A slice of life drama about four girls living away from home.
Chinese Title
I'm Doing Okay in Another City
Network: MangoTV
Zhou Yu Tong: Qiao Xi Chen
Ren Su Xi: Ji Nan Jia
Sun Qian: Xu Yan
Jin Jing: Hu Jing Jing
Bai Yu Fan: Jian Yi Fan
Ma Si Chao: Ou Yang
Tai Le: Shen Zi Chang
Dai Yun Fan: Lin Rui
♠ Love is Deep (2019)
Scriptwriter: Sun Qi Jun
♠ Lucky’s First Love (2019)
Producer: Tang Fan
♠ 逆光者 In Darkness [Peng Guan Ying, Zhang Yu Jian]
♠ Dream Garden (2021)
♠ Party A Who Lives Beside Me (2021)
♠ The Priceless (2021)
♠ Unforgettable Love (2021)
Producer: Yue Yang
Five (5/5)
Simple yet profound. Profound because it is simple.
Before I start, just a heads up that if you find the first episode boring, this isn’t for you. It’s not a big deal. Maybe later at the right time, this will stir your heart.
Our drama is a slice of life with ordinary characters, surviving in a city far from home. The story sounds simple but the emotions in each episode are profound. “This is an emotional roller coaster” is probably the most common thing you’ll hear about this drama. I’ve never experienced such a wide array of emotions in a single episode for multiple episodes. The girls make me laugh. The same girls make me cry. Every parent makes me cry. Qiao Xi Chen crying ALWAYS makes me cry (I repeat, Zhou Yu Tong needs an award for this role). The office dynamics make me angry. The relatives make me angry. The romance makes me squeal.
Although I cried a lot, I don’t consider this a “heavy” drama. There is an underlying uplifting message. There is optimism in every corner of this drama. The girls struggle with ordinary problems of life but they’re thankful and appreciative of the life ahead of them and around them. The ending voice-overs for some (or most) of the episode strike an emotional chord for how accurate they are. Most of the tears I cried aren’t sad tears. They're heartwarming tears. They’re tears of empathy for the characters and for myself. It’s the touching moments between friends, between families, and between coworkers that make my heart twinge and twang in this really sore but really good way.
Most episodes have a short introduction segment. Some are hilarious, some are touching, and so many of them are relatable. They’re tidbits of life. Qiao Xi Chen’s are my favourite, she’s so spunky, whether she’s whining to a waitress, texting her demanding boss, reprimanding a spoiled intern (this one was so good), or annoying her annoying aunties.
There’s also an intriguing mystery element that, unfortunately, I cannot spoil here.
The romance. Ah. There’s not a lot but it sure feels like a lot. They’re delivered in small doses that punch squarely on my sweet spot. Jian Yi Fan is one of the cutest guys this year. Bai Yu Fan gives him this oddball charm. His character is sincere and down to earth. He’s perceptive and has the philosophy of an old man in oversized stylish clothes (but the style award undeniably goes to Qiao Xi Chen for her androgynous look). Jian Yi Fan is the perfect companion for Qiao Xi Chen. Every moment between them is valuable and precious. I love the details in their changing dynamics. She goes from calling him Jian zong to Lingdao (variations of boss), to Jian Yi Fan, to Xiao Jian. I love how she always has food for him and he always has tissue for her. I love their meaningful 意思 (yisi) conversation in Ep8. Basically, I love everything about them.
Although I have this overwhelming love for Zhou Yu Tong’s Qiao Xi Chen and Bai Yu Fan’s Jian Yi Fan (individually and together), the other girls are phenomenal as well. They each have powerful and poignant moments. Even Xu Yan. By the end, I was really proud of her. I’ll always remember this drama as Ji Nan Jia and her three sisters.
Four (4/5)
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Feb 2022
Qiao Xi Chen: I just love her - genuine, funny, very smart, and hardworking. She stands by her convictions and knows her own self-worth. Oh, and her snarkiness is something that I love about her - bad intern (just pay me half of your wages); passive-aggressive aunties (I think you should look at your own kids’ problems); and when Ji Nan Jia has news about her relationship (just mocks away, because she already knew). She hardly faces her troubles without a fight - she’s usually kicking and screaming about it.
Qiao Xi Chen & Jian Yi Fan: I appreciated how level-headed he was, how he was mentally and emotionally supporting her (secretly in the beginning, and then more overtly later), and how well these two meshed when they stopped quibbling over work. They also respected and trusted each other at work and outside of work. And no, I’m not a fan of how he handled his resignation - without at least discussing it first instead of letting her find out from others first. It’s not that he needs her approval - it’s that he needed to let her know of what was coming. These two are quite adorable together as well, in tears or laughter.
Ji Nan Jia: The eldest of the quartet, at 36 years old, which according to her mother and others, she was already at 40 and well beyond those “child-bearing” years. At the same time, she is definitely the mother hen of the group, and she is also Hu Jing Jing’s cousin. I like that she’s a self-made woman - has her own business, has her own place, and lives by her own rules. I was heartbroken for her when she had to deal with Hu Jing Jing’s departure, her aunt’s downward spiral and her own issue - facing time that seemed to be ticking down and not up as one ages.
Ji Nan Jia & Ou Yang: Ah, this is the couple I looked forward to the most. Ou Yang is in his 20s and she’s in her 30s. I just love Ou Yang’s pursuit of Ji Nan Jia. I honestly feel like she needs someone like him - fun, laidback, and not competing with her for anything. And as much I like Jian Yi Fan, I think there’s a special place in my heart for Ou Yang - a child at heart but is trying to grow up. There's something about Ou Yang that just has had me hooked since Ep1 with his exuberance. (I did appreciate how he stuck his foot in his mouth on Day 1 on the job as Jian Yi Fan’s assistant, but he takes it all in stride and goes on with his duties. lol) I cannot help but grin whenever I see his smile or laugh, and he has such mischief in those eyes, and I like how these two are so comfortable around each other and go toe-to-toe on quips. In Ep12, this line defines how their relationship works: She doesn't need a sense of security from him. Just be by her side and be himself. And he still wants to give her a sense of security, even if she doesn’t need it, because he’s learning to find his place in the world and be a man to her.
Xu Yan: Xu Yan is almost two different people when she’s with her friends versus work and boyfriend. She seems so young (mentally) compared to her friends. She is very prone to peer pressure and societal demands - having the latest handbag, considering plastic surgery procedures, etc. She’s so self-centered for so much of the first half of the series that I wanted to quit watching. But she slowly finds herself and starts understanding what her self worth is - she doesn’t need to compete with everyone at work over a stupid bag, she doesn’t need to “conform” to so-called beauty standards, and she needs to work on herself. She was also so stressed out about climbing that ladder - but for what purpose really? She tries to be a filial daughter, a loyal friend, and a better person. Near the end of the series, I liked her more as she was becoming a better human being - to herself and others.
Xu Yan & Shen Zi Chang: I originally felt sorry for Shen Zi Chang but then I realized that he was enabling her - by feeding the monster, by coaxing her, by giving in to her needs and forgetting his own. But all of this backfires in the worst way later. This was once a sweet romance that became a toxic relationship that needed to end - for both their sakes. I was seriously shocked as to how resolute he suddenly was about their break up. The whole time, he'd let her do/say anything and then suddenly locked door. I finally appreciated who she was when she ended things in an amicable way - by letting them have one last happy memory of each other.
Hu Jing Jing: Hu Jing Jing was one very outgoing woman, who was struggling so hard internally and hiding it from everyone, including her cousin and best friends. She was trying to be the glue for everyone but she was so broken inside from all of her own worries (depression, finances, and filial duty), overextending herself, and hiding so many secrets, including an unrequited love.
Further Commentary
There is so much going on in this series from Ep1 to Ep12. It’s pretty intense for such a short series.
I can relate to both Ji Nan Jia and Qiao Xi Chen so much. How hard it is to live and work in a bustling city like Beijing, but there’s also so much to love (culture, meshing of different people and experiences, and always something new). I noticed the theme of kindness existing in this harsh city environment where things get chaotic and people can be forgotten easily. I truly love how Qiao Xi Chen still forgave Miao Miao, and even made her understand that she was more than just this job. My heart broke for both of them in that scene, and I was happy to see Miao Miao at a job interview at the end. And at the end, I also could relate to Jian Yi Fan and Xu Yan of having to leave, and going somewhere with a slower pace and be closer to family.
How much alcohol can one consume? This is something that I don’t like seeing in series and in real life - so many events revolving around alcohol - weddings, funerals, festivals, get-togethers, etc.
Episodic Notes
Ep5. Is "the wolf" alluding to perhaps Lin Rui? He’s shown arriving in the beginning of Ep5 but there’s nothing indicating who he is. That is until he’s introduced as Qiao Xi Chen’s ex-boyfriend in Ep6. (This actor is really stuck playing these characters isn’t he? I wanted to kick him in the shins. lol)
Ep6. One of my favorite eps. When Ji Nan Jia is in sweats and buys all these shoes and makes sure that the intern gets the credit for the sale - because the original saleswoman snubbed her. HA! And later, when she can’t seem to dodge Ou Yang. Hehe, I like how he’s trying to pursue her...what is wrong with me?! (I just have a soft spot for this guy.) He's just so direct but then so is she. And I love it when their work worlds collide - when she has an event planning meeting with Jian Yi Fan, and she finds out who his assistant is - Ou Yang. LOL I love his huge grin here, and when he asks Qiao Xi Chen for the task as if it’s to help her, when he’s really just helping himself. Heh.
Ep8. I think Jian Yi Fan is limping in his mismatched shoes because the soles might not be the same height. lol (I speak from experience, hahaha).
Ep12. My love for Wang Bo Wen is fastidious - I noticed his cameo as Jian Yi Fan's coffee friend. :D
Qiao Xi Chen & Jian Yi Fan: I appreciated how level-headed he was, how he was mentally and emotionally supporting her (secretly in the beginning, and then more overtly later), and how well these two meshed when they stopped quibbling over work. They also respected and trusted each other at work and outside of work. And no, I’m not a fan of how he handled his resignation - without at least discussing it first instead of letting her find out from others first. It’s not that he needs her approval - it’s that he needed to let her know of what was coming. These two are quite adorable together as well, in tears or laughter.
Ji Nan Jia: The eldest of the quartet, at 36 years old, which according to her mother and others, she was already at 40 and well beyond those “child-bearing” years. At the same time, she is definitely the mother hen of the group, and she is also Hu Jing Jing’s cousin. I like that she’s a self-made woman - has her own business, has her own place, and lives by her own rules. I was heartbroken for her when she had to deal with Hu Jing Jing’s departure, her aunt’s downward spiral and her own issue - facing time that seemed to be ticking down and not up as one ages.
Ji Nan Jia & Ou Yang: Ah, this is the couple I looked forward to the most. Ou Yang is in his 20s and she’s in her 30s. I just love Ou Yang’s pursuit of Ji Nan Jia. I honestly feel like she needs someone like him - fun, laidback, and not competing with her for anything. And as much I like Jian Yi Fan, I think there’s a special place in my heart for Ou Yang - a child at heart but is trying to grow up. There's something about Ou Yang that just has had me hooked since Ep1 with his exuberance. (I did appreciate how he stuck his foot in his mouth on Day 1 on the job as Jian Yi Fan’s assistant, but he takes it all in stride and goes on with his duties. lol) I cannot help but grin whenever I see his smile or laugh, and he has such mischief in those eyes, and I like how these two are so comfortable around each other and go toe-to-toe on quips. In Ep12, this line defines how their relationship works: She doesn't need a sense of security from him. Just be by her side and be himself. And he still wants to give her a sense of security, even if she doesn’t need it, because he’s learning to find his place in the world and be a man to her.
Xu Yan: Xu Yan is almost two different people when she’s with her friends versus work and boyfriend. She seems so young (mentally) compared to her friends. She is very prone to peer pressure and societal demands - having the latest handbag, considering plastic surgery procedures, etc. She’s so self-centered for so much of the first half of the series that I wanted to quit watching. But she slowly finds herself and starts understanding what her self worth is - she doesn’t need to compete with everyone at work over a stupid bag, she doesn’t need to “conform” to so-called beauty standards, and she needs to work on herself. She was also so stressed out about climbing that ladder - but for what purpose really? She tries to be a filial daughter, a loyal friend, and a better person. Near the end of the series, I liked her more as she was becoming a better human being - to herself and others.
Xu Yan & Shen Zi Chang: I originally felt sorry for Shen Zi Chang but then I realized that he was enabling her - by feeding the monster, by coaxing her, by giving in to her needs and forgetting his own. But all of this backfires in the worst way later. This was once a sweet romance that became a toxic relationship that needed to end - for both their sakes. I was seriously shocked as to how resolute he suddenly was about their break up. The whole time, he'd let her do/say anything and then suddenly locked door. I finally appreciated who she was when she ended things in an amicable way - by letting them have one last happy memory of each other.
Hu Jing Jing: Hu Jing Jing was one very outgoing woman, who was struggling so hard internally and hiding it from everyone, including her cousin and best friends. She was trying to be the glue for everyone but she was so broken inside from all of her own worries (depression, finances, and filial duty), overextending herself, and hiding so many secrets, including an unrequited love.
Further Commentary
There is so much going on in this series from Ep1 to Ep12. It’s pretty intense for such a short series.
I can relate to both Ji Nan Jia and Qiao Xi Chen so much. How hard it is to live and work in a bustling city like Beijing, but there’s also so much to love (culture, meshing of different people and experiences, and always something new). I noticed the theme of kindness existing in this harsh city environment where things get chaotic and people can be forgotten easily. I truly love how Qiao Xi Chen still forgave Miao Miao, and even made her understand that she was more than just this job. My heart broke for both of them in that scene, and I was happy to see Miao Miao at a job interview at the end. And at the end, I also could relate to Jian Yi Fan and Xu Yan of having to leave, and going somewhere with a slower pace and be closer to family.
How much alcohol can one consume? This is something that I don’t like seeing in series and in real life - so many events revolving around alcohol - weddings, funerals, festivals, get-togethers, etc.
Episodic Notes
Ep5. Is "the wolf" alluding to perhaps Lin Rui? He’s shown arriving in the beginning of Ep5 but there’s nothing indicating who he is. That is until he’s introduced as Qiao Xi Chen’s ex-boyfriend in Ep6. (This actor is really stuck playing these characters isn’t he? I wanted to kick him in the shins. lol)
Ep6. One of my favorite eps. When Ji Nan Jia is in sweats and buys all these shoes and makes sure that the intern gets the credit for the sale - because the original saleswoman snubbed her. HA! And later, when she can’t seem to dodge Ou Yang. Hehe, I like how he’s trying to pursue her...what is wrong with me?! (I just have a soft spot for this guy.) He's just so direct but then so is she. And I love it when their work worlds collide - when she has an event planning meeting with Jian Yi Fan, and she finds out who his assistant is - Ou Yang. LOL I love his huge grin here, and when he asks Qiao Xi Chen for the task as if it’s to help her, when he’s really just helping himself. Heh.
Ep8. I think Jian Yi Fan is limping in his mismatched shoes because the soles might not be the same height. lol (I speak from experience, hahaha).
Ep12. My love for Wang Bo Wen is fastidious - I noticed his cameo as Jian Yi Fan's coffee friend. :D