A girl who wants to choose her own life and love but this man is always interfering.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Chinese Title
Qiu Yan is saved by her parents but no one else in her family (her grandmother, and her good for nothing uncles and aunts) wants to risk upsetting General He. They consent to send her back, except the tablet of late Great Aunt starts bleeding. It’s a sign! Great Aunt must be in pain for Qiu Yan even in heaven. No. It’s just Qiu Yan being clever. She knows Great Aunt’s death will trigger Grandma Qiu’s guilt so even if she finds it suspicious that a tablet is bleeding, she will still help Qiu Yan.
Grandma Qiu asks Crown Prince for help, who then sends Liang Yi to resolve the dispute. Song Jin complains it’s another ardent task. Liang Yi is opportunistic. This is a chance to please He Family. Well, that was the plan until he angered General He by insisting to spare Qiu Yan’s life and to send her to a nunnery to devote herself to her dead husband (of one second). Although he hasn’t seen Qiu Yan, he’s reminded of the girl he saved 6 years ago who should be about Qiu Yan’s age. I am horrified that the kid and the current ML are only 6 years apart. Omg lol. I mean, at least...uh nvmd, I don’t know how to make this better. Song Jin smiles up at his master for his 婦人之仁 (softhearted-ness). Direct translation: having the humanity of a married woman. Other than the underlying sexism, I think it’s supposed to be romantic that there’s a “married woman” (coughQiuYancough) at the centre of his heart.
Qiu Yan has very different thoughts on 婦人之仁. Liang Yi may have spared her life, but she’s still imprisoned by her in-laws. Dead or alive, she wants out. Qiu Yan decides to work in the palace. Madam Qiu (“mother”) provides a means to meet Consort Guo while Qiu Yan has a present to impress but someone switched it to a rock!
Qiu Yan interrogates Liang Yi for his interference. It’s not fair that she has to follow her “husband” to the grave. Moreover, she doesn’t even know him. She gives Liang Yi a new perspective to consider. What happens when the wife dies? Why doesn’t the husband die after her? Why is it only right one way and not the other way? Liang Yi looks unconvinced.
Qiu Yan drinks in broad daylight. She meets Qin Xuan. When she introduces herself, he’s all poetic with her name (Yan 嫣 means lovely) but Qiu Yan turns growingly miserable. She’s reminded that her original Yan was from 炊烟 (chuiyan), meaning smoke. Her birth mother whom she calls yiniang (Concubine) abandoned her because she’s a girl. Fortunately for Qiu Yan, being starved for three days as a newborn didn’t kill her. It was Madam Qiu who treated her like a daughter and changed her name. Qin Xuan eloquently enlivens her mood by motivating her that the smoke can always rise to the clear skies and be the cloud. As long as she doesn’t give up, there will always be hope.
Qiu Yan’s birth mother (Concubine Qiu) has given up hope (not that she was that hopeful to begin with) and tells Qiu Yan to accept her fate. It’s Madam Qiu who organizes a carriage for Qiu Yan to flee for her freedom. Qiu Min, Qiu Yan’s sister and birth daughter of Madam Qiu, wants Qiu Yan to stay. If Qiu Yan leaves, their mother will suffer all the consequences. Still Qiu Yan chooses to be selfish and leaves. Qiu Min shouts after her sister that she won’t hate her for it. Ultimately, Qiu Yan’s guilt overwhelms her. Was it because of Qiu Min’s “I don’t hate you”? This Qiu Min is so pessimistic, I don’t like her. Qiu Yan turns herself into He Family.
The next day, coincidentally, Qin Xuan visits He Family. Coincidentally, Liang Yi also visits He Family. It seems they both want to suck up to He Family. Both men offer to pay respect to He Feng for the whole night, but Qiu Yan makes a persuasive argument to her in-laws that Liang Yi’s strong and evil aura will frighten He Feng’s soul from returning to his body.
Sharp-witted Liang Yi confronts Qiu Yan for opening the coffin. She admits it and tells Liang Yi her findings. He Family lied about He Feng’s cause of death. In his fist, he clenched a coin that’s split in half. Clearly, it’s a lover’s token. Liang Yi advises her to ask He Feng’s maid. Oh but why is he so helpful? He says if there is truth to her investigation then He Family lied to the royals. And most importantly, he visited a nunnery for the first time and indeed it’s not a place anyone should go to. He should have been considerate of her and he’s also apologetic for switching her present. You sir have redeemed yourself.
Qiu Yan manipulates Maid 1 who likes He Feng to help her find Maid 2 (Yue Ying, He Feng’s personal maid) who also likes He Feng. Yue Ying (who‘s currently quarantined by the in-laws) tells Qiu Yan that there’s a third girl who likes He Feng. Where is the charm of this man? This girl is Zhao Rui. These two fell in love at first sight and married. The marriage certificate was mailed to her father. Probably FedEx or something like that. However, He Feng abandoned Zhao Rui for the marriage with Qiu Yan as per his parents' order. Subsequently, Zhao Rui committed suicide. Again, where is the charm of this mama’s boy? The poison was from Zhao Rui’s father (Zhao Ming Li) who apparently fooled Yue Ying into giving it to He Feng on the day of the marriage.
Qiu Yan requests help from Liang Yi. She wants to escape He Manor to find Zhao Ming Li. Appearing smug, Liang Yi crosses his arms, leans back, and hums that he could but he wants her to beg him. She politely bows which throws Liang Yi off guard. Qiu Yan explains that his kindness was to be used at the most pivotal moment, which is now because Yue Ying’s life is on the line.
With Liang Yi’s (very thorough) help, Qiu Yan escapes but Yue Ying flees on her own, except she’s caught by Zhao Ming Li and is almost killed. Qiu Yan saves Yue Ying. In fact, everything is still within her grasp. Qiu Yan allowed Yue Ying to escape to lure Zhao Ming Li.
Qiu Yan declares her deductions: Zhao Rui did not commit suicide from heartbreak; she was killed.
Qiu Yan new deductions: He Feng was the one who committed suicide from heartbreak. He poisoned himself. He knew his parents killed Zhao Rui and the only way he could avenge her death was to take his own life in front of his parents. I don’t pity the guy. Could he not have consumed the poison earlier and died before the three bows? C’mon, spare the FL’s life. But then we wouldn’t have a story. Okay.
Liang Yi will take on the cumbersome case since no one dares to upset General He. Before Qiu Yan is grateful, she asks Liang Yi to be fair and just in his judgment. He will.
All the prestigious families are invited to the chuiwan competition (ancient golf). Liang Yi is attending to see Qiu Min. Qiu Yan wants to go too but she’s not invited. No worries, Qiu Yan has a way: she meets with Liang Yi and then presents him with a rock. One glimpse and he gets her. She’s reminding him he owes her one for switching out her present for a rock. She grins. She really likes talking to him. It’s easy. Right? Because he does all the talking. She’s betting that he’d help her because he isn’t the type to owe someone a favour. She’s right on the money. However, she doesn’t know she also piqued his curiosity for being so shameless. Chuiwan is the perfect event for girls to climb the social ladder. Liang Yi is unimpressed and clearly attracted :D.
And Liang Yi is right about her too! Well, sort of. Qiu Yan wants to escape her fate and win Qin Xuan’s heart, and by chance his family is more prestigious than hers, so one could say she is climbing the social ladder. Madam Qiu worries if Qiu Yan will attract trouble instead, but Qiu Yan wants to fight for her own future and a chance with Qin Xuan. Who said girls had to be passive?
Well trouble is attracted. And he’s hot. Liang Yi cares way too much about Qiu Yan and the ladder she picked. In the name of protecting his buddy, he’s stopping all her interactions with Qin Xuan, the ladder. I love this! While Qui Yan is determined to make Qin Xuan’s eyes only have her, there already is a man whose eyes are filled with her and amused with her manipulative personality (no matter how much he thinks he despises it). Liang Yi has completely forgotten Qiu Min LOL. Also, Qiu Min is quietly crushing on Qin Xuan. She can tell he likes Qiu Yan.
For the game, everyone needs to wager a personal belonging. Qiu Yan chooses her wooden hairpin (handmade by Qin Xuan) to test him if he cares. She doesn’t actually want to but the evil sisters snatch it from her hand. She’s waiting for Qin Xuan to save her but it’s Liang Yi who saw through the ploy, stepped in and donated his thumb ring for her. It’s all to make Qin Xuan back off. Pft.
Qiu Yan skillfully retaliates against her sisters by making one suffer a ball to the face and the other being accused of assault when Qiu Yan just fell on her own. Gullible Qin Xuan rushes over to help her up but astute Liang Yi smirks. He knows her craft all too well and dude should know he loves her for it. Now it’s time for him to make a move. He princess-carries Qiu Yan in front of Qin Xuan and snickers. I wonder when Liang Yi will remember that he’s here for Qiu Min. Haha.
Liang Yi finally remembers Qiu Min! He tries to teach her how to play golf but forgets her immediately when she sees Qiu Yan baiting Qin Xuan. LOL.
[Ep6] And now it’s Qiu Yan’s turn to forget Qin Xuan. LOL. She figured out Liang Yi is after Qiu Min and so she switched out Qiu Min to be Liang Yi’s partner in Alternate Shot. She can’t let a wolf prey on her sister (who is now partnered with Qin Xuan). Qiu Yan is all smug about it until Liang Yi lies that he’s interested in her (Qiu Yan). Not a lie! He’s like, Can’t you tell that I'm using your sister to get your attention. Qiu Yan frowns and asks just exactly what he sees in her.
When alone, Qiu Yan and Liang Yi spit threats at each other. When it’s time for a prize, 3-2-1, fake smile!
Liang Yi is at Qiu Manor to inform Father Qiu their money is counterfeit before he sends it to the palace. Someone in the house had swapped out their genuine currency. Father Qiu wants to repay the favour. Liang Yi holds onto it for another time (the wedding with his daughter).
Liang Yi bumps into Qiu Yan who’s in the middle of escaping her own manor. She asks him for help since it’s for his buddy Qin Xuan. He doesn’t want to. He knows she tripped on purpose. Always knowing her craft. She admits it was deliberate. Her status is incomparable to Qin Family. Her only merit is that Qin Xuan liked her. Is it wrong for her to scheme for her own happiness? Liang Yi is like Alright, alright, just lead the way. The moment she’s not looking, he makes her faint. To him, it’s better she’s not with Qin Xuan. And now, Qiu Yan is locked up by her family in a storage room.

Song Jin, our thickhead (but look, his head can fit in the bars! Not thick), informs Qiu Yan and Qin Xuan that locking them up is to protect them. Since Qiu Yan has seen the assassin, she may be in danger. Qiu Yan is skeptical. Song Jin assures her that he knows Liang Yi the best. If he claims second, no one dares to claim first. Boy, it’s just a matter of time before your spot is taken by Qiu Yan :D Timely, Liang Yi arrives and grips onto Song Jin's thickhead. In a menacing tone, Liang Yi asks, “Why don’t you guess what I’m thinking right now?” Haha. Song Jin runs when he can. As for the “prisoners”, he only releases Qiu Yan. Totally get it. Qin Xuan isn’t very useful.
...the girls at the brothel start touching her all over.
There’s also naughty Liang Yi who’s throwing girls at Qiu Yan. They're finally introduced to Shao Yao (the medallion girl) and she’s ready to strip for them. Qiu Yan almost shrieks. She drinks water to calm herself. Unfortunately, the water weakens the glue on the moustache and it’s falling off.
Liang Yi jumps at a chance to help her fix it. Hahaha. Shao Yao snickers at the two weirdos, and luckily doesn’t see the fake hair falling off. She then makes a move on Qiu Yan, which makes the only guy in the room very amused, until Shao Yao tries to grab at Qiu Yan’s manhood and exclaims that there’s nothing there (this time Qiu Yan really screams). Liang Yi makes Shao Yao faint. Plus, they already have enough information from her that there’s a big boss, Tao Chu Gong.
Liang Yi interrogates Qiu Yan (+ requisite cave-dong) for lying about recognizing the assassin. Shamefully, she admits it. If she didn’t lie, he wouldn’t bring her along, but she reminds him that he used her for his motives too. They’re equal now. Liang Yi’s expression = Guilty as charged. Ha. Then they bump into a girl (Ping'er) who works at the brothel as a maid. She’s just a regular petty thief. She’s able to lead them to another exit that isn’t the brothel. Unfortunately, they’re now in a sacred Taoism temple that only the Emperor and the Imperial Preceptor can enter. This means the big boss is the Imperial Preceptor! Close. It’s Ling Zheng. He may be the second in command, but all the monks listen to him over the Imperial Preceptor. Currently, the Imperial Preceptor, Liang Yi, and Qiu Yan are prisoners.
[Ep10] Liang Yi, Qiu Yan, and Imperial Preceptor are trapped in another basement. Where’s Ping'er? Qiu Yan notices the wound on Liang Yi and wraps it up for him. Proximity! Eye contact! Love eyes from Liang Yi! He’s noticing her now. It’s the male getup. That always gets the guys going. Qiu Yan is busy digging a way out with a pair of scissors. She barely got out of He Feng’s coffin, and now she’s going to die in another coffin. She refuses to surrender. Liang Yi thinks she’s desperate to marry Qin Xuan. That’s not it at all. She wants to choose her own life. Intrigued, Liang Yi asks her if she can escape, (guys, he already knows a way to escape at this point. This man, always chilling when she’s laboriously at work), how would she live her life? Qiu Yan wants to investigate the wrongful deaths of the girls at the courtyard and then publish a book to pass down her knowledge. This is why she’s interested in mystery novels. Liang Yi concludes that her real wish must be to become a man because men can do what she wants. Wrong. She wants to be a girl. Even if she may not see it in this generation, she believes that one of these days girls can be equal to men. If she gets to be reborn, she will always want to be a girl.
Qiu Yan asks Liang Yi about his dreams. It’s like hers! Flashback: He wants to be like his father: to use a pen like a sword in bringing justice to the world. Liang Yi’s father had wrongfully died (probably 6 years ago?) and wrote him a letter to never hate. He wanted to burn it because he couldn't not hate. However, Liang Yi doesn’t share any of this. He lies to Qiu Yan that he only wants to be promoted. Qiu Yan doesn’t believe that’s the entire truth. She can tell he has his principles or he would have already surrendered to Ling Zheng to get the promotion.

Qiu Yan examines the needle contraption on the assassin. He’s not the one who killed Xiao Tie. The assassin was left handed.
We learn of Ping’er’s background. The man she just killed by accident is her adoptive father, her family servant. Her real father is Dou Ying who Liang Yi convicted for a crime he did not commit. When she was caught stealing fake money, her adoptive father sold himself to work for Ling Zheng, meaning he was the assassin who killed Xiao Tie. Liang Yi shares with Ping’er that when her adoptive father killed Xiao Tie, he had a chance to kill him (Liang Yi) too. But he didn’t. So does this mean the adoptive father knew Dou Ying was guilty?
Dou Ying was guilty. Liang Yi didn’t want to tell Ping’er. No child would want to know their parents are criminals. In the past, Liang Yi deliberately freed her. He saw her hiding spot. Currently, Liang Yi is more interested in Qiu Yan’s quick reaction when Ping’er ambushed him. Qiu Yan proudly shares she noticed her scent was different from the brothel ladies and her ornaments were expensive. Qiu Yan calls them even now. He saved her and she saved him. He likes that too.
Qiu Yan and Liang Yi are on a horse to get back to the WC Department. Flashback: six years ago they also rode a horse together. Without the only key that can unlock their cuffs, they can only cut off the chain. And now it’s a couple gold bangles! The one who is the most upset is the one who’s not cuffed: Qin Xuan. It will take at least two months for Liang Yi to find the blacksmith to make another key.
Liang Yi is removed from the counterfeit currency case by the Emperor (who’s wary of Liang Yi growing powers). Qiu Yan asks to look over the evidence before it’s turned over. Otherwise, her day would be wasted. However, the investigator overseeing the case is already here for the evidence.
Liang Yi is thinking of Qiu Yan too via the gold bangle! I mean cuff. Whatever. He’s smiling as he remembers her stubbornness and shamelessness to live = survival skills. But oh no! Consort Gao has confirmed the marriage with Qiu Min. Liang Yi is reluctant to marry. But isn’t Qiu Min the girl he saved? Why wouldn’t he want to marry her? I like this. He fell in love with Qiu Yan again without knowing she’s the brave and reckless girl from 6 years ago.
Qiu Min rapes Qin Xuan. Okay no. But Qiu Min makes Qin Xuan drunk, takes advantage of him while he’s heartbroken (because of Qiu Yan’s death), and imitates Qiu Yan to seal the deal. He sleeps with her.
The next morning, Liang Yi wakes up from the floor. He let Qiu Yan take the bed. As nimble as he can, he rolls up the blankets, but when he’s dazzled at his “wife’s” sleeping angelically on his bed, he accidentally makes a noise, stirring Qiu Yan awake. She’s surprised he gave her the bed. Liang Yi is like “the beauty was taken advantage of.” Beauty = Liang Yi. Their morning flirt is interrupted by Song Luo. Liang Yi jumps into bed (after a cat and dog fight with Qiu Yan). In front of Song Luo, he moans about his aching back (to confirm the night was active).

Yuan Lang mails Qiu Yan an earring (it’s from Qing Dai, her maid). Qiu Yan willingly becomes a hostage for him to torture in exchange for Qing Dai’s safety. Liang Yi quickly interrogates Song Luo to know Yuan Lang’s lair. He saves her like a hero. Qiu Yan cannot be more in love, especially with the last surprise lunge at Yuan Lang. Swoon~ Then when Liang Yi is angry-concerned with Qiu Yan, she’s nervous and obedient. He lectures her for acting on her own, but she sees nothing wrong with that. Liang Yi is like O really and then pokes her hand. Ow! She flinches at the pain, but proudly reveals her backup plan. She brought a poison with her. If the torture was too much, she’d swallow it and die. Liang Yi bellows at her. Qiu Yan wanted to depend on herself. She already owes him too much.
Liang Yi’s outburst makes Qiu Yan smile. But his anger is sorta real. He slams the door (open). Then he goes to his study room where Song Jin asks Liang Yi why he’s not with Madam. His answer: She doesn’t even love herself, why should he be with her? He said that but now he’s looking for medication for her. This is why he slammed the door open, he’s going back! Qiu Yan is asleep though. He kneels down to admire her, gently blows her hand and lightly moves her bangs. He whispers, “I want you to owe me. The more the merrier.”
Qiu ladies return home. Qing Dai is there too. During dinner, the Qiu ladies miss Qiu Yan and are grateful for her. Concubine Qiu is proud and is like That’s my daughter. Omg. Trash can. I need a big one to fit her. Qiu Min loses her appetite. She stole the maiden role to earn respect, to prove that she can save Qiu Family, but no one is talking about her.

Qiu Yan is saddened that she can’t celebrate with her family because she’s Su Yi Wan. The next day, Liang Yi takes her shopping to cheer her up. She’s splurging his money. Girls are the same no matter the time period. He tries to control her but she reminds him that Yuan Lang’s men are following them. He’s like, “Buy, buy, buy!” It’s music to Su Yi Wan’s ears. And he lets her mess with his hair and face too. I love this guy xD.
Time to brainstorm ideas. Qiu Min sincerely apologizes for being the virgin maiden. O. I hate her face and attitude right now. That fake sympathetic tone. Everything is her fault. She says she has a plan, which is Qin Xuan’s plan but Qiu Yan doesn’t want to involve him. This will risk his life. Qin Xuan thinks she cares about him. No. She doesn’t want to owe you a life. Dude, can you listen properly? Qiu Min butts in that she cares about Qin Xuan too blah blah blah but when love is mutual, it’s alright to die together. Hook me up with an incinerator.
Madam Liang wants Liang Yi to change post to a safer job. Qiu Yan defends Liang Yi’s job. She knows Liang Yi would hate being caged. If his joy is to work at WC Department, then she’s willing to live on the edge with Liang Yi forever. Madam Liang smiles at the answer. Liang Yi is touched to the bottom of his heart.
Qiu Yan discovers Liang Yi lied about being in pain. He’s all healed. She locks him out of the room. Liang Yi is like “Open the door! Let me in!” What happened to not making him beg. This lasts for three days, pft.
It’s Qiu Yan’s birthday! This year Concubine Qiu gives her a pair of handmade shoes (via Liang Yi). Liang Yi also gives Qiu Yan his completed book with her ending. He’s using 雁栖居士 as her pen name. 雁 (yan) is a homophone with her name 嫣 (yan). Her 嫣 means lovely, but the 雁 that Liang Yi gave her means a wild goose (that’s free in nature). He knows her well. She loves it so much that she’s crying. But there’s more to her tears: it’s the first time she celebrated her birthday. Qiu Yan always lied to Madam Qiu that she never liked celebrating. It’s because her mother (Concubine Qiu) never remembered, never cared and always thought her birth was a burden. This is the first time she feels like her life is worth celebrating. She weeps as she thanks Liang Yi. He promises (with her permission) that every year of this day, he’ll celebrate with her.
Our couple climb up to the roof. They both have something to say. Liang Yi is a gentleman and lets her speak first: Qiu Yan wants to travel the world to write her story. She even thought of how to divorce so that she can leave. Liang Yi supports her wish. Liang Yi, don’t ever be a gentleman. It doesn’t suit you! Now she’s leaving!! And, Qiu Yan, what happened to being his wife forever and never wanting him to leave?
[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I hate to be pausing to type this. I want to watch more! Ep5&6 are the highlight of their hate-to-love romance. I love their tit for tat exchanges that aren’t childishly forced. Ep5 is when he annoys her. Ep6 is when she annoys him back. Each has a valid reason to be annoying. It’s fun! On one hand, I don’t mind their misunderstandings lasting longer, but on the other hand I really want the romance to kick in. I am baited.
By Ep7&8, our drama is solidly an investigative in nature. I like how the cases evolve in complexity but still within a logical framework. It’s not that easy to guess and not that convoluted that I’m bored. Mixed in with the cases, there are scheming family members. Everyone’s personalities are of various shades and not dryly good or evil. It’s not Story of Minglan level, but The Autumn Ballad emulates it. And I’m always a sucker for this particular genre. I just keep falling into this hole no matter how many times I’ve drowned in misery or mania. I do have higher hopes for this one based on these initial episodes.
Well paced. Good mysteries. Intelligent leads (actually intelligent). Bickering romance. Messy family. And possibly a pending marriage (soon).
Notable Actors/Actresses
Xu Zheng Xi: Liang Yi
Qiao Xin: Qiu Yan
Network: Tencent Video
Recap Grade: A/B
First Impression: 3.5/5
First Impression: 3.5/5
Mini Recaps
[Ep1] Wedding! Qiu Yan, our FL bride, completes her three bows. Married! Then her non-ML groom (He Feng) dies. Guy, reborn as a ML next time ;) Funeral! Father-in-law wants Qiu Yan to entomb with his son because she killed him with her date of birth and it’s also her duty as the wife. However there’s something suspicious about the groom’s death (e.g. why is his fist clenched?) Before she can investigate, she needs to escape her in-laws. She runs into our ML, Liang Yi, but he ignores her (mostly because she lied to him). Love his voice! I forgot how rich and deep it was.
Qiu Yan is saved by her parents but no one else in her family (her grandmother, and her good for nothing uncles and aunts) wants to risk upsetting General He. They consent to send her back, except the tablet of late Great Aunt starts bleeding. It’s a sign! Great Aunt must be in pain for Qiu Yan even in heaven. No. It’s just Qiu Yan being clever. She knows Great Aunt’s death will trigger Grandma Qiu’s guilt so even if she finds it suspicious that a tablet is bleeding, she will still help Qiu Yan.
6 years ago |
6 years now |
Qiu Yan has very different thoughts on 婦人之仁. Liang Yi may have spared her life, but she’s still imprisoned by her in-laws. Dead or alive, she wants out. Qiu Yan decides to work in the palace. Madam Qiu (“mother”) provides a means to meet Consort Guo while Qiu Yan has a present to impress but someone switched it to a rock!
[Ep2] Qiu Yan swiftly articulates that the rock is Consort Guo. Yes. While men are the sky, women are the rock, enduring the rain and the hail. You men are horrible at giving us women so much to suffer. ;) Consort Guo likes Qiu Yan and accepts her as a maid until Liang Yi reverses the decision by telling Consort Guo to reject Qiu Yan. He was also the one who switched Qiu Yan’s present.
Qiu Yan interrogates Liang Yi for his interference. It’s not fair that she has to follow her “husband” to the grave. Moreover, she doesn’t even know him. She gives Liang Yi a new perspective to consider. What happens when the wife dies? Why doesn’t the husband die after her? Why is it only right one way and not the other way? Liang Yi looks unconvinced.
Qiu Yan drinks in broad daylight. She meets Qin Xuan. When she introduces herself, he’s all poetic with her name (Yan 嫣 means lovely) but Qiu Yan turns growingly miserable. She’s reminded that her original Yan was from 炊烟 (chuiyan), meaning smoke. Her birth mother whom she calls yiniang (Concubine) abandoned her because she’s a girl. Fortunately for Qiu Yan, being starved for three days as a newborn didn’t kill her. It was Madam Qiu who treated her like a daughter and changed her name. Qin Xuan eloquently enlivens her mood by motivating her that the smoke can always rise to the clear skies and be the cloud. As long as she doesn’t give up, there will always be hope.
Qiu Yan’s birth mother (Concubine Qiu) has given up hope (not that she was that hopeful to begin with) and tells Qiu Yan to accept her fate. It’s Madam Qiu who organizes a carriage for Qiu Yan to flee for her freedom. Qiu Min, Qiu Yan’s sister and birth daughter of Madam Qiu, wants Qiu Yan to stay. If Qiu Yan leaves, their mother will suffer all the consequences. Still Qiu Yan chooses to be selfish and leaves. Qiu Min shouts after her sister that she won’t hate her for it. Ultimately, Qiu Yan’s guilt overwhelms her. Was it because of Qiu Min’s “I don’t hate you”? This Qiu Min is so pessimistic, I don’t like her. Qiu Yan turns herself into He Family.
The next day, coincidentally, Qin Xuan visits He Family. Coincidentally, Liang Yi also visits He Family. It seems they both want to suck up to He Family. Both men offer to pay respect to He Feng for the whole night, but Qiu Yan makes a persuasive argument to her in-laws that Liang Yi’s strong and evil aura will frighten He Feng’s soul from returning to his body.
Qiu Yan isn’t one to be suspicious. She deliberately sent away Liang Yi because she and Qin Xuan have a plan!
[Ep3] Qiu Yan finds He Feng’s death suspicious. Together with Qin Xuan, they open the coffin. Qin Xuan pats his chest to leave the autopsy to him but it’s Qiu Yan who does the work, but really it’s just a needle poke. The needle turns black. It’s poison.
Sharp-witted Liang Yi confronts Qiu Yan for opening the coffin. She admits it and tells Liang Yi her findings. He Family lied about He Feng’s cause of death. In his fist, he clenched a coin that’s split in half. Clearly, it’s a lover’s token. Liang Yi advises her to ask He Feng’s maid. Oh but why is he so helpful? He says if there is truth to her investigation then He Family lied to the royals. And most importantly, he visited a nunnery for the first time and indeed it’s not a place anyone should go to. He should have been considerate of her and he’s also apologetic for switching her present. You sir have redeemed yourself.
Qiu Yan manipulates Maid 1 who likes He Feng to help her find Maid 2 (Yue Ying, He Feng’s personal maid) who also likes He Feng. Yue Ying (who‘s currently quarantined by the in-laws) tells Qiu Yan that there’s a third girl who likes He Feng. Where is the charm of this man? This girl is Zhao Rui. These two fell in love at first sight and married. The marriage certificate was mailed to her father. Probably FedEx or something like that. However, He Feng abandoned Zhao Rui for the marriage with Qiu Yan as per his parents' order. Subsequently, Zhao Rui committed suicide. Again, where is the charm of this mama’s boy? The poison was from Zhao Rui’s father (Zhao Ming Li) who apparently fooled Yue Ying into giving it to He Feng on the day of the marriage.
Qiu Yan requests help from Liang Yi. She wants to escape He Manor to find Zhao Ming Li. Appearing smug, Liang Yi crosses his arms, leans back, and hums that he could but he wants her to beg him. She politely bows which throws Liang Yi off guard. Qiu Yan explains that his kindness was to be used at the most pivotal moment, which is now because Yue Ying’s life is on the line.
With Liang Yi’s (very thorough) help, Qiu Yan escapes but Yue Ying flees on her own, except she’s caught by Zhao Ming Li and is almost killed. Qiu Yan saves Yue Ying. In fact, everything is still within her grasp. Qiu Yan allowed Yue Ying to escape to lure Zhao Ming Li.
Qiu Yan declares her deductions: Zhao Rui did not commit suicide from heartbreak; she was killed.
[Ep4] Qui Yan knew Yue Ying lied. He Feng could not have been a jerk if he clutched onto Zhao Rui’s coin. Yue Ying confesses it was General He and Madam He who killed Zhao Rui. Yue Ying was an accomplice (she wanted to be He Feng’s concubine). The only link that doesn’t connect is the poison. The one Zhao Ming Li used doesn’t turn a needle black.
Qiu Yan new deductions: He Feng was the one who committed suicide from heartbreak. He poisoned himself. He knew his parents killed Zhao Rui and the only way he could avenge her death was to take his own life in front of his parents. I don’t pity the guy. Could he not have consumed the poison earlier and died before the three bows? C’mon, spare the FL’s life. But then we wouldn’t have a story. Okay.
Liang Yi will take on the cumbersome case since no one dares to upset General He. Before Qiu Yan is grateful, she asks Liang Yi to be fair and just in his judgment. He will.
On the way back home, there’s a festival. Aren’t Chinese dramas always so festive? Qui Yan buys a lantern to make a wish for the Zhao family. She shares her lantern with Liang Yi since it’s the last one (but it’s not like he really wanted one). From the poem he wrote, Qiu Yan realizes Liang Yi is her hero, the boy who inspired her to read and write.
However, her hero utterly disappoints her. Although Liang Yi rescinded the marriage, Zhao Ming Li and Yue Ying were convicted. Qiu Yan asks Liang Yi if he was pressured. Is it General He? Nope. It’s no one but himself. He exploited her to manipulate General He. Shaken, Qiu Yan begins to cry. She bitterly shouts that she hates him. Liang Yi pauses to take a closer look at Qiu Yan. He finds her (crying face) familiar and asks if they met before. Qiu Yan replies, “Never.”
However! Liang Yi isn’t that heartless to exchange Zhao Ming Li and Yue Ying’s life for his gains. Remember, he’s softhearted. He will rectify their verdict in the future. He orders Song Jin to counsel them in the meantime so that they don’t commit suicide. But currently his priority is the army who needs basic food and clothes. General He’s support is necessary.
Now that Qiu Yan is rightfully single, Grandma Qiu wants her married off to an old man with countless concubines asap. Life as a woman, tsktsk. It’s because Qiu Yan’s rumours are damaging the family's reputation and ruining the future of the three other maiden granddaughters.
Contrastingly, the man of our drama gets to choose his wife! Surprise! Consort Gao rewards Liang Yi with a wedding. Liang Yi picks Qiu Min. Outwardly, he picked the weakest family so as not to stir the royals. However, Qiu Family is useful too. They may not have their former glory but they still have connections in the palace. Liang Yi doesn’t care about Qiu Min’s appearance and as long as she doesn’t have Qiu Yan’s personality, all is fine.
However, her hero utterly disappoints her. Although Liang Yi rescinded the marriage, Zhao Ming Li and Yue Ying were convicted. Qiu Yan asks Liang Yi if he was pressured. Is it General He? Nope. It’s no one but himself. He exploited her to manipulate General He. Shaken, Qiu Yan begins to cry. She bitterly shouts that she hates him. Liang Yi pauses to take a closer look at Qiu Yan. He finds her (crying face) familiar and asks if they met before. Qiu Yan replies, “Never.”
However! Liang Yi isn’t that heartless to exchange Zhao Ming Li and Yue Ying’s life for his gains. Remember, he’s softhearted. He will rectify their verdict in the future. He orders Song Jin to counsel them in the meantime so that they don’t commit suicide. But currently his priority is the army who needs basic food and clothes. General He’s support is necessary.
Now that Qiu Yan is rightfully single, Grandma Qiu wants her married off to an old man with countless concubines asap. Life as a woman, tsktsk. It’s because Qiu Yan’s rumours are damaging the family's reputation and ruining the future of the three other maiden granddaughters.
Contrastingly, the man of our drama gets to choose his wife! Surprise! Consort Gao rewards Liang Yi with a wedding. Liang Yi picks Qiu Min. Outwardly, he picked the weakest family so as not to stir the royals. However, Qiu Family is useful too. They may not have their former glory but they still have connections in the palace. Liang Yi doesn’t care about Qiu Min’s appearance and as long as she doesn’t have Qiu Yan’s personality, all is fine.
[Ep5] Liang Yi believes Qiu Min is the girl he saved (because Qiu Yan gave Qiu Min the fan). He’s excited to see her but is a little disappointed that Qiu Min lost the sass in her from when she ran away from home six years ago. Still, he cares whether Qiu Min would want to marry him. Song Jin is confused. Isn’t it always like that (men choose the women they marry)? To Liang Yi, Qiu Min is the last person he wants to steal freedom from since she’s the girl he saved.
All the prestigious families are invited to the chuiwan competition (ancient golf). Liang Yi is attending to see Qiu Min. Qiu Yan wants to go too but she’s not invited. No worries, Qiu Yan has a way: she meets with Liang Yi and then presents him with a rock. One glimpse and he gets her. She’s reminding him he owes her one for switching out her present for a rock. She grins. She really likes talking to him. It’s easy. Right? Because he does all the talking. She’s betting that he’d help her because he isn’t the type to owe someone a favour. She’s right on the money. However, she doesn’t know she also piqued his curiosity for being so shameless. Chuiwan is the perfect event for girls to climb the social ladder. Liang Yi is unimpressed and clearly attracted :D.
And Liang Yi is right about her too! Well, sort of. Qiu Yan wants to escape her fate and win Qin Xuan’s heart, and by chance his family is more prestigious than hers, so one could say she is climbing the social ladder. Madam Qiu worries if Qiu Yan will attract trouble instead, but Qiu Yan wants to fight for her own future and a chance with Qin Xuan. Who said girls had to be passive?
Well trouble is attracted. And he’s hot. Liang Yi cares way too much about Qiu Yan and the ladder she picked. In the name of protecting his buddy, he’s stopping all her interactions with Qin Xuan, the ladder. I love this! While Qui Yan is determined to make Qin Xuan’s eyes only have her, there already is a man whose eyes are filled with her and amused with her manipulative personality (no matter how much he thinks he despises it). Liang Yi has completely forgotten Qiu Min LOL. Also, Qiu Min is quietly crushing on Qin Xuan. She can tell he likes Qiu Yan.
For the game, everyone needs to wager a personal belonging. Qiu Yan chooses her wooden hairpin (handmade by Qin Xuan) to test him if he cares. She doesn’t actually want to but the evil sisters snatch it from her hand. She’s waiting for Qin Xuan to save her but it’s Liang Yi who saw through the ploy, stepped in and donated his thumb ring for her. It’s all to make Qin Xuan back off. Pft.
Qiu Yan skillfully retaliates against her sisters by making one suffer a ball to the face and the other being accused of assault when Qiu Yan just fell on her own. Gullible Qin Xuan rushes over to help her up but astute Liang Yi smirks. He knows her craft all too well and dude should know he loves her for it. Now it’s time for him to make a move. He princess-carries Qiu Yan in front of Qin Xuan and snickers. I wonder when Liang Yi will remember that he’s here for Qiu Min. Haha.
Liang Yi finally remembers Qiu Min! He tries to teach her how to play golf but forgets her immediately when she sees Qiu Yan baiting Qin Xuan. LOL.
Liang Yi : Even with just one eye, I can see Qin Xuan’s soul being stolen by that conniving fox. LOL. Even without eyes, I can tell Liang Yi’s soul is enraptured by Qiu Yan.
[Ep6] And now it’s Qiu Yan’s turn to forget Qin Xuan. LOL. She figured out Liang Yi is after Qiu Min and so she switched out Qiu Min to be Liang Yi’s partner in Alternate Shot. She can’t let a wolf prey on her sister (who is now partnered with Qin Xuan). Qiu Yan is all smug about it until Liang Yi lies that he’s interested in her (Qiu Yan). Not a lie! He’s like, Can’t you tell that I'm using your sister to get your attention. Qiu Yan frowns and asks just exactly what he sees in her.
Liang Yi mutters: Your game is not bad.Qiu Yan: And?Liang Yi: Your appearance isn’t ugly.Qiu Yan: No more?Liang Yi: Intelligent, I guess. Finding compliments for her is like finding a needle in a haystack, hahaha.
Liang Yi wins the alternate shot game. It was pretty much a solo match with his partner sabotaging him (but still he won!), His winning shot knocked out Qin Xuan’s ball to get to the hole first. Basically, the story. Liang Yi got to her first. However, winning was like losing. He wanted Qin Xuan to give up, but Qin Xuan’s love for Qiu Yan grew stronger after the game. Pft.
Qiu Ying (4th sister) sabotages Qiu Yan by giving a handkerchief to a frivolous man in her name. Rumours spread like wildfire. Liang Yi fuels it by confirming it. Plus, he’s inclined to believe anything that affirms her frivolous nature. To prevent her from finding Qin Xuan, he keeps her on a boat ride. By the time they’re back, Qin Xuan will be gone and won’t be able to hear her lies. Alone on the boat with her, Liang Yi finally hears her story. She’s forced to marry an old perverted gramps. Is fighting a chance for a better husband wrong? Wouldn’t anyone with a brain choose Qin Xuan? Qiu Yan wants to believe in love at first sight too but something that good won’t happen to her. What’s wrong with loving gradually? Right now, her only good option is Qin Xuan. As for the handkerchief, it's sewn with a technique only Qiu Ying (in Qiu Family) knows.
It’s late when Qiu Yan was back but Qin Xuan had waited for her. He tells her that Zhao Ming Li and Yue Ying are fine, but he withholds Liang Yi’s involvement (because Liang Yi requested that). Then a flower blossoms as they speak. Liang Yi, who’s nearby, finally allows this couple to blossom.
Qiu Yan and Qin Xuan have a date. But it’s spoiled by Liang Yi! He invites them to join him and his mother to watch the play. However, he won’t let Qiu Yan sit and calls her a maid. It’s actually to protect both their reputation.
[Ep7] Liang Yi orders Qiu Yan to wash his cloth that’s so dirty, it’s white. Annoyed, Qiu Yan punishes him by pouring alcohol on the cloth. It’s to sting the cut on his hand. Ow, I can feel the sting. Liang Yi grits his teeth and sucks in the pain with a rigid smile. If he was mean, he could have reprimanded her, but y’know he’s ‘softhearted’. Even then, Liang Yi is bighearted enough to help Qiu Yan when she and Qin Xuan are followed by Qiu Family (the jealous 3rd and 4th aunt-in-laws who want to expose her indecency on dating). However, Qiu Yan trips while running. Now they’re surrounded by her aunt and Qin Xuan’s parents. It’s a spectacle on the street and everyone hears Qiu Xuan’s declaration that he’ll only marry Qiu Yan. They’re forcefully separated in dramatic Romeo and Juliet fashion. Liang Yi observes from upstairs and sardonically smirks.
Grandma Qiu punishes Qiu Yan to kneel in front of her ancestors. She’s also to be sold married to any buyer man within three days. Additionally, Grandma Qiu punishes 3rd and 4th Aunt-in-laws. Their crime is worse than Qiu Yan’s. They tarnished the family’s reputation for their personal gains. Their yearly allowance will be cut in half and this is their only warning. I’m warming up to Grandma Qiu. She’s mean and stern, but she’s like that to everyone.
The one who snitched on Qiu Yan was Qiu Min. She wanted the aunts to stop the date. Qiu Yan doesn’t understand why Qiu Min didn’t just tell her she liked Qin Xuan. They could compete fairly. Qiu Min is pessimistic. Always pessimistic. She cannot compare to Qiu Yan who is so conniving and smart. Even their mother likes Qiu Yan more.
The one who snitched on Qiu Yan was Qiu Min. She wanted the aunts to stop the date. Qiu Yan doesn’t understand why Qiu Min didn’t just tell her she liked Qin Xuan. They could compete fairly. Qiu Min is pessimistic. Always pessimistic. She cannot compare to Qiu Yan who is so conniving and smart. Even their mother likes Qiu Yan more.
Qiu Yan: Just because you’re afraid of competing, you don’t even try. You only know how to hide in the back, using dirty tricks, tattling, and pretending to be a pitiful victim.
Qiu Min pitifully cries with her victim face, whining that Qiu Yan is always mean to her. Qiu Yan’s anger spikes even more at Qiu Min's crying face. Cue more crying! She whimpers that she wants to fight for love too but she just can’t do it. But she can pull dirty tricks! (By the way, I hated Xu Ya Ting’s acting in Sweet First Love, but she really fits this character! So weak and so easy to hate. The type of character who’s meekness and stupidity is criminal)
Liang Yi is at Qiu Manor to inform Father Qiu their money is counterfeit before he sends it to the palace. Someone in the house had swapped out their genuine currency. Father Qiu wants to repay the favour. Liang Yi holds onto it for another time (the wedding with his daughter).
Liang Yi bumps into Qiu Yan who’s in the middle of escaping her own manor. She asks him for help since it’s for his buddy Qin Xuan. He doesn’t want to. He knows she tripped on purpose. Always knowing her craft. She admits it was deliberate. Her status is incomparable to Qin Family. Her only merit is that Qin Xuan liked her. Is it wrong for her to scheme for her own happiness? Liang Yi is like Alright, alright, just lead the way. The moment she’s not looking, he makes her faint. To him, it’s better she’s not with Qin Xuan. And now, Qiu Yan is locked up by her family in a storage room.
But Qiu Yan can survive anywhere! She negotiates with Grandma Qiu that she can find the culprit within three days. Once the thief is found, they’ll have money for the imperial tax and they won’t have to sell their ancestral land. Qiu Yan has a condition. If she succeeds then no one can force her to marry. If she doesn’t, then she’ll obediently sell herself marry.
In one afternoon, Qiu Yan finds the culprit but it happens to be her younger brother, Qin Rong (Concubine Qin’s son). Qiu Yan spanks him in front of the family so that the relatives are satisfied, but Qiu Yan suspects the real culprit isn’t her brother. He's just a petty thief.
In one afternoon, Qiu Yan finds the culprit but it happens to be her younger brother, Qin Rong (Concubine Qin’s son). Qiu Yan spanks him in front of the family so that the relatives are satisfied, but Qiu Yan suspects the real culprit isn’t her brother. He's just a petty thief.
[Ep8] Qin Xuan helps Qiu Yan investigate (since it’s for their future). Clever Qiu Yan uses only half an afternoon to find the source of the fake money. (By the way, I like that her male get-up is exposed so easily. I also like how useless Qin Xuan is...lol). In her investigation process, she also helped a gambler quit his addiction by paying him, not with money, but with two meals a day at a wonton restaurant. Grateful, Yao Gai will be at her service when she needs him. But what if he doesn’t like wonton?
During Qiu Yan's investigation, she bumps into Liang Yi, who’s rather surprised at her efficiency. However, Qiu Yan’s presence is meddlesome. She indirectly alerts the suspect of their presence. The suspect runs. Liang Yi chases. They’re stopped by a barrier of homeless people who think Liang Yi is here to arrest them. Qiu Yan throws money at them, giving Liang Yi room to escape. He strikes down the suspect with a dagger. Qin Xuan hounds Liang Yi for almost killing the suspect. Empty vessels make the most noise. Liang Yi calmly replies that he was fairly confident (70%). Qiu Yan mutters that there’s still the remaining 30%.
Liang Yi (irritated): I’m not god. I tried. Ha. Plus, he had a better chance before these two came along.
However, the moment the suspect is captured, a group of assassins try to kill the suspect. Qiu Yan risks her life to protect him, but it’s no use. Once the suspect is killed, the assassins retreat. Qiu Yan swears she saw the face of the assassin and promises to cooperate on the condition that Liang Yi lets her join. Not buying in, he orders Song Jin to arrest her on the grounds that she’s an accomplice, aiding and abetting the assassins. Both her and Qin Xuan are locked up in a cage. I think Liang Yi is keeping her (and Qin Xuan) safe.
Liang Yi is back at the homeless shelter to investigate the old man who led the crowd. He finds a medallion (carved with a herb, shaoyao) that belongs to the old man. Song Jin asks if it’s useful.
Liang Yi prods: Next time when you open your mouth, can you use your –Song Jin fills in: Thick-skulled (= very little brain). 榆木腦袋 (A brain with a membrane made of wood)Liang Yi: Good that you know. Aw man, Song Jin’s every dialogue with Liang Yi is abusive to his brain. xD
Qiu Min asks Liang Yi for a favour: to find Qiu Yan. She’s missing! Oh! No! Unblinking, Liang Yi asks shouldn’t Qiu Yan be at Qiu Manor. LOL. Heh. Qiu Min also asks Liang Yi to help Qiu Yan investigate. She only has one sister (and she feels bad this started because she snitched). Liang Yi promises her.
Once released, Qiu Yan is all sweet, as if inspired by her pessimistic sister, Qiu Min. In a soft tone, Qiu Yan apologizes to Liang Yi. She understands why he hates her. She also promises to give up on Qin Xuan. Then she cries. LOL. She just learned that Liang Yi’s weakness is a girl’s tears. I love how he looks away whenever she looks at him. She also says the same line that Qiu Min just said: “I’ll remember this favour from the depths of my heart.” Liang Yi mutters that they really are sisters. At the mention of Qiu Min, Qiu Yan is back to normal! Phew. Liang Yi prefers this Qiu Yan even if she’s pointing fingers at him, spitting at his kindness, and spatting at his face. I think I like this Qiu Yan better too. Maybe not the pointing finger part. I don’t like finger pointers. As for Qiu Min, I don’t like her, but I’m liking the complexity behind the sisters’ relationship. They do care for each other when they detest/envy each other’s personalities.
Liang Yi lets Qiu Yan assess the medallion. She concludes it’s a love token from the woman the old man loves. Liang Yi is vaguely impressed but he’s already miles ahead of her. He knows the medallion is from the brothels (something Qiu Yan would never know). Also, Liang Yi already had Song Jin bring in all the documents of each brothel. They only need to find the one that opened around the time the suspect (Xiao Tie) was fired from his original gambling house. Qiu Yan is upset that Liang Yi was testing her when he already knew everything. He sighs that if she’s partnering with him, he can’t bring along an 榆木腦袋. Our Song Jin (榆木腦袋) glares at Qiu Yan. Hahaha. Song Jin is jealous! Song Jin ah, think of it this way, even if you’re a 榆木腦袋, Liang Yi has never replaced you :D.
[Ep9] There’s a costume room in the Wood Chopping (WC) Department! I love how there is one. How come dramas never thought of this until now? Qiu Yan gets to choose her disguise. She even puts on her own moustache. She’s excited until...
Liang Yi and Qiu Yan stealthily roam around the brothel and confirm this place is suspicious. Qiu Yan, with her luck, also finds a secret passage. It’s the factory, but they’re caught by the big boss. They narrowly escape. Now they’re lost in the underground passage.
Ling Zheng intends to overthrow the Imperial Preceptor and win the support of the Crown Prince with his new stash of real money. He also wants Liang Yi’s cooperation on pinning the charges onto the Imperial Preceptor. Liang Yi refuses. However, when he’s threatened with Qiu Yan’s life, he asks for one day to consider.
Qiu Yan asks Liang Yi about his dreams. It’s like hers! Flashback: He wants to be like his father: to use a pen like a sword in bringing justice to the world. Liang Yi’s father had wrongfully died (probably 6 years ago?) and wrote him a letter to never hate. He wanted to burn it because he couldn't not hate. However, Liang Yi doesn’t share any of this. He lies to Qiu Yan that he only wants to be promoted. Qiu Yan doesn’t believe that’s the entire truth. She can tell he has his principles or he would have already surrendered to Ling Zheng to get the promotion.
Qiu Yan goes back to digging. Liang Yi pulls her up, finally telling her a way to escape. He uses his chemistry knowledge to create a bomb and geography knowledge to know that if they blast this certain wall, it’ll lead them to this river. Qiu Yan thinks it’s dangerous. What if they blast themselves? She has an idea. She pours a trail of alcohol so that they’re far enough from the small explosion. It’s a success. Good team.
They swim their way to land. Qiu Yan is trailing behind. He takes a cuff and locks their wrists together. He’s determined to pull her out with him. Awww! She also needs oxygen and so he kisses her. I am definitely more touched by the handcuff than the kiss. Underwater kisses are perfunctory in dramas these days, lol. They finally reach land and breathe in oxygen. Qiu Yan is embarrassed about the kiss but will remember she owes him a life. She asks about the gold handcuffs. Liang Yi is proud of them. It’s the only one in the world! With only one key in the world! Before she can unlock it, they're chased. She drops the only key in the world! Lovely, stuck together forever. Anyway, they’re really in danger. Thankfully, the chain between the handcuffs are very long, giving them room for maneuver but now I don’t see the point of this acclaimed handcuff. What’s the use when it has no effect on mobility? Anyway! Qiu Yan and Liang Yi are an excellent team. They compensate for each other’s lacking hand. They escape to an isolated tower and cut the bridge. The problem is Ling Zheng burns the tower from the bottom. Liang Yi quickly wets a towel for Qiu Yan to cover her nose. Imperial Preceptor steals it. Liang Yi wets another one to share with her. Sharing oxygen again! Romantic, lol.
Song Jin and Qin Xuan are here! Song Jin shoots down Ling Zheng. Song Jin also swings a cable towards the top of the tower for Liang Yi to wire down. Ha! Liang Yi, have you seen a cooler thickhead than Song Jin?! Qiu Yan is scared and tightly hugs Liang Yi. Keeping her tightly in his arms, he helps her wire down safely. Qin Xuan is pretty much useless. Okay, wait no, Qin Xuan protects Qiu Yan from a hidden assassin by killing him. Qin Xuan trembles. It’s the first time he murdered someone. The guilt is soon washed away by jealousy as he stares uncomfortably at the handcuffs.
Imperial General Yan (who was alarmed by the fire) arrives with his battalion to round up everyone in the temple to the palace. The Imperial Preceptor readily agrees. By the way, the Imperial Preceptor.... man, I’d overthrow him too. Too bad. Liang Yi asks if the Ping'er can stay with them. Where was she all along?! General Yan permits it.
Then Ping’er takes Liang Yi and Qiu Yan (still cuffed) to her home to find the accounting book that her father stole from the brothel. It’s a trap. Ping'er takes a knife to kill Liang Yi but accidentally knocks her father and kills him.
We learn of Ping’er’s background. The man she just killed by accident is her adoptive father, her family servant. Her real father is Dou Ying who Liang Yi convicted for a crime he did not commit. When she was caught stealing fake money, her adoptive father sold himself to work for Ling Zheng, meaning he was the assassin who killed Xiao Tie. Liang Yi shares with Ping’er that when her adoptive father killed Xiao Tie, he had a chance to kill him (Liang Yi) too. But he didn’t. So does this mean the adoptive father knew Dou Ying was guilty?
Dou Ying was guilty. Liang Yi didn’t want to tell Ping’er. No child would want to know their parents are criminals. In the past, Liang Yi deliberately freed her. He saw her hiding spot. Currently, Liang Yi is more interested in Qiu Yan’s quick reaction when Ping’er ambushed him. Qiu Yan proudly shares she noticed her scent was different from the brothel ladies and her ornaments were expensive. Qiu Yan calls them even now. He saved her and she saved him. He likes that too.
Qiu Yan and Liang Yi are on a horse to get back to the WC Department. Flashback: six years ago they also rode a horse together. Without the only key that can unlock their cuffs, they can only cut off the chain. And now it’s a couple gold bangles! The one who is the most upset is the one who’s not cuffed: Qin Xuan. It will take at least two months for Liang Yi to find the blacksmith to make another key.
Liang Yi is removed from the counterfeit currency case by the Emperor (who’s wary of Liang Yi growing powers). Qiu Yan asks to look over the evidence before it’s turned over. Otherwise, her day would be wasted. However, the investigator overseeing the case is already here for the evidence.
[Ep11] The investigator is Yuan Lang and he has a deep grudge against Liang Yi (because he’s inferior to Liang Yi). Liang Yi manages to buy enough time for Qiu Yan to find a jade that’s from her family among the evidence gathered from the brothel.
The jade belongs to 1st Uncle Qiu (Father Qiu is second). 1st Uncle practices longevity, which means he’s got to save his energy, and therefore he won’t walk. He already expended his quota today and so he’s got to be piggybacked the rest of the way. He’s a man who disgusts me the moment he opens his mouth. Great casting choice. However, 1st Uncle denies the accusations. He lost the jade last year.
At Liang Yi’s, Song Jin fixes up his injuries. Rather than himself, Liang Yi worries about Qiu Yan. He asks Song Jin if he thinks she can solve the case at home. Song Jin answers immediately: No. Catching a house thief in such a big manor is tough. Liang Yi is even more worried now. Ha. I think thickhead Song Jin did the right thing. Make him worry!
Qiu Yan notices odd movements at 4th Uncle’s, but it’s 4th Aunt-in-law who’s suspicious. It turns out 4th AIL gave birth to a daughter, but for her position and her husband who wanted to divorce her, she switched out her daughter for a son – someone else’s son! Her real daughter is with a family that owns a wonton restaurant. Qiu Min wants to snitch, but Qiu Yan stops her. 4th AIL is fighting for a chance at survival. Why bring down another woman? Upset, Qiu Min pouts that she’s just useless to Qiu Yan anyway and stomps off. Qiu Yan wonders to her maid, if she was mean again. Is Qiu Min going to cry for the whole day again? The maid reminds her time is up. She has no time to worry for someone else. Well actually, Qiu Yan has already solved the case.
1st Uncle isn’t the criminal. Basically, he’s allergic to anything with an odour and therefore he can’t handle perfume. 4th Uncle is eliminated as well. He may be a frequenter, but he has a habit of using incense and the days he didn’t use them he was sick and it happened to be the days the money was switched. Only 3rd Uncle remains. He's the one who studies and stutters. 3rd Uncle surrenders. However, he swears he never switched the fake money with the real money. He also reveals his fake money was stolen. And! He has a way to find the culprit. He has a concoction that once applied, whoever touched the fake money will show a netted impression on the skin. Qiu Yan doesn’t believe in 3rd Uncle to find the concoction, and asks Nanny Xu to retrieve it.
Nanny Xu throws away the medication! Nanny Xu is the culprit. She raised Qiu Yan’s suspicion when she kept making her suspect 4th Uncle (and then 4th Aunt-in-law).
All this while, 3rd Uncle was cooperating with Qiu Yan. She knows he couldn’t have switched the money. 3rd Aunt-in-law is too strict with him.
[Ep12] Nanny Xu was loyal all these years. Why would she betray Qiu Family? It’s because 2nd Uncle (Father Qiu) killed her only child (Xu Song). She wanted to sabotage Father Qiu with the fake currency.
Qiu Yan analyzes Xu Song’s case. She notices his books are ripped. It seems he was bullied at school but Father Qiu didn’t believe Xu Song. He believed the testimonies of the other students, who all had prestigious backgrounds. In Father Qiu’s eyes, they couldn’t all have lied. And since Xu Song was from his manor, he couldn’t be lenient. With Qiu Yan’s analysis, Father Qiu realizes Xu Song didn’t lie. He kneels down to apologize to Nanny Xu. It’s almost reflexive of her to help him up, but she stops herself. This apology is too late. She cries and hits him. Father Qiu feels guilty, but hurting his family was wrong. He leaves. Nanny Xu has a request: take care of Grandma Qiu. T_T.
Qiu Min the snitcher! informs Grandma Qiu that 4th Aunt-in-law’s son isn’t their family’s. Grandma Qiu banishes 4th AIL, criticizing her inability to give birth to a son. 4th AIL retaliates that it’s her son (4th Uncle) who can’t do it. Right, like a woman can conceive a child all on her own. 4th AIL threatens Grandma Qiu that if she’s ejected then, she’ll expose their dirty secrets one by one, like Father Qiu’s..... Ou. 4th AIL stays.
Qiu Min didn’t tattle on purpose. Grandma Qiu got news of it and forced it out of Qiu Min. But who told Grandma Qiu...?
Qiu Yan walks freely on the street. Freedom! She spots Liang Yi. He’s also heard of her brilliance in solving her family’s case. Been keeping tabs, eh. She asks about the gold cuff. It’s looking more and more like a couple item. She’s concerned that Qiu Min will see it. Liang Yi isn’t listening anymore. He’s here to quietly send off Ping’er who is exiled from the city. Qiu Yan wonders isn’t it better to tell Ping’er instead of letting her wrongfully hate him.
Liang Yi: If we don’t hate (when we should hate), then that means we’ve given up.
Qiu Yan is caught off guard by these words because these are her words from six years ago.
Qiu Yan arrives at a store to buy her mystery books. Qin Xuan is already there and practically bought the place for her. She pays him for the books she wants. He’s not liking it that he’s keeping their debt so clear. He flirts that if she wants to pay him back, then she can give him her “forever”. In reply, Qiu Yan’s hands retract from Qin Xuan. Uh oh ~ Oh yessss. Then at night, she’s looking at her gold bangle. She’s reminded of Liang Yi.
The next morning, Liang Yi asks to meet Qiu Yan. She’s there in a jiffy because she thought it was to unlock the bangle. He’s a little disappointed she’s in such a rush to remove it. This date is for her to help him choose presents for Qiu Min. Qiu Yan readily helps, which surprises him. It’s because she believes he’ll treat Qiu Min well. The day(s) she spent with him was enough to convince her that Qiu Min will be in good hands. As she’s picking presents for Qiu Min, Liang Yi is keeping an eye on what she likes. I love how when she breaks something, she throws the fragment at him who then throws it at Song Jin, haha. Oh thickhead, what to do when you get two masters who bully you? Qiu Yan picks out a necklace that she likes, unsure whether Qiu Min would like it. She tries it on (for Qiu Min). Liang Yi helps her put it on, stares into the mirror, and smiles pleasantly. “Pretty.” He says. But in the mirror, there’s only Qiu Yan’s reflection (not the necklace).
Liang Yi buys the necklace for Qiu Yan (without her knowing). Song Jin criticizes Liang Yi for regressing! Pft. It was Liang Yi who said he didn’t care about the marriage with Qiu Min but now he’s buying all these presents and also one for his future sister-in-law! 榆木腦袋!!
[Ep13] Song Jin finds the key to free the bangles! He’s way too proud of himself, lol. Liang Yi cheerfully takes the chance to visit Qiu Yan, but clever, clever Song Jin is sure he wants to see Qiu Min. Haha. Even Qiu Yan thought the same way, he was seizing every opportunity to see Qiu Min. Girl, he’s seizing every opportunity to see you! He’s pissed off and walks away as if he wasn’t here to see her, but she stops him. She doesn’t want him to see Qiu Min who’s currently with Qin Xuan. Qiu Yan is giving Qiu Min a chance to meet with Qin Xuan, unlike Qiu Min who snitched. But that could also be a sign that Qiu Yan doesn’t love Qin Xuan too much.
Qiu Yan takes Liang Yi up the mountain for some beautiful scenery. Qiu Yan’s smile is so dazzling, Liang Yi doesn’t have the heart to give her the key to unlock their couple bangle. But he’s staring at the back of her head. I don’t know how he saw her dazzling smile. Qiu Yan thanks Liang Yi for saving her and reveals she is the girl he saved six years ago. His smile! So bright! She’s happy to meet him again and now they’re going to be relatives! Smile is gone, lol. Reality hurts!
Madam Qiu and this monk share a jade pendant together. Hmmmm. Then at home, Madam Qiu faints. She’s very ill. Qiu Min whimpers again that the aunt-in-laws keep visiting, disturbing Madam Qiu. Qiu Yan yells at Qiu Min to just kick ‘em out. For their mother’s health, what is etiquette anyway? But kicking out the relatives is the least of their problems. Madam Qiu is diagnosed with a contagious disease. She’s quarantined. Everyone is giving up on Madam Qiu (e.g. Concubine Qiu wants the children to leave the house, Qiu Min resorts to praying). However, Qiu Yan refuses to leave. Her “mother” needs care and proper physical care. But then Qiu Yan quietly prays too. If praying works, and Madam Qiu heals, Qiu Yan can give up marriage.
[Ep14] From 4th Uncle Qiu, Qiu Yan learns of a prescription that can possibly heal Madam Qiu but the medicine is rare. She asks Liang Yi for help. He finds it, but only Yuan Lang has it. Liang Yi is down on his knees to beg him, but that isn’t enough to feed Yuan Lang’s hotshot ego. He wants Liang Yi to be whipped by his own subordinate (Song Jin) in front of everyone. Liang Yi doesn’t hesitate. He takes the punishment for the woman he loves (who’s not Qiu Min!!).
However, Madam Qiu isn’t that sick?!? Father Qiu looks furious. By the time Qiu Yan returns with the herbs, everyone’s preparing for a funeral. Confused. Did she actually die or did she run away with the monk? Qiu Yan runs to find her mother’s corpse. Too late. Father Qiu burns it (because she “died” from a ninfectious disease).
Qiu Yan finds Madam Qiu’s death suspicious after Qiu Min tells her that the doctor and servant entered Madam Qiu’s room without PPE. However, Father Qiu wants Qiu Yan to stop investigating. But who is Qiu Yan? She’ll investigate to the end.
Qin Xuan thinks Qiu Yan is overthinking her mother’s death, but Liang Yi offers his help immediately. He believes her and indulges her. He helps her escape Qiu Manor (Father Qiu had grounded her) to find the physician. The physician testifies Madam Qiu died from poison. His saviour told him to diagnose Madam Qiu with an infectious disease. Scene cuts to Grandma Qiu. Grandma Qiu poisoned Madam Qiu?! These twists. I’m liking the cases. I had thought Madam Qiu ran away with the monk, but maybe Grandma Qiu thought Madam Qiu was cheating and killed her? And Father Qiu knew?
Qiu Yan will sue Grandma Qiu, which also infuriates Father Qiu. Has she thought about him? His mother killed his wife and now his daughter wants to sue his mother. This is warped. To Qiu Yan, if being his daughter means she can’t find the truth to her mother’s death, then she’d rather not be his daughter. Father Qiu slaps Qiu Yan (and instantly regrets).
[Ep15] Before Qiu Yan leaves, she asks Qiu Min to come along, but Qiu Min refuses. The family tries to stop Qiu Yan, but Liang Yi protects her. He also lets her stay at his WC Department. By the way, Qin Xuan is there too. Kinda useless. But what he’s saying is true: if Qiu Yan sues her family, she’ll really have no family anymore. However, to Qiu Yan her family isn’t her family without her mother.
Liang Yi keeps visiting Qiu Yan. He backs off when he sees her with Qin Xuan. The second time, he’s just hovering at the door, nervous to advance, but Qiu Yan is looking for him! She bumps into him at the door. He takes the chance to ask her if she considered her future. If she sues her own family, her prospects of marrying Qin Xuan’s family will be bleak. Once again, to Qiu Yan, her own future and love isn’t as important as the mother who gave her life (even if she didn’t give birth to her). Liang Yi is reminded of his own father’s death. This is why he understands her desire to avenge her mother’s death. He shares the same pain.
The difference between Qin Xuan and Liang Yi: Qin Xuan heeds her from suing by asking her to consider her family; Liang Yi heeds her by asking her to consider herself.
Our two detectives logically examine the lawsuit. What is Grandma Qiu’s motive? They run through a few possibilities. Liang Yi notices it’s late and tells her to sleep. She can’t sleep. She asks if she can stay and edit her lawsuit charges. He agrees, saying that he’s got work to do anyway. He’ll stay with her.
The next day, 4th Aunt-in-law and Qiu Di (son) escape. Liang Yi and Qiu Yan arrest them in the act. They’re guilty of purchasing the poison (Red Flower). However, they deny the charges of killing Madam Qiu. Qiu Di bought the poison but it was meant for Qiu Min and Qiu Yan for snitching on them. 4AIL swears she didn’t use the poison. She hid it, except the poison disappeared.
Qiu Yan submits her lawsuit. Liang Yi is away because he’s at the imperial court. Qin Xuan is away because his mother is sick. Qiu Family is summoned to court. Grandma Qiu admits she stole the Red Flower to stop 4AIL from using it. Then the doctor changes his testimony (that Madam Qiu did not die from Red Poison and Grandma Qiu did not order him). Qiu Yan is punished: 20 floggings. Worriedly, Grandma Qiu pleads for leniency. 1000 filial bows it is.
The imperial court is cancelled for the day, but Liang Yi is summoned by the Emperor. He's ordered to take his hands off Qiu Family’s case. (It’s Yuan Lang pulling strings.)
When Qin Xuan finds Qiu Yan, she’s in the middle of her punishment. He’ll take it with her.
[Ep16] Qiu Yan learns from Concubine Qiu that Madam Qiu had an affair with a monk. Qiu Yan accuses Father Qiu of knowing the affair and then Madam Qiu. Qiu Yan swears to dad that mom loves him. If he doesn’t believe it, Father Qiu can ask the Monk. However, Father Qiu reveals that the monk has already died. Hm. There’s a few logical leaps here from Qiu Yan, but I think she’s emotional and wishing that the murderer isn’t actually her father.
Qiu Family has more problems than just Qiu Yan. The Emperor had ordered Yuan Lang to comb Qiu manor. Liang Yi managed to intervene, but he had to cancel the wedding with Qiu Min (burning bridges for Qiu Yan!) to investigate (protect!) Qiu Family from within.
Qiu family members are rounded up by the guards, but Qiu Di wants nothing to do with Qiu Family anymore. Qiu Di tells 4th AIL that if she cared about him at all, then let him go. He doesn’t want to die with them. After this public confession, her son’s betrayal, and her husband’s disdain, 4th AIL commits suicide. Then Qiu Di bows to Yuan Lang that 4th AIL’s death is an admission to her crimes. He pleads to be released. YOU INGRATE.
Qiu Min and Qiu Yan are missing. Father Qiu helped them escape. Yuan Lang was going to use this chance to tattle on Liang Yi, but he misses the opportunity when Liang Yi brings the girls back. Still, Yuan Lang gets the last word: the whole family is to be confined: men as prisoners, women as maids, and the servants to be sold.
Qiu Yan is utterly disappointed in Liang Yi for annulling the marriage now that their family is in trouble. He’s protecting you!!! I don’t know how, but he’s doing something.
The selfish Qiu brothers all testify that Father Qiu’s crimes (e.g. fake currency). Here’s Yuan Lang’s ulterior motive: he wants Father Qiu to accuse Liang Yi and then his family will be safe. Can we just dump all of Qiu Family and just save Father Qiu + Qiu Yan (and maybe Grandma Qiu)?
The girls are slaved at a performance house. However, Qiu Yan, Qiu Min, and Concubine Qiu are assigned easier tasks (e.g. laundry). It’s thanks to Qin Xuan pulling strings. He also sent her a letter, promising to elope with Qiu Yan. But Qiu Yan is worried about Qiu Min. But Qiu Min is worried about Qin Xuan! Qiu Min thinks Qiu Yan should reject Qin Xuan for his sake.
Qiu Yan: You think rejecting him is for him, but you have forsaken his loveQiu Min: So you don’t care about implicating Qin Xuan?Qiu Yan: Between a man and a woman, love that is mutual, there isn’t anything to burden. He knows my predicament. His decision isn’t for me to decide. I wish all my FLs would think like this at critical moments, but now I realize how logical she is with Qin Xuan. Will she make the same calm decision if it’s Liang Yi?
[Ep17] Grandma Qiu is dying. She finally tells Qiu Yan the truth about Madam Qiu, thinking Qiu Yan is Qiu Family’s only hope at survival. Fact. Madam Qiu is from Wei family who were exiled because her father was actively against the Emperor leaving for Taoism. Madam Qiu and her brother (the monk!) managed to escape. Qiu family helped them, which eventually led to the marriage with Father Qiu. Recently, the monk’s identity was exposed by his senior. After a fight, both men died. This was reported to the palace. To protect everyone, Father Qiu planned to have Madam Qiu fake her death, but Madam Qiu actually committed suicide (she took the poison) for everyone’s sake. Grandma Qiu would never kill Madam Qiu willingly. (By the way, this was 4th AIL’s secret)
Before Madam Qiu took the poison, she had a heart talk with Father Qiu. She knew he wanted to marry someone else. She never held a grudge on him because he was her hero. She was more grateful than anything.
Grandma Qiu expends her last breath to plead Qiu Yan to not hate her father or Qiu Family. She can hate grandma, but please help the family survive. I don’t see why the family is worth it. There's more value in Grandma. Grandma Qiu dies. Qiu Yan looks down at the thumb ring from grandma and then looks at all her aunts and sisters crying. Great. Ugh.
Qiu Brothers are summoned to testify in front of Yuan Lang and Liang Yi but they don’t betray Father Qiu! Surprising. Really.
Liang Yi hollers at Qiu Yan and drags her to a storage room to punish her for something random, but it’s all an act! I LOVE THIS. They were acting from the VERY beginning when she lambasted him for annulling the wedding. It was to fool Yuan Lang so that the girls are only punished to be slaves, keeping their maiden reputation. While trying to create the illusion that she’s being whipped, Liang Yi reveals the details of the case to her. *Insert Bang Bang, Ow. Ou. Ee* Details in whispers: it’s Yuan Lang who is colluding with Minister Lin to target Liang Yi and stop his marriage with Qiu Family. Also, Father Qiu did not succumb to Yuan Lang.
In the middle of the fake fight, Liang Yi drops the key to unlock the bangle. He’s disappointed at how quickly she took off their couple bangles. Awww. But did he take off his?
Qin Xuan meets with Qin Yan. She makes him give up on her. She won’t elope with him. Is she taking Qiu Min’s advice? After saying all that cool stuff to Qiu Min?
Even without Qin Xuan’s support, Qiu Yan can survive on washing toilets. To her jealous sister’s annoyance, Qiu Yan rises up the ranks and is now serving the #1 courtesan, Shi Xiao Xiao.
[Ep18] Liang Yi visits Shi Xiao Xiao aaaand it’s awkward when he sees Qiu Yan. LOL. This time she’s actually the maid and she can’t be pouring alcohol on his napkins. And we all know Liang Yi is only visiting Shi Xiao Xiao to see Qiu Yan. When the soup is too hot, he wants Qiu Yan to blow on it and sip it. Then he complains it’s nasty and makes Qiu Yan try more of it. Aw, he’s feeding her. Shi Xiao Xiao has to spell it out for Qiu Yan for her to know. Her jealousy must be overriding her system.
Their dinner is interrupted by this lad with the surname Qiu who wants Shi Xiao Xiao to serve him. It’s the ingrate, Qiu Di. Yuan Lang promised him luxury as long as he accuses Father Qiu of embezzlement. Well. He dies the next day. An incense aggravated his asthma. It was Liang Yi who gave it to Shi Xiao Xiao who gave it to Qiu Di. Woah. Did Liang Yi really do that? Even Qiu Yan is curious.
Qiu Yan is no longer a maid. She’s a performing courtesan too. Her talent: telling stories. Liang Yi is pissed off. He told her very clearly to lay low, be forgotten by the officials, and then he’d pay for all their contracts. Now he’s forced to snatch her from Yuan Lang who wants to procure her for the night. She thinks Liang Yi is crazy for exposing their alliance like that.
Liang Yi angrily spits his words: You think I would let him have you?
Qiu Yan is exasperated too, and tactless for missing his indirect confession. She thinks there’s no hope – Yuan Lang froze their contract. There’s no use in keeping her reputation anymore. Suddenly, a maid knocks on the door. Liang Yi and Qiu Yan quickly take posture: her lying on top of him. Then the maid reports to Yuan Lang who is now under the impression that Liang Yi is saving Qiu Yan for Qiu Min’s sake. Pft. This engagement is useful!
Qiu Yan and Liang Yi finally have some peace. He knows why she rejected Qin Xuan – not because she didn’t want to be his burden but because there’s a reason she had to stay. There must be more to Madam Qiu’s death. Ah, indeed, the man who knows her best. Qiu Yan is now very drunk; she tells him she hates him. Her family is a scapegoat to the feud between Liang Yi and Yuan Lang. Liang Yi apologizes. But she also knows he didn’t do anything wrong. Liang Yi vows in his heart that he will vindicate her family.
[Ep19] Qiu Yan apologizes to Liang Yi that she knows he likes her but he’s not her most important person. Our drunk Qiu Yan thinks Liang Yi is Qin Xuan. Phew. And Yay! Let this man know you don’t love Qin Xuan. Then Qiu Yan cries. Everyone says she’s selfish and cold. In this whole world, except her mother (and Liang Yi), there isn’t anyone who doesn’t hate her. Liang Yi helps her up but she falls on him and accidentally kisses him. Then she falls asleep while sitting on his lap. Liang Yi gently touches her shoulder, patting her to sleep. Qiu Min sees everything (and is furious at Qiu Yan for Qin Xuan’s sake). Sometimes I wonder if Qiu Min ever thinks of Qiu Yan as family.
Liang Yi pays for Qiu Yan so that she’s exclusively his for a month. But when Qiu Yan hears Minister Lin is a client, she presents herself to the old creep, who disgustingly wants to be addressed as “gege" (like oppa). Shortly after, she’s hustled away by Liang Yi who “pretends” to throw a fit. Qiu Yan loudly yells at Liang Yi that she’s not his and that she knows he’s helping her because of Qiu Min. These two don’t need cues to start acting. They just know it. However, Liang Yi isn’t acting! He hugs her and his voice vibrates deeply beside her ear. “Who said I’m doing this for Qiu Min?” Rawr. Qiu Yan tries to pull him off, but Liang Yi’s embrace is too tight. Once inside the room, Qiu Yan compliments Liang Yi. His jealousy and anger looked so real! Sweetie, that was real. Liang Yi tells her it wasn’t all fake. He is angry.
Outside the room. Yuan Lang knows Liang Yi isn’t acting! He can lie to everyone but him. Ou. I see (; He’s got the hots for Liang Yi too. Totally. Yuan Lang can see love oozing from his eyes and it’s all directed at Qiu Yan.
Back inside. Liang Yi shows Qiu Yan the testimony that can prove Father Qiu was sabotage but then he burns it. The Emperor will never accept the proof because that would mean he was wrong. Rule of thumb: Emperor can never be wrong. If he is wrong, then you are wrong. Liang Yi says he has a plan, though it will take a while until fruition. Qiu Yan whines that she’ll have to stay put and stay low. Liang Yi will make sure of that and swear he’ll be back to see her everyday.
Shi Xiao Xiao likes Liang Yi too and invites him to listen to her new song, but Qiu Yan shows off the flowers she received today, completely enrapturing Liang Yi’s attention. Liang Yi flirts back, “Do you want me or do you want the flowers?” Qiu Yan inhales the floral scent, but Liang Yi steals the flowers. Sweetly, she wraps her arms around him, cooing, “Of course I want you”. What is happening, lol. Show, what did you do to my Liang Yi and Qiu Yan? xD Liang Yi throws away the flower and sweeps Qiu Yan off her feet.
Once behind closed doors, Qiu Yan is back to normal. She suggests for Liang Yi to buy her accessories so that their fake relationship looks authentic. Liang Yi is already on it. He brought her the necklace! The only thing he truly wanted to buy that day. Her craftiness quickly kicks in and off she goes to flaunt it. Then she asks him who’s prettier between her and Shi Xiao Xiao. Liang Yi blissfully replies that she is ‘beautiful like an angel’. Qiu Yan immediately silences him. How can he be so tactless? Such empty praises. No one's going to believe that. But Liang Yi meant it. His soft smile and loving gaze says it all, but Qiu Yan is blind.
All the aunt-in-laws are serving Qiu Yan. They’re thankful towards Qiu Yan and even warn her to not upset Shi Xiao Xiao. Wow. They’re actually nice. Qiu Yan assures them that she has it under control. However, Shi Xiao Xiao accuses the Qiu sisters (1st and 4th) for maliciously eliciting her allergic reactions. Then she blames Qiu Yan for being the mastermind. All the Qiu ladies are banished to an abandoned manor in the performance house.
Qiu Min is raped. Uh. She commits suicide by the well, but she’s reminded of Qiu Yan’s words. “Always weak, always running away. When can you change? [...] Don’t use your weakness as an excuse.” Qiu Min gives up on dying. She must live on. She must be stronger than Qiu Yan.
Qiu Ying (4th sister) hates it that she’s back to doing dirty work. She wants to serve customers instead. Yuan Lang helps her. What’s up with these problematic Qiu sisters.
[Ep20] Qiu Ying is easily bribed by Yuan Lang to spill all the deets about Qiu Yan’s plan to escape. Ah, but Qiu Ying is loyal! She leads all of Yuan Lang’s men to the wrong place to buy time for the real escape. All the Qiu ladies worked together to dig a tunnel from the abandoned hut. Liang Yi ensured their safety every step of the way. However, the next day, corpses float in the water. It’s said to be Qiu Yan! It seems all the Qiu ladies drowned. But the corpses are unrecognizable. Yuan Lang refuses to close the case unless there’s concrete evidence.
Qin Xuan is at home, chilling and sitting. He’s like, “Qiu Yan, I can’t help with anything. All I can do is wait for you. I believe everything will work out.” His uselessness is hilarious. Then he’s asked to view the corpse and after he sees the wooden hairpin, he confirms it’s Qiu Yan. OH, SWEETIE. I take it back. You’re useful!! Yuan Lang is forced to withdraw from the case.
All the Qiu ladies are hiding in a homeless shelter, but Qiu Min disappears. Worried, Qiu Yan departs to find Qiu Min in spite of putting herself at risk. Meanwhile, the real reason Qiu Min left was to find Qin Xuan. She lies to him that Qiu Yan drowned. I hate that Qiu Min is evil, but I like it that she’s taking the useless Qin Xuan with her.
Qiu Yan is saved by Liang Yi from exposing her identity, but they’re still surrounded by Yuan Lang’s men. Thus she pretends to be “Su Yi Wan”. 苏意婉 (苏 = to revive; 意 = wish/desire; 婉 = beautiful/tactful. Su Yi Wan is the reincarnation of Qiu Yan with the desire to be beautiful and tactful? ^^"). Apparently, Yuan Lang is helpless if Qiu Yan insists she’s Su Yi Wan, lol. Later, Liang Yi invites Minister Tong to prove that Qiu Yan is Su Yi Wan. Lol. Oooookay. Minister Tong has to side with Liang Yi because he’s the guy who officially closed the case that Qiu Yan died. He can’t admit he was wrong, right? Right. Unconvinced (and not a fool), Yuan Lang wants “Su Yi Wan” to sing to prove that she is she. However, Liang Yi claims that she’s his concubine and so Yuan Lang has to back off. Do I actually get this? No. Do I care that I don’t get this now that they get to play a fake married couple? No. Bring it on!
[Ep21] Qiu Min tells Qiu Yan all about last night for the purpose of threatening Qiu Yan to complete her lie, to tell Qin Xuan that she had no idea that Qiu family survived or else she’ll reveal everyone’s hideout. Qiu Yan is in disbelief. Where did Qiu Min, who cares about everyone, go? Gone with her virginity. (Guys, I’m really uncomfortable with rape as plot device..). Qiu Min no longer cares about anyone else but herself Qin Xuan. (Liang Yi hears everything.)
Mother/Madam Liang learns of Liang Yi’s marriage (via Yuan Lang). Now Qiu Yan really has to be Su Yi Wan, Liang Yi’s concubine. Yay! Thank you Yuan Lang!Yuan Lang also informs the Emperor who’s actually happy for Liang Yi and blesses his marriage with many children to come. Yuan Lang. What a cupid. Muah!
Liang Yi worriedly runs home to check on “Su Yi Wan” and his mother. He eavesdrops on Qiu Yan's weep story (which is true, lol. He did save her). Madam Liang is looking very skeptical. Wait, nevermind. Madam Liang believes her and pities her! She accepts this daughter-in-law. Liang Yi’s tense body loosens up. Phew. Ah, but that’s only the beginning. For the whole afternoon, Madam Liang is shopping rooms for her newly minted daughter-in-law. She finally settles on Liang Yi’s old study room that’s right next to Liang Yi’s room. Perfect! It’s not over! Madam Liang has opinions on the design of the room to the design of Su Yi Wan clothes. She gives her all the bright vibrant colours. Liang Yi politely refuses for Qiu Yan, who likes softer colours, but Qiu Yan accepts the fabric with a fake silvery laugh. I love his aghast reaction to her lady act xD Liang Yi moans that it’s just his eyes that mind those colours then. Because he likes staring at her so of course he cares what colours she’s wearing ;). When Madam Liang has more extravagant ideas for the interior decor, Liang Yi takes charge. He lists how each part of the room should be designed and it perfectly matches Qiu Yan’s taste. It’s no coincidence. He remembered everything she liked when they went shopping together. AW.
Liang Yi is allergic to eggs, but he eats it because Qiu Yan fed him in front of his mother. When no one’s looking, his eyes widen. Uh oh. He’s feeling his allergic reaction. This man’s reactions <3. He excuses himself. Qiu Yan quickly follows to see him in excruciating pain. Liang Yi falls asleep and drops onto Qiu Yan's lap. He rests long enough that her legs are numb. Instead of helping her, he lightly smacks her leg and she groans at the pain. Lol! He tells her to rest up and it’ll be better. Then he pokes her numb leg again. Pft.
As Qiu Yan was about to leave, Madam Liang is right there! She’s disappointed in her son for letting Qiu Yan sleep alone. Liang Yi assures mom that Qiu Yan doesn’t mind. Qiu Yan sweetly sides with Madam that she minds. Liang Yi stares at her in disbelief. But please, we all know he wants it. Thus, Madam Liang locks them in the room. She even took three days off for Liang Yi. Someone is desperate for grandchildren! She stays outside the window until she sees Liang Yi carry Qiu Yan to bed. How many times does he carry her in this drama?
However, there’s one more spy: Song Luo (the maid). Liang Yi knows she works for Yuan Lang. He doesn’t remove her because Yuan Lang would insert another spy. It’s easier to manipulate Song Luo since he knows her identity.
After all the spies are gone, Liang Yi sets the bedding on the floor. Qiu Yan thanks Liang Yi for his considerateness. He’s like You’re welcome! He made the bed for her. Haha. He’s not giving up the bed, but really, he’s just having a lot of fun teasing her.
[Ep22] It’s pouring outside. Qiu Yan can’t sleep. Liang Yi drinks with her. She discovers he’s still wearing the gold bangle! I knew it! But Qiu Yan thinks nothing of it. Gr. Instead, she’s thinking of her past. She misses her family. Why? Liang Yi promises to reunite her family. Our drunk Qiu Yan is drifting away and mumbles that they’re not a real married couple. Her head falls on his chest. Qiu Yan, your family is right here! The person you’re sleeping on.
It turns out Shi Xiao Xiao is an undercover agent for WC Department. Liang Yi was her saviour when she had no money to bury her sister. Shi Xiao Xiao played a role in helping Qiu Yan escape. Now she’s teaching Qiu Yan to play qin in order to be Su Yi Wan, but Qiu Yan is struggling (especially when Liang Yi is her audience and smirking at her mistakes). Shi Xiao Xiao instructs Qiu Yan to understand the music. The song is about hate, and the deepest hate comes from the deepest love. After processing that, Qiu Yan plays well! I wonder who she thought of ~ But it’s obvious through this lesson that Shi Xiao Xiao loves Liang Yi. Even Qiu Yan can tell. But Qiu Yan can’t tell Liang Yi loves her!
Liang Yi is aware of Shi Xiao Xiao’s growing feelings and it looks like he’ll have to pull the plug. He can’t have his employees falling in love with him. Instead, he’s more interested in who Qiu Yan was thinking of when she played qin. She's flustered and hops into bed. She was thinking of Liang Yi! She remembers the kiss under the water, the horseback ride, the hug where he whispered right by her ears, and his anger that stemmed from his concern about her. She picked up all the cues! But she’s resisting her feelings for him...why? Shy?
In the morning, Qiu Yan is the first to wake up. It’s her turn to admire her “husband’s” sleeping face. He suddenly wakes up, staring at her quizzically. Now they’re interrupted by Madam Liang who discovers they slept separately. Qiu Yan cleverly explains that they fought. She was jealous he kept praising Shi Xiao Xiao. On one end, Madam Liang makes Liang Yi apologize, on the other end, Madam Liang advises Qiu Yan to not forgive Liang Yi (her very own son) so easily. Lol! Hahaha. I love this idiosyncratic mother-in-law, giving her all the “appropriate” advice. She’s like One cannot 大事化小小事化了 and 床頭吵架床尾和. Both are common idioms applicable to most families to remind everyone to be harmonious. 大事化小小事化了 means to “turn big problems into small problems and small problems into no problems”. 床頭吵架床尾和 means to “quarrel with each other at the head of the bed and compromise at the end of it” (or to “wake up fighting and to sleep with make up sex”).
Qiu Yan takes Madam Liang's advice seriously. She wants Liang Yi to beg her to forgive him. Hilariously, She brings up all the time he spited her for real. Liang Yi warns her that he holds grudges. Qiu Yan snickers and kicks him out of her room. Poor Liang Yi suffers the whole night. Song Jin is very curious why Liang Yi sleeps better on the floor than on the bed. Ahahaha. My clever Song Jin, I missed ya!
The next night, Liang Yi visits Qiu Yan. He wants to be forgiven, but he’s not begging. Well then, Qiu Yan shuts him from her room. He sneaks in through the windows, but Qiu Yan knows him all too well. She’s right there, catching him red-handed. Joyously, they both laugh, and he finally says it with a smile, “I’m begging you.” I love how their relationship progresses so naturally. Neither of them are too prideful and they know each other’s quirks. (Apparently, this is also another act.) Liang Yi is here for business. He tells her that Yuan Lang has spread rumours about her identity.
Liang Yi has a counter plan, though! Qiu Yan is all ears, but Liang Yi leans back and crosses his arm, deja vu. Remember, he holds grudges. He wants her to beg him. Ha. Qiu Yan ain’t surrendering. She won’t bend her back and so he bends his back. Did I say that I love their relationship? He tells her the plan. If Yuan Lang is going to use rumours to bring her down, then they’ll just have to turn the fake into reality.
[Ep23] Liang Yi and Qiu Yan host their wedding party. Using this opportunity, he announces to everyone that she is Su Yi Wan. But clearly, anyone with eyes knows she’s Qiu Yan. Liang Yi affirms that Su Yi Wan really looks like Qiu Yan. No, really. He says it was her resemblance to Qiu Yan that interested him. Qiu Yan always said that the best lies are those mixed with truth. This is one of Liang Yi’s best lies. He meant it that he’s interested in Qiu Yan :). Reacting on point, “Su Yi Wan” scowls that she’s only a replacement, but Liang Yi explains that after marrying her he realizes how she’s better than Qiu Yan in all aspects. They’re flirtatious in public. Qiu Yan also performs her love/hate song to perfection.
Yuan Lang isn’t satisfied. He summons a witness who knows the real Su Yi Wan. Now here’s my question: Does Su Yi Wan actually exist? So where is she? And how do we prove the authenticity of this witness? Ah but the witness is Yao Gai (the one Qiu Yan saved). Liang Yi and Qiu Yan hired Yao Gai to fool Yuan Lang. Alright, so now Yuan Lang is very dissatisfied (I don’t blame the guy, lol. Our CP is treating everyone like fools). He wants Su Yi Wan to prove that she has a scar on her back. Liang Yi looks worried, but Song Luo and Madam Liang verify the scar is real. It turns out Qiu Yan really burned herself. But how to make a fresh scar look old? Liang Yi didn’t know she’d go that far.
Qin Xuan learns that Su Yi Wan is Qiu Yan. Boo. Heartbroken. Drunk. Sad. Moving on.
After the party is over, Liang Yi bellows at Qiu Yan. Ou. His voice is scary. He hates it that she injured herself. The burn, if improperly treated, can lead to inflammation and infection, and possibly death. After that outburst, he’s back to being sweet and applies mediation for her. Qiu Yan smiles. I like how she completely forgot about Qin Xuan.
The next day, Liang Yi trains Qiu Yan to defend herself. More like they’re flirting. So cute. She attacks him when he isn’t ready, but he’s always ready. That doesn’t mean she’ll give up jabbing him whenever she can! Pow pow pow!
After a confrontation with Qin Xuan, Liang Yi admits he likes Qiu Yan, exactly when he doesn’t know but he always wanted to argue with her. Qin Xuan whines wails accuses that Liang Yi isn’t a gentleman. Liang Yi takes the insult because for Qiu Yan, he won’t be one. Qin Xuan, the gentleman, takes a sword and points it at Liang Yi, threatening him to move aside so that he can see Qiu Yan (to explain about Qiu Min). However, Liang Yi stands there, still and resolute. Liang Yi always went easy on Qin Xuan when it came to sword-fighting, but for Qiu Yan, he’ll never back down.
Song Jin suggests to Liang Yi that if he wants to pursue Qiu Yan then he could buy her torture equipments¹ since she likes detective books. Liang Yi has better ideas because anything would be better than torture equipments. He knows Qiu Yan likes lanterns. At night, he plans a surprise, but clever Qiu Yan predicts it all. So unromantic, girl. Lol. Even if she foretold everything, the beautiful scenery catches her breath while Liang Yi’s eyes are fixated on her beauty. They write their wish on one. She’s mischievous and won’t let him see hers. Well, he doesn’t let her see his either. But when they release it, both their wishes are visible. Hers is ‘All is well for family’ His is “All is well for Qiu Yan = family.” I think Liang Y predicted hers in order to write one that mirrors hers.
Qiu Yan finds Liang Yi's trove and there's treasure! He’s the author of her favourite detective novel (Amazing Cases Chronology), the first one she read (Ep10).
[Ep24] Part of the plan to restore Qiu family’s name lies in this rare Pearl. There’s always a pearl. However, the man who owns the pearl, Gao Yang, demands Liang Yi to restore his family’s name. This will undermine all of Liang Yi’s efforts six years ago. Liang Yi brought down Gao family and killed Minister Lu to avenge his father. But now he has to succumb to Gao Yang’s demands for Qiu Yan. Liang Yi tearfully apologizes to his father at the grave. To him, Qiu Yan is too important. That night, Liang Yi returns home drunk. He crumbles the pages from his novel that Qiu Yan found. For the rest of the night, Qiu Yan straightens the pages again, upset that they’re all crinkled.
The next day Qiu Yan asks Madam Liang why Liang Yi never finished writing his story. It’s because six years ago his father died. The boy who once loved to laugh was filled with hate. Qiu Yan recalls Minster Lu’s case – he was exiled and along the way he died from a disease. Could it be that Liang Yi was behind this? Madam Liang avoids answering. She sighs that her son hides everything from her. It’s only until he brought “Su Yi Wan” home that she saw a remnant of her son from six years ago. Madam Liang takes Qiu Yan’s hand and asks her if she’ll accompany Liang Yi forever. Qiu Yan nods. Sincerely? Yes?
When Liang Yi is back home, Madam Liang says she prepared a xiqu for him. He wasn’t looking forward to it, but that all changes when it’s a Qiu Yan one woman show! I think this xiqu was her real voice (unlike the hate/love song in Ep23). Liang Yi is truly amused. Her performance is also her interpretation of the ending to his story. Liang Yi thinks he should add her name in the credits. Qiu Yan is honoured. She tells him that through his book, she can feel his passion and desire to bring order to the world. Liang Yi turns solemn. He’s not as great as she thinks because if not for him, Qiu family would be safe. Qiu Yan clarifies she never hated him. She just had hate in heart with nowhere to aim it at. She wants him to know that he’s just a regular human being. He can’t be perfect, but he can try to be perfect and that’s more than enough. Teasingly, she shoulder checks him to ask if her acting was good, and continues to nudge him. Liang Yi cheers up.
The plan with the pearl. 1) Liang Yi gives the pearl to General He who gives it to the Emperor. 2) Liang Yi predicts the Imperial Preceptor will tell the Emperor the details of the longevity pearl and how it will require the blessings from a mysterious maiden. 3) Shi Xiao Xiao is to retrieve the location from the general who’s assigned to find the maiden. 4) One of the Qiu sisters is to be the maiden in order to restore their family's name. Now here’s the problem. The 1st Qiu sister is a stuttering mess. The 4th sister is a wuss. Qiu Min (who left Qin Xuan for whatever reason) volunteers, but Qiu Yan bans the idea. Moreover, all the Qiu ladies think it’s best to not risk their lives for family honour.
[Ep25] Qiu Yan motivates the girls with her speech, “Even though the men aren’t around, the responsibility falls on us, our family’s perish is burned in our minds, it’s not just a man’s duty, but also us women!” I rewinded a few times to see Qiu Yan’s queen hand poshly touching her shoulders. The girls are motivated. The 1st sister will do it. But! Qiu Min deliberately gives 1st sister medication to upset her stomach in order to snatch the maiden role. Fortunately, Qiu Min performs well and now Qiu Family’s sentences are revoked. But there’s a reason Qiu Min couldn't be the maiden. She’s not a virgin. Thankfully, there was no physical exam.
Yuan Lang mails Qiu Yan an earring (it’s from Qing Dai, her maid). Qiu Yan willingly becomes a hostage for him to torture in exchange for Qing Dai’s safety. Liang Yi quickly interrogates Song Luo to know Yuan Lang’s lair. He saves her like a hero. Qiu Yan cannot be more in love, especially with the last surprise lunge at Yuan Lang. Swoon~ Then when Liang Yi is angry-concerned with Qiu Yan, she’s nervous and obedient. He lectures her for acting on her own, but she sees nothing wrong with that. Liang Yi is like O really and then pokes her hand. Ow! She flinches at the pain, but proudly reveals her backup plan. She brought a poison with her. If the torture was too much, she’d swallow it and die. Liang Yi bellows at her. Qiu Yan wanted to depend on herself. She already owes him too much.
Liang Yi: What do you mean you owe me? You are still this manor’s madam (junior). Madam! Do you know?
Liang Yi’s outburst makes Qiu Yan smile. But his anger is sorta real. He slams the door (open). Then he goes to his study room where Song Jin asks Liang Yi why he’s not with Madam. His answer: She doesn’t even love herself, why should he be with her? He said that but now he’s looking for medication for her. This is why he slammed the door open, he’s going back! Qiu Yan is asleep though. He kneels down to admire her, gently blows her hand and lightly moves her bangs. He whispers, “I want you to owe me. The more the merrier.”
Qiu ladies return home. Qing Dai is there too. During dinner, the Qiu ladies miss Qiu Yan and are grateful for her. Concubine Qiu is proud and is like That’s my daughter. Omg. Trash can. I need a big one to fit her. Qiu Min loses her appetite. She stole the maiden role to earn respect, to prove that she can save Qiu Family, but no one is talking about her.
[Ep26] The date to cheer up Qiu Yan just began. The real treat Liang Yi prepared is a chance to see her favourite writer. Qiu Yan fangirls over the author. As for all the presents, she meant to give it to Madam Jin. Um, Song “Jin”’s mother? Liang Yi’s mother Song Jin's eyes light up while Liang Yi's smile flattens to a thin tight line. That $, lol.
Yuan Lang offers Shi Xiao Xiao with an alliance. If she helps him bring down Liang Yi, then he promises to give her status so that she can marry Liang Yi. Ruin the man to marry the man. Brilliant logic. Will Shi Xiao Xiao be that dumb?
Yuan Lang offers Shi Xiao Xiao with an alliance. If she helps him bring down Liang Yi, then he promises to give her status so that she can marry Liang Yi. Ruin the man to marry the man. Brilliant logic. Will Shi Xiao Xiao be that dumb?
The next day, Yuan Lang submits a document to the palace. It’s a testimony from Qiu Min’s rapist to accuse Qiu Min of being raped. I just typed that. Disgusting. Liang Yi and Qiu Min have three days to solve this (because Eunuch gave them that time so as not to unnecessarily upset the Emperor). Qiu Yan isn’t sure if it’s true, but either way they’re screwed because Qiu Min isn’t a virgin anyway. Liang Yi wants to send all of Qiu Family away to safety. But what will become of Liang Yi? Qiu Yan clutches onto his arm, worried. He’s touched but she says her concern is only because he’s her saviour.
Time to brainstorm ideas. Qiu Min sincerely apologizes for being the virgin maiden. O. I hate her face and attitude right now. That fake sympathetic tone. Everything is her fault. She says she has a plan, which is Qin Xuan’s plan but Qiu Yan doesn’t want to involve him. This will risk his life. Qin Xuan thinks she cares about him. No. She doesn’t want to owe you a life. Dude, can you listen properly? Qiu Min butts in that she cares about Qin Xuan too blah blah blah but when love is mutual, it’s alright to die together. Hook me up with an incinerator.
Actually, Qin Xuan’s plan was Liang Yi’s plan. What is this plan? Dunno yet. Qiu Min had thanked Liang Yi and noted how they were similar in their unrequited love. Liang Yi stops her from associating with him. Liang Yi didn’t want to suggest the plan because it would put Qiu Yan in a hard spot. By having Qin Xuan volunteer, Qiu Yan wouldn’t feel as bad
Actually, Qiu Yan knew this was Liang Yi’s plan and that he did it for her. She figured it out from Liang Yi’s reaction. Because she knows him well (way better than she knows Qin Xuan). Now Qiu Yan is dejected. She can never pay back such a debt to Qin Xuan (because she really doesn’t want to owe him).
Plan in action. Liang Yi asks the royal consort to bestow him a marriage with Qiu Min. Wat. Are we doing this again? It’s all for the consort to acquaint with Qiu Min and then become the witness to Qiu Min and Qin Xuan having sex. Liang Yi pretends to be angry and then we get a cat and dog fight between the men and between the women. Seeing the embarrassing brawl, the royal consort doesn’t punish them too harshly, and only lectures them. Mission is successfully over.
[Ep27] The royal consort testifies to the Emperor that Qiu Min had an affair with Qin Xuan and so Yuan Lang can’t prove Qiu Min lost her virginity prior to becoming the virgin maiden. Now the Emperor happily bestows an engagement for Qiu Min and Qin Xuan. Qin Xuan is gloomy. Poor guy. I liked laughing at him for being useless, but now I feel bad for him. Ugh. Qiu Min, this isn’t right.
Qiu Yan learns Qiu Min was raped. Qiu Min laughs cruelly that her sister should be happy for her. She’s strong now. She also haughtily reveals she added medication to Qin Xuan’s alcohol (to rape him). Qin Xuan overhears the last part. As for Qiu Yan, she cries and leaves... She has left to whip rapist #1, which (practically) almost exposes her fake Su Yi Wan identity. Fortunately, Liang Yi is there to cover up. He arrests the rapist.
It was Shi Xiao Xiao who gave the rapist’s information to Yuan Lang. I am very disappointed in her.
Qiu Yan meets with Qin Xuan, who’s taking on a post to be far away from Qiu Min. Qiu Yan speaks up for Qiu Min. Ugh. What Qiu Min did is no different from the seduction that Qiu Yan applied on him. Huh? Like Qiu Yan, Qiu Min also did it out of love. OMG. NO. Qin Xuan says it’s different because she thwarted his relationship with Qiu Yan. That’s all that he cares about? I’m not sure if scriptwriter understands that without consent, it is rape. Gender/sex doesn’t matter. Qiu Yan denies Qiu Min was the reason for their breakup. She was never in a heartbreak for Qin Xuan. Towards him, she felt gratitude, which isn’t love.
The Qiu men have reunited with the Qiu ladies, except Father Qiu died. T_T. Father Qiu, Madam Qiu, and even Grandma Qiu were the only Qiu family members I cared about... At the very least, the Qiu men are motivated to work hard: the lazy will take responsibility, the gambler will quit gambling, etc.
[Ep28] Ping’er is back to assassinate Liang Yi with a poisonous arrow. Qiu Yan quickly rear wrist locks Ping’er (Liang Yi is a good trainer). Qiu Yan makes sure Ping'er knows her father was guilty and reminds her to think of the two fathers who loved her. Don’t waste life on revenge. Ping'er leaves. But Liang Yi has fainted! Qiu Yan tries to suck out the poison. It doesn’t work. She cries that she won’t tease him anymore and she won’t make him beg her anymore. She shouts, “I’ll always be your wife!” Then she drags him on a wagon to a doctor. She falls multiple times, but always gets up.
Finally, Qiu Yan brings Liang Yi to safety. He’ll be fine. And he heard everything she said – the wife part. He holds onto her hand, not wanting her to leave his side and so Qiu Yan stays the whole night. She asks him if he’s in pain. He says no, and then drifts to sleep. Qiu Yan whispers that she’s in pain. She now understands his pain when he treated her wounds. She thought there wasn’t anything that could scare her, but the moment she almost lost him, she was frightened like never before. Qiu Yan wants Liang Yi to never leave her.
The next morning, Qiu Yan checks if Liang Yi is feverish. Then he sees the injury on her wrist (from pulling the wagon?) As he’s observing her hand, his finger interlace with hers. He asks for a reward for fulfilling all her wishes (in coming back alive). Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! But Madam Liang interrupts. She sensibly leaves, but they don’t pick up where they left off.
For a half a month, Qiu Yan takes care of Liang Yi. There’s wound care, med prep, and of course medication feeding. Liang Yi isn’t in a rush to heal. Why would he? When he wants to drink tea, all he needs to do is go “Ah.” Qiu Yan would say he has his left hand, but Liang Yi reasons that he usually drinks with his right. Haha. Qiu Yan spoils him and feeds him, but then she’ll also playfully throw food at him.
Madam Liang wants Liang Yi to change post to a safer job. Qiu Yan defends Liang Yi’s job. She knows Liang Yi would hate being caged. If his joy is to work at WC Department, then she’s willing to live on the edge with Liang Yi forever. Madam Liang smiles at the answer. Liang Yi is touched to the bottom of his heart.
Qiu Yan discovers Liang Yi lied about being in pain. He’s all healed. She locks him out of the room. Liang Yi is like “Open the door! Let me in!” What happened to not making him beg. This lasts for three days, pft.
It’s Qiu Yan’s birthday! This year Concubine Qiu gives her a pair of handmade shoes (via Liang Yi). Liang Yi also gives Qiu Yan his completed book with her ending. He’s using 雁栖居士 as her pen name. 雁 (yan) is a homophone with her name 嫣 (yan). Her 嫣 means lovely, but the 雁 that Liang Yi gave her means a wild goose (that’s free in nature). He knows her well. She loves it so much that she’s crying. But there’s more to her tears: it’s the first time she celebrated her birthday. Qiu Yan always lied to Madam Qiu that she never liked celebrating. It’s because her mother (Concubine Qiu) never remembered, never cared and always thought her birth was a burden. This is the first time she feels like her life is worth celebrating. She weeps as she thanks Liang Yi. He promises (with her permission) that every year of this day, he’ll celebrate with her.
Our couple climb up to the roof. They both have something to say. Liang Yi is a gentleman and lets her speak first: Qiu Yan wants to travel the world to write her story. She even thought of how to divorce so that she can leave. Liang Yi supports her wish. Liang Yi, don’t ever be a gentleman. It doesn’t suit you! Now she’s leaving!! And, Qiu Yan, what happened to being his wife forever and never wanting him to leave?
Once Liang Yi is alone, he’s crying. T_T. Omg. It hurts watching him cry especially when he hid it so well from her. Song Jin asks Liang Yi why he didn’t confess. Liang Yi doesn’t want to hold her back. She had supported his dream so how can he stop her from flying? Song Jin suggests Liang Yi to travel with Qiu Yan since that was his wish too. Is Liang Yi considering it?! No. Liang Yi has unfinished business in the palace. Qiu Yan is aware of that too which is why she didn’t ask him to join her. Liang Yi tells Song Jin to pack his belongings. He’ll be staying in WC Department. Because staying at home will be a painful reminder that Qiu Yan will leave. Our cupid Song Jin is very disappointed.
Ugh. The beginning and ending of this episode is such a contradiction. She said she was always going to be his wife and how afraid she was of him leaving her, but at the end she’s suggesting divorce and is leaving him.
[Ep29] Qiu Yan leaves ahead of time. Liang Yi, who’s been avoiding her, is devastated. He searches everywhere. Awww. It’s dusk and she’s nowhere to be found. He crouches alone at the city gate. When he returns home, she’s there! Qiu Yan hasn’t left (yet). He kisses her. She hugs him and kisses him back. Smart cookie Song Jin closes the doors. But it’s inevitable that she wants to leave to fulfill her dreams. She doesn’t want to be so and so’s wife. She wants to be Qui Yan with her own merits. Liang Yi supports her, but reminds her when she’s tired of walking on her own, and misses home, to tell him. She pouts that it may take her 3-5 years. She doesn’t want him to wait. He rests a finger on her lips to shush her. This isn’t her decision to make for him. They kiss again under the full moon. Is she really, really, really leaving?
The next morning, our couple wakes up on the same bed. Before he leaves for work, she mends his clothes. He’s surprised she can sew. Although she wants to do the things men can do, it doesn’t mean she can’t do the things women do. It’s just simple sewing anyway. But I don’t know what she was thinking when she considered bright green thread for his dark green clothes. He promises to come back as soon as possible to send her off. Before he really leaves for work, he cuffs her again! He also gives her the key, the only key. But what if she loses it again? Then they won’t ever take it off. Forever.
Madam Liang knows Su Yi Wan is Qiu Yan who is leaving for good. But she also knows her (and Liang Yi's) feelings are real.
Before Qiu Yan leaves, Liang Yi gives her the fan that he gave her 6 years ago. 6 years ago, he saved her and set her path right. 6 years later he saved her again and gave her wings. He keeps a smile on until the moment he turns around. He’s in pain, so much pain to let her go. In their farewell, their thoughts are about each other. Just say it aloud! D:
Qiu Yan’s thoughts: If you don’t want me to leave, then I will stay with you.Liang Yi’s thoughts: Qiu Yan, everything that you want, I will give it to you,
Liang Yi waves goodbye with a smile. Qiu Yan boards the carriage. The city gates close. Once he’s back home, the empty home, he breaks down and cries. He didn’t want her to leave him.
However, there’s a looming problem for Liang Yi. It seems like there’s someone else who hates him more than Yuan Lang.
[Ep30] Liang Yi is sabotaged. He's on the run from Yuan Lang’s men. Song Jin, blocks the entrance and locks Liang Yi from outside. Song Jin dies to help him escape. Omg he really died! T_T I loved him for closing the door to let the couple kiss in the previous episode, and it breaks my heart he’s closing the door to save Liang Yi.
Liang Yi is charged with attempting to poison the Emperor and potentially manipulating the Crown Prince in order to rule the country. Although Yuan Lang cooperated with the anonymous helper, he finds this anon to be too dangerous. It seems Yuan Lang may want to help Liang Yi (but can he be trusted? o.o). He asks Shi Xiao Xiao for his whereabouts.
Currently Yao Gai is helping Liang Yi hide. Qin Xuan is too.
Qiu Yan is back! She heard news of Liang Yi's arrest warrant. She finds Yao Gai, but he denies knowing of Liang Yi’s whereabouts (for Liang Yi’s sake who probably doesn’t want to implicate her) but Qiu Yan reminds him that his saviour is her, not Liang Yi.
Liang Yi and Qiu Yan are reunited! The moment he sees her, he tightly embraces her (forget about the men who’re chasing after him. Romance first!). They find a safe place to discuss the case. He recalls the chef’s(?) corpse had this peculiar scent, which is the same scent from his father’s corpse. This prompts Qiu Yan to link it to the Flower (Calming Soul Flower) from the Northern Liang. Once poisoned, the corpse will emit that peculiar scent. This means his father didn’t die from Minister Lu’s arrow.
Liang Yi decides to examine his father’s corpse (that’s obviously preserved in pristine condition), but he will do so alone. He makes Qiu Yan faint. When she wakes up, Qin Xuan is taking her out of the city. He mistakenly believes that she’s saving Liang Yi to repay a debt. No. Qiu Yan loves Liang Yi. She had thought nothing could compare to her future and freedom, but the moment she thought she lost Liang Yi, she realized she can’t be without him.
[Ep31] Qiu Yan is re-reunited with Liang Yi. He disappointedly mutters that Qin Xuan is useless. Nothing new. Qiu Yan explains to Liang Yi that for others like Qing Dai and her mother, she wants them safe, but only with Liang Yi she “wants to be together in life and in death”.
Qiu Yan: Live as dust; part as ashes. (願同塵與灰). Liang Yi, when you locked my wrist, we were already connected to one another.
Liang Yi nods. They’re in this together, thick or thin.
Moving on to the couple we all hate. Qin Xuan tells Qiu Min that no matter how much she copies Qiu Yan, she’ll never beat the real thing. Only when he’s mentally confused like the time she drugged him will he fall for it.
Clever Qiu Yan (more clever than my Liang Yi!) identifies a suspect in Liang Yi’s father’s murder: Consort Guo. She was the one who hired the imperial doctor to examine his father. The physician never mentioned the poison – that in itself is suspicious. Furthermore, Qiu Yan knows Consort Guo is from Northern Liang. It’s possible that she silenced Liang Yi’s father because he discovered her identity.
Shi Xiao Xiao informs Liang Yi that Madam Liang is in danger, but she doesn’t tell him it’s a trap set by Yuan Luan! Shi Xiao Xiao asks Liang Yi why Qiu Yan can go with him, but she can’t. Girl...you’re already betraying him and sending him to his death.... She says she can die for him too. Liang Yi replies, “I don’t need you to.” Ouch. Lol. With Qiu Yan, it’s different. Their lives are tied together. They can sacrifice for each other. There’s nothing to owe between the two of them.
After that brutal confession, something must have kicked her conscience, Shi Xiao Xiao confesses the truth about Yuan Lang, whom she was helping because he promised to keep his life. Girl, I’m proud of you! I knew you had this in you! When they’re in danger, she (with Yao Gui) volunteers to disguise as Qiu Yan (and Liang Yi respectively). Shi Xiao Xiao has some last words she wants Qiu Yan to tell Liang Yi (who was put to sleep by her needle, otherwise he’d never approve of the plan).
Shi Xiao Xiao whispers: I can’t die with him, but don’t dare forget me because now he's going to have to remember me forever.
Shi Xiao Xiao and Yao Gai die to allow Qiu Yan and Liang Yi escape.
Consort Guo has taken Madam Liang hostage to lure Liang Yi and Qiu Yan. There’s no more pretences. Consort Guo wants them to leave the city in exchange for Madam Liang’s safety. However, it wasn’t her who organized assassins from Northern Liang to kill them otherwise she wouldn’t be asking them to leave the city.
Our group realizes there’s a third party who wants Liang Yi dead to stop his investigations. This third party also has evidence that Consort Guo is from Northern Liang but hid it for all these years. The target is likely her son, the Crown Prince. Consort Guo begs Liang Yi for help. But why would he help his father’s murderer? Consort Guo convinces him by paying with her life (for the crimes she committed). But I think Liang Yi was going to help anyway, not for her, but for his own principles. Plus, the Crown Prince did nothing wrong.
[Ep32] Liang Yi turns himself into Yuan Lang. Our team wants Yuan Lang’s help. This is no longer a simple feud between the men. The country comes first. They need to stop a Northern Liang invasion together. Although Yuan Lang may be despicable, he’s patriotic. I like this actor. I think he does a stubborn villain very well.
Qiu Yan explains to Yuan Lang their flashy appearance was to force the spy into action. This spy is likely to be missing because he’s off to report to the Northern Liangs. (Ah, btw, Qin Xuan is here too. He gets a lot of scenes where he’s in serious mode with no dialogue. I get it, Show. He’s there. Acknowledged. ) Following that logic, they arrest a mute grandpa and in his room, they find a letter written with Northern Liang characters, but Qiu Yan notices he has presbyopia. It’s unlikely he can write such small words. They proceed to examine each guard's handwriting. Jiang Yun, Yuan Lang’s loyal lackey, falls into the trap. Although he changed his handwriting, he didn’t notice a character was deliberately written incorrectly. He had unconsciously corrected the word.
For some reason Qiu Min had to invite herself when she had nothing to provide. Our team, sans Qiu Min, makes a plan to capture the assassins (after Jiang Yun provides the location). The boys head out with the perfect plan, but it falls through. Our boys who are surrounded by the Northern Liangs. Jiang Yun had counter-trapped them.
In the meantime, Jiang Yun escapes prison. He made so much noise and the guard didn’t think to check on the guy. He lunges at Qiu Yan with a sword. Qiu Min – who's brave! righteous! fair! – runs away, ditching her sister to let her die. Good thing Qiu Yan can defend herself. Jiang Yun (accidentally) dies. Once she’s safe, Qiu Yan worriedly checks on Qiu Min who then pretends to be clueless. Oh no-y sister, are you okay? Boo-hoo. Totally said that. Then the girls summon Minister Tong’s help (with Qiu Min’s reputation as “virgin maiden” ← ah, this is why Show needs her in this episode). The boys are saved. The enemies are subdued.
Now then, our team caught the rookies, but who’s the mastermind? This person has to be able to access the imperial scrolls, which narrows down to the Eunuch, the General, and the Imperial Preceptor. Yuan Lan devises a perfect plan to catch the mastermind. Give all three of them different versions of the scroll. Well, what happens to perfect plans? They fail. It’s General Yan’s version that’s leaked, but he’s innocent because he said so because (he said) he has an alibi. This means the spy saw through our team’s plan and directed them erroneously to the General. Currently, the Imperial Preceptor and Eunuch are alone with the Emperor. The Emperor’s life is in danger! Our team has got to head back to the palace, stat.
(The romantic bit I liked in this episode: Qiu Min had given Qin Xuan a talisman to wish for his safety. Qin Xuan rejected it and told her (indirectly that) it’s better to die than to be with her. Woot. Now compare this to our couple: Liang Yi wants Qiu Yan to leave with him. She’s safer with him even if it’s dangerous. He doesn’t want to be apart from her. Woot.)
[Ep33] Our team arrives on time to stop the Emperor from ingesting the longevity pill, but the Imperial Preceptor spits blood. He ate one and he died from it. The Emperor seems fine, just anxious that he had a taste of the pill. Then our team mobilizes to the Imperial Preceptor’s room to find the document that proves Consort Guo is from Northern Liang. However, Qiu Yan finds it odd. Why is Qiu Yan doing all the analysis? What happened to Liang Yi’s smart deductions? Show, I don’t like your favouritism. How did the spy see through their plan (with the three scrolls)? The only way is that there were two spies. Aha! Eunuch is involved. Imma simple person, but shouldn’t they have already suspected the Eunuch when the Imperial Preceptor died? But this discovery is too late. The Emperor dies from the medication that the Eunuch gave. He’s the mastermind,
Our team finds the Eunuch, but he wants to tell them his story first. He took advantage of the Emperor’s superstitions and hired a random man to be The Imperial Preceptor. They both got promotions. Qiu Yan connects the story to Wei Family (Madam Qiu’s maternal family) who tried to convince the Emperor to not believe in the scam, but was exiled instead. As for Liang Yi’s father (#2), he learned of Consort Guo’s secret, and so he had to die. The Eunuch left a hint for Consort Guo to take action. To make it easy, he orchestrated the arrow from Minister Lu. His next target was Liang Yi because he was strengthening the army at the borders (with General He). But too bad, Song Jin (#3) protected him. This was the only step he mistook. Everything else from solving the scrolls, making them suspect General Yan, poisoning the Imperial Preceptor (#4) with tea beforehand, and finally to murdering the Emperor (#5) was perfect. Even this storytelling is calculated. It’s so they can stand in his trap. Arrows spit from the walls. Qiu Yan is in danger. Qiu Min actually protects Qiu Yan. Qiu Min doesn’t die, though. Ahh, is it bad that I wish there was a #6... I can see it already. This is Qiu Min’s redemption. Everyone’s going to forgive her and she’s going to repent. Blah blah blah.
Eunuch is beheaded.
The evidence that Consort Guo is from Northern Liang is burned. Crown Prince’s future is safe. As for Consort Guo, she commits suicide for her crimes.
[Ep34] Liang Yi rejects Yuan Lang’s request to return to the palace (which is a request from the Emperor). Liang Yi has a request for Yuan Lang instead. Remember our very first case?? Our victims (Zhao Ming Li and Yue Ying) need a retrial! Yuan Lang promises to bring them justice.
Liang Yi will be traveling the world with Qiu Yan! Qiu Yan loves that. Then he lifts her up and kisses her. The end! Right here is where drama should have ended. Anyway.
Qiu Yan says goodbye to her family and her mother. She has never acknowledged her mother or even called her one, and it remains the same now. Qiu Yan respectfully bows to her as someone who gave birth to her. This daughter owes her mother nothing.
Qiu Min realizes she was selfish. No, really. Apparently, the person she cares about the most isn’t Qin Xuan, but Qiu Yan. Pft. Show, you high? She hated that Qiu Yan always looked down on her, but she admits she hated herself too. Qiu Yan forgives Qiu Min. They hug.
Yuan Lang kidnaps Qiu Yan! He stops her from submitting incriminating evidence on him for sabotaging Father Qiu. In his defence, he can’t be in prison because he needs to stabilize the palace. Yuan Lang threatens Qiu Yan to make a choice between justice for her father or Liang Yi. There is a devastating truth that can cripple him.
It was Madam Liang who killed Father Liang. What! Why! She did it for loyalty to Consort Guo who she grew up with. Qiu Yan knew (before Yuan Lang told her) because if the physician poisoned Father Liang, Consort Guo wouldn’t have kept him alive. Madam Liang confesses to Qiu Yan that she lived in fear and regret everyday. ...really? She looked bright and happy to me. She doesn’t deserve happiness and so she drinks poison and dies. (Random thought: Could Madam Liang be lesbian? Her feelings for Consort Guo is very deep, deeper than for her husband)
Qiu Yan writes a letter to Liang Yi that she murdered Madam Liang. Show is high. She lies that she had to kill someone to quench her hatred for the death of her father. Qiu Yan leaves him in hopes that Liang Yi will never find out his mother murdered his father because it’s much better that his wife murdered his mother. Qiu Yan leaves the key with him. If he wants revenge, then he can try and find her. See, I totally get this. Imagine how much it would suck telling the guy the truth and being at his side when he could be all alone with no mother, no father, no best friend, no love of his life, no job and just his own misery.
Can I refund Qiu Yan?
Some time later.
Qiu Yan, who’s towing along a kid, submits her draft to a publisher. She finds another book for sale: 嫣語賦 (title of the drama). The author is 天漱清人. It’s Liang Yi! It’s the name that only Qiu Yan would recognize (from the fan and from the lantern). She reads his book which narrates a woman who had left him for his sake, but he knew the truth. There were too many holes in her “crime”.
Oh and the kid Qiu Yan was towing? Not hers. Just a random kid. Seriously Show... Not funny.
Liang Yi finds Qiu Yan! Their eyes are wet with tears. They wave their bangles at each other and smile. Are they at the temple where Qiu Yan showed him the beautiful scenery in Ep13? That’s when Liang Yi found the key to the bangle, but he kept it to himself because he realized he loved her.
The end.
[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I hate to be pausing to type this. I want to watch more! Ep5&6 are the highlight of their hate-to-love romance. I love their tit for tat exchanges that aren’t childishly forced. Ep5 is when he annoys her. Ep6 is when she annoys him back. Each has a valid reason to be annoying. It’s fun! On one hand, I don’t mind their misunderstandings lasting longer, but on the other hand I really want the romance to kick in. I am baited.
By Ep7&8, our drama is solidly an investigative in nature. I like how the cases evolve in complexity but still within a logical framework. It’s not that easy to guess and not that convoluted that I’m bored. Mixed in with the cases, there are scheming family members. Everyone’s personalities are of various shades and not dryly good or evil. It’s not Story of Minglan level, but The Autumn Ballad emulates it. And I’m always a sucker for this particular genre. I just keep falling into this hole no matter how many times I’ve drowned in misery or mania. I do have higher hopes for this one based on these initial episodes.
Well paced. Good mysteries. Intelligent leads (actually intelligent). Bickering romance. Messy family. And possibly a pending marriage (soon).
[Trigger Warning] Rape is part of the plot.
Qiao Xin is steadily improving (for me). For the longest time, her characters were always a version of Guan Ju Er (from Ode to Joy). With “Qiu Yan", she’s shed that image. I like her natural, calmer approach to a headstrong individual.
[Ending] Happy. Liang Yi and Qiu Yan are together. The bangles are their couple item. The moment he wore it, he never took it off.
But I can’t help but complain. Ep34…
[Actors/Actresses] I adore Xu Zheng Xi in this. His expressions are colourful even if he’s playing the typical unflappable ML. I loved him in Novoland: The Castle in the Sky 2, but I definitely love him more as Liang Yi. He’s more animated and talkative and actually, now that I think about it, it’s ludicrous to have him in a taciturn role. His voice!
Qiao Xin is steadily improving (for me). For the longest time, her characters were always a version of Guan Ju Er (from Ode to Joy). With “Qiu Yan", she’s shed that image. I like her natural, calmer approach to a headstrong individual.
Zhan Yu as Song Jin is a cute scene stealer. He was the handsome youth in Because of You (2022) and here he’s stupidly, I mean, innocently funny. 榆木腦袋!
[Behind the Scenes & Extras] Xu Zheng Yi commented on Weibo about the comments on him. More specifically, he was replying to the live comments about his department which is called 劈柴处. It means Wood Chopping Department. People were like “Are you serious? Wood Chopping Department?” x 10. This was his reply: 别笑了,我真的不是砍柴的! (Stop laughing. I’m really not a woodcutter!).
[Behind the Scenes & Extras] Xu Zheng Yi commented on Weibo about the comments on him. More specifically, he was replying to the live comments about his department which is called 劈柴处. It means Wood Chopping Department. People were like “Are you serious? Wood Chopping Department?” x 10. This was his reply: 别笑了,我真的不是砍柴的! (Stop laughing. I’m really not a woodcutter!).
[Ending] Happy. Liang Yi and Qiu Yan are together. The bangles are their couple item. The moment he wore it, he never took it off.
[Review & Rating]
1. Ep 23 correction from Roxy: Song Jin suggested torture equipments, not detective books
2. Ep 24 removal of a sentence (cr. Roxy): Qiu Di is not alive. The person who’s sick is Qiu Yan’s father
[Review & Rating]