February 26, 2020

My Lonely Planet | Recap and Review

My Lonely Planet
Uncontrollable pet behaviours take over our leads. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Yang Shi Ze: Miao Yu
Zhang Lin Yi: Wang Chen
Chinese Title:
The Earth is Blushing
Episodes: 24
First Impression: 3/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Ending of the episode: She happily pounces onto him and practically pants.
[Ep2] They fight like cats and dogs. Literally.

[Ep3] They form a cat and dog alliance once they figure out their animalistic behaviours are derived from each other's pets. There's also another group of pet-like humans that exist because of the comet: a snake vet (who loves to dance), a hamster girl, a frog prince, and a turtle suit dude. The turtle professor has me laughing. He's soooo sloooow at talking, just like that sloth from Zootopia.

[Ep4] Coincidentally, they meet again at a fancy restaurant. He's here to propose to his girlfriend and she's here to meet his crush's mother. Neither meeting goes well; the mom doesn't like her. Meanwhile WC ruins his proposal when she suddenly barges in as Coffee (his dog). However, it was pretty obvious his girlfriend was going to reject him regardless. WC is terribly upset at herself for ruining her master's (MY) proposal; she even tells herself to "Sit" just to prevent herself from running to him again.

[Ep5] She's so cute, always impatiently looking for her master whenever she's upset.

MY's girlfriend loses his dog, not on purpose. However, because she made an appointment with her friend for dinner, she leaves him alone to find his dog. I don't think this girlfriend is right for him at all. Miao Yu grows more and more upset until Wang Chen arrives. She knows exactly how to cheer up MY (who's acting like her cat): scratch his chin. And when she finds his dog for him, their bond grows even stronger.
His pants, lol
[Ep6] MY is upset because he just learned his girlfriend is cheating on him. His girlfriend is so toxic, manipulating his feelings, gaslighting him, and blaming him for not trusting her. What. A depressed MY finds solace at a cat café and binging on expensive fish, lol. I love it that these two have become each other's alias and relationship counselor :D
[Ep7] Secondary couple emerges: WC's best friend, San San, and the professor, Bi Guan (who's investigating the weird animal phenomenon). His name is funny, sounds like "hibernate" or "enclose oneself"which is probably what he does when he's doing his experiments. San San had a prophetic dream when she was young; her true love will come to her in a blue suit and a pink napkin. Ten years later, Bi Guan appears in that exact outfit. She's so disappointed, she starts yelling at him out of the blue.
[Ep8] Meanwhile WC and MY had a fight. They reconcile when he gives in first and buys all her doggy designs to help her company continue its operation. She comes to thank him but lies to him that she's right now Coffee (the dog) because its too embarrassing to thank him as herself. Except MY can recognize his dog, and sees none of that in her. Aw, why do I find that sweet. He plays along with her lie and makes her play catch with Coffee. Soooooo funny seeing her run after the ball and pretending to be enthusiastic.

[Ep10] WC is upset that her boyfriend is allergic to cats so she turns into Coffee. She needs to find a way to turn back, so of course, she finds MY for help. He's at a bar, in needing of some help himself as he's also turned into her cat. She dances her way into his heart and helps him escape the bar (and his ex-girlfriend). He sheepishly thanks her for saving him and she brightens right up when she hears that. Awww, these two making each other so happy. She doesn't realize it, but she's come to trust him a lot. Of all people, she asks MY to take care of her cat (while she goes on a date with her cat-allergic-boyfriend). She tells him that she saved Miao Jiang (her cat) from abusive owners. MY comments how he's the opposite; it's Coffee who saved him.
Then there's an animal meeting (with the professor, the frog prince, and the hamster girl she's alwaaays holding snacks, what an easy way to get product placements lol). Bi Guan tells them there's another comet passing Earth and it might just be their solution to their animalistic problems. 
Bi Guan proposes to San San. ???? By the end of the episode they're married. What. MY and WC are their best man and maid of honor. They get teased by the animal clan for how compatible they look. I love it when MY gets all shy when Ray (the boyfriend) shows up just like how her cat shies away, ha. He's definitely going to like her first. Actually, I'm pretty sure he already does. 

[Ep11] WC is publicly ridiculed at Ray's mother's birthday party. He also lied to her about his cat allergy (it's actually her mother who hates cats). Guess who saves her from her embarrassment? Miao Yu. He sensed something was wrong when Coffee started barking. However, he lies to her that he's only there because he's turned into her cat. He's obviously not worried about her. Obviously.
Wang Chen goes missing that night and he searches everywhere for her, but of course she's waiting at his place because she's turned into Coffee.
Miao Yu: You didn't lose everything. You have your company, you have Miao Jiang, and you still have me. Just because one person left you don't neglect everything else you have. It's not worth it. 
The next day nothing San San does cheers WC up. However, she smiles immediately when MY sends pictures of their pets together (he's still caring for Miao Jiang). She rushes over to pick up her baby but finds a sick MY instead. She cares for him and falls asleep at his side. When he finds her asleep next to him, he smiles. Aw. She wakes up and takes Miao Jiang home. That night, both MY and Coffee are missing their counterparts. Awwwwww.

[Ep12] MY's business venture fails and now he has to step down from his CEO position. My poor MY cries alone in a corner. I love the janitor lady for taking a sweet little revenge on the man who sabotaged MY's career.
WC thinks he's committed suicide but he's just dancing like a maniac at home. LOL. I already loved him in his doggy shorts, but now he's even dancing half naked in them, haha.

[Ep13] The animal crew has gathered to wait for their magical comet to brighten their sky and turn them back to normal. WC and MY show up together in couple wear. They all make a wish before the comet shoots across. WC's wish is for everyone to still be friends.
MY: My wish is for - looks at WC - Coffee to be happy even if I'm not around (the show constantly refers to her as Coffee when she's turned into his dog)
Unfortunately, the experiment fails. WC is still Coffee when she's upset. MY says the exact words to lift her spirits. Sweet. Not only are they tied by their pets, they also become business partners and home partners (roommates). He secretly sold his house to invest in their business and finds a way to force her to accept him as a roommate 😂. This isn't an episode of separation, it's the beginning of their binding love. Another love line emerges by the way: hamster girl and frog prince.
[Ep14] An episode expressing the awkward beauty of two not-yet-lovers living together. Her feelings for him are finally ignited. I love it that they're on friendly terms as well, truly from friends to lovers.

[Ep15] WC comments that MY hasn't turned into Miao Jiang recently. Duh, he's happy living with you. However, jealous antics emerges. Ray returns to pursue her love again. Luckily, it only makes their lovely "platonic" connection even stronger.
[Ep16] As if one ex isn't enough, MY's ex, Zhi Zhi returns.as well. But! No matter how many exes you throw at them, their relationship remains resilient. It's New Years Eve, she knitted him a scarf and he bought her a pretty necklace. It looks like a collar. Essentially, they each gifted something with the meaning of tying down the other person, no? Each of them wear their present and off to a business trip they go. I really like the scene where he squats without complaining to be his table.

San San is caring for Miao Jiang and takes her to surgery. Never would I have thought anything that happens to the physical cat will have an affect on Miao Yu; he feels every bit of the surgery Miao Jiang went through. Haha, I mean, aww.

[Ep17: The in/direct confessions] Because of that indirect surgery, MY is unable to compete in a rock climbing contest (a clothing material is at stake) thus WC takes part. Except she's not athletic enough. Their solution: have WC turn into Coffee. MY asks her what has been making her upset lately.
WC indirectly confesses: It seems like since I've been with you, I haven't really been sad. 
After a bit of effort, MY successfully makes her upset. When she finds out that he didn't mean those harsh words, she's suddenly elated, so elated that she happily falls asleep in his arms. He carries her back to her bed, and gives her a forehead kiss.
After the business trip, MY has accepted the fact that he likes her and looks to Bi Guan for advice. BG convinces him to write her a love letter. I think he's the wrong person to ask about love... When MY was ready to confess he misunderstood she was on a date to rekindle her love with Ray. Fortunately, the misunderstanding is short lived. WC clarifies everything to the obviously jealous MY. However, he chickens out of confessing to her. Thankfully, she still finds his love letter .
It has only one line in it: "I #ff82ab you." Awwwwww "ff82ab" is the HTML code to represent that specific pink colour. I love love love this confession. It's a secret code only they can truly appreciate.
She confronts him about the letter and he becomes super nervous. He doesn't answer in time because she closes in for a kiss.
WC: Now do you see the colour you wrote in the letter? - Pause - Miao Yu, I like you. Let's date. 
They're official! But their dating is so awkward! I'm smiling from ear to ear. This episode is such a treat. I thought the misunderstanding was going to last for another few episodes but I'm unexpectedly rewarded

[Ep18] I'm snickering at MY. There's so many obstacles preventing them from publicly declaring their love. I adore the show for capturing the unnatural phase of their relationship. Its sho shweet seeing them awkward. Although they're sooooo obvious but no one believes them. It's convenient though when their investor is against company relationships. And so, they decide to keep their relationship a secret. Not only is it hard for them to reveal their relationship, its just as hard hiding it. It takes quite a bit of effort to hide the hickey she gave him.

They get into their first fight and they both turn into their pets. They also make up when she finds out he's sold his house to invest in their business. I really really appreciate this drama for not dragging out misunderstandings and fights.

[Ep19] What comes around goes around. Zhi Zhi (MY's ex) finally falls under the own trap she's set. Her fiancé gathers all his friends and her family, as well as her exes to publicly humiliate her, calling her out for her despicable actions. They use the term "Green Tea Bitch" to yell at her, which means a girl who puts up an innocent front but is actually calculative and manipulative. Only MY doesn't join the crowd to yell at her. With WC's approval, he checks up on Zhi Zhi. She tells him she rejected his proposal because she was the one who wasn't good enough for him. That dissolves my hate for her completely.
Our two love birds get into a small fight. WC turns into an angry Coffee, MY turns into a sulky Miao Jiang. WC can't take the strangling atmosphere anymore and confronts him. All the misunderstandings instantly dissolve. I'm truly starting to love their pet behaviours. How beautiful and simple our world would be if everyone is like WC in expressing their unhappiness or have a telling sign at the very least. 

[Ep20] They successfully reveal their relationship to everyone. Another misunderstanding resolves itself with WC's honesty. The next obstacle isn't that easy to pass though: the Dad. The first time MY meets his potential future father-in-law, he shows up half naked. Two seconds later, he slips on the puddle of water MY left on the floor. A perfect score. A perfect failure.
[Ep21] An episode of parents; it's not just our main leads' but also Zhi Zhi's and Ray's parents. Dad is slowly accepting MY. On a side note, Zhi Zhi and Ray are going to be a thing?? I wasn't expecting that but they do have chemistry. There's a reason why so many men fall for her, looks aside, her personality is charming: daring, seductive, and sweet. And well, Ray needs no words to describe his perfectness. I'm glad he gets to be happy too.

[Ep22] San San is pregnant. Bi Guan is too happy that he doesn't properly express it to her. Instead he looks for his buddy, MY.
BG: I have it (Chinese way for girls saying they're pregnant) 
MY straight-faced: Mine? Ha
Happiness in dramaland is short-lived. WC's past comes to haunt her. She's accused of being a mistress. It's actually a set up from the guy who stole MY's CEO position. This guy is so low. Meanwhile Ray's mom is up to her old tricks. She approaches Zhi Zhi with the same malicious intent as with Wang Chen. Except Zhi Zhi is no easy target, ha. Loving Zhi Zhi more, it's like an indirect revenge for WC.  She throws her real lamb-skin purse in Mom's soup and tells her to enjoy her lamb soup.

More sad news: the 666 Comet will crash and disintegrate to nothingness meaning their pet behaviours will disappear. However, MY promises they'll still be the same.
MY: Even if my taste degrades, I will still love you
WC: Who are you insulting? Lol.
MY: Eh, you've become smarter.
WC: When have I ever been dumb? 
[Ep23] WC is sacrificing herself to save their company: she breaks up with MY to keep their investors. MY enters severe depression mode (i.e. Miao Jiang mode) until he finds out why WC broke up with him. MY gets real angry at the investor and climbs onto his tables on all fours. The investor backs off and comments on his dog-ish behaviours.
MY sulks: This is a cat-ish behaviour. 
MY wins WC back. They're happy again.
[Ep24] Team Fluffeee (the name of their company) sneaks their way into a renowned fashion show and their work gets recognized by a very familiar investor (that turtle dude from episode 3). Apparently he was hibernating this entire time...lol. Turtles hibernate?
MY proposes in the most unromantic way ever. I almost missed it because he was boringly discussing their future company plans and then, bam, the next slide is his plan to get married. She doesn't answer him instead she reminds him of their contract (to keep their pet behaviours a secret from way back when) and how he promised her three conditions. The third condition was left empty. Now she wants him to fulfill it: "Forever". She accepts his proposal because she wants him forever. They look to the sky and silently thank their cupid, the comet. Beautiful ending.


[First Impression (Ep1-4)]  When I read the synopsis, I was completely on the fence, thinking what is this weird story? I had to read it again, and again to make sure I was reading it correctly. After watching it, it's actually quite cute. A fresh and creative story. I've got zero idea where this story is headed to and I like that. It seems as though the main leads will be taking on a friendly relationship first as they help each other navigate their pet-like characteristics. I'm not a pet person so I don't really care how accurate their portrayal is as long as it doesn't make me roll my eyes. I've seen Yang Shi Ze in My Lovely Swords Girl and he continues to impress here, especially with those dancing skills. Is it me, or does he looks quite like Huang Jing Yu (Johnny Huang)?

Names: Miao Yu, our male lead, has a very cat name; Miao = Meow. Meanwhile Wang Chen's surname "Wang" also resembles the way Chinese describe a dog's bark (Wang Wang = Woof Woof).

[Episode 10] I'm really liking this. Love the friendly (ish) rapport they have with one another as they're helping each other navigate their lives. They know their pets best, and therefore, they know each other best. Naturally they have become each other's support. They're compatible in every way, but they don't know it yet.
Pet Behaviour: I thought it was ridiculous but now I understand how meaningful it is. It's the drama's message to us all: why not be more honest about our our unhappiness? Look at how their misunderstandings resolve one by one just because of WC's brash honesty or because of MY's obvious moping, but mostly because of the honesty.

[Review] I've come to adore this drama not only for the characters but the entire build up of the story. It's ingenious. It starts off with an absurd premise: a magical 666 Comet cast a spell on our main leads that forces them to express their feelings. As the drama progresses, it dawns on me that this drama is that comet. The comet to the characters is the drama to us audiences. The comet's purpose was to spread love; this drama highlights exactly how it wants us to spread love. Be more open; be more honest. And give some hugs. I skipped over recapping the police scenes 'cause, honestly, they were a little dumb. Each time the main leads are arrested for some wacky non-crime, the police officer's go-to-solution is: give some hugs. If only the world operated that way. Nonetheless, this whole hug thing is part of the metaphor the drama cleverly engineered: express your feelings. We don't need a magical comet for this, it's self taught, and self learnt.

Aside from the beautiful metaphor, I want to applaud how much care each character is given. Small roles get multiple meaningful scenes (e.g. WC's overly friendly neighbor, loyal co-workers, investors, Connie, the officer); most villains get their reasonable redemption (e.g. Zhi Zhi, Ray's mom). There's no unnecessary drag in the main lead's relationship. Misunderstandings are solved within one episode.

[Verdict] Behind the silly premise is an endearing drama that's more meaningful than it appears. A sweet romance with a cute chemistry. Sprinkled with some humor here and there. A satisfyingly solid drama through and through.
