August 6, 2021

Crush | Reviews

A romance between a man who is visually impaired and a girl who is tone-deaf.
Chinese Title
Episodes: 24


Lin Yan Jun (Evan Lin): Su Nian Qin / Yi Jin
Wan PengSang Wu Yan 


(Updated as of May 2022)
The Love Lasts Two MindsMy Lonely Planet
DirectorYu Cui Hua 
 The Love Lasts Two Minds (2020)
♠ Eternal Love (Ten Miles of Peach Blossom) (2017)
♠ Love Love in Times (2017)

ScreenwriterYang Yi Xun


Five (5/5)

Four (4/5)

Reviewer: cynlynn
(Copied and pasted from Recaps&Review)
Hearts: ♥♥
I find it funny how I can’t even avoid a CEO drama when my ML is a visually impaired songwriter. I thought I was pretty safe. Anyway! 
First half is romantic and scenic. I love the luscious green backdrop with the raindrops. The music embellishes the atmosphere. The romance gushes on screen and I get butterflies. A+ for chemistry (especially Ep8), A+ for mood, A+ for music. 

Then there is the middle. I think there needs to be a warning. Our drama isn’t all sweet. I looked up the author (Mu Fu Sheng) and noticed she wrote Somewhere Only We Know (which I really like). Both have a very serious breakup phase. Personally, I don’t mind a drama taking a dive for the worse if 1) the breakup is convincing 2) it makes the redemption romance even better. I say drama scored high in both regards. 

The one flaw I couldn’t ignore is Su Nian Qin’s overbearingness and selfishness. I had to remind myself that he’s insecure and he has a reason to be the way he is, but omfg you did not just force yourself on her and omfg did you just fling her wrist?? Bruh. I was really frustrated with this guy but ultimately, I chose to let it go. My love for this couple outweighs whatever crappy attitude lapse he had in the middle chunk of the drama. 

I simply changed my focus onto admiring Sang Wu Yan, an angel saving broken souls (in spite of being broken as well). She’s my favourite character by far. I love how she treats Su Nian Qin like a normal guy, like a boyfriend. She wants to see a movie, so she takes him to a theatre – who cares if he’s blind and can’t see. Obviously that’s not the case, she cares, she’s at this ear telling him the contents of the movie. It’s just really cute and unique of her. Watching her brighten up his world was the biggest treat for me. 

This is also one of the most appealing "opposite attracts" romances. Sang Wu Yan and Su Nian Qin are polar opposites. She is tone deaf and he is musically talented. She is afraid of the dark and he can only see the dark. He refuses to open his eyes to the world and so she opens his heart to her world. 

Other than that one hurdle I couldn’t clear, for the most part, I highly enjoyed Crush. It’s worthy of praise for daring to be dark and it was dark with a compelling storyline. There’s also quite a bit of subtle details laden in the drama. For example the picture that Su Nian Qin ripped, Sang Wu Yan would secretly fix it; the playlist that Su Nian Qin compiled is filled with love songs clearly inspired by Sang Wu Yan; the privet leaf; the business card, etc. And I just cannot deny their chemistry. It is sweet and mellow, calming and romantic. There’s also a shocking twist in the story. Admittedly, this could be better in the second half but for what it is, I think this was a sweet one regardless.

P.S. If you have zero tolerance for overbearing CEOs this might not be the one for you.

Three (3/5)

Reviewer: Loving Cdrana 
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Aug 2023
Overall I like it.

I ended up fast forwarding the 2nd couple and their issues. I felt that they did not resolve the Cheng Yin issue, and it was a few episodes too long.

I enjoyed their interactions, and the wife greeting the hubby scenes. I was laughing out loud, especially when he was so serious as he rings the doorbell with both doors wide open 😂

The hate he must have felt for his father was so huge that he was willing to sacrifice his eyes for it. I guess when you learn at a young age to hate, and no one around is trying to help you get rid of it, it will be hard to change. He then met Wu Yan and his whole world changed. But he still want the world in his cocoon. I don’t think his attitude changed but once he became an ableist, his attitude got magnified because there was no disability to humble him.

It is unfortunate that those series of events all happened one right after another. But Wu Yan and Nian Qin couldn’t breathe. Yet once they got a chance, life has moved on. He got more responsibilities and she got hers.

The fact that he (via Xiao Lu) arranged to make her life a bit more easy to navigate shows how much he appreciated her. The fact that he never appeared back into her life until he felt that she may never come back (blind dates) also shows his sincerity to what she said. Then it became a last ditch effort to win her back. But it took Wei Hao to lay down the truth, “Wu Yan or his pride”

Why bother introduce the Cheng Yin thing if they weren’t going to seriously address it. Yes that last voiceover was hers...and it made no sense.

3 out of 5 because I fast forwarded the side stories and the Cheng Yin angle.

Reviewer: FanFanX 
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Sept 2021
Su Nian Qin is the epitome of tsundere... Lin Yan Jun has such a serious resting face but when he smiles - whoa! I love how upset he got over the tangerine being eaten by Yu Xiao Lu. I did crack up with the Yi Jin post-it though. Why didn't he look for the audio player or her watch himself?! What's the point of having his vision...👀 E20, he when he finally said what she needed to hear and he was sincere. He has some of the best scenes with the little kids. I am not sure how I feel about him having the eye surgery. I almost feel like the story might've been better if he'd stayed the same (eye condition, not personality) and maybe he would've changed for the better. (But that wouldn't have helped with Sang Mom...)

Sang Wu Yan is adorable. (But I generally just love Wan Peng.) It's hilarious that she's tone deaf and teaching music to kids. 😆 She's so persistent, hilarious and lovable. (Love all that sass!) I love that she sat next to the kids just to get her head patted by him. The line that says everything: "Loving you is already so hard, why would I hate you." When she drags a table down at that dinner event... she's good at playing that nervous, awkward woman. 🤣 Why did she reject the hotel proposal?! It was sweet! The kitchen one was worse and by force...because he was fed up with her rejection. 😆 I just love her smart replies/ insults to people who annoy her - to Rich Guy Peng - Whose back up are you planning to be?

Sang Mom drove me insane until the last few eps. She meant well but the things she said and made both of them feel guilty for being together. At least Su Nian Qin and her mother reconciled (at her father's gravesite) and they've moved on to the present. (Mary Ma was quite regal and lovely in Really Meet Love That Day.)

Sang Wu Yan had some sweet and bittersweet moments with her father. Sang Dad was so sweet and understanding compared to Mom. (Cai Gang, I'm so used to seeing him being angry, tough, and so inflexible that it was a nice surprise to see him portray the opposite here.)

Wei Hao is very pretty to look at and his long hair works for him. I like how he ends up giving Su Nian Qin dating tips, albeit under duress. 😆 At least SNQ actually took the advice to heart and is showing sincerity. Xu Qiao cracked me up when she said "How could I care about looks when I'm already married to Wei Hao.”

[Spoiler!!] Cheng Yin was such a good best friend. It was sad finding out that she'd died 3 years ago, which explains why she was only seen inside the apartment in the later years. Sang Wu Yan had found a way to cope by pretending she was still around. Poor Sang Wu Yan had lost so many people during that time period. [/Sp]

Yu Xiao Lu has such a pleasing voice. And I love how patient and intuitive she is with Su Nian Qin. She isn't in as many of the later eps. I love how she calmly speaks to them separately and helps them get back together. (Because they're both too stubborn and SQN feels so guilty about how things ended before.) Sang Wu Yan needed to know what happened in the three years, because he's too scared to say anything, even though he helped her the entire time they'd been separated.

Wu Yu (blind date lawyer) is pretty persistent. I'm not sure why he still pursued her after the first one was interrupted by Su Nian Qi. The way SNQ is angrily watching them from outside their third date made me laugh. (Seriously, too possessive but hilarious for dramaland.) This guy even calls her later - way too nice. 🤣 And living on the edge - SNQ's death glare when this guy calls her later... She rejects him twice. I didn't remember her previous co-worker had the same surname until SNQ brought it up. Ha.

I'm so over drama weddings. 😆 (The whole production of weddings is so commonplace for drama endings.) Just say the wedding happened and show us more of life after said wedding.

"Wu Yan, I'm home." Her ou. I just love these type of ridiculous scenes. He's like a robot, too. LOL I cried laughed at the door scenes...It's like her Groundhog Day. When she complains to Xu Qiao, it makes me laugh even more because it sounds even funnier.

Who could be jealous of a child...except a very insecure person, such as Su Nian Qin. In real life, this is not a good sign for them to have children.

Chinese privet is showcased in this series. After internet research, it's also one of the worst invasive plants. (So don't go out and get any unless you want it overtaking your entire garden!)

This disclaimer "Don't try this at home. This is merely to cater to the plot." cracks me up. I've never seen a series displaying it so many times. 😆

While there are parts I didn't like about the series (SQN's possessiveness is worrisome), I think the good outweighs the bad, if you're in the mood for a melodramatic rom-com.

Two (2/5)

One (1/5)

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