An older sister throws her younger sister in her husband’s harem.
Notabl e Actors/Actresses

[Ep3] Shi Yi Niang sees through her older sister's scheming (by recognizing the maid). Shi Yi Niang doesn’t expose her sister and even helps blocks Madam Wen from ruining the plan.
[Ep5] Shi Yi Niang and her mother plan to leave Luo Manor. However, her mother dies before they reach the ship. She was murdered. Xu Ling Yi investigates the case. He believes the murderer might be Liu Yong (the criminal he's hunting down). Shi Yi Niang thinks there's more to the murder but the case is already closed.
[Ep6] Shi Yi Niang mishears that it was Xu Ling Yi who was spreading rumours of her mother's death. It was his attendant repeating the rumours to him. Once again, Xu Ling Yi is on the receiving end of her sharp tongue when he did nothing wrong.

[Ep12] Shi Yi Niang safely returns home. Jian shifu had found her via her scent.She’s better than a dog... Shi Yi Niang deliberately shows up in front of Lin Bo (Xu Ling Yi’s lieutenant) to minimize Xu Ling Yi’s suspicions.

Xu Ling Yi knows what he has done and what he hasn’t done. There’s no way Shi Yi Niang is pregnant. She easily explains it to him: it’d be weird if she denied her pregnancy when they've been "sleeping" together. Xu Ling Yi accepts that answer. However, he’d rather not lie.
Except Shi Yi Niang pushes him away. Xu Ling Yi is still sweet and that offer to make her stomach round is still active anytime she wants.
The news of Shi Yi Niang's pregnancy travels to Madam Luo. Her illness aggravates. The last thing Madam Luo wants is Shi Yi Niang pregnant. Okay, she wants her to get his love but not get herself pregnant. How does that work?
Another person devastated at the pregnancy: Qiao Lian Fang. Physician He and the temple Yuan Niang believed in were all Qiao Lian Fang’s scheming. She mutters a line, “I never thought of taking your (Yuan Niang's) life, I just didn’t want you to be pregnant with Xu Ling Yi’s child. It was your body that couldn’t sustain the pregnancy. It wasn’t my fault” Qiao Lian Fang plans to do the same with Shi Yi Niang until she finds out Shi Yi Niang was testing her. Qiao Lian Fang weaves a counter plan not only to expose Shi Yi Niang’s fake pregnancy but also her part time sewing job at Jian Si Fu’s.
That’s not all the troubles. Ou family is forming an alliance with Wang family (+ Er Niang) against Xu family. Xu Ling Kuan sniffs out this alliance by using his Beijing Opera connections.

Xu Ling Yi and Shi Yi Niang have a date! He wins a couple lantern for her. As their gazing at the lack, she points to somewhere far for him to see but he’s only interest in the person close to him: Shi Yi Niang. He recites the ancient Chinese poem on their lantern:

Ou Yan Xing spots the kiss. He discovers Shi Yi Niang was a married woman all along. His heart is shattered. Hu Po sees him at the festival and apologizes for not telling him the truth sooner.
I’m at a complete loss with Ou Yan Xing’s character. Such a waste of a character. He’s in this heartbreak and I don’t feel an ounce of pain or pity.
Shi Yi Niang loves Xu Ling Yi but now she feels guilty for deceiving him.
Ou Yan Xing is a man of his words. He finds the forensics who was involved in examining Shi Yi Niang’s mother’s corpse. The real cause of death was an arrow to the heart, not the knife wound. However, the higher ups wanted to close the case and so he didn’t have time to include that in his autopsy. Then Shi Yi Niang conveniently finds a witness who remembered what happened two years ago. He claims that it was this man who shot the arrow while arresting the criminal. The witness also has the arrow from two whole years ago. It’s Xu Ling Yi’s. Aiya.
Then Yu’ge shows up using Madam Wen’s handkerchief with the sewing that looks just like the one on the fabric. Even with all these evidence and witnesses Shi Yi Niang doesn’t want to believe that it was Madam Wen and Xu Ling Yi who killed her mother. Can we have hope she’s smart enough to know everything is TOO convenient? She tests Xu Ling Yi by making him drink. Drama is telling me her alcohol tolerance is higher than his. She asks him if he would still release that arrow (from when they first met) knowing that he could potentially hurt her. He would. Catching the criminal is important. I would assume he trusts in his own accuracy as well. She then asks him how her mother died that day. A drunk Xu Ling Yi goes: “It’s my fault.” And then he sleeps.
Xu Ling Kuan has a smart idea to get rid of Er Niang. Through his Beijing opera connections he has found victims of Wang Yu's abuse. This family's daughter died because of Wang Yu. While Er Niang is making a scene at Xu Manor for her husband's death, this family is yelling at Er Niang for the death of their daughter. Er Niang is put to shame and can no longer shame Xu family. At least Shi Yi Niang promises Er Niang, she'll do her best to investigate into it. It's just Er Niang who's like Omg, I can't trust my own sister, I can only trust my best friend, Madam Ou! She would never betray me!

[Ep36] Shi Yi Niang is still the gracious angel and helps Er Niang without her knowing. She secretly gives Er Niang medication via the maid. The maid motivates Er Niang to live by reminding her she can’t let Shi Yi Niang have the better of her. Er Niang's hope to live is restored.
Xu Ling Yi wants to send Yu’ge to a boarding academy that’s far, far away. His real purpose: he’s sceptical of Madam Wen whose family has associations with Ou Family. Xu Ling Yi doesn’t want Yu’ge to be unnecessarily involved. On the other hand, Madam Wen blames Shi Yi Niang for trying to send her son away. Why is everything Shi Yi Niang’s fault?
Er Niang is all better and kicks out her sister-in-law who almost tried to kill her. Shi Yi Niang is also secretly keeping an eye on her sister. She worries for Er Niang because her family is so weak now (um, I’m not really paying that much attention to Er Niang, but did Wang family lose all their sons?). Xu Ling Yi assigns servants to routinely patrol Wang family.
Also in this episode, enjoy some petty jealousy from Xu Ling Yi when Ou Yan Xing has better calligraphy than him. Shi Yi Niang easily cheers him up by asking him to teach her what he does best: archery. What’s the point of beautiful calligraphy when her man saves the country with his arrows?
[Ep37] Zhun’ge goes missing after a hide and seek game with Yu’ge. It was Madam Wen who locked Zhun’ge to distract the entire manor while she burns Shi Yi Niang’s sewing that was meant for the Emperor. She’s caught red-handed. Xu Ling Yi asks if she’s doing this for Ou Family. Madam Wen scoffs, “Ou Family?” She’s doing this for herself. When Yuan Niang was here, he’d at least visit her once in a while. Not that Shi Yi Niang is here, he hasn’t ever visited. But more than jealously, Yu’ge is her last straw and he’s taking him away from her. This is stupid on so many levels. Burning the Emperor’s sewing will affect the entire Xu Manor including her own son. What is in it for her?
Conveniently Ou Ling Xi is here with an edict to summon Shi Yi Niang and her sewing to the palace. His smugness gets the better of him. Our couple had a backup plan and his scheming backfires onto himself. He takes his flocking and our couple takes each other’s hand to walk out safe and sound. It seems like the Emperor was already unhappy with Ou Family.
Ou Yan Xing is whipped by his father for siding with Shi Yi Niang. Technically, he’s a shareholder of the same sewing business with Shi Yi Niang. For ethical reason, financial reasons and romantic reasons, it makes sense in every way for him to defend Shi Yi Niang but his father doesn’t think so. Xu and Ou just don’t mix. Period.
Madam Xu kicks Madam Wen out of the manor. I've figured it out. This drama is about destroying Xu Ling Yi's harem so Shi Yi Niang is the last one standing. Madam Xu also wants Shi Yi Niang out of her sewing business.
Second Couple: Lin Bo misunderstands that Dong Qing is committing suicide because of her burned hand. She stuck her hand in the fire to retrieve the sewing Madam Wen burnt. He thought she was afraid no one would want her. No worries, he tells her he’ll marry her. Even after he realizes he misunderstood, he’s sincere about marrying her.
[Ep39] Madam Xu learns that Shi Yi Niang is working with Ou Yan Xin for her sewing business (via Yi Chen who was tipped off by Madam Qin). Immediately, Madam Xu wants Shi Yi Niang to quit. Xu and Ou just don't mingle. This becomes a really big issue because Shi Yi Niang really wants to work.
The Luo sisters (including Er Niang) are worried about Shi Yi Niang after she's grounded by her mother-in-law. Er Niang denies she was worried but when she meets Madam Xu, her sharp words remind Madam Xu how filial and responsible Shi Yi Niang always was. I hate the stupidity of this character (Er Niang) but I think this actress did her best to colour her some life. Then Madam Qin slyly reminds Madam Xu about Shi Yi Niang's sewing business and Madam Xu is back to her foul mood. Madam Xu is like brainless parrot.
A minister tells Xu Ling Yi the way to save his family from being entangled is to divorce Shi Yi Niang to let her take all the blame. Will Xu Ling Yi do it?

It seems like Tan Song Yun can't get away from being imprisoned in the last few episodes of her historical dramas.

[First Impression (Ep1-8)] This definitely reminds me of Ming Lan. Those who haven't watched Ming Lan will need to understand two terms: 嫡女 and 庶女. 嫡女 (Di Nu) is the direct daughter of the household. In this drama, our "Di Nu'" would be Qiao Lian Fang in Qiao Family and Yuan Niang in Luo Family. They're the daughters of the rightful wife. The rest of the daughters born from other wives (concubines) are referred to as 庶女 (Shu Nu), the ordinary girls. That would be our female lead, Luo Shi Yi Niang.
[News] It’s an old news but Tan Song Yun’s mother died in 2018 when a man drove into her. It was only until September of 2020 the man was convicted of his crimes. I’m reminded of this news again because of her scenes as Shi Yi Niang and her determination to seek out her mother’s murderer. My heart already hurt for her in Go Ahead, and now I’m hurting for her again here. Can her management avoid these characters for her? Perhaps she’s a professional and she can face it, but it hurts me.
[Behind the Scenes]
[Ending] Happy. Shi Yi Niang becomes Xu Ling Yi's one and only wife.
[Review] Not a lot of dramas make me this angry and this one did it with with flying colours. Drama, kudos to you. This is sloppy writing at its perfection.
This review will be [All Spoilers]; read at your own risk. If you love the drama, it's better for you to not read on. I'm rather angry as I type this and so I don't have the right thinking cap on to recall anything remotely likeable.
First, let me briefly tell you how the two biggest baddies fell:
How did our couple overcome every misfortune?
It's a miracle how Xu Ling Yi isn’t gynophobic because he really should be when all the women in his house are psychos. I’m ashamed they’re categorized as women.
Never will I ever watch another drama from this scriptwriter: Cheng Ting Yu. If I ever do, it's because I forgot to check the scriptwriter and I would be forever grateful if you remind me to not watch it. Much thanks in advance.
Notabl e Actors/Actresses
Tan Song Yun: Shi Yi Niang
Wallace Chung (Chung Hon Leung): Xu Ling Yi
Tang Xiao Tian: Ou Yan Xing / Lin Shi Xian
Chinese Title
Network: Tencent Video
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.1/5
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[Ep1] Luo Shi Yi Niang (=Eleventh Lady of Luo) and her mother are to return the Luo Manor after three years of leaving it. When she was child she had angered Madam Luo and refused to apologize. Her mother is a lowly concubine and she could only use her body to protect her daughter from the flogging. As a result, her mother miscarried.
First Impression: 3.1/5
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Mini Recaps
[Ep1] Luo Shi Yi Niang (=Eleventh Lady of Luo) and her mother are to return the Luo Manor after three years of leaving it. When she was child she had angered Madam Luo and refused to apologize. Her mother is a lowly concubine and she could only use her body to protect her daughter from the flogging. As a result, her mother miscarried.

Our Hero Saves the Damsel. Shi Yi Niang is all grown up. On their way to the manor, she’s kept hostage by a runaway criminal who Xu Ling Yi is arresting. With his precision, he aims his arrow at the criminal who’s just inches away from her. The impact throws the criminal into the water, pulling Shi Yi Niang with him. Xu Ling Yi jumps in to save her. However, the criminal injures him in the water.
When Shi Yi Niang wakes up she only knows that it was another man who saved her from drowning: Lin Shi Xian. Shi Yi Niang’s mother complains at Xu Ling Yi for striking that arrow so close. None of them know it was Xu Ling Yi who saved Shi Yi Niang from drowning.

Xu Ling Yi is a General and he’s got wives already! Three to be exact: Yuan Niang, Madam Wen and Madam Qin. He tells his wives he rejected a promotion. The women uncomfortably shift their gazes.
[Ep2] Xu Ling Yi exchanged his promotion to improve lives of peasants (lifting the sea band). Yuan Niang (his rightful wife) asks him what about their family. They’re running low on money too. She’s also worried about her own son's (Zhun’ge, who’s probably five) future especially with her deteriorating health. She doesn’t want her son to fall behind Madam Wen’s son who’s smarter and livelier than Zhun'ge.
And here is the web Yuan Niang is weaving: of the three Luo sisters (Er Niang, Wu Niang and Shi Yi Niang), Yuan Niang wants one of them to marry Xu Ling Yi so that there’s a sister of hers to take care of Zhun’ge. Preferably, she doesn’t want this sister to yearn for children of her own and hence why she gave them the jades to choose from. Er Niang purposely makes Shi Yi Niang pick up the jade that says she wants to be fruitful. There’s part two to Yuan Niang’s plan. She needs a second sister to marry into Wang family. The groom is a serial cheater and a brute. Yuan Niang wants this marriage to bridge her son’s future marriage to this other prestigious family (the son, I repeat, is about five). Madam Luo (direct mother of Yuan Niang) thinks Er Niang should be the one to marry Xu Ling Yi while Shi Yi Niang should marry Wang Family because Er Niang is easier to manipulate.

There’s another girl who wants to marry Xu Ling Yi. She’s Qiao Lian Fang. Shi Yi Niang misunderstands Xu Ling Yi is a heartless man who plays with women while his wife (Yuan Niang) is gravely ill. However, it’s just an unrequited love on Qiao Lian Fang’s part.
Yuan Niang has another test for her sisters. She makes Qiao Lian Fang lead the girls to sightsee the manor. Er Niang gladly takes the opportunity. This exposes Er Niang’s greed. Only Shi Yi Niang stays which means only she passes the test. She is to see Yuan Niang privately.
There’s part four (I’m losing count) to Yuan Niang’s plan. She recognizes there’s an obstacle to installing her sister as the proper wife of Xu Ling Yi: Qiao Lian Fang. Thus, a maid of Yuan Niang's purposely wets Qiao Lian Fang’s clothes so that she can change in Xu Ling Yi’s room. Yuan Niang brings Shi Yi Niang just in time to witness this scene. The goal: to accuse Qiao Lian Fang of an "indecent" act.
[Ep3] Shi Yi Niang sees through her older sister's scheming (by recognizing the maid). Shi Yi Niang doesn’t expose her sister and even helps blocks Madam Wen from ruining the plan.
Yuan Niang makes Qiao Lian Fang marry Xu Ling Yi but as a lowly concubine rather than as a proper wife. It is an insult to Qiao family and Qiao Lian Fang’s status (嫡女). Xu Ling Yi was against it but Qiao Lian Fang wants to marry him. She truly loves him.
Xu Ling Yi also saw through Yuan Niang’s scheming. But can he blame her? She asks that of him. Ever since she’s been ill, Qiao Lian Fang has been frequenting their manor. The motive is obvious. Xu Ling Yi doesn’t understand why she can’t believe him just a bit. He never gave Qiao Lian Fang an extra glance. If Yuan Niang had trusted him a bit more, all these schemings wouldn’t have been necessary. Xu Ling Yi has been thinking of Zhun’ge’s future (marriage) too.
After a chance encounter on the street, Xu Ling Yi seems to be giving extra glances at Shi Yi Niang after her polite yet snarky comments at him. Upon leaving Xu Ling Yi, she bumps into Lin Shi Xian. He happens to have a ship leaving to Yuhan which is her purpose today. She wants to leave the city. She doesn’t want to marry into Xu Ling Yi’s complicated family.
Even if Shi Yi Niang wants to leave peacefully away from the scheming, it ain’t that simple. Er Niang hears news she’s to marry Wang Yu and Shi Yi Niang is to marry Xu Ling Yi. Thus, she pretends to be Shi Yi Niang to seduce Wang Yu and speak ill of herself so that Wang Yu would want to marry Shi Yi Niang instead.
[Ep4] Qian Lian Fang marries Xu Ling Yi as a concubine. Even if she has to suffer embarrassment unworthy of her status, she is determined to make Xu Ling Yi love her. Xu Ling Yi doesn’t stay the night at her place; he doesn’t even touch her. She doesn’t have his love but she does have the support of her aunt who is also Xu Ling Yi’s mother.
[Ep5] Shi Yi Niang and her mother plan to leave Luo Manor. However, her mother dies before they reach the ship. She was murdered. Xu Ling Yi investigates the case. He believes the murderer might be Liu Yong (the criminal he's hunting down). Shi Yi Niang thinks there's more to the murder but the case is already closed.
Shi Yi Niang grieves but she's still investigating the murder on her own. She has the fabric her mother had clenched in her fist when she died.
[Ep6] Shi Yi Niang mishears that it was Xu Ling Yi who was spreading rumours of her mother's death. It was his attendant repeating the rumours to him. Once again, Xu Ling Yi is on the receiving end of her sharp tongue when he did nothing wrong.
Shi Yi Niang deduces it was Er Niang who manipulated the marriage between her and Wang Yu. If Madam Wang hadn't interrupted her, then she wouldn't have been late to meet her mother then her mother wouldn't have died. That logic... Shi Yi Niang will claim revenge where it’s due. She sends a portrait of herself to Wang Yu who barges in looking for Shi Yi Niang only to discover the woman he wanted to marry was Er Niang all along. He knew he was duped and is even more determined to marry Er Niang to torture her. He publicly kisses her to seal the deal. Now Er Niang is forced to marry Wang Yu. You reap what you sow.
On the other hand, Shi Yi Niang settles on marrying Xu Ling Yi. A monk testifies that he saw a lady from the house of Duke Yonping (Xu Ling Yi’s family) on the scene when her mother died. This is her resolve to marry Xu Ling Yi. Solving her mother’s death means everything to her.
Yuan Niang is dying. Her dying wish is to allow her sister, Shi Yi Niang to marry Xu Ling Yi so that she can take care of her son.

[Ep7] Yuan Niang has died and a year later Shi Yi Niang is marrying into Xu Family. There’s a year between the death and the marriage but the scene cut was jarring. Xu Ling Yi was just complaining at how his concubines aren't even mourning and then the next scene he's in red ready to marry Shi Yi Niang.
Shi Yi Nian trips in her wedding dress. Xu Ling Yi helps her steady and they briefly hold hands. I really like small scenes like this. That accidental touch followed by that restraint from the both of them.
Shi Yi Niang is nervous at the thought of consummating with Xu Ling Yi but when he lifts her veil, she's staring right in her groom's eyes.
Xu Ling Yi: It is only you who at this moment dare to look at the groom's eyes so directly.Shi Yi Niang: I hear only people who are guilty can’t meet another person’s eyes.Xu Ling Yi: Still that sharp-tongued.
The mood turns awkward when he sits next to her on the bed. With a random excuse, she gets up but trips and falls on him because he's sitting on her dress. It's even more awkward. He comes up with a conversation that's more like a warning. He won't allow any more manipulation like she and Yuan Niang had corroborated against Qiao Lian Fang. Shi Yi Niang doesn't deny it (even though she really wasn't involved in planning it).
Shi Yi Niang frees her attire from under him and calls for her maid to help her remove her accessories. Seeing her struggle, Xu Ling Yi helps her out. She takes a peak at him in the mirror. See, he's a gentle man!
They're both in bed but they haven't done the deed. He remembers Yuan Niang's words to him: he must give her (Shi Yi Niang) dignity and respect then that way she can properly care for Zhun'ge. Thus, he leans over to kiss Shi Yi Niang. Her eyes fly open.
Xu Ling Yi sighs: Must you look at me like that? Close your eyes. Lol.
She squeezes her eyes shut but chickens out last minute before he can kiss her. When he falls asleep, she quietly slips back into bed and will sleep blanket-less just to avoid disturbing him. He notices and covers her gently.
The next morning Xu Ling Yi wakes up first. He's flustered at how her hand is over his body. He softly lifts her hand but she wakes up. To her, it looks like he's holding her hand. It's another awkward moment when he tries to get out of the bed. Their movements are very synchronized such that he can't get out of bed. Cute :D
[Ep8] Madam Xu recalls Xu Ling Yi's embarrassing childhood. Xu Ling Li blames it on his brother and glares at him to swallow that false accusation. Methinks there’s someone he doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of. Methinks it’s Shi Yi Liang :D. Dong Qing (maid) quietly laughs at how childish Xu Ling Yi is. Shi Yi Niang probably thinks he's cute too.
Madam Wen is quite the funny character. She'll bend over to whoever has power. Everything is written on her face unlike Madam Qin. I wonder if she'll be Shi Yi Niang's greatest rival.
It looks like it's a win for Qiao Lian Fang as she gets to manage the household even after Shi Yi Niang has married into the manor. I love how knowingly calm Shi Yi Niang is despite Qiao Lian Fang's smugness.
It's the second night of their marriage. Xu Ling Yi is actually back in her room (it's surprising because it doesn't seem like he's interested in women). He opens his arm for her. Shi Yi Niang doesn't quite understand. She was never educated on helping her husband remove his clothes. She struggles with every part of his clothing. He even asks her must she stand that far from him. Won't she be tired stretching her arm that far? Nope. Then he tells her to test the water for him before he takes a bath in it. It's hot at the slightest touch. Shi Yi Niang mischievously smiles. She tells him it's perfect. It's not. She uses the exact words he lectured Zhun'ge that a man needs to handle big things. If Xu Ling Xi can't handle that bit of heat, how can he handle anything else? This is Shi Yi Niang getting a tiny bit of justice back for Zhun’ge. Dad, you should practice what you preach.
[Ep9] After Xu Ling Yi accidentally (was it an accident? Lol) touches Shi Yi Niang in his sleep, she jumps and screams. She lies that she can’t sleep and might as well read a book. Xu Ling Yi sleepily wakes up and mumbles she can sleep on the couch. Feeling upset that he shooed her off bed (when she was the one who couldn’t sleep with him!), she steals his blanket, claiming it’s not thick enough for him.
Xu Ling Yi wakes up first in the morning again and gently covers her up with a blanket. He smiles at her sleeping posture. After Xu Ling Yi leaves, Dong Qing complains to Shi Yi Niang how she can sleep separately already. Shi Yi Niang doesn't care if she doesn't earn Xu Ling Yi's love. She has no intention to stay. She’s going to leave once her mother’s case is cleared.
It’s time for our newlyweds to visit Shi Yi Niang’s family. He catches her yawning rather unlady-like. That’s probably the first time he’s seen her the most comfortable around him. There’s a fleeting touch of their hands when he offers to help her off the carriage. Madam Luo lectures Shi Yi Niang for her incompetency but Xu Ling Yi speaks up for his wife that she’s simply amazing. <-- he was more moderate than I was. However, after an argument in the carriage (he said he doesn’t like how the “girls” scheme behind each other) our newlyweds are back to square one. Shi Yi Niang is mad because he’s insulting Yuan Niang in his “girls” comment. When she gets off the carriage and he offers his hand again, she refuses to touch him. Xu Ling Yi grumps at the rejection (it’s kinda cute). That night, Xu Ling Yi doesn’t sleep at her place.
Xu Ling Yi visits Madam Wen instead of Qiao Lian Fang even though the latter made a move on him. However, once he tasted Madam Wen’s soup, he can’t swallow it anymore. It’s too expensive for his humble taste. Lol. He moves onto Madam Qin. Everything was going well until she’s unable to match his enthusiasm from the painting on her wall. His knowledge runs too deep for her. He then sees the toys that belonged to their late son. Also, Madam Qin cannot bear children anymore. The atmosphere turns too heavy for Xu Ling Yi to stay anymore.
After window-shopping his concubines, Xu Ling Yi is back in his own bed but he can’t sleep. He has a nightmare. He takes a stroll instead and meets Shi Yi Niang who also can’t sleep because she’s thinking of her mother. A short conversation with her is able to lift his heavy mood. She assures him she has no greed for the housekeeping. It doesn’t matter who does it as long as whoever does it does a good job. Xu Ling Li appreciates her thoughtfulness.
[Ep10] Xu Ling Yi casually helps our shortie reach for a flower. He also casually tells Shi Yi Niang she’s the lady of the house – his rightful wife – she should be the one doing the housekeeping. This means he’s favouring her over Qiao Lian Fang.
Although Madam Xu takes Qiao Lian Fang's side when she was clearly in the wrong for stealing Shi Yi Niang's fabric, Xu Ling Yi reprimands Qiao Lian Fang for her greed right to her face.
At night, Xu Ling Yi visits Shi Yi Niang. He's a fair man and also lectures Shi Yi Niang for the ruckus today. He thought Shi Yi Niang ordered her maid (Tao Nanny) to make a scene. Shi Yi Niang did none of that and bites back with her sharp words. Xu Ling Yi had also commented that if she was half as snarky with others as with him, she wouldn't have been bullied. Anyway, the end result of their argument is Xu Ling Yi grumpily leaving her room again.
Fifth brother (Xu Ling Kuan) and his wife (Dan Yang) are back from the temple after praying for her pregnancy. Apparently our pregnant mother clashes with those born in the Ox year. Madam Xu is like easy-peasy, we can just temporarily kick out everyone who's an ox until you give birth. Guess who's an ox. Shi Yi Niang. That news doesn't faze Madam Xu; the plan will continue: oxen are out. Fifth wife's safe pregnancy is more important. Surely, Shi Yi Niang will understand.
[Ep11] Shi Yi Niang does understand. She gladly leaves the manor. Shi Yi Niang has no interest in staying to begin with. She just wants to investigate the fabric in which leaving the manor is actually better. Hu Po gets to join in for the search. Shi Yi Niang trusts her as long as she promises to not report it to Madam Luo. Hu Po is Madam Luo’s little spy and although Shi Yi Niang knows of this, she trusts Hu Po.
While Shi Yi Niang is away from the manor, Qiao Lian Fang has somehow incited Zhun’ge’s allergies and indirectly blames it on Tao Nanny’s incompetency. Thus, Qiao Lian Fang rightfully takes over the custody of Zhun’ge.
Shi Yi Niang goes missing. Qiao Lian Fang sent men to kidnap her. The purpose: to make Shi Yi Niang stay out overnight. No matter what happened or who kidnapped her doesn’t matter, Shi Yi Niang’s reputation will be ruined. Jian shifu (who’s a mother figure to Shi Yi Niang) deduces the motive behind this kidnap and advises Luo family to not alert the officials. Reputation over life.
Xu Ling Yi is back home after his hunting trip. He’s furious at his brother for believing all this hocus-pocus. He will pick up Shi Yi Niang himself. Qiao Lian Fang insists to accompany him and slyly informs him that Shi Yi Niang is back at Luo Manor.
[Ep12] Shi Yi Niang safely returns home. Jian shifu had found her via her scent.
Shi Yi Niang is touched Xu Ling Yi personally picked her up against his mother’s wishes. Xu Ling Yi believes in facts, not superstitions. If Dan Yang is sick, she should see a doctor. Also, Xu Ling Yi won’t let his wife be bullied. Shi Yi Niang married him and he will take responsibility of her. A favourable jostle of the carriage sends her to his arm. She quickly straightens up herself but her calf cramps up. Xu Ling Yi wants to examine her leg but Shi Yi Niang reminds him it isn’t appropriate for a man to casually expose a girl’s calf like that.
Shi Yi Niang: Are all men this clumsy?Xu Ling Yi: You...have you seen that many men?
On the topic of men, Shi Yi Niang casually brings up about the two guards under Qian Lian Fang who were supposed to protect her but left their duty. Our trusty husband, Xu Ling Yi, reprimands Qiao Lian Fang.
And now people are finally caring about Zhun’ge. He’s still got allergic reactions. Shi Yi Niang has a medication to help the itchiness. Qiao Lian Fang looks down on the lowly mediation. Only Xu Ling Yi trusts Shi Yi Niang and allows her to apply the cream. It works like a charm. Shi Yi Niang retakes the custody of Zhun’ge under Xu Ling Yi’s orders.
Zhun’ge is all better now but he has a heart problem, the emotional kind. He’s both scared of his father and loves his father. Whenever Xu Ling Yi shows up, Zhun’ge avoids him. Speaking of avoiding, Madam Wen orders his son (Yu’ge) to steer clear of Zhun’ge. She’s afraid if Zhun’ge’s illness continues to deteriorate, it would be blamed on Yu’ge.
Shi Yi Niang not only cures Zhun’ge’s itchiness but she also mends the estranged relationship between Zhun’ge and his father. Unfortunately, Zhun’ge is sick again. Madam Xu looks to Shi Yi Niang for responsibility because Zhun’ge is under her care.
[Ep13] Qiao Lian Fang schemes once again. She bribes the temple to give a fortune reading that Shi Yi Niang is Zhun'ge's death star. Our superstitious Madam Xu immediately sends Shi Yi Niang to another wing to separate her from Zhun'ge.
Wu Niang (Fifth sister of Luo Family) visits Shi Yi Niang. Her married life appears to be the best of the sisters because she married the man she loves who loves her back. However, her family has her woes too. They don't have money.
Shi Yi Niang discovers the dog that Qiao Lian Fang was raising had a contagious disease. She knows Qiao Lian Fang purposely harmed Zhun'ge with the dog but she has no proof. Qiao Lian Fang whimpers her way out of it, claiming innocence.
Shi Yi Niang gets to care for Zhun'ge again. Our general is falling in love with Shi Yi Niang even more when he sees how gentle she is with Zhun'ge.
Qiao Lian Fang is lightly punished for her carelessness (when it was very clearly meticulously planned by her). Lian Fang faints from it. Madam Xu is very worried. Madam Xu’s favouritism is annoying. However, no matter how much Madam Xu dotes on Qiao Lian Fang, Xu Ling Yi won't give her a glance. Also, he's suspicious of Qiao Lian Fang and asks about Liu Nanny. Liu Nanny is the one who gave Qiao Lian Fang the dog.
[Ep14] Xu Ling Yi sends Zhao Ying to deliver a present to Shi Yi Niang as gratitude for taking care of Zhun'ge. It's a delicate fan that Xu Ling Yi handcrafted. It's made of rather precious feathers. Zhao Ying hints to Shi Yi Niang she should relay her gratitude for his gratitude. This gratitude won't end, lol. Shi Yi Niang understands and gives Zhao Ying some money. That's not what Xu Ling Yi wanted (the boi just wanted to see her face). Lin Bo laughs at his mighty general.
Er Niang is physically abused by Wang Yu. Madam Wang comforts her that oh my, my son hit you a tad too hard so why not give birth to his child so that he'll hit you less. Wonderful. Er Niang isn't so keen on bearing Wang Yu's child. I don't like her but I don't like abusive men more – or abusive people in general
Xu Ling Yi has to depart for a business trip. He leaves Zhun'ge in Shi Yi Niang's care. He also notices she's not using the fan he gave her. She claims it’s a waste to use such a precious fan. He retorts that it a waste to not use such a precious fan. True! Before he really leaves her, he adds a petty complaint that she doesn't know how to thank people properly. xD. The maids giggle.
The Shoes. To thank him, Shi Yi Niang makes him a pair of shoes for his business trip. Xu Ling Yi is definitely ecstatic but he puts on his best sour face and complains how ordinary the shoes are. Shi Yi Niang snickers and pulls the boots away from him but he pulls them back. He wants them. He really wants them. He even tries them on immediately. It’s tight for the first wear so Shi Yi Niang helps him. Their hands briefly touch.
The next morning Xu Ling Yi asks Zhao Ying for his shoes. Our cute Zhao Ying is like what shoes. Xu Ling Yi is like those shoes. After another round of what shoes are those shoes, Xu Ling Yi finally puts on his shoes. However, the moment his shoes touch the puddle, Xu Ling Yi retreats. He needs to change them asap. LOL. They're too precious to wear on a rainy day. But but but to not use them is a waste, no? xD Xu Ling Yi does not practice what he preaches.
A summary of Xu Ling Yi and his shoes:
- The night he receives it: Let me try them on right now.
- Next morning: Let me wear them right now.
- Puddles: Let me take them off right now.
- The rest of the day: Pack them right now. (Because shoes are for carrying and not for wearing. We had it all wrong.)
Qiao Lian Fang is working on gaining Madam Wen's alliance by ruining Wen Family’s business (Xu Family usually deals with Wen Family but ever since Qiao Lian Fang did the housekeeping, she stopped trading with Wen Family). Madam Wen needs to suck up to Qiao Lian Fang so that her family business can run smoothly. The maid of Madam Wen's asks her master why not depend on Xu Ling Yi instead. There's tears in Madam Wen's eyes. Xu Ling Yi and her aren't possible anymore. Hmmm. She only has Yu'ge and will do anything for her son.
[Ep15] There’s a problem with the rice. Qiao Lian Fang is in charge of distributing rice to the peasant but Zhang Nanny switches out the rice with mold to quickly cash in for her son’s debt. It’s Madam Wen who finds out first. She recalls Yuan Niang’s words that it’s better to help Shi Yi Niang to promote harmony than an outsider like Qiao Lian Fang – especially now that Qiao Lian Fang is threatening her. Thus, Madam Wen indirectly reveals the rice problem to Shi Yi Nian hoping she’d take down Qiao Lian Fang.
Shi Yi Niang does find out but reprimanding Qiao Lian Fang is something Madam Xu or Xu Ling Yi will do (neither of them are here at the moment). She needs to handle the rice matters first. The peasants cannot go on molded rice anymore. However, there’s no rice in the vicinity for sale. After a bit of investigation, Shi Yi Niang realizes they’re caught in a ploy by Ou Family. They’re the ones who supplied the molded rice to Zhang Nanny.
Elsewhere, Xu Ling Yi is sweetly thinking of Shi Yi Niang as he stares at his new shoes that still haven’t been worn.
Shi Yi Niang uses her own dowry to exchange for good rice from families (since rice isn’t available on the market). However, that rice can only sustain them for two days. Someone comes to the rescue: Lin Shi Xian. He helps Hu Po buy rice from a merchant. I see Hu Po falling in love. The merchant wasn’t willing to sell it but when he sees Lin Shi Xian’s medallion, he immediately obeys. Ah, he’s a prince.
As Hu Po is bringing in the rice, she notices suspicious men blocking the path. It’s Ou Family’s men. She makes a detour. I am really liking Hu Po. While she’s making her way, the protestors have broken into the rice cellar. They’re even stepping over Shi Yi Niang. Dong Qing had warned her to leave in case of a protest but Shi Yi Niang insisted on staying. Now the building is falling apart and the name plate is falling on her.
[Ep16] Who comes to Shi Yi Niang’s rescue? I had thought it would be Lin Shi Xian. But no. It’s Xu Ling Yi with his familiar arrow! Much like their first encounter.

Xu Ling Yi men are here and the protestors have calmed. When he notices a man approaching them, he hugs Shi Yi Niang closer to himself. It’s innate of him to protect her. Our Shi Yi Niang is in love. Her eyes can’t leave him.

He notices her injured leg and without another word, he carries her home. Qiao Lian Fang greets Xu Ling Yi but he ignores her. His mind is preoccupied with one thing and one thing only: Shi Yi Niang’s safety.
Dong Qing wants to apply the medication for Shi Yi Niang but Xu Ling Yi will do it himself. Shi Yi Niang is shy. He gets his way and her eyes linger on this man before her.
Xu Ling Yi reprimands his fifth brother. He’s been enjoying Beijing Opera the whole time Shi Yi Niang has been solving the rice problem. Also, Madam Xu is back from her temple. Here comes the long awaited punishment for Qiao Lian Fang! She’s removed from the housekeeping. That’s basically it. Shi Yi Niang gets the task as per Xu Ling Yi’s recommendation. Oh, and Nanny Zhang is expelled from Xu family. Before the nanny leaves, she warns Qiao Lian Fang to beware of Shi Yi Niang and to prevent her from discovering what they did a year ago. Hmmmmmmmmm.
Shi Yi Niang and Xu Ling Yi separately visit Madam Qin because she injured herself when she protected Shi Yi Niang. Thus, we get a super awkward dinner between the three of them. Shi Yi Niang wanted to leave but he insisted she stay. He immediately picks food for Shi Yi Niang. She awkwardly glances at Madam Qin and so Xu Ling Yi also picks food for her. Dinner gets unbearably awkward for Shi Yi Niang that she excuses herself but Xu Ling Yi won’t let her hobble herself. He’ll hobble with her. I’m intrigued that Madam Qin is serenely watching our CP’s love slowly blossom. She’s not the least bit jealous.
As Xu Ling Yi walks Shi Yi Niang back to her room, we learn about the feud with Ou Family. Basically two families got involved in the maritime business. Xu Family are the good guys and Ou Family are the bad guys. Xu Family curtailed Ou Family’s maritime business and so Ou Family killed Xu Daddy and the eldest Xu son. Xu Family had no proof. From then on, Xu Ling Yi slowly built up his family again after he received a bit of help from Luo Family. What I cared about in this long scene was how Xu Ling Yi’s hand went from holding Shi Yi Niang’s wrist at a distance to having both his arms around her.
They have arrived at her room. Xu Ling Yi continues to walk her in. Shi Yi Niang’s insides flip. She’s thinking what if I have a child tonight! LOL. She sticks her nose in her accounting notes to avoid spending the night with him but our smart cookie, Dong Qing, reminds them it’s late and time for Xu Ling Yi to bathe. Xu Ling Yi lights up at that suggestion. Dong Qing doesn’t get her master’s desperate telepathy at all.
[Ep17] Shi Yi Niang smiles her best smile to Dong Qing but the latter doesn’t get it. Xu Ling Yi gets it. Lol. He excuses himself and Shi Yi Niang quickly jumps up at that idea. She made it a little too obvious.
News travel everywhere that Xu Ling Yi left her place. Because of that, Madam Wen thinks Shi Yi Niang will be easy to manipulate in order to revive her family business. The nannies and maids also underestimate Shi Yi Niang. However, the moment she takes her position as the housekeeper she fires two nannies. Shi Yi Niang didn’t want to investigate that thoroughly into the accounting but she’s looking into the fabric and instead makes another discovery: the dispute between Madam Wen and Qiao Lian Fang and how Madam Wen used Shi Yi Niang.
Dong Qing wanted to scare Hu Po but she accidentally scares Lin Bo instead. He actually screams. They both fall over the ground with him on top of her and thus our second couple is born.
Madam Xu is back at promoting her dear Qiao Lian Fang to Xu Ling Yi. Uhhhhh. Already? While they’re busy, Shi Yi Niang quickly goes to Xu Ling Yi’s room to look for clothes of the same fabric. However, she underestimated how much Xu Ling Yi hates being with Qiao Lian Fang; Xu Ling Yi has already escaped and is heading back to his room.
Zhao Ying informs Xu Ling Yi that Shi Yi Niang is in his room. His mood lights up! He wants tea to be brought in. Zhao Ying is like didn’t you just say you didn’t like that sweet tea (in front of Qiao Lian Fang). Xu Ling Yi insists he has never said such a thing. Whatever the boss says goes.

Xu Ling Yi finds Shi Yi Niang rummaging through his clothes. She lies that she’s checking the size of his old clothes to make a new outfit for him. He tells her that maids can do that and so she quickly excuses herself. Then Xu Ling Yi clears his throat: old clothes might not fit anymore, she should just measure him directly. He opens his arms again ready to be measured. Lol. He’s always doing that move eh. Men back then. They’ll get a spanking if they do that now. Shi Yi Niang mutters under her breath for his fickleness (he just said she didn’t have to make one and now he’s telling her to make one). Whatever the boss says goes, lol.
As she’s measuring him, she’s also recording his measurements. He compliments her writing. He compliments her again when she nonchalantly solves his court stuff. He tells her she’d be amazing if she were a man. Shi Yi Niang: “Can I not be amazing by being a woman?” Exactly.
Zhao Ying is back with tea and it perfectly interrupts our husband and wife time. Shi Yi Niang takes her leave but Zhao Ying says this tea was for her. Shi Yi Niang politely declines that the tea is too sweet. Zhao Ying exclaims that her taste is just like Xu Ling Yi’s. At least Zhao Ying did one thing right.
Madam Wen bribes Shi Yi Niang to join in on this business. Shi Yi Niang doesn’t blink an eye and refuses it. Xu Ling Yi has eyes and ears on her every move (wow, talk about trust). He muses how she’s different from Yuan Niang despite both being Luo Family. Feeling good, he gives Shi Yi Niang extra money to spend. However, she declines that too. He tells her she’ll need it as the housekeeper of the family. Xu Ling Yi also gives her back all her dowry that she exchanged for rice. Not only that, the land deeds in her dowry were for separate lands; Xu Ling Yi bought the lands in between to connect her lands together so they’re worth more. That’s thoughtful.
Xu Ling Yi stays for dinner. Zhao Ying notices the food isn’t of Xu Ling Yi’s taste (they’re too sweet) so he orders the kitchen to make more dishes. However, when he’s back he notices Xu Ling Yi savouring the food. During lunch, Xu Ling Yi reminds Shi Yi Niang about his new clothes. Zhao Ying mutters to himself that his master already has new clothes.
Xu Ling Yi is back in his room, admiring his tall and sturdy build because Shi Yi Niang very (very) casually mentioned it. For dinner, Zhao Ying prepares the same dish Shi Yi Niang gave him but Xu Ling Yi grimaces at the food. He takes a bite and it’s not as good as the fish at lunch. Our cutie Zhao Ying knows why. It’s not the fish that’s not good, it’s the person eating the fish who he likes isn’t here.
[Ep18] Jian shifu wants Shi Yi Niang to help teach sewing even though it's inappropriate of Shi Yi Niang’s current status. Jian shifu wants Shi Yi Niang to remember the joy of sewing and not let revenge consume her. As she’s teaching the women how to sew, she meets Lin Shi Xian again. He’s the merchant who donated the fabric and thread to Jian shifu. Shi Yi Niang also realizes he’s the one who helped with the rice.
Xu Ling Yi brings homes a secret kid, Feng Qing. He asks Shi Yi Niang to take care of Feng Qing and to keep him a secret. Next morning, everyone knows... They all think it’s Xu Ling Yi’s child. All the concubines spurn this new child except Madam Qin. She's actually excited.
Only Shi Yi Niang knows Feng Qing isn’t Xu Ling Yi’s child without him explaining. Xu Ling Yi would never allow his own child to fall to such a state. The child is Xu Ling Kuan’s before his marriage with Dan Yang. However, now that Dan Yang is pregnant, Xu Ling Yi is worried about angering her. Since she believes him, he wants to further clear the previous "misunderstanding". He was never indecent with Qiao Lian Fang. Shi Yi Niang already knows. With his character, he wouldn’t.
Shi Yi Niang will take care of Feng Qing as her own. Madam Xu is grateful. However, Madam Qin and Qiao Lian Fang both want to take care of Feng Qing. Madam Qin just wants a child. Qiao Lian Fang wants Xu Ling Yi’s love. Who gets custody? Well, it’s a battle between Madam Qin and Qiao Lian Fang. What are the chances Madam Qin undermined Qiao Lian Fang to gain the upswing?
While that battle is going on, there’s a battle – or will be a battle for Shi Yi Niang. There’s two men who like her: Lin Shi Xian and Xu Ling Yi. But Xu Ling Yi won before the battle even began. Lin Shi Xian admits to his servant he likes Shi Yi Niang. At the same time on the same street, Xu Ling Yi compliments Shi Yi Niang to Lin Bo for believing him without him explaining anything. Very different from Yuan Ning who couldn’t trust him just a bit.
Second Couple: Lin Bo sees Dong Qing and runs away. He’s reminded of how she scared him. He’s too embarrassed to see her. Dong Qing calls him back and offers him food. She’s nice to him because she feels bad about scaring him the other day. She smiles up at him and asks him how’s the food. Our Lin Bo is dazed and forgets how to swallow properly. He chokes. She strokes his back and that makes him choke even more.

Xu Ling Yi puts a sleeping Shi Yi Niang to bed. She’s roused but pretends to be asleep. As he’s taking off her shoes, he notices her clenched fist. Smiling, he sits down next to her. Next morning, Shi Yi Niang wakes up with a sleeping Xu Ling Yi at her side. Well, well, well.
[Ep19] Shi Yi Niang wants to get up but Xu Ling Yi wants to sleep a bit longer. This is out of character – he's an early bird. He's childish enough to make it difficult for her to climb over him to get out.
Shi Yi Niang improves at dressing him. Sounds so stupid in text. Can men not dress themselves back then? She asks him what his thoughts are on who gets to care for Feng Qing. Definitely not Qiao Lian Fang, he says. He’s wary of Madam Qin because Feng Qing hasn’t opened up to her. Also, Madam Qin was a maid before she was his concubine, it affects child rearing somehow. Shi Yi Niang asks about 2nd Sister-in-law (Xiang Yi Zhen). She’s also suitable and cares about Feng Qing. Apparently Xiang Yi Zhen lost her child when Yu’ge was born. They had considered to give Yu’ge to her. Wow.... concubines aren’t treated like humans. Anyways, Feng Qing’s caregiver is still undecided.
Also, Feng Qing’s appearance seems to be another one of Ou Family’s ploy.
Qiao Lian Fang deliberately tells Dan Yang the rumours of Feng Qing. Why? So that Dan Yang will angrily barge into Shi Yi Niang’s place, trip on her newly renovated stairs and miscarry. Who is to be blamed for the miscarriage? The owner of the stairs. That’s a bit flimsy of a plan, no? With a few kind words from Shi Yi Niang, Dan Yang realizes what’s more important: her own child. Dan Yang marches to Qiao Lian Fang and slaps her without warning. Serves her right.
Dan Yang knows Feng Qing’s father is her husband. She tells him he should play with Feng Qing more without revealing she knows.. All that's said with her back facing him because she's crying.
A Madam Tong exists – or existed. She was the maid of Yuan Nian but when the latter was pregnant, the former drugged Xu Ling Yi. It was out of Yuan Nian’s graciousness she got a title of a concubine. Xu Ling Yi mentioned Madam Tong because he's recording Feng Qing as Madam Tong's son instead of under Shi Yi Niang to prevent damaging her reputation.
Dan Yang knows Feng Qing’s father is her husband. She tells him he should play with Feng Qing more without revealing she knows.. All that's said with her back facing him because she's crying.
A Madam Tong exists – or existed. She was the maid of Yuan Nian but when the latter was pregnant, the former drugged Xu Ling Yi. It was out of Yuan Nian’s graciousness she got a title of a concubine. Xu Ling Yi mentioned Madam Tong because he's recording Feng Qing as Madam Tong's son instead of under Shi Yi Niang to prevent damaging her reputation.
[Ep20] Just when it was going to be announced Feng Qing will be in the care of Shi Yi Niang, Yi Zhen accepts the responsibility. It seems she overcame her son’s death (which she always felt responsible for). Madam Qin ain’t so happy though.
Shi Yi Niang visits Madam Luo who has fallen ill. From the way she complimented Shi Yi Niang on Feng Qi’s custody assignment, she makes it sound like Shi Yi Niang purposely pushed the kid out of Xu Ling Yi’s name and therefore protecting Zhun’ge from any potential threat. Madam Luo also knows Shi Yi Niang and Xu Ling Yi haven’t consummated. From who? Hu Po, of course. Madam Luo wants Shi Yi Niang to manipulate Xu Ling Yi to love her. This is laying the groundwork for Xu Ling Yi to distrust Shi Yi Niang in the future to come.
Why is Hu Po at the control of Madam Luo? She’s looking for her missing sister who only Madam Luo can help her find.
Shi Yi Niang visits Madam Luo who has fallen ill. From the way she complimented Shi Yi Niang on Feng Qi’s custody assignment, she makes it sound like Shi Yi Niang purposely pushed the kid out of Xu Ling Yi’s name and therefore protecting Zhun’ge from any potential threat. Madam Luo also knows Shi Yi Niang and Xu Ling Yi haven’t consummated. From who? Hu Po, of course. Madam Luo wants Shi Yi Niang to manipulate Xu Ling Yi to love her. This is laying the groundwork for Xu Ling Yi to distrust Shi Yi Niang in the future to come.
Why is Hu Po at the control of Madam Luo? She’s looking for her missing sister who only Madam Luo can help her find.
Xu Ling Yi is Unfamiliar with Love. Xu Ling Yi gifts Shi Yi Niang a hairpin which is nearly the same as the one she lost. Cute, he notices everything of hers. Also, because of her, Xu Ling Yi has undergone quite a drastic change. Zhun'ge tells Madam Luo that Daddy Xu Ling Yi listens to whatever Mommy Shi Yi Niang says. He's also accepting of Xu Ling Kuan's opera hobby – a rarity. Xu Ling Yi doesn't notice the change and asks Zhao Ying to confirm. Our cutie ponders and answers, "Lately you've been staring at the mirror a lot." Lol. It’s love. Xu Ling Yi is unfamiliar with this feeling. He never felt like this before and it makes him uneasy. Lin Bo asks him if he's afraid of these feelings.
Xu Ling Yi discovers his wife has been secretly teaching women how to sew. Xu Ling Yi doesn't like it because it isn't appropriate of her status but when he learns she's helping these girls make a living, he reluctantly accepts. He also secretly orders more guards to make sure she's safe when she teaches. Lin Bo insists he tell Shi Yi Niang he's doing this for her but he refuses because noble men like to do things in secret.
[Ep21] From the moldy rice, Xu Ling Yi discovers Ou family's misappropriating military resources.
Lin Shi Xian finds a crying Hu Po. She tells him about her sister and how she was probably sold to a rich family and changed her name. Madam Qin?? Oh there was also Madam Tong... Hu Po was also crying because Madam Luo ordered her to betray Shi Yi Niang. The next day, Hu Po attempts to seduce Xu Ling Yi. He is appalled by her and throws her out but Shi Yi Niang timely appears to save her.
The seduction was such a big fail, you’d think Hu Po was an idiot but Shi Yi Niang knows Hu Po's real intention. Hu Po wanted to be kicked out of the manor for obliviously seducing him, that way Madam Luo wouldn’t be offended and Shi Yi Niang’s marriage would remain stable. Shi Yi Niang asks Hu Po to reconsider leaving the manor. Shi Yi Niang likes her.
Madam Ou doesn’t like Shi Yi Niang because of the moldy rice issue. Madam Ou insults her for her lack of flower knowledge. Shi Yi Niang defends rather well but Er Niang escalates the backhanded insults. Then Madam Xu stands up for her daughter-in-law.
[Ep22] Shi Yi Niang notices the sewing of Madam Ou’s attire and now begins her investigation on Madam Ou.
Xu Ling Yi is drunk and our smart lieutenants drop him off at Shi Yi Niang’s. All the maids and servants are excited for our married couple. It’s not that romantic. Shi Yi Niang is taking care of a whining baby. Only until he’s deep in sleep, Shi Yi Niang sees a vulnerable side of him. He’s having a nightmare and Shi Yi Niang stays up to calm him. When Xu Ling Yi wakes up in the middle of the night, Shi Yi Niang is at his bedside, holding his hand.
Madam Xu utterly loses faith in Qiao Lian Fang after hearing her disrespecting Shi Yi Niang. Too bad Qiao Lian Fang doesn’t lose faith in herself. She needs to be confident in herself otherwise she’ll really have lost.
Xu Ling Yi declares the windows to his room are broken. Zhao Ying doesn’t see it. Hehe. Thus, Xu Ling Yi breaks the window. Now Zhao Ying sees it. It’s all an excuse to sleep at Shi Yi Niang’s place.
Since Shi Yi Niang hasn’t fully accepted him, Xu Ling Yi sleeps on the other bed. He takes the blanket, she helps him, and then their hands touch. It’s not a fleeting touch – he holds onto her with intention. Do we get a kiss? No. She flinches.
Is it just me or is the romance a little odd? I get that he’s respecting his girl but it’s weird! Why are they still at this stage in their relationship? Why does he need an excuse to sleep in his wife’s room? Xu Ling Yi is old enough to consummate with his wife as he wishes but instead he's acting like a teenager in love. This man has two sons!
Shi Yi Niang is falling in love. She has found a vulnerable side in Xu Ling Yi. Behind that cold face, he’s also a man who carries an immense burden. She’s constantly thinking of him. At night, she prepares soup for him. Xu Ling Yi claims he trained too hard and he can’t lift a spoon. He needs her help. Shi Yi Niang retreats to find medicine but he stops her with a strong grip of the hand he claimed was strained. He sheepishly smiles, still waiting to be fed. Shi Yi Niang gives up and feeds him.
[Ep23] Lin Shi Xian's hidden identity is Ou Yan Xing, the younger brother of Ou Li Xing. He’s the brother who doesn’t care about his family business. He finds Shi Yi Niang secretly rummaging through his manor and helps her hide. Shi Yi Niang only tells him she’s here to investigate her mother’s death. She doesn’t reveal her involvement with Jian shifu or Xu Ling Yi.
More about Ou Yan Xing: his father promised to marry his mother as his wife but he married another women because of her powers and thus his mother became a concubine.
Shi Yi Niang meets the little monk again (he’s the one who told her about seeing a female, presumably from Xu family). He adds that there was also a male there and the two seemed pretty close. Subsequently, Xu Ling Kuan tells her that Qiao Lian Fang had temporarily left the temple premise two whole years ago. Shi Yi Niang makes the only logical conclusion: Qiao Lian Fang is that lady. But who would be the man? Xu Ling Yi?
Shi Yi Niang begins her plan of haunting Qiao Lian Fang. If she isn’t guilty she wouldn’t be afraid of ghosts but she is. But whose ghost is she afraid of? It’s Yuan Niang’s. Shi Yi Niang makes the serendipitous finding that Qiao Lian Fang is possibly behind Yuan Niang’s death. There was this Physician He who Yuan Niang really trusted because it was his medication that allowed her to have Zhun’ge. Also during the time Yuan Niang was ill, Qiao Lian Fang has been frequenting Xu Family.

Zhun’ge cries at night and runs to their room. Xu Ling Yi flies from his bed to Shi Yi Niang’s. A confused Shi Yi Niang gets up but Xu Ling Yi pushes her back down. They need to pretend they’re sleeping on the same bed in front of Zhun’ge. As Shi Yi Niang hums Zhun'ge to bed, Xu Ling Yi takes advantage and rests his head on Shi Yi Niang. His proximity startles her but Xu Ling Yi reminds her of their sleeping child. He doesn’t take advantage for long. Shi Yi Niang pushes him back to sleep on his pillow while she takes his hand as her pillow.
[Ep24] The next morning, Xu Ling Yi’s arm is numb from Shi Yi Niang sleeping on it the entire night. Zhun’ge laughs at his father in front of the family for needing to hug mom to sleep. Madam Xu suppresses her giggles.
Shi Yi Niang feels nauseated. Well, well, well. Everyone thinks she’s pregnant. Shi Yi Niang doesn’t deny it. She is deliberately misleading the family to lure Qiao Lian Fang. But why are we getting scenes of Madam Qin looking uneasy instead?
Xu Ling Yi knows what he has done and what he hasn’t done. There’s no way Shi Yi Niang is pregnant. She easily explains it to him: it’d be weird if she denied her pregnancy when they've been "sleeping" together. Xu Ling Yi accepts that answer. However, he’d rather not lie.
Xu Liug Yi: If you really want a kid, I can help you. -Pulls her to his lap-
Except Shi Yi Niang pushes him away. Xu Ling Yi is still sweet and that offer to make her stomach round is still active anytime she wants.
The news of Shi Yi Niang's pregnancy travels to Madam Luo. Her illness aggravates. The last thing Madam Luo wants is Shi Yi Niang pregnant. Okay, she wants her to get his love but not get herself pregnant. How does that work?
Another person devastated at the pregnancy: Qiao Lian Fang. Physician He and the temple Yuan Niang believed in were all Qiao Lian Fang’s scheming. She mutters a line, “I never thought of taking your (Yuan Niang's) life, I just didn’t want you to be pregnant with Xu Ling Yi’s child. It was your body that couldn’t sustain the pregnancy. It wasn’t my fault” Qiao Lian Fang plans to do the same with Shi Yi Niang until she finds out Shi Yi Niang was testing her. Qiao Lian Fang weaves a counter plan not only to expose Shi Yi Niang’s fake pregnancy but also her part time sewing job at Jian Si Fu’s.
That’s not all the troubles. Ou family is forming an alliance with Wang family (+ Er Niang) against Xu family. Xu Ling Kuan sniffs out this alliance by using his Beijing Opera connections.
[Ep25] Xu Ling Yi compliments Xu Ling Kuan but still grumbles about his opera hobby to Shi Yi Niang. She reminds him this hobby is better than drinking and playing around. After all, “not ever man is like you, my Duke” so devoted and so responsible. Shi Yi Niang quickly holds her tongue but Xu Ling Yi hears the meaning behind her words.
Xu Ling Yi: Were you just complimenting me?

He holds her cheeks, and turns her face to him. He tries to kiss her... but she turns her away again. He doesn’t stop – he kisses her cheek...and that’s it.
Qiao Lian Fang’s plan has succeeded. Madam Xu knows of Shi Yi Niang’s part-time job and fake pregnancy. Dong Qing and Hu Po plead for Shi Yi Niang’s actions that they were trying to catch Qiao Lian Fang. Madam Xu asks for proof but Shi Yi Niang has none. With no proof, it’s slander. Shi Yi Niang shows no remorse and thus Madam Xu sends her back to Luo family. A divorce will be waiting for her once Xu Ling Yi is back.
Qiao Lian Fang thinks she’s got the upper hand but it’s all within Shi Yi Niang’s calculation. She wants Qiao Lian Fang to let her guard down. Plus she needed to leave Xu Manor to freely investigate freely into Qiao Lian Fang.
Xu Ling Yi is off to save Wang Yu. Ou Li Xing wanted to use Wang Yu to dismantle the trust between Xu Ling Xi and Duke Wei. But Duke Wei is a perceptive man and believes in Xu Ling Yi.
Xu Ling Yi rushes back home. He doesn’t know Shi Yi Niang is in trouble, he just really misses her. Zhao Ying quickly updates him on Shi Yi Niang and he immediately turns around to find her at Luo Manor. The maids are happy to see him but our couple gets into a fight. The argument escalates and Madam Luo’s maids overhear too. Xu Ling Yi storms out of Luo Manor. This argument sure escalated without warning...
[Ep26] Those maids at Luo Family are Qiao Lian Fang’s little spies. They report the argument to Qiao Lian Fang. Originally she was elated but as time progresses, she doesn’t understand why Xu Ling Yi still hasn't divorced Shi Yi Niang.
Madam Ou adds fuel to the fire. She spreads rumours that Xu Family was enslaving women to sew at Jian shifu’s. Now, it seems like this is Xu Ling Yi’s last straw. He writes a divorce letter and gives it to Shi Yi Niang’s brother to deliver it to his sister. Qiao Lian Fang goes hip hip hooray. The only thing bugging her now is Shi Yi Niang’s continual investigation of Yuan Niang's death. Qiao Lian Fang wants to end all her worries by killing Ming Jing (the maid who helped kill Yuan Niang).
Madam Wen gossips with Madam Qin on who will become the wife of Xu Ling Yi. Madam Wen thinks Qiao Lian Fang sabotaged Shi Yi Niang just to be his rightful wife. Hearing this, Qiao Lian Fang slaps Madam Wen across the face. In anger, Qiao Lian Fang adds a suspicious line to Madam Qin, “The me today is thanks to you.” Madam Wen turns to Madam Qin for answers but the latter appears clueless. Hmmm.
Qiao Lian Fang ends Ming Jing’s life herself (because Qiao Mom couldn't). Shi Yi Niang is there to confront her. All haughty, our Qiao Lian Fang admits she ordered Ming Jing to tamper with Yuan Niang’s medication, ultimately killing her. No one will know because she plans to kill Shi Yi Niang too. Well, except for Xu Ling Yi who was hiding right there.
Qiao Lian Fang doesn’t understand why Xu Ling Yi would believe Shi Yi Niang when all the evidence pointed to her. Xu Ling Yi doesn’t need evidence to trust Shi Yi Niang. The evidence is his heart. He believes her regardless. That argument between Xu Ling Yi and Shi Yi Niang was an act to make Qian Lian Fang believe Xu Ling Yi no longer loves Shi Yi Niang. Qiao Lian Fang's punishment: floggings and expulsion from the city
Shi Yi Niang learns Xu Ling Yi knew of her part-time. She asks him why he’s so nice to her.
Xu Ling Yi: If you’re happy then I’m happy.
He hugs her and, this time, Shi Yi Niang rests her head on him. But he gets called away because Qiao Lian Fang has some last words for him. But his last words to her is that he never loved her even for a bit. That’s the real punishment that leaves Qiao Lian Fang empty.
The rumours of Shi Yi Niang (and Xu Family) enslaving women have swung the other way. Shi Yi Niang is now complimented by the consorts that she’s empowering women.
The sickly Madam Luo learns of how her daughter actually died. She goes into a stroke. The concubine (Er Niang's mother) who told her the news doesn’t look very worried at all.
[Ep27] Jian Si Fu wants Shi Yi Niang to be her business partner at her clothing store. Shi Yi Niang accepts knowing Xu Ling Yi will support her decision nomatter what.
Xu Ling Yi and Shi Yi Niang have a date! He wins a couple lantern for her. As their gazing at the lack, she points to somewhere far for him to see but he’s only interest in the person close to him: Shi Yi Niang. He recites the ancient Chinese poem on their lantern:
生死契阔 与子成说: Alive or dead, together or apart, I have a promise with you执子之手 与子偕老: I’ll hold your hand and grow old with you.

This mood is perfect for a kiss. He leans in but Shi Yi Niang leans back lol until her flexibility is at her limit. When their lips are mere inches away, she puts the candy between their mouths. Smiling, Xu Ling Yi moves the candy away and they finally kiss. She clutches onto his shirt and eventually wraps her hand around him.
Ou Yan Xing spots the kiss. He discovers Shi Yi Niang was a married woman all along. His heart is shattered. Hu Po sees him at the festival and apologizes for not telling him the truth sooner.
I’m at a complete loss with Ou Yan Xing’s character. Such a waste of a character. He’s in this heartbreak and I don’t feel an ounce of pain or pity.
Shi Yi Niang loves Xu Ling Yi but now she feels guilty for deceiving him.
Ou Yan Xing is a man of his words. He finds the forensics who was involved in examining Shi Yi Niang’s mother’s corpse. The real cause of death was an arrow to the heart, not the knife wound. However, the higher ups wanted to close the case and so he didn’t have time to include that in his autopsy. Then Shi Yi Niang conveniently finds a witness who remembered what happened two years ago. He claims that it was this man who shot the arrow while arresting the criminal. The witness also has the arrow from two whole years ago. It’s Xu Ling Yi’s. Aiya.
Then Yu’ge shows up using Madam Wen’s handkerchief with the sewing that looks just like the one on the fabric. Even with all these evidence and witnesses Shi Yi Niang doesn’t want to believe that it was Madam Wen and Xu Ling Yi who killed her mother. Can we have hope she’s smart enough to know everything is TOO convenient? She tests Xu Ling Yi by making him drink. Drama is telling me her alcohol tolerance is higher than his. She asks him if he would still release that arrow (from when they first met) knowing that he could potentially hurt her. He would. Catching the criminal is important. I would assume he trusts in his own accuracy as well. She then asks him how her mother died that day. A drunk Xu Ling Yi goes: “It’s my fault.” And then he sleeps.
[Ep28] Shi Yi Niang feels nauseated she fell in love with her mother's murderer. Ou Yan Xing comforts her and puts a hand to her shoulder. Madam Wen and Madam Qin see this scene (but they don't see Jian shifu there too). Xu Ling Yi is also visiting the clothing store and overhears his concubines chatting about what they saw. Angrily, he demands Shi Yi Niang to leave with him but she steps behind Ou Yan Xing. It doesn't help that Ou Yan Xin addresses Shi Yi Niang by her name (instead of Madam Xu). Seconds later, Xu Ling Yi's sword is at Ou Yan Xing's neck. Shi Yi Niang immediately takes a pair of scissors to her own neck to make Xu Ling Yi put down his sword. She accidentally falls, Xu Ling Yi rushes to catch her and the scissors pierces his heart instead. The injury is rather severe.
Xu Ling Yi's heart is pierced not just from the scissors but also from Shi Yi Niang's betrayal. Even so, he protects her. He orders the Madams to not say anything. To Madam Xu, Lin Bo lies that they met a thief. Also, no one is allowed to report this to the officials.
Shi Yi Niang wonders if this man whom she hurt emotionally and physically is truly capable of killing her mother. She finally questions all the evidence she got in the past days. They were all too convenient.
Xu Ling Yi is unconscious for a few days. Shi Yi Niang insists to take care of Xu Ling Yi. As much as Lin Bo doesn't want it, he knows his master is better in her care. Eventually, Lin Bo notices how genuinely worried Shi Yi Niang is for Xu Ling Yi.
Madam Xu is dubious of Xu Ling Yi's injuries. Xu Ling Yi is afraid his mother will find out it was Shi Yi Niang who hurt him. Thus, he writes Shi Yi Niang a divorce letter and tells her to leave. It's better for him to divorce her then let his mother put a crime in her name. Regrettably, Shi Yi Niang tells him everything. However, that makes Xu Ling Yi even more bitter that she didn't believe him. When he said that it was his fault, he meant that if had arrived earlier, then her mother wouldn't have died. Shi Yi Niang cries. If she had opened up to him, none of this would have happened.
Xu Ling Yi leaves for his assignment. She begs him to stay. He just recovered. His body can't handle it but he insists on going. Lin Bo reveals everything to Shi Yi Niang: it was Xu Ling Yi who saved Shi Yi Niang from the water when they first met. This assignment isn't something he must do for the palace but it's something he ought do to protect her. If he doesn't go, then the court would look into his injury and that will place Shi Yi Niang in trouble. Now that he's going, the mission is extra dangerous because of his injury. His putting his life is at risk for her. Leaving her the divorce letter is an added protection. Everything is for her.
[Ep29] Madam Xu discovers it was Shi Yi Niang who injured Xu Ling Yi. Then a messenger reports to the family that Xu Ling Yi has died! Everyone is devastated. Shi Yi Niang packs her bag to look for him. She needs to confirm his death for herself. Yi Chen (sister-in-law) persuades Shi Yi Niang to run away while Dong Qing begs her to use the divorce letter. Shi Yi Niang will do neither of those.
Madam Xu’s decree: Shi Yi Niang is to be buried with Xu Ling Yi. Shi Yi Niang wants to wait until Xu Ling Yi (dead or alive) returns. To Madam Xu, Shi Yi Niang doesn’t even deserve to wait for her son. Yi Chen, Xu Ling Kuan and Dan Yang plea for Madam Xu to wait. Shi Yi Niang’s life is temporarily spared but she’s sent to a deserted wing to suffer all sorts of chores.
At Er Niang’s, she laughs at the news of Xu Ling Yi’s death. Wang Yu, who was “nice" to her for a few days, immediately kicks her. He was only “nice" to her because Xu Ling Yi threatened him. Now that Xu Ling Yi is dead, Wang Yu doesn’t even look at her. “Nice” is in quotations because his nice is just to kick her with less force. After that kick, Er Niang’s stomach starts hurting. The pregnancy was already unsteady to begin with and now after that kick, her fetus is even weaker.
With Xu Ling Yi’s death, Xu Ling Kuan begins to take responsibility of Xu family. He burns all his opera scores.
Shi Ling Yi is bullied by the housekeepers. Ou Yan Xing finds her and secretly helps her finish all the chores before dawn.
[Ep30] Shi Yi Niang draws a line between her and Ou Yan Xing. She doesn’t want his help. She makes it clear she is Xu Ling Yi’s wife. Hu Po gives him the same advice. It will only put Shi Yi Niang in a difficult position if he involves himself.
Housekeeper #2 wanted to kill Shi Yi Niang. He’s caught but manages to run away only to be killed by more bandits. These bandits are out to kill Shi Yi Niang. Ou Yan Xing protects her. While he’s fighting one of the men, something on this man’s hand catches his interest. Shi Yi Niang quickly runs for her life. Then a body runs pass her. It’s Xu Ling Yi! This man can barely stand but he’s still protecting her. Xu Ling Yi's guards do the rest of the fighting. Everyone is safe.
Shi Yi Niang reaches out to touch Xu Ling Yi but he stops her. He sticks to business and tells her he had suspicions on Ou Family for all the timely evidences that Shi Yi Niang had gathered against him. That’s why he faked his death to fish out Ou Family. He was all business until his curiosity got the better of him; he asks her why she didn’t use the divorce letter. If she did, she wouldn’t have to suffer here. Shi Yi Niang answers she won’t leave. She will wait until he comes back. That touches Xu Ling Yi’s icy heart.
Shi Yi Niang and Xu Ling Yi now believe her mother’s murderer resides in Ou Family. She adds that Ou Yan Xing seems innocent.
The next problem: Xu Ling Kuan is drunk. In the morning, he wakes up sleeping with a maid. Dan Yang is bitter but she allows him to take the lady in as his concubine.
Xu Ling Yi takes Shi Yi Niang home. He explains everything to Mom. However, Shi Yi Niang injuring him was real. Xu Ling Yi pacifies his mother’s anger that he faked the severity of his injury to fool Ou Family. Madam Wen is not looking impressed.
Shi Yi Niang and Xu Ling Yi investigate her mother’s death together. She doesn’t understand why Ou Family would kill her mother. Did she hear something with that criminal Xu Ling Yi was arresting? Shi Yi Niang recalls Yu’ge’s handkerchief. Ou Family must have a mole in their family but Shi Yi Niang doesn’t believe the mole is Madam Wen. She wouldn’t leave such an incriminating evidence on her son who means the world to her.
[Ep31] Although Xu Ling Yi takes his wife back home, he still can't forgive her for not trusting him. Lin Bo and Zhao Ying complain about Shi Yi Niang. It’s obvious their master loves her, so what’s the problem with being on the receiving end of his bitterness? Dong Qing hits Lin Bo's nose with her forehead for saying that. He's injured but that hit cleared up his stuffy nose. Zhao Ying calls her Lin Bo's lucky star.
Shi Yi Niang takes initiative for once! She waits in Xu Ling Yi’s room to change his bandages for him. He refuses but Shi Yi Niang advances with such a cute smile. How can he refuse that? She teases him if he’s shy. Much like when he teased her for when she had her ankle injury. It’s the first time she sees the severity of his injury. She thought it healed. He doesn’t want to summon the physician because that will alarm his mother. Which means he’s suffering for her. Shi Yi Niang stubbornly claims that from now on his injury will be her responsibility. If he refuses her, she’ll tell Madam Xu. Xu Ling Yi can’t argue. As Shi Yi Niang blows tenderly on his wound, Xu Ling Yi leans back and back until he almost completely falls backward. Shi Yi Niang gallantly catches him in her arms. Heh.
Wang Yu dies. Well, what a small role. The supposed culprit is Duke Wei (Xu Ling Yi is close with this duke).
Shi Yi Niang finds Xu Ling Yi’s music scores but it’s all dusty. Zhao Ying reluctantly tells her Xu Ling Yi loves playing qin but he smashed it in front of his father and brother’s memorial. He vowed to not touch it until he avenged his family’s death. Ah, so Xu Ling Kuan's love for music actually runs in the family.
Xu Ling Yi returns home and is secretly looking forward to Shi Yi Niang tending to his wound. But she doesn’t go that night. Shi Yi Niang had wanted to ask Xu Ling Yi to look into Wang Yu's death but she thought better of it; it’d be shameless of her to ask him for help with what she did to him. Oh, but look, he’s already waiting for her in her room to tell her the news, afraid she’d worry. I honestly don’t get why Shi Yi Niang bothers to worry about Er Niang.
Er Niang is threatened by her sister-in-law to make Xu Ling Yi help them investigate Wang Yu’s death. Madam Ou also manipulates Er Niang to do the same. I don’t know what Er Niang’s brain is made of or if she even has one at all to think Shi Yi Niang is obligated to help.
Ou Yan Xing warns Shi Yi Niang that Wang Yu’s death isn’t that simple. It might have to do with Ou family which he has no part in despite being an Ou.
[Ep32] Er Niang kneels in front of Xu Manor to create a scene. Even Madam Luo is pressuring Shi Yi Niang to help.
Shi Yi Niang takes initiative for once! She waits in Xu Ling Yi’s room to change his bandages for him. He refuses but Shi Yi Niang advances with such a cute smile. How can he refuse that? She teases him if he’s shy. Much like when he teased her for when she had her ankle injury. It’s the first time she sees the severity of his injury. She thought it healed. He doesn’t want to summon the physician because that will alarm his mother. Which means he’s suffering for her. Shi Yi Niang stubbornly claims that from now on his injury will be her responsibility. If he refuses her, she’ll tell Madam Xu. Xu Ling Yi can’t argue. As Shi Yi Niang blows tenderly on his wound, Xu Ling Yi leans back and back until he almost completely falls backward. Shi Yi Niang gallantly catches him in her arms. Heh.
Wang Yu dies. Well, what a small role. The supposed culprit is Duke Wei (Xu Ling Yi is close with this duke).
Shi Yi Niang finds Xu Ling Yi’s music scores but it’s all dusty. Zhao Ying reluctantly tells her Xu Ling Yi loves playing qin but he smashed it in front of his father and brother’s memorial. He vowed to not touch it until he avenged his family’s death. Ah, so Xu Ling Kuan's love for music actually runs in the family.
Xu Ling Yi returns home and is secretly looking forward to Shi Yi Niang tending to his wound. But she doesn’t go that night. Shi Yi Niang had wanted to ask Xu Ling Yi to look into Wang Yu's death but she thought better of it; it’d be shameless of her to ask him for help with what she did to him. Oh, but look, he’s already waiting for her in her room to tell her the news, afraid she’d worry. I honestly don’t get why Shi Yi Niang bothers to worry about Er Niang.
Er Niang is threatened by her sister-in-law to make Xu Ling Yi help them investigate Wang Yu’s death. Madam Ou also manipulates Er Niang to do the same. I don’t know what Er Niang’s brain is made of or if she even has one at all to think Shi Yi Niang is obligated to help.
Ou Yan Xing warns Shi Yi Niang that Wang Yu’s death isn’t that simple. It might have to do with Ou family which he has no part in despite being an Ou.
[Ep32] Er Niang kneels in front of Xu Manor to create a scene. Even Madam Luo is pressuring Shi Yi Niang to help.
So I failed to pay attention to this whole Wang Yu ordeal. I think I just need to know: Xu Ling Yi being involved is bad (it affects his alliance with four other families). The masterminds are Ou Ling Xi and his wife.
Xu Ling Kuan has a smart idea to get rid of Er Niang. Through his Beijing opera connections he has found victims of Wang Yu's abuse. This family's daughter died because of Wang Yu. While Er Niang is making a scene at Xu Manor for her husband's death, this family is yelling at Er Niang for the death of their daughter. Er Niang is put to shame and can no longer shame Xu family. At least Shi Yi Niang promises Er Niang, she'll do her best to investigate into it. It's just Er Niang who's like Omg, I can't trust my own sister, I can only trust my best friend, Madam Ou! She would never betray me!
[Ep33] Er Niang discovers Madam Ou used her to sabotage Xu Family. Xu Ling Yi arrested the real murderer. Indeed, it was Madam Ou who ordered the murder but there's no proof against her. Er Niang switches her mortification target: Madam Ou. Er Niang makes scene at Madam Ou's family instead.
Shi Yi Niang prepares Xu Ling Yi dinner. She thanks him for everything he did for her (investigating, etc.) but when a man does so much for a girl, he doesn't want her gratitude. He wants her love; he wants her trust.
Shi Yi Niang doesn't know what's bothering her lord but she's trying her best to make him happy. This time, she's practicing qin.
Lin Bo knows his master well, he gives Xu Ling Yi a reason to pick up his wife at work.
[Ep34] Xu Ling Yi eavesdrops on Shi Yi Niang and Ou Yan Xing’s conversation. She doesn’t want him to withdraw from the pavilion because of her. She’s the one who should be quitting plus she has to care about her Xu family reputation. However, Ou Yan Xing knows how much she loves sewing and how good she is at it. At this point, Xu Ling Yi makes his appearance known and Shi Yi Niang brightens up to see him. It doesn’t seem like Xu Ling Yi is that jealous anymore and instead acknowledges Ou Yan Xing’s sentiment of Shi Yi Niang’s love for sewing.
Lin Bo is in charge of taking Dong Qing home. She’s drunk. He compliments her for being cute when she’s not talking, obviously she can’t hear a thing. She stumbles backward and he grabs her waist before she fall.
Xu Ling Yi and Shi Yi Niang share a drink. She tells him how happy she is when she sews. Xu Ling Yi never thought of revoking her position at the pavilion. As long as he’s here, she can do whatever she wants. Shi Yi Niang cries in his shoulder that he’s too good to her. She’s sorry about what she did too. After she finishes wailing, she falls asleep, still hanging onto his neck. Again, it’s not an apology that Xu Ling Yi wants from her.
In the morning, Shi Yi Niang wakes up first. She’s finally not freaking out at Xu Ling Yi sleeping next to her. She leans on her elbow to take a better look at her husband. The sweet morning ends when Hu Po updates Shi Yi Niang that Madam Luo doesn’t have much time left.
The snobby and ungrateful Er Niang is visiting home too. Her birth mother dies. Her mother’s illness aggravated because Madam Luo accused her mother of theft and prohibited a doctor from examining her. Only Er Niang is there to see her mother’s last moment. She vents to Dad about all her mother’s sufferings but Dad can’t leave Madam Luo who’s also dying. Moments later, Madam Luo dies too as she calls out to her own daughter, Yuan Niang.
Brother Luo sighs that they don’t have the resource for a glorious funeral for their mother. Xu Ling Yi says he can handle it. The brother is so grateful, he offers Shi Yi Niang’s mother a spot in the shrine as well. Hearing this, Er Niang wants that for her mother too. Luo Family doesn’t permit it. Then Er Niang blurts that Shi Yi Niang never wanted to marry Xu Ling Yi in the first place; the day her mother died was the day she was escaping her marriage with him. Xu Ling Yi lies that he knew (he didn’t; he just wanted to side with Shi Yi Niang). Shi Yi Niang settles the dispute. She doesn’t want her’s mother’s tablet to be in Luo Family because then her mother will forever stay as Luo family’s concubine. Her mother’s dying wish was to never be a concubine again. Our copycat Er Niang is like I don’t want my mom to be living as a concubine either! Oh my god.
I said this: I miss Qiao Lian Fang.
Although Xu Ling Yi is disappointed that Shi Yi Niang married him because she wanted to investigate her mother’s death, he’s profoundly bitter that she believed him only when there was physical proof. Shi Yi Niang never trusted him. He believes everything she’s doing for him is only out of guilt and gratitude.
Lin Bo is in charge of taking Dong Qing home. She’s drunk. He compliments her for being cute when she’s not talking, obviously she can’t hear a thing. She stumbles backward and he grabs her waist before she fall.
Xu Ling Yi and Shi Yi Niang share a drink. She tells him how happy she is when she sews. Xu Ling Yi never thought of revoking her position at the pavilion. As long as he’s here, she can do whatever she wants. Shi Yi Niang cries in his shoulder that he’s too good to her. She’s sorry about what she did too. After she finishes wailing, she falls asleep, still hanging onto his neck. Again, it’s not an apology that Xu Ling Yi wants from her.
In the morning, Shi Yi Niang wakes up first. She’s finally not freaking out at Xu Ling Yi sleeping next to her. She leans on her elbow to take a better look at her husband. The sweet morning ends when Hu Po updates Shi Yi Niang that Madam Luo doesn’t have much time left.
The snobby and ungrateful Er Niang is visiting home too. Her birth mother dies. Her mother’s illness aggravated because Madam Luo accused her mother of theft and prohibited a doctor from examining her. Only Er Niang is there to see her mother’s last moment. She vents to Dad about all her mother’s sufferings but Dad can’t leave Madam Luo who’s also dying. Moments later, Madam Luo dies too as she calls out to her own daughter, Yuan Niang.
Brother Luo sighs that they don’t have the resource for a glorious funeral for their mother. Xu Ling Yi says he can handle it. The brother is so grateful, he offers Shi Yi Niang’s mother a spot in the shrine as well. Hearing this, Er Niang wants that for her mother too. Luo Family doesn’t permit it. Then Er Niang blurts that Shi Yi Niang never wanted to marry Xu Ling Yi in the first place; the day her mother died was the day she was escaping her marriage with him. Xu Ling Yi lies that he knew (he didn’t; he just wanted to side with Shi Yi Niang). Shi Yi Niang settles the dispute. She doesn’t want her’s mother’s tablet to be in Luo Family because then her mother will forever stay as Luo family’s concubine. Her mother’s dying wish was to never be a concubine again. Our copycat Er Niang is like I don’t want my mom to be living as a concubine either! Oh my god.
I said this: I miss Qiao Lian Fang.
Although Xu Ling Yi is disappointed that Shi Yi Niang married him because she wanted to investigate her mother’s death, he’s profoundly bitter that she believed him only when there was physical proof. Shi Yi Niang never trusted him. He believes everything she’s doing for him is only out of guilt and gratitude.

[Ep35] Xu Ling Yi ditches Shi Yi Niang to celebrate Madam Wen’s birthday. The sky starts pouring. Shi Yi Niang cries too. Then an umbrella shields her! It’s only Dong Qin. As she gets up, she trips. Someone helps her up. It’s Xu Ling Yi! He’s back because he was worried about her. He carries her all the way to bed. He was going to leave but her hands lock him in. She’s not letting him go. In a quiet voice, Shi Yi Niang apologizes. She knows she hurt him but she doesn’t want him to leave. She doesn’t want to lose him. Girl, that’s all he needed to hear. He sits back down and wipes her tears. Xu Ling Yi pulls her in for a kiss, a fervent one, a deep one. And oh la la, the deed is done. The next morning, Xu Ling Yi refuses to get up. He wants to sleep in with Shi Yi Niang, but our Zhao Ying is a good boy. He’s constantly reminding our Duke he’s going to be late. Xu Ling Yi can’t sleep in peace even if he’s Zhao Ying’s master.
The concubine, who Xu Ling Kuan recently married, has drowned. This shocks Dan Yang and sends her in labour. Thankfully, she safely gives birth to a son.
Xu Ling Yi thanks Shi Yi Niang for calming down Dan Yang. Xu Ling Yi smiles and asks for a reward.
Xu Ling Yi: I’ll reward you the opportunity to give birth to my child.
That earns him a slap – a loving slap. Just who is he rewarding? Her or himself? He’s like Okay, okay, how about give birth to two? Three? The more she glares at him, the more children he adds.
Shi Yi Niang is a busy girl this episode. She’s practically helping all the girls she knows. First, she resolves the concubine thing with Dan Yang. Xu Ling Kuan never slept with another girl, he was always faithful to Dan Yan. Then she helps Wu Niang start another business after she failed her first one (with the help of Xu Ling Yi). Then she tries to save Er Niang who’s entrapped in her own manor by her in-laws except Er Niang refuses Shi Yi Niang’s kindness, calling her two-faced. I miss Qiao Lian Fang!!
[Ep36] Shi Yi Niang is still the gracious angel and helps Er Niang without her knowing. She secretly gives Er Niang medication via the maid. The maid motivates Er Niang to live by reminding her she can’t let Shi Yi Niang have the better of her. Er Niang's hope to live is restored.
Er Niang is all better and kicks out her sister-in-law who almost tried to kill her. Shi Yi Niang is also secretly keeping an eye on her sister. She worries for Er Niang because her family is so weak now (um, I’m not really paying that much attention to Er Niang, but did Wang family lose all their sons?). Xu Ling Yi assigns servants to routinely patrol Wang family.
Also in this episode, enjoy some petty jealousy from Xu Ling Yi when Ou Yan Xing has better calligraphy than him. Shi Yi Niang easily cheers him up by asking him to teach her what he does best: archery. What’s the point of beautiful calligraphy when her man saves the country with his arrows?
Conveniently Ou Ling Xi is here with an edict to summon Shi Yi Niang and her sewing to the palace. His smugness gets the better of him. Our couple had a backup plan and his scheming backfires onto himself. He takes his flocking and our couple takes each other’s hand to walk out safe and sound. It seems like the Emperor was already unhappy with Ou Family.
Ou Yan Xing is whipped by his father for siding with Shi Yi Niang. Technically, he’s a shareholder of the same sewing business with Shi Yi Niang. For ethical reason, financial reasons and romantic reasons, it makes sense in every way for him to defend Shi Yi Niang but his father doesn’t think so. Xu and Ou just don’t mix. Period.
Madam Xu kicks Madam Wen out of the manor. I've figured it out. This drama is about destroying Xu Ling Yi's harem so Shi Yi Niang is the last one standing. Madam Xu also wants Shi Yi Niang out of her sewing business.
Second Couple: Lin Bo misunderstands that Dong Qing is committing suicide because of her burned hand. She stuck her hand in the fire to retrieve the sewing Madam Wen burnt. He thought she was afraid no one would want her. No worries, he tells her he’ll marry her. Even after he realizes he misunderstood, he’s sincere about marrying her.
[Ep38] Madam Wen burned the sewing under Wen Family's orders. They were being threatened by Ou Family. Her sister-in-law reminds her that they (Wen) are her only support especially when her son is only a concubine's son. Madam Wen wholeheartedly believes this. Omg an Er Niang #2.
Hu Po cries for Ou Yan Xin’s injuries. She thinks it’s her fault he’s injured because she asked him to help Shi Yi Niang. Through this, he finds out she likes him. However, Hu Po is self aware and knows she's not worthy of him. He never really thought it that way. More like he never considered her.
Er Niang discovers her maid is receiving benefits from Shi Yi Niang. All this time her sister was helping her. Will Er Niang’s have the brains to process this?
Madam Qin is the one who was is colluding with Ou Ling Xi. She wants revenge against Xu family which is why she offered her allegiance. He asks her to make Xu Ling Yi and Shi Yi Niang divorce. Madam Qin accepts the mission.
Xu Ling Yi was gone for a few days. He makes it back home at night and secretly peeks at Shi Yi Niang. She's lost in thought as she thinks of Xu Ling Yi. She hugs onto the fan he gave her. Xu Ling Yi smiles at this sight. So this is how much she misses him.
Madam Qin discovers “Bi Yu” is Hu Po’s sister. Um. Madam Tong?
Hu Po cries for Ou Yan Xin’s injuries. She thinks it’s her fault he’s injured because she asked him to help Shi Yi Niang. Through this, he finds out she likes him. However, Hu Po is self aware and knows she's not worthy of him. He never really thought it that way. More like he never considered her.
Er Niang discovers her maid is receiving benefits from Shi Yi Niang. All this time her sister was helping her. Will Er Niang’s have the brains to process this?
Madam Qin is the one who was is colluding with Ou Ling Xi. She wants revenge against Xu family which is why she offered her allegiance. He asks her to make Xu Ling Yi and Shi Yi Niang divorce. Madam Qin accepts the mission.
Xu Ling Yi was gone for a few days. He makes it back home at night and secretly peeks at Shi Yi Niang. She's lost in thought as she thinks of Xu Ling Yi. She hugs onto the fan he gave her. Xu Ling Yi smiles at this sight. So this is how much she misses him.
Madam Qin discovers “Bi Yu” is Hu Po’s sister. Um. Madam Tong?
The Luo sisters (including Er Niang) are worried about Shi Yi Niang after she's grounded by her mother-in-law. Er Niang denies she was worried but when she meets Madam Xu, her sharp words remind Madam Xu how filial and responsible Shi Yi Niang always was. I hate the stupidity of this character (Er Niang) but I think this actress did her best to colour her some life. Then Madam Qin slyly reminds Madam Xu about Shi Yi Niang's sewing business and Madam Xu is back to her foul mood. Madam Xu is like brainless parrot.
[Ep40] Madam Qin wins over Hu Po. How? Well, Madam Qin invites Nanny Tao for some drinks and Nanny Tao conveniently spills all the details about Madam Tong (Tong Bi Yu) who was once Yuan Niang's maid. Yuan Niang was pregnant and she didn't want to lose favour so she forced her maid to seduce Xu Ling Yi. My brain is not accepting this logic. Tong Bi Yu was at Yuan Niang's mercy because she was trying to find her younger sister. So both sisters were used by Yuan Niang and Madam Luo. Madam Tong later committed suicide because she was bullied after failing to seduce Xu Ling Yi. However, Madam Qin makes it sound like Xu Ling Yi had fault in her death too. If Xu Ling Yi had cared about his concubine, she wouldn't have committed suicide. Everything is either Xu Ling Yi's or Shi Yi Niang's fault.
Xu Ling Yi is caught in a fight between his mother and his wife; the wife wants to work and the mom wants grandchildren and obviously a female cannot do both at the same time. Mom threatens Xu Ling Yi that she'll have him marry another concubine. Hu Po hears this and her theory of him being a scum is further accentuated. Madam Qin continues to brainwash Hu Po that Shi Yi Niang is better off divorcing Xu Ling Yi.
Also, Hu Po misunderstands Dong Qing is crushing on Xu Ling Yi. I assume Hu Po's logic is this: if Dong Qing is going to betray my master then I will pull her down too. Hu Po sabotages Dong Qing by exposing she likes Xu Ling Yi. The evidence is Xu Ling Yi's waistband that Dong Qing kept. Dong Qing had meant to make a waistband for Lin Bo. Too late. Madam Luo gives Shi Yi Niang two options: 1) quit sewing and make Dong Qing a concubine, or 2) sell Dong Qing.
Hu Po moves onto part two of her plan. She persuades Dong Qing to be Xu Ling Yi's concubine. She's like: Remember how awful Qiao Lian Fang was! How could you, the loyal maid of Shi Yi Niang, watch your master suffer against another concubine! Therefore, betray your own master and be the concubine to utterly disappoint Shi Yi Niang even more! Dong Qing is swayed!
Why is Hu Po dragging down Dong Qing? Once Dong Qing betrays Shi Yi Niang then Shi Yi Niang will have the resolution to leave Xu Manor. O' Logic! Where art thou!
[Ep41] Part One of Hu Po's Plan: Dong Qing lies to Shi Yi Niang she was always in love with Xu Ling Yi. Part Two of Hu Po's Plan: Hu Po asks Ou Yan Xing for help to allow Shi Yi Niang to leave Xu Manor because it's better for Shi Yi Niang. Thus, Ou Yan Xing invites Shi Yi Niang for tea and offers to help her leave if she ever wanted to. Shi Yi Niang is undecided. All of a sudden, Xu Ling Yi gets rather jealous and argues with Shi Yi Niang that she shouldn't have privately met with Ou Yan Xing.
Shi Yi Niang settles on divorcing Xu Ling Yi.
Next, she escapes in Ou Yan Xing's carriage. Xu Ling Yi stops them from escaping. Suddenly, they're surrounded by Ou Ling Xi's men. He's so smug he's caught them that he spills everything about killing Shi Yi Niang's mother because she heard about his illegal involvement in the maritime business. Ta-da! Xu Ling Yi has back up – Duke Wei is here and he's heard everything. Ou Ling Xi is caught red-handed. Shi Yi Niang and Xu Ling Yi were baiting him. Our couple don't fall for crap like this. Ou Yan Xing was also part of the plan because Hu Po was too suspicious.
With nowhere left to run, Ou Ling Xi commits suicide. And now there's no proof against Ou Manor.
Madam Xu finally gives in to Shi Yi Niang sewing only after being reminded by every single person how amazing Shi Yi Niang always was. Madam Xu is obviously incapable of thinking logically until everyone else pressures her to see reality. Can she retire now, please?
[Ep42] Shi Yi Niang and Xu Ling Yi learn of Hu Po’s sister and how Hu Po holds a grudge against Xu Ling Yi for neglecting Madam Tong. If only he cared just a bit about her.
Madam Qin has a rendez-vous with Ou Ling Xi’s father. After he learns the reason for his son's death, he poisons Madam Qin. But! She doesn't die on the spot, she makes it all the way back home to explain her resentment towards Xu Family. They made her marry Xu Ling Yi as a concubine but Madam Xu forced her to take contraceptives. Madam Xu didn’t want her to be pregnant until Xu Ling Yi married his first wife. That contraceptive made her miscarry and forever infertile. Oh and on top of all that, she never got Xu Ling Yi’s love. Of course. That’s all the women in this house care about. Madam Xu clarifies the contraceptive was to protect her. If she gave birth before he marries a wife, that wife might bully her. Madam Qin ain’t taking that excuse no matter how true it is.
Xu Ling Yi apologizes for neglecting her. She laughs an empty one. All these years she waited for an apology but it’s no use now. She won’t forgive them but at least they don’t owe each other anymore. Before she breathes her last breath, she reveals to Shi Yi Niang she was present when her mother was murdered. After admitting that, she (finally) dies. Long-acting poison.
[Ep43] Lin Bo can’t find another hairpin to replace the broken one. Just as that crack is on the hairpin, it's also in his heart. He wants to repay Dong Qing with his life from hereon. It’s a proposal. The next day the two ask Shi Yi Niang for her approval. She approves but not without teasing Dong Qing a bit.
Wu Niang’s family is running out of money. Her husband becomes the target for Ou Dad's trap. They offer the husband a business proposal all with the purpose of luring in Jian shifu's Xianling Pavilion to invest. Once they invest, they're accused of corruption (with the pirates). Everyone at Xianling Pavilion is to be arrested and that includes Shi Yi Niang. Jian shifu is willing to sacrifice herself by taking all the blame. However, Jian shifu isn’t Ou Family’s target. All the proof is targeted at Shi Yi Niang with the ultimate purpose of destroying Xu Family.
A minister tells Xu Ling Yi the way to save his family from being entangled is to divorce Shi Yi Niang to let her take all the blame. Will Xu Ling Yi do it?
[Ep44] Ou Yan Xing find proof it’s his father who is subverting Xu Family. If Ou Yan Xing exposes that letter, their entire family will be persecuted. Will Ou Yan Xing do it?
Before any of the boys do anything, Shi Yi Niang acts first. She asks the guards to let her meet Ou Yan Xing. She wants him to retrieve her divorce letter with Xu Ling Yi (the one he wrote back in Ep28). Then at the summoning, Shi Yi Niang also shoulders all the blame for the pavilion. She is sacrificing herself to save everyone. Her execution will be in three days.
Before any of the boys do anything, Shi Yi Niang acts first. She asks the guards to let her meet Ou Yan Xing. She wants him to retrieve her divorce letter with Xu Ling Yi (the one he wrote back in Ep28). Then at the summoning, Shi Yi Niang also shoulders all the blame for the pavilion. She is sacrificing herself to save everyone. Her execution will be in three days.

Xu Ling Yi visits Shi Yi Niang in the prison.
Xu Ling Yi: I definitely won't give up on you.Shi Yi Niang: Xu Ling Yi, marrying you, my life is with no regrets. // If there's a next life, let's be married again.Shi Yi Niang pushes him away but Xu Ling Yi tightly grasps onto her hand.Xu Ling Yi: I only want this life. Shi Yi Niang, you listen well, we can't give up here. We've been through so much. This road wasn't easy but we trusted each other. Just like how you didn't use the divorce letter to leave last time, this time, I won't abandon you.
It seems like Tan Song Yun can't get away from being imprisoned in the last few episodes of her historical dramas.
Oh and Madam Xu finally realizes how precious Shi Yi Niang was this entire time. Using her title, Madam Xu (and the rest of Xu Family) begs the Emperor. Thus they get a month's time to search for more evidence until Shi Yi Niang is executed.
A desperate Xu Ling Yi finds the maritime dude who Shi Yi Niang is accused of colluding with. Ou Family is after this dude too because he holds the proof (ledger) that can convict Ou Family of their crimes. This pirate gives Xu Ling Yi the ledger. However, Ou Dad counter-sues Xu Ling Yi for the collusion and now Xu Ling Yi is on the run. As a result, Shi Yi Niang's execution day is shortened to ten days.
A desperate Xu Ling Yi finds the maritime dude who Shi Yi Niang is accused of colluding with. Ou Family is after this dude too because he holds the proof (ledger) that can convict Ou Family of their crimes. This pirate gives Xu Ling Yi the ledger. However, Ou Dad counter-sues Xu Ling Yi for the collusion and now Xu Ling Yi is on the run. As a result, Shi Yi Niang's execution day is shortened to ten days.
Er Niang visits Shi Yi Niang. Someone is eavesdropping and so Shi Yi Niang gives Er Niang a cryptic message: a rock right under the light where it's dark. The translation: Xu Ling Yi (the rock) is hiding in the most dangerous place (the light) because that is the safest place. There's also a Korean proverb I learned from Running Man (Ep545 if you were curious) that relates to this: "It's the darkest directly under the lamp."
[Ep45] So where is Xu Ling Yi? He infiltrated into the guards that are chasing after him. Shi Yi Niang sure knows him well. But Xu Ling Yi falls out of line with the rest of the masked man making it SO obvious he's not one of them. Now he's back on the run. Duke Wei saves him. It's not a coincidence Duke Wei is here. It's because of Shi Yi Niang's cryptic message to Er Niang that he knows where to save Xu Ling Yi. But will Xu Ling Yi make it in time to submit the evidence to the Emperor before Shi Yi Niang is to be executed today? Ou Yan Xing helps out as a decoy to buy time (even if it means putting his own family at risk). Meanwhile, the rest of Xu Family stall time at the execution site. The sword strikes down on Shi Yi Niang's neck....
Scene switch!
A maid asks Madam Xu what to do with Shi Yi Niang's clothes. "Burn them." Then Dong Qing comes running in to ask Xu Ling Yi if Shi Yi Niang is awake (well...she's lying there with her eyes closed....gee, I wonder if she's awake too). At least she's alive! Slowly, Shi Yi Niang opens her eyes. Everything is okay now. She is no longer a convict; Xu Ling Yi handed the proof to the Emperor. The truth will be out soon. There's another piece of news he shares with her: Shi Yi Niang is pregnant.
Ou Dad is arrested. Madam Ou commits suicide. Then there's the poor Ou Yan Xing. He's in prison too. What a pitiful character. When Shi Yi Niang visits him in prison, he admits to withholding the evidence in the first place. He doesn't need Xu Ling Yi to ask the Emperor to pardon him. His love cannot compare to Xu Ling Yi's. Unlike him, Xu Ling Yi's love never wavered even when his life and family was on the line. Ou Yan Xing has lost completely. I had thought he gave up already....
Ou Yan Xing isn't executed but he is exiled. Hu Po wants to leave with him but he rejects her. Still, Hu Po follows him.
Xu Ling Yi brings Yu'ge to visit Madam Wen. He knows she's not the spy (it was Madam Qin). However, Madam Wen accepts her punishment because she did commit a sin. Xu Ling Yi gives her options to leave or stay. He will support any decision of hers. Madam Wen notes how this is the first time he's ever been so gentle to her. She has yet to make a decision but she knows what she wants most is to be with Yu'ge. Madam Wen will accompany Yu'ge to boarding school.
Shi Yi Niang visits Er Niang to thank her. Er Niang plays it cool but she's been eagerly waiting for Shi Yi Niang to visit her. She even prepared Shi Yi Niang's favourite tea. You know what, I kind of like Er Niang.

Shi Yi Niang is at home practicing qin. She pretends to struggle with it just to attract Xu Ling Yi's attention. Now that the Ou and Xu feud is over, Xu Ling Yi can finally play qin again.
Years later.
Xu Ling Yi and Shi Yi Niang have a daughter together. Her name is Nuan Nuan. Zhun'ge is to be married soon. Yu'ge is doing very well academically. Also, Shi Yi Niang's sewing business has expanded and she's empowering women all over the world. Because of that, Shi Yi Niang is rewarded with a noble title. Our couple leave the palace hand in hand.
The end.
[First Impression (Ep1-8)] This definitely reminds me of Ming Lan. Those who haven't watched Ming Lan will need to understand two terms: 嫡女 and 庶女. 嫡女 (Di Nu) is the direct daughter of the household. In this drama, our "Di Nu'" would be Qiao Lian Fang in Qiao Family and Yuan Niang in Luo Family. They're the daughters of the rightful wife. The rest of the daughters born from other wives (concubines) are referred to as 庶女 (Shu Nu), the ordinary girls. That would be our female lead, Luo Shi Yi Niang.
This is the story of our ordinary girl, Shi Yi Niang, becoming the rightful wife of our male lead. Meanwhile Qiao Lian Fang, the direct daughter of Qiao family, becomes the concubine of our male lead. It's a flip in status and it's all because of Shi Yi Niang's older sister's manipulation. She is Yuan Niang, the 嫡女 of Luo Family and the rightful wife of our male lead but she's dying. Before her death, she throws Shi Yi Niang in her husband's harem and now Shi Yi Niang has to fend off against all these witches and foxes all by herself.
Then we have our male lead, Xu Ling Yi. This dude just wants to do his job and he's caught in the battle of his wives for his love or for the status. I feel for him, lol.
First six episodes are a little slow but necessary for the setup of why Shi Yi Niang is married to Xu Ling Yi. It’s Ep7 where I truly start enjoying this because it’s the marriage! Our couple is so awkward, it’s funny. He’s the slow kind of guy who hasn’t shown any love to his wives/concubines. If anything, he respects his women. Shi Yi Niang is smart and no damsel in distress. She won’t mess with anyone unless they mess with her. I’m hoping there’s a bit of comedy between her and Madam Wen (who seems like quite the dimwit) to balance out all the nasty female rivalry that’s supposed to happen.
What I’m worried about: the tightness and supposed cleverness of this drama. If the script isn’t that smart then Shi Yi Niang isn’t that smart then the whole drama could fall apart.
[Actors/Actresses] There's some very familiar faces acting as Wallace Chung's wives and concubine. There's Ying Er as Yuan Niang, Liu Yun as Madam Wen and Li Sheng as Madam Qin. This entire cast is pretty strong...
It’s been such a long time since I’ve watched a Wallace Chung drama (My Sunshine!). In my very quiet voice: he’s not that good looking anymore. But! I still have a soft spot for him because of My Sunshine. I do like it that Wallace Chung is capable of bringing humour to his stoic character.
Tan Song Yun is one of my favourite actresses and continues to be. This time she sheds her bubbliness. Her Shi Yi Niang is quietly intimidating with an air of innocence.
[News] It’s an old news but Tan Song Yun’s mother died in 2018 when a man drove into her. It was only until September of 2020 the man was convicted of his crimes. I’m reminded of this news again because of her scenes as Shi Yi Niang and her determination to seek out her mother’s murderer. My heart already hurt for her in Go Ahead, and now I’m hurting for her again here. Can her management avoid these characters for her? Perhaps she’s a professional and she can face it, but it hurts me.
[Behind the Scenes]
- [Ep8] Bath Scene: Wallace Chung playfully hits Tan Song Yun because she ended up laughing.
[Ending] Happy. Shi Yi Niang becomes Xu Ling Yi's one and only wife.
Final Review
[Review] Not a lot of dramas make me this angry and this one did it with with flying colours. Drama, kudos to you. This is sloppy writing at its perfection.
A major part of why this upsets me this much is because I really wanted to love this for the actors. My theory of where exactly this drama went wrong for me is because I took this moderately seriously (which is how the drama presented itself!). If you watched this lightly, you're probably not as mad as me.
This review will be [All Spoilers]; read at your own risk. If you love the drama, it's better for you to not read on. I'm rather angry as I type this and so I don't have the right thinking cap on to recall anything remotely likeable.
First, let me briefly tell you how the two biggest baddies fell:
Qiao Lian Fang: Mua-ha-ha-ha. I did x, y, and z! Catch me if you can but you can’t! Ha! Because you’re going to die and no one will know! – chiiing – Xu Ling Yi appears.
Ou Ling Xi: Mua-ha-ha-ha. I did x, y, and z! Catch me if you can but you can’t! Ha! Because you’re going to die and no one will know! – chiiing – Xu Ling Yi’s men appear.
How did our couple overcome every misfortune?
Q: Our couple, how did you guys capture Qiao Lian Fang?
A: We pretended to fight! See flashback.
Q: Xu Ling Yi, how did you capture the guys who fed Shi Yi Niang fake evidence about her mother’s death?
A: I pretended to die! See flashback.
Q: Our couple, how did you avoid Madam Wen’s sabotage?
A: We pretended to not have a backup plan! See flashback.
Q: Our couple, how did you guys capture Ou Ling Xi?
A: We pretended to fight again! See flashback.
Every “smart” thing happens in flashback. Or more like our villains are dimwits to fall for the same trick every single time. Scriptwriter, you do not turn villains into idiots to make your main leads look smart.
It's a miracle how Xu Ling Yi isn’t gynophobic because he really should be when all the women in his house are psychos. I’m ashamed they’re categorized as women.
Yuan Niang forced her maid to rape him
Qiao Lian Fang murders his wife to marry him and was this close to murdering his second wife.
Madam Wen put the entire Xu Family at the mercy of the Emperor by burning the sewing piece.
Madam Qin plots to kill entire Xu family.
(Madam Xu is actually a parrot without a brain of her own.)
No wonder Shi Yi Niang is an angel to him. Look at the competition.
Do not tell me this is a drama that empowers women because Shi Yi Niang is independent yatta yatta yatta when 90% or women who do not go by "Shi Yi Niang" are butchered and degraded. Shi Yi Niang being smart among a bunch of idiots mean nothing to me. What really nags at me is that these "women" all have their "reasons" to betray but at the end of it all it's because of LOVE.
Yuan Niang forced her maid to rape him because she wanted to keep his love
Qiao Lian Fang killed Yuan Niang and tried to kill Shi Yi Niang because of love.
Madam Wen burned the sewing because her son is being sent away. But ultimately, it was because he didn't love her back.
Madam Qin wanted revenge for her miscarriage. But ultimately, it was because he didn't love her back.
Hu Po cannot forgive Xu Ling Yi for her sister's death because he didn’t love her sister.
Yes. Women cannot live without love. They all resorted to evil because Xu Ling Yi neglected them. If only men love their women, we women wouldn't be so dumb! O' woe is women.
Never will I ever watch another drama from this scriptwriter: Cheng Ting Yu. If I ever do, it's because I forgot to check the scriptwriter and I would be forever grateful if you remind me to not watch it. Much thanks in advance.
Random Recommendation: General's Lady
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