A slice of life drama about four girls living away from home.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhou Yu Tong: Qiao Xi Chen
Ren Su Xi: Ji Nan Jia
Sun Qian: Xu Yan
Jin Jing: Hu Jing Jing
Bai Yu Fan: Jian Yi Fan
Ma Si Chao: Ou Yang
I'm Doing Okay in Another City
[Ep1] Title: Celebrating a Birthday
Hu Jing Jing is "laid off" for the stupidest reason: for not OT-ing when others are. But that's because she finished her work; others didn't. And then HR is like Then why don't you help others; don't be selfish. So she's fired for not doing other people's work. Essentially. She probably also doesn't have an outstanding resume and/or support in the company – the average employee that the company can easily cut off. HR also wants her to quit on her own. If she doesn't, she won't get a reference letter.
Qiao Xi Chen works at Yann Coffee. Her manager is replaced by Jian Yi Fan. He's got one task to do: layoffs. But that's not all of Qiao Xi Chen's problems: she's scammed by her realtor agency. She lost six months of her rent and now the landlord is forcing her out. She's got no money, and no home. The first person she calls for help is Hu Jing Jing. Just wanted to say Zhou Yu Tong's acting here as she helplessly cries for some leniency from the landlord was stellar. Her anxiety and her vulnerability instantly made me cry. As the landlord's aggression escalates, Hu Jing Jing grits her teeth and grabs a cleaver knife to dare anyone to touch them. Qiao Xi Chen has never seen Hu Jing Jing like this.
Xu Yan works as a telephone operator. She's polite and diligent, calming angry clients. She's also a filial daughter. She's upset when the purse she bought her mother was ridiculed by her relatives. Xu Yan wants to be the daughter who can buy a luxury purse for her mother that's better than all her relatives but her financial circumstances are limited.
Hu Jing Jing gets off the subway and walks to a bridge. Her phone rings, the caller is unknown to us, and her expression is unreadable. After the call, she accidentally drops her phone over the ledge. Laughing emptily, wiping the last of her tears, she jumps down to end her life ... on the day she was born.
Ji Nan Jia owns a company. She is the oldest of the girls, nearing 36, not yet 36, which is technically 35, but that is basically like 40 according to her mother. I can vouch that this is true. Chinese Moms of this generation nearing their retirement age do that. A girl is clearly 25 turning 26 but they talk like she's 30, 35 is basically 40, 51 is basically 60. She is Hu Jing Jing's cousin. Ji Nan Jia's mother has a man to introduce to her single daughter. Ji Nan Jia gets straight to the point, So is this man divorced or a widow? Just what is wrong with this man for her mother to be introducing him to her? Turns out he's unemployed.
Network: MangoTV
Mini Recaps
Our drama is set in Beijing, the most populous city in China. Our girls regular weekday morning: cramming into subways and meeting people in their rudest state. There's no such thing as nice people when commuting at the busiest hour.
Today is also Hu Jing Jing's birthday.
Their problem is settled at the police station. The landlord is willing to give Qiao Xi Chen three days to move. The police officer also notices it's Hu Jing Jing's birthday today. He tells her to not be so rash, what if she hurts herself, and he also wishes her a happy birthday. The kindness from this police officer made me tear up too.
Hu Jing Jing had wanted to tell Qiao Xi Chen something (most likely about being fired) but Qiao is too busy on the phone dealing with her own problems.
Qiao Xi Chen's father phones her and asks how she's been and if she's looking for a place. She doesn't tell her father about the scam. All her troubles are stuck in her throat. She doesn't want her parents to worry but then Dad misunderstands her muffled voice is due to a cold. These phone calls are tearing me up too!! D: Later, she even gets a call from mom who's worried about her cold.
Although Xu Yan doesn't make much money, she's planning to buy a brand bag that uses up her monthly living expenses and more for Hu Jing Jing's birthday present. Hu Jing Jing is the one who sent her food everyday when she was quarantined. Not even her boyfriend did that for her.
Hu Jing Jing's Birthday. Hu Jing Jing arrives early to her own birthday dinner the girls had reserved at a restaurant. She goes home to change her clothes and on her way back to the restaurant, a kid dirties her clothes. The mother apologizes and shoves a napkin to Hu Jing Jing and then rushes off the subway. Hu Jing Jing throws away her top layer. It's the second piece of clothing she threw away today.
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Qiao Xi Chen and Hu Jing Jing |
Hu Jing Jing's body falls on Jian Yi Fan's car.
I had no idea what kind of drama I was watching until this point. I clicked into this casually and although the beginning had this scene, the way the drama unfolded, the way I was engrossed in their lives, I had forgotten there was a suicide. When Hu Jing Jing jumped after her phone, it oddly made sense and I cried a lot. She didn't die because she dropped her phone but, perhaps, dropping her phone was just that little thing that tipped her over the edge.
[Ep2] Title: Why?
After confirming Hu Jing Jing's corpse, Qiao Xi Chen cries in the staircase alone. But she's not alone. Jian Yi Fan is there too. He too is traumatized. She doesn't know he's there, though.
Five years ago, Ji Nan Jia was diagnosed with cancer. She didn't tell her family except Hu Jing Jing who accompanied her for all her surgeries and checkups. Hu Jing Jing seems to be the common person everyone turns to for problems but it doesn't seem like Hu Jing Jing opened up about herself to any of the girls. This year, Ji Nan Jia is alone to receive her diagnosis. Fortunately, it's good news: she's cancer free 👏
Qiao Xi Chen is drunk in the company (highest floor). Jian Yi Fan finds her. It's after work hours, there's nothing wrong with her drinking. She's sensitive when he tells her "to rest". She scoffs that she is resting – and drinking. This whisky that she bought is 800 RMB. She cries as she recounts the price because she's now left with 200 RMB in her bank account. She was scammed by a realtor. Then she cries about Hu Jing Jing. She assumes Jian Yi Fan doesn't know her friend who committed suicide. Oh, he knows. Her last cry: she didn't lose the document. She leaves the building, leaving Jian Yi Fan alone to pick up after her mess.
Qiao Xi Chen & Jian Yi Fan. Qiao Xi Chen graciously permits Su Qing to join her on a project because Su Qing is on the chopping block. She can't lose her job and go back to her hometown at this age (nearing 30). And then her shrewdness is exposed. During a meeting with Jian Yi Fan, Su Qing talks like she did all the work but when he asks for more details, she stutters. I LOVE how Qiao Xi Chen silently stares at her, beckoning her to continue her act like a snob.
Qiao Xi Chen smoothly fills in. Jian Yi Fan has these ideas that Qiao Xi Chen doesn't agree with but she pretends to take notes on her laptop when she's actually mocking her boss: "He he" (sarcastic laughter), "Only you're the smart guy here". xD
Jian Yi Fan leaves the two ladies and tells them to take it easy. Su Qing scoffs, How are we supposed to take it easy when he just assigned more work? Qiao Xi Chen is already typing away and tells her to leave because Su Qing won't even know how to do it. Su Qing smiles, thanks her, and gets off work. Omg, she's so annoying.
During the bidding, Yann Coffee lost to their competitor because their price was exactly 1 RMB less. Someone leaked confidential information. Qian Xi Chen swears it wasn't her but she's the one who's missing the document. She demands Su Qing for answers but she hurriedly walks away, ignoring her.
Xu Yan fights with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend, Shen Zi Chang, had promised to buy her this brand bag but then when he saw how expensive it was, he bought her a fake one. She figured it out after she had updated her social circle.
Hu Jing Jing had a boyfriend. The girls had no idea Hu Jing Jing dated someone.
[Ep3] Intro: Hu Jing Jing's kindness. Hu Jing Jing would wait for hours at the convenience store for a grandmother to go home and return the money Hu Jing Jing paid for her. Everyone is sure Hu Jing Jing is scammed but grandma does come back ~
Title: The Lonely Disease
Hu Jing Jing's boyfriend. Hu Jing Jing dated this man for three months. They broke up the day before her birthday, i.e. her death. He swears he didn't cheat. While they dated, he felt like he was her spare tire because her phone would always ring but she'd never take the calls in front of him. During movies, she'd run out to take the calls. After that, she'd cry but she'd never tell him the contents. When our three girls heard this story, they had no idea Hu Jing Jing had this side of her.
Su Qing leaked the documents. Jian Yi Fan fires Su Qing. Qiao Xi Chen thanks him because Jian Yi Fan went out of his way to obtain the security footage. She also apologizes for misunderstanding him. She didn't know he was this righteous. After giving her speech, she leaves but he stops her. He reminds her there was a person who made a mess of this place with all her beer cans and expensive Whisky. he's like, Don't you notice how clean this place is right now? Qiao Xi Chen can't lift her head. She explains she needed to drink or she'll explode and she would have taken it out on anyone and that it wasn't directed at him. She goes on rambling that if she was drunk on the streets, she's sure he wouldn't care about her.
Jian Yi Fan cuts her off: I would care.
He won't leave someone he knows drunk on the streets. He's just an all around nice guy. I like him! He tells her to take a break if she needs one. Qiao Xi Chen broods to Xu Yan that he's hinting at her imminent layoff. Thus, Qiao Xi Chen applies for interviews. Hilariously, she's caught red-handed at the company by Jian Yi Fan. And now she's stuck in the same elevator as him in this enclosed, suffocating space. He casually inquires why she's interviewing, It must be because of me (as your manager)? Qiao Xi Chen was quick to deny everything but this statement and now he knows it's because of him, ha. I like how he's amused by this.
There's a problem at work. Qiao Xi Chen finds a solution that even Jian Yi Fan is impressed with. By night time, she's alone in the storage room putting on cup holders for thousands of cups. Her Mom phones her and is worried about her staying out late. After the call, Mom e-transfers taxi money for her daughter. Qiao Xi Chen cries. Aw. She's crying because of the taxi money but not because of taxi money, if you get me. Jian Yi Fan walks into the storage room (right when she starts crying). He's quiet with his footsteps but then coworkers start filing in. They all claim they were just passing by.
Jian Yi Fan: I'm not passing by, I am here to help. Aw~
Ji Nan Jia tries a dating agency. The men offered to her are awful. As expected, unfortunately. When Qiao Xi Chen hears of this, she's a little sad. She had thought the last person to conform to society would be Ji Nan Jia. That night, Ji Nan Jia calls the agency and ends her membership. But she cries.
Jian Yi Fan gets a secretary. He's Ou Yang, the same guy Ji Nan Jia met for a fleeting moment at the bar.
[Ep4] Intro: The woes of eating alone at a restaurant. Whenever Qiao Xi Chen is at a restaurant, her dishes are cleared when she leaves for a short washroom break. It's cute how she whines to the waitress. The next time she leaves a note to tell the waitress she's coming back so don't clear her stuff. The waitress also makes accommodations for singles. If customers place their restaurant's stuffed animal in their seat then the waitress won't collect their dishes.
Title: Settling outside the city
Hu Jing Jing. The girls also didn't know Hu Jing Jing was in debt. But why didn't she ask Ji Nan Jia for help? Another new piece of info: Hu Jing Jing has a cat (called Dog Egg which means Rascal). Qiao Xi Chen will now be in charge of Dog Egg Rascal.

Jian Yi Fan in his calm tone: Then am I supposed to pursue you? xD

Jian Yi Fan, a hero. After a late night dinner to celebrate Ou Yang's recruitment, Qiao Xi Chen walks home alone in her far, far, away condo, but as she's walking through some tunnels, a hooded man starts tailing her. Jian Yi Fan happens to call her at this moment and she tells him she's being followed. Immediately, he drives to her and calls the police. It turns out to be a misunderstanding, but the guy attacked her, no? Qiao Xi Chen apologizes to him for bothering him.
Jian Yi Fan: As long as you're with me, no matter how late (and how far!!), I'll send you home.
Also in this episode, our three girls celebrate Ji Nan Jia's 36th birthday.
Extra: Qiao Xi Chen moves to a new place in this episode and a mover kindly fixes the broken wheel on her suitcase, strictly out of kindness. This mundane scene has no grand purpose in this drama but, I say, it means a lot to the essence of the drama. The setting of our story may be in a densely populated city where everyone seems pessimistic and depressed (like the opening subway scene), but there are kind souls: the police officer in Ep1, the waitress in the beginning of this episode, and now the mover. Our drama is a optimistic one.
[Ep5] Title: The Wolf is Here
Hu Jing Jing. Hu Jing Jing sent the money she borrowed to Bai Fan, but he's her financial advisor so there's nothing suspicious there.
Qiao Xi Chen. Qiao Xi Chen thanks Jian Yi Fan for the other night. She gives him cake to which he asks if she made it. Oh, he wants homemade food from her. She didn't. She bought it but she assures him it's one of the best. He also teases her about treating him to this expensive place (because she promised to). When Jian Yi Fan is alone in his office, he takes a peek at the cake, looking like a happy, shy little kid (at least I think so).
Qiao Xi Chen and Jian Yi Fan do have dinner together that day, but it's for business and it involves alcohol. Jian Yi Fan doesn't drink, and he blocks it for Qiao Xi Chen as well. The client is grumpy and will cancel their contract. Acquiescing, Jian Yi Fan mutters to Qiao Xi Chen a set of numbers (563412), his home pass-code. Then he takes his first shot, second shot, third shot, and he's down. He really looks like he's dying with each shot, haha. Qiao Xi Chen pities him. Finally, she shows her true colours. Take away those shots and bring the pots (mini pots). She downs it one after another, wiping out the client and his team.
Qiao Xi Chen babysits a drunk Jian Yi Fan in the car as she's waiting for Ou Yang to arrive to send their boss back home. While she's waiting, she snaps a shot of Jian Yi Fan cutely crossing his legs (and his butt too, but of course the focus is on the legs).Then Jian Yi Fan staggers back up and semi-backhugs Qiao Xi Chen. This is spotted by Ou Yang and he reenacts it to Jian Yi Fan the next morning while exaggerating the loveliness of the backhug. Although embarrassed, Jian Yi Fan also smiles as he remembers Qiao Xi Chen downing all the alcohol.
Jian Yi Fan finds Qiao Xi Chen at the rooftop. It's their secret hangout. He thanks her for last night but she's awkward and scurries away but she leaves him another snack. He keeps eating her stuff, eh.
Xu Yan. Xu Yan gives up on conforming to outrageous beauty standards. Coworkers, be it male or female, have been giving her so much in/direct pressure to change herself, she almost underwent various slimming/beauty surgeries. She realizes she doesn't need this and gives up all of them. Shen Zi Chang approves.
Ji Nan Jia. After finishing a very expensive booze, Ji Nan Jia is drunk and has a one night stand with Ou Yang. For some reason, he's so in love with her.
Also, Ji Nan Jia gives up on buying her house. She feels insecure not having any money in case of emergencies. Plus she realizes she doesn't need to own a home to feel secure.
A thief (the wolf?). Qiao Xi Chen has thief-proof her home with men's shoes, fake cameras, pepper spray, a baton with spikes at her bed, and all kinds of pepper spray but she doesn't friggin' lock her door. A thief enters her home and thankfully it's just a thief. Her neighbour had called the police before the thief escaped.
[Ep6] Intro: Ji Nan Jia shops at a shoe store in her sweats. A snobby saleslady refuses to help her and delegates an intern. This intern, although a little clumsy, is very considerate and brings Ji Nan Jia all the shoes she wanted to try without being asked. Ji Nan Jia doesn't try them on. She's straight out buying them – all of them.
Title: Ex-boyfriend
Qiao Xi Chen. Qiao Xi Chen wants to be Team Two's leader but she gets an unexpected competition: Lin Rui. He's her ex. The two broke up in university when he decided to go abroad without even consulting her. The leader will be chosen by a presentation of their proposal.
Lin Rui wants to have a chat with Qiao Xi Chen but she's making it difficult. When Jian Yi Fan curiously passes by, Qiao Xi Chen adeptly uses him, lying that she has business matters to inform him (Jian) and so they should leave. Jian Yi Fan awkwardly accepts (knowing it's bogus) and asks Lin Rui to join them but Qiao Xi Chen smoothly fills in that Lin Rui has other matters to attend to. A masterful puppeteer, pulling these men the way she wants.
Jian Yi Fan accurately guesses Lin Rui is her ex (or it's just written on her face). She's candid about her desires for being the leader: mostly because she deserves it and a bit because she wants to win her ex. He smiles at her competitiveness and her honesty. It's the smile that tickles me.
This episode, Qiao Xi Chen has also developed a habit of calling Jian Yi Fan "lingdao" which means "Boss". A very common way Chinese address superiors at work. But whenever she calls him lingdao, her tone is a notch more casual, like she's nagging a friend. She uses it whenever she wants something from him and he picks up on this. But he lets her use him, like this:
Qiao Xi Chen: Lingdao, I have to go to X coffee store because there's going to be a lot of customers at this time – big pause – You don't have to drive me there.Jian Yi Fan: Did I say I'll drive you? Nope – pause – That store eh, I haven't been there in a long while too.
Qiao Xi Chen rambles on how she just gave him the chance to visit the store and he gets a free company who can entertain along the way. What a deal! And that's how she gets a free ride.
Qiao Xi Chen has an anxiety attack right before the presentation. All her hard work is wasted as she runs out mid-presentation. Jian Yi Fan chases after her. He comforts her: Just because you didn't present well, it doesn't undermine all your previous effort. He also tells her that there isn't anything alcohol cannot fix. Qiao Xi Chen extends her palm for the drink. He says it's work hours. He'll give it to her after. Turns out, he kept her whisky ~ (well, her leftover whisky).
A coworker develops a heart attack before they get off work. Timely CPR saved him. Qiao Xi Chen is back at the hospital in the same spot she mourned for Hu Jing Jing's death. He tells Jian Yi Fan a secret that this is the same spot she cried at when her precious friend died. Today, she almost lost another friend. Qiao Xi Chen realizes losing at work isn't that big of a deal compared to losing a friend. Jian Yi Fan shares a secret with her too. He's ordinary just like her. He didn't grow up rich. He had his fair share of losses too, but so what? The sky didn't fall. They just have to win the next time.
Ji Nan Jia. Ou Yang relentlessly pursues Ji Nan Jia.
Xu Yan. Shen Zi Chang tells Xu Yan that her expenses are greater than her income. That's a problem. You don't say. Her counter: "Then earn more." You don't say. They fight. Again.
[Ep7] Intro: Qiao Xi Chen is happily watching a movie alone. I rarely see a movie theatre filled with singles. A manager texts her when she can get this ppt ready. She replies that she's watching a movie, so maybe in a couple of hours. The reply she receives: "Is it appropriate that you're watching a movie when me and other coworkers are OT-ing". Qiao Xi Chen is fed up now. She finished her work on time. It's the weekend. She didn't sign a slave contract. She sent her long, long constructive message, but recalls it and replies with OK instead. She takes out her laptop and types away in the movie theatre. What nice people in the theatre.
Hu Jing Jing. Hu Jing Jing has depression. Our girls had no idea. They search through her belongings for any medical records. Then Xu Yan finds a lock keychain and hides it from the others. When Qiao Xi Chen remembers about Gao Tian Yang, Hu Jing Jing's crush from university, Xu Yan lies that she has forgotten him. The last thing they find is a stack of tickets. These are tickets to places the girls have been together before but it seems Hu Jing Jing went with someone else again. Oddly, she has duplicate sets of tickets where the second set were never used.
Qiao Xi Chen. Jian Yi Fan bans Lin Rui’s proposal. Lin Rui plagiarized his idea. As for the Team Leader position, Jian Yi Fan is still selecting one. Firstly, Jian Yi Fan tells the happy news to Qiao Xi Chen that her idea is chosen.
Qiao Xi Chen: Are you serious?Jian Yi Fan: Do you think I have nothing to do?
After confirming the truth...
Qiao Xi Chen smiles: Should I thank you?Jian Yi Fan: You're welcome. Ha. If the results aren't good, it's on you.Qiao Xi Chen is cheeky: Impossible!
She exits his room and his eyes follow her with a cute smile. He's in love~~
Qiao Xi Chen tells Xu Yan that she didn't break up with Lin Rui because he went abroad. It was because she was never part of his life plans. If life is a buy-one-get-one, she's the freebie in his life. Qiao Xi Chen didn't date anyone afterwards because she didn't find anyone suitable. When Xu Yan asks her what type of man she's looking for, she turns silent but is clearly reminded of someone. Jian Yi Fan~
Lin Rui visits Qiao Xi Chen. He looks sullen. Qiao Xi Chen comforts him: "Do you know what I like about Beijing? It's big, it's inclusive.... If you work hard, you can survive here. So don't push yourself too hard. These words aren't from me. Someone told me and I think it makes sense." Jian Yi Fan~~
There's a company gathering. Qiao Xi Chen and Lin Rui are a team. Although the red strings didn't connect Qiao Xi Chen and Jian Yi Fan, I was already smiling from just the way their eyes looked around, hoping it was each other. The pair who ultimately wins will get three days off. Qiao Xi Chen wants it. As they're playing a version of tug of war, Lin Rui puts his hand over Qiao Xi Chen's shoulder to gain leverage. Well, Jian Yi Fan ain't like that. He lets them win. When he looks over and sees an elated Qiao Xi Chen, he smiles too.
But really, he's not that happy. Qiao Xi Chen notices his moodiness and mocks him for being a sore loser.
Jian Yi Fan: I'm not unhappy because I lost a game.Qiao Xi Chen: Then what happened?Jian Yi Fan stares back at her. Ou, are we confessing already?Jian Yi Fan breaks the stare and turns away: Mind your own business (or "Don't mind me"). Just be happy for yourself. Aw, is he whining? xD He says it in this warm-ish, moping way that doesn't translate very well across languages or text in general.
Their conversation is interrupted by Lin Rui who pulls her aside. Jian Yi Fan lets her go like a gentleman. Lin Rui asks Qiao Xi Chen to date again. Our girl rejects him.
Ji Nan Jia. Her ex is Manager Jiang at Yann Coffee. They meet. He sits down to chat with her, or more like complain about his current wife and what it would be like if he never broke up with Ji Nan Jia. Ji Nan Jia lets out an empty laugh, Do you want me to comfort you? His status and his wealth is all thanks to his current wife. Really, now. This guy. Incredulous. She walks away from him and then she's pulled aside by Ou Yang. He overheard their conversation. He assumes it was Manager Jiang who broke up with her. Ji Nan Jia insists she initiated the break up because she had cancer. Ou Yang ascertains he wouldn't if he was her boyfriend. And now Ou Yang is in on all her secrets: her ex, her cancer. Not even the girls know Ji Nan Jia had cancer.
Xu Yan. She splurged to buy a present for Shen Zi Chang when they fought about her expenses. She got him the shoes he wanted. With Qiao Xi Chen's help, Shen Zi Chang plans a surprise romantic event for her. They make up.
Hu Jing Jing's mysterious man. Lin Rui and Hu Jing Jing had kept in contact when he was abroad. She'd do anything he asked her to. The lock keychain was Hu Jing Jing’s present for Lin Rui. Hu Jing Jing has always liked Lin Rui in university and not Gao-something-something. Xu Yan knew this; Qiao Xi Chen didn't. The tickets were for Lin Rui's parents when they visited Beijing. The extra ticket was for Lin Rui because Hu Jing Jing thought he'd come back (but he didn't).
Xu Yan accidentally tells Ji Nan Jia everything and with her brains, she concludes Lin Rui was using Hu Jing Jing otherwise Qiao Xi Chen wouldn’t be excluded. Angry, our girls confront Lin Rui. He was just confessing to (and being rejected by) Qiao Xi Chen.
Qiao Xi Chen. Qiao Xi Chen is utterly devastated to learn the truth about Lin Rui and Hu Jing Jing. She's in tears. Lin Rui begs her to listen and is physically blocking her path. Then her phone rings. Looking at the caller ID, she breaks down and her voice cracks as she picks up the call. It's Jian Yi Fan. He's there too (!!) but hidden in a corner. He controls his voice, as he tells Qiao Xi Chen to meet up for work. He’s both angry and hurting for her. He's giving her an excuse to leave the scene. The acting from these two blew me away.
Qiao Xi Chen separates herself from the crowd. Jian Yi Fan calls after her. She tries to gather herself and stares at him without tears running down. But that only lasted a few seconds. Tears stream down. Jian Yi Fan hands her a napkin. After a few more steps, Qiao Xi Chen couches over in pain. Immediately, Jian Yi Fan picks her up and takes her to the ER. She has acute appendicitis. The doctor offers an appendectomy. Xu Yan shakes her head and rejects it for Qiao Xi Chen. But Qiao Xi Chen is like, "Cut it." Because what can be more painful than the truth she just learned? Outside, Jian Yi Fan is listening and smirks.
[Ep8*] Intro: Xu Yan's mother is in Beijing. She wants to buy her mother new clothes but Mom prefers to stick to her style (and the sale section). It's a mother's love for her daughter. Xu Yan knows this but she wants to show her love as a daughter too.
Title: The Knot in Familial Love
Qiao Xi Chen. Qiao Xi Chen returns to work after surgery. As she's sipping coffee, Jian Yi Fan slips her homemade (!) juice. Qiao Xi Chen stares at the bottle. He clarifies that the colour doesn't look appetizing, but the flavour is. Boy, that's not why she's staring. Do you not see her smile? Do you not see her eyes twinkling? After a pensive moment, Qiao Xi Chen awkwardly thanks him for the other day as well. He says his usual answer: "That type of situation, as long as I encounter it, I'll help." A tad angry, Qiao Xi Chen corners him whether he was just being a a kind passerby. Just when he wants to explain, a call comes in. It's from her parents. They're here in Beijing with her relatives (uncle and aunt). The uncle needs a health check up and he wants the best of the best in terms of hospital, doctor, and accommodation. Hul~. Dad is on the uncle's side (they're brothers) and urges Qiao Xi Chen to do everything they ask. Argh! I hate how oppressive they are while calling themselves family. While they sit and laze around at home, Qiao Xi Chen is running their errands, looking for a way to get Uncle the specialist. They even take her room and her bed. Because of them, she's also falling asleep at work during an important meeting.

At the hospital, Jian Yi Fan tells Qiao Xi Chen to rest in the car. He'll go line up for the "both" of them. Qiao Xi Chen jokingly asks him if he's hiding a secret health condition from her (like reproduction-wise). She won't stop teasing him.
In a jiffy, Jian Yi Fan is back in the car. He didn't get the doctor the uncle wanted. The doctor is way too in demand. Jian Yi Fan chatted up a nurse to ask for her opinion and she recommended this other doctor, a student of the specialist the uncle wanted. The priority right now is to get a check up and really, you don't need a specialist for that. Qiao Xi Chen agrees (this was her original plan, it's just her relatives...). Casually, she changes the conversation to the "little nurse" he chatted up with. He quickly retorts: "This was all for you." Ah~
Qiao Xi Chen: What do you mean? (意思)Jian Yi Fan looks away: I – I don't mean anything.Qiao Xi Chen:What do you mean that you don't mean anything?Jian Yi Fan: That there's no meaning.Qiao Xi Chen: Do you mean it or not (Do you have feelings for me or not?) Jian Yi Fan (ou, his full name), you know, you're really no fun! I'm telling you, I'm just going to be direct. I'm already suffocating. ... You keep saying things to mislead me. I can't focus on work at all. It's torturing me the entire day. So are you?! Are you ... interested in me?Jian Yi Fan: Yes! I like you.
Satisfied, and a little embarrassed, Qiao Xi Chen turns away and stuffs some bread in her mouth.
Intermission. I LOVE the above conversation. Qiao Xi Chen uses“意思” (yisi) in so many 意思 (yisi). For non-Chinese speakers, 意思 can mean “meaning” but it can also have other meanings. And so this one conversation uses 意思’s various meanings. First, Qiao Xi Chen asks him what he means (意思). Then she asks him "do you have feelings/desire (意思) for me”. Then she calls him “no fun” or “pointless" (no 意思). Lastly, she goes back to asking him if she has feelings (意思) for her.
Jian Yi Fan's brows are furrowed. He wanted to confess at a better place and at a better time but he's stuck in the car near a hospital. But this is what it is.
Jian Yi Fan: Qiao Xi Chen, look at me – she turns after he calls her the second time– Even though the time and place is wrong, I believe you are the right person for me. Do you think I am for you?
Qiao Xi Chen gulps down her bread. She chickens out and lies that she feels like vomiting. From his confession? Haha. As she finds her way to the subway, walking under pink cherry blossom trees, she scolds herself for being a coward when she asked him in the first place. Still, she's grinning.
Qiao Xi Chen has no place to sleep for the night (because of her relatives). She checks in at a hotel. Before she showers, she examines the room, and indeed, she finds a webcam (using an app? That's cool). The employee is behind it. This case escalates to include the police. Jian Yi Fan is breathless when he finds her at the police station. He was in such a rush, he's wearing two different shoes on each foot. After understanding the situation, he laughs at her and pities the employee from coming across her. Why is he limping as he's walking, though? Then he's serious again and tells her to find a better hotel next time. She knows. But a better hotel needs more money.
Jian Yi Fan: If anything like this happens again, tell me immediately or you can always live in my home.
He means that he can book a hotel instead. He's a man, there's nothing he can lose. A man, indeed :D. Touched by all his actions and his words (and his mismatching shoes), Qiao Xi Chen asks him if he still remembers what he told her the other day. He's like, What day? Rolling her eyes, she walks away. He reaches out to stop her and turns her around to face him again. He's got a smile on, knowing where this conversation is headed.

Qiao Xi Chen: Does it still count?Jian Yi Fan eagerly nodsQiao Xi Chen: Today, this place is pretty, and the time is good too.Clearing his throat, Jian Yi Fan speaks but Qiao Xi Chen cuts him offQiao Xi Chen: Jian Yi Fan, you said I was the right person. I don't know about that. But what I want to say is that whether I'm happy or not, I always think of you. When I'm with you, I'm comfortable and happy.... Anyway! I care (在意) about you! Will you be my boyfriend?Jian Yi Fan is wondrous: How did you end up saying this line first? Is this guy teary right now??? Why is he so precious?Qiao Xi Chen: Then pretend I didn't say it and you ask me again.Jian Yi Fan: You already said it – I will.Qiao Xi Chen: And then? – Stares up at him with a smile –
He kisses her. And a phone call AGAIN! It's her Mom. There's something up with the relatives (related to the doctor). Jian Yi Fan will send her home. He takes her hand and interlaces their fingers. Arriving at her place, he gets out of the car too. He's going to meet her parents as her boyfriend. Joking. He's going to explain to his parents that it was his idea to have uncle go with a regular doctor. Qiao Xi Chen gets it – he's taking the bullet for her. He's like, Can't you word it nicer? I'm protecting my wife from evil. But then Qiao Xi Chen confesses she's really not ready to bring him home as her boyfriend. He smiles and negotiates that for the next hour, he'll only be her lingdao. She agrees. He checks his watch for the exact hour, minute, and second, takes her hand, and runs upstairs. Countdown starts now. Cute.
Jian Yi Fan is the perfect shield for Qiao Xi Chen from her relatives. He also wants to tell Mom that Qiao Xi Chen was at the police station today. She cuts him off. Once alone, she complains to Jian Yi Fan. They promised not to reveal the hotel incident. He just wants to let her mother know how much a burden her relatives are. Qiao Xi Chen counters, "Aren't relatives and families like that? They bother you and you bother them." Jian Yi Fan smiles and apologizes. Then he looks at his watch. Each head bob he makes is a second going by. One hour is up~
Jian Yi Fan: Your boyfriend is online. So cute.
A few days later, the uncle is ready to leave. But there's something missing in the condo. Where's Rascal (Jing Jing's cat "Dog Egg")? Turns out Auntie "let" the cat escape. Who knows if she kicked Rascal out because she doesn't like cats. And she even laughs as she tells Qiao Xi Chen how it accidentally happened like she did a good thing by setting the cat free. What the heck? That's Qiao Xi Chen's last straw. She scolds Auntie who isn't even the least bit sorry. Uncle is like it's just a dog. Oh, man. Qiao Xi Chen shrieks and stomps her feet, "It's a cat!" Dad who's always on Uncle's side slams his drink and stands up for his daughter. He has had enough of them bullying her.
Dad: My Chen Chen, she lives alone in Beijing. It's not easy. Does my Chen Chen owe you two? My child woke up at five in the morning to line up for you. Just because she's not your daughter, does your heart not hurt for her? Mine hurts! Da-ge, let me tell you, I was upset at you for a while now. I didn't say anything because you're my older brother. If you want to bully my daughter, no way! Aw, Dad, I didn't know you had this in you.
Qiao Xi Chen's parents help her look for Rascal. For the first time in a long time, she sees her parents' backside. The parents probably have no feelings for the cat but because Qiao Xi Chen adores Rascal, they're searching desperately for Rascal for her :(.
Qiao Xi Chen's voice-over: How long has it been since you really paid attention to the backside of your parents? (Over time) There's less and less phone calls and meetups. We're more and more adapted to living alone. We think that this is the process of growing up but we forget that our growth is exchanged with our parents aging. Every time you tell them everything is okay, you think they won't understand but they do. It's just they don't say it. No matter what hardships you go through, your parents will always be your strongest armour. They are also the most vulnerable weakness in my heart.
Ji Nan Jia. Her aunt, Hu Jing Jing's mother, has a mental breakdown. She wants a child at 50. Uncle calls her crazy. She is. She's crazy from the loss of their daughter. Uncle begs Ji Nan Jia for any solution. Ji Nan Jia carefully asks uncle if he ever noticed anything abnormal about Hu Jing Jing and that is when Uncle learns for the first time that his daughter had depression.
Hu Jing Jing's mysterious expenses. Ji Nan Jia also learns that all these years, Jing Jing has been providing for her family whenever they ask for anything whether it's buying a house, or wedding gifts for relatives, etc. Auntie had always thought the money came from Ji Nan Jia, but Jing Jing had never asked Ji Nan Jia for money. Jing Jing took it upon herself.
Xu Yan. Shen Zi Chang proposes in this super casual way that he gets yelled at by Xu Yan. It really was too casual. Then with Qiao Xi Chen's help, he makes a better second attempt but when he hides the ring inside a chocolate among a lot of chocolates in a jar, he forgot to note which chocolate is the one. Xu Yan is grumpy again as she's opening up all the chocolate and wasting them. But when he does find it, and proposes again, she's all happy. All is swell until his mother wants them to live with her or forget marrying. They don't have the financial support to live separately from their parents.
Holy. What a long recap. So many important scenes, so many important lines, I didn't want to cut down anything.
[Ep9] Intro: Qiao Xi Chen's intern is maddening. She asks Qiao to take her shift because she has to date. Then she asks Qiao to help her with the coffee machine because her nails are newly done. Then she asks Qiao to help her order lunch but when lunch arrives, she's complaining about the amount of meat. Qiao Xi Chen's replies are golden:
"I'm not your nanny""If you ever need help, no problem, I can help you, but please give me half your pay""I don't know how expensive your nails are, but it's definitely not as high as my hourly pay, if you still want me to help you grind coffee, calculate if you can afford me""Over the weekend, I like to laze around from morning to night and waste my time, which is my freedom, and it has nothing to do with you""This is a company, not kindergarten, no one has the responsibility to babysit you. Don't take others as fools."
Title: Searching for a shortcut. All the titles to this drama have been 3 characters, which is a inessential detail, but for me, when I'm translating it, I try to stick to three words, and I am struggling.
Hu Jing Jing. We're brought back to the moment Hu Jing Jing committed suicide. The last phone call she received was her mother's. She yells at Hu Jing Jing for owing so much money. Oh. This is sad. Was her mother the source of her depression? Does Mom know this? Is this why Mom has a mental breakdown?
Qiao Xi Chen. Jian Yi Fan is getting off work on the dot. He has a date! But Lin Rui shows up, going on about his AA quality coffee beans. Lab results show otherwise and Jian Yi Fan sees no reason to delay their new product for Lin Rui to sort out his non-AA coffee beans. The issue is settled. Jian Yi Fan is off and away.

Lin Rui spots this, thinking This is why he doesn't want my beans!.
Jian Yi Fan and Qiao Xi Chen have dinner together. He mentions a food his neighbour cooked for him that was really good – a type of tang yuan. Qiao Xi Chen immediately searches for a way to make (or buy) it for him. Jian Yi Fan's eyes gleam with love. Qiao Xi Chen meets his gaze and asks him Aren't you blissful to have such a wonderful girlfriend like me? He is. What's also special about this lunch is that they're sharing their hometown specialties. But then the conversation changes to Lin Rui and how she pities him and his coffee beans, okay fine, not just his coffee beans. Jian Yi Fan pours a copious amount of vinegar (= jealously) in his bowl when all the food is already cleared. Aw! Qiao Xi Chen can't handle his cuteness. Me too, me too!!
Xu Yan. Shen Zi Chang throws a fit at his parents for not helping him buy a condo. He's striking at home, not eating and not working. He thought they had the ability to buy him one until he learns they don't. Saving up money, especially in Beijing, ain't that easy. Before anyone really hates this couple, from my understanding, it is near impossible to buy a condo in Beijing without help even if you have a pretty decent job. They are a realistic couple in China who depend on their parents. It's normalized and most of them are only child so it's "expected" that their parents' money will (eventually) go to them.
Shen Zi Chang explains to Xu Yan his situation. Xu Yan decides to not marry. Yet. Since their parents can't help; they'll just have to depend on themselves. I am actually hearing these words from Xu Yan! She has a plan. If they save up (plus their parents' contribution), then they can make the down payment in five years. And so they will marry in five years. She's diligent in scrimping and saving, and demands Shen Zi Chang to do the same. However, she catches him secretly having hotpot with his friends. They argue, blah, blah blah. Has Shen Zi Chang had enough of their volatile relationship?
Ji Nan Jia. She tells her parents all her bank passwords and the life insurance she bought. Dad is furious. He doesn't want to hear any of this; it's as if Ji Nan Jia is passing down her will. Mom is the calm one who urges Dad to listen. Ji Nan Jia is not passing down her will. She's only preparing in case of anything. Just like how her father is giving her a self-drawn Zhongkui (a mythical figure who wards off evil) or how her mother is giving her a scarf in case it's cold on the way back to the city, she's giving them her bit of love.
Ji Nan Jia also wants a child. She considers IVF but she needs to be married for that procedure. Hmmmm. Where should she go if she wants to look for high quality sperm ~
Lu Yi Ning is back. Lu Yi Ning isn't taking any extra days off of her maternity leave. She's back to reclaim her position from Jian Yi Fan. This other lady assures Jian Yi Fan that CEO Han is on his side. Meanwhile, Manager Jiang (CEO Han's son-in-law; Ji Nan Jia's ex) is determined to support Lu Yi Ning. Catching wind of this shifting tide, Lin Rui pledges loyalty to Lu Yi Ning.
Jian Yi Fan is accused of sexual harassment. Obviously, we know he didn't do it but the company has obligations to investigate this (or more like they're giving him two weeks to prove his innocence). Qiao Xi Chen finds him in his car in the parking lot, looking exhausted. He's about to explain himself (he calls her Qiao Qiao) but Qiao Qiao doesn't need it. She believes him unconditionally because she knows him. These words are a huge support for him. Before he leaves, he asks Qiao Xi Chen if she still believes in pure friendship in a corporate system. The one who testified Jian Yi Fan for sexual harassment is Miao Miao, a friend Qiao Xi Chen trusts. Qiao Qiao confronts her. Miao Miao did it for the promotion that Lu Yi Ning promised her. She doesn't see what's wrong with taking this opportunity. If there's a chance lying in front of you, why not take it?
Qiao Xi Chen's ending voice-over: Someone once said that life is a never ending process of choosing and making decisions. Some people will use health to exchange for wealth (Lu Yi Ning). Some will exchange wealth for health (Ji Nan Jia). Some will sacrifice their present happiness for future stability (Xu Yan). Some will sacrifice love to choose their future partner (Ji Nan Jia). And then there are those who will choose success and trample on other's efforts (Miao Miao and Lu Yi Ning). We all think these decisions will bring us the fastest shortcut to happiness but along the way, we may also miss a once in a lifetime scenery. Don't walk too far and forget why you took this path in the beginning. Don't run too fast and lose yourself among the countless intersections.
I have such veneration for this drama. Another amazing episode filled with laughter, anguish, sweetness, tears, frustration, indignation, and poignancy. How does one episode (and not just this one episode) accomplish so much?
[Ep10] Title: Sorry
Qiao Xi Chen. Qiao Xi Chen angrily stomps into Jian Yi Fan's condo because he hasn't picked up any of her calls. She also has big news: it was Miao Miao and Lu Yi Ning who sabotaged him – Jian Yi Fan already knows. His calmness is insulting to her, especially when she's more agitated than him, ha. Jian Yi Fan has more news: Lin Rui is part of it too – the original unedited recording was from Lin Rui. Qiao Xi Chen plans to convince Lin Rui to jump ships. Jian Yi Fan shakes his head. He can't let her use her sexual appeal on Lin Rui.
Qiao Xi Chen is offended: Who's using sexual appeal? Do you think that other than my beauty I don't have any other virtues? Let me tell you, not only am I pretty, I've got – taps forehead – a pretty forehead.
At work, Qiao Xi Chen finds an opportunity to approach Lin Rui. She smiles up all pretty at him, putting that pretty forehead of hers to good use. He instantly melts. She was actually recording their conversation and with that recording, she can accuse him of sexual harassment too. She lays the recorder on the table during dinner. Jian Yi Fan is there too. They're convincing him to testify against Lu Yi Ning.
Jian Yi Fan and Qiao Xi Chen walk in the rain back home. She's rambling on whether Lin Rui will help them but Jian Yi Fan isn't responding. Once again, she's irritated at his silence. It's like she's more worried than he is.

Jian Yi Fan: I was thinking that whenever it rains, I want to be next to you and hold the umbrella for you.Qiao Xi Chen smiles and tippy toes: And?A kiss ~
The next day, Lin Rui confesses the truth. Jian Yi Fan is informed by this other lady (the one who said she would always be on his side, which is bull) that Manager Jiang has quit too. It's unrelated to Jian Yi Fan. He divorced his wife, and since CEO Han never liked him, Manager Jiang was kicked out of the company.
Qiao Xi Chen notices Jian Yi Fan looking glum when he comes out on top of his enemies. He finds all this meaningless. He'd rather spend his time doing what he loves. Ah, is this what he was thinking about when they walked home in the rain? When Qiao was rambling on about Lin Rui, Jian Yi Fan already felt tired from this "meaningless" fight, and was thinking how nice it is to just walk with Qiao Xi Chen – doing what he "loves". Qiao Xi Chen asks him what he loves.
Jian Yi Fan: What I love is in front of me – wraps his arms around her shoulder.
Qiao Xi Chen reminds him they're in his office. But wasn't she the one who said she didn't mind exposing their relationship. Qiao Xi Chen only said it because she thought he was in trouble.
Jian Yi Fan: I'm not someone who shares my misery and not my happiness. I really liked how he switched up the idiom 同甘共苦 (tong gan gong ku) which means sharing life's sweetness and bitterness.
Plus, Jian Yi Fan has already informed the company of his relationship with Qiao Xi Chen. She can't be chickening out now, can she? No way.
Qiao Xi Chen wraps her arm around his shoulder: From now on, if there's anyone looking at me, I'll stare back – oh no, someone's looking – quickly slides away. Haha, she's all words.
As for Lin Rui, he's given another chance by Jian Yi Fan. Lu Yi Ning won't be laid off at the moment since she did work for Yann coffee for so many years and she just gave birth.
Xu Yan. Seeing that Shen Zi Chang isn't contacting her, Xu Yan looks for him. She helps him regain his reputation in front of his friends from being a cheapskate (he was doing his part in scrimping too). They make up. But she's still obsessed with saving and is asking Qiao Xi Chen to lend money to shuadan (users who shuadan are making fake orders to brush up sales figures for a platform) to earn quick money at ease. Well. Qiao Xi Chen and Ji Nan Jia are worried for her. I wonder if they were reminded of Jing Jing when they saw Xu Yan's erratic behaviour. Shen Zi Chang is against it too. He doesn't understand why they must sacrifice so much to buy this condo. It's not a matter of being unable to afford a can of Coke but is it necessary to go to that extent? Can't they marry without a condo? They're looking at their problem from different perspectives: she wants their future to be happy; he wants their present to be happy.
And then our episode combusts.
Xu Yan is scammed – very thoroughly and very idiotically scammed. An unknown caller ID says he's a police officer. He orders Xu Yan to tell him her bank account information and password. In fear, she tells him everything. And all her savings with Shen Zi Chang are gone. He castigates her. He's not buying the house anymore. Screw the house, screw the marriage. Xu Yan runs off in tears.
Ji Nan Jia and Ou Yang call it off. Ji Nan Jia accepts Ou Yang. She's even dressing like him on their dates. They spend a night together (with consent). But hold up. She stops him in the middle. Ji Nan Jia feels guilty. She accepted him initially because she wants a child and not the father. But now she's regretting it and is asking him for permission. F that. Is he a reproduction instrument for her? He walks off.
Miao Miao. She's committing suicide at the company building. She cries and tells Qiao Xi Chen that her boyfriend broke up with her. Qiao Xi Chen begs her to come down. No one in this company building will pity her death. Only the people who love her will cry for her. Her parents will cry. Her friends will cry. The people who love her will live in guilt and always ask themselves "Why". Why didn't we save her? Why didn't we hold on to her? Qiao Xi Chen manages to save Miao Miao. Miao Miao; Jing Jing. Was her name an indication of her similar fate to Jing Jing?
Xu Yan explodes. After being scammed, and practically breaking up with her boyfriend, she's sick and tired of the girls lecturing her. When Qiao Xi Chen brings up Jing Jing, Xu Yan is triggered. None of these girls treated Jing Jing right, according to Xu Yan.
- Qiao Xi Chen always unloaded her problems to Jing Jing but who did Jing Jing open up to? Xu Yan continues, "Do you know how Jing Jing died? You killed her. (You forced her to die)"
- Ji Nan Jia isn't any better. Jing Jing took care of her when she was sick, but did she know Jing Jing was sick too? Did the girls know Ji Nan Jia had cancer? Xu Yan, "Only until Jing Jing died did you know she was sick!"
- Qiao Xi Chen hollers back at Xu Yan that she's at fault too. She's the one who knew Jing Jing liked Lin Rui. She never gave Qiao Xi Chen the opportunity to sort it out.
Is this it for their friendship?
I think they needed this argument. It's the elephant in the room. They all found fault in themselves for Jing Jing's death but they never openly grieved. They're sorry and they missed their chance to apologize to the person who needed it the most. As much as Jing Jing's mother made the last call that perhaps pushed her to take the jump, the people who were closest to Jing Jing couldn't pick up on any of her signals.
[Ep11] Intro: Qiao Xi Chen is with her gossipy aunties. At first they're praising her for being pretty, which is just a superficial opener to the real conversation ahead. Very roughly translated~
Auntie #1: You're getting old, it'll be hard to find a mate.Qiao Xi Chen: Oh, your daughter (Qiao's cousin) is already married for three years, why isn't she pregnant yet? She's almost 30. Does she need a specialist? Come to Beijing. Oh, wait, is it the husband?Auntie #2: How much money do you make in Beijing? Condos are expensive there. How big is yours?Qiao Xi Chen: Last month, your son, was he just laid off by his company? Did he find a job yet? He can't be at home smooching off of you, can he? Should I ask my classmates to see if I can find him a job?
Qiao Xi Chen is all smiley as she urges her Aunties to ask more questions. She loves talking to them. Qiao Xi Chen owns them at their passive-aggressive game xD.
Title: The Heart That Wants to Return Home
Qiao Xi Chen. Jian Yi Fan listens to Qiao Xi Chen's as she discloses the fight she had with the girls. He pats her back. Qiao Xi Chen honestly tells him she's going to puke if he keeps patting, lol. However, there seems to be something that's bothering him too.
Ji Nan Jia. Ou Yang is serious about Ji Nan Jia. If she wants a child, he will take on the responsibility of being a father. He also wants to bring up their child with love and if that's the case, he wants them to date first with the intention of starting a family.
Xu Yan. Shen Zi Chang is serious about breaking up with Xu Yan.
Hu Jing Jing. Last summer, Hu Jing Jing had ordered a box of kiwis from this specialty farm for each of the girls. It finally arrives when 2021 is almost over. I cried the most when Ji Nan Jia received hers.
Qiao Xi Chen. Qiao Xi Chen receives hers and wonders if the others did too. Jian Yi Fan is next to her and pats her head. She shakes him off. They're at work right now.
Jian Yi Fan: Then where can I touch you? We'll go there now.
They're at hotpot and while she's busy eating. Jian Yi Fan is caressing her hair. She whines, "Does my head look like a kiwi? There's already not a lot of hair [on a kiwi] and now it's going bald." Jian Yi Fan is smitten, always, of course.
The girls are back in their hometown. It's New Year's holiday. The girls individually visit Jing Jing's parents' home. They each have presents for the parents.
Qiao Xi Chen's Mom is curious if she's dating anyone. Dad is like the first thing he'll check is the boyfriend's alcohol tolerance level. Uh oh, lol. Our one shot man. Qiao Xi Chen excuses herself to the sauna's steam room where, oh so coincidentally, she finds Ji Nan Jia and Xu Yan. Qiao Xi Chen makes a cute burp (after drinking her Coke).
However, before the girls speak, Ji Nan Jia receives a call: Jing Jing's mother is missing. Asking everyone they can, they depart to search for Auntie across the city. Ji Nan Jia is so worried, she's crying. Fortunately, she finds Auntie. Qiao Xi Chen and Xu Yan arrive too. Auntie tells the girls to not blame themselves. Depression isn't something others can pick up easily.
Auntie: Jing Jing wouldn't want to see you girls cry.The girls gather around and hug.Auntie comforts them (and herself): The people who are gone are already gone. The people who are alive still have to live.
After they send Auntie home, the girls are back at the sauna. They're back to being friends, smiling again. Xu Yan apologizes first. Qiao Xi Chen thinks it's true, she does bear responsibility in Jing Jing's death. Ji Nan Jia cuts her off. If we're talking about responsibility, Ji Nan Jia has the most, but Jing Jing wouldn't want this from them. The girls smile and agree. As they're drinking, the girls are kicked out by the sauna boss. He needs to change the water. The sauna boss is random but entertaining. He's a cameo by Liang Long, the lead singer of Second-Hand Rose.
Qiao Xi Chen's parents tell her that no matter where Qiao Xi Chen decides to go, they'll support her. They don't need her money. They have enough to spend. All they want is her happiness.
Qiao Xi Chen's voice-over: The hometown that we're used to has become a foreign town. There's still our parents and family who live here. There's also our friends of many years and the taste we relish the most. But we're no longer familiar with the roads nor the conversations [...] We're always reminded that this hometown isn't the same one we have memories of. This hometown, can we still return?
[Ep12] Intro: Qiao Xi Chen trips and spills all the coffee she bought for her coworkers. Then her heels are stuck in the road gutters. Then someone takes the cab she called. She snaps her heels and walks the rest of the way back to the company. Qiao Xi Chen stares up at the sun, depressed at her life. It's suddenly shady. A grandmother gives her shade under her umbrella. The kindness of this grandmother, a random stranger, brightens up Qiao Xi Chen's dark day. Omg. It's the grandmother Jing Jing helped at the convenience store T_T.
Title: To Reunite Again
Qiao Xi Chen. Before she leaves home, she tells her parents that she's dating Jian Yi Fan. Her parents are happy for her. All is good, but Jian Yi Fan is quitting! Qiao Xi Chen barges into his office to confront him. (He was packing up the whisky!) He says he doesn't like Beijing. He doesn't like this cutthroat environment. Qiao Xi Chen is upset she's the last to know. She throws her thermos of tongyuan at him. She made his favourite tongyuan. Aw ):. He asks her to go with him to Yunnan to start a new business. Qiao Xi Chen flatly refuses. In her perspective, he's doing the same thing Lin Rui did to her. He made his decision and is only notifying her. She's once again the "freebie" in his life.
Ji Nan Jia. She runs to the airport, thinking that Ou Yang is leaving her. He's not. He's here to pick up his mother but this proves she really likes him.
Welcome to the world's most depressing mahjong game. The fourth leg is Ou Yang, who's officially part of the gang but Qiao Xi Chen and Xu Yan are too depressed to care about him. Our two girls are in pre-breakup phase. Our new couple wants to announce their relationship but our two girls are the worst audience ever. LOVE THIS. Xu Yan and Qiao Xi Chen are the mocking sisters. I also love how Qiao Xi Chen uses her fake pearls like they're Taoist beads. Ji Nan Jia yells at them: "Scram!"
Ji Nan Jia. Ou Yang's mother is back in the country with one goal: to emigrate her family abroad. She wants Ou Yang to leave Beijing. She says she has no intentions of breaking up the couple. Ji Nan Jia can join them abroad. But Ji Nan Jia's business is here. She doesn't want to leave Beijing. Ou Yang asks Ji Nan Jia to help him convince his mother. Ou Yang loves this city too. And so Ji Nan Jia splendidly delivers this message to his mother. Mom approves.
Ji Nan Jia doesn't need Ou Yang to give her security, she just wants him to be free when he's with her. But Ou Yang does have plans for their future. He's taking over a coffee shop. He likes making coffee; Jian Yi Fan had even complimented his brewing skills.
Qiao Xi Chen. Jian Yi Fan texts to meet at the rooftop. He's not there. Instead there's a remote car and in it is a jar of coffee beans and a card to "Qiao Qiao". Jian Yi Fan apologizes; he's in the wrong. He's too used to making decisions by himself. He should have consulted her first. But! He hasn't made a decision to go to Yunnan yet. Qiao Xi Chen calls him out for his lies: he's quitting. Jian Yi Fan isn't quitting for himself. If he doesn't quit, Qiao Xi Chen would have to. CEO Han disapproves of an office romance especially between a manager and his subordinate. Qiao Xi Chen's anger melts. She also understands that Jian Yi Fan really wants to go to Yunnan. She tells him she's not ready to make a decision. Yunnan is too far away. I'm reminded of Jian Yi Fan's words. "Home is where you are" It's not defined to a place, but to a person.
Xu Yan. She calls her mother and finds out her mother just finished a surgery. I just noticed Xu Yan only has Mom. Xu Yan apologizes to Mom for not knowing.

Xu Yan: I know you will move on, but can you forget me slowly?
Shen Zi Chang: Xu Yan, I'm sorry. I don't know why it turned out like this. I like you but I don't know why we can't be together.
Xu Yan: Don't be sorry. We...we...we... we tried our best, didn't we? Each time she said "we" her voice grew quieter because she knows there won't be anymore "we"
Xu Yan leaves the court and leaves Shen Zi Chang.
Qiao Xi Chen. The coffee beans in the jar have words on them! "I don't want to break up with you." She invites Jian Yi Fan for dinner. He chugs down a beer, expecting her answer.
Qiao Xi Chen: Jian Yi Fan, I like you, but I can't leave with you.
He had guessed this. He's drunk and tells her he can stay for her. Qiao Xi Chen smirks. She asks him what he loves about Yunnan. Because there's a lot of things he wants to do there. He can make his own coffee. He can be his own boss. She wants him to go, but she's not giving up on them ("we"). They're going to have a long distance relationship.
Qiao Xi Chen: Everything can be possible. Everything can be tried. Right?Jian Yi Fan: I'm the type of person who doesn't have a particular concept of Home but after I met you, I want to have a home (family). I will miss you.Qiao Xi Chen: I will too.
There are couples who can still be couples in long distance relationships and yet there are couples who cannot maintain one within the same city. There are couples who won't sacrifice themselves and still be happy together and there are couples who sacrifice all of themselves and still can't be together. Everything can be possible. You won't know unless you try.
Xu Yan. Xu Yan is also leaving Beijing T_T. Qiao Xi Chen thought leaving Beijing was equal to losing, but who said so? Qiao Xi Chen and Ji Nan Jia support Xu Yan's decision. Ji Nan Jia tells them that no matter what, these two will always be her little sisters. Qiao Xi Chen corrects her, there's three little sisters. Jing Jing.
One Year Later
- Qiao Xi Chen and Jian Yi Fan are still together!
- And so are Ji Nan Jia and Ou Yang
- Xu Yan is visiting Beijing and the girls. She will depend on herself to buy a home
- Qiao Xi Chen continues to work at Yann Coffee
- It's been a year since Jing Jing left them but our girls haven't forgotten her.
- Qiao Xi Chen: It doesn't matter where one goes, wherever one's heart is most comfortable is one's hometown.
- Xu Yan: Where there is love and family, there is a home.
- Ji Nan Jia: There's many intersections in life. I hope that everyone can make each of their decisions without regret.
- There are scenes of Lin Rui diligently working, Miao Miao interviewing for a job, and Shen Zi Chang being happy with his job and his friends.
- Jing Jing: My dearest friends, forgive me for not giving you a proper farewell. During everyone's long journey of life perhaps there are moments that are too difficult to endure. But believe me. The longest nights will brighten up again. The longest roads will have a destination. Because you are never alone.
The end!
Extra Episodes
These extras are scenes that didn’t make the cut for the drama. They add more breadth to the story. Do check out 40mins in Extra 2 for some Qiao Xi Chen and Jian Yi Fan love.
[Extra 1] Title: Jing Jing, [I/we] still want to sing you a song.
Jing Jing's cut. (Scenes we haven’t seen but we know the gist of)
- Jing Jing buys kiwis for the girls.
- during university, Jing Jing was going to confess to Lin Rui with the lock but then she learns he’s dating Qiao Xi Chen.
- Jing Jing’s boyfriend. He said he doesn’t like celebrating his birthday but it was around that time he was determined to meet her (they were online friends). This hurts. Jing Jing died on her birthday. It was all sweet until Jing Jing became reclusive and unwilling to share anything with him. The guy still likes her as he sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (which has "Jing Jing" in it). They break up but he "still wants to sing her a song".
Ou Yang and Ji Nan Jia.
- There are scenes of their first meeting at the bar and how Ou Yang found Ji Nan Jia amusing
- Ji Nan Jia asks for his name (after they had sex). He says it's Ou Yang. Then she asks, "Ou Yang what (sha)?" Because Ou Yang is usually a surname. I thought that too, lol. He’s like You can call me Ou Yang Sha if you want.
- The dog that Ou Yang used to approach Ji Nan Jia at the condo is explained! He applied to be a dog walker to stalk Ji Nan Jia....
Lin Rui.
- There's a scene of Lin Rui’s job interview with Jian Yi Fan.
- Lin Rui’s father calls him to give a box of fruits to the girl who showed them around Beijing last time. Dad has trouble recalling her name. Lin Rui shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He realizes who his dad is asking about. Jing Jing. But she already passed away.
Jian Yi Fan (and Qiao Xi Chen).
- He was snatched up by CEO Han from Yunnan to work for Yann Coffee. It turns out he was supposed to lay off 1/2 the employees but he persuaded CEO Han to only cut down 1/3. Ahhh,
- There’s a (longer?) kiss scene with Qiao Xi Chen under the umbrella.
- Jian Yi Fan’s Yunnan friend asks him to join him but Jian Yi Fan needs time to decide. His friend recalls he’s changed because the last time he made a decision to move to Beijing, it took him one cup of coffee time. What could he be considering? Qiao Xi Chen.
- Jian Yi Fan: In the past I was one person. But now I’m not.
- Jian Yi Fan hand carved the coffee beans. T_T
Sauna Boss.
- Jian Yi Fan consults a friend about his love problems. Should he leave Beijing? His friend tells him that if she’s his, then she will be his. That’s not much help. Then Sauna Boss makes an appearance! He guesses that his girlfriend (subordinate) ran into problems, and he being the boss, has to clean up for her. It’s actually the opposite. When he’s in trouble, she’s the one running around to solve his problems. Curious, Sauna Boss asks him what’s he doing then?
- Jian Yi Fan: I accompany her. I’m always at her side, accompanying her. But if anyone bullies her, then I will also be the first one charging there
- Sauna Boss shivers. He was here to comfort Jian Yi Fan, thinking he broke up. He wasn't expecting to be force-fed sugar. Sauna Boss leaves to fortune tell. Somehow I believe this meeting with Sauna Boss makes Jian Yi Fan realize leaving Beijing doesn’t mean he’s breaking up.
- Sauna Boss is a Fortune Teller. He reads Ou Yang’s fortune (for free) and indirectly motivates him to pursue Ji Nan Jia. Sauna Boss asks, "Just because she doesn’t like you now, will you give up? The answer is no.
- Sauna Boss is also a Chinese Manual Therapist. Lol. While giving Shen Zi Chang physical therapy for his neck strain, he advises Shen "長痛不如短痛” Rather than prolonging the pain, it’s best to get it over with. T_T.
- Sauna Boss is giving answers to everyone but it’s answers the boys already knew in their heart
- Laid off employee. The employee who was laid off at Yann coffee cries but this girl's family owns three buildings back in her hometown. Qiao Xi Chen wasted all her comforting words. Ha.
- Qiao Xi Chen and Xu Yan. Qiao Xi Chen lectures Xu Yan on buying a luxury bag (the one Shen Zi Chang promised to buy her). That bag is their combined monthly salary not including tax. Amidst their conversation, Qiao Xi Chen checks the time. It's two minutes past 8pm. Qiao Xi Chen dashes to the bakery section to buy discounted bread. Xu Yan wants it too. Eating discounted bread and carrying luxury bags is the life.
- Ji Nan Jia's debt collection. Remember that guy with the sob story of his failing company? Ji Nan Jia had asked another lady for her money back and she too has a long and convoluted story about her divorce, her diet, her new life, etc. Asking for money back, tsktsk. So hard. Jia Nan Jia, I pity you.
- Xu Yan. The phone call between Xu Yan and Mom where Mom tells her she wired a large sum of money for her to buy a house with Sheng Zi Chang.
- Qiao Xi Chen. Qiao Xi Chen's uncle and auntie apologize to her for their last visit in Beijing.:'( I needed this apology.
- Xu Yan. Xu Yan was skateboarding too! She's just not a pro like Qiao Xi Chen and Ji Nan Jia. She's chatting with a friend and finding little trinkets of Dongbei that are better than Beijing.
- Hu Jing Jing's mother. Hu Jing Jing's mother celebrates New Years with Ji Nan Jia's family. Ji Nan Jia's mom bugs her to marry. Hu Jing Jing's mom speaks up. All that matters is to be healthy, happy, and safe. T_T. She smiles brightly at Ji Nan Jia.
- Lin Rui. Lin Rui and Qiao Xi Chen have a chat after he confessed to sabotaging Jian Yi Fan. She reminds him of his roots. His vision was full of himself, he was blinded from the people around him or the road ahead. Lin Rui thanks Qiao Xi Chen for her support.
- Ou Yang and Mom. Ou Yang sends Mom off at the airport. Mom tells Ou Yang to treat Ji Nan Jia well and to plan for the future. Mom likes Ji Nan Jia because she understands him.
- 40 mins is where you need to watch if you're a Jian Yi Fan and Qiao Xi Chen fan. These are scenes after they began their long distance relationship.
- Qiao Xi Chen and Jian Yi Fang. Qiao Xi Chen is team leader. In the middle of a team meeting, Jian Yi Fan is here to see her. She runs to him and wraps her legs around him as if no one is there.
- Qiao Xi Chen and Jian Yi Fang. Jian Yi Fan calls her to tell her he ordered delivery for her. She's downstairs but she doesn't see the delivery guy. Jian Yi Fan is the delivery guy, delivering himself ~
- Qiao Xi Chen and Jian Yi Fang. A date at the park ~
- Hu Jing Jing's ex-boyfriend. Hu Jing Jing's (ex) boyfriend sings at a bar. Jian Yi Fan, Ou Yang, Shen Zi Chang are in the audience. He's singing his version of Twinkle Twinkle little star ♪ Sky is full of Xiao Jing Jing (sparkle) ... [I] still want to sing to you ♪
[First Impression (Ep1-3)] If I gave ratings for each episode, then the first one is 5/5. It did take me about 30mins to feel the impact of this drama and it all started because of Zhou Yu Tong (as Qiao Xi Chen) when she was about to lose her home. Then the shocker was the last scene. I feel rather protective of this first episode that I don't even want to spoil it in this section so forgive me for being slightly cryptic (you can always read the recap). The setup for Hu Jing Jing's character is speckled with details. I rewatched Ep1 to focus on her. Things that stood out: the sunflowers, the yellow colours of her clothing, her kindness (when she wiped not just her clothes, but also the subway ground because a kid dropped food on her), and a fleeting moment where she held her stomach as if she's in pain. I really like this mystery element to Hu Jing Jing's story as the drama navigates her past and our girls' present life.
There are dramas I click in expecting to like them and this was definitely not one of them. It's a female-centric story about girls living away from home (他乡). It's not the topic that captivates me, it's the storytelling that is immersive. This drama taps into the pains of ordinary life. Most of the time our girls feel sorry for themselves but they can't share it with people they care about because that will only make them worry. There are a lot of profound subtle moments: the calls from the parents asking their daughters if they're okay, the police officer sincerely wishing someone random a happy birthday, etc.
The tone and topic of this drama may come across as sad and serious but as I watch more of it, these girls are optimistic. There are bits of humour sprinkled in many of their ordinary interactions. There's also a potential romance I really, really like (Qiao Xi Chen and Jian Yi Fan).
Note: I don't make first impressions on Cdramas with <4eps but the duration of watching 3 episodesis like watching 6.
[Actors/Actresses] I think Zhou Yu Tong deserves at least an award for excellence for this role. The way she portrays Qiao Xi Chen is down to earth and raw without exaggerating her emotions.
Bai Yu Fan is so uniquely charming, I find myself drawn to his features – his eyes, his ears, the way he looks at her and smiles ~ He has a very natural way of acting. His Jian Yi Fan is this regular nice guy who happens to be Qiao Xi Chen's superior. The little moments he's amused tickles me.
(Random: Young Blood’s (2019) leading actors are the champions of 2021. First there was Su Xiao Tong in The Imperial Coroner, then Zhang Xin Cheng in The Day of Becoming You and finally Zhou Yu Tong in this. What a phenomenal cast. Wang You Shuo, where are you?)
[Behind the Scenes]
Ep2: At the rooftop where Qiao Xi Chen was drunk, Jian Yi Fan wasn't supposed to cry but he did. The actor, Bai Yu Fan, said he couldn't help it. Zhou Yu Tong cried so hearkbreakingly, he was moved by her to cry too. Aw!
[Ending] Happy.
Qiao Xi Chen and Jian Yi Fan are together
Ji Nan Jia and Ou Yang are together.
Xu Yan and Shen Zi Chang broke up.
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