Notable Actors/Actresses
Hu Yi Xuan: Xia Xiao Ju
Wang Rui Chang: Lu Shi Yi

[Ep1] Xia Xiao Ju is the new girl in the neighbourhood. There are fireworks for celebration. Startled by the crackling fire, Xiao Ju jumps back and dangerously swings the firework around. Bits of it land on Lu Shi Yi's bike and as he sits down, fireworks explode on his butt. His butt is cracking, ha. Then at school, she accidentally pours hot water over his butt. LOL. Yeah, not a great start. On the other hand, she gets along with the class's top student: Cheng Lang. He's a nice guy.

Lu Shi Yi fails to convince Xiao Ju to join the team – she needs to study. Being petty, he makes a bet with her that if Cheng Lang can jump over her (miniature) height of 164.7cm, then she has to buy them snacks. Cheng Lang participates in this high-jump challenge because he's tempted by another one of Lu Shi Yi's GameBoy cards. As Cheng Lang jumps in the air over her, Xiao Ju is infatuated. Cheng Lang clears the height. Shy and flustered, Xiao Ju runs to buy snacks. Cheng Lang tries to call her back because it's class time – she'll be in trouble. But it's too late, she's gone. Apparently, this is the revenge Lu Shi Yi wanted.

Aren't the pictures telling on who likes who?

After the game, Xiao Ju confesses and gives Cheng Lang a back hug. When she runs out, she bumps into Cheng Lang. Then who did she hug? Lu Shi Yi~

[Ep17] Xiao Ju cries at night thinking that Cheng Lang and Lin You are together.
[Ep18] After Cheng Lang's heartbreak, Xiao Ju cheers him up by writing him a letter with a pen name: "Mango Pudding".

Lin You and her boyfriend are in breakup phase. He accepted an abroad opportunity without telling her. The lady dubbing Qi Yan Di (Lin You) is doing her such a disservice. Her voice is so annoying.

Lu Shi Yi and Xiao Ju go on a trip together. It's a healing one for her. Scenic.
[Ep29] Lu Shi Yi takes her running to where, I don't know. He just needs to find a place to be alone with her. A phone ringing will not stop him from what he plans to do – Lu Shi Yi confesses! Finally! 29 episodes! But Xiao Ju is like Angry Bird. Furiously, she runs away. Why is she this mad? And is it just me or was she running really fast? Did the drama speed up her running?
Above is the face of a guy who won his dream date – well, who just had his dream date turn into a double date with Lin You and Cheng Lang.

Lu Shi Yi and Xiao Ju have a proper(-ish) conversation. His first thought when he was given the opportunity abroad was what would happen to them. Xiao Ju looks away, smiling. He knows she would want him to go abroad but he wants to know the answer in her heart. Does she want him to leave? Xiao Ju is on mute again and looks down at the ground. Lu Shi Yi tilts down to meet her gaze. Then his hands are around her neck, he’s checking her carotid pulse. He can feel her heartbeat accelerating. Embarrassed, Xiao Ju runs away.
Huang Jun is finally letting Le Tao go. It’s a proper breakup – none of that grandissimo fight.

[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I had thought this was a high school drama, well, it is, but only for the first 6 episodes. By episode 6, it's gaokao and they're headed to university. I guess this is a campus drama. It's not heavily focused on romance (yet), but rather on the characters and their friendship. Our drama is a slice of life, nothing too dramatic or fluffy. It will focus on multiple main characters and so far, I think I like them. One thing I really love is how picturesque the drama is.
[Ending] Happy ending for the main couple (Lu Shi Yi and Xiao Ju). Cheng Lang is single. Le Tao marries a special someone who is not Huang Jun.
[Review & Rating]
Network: Youku
Recap Grade: B/C
First Impression: 2.85/5
First Impression: 2.85/5
Mini Recaps

[Ep2] Xia Xiao Ju is in her third year of high school and she's struggling with the tests at her new school. Really, no student would want to transfer and jeopardize third year because that's the year gaokao determines their future. But her parents decided to move. On top of stressing over her academics, Xia Xiao Ju is jealous of her brother (Xia Jia Shu) because her mother obviously dotes on him more than her. Xiao Ju thinks she's the extra in the family. Her dad comforts her. Feeling motivated, Xia Xiao Ju strives to do her best for the upcoming test. (By the way, Mom does care for her. She bought Xiao Ju new shoes and uniform)
It's a battle between Bao Bao (real name: Bao Xiang Xiang) and Xia Xiao Ju on who won't be ranked last in class. Cheng Lang tutors Xiao Ju. Lu Shi Yi coaches Bao Bao, but he's too dumb. He begs Lu Shi Yi to help him cheat. During the exam, the note falls next to Xiao Ju. She tries to inconspicuously hide the note by dragging it with her foot. However, she's like an elephant, stomping her feet (thump!), scraping the note across the ground (screeeeech!), and whamming her feet on the metal chair leg (clang!). The teacher is alerted and logically accuses her of cheating. Lu Shi Yi mans up and takes due responsibility with Bao Bao. Xiao Ju sees him in a new light. However, that immediately changes when she overhears Cheng Lang and Lu Shi Yi's conversation about the bet they made on who would rank last. The winner is Cheng Lang (who bet on Bao Bao). The prize is a GameBoy card.

[Ep3] Lu Shi Yi and Bao Bao follow Xiao Ju on her way home. She hugs her backpack, suspicious if they're going to steal her stuff, ha. Lu Shi Yi wants her to join the upcoming sports competition.

Despite Lu Shi Yi messing with Xiao Ju all the time, she saves him when he's in need. He's hanging on a ledge after he was almost caught in the teacher's office. She distracts the teacher for him and claims that all the snacks (buns) that she bought are for herself. She stuffs one after the other to prove it. In the meantime, Lu Shi Yi has time to climb down. Xiao Ju chokes on the buns. He saves her with the Heimlich maneuver but then later she ends up puking all over his shirt. He never has any luck around her.
Xiao Ju is at home, washing Lu Shi Yi's bilious school uniform. From this, Jia Shu thinks Xiao Ju is dating a boy. He runs around teasing her and then the next scene, they're hugging a branch on this tall tree. Both of them are terrified and can't climb down. Lu Shi Yi is around the area. He teases Xiao Ju that "a pig can climb trees too." Xiao Ju sorta sounds like xiao-zhu (little pig). He helps Jia Shu down first because he's light enough for him to catch. As for Xiao Ju, he instructs her to slowly make her way down, he'll be under her just in case she falls. She falls. On him. Lol, always such bad luck.
[Ep4] Lu Shi Yi discovers the reason Jia Shu was teasing Xiao Ju: for crushing on a boy. Lu Shu Yi joins in on the teasing until he realizes the school uniform she's washing is his. Turning serious, he asks her to reconsider joining the relay team for the 4x100. This time he's sincere about it and tells her if she refuses, that's okay too. The next day after school, she's already on the field waiting for the boys to join her.
It's the sports event. They're secretly attending without their homeroom teacher's permission. At the event, Xiao Ju realizes the importance of this match: their pride is on the line. Their rival school is filled with obnoxious brats. Xiao Ju is fired up. But she twists her leg. Keeping it a secret, she continues with the race, bracing herself for the pain with each powerful stride she takes. She delivers the baton to Lu Shi Yi. They win.
Xiao Ju meets Lin You at the sports event. Xiao Ju accidentally spills juice all over Lin You's uniform. Meeting Xiao Ju is indeed quite ominous. Lin You is forgiving about it. She notes that their names have a connection. "Ju-zi" is a tangerine and "You-zi" is a pomelo. They're the citrus family. As Xiao Ju introduces Lin You to her friends, only Lu Shi Yi isn't paying attention. He's worried about Xiao Ju's ankle ~

There's more connections with everyone's names: Cheng Lang is "orange' (cheng), Bao Bao is bun, and Qu Le Tao is peach (tao). They're all related to food. The only exception is Lu Shi Yi. He says his is related to his birthday (shiyi = 11). As they're making fun of Lu Shi Yi's name with various renditions, Le Tao breathlessly informs them that their homeroom teacher is here with fury. Our team flees while carrying Xiao Ju.
Xiao Ju calls Lu Shi Yi 大土 (da-tu), which in this context means very unsophisticated. She thought of this nickname because 土 is the combination of 十 一 (shiyi; 11). His real name (陆湜祎) is actually very elegant.
[Ep5] The parents bring Xiao Ju to a scammer fortune-teller, asking about what university she should aim for. The fortune-reading they get is to hang garlic everywhere at home and feed her garlic juice. Are we fighting a vampire?
Xiao Ju once again feels neglected by her mother and runs away on New Years' Eve. She trips and falls right in front of Lu Shi Yi. He picks her up (literally) and invites her to hang out with him and Cheng Lang. They talk about what university they want to attend. The boys both want to go to Jiang University. It shouldn't be a problem for our smart boys. Lu Shi Yi wants to be a doctor. Xiao Ju wonders if she should aim high for that university too. Lu Shi Yi half motivates and half taunts her to join them.
[Ep6] Gaokao is here. Xiao Ju almost misses it because of her stomach ache. Cheng Lang actually misses it. He was almost in a car accident. He stayed to take care of an injured pedestrian. He looks traumatized. It seems his father was killed in a car accident. When Cheng Lang arrives at school, it's too late. The security guards won't let him in even though the parents are advocating for him. Those are the rules.

[Ep7] They go on a trip to cheer up Cheng Lang. He can still make it to university based on his previous marks (?) but it's not his desired major. However, during the trip, Xiao Ju loses all the money and they can't pay for the hotel. Although Lu Shi Yi reprimands her, he cheers her up and reminds her of the purpose that they're here: for Cheng Lang. Energized, and completely over her guilt, she motivates everyone to enjoy the rest of the trip. Aw. Lu Shi Yi knows what to say at the right time.
Our group goes hiking. Xiao Ju falls. She notices Cheng Lang reaching out his hand first but she's too shy to reach for his and grabs Lu Shi Yi's instead. While they're still holding hands, Lu Shi Yi complains he wanted her bag, not her hand. But when he turns away from her, he's smug~

[Ep8] Our group sets up tents to sleep in and plays a game of Truth and Dare. Bao Bao takes it a little too seriously. He vents, How come Cheng Lang, who didn't take the exams, still did better than him? How come Lu Shi Yi only needed three months to study? After he unloads all his negative emotions, he tells them that they are still his most precious friends. ):

Xiao Ju has a very bad cramp. Is she okay? Please don't be severely ill in the future. Cheng Lang takes her to the doctor's. On their way back to the tent, they watch the sunrise together – or more like she's watching him.
Bao Bao is missing. He left early to take the train. He's leaving the city but he didn't know how to say farewell to them so he left them a letter. This is the last they see of him. Aw, this trip was to cheer up Cheng Lang, but our friends neglected Bao Bao, who hid his sorrows with his cheerfulness. He's the saddest of them all. When the rest of the friends are back home, Lu Shi Yi wanted to give Xiao Ju the clip he bought for her, the one that he said looks ugly but suited her. Boys. However, Cheng Lang bought her a pretty windchime to thank her for her efforts on the trip. Lu Shi Yi is too ashamed to give her the hairpin and keeps it.
They receive their acceptance letters. Dad Lu is furious at Lu Shi Yi for applying to medical school. Dad Lu is a doctor too. Or was a doctor?
[Ep9] Lu Shi Yi’s father committed a surgical error. This is the reason his father doesn’t want him to be a doctor. But in the end, he gives all his precious books to Lu Shi Yi to attend university.
Jia Shu breaks Xiao Ju's wind-chime that Cheng Lang gave her which just means it’s not meant to be. Our siblings fight, and Mom takes Jia Shu’s side again. Xiao Ju cries to Mom that she always loves Jia Shu more. Xiao Ju, who was in the middle of packing her suitcase for university, takes her belongings and leaves home weeping.
Cheng Lang and Lu Shi Yi send Xiao Ju to school. On the bus, she’s still wailing and commuters are snickering at her. Lu Shi Yi glares at them and then stands up to block others from staring at her. He also pats her head to comfort her. Then when they arrive at the dorms, he fetches her blankets and thermos (for water). He’s doing all this for her, but she only notices Cheng Lang (who’s just standing and sitting, really). Cheng Lang has to leave first. Lu Shi Yi stays behind to help her clean. He also gives her the seashell hair-clip that she really liked.
University begins. Cheng Lang falls in love with Lin You. It was Xiao Ju who introduced them too.
[Ep10] Shen Duo is a basketball coach assistant. She wants to recruit Lu Shi Yi after he made a shot that’s not just over the half court line, but a full court and more. It’s a shot that surprised Lu Shi Yi too, ha. Shen Duo is more interested in him than just his basketball skills, though.
Le Tao falls in love with Huang Jun after he sings and plays guitar.
Xiao Ju has no one to celebrate her birthday with. She comes across Lu Shi Yi practicing basketball and offers to treat him for dinner, but he chooses practice over her. Turns out, all her friends planned a surprise birthday event for her. Lu Shi Yi bought the cake. Mom is also at her dorm to celebrate her birthday.
Xiao Ju also gets to hold Cheng Lang's hand as our group of friends run away from thugs who Lin You accidentally aggravated. Lu Shi Yi is a tad upset Xiao Ju didn't hold his hand because he reached out to her too.
[Ep11] Xiao Ju and Le Tao visit the boys' basketball practice. Le Tao has a water bottle for Huang Jun. Xiao Ju has a bottle for Cheng Lang but another girl approaches him before she does. Lu Shi Yi, who refuses Shen Duo's water bottle, runs over to steal Xiao Ju's. Then Lu Shi Yi saves Cheng Lang from his fangirl by throwing Xiao Ju's water bottle to him. The fangirl is relentless and asks Cheng Lang to help her open the water bottle. Xiao Ju runs over to help the fellow girl. The cap is tight and so she uses her teeth. I love how Xiao Ju opens her water bottle with her teeth. Lu Shi Yi pats her head and laughs at her. At dinner, he's also calling for her attention by making her wipe his side of the table too. He pats her head again. Too bad for Lu Shi Yi, Xiao Ju is planning to confess to Cheng Lang tonight. But lucky for him, Xiao Ju chickens out.
Xiao Ju is in a dress to impress Cheng Lang but she impresses Lu Shi Yi instead. When this boy is in love, he automatically wants to tease her. But the prank goes too far and Xiao Ju ends up rolling down the stairs.
[Ep12] Xiao Ju has had enough of Lu Shi Yi teasing her. In their "fight", she ends up wrapping her arms around his neck. Xiao Ju tugs at his ears, finding him amusing when he's all red and flustered.
There's a major misunderstanding. Xiao Ju leaves her jar of stars in Lu Shi Yi's locker when she had wanted to give it to Cheng Lang and now Lu Shi Yi thinks she's confessing to him. He also thinks she'll be giving a proper confession once he wins the basketball game.
Our basketball team is losing. Huang Jun and Cheng Lang are out of the game, leaving Lu Shi Yi handicapped. Xiao Ju motivates the crowd to cheer for Lu Shi Yi and the team. Her cheering is all that he needs. Lu Shi Yi leads the team to a W.
![]() |
Not angry. |
[Ep13] Lu Shi Yi is seriously contemplating on whether or not to accept Xiao Ju's confession. He says he's not that interested but his actions betray him. He gels up his hair into this tacky style and treats her at an expensive western restaurant, ready to accept her confession but Xiao Ju tells him it was a dare. Gritting his teeth and keeping a smirk, he says he's not mad at her whatsoever. Treating her at this fancy place was to reject him. Xiao Ju believes it.
Le Tao plans a public confession to Huang Jun. It's such a big commotion. Brave girl. Huang Jun accepts. Lu Shi Yi snickers at Xiao Ju for being so proactive in someone else's confession. Not mad.

[Ep14] Xiao Ju is attending a talent show. She's going to sing and play on a guitar. Lu Shi Yi is her coach, teaching her how to sing a love song. Too bad she's singing the love song for Cheng Lang

Xiao Ju cuts her finger on the strings from all her practice. Lu Shi Yi tenderly treats her hand. Will she notice him?

He notices, though. Lu Shi Yi takes her to a quiet place to practice her guitar. She asks him how she's playing. He's not responding. Turns out he has ears plugged.

When Xiao Ju is close to Lu Shi Yi, it surprises him so much that he rolls down the field with her. She's practically on top of him, and now he's flustered. Lu Shi Yi can no longer deny he likes Xiao Ju.
It's the talent show. Lu Shi Yi is stunned at Xiao Ju's beauty. He doesn't like other boys staring at her, even if they are his buddy. He quickly wipes away her lipstick. He also sends her to the stage. Right before she presents, Xiao Ju was going to announce to the audience that this song is for Cheng Lang but she notices Cheng Lang gave a present to Lin You. Thinking back to all their moments, she realizes the person Cheng Lang loved was Lin You. Although Xiao Ju cries on stage, she finishes her song.
[Ep15] Lin You is in another fight that's related to her mother. Xiao Ju and Cheng Lang save her. While tending to Lin You's injuries, Xiao Ju hides hers urges Cheng Lang to care for Lin You.
Everyone's back at home for the holidays. Lu Shi Yi has been worried for Xiao Ju ever since she cried on stage. He gets her to come out for a walk with him at night. Immediately, he notices the injury on her wrist and switches her bandage because anything that's his is more effective. Xiao Ju is teary and might just be noticing this caring guy.
Lu Shi Yi lets Xiao Ju drink alcohol. A bit drunk, she asks him if he has someone he likes. He nods. He does. So confident this time. She tells him the person she likes doesn't like her. Then she falls asleep and he piggybacks her home. Our drunk Xiao Ju thinks Lu Shi Yi is Cheng Lang. She kisses him and that makes him so flustered, he drops her to the ground. Lol. He swears that if she mistakes him for someone else again, he'll throw her in the garbage. Lu Shi Yi: "Now get on!" Haha. It's rare that I see a ML so rough with the girl he likes.
[Ep16] Xiao Ju wakes up in Lu Shi Yi’s bed. He slept on the floor next to her just so she wouldn’t be scared in the morning to wake up in a stranger’s bed – not that she’s not scared at all seeing him on the floor.
Lu Shi Yi doesn’t care who Xiao Ju likes. He just wants her to be happy again. (:
Our third couple (Huang Jun and Le Tao) seem to be in danger. A girl, Xu Meng Lu, auditions for Huang Jun’s band and it seems that they really connect musically.
Xiao Ju is looking for a part-time because her family is struggling financially.
Xiao Ju plans to confess one last time to Cheng Lang even though she knows he’s going to confess to Lin You. However, she’s interrupted by Lu Shi Yi. He has the perfect, stress-free part-time for Xiao Ju at a convenience store.
[Ep17] Xiao Ju cries at night thinking that Cheng Lang and Lin You are together.

Lu Shi Yi cheers up Xiao Ju. He visits her at her part time and feeds her cookies. He hides her with his body so that she can snack all she wants. He even helps her out with work. She makes those dry looking cookies look so tasty.
Lin You’s boyfriend isn’t Cheng Lang. She's dating someone else.
Lu Shi Yi might have an inkling that Xiao Ju likes Cheng Lang.
It seems Lu Shi Yi has a fear of blood.
Lu Shi Yi and Xiao Ju have lunch together and food splatters on her face. He wipes it for her while she cutely shows her cheeks. He's dazed. Girl doesn't know what she's doing to his heart. Also, I don't know when it began but Xiao Ju is no longer resisting the head-pats.
Lu Shi Yi turns serious as he asks Xiao Ju who she liked before. She can't quite answer him.
Lu Shi Yi: Do you still like him now?
[Ep19] Xiao Ju avoids answering Lu Shi Yi by telling him people should always move forward. Lu Shi Yi interprets that this means she's moving on. Actually, she's hopeful about Cheng Lang returning her feelings now that he's happier and replies to her anonymous letters.
Xiao Ju finds out it was Lu Shi Yi who gave her the advanced pay. Xiao Ju wants to express her gratitude and he offers her a way: whenever he needs her, she'll show up. She translates this to mean he wants her to be his slave. Sigh, Girl, he wants to be your slave.
Lu Shi Yi saves Xiao Ju from a fall. His arm is scratched up and bleeding. He faints from the sight of his own blood. He hugs Xiao Ju for comfort (sorta taking advantage of a guileless girl, lol). This syncope from the sight of blood is completely new to him. Only Shen Duo knows of his condition. This leads to a misunderstanding that Shen Duo and Lu Shi Yi might be dating. Huang Jun is also feeding this rumour with the intentions of making Xiao Ju jealous. This plan fails in so many ways, not only is she not jealous, Lu Shi Yi is furious at Huang Jun
On the other hand, Le Tao wrote a letter to Cheng Lang, forging Xiao Ju's handwriting as Mango Pudding, to ask him to meet in real life. Xiao Ju is furious at Le Tao.
The friends find out Lu Shi Yi's condition. Xiao Ju and Cheng Lang are researching ways to help Lu Shi Yi. Their plan: dress in red to have Lu Shi Yi accustomed to the colour.

Also part Lu Shi Yi's recovery plan: take him to a hospital to watch nurses poke patients with needles (blood samples).
[Ep20] There's nothing wrong with our third couple. Huang Jun still loves Le Tao.
There is something wrong with Lu Shi Yi – his syncope. The counselor advises him to change his major (medicine). Xiao Ju motivates him that if he overcomes his fear, then she'll promise him anything. They pinky promise. Cheng Lang is their witness.
Lu Shi Yi and Xiao Ju go roller skating. They hold hands like it's nothing as he teaches her how to skate. Today is also the day she's supposed to meet Cheng Lang as Mango Pudding. However, Cheng Lang doesn't show up. He's with Lin You. He also visits her boyfriend. The boyfriend tells him that they won't break up. Lin You will support his dream.
Dad Lu is against his son continuing medicine. Lu Shi Yi brings up how he won't give up medicine like his father. Dad angrily stalks off. Mom tells him that Dad regrets this one surgery that led to the death of his patient. It wasn't his fault but that doesn't mean he's not affected by the choice of operating on him. Lu Shi Yi tells him the reason he wants to be a doctor is because he (Dad) is his role model. The father and son make up. Dad will also help Lu Shi Yi find a way to overcome his syncope.
Lu Shi Yi thanks Xiao Ju because it was her who (accidentally) provided the opportunity for his family to openly discuss the past. He gives her a flower pot. They're very cute flowers for a very cute person. Xiao Ju finds them insulting. These are white chrysanthemum (ju-hua) – funeral flowers, ha. He argues these are chu-ju-hua, daisies. Xiao Ju laughs that thank god she's not the girl he likes otherwise his love will end on deathbed. Oi, Lu Shi Yi is provoked. How on earth are daisies offensive? He shoves the pot in her hands and demands her to raise them. They're easy to raise, anyway.
[Ep21] Xiao Ju is at the library writing Cheng Lang a letter. From behind, someone pushes her head. She glares upward because only one person would do that: Lu Shi Yi. She pushes him away before he discovers her letter but in the process she gropes his pecs and dirties his shirt. She apologizes for both and volunteers to wash his shirt. It's not the first time anyway. Her fingers are dirtied by the ink of her broken pen. While he's trying to fix her pen, he asks if she knows why he gave her daisies (chu-ju). Chu sounds like "first" and so she (Xiao Ju) is his first love? Reading too much into this? Maybe. She snickers, "Because I'm tacky?" Upset, he sighs and leaves this hopeless girl. Then the next day he brings her to buy a pen. She laughs at him for failing to fix it. No girl, he wants to buy something for you. He also wants to invite her to the movie but before he can complete his sentence, She's off to buy yummy buns. Xiao Ju really likes her buns. Lu Shi Yi is once again annoyed as he mutters to himself, "Eat, eat, eat! All you do is eat! Are you a pig?"
Xiao Ju misunderstands Lu Shi Yi for liking Shen Duo and helps Shen Duo secretly invite Lu Shi Yi to the movie. The misunderstandings continue. Lu Shi Yi thinks it's Xiao Ju who is asking him to the movies. And then Cheng Lang, who had received the same movie ticket from Xiao Ju, thinks she also invited Lu Shi Yi. A lot of misunderstandings. Thankfully, once Lu Shi Yi realizes the movie date is with Shen Duo, he harshly turns her down. However, Shen Duo is determined to win him, just like how she won the pen from him.
Lin You's boyfriend breaks up with her. He fell in love with someone else. Uh. This second story line is such an unnecessary sob story.
[Ep22] After the movie mix up, Lu Shi Yi angrily scoffs at Xiao Ju, "Even if I like a pig, I won't like you!" He explains the reason Shen Duo has the pen is because she snatched it from him when he said he should thankful to her (for treating his syncope). Realizing she messed up, Xiao Ju invites Lu Shi Yi to a hotpot. It'll use up all her allowance for the month but it's worth it if Lu Shi Yi is happy again. However, he doesn't show up. He thinks it's another one of Xiao Ju's hookups with Shen Duo. Belatedly realizing it isn't, he sprints to the hotpot dinner and finds her shivering in the cold. She's been waiting for hours. He turns on the cute and the whine, and pleads to her to have dinner with him. It's his treat. He also learns that she only promised to help Shen Duo convince him to see this psychiatrist.
This "Love Letter movie" is destroying relationships:
- Le Tao finds the ticket snub and realizes Huang Jun lied. (He went to the movies with Xu Meng Lu. He's emotionally cheating on her).
- Cheng Lang skips the movie that Xiao Ju invited him to because he's busy comforting Lin You.
- Xiao Ju is so upset, she confronts Cheng Lang and that's how Lu Shi Yi knows who she likes and that's how Xiao Ju learns she has once again lost to Lin You.
- The next day, Lu Shi Yi purposefully maliciously fouls Cheng Lang during basketball practice
[Ep23] Cheng Lang doesn't get why he's ostracized and hated by both Xiao Ju and Lu Shi Yi. Lu Shi Yi lies that Xiao Ju spent her precious money on the tickets, of course she's angry. Clueless Cheng Lang believes it.
Xiao Ju accompanies Lu Shi Yi to his therapy. The psychologist asks him to think of happy memories. It's all memories of Xiao Ju.
At lunch, Cheng Lang sits next to Xiao Ju. Lu Shi Yi knows she's uncomfortable so he makes her sit across from him and therefore diagonal of Cheng Lang. Lu Shi Yi also gives our piggy extra meat.
Xiao Ju participates in a 400m race. She wants to beat Lin You for once. Lu Shi Yi cheers for her, knowing exactly why she's running, "You are you. There's nothing you have to prove to anyone.” Can Xiao Yu hear him? Not really. She’s too distracted from being heartbroken, so distracted, she’s slow to react to the gun signalling the start of the race.
[Ep24] During the race, Xiao Ju is distracted by Cheng Lang who's cheering on Lin You. He only has eyes for her. Distracted (and heart-even-more-broken), Xiao Ju trips and falls before she reaches the finish line. Is this what she's trying to prove? That she's inferior to Lin You? She's all scratched up and cries, not from the physical pain, but from her scratched up heart. Lu Shi Yi carries her to the infirmary. He comforts her. He knows she's crying for Cheng Lang but reminds her that love isn't all. Look at him, he doesn't have someone he loves and look how carefree he is. With tears in her eyes, Xiao Ju nods. He makes her pinky-promise him (that she'll move on). During this whole process, Lu Shi Yi didn't faint from Xiao Ju's blood. He's recovered.
Le Tao breaks up with Huang Jun.
Xiao Ju doesn't like her major. Lu Shi Yi suggests a tourist major since she has a love for travelling. She loves the idea. He knows her more than she knows herself. However, her family is facing another financial crisis – transferring majors will be difficult.
[Ep25] Soooo...Huang Jun wants Le Tao back and they have this really dramatic physical fight and then his eyes start bleeding. Obviously, they're not back together.

[Ep26] Although Mom and Dad barely have money, they let Xiao Ju transfer her major. She feels bad because she never knew their circumstances but her family wants her to pursue what she loves. Xiao Ju successfully transfers.
Le Tao is hospitalized. Huang Jun is at the hospital in a jiffy, all worried about her. And they make up. Oh but she catches him "cheating" on her. He's actually in the hospital for another reason: Xu Meng Lu is hospitalized and he's taking care of her too.
Chang Le is Xiao Ju's new friend in her new major. Guess who's jealous? Lu Shi Yi is.
Lin You is missing.
[Ep27] Lin You is not missing. Cheng Lang is just a worrywart. He thought Lin You was mad at him (when she’s not) and alerted Xiao Ju and Lu Shi Yi to help search (when it was unnecessary).
Tonight is also New Year’s Eve. Lu Shi Yi takes Xiao Ju up the mountains for fireworks. On this special night, Lu Shi Yi had planned to confess but Xiao Ju is gloomy over Cheng Lang. She cries. Lu Shi Yi gives up confessing and takes her to another location. There is romantic lighting everywhere. Xiao Ju’s mood brightens and then there are fireworks. Lu Shi Yi hugs her, letting her head rest on his chest. This is how they spend New Years together. Xiao Ju peeks up (tearily) to wish him a Happy New Year.
Cheng Lang and Lin You hold hands to confirm their love as they’re watching the same set of fireworks. On the contrary, Le Tao and Huang Jun officially breakup.
Two years later (2002 – fourth year of uni)
Cheng Lang and Lin You are steadily dating. Lu Shi Yi is in residency. As for Xiao Ju, she’s still raising the daisies Lu Shi Yi gave her. Are they dating?! Nope. Still friends.
Xiao Ju leads a tour for her co-op. Lu Shi Yi signs up for her tour. Xiao Ju has a brilliant idea to entertain her tourists: together with Lu Shi Yi they reenact "The Bund”(上海滩). Even though it's embarrassing, for the girl he likes, he’ll do it. He also lets her nap while he substitutes for her in answering all the tourists’ questions (thanks to Xiao Ju's super duper detailed notebook). The tour was all going well until two tourists went missing. On this very empty street, Lu Shi Yi and Xiao Ju fail to locate the tourists. The sun has long set and they’re still searching. Then she receives a call that the tourists are already back at the hotel. Xiao Ju is disappointed in herself. The tourists found a way back to the hotel and didn’t even bother to call her for help. Plus, this will be reported to her professor. Also, how will they get home? Lu Shi Yi casually smiles that it won’t be a problem. This is comforting for Xiao Ju. She’s noticed Lu Shi Yi has matured over the years: he knows how to be considerate.
And then Lu Shi Yi tells her he has someone he likes. Xiao Ju is curious. Who could it be!
[Ep28] Lu Shi Yi raises the possibility that he could like Xiao Ju. Xiao Ju is like Ridiculous! And so Lu Shi Yi chickens out of confessing. They bike the rest of the way home but he’s so distracted from the indirect rejection, he almost drives them into a ditch.
Huang Jun is a jerk who’s dating Xu Meng but loves Le Tao. As for Le Tao, she’s over him. Atta girl. She’s cheerfully texting this mysterious dude.
Lu Shi Yi accepts Shen Duo’s invitation to her graduation (a uni party with the graduating year) only because Xiao Ju accepted Chang Le’s invite. Chang Le plans to confess to Xiao Ju by performing on stage. However, before he gets to sing, Huang Jun and Le Tao escalate their argument in the middle of the dance floor. He wants her back. Soooooooo dramatic.
Xiao Ju is in a bad mood. Firstly for Le Tao and secondly, it seems she’s jealous Lu Shi Yi is with Shen Duo.
Shen Duo asks Lu Shi Yi to consider her. She’s like Give me a chance, I’m going abroad. Girl, why? You’re going abroad and he’s never once kindly accepted your advances.
Chang Le tells Xiao Ju the song he prepared is for her. Well, it’s not happening anymore. Lu Shi Yi takes Xiao Ju for a run.

Lin You wants Cheng Lang to go abroad to advance his career because there's more opportunities. Cheng Lang believes there is prosperity right here. He wants to stay in the country. Does that mean he'll be separated from Lin You who wants to go abroad?
The next day, Xiao Ju texts Chang Le and Lu Shi Yi her rejection on QQ. Lu Shi Yi ain't admitting defeat like that. If she wants to say anything to him, he wants it directly. And so Xiao Ju switches up her tactic. She copies "CL I really like you" like a mantra just to show Lu Shi Yi. He angrily walks off but then Lin You picks up the letter and asks who CL is. Lu Shi Yi is back and explains he is CL. His English name is suddenly Cooper Lu. And so Cooper Lu wraps his arm around Xiao Ju's shoulders, claiming they just started dating. Xiao Ju is forced to lie with Cooper Lu. Aight. I'll stop calling him Cooper Lu.
[Ep30] Xiao Ju misunderstands Lu Shi Yi for updating on the school forum that they're a couple. The words she lashed at him were brutal enough that Lu Shi Yi tells her he will give up on her. He walks away and then Xiao Ju apologizes. Just like that, Lu Shi Yi stops in his heels and turns right back around to hug her. "I'm not as good as Cheng Lang but I'm not that bad either." He whines that he was up all night because he was so upset at her. She promises to make up to him. Lu Shi Yi grins and caresses her face. While she's busy trying to escape from his hands, he asks her on a date. His hands are now around her neck and he lightly bobs her head for her. Regardless if she had control, it's a nod! The date is set.

Xiao Ju struggles to accept Cooper Lu. I just wanted to call him that one last time. He's her best friend. She was set on letting him watch a horror movie alone but when she hears how bloody and gory the scenes are, she sprints towards the theatre, worried about Lu Shi Yi. She asks the staff if they've seen her "boyfriend" who's tall and handsome. Her mouth and teeth were wrestling each other to get those words out. Lu Shi Yi overhears and grins. Quickly, he drags her into the theatre. He's totally fine with blood. But then he faints. It's an act, though. Xiao Ju falls for it. He pulls her down to his lap and apologizes. The next moment, he's treating her like a queen, feeding her drinks and food. In his voice-over, he knows forcing her isn't right but if the other option is to let go, he can't do that.
However, Xiao Ju is serious. She wants to break off this fake relationship. Lu Shi Yi tells her he's the more vulnerable one. If he's not afraid, then what is she afraid of?
Lu Shi Yi: Unless you're afraid of falling for me?
[Ep31] Everyone is back home for the holidays. Lu Shi Yi's parents bug him for his girlfriend. Conveniently, Xiao Ju walks in with corn for his family and so he casually points to Xiao Ju that she's his girlfriend – but they broke up. Lol. Seeing how she's caught speechless, Lu Shi Yi jokes to his parents that it's a lie.
A flashback tells us Xiao Ju couldn't answer Lu Shi Yi's question from last episode. Currently, Xiao Ju asks herself why she's feeling uncomfortable now that Lu Shi Yi agreed to "breakup".On Lu Shi Yi's side, this is his new plan: to retreat is to advance. He wonders if this plan will be futile too.
Huang Jun's future is bleak. He barely learnt anything from his major. He wants to be a singer but his band-mates don't want to risk their future with him. They're disappointed in Huang Jun who has given up a lot of performances after breaking up. And then a miracle happens. There's a phone call from a music company, expressing desire to sign Huang Jun. Two years ago, Le Tao incessantly wrote them letters to promote Huang Jun and now they're finally responding.
Lin You's ex-boyfriend is back and he wants her back. She's shaken by his appearance. She learns he was in a car accident that rendered him incapable of being a professional pianist. This is the reason he broke up with her two years ago. He was at his lowest point in life and he thought it was best for her future to break up. She cries that he never gave her a chance to decide for herself. She tells him it's too late for them, she can't hurt Cheng Lang. Oh dear, so it's not because she loves Cheng Lang that she's staying but because she doesn't want to "hurt" Cheng Lang. While Lin You is struggling to reject her ex, Cheng Lang sees them hugging. He throws punches at the ex but Lin You is protective of her ex.
[Ep32] The ex explains to Cheng Lang the hug wasn't Lin You's intention. The ex also reveals that Lin You is giving up the opportunity abroad because of Cheng Lang. This rattles Cheng Lang. He doesn't want her to give up her dream for him.
Lin You struggles with her feelings. She's afraid of betraying Cheng Lang. She also knows Xiao Ju likes/liked Cheng Lang. She hugs Xiao Yu telling her that love isn't something one can lie to oneself. And so Lin You leaves abroad (with her ex), which means it's also a break up with Cheng Lang...
Lu Shi Yi receives the opportunity to study abroad too (the same opportunity as Shen Duo). Abroad, abroad, abroad, abroad! Ah! So annoying.
Cheng Lang joins a start-up company. It seems he's aware of Xaio Ju's feelings for him. He can't accept them. Xiao Ju laughs it off. She's long over him. However, Lu Shi Yi doesn't know Xiao Ju is over Cheng Lang and now he misunderstands.
[Ep33] Lu Shi Yi misunderstands that Xiao Ju and Cheng Lang are in the middle of a hug. He leaves the room. Xiao Ju gloomily plops down. Then a loud rude voice roars from outside: “Xia Xiao Ju! Are you not coming out!” Yea, that's Lu Shi Yi. Xiao Ju smiles and heads out. And then they sit in silence at the bench for the whole night until he tells her he’s leaving abroad. Xiao Ju barely has a reaction except a congratulation. Actually, I saw a lot of sadness in her but he's blind and she’s kinda mute, so like whatever. Once he’s gone, she cries alone on the bench. Everyone’s leaving her, but with Shi Yi’s departure, she feels like she lost her compass. Of all people, she never thought he’d leave her side. With his impending departure, Xiao Ju reflects on her feelings. She doesn’t know if it’s love or dependence. She never thought he would leave her. Ever. But why did she think that? Did he tell her that or did she want that?
Lu Shi Yi and Xiao Ju have a proper(-ish) conversation. His first thought when he was given the opportunity abroad was what would happen to them. Xiao Ju looks away, smiling. He knows she would want him to go abroad but he wants to know the answer in her heart. Does she want him to leave? Xiao Ju is on mute again and looks down at the ground. Lu Shi Yi tilts down to meet her gaze. Then his hands are around her neck, he’s checking her carotid pulse. He can feel her heartbeat accelerating. Embarrassed, Xiao Ju runs away.
Huang Jun is finally letting Le Tao go. It’s a proper breakup – none of that grandissimo fight.
Xiao Ju is off to lead a tour. Lu Shi Yi is worried for her because there’s a storm warning in the city she’s in. However, it’s Cheng Lang who finds her first.
[Ep34] Lu Shi Yi misunderstands again!! He thinks Xiao Ju still likes Cheng Lang. He leaves abroad without telling her. And of course our drama makes it so that Xiao Ju just realizes her feelings are love. Cue ominous stuff: she steps on her seashell hair clip that Lu Shi Yi gave her. The connections between them are snapping. Lu Shi Yi isn’t replying to any of her messages. When she does find a way to reach him, she receives an email with an attachment: a couple picture with Shen Duo. When Xiao Ju phones Lu Shi Yi to confirm, it’s Shen Duo who picks up. This conniving woman makes Xiao Ju believe that she’s dating Lu Shi Yi.
Le Tao motivates Xiao Ju to be braver. If she confesses to Lu Shi Yi, Le Tao believes there might still be a chance. YES! However, Xiao Ju thinks she’s wronged Lu Shi Yi too much.. So she's going to wrong him again. Makes sense.
[Ep35] 2007. Everyone is working. Le Tao is getting married! Xiao Ju is shocked. She hasn’t even seen Le Tao’s boyfriend yet.
Xiao Ju is a manager (?) at her tour company. Cheng Lang is a CEO of his online commerce company. Their parents set them up at dinner, but Xiao Ju is clearly not over Lu Shi Yi and Cheng Lang knows this. She had two boyfriends, but none of them were serious. Cheng Lang isn’t over Lin You either. Apparently, she’s married.
Huang Jun is a popular singer.
Xiao Ju has a VIP client who specifically appointed her as his guide. It’s Le Ti Wei! Who, you may ask? It’s Lu Shi Yi but Xiao Ju’s boss read it wrong just like how Xiao Ju read it wrong on the first day of class. Xiao Ju is smiling at him until Lu Shi Yi tells her this trip is for him to plan his romantic proposal for his girlfriend.
After spending a suffocating day with him, Xiao Ju turns so angry at him for messing with her feelings when he clearly has a girlfriend. Our girl just completely ignored the fact that she sang a love song with him in the car, and the places they’re visiting are places they’ve been together. She angrily stomps off and accidentally pushes him in the water. Serves him right! And she leaves. But then she remembers Lu Shi Yi doesn’t know how to swim.
I can’t blame her for being so mad at him when he’s so annoying and I can’t blame him for being so annoying when she’s so stupid.
[Ep36] Xiao Ju is in tears, thinking Lu Shi Yi drowned. But he’s awake and he’s asking for a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Xiao Ju ditches him. Lu Shi Yi smiles because now he knows she cares about him... He shouts after her to meet at the beach tomorrow.
In the morning Xiao Ju receives the bracelet from Lu Shi Yi. Will she be smart enough to know that his "girlfriend" is actually her? If she remembers properly, he bought the bracelet because his girlfriend isn't very fond of hairclips. He meant Xiao Ju who never wore it. Xiao Ju starts remembering the song they sang in the car. He sang these specific lines with her: "I love you inexplicably, love you deeply." The song: "Do You Know I am Waiting?" Original artist: Jeremy Chang. Xiao Ju runs to the beach to find him but he's nowhere in sight. He had an emergency surgery. He also wasn't aware she'd actually go. Xiao Ju is enraged. Geez, man. Is a simple text that hard?
Cheng Lang sees Lin You on the street. He looks like he's still in love with her. He takes a step forward, but then her "husband" picks her up. He's a foreign guy. Oof. It's not the piano guy.

At Le Tao's party (to introduce her fiancé), Xiao Ju is still angry at Lu Shi Yi. However, she's distracted once she sees Bao Bao! He's Le Tao's fiance! Omg I like this surprise. And he's successful as something. Bao Bao and Xiao Ju are once again rivals and this time it's who has the better tolerance. Lu Shi Yi is a tad embarrassed. Le Tao is already the angry wife. By the end Bao Bao and Xiao Ju are completely wasted.
Lu Shi Yi carries Xiao Ju to a hotel room. When he puts her to bed, she kisses him. Lu Shi Yi resists her, asking her if she knows who he is. She knows. She's kissing "Da Tu" (Lu Shi Yi). And then they kiss for real. The next morning, Xiao Ju is in bed, naked. Where is Lu Shi Yi? Probably busy with the wedding. Xiao Ju is currently late as the maid of honour. Lu Shi Yi is the best man and Xiao Ju makes sure she ignores him.
Huang Jun is secretly at the wedding hall too. He's happy for Le Tao (but also a little sad for himself?).
It's the bouquet throw. Lu Shi Yi and the boys mingle in the crowd – they're ensuring Xiao Ju receives the bouquet. She does. And then the boys push a nervous Lu Shi Yi to propose. Xiao Ju asks about his "girlfriend". Seriously! He tells her he only ever had her. He gets down on one knee, pops the ring. Xiao Ju accepts. They kiss.
Huang Jun is happy for his buddy. Cheng Lang pops the balloons. The popping sound reminds me of the butt cracking firecrackers from Ep1, ha.
[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I had thought this was a high school drama, well, it is, but only for the first 6 episodes. By episode 6, it's gaokao and they're headed to university. I guess this is a campus drama. It's not heavily focused on romance (yet), but rather on the characters and their friendship. Our drama is a slice of life, nothing too dramatic or fluffy. It will focus on multiple main characters and so far, I think I like them. One thing I really love is how picturesque the drama is.
The romance update: there is A who likes B who likes C. B is our FL. A is the boy who always teases her. C is the boy who's always nice to her. Presumably, C will eventually like D, the second female lead, who seems nice. In fact, everyone is amicable. There is no cold and aloof guy, or jealous and annoying girl, just your regular, average students.
[Actors/Actresses] It’s a little weird watching Hu Yi Xuan play a student when I’m used to seeing her in adult roles but after the first episode, she convinced me. She's half the reason I like this drama – she adds such a relatable touch to her character.
Wang Rui Chang brings a unique flavour to Lu Shi Yi. He fits the boy who likes teasing the girl he likes and yet he's mature about it. [Ending update] Lu Shi Yi isn't that mature....
[Behind the Scenes]
[Behind the Scenes]
[Ending] Happy ending for the main couple (Lu Shi Yi and Xiao Ju). Cheng Lang is single. Le Tao marries a special someone who is not Huang Jun.
[Review & Rating]