January 14, 2022

Reset | Recap and Review

A girl and a guy stuck in an infinite time-loop with a bus that explodes every time. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Bai Jing Jing: Xiao He Yun
Zhao Jin MaiLi Shi Qing
Chinese Title
Episodes: 15
Recap Grade: A/B
First Impression: 4/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] A bus narrowly dodges a delivery motorbike only to crash into another tanker truck. Boom! The bus explodes. Everyone in the vicinity dies, except one girl. Li Shi Qing is stuck in a time loop. This is her 6th time reliving the bus explosion.  
Each time Li Shi Qing tries to get off the bus proves to be a struggle no matter if she feigns sickness or harassment. The one time she succeeded, she brought down a man with her, the one she accused of sexual harassment. He was also the only person who was willing to leave with her in the previous time loop. 

The police investigates the explosion and questions Li Shi Qing (who is one of the two surviving bus passengers). She’s in the hospital, recovering from a small concussion in a separate unrelated motorbike accident. She's slightly amnesiac as she sorts through her memories. She finally remembers she’s in a time loop. Officer Zhang listens attentively with skepticism. He notes the Bus Driver, who should be trained to handle emergencies, should have never permitted her to leave with the offender. 
The second survivor, Xiao He Yun, (the “offender”) dies. He took a cab that followed the bus and suffered the same explosion.

But he wakes up! On the bus! Ou, and we’re back in the time loop!

→ Ep1 lit up when ML joins the time loop at the very end!  
→ Bus Driver is weird.
→ There was a kid and his father in a car next to the bus. Are they okay?

[Ep2] Li Shi Qing is happy to have a fellow time-looper. Xiao He Yun is just desperate to escape the bus. He even breaks a window. It’s weird how the bus driver won’t stop during all the commotion. After a few more time-loops, panicky Xiao He Yan finally calms down, lol. They cooperate. With two brains combined, they realize there’s another method to save everyone and themselves. 

Just don’t crash. 

They did it! The bus avoids crashing and smoothly exits the intersection, only the bus explodes. Omo! There’s a bomb on the bus and a ringtone seems to be associated with it.

Another time loop, another new plan. Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun need to get off the bus and notify the police there’s a bomb. But how? Well, sexual harassment worked last time… So…. Li Shi Qing peeks at him and he sighs, giving her his hand to accuse him all over again. Hahaha. Poor Xiao He Yun

For my sake, Here are the ten passengers on the bus:
Other than Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun, there are: 
  • Bus Driver
  • A woman sleeping, always calm. (Calm Lady)
  • A man wearing a hat and mask in the back (Mask Guy)
  • A man with the phone, always recording (Phone Guy)
  • A big man with a headphone (Headphone Guy)
  • A man with a suitcase (Suitcase Guy)
  • A man who’s nervous about going to the police station (Nervous Guy)
  • A woman with medicine. (Medicine Lady)
→ When Li Shi Qing was nervous about calling the police, Xiao He Yun made an interesting comment, “This is your first time calling the police?’ It might not be anything, though. 
→ I like how there's humour in this episode (especially with more of Bai Jing Ting’s involvement!). He really suits the role! I also snickered when FL forgot Medicine Lady had every medicine possible and feigning sickness will not work. 
→ Did I ever mention the Bus Driver is just so weird? Nothing will make him detour! Phone Guy made an interesting point: Bus Driver knows this route like the back of his hand. For 365 days (even if it’s only been four years), he drives the same route... 

[Ep3] The emergency call centre has a lot of questions for Li Shi Qing who’s reporting a bomb on the bus. Xiao He Yun tells her to just hang up and power off her phone, that way the police will act faster. They need to use this time efficiently in sorting out their time loop. 

This is her 10th time and his 5th time. Each time they wake up, they’re a minute farther from the crash. Li Shi Qing is slow at providing details as if she's hesitating. Xiao He Yun crumbles the paper, angry that she’s withholding information. 
The police have cornered Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun. They’re interrogated separately. Officer Zhang is responsible for Li Shi Qing, and immediately, he finds it weird she knows his title. It gets eerier when she knows about his weaker right hand. He once again listens to her story attentively but skeptically. He concludes that the 1st, 2nd, and 9th time-loop, she heard a ring tone and then the bomb exploded. The first two times, she was in a lull. But why didn’t she inform the passengers and the driver by the 10th time? Another valid question by Officer Zhang! Li Shi Qing realizes she overlooked that possibility. 

As for Xiao He Yun, he’s desperately trying to explain to stubborn Officer Jiang who ain’t having this bs. Lol, Poor Xiao He Yun! I’m loving the little humour Bai Jing Ting brings

The police manipulate the little bit of distrust between Xiao He Yun and Li Shi Qing to force out the truth, but reality is, that’s the truth. 

The police have confirmed there was a bomb on the bus. Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun have become their prime suspects. This time-loop story won’t fly.  

Tired from the intense series of questions, Li Shi Qing falls asleep. When she wakes up, she’s back on the bus. A passenger walks past her to the back aisle. 

→ Wasn’t it odd how FL reacted weirdly to the ML’s name? 
→ When FL knew Officer Zhang’s title, his reaction immediately intensified the scene. Amazing actor! (He’s Liu Yi Jun)

Updated: The reason FL reacted to the MLs name is because their names are derived from the same poem. She’s have romantic thoughts ~  (Read more in Reset (In-Depth Discussion)

Watching a crane (Xiao He Yun) flying over the clouds / draws out the inspiration for my poem (Li Shi Qing)

[Ep4] Other than dying, Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun confirm that sleeping will also bring them back into the time-loop. (This is how Li Shi Qing returned at the 6th time-loop.

Li Shi Qing takes Officer Zhang’s advice and shouts that there’s a bomb on the bus. O’ look at the smartie. The bus explodes. We have a suicide bomber.

A new time-loop. Xiao He Yun suspects the Mask Guy. Oh, but wait he hasn’t boarded the bus yet! This means they can exit at a regular stop. 

Li Shi Qing quickly calls the police; she’s efficient in her explanation so that the police can dispatch immediately. After she hangs up, Xiao He Yun avoids her. He doesn’t want to be caught on surveillance camera with her and be arrested again. In a secluded area, he lectures her on being rash. They could have used their time to analyze their situation. Plus, this was their chance to escape the bus scot free. Has she thought of how this could be their last time-loop? For Li Shi Qing, this is even more of a reason to call the police. It’s the last chance for the passengers to survive. 

In Xiao He Yun’s defence, they still don’t have a sound explanation for their out of whack time-loop story. The police won’t believe them. And is it so wrong to survive? It doesn’t make them criminals. They have no way of saving the passengers anyway. Li Shi Qing doesn’t speak anymore. Their morals clash. For Li Shi Qing, if she has the chance to choose whether to board the bus, she will still get on. Xiao He Yun looks guilty. He won't
The statue stole the scene. 
Statue totally sees love in the air, ha
Li Shi Qing promises to keep Xiao He Yun’s involvement a secret to the police. This upsets Xiao He Yun. She’s turning him into a coward. He may not be an angel like her, but does that make him a devil? She leaves to meet the police. He asks for her number (just to make sure she’ll be okay) and she angrily yells it to him. He watches her leave in the police car, helpless and guilty. Totally guilt-tripped, lol. Alright fine, they’re both angels

Guilty Xiao He Yun reads the news and learns Officer Jiang died in the explosion. He phones Li Shi Qing who’s still being interrogated. Officer Zhang makes her pick it up on speaker. She hints to Xiao He Yun that they’ve broken up and for him to stop contacting her. He gets it. He tells her to sleep. It’ll all be better once she sleeps. 

→ Xiao He Yun, you cutie, feeling bad for surviving. I relate to his character more. It’s realistic. Meanwhile Li Shi Qing is truly admirable. Is he perhaps falling in love? 
→ Bai Yu Fan has a role in this! He’s Xiao He Yun’s partner, helping him get investors. 
→ When Li Shi Qing played the ringtone, only two people turned around: The Suitcase Guy, and Medicine Lady. Because of that, I think they’re clear. It’s normal to turn around to loud noise. The ones who don’t care are the weird ones. However, Headphone Guy has his headphones on and the Phone Guy seems distracted. The Mask Guy isn’t on the bus yet. This narrows it down to two people, minus the Bus Driver. Either Nervous Guy or Calm Lady

[Ep5] Xiao He Yun is on the run to buy sleeping pills and alcohol before the police catch him. Finally he falls asleep drunk. He’s reunited with Li Shi Qing on the bus. He had an eerie dream at a sushi house where instead of sushi, it was minibuses making infinite loops around the table. (It seems one will enter dream mode when the other person hasn’t slept yet.)

Li Shi Qing is calmer now. She won’t be rash. Xiao He Yun is also cooperative. He won’t leave even if there’s a stop. They’re partners! Yay! However, their productivity is low. They waste three time-loops to catch Mask Guy and his suspicious bag. The first loop ends when the boys fight near Calm Lady’s seat and the bus explodes with the same ringtone. I love how Xiao He Yun is slow and poor at acting her fake boyfriend. In the second loop, the boys also fight. I also love how Li Shi Qing is doubtful that the scrawny Xiao He Yun can put up a fight. Ha. Not only does Xiao He Yun suck at acting, he sucks at fighting. Oh, Bai Jing Ting xD. Mask Guy hyperventilates. He has asthma. The Medicine Lady who has every medicine you can think of has no puffer! Ha! Everyone helps the Mask Guy but Calm Lady, who remains calm. You can probably tell who I’m suspecting. The bus explodes. Finally, during the third loop, they halt Mask Guy from boarding. It’s all for naught. Inside his bag is a cat, which isn't allowed on the bus. Now they gotta find a missing cat. When Xiao He Yun was looking for the missing cat, his bored, deep “meow” made me laugh xD

By the way, the bus still explodes (without them on it). 

Li Shi Qing is ecstatic that they have a third member on their team. Xiao He Yun isn’t. He’s jealous! LOL. He wants to be her only partner. Cute. He remains logical and plans their next steps. Maybe they can wait for the police to investigate the bomb. Also, if they are arrested again, they need to effectively use the police (e.g. gather info on the other passengers). Smart!

Right on cue, we learn more about Phone Guy (Yi Ge, #1 Guy). He’s an influencer. It doesn’t seem like his colleagues like him.

Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun are at the memorial site to look into more of the passengers. Mask Guy is there too and drags the two away or he’ll call the police on them. 

[Ep6] The Mask Guy is actually very cute (looks and personality). He takes Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun to his secret hideout for his cats and comics. Cats are prohibited at home because of his asthma. He believes in their time-loop story – not an ounce of doubt. Save this pure boy from the world D: The only thing he questions is that it’s not August yet. May is too soon for time-loops. Why August (8)? It’s an upright infinity sign. Xiao He Yun almost rolls his eyes. By the way, I love the body language between Xiao He Yun and Li Shi Qing. They’re so comfortable being shoulder to shoulder. Mask Guy is super excited to join the team of superheroes! Yeah so, Xiao He Yan isn’t impressed and dampens his hopes that he probably isn’t qualified. If that’s the case, Mask Guy explains that he’d believe them again and again. All they have to do is call his name. He is Lu – The Apostle of Cats, The Asthma Conqueror, and The One Chosen By the Lights – DiLMAO, Lu Di, are you the long lost cousin of Make a Wish’s Bigili Bagilibu’s, Born in the Moonlight, Valerie Edward II, Mouse Buster, The Meow Planet's Guardian?!?!

The police summons Lu Di, Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun for questioning. This time Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun aren’t planning to disclose their time-loop story. But will Lu Di know how to cooperate? Will Officer Zhang see through them? 

Thoughts: One minute drama is hilarious and the next it’s emotional. <3. The letter Lu Di wrote to his parents T_T. I can tell how annoyed he is that he’s sheltered but also how much he loves them for all they do for him. Those flashbacks of his parents cleaning his room T_T. The letter details that if he were to die, he wants his parents to know how bright and beautiful the world is through his eyes. And that he is a hero. He never wanted to be their baggage, he wanted to be their pride. Oof. I wasn’t expecting drama to be so human. 

[Ep7] The Nervous Guy (Ma Guo Qiang) has a criminal record (a hit and run). Before he was released, his wife asked him to cut contact because everyone looks down on their son because his father is a murderer. He agrees to not seek them. Seems like a caring dad

Interrogation time! Hello Officer Zhang! Hello Officer Jiang! Missed your scathing aura~ Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun use the officers efficiently this time. They both direct the police to investigate Nervous Guy Ma Guo Qiang who looks suspicious purely because Nervous Guy had a resting criminal face in Phone Guy’s last live stream. Ha

Shrewd Officer Zhang keeps Xiao He Yun as witness while Li Shi Qing is free to go. She hovers around the station. She overhears a daughter providing information about his father (a bus passenger) who’s in debt. 

Li Shi Qing also meets Nervous Guy’s son. It seems the son feels guilty for his father’s death. He’s very close to repaying all the debt for his father’s hit and run. The one his father ran over was his classmate. When he was questioned by Officer Zhang, he made an interesting comment, asking what “that family” had anything to do with the bus explosion. 

Lu Di’s Mom finds the letter, thinking he’s suicidal. So untimely! She barges into the police station and demands answers from her son about saving the bus from a bomb. Great! (But Dad is so supportive of his son, aww!) Now Officer Zhang is on high alert. Time for more gruelling interrogations. Is it bedtime yet? 

Li Shi Qing is sick of repeating her time-loop story. Xiao He Yun is yawning and asks the officers to just give him all the information he needs. LOL. Lu Di is pleading for the same thing. Boy needs to save the world! Haha

The clock strikes 12. 

We’re back on the bus. Phew, that was a long day. I felt so tired for them, lol (and laughed too much at them, ha). They’re just arriving at Lu Di’s bus stop, hopeful that he’s part of their time-loop team. Noooooo! He has no memories! Call his name! 

Our duo (who wished they were a trio) continue their plan. Xiao He Yun confirms Nervous Guy’s bag is just filled with watermelons by stomping all over it. Nervous Guy goes ballistic over his stomped watermelons and lunges at Xiao He Yun. The melons are for his son. 

Li Shi Qing apologizes to Nervous Guy for Xiao He Yun. She calms him by lying she knows his son and that they’re classmates. Nervous Guy is misty-eyed. He hasn’t seen his son in years. He heard he was sick, yearning for the watermelon he grew and this is why he’s hauling three big watermelons all the way from his farm. ): Li Shi Qing, with her time-loop knowledge, assures Nervous Guy that his son loves his watermelons. Since the damage is done, the Nervous Guy shares the watermelon with the passengers. Calm Lady politely declines while everyone smiles as they relish the sweet red fruit. 

Uhoh. Ringtone! 

Li Shi Qing uses the last few seconds to tell Nervous Guy his son misses him. 

Boom! Bus explodes. At least Dad got some love from son ): 

New timeloop. Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun wake up just as Suitcase Guy boards. 


→ Phone Guy might sound annoying but he’s always speaking up for what’s right. 

→  Headphone Guy has a nice smile :D

→ Nervous Guy’s son confuses me. Why did he say it was his fault? Is it his fault that his father is on the bus because he was sick or is it his fault that the family is seeking Nervous Guy for revenge? Hm. 

→ Very touching episode, though. There’s two father and son pairing: Lu Di and his father, Nervous Guy and his son. [The first pair] The father recognizes Lu Di’s desires and secretly supports him. It took a time-loop for Lu Di to truly reconcile with his father. [The second pair] This time-loop also allowed Nervous Guy’s son to realize his father loved him but Nervous Guy never knew that until the next time-loop when Li Shi Qing told him. Both these loops are meaningful for Lu Di and Nervous Guy to know that they’re truly loved.

[Ep8] Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun narrows down their target on Calm Lady and Suitcase Guy. Both of them are too calm and never ate the watermelons. Always eat your watermelons! Or you’ll be sus. By the way, Suitcase Guy has a suitcase because he’s kicked out of his rented garage, which is illegal to lease because it’s windowless. He’s buried in debt while trying to support his daughter’s academics. 
On the bus, Li Shi Qing asks Calm Lady to borrow pads just so she can sneak a peek at the red bag that’s between her feet. It’s a pot. Calm Lady says it’s meat. 

Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun are about to get off the bus to have more time to discuss their plan. Suitcase Guy stops Li Shi Qing. He rummages through his suitcase to find pads for Li Shi Qing. Aw. (The pads were from the suitcase that originally belonged to the tenant. He kept the pads for his daughter because he’s that poor. And aw, he’s still willing to give when he’s got almost nothing…>.<)

Since Suitcase Guy is clear, this leaves Calm Lady. Xiao He Yun gently pushes Li Shi Qing out of the bus and runs back to steal the pot. Calm Lady pulls the trigger, which is the knob on the lid, and kaboom! The bus is lit. COOOL! Kay no, but, it’s cool. I love that it’s revealed now because I think we all guessed it already. Yum! Where is the plot headed to! 

New time-loop. Xiao He Yun isn't waking up. Li Shi Qing cries, thinking he’ll die on her. Phone Guy rushes over, all worried. Medicine Lady reminds them she has all types of medicine (except a puffer). He finally opens his eyes, gasping for air. He’s fine, just shaken. 

The time Li Shi Qing woke up stayed the same. Calm Lady was already on the bus. If the time stayed the same, does this mean it’s their last time loop? Should they just get off? Is it even possible to save everyone? To Li Shi Qing, the passengers are no longer strangers. She won’t get off. Xiao He Yun stands up holds her hand. He’s with her. 


Li Shi Qing asks the Bus Driver if he can stop the bus to look for her boyfriend’s USB. They take this chance to steal Calm Lady’s Pot of Bomb. However, Calm Lady has a knife! She stabs Xiao He Yun. Now she slits Li Shi Qing’s neck. She’s bleeding profusely. Omg. Time-loop! Time-loop! Xiao He Yun screams for someone to help Li Shi Qing but everyone is frightened. Where is Bus Driver? No one moves. Calm Lady pulls the trigger. The bus explodes. 

Timeloop! Omg. Finally

Li Shi Qing is sobbing and hyperventilating as she wakes up. Xiao He Yun hugs her, comforting her that it’s alright. She's devastated but she wants to try again. He tightly holds her hand that it isn’t worth it. 

However, it’s Li Shi Qing! 

Without any hesitation, Li Shi Qing smacks Calm Lady’s head from the back, which sends her forehead smacking squarely on the seat in front, lol. Calm Lady quickly takes her knife. Superman Xiao He Yun holds down Calm Lady who’s no longer calm. He redirects the knife and stabs Calm Lady. She falls. Everyone fears Xiao He Yun. Y’all don’t know he’s a hero!!! And saved your sorry butts, like how many times now? 

Xiao He Yun takes Li Shi Qing’s hand to leave. But the bomb!! The bomb! Why are you leaving?!?!? Someone pulls the trigger! Is it you Bus Driver? Bus explodes! Gawd

Xiao He Yun looking bloody cool though, as he takes Li Shi Qing’s hand in his to walk away from the explosion. 

I don’t get it. Why’d he walk off?

[Ep9] Prelude: Some time earlier, there was a fire in Calm Lady’s (Tao Ying Hong) house. She was experimenting bombs...!  

Police have zoned in on Xiao He Yun, Li Shi Qing, and Suitcase Guy (because he peeked out of the bus and the cameras caught him). His name is Jiao Xiang Rong

Omg guys, the younger Officer Lady has the same ringtone x_x

Xiao He Yun’s determined face as he left the bus was for him to hold down his vomit. Boy was scared. He rather be bombed than to kill. He believes that was his last time loop and now he’s the prime suspect in the bus explosion. His life is over. He doesn’t want Li Shi Qing to be caught with him. He runs away from her.  

But she’s Li Shi Qing! She isn’t giving up on Xiao He Yun. Currently, they're on the back of a truck that’s transporting statues. Oh statues, we meet again. Li Shi Qing doesn’t think this is their last time loop. The time they woke up stopped changing because that’s the starting point. They can still get back on the bus. Even so, it’s a fact that Xiao He Yun committed murder, a fact that cannot be unwritten even if time is rewritten. 

Li Shi Qing assures Xiao He Yun he was protecting everyone. He had a chance to get off the bus, but he went back to save them all. For Xiao He Yun, he went back on the bus for her. He didn’t want her to be injured again. Love! He’s not strong, but he wanted to protect her. Aw. Hearing that, Li Shi Qing throws away her phone (which is something I think she should have done way earlier) so that the police can’t track them.

Li Shi Qing: No matter what happens, I’m in this together with you. 

The truck stops. Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun are near Lu Di’s hideaway, his cat&anime heaven. Perfect-o! He has cosplay costumes! And it’s a cosplay street! Li Shi Qing dons a wig and a gown to buy disinfectant for Xiao He Yun who’s still bleeding ketchup

Shrewd Officer Jiang is a hair away from catching them in Lu Di’s sanctuary. But our duo already escaped to another building. Xiao He Yun thinks of something he needs to do. He tells Li Shi Qing to enter dream-buffering mode first. 

→ I’m a little disappointed that XHY got off the bus to hold down his vomit and not because he had a eureka moment. I guess it’s a very human thing, fear and guilt, that is. 
→ Officer Lady is using the ringtone. Hmmm

[Ep10] Xiao He Yun is at his Friend’s place. Li Shi Qing tagged along. She said so, she’s in this together with him. The friend wants to know the details, but Xiao He Yun is like “One or two sentences cannot explain!” LOL. Absolutely a reference to The Imperial Coroner. This drama started filming in June of 2021, and TIC was the drama that just finished. Xiao He Yun is here to ask his Friend to remove his name from their project. All their hard-work won’t be wasted because of him. The friend tells him to surrender himself to the police and he’ll wait for him to come back.  

By the time Officer Zhang arrives to Friend’s condo, Xiao He Yun has left. Officer Zhang picks up Lu Di’s tablet (the device they used to track down our duo). He stares quizzically at the casing of the tablet. It’s a comic strip of some sort...? What’s suspicious about it?! Tell me D: 
Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun are by the sea. He will turn himself in but he wants to wait until she falls asleep first. If there’s no more time-loop, this might be the last bit of freedom he has left. Li Shi Qing, who’s sleepy, walks into the sea. She wants to stay awake a little longer with him. She loses her balance. Xiao He Yun runs into the water to stabilize her. Romantic catch! Nope, it’s just a regular catch, and it's perfect for this moment. He looks down at her and they hug each other in this vast sea [Music: “You are my only”].
Li Shi Qing falls asleep. Xiao He Yun carries her in his arms. He turns around to look up, letting the camera catch his face. A man of his words. He’s surrendering himself

Dream: Xiao He Yun is cuffed. He’s locked in a bus. There’s someone (Li Shi Qing) calling his name. He’s struggling to break through the plastic that’s separating the current him to the other him that’s sleeping on the busHow come we always see his dream, but we never see Li Shi Qing’s? 

Time loop!! They’re on the bus! Xiao He Yun looks exhausted. He relaxes as he grips onto Li Shi Qing’s hand. He tells her he did surrender but fell asleep on the ride to the station. 

Last night (uh, last time loop), they made a plan. They’re going to get everyone off the bus one by one by showing them a text message that they’re the police. They include details of Calm Lady and her bomb. Everyone quietly nods to the plan to get off at the next stop. Calm Lady is suspicious but she’s under the impression that Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun are advertising an event. Calm Lady is staring intently at Phone Guy and Xiao He Yun’s interaction when they were at the back of the bus. At the stop, everyone hustles off the bus, but Calm Lady pulls the trigger. Bomb detonated. No ringtone. 

New time loop. New plan. Calm Lady needs to be pinned down. There’s no use telling everyone to get off the bus if she continues to have access to the bomb. Our duo needs help, but who? Li Shi Qing is reminded of Suitcase Guy who seemed willing to help the last few times. He is. Because being a hero pays. There’s a reward for it. This guy ): It might not be a glorious reason to be a hero, but I think it’s still admirable. It’s so much easier (and richer) being a thief, but this guy, no matter how poor he is, is sticking to his morals. They still need one more helper. Their plan is to have one person inform the Bus Driver, two people pin down Calm Lady, and one person guard the bomb. Who! Well. 

Lu! Di!

Xiao He Yun calls Lu Di’s full name. That name. However, Lu Di doubtfully asks for a police ID. LOL. Our Lu Di isn’t that gullible! Phew. But omg, now is not the time to be doubting! Xiao He Yun is ruffled that Lu Di is going back on his words, ha. Lu Di is certain Xiao He Yun is no police but he will help because his name was called, ha.  

Plan commences. All is good except the Bus Driver. He’s in on it! When Calm Lady was pinned down, she shouted his full name, “Wang Xing De.” They know each other. He’s not letting anyone off. He stops the bus on the bridge and waits there. (The bomb is timed to explode at 1:45pm.) Bomb detonates. Ringtone present.  
Another time loop. Li Shi Qing is devastated. How can the Bus Driver be part of the bombing? He was the one who helped her retrieve her stolen wallet. From that incident, they formed a connection. She learned from him that he has a daughter who studied at the same university as her. (He looked like he was going to cry just mentioning his daughter.) Currently, Li Shi Qing has completely given up on this time loop. She outright confronts Bus Driver. Xiao He Yun has just woken up. He’s struggling more and more to wake up with each new time loop. Calm Lady bombs the bus again. 

A new time-loop. We start from Bus Driver’s perspective. He hesitated on letting Calm Lady board. This is why Suitcase Guy had to knock to get on the bus

→ Are Bus Driver and Calm Lady married? Or was married? Does this have anything to do with his daughter? 
→ flash2351’s comment on the gloves is worth noting. Bus Driver always wears his worn out gloves, but not on the day of the time loop. Read more in the comment! 

[Ep11] Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun get off at Lu Di’s stop. The bus explodes at 1:45pm. Xiao He Yun confirms that is the time the bomb is designated to detonate. They use their day to investigate Bus Driver. From the transportation office, they learn he was previously a truck driver (5yrs ago). They also manage to get inside his dorms to find an old phone with a sparkly case. It doesn’t turn on anymore. They learn from his roommate that Bus Driver has a crazy wife, Calm Lady. Yeah, so I know I chose the perfect name for her... They’re not divorced yet, but the roommate believes they ought.  

Our time-loopers volunteer to be witnesses. Their goal is to stay in the police station to get the information they need, which means they’ll have to be generous with their information too. And not be suspected by Officer Zhang, lol. Yeah, not happening. Xiao He Yun and Li Shi Qing successfully direct the police to investigate Bus Driver and (Crazy) Calm Lady. Xiao He Yun is also able to describe each passenger in detail. Officer Zhang finds it uncanny and asks him to draw the layout of the station. Good thing Xiao He Yun does have eidetic memory! Phew. But wait, hasn’t he been there a few times already? Maybe his memory isn’t that amazing, but still pretty good.

Officer Ye's (young lady officer) ringtone scares Li Shi Qing. The police let her stay in the cafeteria to calm down. This defeats their purpose, though. Xiao He Yun says they still have a chance. They look up at the security camera in the corner of the room. The police are still surveying them. 

It turns out the police are way better at investigating! Gee!. The information they gathered: 1) Bus Driver applied to drive on Route 45 multiple times and when he finally got the route he refused to switch even if it was for a promotion, and 2) Calm Lady works in a chemical factory and always volunteers for overtime. Therefore, she has access to combustibles and the capacity to make bombs. They’re a (married) team. 

→ The officer lady’s ringtone. There has to be more to it! 
→ 2020, The Bad Kids turned a children's song eerie, 2022, Reset is turning Canon in D fatal, especially if you’re on Bus 45. RIP. 

[Ep12] The Bus Driver’s roommate and transportation office employee testify that Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun pretended to be reporters and relatives to investigate Bus Driver, which confirms the police's suspicion on our duo. Officer Zhang confiscates their phones. Our duo is cooperative, but shoot, Xiao He Yun still has the phone he stole from Bus Driver’s room. He lies that the sparkly cased phone is his. Officer Zhang nods; his eyes are piercing. Eeek

Before Officer Zhang leaves, Li Shi Qing asks details about the case. She explains that she just wants a conclusion to the explosion she narrowly escaped. Xiao He Yun agrees. Although Officer Zhang suspects Li Shi Qing has survivor’s guilt, he continues to be doubtful of our overly eager witnesses. Next Xiao He Yun is forthcoming with the truth that the broken phone isn’t his. Officer Zhang nods, unfazed. He knows. It’s a good thing Xiao He Yun confessed to this first. I love how they’re throwing curveballs at Officer Zhang. Every time he suspects them, they do something he can’t predict. But they’re not actually curveballs. It’s the truth. It’s just no one would ever believe them.  However, it will take a few days to repair the phone. We don’t have days!! 

The police know the phone belongs to Wang Meng Meng, the daughter of Bus Driver and Calm Lady. She died five years ago on May 13, 2014 at 1:45pm. She was on Route 45 and got off in the middle of the road in the middle lane and was killed by an oncoming truck. 100% liability on the bus driver. I know there are desperate passengers who are...just crazy desperate to get their way for whatever desperate reason, but if anything happens, legally, the bus driver is responsible

However, today is May 9th. Officer Jiang suspects the married couple are forced to suicide ahead of time because of the fire inspections in Calm Lady's neighbourhood (thanks to the mini explosion on April 4th when she was testing her bomb). 

Although the case seems solved, the police are unnerved. It was too smooth. It’s like Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun lead them by the nose. Bingo! Dw, it’s a win win xD 

Officer Zhang is back in the lunch room with our duo. Li Shi Qing is brazen and asks Officer Zhang if she had a chance to properly redo everything, what could she do? If she called the police, how would he stop Calm Lady from exploding the bus? Ah, yes! Use Officer Zhang!!!! I also like the fake argument between Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun to convince Officer Zhang that at least one of them thinks the other is a complete psycho. A chance to redo?! What are we? In a time loop? Psh. Oh, and Xiao He Yun is pretty good at acting now, eh (;. Officer Zhang explains the police would pretend to be passengers. However, five minutes to disarm the bus is too short. Delaying the arrival time to the final destination (the bridge) is key. 

Li Shi Qing has one more question: if she sent Officer Zhang a message that there was a bomb on the bus, would he believe her? Yes. He’d dispatch immediately. If it was a prank, he’d make sure the prankster is appropriately disciplined. But if it wasn’t a prank, it’s their only chance to save everyone on the bus. Now here’s the obligatory promotional line from Chinese police forces: In fact, he believes all officers in this country will dispatch immediately for its citizens' safety. With that unnecessary propaganda, he leaves. Ask for his number!!! Xiao He Yun stops him, and smiles a cute one. He asks for his number. YAY!! Xiao He Yun’s other hidden skill: he's great at getting numbers, haha

Time loop. Xiao He Yun wakes up and he has a nosebleed. Li Shi Qing is fine. Why is she fine? Why isn’t he fine? Still bloody, he quickly sends a message to Officer Zhang with every important detail (1:45pm, destination on the bridge, picture of Calm Lady, the position of the bomb, etc). Officer Zhang dispatches! The police are disguised as passengers waiting at Lu Di’s bus stop. (The place is sealed off so Lu Di won’t be getting on.) 

Back on the bus, Xiao He Yun and Li Shi Qing embrace. She’s worried for his health, and this time, they really want to succeed. They know the bombers' motive and they have a working plan that includes the police. Please succeed! 

Plan in motion! Li Shi Qing hollers that she’s molested. It’s enough of a commotion to force Bus Driver to pull over. But our girl doesn’t want to actually get off. She stands between the steps and the opened doors, demanding Xiao He Yun to get off instead. He plays along and grabs his bag to leave, but hold up! His USB is missing! LOL. They’re combining all the scenarios together! I love that in this intensity there is humour

Bus Driver is agitated. He has to get on the bridge by 1:45pm. He forcefully closes the door and speeds through Lu Di’s stop! The police (disguised as passengers) can’t get on. 

Retrospective thoughts. Now I know why the Bus Driver was speeding in the initial episodes (as mentioned by the police). In time-loops #3-6, Li Shi Qing was always making a fuss, slowing down the bus, and so at the intersection, the Bus Driver would always accelerate in order to arrive at the bridge by 1:45pm. This led to the collision with the motorbike. If Bus Driver wasn’t speeding and Li Shi Qing continued sleeping (like time-loops #1&2), that collision would not happen, and they would arrive on the bridge on time.

Bus Driver continues to floor the accelerator. Police cars have surrounded him, but that doesn’t slow him down. The passengers on the bus are rattled, demanding the Bus Driver to stop. 

Calm Lady swipes out her knife and threatens everyone to sit. 

Xiao He Yun, who seated himself right behind Calm Lady, takes a hold of her hand. Li Shi Qing snatches the pot from her legs and then runs back to help Xiao He Yun, who also shouts at Suitcase Guy for help (calling him Lao Jiao). Aw!!! Lu Di ain’t here, though

Bus Driver is still speeding. Smash the windows now! Oh, but where are they going to throw the bomb. They’re in the middle of the road. We’re closer to the bridge, the place Wang Meng Meng died. Police have barricaded the area but Bus Driver rams through. There’s no stopping him. Li Shi Qing tries to convince the Bus Driver from suicide. If he wanted to solve his daughter’s case, this isn’t the way. Let the police investigate. Bus Driver thinks it’s futile. He tells Calm Lady (who’s pinned down) that she’s right. 

Calm Lady and Bus Driver just want to die with their daughter on the bridge. So is there a target on the bus or not? 

It’s seconds until 1:45pm. Xiao He Yun smashes the window. Officer Zhang is right outside to receive the bomb with his bare frigging hands. Then he runs (omg just throw it) to the ledge to throw it over the bridge and into the water, but is it too late?! Did he throw it in time?!? Did he?! The bomb explodes far enough from the bus, but not far enough form Officer Zhang!! He flies back from the explosion. Is he okay?! T_T


→ Such. Tension. OMG. And in this intense episode, I also laughed and then I cried. I feared for Officer Zhang. I know that there are more resets to come, but that moment was powerful. I never realized how much I loved Officer Zhang until that moment. COME BACK!!!! .

→Bus Driver. What is it like for him to drive on the same route his daughter died for 4 whole years. What is this torture. How many times does he drive here per day?

→ I fear that Xiao He Yun is losing vitality per loop, but I love that it adds a threat to this infinite loop that seems to always reset in their favour. This evens the playing field. Xiao He Yun’s health is at risk. The stakes are higher! LOVE IT.

→ Survivor’s Guilt. Officer Zhang suspects Li Shi Qing has survivor’s guilt. But I think it’s someone else. If this whole drama is Xiao He Yun’s game (-_-”), then he’s the one with survivor’s guilt and he created this game for a chance to save himself from the guilt. I think Ep4 alluded to this nature of his when he was guilt-tripped by Li Shi Qing’s extreme selflessness. 

→ Adding to the above theory: What if Li Shi Qing is Wang Meng Meng? What if Xiao He Yun was on the bus with Wang Meng Meng five years ago? Did he feel guilty that he couldn't save her? Would this be the inspiration for his game and the inspiration behind Li Shi Qing’s character in the game? 

→ Also, would this explain why Li Shi Qing’s health isn’t affected? She’s just an NPC whereas Xiao He Yun is clearly fatigued and worn down because he’s been playing in the game for too long.

→ I will be so sad if Li Shi Qing isn’t real, though. I want to be wrong

[Ep13Prelude. Five years ago after Wang Meng Meng’s death, Calm Lady and Bus Driver would board Bus 45. When a young lady boards, Calm Lady would approach her and ask if anyone ever molested her. Calm Lady (and Bus Driver) have done this enough that they’re banned from the bus. Calm Lady says she’s done nothing wrong. These two just want to know why their daughter was so desperate to leave the bus. Bus Driver's slouched posture, Calm Lady's void eyes. These two make me cry >__<

Currently, everyone survives the explosion, but Officer Zhang loses consciousness. He’s in surgery, critical. T_T Wait...!!! Is this the last time loop?! Li Shi Qing thinks they haven’t solved the root of the problem. Bus Driver and Calm Lady haven’t arrived at their peace. Living is like hell for them. I think Li Shi Qing’s logic is peculiar. How does she know their purpose is to solve everyone’s problems? Like Xiao He Yun, I always thought it was to save everyone’s life on the bus. 

Driver Zhu is summoned to the police station. He’s the driver in Wang Meng Meng’s last bus ride that led to her death. He feels very guilty for her death. He admitted he was wrong and lost his job. But what could he have done? The girl was frantic and taking hold of the steering wheel. She was a danger to all the passengers. He also doesn’t know the exact reason she wanted off. No one on the bus was helping either. He thinks she just missed a stop. Driver Zhu breaks down at the questioning. He’s hurt too. It’s not like he wanted her dead... He’s liable, but certainly a victim as well. Anyone would know that he committed a fatal error, but seeing it from his perspective and in that situation, it was a very human error....... Unfortunate that the cost of his error was a life... 

The police review Wang Meng Meng's bus surveillance footage. Her last call on the bus was to Bus Driver (Dad) but he didn’t pick up. T_T. Is this why he kept her phone of all things? Why does Bus Driver torture himself like this >_<  Then she frantically demanded to get off. Driver Zhu finally opened the door, but for some reason, she looked to the back of the bus. She wasn’t in a rush anymore. Was she experiencing a time loop? Like Li Shi Qing?? Ignore me. I’m just making random guesses right now

Officer Zhang has a wife. She’s in the hospital, waiting for her husband to be saved, but Officer Zhang dies on the surgery table. The way Officer Jiang cries is like he lost his father. T_T

During interrogations, Calm Lady takes the blame. She says she forced Bus Driver to die with her. 

The Chief of Police (CP, Liu Tao’s character) assures Bus Driver that they have reopened Wang Meng Meng’s case. Bus Driver thanks her. He had seen the video uploaded on social media and the heartless comments that Wang Meng Meng deserved to be hit. She was only 20. So is Li Shi Qing... Like Calm Lady, he takes the blame for the explosion. CP understands his hatred but that doesn’t justify killing the innocent passengers. They have families too. I’m sure Bus Driver knew that. He has a guilty conscience (not sure about Calm Lady). But he was hurting. His wife was hurting... And he definitely regretted not picking up that call

Why don’t the couple say who their target is? In Ep10 when the passengers all got off, Calm Lady pulled the trigger. There had to be someone on the bus she wanted to kill. Why aren’t they disclosing it to the police?

Five Years Ago. Bus Driver (who was a Truck Driver) cherished his pair of gloves because it was a present from his daughter. He missed her call on that dreadful day because he was at work. Calm Lady never wanted financial compensation for her daughter’s death. She wanted the truth. Why did her daughter get off the bus? Then at the station she swears she heard police officers(?) chatting in the men’s washroom (while she was in the female’s) that Wang Meng Meng could have been molested. But no one was there when she went to check. The security footage also didn’t catch anyone 10 mins before or after. Was she hallucinating? If Bus Driver suspected their daughter was molested, then why would Bus Driver let Li Shi Qing off the bus when she accused XHY? I mean, yes he let her off safely, but...that would certainly trigger a reaction from Bus Driver. He was calm. Calm Lady was calm. Something is off and I can’t figure out why.  

→ Officer Zhang T_T
→ The parents T_T
→ Could Wang Meng Meng really be Li Shi Qing?!?! They’re both 20. 
→ Also, Wang Meng Meng died 5 years ago, and currently, Xiao He Yun is 25. They were both the same age. Could they be from the same university, riding the same bus? 
→ Why did Wang Meng Meng want to get off? Why didn’t she get off immediately when she had the chance? Why look towards the back of the bus? Was she like Li Shi Qing in that she wanted to pull someone down with her? Was she in a time loop? Ah, Drama tell me!

[Ep14Five years ago

Calm Lady was a chemistry teacher! I don’t know why it surprises me that she had a proper job. A student in class is caught playing with his phone. She checks and it's Wang Meng Meng’s death on replay, flooded with disparaging criticisms at her daughter. The student swears he was defending Wang Meng Meng. Oh, he better. Calm Lady is back at home. A ringtone sounds. It’s Wang Meng Meng’s Canon in D. Her phone is set to ring at 1:42pm and 1:44pm(?). Bus Driver is wrought with guilt. She interrogates and blames him for missing both calls. Their daughter never calls unless there is an emergency. If he had picked up, their daughter would have survived. She accuses him of being an accomplice. In fact, she thinks they’re both murderers of their own daughter. Bus Driver makes a solemn but determined decision: “Let’s move to Jialin.” Oh. Bus Driver made the decision to move.  

At Jialin, Bus Driver applies to be a bus driver... and volunteers for Route 45. The employer doesn’t recognize Bus Driver is Wang Meng Meng’s father and is rather surprised why he would want such a long and tiresome route. There’s always mishaps. This angers Bus Driver. Is that it? Did they all forget his daughter died? Is their daughter’s death a mishap? When he’s alone with his wife, he calls them “garbage” for diminishing their daughter’s death. 
April 4, 2019

Calm Lady succeeded in assembling her bomb. Bus Driver is calmer (after all, it’s been five years) and tells Calm Lady he dreamed of Wang Meng Meng who wants them to live on. Calm Lady is rather calm and tells him that they can divorce. He has a life, he has a reputation, he’s a heroic driver. However, she's sticking to her plan. She gives him his choices: he can leave Jialin or he can stay with her. 

May 9, 2019

At the hospital, Li Shi Qing calls her university teacher (Teacher Wu) to ask about Wang Meng Meng because they happen to have the same teacher. When she arrives, Li Shi Qing introduces Xiao He Yun (sitting up in the hospital bed) as her boyfriend. Xiao He Yun looks giddy ~ Well, as giddy as a sick man can be, ha. The teacher casually shares details of Wang Meng Meng who was more of an introvert and definitely not the type to make a scene on the bus like that. After the accident, there was a heated discussion on the school forum, which was later closed because of all the offensive remarks.

Officer Jiang asks Teacher Wu to bring them to school to access the forum. She needs permission. Officer Jiang is like there’s no time. Yes! There is no time. Li Shi Qing asks to tag along. “Can you believe us this one time...just like how Officer Zhang did?” Well, I mean, he kinda lost his life for that...T_T. He believes her and lets her join. Aw.

On the school forum, a user (45 Level) defends Wang Meng Meng that she’s not crazy. She was molested. Xiao He Yun (who has access because of screen share?) notices the IP addresses overlaps with many others. This user must be living in the dorms. The tech guy locates the student’s dorm number. It’s narrowed down to Liu Yao

Li Shi Qing, Officer Jiang, and Teacher Wu find Liu Yao at her workshop. She’s defensive. She doesn’t want to be targeted by the perpetrator. Officer Jiang promises confidentiality of her identity. She will be safe. Liu Yao opens up. She confesses there was a middle aged man with glasses molesting Wang Meng Meng. 

→ Well, isn’t it convenient that they have the same teacher. 
→ I rewinded the scene where Calm Lady set the ringtone to play at 1:42pm and 1:44pm to see if Show timed their dialogue for exactly 2 minutes. I’m a little sad it was three minutes between the ringtone, instead of two... but maybe she set the second ringtone at 1:45pm?? That would be such a cool detail. 

[Ep15] Liu Yao has a picture of the sexual perpetrator in the act. Now I’m so confused why our brilliant detectives didn’t think to REWIND the surveillance footage to see who was standing behind Li Shi Qing... or was that a blind spot?  

Liu Yao never called the police because she was afraid. The perpetrator saw her. What if he retaliates and targets her? Her mother gave her the advice to mind her own business. She also tells Liu Yao to stop dressing so sexily. It’s begging men to be perverts. Aight. Wang Meng Meng sure looked hot in that sexily long dress of hers. Darn it, how do I blame the pervert for sexual harassment now. After Liu Yao learned of Wang Meng Meng’s tragedy, she posted on the forum. There’s backlash. Criticisms are directed at her for being a bystander. How is she different from being an accomplice? She withheld evidence that could have saved someone. She should have died instead of Wang Meng MengThis online courtroom. No accountability and no recourse for any wrong verdict. From all the external pressure, Liu Yao chose to keep her silence. 

Li Shi Qing anxiously asks if Liu Yao has the picture saved on any cloud service. She does and gives her username and password. 

Xiao He Yun is still at the hospital, coughing blood (!!!). Officer Jiang and Li Shi Qing are back. Officer Ye is waiting in the hallway and tells Li Shi Qing to help Xiao He Yun pack. They will be going to the station. Li Shi Qing looks happy to go, lol. Or maybe she knows it’s almost 12.

As they’re packing, Xiao He Yun gives Li Shi Qing instructions for their next time loop as if he won’t be there. T_T. He’s proud when she knows exactly what to do. She’s even thinking ahead of him. 

Xiao He Yun: If I can only accompany you to this point, promise me, at least you have to escape the time loops – Li Shi Qing stares up nervously at him – I’m saying ‘if’ [...] I’m just too nervous, afraid to lose you.
Li Shi Qing also has an “if” question: What if...the next day we wake up and we forget everything. What should we do? 
Xiao He Yun: I’m going to remember you anyway. Even if you forget me, I will look for you, knock on your door and tell you, 'Nice to meet you, I am Xiao He Yun. Will you be my girlfriend?' AW. Wait a second. Isn’t this confession and handshake from You Are My Hero!!!
Li Shi Qing takes his outstretched hand and shakes it. She will be his girlfriend. Xiao He Yun moves in for a kiss. They kiss!!! Omo, there’s a kiss in this drama. 

Time loop! 

Li Shi Qing wakes up. Xiao He Yun doesn't. She’s reminded that his body deteriorates with each loop. Li Shi Qing takes a moment to calm down and to carefully think through her plan. She’s ready. She has to do this for both of them. She snaps a picture of Calm Lady and sends a text message to Officer Zhang who’s ALIVE. She then approaches Suitcase Guy, telling him the details of the bomb and that being heroic is monetarily rewarded. He nods, agreeing to help. When Lu Di gets on, she wastes no time to approach him with a similar text message. Assertively, she recites his name and assures, “You are the one chosen by the lights.” Lu! Di! nods. With Suitcase Guy and Lu Di on board, her team is efficiently formed. 

Unlike the last loop, the police aren't getting on at Lu Di’s stop. Officer Zhang and Officer Jiang are tailing the bus in separate cars. The other officers have barricaded the bridge. 

Li Shi Qing sets her plan in motion: she shouts that she wants to get off. Calm Lady hollers for Bus Driver to continue. Li Shi Qing and team pin down Calm Lady and snatch her pot of bomb. The other passengers file in to help: Nervous Guy takes the knife from her hand and Phone Guy is flailing his way through to hold her down, lol

Bus Driver timely steps on the accelerator, throwing everyone off balance except Calm Lady who manages to free herself. Her hand is right on the trigger!!! Oh no! But Xiao – The One Chosen By Time Loops! – He Yun wraps latches onto her waist, pulling her back. You are my hero! Headphone Guy’s muscles finally come in handy. He hustles her down. I guess this was the point of Headphone Guy all along. Show only needed his muscles. Pft

Bus Driver is still accelerating. It doesn’t matter if the police cars are blocking his path. But he doesn’t break through. He reverses to free himself from the deadlock. However, Officer Jiang accelerates and rear-ends the bus. Omg. I’m gritting my teeth with them. Why do these people act like they have infinite lives

Bus Driver abandons the wheel and seizes the bomb. I like Medicine Lady’s effort in smacking him with her bag full of medicine. Another great use of medicine.

Li Shi Qing quickly shows Bus Driver the picture of Wang Meng Meng being molested. There is proof now. They can clear Wang Meng Meng’s name. Bus Driver calms down. His grip loosens on the pot. The bomb is handed to Officer Zhang again (omg!) and we still gotta run to throw it. AH!!! Officer Jiang and Officer Zhang do it together. It explodes in the water. Sniffles. We did it guys! We did it! Yes, I was totally part of it. Everyone is alive! 

(I wonder if this time loop would have been easier if Li Shi Qing just straight up approached Calm Lady first with Wang Meng Meng’s picture and then...the end!! I also get why the Show wanted this scenario. It’s the ideal solution the show was aiming for all along: make every passenger into an active helper, thereby eliminating all the bystanders on the bus. In Wang Meng Meng’s case, if only one person had helped her, asked her what was wrong then she may not have died. This is the main message of the drama: Don’t be a bystander.) 

Bus Driver and Calm Lady get their answer: the truth to their daughter’s death. They have found peace. 

Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun hug. Are we finally out of the loop?

Li Shi Qing wonders if they’ll wake up in another time loop tomorrow. Xiao He Yun desperately covers her mouth (to stop her from jinxing them). Officer Zhang stops them. He circles around the two, asking how they know everything. Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun struggle to answer (not that they even know how to answer), but Officer Zhang is more thankful than anything and lets them go. He’s willing to wait if they have a story to tell him. For now (and ever) they’re free to go. 

Li Shi Qing’s stomach growls. She wants to dine at the most expensive restaurant. Xiao He Yun is actually a cheapskate, and suggests they go for something more affordable, hahaha. Not happening. 

The next morning, Xiao He Yun wakes up in bed. It’s May 10th! New clothes!! Xiao He Yun texts Li Shi Qing, “Good morning.” So simple, but so meaningful. It’s a good morning indeed.  

A few days later, all eight bus passengers are celebrated for their heroic efforts. There’s an entourage of police officers, city officials, and reporters. Xiao He Yun and Li Shi Qing in a couple outfit (white dress-shirts) with a red background is the closest thing we can get to a marriage, lol. This show is more romantic than I thought. Everyone’s family is there, even Nervous Guy’s son and wife.

And now the last bit of the drama is dedicated to Pervert. He wakes up in the morning, smiling at his daughter’s picture. How dare he. He’s arrested at work. Bus Driver in also in prison. He passes by Pervert in the hallway. Calm Lady is serving time as well (shown in text). They’re all found guilty of their charges and receiving appropriate sentencing. 

On a happier note:
  • Nervous Guy delivers his watermelons to his son who’s brightly welcoming his father. 
  • Lu! – The One Chosen By The Lights – Di! is surprised by his parents who have cosplayed for him. Dad is dressed as Itachi Uchiha from Naruto (courtesy of flash2351 for the tip). The look from Dad T_T. Is this a Dad drama? So many touching father-child relationships. Lu Di also gets a cat! (Specifically, a hairless Sphynx for his asthma). 
  • Motorbike Guy is fine. I like the duck on his helmet, but Show really should have put a fish instead. What a red herring. Suitcase Guy is fine. He's on a motorbike taking the job of a Delivery Guy (don’t know about the original delivery guy. Suitcase Guy finally has enough money to buy a scooter for is happily making his deliveries!¹
  • Medicine Lady is happy with her family; Phone Guy and Headphone Guy are happy at work. 
  • Xiao He Yun and Li Shi Qing pay respect to Wang Meng Meng. (They’re holding hands~) 

The end! 

→ Pervert; Pedophile. I get a nauseating feeling that he doesn’t have a daughter. He’s a pedophile. He only made one egg in the morning. His “daughter” was never shown. He had a lunch box for himself with “Dad” written on it, but like I said, he only made one egg. That “fatherly” smile he had every time he stared at the little girl was lust of an old man for a prepubescent child. 

→ Liu Yao as a bystander. I don’t agree with her mother’s advice, but I get where she’s coming from in the context of their society. Where I am, my judicial system makes me feel safe in being a witness. My life and future won’t be jeopardized. But there are enough stories and cases in China that spread the notion that “helping is a sign of guilt”, making people less inclined to do the right thing when it doesn’t involve them. 

This drama reminds me of the death of Peng Yu (2011)² and Wang Yue (2016). You can Google it. It is appalling and depressing. However, if you look up more articles and understand Chinese society and the underlying bystander effect, it becomes a little more understandable of how this atrocity could have happened, but in no way does it diminish the tragedy

The year after (2017), China implemented the Good Samaritan law

On a related note, I think this is also why the Show included Suitcase Guy’s character.  Not only are citizens protected from helping but also rewarded. Even if he’s doing it for money, it’s completely okay. 

Underlying theme of bystander effect. The bus is an excellent place to illustrate the bystander effect. It’s an enclosed space with everyone together, but no one cares about anyone. No one helped Wang Meng Meng five years ago. No one helped Li Shi Qing during her fake molestation case either. Perhaps the key to unlock the loop was to turn every single passenger into active helpers. 

Take home message: Just don’t get on Route 45, and don’t miss your calls, man. ♫ ♪ Canon in D ♪♪


[First Impression (Ep1-6)] Easy 4 for the first impression. Mystery checks. Humour checks. Emotional engagement checks. The only reason it’s not higher is because this isn’t my usual genre and I’m leaving room to be disappointed if the ending doesn’t make sense. I’m hopeful on this one, though! Story is solid.

First episode takes a bit to warm up to but by the end when Bai Jing Ting’s character is in the loop, I’m hooked. With each episode, the drama is progressively better.

I love that the story moves forward. We’re not feigning left and right, or going in circles just to make everyone look suspicious. We’re chugging along in the story, logically eliminating suspects one by one. Each time-loop brings new information in unpredictable directions.

There’s a speck, and I literally mean a speck of romance. It isn’t important and it isn’t obvious, but I still like it! And I’m okay if Show doesn’t develop it. Their chemistry is harmonious and their partnership is vital. It’s their dependence and trust in each other that I find romantic.

I really like the various tones in this drama, proficiently shifting from mysterious to humourous to emotional. It keeps me on my toes, surprises me with unexpected humour, and arouses my heart with touching stories.

[Actors/Actresses] I do love Bai Jing Ting and his presence helps me ease into the drama but the story is good on its own without him, but it would suck without him because he fits the role so well!! I also love that he naturally adds humour to the story. 

Supporting actors are one the best in this field, I think. They don’t have the star power, but they have that aura and that skill. Excellent. 

[Update (Ep13)] I wanted to name the supporting actors who are exceptional but that in itself would be a spoiler. Just leaving it here that I appreciate them and by this episode, hopefully people would know who I appreciate. 

[Behind the ScenesThe bus scenes were filmed with LED. Impressive. This is how drama ensured that every time loop had the same scenery. 

Show ended a day earlier thanks to our Bai Jing Ting’s efforts. On his Weibo, he was being cheeky. Of course. Fans of the drama were asking him to help with speeding up the episode releases and so he did. He said this: “My three big suns on my QQ, is that enough to speak with your executive?” Pft. Now, I wish I knew a bit of QQ (a Chinese messenger app) to know exactly what the three suns are. I figure it’s the background image of the app. Either way, it’s something utterly useless. And thanks to that (Bai Bai and his suns), we got an extra ep ahead of schedule, haha. I love him for soaking up all the credit, haha. 

A peek into the emotional acting from the cast: 

Terms are found in Reset (In-Depth Discussion)

你是之前就有這種症狀還是今天才有的 – Did you have this condition before or did it start today? (Officer Zhang’s popular line)

我一開始也以為是我瘋了,可是我問過醫生了。她說我腦子沒事 – I thought I was crazy too, but I asked the doctor already. She said my brain was fine! (Li Shi Qing’s line; A nod to Sheldon’s iconic line in Big Bang Theory?)

肉 Ròu – Meat (Calm Lady’s line)

準備藥檢 – Prep them for the exam! (Police Chief)

盧-貓之使者,哮喘征服者,被光選中-笛 – Lu – The Apostle of Cats, The Asthma Conqueror, and The One Chosen By the Lights – Di

別怕,我這裡什麼藥都有 – Don’t be scared. I have all sorts of medicine. (Medicine Lady’s line)

站著說話不腰疼 Zhàn zhe shuō huà bù yāo téng – It doesn’t hurt your waist when you talk. Less talk, more action

以暴制暴 Yǐ bào zhì bào – To use violence to curb violence

晴空一鶴排雲上,便引詩情到碧霄 – Watching a crane flying over the clouds, Draws out the inspiration for my poem (This is a line from a poem that has both our main leads name). 

墜入愛河 Zhuì rù ài hé – To fall into the river of love

畫龍點睛 Huà lóng diǎn jīng – To paint a dragon and dot in the eyes = To add the vital finishing touch / The crucial point that brings the subject to life / A few words to cinch the point 

[Ending] Happy

If you must, here is the ending. It’s the boring way to find out, but here you go. 
  • Time loop is a real time loop. Not a video game. 
  • Everyone is alive. 
  • The culprit is Bus Driver and Calm Lady who are committing suicide to grieve for their daughter’s death. 
  • Wang Meng Meng (daughter) was molested on the bus but not one person helped her, continued the investigation nor submitted evidence. At the end, the pervert is arrested. 
  • As for the romance, Li Shi Qing and Xiao He Yun kissed and took a “wedding photo” . 

1. [Ep15] flash2351 corrected Motorbike Guy to Suitcase Guy (cynlynn: Clearly, I cannot recognize people after a change of clothes, hahaha. But I should have, their faces are really different)
2. [Ep15 - Green blurb] flash2351 supplemented with Peng Yu.  
[Review & Rating]
If I was objective, I'd give this a lower score. But I’m not. Ha! In the end, what convinced me was the BTS, which I had indulged in after the drama ended. I was reminded of how addicted I was to this drama with each new update: the acting, the details, the logic, the thrill, and the emotions. All of it converged into this tight 15-episode drama, which truly was an explosively addictive ride.

Finishing the drama. Rating this drama was a real struggle. I think most viewers planned to give this a near perfect score until the ending came along. What happened is...everyone just had a better ending theory than the drama did. The buildup was so impeccable that theories went wild. Expectations hit the ceiling. And then the finale opted for an emotional appeal, a social commentary on the bus passengers. Show zoomed through checkpoints to arrive at its designated ending and passed up important plots, leaving them unaddressed. Considering only the mystery sci-fi element, I wouldn’t give it higher than a 3/5 purely because of the ending. For a time loop drama of this calibre, unfortunately, an underperforming ending outweighs a dozen phenomenal episodes. Moreover, it was the thrill and the tension that brought everyone into the hype and when the ending chose a different appeal, it felt too simple for a mystery. I’m left with... “That’s it?”

More on the ending (+ theories). [Ending Spoiler!!] It felt out of character. Up until the last two episodes, this drama was thrilling, packed with details, and without many logical gaps. So how could the ending slip up so much? The lack of explanation for Xiao He Yun’s deteriorating health in contrast to Li Shi Qing’s immunity bothered me the most. Initially, I loved that Xiao He Yun’s health increased the stake to the otherwise infinite loops that always reset favourably for our leads, until it wasn’t much of a stake and he’s fine at the end as if nothing ever happened. My dissatisfaction prompted me to read endless theories on Douban for closure, and (un)surprisingly, there are some clever, clever ones, covering almost all the plot holes. I could not decipher them on my own, though. Let’s just say, I didn’t have my supernatural cap on. Nonetheless, I’m happy that these theories restored my faith in the drama, albeit post-drama [/Sp]

(Psst, please look forward to the extra in-depth discussion post!)

Is the ending bad? No! It’s happy and there’s a deeper message to extrapolate. It doesn’t betray the drama’s setup. There was always an emotional component to this drama. I think it’s a meaningful ending (see massive green blurb in Ep15). It’s just the audience that it attracted was a bunch of mystery/sci-fi fans. It also converted romance fans into mystery fans (ahem, me). And come the ending, it turns out it was never about the time loop, but about the passengers. The disappointment is real, but on the slice of life aspect, the show was thoughtful with a strong message. I came to love the ending in a different way.

The acting. Let’s talk about the veteran actors. Without them, this drama cannot be what it is. There’s Liu Yi Jun, Huang Jue, Liu Dan, and many more. They bring so much intensity with their expressions alone. However, I think Liu Tao’s (Police Chief) role is overrated among the audience. Really…there’s not much of her scenes… but I am amazed at her styling. This woman is gorgeous and she allowed the crew to make her look like that. *Clap, clap, clap* By the way, Zhao Jin Mai is a veteran too! She’s born in 2002 but she has ten years(!) of experience, even longer than Bai Jing Ting. This girl is his senior, ha. 

There’s romance! I craved it, but I didn’t think Show would quench it. I swear no one saw it coming. Our CP has a simple, natural sweetness to them. I have nothing to complain about, except – and here’s the except – I preferred it when their romance was understated. I loved their subtle harmony, their dependence on each other, the way they balanced each other, and the skinship that came so naturally. Now that Show tied a neat little bowtie, gave me everything (and more), and so easily, I don’t crave them anymore. They’re cute, still! I just knew I could have yearned for them for a while longer if Show knew how to flirt.

(By the way, I hope You Are My Hero fans caught the handshake confession. I’m looking forward to Bai Jing Ting’s next romance-related drama. Everyone’s going to ask if there’ll be another handshake, haha.)

Overall. I can’t ignore the ending flaws, but more than that, I can’t ignore the love I had for this drama during its entire run. It’s thrilling and yet it’s simple. It’s intense and yet it’s funny. There’s no filler suspects. Each suspicious passenger adds a layer to the story. Each episode unravels more details. I turned into a nervous wreck. I’d still be ruminating through all the possibilities when no new episodes were out. The way the director(s) focused on certain reactions, certain expressions, the details of it all made me rethink all those normal yet ambiguous scenes. There’s also a surprising amount of character development when Drama is already so busy. The storytelling gave the audience boundless possibilities and generated heated discussions. I think it deserved every hype while it was airing.

Random RecommendationTodome no Kiss [J(2018)] for more time loops plus more romance; N no Tame Ni [(J(2014)] for some mystery thriller plus some understated romance. 

Rating: 5/5 

Please look forward to an upcoming in-depth discussion! (;

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