February 22, 2020

Su Ran Ran's Husband Hunting Journey Episode 40 to 45 Recap

These set of episodes cover the Red Lady's love story and the beginning of Ran Ran's cursed life.

I'm kind of sorry...? I had this written up years ago but didn't have time to edit so I never published it. There's also a lack of screencaps for later episodes. But I don't have Episodes 46+ ready at all... I'll actually have to re-watch it and re-learn everyone's names again. So many brothers, I forgot their numbers. But uh, I'll try, probably without pictures...Thankfully the episodes are short and there's only five left. 

[Episode 40]

Previously Ran Ran and Ri Xuan’s love story was the focal point but now Red Lady and Wu She’s past finally get their limelight.
Red Lady, like Ran Ran, was cursed by her predecessor.
Wu She tries to save her from being cursed but he’s too late. Regardless, Wu She takes her under his wing and teaches her to suppress her instincts to kill. Wu She wants her to call him “teacher/master” – i.e. someone skilled. She refuses to call him that, instead she calls him by his name.
Their lovely time together is short-lived as her nature to kill takes over. The first time she killed, it was actually to protect someone else but Wu She misunderstood her and tried to confiscate her bell (which magically hypnotizes people such that they kill themselves – very convenient). She begs him not to and he gives in on the condition that she won’t use it to take people’s lives anymore.

Well, that doesn’t go so well.

The villagers had heard about her murdering someone and had come to avenge the victim only to be killed by her with her bell. I would say its self defence… I guess. And once again, Wu She comes in the nick of time to witness the killing. Poor girl doesn’t even get a chance to explain herself.
Wu She’s lack of faith in her drove her to her current state of madness. And that’s it to their “love” story. I was expecting more.

And we’re finally back to the present.
Although Ran Ran inherited the curse, it’s Qing Tian who becomes most like Red Lady, a killing monster, hungry for power (and love). Qing Tian kills Dao Shi and Red Lady by forcefully absorbing their powers, which should make her super-duper powerful. Then she disappears.
This is Red Lady ascending to her death… Creeeeepy.
And now Ran Ran has fully inherited the curse with Red Lady's death. She faints (because of power overload?). I can't count how many times she'll faint for henceforth.

[Episode 41]

A new episode, a new tone – time for some cuteness!
Su Nan (5th Bro) is so caring towards Yao Bing (albeit, he decides to show it by being bossy). She, on the other hand, doesn’t notice the sweetness because she’s worried about Ran Ran and her sister (Qint Tian). Cue scene cut to her sister:
(Poor?) Qing Tian can’t handle the power overload as she coughs out blood. Her evil laugh is awkward.  
As for Ran Ran, Ri Xuan has prohibited anyone but himself from entering her dorm. 7th Bro is a bit annoyed but Su Nan lets Ri Xuan have his way because he realizes her sister and him are madly in love. Shortly after Ran Ran finally wakes up but she’s amnesic again!


She’s just joking around. Everyone except Ri Xuan freaked out at her amnesic joke. I think he’s just happy she’s alive. I mean she already forgotten him once, what’s once more?
Their loving gaze towards each other makes everyone else retreat. It’s a little sad to see Qin Lang being the first one to leave. Poor guy.
Later at night, Ran Ran and Ri Xuan are cherishing their time together, not on the bed, on the rooftop. I wish these two were happier and less solemn but then again there isn’t anything happy about Ran Ran being cursed. She’s guilty about forgetting him and they both promise to never leave one another again.
And they kiss~~~
The couple now in charge of bickering is Su Nan and Yao Bing. This guy, who’s normally understanding, and knows how to please everyone is the exact opposite when he’s with Yao Bing. He becomes an alpha male, being terribly overprotective and controlling of her. However, Yao Bing isn’t some beta female he can control, she’s an alpha too. This makes me so happy especially when Yao Bing has more alpha-ness than him. Whenever these two argue, our pitiful 7th Bro is always caught in the middle. Cute.
Qing Tian takes hostage of her sister. What is the purpose of this??

All Qing Tian got out of this was a flat-out rejection from Ri Xuan emphasizing (over and over again) he can’t love Qing Tian because he will only love Ran Ran for the rest of his life and even if Ran Ran didn’t exist, he wouldn’t love another woman. He’s destined to love only Ran Ran regardless of whether she existed in the same lifetime as him. What a rejection.  

With that rejection, Qing Tian abducts Yao Bing. Su Nan and Yi Chen chases after them. Ri Xuan follows suit, leaving Ran Ran in 7th Bro’s care.

Yao Bing tries to convince her sister that she is loved but Qing Tian really isn’t in the right mind to accept any form of logic.
While sustaining some injury, Su Nan (and others) save Yao Bing. Qing Tian disappears yet again.

[Episode 42]
5th Bro is caring for Ran Ran but he falls asleep. Ran Ran’s curse is starting to take effect as she fixates her gaze to his neck, wanting to suck his blood. Luckily she snaps out of it.
This time its Yao Bing’s who’s caring for the injured Su Nan. When he wakes up, he’s pleased she’s the first person he sees. He smiles at her lovingly. This embarrasses her and she slaps him to make him stop. He grimaces in pain. When she rubs his chest to ease the pain he grabs her hand, keeping it by his heart. With a little push and pull, she ends up falling right into his embrace.
There’s this cute bickering that ensues. Yao Bing wants to return to Tai Yi Shan because she belongs there but Su Nan is like who do you belong to? He traps her between a wall and goes in for a kiss but Yao Bing doesn’t remain submissive for long. She bundles him up and he’s forced to go to TYS with her. 7th Bro is standing in the sidelines watching his brother being kidnapped. He has completely converted to team sister-in-law.

Both Qing Tian and Ran Ran are struggling with their newfound abilities. Ran Ran has this unquenchable thirst and barely escapes from sucking someone dry until she bumps into Qin Lang. He still loves her but he isn’t confident he’ll love her unconditionally like Ri Xuan. Ri Xuan assures Qin Lang that if she succumbs to her curse, he’ll “simply stay be with her” (because that’s true love). Qin Lang acknowledges his rival.

It’s Ran Ran who’s unable to accept her curse. She wants to die alone but Ri Xuan asks her earnestly: “What about me?” Alas, they decide to go back to where they first met.

[Episode 43]

Ran Ran has slowly come to hate herself; she can’t bear to live on with the curse possessing her. She begs him to kill her. Ri Xuan promises he’ll love her no matter what.

Ri Xuan: We will be together forever. Even if you turn into an old lady, I will love you the same.

He really doesn’t care about the curse because Ran Ran is Ran Ran. He even cuts himself to quench her thirst. When she finds out he's been feeding her with his blood she’s disgusted with herself and runs away. While she’s on her own, she fights her evil instincts by reminding herself there are people who still love her.

Ri Xuan eventually finds her and takes her back home to visit her family. However, she’s now the prime suspect in a serial murder case involving several girls being sucked dry of their blood.

Mu Chen overheard the rumors that she’s the killer and he believes it. This is the second time he distrusts her. Ri Xuan convinces him that Ran Ran can’t be the killer otherwise she would have been rejuvenated from all that blood and not look like a thirsty monster like she is now. The real murderer is Qing Tian. She’s trying to frame Ran Ran.

Meanwhile Qin Lang receives direct order from the Emperor to arrest Ran Ran.

[Episode 44]

Ri Xuan takes Ran Ran to her mother who had fainted at the news of her daughter’s arrest warrant. That night, she sneaks into her mother's chambers and writes mom a letter detailing what herbal medicine she’ll need to maintain her health. She leaves her mom before she wakes up. Ran Ran doesn’t want her mother to worry about her when she sees how sick she has become.

Later that night, Qing Tian overtakes Ran Ran’s body to seduce Ri Xuan. Except Ran Ran overcomes Qing Tian’s possession. Qing Tian needs more female blood to hone her possession skills.

Even though Qin Lang has orders, he doesn’t arrest her. He believes in her and sets them free. But can they pass through Mu Chen now?

[Episode 45]

Ran Ran stands up for herself to convince Mu Chen she'll find the real murderer and so Mu Chen backs off. 
Night time comes, Qing Tian lures Ri Xuan, leaving Ran Ran alone. She gets deceived by a super suspicious girl to visit her family. I can't believe she falls for it. Without Ri Xuan at her side she becomes vulnerable to Qing Tian's bell hypnosis and almost kills the innocent. Thankfully, Qin Lang comes to stop her (again). However, Qing Tian still manages to frame Ran Ran. 


I’m glad I get to see The Red Lady actress without all the creepy special effects and the creepy laughs. I like her and her versatility at being completely creepy to looking genuinely naïve.
Red Lady envies Ran Ran because she never had a Ri Xuan in her life. Instead she had Wu She, who by all means is no evil guy, but he just wouldn’t believe her. Wu She is like a Mu Chen. If Ran Ran had never met Ri Xuan, she would have walked the same path as the Red Lady.

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