A girl boards a train to a parallel universe to rediscover her family and friends.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Qiao Xin: Zheng Da Qian
Ma Si Chao: Mu Zi Li (“Li Zi”)
Zhou Yi Ran: Mu Zi Xi
Glimmering in Your Winter Night

Zheng Da Qian gets off the train, and it’s the scene from the intro where she bumps into her doppelgänger at Tieyuan station. Uh oh, one will have to disappear. I wonder if tieyuan is supposed to sound like “unshakeable fate”.
To wake up, Zheng Da Qian submerges her face in Dad Mu’s (Mu Zi Li’s father) fish tank. It works! She successfully embarrasses herself in front of everyone. *Clap clap clap* Li Zi is back home in time and asks if she’s thirsty. In disbelief that she’s still dreaming, she slaps him in the face when the poor boy is recovering from a concussion.
Li Zi takes Zheng Da Qian to the Bridge of Fate. She reads a wish, “Hoped to have met you sooner.” She glances up at Li Zi, remembers kissing him, and shakes her head. He’s clearly not her Mu Zi Li. This date is funny. He one-ups her and won’t let her get off the boat until she hands over his keys and her phone, lol. He knows her well. After paddle-boating, he safely sends her back home to her father. She trips him on purpose and so he tattles on her for running away. Tit for tat.

Zheng Da Qian is determined to protect her parent’s marriage and therefore Dad Zheng has to change! She makes him exercise with her, and so he gets Li Zi to go too. Li Zi goes “Achoo”. Lol. And he was all supportive about exercising a minute ago. The fake sneeze doesn’t work, but then Mom Zheng barges in and is in shriek-mode. She’s upset because they didn’t leave her food when she asked. Now she’s crying. She apologizes to Li Zi for her outburst, but Li Zi is grateful. He doesn’t have to exercise now. *Heart*
Mu Zi Xi switches his bike for a tackier looking one because it’s got a backseat. He wants to take Mi Lan to school since he noticed her taking the bus. Too bad for her, she doesn’t take his offer.
Maternal Grandma looks forbidding and unwelcoming. From her, our group of five get a room, no food, and a lecture. Haha. How to sleep in this one room? Girls to the right and men to the left. The kid in the middle. Mu Zi Xi asks, “Who’s the kid?” xD
Will Mu Zi Xi get a wink of sleep tonight? xD
The road is blocked from the winter storm. Our group will have to stay one more day and they have to work for it. Goose-catching time! Then it leads to ankle twisting – Zheng Da Qian’s ankle. Li Zi is back with medicine, but Yan Jun Ze is already tending to her ankle. Li Zi is saddened (and jealous) when he sees their skinship. 
Everyone goes ice fishing! Exciting! Until there’s no fish for hours. Everyone ditches the grandma except Yan Jun Ze who’s staying so Grandma won’t be lonely. Aw. Grandma advises Yan Jun Ze that fishing and love is all about timing. Our clever Grandma thinks he’s in love with her granddaughter, Mi Lan. Lol! Grandma thinks he’s sucking up to her because he likes Mi Lan, haha. Grandma is right about timing though because Zheng Da Qian and Li Zi are having fun together right now. Li Zi is finally waking up to his feelings for her ~ Him gazing at her staring at the fishes is a nod to Ep1 where she ducked her head in the fish tank. It’s romantic that the amnesiac Li Zi has fallen in love with Zheng Da Qian again the moment he saw her in this world despite how embarrassing she was.
At night, Li Zi gets up for the washroom and sees Zheng Da Qian moving weirdly under her blanket. He removes the blanket and she’s actually eating yam. She asks him if he wants some. The way he’s lost in staring at her makes me think his answer is this: he wants all of her. He’s completely frozen. But I know his heart is pounding *dong dong dong*! There’s a gigantic glacier melting in there!
Li Zi and Zheng Da Qian fool the grumpy owner into selling them his store. Zheng Da Qian compliments their own acting and wonders why no one casts them in dramas. Zi Li says they’re not good looking enough, “These days, who looks at acting? It’s all about looks.” Ma Si Chao being so meta...lol. Zheng Da Qian is fishing for compliments but Li Zi isn’t giving her any, and so she makes fun of his small eyes and his small “heart eyes”. 小心眼 Small heart eyes = petty / narrow-sightedminded. She notices that the way they bicker is like they’ve known each other for a really long time. Yup. For like ever.
Zheng Da Qian is ready to earn a big fortune, except fortune begins on the opposite street. Their store is right outside the borders for reconstruction. She won't get any compensation. Li Zi knew not to trust her and had plans already. They will open a restaurant! Except he forgot none of them can cook. These two incompetent fools! xD. Anyway, a restaurant it is and it’ll be called “Starry Restaurant”. It’s in the title of each episode. Also this scarf scene is a nod to IDWtBYF.
The group of friends spend their last weekend together with Li Zi. However the car only fits five: Yan Jun Ze, Da Zhi, Da Zhi’s cute son (Niu Niu), Mu Zi Xi and Mi Lan. The remaining two, Zheng Da Qian and Li Zi will take the train, but it’s too cold and they ditch the friends to play at an arcade. Li Zi wins an ugly toy in a capsule from a vending machine. He gives it to her as a Christmas, New Years, Chinese New Years, and Birthday present. Despite his stingy present, she supports his choice in standing back up where he fell. 
Mu Zi Xi and Mi Lan spend quality time together too. He teases her and takes a picture of her before she’s ready.
Meanwhile, the three lonely guys hang out together. Actually, just one: Yan Jun Zi. Da Zhi motivates him to confess his feelings to Zheng Da Qian and then leave the rest to destiny. “Fate” was how he met Niu Niu. Four years ago, Da Zhi almost died from a car accident. Then when he returned to his office, he saw an abandoned infant and adopted him. After he almost lost a life, he gained a new life.
It turns out that last night, Yan Jun Ze bumped into Niu Niu who had found the toy. He used it to build a snowman’s nose and mouth. It does look like one! Niu Niu, you are a miracle kid!
Also, when Yan Jun Ze made the snow bet, he knew there was an 80% chance of snow. He can read clouds. He gave himself only 20% of chance but that 20% vanished when Niu Niu found the toy. Fate wasn't on his side either. Awww. Yan Jun Ze, you’re admirable though!
It snows ~ Zheng Da Qian dashes out and phones Li Zi who’s looking for her too. They agree to meet at the swings in the park. 
But ho hum, Li Zi gets into a car accident. His mind lapses between consciousness and unconsciousness, and that’s when he remembers the original universe! Aha, our Li Zi is Li Zi!
At the hospital, the doctor advises Li Zi to stop chemo. There’s no need to put his father through any more torture. Li Zi doesn’t tell his father the truth, but Dad Mu can feel it. It’s his body. He wants to go home. “I miss your mother.” While Dad Mu is sleeping in the car, Li Zi tells Zheng Da Qian that she’ll have to improve her acting to play along with his father. Oof. Show. You did not come with a warning that you were going to be depressing.

It’s New Years. Everyone has their family dinner. Mi Lan has dinner with hers too, but returns early to the restaurant in case she argues with her father. Then all the families gather there to watch fireworks. Mom Mu looks like she knows Dad Mu has cancer, but she doesn’t say anything. When it’s time for Mom Mu’s favourite coloured firework – purple – nothing shows up. Purple happens to be the hardest colour to produce. Mom Mu smiles that they can try again next year. It’s her silent plea T_T.

[Ep23] “It’s Hard to Say Goodbye”

They joke about meeting in 2080 again and marrying at 80yo. They promise to 不見不散 even if we don’t see each other, don’t give up and leave. 

[First Impression (Ep1-6)] The story: our FL boards a train to an alternate-verse where she rediscovers her family and friends. They’re the same, and yet unfamiliar (e.g. her father is alive, her parents are no longer divorced, the ML who used to love her has amnesia (and I can’t wait until his amnesia wears off!), etc.). Initially, I didn't realize how broken the FL was. She needs this trip to appreciate everyone and herself.
[Actors/Actresses] This drama vibes the most with I Don’t Want to Be Friends With You, which I grew to love and is also from the same director. They got Ma Si Chao back too. He’s definitely the ML this time. No doubt about that. This guy has IDWtBFWY production to thank for discovering his charms and of course, himself for nabbing each chance.
[Behind the Scenes]
[A Highlight] For whatever reason my memorable scene is..... the gang marching to go ice-fishing in Ep10
[Review & Rating]
Network: Tencent Video
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.5/5
First Impression: 3.5/5
Mini Recaps
[Ep1] “Birthday Surprise” (The restaurant name on the side is “Starry Restaurant”)
Our FL is Zheng Da Qian but she doesn’t make much money. The Chinese pun: her name sounds like earn a big fortune (掙大錢 zheng da qian). That’s not her real name though. It’s 鄭達前 where Da Qian means Reach Forward. Her sleep is interrupted by her alarm, our common morning nemesis, which she shoots down with her toy gun. There’s three stars on the alarm clock which is sort of like the three large comets in the intro.
It’s Zheng Da Qian's 29th birthday and her wish is small. She just wants a Glimmer of light (on this Winter Night). Title. Unsurprisingly, her day starts grimly: Zheng Da Qian quarrels with her ex, Guan Zhe, whom she works with, and is demoted by her manager, Wang An Na (who is actually the mistress!). At least her boy-buddy, Yan Jun Ze, celebrates her birthday with her. He also invited all their childhood friends whom she hasn’t spoken with for years.
It goes without saying that dinner gets very awkward. Mi Lan, who’s rich and married, asks Zheng Da Qian when was the last time she returned to home in Baihe. Uh, since her father’s funeral. Not awkward. Then Mu Zi Li, our ML and a successful entrepreneur, gives her a stun baton and a pepper spray – his company’s products? – to protect herself now that she broke up and is living alone. Not humiliating especially when it seems like these two have something something going on. He’s not very smart about it if he’s trying to express that he likes her. But hey, he gave the present in a pink heart box! Give the guy 1 point, that is after you deduct 99... Our prideful Zheng Da Qian retorts that she isn’t single. You can see Mu Zi Li’s smile drooping a little, aw. She lies that her ex proposed to her. Well, what a coincidence because the ex is having a date with the manager at the same restaurant. The ex yells at Zheng Da Qian for ruining his new relationship. Also not humiliating. Mu Zi Li quickly walks away (hey!), but he’s back with a cake to smash it in the ex’s face (yes!). It turns out that these two friends fought and lost contact because of her boyfriend (now her ex). What a waste! Losing contact for that ex! This dinner though was awkward enough that I loved it. It’s so obvious MZL loves her ~
Mu Zi Li gives Zheng Da Qian a new cake. She makes a wish, hoping that the next year will be better. He says it will and he'll be with her. His headquarters is currently here at Ningzhou. Ah, he moved for her. She quibbles that he never contacted her. Just because she blocked him, he can still find her. Girls, lol. He logically interprets that if he’s blocked, it means she doesn’t want him to find her. She reluctantly agrees and lightly blames it on CEO Mu’s pride. Girl, it was your pride all along. Mu Zi Li says that in front of her, he has no pride. Ou. Slightly flustered, she changes the topic and asks why he’s here.
Mu Zi Li: Because Beijing doesn’t have you.She changes the topic again and asks how long he plans to stay.Mu Zi Li: Ten years.Zheng Da Qian: So when I’m 30-40yo, you can spend these ten years with me.Mu Zi Li: I also want to be with you from when you’re 40-100yo.Zheng Da Qian: As friends...Mu Zi Li: As lovers.
For 29 years, they grew up together and they fought together but every time they argued, he still wanted to see her afterwards. He asks her “If friends can be together forever, so why can’t lovers?” When she stammers, he gives her time and space.
Mu Zi Li: I waited 29 years for you. I’m in no rush. I love how his voice fell into a soft whisper at the end. But hey, isn’t it cool he loved her since he was born? #RealLifeGoals

Mu Zi Li feeds her cake, but Zheng Da Qian kisses him instead! Fireworks! There’s a lighthouse too. This is her wish in the morning. She wanted a “small” glimmer. The next morning, they both wake up naked in his bed. It turns out she designed his home! I like that detail. Just as he’s bashfully asking her to be his girlfriend, he gets called for something urgent and politely leaves. He makes breakfast for her, though! But she doesn’t eat it! She’s afraid of losing him as both a lover and a friend. She thinks staying friends when they love each other is the solution to keep him forever, I seeeee.
Zheng Da Qian’s mother, Gong Xiao Qin, is remarrying and invites her daughter to the wedding over the phone. She vents her pent-up emotions at her mother for leaving without another word when their family broke apart, and for being nowhere in sight when her father died. Awww. But she doesn’t say any of this out loud. Aw! She stays silent at her mother’s wedding invitation. She barely manages to control the quiver in her lips as she gives her mother a curt blessing. Did the mother forget to wish her daughter a happy birthday? :(
The TV tells us the day is/will be March 1st 2019. There will be a meteor shower (a bolide) which can be seen clearest at Baihe (hometown). The next morning, Zheng Da Qian is heading home because her old house will be demolished and she’ll be compensated with 2M RMB. Perfect timing too because she quit her job. She also finally picks up Mu Zi Li’s phone call. He tells her he’ll go to Baihe too because some things are better said vis-à-vis.

[Ep2] “I Want to Go Back”
Note on the ML’s name: Everyone reverses Mu Zi Li’s name to “Li Zi” which can mean Plum. I’m going with what I hear more often and so “Li Zi” it is.
Zheng Da Qian’s doppelgänger disappears. Then she misses the bus. She hitches a ride from a kind truck driver. Along the way, she sees a car accident. Ohhhhh, it’s Li Zi! He was driving to Baihe! When she arrives in the house, she’s shocked to see her mother, who is now whipping her with a feather duster for running away from home. Then Zheng Da Qian is horrified at the sight of his father who’s supposed to be resting in peace. The dad’s name: (Zheng) Ying Jun means (“Really”) Handsome. Then she learns that Li Zi is recovering in the hospital after a car accident. He's fine except that he’s slightly amnesiac. He remembers most things and not some things. Convenient. Zheng Da Qian is worried for him until she realizes it’s all a dream!

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I love the mom’s deadpan expression. She stays like that for the entire scene xD |
Zheng Da Qian asks if everyone is pranking her, but how come her father is still alive, lol. She privately asks Li Zi for the date today. He laughs at the stupid question but realizes he doesn’t know either. Hmmm. He checks his phone and it’s November 1, 2018. Oh, this drama carefully timed its premiere! This aired October 31st, which is the night that Zheng Da Qian arrived in the parallel universe. Also, if I’m counting the drama days right, then her birthday is Feb28/29 depending if there’s a leap year. Zheng Da Qian realizes it’s only been three months earlier. Her father still can’t be alive. She double checks and asks if they (her and Li Zi) ever slept together. He’s flabbergasted! Of course not! However, at night, he’s contemplating if the glimpses of his dream were real. Ou. He has memories! He definitely “traveled” with her. I can't wait for his amnesia to wear off.
In this alternate-verse, Zheng Da Qian has an ex too and worked at Ningzhou. Li Zi isn’t a successful entrepreneur. He failed and never went to Ningzhou and is now at home mooching from his parents. We’re also introduced to Li Zi’s younger brother, Mu Zi Xi who seems jealous or unhappy at Li Zi for whatever reason.
Zheng Da Qian is caught running away to the station. She’s agitated and yells at the mother that she’s not her daughter. Her real daughter ran away from home and who knows she might be dead. Oof. That’s a little overboard missy. But our FL does hold a grudge against her real mother...
[Ep3] “The Last Train Home”
Father Zheng is busy buzzing around Mom Zheng and Zheng Da Qian to cheer them up. Also, it turns out that he was detained earlier for aggression because his buddies made fun of his daughter for cohabitating with a man and then breaking up. Raising her is a deficit since she lost her “body” (read: virginity) and “money”. Awesome dad for beating up his buddies to stand up for his daughter. Also Dad Zheng is happy to take care of his own daughter for life!
Zheng Da Qian had swore to never eat square-ribs. Mom Cheng is confused when she loves it. It’s a vow from the original-verse because the last meal she had with her parents was square-ribs and that was the night they divorced. It seems Dad Zheng was ridden with debt. Ah. This is why Zheng Da Qian doesn’t want to date Mu Zi Li. Her parents made her distrust love and marriage, and she couldn’t afford to lose Mu Zi Li, the person she cherishes the most.
Li Zi “babysits” Zheng Da Qian in case she runs away because that’s exactly her plan. She thinks to go back home, she has to board the same train K268, but this train will stop running and tonight is the last train ever.

Zheng Da Qian has dinner with her father. No square ribs, and no circles. She directly tells Dad Zheng she doesn’t want to be protected like this. Her parents can’t protect her forever. Who said that! Dad Zheng will protect her as long as he lives. But he died in her world :( “You’re my daughter. If I don’t protect you, who will I protect?” *Sniffles* Zheng Da Qian says that her father wasn’t by her side for a long time already in the other world. Dad Zheng doesn’t understand. He’s also a little drunk. She asserts that she’ll be fine in “Ningzhou”. She’s used to being independent. Her life may be tough, but as long as she clenches her teeth, she can withstand her obstacles. She must get up from where she fell and this is why she must return to Ningzhou, her world. Dad Zheng tears up and agrees. He drives her to the train station and buys her food. He also makes sure she has money. However, Mom Zheng catches her! As the women quarrel on the bus, someone outside has fainted. It’s Dad Zheng.
[Ep4] “If I Can’t Go Back, Then I’ll Live Well Here”
Father Cheng has a heart attack and will need surgery. Zheng Da Qian cries alone in the hallway. T_T She’s reliving his death... But Dad Zheng recovers!
Zheng Da Qian finds a picture of herself in Li Zi’s old photo album. He denies that he took it, but there’s his writing on the back: “ In the future, I want 掙大錢” It’s the pun on her name ~ He wrote that he wants “Earn Big Money” which is basically Zheng Da Qian. Our amnesiac Li Zi has no recollection of this. Meanwhile Zheng Da Qian has her own set of memories for the setting of that picture. They used to take the train home together after school and Mu Zi Li would tutor her math. He asked her where she plans to go for university because he wants to go to the same city as her! She exposed him and joked that if he likes her, he should confess now so that she can reject him. Maybe after the heartbreak, he’ll be motivated to study and get into Beijing University. Then their lives will be like parallel lines, never to intersect. Mu Zi Li took the dare and was really planning to confess! But he's interrupted by another student who shouts “Degree of disparity (equal difference)” Any physicists/mathematicians here? I’m reading the definition. I think I get it. I just can’t explain it without copying and pasting, which means I totally get it.
This universe’s Yan Jun Ze never went abroad, which also means he's not marrying abroad. Li Ze curiously asks why he isn’t wearing glasses and since when was he nearsighted. Li Zi is definitely our original Mu Zi Li. Meanwhile this Yan Jun Ze....might like Zheng Da Qian. I wonder if he liked Zheng Da Qian in the original universe too. The most shocking of all is that this world’s Zheng Da Qian liked him back. However, since his father owed her father money, he rejected her but he promised to be with her if they were still single by 30 (and after he repaid the debts). She agrees. She adds that they’ll marry then. Omo. Now he wants to fulfill this promise. Yikes. Our Zheng Da Qian runs off. It’s quite the dilemma really. If she rejects him, then she's ruining the CP for this world. Ha, I like this dilemma. It’s mutual love for that Zheng Da Qian but not this Zheng Da Qian. Where was Li Zi in this world?
[Ep5] “An Unfamiliar Old Friend”
Li Zi is so shocked by the news that Yan Jun Ze wants to marry Zheng Da Qian that he spits out his food all over his grumpy brother. LOL. I like the brothers’ interactions. Anyway, Li Zi is simply shocked. He’s too stupid to be jealous.
Yan Jun Ze’s debt-ridden father is found but he’s in critical condition with first degree burns. He’s also a suspect in another scam. Yan Jun Ze refuses to see him. This reminds Zheng Da Qian of her father (when it was him who was in debt). He had visited her one night, but she ignored him. She had so many chances to talk to him, but she refused to turn around to even look at him. Then the next time they met, he was dead. All her anger, hate, disappointment disappeared when she saw her father’s corpse. She regrets that night. She’ll never know what he wanted to say to her. She tells Yan Jun Ze her story and to not leave any regrets. And so Yan Jun Ze agrees to see his father, but it’s not his father! Also, his ID was stolen and therefore his father also isn't a suspect.
Li Zi is still confused about the picture he took of Zheng Da Qian. Mu Zi Xi reminds his amnesiac brother that he confessed and was rejected by her. Then at night, Li Zi dreams of the night he slept with Zheng Da Qian in the other universe. She was so aggressive in his memory lol. Do we get more reveals of that night with each recall? xD.
Li Zi flips through Mu Zi Xi’s sketch book. There’s a drawing of a girl. It’s Mi Lan. Mu Zi Xi hollers at his brother to stop, which startles Li Zi that he knocks down an Iron Man figurine. Li Zi suggests buying a new one. No sir, that won’t work. That was his birthday present from Dad that they built together. Then at breakfast, Mu Zi Xi asks his parents how long they plan to watch Li Zi laze at home. His parents may give in because of his amnesia, but he won’t. To Mu Zi Xi, Li Zi never cared about his family.
Mi Lan is back too (also unemployed)! She isn’t married and her father (Teacher Mi) doesn’t dote on her like the alternate universe. They fought through her high school years and she didn’t even get into university. Also, it turns out Teacher Mi and Teacher Liu secretly married for years. (Additionally, Mu Zi Xi does have a crush on Mi Lan from when he was a toddler...not toddler, but somewhere there.)
[Ep6] “To Be a Brand New Person”

Our group of friends hang out. Everyone thinks Zheng Da Qian changed except Li Zi. Of course (; Zheng Da Qian also learns more about “herself” from this universe. In the past, she’d cut her hair with Mi Lan because she was forced by Teacher Mi. Zheng Da Qian admires “her” loyalty too. By the way, Mi Lan stays over too. Mu Zi Xi doesn't know the girl he’s crushing on is living under the same roof xD I can’t wait to see his expression. Speaking of Mu Zi Xi, Li Zi buys a new Iron Man for his brother. It's steel and won’t break this time. I had thought the Iron Man figurine also held memories of the brothers :/ I guess now? It does seem like Mu Zi Xi is softening up.

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Ma Si Chao, you’re not good looking, lol, but I like you and your smirks. |
Zheng Da Qian is ready to move back home! However, the house is burned down because Dad Zheng forgot to turn off the stove. This incident is enough for the parents to consider divorce. Zheng Da Qian is saddened that fate seems impossible to change. Her parents are destined to divorce. Li Zi cheers her up. Their destiny isn’t so bad. It seems they were fated to return to Baihe even if they returned as failures. But failing isn’t so bad either. They can restart. Li Zi changed Mu Zi Xi’s impression of him, and so she can change too and that change begins within herself. Then he lights a sparkler for her. It’s the glimmer of hope just like the one on her birthday. Our Zheng Da Qian is motivated!
Zheng Da Qian helps Dad Zheng find a way to make up with Mom Zheng and then he suddenly remembers it’s her birthday. Dad Zheng buys her a present – a pair of gloves. Touching gift. Mom Zheng had frostbites. It only took a fire that burned down their house for her to get some presents.... lol. Worth it! Zheng Da Qian also prepares a surprise for her mother using the sparklers from Li Zi, who’s watching with a proud smile.

[Ep7] “I’m Going to Get Rich”
Teacher Mi found a job for Mi Lan, but she refuses. He orders her to take the offer since she's already at such an age and is without skills. I feel like Teacher Mi cares... He’s just despicable at expressing it.......
Mi Lan’s uncle is mentally unstable but he’s the only one with the clear mind to recognize that Zheng Da Qian isn’t Zheng Da Qian.
Liu Da Zhi (the police officer and another buddy) has a son. Who’s the mother? That remains a mystery.
Mu Zi Xi doesn’t want to go to Beijing University. That was Li Zi’s university too. I’m guessing MZX loves his brother but Li Zi has disappointed him greatly and that’s why he’s so angry and doesn’t want to follow Li Zi's path.
Dad Mu’s blood sugar is high. The Mu family is so ideal that I think a calamity will hit them the hardest....
Mu Zi Xi finally sees his goddess (Mi Lan) at his home! He boils his hand because of the shock of love. It’s nothing painful, especially not in front of her. While Mi Lan prepares midnight snacks for the two of them, she tells him to choose a good university. Mu Zi Xi disagrees that his future depends on his university choice. He’s saying that for her when she didn’t get into uni. Then she accidentally burns her hand from the steam. He gently tends to her hand when she can put her hand under the tap herself, but y'know he has to hold her hand. Anyway, her gaze tells me she only sees him as a didi who’s 10 years her junior. The boy is 18 and she’s 28.
Zheng Da Qian wants to buy a store. With her alternate future knowledge, she knows there will be a reconstruction and then she’ll be rich. She doesn’t get monetary support from her parents so she plans to steal her family’s heirloom – a plate. She trips, and the plate almost shatters. Li Zi saves the day and the plate, but not Zheng Da Qian who’s now flat on the floor. Wise choice. The antique plate is definitely more expensive than Zheng Da Qian. Except the underside of the plate says “Microwaveable”. Hahaha. Nothing more modern than microwavable.
Zheng Da Qian raises money by selling her piano. However, Dad Zheng stomps his feet to stop her, and the big man looks so wronged when his daughter accuses him of wanting to sell it too for his startup business. It’s only later that she learns from Mom Zheng that Dad Zheng sold his precious motorbike, which he saved up for an entire year, for her piano. Aw. The story is a little different in her original world. Her parents argued over buying a piano for her. Mom Zheng cried. She wanted to buy the best piano because the teacher said Zheng Da Qian was talented. All piano teachers say that, lol. I swear! And aw, in both worlds, Zheng Da Qian was loved.
By the way, it’s a good thing that Dad Zheng didn’t invest in the karaoke + hotpot business because it was a scam.
[Ep8] “Not That Simple”
Our Dad Zheng has a skill! Hurrah! He can play the accordion really well and so Zheng Da Qian pushes him to audition. He’s nervous and wants to escape. Li Zi persuades Dad Zheng to try for Zheng Da Qian. Dad Zheng is her role model. As a child, she loved watching his band practices because he shines on the stage. And Li Zi “remembers” this? He auditions! But he wasn't selected. It’s not a matter of skills, but age. Quite embarrassing for him after all that boasting too. And it wasn’t really boasting. He was genuinely happy about performing well at something he loved.
Li Zi watches TV. It's I Don’t Want to Be Friends With You (his own drama, lol). Zheng Da Qian asks if he knows who the FL’s father is. Warning: SPOILERS for IDWtBFWY. Skip this whole paragraph if you don’t want spoilers. Li Zi answers that it’s Chen Jun He (his own character) and compliments himself for being handsome. Zheng Da Qian says he’s wrong. It’s Wu Zhi Xun. She also says the FL didn’t choose Chen Jun He because, like Li Zi, he’s ugly. Not true! Lol. Then she spoils the whole ending that the FL didn’t even time travel. She was just dreaming. NOT TRUE! XD I believe it was real time traveling, hahahaha. Gosh, ZDQ being so meta. Also, the fact that she said it was a dream after lying that the FL didn’t choose Chen Jun He is comforting. It means IDWtBFWY really wasn’t a dream! xD I’m just going to tell myself that. Don’t mind me.
Buying the store isn’t going so well. No money. Also, Li Zi warns Zheng Da Qian not to have her head in the clouds; the store is not worth that price and it needs renovation, but she’s not absorbing any of it because she insists there will be a reconstruction. While Zheng Da Qian is in a fit of fury, Mi Lan says she’ll invest. It’s because of Mu Zi Xi. He motivated her not to mind how others judge her. However, the girls are still short on money. No worries because Zheng Da Qian “remembers” her ex owes her 60K RMB.
The next day, Zheng Da Qian waits for Mi Lan to buy their store together, but she doesn’t show up. Mi Lan lent the money to another friend, Da Hua. Fans of I Don’t Want to Be Friends With You, “Da Hua” is the fake name the FL used to befriend her mother. Mi Lan also seems to be hiding her shameful past with this friend.
[Ep9] “Imperfect Bestie”
Zheng Da Qian finds her father suspicious and secretly unlocks his phone. I did not count the days right. The passcode is her birthday, which is February 26. It seems Dad Zheng is susceptible to ANOTHER scam. LOL. The perpetrator is Da Hua. Her handle is Popcorn 爆米花 (bao mi hua), combining Da Hua and Mi Lan’s name. Mi Lan was an accomplice, but she never actually did anything illegal. (Not sure. It’s just she had no criminal record.)
It’s hostile between Zheng Da Qian and Mi Lan. It wasn’t Mi Lan’s intention to scam Dad Zheng, but Zheng Da Qian believes so. Mi Lan leaves at night and gets into a “black car”. I think that means a taxi with no license? It’s Zheng Da Qian who’s the most worried for Mi Lan (other than Mu Zi Xi). Good thing Mi Lan is fine and safe, but now she’s stranded at an isolated bus stop in the middle of the night. Her friends eventually find her. Zheng Da Qian is the first to yell at Mi Lan for running away. Then no one else dares speak. Silently, Mu Zi Xi takes Mi Lan's luggage and loads it in the back. Aw.
Our group of five are on their way home! But there’s no gas. Li Zi turns off the heat to save energy. Since it’s cold, the sweet Mu Zi Xi gives his gloves to Mi Lan. Meanwhile Yan Jun Ze gives his gloves to Zheng Da Qian, who then whacks Li Zi. She completely ignored Yan Jun Ze’s sweet gesture to bicker with Li Zi. Anyway, with the heat off, they can go home, right? Li Zi says no, heh. Mi Lan suggests they go to her grandmother’s, which is 3km. Li Zi says that’s drivable.

[Ep10] “The Sound of the Heart (Being Moved) / The Sound of Love”
Mi Lan apologizes to Zheng Da Qian. This is Mi Lan’s story. She worked many jobs like selling insurance, but the longest was as a vlogger. She did mukbangs. She’d pretend to be happy on camera but once the livestream was over, she’d vomit it all. When it was toughest for her, Da Hua was at her side. Afterwards, they sold counterfeit goods together. Mi Lan was arrested and released with a warning. That’s when she quit. When she returned home, and met them again, she was so happy, she didn’t want them to know about her past. Everyone is listening quietly. Aw, Mi Lan ):

Early next morning, Mi Lan sneaks off, but Grandma catches her at the door. She’s still as cold as ever. Mi Lan asks if her grandma is really her grandma. Instead of answering, Grandma asks, Do you plan to run to the ends of earth and never return? Are you a coward? Will the sky fall? If you fall, you can still get up. If you’re going to live, then live well. Are you really your mother’s daughter? Aw. Grandma speaks about Mi Lan’s mother. When she was young, she worked in the fields without a single complaint that she was tired. As she grew up she loved dancing and she never lost at games. When she had Mi Lan, she worked in the day and then in the evenings, she’d have another part-time. She lived her days to the fullest. This is Mi Lan’s mother.
Grandma: You are her daughter. Her life is continued in yours. You breathe, she breathes. You laugh, she laughs. If you’re shamefully defeated, then she’ll really vanish like smoke in thin air. This is being mother and daughter. 丫頭 (ya tou; little girl) know that no matter what, your mother is guarding you. The part that makes me cry the most is that the grandmother is speaking from the perspective of a mother. This is her thoughts for her daughter as much as it is for Mi Lan’s mother. Grandma is guarding her daughter too by caring for Mi Lan.
Zheng Da Qian makes a promise with Mi Lan to visit her grandma in the future more often. The girls make up!

Mi Lan hears a frightening sound *Dong dong dong*. Mi Zi Xi says it’s just the sound of glacier melting *Insert scientific explanation here and how it’s safe* However, I disagree! Mu Zi Xi is wrong! Clearly that’s not the sound of glacier melting. It’s Li Zi’s heart melting for Zheng Da Qian! xD

The next morning, Grandma has a bill for her granddaughter for all the food they ate. There’s even a direct deposit number.
Mi Lan apologizes to everyone. They all forgive her except Teacher Mi, her father. Mi Lan leaves the house before eating when her father had prepared a table full of food for her.
Zheng Da Qian asks Li Zi if they’re friends. She gets his response in a millisecond: “I have no money.” Hahaha. She reminds him that he told her to depend on him. And now she is! She wants him to invest in the store together. It’ll be a 4:6 split. He gets the larger portion. It’s a deal and they set up a PPT to convince the parents to invest. I don’t know what Li Zi said but the Dads are the first to support. I think Dad Mu admires the confidence from his son. As for Dad Zheng....he and I are not on the same wavelength. I don’t get him, lol. However, the Moms are the real bosses, ha. Good thing they agree too.
[Ep11] “Your Heart Already Has the Answer”

At night, Mom Mu sees Li Zi staring at the fish tank. It’s obvious. Her son is thinking of Zheng Da Qian, but our smart guy lies that he was wondering if their fishes are thirsty. Mom Mu gives our doofus “The Book of Answers” for all his answers will be in the book. Then Mom Mu replies his thickheaded son that their fishes aren’t thirsty.
The next day, our 小心眼, doofus Li Zi is jealous that Zheng Da Qian is caring towards Yan Jun Ze and only ever lectures him (Li Zi). Li Zi is too narrow-minded to see how he gets differential treatment from Zheng Da Qian. Then when there’s an explosion in the kitchen because Zheng Da Qian can’t cook, Li Zi checks on ... the pot xD. It’s no wonder Da Qian only yells at him, lol.
The group has decided on western dishes because only Mi Lan can cook and she only knows simple western dishes. Li Zi wonders if their town will like western food. Who cares! They’ll just run with it for now.
Guan Zhe (the ex) is here! Li Zi is worried for Zheng Da Qian who will be susceptible to Guan Zhe’s trickery. To avoid the ex, Li Zi takes her shopping for furniture. She makes a fuss about wanting a couch for the 2nd floor. He thinks it’s expensive, but in the end he still buys it. Awwww. Zheng Da Qian is a misnomer. She doesn’t earn money, she’s a spendthrift. On their way home, the car battery is dead. They're stranded at the car mechanic for the night. Li Zi curiously asks what type of guys she likes. She’s thinking of her Mu Zi Li and mumbles that she doesn’t know what type he is. Li Zi is startled to realize that she likes someone. It’s you! She also blurts out that he looks exactly like him, but then quickly lies that they’re not alike at all.
In the morning, Zheng Parents bump into Zheng Da Qian and Li Zi. Dad’s eyes are glistening when he realizes they spent the night together. Mom Zheng doesn’t care. As long as there’s someone who wants her daughter, whoever it is, is good. Ha.
Yan Jun Ze notices Zheng Da Qian is different. Mi Lan asks him if the one he likes is the old her or the new her. He doesn’t answer, he just smiles. If Yan Jun Ze liked her in the original world, then this Yan Jun Ze will still like her. Later on, Yan Jun Ze asks Li Zi why he cares so much about Guan Zhe. Li Zi doesn’t know how to answer. But the answer is in your heart, Li Zi!
[Ep12] “Fight for Justice on Behalf of Myself”
The restaurant is buzzing with flies. No customers. But then construction workers enter because of the reconstruction across the street, lol. However, they want Chinese food. Give these big men their rice! Fortunately, Dad Zheng is here. See, I knew he could cook! xD *Insert superhero music* And he suggests ordering takeout. Hahahaha. Nvmd. But seriously, what can this dad do?!
Guan Zhe meets Zheng Da Qian. Everyone, notably the men (Li Zi, Dad Zheng, and Yan Jun Ze), are disappointed in her for seemingly falling into her ex’s honeytrap again. Don’t worry boys, our Zheng Da Qian is cunning. She finds out Guan Zhe was laid off at work and dumped by the mistress manager and that’s why he’s here to win her back. Such a good chance for sweet revenge, Zheng Da Qian ain’t letting this go. She baits him into thinking he has a chance so that he’ll clean up and renovate her burnt down house all for free. Technically, Guan Ze owes her money. She’s just getting back what’s hers.
When Guan Ze realizes he’s being scammed, he assaults Zheng Da Qian. Li Zi saves her. She’s fine, but Li Zi is angry at her for putting herself in danger. He swears he won’t care about her anymore, but then he’s back with a bandaid. After every argument, he wants to see her ~
[Ep13] “The Story About the Scarf”
The friends play Never Have I Never in the empty Starry Restaurant. Da Zhi says he never dated a friend. Mi Lan folds and then looks over at Li Zi. Apparently they dated in high school! She gave him a green scarf, which is the one he’s wearing right now. Li Zi is astounded. He remembers nothing.
Li Zi wants to tell Zheng Da Qian that he doesn’t care about the scarf, but she’s too angry to listen and they meaninglessly argue about milk and clothes instead. Then on TV (Rock & Roast, a talk show where comedians compete), a comedian asks, “Do you know what’s the hardest? Love.” Yep. Li Zi agrees.
Li Zi is desperate enough to ask Mi Lan herself about the scarf. She tells him that he asked her out because he lost a game with his friends. She helped him out or he’d have to be punished. They were a fake couple for a day. Mi Lan made it sound like they were actually dating for his sake because the boy has been stalling for too long! She reminds him that Zheng Da Qian is moving out of his house tomorrow.
Dad Mu says he’s going a business trip, but methinks he’s going for a surgery.
Li Zi asks Zheng Da Qian to go to the movies. Dad Mu gave him the tickets. She agrees to go when she had previously rejected Yan Jun Ze for the same movie.
Li Zi shyly gives Zheng Da Qian a new scarf ~ They’re both in love ~ Li Zi is at home, smelling his shirt because Zheng Da Qian wore it. He does realize it’s a little perverted. Meanwhile Zheng Da Qian smiles at the scarf but wonders if this is a change of heart. No. He’s the same guy!
[Ep14] “Dream (Aspiration) Is the Departing Train Ticket” An episode that focuses on Mi Lan and Mu Zi Xi.
Mu Zi Xi doesn’t know what he wants in the future. They all told him to follow his brother, but he doesn’t understand why he should follow. He also doesn’t think a person needs a dream to live well. Mi Lan disagrees. A dream, an aspiration, is like a departing ticket. Whether you arrive at your destination is one thing, but if you don’t even get on the train then you’ll be stuck in the same spot.
The next day, Mu Zi Xi chooses his own route: he doesn't want to go to Beijing University like his brother; he’s going into arts. Mu Zi Xi wants to draw. Teacher Mi is disappointed. Somehow Mi Lan is always upsetting Teacher Mi. He finds out later that she’s been hanging out with Mu Zi Xi. He lectures her for leading Mu Zi Xi astray. Mu Zi Xi stands his ground and defends both of them. But Mi Lan's father’s harsh words have stabbed her heart already (one too many times).
Li Zi helps out his brother and convinces his parents to let Mu Zi Xi draw. Li Zi also says, “Failing at 18 isn’t much.” Of all people to say that, lol. Dad Mu agrees, “Failing at 28 doesn’t mean much either!” Lol.
Yan Jun Ze’s father is back! Yan Jun Ze doesn’t know yet. Just when Dad Mu is getting ready to meet up with Dad Yan, he staggers and falls onto the couch. Li Zi thinks it’s best that he goes to meet with the other dads instead, and not stay with his visibly sick father.
[Ep15] “Someone Returns, Someone Will Leave” Oh no D:
After ten years, Dad Yan is back with money before the New Year. However, Yan Jun Ze doesn't forgive him for abandoning them with his debtors. To him, his father died the moment he left. Dad Yan manages to find a way to stay with his son: by being Starry Restaurant’s chef! He has worked across the country and knows all the delicacies. Dude has been eating and not working, I see. He doesn’t need pay either. He just wants more chances to see his son. (By the way, the three dads are friends because they were a band. I just learned that.)
Li Zi gets a call from Wang Zi Qi, his co-founder of Gemini (company name). They have an investor and can restart! Li Zi doesn’t remember anything, When he Baidus (Googles) his buddy’s name, it turns out their company was rather large. Li Zi is undecided on leaving mainly because of Zheng Da Qian.
To Mu Zi Xi, it's not the first time Li Zi has abandoned his friends and family. He tattles to his parents that Li Zi is leaving to get even when Li Zi revealed his drawings. Bro! Li Zi was trying to help you! He was on your side! Li Zi gets backstabbed but he still helps his brother pay for his tuition by getting Zheng Da Qian to hire Mu Zi Xi to draw. I think Mu Zi Xi is smart enough to realize his brother wanted to help him now?? Yes?
Li Zi doesn’t know what to do. Dad Mu supports him if he wants to leave and pick up from where he fell. Li Zi also consults The Book of Answers (from Mom Mu). He opens to this page: “Don’t ask for anything more at this time.” Then Zheng Da Qian phones him. Li Zi, there's your answer! He asks her what if she has to go on an island and can only bring one friend. She hesitates and answers, “Anyone but you.” She totally meant “only you”.....
Re: Title. So Li Zi is the one potentially leaving. I’m actually so glad it’s not Dad Mu!!! Well not yet. D: I think he’s sick but treatable.
[Ep16] “The Beginning of Chaos”
Zheng Da Qian finally finds out Li Zi is leaving. She’s in such a rush to confront him, she doesn’t realize it’s the middle of the night and she’s in her pajamas. She doesn’t want him to leave. He told her to depend on him. As her partner, he should stay with her forever, but when he asks if he’s staying as only her business partner, she’s rendered silent.

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Boy is cute! |

Later at night, Zheng Da Qian realizes she lost Li Zi's toy. She searches everywhere and even the supermarket. She had thought that if she could find it, she’d send Li Zi to the train station tomorrow. But she can’t find it. Is this it for them? Yan Jun Ze helps her make a decision by leaving it to fate. If it snows, she’ll see Li Zi tomorrow. If it doesn’t snow, then she’ll give Yan Jun Ze a present.
The next day, Yan Jun Ze asks Li Zi to stay. “Zheng Da Qian doesn’t want to be just friends with you. Are you waiting for the sky to drop an opportunity on your head?” Chances need to be fought for. Yan Jun Ze is motivating his love rival! What happened!

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Ep11 had the same scenes where they sat together on both these swings. |
[Ep17] “The Unapproachable Him”
Li Zi avoids Zheng Da Qian. He thinks this Zheng Da Qian is not his original Zheng Da Qian... Dude! Do you not have memory of this parallel universe?! Are your memories suddenly mutually exclusive?! He’s trying to sort his memory. He remembers his first car accident where he had crashed into someone on his way back to Baihe. Mu Zi Xi corrects him: 1) he was leaving Baihe and 2) there was no other car. Suddenly, he remembers that he had crashed into “himself”. So both original Li Zi and Zheng Da Qian were returning to Baihe whereas the alternate them were leaving. He’s starting to piece together that this is a parallel universe. Li Zi suspects the universes transected because of the comets. He also manages to fix his broken phone. Unlike Zheng Da Qian, Li Zi still has his phone.
Mu Zi Xi learns it was Li Zi who paid him for his sketches. He feels like he doesn’t know this brother anymore. He’s different. Li Zi used to be a jerk obsessed with his business.
Just as Li Zi is ready to face Zheng Da Qian, he sees his father vomiting. Dad Mu is very sick. When Li Zi asks what’s wrong, Dad Mu hugs his son and cries. Aw. And poor Zheng Da Qian is still waiting in the cold outside. As she’s waiting for Li Zi, Yan Jun Ze is waiting for her. He knows she likes Li Zi and misunderstands that she had always liked him (which means she never liked Yan Jun Ze). Zheng Da Qian apologizes for hurting his feelings. She forgot that he isn’t her best friend Yan Jun Ze.
Teacher Mi happens to catch Mi Lan and Mu Zi Xi on a “night date”. He yells at her for seducing a student. He’s so loud he’s attracting a crowd. She yells back at her father that she did nothing wrong nor brought shame to her mother’s name. She leaves, crying. Mu Zi Xi silently follows her, but she tells him to go. The next day, Mu Zi Xi asks Teacher Mi to apologize to Mi Lan. She was the one who motivated him to have a dream. Teacher Mi knew nothing and yet humiliated her in public. Mu Zi Xi also assures Teacher Mi that he will no longer bother his daughter.
Methinks it’s a plothole that Li Zi is avoiding Zheng Da Qian. Did he conveniently forget his Ep2 memories where Zheng Da Qian clearly asked him if they slept together and what year it was? He should know Zheng Da Qian is from his world. This is forced angst >_>.
[Ep18] “Love Is Gone; Family Falls Apart”
It’s almost New Years. Li Zi is away for a bit to help his father with his “factory problems”. At the store, Mi Lan’s Grandma sent an early New Year's present. Actually, Grandma “sold” them their veggies. They have to pay for it, lol.
Yan Jun Ze and his father’s problems are ongoing. Zheng Da Qian comforts him because she knows best what he’s going through but she doesn’t know how. She combs through her doppelgänger’s diary for hints and finds out that her other self would skate with him whenever he’s sad. That was why Yan Jun Ze was perturbed when she said she didn’t know how. To cheer him up, Zheng Da Qian invites him to skate.
Li Zi is back and joins Zheng Da Qian skating (Yan Jun Ze has left). He says his father is fine. I’m taking it literally that Dad Mu is healthy (enough). And now Li Zi is ready to talk about them. They can only be friends over here. He can’t forget the person he loved for a long time. This is so unnecessary!!
Yan Jun Ze is slowly accepting his father ~ While his family is looking up (despite there being a love rival?), Zheng Da Qian’s family is falling apart. Her mom wants a divorce. It’s because Dad Zheng is scammed AGAIN. OMG!!! This time he lost their entire house. Mom Zheng accidentally knocks down Dad Zheng’s accordion. In fury, he smashes their wedding portrait. To retaliate, she rips the picture to shreds. I thought the title was referring to Li Zi, but it's actually Zheng Da Qian. I’m kind of relieved it’s not Dad Mu though. After Mom Zheng leaves, Zheng Da Qian returns home to find Dad Zheng piecing together the wedding picture. The accordion is still lying on the floor. Saving the marriage isn’t hopeless! Dad Zheng is willing to change and so Zheng Da Qian finds her father a job, but he’s picky and won’t just work any job. Out of spite, Zheng Da Qian yells at him to find a land to bury himself.
[Ep19] “Good Dad, Bad Dad”
Dad Zheng did consider suicide. However, when he closed his eyes and thought of Zheng Da Qian and how she hasn't even married or had children (if she plans to), or if there would be anyone taking care of her, he regretted. After almost losing Dad Zheng, Zheng Da Qian understands why she’s here – to appreciate everyone.
Zheng Da Qian learns about Li Zi’s father. Dad Mu was wearing a wig all this time to hide the fact that he’s been undergoing chemo! It’s the last stage. Wow, not even a chance, Show? Can we get back to the original world!!!!! I don’t want this sadness. Li Zi wishes everything was a dream. Zheng Da Qian comforts Li Zi that the content of the dreams don’t matter as long as he remembers that person in his heart.
[Ep20] “Time Flies! Death Is Just More Sudden”

Li Zi makes a wish for time to go back. Zheng Da Qian wishes time can stop. Actually, neither wish comes true. It’s more like their time is up in this world. She’s flickering. Her body is disappearing. There will be a bolide called 2022TC4 on March 1st.
Yan Jun Ze believes in Zheng Da Qian that she’s from a parallel universe.
Dad Mu asks Li Zi if he really is his son. What? This Dad Mu can tell o.o He’s too good compared to his son. Li Zi lies that he has changed for the better.
Dad Mu collapses! No more acting. Everyone finds out Dad Mu is dying. Mom Mu can finally drop the act. Mu Zi Xi hasn’t said anything....Meanwhile Li Zi runs off. He went to get fireworks to release them during the day when it’s easier to see the purple colour. He completes Dad Mu’s wish: to see the purple colours with Mom Mu. T_T. Dad Mu dies.
[Ep21] “Love Was Always By Our Side”
Dad Mu’s funeral is held. Dad Zheng thanks the funeral organizer. Then he gathers a band to play their theme song. Dad Zheng can see a vision of Dad Mu telling him to find a job, and to cherish his family.

Zheng Da Qian sees Li Zi’s (original) phone and notices his wallpaper is a picture of her in their original world. They finally reunite.
Yan Jun Ze helps out his father in the kitchen. Dad Yan will be divorcing and leaving Baihe soon. I’m not sure if show will actually make him leave, but I think this kind of ending is alright too. They don’t have to live as a family. Dad Yan left for too long and it was when they needed him the most. At the very least, Yan Jun Ze feels lighter after forgiving his father.

Dad Zheng gets a job in the funeral band. He now appreciates this profession. Zheng Da Qian is proud of him. She can no longer differentiate him from her real father.
[Ep22] “The Phone Call That Intersects Time and Space”
Mom Zheng and Dad Zheng reconcile now that he’s earnestly working.
Yan Jun Ze asks Li Zi to describe the other him. His response: “Delicate.” Now I see the gay vibes! I missed it! Is that why he’s marrying abroad?!
Mu Zi Xi won’t be going to Beijing art school in order to stay closer to home. Mi Lan motivates him not to give up his dream.
Zheng Da Qian receives a phone call from her other self. To return home, she must board the (out of service) K268 train on March 1st during the bolide event. However, she also learns that Alternate Li Zi was in a car accident. Then the phone cuts off. She believes that Mu Zi Li cannot return because he’s already dead. I think the phone cut off too timely. Maybe the other Li Zi is just in a coma?
Mom Mu, who’s still mourning and heartbroken, talks to Dad Mu like she’s still alive. Oof. How is Li Zi supposed to leave?
Mi Lan gives Zheng Da Qian a present. She thanks her for letting her have this store. It feels like home.
Zheng Da Qian realizes why she’s flickering. Two Zheng-Da-Qians cannot co-exist in the same space. Meanwhile for Li Zi, he’s fine because the other one is “dead”. There is only one Li Zi left. This means he has a choice of staying. Or is there a choice? Can he leave with Mu Zi Xi and Mom Mu like this? Can he leave knowing the other Li Zi died? This means his brother and mother will lose two family members (Dad Mu and “Li Zi”).
Mom Zheng and Dad Zheng are going on a trip together. Zheng Da Qian makes her mother put on nail polish for her, the kind that she can’t wipe off forever. She’s struggling to part with her family too.
Teacher Mi approves of Mu Zi Xi’s university choice.
Dad Yan boards the bus to leave the city. Yan Jun Ze calls him “dad” for the first time in ten years.
[Ep24] “We Said So ‘Even if We Don’t See Each Other, Don’t Give Up and Leave’”

It’s Zheng Da Qian’s birthday again (Feb 26) and it’s the day she will leave. Li Zi decides to stay, though. He gives her a present: his awful singing and dancing.

Li Zi has another present. It’s a red string that can tie their fates together. Zheng Da Qian cuts it. Um. My superstitious antenna is vibrating ominously. Show meant it to be romantic, but I don’t like cutting the string!! She ties one piece to each of their fingers like a wedding ring. They kiss. As the fire cackles, they spend their second night on the exact same day, Feb 26.
Zheng Da Qian boards the train. But how does she get on the train that has run out of service?! Anyway. Zheng Da Qian returns home. Mi Lan is there. The other Zheng Da Qian had told her that she can stay at her place whenever she fights with her husband.
Yan Jun Ze believes in Zheng Da Qian’s story about alternate universes.

Zheng Da Qian and Li Zi wait and wait in their respective worlds. Seasons passed like that. Years passed like that. For every birthday, Zheng Da Qian will return to the lighthouse. She opened her own company (The Starry Design – same name as the restaurant). She also visits Li Zi’s parents. Every time she will give Dad Mu a big hug. Mom Mu is healthy here. Mu Zi Xi is in Beijing University. He wants to be like his brother.
There’s a bolide even.
And Li Zi returns. Okay but did he die in this universe? How do you explain his existence in this world?
The end.
Hold up. Not yet. There’s still the alternate universe. The director (a cameo) visits The Starry Restaurant and asks Dad Zheng to borrow his restaurant to film the ending for Winter Night. Dad Zheng refuses. They’re having a big dinner tonight. Here’s the final update:
- Mom Mu is looking healthy.
- Zheng Da Qian and Yan Jun Ze together. This feels so off because never was I attached to this coupling... She’s also pregnant.
- Dad Yan is well, and Mom Yan is on a date with her boyfriend.
- Mu Zi Xi will be an art teacher and he’s probably dating Mi Lan with Mom Mu’s approval.
- But what the heck! How is show explaining Li Zi's disappearance?
The end end.
[First Impression (Ep1-6)] The story: our FL boards a train to an alternate-verse where she rediscovers her family and friends. They’re the same, and yet unfamiliar (e.g. her father is alive, her parents are no longer divorced, the ML who used to love her has amnesia (and I can’t wait until his amnesia wears off!), etc.). Initially, I didn't realize how broken the FL was. She needs this trip to appreciate everyone and herself.
The premiere date is carefully planned: October 31st exactly matches the drama’s timeline. "Winter Night” is also a very fitting title because drama feels so warm and cozy with all the family moments. It’s how I like my winter nights.
This is, however, missing a little romance ever since the first episode where our main leads clearly have reciprocating feelings. She was ready to accept his confession! But currently, our amnesic ML is a big happy-go-lucky doofus.
I’m also waiting for Mu Zi Xi (younger bro) and Mi Lan’s romance to pick up. And here’s my confusion: the original Mi Lan is married... so I hope she’s married to Mu Zi Xi...otherwise the 2nd CP will have a sad ending...
[Actors/Actresses] This drama vibes the most with I Don’t Want to Be Friends With You, which I grew to love and is also from the same director. They got Ma Si Chao back too. He’s definitely the ML this time. No doubt about that. This guy has IDWtBFWY production to thank for discovering his charms and of course, himself for nabbing each chance.
Qiao Xin is...the same, ha. But I seem to like her better this year.
Mom Zheng is your typical 刀子嘴,豆腐心 type of mother: mouth sharp like knives; heart soft like tofu. I just wish this knife was a little less screechy. Woman is so shriek-y! Liu Dan is the actress. She’s been in other quality productions with Reset being her most popular role.
[Behind the Scenes]
[Ending] Happy, but time/space travel doesn’t make sense.
[A Highlight] For whatever reason my memorable scene is..... the gang marching to go ice-fishing in Ep10
[Review & Rating]