May 2, 2021

The Imperial Coroner | Recap and Review

The Imperial Coroner
A coroner and a detective/criminal psychologist.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Wang Zi QiXiao Jin Yu
Su Xiao TongChu Chu 
Chinese Title
Episodes: 36
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 4.25/5

[Cyn-opsis] The "Three Judicial Office" managed by Prince of An Ju, Xiao Jin Yu is hiring coroners. Chu Chu comes from a family of coroners and is here in Chang'an for the imperial coroner exam. She immediately impresses Jing Yi who gives her a shortcut and sends her directly to Xiao Jin Yu. Impressed with her expertise, she gets hired for a case. However, Xiao Jin Yu finds her background rather skeptical. She has a black rock that looks exactly like the one his late father (Xiao Heng) had. It seems like there's more to the death of his father which we’ll find out later. However, Chu Chu refuses to reveal more about her rock unless Xiao Jin Yu is her "Handsome Judge" (Chinese: a judge with a face as clear as a jade), the chief of the Six Gates. 

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] The meeting. Chu Chu first encounters Xiao Jin Yu (Prince) when she mistook him as her corpse actor for her coroner exam. He lets it happen. He even obeys her when she tells him to kneel down for her examination. Jing Yi, the judge for the exam, is rather amused. Chu Chu concentrates on her test and deduces exactly how Xiao Jin Yu got his bruise on his forehead which you will notice it healing for the next few episodes (just saying' cause I like details like that). Then she asks him to strip to complete her examination. Yeah, that's not happening. She finally learns he's "Xiao Jin Yu" and not her live corpse. For a brief moment, she had misunderstood his name to be "Small Goldfish". They do sound similar, heh

The evil dudeQin Luan, a eunuch, exudes a wicked aura. Some years ago, he was sent by the Emperor to perish the rebellious army. Xiao Heng died in that. Xiao Heng is Xiao Jin Yu’s father and the Princess’s husband. Qin Luan chased him to the edge of the cliff where he jumped to his demise. His body was never recovered. Could Xiao Heng still be alive? Also, there's a deliberate focus on the health pill that Qin Luan gives the Emperor. 

[Ep2] Chu Chu gives Xiao Jin Yu a medication for the bruise on his forehead. He doesn't need it and that makes her think he minds touching her stuff because she's a coroner. She's been discriminated for her career once already. Seeing her long face, Xiao Jin Yu takes the medication. She confirms whether he doesn’t mind that it’s “dirty". Not at all. After all, she touched him too. 

Chu Chu’s take on the autopsy interests Xiao Jin Yu so he takes her to the crime scene. They reenact the murder where she plays the dead and he plays the murderer. Somehow, someway by the end of it they end up in a romantic pose. Our third-wheeler, Jing Yi, stares with amusement again. Later, he joins in on the act and pretends to be the courtesan who reported the murder. This reminds Xiao Jin Yu that the courtesan is suspicious. 

Although Chu Chu is helpful to Xiao Jin Yu, he still doesn't trust her especially when she won't tell him about her black rock. When she leaves, he has her men tail her. It’s a good thing he did that because Qin Luan’s men are after her too. He’s also interested in the rock. 

[Ep3] Cohabitation and some chickens. Xiao Jin Yu adopts Chu Chu into his manor because she has nowhere to go. She was just kidnapped and honestly she's way too gullible to be walking alone on the streets of Chang'an. 

Chu Chu wants to thank Xiao Jin Yu for taking her in but according to the maids, he's got people doing his chores for him already. Thus, our smart ducky decides to raise chickens for him! She made sure no one was doing that already. Isn't she a smart ducky? xD When Xiao Jin Yu hears chickens squawking in the morning, he's speechless. However, the way Chu Chu explains that it's all for him, he can only bow and thank her for all her efforts. LOL. Not only will there be eggs in the future, she also plans to grow veggies! Just how long is she staying? 

There's another case. Xiao Jin Yu asks Chu Chu to be his coroner again but she has to disguise as his maid. She changes to maid clothes. She hates it. She can't work in them. Xiao Jin Yu's shocked expression tells us he's surprised she looks pretty cute. That exact expression is misunderstood by Chu Chu who thinks he fears the chickens. 

Begin the maid training! Xiao Jin Yu asks her for a towel. Chu Chu replies it's right there in front of him. He's curt, "If I can get it myself, why do I need a maid?" Ha. True. xD. She hands it over but one cannot just hand a towel over. She has to serve it in both hands with her head bowed low. Our Chu Chu really hates this and complains about the pain at the third joint of her spine. Getting the hint, Xiao Jin Yu accurately describes which bone and which joint needs to be where relative to one another. Now that's the lingo Chu Chu gets. Ha

Chu Chu get a chance to see Xiao Jin Yu's bare chest. She even yanks his shirt further apart to spot if there's a scar. It’s confirmed: his chest is smooth. Xiao Jin Yu is not her Handsome Judge which he has been declining all this time. 

The case. Chu Chu has to disguise as a maid because the victim’s (Feng Jie) family didn't request an autopsy but Xiao Jin Yu finds the death suspicious. Chu Chu is supposed to find a chance to glimpse at the corpse during the funeral. Thanks to Jing Yi, she gets the opportunity and spots scratch/claw marks on the victim's chest. 
I'm starting to really like these three together anywhere.  In the carriage, Xiao Jin Yu asks Chu Chu for her autopsy result. Jing Yi interrupts that it's actually lunch time. From Xiao Jin Yu's deadpan look, it's obvious he rather work but since he has decided to treat them, he orders food suitable to their tastes and for Chu Chu, he specifically orders delicacies from her hometown. So considerate! Not. He's confirming if she really is from the town she claims to be. This guy does not trust anyone until he has absolute proof. But can I think this guy is actually considerate when he picks food for her? xD Also, Chu Chu finds the restaurant owner very suspicious. 

Another murder reenactment. Chu Chu believes the scratch mark on the chest was done by someone who was trying to save Feng Jie. Chu Chu will act as the rescuer meanwhile Xiao Jin Yu will be Feng Jie. She begins clawing open his clothes (again). Xiao Jin Yu is not allowed to resist her. Our Chu Chu takes these simulations very seriously. Then she moves in to give him rescue breaths. Will they kiss? Oh and Jing Yi is once again the thirdwheeler, staring with even more amusement. 

[Ep4] It’s Jing Yi who interrupts the kiss! I can totally support a Jing Yi and Xiao Jin Yu pair too xD. Our very serious actress clarifies she was not trying to harass our prince, she was saving him. She thinks the person who tried to save Feng Jie is a female doctor who performed CPR. 

During lunch, Jing Yi continues to analyze the case but I’m not paying that much attention because I’m staring at Xiao Jin Yu who’s staring at Chu Chu who’s enjoying her food and random scenes of Xiao Jin Yu eyeing his own tea with a quizzical expression

Qin Luan investigates into Chu Chu. When she was born in Xinan her “mother" had already died ten years ago. I did not make a typo. Her father is Chu Ping and his wife died giving birth to Chu He (Chu Chu’s brother). Qin Luan tries to connect the timeline with Xiao Heng who also disappeared in Xinan just a year prior to Chu Chu’s birth. Could Chu Chu be Xiao Heng’s daughter? Please, no

Xiao Jin Yu is not the Handsome Judge. Xiao Jin Yu wipes out any doubt that he could be the Handsome Judge. When Chu Chu heard stories of the Handsome Judge, she was six which means Xiao Jin Yu couldn’t have been any older. All these stories of the Handsome Judge are actually about his father.  
Back to the current case. Xiao Jin Yu has two more corpses for Chu Chu to examine. She notices they all have the same contusions in the same places. However, none of these contusions are the fatal wounds. She request for another reenactment. Xiao Jin Yu is so used to it by now, he stands up to be the murderer again. These reenactments are growing on me. Also, it seems like our reenactments will usually end with a romantic pose because he can’t bear to actually let her fall, lol. And looks who’s our third wheeler once again: Jing Yi. 

Chu Chu needs to examine Feng Jie’s body again. However, Feng Jie’s family is extra wary of them. Apparently, what they’re trying to hide is that Feng Jie died while lying under a woman’s body. It’s embarrassing to the family. They don't know the woman was actually performing CPR. Chu Chu manages to get in again but Qin Luan has people guarding the manor. To prevent her from finding anything more, they burn the place down and lock her in the room. 

[Ep5] The fire. There's a blazing fire outside but Chu Chu prioritizes the corpse over her own life! Xiao Jin Yu runs back in after knowing Chu Chu is still inside. He’s hustling her out but she’s worried about the corpse. A part of it is because she’s responsible but a bigger part of it is because she wants to help Xiao Jin Yu solve the case. She wants to uphold that trust of his. Luckily, Wu Jiang (the bodyguard) is also inside and he can take care of the corpse

Chu Chu and Xiao Jin Yu are blamed for the fire by the victim's family. Xiao Jin Yu doesn’t mind the insults but he demands an apology for Chu Chu. The girl risked her life to keep a dead man's corpse in one piece. Chu Chu is touched Xiao Jin Yu stood up for her. 

Just to clarify: Qin Luan’s orders were not to kill Chu Chu. He only wanted to destroy the corpse. Qin Luan is forever and always fixing that moustache of his but why does he fix it at night? He doesn’t even sport a moustache like that during the day! I presume he misses his masculinity.

Some romance. Chu Chu asks Xiao Jin Yu wasn’t he afraid of death when he ran into the fire to save her. 

Xiao Jin Yu: I was afraid. 
Chu Chu: Then why did you still enter?
Xiao Jin Yu: Because I was afraid you would die.

He follows up that there will be annoying paperwork he’ll have to write for her death. What a cold explanation. But, he emphasizes to her that her life is above a corpse. Duh! Except Chu Chu ain't normal. She values corpses because they have a life too. Chu Chu continues to question him he could have let Wu Jiang save her instead. Xiao Jin Yu has an A+ explanation for that too. If Wu Jiang went in alone, she’d stay in the fire to save the corpse with Wu Jiang. Xiao Jin Yu entering was to ensure her safety. After all, she’s his coroner that he hired. He has to protect her. This guy – so logical! I can’t squeeze an ounce of romance from his explanation and yet it is romantic

Xiao Jin Yu also brought in grapes for her. It’s probably her first trying them and she finds it bitter. Xiao Jin Yu laughs. Cute! He gives her the one he peeled. This is how it’s sweet. This is how it’s romantic. 

Also, Xiao Jin Yu is the grape! He’s bitter on the outside, but on the inside, he’s a plump grape! Sweet and soft :D

Okay back to the case! The previous two corpses had their skulls fractured but because they died too long ago, Chu Chu couldn’t examine their brain – it already decayed – which is why she needed to open Feng Jie’s skull who died recently. At this point Xiao Jin Yu is like You opened what? Anyway. She opens it, finds that that are these bruises at the front and back of the brain. The impact at the front (coup) led to the impact of the brain hitting the back of the skull (contrecoup). The three victims died from this countercoup brain injury. It doesn’t kill immediately but the brain is slowly and surely bleeding. Symptoms of it include slurred speech. This is why everyone thought they died from drinking too much alcohol. Xiao Jin Yu is still listening but he has another thought: Feng Jie’s corpse looked intact. Chu Chu is like Of course! I put it back together. You can’t just open a door and not close it? Right? Right, lol. For once, Xiao Jin Yu looks confused (and I love it) but his hands have  never stopped peeling the grapes for her. Aw.

No grapes for Jing Yi. Jing Yi flies in through the window. Why does he have this window habit again? He has news of the arsonist but first he wants some of those plump grapes. Not a chance. Xiao Jin Yu steals it back for Chu Chu. Jing Yi reveals he chased the arsonists all the way back to Qin Luan’s place. Now that Xiao Jin Yu confirmed that, he has another task for Jing Yi. He believes the murderer is related to the bar/restaurant Feng Jie visited because the murderer needs to set up the illusion that his victims died from alcohol intoxication. Chu Chu listens very carefully and remembers about the suspicious restaurant owner. Sweet. The restaurant owner was obvious but the details in between were the highlight

Hidden chamber. However, the owner has disappeared! They look around the vicinity and thanks to the hint Chu Chu gives Xiao Jin Yu that the kitchen is abnormally hot, he realizes there’s a hidden passage. He sets fire to one opening and wherever smoke comes out is the entrance to the hidden chamber. There’s actually more to this but hey these are mini recaps. Chu Chu wants to enter the chamber with Xiao Jin Yu but he explains there needs to be someone on the outside in case of anything. He just wants her safe. 
Claustrophobia. It seems Xiao Jin Yu has a type of claustrophobia where he can’t enter a chamber that has no windows. Chu Chu promises to keep it a secret. She and her brother had met a man like that – a government official they had saved. The man had told her no one can know about this secret otherwise he’d lose his job. Chu Chu wipes down Xiao Jin Yu's sweat with the handkerchief he gave her last time. He notices a white sewing in the corner. 

In the chamber, Jing Yi finds empty shelves that have already been cleared of its scrolls. The labels on the shelf have his and Xiao Jin Yan’s name. Also on the floor, he finds a note: "25th, Princess Xi Ping’s feast". Princess Xi Ping is Xiao Jin Yu’s mother. 

[Ep6] The restaurant owner. Chu Chu always has a new reason to admire Xiao Jin Yu. He’s able to draw the owner’s face with just seeing the man once and it wasn’t like he even knew the man. Staring at the portrait, Chu Chu still finds the restaurant owner looking weird. It’s like he’s foreign but too foreign. From her description, Xiao Jin Yu concludes the owner has face morphing abilities i.e. make up skills. The face he showed wasn’t his real face.

Qin Luan is the mastermind. He hired the restaurant owner to be a messenger. Once the owner receives an assignment, he sends it to the hitmen and that is how the three victims including Feng Jie died. General Zhou successfully smuggles out the restaurant owner. Xiao Jin Yu still has a shot if he can catch the hitman. 

As the case is ongoing, Xiao Jin Yu is simultaneously investigates into Chu Chu’s past. He discovers there was a "Medicine Man” who taught her but left five years ago. 

Some romance. Xiao Jin Yu learns Chu Chu had sewed a bone on his handkerchief. To be exact, it’s the 5th left rib – her favourite bone. It's closest to where the heart beats. She asks him if it looks good. He agrees it is pretty. Yes. Pretty is the word I describe a bone too. When he's alone, Xiao Jin Yu smiles  at the sewing as he feels his own heartbeat.

Xiao Heng. Xiao Jin Yu is back at his mother’s home. He brings her the scrolls he found in the chamber. It’s all about his father, Xiao Heng. It’s as if these scrolls were left on purpose for him to discover. Then there’s Chu Chu’s black rock that is the other half of his father’s rock. Finally, Princess Xi Ping tells Xiao Jin Yu that his father’s corpse was never found. Now Xiao Jin Yu believes his father might just be alive.  

Qin Luan is purposely making Xiao Jin Yu investigate into his father. Just why? 

[Ep7] Leng Yue: a pretty competitor? Leng Yue is back in the city. She’s childhood friends with Xiao Jin Yu and Jing Yi. She meets Chu Chu and asks her if she's the girl who touched Xiao Jin Yu from head to toe and even attempted to strip him. Chu Chu can't deny the facts just like she can't deny how beautiful she thinks Leng Yue is. If Chu Chu was a man, she'd want to marry Leng Yue. Leng Yue loves the shower of compliments. When Xiao Jin Yu arrives, Leng Yue is still laughing and wraps her arm around Chu Chu's shoulder, teasing her she'll wait for the marriage proposal. Leng Yue’s real purpose in visiting the manor is to report to Xiao Jin Yu about her findings on Chu Chu. From the way Chu Chu's father treats her, it doesn't seem like Chu Chu is adopted.

Xiao Jin Yu asks Chu Chu to write up the autopsy report. He adds that she should leave the author blank. Chu Chu sulks to herself, thinking that she can't write her name because she isn't yet a full fledged imperial coroner. 

Chu Chu is done the report. As she's waiting to give it to Xiao Jin Yu, Chu Chu spots Leng Yue using the Xiao Jin Yu's handkerchief (she thinks it's the handkerchief she sewed the bone on). Chu Chu unconsciously scrunches up the report she had just written. Xiao Jin Yu doesn't mind it. As long as the words are legible, it's fine. Chu Chu asks him a random question: Does he like pretty girls. Of course he does. He explains: "Pretty" means that seeing the girl's face will bring him joy and so of course the girl he likes should be "pretty. To him this question is fatuous. Lol.

Case update: Chu Chu is pretty amazing herself. Xiao Jin Yu can draw a person's face with one glance but Chu Chu can recognize a person's face by their skull. Why need technology when we've got Chu Chu and Xiao Jin Yu? She recognizes the portrait as the corpse she examined in Ep1, her first test. It's the man who was struck by lightening and had no features recognizable. He's an assassin and it was him who sent a message to Xiao Jin Yu that there will be a murder of court officials. In exchange, the man wanted protection. However, before Xiao Jin Yu got to meet him, he had died. Oh, so that's why he knew to dig up those other corpses!

Xiao Jin Yu has one more question for Chu Chu. He shows her a picture of Xiao Heng and she recognizes him and accidentally exposes she knows him. 

[Ep8] Chu Chu will leave. Chu Chu decides to leave Xiao Jin Yu's manor. She's afraid she'll involuntarily expose everything to him if she stays any longer. He's way too good at interrogating and she's way too gullible. She packs her bags but realizes she lost the pass they gave her. She reports to Xiao Jin Yu and then accidentally leaks out she's leaving, lol. He doesn't look too worried and that disappoints Chu Chu. Wait... did he steal the pass knowing she was going to leave? I wouldn't be surprised, he is that smart....

Chu Chu no longer leaving. Later, Chu Chu receives a letter from Xiao Jin Yu. It's an apology for being curt at the news of her leaving. Aw. Chu Chu is also given another corpse to examine. She returns the result via a report and attaches a letter to him too. In the letter: she forgives him especially when he thinks she's such an amazing coroner and thus, she's not leaving anymore. Wu Jiang asks Xiao Jin Yu how he should reply Chu Chu about her lost pass. Xiao Jin Yu smirks. Just return it, he says. He did steal it! xD. I'm proud

Emperor approves. Xiao Jin Yu reports to the Emperor of all his findings: the restaurant owner, the secret chamber, the murders, the information on each court official. He also links these to the counterfeit money that's rampant in the city. The clues all seem to point to Xinan (a city). The Emperor permits Xiao Jin Yu to secretly investigate. Meanwhile, to everyone else, Xiao Jin Yu is merely investigating his father's disappearance. 

More about this "Handsome Judge". It is Xiao Heng. Jing Yu's father came up with the nickname and only him and Xiao Heng should know of it. There's also another flashback Chu Chu has of her "master" where he tells her this "Handsome Judge" doesn't actually exist in this world. 

[Ep9] Some romance. Since Xiao Jin Yu told Chu Chu he likes pretty girls, she puts on makeup to seduce him. It doesn't go so well. He thinks she's "enshrining" herself (i.e. preparing to enter a coffin). Contouring without blending = enshrining one self. Noted. Anyway. She gives him a unique and thoughtful present: a ladle. Actually, it's a ladle that reflects. Actually, it's a mirror – a concave and a convex mirror all in one. Cool, my ladle had that function and I never knew. It will help him see inside a window-less chamber when he can't enter one. He likes the present and asks her to keep his phobia a secret. She promises and adds a pinky promise. 

Everyone goes to Xinan. Xiao Jin Yu gives Chu Chu another chance to be an imperial coroner. Excited, she asks when her test will be. He tells her she will have to go to Xinan (Qianzhou) with him and Jing Yi. Xiao Jin Yu will quiz her along the journey. There's no rules whatsoever. 

Leng Yue also joins the trip with Xiao Jin Yu's mother's encouragement. Leng Yue is Princess Xi Ping's niece. Leng Yue listens but it doesn't look like she's happy to go to Xinan, Qianzhou at all. 

Qin Luan assigns Xu Ru Gui (the restaurant owner) to Qianzhou to kill Xiao Jin Yu and to kidnap Chu Chu. 

Leng Yue's marriage and Xinan's outlook. The moms of the boys both like Leng Yue but Jing Yi's father keeps pushing for the marriage between Xiao Jin Yu and Leng Yue instead. Dad does not want an alliance between Jing and Leng Family because both are strong (Leng family controls the army in Xinan). Their alliance will only bring envy. If Leng Yue marries Xiao Jin Yu, then Jing Yi will give up. Plus, Leng Pei Shan (Leng Yue's grandfather) is ill and yet he has hidden his condition from the Emperor. Dad fears if Leng Pei Shan falls, the city will enter chaos. 

Some history about Xinan: The last time there was a revolt, Xiao Heng was sent to settle it but then he was accused of treason himself.

[Ep10] Xu Ru Gui leads the attack on our team. Leng Yue protects Chu Chu and suffers a sword injury. Other than that, our gang is okay. Oh, there's also a new member: Xiao Jin Li (Xiao Jin Yu's brother). They arrive in Guanlinxian in one piece. This is Chu Chu's hometown. Chu He, Chu Chu's brother, quickly tries to take his sister back home. He was worried about her because she hasn't written a single letter to them. Also, he doesn't trust that Xiao Jin Yu is a court official. As for Xiao Jin Yu, he will only let her go if he sees her with her family. Don't think he's being romantic, he's investigating her. After seeing Chu Family, Xiao Jin Yu explains who he is. Then he asks about the Medicine Man. There isn't a lot of useful information and so Xiao Jin Yu asks Chu Family if he can stay the night. Chu Chu is like What?? 

Some romance. Chu Chu's forensic skills are put to good use when she's skinning a fish with precision. Xiao Jin Yu praises the food with a poem that goes over everyone's head. Jing Yi translates the complicated poem for us: "Bravo!"

[Ep11] Xiao Jin Yu thinks Chu family is weird. They're too nice to Chu Chu as if she's a stranger rather than a daughter. 

Some romance. Chu He pressures Xiao Jin Yu into drinking a lot of alcohol at dinner. Chu Chu knows Xiao Jin Yu has a weak stomach so she prepared digestive-soup for him. He asks her to keep it from his brother and Jing Yi. Another secret (: She also tells him her whole family are happy he's willing to stay at their place because everyone in town is afraid of them. He confirms whether she's really happy. He only cares about her happiness (:. She is, despite being afraid he'd leave her at her home (because he had said that). Xiao Jin Yu smiles (he wasn't going to do that). He also has a present for her. It's a forensic kit that he handmade along the trip. Chu Chu is astonished because she's been with him the entire time. He did it at night. This guy also has insomnia. He's got so many problems...

Chu family. Jing Yi has found more details on Chu family. They're rather humble. The odd thing is they're willing to spend heaps of money for memorials / grave sites that aren't related to them at all. 

The haunted house. Chu He is a little too drunk and dares Xiao Jin Yu to catch the ghost that has been haunting Medicine Man's home for years now. If he can't do it, then don't dream about taking Chu Chu – as a coroner. Thus, at midnight, the Xiao brothers and Chu siblings take a look at the ruined home. 

There's creepy sounds like ghost callings. Xiao Jin Yu touches the wall and knocks on this random useless mound of rock in the middle of nowhere. That's the source of the noise – wind turbulence. Medicine Man has been using "ghost callings" to hide something inside the walls. Then inside the crumbled wall, they find a corpse that's wrapped up with ingredients to keep it from decaying. They also find a iron rod next to the body. Xiao Jin Yu tries to confirm when the "ghost callings" began. Chu Chu only remembers that it was since she was a child which means Medicine Man has been deliberately hiding this corpse since then. 

Chu Chu begins the autopsy. The corpse is a eunuch who died many years ago but because of the ingredients, it looks like he only died recently. The fatal wound is a long object that pierced the bottom left rib and upwards into the body (which is a weird angle to kill if you think about it). Not that I thought about killing anyone lately ;). The weapon seems to be the rod that's buried with the body. Chu Chu says no to that.

[Ep12] The Case: Chu Chu confirms the weapon is the rod. What an annoying cliffhanger, lol. However, the way the eunuch died is weird. From the injuries, Chu Chu can tell this person knows how to fight because all the large wounds are actually rather superficial (i.e. he knows how to dodge). The weird part is, the murderer, who can obviously fight as well, didn't even aim for the vital parts of the body. Chu Chu also hypothesizes that perhaps it's not that the murderer doesn't want to but that he can't. She turns to Xiao Jin Yu and he knows exactly what she wants: another simulation. I like that she delegates him as the murderer all the time. They don't even need to confirm who's who anymore. They go through how each wound was established and at the very end, we get our romantic pose again :D. The brothers aren't as good of an audience as our Jing Yi was and quickly separate them that I can't even get a good screenshot

From the simulation, Chu Chu explains all the wounds were aimed from a low height as if a child had done it. Xiao Jin Yu shakes his head, he believes the murderer couldn't stand and therefore the biggest suspect is the Medicine Man who has a locomotive disability. Xiao Jin Li defends the Medicine Man that it was self-defence. If he hadn't killed the eunuch, he would have been killed. But Chu He argues if he was innocent then why keep the body like this. Why keep this all a secret? Xiao Jin Yu believes the Medicine Man could be keeping the evidence. He then asks Chu Chu if she remembers when this home became “haunted”. It’s likely he created the "ghosts" to scare anyone from finding the corpse.  

Chu Family is hiding something. Xiao Jin Yu has orders: this corpse is to be kept a secret. However, Chu He tells Chu Ping about it. He’s afraid they’ll be in trouble if Magistrate Zheng finds out. The father and son are also very worried if Xiao Jin Yu continues to look into Chu Chu. In Chu He’s words: “That will be the end of Chu Chu, her life will be over forever.” Chu He decides to take Chu Chu away. Chu Ping lectures his son it'll be even more obvious Chu Chu has a problem. If that happens Chu Ping will break his own son’s leg. Hm. They really do care about her

An argument. Xiao Jin Yu finally tells Chu Chu that he has the other half of the black rock which is a love token of his father and his mother. Medicine Man is his father. However, this doesn’t make Chu Chu ease up to tell him more of Medicine Man. Instead, she realizes Xiao Jin Yu never had an intention of hiring her to be an imperial coroner. There was no exam. He never thought she was the best coroner. He was merely using her for the black rock. If that was the case, he shouldn’t have fooled her. 

Chu Chu's birth secret. Jing Yi has found Chu Chu’s birth origins. Her mother, who was already married, returned to her maiden home: Xu Family (who were was decently well off). She argued with her brother, and then somehow committed suicide. Chu Chu was an abandoned newborn who Chu Ping adopted. Leng Yue explains that it’s not uncommon for this city to abandon babies especially when they’re too poor. Xiao Jin Yu has a lot of questions that I do too!. When this lady committed suicide, was she pregnant? Who’s her father? What’s his last name? What was the argument about? Why is this report so awful! Jing Yi answers that there was a big fire in the storage. The original report is already gone. This is the best document they have. 

Xiao Jin Yu directly asks Chu Ping about the case. How many months pregnant was the deceased? Chu Ping hesitates but answers truthfully: she was almost full term. And now the pivotal question: Where is the child? Every Chu man in the room flicks their gaze to Xiao Jin Yu. The answer is obvious; the child is Chu Chu. Chu family would rather Chu Chu hear rumours of her birth than tell her the truth because the truth is worse. She’s a coffin’s baby. And whaddya know, Chu Chu overhears everything. 

Grandfather Chu explains it all: Yes she’s not my son’s child but she’s the child my son saved. Since the child is saved (by us), then she is Chu family’s granddaughter. Sniffles.

Then Chu Ping kneels. He recounts that night. The magistrate had ordered him to only take the body from Xu family; there’s no need for an autopsy. He rescued Chu Chu from her mother’s dead body. What advanced medical technique back then to perform C-section on a dead lady! When they wanted to return the child, Xu Family was on the run. Chu Ping was afraid Chu Chu would be pulled into the turmoil of Xu Family. 

Chu He kneels with his father. He begs Xiao Jin Yu that Chu Chu has nothing to do with Xu Family. When Chu Chu was born, her mother had died, her connection with Xu Family never existed. Grandfather Chu also gets down on his knees to beg Xiao Jin Yu to spare Chu Chu. Grandfather Chu will take the blame. Oh my! So touching! 

Chu Chu gets down on her knees too! She knows Xiao Jin Yu’s main purpose is to investigate the black rock, she’ll tell him everything. She pleads him to release her family. Xiao Jin Yu was not expecting her entire family to beg him. However, it’s Chu Chu’s pleas that hurts him the most because of all people she should know he wouldn’t punish the innocent. He’s so hurt, he spits up blood. 

[Ep13A lot of romance. Xiao Jin Yu wakes up. Chu Chu is on her knees, thinking he's going to execute or punish her family. First, he tells her he never lied about believing in her abilities as a top coroner. 

Xiao Jin Yu: I want you to stay but I must understand everything about you.

The more he knows, the more he can prepare. For this case, he doesn't know what he's getting himself into; adding on top of that, there's her he doesn't know enough of. There's not one moment he let his guard down because he doesn't know if he's putting her safety at risk. Oh, is that why he couldn't sleep and was making her the forensic kit? Awwwww.

Xiao Jin Yu: If you don't tell me about your past, then I'll have to investigate it other ways. I know you won't be happy about this but compared to your safety – dramatic pause – I rather be hated by you. Just the idea of her being in danger led to that pause in his sentence
Chu Chu: No, I never hated you...
Xiao Jin Yu: You already think that I'm using Chu Family's life to threaten you. If that's not hate then what is? You have absolutely no faith me, forcing you to be with me is no good for both of us.
Chu Chu: No, Your Lordship, I don't hate you. You're too amazing. You're smart and fair; especially when you're investigating, you glow as brightly as the sun. Such a good person like you who treats me so well (how I can hate you). Other than Chu family, there hasn't been anyone as nice as you to me. I'm afraid, afraid that all this is fake.
Xiao Jin Yu looking tormented: Chu Chu, I'm good to you because you deserve it.   
Chu Chu: Your Lordship, I won't go anywhere else. I just want to follow you. Give me one more chance, I will do well. I will trust you and I won't make you angry anymore. 
Xiao Jin Yu loses the tension in his expression but he goes: No need. 
Chu Chu whines: Your Lordship~
Xiao Jin Yu: No need to test you anymore. 
Chu Chu brightens up: Really?
Xiao Jin Yu: If you're willing to follow me, I cannot ask for more. (It's a high high praise like she's perfect for him – as a coroner, of course)
Chu Chu is silent. She's getting a case of butterflies and I am too
Xiao Jin Yu sharply asks her: You don't believe me again?
Chu Chu reflexively replies: Believe! I believe. 

How can Xiao Jin Yu say all this so un-romantically and yet be so romantic? He's sad she didn't trust him. He's happy again when she wants to be with him. Does he know he's in love?

Chu Chu worridly asks him how he'll punish her family. He lingers his eyes on her and tells her he'll pardon them on one condition: "I want to drink chicken soup." :D The details: no blood, no grease, flavorful but light. Chu Chu will do it as ordered. Everything is a-okay but Chu He looks perplexed. 

Chu He does have another motive. He likes Chu Chu and wants to marry her. Well. Daddy Chu tells his son, the feelings have to be reciprocal. Xiao Jin Li overhears. 

Xiao Jin Li asks Xiao Jin Yu why was he so mad. Xiao Jin Yu doesn't know either. He had already expected Chu Chu to be mad so his own reaction is confusing to him too. Xiao Jin Li brings up another question: Why won't Chu Chu tell them the truth about Medicine Man? That's probably on Xiao Jin Yu's mind too but then Chu Chu walks in with the chicken soup, a smile peeps through his lips and he probably forgot what he was thinking about right before seeing her. Nothing like chicken soup to warm up his heart stomach.

Medicine Man. Chu Chu tells Xiao Jin Yu all she knows about Medicine Man (Xiao Heng): he disappeared five years ago, leaving only a letter that explains he's leaving somewhere. She thought he'd be back but he never returned. She also thought that if she found the Handsome Judge, she'd be able to find him. She kept him a secret because Medicine Man asked her to.  

Chu Chu's Mother. Grandpa Chu gives Chu Chu her mother's hairpin. He doesn't want her to hate her mother. Hm. And now we ask, just who is her mother? Xiao Jin Yu is on it. He draws the hairpin for Jing Yi to investigate (because our boy knows nothing about girl stuff unlike Jing Yi). He also tells Chu Chu the year her father was said to have died, there were no natural disasters, which means it's mostly likely a human crime that led to the death of her family. 

Who is the Handsome Judge? Chu Chu has a question about his father. These two. Caring more about each other's family than their own. Who is Handsome Judge? Where is the Six Gates? Xiao Jin Yu doesn't bother looking up and teases her if she already wants to transfer to another office. Ha. Of course she doesn't. The Handsome Judge isn't even comparable to Xiao Jin Yu in her heart. Xiao Jin Yu complimented her that she's the best, saved her from the fire while risking his own life, handmade her a kit, never discriminated her family, and treated her family like they were his family. 

Chu Chu: I know this isn't what a judge does for his coroner. It is what you do for me

Now Xiao Jin Yu finally has a reaction (those eyebrows). He pauses his drawing and notes she shouldn't befriend Jing Yi or Leng Yue anymore. They've taught her to be shameless. 

Chu Chu: I know treat you me well! Very well. Your Lordship, As long as you let me stay, then I will never be a coroner for someone else. Can we leave out the "coroner" for once? Lol
Xiao Jin Yu teases: Then why do you keep mentioning The Six Gates or the Handsome Judge.

Chu Chu is just very curious. She really thinks he is the Handsome Judge. Plus, if not for her search for the Handsome Judge, she wouldn't have met him. Xiao Jin Yu is distracted from his drawing again. I really, really like these small, small details the camera catches. He finally tells her that the cases in her books are real and were investigated by his father but he is not the Handsome Judge depicted in the books. The Handsome Judge is a fictional character Xiao Heng made up – it is his ideal judge: fair and righteous. Chu Chu isn't entirely convinced because Xiao Jin Yu is just like the Handsome Judge in her books. I absolutely love this connection. Xiao Jin Yu wasn't the "real" Handsome Judge when Medicine Man told Chu Chu of his stories but he lived up to his father's dreams and embodied "Handsome Judge". Brilliant. Chu Chu did find the Handsome Judge and it is Xiao Jin Yu

On the Emperor's side: everyone seems to be worried about this Prince Chang who might still be alive. Will there be a coup? 
[Ep14Xue Ru Cheng is Prince Chang!!! This detail was planted right from the beginning in Ep1! I remember thinking why am I getting scenes of this random minister. He's also Xiao Jin Yu's teacher and the guy who was just promoted by the Emperor to handle the military department. Sweet. He's been deliberately keeping a low profile among the ministers. He is the son of the previous Emperor. The current Emperor is merely an uncle. Prince Chang is the true ruler and he will take his crown back.  

Jing Yi is back and cute as ever. Jing Yi asks Xiao Jin Li for an update on Xiao Jin Yu. Unforunate for Jing Yi, he doesn't get a lot of news because Xiao Jin Li's answer for everything is "it's too long of a story." The exact line he uses is: "一兩句說不清楚 which means "one or two words cannot explain it all"

Jing Yi mutters to himself: I was just away from Xiao Jin Yu for one day, how come there's so much that can't be explained. Hahaha. I can ship Jing Yi with anyone

Anyway. Jing Yi goes to visit Xiao Jin Yu with his proper work clothes and soldiers in tow. Then  he gives Xiao Jin Yu a big bow. He never does this and Xiao Jin Yu side-eyes him. Since he gave a full bow, everyone else has to bow including Chu Chu. LOL. Way to be low-key about this. Knowing Jing Yi, he's messing with Xiao Jin Yu. Chu Family must have had a fright thinking Jing Yi is here to arrest them or something. . 

Xu Family. Xiao Jin Yu looks into Xu Family (Chu Chu's maiden home). It's currently occupied by Tan Deputy (Tan Hong). There still isn't a lot of information because of the coincidental fire that burned all the scrolls. Xiao Jin Yu is left with one person who can help him but he'll need Chu Chu's permission. She's quick to reply, whatever it is that he wants, she'll do it. He smiles but it's with restraint. He's asking her to allow an autopsy of her mother. He suspects her mother was murdered. Chu Chu agrees but she has a condition too: she wants to perform the autopsy. He agrees. 

Xiao Jin Li's Updates. Xiao Jin Li is looking for a new place to stay. He asks his brother if Chu He said anything to him. Xiao Jin Yu shakes his head and asks why. Xiao Jin Li avoids answering the part about Chu He wanting to marry Chu Chu with his favourite line: "一兩句說不清楚"

Xiao Jin Li also asks his brother if it was him who ordered Leng Yue to spy on Jing Yi. Xiao Jin Yu hypothesizes that Leng Yue is here because of his mother who probably wants to keep an eye on Chu Chu so if Leng Yue is spying on Jing Yi then it would be related to Chu Chu.

Jing Yi isn't that cute?! Tan Guai (son of Tan Hong) and Jing Yi have a secret rendezvous. Oh what is this! Jing Yi gives him a letter and now Jing Yi is super suspicious. D: Leng Yue almost catches their meeting. 

Some romance. Next morning, Xiao Jin Yu leaves early to Xiao Heng's house. Chu Chu breathlessly runs to find him. She's blocked by the guards but Xiao Jin Yu lets her through. It's nothing urgent. It's just she woke up and he was gone. He smirks. He teases her for thinking he left her, "Do you not trust me again?" Xiao Jin Yu, stop teasing her! She's actually scared. Chu Chu's replies can be summarized like this: "No – yes....Sorry." xD
Case Update: Xiao Jin Yu looks around Xiao Heng's room and finds Chinese chess pieces. Chu Chu remembers Xiao Heng carving the gems but there weren't Chinese characters on them yet. But where is the board? It's on the flip side of the table! Under the table there's a hidden draw with a paper inside detailing an endgame. Xiao Brothers follow the game but nothing happens. Meanwhile Jing Yi's father and Xue Ru Cheng play chess too. Daddy Jing wins but afterwards, he looks rather pensive. What are all these signs! Back to the Xiao brothers. They change their coloured pieces and now that Xiao Jin Yu plays the white pieces, he notices there's a message in the remaining pieces "車馬象卒" but he can't decipher it. Car (車) and Horse (馬) are in black. Elephant (象) and Pawn (卒) are in white
Chu Chu's Mother. All these years Daddy Chu visited Xu's grave on purpose for Chu Chu to see her mother but this is the first time she truly bowed to her mother, aw. Now Chu Chu has to dig up her mother's grave, a big taboo in Chinese culture. There's tears in her eyes but for the truth, she asks her mother to trust her and to trust Xiao Jin Yu. She stands aside to let the diggers do their job. Xiao Jin Yu comforts her. Unconsciously, Chu Chu clutches onto a piece of his clothing. Xiao Jin Yu notices and so does Xiao Jin Li.

Leng Yue to marry Xiao Jin Li?? Xue Ru Cheng and Daddy Jing report to the Emperor of Leng Pei Shan's condition (ageing). Daddy Jing promotes Xiao Jin Li to be the new general and nudges Xue Ru Cheng to follow. However, the Emperor doesn't like it. Princess Xi Ping is a niece to Leng Pei Shan. Having Xiao Jin Li control the army will only make Xiao family stronger. Daddy Jing contradicts. The whole purpose of Leng marrying the royals was to keep their families together. Xiao Jin Li taking over will only fortify their relationship. The Emperor is convinced by Daddy Jing but what if Leng family refuses? Daddy Jing suggests a marriage between Xiao Jin Li and Leng Yue. Xue Ru Cheng doesn't like it. Seems like this will go against his plans of overthrowing the Emperor. 

Case Update: Chu Chu finishes her autopsy. So fast. The fatal wound to Chu Chu's mother was not from the impact to a wall. It was a blunt object directly struck to the back of her head. Chu Chu’s mother was indeed murdered. 

[Ep15] Jing Yi being even more suspicious. Chu Chu's autopsy reveals her mother died from protecting Chu Chu. The fractures on the arm indicate her mother stopped a forceful impact of someone pushing her to the wall in order to protect her womb but she couldn't stop the fatal wound to the back of her head. Jing Yi is hidden in a corner spying on everything! In a next scene, Daddy Jing receives a letter from Jing Yi updating him on Xiao Jin Yu. I'd like to believe this son and father pair purely based on gut feeling

Leng Yue initiates the conversation to Xiao Jin Yu about their marriage and sighs with relief that they're on the same page: they treat each other like brothers. Xiao Jin Yu is curious about something else: why is she here? She's not the type to obediently listen to his mother. Leng Yue explains she is here for Chu Chu but before she can elaborate, Jing Yi interrupts, pretending to have just woken up. Xiao Jin Yu sees through Jing Yi’s lie, but still, Xiao Jin Yu asks him to investigate Chu Chu's mother's hairpin. 

Girl time. Leng Yue checks up on Chu Chu who's molding her mother's face from clay via her skull formation. It's to create a portrait so it's easier to investigate her. I like how Leng Yue questioned  how weight can change someone's appearance and then the follow up answer from Chu Chu that she accounted for the weight through her mother's clothes. The show really is trying to fill in the details to convince me this is possible. Leng Yue – our normal human being who sees a daughter trying to reconstruct her dead mother's face from a skull – is like No wonder Xiao Jin Yu is worried about you. Chu Chu jumps at that. She thought his "worried" meant that he didn't trust her. We all know about Chu Chu's trust issue by now, lol. Leng Yue quickly clarifies she meant his "worry" is out of care (or love)

Leng Yue tells Chu Chu they are the same. She has a strong desire to escape Chang'an meanwhile Chu Chu has a strong desire to enter Chang'an. Their goals are different, but the weight of their desires are the same. This moved Leng Yue and it is why she's here for Chu Chu to help her realize her dream whatever that may be. Leng Yue truly is here for Chu Chu

More birth secrets! Leng Yue asks Chu Chu who she thinks looks the best among the men. Chu Chu boringly answers they're all good-looking but when she thinks about Xiao Jin Yu, there's an involuntary smile as she imagines his skull must look the finest. LMAO. If there's ever a scene where Chu Chu lovingly touches Xiao Jin Yu's face , I'll know what she's thinking: the beauty of this skull, oh, the cheek bone, ah, the brows! Leng Yue laughs. However, on the topic of appearance, Chu Chu thinks Xiao Jin Yu and Xiao Jin Li look too different to be fraternal twins. Xiao Jin Yu overhears this. Another birth secret?! I replayed this a few times just to confirm Chu Chu never said who didn't look like the parent. It could be either brothers. And what a coincidence it is then for Xiao Jin Yu and Xiao Jin Li to be born on the same day.   
  • Princess Xi Ping is really against Xiao Jin Li marrying Leng Yue... which is a very different reaction when the candidate was Xiao Jin Yu. I'm not sure whether this is related to the potential birth secret or that mom just doesn't want her son taking over Leng Family's army
Chu Chu is kidnapped! Xu Ru Gui kidnapped Chu Chu right under Leng Yue's nose but left deliberate hints for Xiao Jin Yu. Xiao Jin Li asks Xiao Jin Yu if this might have anything to do with Jing Yi who's been rather suspicious lately.

[Ep16The trust between Xiao Jin Yu and Jing Yi. Xiao Jin Yu corners Jing Yi to the wall, demanding where Chu Chu is. 

Xiao Jin Yu seethes with anger in each of his words: I trust you like you're another me. I trust that you'll never harm me. But what happened today, you must clearly explain to me. If anything happens to Chu Chu, I won't let you off or your family. 

Jing Yi pushes him off calling him crazy. Xu Ru Gui's plan was always to kill them but keep Chu Chu alive and that means Chu Chu is safe with Xu Ru Gui. If Xiao Jin Yu continues to bark up the wrong tree then it'll be over. Jing Yi confesses everything: yes, he was secretly following Xiao Jin Yu but it was to protect him. Jing Yi and Dad Jing are afraid Xiao Jin Yu's reckless investigations will bring him trouble. Deep down, I always trusted Jing Yi. Just sayin' =D. Xiao Jin Yu calms down but asks Jing Yi why he couldn't just have asked. Jing Yi scoffs that he would have never told him anything if if the mission was life threatening. Xiao Jin Yu looks down, guilty. 

Note: If I ever type Jing Li, I mean Jing Yi. The names of the men in this drama piss me off with how similar they are in English. 

The trust between Xiao Jin Yu and Chu Chu. Xu Ru Gui brought Chu Chu to her maiden home (Xu Family). He tells her Yun Yi is her father and was part of Chen Ying's army who rebelled and it was Xiao Heng who reported them so they killed Xiao Heng. I'm pretty sure there was an earlier scene where Chen Ying was helping Xiao Heng escape from Qin Luan. Chu Chu won't believe a word Xu Ru Gui tells him. Smart girl

On Xiao Jin Yu's side, from the hairpin and Jing Yi’s knowledge on it, Xiao Jin Yu deciphers who Chu Chu's father is. This is Xu Ru Gui's double whammy to undermine both Chu Chu and Xiao Jin Yu's trust for one another: 1) kidnap Chu Chu to convince her Xiao Jing Yu's father died because of her father and 2) leave the hairpin for Xiao Jin Yu to figure out she's a mutineer's daughter. It's a smart move by a smart man that would have worked if our leads weren't Chu Chu and Xiao Jin Yu. 

Jing Yi is complacent; there's no way Chu Chu would betray Xiao Jin Yu. However, Xiao Jin Yu believes Xu Ru Gui must have something that can overcome Chu Chu's trust for him. Family. Xu Ru Gui is Chu Chu's uncle, his mother's older brother, Xu Zong Fang. Still, never doubt Chu Chu's trust for Xiao Jin Yu. She remembers what he taught her: give the enemy faith that she can be convinced and therefore her life will be kept safe. Once the enemy is distracted, flee or wait for Xiao Jin Yu. I love this trust between them! Chu Chu follows the plan and asks Xu Ru Gui how her mother died. In comes the housekeeper who explains it was all Madame Xu's idea and that Xu Ru Gui knew nothing of it but in the flashback we see that everything was Xu Ru Gui's orders. Chu Chu instinctively knows Xu Ru Gui was part of her mother's murder. Xu Ru Gui is over the pretense and kills the housekeeper on the spot. Chu Chu screams. Fortunately, Xiao Jin Yu has found the place in time and has the entire manor secured. They save Chu Chu and capture Xu Ru Gui. However, Xu Ru Gui has already sent a letter to Qin Luan updating him that Chu Chu is a traitor's daughter. 

Some romances. Xiao Jin Yu carries Chu Chu home. She's feverish. I'm rather certain the normal Xiao Jin Yu would interrogate Xu Ru Gui first. He clutches onto Chu Chu's hand as she calls to him in her sleep. And actually, he's not neglecting the case. Xiao Jin Yu has blindfolded Xu Ru Gui and in this state where he's in pitch darkness, water slowly drips on his forehead and that's all he can feel and hear. Jing Yi teaches Leng Yue to not underestimate the fear this can instill. Leng Yue admires it and feels like she should learn more from Xiao Jin Yu. Jing Yi shivers in fear that she can only learn how to push him to the wall, lol, I translate that to mean Jing Yi wants Leng Yue to push him to the wall one of these days.
Chu Chu has a nightmare of Xu Ru Gui kidnapping her again. Her family is killed. Xiao Jin Yu is here to arrest her but Xu Ru Gui kills Xiao Jin Yu. She wakes up in fear and immediately hugs Xiao Jin Yu, grateful he's alive. Surprised, he hugs her back. She immediately checks his wound that's nonexistent. She explains she had a dream of him not wanting her again. Xiao Jin Yu assures her he won't go back on his words. If he said he wouldn't leave her, he wouldn't leave her. He will always be there for her. Remember it. Chu Chu clarifies that it was just a dream. Xiao Jin Yu insists that even in a dream, she must remember it. Ah~ <3 

Xu Ru Gui's testimony. Xu Ru Gui confesses he's under Qin Luan's orders but he knows nothing about Prince Chang or the counterfeit money.

[Ep17] The investigation on Prince Chang. Xiao Jin Yu was investigating into Prince Chang all along. The ministers who had died had all received military related news from Qianzhou which used to be Prince Chang’s territory. Yan Ming’s scroll that the courtesan stole had information about Prince Chang. Omg I forgot about this detail. Jing Yi wonders if Prince Chang killed them all to hide his identity. On the contrary, Xiao Jin Yu concludes Prince Chang wanted to be discovered. His name needs to be resurrected because currently, he is a dead man to everyone. Wow, I find that so cool. Prince Chang wanted to use Xiao Jin Yu to bring him back "alive". Too bad, Xiao Jin Yu is too smart to fall for that and deliberately kept a low profile on his investigation. However, rumours of Prince Chang is circulating Chang'an which would mean Prince Chang is in a rush which would also mean he has his forces ready. The only problem is if Prince Chang is innocent in all this then Xiao Jin Yu might have to die for accusing a royal. This is the reason Xiao Jin Yu didn’t tell Jing Yi anything. If Xiao Jin Yu were to die, he needs Jing Yi to comfort his family. We all know Xiao Jin Yu wants Jing Yi alive not for superficial reasons like that. Jing Yi whines, Aw man I just want to play around! And we all know Jing Yi cares too.

Jing Yi asks where Xu Ru Gui should be imprisoned because right now he's still in Chu Family's home. Xiao Jin Yu wants him to be kept here. Jing Yi smiles, teasing Xiao Jin Yu that he just wants to protect Chu Chu's background from being exposed. 

Jing Yi: You’re in trouble! Here – taps Xiao Jin Yu's heart (right at the fifth rib) – has someone. 

Xiao Jin Yu lies that he also has a lot of people in his heart. Jing Yi counters he’s never been so angry at someone that he fainted. “Clearly, you need to investigate this big hint.” 

Qin Luan is just as clever. Sun Ming De asks Qin Luan why he didn't reveal everything he found about Prince Chang to the Emperor. Well. Qin Luan is doing the exact same thing as Xiao Jin Yu: concealing Prince Chang as if any news are only rumours. Qin Luan also wants to clear himself of any suspicion from the Emperor because these eunuchs were the last ones to see Prince Chang.

More about the hair pin. The hairpin belonged to Princess Xi Ping’s mother who she then gave it to Jing Yi’s mother. It was actually a pair. The other pair, Mom Jing gave it to someone else. She doesn’t remember but she has a log of it somewhere. 

Some romance. Chu He is worried Chu Chu will get sick again in the rain – no actually, he’s afraid Xiao Jin Yu is kidnapping her or something. He stops Chu Chu from leaving with Xiao Jin Yu but Xiao Jin Yu flings off his hand. Chu He yells that Chu Chu is his sister. Xiao Jin Yu hollers back that she’s his coroner. Well, sister >>> coroner xD but neither are saying the truth of what Chu Chu actually means to them. Xiao Jin Yu wins the fight for Chu Chu by throwing in his high ranking title. Chu He can’t fight back or he'll suffer unemployment. Xiao Jin Yu grabs Chu Chu’s hand to leave the house. As they're walking Chu Chu asks Xiao Jin Yu to not be angry at her brother to  which he angrily replies that he’s not angry. Lol, haha. Xiao Jin Yu being angry is my next favourite thing to watch. Chu Chu quietly asks Xiao Jin Li to confirm and he just tells her that if Xiao Jin Yu says he’s not angry then he’s not angry. He's angry.
[Ep18The X on the map. Xiao Jin Yu and Chu Chu are back at Xiao Heng’s abadoned home. Xiao Jin Yu notices the window filter is extra thick which is something Chu Chu tells him that began when Xiao Heng took an interest to drawing all the pictures on the wall. Xiao Jin Yu lights the candle on one side of the wall, and voila, on the other side in another room, there’s a ray of light marking a spot on a map. It’s Xiao Heng leaving an X on the map. Wow. But, to find what? We’re interrupted because Xu Ru Gui is missing! Chu He – our imbecile! – let him go because Xu Ru Gui made him think he'd be doing Chu Chu a favour. 

Who is after Xu Ru Gui? Xu Ru Gui untied his ropes with the help of Chu He but when he tried to escape, men barged in to kill him. Xiao Jin Yu's guards report that the next set of people who came in were protecting Xu Ru Gui. Chu Chu performs a quick autopsy on the two dead bodies and confirm they're soldiers which means they belong to Qin Luan. Qin Luan wanted to kill Xu Ru Gui. The other set of people who escaped wanted Xu Ru Gui alive to threaten Qin Luan. These people belong to Prince Chang! Now that his people failed, Xue Ru Cheng is heading to Qianzhou too. Hm

Chu He is also missing. Everyone is on the search. Chu Chu stays with Xiao Jin Yu and she asks him if he knew all along about her family being traitors. Xiao Jin Yu asserts that nothing is confirmed. Xu Ru Gui’s motive is obviously to distract him with this information. If he does set out to investigate then it will only distract him and put unnecessary distrust between them. However, Chu Chu wants to know if it is true whether her presence will be a burden him. Aw, these two, stop caring about each other more than yourself! 
Xiao Jin Li pulls Xiao Jin Yu aside to speak with him. Xiao Jin Li suspects Chu He might have fled because he released Xu Ru Gui. He also tells his brother that Chu He wanted to marry Chu Chu. “Nonsense!” is Xiao Jin Yu’s reply. As the brothers talk, Chu Chu sees her brother’s clothes floating in the water. She dives without a single hesitation. The moment Xiao Jin Yu notices, he dives in too. This is followed by Xiao Jin Li and then all the soldiers plop in one after the other. LOL. Funny. Xiao Jin Yu helps Chu Chu save her brother but now it's Xiao Jin Yu who's drowning. And he drops his ladle! Oh my, he was carrying that big ladle the entire time, lol. Chu Chu goes back for him. When Xiao Jin Yu is safe and awake, his first reaction is to look for Chu Chu. Upon seeing her, he hugs her tightly, completely losing control. I love that detail where the water is still dripping from his face. It means he was just saved from the water and the immediate thing he does once awake was to hug her
Xiao Jin Yu's wrath is at a new level. He hollers at Chu Chu for jumping in the water when there are a ton of other people who save Chu He. 

Xiao Jin Li has a wrath of his own. He hollers at Xiao Jin Yu too for jumping in the water when there are a ton of people who could save Chu Chu. Lol. This brotherly love is lovely too. Do also remember Leng Yue's story about the boys when Xiao Jin Yu saved Xiao Jin Li from the water. At that time, Xiao Jin Yu barely knew how to swim. It's cute how Xiao Jin Yu does the exact same thing for Chu Chu when she's the better swimmer. Xiao Jin Yu confesses to his brother he really didn't know why he did that too. When he realized it, he was already in the water. Awwww.

Leng Xue is smart too! From Tan Guai's footprint size, she knows the man Jing Yi met up with was him. Omg. Crazy smart people in this team

Xiao Jin Yu angry again. Chu Chu refuses to leave her brother’s side until he wakes up. Xiao Jin Yu is angry at her again because she's not listening to him. If she won’t obey him anymore, then he doesn't need her in his office. He's got plenty of coroners. Chu Chu turns around, clearly shell shocked. Lol Jin Yu, that’s cheating!!  

[Ep19] Chu Chu remains shocked and motionless. Xiao Jin Li helps her out of the room. Jing Yi is still inside, sarcastically smirking, Our Three Judicial Offices doesn’t need coroners, eh? Xiao Jin Yu kicks him out too. 

Our opening theme just changed and there’s this old man looking at me. Who is he?

Tan Guai: Suspicious or not? Tan Guai asks Chu Chu what happened to his father (Tan Hong) that day Xu Ru Gui kidnapped her. Chu Chu tells him Xu Ru Gui killed Tan Hong to help her avenge her mother’s death but that was not what Chu Chu wanted. Tan Guai appears apologetic and then asks Chu Chu to not tell Xiao Jin Yu he asked this of her. Although him asking about his father’s death is reasonable, for his career, he should be avoiding any suspicious activity. This is very suspicious but(!) it’s too suspicious that he’s asking Chu Chu this question in Xiao Jin Li’s vicinity. I suspect he’s a red herring. 

Jing Yi is suspicious of Tan Guai too. Why hasn’t there been any reply from the letters he sent out? Jing Yi deduces there are letters but the letters aren’t for him, but for Tan Guai. What is he and Daddy Jing planing to do without Jing Yi knowing? Then the drama smoothly transitions to Daddy Jing playing chess with Princess Xi Ping. Daddy Jing wants her to approve of the marriage between Xiao Jin Li and Leng Yue. Princess Xi Ping is resistant. In the game, she checkmates him. 

Questioning Chu He. Chu He wakes up and confesses to Xiao Jin Yu all that he did was for Chu Chu. This makes Xiao Jin Yu’s blood boil. Even if Chu He doesn’t believe in Xiao Jin Yu’s character, he needs to at least think of the consequences of releasing Xu Ru Gui. Essentially, Chu Chu is placing Chu family (including Chu Chu) in more danger. Xu Ru Gui could come back to kill them and news of Chu Chu being a traitor’s daughter can spread even more. Chu He accepts the lecturing and will take on the punishment, while still begging Xiao Jin Yu to pardon Chu Chu of anything. Although Chu He is an imbecile, he really cares for Chu Chu – that cannot be denied. Something else this conversation highlights that I really like is the trust between Chu Chu and Xiao Jin Yu. Their trust is almost unbreakable. Even an outsider, Chu He, is fearful when he learned the “truth” about Chu Chu’s family meanwhile the direct people involved (Chu Chu and Xiao Jin Yu) have complete faith in one another. Their relationship never wavered from that news. Let’s hope Chu He smartens up. Xiao Jin Yu asks Chu He how he fell in the water which he replies that he was following them and then slipped into the water. I assume the extra scene focus on Chu He’s leg wobbling is Xiao Jin Yu’s confirmation that Chu He did slip

Xiao Jin Yu has another question. It’s about the bridge that was built five years ago in the city. Chu He helps Xiao Jin Yu confirm that Xiao Heng left the city before the bridge was built. Without the bridge, it was hard for villagers to enter or leave the city let alone someone with a physical disability. So how did Xiao Heng leave the city?

Who does Leng Yue have feelings for? Princess Xi Ping thinks Leng Yue likes Xiao Jin Yu which is why Mom is against the marriage with Xiao Jin Li. Oh, okay, so nothing to do with birth secret. Meanwhile on Xiao Jin Yu’s side, Leng Yue asks him about Tan Guai (the man who she thinks is colluding something with Jing Yi). With that one question, Xiao Jin Yu knows her underlying question but he doesn’t probe her about it. This makes Leng Yue curious. Xiao Jin Yu tells her he trusts Jing Yi. She thanks him for that trust. Xiao Jin Yu smirks, asking her who is she to thank him for trusting Jing Yi. Leng Yue likes Jing Yi and Xiao Jin Yu knows it

A little humour. A minister has something weird to report to Xiao Jin Yu. Chu He is begging to be flogged. Xiao Jin Yu chuckles, Then let him be flogged. Leng Yue gasps. There’s more to Xiao Jin Yu’s orders: "Hit him enough to hurt his flesh but not his bones and don’t let anyone – cough Chu Chu cough – know I told you this.” Leng Yue gets it. She asks Xiao Jin Yu if the medicine for Chu He is still necessary. Xiao Jin Yu smirks. Lol, I guess not?

Qin Luan. Minister Han tells all the ministers in the palace that Chu Chu is a rebel's daughter. But how did he know? The sneaky Qin Luan informed Minister Han. However, Minister Han has been so boastful about it, Qin Luan obscurely warns him by serving him bare minimal food to remind Minister Han of his roots. Clever, clever. It may seem like Minister Han got all the credit, Qin Luan is the real winner as he remains suspicion-free. Sun Ming De asks Qin Luan how he plans to kill Chu Chu because they don’t need her anymore. Qin Luan cracks his squeaky laugh that soon Chu Chu will be presented before them. They don’t even have to do it themselves. 

Tan Guai on the move. Tan Guai follows Chu Chu at night and is about to kill her (!) but Xiao Jin Li flies in to catch him. It turns out Chu Chu wasn’t even there, it was Leng Yue pretending to be Chu Chu. Then Xiao Jin Yu and Jing Yi appear out of nowhere too. Lol, it’s a party. Xiao Jin Li was not in on this plan with Xiao Jin Yu. Xiao Jin Li was following Tan Guai because Chu Chu told him that he was suspicious. To Chu Chu, only bad people wouldn’t want Xiao Jin Yu to know of them. 'atta girl! Leng Yue and Jing Yi were following Xiao Jin Yu’s plan to lure out Tan Guai. 

Xiao Jin Yu confronts Tan Guai what his real motives are – he deliberately made himself suspicious to Chu Chu and Xiao Jin Li so that if he were to kill Chu Chu, everyone would assume he's avenging his father – that was the red-herring. Tan Guai was masking his true motive. Omg, Show is always ahead of me. So what are his true intentions? It’s Jing Yi who speaks when he realizes Tan Guai is operating under his father. This must be the letter his father sent to Tang Guai without Jing Yi knowing. Daddy Jing had confirmed Chu Chu’s mother’s hairpin belongs to Yun Yi’s family, which means Chu Chu’s father is the one who killed Xiao Jin Yu’s father. Daddy Jing is avenging for Xiao Heng via Tan Guai. 

Tan Guai to Jing Yi: How will you explain to your father?! (for exposing him)
Jing Yi: I don’t need to explain to my father. He’s killing Chu Chu for his brother (Xiao Heng). I’m protecting Chu Chu for my brother. Jing Yi uses the term "親如兄弟” which when translated to English loses its emphasis. He’s saying the brotherly relationship between them (and their fathers) are deeper than the superficial kind, like family and perhaps even deeper than that. 

Tan Guai has reason on his side too: Chu Chu is dangerous for Xiao Jin Yu. If he continues to protect Chu Chu, everyone here is assisting a rebel. However, Xiao Jin Yu asks Tan Guai what if it is his own father’s (Xiao Heng) orders to keep Chu Chu alive. Well. 

Sort of off topic. Has anyone wondered ever since Xiao Jin Yu found out his father could possibly be alive, why there’s such a lack of emotional involvement from him? It’s his father but he’s investigating it so rationally

[Ep20] Xiao Jin Yu not only reveals to Tan Guai that Xiao Heng is alive, Xiao Heng is still in this village! The bridge was the proof Xiao Jin Yu needed! He will soon find his father and if Tan Guai is avenging for his father, then he should at least ask his father, right? Right! 

Some romance. Everyone takes a rest for the night. Xiao Jin Li apologizes to Jing Yi for pinning him down. Jing Yi is cool about it. Everyone just loves Xiao Jin Yu too much, Jing Yi gets it. Leng Yue is not cool about it. She wants to check his wound asap and yanks his shirt open in a dark alley in the middle of the night. He catches her hand to stop her and their hands linger like that. Leng Yue is shy at his touch and Jing Yi knows. Ou. These two
The brotherly love. Xiao Jin Yu sulks when he sees Chu He hug Chu Chu. (Xiao Jin Yu doesn’t know that Chu He is conceding Xiao Jin Yu the boyfriend role. He’s settled to be Chu Chu’s brother.) Xiao Jin Yu is so stressed, his stomach starts hurting. Stress ulcer? Lol. Because of Chu Chu? Xiao Jin Li picks him off his feet and carries his little brother to bed. LMAO. Then he orders him to rest and asks him what's wrong. Xiao Jin Yu sighs that his heart is a mess right now, and he doesn’t even know how to sort it out to tell his brother. Xiao Jin Li doesn’t care if his thoughts are a mess, he’ll accept it, even if he’s venting or yelling, that’s fine too. Aw. Guys, these brothers! They’re so precious! Xiao Jin Li pats his little brother’s shoulder, “No matter what, you have me (your big brother).” Xiao Jin Yu looks up at his brother and turns serious: “Da-ge, You don’t owe me anything.” Ever since that downing incident when Jin Yu saved Jin Li, Jin Li has always yielded to Jin Yu. They’re brothers and equals. Jin Yu has always felt like Jin Li treats him like he owes him. 

Xiao Jin Li sighs. This is the first time he has seen his brother so clueless. Xiao Jin Yu furrows his brows, not processing. Xiao Jin Li loves Xiao Jin Yu. Everything he does is out of love and not guilt. Xiao Jin Yu smiles and understands. Jin Li gives his little brother a hearty pat on the back. Oof. Xiao Jin Yu grimaces and asks if this is his punishment. Xiao Jin Li grumbles that it was a hug. Man hugs

Qin Luan. Qin Luan orders General Zhou to kill everyone related to Xu Ru Gui. Meanwhile Qin Luan is in his quarters being served by another eunuch, Jin Bao. At first, Qin Luan tells Sun Ming De he can trust Jin Bao as they talk about Xu Ru Gui. However, once Qin Luan learns Shen Yu (a minister) is from Qianzhou, he sends Jin Bao away. Qin Luan is very aware that Jin Bao is someone else’s “hand in the palace”. Qin Luan smirks and wonders out loud who this hand could belong to. The man from Qianzhou, of course. Our Prince Chang.
  • Wu Jiang (Xiao Jin Yu’s bodyguard) was tailing General Zhou and so Wu Jiang manages to save Xu Ru Gui’s family without Qin Luan knowing. 
Some indirect romance. At night, the brothers talk some more. Xiao Jin Li brings up how pitiful Chu Chu's life is. Xiao Jin Yu notes that he treats Chu Chu with exception. There hasn’t been anyone who has angered Xiao Jin Yu as much as Chu Chu and yet Xiao Jin Li hasn’t locked her up in jail and is actually pitying her. Xiao Jin Li laughs that he’s not blind. Chu Chu is faithful to him and Xiao Jin Yu was never truly angry at her. It’s even possible that Chu Chu cares about Xiao Jin Yu more than he (Jin Li) does. I think it's a stiff competition on who loves Xiao Jin Yu more: Chu Chu, Xiao Jin Li or Jing Yi

Xiao Jin Li, please don’t tell Chu Chu. Xiao Jin Yu doesn’t want Chu Chu to know that her life is in danger. He also cannot arrest Chu Chu when the case continues to evolve. It’s Xiao Jin Li’s turn to tease Jin Yu whether he logically cannot or his heart cannot bear it. Everyone is teasing him on Chu Chu now. Xiao Jin Yu ain’t answering that question. Lol. He's silenced. Xiao Jin Li laughs that he actually doesn’t want anyone bullying him – mere seconds after Jin Li just teased him. Xiao Jin Yu  asserts that with his title and his mighty (overprotective) brother, who will dare to bully him. Very true, but there’s one person Xiao Jin Li can’t protect Xiao Jin Yu from: himself (Xiao Jin Yu). He's rendered silent again. 

The next day, Chu Chu has a question for Xiao Jin Li. She wants to know if it will encumber Xiao Jin Yu if someone next to him is a wanted criminal. Of course! Xiao Jin Li answers without hesitation and then realizes he made a boo-boo. He tries to fix it and goes Wait not really, 說不清楚. (I can’t explain it clearly), ask Jin Yu! 

Alright, Chu Chu has a second question! What if someone next to Xiao Jin Yu is actually his enemy, owing him a blood debt, would Xiao Jin Yu be angry? Xiao Jin Li is careful with his words but can’t avoid the truth that if it was a “regular” enemy, of course Xiao Jin Yu would be angry. But once again the answer is complicated and so he goes 說不太明白 (I can’t explain it clearly), ask Jin Yu! After Chu Chu leaves, Xiao Jin Li self-evaluates his answers that they should be okay. No!! The more he answered her, the more nervous she was and the tighter she clutched the napkin in her hand. 
  • Xiao Jin Yu is creeping up my list of faves. First of all, never tell him a secret. His dictionary whenever he has something to hide consists of these limited vocabulary: 
    • 說不清楚
    • 說不太明白 
    • 一兩句說不清楚
    • Which all mean “I can’t explain it clearly” This guy can't even lie. xD. 
Some stifling romance. Chu Chu visits Xiao Jin Yu but she's stopped at the door. Xiao Jin Yu won’t let her in. He grumpily gives her directions to Chu He’s room instead. Hehe. Aw, His cute grumpy pouty face.  Chu Chu is here to give him something and it must be directly given to him. Chu Chu clutches onto the napkin which was actually wrapping around the ladle! Xiao Jin Yu finally lets her in but first, he hides the doll he was carving. He’s carving Chu Chu. These, two, thinking about each other again

Xiao Jin Yu isn’t happy to see the ladle. Condescendingly, he questions her if anyone knew she went to fetch this. Afraid, she quickly asserts she never told anyone. She secretly went, no one knows. “Nonsense!” He yells. He’s worried about her safety but she doesn’t know that her safety is in danger. The misunderstandings that they have make a lot of sense. He’s obviously worried about her safety but he won’t (or can’t) tell her that her life is in danger. For Chu Chu, she remembers the promise that the ladle represents: she is to keep his claustrophobia a secret. They both love each other so dearly and that’s why there’s this tension between them. 

Xiao Jin Yu: If no one knows where you are, what will I – and the others – what do we do? I like that he stares at the ladle when he said “I”. Did he see his own reflection? His erratic behaviour? His love for her? Remember the purpose of the ladle: to help him see inside a room with no windows. Through this ladle, can Xiao Jin Yu see his own heart? FYI, our hearts are also a room with chambers but no windows. (; 

Xiao Jin Yu’s anger hasn't simmered at all. He continues to yell at her for diving in the water, first for Chu He, and now for a rusty useless piece of steel. Oh no, he did not just say that! He meant to say nothing can be compared to her life but that doesn’t register to Chu Chu, especially not when he throws the ladle down on the table like it’s garbage. For the very first time, after twenty episodes, there's an OST with lyrics right here in this emotional scene

With a voice still tinted from anger, Xiao Jin Yu asks if she’s hurt anywhere (from diving). She’s not. It’s just her heart that’s been been wounded and slaughtered by his words. That’s all. Her voice is close to whimpering as she softly asks Xiao Jin Yu for one last favour: to let her look for Xiao Heng with him and then after that she will receive any punishment from him. Xiao Jin Yu confirms with her if that’s what she really wants. It is. She gives him a full bow with all the right formalities. Xiao Jin Yu allows it. 
Brotherly-rivarly love. Outside, there are eavesdroppers. Jing Yi snoops on Xiao Jin Li snooping on Xiao Jin Yu. Xiao Jin Li, what happened to Jing Yi not being able to sneak up on you? Xiao Jin Li explains to Jing Yi he had followed Chu Chu sneaking around near the lake in the morning. Jing Yi is like Ou, you like Chu Chu? Our honest Xiao Jin Li answers it’s not him who’s interested in Chu Chu. That’s music to Jing Yi’s ears as he teases him Oh so you know who’s interested in Chu Chu? Xiao Jin Yu pins him to the wall again threatening him to keep his mouth shut. LOL. Jing Yi knew way before you, Jin Li xD. Now Jing Yi is fed up and he stands on a ledge to give himself some artificial confidence over Xiao Jin Li. But that extra height advantage disappears when Xiao Jin Li stands on it too. The final card Jing Yi pulls out: “I’m going to tell Leng Yue!” LOL. Xiao Jin Li sneers at him. Then Jing Yi throws his booger at him. LMAO

Xiao Jin Li is nice to Chu Chu because Chu Chu cares about Xiao Jin Yu. Then why doesn't Jing Yi get the same treatment? Deep down, Xiao Jin Li must recognize Jing Yi as a rival for Jin Yu :D

The heart is like rice. Leng Yue laughs at Xiao Jin Yu and his predicament. He complains to Leng Yue that he doesn’t know how to interact with Chu Chu; his words can't be too light or she won't get the severity of the situation nor can it be too harsh or she'll be hurt. Xiao Jin Li was right. Xiao Jin Yu’s biggest bully is himself. Leng Yue gives Xiao Jin Yu her two cents: the human heart is like rice – it should be eaten while it’s still hot. Once it’s out in the cold for too long and you come back for it, the taste will be different. Xiao Jin Yu smiles and rebounds the question to her. Leng Yue honestly replies she's against it for Chu Chu's sake. Xiao Jin Yu may look like a good catch but he prioritizes work. Once Chu Chu sees more men, she’ll know Xiao Jin Yu isn’t the best. I beg to differ. Xiao Jin Yu corrects her. He was asking about Jing Yi and then casually tells her Jing Yi has someone in his heart. Leng Yue freezes and asks who but Xiao Jin Yu directs her to ask Jing Yi. 

Case Update: Everyone is headed to the X (the light) on the map. The hints in Xiao Heng's hut all point to where he is. However, there's a possibility he might not be alive... 

[Ep21] The monologue in the beginning of the drama:
Xiao Jin Yu: In this world, what can be more precious than Chu Chu’s life? Aw, and what can be more precious than these two? 

The Black Rock. Xiao Heng gave Princess Xi Ping the rock to profess his love. He knew that the Princess’s favourite plant is pucao (a type of grass) which grows in shallow water. Where the water is shallow, there are rocks and when the weather is calm, the rock and grass live in harmony. When there’s a storm, the rock can protect the grass’s roots. Xiao Heng has no interest in being a jade to the Princess, he wants to be the rock in her life, the stability in her life. He wants to give her a lifetime of security. This is why to this day Princess Xi Ping’s favourite plant is still pucao. It’s available all four seasons. When she stares at it, it’s calming. 

Qin Luan. General Zhou (Zhou Han) still isn’t reporting back on news of Prince Chang, Qin Luan complains that if it wasn’t because of the disappearance of Sun Min De’s senior then General Zhou wouldn’t even get this privilege of working for him. The senior = that dead eunuch in Xiao Heng’s home.  

Some humour (the only humour in this episode). Tan Guai whines that there’s no way Xiao Heng will be in this deadly forest. Jing Yi threatens him to zip it or else Xiao Jin Li will stuff his stinky sock in his mouth. Xiao Jin Li reaches into his armour and aha! there's a stinky sock. Jing Yi quivers in disgust. Xiao Jin Yi, in his very serious voice, explains that extra socks are a must for a guy who fights like him. I LOVE their interactions so I will be commenting on them whenever I can.
I have to admit, though, the two chessboards (Ep14's) look very different. I don't know chess, perhaps in an endgame, the pieces are free to move and they don't have to be on the same spot?
Xiao Heng's endgame. The group has been wandering around rather aimlessly in the forest. While the boys are nagging at each other, Chu Chu has already nimbly climbed a tree! Xiao Jin Yu hollers at her to come down. Lol. I can sense Xiao Jin Yu’s life shortening because of all the anger Chu Chu puts him through. Leng Yue uses her qinggong to fly up the tree. The girls stay there to look around and they spot three conspicuous rock piles. Chu Chu tells Xiao Jin Yu the rocks are the same ones Xiao Heng used to make his chess pieces. Eureka! Each pile is in the position of the chess game but there’s one missing piece – the horse (馬 pronounced as ma). Not coincidentally, the horse is used to represent Xiao Heng, the princess’s husband, fuma. According to the "endgame" the location of the horse (fuma) should be where the quagmire currently is. Xiao Heng is submerged in the swamp... Chu Chu remains positive that it might not be their father who’s in the quagmire. It might be a hint. However, Xiao Jin Yu is pessimistic and certain this is the message of Xiao Heng's endgame. 

Leng Yue argues there has to be a way his father is alive. Jing Yi pulls Leng Yue away. He explains to her that for Xiao Jin Yu to make such a conclusion, he already went through all the possibilities. No one here would want Xiao Heng alive more than Xiao Jin Yu (and Jin Li). Each time she confronts him, each time Xiao Jin Yu has to repeat the reality that his father has died in the swamps for five years. Aw, Jing Yi. Leng Yue asks him what about Chu Chu. Jing Yi assures her that Chu Chu is fully aware. She lied about the “hint” just to comfort Xiao Jin Yu (and Jin Li). Aw, Chu Chu.   

Jing Yi is very right about Chu Chu. When Xiao Jin Yu speaks to her, she already knew what he wanted to say. 

Chu Chu in her sweet voice: Your Lordship, you don’t have to say anything. I believe you. I know. Whatever you say, I will believe. 

There’s a little smile on the strained expression of Xiao Jin Yu. He thanks her. Xiao Jin Li begins to accept reality as well. Xiao Heng is in the quagmire. The search begins. Xiao Jin Yu wonders out loud that his father was waiting for the Handsome Judge to find him. D: Was Xiao Heng actually waiting for his son to become the Handsome Judge in order to find him ...dead...? Xiao Jin Yu wonders what his father will look like or if there would even be anything left of him after soaking in the swamp for five years. He’s looking for an honest answer from Chu Chu. She tells him it will look like the dead eunuch, actually, even better than the eunuch. These are called “wet corpses”. Xiao Heng died in the quagmire (that’s devoid of oxygen) to preserve his body. Oh. My. I’m crying for a man I barely saw on screen.  A soldier yells that he’s found the body. They pull him out and he’s wrapped in a cloth(!). Xiao Heng did everything he could to preserve his body... The brothers drop to the ground staring at the cloth. Why did their father live his life like so? Neither of them can open the cloth. Chu Chu will do it, sparing the brothers their pain but Xiao Heng is a father to her too... Once she opens the cloth, it’s confirmed. It’s Xiao Heng. 

Until this episode I never thought Xiao Heng could be dead. I always thought he was alive but the hints were foreboding. The chess game in Xiao Heng's room was an endgame. It was Xiao Heng's endgame – he was plotting his own death. In Chinese, endgame is "殘局" which, if it's unrelated to chess, means "a desperate situation". The hints were all there, pointing to his death. 

I don't know how relevant the chess game will still be but the endgame was a tie game. Perhaps that means the antagonizing forces are currently in a tie. Then on the same team as 馬 (Xiao Heng) is 車 (che or ju; car/war chariot). On the opposite team is 象 (xiang; elephant/or to imitate) and 卒 (zu; soldiers/pawn). I may be over-analyzing but those imitating to be the soldiers are the enemies which makes me think of Prince Chang, but then again I don't know even know if there's a connection between Xiao Heng and Prince Chang. Does Xiao Heng even know Prince Chang? Sorry, did I just dump a lot of (possibly nonsense) information on you all?
Oh and during Ep14 when Xiao Jin Yu and Xiao Jin Li were figuring out the end game, Daddy Jing and Xue Ru Cheng were playing chess too. I had wondered why the drama overlay their scenes and when I went back and checked – yes I went back and checked – at 24:39 Daddy Jing checkmated Xue Ru Cheng with a 車. I don't know chess but I can tell what a chariot looks like. Then after that win, Daddy Jing had this pensive, in-the-zone look. I don't know for sure if he knows who Xue Ru Cheng is, but I am convinced Daddy Jing is 車 and semi-convinced Xue Ru Cheng (Prince Chang) is 象. 

Xiao Heng's dying messsage. Chu Chu performs the autopsy. Xiao Heng died from suffocation. Xiao Jin Li asks Does that mean Xiao Heng was alive when the murderer threw him in the quagmire? No sweetie, your father committed suicide. He drowned himself. With their father’s body, they also find a box, inside there’s a stack of “paper” with secret codes. It’s all numbers and they’ll have to crack the code. Chu Chu notices there are poems on the box and that’s the key to decipher the code. All the coding is to tell the story of Xiao Heng and the wrongly accused Chen Ying. It’s everything we know so far. He was chased by Qin Luan’s men, fell off a cliff, and then saved by another medicine-man. The years he was in this village, he was unable to contact Chang’an and then one day a eunuch attacked him. Thus, he slowly began to plot his own death hoping that “someone" can find him and reveal the truth. And this someone has to be the Handsome Judge. Otherwise, who could have solved those hints? It amazes me how Xiao Heng’s planning involved Chu Chu and sending her to Chang’an to find the “Handsome Judge”. Did Xiao Heng predict his son would live to embody his dreams?

[Ep22Xiao Heng’s injuries. The autopsy is done. Chu Chu is at Xiao Jin Yu’s side, giving him the silent support he needs but Xiao Jin Yu wants answers. He wants to know all the injuries his father had and why he knew he had very little time left. What made him choose suicide? Chu Chu explains most of Xiao Heng’s injuries have recovered except his leg. When she first met Xiao Heng, she thought his leg was broken from a fall (like a fracture) and that wouldn't have been life threatening. However, now she knows it was cut off. It’s an open wound that was never properly treated because he couldn’t allow anyone to know who he was. His open wound was contaminated and the infection metastasized into the bones of the rest of the body. His days were numbered. Xiao Jin Yu continues to ask for more but with each answer he gets the more agonizing it is. Chu Chu pats his back as Xiao Jin Yu remains slouched on the bed. Just the position of Xiao Jin Yu slouching like this when he’s usually upright is heart-wrenching. Xiao Jin Li is outside and overhears everything. And who is comforting this boy?

Xue Ru Cheng. Xiao Jin Yu’s team has the note to prove Chen Ying’s camp never rebelled and therefore Chu Chu’s father's innocence, but they must proceed with caution. One wrong step can lead to more deaths. And look who has arrived: Xue Ru Cheng. He has orders to arrest Chu Chu but he asks for Xiao Jin Li first. Xiao Jin Yu doesn't tell him he sent his brother to protect Chu Chu’s family. The absence of Xiao Jin Li makes  Xue Ru Cheng sigh in relief because that must mean Xiao Jin Yu knows he's here for the marriage between Xiao Jin Li and Leng Yue. Oh. Is this what we’re talking about? Xue Ru Cheng is against the marriage and suggests Xiao Jin Yu to return to the city to plan with his mother and adds something might be fishy with Leng army. Xue Ru Cheng also asks about the contents of the missing scroll from Feng Jie (the guy who died in ~Ep3). Xue Ru Cheng's repeated message to Xiao Jin Yu: Go home. I wonder if Xiao Jin Yu notices.

Capture the drumstick. Leng Yue’s lunch is interrupted when Xiao Jin Li barges in with his soldiers. She asks him what's up. 

Xiao Jin Li: 不知道 (I don’t know)
Leng Yue: You brought the people here and you don’t know?
Xiao Jin LiWait for it. 一兩句說不清楚
Leng Yue: Why is your answer for everything is that you don’t know? Did you grow up eating rocks with rice? Leng Yue and her rice, lol.
Xiao Jin Li: Hey! You rock, can you not speak nicely? You just know how to eat! Your waist is all round and you’re still eating. 

Xiao Jin Li tries steal her drumstick and she gives him beating. It turns into a duel as she remembers the debt he owes Jing Yi. Leng Yue’s skills are actually above his. No wonder Jing Yi threatened to tattle to Leng Yue. When Xiao Jin Li fails to steal the drumstick, he teases her for being single forever (not knowing he's the one who's supposed to marry her, lol). Angrily, she throws the drumstick at him and, alas, the drumstick is his. But not so fast, Jing Yi, with his excellent qinggong steals it back. Xiao Jin Li, who was boastful that he’d able to sense Jing Yi, failed to sense him again. Jing Yi, the winner of the drumstick and the only adult in the area, throws it away but our kiddo, Xiao Jin Li isn't done teasing Leng Yue. He wants Jing Yi to confirm whether Leng Yue really did gain weight. Lol. Jing Yi only answers that if he continues about the weight thing, he’s looking for a beating. Then Jing Yi softly coos Leng Yue, “not fat, not fat.” I  LOVE all these dynamics. 

Capture Chu Chu. Jing Yi isn’t here just to settle a drumstick/weight fight. He’s here to inform everyone Li Zhang (loyal to Prince Chang / Xue Ru Cheng) is en route to capture Chu Chu. 

Timely, before the fight escalates too much, Xiao Jin Yu and Xue Ru Cheng arrive and so Li Zhang is forced to resign from the scene. Chu Chu gets a glimpse at Li Zhang’s hand and notices multiple small scars in his palm (rather unlikely for a regular minister). Xue Ru Cheng has no choice but to team up with Xiao Jin Yu because he has proof of Chu Chu's innocence and Xue Ru Cheng still has to play the good guy for now. 

Xiao Jin Yu takes Xue Ru Cheng to see Xiao Heng’s corpse. Xue Ru Cheng is like You should go back to the city to inform the Emperor. Xiao Jin Yu refuses. He says he has to stay to capture Xu Ru Gui. Xiao Jin Li is on it. Xue Ru Cheng, though, seems to be interested in something else. He noticed Xiao Jin Yu's particular fondness towards Chu Chu and asks him when he started liking her. 

[Ep23] Xiao Jin Yu doesn't deny his feelings for Chu Chu. Xue Ru Cheng insists Chu Chu will taint his career and it's best to remove her. No way is our Little Goldfish (Xiao Jin Yu) saying yes to that. Just letting you all know for those who don't, Chinese community unanimously call Xiao Jin Yu as Little Goldfish instead of the real characters of his name. 

Brother Time! Xiao Jin Yu laments that if Chu Chu was just a regular coroner, and not so exceptional, her life would be easier. This coming from Xiao Jin Yu makes Xiao Jin Li sigh that Jing Yi was right: Qianzhou is a place that's rather calming and brings about a different Xiao Jin Yu. 

Xiao Jin Yu cutely smiles: In my lifetime, from your words I can actually hear "Jing Yi" and "right" being in the same sentence.

Xiao Jin Li loses his smile as he's once again reminded of his rivalry with Jing Yi. The conversation moves onto Leng Yue. Xiao Jin Li's expression darkens some more; he sighs that ever since Leng Yue heard of their marriage, she's been stalking him. She threatens that if he dares to marry her, she dares to kill him. Xiao Jin Yu laughs and asks his brother to bring Leng Yue inside. Xiao Jin Yi gives him a quizzical and contemptuous look. But, still, he obeys. 

The unwanted marriage. Xiao Jin Yu has a plan for the unhappily (potentially) engaged couple and it will involve Leng Yue writing a regular letter asking her grandfather (Leng Pei Shan) how he's been – she's never done that. This is the first time these two are aware that Leng Pei Shan might have something to do with Prince Chang, Li Zhang, counterfeit money, etc. 

Another unwanted marriage?? Both Xiao Jin Yu and Chu Chu are hesitant to visit each other. When Xiao Jin Yu musters the courage to open his doors, Chu Chu is standing right there. She's got medicine for him, but actually she's here to receive her punishment now that they've found Xiao Heng. Chu Chu is serious about this and gives him a formal bow, ready for anything. Seeing that she's not going to rise, he agrees that if she does three things for him, it'll be considered her punishment. 

Xiao Jin Yu: Firstly, stand up. Secondly, forgive me. The day Chu He drowned, it was I who was wrong. 
Chu Chu is very confused: Wait that doesn't count. That day I made you angry. 
Xiao Jin Yu smiles: Alright, then let's forgive each other. 

Thirdly Xiao Jin Yu thanks Chu Chu for the years she spent with Xiao Heng when he himself couldn't be filial. He bows to her. Chu Chu quickly stops him, she can't accept his bow especially when it was Xiao Heng who treated her with so much love. Xiao Jin Yu adoringly smiles at Chu Chu praising his father.

Chu Chu had anticipated her punishment was to be arrested because there's a warrant for her. She's also willing to turn herself in to not burden Xiao Jin Yu. However, he reasons with her that it's a death trip if she goes to Chang'an. Qin Luan wants her dead because she's related to Xiao Heng who has proof of Qin Luan's crimes. If Xiao Jin Yu stops his investigation on the counterfeit money to escort her back to Chang'an, then they'll really have fallen into the trap of whoever is the mastermind. This makes me think Xiao Jin Yu is slightly aware of Xue Ru Cheng (who keeps telling him to go home), but I can't be certain. Xiao Jin Yu convinces Chu Chu that her wanting to be imprisoned to lessen his burden is actually more of a burden. So much easier if he just said "I love you. I want you to stay." But there's beauty in this reasoning because Chu Chu won't feel guilty about staying next to him. It's actually better than "I love you." Chu Chu nervously asks what she can do

Xiao Jin Yu: If you believe me, stay by me. I will plan out the rest. For now, you and I are one (we advance and retreat together)
Of course Chu Chu believes him. She's been believing him since Day 1. Xiao Jin Yu closes a distance between them and lifts up her chin. 

Xiao Jin Yu: Then are you willing to return to my side, to always be with me? 
Chu Chu reflexively answers: Of course. I am willing to be by your side forever as your coroner. 
Xiao Jin Yu: Not as a coroner. I want to spend our lifetimes together, to take care of you forever. Are you willing to marry me to be my wife? 
Chu Chu is astounded: You want to take me as your wife?
Xiao Jin Yu affirms: Yes. 
Chu Chu: Your medicine is getting cold, you should take your medicine first. Is she calling him sick now?

I don't blame Chu Chu, this proposal came from nowhere. Simultaneously, it's so Xiao Jin Yu. xD He probably ruminated on this the whole night and it was the most logical answer he could produce for their current situation – when it is an answer that stumps us all on what happened to land us into this random proposal. 

Chu Chu is crying. She tells Leng Yue that she can do anything that Xiao Jin Yu asks of her but marriage. Leng Yue is very understanding of Chu Chu's hesitation, thinking Xiao Jin Yu really isn't that great of goldfish. That's not Chu Chu's problem. Xiao Jin Yu is the best fish around. But, really, what is her problem? 
Looking for cupid. The girls had their girls' talk and now the guys have their guys' talk. Xiao Jin Yu calls up Jing Yi in the middle of the night to confess he messed up . LOL. Xiao Jin Yu iterates all of his story that he proposed to Chu Chu and she didn't accept. Jing Yi is wide awake now and needs a rewind. Xiao Jin Yu explain that he was doing what Jing Yi had told him to: look inside his heart → there is Chu Chu → propose. Ah, logical~. Jing Yi asserts he never told him to propose. But that doesn't make sense to Xiao Jin Yu; how can a man be with the woman he loves if not by proposing? Jing Yi rolls his eyes, and his pupils are literally stuck at the back of his head. He reaches over to open Xiao Jin Yu's head like it's jar to check if it's filled with water. LOL. Our Little Goldfish is filled with water. Our Little Goldfish is not joking around. He looks like a lost puppy while admitting Chu Chu run away in fear. Jing Yi starts laughing and takes the blame. He should have brought Xiao Jin Yu to play around a bit more. 

Qin Luan. Emperor (who's always busy with some sort of craftsmanship) is venting about Minister Han who is pestering him to arrest Chu Chu when he should be focusing on the counterfeit case. Qin Luan defends Minister Han and that makes the Emperor curious. Qin Luan explains that if Xiao Jin Yu's team is in Qianzhou for too long, he could be colluding with others. The Emperor stops all that he was doing and "compliments" Qin Luan that he sure is more perceptive about this than he, the Emperor, is. I wonder if Emperor is smart enough to notice Qin Luan is manipulating him. The Emperor's expression is hard to read

Chu He disappears again! He wants to redeem himself to catch Xu Ru Gui. Fortunately, he finds Xu Ru Gui and stays alive. Miraculous! Those butt spanks must have smartened him up. The reason why Chu He could find Xu Ru Gui when Xiao Jin Li couldn't is because he's more familiar with the village. Xu Ru Gui is currently unconscious. 

Xue Ru Cheng: Go home, please. Now that Xu Ru Gui is found, Xue Ru Cheng urges Xiao Jin Yu to go home. Oh but, you know, Xiao Jin Yu needs to stay. He updates Xue Ru Cheng he is investigating on the counterfeit money and how he suspects Li Zhang is involved. From Chu Chu's observation of Li Zhang's hands, Li Zhang might be the one producing the fake coins. Xue Ru Cheng pretends to be shocked. Then he adds that he has to bring something back to the Emperor, either Chu Chu or Xiao Heng's proof that Chen Ying's army was accused of treason. However, Xiao Jin Yu can give him neither.

[Ep24] Xiao Jin Yu clarifies it's not that he can't trust Xue Ru Cheng, but it's too important of a case to let anyone else have the evidence. Instead, Xiao Jin Yu will give him Xu Ru Gui as a prisoner to testify against Qin Luan. Then the royal decree arrives with the Emperor giving Xiao Jin Yu full authority to continue investigating the counterfeit money. Perfect. Now Xue Ru Cheng has no excuse not to leave with Xu Ru Gui and with the edict, he can finally zip it with his "go home" line. I also like that this decree took an episode to get here. Drama is very aware of it's time and space

Some romance? Xiao Jin Yu apologizes to Chu Chu for scaring her last night. He gives her a present. It's makeup and perfume. Although he spent a long time choosing it, he still thinks they're not good enough for her but it is already the best. If she accepts this, then it'll mean she has forgiven him. Chu Chu isn't particularly happy. She denies being angry and cosmetics don't suit her. She's a coroner. She can't put on perfume, it will affect her sense of smell. Chu Chu goes on to say that if Xiao Jin Yu minds her odour, she'll make sure to stand farther from him from now on. The romantic present backfires and Xiao Jin Yu quickly takes it back. However, he's got one more: a flower he picked up on his way here. It reminded him of her. She takes it without a trace of smile and throws it in the organic waste right in front of him. 
Xiao Jin Yu reports to his cupid about his failures. Jing Yi is stumped too. Did Xiao Jin Yu follow his script? Of course he did. Xiao Jin Yu never said anything so preposterous in his entire life. There's no way he'd forget. The boys invite Leng Yue over for advice. She informs them the flowers are commonly used by villagers to feed pigs which is why Chu Chu threw it in the organic waste. Xiao Jin Yu has never been so embarrassed. His expression, lol

The real cupid. Xiao Jin Li laughs at his brother for his failed ventures of love. Xiao Jin Li might not be a pro with women but he knows that asking Jing Yi was wrong to begin with. Chu Chu never liked Jing Yi, so why would his tricks work on her? Epiphany hits Xiao Jin Yu. Xiao Jin Yu has never looked so stupid, haha. Xiao Jin Li advises his brother since it is him who loves Chu Chu, he should be pursuing Chu Chu his way. 
A compilation of random shots I have of our Little Goldfish. I don't think we'll ever get to see Xiao Jin Yu being stupid again.

Leng Yue and Jing Yi: Leng Yue casually asks Jing Yi who he likes and promises to help him get the girl. He takes her up on her offer. Leng Yue chickens out, perhaps fearing she's not the one he likes. The next day it's his turn to casually ask Leng Yue why she was drinking with Xiao Jin Li and whether she accepted the marriage. Foxily, she tells him that Xiao Jin Li isn't that bad. Jing Yi anxiously lists everything bad about about Xiao Jin Li: "He's only got one outfit and he hides stinky socks in them." LOL. He guarantees that she won't be happy with him. She retorts: "Who will I be happy with then?". Jing Yi stutters: "M-m-me." She rolls her eyes and calls him sick but deep down we all know she's happy

Back to business. Together with Li Zhang, the team searches for the factory that mass produces counterfeit money. Oddly, Li Zhang is being very helpful. They head into this cave. Xiao Jin Yu has signs of claustrophobia. Chu Chu wraps her wand tightly around his arm, giving him comfort. She's the only one who knows about his phobia. With her help, he heads inside and they all find the factory. Xiao Jin Yu begins to interrogate Li Zhang. Common citizens cannot profit from counterfeit money; the cost of supply exceeds the returns. It's a different story when it's a government official, especially someone of Li Zhang's rank. Also, Guanlinxian is the perfect place for the factory because it's a quiet village. However, because it is quiet, means of transportation were limited hence the bridge that was built five years ago. Brilliant. Li Zhang built the bridge that citizens celebrated when it was all to pave way for his criminal activities. While that interrogation is happening, Chu Chu is busy looking at the equipment in the factory and confirms to Xiao Jin Yu the scars on Li Zhang's hand match these tools.

[Ep25And this episode we don't get an opening song again. Story >>> Normal Drama Protocols.  
Who gave Chu Chu such courage to chase after Li Zhang among the brawl? He knocks her down but she doesn't give up her pursuit. Xiao Jin Yu follows her and then the cave collapses, trapping Xiao Jin Yu and Chu Chu. Xiao Jin Yu's phobia acts up again. Thankfully Chu Chu is around. Unfortunately, Li Zhang is around too. He swings a knife down at Xiao Jin Yu who doesn't react fast enough had Chu Chu not flown in front of him but Li Zhang flings her away. Chu Chu comes back with a huge rock, hammering it down on Li Zhang’s head. He faints. Xiao Jin Yu's phobia gets so bad he starts hallucinating. He sees bats and falls into the water when there's no water but to Xiao Jin Yu it feels very real that he’s drowning and suffocating. Seeing that he stopped breathing, Chu Chu gives him rescue breaths. Xiao Jin Yu wakes up and he's much better after the kisses. 
Xiao Jin Yu: Ah~ I love romance
Chu Chu: Ah~ why romance now?
Xiao Jin Yu asks Chu Chu why she won't accept him when she likes him. Um, well, I guess there's nothing else to do in this cave other than engaging in some romance. Her answer is this: she's a coroner. He doesn't get it – he needs a clear answer from her otherwise this will be his biggest regret if he dies here. She explains she chose to be a coroner despite knowing the discrimination that comes with this career. She can accept it. But she cannot accept it for Xiao Jin Yu. To her, he's the best judicial officer. Other than her family, he's the nicest person to her. She can be his coroner for life but if she were to be his wife, others would scorn him because of her. Xiao Jin Yu nods, finally understanding her feelings. Since they’re trapped in this cave, and probably will die, he only has one question for her: Does her heart have him? 

Chu Chu: My heart is filled with you. 
Xiao Jin Yu: Then from this point forward, no matter how long we have, no matter what we have to face, are you willing to be with me? 
Chu Chu: I am. 
They hug
Chu Chu: Your Lordship, we're about to die. How come you still have the mood to talk about this stuff? LMAO. Omg this show is always ahead of me; this was my exact question from the beginning when he started with the romance!
Xiao Jin Yu smirks: Who says we're going to die? 

Xiao Jin Yu wants Chu Chu to understand that if she's already willing to die with him, why should other people's opinions matter? As a coroner, she should cherish life better than anyone. They could possibly die any day and if she concerns herself with opinions of those who don't matter, and gives up her love, it could be her biggest regret. Xiao Jin Yu won't give up on her and he asks her the same. “Do not give up on me.” Hugging him, she apologizes for pushing him away. 

Back to business! As someone who loves romances in her dramas, I'm very excited to get back on track with the case. They need to check up on Li Zhang to make sure he’s still unconscious. Xiao Jin Yu fumbles with this long piece of cloth and Chu Chu smiles, knowing exactly what he wants to do with it: to tie up Li Zhang. He muses her knotting skills are different from the way the guards do it. It's called the Pig Trotter Knot and it's how pigs are tied up to be sold in the market. If Li Zhang wiggles in this Pig Trotter knot, the tighter the knot will be. He'll be easy to carry too. Just put a stick through and he can be carried like a...pig. xD

Okay, so the pig’s tied up, what’s next? Escape. Xiao Jin Yu might not know caves but he knows what type of person Li Zhang is. He wouldn’t have ran into here if there wasn’t an exit. Xiao Jin Yu takes Chu Chu's hand and off they go. 

The search for Xiao Jin Yu and Chu Chu. Leng Yue analyzes that Li Zhang's team had a separate group that blasted the cave for it to collapse (hence why Li Zhang was so cooperative). Jing Li wonders if they can follow the obvious tracks the second group left behind to find Xiao Jin Yu. Leng Yue shakes her head. If they follow it, it could be another trap. Xiao Jin Li bellows: "Even if it's a trap, we have to go! Whoever is afraid can leave now!" This offends Leng Yue. Jing Yi speaks up but Xiao Jin Yi barks at him too. Leng Yue and Xiao Jin Li’s argument continues to escalate. Jing Yi mediates between the two and he even recalls a saying from a famous philosopher.
Jing YiKongzi (Confucius) has once said – 
Xiao Jin Li has signed off. Gone. Off and away. Not listening. Good-bye. 

Leng Yue is still with Jing Yi and so he begins again, “Kongzi – ”. Leng Yue logs off too. Windows has been shut down. She’d rather be with Xiao Jin Li to search for Jin Yu. Jing Yi smirks. His mediation was a success. Nothing works better than using a philosopher against martial artists. LOL.  
The search for the exit. Chu Chu screams at the rats. Xiao Jin Yu laughs at her for being afraid of rats and not dead bodies. She has a valid reason: dead bodies don't come in unannounced. He tells her the rats will guide them to the exit. As they follow the rodents, Chu Chu hears the wind. Xiao Jin Yu moistens his hand with his breath and stretches them out. 

In another tunnel, Leng Yue is doing the same. She also chose the path that was the cleanest. In this cave, no one would care about cleanliness unless one was trying to hide something. As she's feeling the wind, a sneaky Jing Li is closing in on her with his arms copying hers. She elbows him in the chest. He coughs at the impact and clarifies he just wanted to know what she was doing. She tells him whichever hand cools the fastest is where the wind is coming from. 

Just like Jing Yi, Chu Chu had no idea Xiao Jin Yu was testing the wind. She thinks he wanted a hug and cutely wrapped her hands around him. Xiao Jin Yu laughs. 

With Leng Yue and Xiao Jin Yu both heading to the source of the wind, they find each other but they're separated by a river of who knows how deep. Jing Yi can easily fly across with his qinggong but he can't bring someone back. The cave is also collapsing, they'll need to hurry. Xiao Jin Yu tells his brother to use the ropes (like zip-lining). Jing Yi flies across to set up the rope. As Xiao Jin Yu and Chu Chu glide across, they hit a snag in the middle. Chu Chu almost falls but Xiao Jin Yu grabs onto her and dislocates his shoulder, but letting her go is not an option. On the other end, Xiao Jin Li uses his brute force to pull down the rope, allowing gravity to propel Xiao Jin Yu and Chu Chu forward. I love the team effort in this whole cave excursion.  

Some romance. Xiao Jin Yu lies about his dislocated shoulder but Grandpa Chu notices and fixes him up real quick. It's Chu Chu who ends up crying. She's back to being inferior and thinking how he's too good for her. 

Xiao Jin Yu: If you're crying because I saved you then I really regret saving you . . . In this world there is only one you. If you die, and if I'm lucky I may be able to find another coroner as good as you (I beg to disagree), but I won't be able to find another you. No matter how I calculate it, saving you is worth it. 
Chu Chu gives him another hug. Grandpa Chu and Daddy Chu are spying outside, happy that Xiao Jin Yu is sincere about Chu Chu. 

Leng Pei Shan. We finally get to see Leng Pei Shan! He’s the old man staring at me in the opening song, which coincidentally disappeared this episode. Did Show do this on purpose? He receives the odd letter from Leng Yue and that makes him wonder if Xiao Jin Yu knows

Xue Ru Cheng. His carriage is hijacked while he's escorting Xu Ru Gui back to Chang'an. 

[Ep26] Xu Ru Gui is abducted. Xue Ru Cheng is fine except a slash on the arm. 

Li Zhang. Xiao Jin Li picks up Li Zhang from the cave. I'm disappointed. I was looking forward to seeing him being carried out like a pig. Xiao Jin Li looks like a mess but Xiao Jin Yu ignores him and asks about Li Zhang first. Xiao Jin Li angrily paces around his little brother for not caring about him first. Xiao Jin Yu is like Aren’t you standing here and yelling at me just fine? Ha. Xiao Jin Li, Come to me and I’ll give you love xD Anyway. Li Zhang wakes up but he’s reduced to a lunatic, hollering for “Your Majesty, spare me!” Xiao Jin Yu orders for the area to be closed off except for the people he trusts (Jing Yi, Leng Yue, and Xiao Jin Li, oh but where is Chu Chu). After testing Li Zhang, it’s confirmed he’s loyal to Prince Chang. 

Leng Pei Shan. He’s painting himself very suspicious. First there are witnesses who testify it was his soldiers who burned down the city office. Then his letter arrives just after they’ve caught Li Zhang. In the letter, Leng Pei Shan requests Xiao Jin Yu to expel evil spirits in his army. Soldiers have been committing suicide in the camp because of these spirits. Is this a trap? Is he loyal to Prince Chang. We don’t know. 

Xiao Jin Yu tells Chu Chu about his plans to expel spirits at Leng Pei Shan's. He also reluctantly admits he may have to go back on his words of “keeping her safe forever”. He’s going to leave her behind! Nope. He has to take her because she’s safest with him even if the place they’re going to is dangerous. Ah, how I like the romance in this. None of that I-gotta-leave-you-to-keep-you-safe stuff
A lot of romance. Chu Chu wasn’t expecting Xiao Jin Yu to take her with him. She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. Our Little Goldfish is so flustered, he starts picking at the peas otherwise he doesn’t know what to do; his heart is bursting. Chu Chu is settled on being with him through thick and thin. She points out that he can't back out either. Xiao Jin Yu smiles and confesses he took advantage of her in the cave and he had meant to confirm her answer again without the imminent threat of death. But he was afraid – afraid she'd reject him. It’s our Little Goldfish who’s insecure now. He admits he’s not the best: woman and him are usually incompatible. Once Chu Chu restores her family name, she’ll be able to meet better men and that is why he was in such a haste to confess (propose) to her. Can she still accept this cowardly him? If she can’t, our insecure Little Goldfish won’t hate her for it. 

Chu Chu: I only like you. Your Lordship, no matter how many times you ask me. I do. ← this can also be "I’m willing” or “Yes” but I just want to use “I do."

Xiao Jin Yu also tells her he wished upon the Moon Tree (that grants wishes pertaining to love) but he doesn’t trust that stuff too much and so he wants her to confirm it. 

Xiao Jin Yu: Are you willing to marry me to be my wife? And bear my entire life’s love? 
Chu Chu: I do. 

They go for the kiss! But Daddy Chu interrupts by calling her name from afar.

Chu He was listening in the entire time. He concedes to Xiao Jin Yu. Not like he has a choice but at least he was a good sport about it

The reaction to Leng Pei Shan being a possible rebel. Leng Yue never speaks of her grandfather (Leng Pei Shan) because it was his negligence that led to the death of her parents. If he had came back with help then her parents wouldn't have died in a battle within the city. At the very least, she had thought Leng Pei Shan was loyal and patriotic but now he’s even lower than that. 

Xiao Jin Li is upset too. He's part of Leng Pei Shan's army and admires him. 

Qin Luan. His squeaky laughs come to a halt when he realizes Xu Ru Gui’s kidnappers aren’t his own people.
[Ep27Disguising Jing Yi. Jing Yi is to pretend to be an injured soldier to infiltrate Leng Pei Shan’s camp in order to chitchat among the other soldiers for information – the perfect assignment for Jing Yi, our pro at socializing who can talk up anyone. Chu Chu’s expertise at faking injury comes in handy. She’s only an expert because scammers use these tricks all the time. Jing Yi stretches out his long beautiful – "injured" – leg for Xiao Jin Yu, who's behind him, to check its authenticity.

Qin Luan and Xue Ru Cheng. Prince Chang’s minions abduct Xu Ru Gui with the purpose of threatening Qin Luan to work for them. However, after Qin Luan despicably reopened Xue Ru Cheng's wound, he vows to eliminate Qin Luan once he conquers. 

It’s almost Qin Luan’s birthday. The Emperor bestows him a day off outside the palace. But it’s not really a present. The Emperor is suspicious of Qin Luan and orders Jin Bao to follow him. Oh, so is Jin Bao working for the Emperor? I thought it was Prince Chang

Are there really spirits? Chu Chu performs an autopsy on the three soldiers who are said to have committed suicide because of the evil spirits. Chu Chu cannot confirm these were suicides. General Zhao is offended because he truly witnessed it. But it's still too weird. Leng Yue logically analyzes the method of suicide (drowning, burning, suffocating) are all overly complicated and painful when the soldiers have swords. Even if it was suicide, it doesn’t seem voluntary. General Zhao admits Leng Pei Shan also had the same concerns. After hearing Leng Yue’s conclusion, Chu Chu wants to investigate the corpses more. She requests for an open body examination. 

Qin Luan searches for the maids who were dismissed when Princess Xi Ping gave birth to her twins. Meanwhile Princess Xi Ping is desperately hiding them. Qin Luan is now certain one of her sons is indeed not hers. Qin Luan doesn’t care about which one is not hers; he cares which family the other baby came from. He suspects Princess Xi Ping is hiding Chen Ying’s son. Scene cuts to Xiao Jin Li. Is the drama being obvious or throwing us off? If Qin Luan’s right, then he can charge Princess Xi Ping of treason as well. 

[Ep28Case Updates
  • Leng Yue steals letters from Leng Pei Shan’s room. She’s caught by her grandfather who didn’t know it was her and starts attacking her. She swiftly dodges. After she leaves, Leng Pei Shan drops his sword in pain. What is wrong with his health?
  • Jing Yi reports that the first victims to the evil spirits was this injured soldier in the infirmary and that is where all the rumours of the evil spirit began. Xiao Jin Yu wants his brother to continue his investigations and ask about Wu Chen (an official who governs military supply). 
  • Chu Chu’s autopsy yields confusing results. While each of the three soldiers were committing suicide, they were neither alive nor dead. Chu Chu calls them: living corpses. Xiao Jin Yu is reminded of the first time they met when he was her living corpse. Lol, aw, our little goldfish can joke around. Chu Chu explains that if one died by drowning, he would resist and therefore inhale more water but the corpse showed very little water. The victims showed no sign of resistance, no signs of pain, as if they were living a normal day, a normal moment. The weirdest death was the one who strangled himself, Feng Lie. Normally, it’s rather impossible to die in such a way – the arms lose energy, especially from all the pain but Feng Lie applied consistent strength throughout. Could it be possible they were truly spellbound to not feel pain? Chu Chu finds it creepy and Xiao Jin Yu smirks that she’s afraid. Chu Chu denies. 
Chu Chu: Even if they were spellbound, I’ll be in charge of the dead and you’ll be in charge of the living. The neither dead and neither alive ones, we’ll tackle ‘em together. I don’t believe there’s anything we can’t solve together. 

Jing Yi is spellbound. Jing Yi has a nightmare of Leng Yue being kept hostage. He starts slashing at anything, as if in a psychosis. Xiao Jin Li hits him to make him faint. Leng Yue checks on his pulse; everything is fine. Xiao Jin Yu wants Jing Yi in his room for investigation. Leng Pei Shan joins. When Jing Yi is conscious, Chu Chu quickly calls him a dog (his name, lol) and with a glance from Xiao Jin Yu, Jing Yi immediately knows he has to play his role as an injured, lowly soldier. Jing Yi’s reactions are quick even after a psychosis and an assault. He recounts nothing abnormal; he doesn’t even know he experienced a psychosis and didn't feel any pain on his hand when it's clearly injured from all the slashing

The reason for the spellbound. Leng Yue thinks Jing Yi and the other soldiers were affected by Hujie flower. It’s usually for medical purpose to reduce pain but too much can lead to hallucination and delusions. Oh, opioids. Got it. The poisonous agent is found but what is the route? It’s not in the food nor the drinks. Jing Yi wants to go back to check. Leng Yue is against it. Smirking, Jing Yi asks if she’s worried. Without any hesitation she answers yes. She is worried. Xiao Jin Yu and Chu Chu cutely smile at the budding couple. Jing Yi assures Leng Yue that where he lost his sanity is where he should pick it up. He adds that since he’s so afraid of pain (like how they're all making fun of him for), there’s no way he’d commit suicide.   

Leng Pei Shan. Leng Yue goes back to steal more letters from her grandfather but he was waiting for her. Leng Pei Shan finally tells her his side of the story of her parents death. If he had brought his soldiers into the city of Chang’an without the Emperor’s decree, he is chargeable of treason and then the entire army will have to die. He was also locked up; he couldn’t leave nor update her. The letter she’s been stealing are ones he’s been writing to his son (her father) on his death anniversary. Leng Yue tears up and then asks what he meant when he wrote that he was going to join his son (her father) in half a year. She checks his pulse. Something is wrong. She asks him, “How did you lie to the palace?” 

Scene cut. Xiao Jin Yu suspects the second set of people who wanted to capture Xu Ru Gui was from Leng Pei Shan’s camp. 

[Ep29Another general commits suicide. Chu Chu immediately wants to perform an “open” autopsy (technically all autopsies are open but I guess not back in her days). The guards are against it. Leng Pei Shan hears the ruckus and immediately punishes the guards for impeding Xiao Jin Yu’s investigation. Chu Chu clarifies for the guards that they were not in the wrong. No one would want their loved ones cut open. I liked this little touching scene. Drama uses Chu Chu to breathe life into these guards, usually NPCs

The autopsy results are out. It’s the same as before: General Hou stabbed himself to death but didn’t appear to feel pain. Xiao Jin Yu asks if his internal organs were a mess. Chu Chu is surprised he knows. It’s as if General Hou was searching for something inside of him. 

Leng Pei Shan: friend or foe? While that investigation is ongoing, Leng Pei Shan has tied up Leng Yue. She calls him a traitor and to silence her, he almost slashes her. Thankfully, Xiao Jin Yu hasn't forgotten about her and arrives with men to save Leng Yue. Technically, Leng Yue didn't need saving. Leng Pei Shan was keeping his granddaughter safe. Safe from what you ask? Leng Pei Shan is wary of Xiao Jin Yu. It turns out he never kept his health a secret from the palace. Feng Jie was the messenger (y’know that guy who died from a coup-countercoup injury back in Ep5) but the message was intercepted. This entire time Leng Pei Shan was waiting for the Emperor to send help and so when he heard news of Xue Ru Cheng in the city, he had expected a visit but Xue Ru Cheng didn’t even set foot in his camp and left. Then Xiao Jin Yu's letter via Leng Yue arrived and evil spirits started haunting his army. Leng Pei Shan had every right to be cautious of Xiao Jin Yu. 

Leng Pei Shan’s pain is acting up. He takes out his moxa roll (moxibustion, google says is a herbal therapy that one burns and then applies topically to invigorate the flow of Qi) but Chu Chu notices something is off. Leng Yue takes a sniff, burns it, and realizes it contains small traces of mercury. Leng Pei Shan’s “sickness” wasn’t due to physical wear and tear but a deliberate case of poisoning. The culprit: Wu Chen. Leng Yue, for the first time, calls Leng Pei Shan, “grandpa”. 

Case Update: Wu Chen is the official in charge of army supplies. He’s the one who imported the moxa rolls for Leng Pei Shan. For the four victims who died, the route of poison (hujie flower), as Xiao Jin Yu tells us, was through the medication used to treat ulcers. Chu Chu confirms; the bodies that are discernible had ulcers. Xiao Jin Li reports that all victims had similar background: their family died when they were at war. The one who drowned to death had his family die in a flood. The one who burned to death had his family die in a fire. The one who strangled himself to death had someone who died by hanging. Then the general who just passed away lost his wife to childbirth (hence he was searching his insides for his unborn child...). Now then, how come Jing Yu was affected when he doesn’t have an ulcer? He touched an ingredient next to the ulcer medication and then drank water, accidentally consuming small traces of hujie flower. I am very impressed with Show. It makes a lot of sense why Jing Yu was affected with small traces of hujie flower whereas the soldiers needed large portions of it. It’s all about tolerance. Jing Yi is so afraid of pain – he’s probably rarely been in pain and was never exposed to any form of opioids for pain reduction – and so small traces of it had a large effect. Meanwhile for the soldiers, constantly injured, constantly exposed to opioids, have a much higher tolerance and need higher doses for the same effect. I do wonder if Jing Yu's low pain tolerance that everyone loves to make fun of was just to highlight this little piece of knowledge. 

Wu Chen is missing. Our team search his room and find that the moxa rolls are close to emptying but there’s no signs of Wu Chen replenishing the stock. Xiao Jin Yu suspects Wu Chen no longer needed to poison Leng Pei Shan anymore. General Zhao is sent to search for Wu Chen. Chu Chu's gaze lingers on him but that isn’t yet explained. The night has gone by and Wu Chen is still not found until early in the morning he’s found dead in the well. Was he hiding in the well to wait for a chance to escape? Xiao Jin Yu shakes his head. This well is too far from any of the exits. It doesn't make sense for him to hide here if escaping was his plan. 

Another autopsy. Chu Chu needs some stuff for her autopsy: green onion, hot pepper, salt, baimei (flower?), jiucao (wine?), vinegar, a garlic mortar (to grind stuff with), two long woven mats, and an empty land on the site because she'll need to dig a 2m deep ditch, and in that ditch she'll need to start a fire in there. Everyone is silent until Leng Yue asks "You're not planning to eat him, are you Chu Chu?" Of course Leng Yue is the one to ask about food, lol. This is the method for Chu Chu to know if this was a murder or a suicide.

[Ep30] Xiao Jin Yu informs Leng Pei Shan there’s a mastermind behind Wu Chen and this mastermind is already en route in seizing Leng Army hence why Wu Chen stopped poisoning Leng Pei Shan. There’s also the case of the counterfeit money. This is all news to Leng Pei Shan. He denies sending any of his soldiers to burn down the office after Xiao Jin Yu arrested Li Zhang. To Leng Pei Shan's knowledge, the arsonists were runaways soldiers who were once ex-mountain bandits 

General Hou: Suicide or Murder? Chu Chu continues her autopsy after dipping General Hou in some hearty sauce. With General Hou’s corpse lying on the table, Leng Yue arrives with hot and fresh baimei buns. Ah, perfect, Chu Chu says. The buns are not to be eaten and nor is corpse. The buns are placed on General Hou's back. Everything Chu Chu has done is to accelerate the time it takes for the bruises to appear on the body which would normally appear a few days later but they don't have that kind of time to spare. A bruise shows up on the back of his neck. Chu Chu confirms Wu Chen was hit from the back before he drowned. Xiao Jin Yu knows it can only be "him". It's General Zhao. He's currently leading an army to seize Leng Pei Shan's camp but Xiao Jin Yu already set his trap.  
Elsewhere, Xue Ru Cheng is content in his place feeding goldfishes. Prince Chang, keep doing your thing and feeding goldfishes. You're going to regret you ever mentored Xiao Jin Yu, our Little Goldfish, your biggest enemy ever. Gosh, I am so loving the drama for inserting this scene in the middle of the fight

The battle. Xiao Jin Li personally kills General Zhao. The rebels are defeated. Leng Yue cares for her grandfather and wants him to rest but there’s a bigger battle ahead. There’s no time for rest. He reminds Leng Yue what their resolve is and why she followed Xiao Jin Yu all the way here. 
Decoding. Xiao Jin Yu, Chu Chu, and Jing Yi search General Zhao's (Zhao Jie) room because he might have direct evidence leading to the real mastermind who's currently busy feeding goldfishes. They find the secret letter rolled up in a brush. It's ten symbols. Jing Yi sighs that it won't be as easy to decode as Xiao Heng's because Xiao Heng wanted people to solve it. Sorry, but that was easy?? Xiao Jin Yu believes the book that the code is based on has to be nearby especially if General Zhao needs it for decoding. Xiao Jin Yu searches the room and finds a single Book of Songs among all the military ones. It has to be that. I simplified. There was a whole lot of other reasoning that involved his sharp sense of smell. And now the decoding begins which will involve 3628800 possible combinations! Xiao Jin Yu does it in seconds. Chu Chu and Jing Yi are astonished. Xiao Jin Yu is like If you memorized the Book of Songs, it's easySee Jing Yi's expression. That's mine. The decoded message: "Wu Zhen failed and is eliminated. Will meet with the other “team" in Chang’an." 

Xiao Jin Yu wants Jing Yi to interrogate the soldiers who were brought into the camp (previously mountain bandits). However, Xiao Jin Li says they’re all dead. Perfect, the dead is Chu Chu’s expertise.  

Jolly Grandpa time. Although there’s no time for rest, there’s time for love. Leng Pei Shan cheerfully visits Xiao Jin Yu and asks about the “Dog” because he can tell Leng Yue cares a lot about him. The way she stares at him reminds Leng Pei Shan of how his daughter-in-law stared at his son. He deduces the “Dog” is Jing Yi. Xiao Jin Yu doesn’t deny it. Then we get another boisterous laugh from this jolly old man. 

The “mountain bandits”. Chu Chu is done with another set of autopsy. The efficiency! She finds it all too weird because they’re not all mountain bandits. Of the ten corpses, four of them are military soldiers with years of training (i.e. Prince Chang's soldiers). . 

Qin Luan. He learns from this middle person that Prince Chang’s family in Qianzhou was not killed by bandits but by imperial soldiers. Prince Chang is alive, and now, he wants Qin Luan's allegiance, after all, Xu Ru Gui is safely with Prince Chang. Qin Luan has no choice.

[Ep31Wu Chen and the counterfeit money. Chu Chu finds a hidden cupboard and inside are all accounting books. Everyone thinks it’s a copy of the original, like a backup one. However, only Xiao Jin Yu knows this isn’t a copy. It’s another accounting book. Wu Chen has been importing double the supply each time. But with what money? The counterfeit money! To be exact, Wu Chen replaced all the money the camp has (including the soldiers' pay) with counterfeit ones. That's why Xiao Jin Li had so much fake money from the first episode he showed up in. The camp now hasn’t got an ounce of real money. 

And we get a new opening theme! 

The problem with the money. The girls give Leng Pei Shan all their savings. Leng Pei Shan is too proud of himself to accept the girls’ money. He’s already upset Xiao Jin Yu has to clean up his mess. The next day, Jing Yi and Xiao Jin Yu show up with chest stacked with coins – real coins. Since Xiao Jin Yu has a royal decree to investigate the money, he went around to the city officials asking each to give him money for investigative purposes. Leng Pei Shan worries he has no money to repay him. Xiao Jin Yu assures him he will explain it to the Emperor. 

The problem with the rebellious soldiers. There’s another pressing matter other than the money. The mastermind has more soldiers and they’re heading to Chang’an disguising as exam-takers. We skip scenes to Qin Luan who actually updates the Emperor that there's an abnormally large amount of applicants this year. He suggests his General Zhou to “increase" more like decrease security. The Emperor approves. 

Testing Jing Yi. Leng Pei Shan asks his granddaughter about Jing Yi. She’s shy but admits to her grandfather she likes him. Leng Pei Shan goes Ho ho ho. Not really, but he reminds me of Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. The following night, he’s in Jing Yi’s room – not a trace of jolliness. He’s testing out Jing Yi’s alcohol skills – the mandatory son-in-law test. While drinking, Leng Pei Shan mentions Leng Yue, making Jing Yi spit alcohol all over our jolly grandpa. No worries, he still likes Jing Yi but there’s the problem of Daddy Jing who was the person who orchestrated the engagement between Leng Yue and Xiao Jin Li. There’s also years of misunderstandings between them. When Daddy Jing was arresting all the rebellious soldiers in Chen Ying’s camp to avenge Xiao Heng, Leng Pei Shan, who was aware they weren’t rebels, tried to save them. However, Leng Pei Shan admires Daddy Jing’s righteous character. He wants a day to sit down with Daddy Jing. Basically, Jing Yi gets his approval! 

Hiding from Qin Luan. Xiao Jin Yu is aware Qin Luan has sent assassins to prevent the team from returning to Chang’an. Xiao Jin Yu formulates his backup plan. First it requires Wu Jiang to switch out the deadly bombs to safer bombs. Then Leng Yue asks her jianghu buddies to help them stage an act to capture all the assassins in order to keep the team’s return to the city a complete secret from Qin Luan. It's a success. 

Chen Ying’s child! Jing Yi sends a letter to update Daddy Jing of Chen Ying’s army's innocence. Daddy Jing shares the letter with Princess Xi Ping. The two are back on the same terms. However, Daddy Jing has another question. Among her twins, are one of them Chen Ying’s child? 

[Ep32] A flashback confirms that one of the Xiao brothers is Chen Ying’s child.

How is our team sneaking in? Jing Yi is dressed up as a courtesan to smuggle in with the girls. General Zhou is blind and can’t tell; he even smiles at Jing Yi. xD. Jing Yi thanks the girls for their help. All the years of playing with girls paid off for Jing Yi. What about the rest? Chu Chu and Xiao Jin Yu are hiding under a lot of ice in a hidden compartment of a wagon. The guards think it's to keep the food fresh. 

Xue Ru Cheng dies in a fire. Xue Ru Cheng's body is burned and unrecognizable. Xiao Jin Yu is overwhelmed his teacher died. There's too much coincidences. Not coincidences. Xiao Jin Yu notices the source of the fire wasn’t just one. There was one outside, and also one in the house. But why would someone want to burn his library unless – Xiao Jin Yu is cut off from this thought. Chu Chu has findings on the corpse: the body is not Xue Ru Cheng. From the teeth, the one who died is in his twenties. Also, he was killed before he was burned. Then Chu Chu spots a weird shimeimen. This is a plant that smells nice to humans but snakes hate it. It’s herb to treat snake poison. It’s weird to see it in Chang'an because snakes aren’t common. Then Chu Chu asks if Xue Ru Cheng has lived in Xinan before. The truth is rolling out. Chu Chu explains that it’s a habit from where they are to plant these herbs whether or not there really are snakes in the area because if one family doesn’t plant them, the snakes will go there. Xiao Jin Yu's eyes are closed as he’s processing the damning truth, he’s trying to deny it, but the facts are all laid out: Xue Ru Cheng is Prince Chang. 

Xue Ru Cheng dying is the day he's living as Prince Chang. 

Prince Chang’s / Xue Ru Cheng’s plot thus far: There's three vital parts to Xue Ru Cheng's resurgence: intel, money, and soldiers.  
  • Intel. Prince Chang hired killers from Xu Ru Gui to kill the ministers to hide his tracks. 
    • He prevented Feng Jie from delivering the news of Leng Pei Shan's deteriorating health
    • He prevented another minister from updating anything Qianzhou related
    • He then took over one of the minsters position in the military department, the perfect position to plan his coup. 
    • He wanted to use Xiao Jin Yu to resurrect Prince Chang's name via Yan Ming's death which failed. 
    • The problem became Chu Chu's appearance out of nowhere who helped Xiao Jin Yu solve his cases. Since he knew Qin Luan was after Chu Chu, Prince Chang let her go but Xu Ru Gui failed at killing her.
  • Soldiers. He used his Prince Chang title to resurrect his soldiers. 
  • Money. Li Zhang was in charge of mass producing counterfeit money to give to Wu Chen. That perhaps was successful, but Li Zhang failed at murdering Xiao Jin Yu's team. 
  • Intel. He used Xu Ru Gui to threaten Qin Luan. 
  • Soldiers. General Zhao and Wu Chen were to takeover Leng Pei Shan which failed and Prince Chang doesn't know this yet. 
Xiao Jin Yu refuses to see anyone. Even Chu Chu isn't an exception. However, Chu Chu isn't afraid of his wrath. She wraps her arms around his waist, giving him a comforting back hug. She worries for him. He hasn't eaten or slept well. Xiao Jin Yu is too disappointed in himself for failing to see through Xue Ru Cheng. Xiao Jin Yu even gave him the details to his investigations and personally handed over Xu Ru Gui. Chu Chu reminds him "You're not god". Without any evidence, who would have known Prince Chang is Xue Ru Cheng. If not for Xiao Jin Yu, Leng Army would have already fallen. If not for Xiao Jin Yu, Chang'an would have been seized by now. Chu Chu knows he's the best there is. There's more to Xiao Jin Yu's pain. He was betrayed by the teacher he admired the most. It was Xue Ru Cheng who taught him, who guided him. Xiao Jin Yu doesn't understand why Xue Ru Cheng would care for him all these years. It doesn't make sense. Chu Chu reasons that Xue Ru Cheng probably knew that whether or not he helped him, Xiao Jin Yu was going to turn out to be who he is now anyway. 

Chu Chu: In the past, he protected you – she grabs his hand in both of hers – and turned you into the you now. From here on, I'll protect you. 
He hugs her. 
Chu Chu: Your Lordship, you're always so fair but can you be more fair on yourself? The one who committed the sins is Prince Chang , the one who should be arrested is him but why is it that you're confining yourself and punishing yourself? That will only make him more proud. 

Her words get through.
[Ep33Physician Zhang "commits suicide”. He’s the physician who attended to Princess Xi Ping when she was pregnant. Chu Chu examines the corpse but Minister Han brings men to arrest Chu Chu. Hold your horses, Minister Han, because Xiao Jin Yu has an official document to prove that Chu Chu is his imperial coroner and whether or not Chu Chu is a rebellion's daughter, the fact that she’s his coroner trumps the warrant Minister Han has. 

Some romance. Chu Chu nonchalantly asks Xiao Jin Yu when he got that document. It was before the coroner exam but it was only last night that he filled her name in. Chu Chu remains silent. Xiao Jin Yu quickly explains it’s not that he only decided last night to keep her as his coroner but that writing her name there is permanent. He doesn’t want her to be tied down to him because of a document. He also sheepishly admits he hasn’t had any employee who enjoyed working under him. LMAO. He wants her to stay with him under her own freewill and not bounded by a contract. AW! Chu Chu jokes that even with the contract, if she wants to leave, she’ll just pack her bags and go. 
Xiao Jin Yu smirks and tickles her chin. In his best haughty voice, he reminds her he’s a high ranking official. If he wants to keep her, there’s nothing she can do about it. Chu Chu, our logical one, “What is the time now that you still have the mood to tease me!” She squeezes his cheeks. A-ha! I was waiting for this! Chu Chu is touching his cheeks! She must be thinking The beauty of his cheekbones! Ah, the jaw!!

Princess Xi Ping killed Physician Zhang? Minister Han has moved onto arresting Princess Xi Ping for forcing Physician Zhang to commit suicide. According to Minister Han, Princess Xi Ping killed the physician to hide her medical history during her pregnancy. The medical report lying on the table is proof. Minister Han doesn't actually care about Physician Zhang's death. This is all a decoy to get Princess Xi Ping to admit one of her child is Chen Ying's. 

Xiao Jin Yu arrives to support his mother. He proves the medical document Minister Han has is forged. The paper is old but the ink is fresh. Also, if it is as Minister Han said that Princess Xi Ping threatened Physician Zhang to commit suicide in order to protect his family then it would be dumb of Physician Zhang to leave evidence on Princess Xi Ping after his death because his family would still be in danger.

Flashback: Chu Chu and Xiao Jin Yu deduce how Physician Zhang died. The whole time Chu Chu and Jin Yu were sitting down, her hand is casually resting on Xiao Jin Yu’s. It's so natural, I almost missed it. Chu Chu suspects from the white substance in Physician Zhang's nose that he could have fainted over from a blanket to the face. Then the killer hung Physician Zhang to his death. However, that would mean the physicians who found Physician Zhang lied because when the opened the door, they saw Physician Zhang kick the chair. 

Who killed Physician Zhang? Xiao Jin Yu says the doctors didn’t lie. He demonstrates to the Emperor how the trap worked. Once the physicians opened the door, it activated a simple contraption that knocked down the chairs, giving the illusion that Physician Zhang committed suicide mere moments ago. 

Xiao Jin Yu also reveals he found a thread (that’s not so common) by the window. He asks Sun Ming De to show the layers of his clothes. Xiao Jin Yu has reasons to suspect him. Sun Ming De's sign-out sheet from the palace matches the time of Physician Zhang's death. A panicky Sun Ming De begs Qin Luan to help him in front of the Emperor. Without a warning, Qin Luan dislocates his neck in one swift move, killing Sun Ming De. That move! So smooth. Qin Luan asks the Emperor for mercy. He was devastated his junior could do something so treacherous. Yeah – not working. Xiao Jin Yu has more evidence to prove that Qin Luan is the mastermind in accusing Chen Ying's camp of treason.  
Xue Ru Cheng. He knows his army in Qianzhou has failed but he has a backup plan. 

Xue Ru Cheng: Xiao Jin Yu, I taught you myself. Do you think you can escape from the heart of my palms? 

Qin Luan. He denies that a single note can deem him guilty. Perhaps not, but Xiao Jin Yu has more proof! Chu Chu brings in a corpse. I just realized when Xiao Jin Yu and Chu Chu were smuggling in the city, they used A LOT of ice. It wasn’t to hide them, but it was to keep the corpses from rotting! Once Qin Luan sees Chu Chu, he quickly accuses her of being the daughter of a rebellion. 

[Ep34Qin Luan vs. Xiao Jin Yu. After Qin Luan loudly accuses Chu Chu, Xiao Jin Yu is like, Oh how did you know Chu Chu’s identity when you’re just a eunuch in the palace? That silences Qin Luan and the Emperor allows Chu Chu to speak. She explains this corpse is a eunuch who attempted to kill Xiao Heng. With the corpse, Chu Chu presents a medallion that the deceased possessed. It is the same as Qin Luan’s meaning this eunuch was working for Qin Luan to erase any evidence of his crimes. Qin Luan is like Oh! This medallion can be forged. Yeah – no. There’s a full documentary on each eunuch’s appearance in the palace and this deceased matches the one in the records. As Qin Luan is arrested, Jin Bao, the other questionable eunuch, smirks. Is this guy really working for the Emperor?? Although Qin Luan is arrested, Xiao Jin Yu suspects Qin Luan still has more up his sleeve. 

Chen Ying’s Child. Princess Xi Ping has something to tell Xiao Jin Yu but he already knows. Chu Chu had confirmed with him that with Princess and Xiao Heng's appearance – skull to be exact – it’s unlikely Xiao Jin Yu is their child. Xiao Jin Yu’s father is indeed Chen Ying. With a full bow, Xiao Jin Yu asks Princess Xi Ping if he can still treat her as his mother. Of course Princess Xi Ping wants that – he’s her son just like Xiao Jin Li is. Aw. This reunion reminds me of Chu Chu with her family. But honestly I had thought Xiao Jin Li was Chen Ying's child. I mean, Xiao Heng is so smart... and then Xiao Jin Li.... I love Xiao Jin Li by the way xD
Interrogating Qin Luan. Daddy Jing interrogates Qin Luan but the latter has more questions for the former. Qin Luan tells him there’s a reason why the Emperor assigned Daddy Jing to interrogate him over Xiao Jin Yu. If it was Xiao Jin Yu, he’d investigate this leaving no stone unturned thus embroiling countless of ministers, flipping the palace inside out. Qin Luan wants Daddy Jing to understand his role. Oh, Daddy Jing knows his role. He’s fair and will reveal the truth. Qin Luan has no way out and if he confesses up then he can possibly keep his corpse intact, Daddy Jing even throws him his fake moustache and promises to bury it with him. Ah, Daddy Jing, so considerate. Qin Luan isn’t afraid, and sings his song. Xiao Jin Yu is actually part of the interrogation just that currently, he's in another cell, observing. Xiao Jin Yu is aware Qin Luan is stalling for time. 

Daddy Jing attempts to interrogate once more in this windowless cell. This time Jing Yi comes running inside and freaks out that the Emperor is poisoned. It's a play to get Qin Luan to let his guard down. And he does! He starts laughing that the Emperor must have drank the poisonous tea. Jing Yi is off to alert the Emperor. Then Qin Luan screeches his laugh. Qin Luan didn't fall for the trap. Qin Luan knew that they purposely detained him in this windowless cell to override his internal clock. However, he's been working in the palace for decades, disrupting his internal clock will take more than that. Xiao Jin Yu smiles. Our Goldfish notes that Daddy Jing had warned him that eunuchs are rather perceptive of time but he also bet that Qin Luan wouldn't make up a complete lie since he knows how perceptive Daddy Jing is. There must be some truth in the poisonous tea. Xiao Jin Yu deduces the poison exists but it's on the cup. Qin Luan's expression hardens but a smile creeps out again. It's too late for Xiao Jin Yu. To get from the imperial prison back to the palace will take hours. By then the Emperor would have died. 

No sweetie, it’s not too late. 

Xiao Jin Yu had made another bet. Qin Luan may be aware of time, but he wouldn't be aware of space. Qin Luan doesn't know what the imperial prison looks like nor does he know the way. Ah, so our Qin Luan has an internal clock but an internal GPS. They're still in the palace. Qin Luan is crushed. He was cunning his entire life and never thought he’d fall to a baby like Xiao Jin Yu. Then he runs to a wall and commits suicide. Daddy Jing, remember the moustache! During the entire interrogation, Xiao Jin Yu was pulling at a white napkin, we now see it opens to a white flower. R.I.P Qin Luan. Did our Little Goldfish predict he'd die and prepared that flower for him? Our Goldfish is no baby even if he's got those pouty cheeks

The Emperor is not poisoned. He also thanks Jin Bao for his loyalty on spying on Qin Luan this entire time. Soooooo Jin Bao is loyal...Yes? 

How to capture Prince Chang? Jing Yi reports to Xiao Jin Yu that all the people who were helping Prince Chang are related to him or were part of his manor. This includes Li Zhang, Wu Chen, the courtesan, etc. Prince Chang manipulates their love for their family in order to keep their loyalty. As Jing Yi reports, he's picking at the plain noodles. There's absolutely nothing in them. Then Chu Chu comes in with side-dishes. I wonder if the noodles were originally for Xiao Jin Yu who probably eats plain food because of his poor digestion Chu Chu, who knows this, brings in side dishes – healthy side dishes – so that Xiao Jin Yu would have more of an appetite

Jing Yi is confident they’ve got Prince Chang; Qin Luan, his intel, is gone. Then Jing Yi's father is offering the exam-takers hospitality. Prince Chang wouldn’t want his people actually enrolling to be constantly monitored. Then with a simple subtraction, the number of soldiers he has would be exposed. 

Chu Chu asks what if Prince Chang runs away. 

Xiao Jin Yu says he won’t. The throne is only one step away. He won’t return to the shadows, not when he's this close. Since Prince Chang has no mole in the palace, Xiao Jin Yu needs to bait him with an opportunity – a big event to invite all the royals to attract Prince Chang for his insurgence. Chu Chu thinks a tea party would work but Jing Yi shoots that down. They need to catch Prince Chang quietly. Xiao Jin Yu explains that they cannot fuel the fire. There are other forces perhaps willing to lend a hand to this coup if the event alarms everyone of Prince Chang's existence. 

[Ep35Jing Yi and Leng Yue: Leng Yue hesitates at the front door of her old home in the city. Jing Yi points out the obvious that she can just fly in. She doesn’t want to. She wants to enter through the front doors. But she doesn’t have the keys. Ta-da, Jing Yi has them. Leng Pei Shan gave it to him. She’s touched to have him around and tells him to come closer. She kisses his cheek and then runs away. He’s flustered and reacts a second late. Aw, that was also the key to open Leng Yue's heart for him.

Jing Yi: Don’t run, I’m a young virgin (lol), you have to take responsibility of me! Tomorrow come to my home and ask for my hand!! He said “yellow flower” which in Chinese means he’s this innocent virgin. Psh

Chu Chu asks for Xiao Jin Yu's hand! Chu Chu has a plan from last night’s conversation. Chu Chu asks him to marry her and it would be a big enough event to lure out Prince Chang without alarming the city. I love how this scene is right after Jing Yi asking Leng Yue to do the same. xD. Yeah, so our Xiao Jin Yu wasn’t ready for this proposal. He gets a taste of his own medicine when he spontaneously proposed, haha. He doesn't accept it, not because he doesn't want to marry her, but because he doesn’t want to use their marriage as a trap to catch Prince Chang. Chu Chu is like Why! I love her reactions, I can never predict them. He wants their marriage to be the beginning of their happiness. It should be meaningful and romantic. He already put her in countless of dangers. He knows she never hated him for it but it shouldn’t mean he can continue taking advantage of her. He owes her too much already and if he owes her a proper marriage too, that's too cruel to her. 
Chu Chu has a soft smile on the entire time. “Your Lordship, if you say it like that...then that means my plan works!” Chu Chu! The focus isn't there! He's being so romantic! Xiao Jin Yu wasn’t expecting this answer. I love his expression, haha. Chu Chu doesn’t care about the rites as long as the man she’s marrying is him. If marrying him can help him, she’d marry him every day if she could. Xiao Jin Yu still has his brows knotted. Chu Chu touches his pouty cheeks, "It hurts me seeing you this stressed and that is why I am willing." Chu Chu’s golden phrase: 我愿意 (woyuanyi) meaning "I am willing" or "I do"

Xiao Jin Yu is convinced. He asks the Emperor to bestow the marriage. It’s a bit of an obstacle because Chu Chu, a lowly coroner, isn’t a match for Xiao Jin Yu. But Xiao Jin Yu remains firm that he wants to marry her. The Emperor reluctantly gives in but there’s a condition. Xiao Jin Yu had already thought of it. He hands a scroll to the Emperor, indicating Chu Chu has given up her imperial coroner position. This was one of the reasons Xiao Jin Yu was reluctant on marrying Chu Chu – at least not without a plan. He knew she would have to give up on her coroner career. Chu Chu had turned solemn at this condition but, still, she gave up her position. Her dream of becoming a coroner was inspired by her family and it was to bring justice. She doesn’t need the recognition of an imperial coroner if in exchange she can help Xiao Jin Yu catch the sinister forces coveting for the throne. 

Dispelling rumours. In the middle of the street, someone cheers for Prince Chang and then dies. On his clothes, words magically appear to support Prince Chang. It’s all to stir unrest in the city of the rise of Prince Chang. Xiao Jin Yu had predicted this and that is why Jing Yi and Leng Yue are casually patrolling the streets. Jing Yi exposes the magic trick as he too writes a verse on his back. It’s a romantic line and now the civilians have completely forgotten the Prince Chang nonsense. 
A present: Xu Ru Gui. Prince Chang has left a present for Xiao Jin Yu: it's Xu Ru Gui. But he’s very sick and feverish. Xu Ru Gui was forced to eat this big round "meatball". They wouldn’t let him bite it and he had to swallow it whole. Perhaps the English subtitle is "pill" but I think of meatball when I hear wanzi

Why didn’t Prince Chang kill Xu Ru Gui? Because Xu Ru Gui is his weapon to kill Xiao Jin Yu. Once time is up, the exterior of the meatball or whatever ball that Xu Ru Gui swallowed will have dissolved and it's lethal effect will unleash (like a controlled-release poison and hence why Prince Chang was staring at his hour-glass contraption to wait for his bomb to detonate)

Jing Yi hypothesizes the worst it can be is a bomb. He think their best plan is to send Xu Ru Gui far, far away. Yes that would work but Jing Yi forgot Xu Ru Gui is Chu Chu’s uncle. Prince Chang is such a weasel. He knows Xiao Jin Yu loves Chu Chu and thus sending Xu Ru Gui away will be a difficult decision. Xiao Jin Yu casts a worried glance at Chu Chu. Chu Chu, however, wants to see if she can dissolve or heal Xu Ru Gui before the meatball “explodes”. Leng Yue will help (which worries Jing Yi). Xiao Jin Yu sighs that he can’t argue against Chu Chu. That’s true. He hasn’t ever won her. He just gets really angry all the time

[Ep36The meatball is no meatball. Chu Chu extracted the “meatball” (there’s no meat) and kept Xu Ru Gui alive. Inside, Leng Yue confirms there is ricin (a deadly poison), climbing vines (another poison) and mercury (more poison). Xiao Jin Yu flexes his jaws but his reaction to Chu Chu remains calm. He holds her hands and tells her that the edict had arrived earlier for her to prepare herself to be his bride in the palace. Once Leng Yue and Chu Chu leave. Xiao Jin Yu smashes the nearest pot, bellowing with wrath that Prince Chang dared to use Chu Chu. Jing Yi, looking grim, gives his buddy a shoulder squeeze. Jing Yi staying silent while Xiao Jin Yu was trying to control himself in front of Chu Chu shows how aware he was of Xiao Jin Yu’s emotion. Then when Chu Chu left without a word about the poison also means she knows he'd explode. Our Drama is so aware of itself. Jing Yi had once said that Chu Chu knows Xiao Jin Yu more than him and it's on display here.

We now know the severity of this meatball. It might not be a bomb but it is fatal like a bomb. Jing Yi says this is an arrow that strikes all three of them: Chu Chu, Xiao Jin Yu and the Emperor. Xu Ru Gui is to die from the “meatball”. Chu Chu will examine him and then she will die from contacting the lethal poisons. Coroners have a tradition to burn Chinese honey locust and rhizome to drive out evil spirits and this fire will strengthen the poison in the room(?). Thus when Xiao Jin Yu checks on her, he will die too. When there is an unknown poison, Xiao Jin Yu had established protocols that the deceased should be quarantined and buried immediately. Finally, the Emperor will pay his respects since Xiao Jin Yu is of royalty and this will be the grand event Prince Chang is vying for to remove the Emperor. 

And that plan has just failed because Chu Chu saved Xu Ru Gui.

Prince Chang has no choice but to attend the wedding. It will be his one and only chance to overthrow the Emperor. 
Brotherly Time. Xiao Jin Yu feeds the chickens (!!) in his yard. And look who’s here: Xiao Jin Li! I missed him! Xiao Jin Li misses his brother lots and gives him a tight hug but underestimates his own strength. Chu Chu almost had to perform an autopsy on Xiao Jin Yu to confirm if he died from a hug. Anyway. Xiao Jin Li ensures his brother the marriage will go smoothly. Xiao Jin Yu returns the congratulatory message because it seems like Xiao Jin Li has found a partner too. Nooooo! Who is this Luo Yan! After Xiao Jin Li leaves, Xiao Jin Yu continues to feed his chicks and even coos them. xD I applaud Show for remembering Chu Chu's chickens

Family time. Xiao Jin Li is Mom’s new model for Xiao Jin Yu’s groom outfit. Mom reveals she has jade bracelets for her two sons' future wives. She gives one jade to Leng Yue to give Chu Chu. The other pair she’ll keep until Xiao Jin Li finds his wife. The jades are a symbol that Mom cherishes both her sons equallyI don’t think Xiao Jin Li knows that Xiao Jin Yu isn’t his real brother but I reckon that doesn’t matter to the family. It would be nice for Xiao Jin Li to know but his love for his brother will not change even for a fraction. 

Wedding prep. Chu Chu has never seen a wedding let alone a wedding dress. Leng Yue is surprised. Chu Chu explains she is a coroner – Chu Chu solemnly corrects herself – she was a coroner. She was never welcomed to these auspicious events. She sulks a little to Leng Yue that had it not been for the Emperor’s decree, Princess Xi Ping would never approve of her. Princess Xi Ping’s favourite plant is grass and she would choose a rock over a jade – I think that says a lot about her character. Leng Yue gives Chu Chu the jade to assure her she’s loved.

The wedding. Prince Chang knows the wedding is a trap. Also, the security is too lax for him to feel comfortable swarming in. Then, Jing Yi and Leng Yue barge into his no-longer-secret-lair thanks to Xiao Jin Yu honing down to his exact location with the bare minimum hints he was given. A battle commences. Prince Chang uses his trusty aide as a human shield. It all looks good until Jing Yi and Leng Yue are caught! With hostages like them, Prince Chang confidently walks into Xiao Jin Yu’s wedding. But why does our team look so chill?

Prince Chang, a fake? Xiao Jin Yu taunts Prince Chang that he’s a fake. The real Prince Chang had small pox when he was a child, quite deadly, and even if he survived, there must be scars. Xiao Jin Yu denounces to the public Xue Ru Cheng is a counterfeit, an imitation. His real name is "Xue Tang". Prince Chang is looking rather flustered. Personally, I think Prince Chang is Prince Chang. Xiao Jin Yu is playing his game. Prince Chang wanted to use rumours to resurrect himself and so Xiao Jin Yu will use rumours to make Prince Chang die again. Whether or not Prince Chang is Prince Chang, it doesn’t matter

The hostages. Prince Chang reminds Xiao Jin Yu he's got his friends as hostage. Oh but Leng Yue and Jing Yi are smirking. Just who has who hostage? Being captured is part of Xiao Jin Yu's plan. If Prince Chang doesn't believe he has the upperhand, he would never summon his entire army into the venue. Xiao Jin Yu wanted to catch Prince Chang's entire army in one fell swoop. 

General Zhou is the mole who loosened Leng Yue and Jing Yi's rope. These two easily escape. Xiao Jin Li rounds up the army to surround Prince Chang. Now, he's is squarely in Xiao Jin Yu's trap. 

Another hostage. Prince Chang had a backup: the Emperor is his hostage. General Zhou is charge of that. Aha, but he's our mole. Instead of capturing the Emperor, he captures Chu Chu who's disguised as the Emperor. And that is also part of Xiao Jin Yu's plan. Chu Chu had volunteered. She's confident she would be better than anyone because she can practically communicate with Xiao Jin Yu via telepathy. Also, since Prince Chang is such a weasel, they'll need to figure out what that red candle is. Xiao Jin Yu suspects that candle is Prince Chang's last weapon.

Okay, so Prince Chang has Chu Chu hostage. But then General Zhou starts hollering whether Prince Chang is actually Prince Chang, messing with the hearts of his followers. Jing Yi adds fuel to the fire and jeers that he's not Prince Chang, he's Xue Tang! Lol. Jin Bao, the eunuch, announces the royal decree to seize the fake Prince Chang. General Zhou immediately surrenders, motivating the rest to follow. 

And another hostage. However, the goal is to not push Prince Chang to utter defeat – at least not yet – that is why Chu Chu is the hostage: to give Prince Chang a glimmer of hope. Chu Chu is Xiao Jin Yu's sweetheart. It's only natural Xiao Jin Yu will exchange himself for Chu Chu and only natural for Prince Chang to accept this because Xiao Jin Yu is worth more as a captive. Look how worried Jing Yi and Xiao Jin Li are. As Prince Chang backs out with Xiao Jin Yu as his captive, Xiao Jin Yu asks his teacher was he ever genuine towards him. Prince Chang scoffs. Sincerity? Nah manWell, that was your last chance, Prince Chang. Once Prince Chang backed up enough, Xiao Jin Li shoots this red drapery which activates a contraption that shoots an arrow right through Prince Chang's head. Prince Chang never had a chance to retaliate. The candle drops from his clothes. This is the end of Prince Chang who never once got to resurrect himself. I have two theories on the candle. But I will discuss this in the review! 

The marriage. The wedding continues! Chu Chu is Xiao Jin Yu's wife. That is not all, Jin Bao reads the decree: Chu Chu is granted to be an imperial coroner again. She will still be Xiao Jin Yu's perfect partner (or employee, lol). Dead or alive, no one can escape from our duo and our team. 

The end!! 

But there's more!
Post-credit scenes. Xiao Jin Li pushes Xiao Jin Yu to the yard and can only answer his questions with: 一兩句說不清楚. LOL I'm so happy I get to hear this line one last time. Chu Chu cheerfully updates that their chickens have little chicks now

Chu Chu asks Xiao Jin Yu: Do you like it?
Jin Yu stutters: L-like. Is he hesitating because he doesn’t know what to feel for his chickens to have chicks or is it because he's thinking of when he'll be getting some chicks with Chu Chu? :D 

Then a chicken flies away. Leng Yue tells Jing Yi to catch it but he lets the second one fly away too. Xiao Jin Li is like What are you doing, man? Jing Yi replies "比翼雙飛" which literally means letting two birds fly together but it is more so an idiom to mean two hearts beating as one. 

Also, "Post-credit scene" in Chinese is "彩蛋". "蛋" itself means “egg” and our post-credit scene is about eggs. It's a little funnier in Chinese because it's an egg about an egg and who knows what these eggs truly mean (;


[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I am impressed with this one! It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed the detective part of a detective drama. 

I’m not a particular fan of the current trend of detective dramas where the conclusion of a case is very much a reversal of the initial clues all to throw off the audience. For these dramas, I've trained myself to not even care about those clues until the detective explains it at the end. It's unsolvable anyways. Guessing the culprit because s/he looks suspicious is the best I can do. Otherwise, the process of solving a case is usually pretty boring for me if there isn’t another enhancing factor (e.g. cool detective, romance, thriller, acting etc). For these reasons, I profoundly appreciate The Imperial Coroner. The cases are immersive for an average audience like me. 

And it’s not just the cases that are interesting!

The overall plot is strong – Xiao Heng and Chu Chu’s background story are steadily revealed. There's a bigger conspiracy going on and we're just seeing the tip of it. The characters are fun. The romance is cute! If Chu Chu is an expert of the dead then Xiao Jin Yu is an expert of the living, or more specifically of a living murderer. They’re perfect. 

I also love the food scenes. They’re very minor but there's always something more about them than just food. In Ep4, I was trying to listen to Jing Yi talk but I was quite pleasantly distracted by Xiao Jin Yu’s focus on the tea, on the food Chu Chu’s eating, just anything but Jing Yi. It’s a very nice use of food to tell me, I need not listen to Jing Yi at all :D. Then in Ep5, I love how the grapes were used both as a device for Xiao Jin Yu to comfort Chu Chu and also as a metaphor to Xiao Jin Yu himself. Then in Ep10, I learn that Chu Chu’s forensic skills actually make her a great Itamei (sushi chef). She earns a high praise from Xiao Jin Yu that’s so high, no one is tall enough to understand. 

[Actors/Actresses] Su Xiao Tong doesn't have the typical look for a female lead but anyone who loved Young Blood would recognize her and I would be quite surprised to hear if someone wasn't fond of her in that drama. In here she reprises a similar role: very cute and very gullible. This time she’s much, much, much smarter. 

Wang Zi Qi is relatively unknown but I have a good impression of him when he starred opposite to Ivy Chen in Love is in the Air. I thought he was cute. I think he's a tad stiff here but I'm liking the chemistry he has with Su Xiao Tong. 

[Update] Did I say Wang Zi Qi was stiff? This man gets better and better at his role. I love it when he's angry and also when he's stiff and also when he's stupid. 

一兩句說不清楚 – One or two words cannot explain it all 
車馬象卒 – Chinese checkers: 車 = Car,  馬 = Horse, 象 = Elephant, and 卒 = Pawn
殘局 Cán jú – Endgame / Desperate situation (Ep21)
我愿意 Wǒ yuàn yì – I do / I am willing (The line that’s said in weddings) 
比翼雙飛 Bǐ yì shuāng fēi – Two hearts beating as one. Literal: A pair of birds flying together
彩蛋 Cǎi dàn – Easter egg (hidden features) / Post-credit scenes 

[Ending] Happy! 

You want a shortcut to the drama by reading here? 
Nope. You gotta watch the whole thing. <3

Final Review

[ReviewAh~, how do I review this? 一兩句說不清楚. And so, I have two reviews! The one below is a general one. It's “shorter" and more concise (like my regular reviews). The second one is a dissection of certain plots and themes, and mainly for those who want to relive the drama.

[A Pure Detective Drama] The Imperial Coroner is a logical deductive reasoning drama and not a whodunit. You will know exactly who did it by the middle of the drama. This is a pure detective drama that doesn’t rely on extra thriller or suspense elements. “Who” isn’t the question. That’s too easy for our drama. It is the answers for "How" and "Why" that makes this drama one of the best in its kind. 

Every part of this drama is meticulously and surgically planned out. The courtesan who appears in the beginning will be mentioned at multiple junctions in the drama when I've completely forgotten her. Xu Ru Gui has one identity after another identity and each serve a vital turning point in the story. The bridge that was built five years ago, seemingly an unimportant detail holds the key to one man's disappearance and the clue to a bigger conspiracy. This drama leaves no stone unturned and it will also turn it over and over again, exposing multiple hidden facets. Xiao Heng's endgame, the mastermind's endgame, and the interconnection between the fathers are details I continue to relish on despite finishing the drama. There's so much to extrapolate; the drama will lay it out but it won't spell it out. It doesn't need to. 

[Romance] I love romance in my dramas no matter what dose it comes in. The romance here compliments the mystery. It's not overpowering and when I do notice we should really get back onto the case, it's Chu Chu who's the logical one, reminding Xiao Jin Yu things like there's still dead bodies to examine. Xiao Jin Yu being so sweet was out of my expectation. Not only did he genuinely confess his cowardice (Ep26), there were also scenes like the contract (Ep33), his reasons to refuse her grand event (Ep35) and the return of his anger for reasons of love (Ep36). When I thought our stoic Xiao Jin Yu cannot be any sweeter, he does. Their romance does another wonderful thing: it teases out a lot of fun interactions between the team.

[Teamwork/Cast] I adore how the cast can intermingle with anyone. There isn't just bromance between Xiao Jin Yu and his “brothers". The "brothers" have their own rivalry – not over a girl, but over Xiao Jin Yu, which is so cute. Then the drama throws in Leng Yue amidst the boys – and she sort of is like a boy. Leng Yue also has her romantic line with Jing Yi and a sisterly line with Chu Chu. The father's generation have their connections too. After you finish the drama, I highly encourage you to think about how everyone is related to everyone. All the character setups, the interrelation between their families, and its alignment to historical accuracy is truly an attestation to how well thought out this drama was from the very beginning. 

Our team each have their specialty: Chu Chu is the expert of the dead; Xiao Jin Yu is the expert of the living; Jing Yi is the agent of socialization and the master of qinggong; Leng Yue is the pro of jianghu and the doctor; Xiao Jin Li is the strong protector (he’s also over-protective with a case of brother complex). There’s no hole in this team. Each character’s strengths are maximized according to the case. What I love the most is when our team pools in their specialties and collaborates for scenes like the cave (Ep25) and the grand finale. Everyone has a part to play, and it’s even more entertaining when our sinister forces can hold their own. 

The drama is quite adept at creating characters and associating them with an object or a quirk that's unique to them (despite being so busy with the mystery, court conspiracy, romances, and bromances!!). My list might differ from your list but I'd say most of it should be the same:

Xiao Jin Yu: Little Goldfish
Chu Chu: Chicken
Xiao Jin Li一兩句說不清楚
Jing Yi: Pain
Leng Yue: Rice
Leng Pei ShanHo ho ho
Prince Chang: Candle
Xiao Heng: Rock
Princess Xi Ping: Grass
Daddy Jing: Chariot
Qin Luan: Mustache
Emperor: Craftsmanship

The ones I bold are ones I think unanimously stood out. In Chinese, everyone types Xiao Jin Yu as Little Goldfish (xiaojinyu). Xiao Jin Li's 一兩句說不清楚 is the catchphrase. 

[Verdict] One of the best detective Cdramas (+ a cute romance)

Random Recommendation: Hard Nut! [J (2013)]

Rating5/5 ♥♥