks between his teeth that she doesn't need to publicly display that he's hers, he was already hers. What a romantic line said in such an unromantic hilarious way. Then she feeds him shrimp that I don't think is shelled. Since he can't refuse it, he bites it but the next second, he's also feeding her the un-shelled shrimp. Their torturous show of love is never ending while the employees view it as everlasting love. The attack continues as they stuff each other with food until Gu Xi Xi can no longer eat. Yin Si Chen is like Is that so? He bites down on her food that's still hanging out of her mouth. He bites it again and again, kissing her each time until Gu Xi Xi flees. Yin Si Chen wins! 

Back at home, Gu Xi Xi is bookkeeping for her store. Yin Si Chen easily calculates her net income and recalls that he earned way more than her when he first became an entrepreneur. She snickers that he has Yin Corp supporting him. Yin Si Chen reminds her, "And you have me." *Swoon* And his help isn't just giving her money but giving her knowledge to tap into her niche. Gu Xi Xi quickly picks up on his advice and puts the(ir) plan into action. Gu Xi Xi's influence on Yin Si Chen is obvious, but quietly, he's also making her into a smarter entrepreneur too~

Yin Si Chen organizes a mask party to confess to Gu Xi Xi. Why a MASK party?! Firstly, he wants to reject Ran Xi Wei, but because of the mask and stupid Shang Ke for pulling the wrong strings, Yin Si Chen rejects Gu Xi Xi! Now she misunderstands that he likes Ran Xi Wei. 

Somewhat fortunately, Yin Si Chen learns that Shang Ke messed up. However, when Gu Xi Xi is in need, Yin Si Chen has an emergency meeting and it's Mo Zi Xin who is her hero. She's also too busy to pick up Yin Si Chen's calls (btw, she saved him as "Chen"). After the ordeal with her work, Yin Si Chen is here in his black pumpkin carriage Mercedes. He wants her phone in order to change her settings so that even when it's on Do Not Disturb, she'll still get a notification for his messages. He doesn't want to lose contact with her. He wants to talk to her but she doesn't want to see him. Thus, it's Mo Zi Xin at her side, but our girl has no eyes for him – she's heartbroken from Yin Si Chen's rejection. 

[Ep15] Ran Xi Wei sets up Gu Xi Xi for failure with an interview that eulogizes her talents with the intention of instigating netizens to berate her. Gu Xi Xi stays up all night to reply to the hate comments. Yin Si Chen says her efforts are a waste of time. It's true but he could have minced his words and now she kicks him out of her office. Back at home, Yin Si Chen can't sleep at night. He opens his laptop to fire back at the hate comments, "How dare you all yell at my person". Who was it that said this was a waste of time? He's using the ID "The Human Iced Americano". I'm certain Gu Xi Xi would have figured it out that only he could be using such a corny ID if it wasn't too late and she wasn't too stressed. While he stopped taking his own advice, Gu Xi Xi was just thinking that Yin Si Chen was right – she needed to calm down. 

When Yin Si Chen wakes up, he's upset Gu Xi Xi stayed out all night and then he's happy again when she thanked him (as "The Human Iced Americano"). In a bright mood, he brings breakfast to Gu Xi Xi only to be angry again when he sees Mo Zi Xin there. If I had moodswings like him, I'd be so tired. Mo says he's a shareholder of the store; it makes sense that he's here. Our childish boss demands to be a shareholder too (which Gu Xi Xi ignores). At least Yin Si Chen does one thing useful that day which is set Ran Xi Wei in her place that she is only a friend and nothing compared to his wife, Gu Xi Xi.  

Yin Si Chen can't help Gu Xi Xi with her designs and projects but he stays outside of her office overnight to give her silent support. The unsung hero is Secretary Chen who's gotta stay with his boss even after work hours. Secretary Chen is more practical and informs Yin Si Chen that Gu Xi Xi's marketing plan might be ineffective because of the lack of attention. And whaddya know, Yin Si Chen is interviewed on TV while wearing Gu Xi Xi's designed shirt/suit and becomes a Walking Human Commercial for Gu Xi Xi. He also discloses that he's Human Iced Americano and the internet is abuzz with how romantic this couple is. Marketing is a success. Designers out there! Make note: find a CEO husband (and make sure he doesn't have a pot belly) and you''ll be successful overnight.

Gu Xi Xi finally reads Yin Si Chen's message to her. In text, he explains that the mask night was a misunderstanding. He never wanted to cut the line between them but rather he wanted to pull them even closer. After reading it, Gu Xi Xi is in tears. On cue, Yin Si Chen swaggers in, wearing her suit. She thought he had thrown it away because pop spilled all over it (from the commercial shooting). He would never throw away her designs. He starts explaining about the mask night, but Gu Xi Xi hugs him. She already knows. The two agree to have dinner tonight.

However, Gu Xi Xi cancels dinner to catch her father's mistress. This man who calls himself her father had given this mistress Gu Xi Xi's credit card. Wow. How low can he go. Yin Si Chen appears to save Gu Xi Xi (who didn't need saving but some emotional support is very welcomed!). The mistress accuses Gu Xi Xi of manipulating Yin Si Chen's feelings. Yin Si Chen agrees on the manipulation but that he was the one who fell head over heels for Gu Xi Xi and he orchestrated everything to keep her to him. True, lol. The mistress is publicly embarrassed in public. Secretary Chen makes her read out her sins or she'll have to face imprisonment. For what, though? For pretending to be 30 when she's 49? I think it's praiseworthy, lol. Maybe scamming men? 

Yin Si Chen drives Gu Xi Xi and Mom to their home. When Mom offers for him to stay over, he jumps on it. Gu Xi Xi glares at him. There's only one bed. And then there is an accidental fall, and whoops they're on the bed with him on top of her.  
Yin Si Chen asks for consent: Can I kiss you?
Gu Xi Xi closes her eyes. It's a yes! 

[Ep16] You would think they'd kiss and the night is theirs but Mom had to knock and give them blankets. Then Yin Si Chen finds a stack of love letters written to Gu Xi Xi. He wants her to read those to lull him to sleep. Weird taste. She reluctantly reads them (because the other option i to continue from the kiss on the bed). Gu Xi Xi falls asleep first. Yin Si Chen stares at her with love in his eyes and wishes her "Goodnight." 

Some stupid stuff: 
  • In the morning, Mo Zi Xin is strolling in Gu Xi Xi's neighbourhood (he lives here too. O-kay Show). The purpose of this scene: to make Yin Si Chen jealous? 
  • Ran Xi Wei approaches Dad Gu (who is divorced from Mom Gu) for an interview. WUT. Girl, you're beautiful, successful, and rich. Do something else with your life
At night, Yin Si Chen has dinner with Gu Xi Xi and Mom Gu. He's not used to seeing so much warmth in a family. He shares these thoughts with Gu Xi Xi who smiles at him. She also thanks Yin Si Chen for helping her. He says it's nothing. I can't help but snicker at him for being modest.  

The next day, Yin Si Chen is off to work. He sighs and looks over at the couple across the street having random PDA in the middle of the road and tells Gu Xi Xi to learn how to properly be Mrs. Yin. She's like It's just fixing your clothes, right? It turns into a threatening pull of his collar. Just as he stops teasing her, Gu Xi Xi wants to kiss him on the cheek but accidentally kisses his lips – a pleasant surprise for the both of them. He adds that there's a surprise date tonight. And then work is over the second he drives away, and it's night time. LOL. The transitions in this drama are the worst I've seen. Actually, there's none

Yin Si Chen takes Gu Xi Xi to an amusement park (that's closed). He gives her the (ring) box, which she already knows it's the coin. He gives her two options: she can keep the coin (that her father gave to retain her beautiful(?) memories) or use it to activate the Ferris Wheel and create new memories. Gu Xi Xi inserts the coin. Tada! Nothing happens! Pft. Clearing his throat, he smacks the machine (#1 way to solve anything) and the Ferris Wheel lights up. Tada! Is that how a Ferris Wheel works btw? Gu Xi Xi thanks him for taking her on the ride but Yin Si Chen says he's the one who should thank her. 

Yin Si Chen: Ever since your arrival at my home, I can sleep soundly every night. When I can't see you, I can't sit still or calm down. When you're sad, I'll be sad. When you're happy, I'll be happy. I like you." 

The Ferris Wheel abruptly stops. Gu Xi Xi asks him to repeat the last part of his confession

Yin Si Chen: I said I like you. 
Yin Si Chen repeats: I like you.
Yin Si Chen is still repeating: I like you. 
Gu Xi Xi: Can I not give you an answer right now? HA? EH?

Yin Si Chen doesn't rush her and lets her enjoy the night scenery. Instead he wants the answer on her birthday (four days later). 

Three days later, Gu Xi Xi receives another love confession, this time from Mo Zi Xin. He reveals he's Nian Xi. He also wants her reply on her birthday and now she's got two invitations for dinner. Oh so that's why the episode opened with all her love letters. Show was trying to look like it had a theme. Good effort

Gu Xi Xi is doubtful. She likes Yin Si Chen but is this love or merely infatuation? Lin Xiao Ya helps her sort out her feelings by asking her to list out each man's faults and merits. Yin Si Chen only has a long list of faults while Mo Zi Xin only has a long list of merits. The answer can't be anymore obvious. 

Gu Xi Xi: Although I only listed Yin Si Chen's shortcomings, at one point all his shortcomings have become the sweetest and brightest moments in my memories.

Gu Xi Xi is certain of her feelings but now it seems Yin Si Chen will be the one unsettled. In a random hallway, Mo Zi Xin and Yin Si Chen meet. Mo reveals he knows about the contract. 

Birthday time! Gu Xi Xi is running late because of traffic + rain combo. Both men are waiting for her. On Yin Si Chen's side, the restaurant even closes but he's still waiting. Then his door opens! And it's Ran Xi Wei. Boo. Meanwhile Gu Xi Xi opens another set of doors and we see Mo Zi Xin. 

[Ep17] Mo Zi Xin prepared presents for Gu Xi Xi from when she was 1 to 25. Maybe because I'm not liking him but I'm finding this creepy. It makes sense if he started buying presents at the age they parted but 1yo?? Too early, man. Gu Xi Xi isn't here to accept his presents or his feelings. Meanwhile Yin Si Chen isn't accepting Ran Xi Wei's (idea of) love either. He calls her tricks old-fashioned. HA. Our tropey-show said this was old-fashioned! You are funny.
Gu Xi Xi is late in meeting Yin Si Chen because she was rejecting Mo Zi Xin. By the time she arrives, the restaurant is closed. But Yin Si Chen is still there, his heart will always be open to her. She runs up to kiss him. He also has cake for her and sings her a birthday song. Yin Si Chen has another surprise. He has fireworks planned! Correction: he gave her one firework. His surprise was ruined by the rain. Don't worry, he has sparklers. All the mishaps are too cute: the Ferris Wheel and now the fireworks. Our CEO is too clumsy. And then we're showered with scenes of them lightly kissing each other ~

Ran Xi Wei is back again to dampen our couple's lovely morning. Girl, c'mon! Have some pride! Yin Si Chen ignores her presence to affectionately stare at Gu Xi Xi. When Ran Xi Wei is gone, Gu Xi Xi asks him what that gaze was all about. Gu Xi Xi, Yin Si Chen is shutting out Ran Xi Wei in front of you, that's what he's doing! He also wants to skip work for her but Gu Xi Xi makes him go. But really, he's better off staying with her because anything that sounds like "Xi Xi" distracts him. He's also giving employees that are wearing Cici's clothes a random bonus. 

Yin Si Chen, a married man, is very excited to go on dates with Gu Xi Xi, his wife. During lunch he wants to be fed. Getting the hint, Gu Xi Xi lifts his chin with her finger telling him, "I know what you want, but I won't give it ~" Lol. Moving onto his Date Idea #2: Scary movie. Oh, one of them is scared, that's for sure. Yin Si Chen is prancing so much on the couch (that I think he wants to be one with the couch), while Gu Xi Xi is unfazed by the movie. At night, Yin Si Chen is too scared to sleep. Gu Xi Xi gently kisses him on the bed. The scary movie worked, though! I was so sure this was a dream, but it wasn't!  In the morning, Yin Si Chen (half-naked under the blanket) is once again staring at his wife while she's sleeping. Gu Xi Xi stirs. 

Yin Si Chen: Awake? Mrs. Yin. Officially Mrs. Yin

She had a dream that he was really cute. He confirms it wasn't a dream. Indeed. He is our 行走的少女梦 after all.

Gu Xi Xi is sick. Mo Zi Xin calls her and is all worried about her telling her he has all these meetings to take care of first. Dude, chill. Not your girl. He also brings her flowers and the milk tea she always loves to drink whenever she's sick. Yin Si Chen has – homemade! – milk tea too. He makes her pick one. Gu Xi Xi goes eeny meeny miny moe. Offended, Yin Si Chen gulps down Mo Zi Xin's milk tea. Mo Zi Xin turns childish too and gulps down Yin Si Chen's (nasty?) milk tea. And now all the milk tea meant for Gu Xi Xi is gone. She whines, which earns a glare from Yin Xi Chen. Patting his chest, she coos him, "Oh poor poor you."  

Gu Xi Xi, the object of the men's love, is surprised when she sees the same two men holding hands. It was a brief moment when Yin Si Chen helped Mo Zi Xin down from a table. Even the men were surprised at their touch.
[Ep18] Gu Xi Xi asks the boys if she was disturbing them (being intimate). Anyway, with the boys' jealousy as plot device, they volunteer to be Gu Xi Xi's Walking-CEO-Commercial for her store to boost sales. In other words, these CEOs become her salesmen and they compete on who can sell more clothes. Yin Si Chen wins by one piece. Guess who bought that extra piece of clothing to give him that win? Gu Xi Xi. Aw! Whether he loses or wins, Yin Si Chen has already won her heart.
The event (two CEOs selling her designs) is a success. A drunk Gu Xi Xi happily tells Yin Si Chen she has a prize for him. She's so close to him that he thinks it's a kiss, but it's an offer to be a Cici shareholder. Clearly, he's disappointed. Kiss >>> Shareholder. Then she pouts that he can't order her around even though he's a shareholder. Yin Si Chen smiles, bends down and kisses her anyway. 
Gu Xi Xi has artist-block. She can't think of any designs for the upcoming season. She confides in Mo Zi Xin, a fellow artist. He then sets up an exhibition (of his own collection) to inspire her. Ran Xi Wei spots them and informs Yin Si Chen who's actually thankful for the information because Gu Xi Xi didn't tell him (to not worry him). Now that he knows, Yin Si Chen brings Gu Xi Xi to an amusement park to de-stress her. Aw, he's not jealous at all! Gu Xi Xi runs off mid-date because she's filled with inspiration. She draws until midnight. Our CEO stays up as long as he can to feed her food, pick up her eraser and clean her floor ~ 

Ran Xi Wei is up to no good again. This time she publicizes Gu Xi Xi's diary which has lines like "I must become someone rich." Scandalous. The paparazzi are like "Big news!!" Are we serious right now? Yin Si Chen stays next to his wife, tightly clutching her shoulder. 

[Ep19] Yin Si Chen guides Gu Xi Xi to the stage. 

Yin Si Chen: Everyone, I don't know what you all think of this woman next to me, but in my eyes, all the compliments that exist in this world aren't enough to describe her. She's not a liar – looks at Gu Xi Xi – She's someone who I, Yin Si Chen, need to guard my entire life. I love you. 

They kiss. Yin Si Chen finishes his speech with a threat that anyone who touches his wife is messing with him. Back at home, Yin Si Chen waters Gu Xi Xi's Little Fortune Plant. He wishes for Gu Xi Xi to be rich and for their relationship to be rich(er). Yin Si Chen is Gu Xi Xi's #1 supporter in being rich, lol

Shang Ke's mother gives Mu Ruo Na a card loaded with money. It's money to bribe her to never leave her son. However, that move actually makes Mu Ruo Na leave Shang Ke. Mu Ruo Na doesn't want to marry. She doesn't believe in marriages. She seeks Gu Xi Xi for advice. Meanwhile Shang Ke seeks out Yin Si Chen who knows it's better to ask Gu Xi Xi. I love that while our couple is chatting with Shang Ke, Yin Si Chen, who has no lines, is sweetly admiring Gu Xi Xi's hand. Gu Xi Xi plans a romantic confession for Shang Ke to win back Mu Ruo Na but Yin Si Chen gives Shang Ke the opposite script. It's something along the lines of, "You rewarded me 60 points but I only gave you 10 points!" Pft. Yin Si Chen swears to Gu Xi Xi that angering Mu Ruo Na will work because she's just like him. He's right. Mu Ruo Na, although offended, accepts the challenge and kisses Shang Ke. She agrees to start their point system from zero (i.e. date again). She can't promise she'll marry him, though. Shang Ke doesn't care as long as the man who will give her security is him. Hm. How much of this romantic/aggressive confession is actually from Shang Ke? 

Gu Xi Xi and Yin Si Chen clean up the wedding venue (for Shang Ke's confession). There's a random waltzing scene. So random, omg. In the middle of their dance, they seductively say their wedding vows – sultry style. This time they mean it (with a bit of tease) and confirm they'd still marry each other. They're stopped at the kiss because Yin Si Chen's mother calls. She's coming back. Gu Xi Xi is anxious and becomes a whole new person – soft voice, slow eater, etc. Grandma and Yin Si Chen want the real Gu Xi Xi back. It's not that hard. Her farce is easily shaken when Grandma asks for grand-grand-kids over breakfast. Yin Si Chen is in favour.

[Ep20] Gu Xi Xi wants to learn everything (e.g. golf) so that she can to impress Mom Yin but Yin Si Chen drags her away from golfing before she injures herself. He doesn't need her to learn anything, just being herself is enough.Yin Si Chen orders her favourite spicy skewers which she has holding back to keep her image for his sake.

Yin Si Chen: I'll eat with you. I'll turn fat with you. [..] We can just eat what we like, do what we love. I love you so I don't want you to change yourself for anything. You are the best already. 
Gu Xi Xi cries: But I love you too. If your mom doesn't like me, you'll be caught in the middle. If I can change just a little and she'll like me just a bit more, then it won't be so tough on you. I'm willing to try (and change).
Yin Si Chen: This isn't something simple and I don't want you to suffer. Believe in me. I promise I'll make sure she'll like you.

Gu Xi Xi cries and laughs and eats all at once.

Mom is back! She's not as bad as I thought. At first she criticizes Gu Xi Xi for picking food that Yin Si Chen doesn't like until she learns Gu Xi Xi made it taste good for him. Mom also smirks when Gu Xi Xi can stand her own against Ran Xi Wei who Mom knows is sly. Although Mom likes Gu Xi Xi as a person, she doesn't like her for ruining the son she built. Yin Si Chen won't obey Mom this time. Gu Xi Xi made him into a better person. He won't let her take away what he loves. He will protect Gu Xi Xi. 

The conversation with Mom delays Yin Si Chen. He had planned a romantic date night with Gu Xi Xi. When he arrives at the restaurant, it's closed and Gu Xi Xi is gone. Our puppy looks lost. However, he finds his owner: Gu Xi Xi. She went to buy ice-cream. He runs to hug her, knocking her ice-cream. She soothes his back and asks, "What is it? Who bullied you?" Aw. There's a flashback: when Yin Si Chen made his declaration to protect Gu Xi Xi, Mom laughed. She took away the things he loved so that he would cherish the one thing he truly loves. My brain buffered for a few extra seconds to process her logic. Mom approves of her daughter-in-law and tells him to cherish Gu Xi Xi. 

The family goes shopping. Family = Grandma, Mom, Yin Si Chen and Gu Xi Xi. The only guy in the group is trailing the gang and carrying all the bags. Gu Xi Xi kisses the grumpy face but they're interrupted by Mom. Grumpy face is face but not for long~ Gu Xi Xi surprises him with a kiss on the cheek.

Gu Xi Xi meets Mom Yin's friends. Through this meeting, she realizes that no matter how much she and Yin Si Chen love each other, it won't stop others from thinking she doesn't match him. At night, Gu Xi Xi has dinner alone. Abracadabra, Mo Zi Xin is there. He congratulates her for all the good press about her family. He also cheers her up that the Gu Xi Xi he knows is optimistic and full of preservation. Gu Xi Xi is motivated. She has decided: she will improve herself. 

Yin Si Chen learns Gu Xi Xi's plan in bits that first she wants to study (which he approves) but then it's abroad, and finally it's for three months. Our childish boss hates it but he already approved and he acclaimed that he's her biggest supporter. His actions say otherwise: he hides her ID. She finds it anyway. Then he starts (un)packing her suitcase because he disapproves of her wardrobe. Gu Xi Xi smiles and rewards him on the bed for "helping" her. The next morning, Gu Xi Xi is gone. Poof! She left him a farewell note and boarded the plane! What! Is disappearing this suddenly necessary? Yin Si Chen is close to tears. He raises his hands for mercy on his heart, admitting he lost (that he cares) and begs Gu Xi Xi to come out, thinking it's a cruel prank of some sort. 

[Ep21] Mo Zi Xin is overseas with Gu Xi Xi because he had a business trip. OMG. Yin Si Chen can't stand it anymore and after struggling exactly nine hours without her, he buys plane tickets. Even the airplane is rushing its landing, lol
"I am hiding."
Yin Si Chen is ordered by Mu Ruo Na to not disturb Gu Xi Xi's studies and so he hides in the green bushes while standing upright and wearing all white. Mo Zi Xin and Gu Xi Xi can't see the blinding guy who's trying to look cool. Shang Ke pities his buddy who's inhibited from meeting his own wife. I don't get this either but Mu Ruo Na says this is to test his love. 

Yin Si Chen swindles his way to become a guest lecturer under the alias "Mr. Zorro". Gu Xi Xi went overseas only to study under Yin Si Chen......  

Mo Zi Xin phones Gu Xi Xi to check up on her because that's what friends do and she happens to be in a lot of pain and faints. He sends her to the hospital but he has to leave for this business meeting (Go!). "Mr. Zorro" gets an email to explain Gu Xi Xi's late homework. He zaps there because he knows exactly which hospital to go to. In her sleep she calls out to Yin Si Chen and he's at her bedside, accompanying her the whole night. 

Eventually Mo Zi Xin realizes who Mr. Zorro is. Oh, and according to Mo Zi Xin, this whole time he was helping Yin Si Chen. I don't know what "help" means anymore. Gu Xi Xi learns of Mr. Zorro's identity too. She sets up a trap for Yin Si Chen. After exposing him, she also apologizes for leaving unannounced but then she did leave him a note. Gu Xi Xi explains that she wants to be someone who can block the rain and wind for him too (a Chinese saying that usually guys say – in dramas). In response, he gives her two airplane tickets with ample time to finish her studies because he will always be her biggest supporter. Says Mr. Zorro.

[Ep22Two months later. Gu Xi Xi is back. Her and Yin Si Chen kiss their way up the stairs but the family has prepared a late night welcome party for Gu Xi Xi. The surprise party is more surprised at our couple hotly locking lips. 

Gu Xi Xi's store is also a hot commodity (after she merely studied "overseas" for three months....) Gu Xi Xi is looking to apply for a Why-Mall collaboration but she wants to depend on herself and not on her connection with Yin Si Chen ... and then Yin Si Chen has his team improve Gu Xi Xi's application in crunch time. I find it so backwards that Gu Xi Xi is accepting his help. Mom Yin also wants a piece of Cici. She sees potential in the international market. Gu Xi Xi chooses Why-Mall (Yin Si Chen). Her ultimate aim is for the international market but her brand isn't mature enough. Mom pretends to be upset but she's actually very happy for the couple. 

Poop, Ran Xi Wei is here. After back to back rejections (direct and indirect) from Mom Yin and Yin Si Chen, Ran Xi Wei refuses to be flushed away. She finds the marriage contract between Yin Si Chen and Gu Xi Xi (because it's just laying there in the office ready to be seen!) and exposes it. 

Why-Mall's stocks plunge. Paparazzi swarm in at Cici demanding the truth. Because fake marriages affect stocks since Day 1 of any CEO dramas. Shang Ke and Mu Ruo Na cat-walk into the scene looking all prepared. Are they PR? I ignored them so much, I have no idea what they do. Shang Ke makes an announcement: he is engaged. Mu Ruo Na is flabbergasted and also the only one who cares because the paparazzi disappear. 

A mob is in front of Cici ready to throw veggies and eggs at Gu Xi Xi. Abracadabra, Mo Zi Xin is here and saves her because that's what friends do. Yin Si Chen sincerely thanks Mo Zi Xin who's happy to receive his gratitude. 

Yin Si Chen takes Gu Xi Xi to the "end of the world". He doesn't know where that is because it doesn't exist but this is his end of the world, a place he goes to whenever he feels like it's the end of the world. It's a place to recharge himself. Gu Xi Xi pats his head to encourage him, making sure not to ruin that perfect hair. She hugs him to charge him up a bit more. She jokes that she still has Cici and can support him as long as he cuts down on his exorbitant expenses. But Yin Si Chen doesn't need anything like that. He just needs her. 
[Ep23] Mom Yin and Grandma are worried for Gu Xi Xi when she's headed to work. Yin Si Chen is supportive, though. It's a critical period for CiCi to maintain its customers. Gu Xi Xi thanks him. He wants her gratitude in kisses. Mom Yin and Grandma tiptoe away. Gu Xi Xi mischievously tells him to close his eyes. He does. But she's got fingers ready to flick his forehead. But his forehead has a third eye. He opens his eyes right before she can flick and kisses her before she can react. Afterwards, he asks if she remembers how to thank him. If she doesn't, he can show her again. And he kisses her again ~ 

Ran Xi Wei just won't flush away, and has clogged herself in the brain. She says she'll help Yin Si Chen save Why-Mall if he leaves Gu Xi Xi. She can't understand that Yin Si Chen won't choose her even if Gu Xi Xi wasn't there. 

Gu Xi Xi gets off work and a guy chases her with a knife. Blinding headlights save her but I have no idea how the light knocked the knife out of the guy's hand. It's from Yin Si Chen's car. Gu Xi Xi is crying on the floor, but first, let our CEO stride in with his perfectly fitted suit first. No rush. He hugs her and kisses her. Where is the guy? He's unconscious and hung over Secretary Chen's shoulders. 

Yin Si Chen asks Director Chen for his support but to no avail. Gu Xi Xi learns that Director Chen dotes on his wife and so she befriends Linda (the wife). A bit of a callback to Ep1 when our couple worked together but this time as a real couple. Thanks to Gu Xi Xi, Yin Si Chen wins Director Chen's support. But now there is Alex. The other directors are on the fence because Alex hasn't spoken yet. 
Milan. Gu Xi Xi befriends Alex's employee to learn Alex's schedule (he has a dinner party tonight). They don't have an invitation, though, but Gu Xi Xi is here. No ticket is needed. She dons superstar sunglasses and tada! a superstar is born. Yin Si Chen is her bodyguard, lol. The security guards are fooled, especially with the train of paparazzi after them and lets them through but once they're inside, the security asks for their invitation. Gu Xi Xi stalls security for Yin Si Chen to let him meet Alex. 

All these Milan scenes are so cheap xD. It's the same car they travel in. The window curtains are closed. If there's ever any outdoor scenes it's on a field and not even pavement. No one can find fault in fields because they exist everywhere, eh. I think they filmed this in 2020 (COVID-19) so even if they had the funds to go there, they couldn't

Gu Xi Xi is kicked out of the venue and wanders around. She recalls the last time she was here with Yin Si Chen, they visited a Wish Capsule Store that would keep their wishes for ten years. Her wish: "Hope my store can open! Earn lots! Please!" When she notices Yin Si Chen is writing a lot and wonders if he's badmouthing her, she says she will too and adds this: "Yin Si Chen. Hope he can be happy forever! Sleep well! (Even though he's a pig head!)". Currently, Gu Xi Xi enters the store and retrieves Yin Si Chen's wish. 

[Ep24] Alex isn't forgiving. Yin Si Chen tells Alex that if it weren't for Marry Me Dress, he wouldn't have fallen in love with Gu Xi Xi. He also brings up Alex's late wife. Alex's Achilles' heel. The wife is always the solution to every man in this drama. But it fails! Alex rejects his apology. Yin Si Chen is off to find his wife and wanders to the exact same Wish Capsule Store. He stops her from reading his wish but she has already read it. 

"If it was the old me, then there isn't much I want to say to the future me [...] but now I'm different. I don't know when I started changing. Maybe it was in Milan or maybe it was earlier. Now I will be worried if she's lost and my heart will hurt if she's injured. I hope that when I open this wish capsule the one who will be beside me is still the same person."

They kiss. Alex sees this and smiles. 

The couple returns to China. Although they fail to receive Alex's forgiveness, they look like they went on a honeymoon which reminds Yin Si Chen they haven't had one yet. If he's removed  from his seat then he'll take Gu Xi Xi on one. But then Alex shows up and votes to support Yin Si Chen. He's still the CEO. Oh, no honeymoon then? Yin Si Chen thanks Alex but Alex says the credit goes to Gu Xi Xi. She wrote to Alex, thanking the Marry Me dress for bringing her the man she loves. She attaches a wedding dress design of her own that's inspired from Marry Me and her love for Yin Si Chen. It is through the design that Alex could feel Gu Xi Xi's sincerity. 

With everything resolved, all the couples are kissing. Lin Xiao Ya is left out and tada! Secretary Chen is there. The scene skips to Yin Si Chen and Gu Xi Xi who stare at them, incredulous. Uhhhhhhh. They kiss? She high kicks him? He slaps her? No clue. 
One month later. Gu Xi Xi and Yin Si Chen are both secretly planning to propose. They fight for the same band until the band gives up and is like we're resting that day and forfeit all the money and connections the couple are promising. I love how they're both showing off each other when their rival is also each other. Lin Xiao Ya and Secretary Chen bet on whose proposal is successful. These two would have been cuter to watch over Shang Ke and Mu Ruo Na...

Ran Xi Wei is flushed away! And wow, Drama didn't even give Mo Zi Xin a single scene in the last two eps

The proposal (which is firstly a fashion show) has begun! In the middle of the show, Gu Xi Xi walks down the aisle, wearing Marry Me wedding dress. I love this! Gu Xi Xi followed up on her surprise proposal from Ep3. Yin Si Chen is completely taken by surprise. Gu Xi Xi kneels on stage! She asks, "Mr. Yin, will you spend the rest of your life with me?" Yin Si Chen rises from his seat with rings ready. 

Yin Si Chen: For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in happiness or sadness to never be apart. 

The vows are sealed with a kiss.

The end! 


[First Impression (Ep1-6)] Trop-icfully entertaining! Contract marriages should always be this fun and cute. I enjoyed this the moment I was watching Ep1. We have our typical CEO in Yin Si Chen – a body of a man but a heart of a child, clearly still stuck at the Maslow's Love and Belonging stage. Gu Xi Xi is your typical average girl with a supposedly not so typical dream. 

I love this pairing the most for their constant little duels. They're neck and neck at trying to outsmart each other. I also like that although there’s a “hate” phase in their relationship, it’s not exaggerated for dumb reasons. And I really like that this phase is relatively short and it seems like they're well on their way to the sweet childish denial phase.

The 0.001 deduction in my first impression is a warning to those who may be miffed by how our ML coerced our FL to sign the contract. It wasn’t good. Period. There are so many other ways to make her in debt (e.g. her father and grandmother). Shrugs. I am marginally affected and mostly indifferent for my entertainment purposes. Your inner meter on judging manipulative CEOs played off as childish may vary. Just a warning. 

This is also one of those fairytale laden CEO stories. There are little nods to Cinderella, be it the Mercedes pumpkin carriage, the dance at the ball, helping her with her heels, bringing her sneakers that fit, evil stepsisters father and grandmother etc. 

[Actors/Actresses] I didn’t think I’d see Xiao Jin Yu this soon! I love how Wang Zi Qi has the same face for this role. Lol, I know he’s the same guy but he’s using the same expressions for polar opposite roles with such appropriateness that it’s bemusing and bewitching. His Yin Si Chen has an air of childish innocence because he's acted by Wang Zi Qi. Or I might just be biased. 

This is the second time Wang Zi Qi collaborated with Wang Yu Wen from their last drama together: Novoland: The Castle in the Sky 2. They had different lovelines so there wasn't much interaction (if my memory doesn't fail me). I really like Wang Yu Wen there for her acting and I think she's even better in this role – effortlessly cute and clever at the same time. Sometimes, I see Park Shin Hye in her. [Update] I’m finding Wang Yu Wen much prettier than last year – maybe it’s because I’m really liking this drama or this role really suits her. 

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Happy! Married and proposed. 

[Review and Rating
You know who you are if the title and synopsis alone interests you. I know who I am, at least, and this is my guilty pleasure. May I never be jaded from CEOs and contract marriages in my dramas. Cheers!

Our drama is mostly plotless, plagued with accidental kisses and falls, and polluted with love rivals more annoying than when my toilet clogs. But still, I grinned like an idiot whenever the main couple brightened my screen. Clearly, I watched for the chemistry, the cutesy romance, and the coy little banters.

Drama struck gold with the casting of Wang Zi Qi and Wang Yu Wen. Repetitive cliches and cheesy lines were romantic (really romantic!) because it was these two.

Random RecommendationGirlfriend (2020)It's interesting that I rated Girlfriend higher. I think I like them about the same, though. It's a CEO drama with the girl wanting to be an actress in a fake relationship. 
Rating3/5 ♥♥♥


1. flash2391 on Ep13: I think [too little credit is given to GXX]! Alex might have come around eventually, or he might not, but I think that GXX being willing to give up her dream for YSC was the vote of confidence that Alex needed to finally accept YSC's proposal. I think that Alex did sense the change in YSC, especially when he was willing to give up on the contract for GXX, but he was still worried that it was just a farce or an act. It was only when GXX approached him of her own volition that Alex finally trusted the change in YSC. I think all along, all Alex wanted was someone passionate about life and love to take over his brand. Initially, that person was GXX, but seeing the changes in YSC, Alex now thinks that he too, has rediscovered his passion and can manage his brand well enough.