February 12, 2025

[2024] CP Names

An index of 2024 CP names.

10 Phrases/Idioms

Learn Chinese from CP names.
Pictures may not all be accurate visual representations.

[CP: You Are My Secret (2CP) | Picture: Blossom]
To couple strength and gentleness
gāng róu bìng jì 

This idiom expresses the idea that true balance comes from the harmonious coexistence of opposing qualities: 刚 (gāng) – strong and firm; 柔 (róu) – soft and gentle, much like the perfect man above. He appears tough but is actually a cinnamon roll.

[CP: Nancheng Banquet | Picture: The Double]
To shift the ground
fān yún fù yǔ
To produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another

Commonly used to describe someone like Trump who wield immense power and can alter situations at their will, and carries a sense of unpredictability and potential danger. Other definitions: Tricky and inconstant / to make love (hmmm)

[CP: Burning Flames | Picture: Love Game]
Innocent playmates
liǎng xiǎo wú cāi
Two little ones without guessing

Commonly used to describe the innocent and carefree interactions between young boys and girls who are not yet aware of romantic love.

青梅竹馬 (qīng méi zhú mǎ) is a related idiom, meaning Childhood sweetheartsGreen plums and bamboo horses (lit.).

Both phrases originate from Li Bai's (李白)《長干行》: "郎騎竹馬來,繞床弄青梅。同居長幹裡,兩小無嫌猜", which describes two little ones, childhood sweethearts growing up together in innocence, free of suspicion or secrecy. 青梅 (qing mei) refers to the girl tossing green plums near her bed. 竹馬 (zhu ma) refers to a boy riding a bamboo stick like a horse. From carefree playmates they become lifelong companions. 

[CP: Shen Li | Picture: The Princess Royal]
xíng yǐng bù lí
As the shadow is to the body

息息相关 (xī xī xiāng guān) is a related idiom, meaning Closely connected, like breathing (each breath follows the other).

The blessing of three lifetimes
sān shēng yǒu xìng

The fortune of meeting a beloved in not just one, but three lifetimes, which doesn't have to mean literally three lifetimes. It's to express the depth and intensity of one's feelings for another person. Of course, there are dramas that take this literally (namely 三生三世十里桃花 Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms).

[CP: In the Name of the Bro. | Pic: Snowy Night]
Provide help in the hour of need
xuě zhōng sòng tàn
To send charcoal in snowy weather

Imagine you're freezing to death and someone gives you charcoal – the exact help you needed to survive. The phrase emphasizes timing of the help and conveys the idea of going above and beyond to help someone in need whether it is through words of encouragement, practical assistance, or simply being there for someone. 

[CP: WLiS | Picture: Love in the Desert]
Take advantage of someone's misfortune
chèn huǒ dǎ jié
To loot a burning house

Imagine you're freezing to death and can't move and someone decides to loot your house right now. A theory for this phrase's origin came from ancient military strategy where attackers would exploit an enemy during internal turmoil. (Don't many palace dramas come to mind now?)

[CP: The Best of My Life | Picture: FoF]
What's done cannot be undone
mù yǐ chéng zhōu
The timber has been turned into a boat already

It is the point of no return.  With period dramas, it's often used (unfortunately) to take someone's virginity so that they'd have to marry the virginity-taker.

覆水难收 (fù shuǐ nán shōu) is a related idiom, meaning Actions have consequences that can't be undone; (You) cannot retrieve water that's spilt; it's no use crying over spilt milk.

[CP: Fangs of Fortune | Picture: Dafeng]
Obliged to collaborate towards shared goals
tóng zhōu gòng jì
Cross a river in the same boat

This partnership to cross the river isn't merely advantageous but often essential for mutual success, as their challenges resembles navigating a river's uncertainties in one boat (or drown together).

[CP: Fangs of Fortune | Picture: Dafeng]
Struggling against adversity
nì shuǐ xíng zhōu
Navigating a boat against the current; swimming upstream

An encouraging expression that means to remain steadfast in their pursuits, even when faced with setbacks or obstacles.

Top 10 CPs

(from 2024 Polls)

1. Song Mo & Dou Zhao

♥ From Dawn to Dusk 
Song Mo 宋墨 + Dou Zhao 竇昭
Zhao Zhao Mo Mo 昭昭墨墨
→ 朝朝暮暮 Zhao Zhao Mu Mu

2. Zi Qi & Ling Miao Miao

Main CP
♥ Endlessly Interesting 
Zi Qi 子期 + Ling Miao Miao 凌妙妙
Qi Si Miao Xiang 期思妙想
→ 奇思妙想
♥ An Unconventional but Wonderful Idea 
Mu Sheng 慕聲 + Ling Miao Miao 凌妙妙
Miao Qu Heng Sheng 妙趣橫聲
→ 妙趣橫生

3. Xiao Heng & Xue Fang Fei

Main CP
 Very Arrogant 
Xiao Heng 蕭蘅 + Xue Fang Fei 薛芳菲
Fei Chang Xiao Zhang 菲常蕭張

4. Pei Wen Xuan & Li Rong

 Very Delighted at [Our] Compatibility 
Pei Wen Xuan 裴文宣 + Li Rong 李蓉
Xuan Xuan Xiang Rong 宣宣向蓉
→ 軒軒相容

5. Gu Yan Xi & Hua Zhi

Main CP
♥ To Seize Every Minute 
Gu Yan Xi 顧晏惜 + Hua Zhi 花芷
Zhi Zheng Zhao Xi 芷爭朝惜
→ 只争朝夕 To make the best use of one's time

6. Ji Yu Heng & Tu Xiao Ning

 A Household Name 
Ji Yu Heng 紀昱恆 + Tu Xiao Ning 塗筱檸
Jia Yu Hu Xiao 家昱戶筱

7. Shen Huan & Shao Yao

2nd CP
♥ Shinning Peony Flower 
= Shen Huan 沈煥 + Shao Yao 芍藥
Huan Huan Shao Yao Hua 煥煥芍藥花

8. Chen Mai Dong & Zhuang Jie

♥ Loot a Burning House 
Chen Mai Dong 陳麥冬 + Zhuang Jie 莊潔
Chen Huo Qiang Jie 陳火搶潔
→ 趁火打劫 To take advantage of someone’s misfortune

9. Cui Xing Zhou & Liu Miao Tang

 Hypnosis CP 
Cui Xing Zhou 崔行舟 + Liu Mian Tang 柳眠棠
Cui Mian CP 崔眠夫婦

10. Lin Yi Yang & Yin Guo
Lin Yi Yang 林亦揚 + Yin Guo 殷果
Yi Guo 亦果

All Other CPs

(A somewhat chronological order)

 A Source of Easy Money 
Qian Heng 錢恆 + Cheng Yao 成瑤
Yao Qian Shu 瑤錢樹
A legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken

 Grinning From Ear to Ear 
Xiao Yi Cheng 肖一成 + Lin Xi 林西
Xi Xiao Yan Kai 西蕭顏開

Lin Tian Yu 林天宇 + Cheng An Xin 程安心
Xin Qi Tian 心期天
 Xing Qi Tian 星期天 means Sunday, and they replaced 星 with 心 (heart)

 Yun Sha 
Yun Tian He 雲天河 + Han Ling Sha 韓菱紗
Yun Sha CP 雲紗夫婦

 Pig to the Nth Power 
Yue Jin Zhao 越今朝 + Yue Qi 越祈
= Zhu Ci Fang 豬次方 
(unrelated to names)
 Both Xu Kai and Yu Shu Xin are 95'ers, the year of the pig. 

Love Endures

 Soybean Paste 
Jiang Yi 蒋翼 + Huang Ying Zi 黄瀛子 
Huang Dou Jiang 黃豆蔣

 Glittering Jewels to Delight the Eye 
Bai Lang 白浪 + Mu Di 穆笛
= Lin Lang Man Mu 琳瑯滿穆 

 So Nice 
Jiang Jie 姜芥 + Li Nai 李柰
Jie Me Nai Si 芥麼柰絲
→ Zhe Me Nice 這麼 Nice

1st CP
 Mai Shang 
A Mai 阿麥 Shang Yi Zhi 商易之 
Mai Shang 

2nd CP
 Mai Sui Love Forever 
A Mai 阿麥 + Chang Yu Qing 常缽青 
Mai Sui Chang Qing 麦穗常青

 Buyer's Show 
A Mai 阿麥 + Xiu'er 
Mai Jia Xiu 麥家秀
→ 買家秀

2nd CP
 Rain From the East Is About to Arrive 
Meng Xiao Dong 孟曉東 + Lin Lin 林霖
Lin Dong Jiang Zhi 霖東將至

 Fantasies Behind the Pearly Curtain 
Lin Yi Yang 林亦揚 + Meng Xiao Dong 孟曉東
= Yi Lian You Meng 亦簾幽孟
→ 一簾幽孟 A 1990s romance drama

 Lan Jiu 
Lin Jiu Shi 凌久時 + Ruan Lan Zhu 阮瀾畫
Lan Jiu 瀾久


 A Banquet of Peaches of Immortality 
Zhang Xiao Yan 張小彥 + Tao Shu Na 陶姝娜
= Pan Tao Sheng Yan 蟠陶盛彥
→ 蟠桃盛宴
A victory banquet to taste the peaches of immortality from Goddess Xi Wangmu

 Qiu Bing 
Li Bing 李餅 + Qiu Qing Zhi 邱慶之
Qiu Bing 邱餅

Yong An Dream

Main CP
 A Rare Treasure 
Lu Yan Shi 陸時硯 + Shen Zhen 沈甄 
= Xi Shi Zhen Bao 稀時甄寶
→ 稀世珍寶

2nd CP
 Safe and Sound 
Zhou Shu An 週述安 + Shen Ran 沈姌
An Ran Wu Yang 安姌無恙
→ 安然無恙

 A Story of the Ages 
Gu Xun 顧尋 + Yue Qian Ling 岳千靈 
Qian Gu Jia Hua 千顧佳話
→ 千古佳話

Five King of Thieves

 Water Fire CP 
Huo Xiao Ya 火小邪 + Shui Yao'er 水妖兒
Huo Shui 水火CP

Main CP
 Innocent Playmates 
Wu Geng 伍賡 + Bai Cai 白菜
= Liang Xiao Wu Cai 兩小伍菜
→ 兩小無猜

ML + 2FL
 Indigo Woad Root 
Wu Geng 伍賡 + A Lan 阿嵐
= Ban Lan Geng 板嵐賡
→ 板藍根 (Chinese herb)

 Disobedient to Parents 
Wu Geng 伍賡 + Ni Tian Er Xing 逆天而行
Wu Ni 伍逆
→ 忤逆 (Chinese herb)

Main CP
 Fond of Pan & Yang 
Pan Yue 潘樾 + Yang Cai Wei 楊采薇
Pan Yang Zhi Hao 潘楊之好

2nd CP
 Fresh Ginger CP 
Zhuo Lan Jiang 卓澜江 + Bai Xiao Sheng 白小笙
Shen Jiang 笙江CP
→ 生薑

Xing Zhi 行止 + Shen Li 沈璃
Xing Ying Bu Li 行影不璃
→ 形影不離 Inseparable like the body and its shadow

 Rumour CP 
Ji Cheng Chuan 季承川 + Song Yao 宋瑤
Yao Chuan CP
→ 謠傳

Fortune Writer

 Secretly Harbour Feelings 
Lu Huai 陸淮 + Su Yun Qi 蘇雲綺
= An Huai Qing Su 暗淮情蘇
→ 暗懷情愫

War of Faith

 God's Writing 
Wei Ruo Lai 魏若來 + Shen Tu Nan 沈圖南
Shen Lai Zhi Bi 沈來之筆
→ 神來之筆

 To Wish to Continue 
Wei Ruo Lai 魏若來 + Shen Jin Zhen 沈近真
= Yi You Wei Jin 意猶魏近
→ 意猶未盡

♥ Famous Overnight 
Yao Zhi Ming 姚志明 + Mai Cheng Huan 麥承歡
= Yi Ye Cheng Ming 一夜承明
→ 一夜成名

Live Surgery

 Almond Pastry 
Zheng Ren 鄭仁 + Su Yun 蘇雲
= Xing Ren Su 杏仁蘇
→ 杏仁酥

In the Name of the Brother

 ♥ To Help in the Nick of Time 
Song Zhuo Wen 宋卓文 + Guan Xue 關雪
Xue Zhong Song Tan 雪中​​宋炭
→ 雪中送炭 To send charcoal in snowy weather

Shooting Stars
Xiao Zhan | Ren Min
♥ The Love of Min and Sheng 
♥ The Love for People’s Welfare 

Xiang Yuan Sheng 向遠生 + Luo Min Min 駱珉敏 
Min Sheng Zhi Lian 珉生之戀
→ 民生之戀s

My Divine Emissary

 Montage CP 
Qi Yan 祁炎 + Li Meng Meng 黎萌萌
Meng Tai Qi 萌太祁
(English loanword)

The Substitute Princess’s Love
Dylan Kuo | Zhang Miao Yi

 Love at First Kiss 
Wen Ye 聞夜 + Shen Ke Yi 沈可矣
Yi Wen Ding Qing 矣聞定情
→ 一吻定情

Lady Revenger Returns From the Fire
Wei Zhe Ming | Xu Lu

♥ Gentle Cool Breeze 
Xu Cheng Feng 徐程風 + Shen Dan Qing 沈丹青
= Qing Feng Xu Xu 清風徐徐

Tender Light
Zhang Xin Cheng | Tong Yao

 Nanzhou Ramen 
Zhou Luo 週洛 + Nan Ya 南雅
Nan Zhou La Mian 南週拉麵
→ Tong Yao even “made” ramen live

Young Babylon
Hou Ming Hao | Yang Cai Yu

 Block the Road CP 
Lu Xiao Lu 路小路 + Bai Lan 白藍 
Lan Lu 攔路 
→ 拦路

Men in Love

Main CP
 Midnight Snack CP 
Ye Han 葉晗 + Li Xiao Xiao 李瀟瀟
= Xiao Ye 瀟葉
→ 宵夜

2nd CP
 Gentle Cool Breeze 
Xu Yan 許彥 + Xu Jia Lun 徐嘉琳
= Qing Feng Xu Xu 清風徐許
→ "清風"徐徐
 "Cool breeze" ≈ pure and honest

Main CP
 Rice Bowl CP 
Fan Xian 範閒 + Lin Wan’er 林婉兒
Fan Wan 飯碗
→ Rice Bowl = Job (What a boring name lol)

Prince of Qing and Princess of Bei Qi
 Big Big Bubble Gum 
Princess 大公主 + 1st Prince 大皇子
Da Da Pao Pao Tang 大大泡泡糖

Li Cheng Ze's (2nd Prince) CPs:
 Xian Ze 
Li Cheng Ze 李承澤 + Fan Xian 範閒
Xian Ze 閒澤

♥ Bi Ze 
Li Cheng Ze 李承澤 + Xie Bi'an 謝必安
Bi Ze 必澤

Main CP
 Red Moon CP 
Dongfang Yue Chu 東方月初 + Tushan Hong Hong 塗山紅紅
Yue Hong 月紅CP

2nd CP
♥ Come Come 
Aolai 傲來國三少 + Tushan Ya Ya 塗山雅雅
Lai Ya Lai Ya 來雅來雅

3rd CP
♥ Unchanging Vow 
Shi Kuan 石寬 + Bu Tai 布泰
Shi Zi Bu Yu 石志布渝

4th CP
 Seeing Words Is Seeing the Face 
Yan Ru Shan 顏如山 + Lu Jian Wen 律箋文
Jian Zi Ru Mian 箋字如面

5th CP
 Summer Solstice 
Hu Wei Sheng 胡尾生 + Yue Ti Xia 月啼暇
Xia Zhi Wei Zhi 暇至尾至

Present Is Present
Fan Zhi Xin | Tu Bing

 Summer Solstice 
Wei Zi Qi 魏子期 + Yuan Xia 原夏
Xia Zhi Wei Zhi 夏至魏至
Yan Chang Yun 晏長昀 + Fu Xiao 拂曉
= Fan Yun Fu Yu 翻昀拂雨
 To produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another (idiom); fig. to shift one's ground / to make love

♥ Meet/Predict the Future 
Zhou Yu 周煜 + Jiang Lai 薑萊
Yu Jian Wei Lai 煜見未萊
 遇見未來 / 預見未來

♥ Tinned Fish (Herring) 
Shen Yu Rong 沈玉容  + Xue Fang Fei 薛芳菲 
Fei Yu Guan Tou 菲玉罐頭

2nd CP
 Octopus Balls 
Shen Yu Rong 沈玉容 + Wan Ning 婉寧公主
= Zhuang Yu Xiao Wan Zi 章玉小婉子

3rd CP
 Neat & Tidy 
Jiang Jing Rui 姜景睿 + Liu Xu 柳絮
Jing Ran You Xu 景然有絮

First Love
♥ Rose Jelly 
♥ No Ending 
Zhuang Guo Dong 莊國棟 + Huang Yi Mei 黃亦玫
Mei Gui Guo Dong 玫瑰果凍
Mei You Jie Guo 玫有結果

♥ No News/Continuation 
Fang Xie Wen 方協文 + Huang Yi Mei 黃亦玫
Mei You Xia Wen 玫有下文

♥ No Tomorrow 💀 
Huang Yi Mei 黃亦玫 + Fu Jia Ming 傅家明
Mei You Ming Tian 玫有明天

♥ No Hope 
He Xi 何西 + Huang Yi Mei 黃亦玫
= Mei You Xi Wan 玫有西望

ML0 (Ep1)
♥ No Such Thing 
Zhou Shi Hui 周士輝 + Huang Yi Mei 黃亦玫
Mei Zhe Hui Shi 玫這回士

♥ Rose Biscuit 
Su Geng Sheng 蘇更生 + Huang Yi Mei 黃亦玫
Mei Gui Su 玫瑰酥

2nd CP
♥ Peanut Candy 
Huang Zhen Hua 黃振華 + Su Geng Sheng 蘇更生
Hua Sheng Tang 華生糖

Main CP
♥ Heart Eyes 
Jiang Xin Bai 江心白+ Yan Nan Xing 顏南星
= Xin Yan Zi 心顏子

2nd CP
 Double (Loud) Canon 
Shang Bie Li 商別離 + Zha Yao Tong 炸藥桶
= Shuang Xiang Pao 雙響砲
(Zha Yao Tong means "explosive barrel", and Shang Bia Li was really loud in the show)

♥ Incessant Arousal 
Han Ting 韓廷 + Ji Xing 紀星
Xing Dong Bu Ting 星動不廷
→ 心動不停

Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty 2
Yang Xu Wen | Yang Zhi Gang

 To Rough It 
Lu Ling Feng 盧凌風 + Su Wu Ming 蘇無名
Feng Can Lu Su 風餐露蘇
→ 風餐露宿 To eat in the open air and sleep outdoors

 Xi Pursuing Feng 
Lu Ling Feng 盧凌風 + Xi Jun 喜君
Xi Zhui Feng喜追風

 Peach Pastry 
Su Wu Ming 蘇無名 + Chu Ying Tao 褚櫻桃
Tao Su 桃蘇

Bromance 1:
 Ye Bai 
Ye Ding Zhi 葉鼎之 + Baili Dong Jun 百里東君
Ye Bai 葉百

Bromance 2:
 Windy for Thousand of Miles 
Baili Dong Jun 百里東君 + Sikong Chang Feng 司空長風
Chang Feng Bai Li 長風百里

Bromance 3:
 Mo Liu 
Liu Yue + 柳月 + Mo Xiao Hei 墨曉黑
Mo Liu 墨柳

Ye Ding Zhi 葉鼎之 + Yi Wen Jun 易文君
= De Zhi Bu Yi 得之不易

 What Is Done Cannot Be Undone 
Jiang Zhou 江舟 + Xu Mu 許慕
Mu Yi Cheng Zhou 木已成舟
→ The timber has been turned into a boat already

Shen Zhi Heng 沈之衡 + Mi Lan 米嵐
Shen Mi 

Main CP
See Top10

2nd CP
 To Couple Strength and Gentleness 
Zhao Fang Gang 趙方剛 + Rao Jing 饒靜
Gang Rao Bing Ji 剛饒並濟
→ 剛柔並濟 Gang Rou Bing Ji

3rd CP
 The Only Miracle 
Qi Yu 齊鬱 Ling Wei Yi 凌惟依
Wei Yi Qi Yu 唯一奇遇

Love's Rebellion

 Southern Star 
Ji Yang 嵇煬 + Nan Yan 南顏
Nan Ji Xing 南嵇星

The Fragments of Kylin

Mo Yan 莫炎 + Shi Si 十四
= Ye Si Mo La 耶四莫拉
→ A Japanese comedian

 Qing Xi CP 
Xu Zhe Qing 徐哲青 + Wen Xi 溫兮
Qing Xi CP 青兮夫婦

Escape From the Trilateral Slopes

 Sputter (Spit) 
Dan Ta 但拓 + Shen Xing 沈星
Ta Mo Xing Zi 拓沫星子
→ 唾沫星子 Tuo Mo Xing Zi

Main CP
 Exclusively Yours 
Yuan Mo 元莫 + A Shu 阿術
Fei Ni Mo Shu 非你莫術
→ 非你莫屬

2nd CP
 Pork Belly 
Wang Kun Wu 王崑吾 + Yu Chi Hua 尉遲華
Wu Hua Rou 吾華肉
→ 五花肉

Main CP
 The Blessing of Three Lifetimes 
Shen Du 沈渡 + Yan Xing 顏幸
San Shen You Xing 三沈有幸
→ 三生有幸

2nd CP
 Mango Pomelo Sago 
 Sweet Dew of Willow Branch 
Lai Luo Zhi 來羅織 + Lu Chui Chui 陸垂垂
Yang Zhi Gan Lu 楊織甘陸
→ 杨枝甘露 (Mango pomelo sago is a HK dessert, literally translated as sweet dew of willow branch)

Fateful Love

 Noblemen CP 
Jun Bei Yue 君北月 + Han Zi Qing 韓紫晴
Jun Zi CP 君紫夫婦

Bromance 1
 Burning North 
Zheng Bei 郑北 + Gu Yi Ran 顾一燃
Bei Ran 北燃

Bromance 2
 North Sea 
Zheng Bei 郑北 + Jiang Xiao Hai姜小海
Bei Hai 北海

Wind Direction

Main CP
 Civet's Miao 
Li Si 李肆 + Cheng Miao Miao 程苗苗
Li Miao 李苗
= 狸喵

2nd CP
Cheng Ya Ya 程芽芽 + Yuan Shan Qing 袁山青
Qing Ya 青芽

 Sense of Stealing 
Wei Zhao 衛昭 + Jiang Ci 江慈
= Tou Gan CP 偷感夫婦

 To Burn Thoroughly 
Ye Ran 葉燃 + Cheng Che 程澈
Ran Che CP 燃澈夫婦

 Jiejie + Puppy 
He Zhi Nan 何知南 + Han Su 韓蘇
= Jie Gou 姐狗CP
Usually used to describe a type of OWYM romance where the boy is particularly good like a puppy. In this coupling, Tian Xi Wei (He Zhi Nan) is the puppy to Zhou Yu Tong (Han Su).

 Double Peng Cheat Together 
Qi Yu Peng 瞿一芃 + Gao Peng 高鵬
= Shang Peng Qi Zha 雙鵬齊渣

Fall in Love With a Fox

 Earn/Swindle a Million 
Qu Zheng 曲徵 + Jin Bai Wan 金百萬
= Zhuan/Zuan Yi Bai Wan 賺一百萬

 Abundant Wealth 
Yu Lin Feng 禦臨風 + Jin Mu Qiu 金慕秋
Jin Yu Man Tang 金禦滿糖
→ Gold and jade fill the hall.

 Mountain of Gold 
Song Jian Shan 宋澗山 + Su Zhuo Zhuo 蘇灼灼
= Yi Zuo Jin Shan 一座金山

Echo of Her Voice

 Admire Very Much 
Yun Mu 雲沐 + Su Ruo Fei 蘇若非
Fei Chang Xian Mu 非常羨沐

 Ostentatious Bandits 
Jiang Shi Yan 蔣時延 + Tang Yang 唐漾
Jiang Yang Da Dao 蔣漾大盜
→ 張揚大盜

 Echo CP 
Cheng Hui 程回 + Sheng Ni Na 盛倪娜
Hui Sheng 回聲CP

 Tsinghua + Peking University 
Huo QingYun 霍擎雲 + Huang BeiShuang 皇北霜
Qing Hua Bei Da 擎華北大
→ Those universities are China's Harvard.

 With a Clear Conscience 
Ruo Wen 若問 + Ge Xin Wei 格心薇
Wen Xin Wu Kui 問心無愧

 Double Star (Xing) 
Lu Xing Yan 陸星延 + Shen Xing Ruo 沈星若
Shuang Xing 雙星CP

 Cook Congee CP 
Xu Cheng Zhou 許承洲 + Chen Zhu 陳竹
Zhu Zhou 煮粥CP

 Suitable CP 
He Si Yue 何思越 + Shi Qin 石沁
He Shi 何石CP 
→ 合適

Main CP
 Snowy Night's Confession 
Huo Zhan Bai 霍展白 + Xue Zi Ye 薛紫夜
Xue Ye Gao Bai 雪夜告白

FL + 2ML
 This Night's Cool Breeze 
Miao Feng 妙風 + Xue Zi Ye 薛紫夜
Zi Ye Qing Feng 紫夜清風
→ 清風 = Pure and Honest

 Deeply Devoted 
Luo Shen Yuan + Luo Yi Ning
Yi Wan Qing Shen 宜往情慎
→ 一往情深

 To Walk in Snow to View Flowering Plums 
Lu Jia Xue 陸嘉學 + Mei Mei / Luo Yi Ning 羅宜寧
= Ta Xue Xun Mei 踏學尋眉
→ 踏雪寻梅
(It's a bit of a stretch, but it also sounds like "jump into the water to search for Mei)

 Happy and Harmonious 
Murong Jing He 慕容璟和 + Mei Lin 眉林
He He Mei Mei 和和眉眉
→ 和和美美

♥ Hidden Genius 
Zhuang Xiao Ting 莊筱婷 + Lin Dong Zhe 林棟哲
= 巷子里的臥龍鳳雛
→ Hidden Geniuses of the Alley
→ 臥龍鳳雛 = Hidden Genius

Main CP
♥ I’d Like to Hear the Details 
Zhao Yuan Zhou 趙遠舟 + Wen Xiao 文瀟
Yuan Wen Qi Xiang 遠文其詳
→ 願聞其詳

Bromance 1
 Cross a River in the Same Boat 
Zhao Yuan Zhou 趙遠舟 + Zhuo Yi Chun 卓翼宸
= Tong Zhou Gong Yi 同舟共翼
→ 同舟共濟 Obliged to collaborate towards common goals

Bromance 2
 Going Against the Current 
Zhuo Yuan Zhou 卓翼宸 + Li Lun 離崙
Li Shui Xing Zhou 離水行舟
→ 逆水行舟 Navigating a boat against the current

 ♥ Intoxicated by Jing and Xiao 
Wen Xiao 文瀟 + Pei Si Jing 裴思婧
= Chen Zui Jing Xiao 沉醉婧瀟

Main CP
See Top10

2nd CP
♥ Skyrocketing for Thousands of Miles 
Liu Fu Yi 柳拂衣 + Mu Yao 慕瑤
Fu Yao Wan Li 拂瑤萬里

♥ Admire Each Other 
Mu Sheng 慕聲 + Mu Yao 慕瑤
Mu Mu Xiang Qu 慕慕相覷

 ♥ Miracle Medicine 
Ling Miao Miao 凌妙妙 + Mu Yao 慕瑤
Ling Dan Miao Yao 凌丹妙瑤

♥ Meridian 
Yan Zi Jing 燕子京 + Duan Wu 端午
Zi Wu Xuan 子午線CP

♥ Wu and Jin Passionately in Love 
Zhang Jin Ran 張晉然 + Duan Wu 端午
=  Wu Jin Ri Lian 午晉熱戀

 A Kiss Seals the Love 
 Liang Dai Wen 梁代文 + Gu Yi 顧逸 
Yi Wen Ding Qing 逸文定情

Main CP
♥ San Wu 
Tang San 唐三 + Xiao Wu 小舞
San Wu 三舞

2nd CP
♥ Cat Fight CP 
Dai Mu Bai 戴沐白 + Zhu Zhu Qing 朱竹清
= Miao Dou 貓科CP

3rd CP
♥ Ao Rong 
Ao Si Ka 奧斯卡 + Ning Rong Rong 寧榮榮 
Ao Rong 奧榮

♥ To Have All We Need 
Yang Jing Lan 楊靜瀾 + Ji Ying Ying 季英英
Ying You Jin(g) You 英有靜有

♥ McDelivery 
Xu Jun Le 徐君樂 + Mai You Ge 麥叉歌
Mai Le Song 麥樂送
(→ yes, McDonald delivery)

 One Glance, Thousands of Years 
Jiang Cheng Yi 江成屹 + Lu Yan 陸嫣
Yi Yan Wan Nian 屹嫣萬年

 With All Sincerity 
Shen Yi 沈翊 + Du Cheng 杜城
Cheng Xin Cheng Yi 城心城翊

The Way Home

 Love to Study 
He Jia Shu 何家樹 + He Jia Hao 何家浩
Hao Du Shu 浩讀樹

 Double at Ease 
Xu Qi An 許七安 + Lin An 臨安
Double 安心 (An Xin)