[Ep10] 2019. A patient’s family member – so sordid and degrading to my eyes – gets physical with Ruan Liu Zheng when it was them who abandoned their mother (the patient) in the stairwell. Ding Yi Yuan protects her. Aw! And it was a cat fight! Hahaha. The fight isn’t shown, but it seems that Ning Zhi Qian stepped in and then the girls fought to protect him. Ning Zhi Qian only lectures Ruan Liu Zheng (because he only cares about her). Ding Yi Yuan is jealous, but the girls' friendship is established and the competition for Ning Zhi Qian is still on.
Ruan Liu Zheng brings Ning Xiang and Ning Zhi Qian back home to her parents. Huh? What happened? Why? Ning Zhi Qian notices that Dad Ruan still uses the thermos that he gifted him. Awww. He sits down and basks in the feeling of home sweet home: there's Ning Xiang playing with Dad Ruan, and Ruan Liu Zheng in the kitchen with Mom Ruan. Aww.
With this scene, I might just be able to understand Ning Zhi Qian a bit better. He was lonely for most of his life. His mother was always busy, his father was…somewhere that wasn’t home. He couldn’t adapt to Ruan Liu Zheng's overflowing love. He definitely liked her, but he didn't love her the way she loves him and that pressured him greatly. Then when he lost her, I think maybe it was then that he realized how much she meant to him. With her (in 2019), he’s more talkative compared to with anyone else.
I don’t think Ning Zhi Qian was solely at fault for the divorce. Man was faithful and hardworking. The man just did not have an appetite and didn’t have the heart to tell her he doesn’t want to eat her food. The worse he did was his inability to return her love the way she loved him. Is that really his fault?
2012/3 Ruan Liu Zheng is a sweetheart but my fellow girls, don’t be like that. She gave up herself to love him. She believed she could change him to love her (more). In that relationship she was lesser than him, and she put herself in that spot. She gave up her acceptance at John University for him without consulting him. She loved herself too little.
2019 Ruan Liu Zheng, I LOVE. She’s independent. She treats herself better. She is now his equal. This relationship (or soon to be relationship) will be much more balanced. And those six years also gave Ning Zhi Qian time to understand love. They’re both better now.
Ruan Lang buys a car for his sister, Ruan Liu Zheng, to drive to work. So sweet. And somehow Ning Zhi Qian still finds a way to get in the same car as her. He says she promised to play with his kid. Their kid, now, lol.
Ning Zhi Qian’s married friend barges in (I keep missing his name, lol. Is he his brother(-in-law)??). Ruan Liu Zheng scrambles to hide herself in Ning Xiang’s room, but the friend just opens the kid’s room, waking him up. Rude, much? Our smart sleepy kid cooperates. Ruan Liu Zheng is safe behind the door.
So the friend is here because his wife dreamed of Mother Ning who was worried about Ning Zhi Qian's single dad's life. Ruan Liu Zheng giggles as she overhears everything. Ning Zhi Qian is trying his best to keep his voice low so that Ruan Liu Zheng doesn’t hear that he rejected 10-20 girls (for her!). She hears it alright. Loud and clear. Ning Zhi Qian gets rid of his friend by telling him to tell his wife to tell his mother to come visit him instead, haha.
At the hospital canteen, Ning Zhi Qian approaches Ruan Liu Zheng. Tan Ya (the nurse friend), who is aware these two still have feelings for each other, channels her inner Shakespeare and recites You look far and wide, yet the scenery is the same as before. She shoves Ruan Liu Zheng’s face towards Ning Zhi Qian (= the sane scenery, lol). He’s confused and asks the girls what they’re chatting about. Tan Ya cleverly changes the topic to Ruan Liu Zheng's date on Saturday, her multiple dates. Disgruntled, Ning Zhi Qian makes a fuss about explaining her dates to Ning Xiang. LOL. I thought he volunteered himself to explain to her dates about their son anyway...? These two need to pay a fee every time they use Ning Xiang as their excuse.
Dad Ruan is supportive of Ruan Liu Zheng going on a date and moving on. He thought he was siding with the majority because the mother was saying that first. But now that he said it, everyone’s suddenly upset, everyone being Ruan Lang and Mom Ruan herself. Ha.
[Ep11] Ruan Liu Zheng’s date is Ge Qing. Well sir, why not Ge-tcha self outta here right about now? He says he respects doctors. She says she respects teachers. End of conversation. Pft. And of course she respects teachers, it’s how she addresses Ning Zhi Qian (; She spots Ning Xiang and thinks he’s her saviour from her blind date, but instead of addressing her as his mother like he usually does, the kiddo calls her auntie. Ning Zhi Qian taught Ning Xiang in time. Boo. She’s disappointed too.
Ning Zhi Qian is miffed when Ge Qing addresses Ruan Liu Zheng as “Xiao Zheng” (Little Zheng) and then as his girlfriend. Oh dear. Ge Qing even asks to meet up for a double date with Ning Zhi Qian and his wife. Sir, it’s your date, LOL. I also love how he messes up Ge Qing’s name and annoyingly calls Ruan Liu Zheng “Little Zheng” too. Afterwards at home, Ning Xiang says he has a headache and he wants to puke. Ning Zhi Qian calls the hospital but kiddo knows his diagnosis. It’s the reaction to his mother being stolen!! HAHA. The only cure is for Daddy Ning Zhi Qian to pursue her back. It’s two birds with one stone. A wife and a mother!
Ruan Liu Zheng tells Ge Qing the truth about her divorce and her child (her child?). He ignored her for three days and then he’s back in the hospital to say he doesn’t mind about her past. Ew. Bye. Ruan Liu Zhen begs him to please disdain her. LOL. Ning Zhi Qian saves her from Ge Qing, who cries pitifully that his feelings were scammed. Omg, hahaha.
The real 2ML has arrived! Xue Wei Lin is a handsome successful lawyer. Ning Zhi Qian, you have competition. Even Mother Ruan is supportive. Mother Ruan changes too fast, lol. But he looks pretty perfect to me too, haha. At the same time elsewhere, Ning Xiang is worried for his father because another man can steal Ruan Liu Zheng. Ning Zhi Qian scoffs. He thinks it’s impossible. Hohoho.
[Ep12] 2019. Ruan Liu Zheng takes care of Ning Xiang who’s scared alone at home. He just had a nightmare. When Ning Zhi Qian returns home, he’s distraught. Where’s his son? He quickly phones Ruan Liu Zheng, and it rings in his home. He looks around and finds them sleeping in the little tent. He grins, relieved. Awwwww. He’s so happy, he’s even smiling in his sleep. Dude really isn’t romantic. She’s sleeping on his bed! Touch her hair or something.
Ning Zhi Qian meets Xue Wei Lin! We get a passive-aggressive handshake. Muahaha.
Second CP: Tan Ya’s husband is potentially cheating on her. Ruan Lang (brother) takes care of her for his sister. Here comes our jie-di romance (OWYM).
Third CP: Cheng Zhou Yu, who’s temporarily Ding Yi Yuan’s mentor, teaches her his Three Don'ts in patient care: 1) Don’t take initiative 2) Don’t reject, and 3) Don’t take responsibility. She’s like what kind of dick manual is that. LOL. It’s not bad after listening to his explanation, haha.
[Ep13] Ning Zhi Qian collapses in the locker room after the surgery! Ruan Liu Zheng freaks out until she realizes he's slumped over because he’s asleep. This man has been researching whenever he can to make sure the surgery was successful. Ruan Liu Zheng gives him a full bow. He has the energy to joke around and ask if that was her third bow. LOL. Three bows are for the dead at funerals. Ruan Liu Zheng admires him and will work hard to become like him – a robot that can save lives.
The fully recovered patient finally gets a hug from Ning Zhi Qian. He has always yearned for some attention from him. Hmmm. He leaves his plants for the doctors. Ding Yi Yuan takes particular care of Duo Ruo (Lots of Meat). What an appropriate name for a plant. Also, I’m under the assumption that doctors are a bit more careful with plants, especially if they’re working with immunocompromised patients.
It’s Ning Zhi Qian’s birthday. He’s a little smug as he lectures Ruan Liu Zheng for buying him an expensive present. He’s not so smug when he realizes it’s from Ding Yi Yuan and returns it immediately. He’d only accept it from Ruan Liu Zheng even with all the “complaints”. Then the team surprises him with a birthday song. That’s Cheng Zhou Yu’s voice singing, “Happy birthday to YOH”.
Ning Zhi Qian finds an excuse to get in Ruan Liu Zheng’s car and finds another excuse (a la Ning Xiang) to get her in his home for his birthday. To both of their surprise, Grandpa Ning is home. Ah, the dragon father. Ning Zhi Qian loses all appetite.
[Ep14] During a truth and dare game, Ning Xiang asks Ruan Liu Zheng if she still loves his father. Memories of all the times she was hurt swell up. She answers that she doesn’t dare to love him. Afraid to be hurt again.
Ding Yi Yuan announces to everyone that she’s over Ning Zhi Qian. Cheng Zhou Yu thinks he has hope! Since when did he like her? Bullying her all this time meant that he liked her? I totally missed that, lol. The next morning, he’s jealous that another doctor gave her breakfast and so he dumps it in the trashcan (because it’s unhealthy McD) and gives her his. Sternly, she orders him to pick up her hashbrown from the trash. It’s not that she’ll eat it, she wants him to eat it. Lol!
Ning Xiang’s bio mother could be the daughter of the grandmother! This sentence looks dumb (because I don’t know names), but if you watch the drama, you’ll know.
Ning Zhi Qian and Xue Wei Lin are both invited to Ruan Liu Zheng’s for dinner. Mom Ruan laughs with Ruan Liu Zheng about the boys: Xue Wei Lin can keep up a poker face but Ning Zhi Qian is so awkward, he’s dying to use his toes to dig out another bedroom and living room to hide in if he could. Ruan Liu Zheng is basking in Ning Zhi Qian’s jealousy.
[Ep15] In Ruan Liu Zheng’s room, Ning Zhi Qian finds a dinosaur stuffie with his name sewn on it. She says it’s for hugging punching, but then hugs it. Girl, you’re giving him an edge. Don’t do that! They’re editing their research paper in her room, but soon, she falls asleep. Before he leaves her room, he stealthily slips the dinosaur between her arms so it’s like he’s hugging her to sleep.
Ning Zhi Qian and Ruan Liu Zheng take the plane to present their research findings. He asks her why she chose neurology when it’s so tough.
Ruan Liu Zheng: What you can do, I can too.
Ning Zhi Qian: You don’t have to turn yourself into me.
Ruan Liu Zheng: I don’t want to turn into you – she looks him in the eye – I want to surpass you. GO GIRL. He’s proud too.
Ning Zhi Qian offers to buy Ruan Liu Zheng clothes. She excitedly shops around, but he chooses the fugliest style and frumpiest size for her.
Ruan Liu Zheng (grumbles): Is it because a certain someone thinks I’m too beautiful and so he doesn’t want others to see it?
Ning Zhi Qian: [Precisely] I don’t want them to see your beauty.
Ning Zhi Qian: I want them to see your professionalism.
Now he takes her to a salon. He’s paying. She’s excited again. I’m not sure about this...lol. And then she's in a boring bun with thick rimmed glasses.
Ruan Liu Zheng is jealous when she sees Ning Zhi Qian handing a bouquet to another girl and when that same girl exits from Ning Zhi Qian’s hotel room. Later on, Ruan Liu Zhen enters his room to look for him too. How come the hotel rooms don’t lock?? He just came out of the shower, and is feeling nauseated from the alcohol. Ruan Liu Zheng rubs his tummy. He pulls her down so she’s rubbing the right spot. Love this!
Tell me these two aren’t in love |
As she’s rubbing...his tummy...under the blanket, she nags at him for
being 34 and incapable of taking care of himself. She pities Ning Xiang who worries for him when he’s the kid. This is why there’s little biscuits in the car for Ning Zhi Qian to snack on whenever he’s too busy to eat at work.
Gradually, Ning Zhi Qian feels better. Het burns around and smiles, relieved. “FRRRRT” He farts. LOL. BOYS. No wonder the relieved smile. One of the brightest smiles I’ve seen from him in the entire drama, hahaha. She smacks him, annoyed like a wife would be. These two were definitely married, lol. Then she also tucks him in and gazes at him lovingly. Ning Zhi Qian could have asked her to stay, but he doesn’t. I think he’s already extremely grateful.
The next morning, Ruan Liu Zheng is jealous again thanks to the same girl, but she also learns that Ning Zhi Qian drank so much because he was introducing her (Ruan) to all the elites in the profession.
Ruan Lan and Tan Ya catch her husband cheating on her.
[Ep16] Tan Ya isn’t ready to commit to a divorce. Understandable. Ruan Liu Zheng is supportive either way.
Ruan Liu Zheng’s first patient is a famous game developer. Ding Yi Yuan rubs it in. “Dr. Ning is letting you open the brain of a genius. China’s future gaming world is in your hands. [...] Your hand mustn’t shake.” Haha. Effectively rattled, Ruan Liu Zheng asks Ning Zhi Qian to give this surgery to Ding Yi Yuan. Ning Zhi Qian is angered. Her patient’s identity shouldn’t matter to a surgeon. He thought she matured over the years, but she’s no different from the past. She’s still weak and cowardly. Ruan Liu Zheng argues that she is being responsible by wanting the best for her patient. No. Being responsible is preparing for the surgery, not running away. I’m on his side. However, the surgery is stripped from her. The patient’s mother wants Ning Zhi Qian instead. Nonetheless, Ruan Liu Zheng’s patient care continues. I think it’s more on nurses than doctors for his gaming indulgence. But if the patient doesn’t listen while knowing the consequences, then it’s not on the nurses either....
Xue Wei Lin is aggressive in his pursuit for Ruan Liu Zheng’s love. And is Ruan Liu Zheng just letting him have his way?
[Ep17] Ruan Liu Zheng is going on a “date” with Xue Wei Lin. The way Ning Zhi Qian copies Ruan Liu Zheng applying makeup. HAHAHAHA.
Ning Zhi Qian has had enough and interrupts Ruan Liu Zheng’s make-up time by commanding her to come over to his desk, but then he just stares at her (lost in her beauty). He has nothing to say anyway. It was his jealousy calling her over. And she holds his stare with her clear and translucent eyes. Then she tilts her head, and a strand of hair gracefully tumbles down. Her gaze is alluring and she knows it.
Spinning on her wheel-y chair, she teases him if he fell in love with her when he asked about remarriage. She’s so confident! LOVE THIS. He grumbles and asks her to stop spinning. Like his heart and head isn’t spinning from love and jealousy enough. He says she wasn’t 臭美 (chou mei; to show off one’s beauty shamelessly) like this in the past. She keeps spinning, and radiating. In a cute tone, she taunts him, “It’s not too late for me to show off my beauty now~”
Ruan Liu Zheng (slides her wheely chair towards him): Hey, do you really love me right now? Answer me.
Ning Zhi Qian licks his lips. He’s about to say it!
Ruan Liu Zheng (peeks at his video game): You’re dead. You lost your chance.
Ruan Liu Zheng slips away and flips her hair, sashaying out of his vision. Ning Zhi Qian finally uses his massager at the right place: his heart, hahaha.
Saved by the alarm! Actually that’s a code blue. There’s a dying life that needs saving and so Ruan Liu Zheng stays to help Ning Zhi Qian.
Ning Xiang is kidnapped by his bio mother! She is the grandma-patient’s daughter. Ning Zhi Qian takes him back, but it looks like Ning Xiang is going. He tells Ning Zhi Qiang a story of a cat, who’s all grown up, and wants to be like his mother to catch mice too. I teared up. Ning Zhi Qian is losing Ning Xiang.
Ning Zhi Qian gets a fever (after bio mom asks for her son). He also broke his arm, saving another mother and child from being hit by a car. This guy. He’s done so much saving T___T. Ruan Liu Zheng takes care of him, as well as assuring Ning Xiang that his father will be fine. But he’s still worried. When he leaves, who will take care of his daddy? T_____T. He’s leaving.
[Ep18] For the night, Ruan Liu Zheng takes care of a feverish Ning Zhi Qian, who’s clutching her hand in his sleep. In the morning, they’re like a family of three, eating, laughing, and joking around.
Later, Ruan Liu Zheng even helps Ning Zhi Qian with his tie like she’s his wife.
Ning Zhi Qian (asks softly): Why did we divorce? O. Does he not know?
She’s silent. And so he steps closer. They’re going to kiss! But Ning Xiang interrupts.
Speaking of Ning Xian, he really is leaving! WAH T_T. The Bio Mom is subpar to Ning Zhi Qian, but she says she can give her son something that he cannot: a mother’s love. Overrated. Sorry, you know what, maybe not. Every family is different. I’m just upset seeing her. And he can give his son something that she cannot: a father's love. >______> The most important factor is that Ning Xiang wants to go. He always wanted a real mother. He also knows that if he leaves, Ning Zhi Qian will be the same as the past. “He doesn’t even cry so how would he know pain?” Oof. When he cries, it means he’s completely broken. Ning Zhi Qian overhears and finally agrees to let him return to his mother.

Ning Zhi Qian doesn’t send Ning Xiang off and so our kiddo runs back up to find him. He misses his father already. Stay!! T_T They hug, but later he carries him to his mother. Ning Xiang won’t let go until his mother pulls his hands away.
Ruan Liu Zheng completes her first surgery on her own. Everyone praises her except Ning Zhi Qian. After work, he phones her, knowing that she has been waiting for his call, waiting for his praise. But he says that he won’t praise her. A perfect surgery is nothing to be arrogant of. It is the standard because every imperfection is someone’s (quality of) life. When surgery talk is over, he asks for her plans tonight but she doesn’t hear it because Xue Wei Lin is here to take her for food. It turns out Ning Zhi Qian wanted to invite her to dinner too. You could have started the phone call with that FIRST. He cancels the reservation, which now goes to Xue Wei Lin who brought Ruan Liu Zheng to the same restaurant because she likes it here. He said he tried to make a reservation earlier but it was full. So Ning Zhi Qian booked really early.
Meanwhile, Ning Zhi Qian is sick and having ramen all alone. He has a cold, a broken arm, a broken heart, and a broken family (all his life). This man.
[Ep19] Ning Xiang’s text to Ruan Liu Zheng saves his father from a night alone. She goes to him, and it was Xue Wei Lin who dropped her off. He tried his best to smile through it (but he hated it). After a while he calls her to check on her, which irritates Ning Zh Qian to no end. Now his symptoms are headache and retching. It’s the same as Ning Xiang. LOL. His symptoms are induced by three words: Xue Wei Lin. She smiles, reclines on the couch and crosses her long slender legs. I don’t know how they’re siting there with so little clothes on and being so normal. He asks her if he can’t tell that he’s jealous or she’s pretending. Girl wants to HEAR it.
Ning Zhi Qian (bellows): I’m eating vinegar (=jealous) can’t you tell? The sourness is practically killing me! LOL. He’s so funny.
She jokes if it tastes like a certain type of vinegar. He laughs “ha-ha”. Not funny. He surrenders. He admits that he likes her. Now he asks her, as if cross-questioning her, “Do you dare admit that you like me too.” Ruan Liu Zheng doesn’t know. Well, Ning Zhi Qian stands up and says he has a way to verify. He kisses her! The way she goes “AIYAH” LOL. She accidentally hits him, and worriedly checks his head. He’s smug now. “And you still say you don’t like me” He pulls her in for another kiss. She squeals. See he couldn’t resist how little clothes they had on too.
Tan Ya is settled on a divorce. Her husband is cheating again.
After work, Ning Zhi Qian picks up Ruan Liu Zheng from her home because they’re staying at his home. Our childish Ning Zhi Qian salutes to Xue Wei Lin, a gesture of domination. Our top brain surgeon has beat the top lawyer. He even smugly ushers him inside because our lawyer has no food at home obviously.
I wasn’t expecting such a quick reconciliation!!
Ruan Liu Zheng and Ning Zhi Qian grocery shop together. When she pouts at her booboo, our unromantic Ning Zhi Qian lectures her surgical skills. When she wants spicy fish for the night, he dismisses her. But he notices she’s upset and so he tells her that spicy isn’t good wound-healing. He’ll steam the fish. Ruan Liu Zheng smiles. He has his “good” reasons to change all her decisions, but if this happens all the time, it can seriously be annoying.
Ning Zhi Qian’s bro is getting married and our MLs are always #6 in the brotherhood. During the wedding reception, Ning Zhi Qian is unapologetically rude to Father Ning and his wife, Auntie Liu. I feel bad for Auntie Liu who’s putting in the effort and chugging down the wine for her husband.
[Ep20] Ning Zhi Qian holds a grudge on his father for never fighting over his custody. To him, his father never loved him.
Wu Xiao Fan (the male doctor) caught Ruan Liu Zheng feeding Ning Zhi Qian – or not. He’s either blind or he’s blind.
Ning Zhi Qian publicly apologizes to Ding Yi Yuan for misunderstanding her. She rushed her surgery to optimize her patient’s recovery. It had nothing to do with arrogance. She’s touched and asks for a hug. I like that Ning Zhi Qian peeks at Ruan Liu Zheng who nods and then he goes for the hug.
Ning Zhi Qian asks for a remarriage! But it can’t be anymore unromantic. It’s no different from him asking for lunch at the rooftop. Oh Dr. Ning. our brain expert is no heart expert. He doesn’t get that he needs to propose first. From his perspective, they already married. This is just a matter of procedure. Xiao Er (his buddy, I finally know his name!) asks Ning Zhi Qian if he knows why he divorced. The answer: “Because you didn’t propose well.”
And so Ning Zhi Qian proposes! Tan Ya is in on it and drags everyone along. Everyone’s confused why they have to remain seated when the movie is over and cannot be more over. Then the proposal PPT appears. His voice surrounds the room. He says the six years without her, his sky had no colours. Life was just breathing. It’s really Peng Guan Ying and Wang Chu Ran’s kid pictures. Peng Guan Ying was so chubby! Ruan Liu Zheng is in tears. She exits the theatre in hopes of looking for him, but from somewhere close, his voice calls to her, “Liu Zheng.”
Such a formulaic proposal. But hey I think there’s some sincerity. He asked her to (re)marry at the rooftop which is his favourite spot in the entire hospital. And he chose blue balloons to symbolize there’s colour in his sky again.
Am I grasping at straws here? xD
[Ep21] Ruan Liu Zheng accepts Ning Zhi Qian's proposal. Everyone celebrates at the karaoke, and then we learn that Ning Zhi Qian didn’t even want to invite everyone. It was Tan Ya’s idea.
The magic wears off the next day. In the morning, he yells at everyone congratulating them on their engagement.
And uh oh, he’s not liking her food again...
Double uh oh, he doesn’t care about wedding prep. Ruan Liu Zheng is on her own again. This guy doesn’t think it’s necessary. He kept their old wedding pictures and ring in good condition. He’s pretty proud about that.
Oh, triple uh oh, Ruan Liu Zheng learns he bought the proposal. Nothing was original. The foreshadow from Xiao Er: so why did Ning Zhi Qian divorce? Because he didn’t propose well... Ruan Liu Zheng thought she could change him, but people don't change. This is why Dong Miao Miao dumped him. I’m in the camp that it’s wrong to think you can change someone to begin with. I’m sure Show agrees with this so I’m quite intrigued how this will be resolved. Ruan Liu Zheng wants to know if he loves her, which annoys him because he does love her. Well, she wants him to show it, show it that he needs her. She wants a marriage where they’re equals. Six years ago, it wasn’t, and six years now, it still isn’t.
Although Ruan Liu Zheng left angrily, she intended to register the marriage. But she was feverish and overslept. Ning Zhi Qian didn’t know. The way he yelled at her on the street made her realize she’s had enough. She wants to break up. Xue Wei Lin happens to be in the neighbourhood and overhears it all. Dude just hangs around the neighbourhood during the day all suited up?
Ning Zhi Qian learns about Ruan Liu Zheng’s fever from his father. It’s too late. But it doesn’t seem like it’s too late to ask his father why he divorced his mother/wife and if he ever loved her.
[Ep22] Father Ning describes it was love at first sight with Mother Ning, but after they married it felt like he had no wife. She was either at work or she was sleeping at home. It’s no different from marrying a statue. Although he respects her job and how she devotes her heart to her patients, he didn’t know if her heart had him. Mother Ning had asked for a remarriage, but Father Ning said it was because she wanted to give Ning Zhi Qian a family (which means it wasn’t for love). Father Ning was just a regular guy. He needed someone to care for him too (a la Auntie Liu who was his secretary). Ning Zhi Qian asks his father, “Doesn’t a good doctor deserve a happy family?” YES! In hindsight, Ning Xiang left Ning Zhi Qian for the same reason. He thought his father would be the same with or without him.
Ruan Liu Zheng knows that Ning Zhi Qian has already changed a lot for her. In the past, he would never propose like that. But it was the way he argued with her – that tone – she couldn’t stand it. She's also afraid of repeating the same mistakes.
Tan Ya’s husband wants a second chance. He’s faking it. He just wants the house.
The neuro team goes on a recruit. If they’re all here. Who’s at the hospital? Xue Wei Lin joins them. Ugh. I think our couple needs to sort this out on their own. I don’t need more jealousy. Ning Zhi Qian misses the chance to give Ruan Liu Zheng her favourite “First Love” cake, and then it's accidentally gobbled down by Dr. Qian. At least Ruan Liu Zheng realizes the cake was meant for her and it was from Ning Zhi Qian. She thinks it’s a pity too.
Childish Ning Zhi Qian bullies Xue Wei Lin on the trampoline. LOL. It looks like the actor for Xue Wei Lin was really laughing.
[Ep23] Tan Ya’s cheating husband is served karma. Him and his mistress are in a critical condition after a car accident, and the daughter he ditched at home is fortunately recovering from her fever.
Ning Zhi Qian and Ruan Liu Zheng are on the rooftop. This time they break up for real. He does love her, though. He doesn’t know when he fell in love. It could be when they divorced. It could be when they reunited in Africa. He just knows his feelings towards her are not the same as they were six years ago. However, he has too many flaws. He always blamed his father for his parents’ divorce, but now he realizes his mother wasn’t perfect either. He sees himself in his mother. What family would want a statue at home? His body may be at home, but his heart and mind is at the hospital. Ruan Liu Zheng was right about him. He is like a robot. And this robot is broken right now. He needs to heal himself first. Until then he doesn’t think he deserves a family.

Ruan Liu Zheng agrees to the breakup. There’s a saying that a shattered mirror is hard to fix (破鏡難圓). I think the saying is 破鏡重圓 – a shattered mirror is put back together. It’s a positive idiom meaning a separated couple is reconciling. Ning Zhi Qian assures her that he will teach her everything he knows so that she can be a great doctor. She stretches her hand out for a handshake, but he lightly smacks it. This guy never wants to give her a handshake. Why? Is it like a goodbye to him? Before she leaves, she tells him that she actually wanted to try once more. Ouch. The regret. But I think this separation is for the best. I’m glad he initiated the breakup. I’m glad the change is from within: his understanding of his parent’s divorce.
At home, Ning Zhi Qian phones Ruan Liu Zheng to tell her that her pjs are still at his place. It’s still about the pjs, but this time, the tone is drastically different. She coolly tells him to deliver it to her or she can pick it up later. They hang up. There’s nothing to hang on. To him this breakup hurt more than the first one. Xiao Er rubs it into Ning Zhi Qian for letting her go, but Ning Zhi Qian says he can’t let her fall in the same hole twice. Xiao Er agrees. “So why let her fall in the same hole twice? Just hold onto her!” Ning Zhi Qian replies that their relationship is like a broken mirror. He wonders if the pain in the heart can never be smoothed out.
Ruan Liu Zheng shows up at work with a cap on. I wonder if this whole time she was dressing up this whole time to impress Ning Zhi Qian...
[Ep24] Ding Yi Yuan and Cheng Zhou Yu are officially together.
Xiao Yu (the ballerina male patient). At first I thought I was reading too much and we’d be done with his story, but he’s back and the gay vibes are stronger. I feel like he’s got more scenes coming up. I hope he stays alive eh....
Ning Xiang has converted!!! He’s chilling with Xue Wei Lin now.. On behalf of Ning Zhi Qian, I feel betrayed.
Ruan Liu Zheng recognizes that a patient requires emergency surgery but Dr. Qian refuses to permit the operation because of the high risks (is that right? I guess he’s not dying enough for them to perform life saving measures?). Dr. Qian needs family consent first. However, the longer they wait, the less hope there is for the patient. Ning Zhi Qian agrees with Ruan Liu Zheng, but he isn’t at the hospital to perform the complicated two-part surgery. Our confident Ruan Liu Zheng takes on the challenge. She successfully operates the first part, handing the patient safety to Ning Zhi Qian who will take care of the rest. Our A team.
[Ep25] Oh. We can’t forget even if we want to about Xue Wei Lin’s credit in helping the patient. He stayed on site to search for the family. Even Ding Yi Yuan recognizes that he’s not a bad choice. I like how friendly the girls are right now. Forget about the men, lol.
These two can do a spy movie together. |
As for the relationship between Ning Zhi Qian and Ruan Liu Zheng, there’s only business.
Ning Xiang understands the relationship like this: “Mama doesn’t want baba, but she still wants me, right?” Right. Hahaha. Then he tells Ning Zhi Qian that he likes Xue Wei Lin. They’re like bros. Double blow. Just when Ning Zhi Qian thought his son betrayed him, Ning Xiang says, “If he’s my bro, then he can’t be with mama.” So smart! LOL. He’s also excellent at flattery, complimenting his father for being strong and handsome. (He was trying to get his father to agree to a hangout between him, mama, and Xue Wei Lin. It was a no go, lol.)

Ruan Liu Zheng and Ning Zhi Qian have the night shift. When it’s time for dinner Ning Zhi Qian orders skewers, but Xue Wei Lin is here first with homemade food from his mother and so Ning Zhi Qian eats two portions of skewers all on his own. Ning Zhi Qian even burps nasty, lol. And now he’s having indigestion. It’s bad enough that Ruan Liu Zheng has to force him to go to the emergency. She also lectures him for eating spicy and oily food. He clearly ordered it for her. But I think a regular person would ask first and then order.
Ning Zhi Qian has neurogenic gastritis. Being angry Ning Zhi Qian can worsen his symptoms. How to cure you when you’re the disease? Ruan Liu Zheng drives him home. He asks if she wants to go up because she left something (pjs) at his place. Are we doing this again? When she enters, she notices he kept Xiao Yu’s wedding present: the miniature sculpture of them as a couple.
[Ep26] Ning Zhi Qian doesn’t send Ruan Liu Zheng out. At night, he’s sleeping in fetal position because of the pain in his heart.
Auntie Liu has a brain tumour. She doesn’t want to bother Ning Zhi Qian even if he’s the best surgeon or the only surgeon who can possibly save her. Dad Ning assures her she owes Ning Zhi Qian nothing. For him, she didn’t even have her own child. O. Noooo.
Father Ning begs Ning Zhi Qian to help Auntie Liu. He refuses. NING ZHI QIAN. I thought you told Ruan Liu Zheng a patient’s identity doesn’t matter! But later, he’s drinking coke. Is that his way of running away from stress? And then we learn why Ning Zhi Qian can’t do the surgery. The trauma that his father left him still lives in his heart. He had ran after his father when he packed his suitcase but his father never turned around to look at him. His father never knew how much his mother loved him. Then he even got lost trying to find him. Half a year later, Father Ning married Auntie Liu, and that was the first time Ning Zhi Qian saw his mother cry in front of him. Ning Zhi Qian cannot forget the heartache. He cannot bring these emotions to the surgery table. I forgot he was human too...
Ruan Liu Zheng gives Ning Zhi Qian a video of his mother’s speech and we see how she devoted her life to her profession.
Ep27] Ning Zhi Qian operates on Auntie Liu ~ Ruan Liu Zheng is proud. Ning Zhi Qian lightly jokes that for this surgery, she didn’t have to summon his mother.