November 10, 2022

New Life Begins | Recap and Review

New Life Begins
A “weak” prince marries a girl who doesn’t want to marry.  
Notable Actors/Actresses
Bai Jing TingYin Zheng
Tian Xi WeiLi Wei
Chinese Title
The Daily Lives of Spouses 
Episodes: 40
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 4/5

Mini Recaps


The country is divided into nine regions. The female leads.  

→ Mochuan has a strong army. (N) 
[An Xi Yuan (4th)]
→ Cangchuan is dry and arid, lacking resources. (NW) 
[Dong Hai Tang (3rd)]
→ Daichuan is rich in minerals. (Middle) 
[Zhao Fang Ru (2nd)]
→ Yanchuan is abundant with flowers and fruits. (S) 
[Hao Jia (2nd)]
→ Yingchuan rains a lot and so all year long, it’s lusciously green. (SE) 
[Jiang Yue (1st), Ruan Si Si (7th)]
→ Jichuan follows monogamy unlike the other eight regions that worship men. Over here, men and women are equal. (SW) 
[Li Wei (6th) (FL)]
→ Danchuan is matriarchal. They love spicy food. The women here are bold and outspoken (and spicy). The husbands are usually matrilocal. (W) 
[Shangguan Jing (5th)]
→ Jinchuan is a coastal region where trade is prosperous. It’s a capitalist city where the rich rules. (E)  
[Yuan Ying]
→ Xinchuan holds sovereignty of the nine regions. The men are superior to women, and hierarchy is valued.

Xinchuan has ten princes The male leads.  

→ 1st Yin Kun is stationed at Mochuan.
→ 2nd Yin Song is a haughty and pompous prick, and the eldest legitimate son because his mother is the Big Madam (legal wife). He and 10th have the same mother. 
→ 3rd Yin An is the most “handsome” of them all. 
→ 4th Yin Jun kisses up to Yin Song (2nd)
→ 5th Yin Qi yaps a lot and looks fickle 
→ 6th Yin Zheng (ML!has no existence in the family and so he doesn’t even deserve a portrait of his own. He can be found as a tiny figure in the background of 2nd Prince’s large portrait. 
→ 7th Yin Yan has few words and is a good boy
→ 8th died at infancy hence why there’s an 11th when there are only 10 princes.
→ 9th Yin Han likes studying. 
→ 10th Yin Yue is the social butterfly. He knows which girl is pretty. 
→ 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th already have “wives” 
→ 9th, 10th, 11th are too young to marry. 
→ 5th, 6th, 7th are technically the only ones looking for wives. 

[Ep1] To uphold the alliance between the nine regions, each province selects a girl as tribute to the princesLi Wei doesn’t want to marry. Unlike in Jichuan, men here in Xinchuan can marry multiple women. She plans to sabotage her reputation and return to her province. If the princes still want her, they’re blind! 
Introducing our blind ML: Yin Zheng (6th Prince) doesn’t care who he marries. He wants to earn his father’s recognition by his own merits rather than rely on marriage. Moreover, marrying too well might actually backfire. He’s considering Jichuan that’s good for nothing except for some good fengshui. Who knows, maybe when he dies, he’ll get an auspicious burial site. 

But before this man dies (*touch wood*), he’s dying from the gnawing pain in his stomach. It’s recurring gastritis. He wants nourishment in food, but every dish that’s served is vanishingly small and missing the main parts. It’s because of our foodie, Li Wei! She ate mostly everything and is now desperately fixing each half-eaten dish so that they don’t look half-eaten. They look and are served like western dishes. Big white plates with a dab of food at the centre that’s meticulously placed, haha. Now that explains where all my food went at those classy restaurants! His Pumpkin Steamed Egg has no egg. His Osmanthus Cake has no osmanthus (orange seeds); the cake is even hollow! At least his Scalded Broccoli has five pieces...which is actually better than the Fava Beans and Lily where there’s more lemon slices decorating the plate than the number of beans. 

Finally, the last dish arrives. Dun dun dun! Butler Su Shen chickens out from unveiling the food. He nervously asks Yin Zheng to do it himself and maybe he’ll be luckier with the Scalded Square Ribs. And so our prince scores.....a jade with his ribs! Li Wei didn’t randomly add the jade, which  was part of her bracelet. The dish is called “Bai Zhuo Square Ribs” where Bai Zhuo sounds like “White Bracelet”. Her white jade technically does complete the dish. And most importantly leads her prince to her
Yin Zheng recognizes the jade which is given to the girls of each province. Curiously, he visits the kitchen and finds Li Wei. She lies that she’s a poison tester working under the 6th Prince (who has no existence in the family). Yin Zheng, “the man with no existence”, asks her to describe this 6th Prince. She says his appearance is “hazy”. LOL, she's recalling his itty bitty portrait. She’s not lying about “hazy” hahahaha. The descriptor she chooses is essentially saying the man has a face. Yin Zheng asks her to elaborate. She struggles to answer, and explains If he’s standing in front of you, you might not be able to recognize him. He’s nodding. Hahaha. Truer words have never been spoken
Despite offending one of the princes (and dragging him around the floor, hahaha), Li Wei is selected as a bride! Ah, who could the blind guy be! 

[Ep2] Yin Zheng chose Li Wei as his wife. Technically, no other prince would volunteer for a Jichuan bride and technically, she can’t be a “wife”. She's from a poor region and can only be a concubine even if his wife-slot is vacant. 
Li Wei mopes about her marriage, but then it’s as if the heavens pitied her and rewards her with a dying groom. She celebrates at the thought of going home. However, it’s a huge misunderstanding. He’s not dying in half a month, it’s just the day of his exam, which I guess, can be like death.... Anyway, no burial site needed! Good fengshui, next time! He’s also recovering from his stomach ache and being dragged around

For the kitchen incident, he (rightfully) penalizes her to transcribe text, which she hates the most. I love how he made her confess what she hated first, lol. But it’s not that bad because he makes her copy the menu, which is the only thing she – our foodie – likes reading. Hey that’s kinda sweet. Before she leaves, she gives him a fist pump. It’s a silent jiayou xD. She promises she will treat him well forever his remaining days.
Over at Yin Qi's (5th), he’s strapped up in a chair to meet his wife, Shangguan Jing, who’s sitting on the bed like a warrior. Let’s just say it was an aggressive night
Hao Jia (her name sounds like “good to marry”) marries Yin Song (2nd). She had seduced him because she wanted to marry the rightful son even if she has to be his concubine. Is her marriage any good though? Nope. She’s to accept Big Madam's (Zhao Fang Ru) tea even if the scorching tea is spilling all over her hand, burning her skin. The more she’s in pain though, the more affection she gets from Yin Song. This three-way relationship reminds me of The Story of Ming Lan: the Big Madam is straightforward; the concubine is crafty. The husband dotes the concubine more. The difference though, everyone is much smarter here, especially the cunning husband who doesn’t actually love anyone. Moreover, Hao Jia (concubine) isn’t as wicked. She just wants to marry the most powerful guy in the house to secure her status/wealth. She’s fending for herself rather than bringing anyone down
The newly minted wives/concubines have class together to learn whatever married women ought to learn. On the first day, Li Wei falls asleep, which results in deduction from her allowance. It’s not surprising to Yin Zheng who continues to study at dinner, but then he notices the eerie silence. He peeks up at her and realizes she’s waiting for him to eat first. Table manners are that women can’t eat until their husbands do. For her sake, Yin Zheng picks up his chopsticks so our glutton can start gorging. I love how deliberately he’s picking up his chopsticks and then how cute her smile was when she knows she can eat ~  
There’s more ridiculous rules like she can only refill from the same dish three times. But there exists no rule that can limit her intake! She has her big bowl ready as she scoops and shovels with her pair of skinny chopsticks. This girl vacuums her food. She’s skipping around him to get to every dish he touches, lol. His expression! She’s like a pet, going wherever his magical chopsticks tap. Eventually, Yin Zheng is full from just watching her eat. He leaves the table of food for her, but notices her eyes lingering on the fish. There’s another rule: she can only eat from the dishes he has touched. With his dandy chopsticks, he taps the fish. The seal is lifted! Li Wei ravishes all the food! So cute, lol.  Butler Su Shen, in sotto voce, assures Li Wei that their lord doesn’t care for those rules. Aw, but I like seeing her running around him for food! 
The room with some of the flowers and his portrait, lol
No one knows what flowers Yin Zheng likes and so Li Wei prepares yellow chrysanthemums and white lilies – for his impending funeral. A whole room full of it! It’s looking eerie, so eerie that he asks if he offended her somehow. Pft. She says chrysanthemums are aloof and independent but also very interesting just like him. Then she gives him a portrait of himself (another necessity for his funeral, lol) and just when he’s complimenting her artwork, his smile flattens into a thin line. She’s hanging it in the middle of the room with all the flowers. This is getting eerier and eerier, hahaha, and so when she says she has a third present, he’s begging her to stop until he realizes it’s a dog! 
Yin Zheng really likes dogs. He had one before but because the 1st Prince was allergic, the family had to get rid of his dog. Yin Zheng had knelt outside for the whole day, but he didn’t even catch a glimpse of his father. Li Wei assures Yin Zheng that this time their dog won’t be taken away from them. He names it Bai Fu (= 100 Good Fortune), and will take after her last name, Li Baifu. Aw, both the dog and her (Li Wei) will bring him good fortune

Yin Zheng contemplates if Li Wei likes him. Everyone says so. She also gave him chrysanthemum and white lilies which mean stable and long lasting love. What an interpretation, lol. Just when he’s about to believe it, he realizes via Su Shen that she’s been mailing her parents letters with content like, “Dear father and mother, my husband is dying. When the flowers bloom, I will return!”  Lol
[Ep3] Yin Zheng hasn’t punished Li Wei. He will deal with her after his exam. Meanwhile Li Wei thinks it's D-day – D for Death. An excited Su Shen tells Li Wei to prepare. Oh. *Snickers* She has been preparing since day 1... hahaha
The funeral room is already prepped with the flowers and the portrait. Li Wei is dressed appropriately. She even has an onion to dab her dry eyes. But on this night when the lightning is striking, Yin Zheng returns! Li Wei hollers for her life. It’s only her living husband. 

Yin Zheng: I’m really quite sorry. My stomachaches aren’t enough to kill me. 

However, Yin Zheng doesn’t punish her. He only wants to hear from her about his rumours. In a quivering voice, she tells him everything she knows: he’s sick from birth and won’t have a bright future, his parents don’t love him, and he’s the weakest of the princes. He nods. That is the image he crafted indeed. She doesn’t realize that he appreciates the truth because no one ever tells him the truth. The next day he even orders the chef (Liu Bao Quan) to learn some Jichuan dishes and make her some hotpot. Awww

Our Li Wei though is busy crying. She’s still under the impression that she’ll die and before that she has to consummate. Life is so unfair! Her servants assure her that their master won’t kill her. They tell her to look forward to the future. Once she gives birth, her position will be secured. On the other hand, if she doesn’t, she could be divorced. Booya! That’s exactly what she needs: a way for him to divorce her. And so to avoid consummation, she settles on eating spicy lamb, so spicy that her lips are inflamed. Yin Zheng knows exactly what she’s up to. He also sends orders to cancel the (spicy) beef hotpot. Heh. Additionally, she's banned from the kitchen (because she stole the spicy lamb). Her plan backfired

At night, Li Wei catches Yin Zheng working out. Now she knows he’s ripped. 
When Li Wei returns to her room, she sees Song Wu jumping on her bed, throwing a tantrum. She’s adopted by Yin Zheng’s mother and wants to marry Yin Zheng. She cries to him and accuses Li Wei of pushing her (when she fell on her own because Li Wei was stronger than she thought). Our FL does eat a lot, lol. Yin Zheng actually applies medicine to her hand! But he deliberately plops a large blob of stinging ointment, making Song Wu hilariously yelp in pain. Li Wei laughs. Did Yin Zheng get a small revenge for Li Wei? Yin Zheng also clarifies to Li Wei that Song Wu is “our” sister and to Song Wu that this is “our” room. Li Wei is very confused by his word choice. She’s also not mad at Song Wu, instead she wants Song Wu to sleep over. It’s because with Song Wu around, Yin Zheng can’t stay.

Bratty Song Wu wants everything that’s Li Wei’s, even her servant’s name and it has to be better. Since they are Yu Zhan and Yu Ping (Jade Vase and Jade Cup), hers will be Jin Zhan and Jin Ping (Gold Vase and Gold Cup). Lol. And we see the servant’s name label changed on the spot xD
Sleeping with Li Wei is the worst decision of Song Wu’s life. She’s hit and kicked and bitten. Li Wei apologizes, and pleads with her to sleep with her again. Song Wu agrees on the condition that LI Wei becomes her servant for the day. Deal! And obviously, it’s another terrible decision by Song Wu as Li Wei accidentally injures her some more. Will she be a mummy by the end of the day? 
Li Wei faints while holding an umbrella for Song Wu. Correction: she almost faints. Yin Zheng catches her anyway and sweeps her into his arms. He knows she’s pretending because she was too light when she fell on him. She cutely pouts that she could have always been light. 

Yin Zheng was looking for Li Wei for an excursion. He’s taking her to meet Yin An (3rd) to get him back to work. Li Wei is excited because he's rumoured to be so handsome that women line up to see him. Yin Zheng wears an odd smirk on his lips. We know why when we meet this 3rd Prince. He’s repulsively narcissistic. Nothing can save him from himself.  

[Ep4] Yin An (3rd) has so many (unofficial?) concubines, he doesn’t know who is who. He’s also so blind in love with himself, he has no idea they all loathe him, and so when he tells his wife Dong Hai Tang to stay clear of the lowly Li Wei, of course she’d disobey and befriend Li Wei! In fact, his whole harem likes Li Wei more than they’ll ever love him. With the girls bonding, Li Wei convinces them of the benefit of getting Yin An back into the palace: they get to see him less. Hurrah! And that’s how Li Wei indirectly helps Yin Zheng with his task to get Yin An back to work. 
Yin An’s harem is composed of his haters and only haters. 
Everyone’s ready to jump for joy at Yin An’s departure, but tragedy falls upon them. He’s selecting the “lucky” few who will leave with him via various tests. The ladies deliberately fail, and so he blindly names four (along with his wife) to go with him. He just can’t put the names to their 

At night, Yin Zheng visits Li Wei, which makes her anxious. She quickly lies, “I have!” It’s the way to say “I’m pregnant”. After a long pause she completes her sentence: she has her period. Um, yeah, he didn’t ask and replies her with the generic: “Drink more hot water....?” He just wants to know how she convinced Yin An via Dong Hai Tang. He also assures her that he won’t forcefully consummate with her. He’s focused on his career for now. This girl though, give her an inch and she’ll take a mile: In the morning, she cheerfully suggests that after his career is established, she can leave. Aw. He loses his appetite, but agrees to her request despite how unwilling he is. 
Li Wei doesn’t get any good food these days. Girl, I wonder why! You could have had all the food you wanted if not for your request. You also made him lose his appetite (which I’m sure exists). Li Wei swiftly fixes that by befriending the cook (Chef Liu). She helps him overcome a moldy/hairy tofu dilemma by turning it into an edible delicacy, except nobody eats it. Li Wei sulks at everyone’s revulsion. Yin Zheng notices and risks his poor stomach for her. That’s true love! To his surprise, it was good. Li Wei cheers up. Now she also has access to the kitchen and her cooking is slowly fixing Yin Zheng’s pickiness with food. 

This episode we’re introduced to Ruan Si Si who is slow at everything, but hey she’s ambidextrous...? Whose wife/concubine is she? She’s 7th’s wife. Her slowness is like Flash (the sloth) from Zootopia. I have high hopes for her potential comedy. When she’s penalized, the girls (Li Wei, Hao Jia, Shangguan Jing) help her out. They have each other’s backs. Then there’s a nasty Nanny Yan who essentially punishes them for defending one another. It’s like a how-dare-you-girls-be-friends type of attitude. She must be jealous.
[Ep5] Li Wei and Shangguan Jing’s feet are spanked for offending Nanny Yan. Yin Cheng sides with Li Wei and takes her up into his arms. *Swoosh* As a result Yin Zheng is penalized too. His allowance is deducted and he has to kneel at the ancestral hall. Meanwhile Li Wei is in her room, and in tears. She writes a letter to her parents. She knows the servants will hand it over to Su Shen, but she just wants to write one like it’s a diary. She has no one to share her feelings with. However, her servants swear they wanted to mail it secretly but were caught. Li Wei sniffles, touched that she has friends. She also has a loving husband! 
Li Wei apologizes to Yin Zheng, but he says she’s not at fault. She smiles. Her mother stood up for her like he did too. Then Yin Zheng applies ointment on her bare feet. He’s gentle this time, unlike with Song Wu (; She’s tickled. In a softened tone, he tells her not to move. 

Li Wei (smiling): You’re really like my mother.
Yin Zheng goes rigid.  LOL
Li Wei: I mean you feel like my mother. And the difference is? 

Our non-motherly, loving husband flicks her forehead. She whines that his hand touched her foot. He’s rigid again. Then he leaves her. Li Wei shouts after him that she doesn’t mind (him touching her feet). Yin Zheng mutters, “I mind.” 
Over at 5th Prince’s manor, it’s him whose leg is bruised. Shangguan Jing kicked him in the shin because he cared more about Hao Jia. But he did attempt to piggyback Shuangguan Jing! He just failed at it. He also sounded like a blubbering horse, lol. Despite the physical abuse, he jumps to help Shangguan Jing apply ointment to her foot, but she refuses because she doesn’t want to use the ointment Hao Jia refused. But there were two bottles...? Maybe the better ointment was meant for Shangguan Jing all along?  
Over at 2nd Prince’s, Hao Jia is ordered to sever her friendship with Li Wei. Our lonely Hao Jia understands her position. She’s only a pet. If Yin Song doesn’t like her, he can just kick her away. She envies Shangguan Jing’s powerful background and she envies Li Wei’s loving parents. But she comforts herself that all her sacrifices are worth it. Her status can help her mother (a concubine) have a better life at home. 

Teacher Dai advises Yin Zheng to concentrate on his career and not love (ahem, Li Wei). He suggests that a better wife can get him more promotions. Yin Zheng counters that his future will depend on his own skills. 

But Li Wei is helpful to Yin Zheng's career! Her experiences with flood helped him improve his flood management plan, which impresses Father/Lord/Emperor Yin.

Li Wei is also helpful to Yin Zheng’s health! She’s writing recipes to improve his digestion. She lies that the food was prepared by Chef Liu, but Yin Zheng knows she made them for him. 

Li Wei is over and above at being helpful to Yin Zheng’s heart health. As the neglected child, he doesn’t know how to communicate with his father and now he needs to tell his father he was wrong without telling him he was wrong. He consults her on how she makes everyone love her. 

Li Wei: If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you loved me
Yin Zheng (looks away): It’s not impossible. 
Li Wei yelps. 
Yin Zheng: Are you a gong? xD 
Li Wei: Sorry, but don’t scare me like that. I realize that when you have heart problems, you like to mess with others. 
Yin Zheng: I don’t mess with others. Just you

Once Li Wei understands his problem, she tells him it’s not hard. Instead of treating his father like the lord, treat him like family. Use sincerity. To Yin Zheng, that’s such a foreign thought. He was always the neglected child. But he takes the advice. 
Nervous Yin Zheng is off to see his father. Li Wei gives him candy. Since his hands are occupied, holding onto Baifu, she feeds him. They belatedly realize how affectionate they look. Su Shen pretends he saw nothing and looks at the roof as if there’s something. My favourite servant of the year! 

The conversation went well. Su Shen is brimming with joy that Yin Zheng is finally recognized by his father. Everyone gets alcohol to celebrate, and only Li Wei gets a small nod from Yin Zheng. It’s a silent thank you. 
Li Wei writes another letter-diary to her parents because she misses them. She assures them she’s fine and her husband treats her well. Su Shen steals the letter – I was just praising you too! – and reveals the content to Yin Zheng. He realizes she misses her family and orders Su Shen to mail her letters secretly. He also whispers something confidential to Su Shen that we don’t hear. 
Yin Zheng is getting that face from her because he tapped her cheeks in the un-cutest way, lol. Or...could he be cleaning his hands using her cheeks? xD  
As a reward from Father Yin, Yin Zheng gets to host the Autumn Festival Banquet. Li Wei wants to organize it....but she’s not very reliable when she just exploded the kitchen. Anyway, she whispers her plan to him and he likes her idea. He approves.  

[Ep6] Li Wei prepares a buffet based on the map of their country with specialities from each province. Empress Yin particularly likes her idea and so she’s rewarded with an opportunity to see her family. Later, Li Wei asks Yin Zheng if they should greet his mother, Consort He. Yin Zheng says no, but his eyes are lingering on his mother who’s happily feeding his kid brother, Yin Cai (11th). 

Li Wei is punished by Consort He after she almost roasts the palace. The  Empress Yin strides in with Yin Zheng following suit. They protect her, but her reward is removed. Li Wei begs the Empress not to. Consort He tuts that Yin Zheng should be punished for allowing his concubine to retort the Empress. Li Wei wants to defend Yin Zheng, but the Empress clears her throat. She’s sweet. The mother isn’t :/. Yin Zheng obediently apologizes.  
Yin Zheng wipes Li Wei’s tears. They both apologize to each other; her for making a mess and him for being unable to retain her reward. Yin Zheng also grounded Song Wu (for she is the real culprit), which would upset his mother, but he still did it. Lastly, he has food for Li Wei, the best way to cheer her up. She slurps...and slurps, and slurps. *Squeak squeak* But why is it so long? Because it’s birthday noodles. It’s Yin Zheng’s birthday! It’s on Autumn Festival but no one ever remembers. Not even his own mother..

Li Wei plans a surprise breakfast to make up for Yin Zheng’s birthday. But there’s shrimp. Su Shen says his master doesn’t like shrimp but before he finishes his sentence, Yin Zheng takes a bite. It’s good! It seems after meeting Li Wei, the food he used to hate tastes good. Seasoned with love ~ 
It’s Yin Zheng’s (belated) birthday, but he has a present for Li Wei: her family! Su Shen provides all the deets of how Yin Zheng had planned the family gathering before the Autumn Festival. Butler, I love ya! Li Wei is close to tears and even more touched when Yin Zheng politely bows to her parents. The best part is at night when Li Wei and Yin Zheng have to sleep together to keep up the married couple act...
...but there’s Baifu sleeping in between xD. The next day, Yin Zheng promises Li Wei that the next time her parents will be gloriously invited. 
Yin Qi (5th) pissed off Shangguan Jing who then packed her bags and left for Danchuan. It’s because he asked for a concubine. Yin Zheng and Li Wei are dragged into helping Yin Qi. They arrive at Danchuan and Yin Qi can’t handle the spiciness. The restaurant owner says: 

Men who can’t take spicy can’t give birth to girls 
辣妹子 (là mèi zi) means Spicy Girls, which is slang for sassy young women or pretty girls. If he can’t handle spicy, then he can’t have spicy girls. Makes sense, lol

[Ep7Shangguan Yan, the Supreme Queen of Danchuan, protects her sister, Shangguan Jing, even if they need the help of Xinchuan for flood relief. She tortures Yin Qi! He’s served Fish Eye. I’m more scared of the # of peppers in that pot! It’s suitable for those who are 有眼無珠 have eyes but no pupil, failing to see what’s right in front. The next dishes are the aorta of a cow and the brain of a pig, a reminder of his ending if he is ungrateful and frivolous. Yin Qi survives. I almost wished he didn’t because He's better by night after he empties his bowels and is ready to eat more, interrupting Yin Zheng and Li Wei on their night date. Good thing he timely disappears, leaving our couple alone. 

Li Wei casually peels tangerine for Yin Zheng, who then receives criticism from the men over at the next table for allowing his wife to serve him. This table has three men serving one girl, lol. The men impressively carve a fruit and vegetable pirate ship, putting Yin Zheng to utter shame. Li Wei takes his hand and flees, but Yin Zheng isn’t offended. Men adoring their wife isn’t so bad. Li Wei agrees. Being a 赘婿 (son-in-law living at the wife’s parent house) isn’t so bad if the couple love each other. If there’s no love, even a decree is no use. Yin Zheng dwells on her words. He wants to be an adoring husband ~ 
Our adoring husband lifts Li Wei onto his shoulders because she was hopping around to see the spectacle ahead. I love the way he walked silently but determinedly towards her. He made his decision to love only her right here. Yin Qi – with the good-timing – catches them and tells Yin Zheng not to overexert his weak physique. Our boy works out! OK!  
Yin Qi is put to more tests like ear-picking/massaging (poor Su Shen xD) and playing mahjong. He successfully demonstrates his poor manners, poor character, and poor brain. On the other hand, Yin Zheng seems to have attracted Shangguan Yan...! 
Li Wei motivates Yin Qi to stay. Like him, there’s no love, but she’s staying with Yin Zheng for the sake of Jichuan. Yin Zheng is right there. Ouch! I can feel the arrow striking his heart and flesh Haha. Now it’s two men with a broken/tired heart xD

Shuangguan Yan isn’t only rebelling to protect Shangguan Jing. She’s protesting against the marriage alliance. Women are valued here. If not for the flood, she would not have offered her very own sister. Yin Zheng promises the Queen that once he is in power, he will eliminate the marriage alliance. It’s not just for her, but for every province. With this, the Queen permits a meeting between Shangguan Jing and Yin Qi....

...but then he’s almost struck by Shangguan Yan's arrow. Shangguan Jing saved him by catching the flying arrow with her bare palm.  Shangguan Yan is unimpressed and challenges the useless Yin Qi to a shooting competition. But Yin Qi can’t shoot and so Yin Zheng volunteers. 
Yin Zheng beats Shangguan Yan at her own game. My Bai Jing Ting is so hot! 666 ~ Now I know why he’s 6th! 666 is Chinese slang for smooth / perfect. You use this when you’re impressed. If you guys use WeChat, there’s a 666 emoji. As a reward, Yin Qi earns an opportunity to bring Shangguan Jing home only if he can make her smile. 

By chance, Shangguan Yan (Queen) learns that Li Wei doesn’t love Yin Zheng and was forced into the marriage, and so she proposes to Yin Zheng via a decree...! Cue Li Wei’s line that a decree is useless when there isn’t love.  

[Ep8] The marriage between Shangguan Yan and Yin Zheng will benefit everyone. It will satisfy the alliance marriage between the provinces and it will free Shangguan Jing, Yin Qi, and Li Wei from unwanted marriages. Oof, Yin Zheng is told by a stranger that Li Wei doesn’t love him. But that doesn’t stop Yin Zheng from taking Li Wei’s hand and confessing his feelings even if she doesn’t love him! And here I was ready for angst... but no more! Li Wei also asks the Queen not to separate her from her 6th Lord ~ ~ ~ Lastly, Shangguan Jing admits Yin Qi isn’t that bad.  He’s just average looking, dumb and stupid, clumsy and bad-tempered, not caring, considerate, or strong. But! (Yin Qi was waiting for this “but”) He can be considered a good guy. And that my friends, was the best compliment he got
Although Shangguan Jing says she’s willing to return, Shangguan Yan has a condition: Yin Qi has to make Jing smile. While Yin Qi is stressing out, he whines at our couple still holding hands. They don’t realize it themselves and bashfully release. Li Wei assures him that she understands that he pretended to confess to avoid the matrilocal marriage. Yin Zheng is so roiled by her misunderstanding that his insides are roiled too. Yin Qi notes that it isn’t easy to anger Yin Zheng but Li Wei can upset him to the point that his stomach hurts. Good brother Yin Qi asks Yin Zheng if he needs a rub. LOL 
Yin Zheng and Li Wei play a game: who can snap the other’s grass first? While they’re playing, he asks her what her plans are after she returns to Jichuan. Marry. She hopes her husband can cook. When there are problems, they will face it together and always communicate. In the midst of describing her dream marriage, she gazes at Yin Zheng. She wants her husband to be someone she loves and someone who loves her back. Right there! Minus the cooking. Li Wei is in a daze. It’s like she just realized she might actually love Yin Zheng. Meanwhile Yin Zheng snaps his grass, purposely losing the game to Li Wei as if he lost her. 
Yin Qi finally makes Shangguan Jing grin from ear to ear. It was very simple. He casually recalled every single thing that she said. Ok, that is sweet. It’s the first time he’s seen her smile and he’s jumping in joy and gleefully complimenting her for being beautiful. Atta boy! He got her. We’re going home!
Yin Zheng is drunk after one shot. The guys carry him to bed. Yin Zheng’s head dunks first. Lol. Butler Su Shen is so exhausted, the servants have to carry him now, lol. Li Wei is left alone to take care of Yin Zheng, who’s suddenly sitting back up. He wants to know if she hates him. 

Li Wei (bashfully): I never hated you. 
Yin Zheng (earnestly): If you don’t hate me – pause – then can there be a tiny, tiny bit of love? 
Li Wei: I - I’m not too sure. 

Yin Zheng follows up with a kiss! Li Wei doesn’t resist him. And then he’s drunk asleep again. Left shocked, Li Wei throws the bedsheet over his drunk head. Lol
In the morning, Yin Zheng has forgotten it all and has the audacity to ask about Li Wei's night. I don’t think she slept a wink. She asks Shangguan Jing for advice. She lies that it’s for her “sister”. She’s so bad at lying that Shangguan Jing immediately realizes she’s the “sister" and something “indecent” happened between her and Yin Zheng. It’s so funny when Li Wei insists on the “meimei" farce. Playing along, Shangguan Jing asks this “sister” if it was consensual. Li Wei admits her “sister” didn’t resist. Then it’s time for this “sister” to looking inside her heart. Well, maybe Li Wei is looking inside her heart too hard because for the next few days, she’s not looking at Yin Zheng at all. She’s actively avoiding him. She can’t even sit across from him at breakfast. He thinks he offended her. Kinda. Li Wei is determined that if he forgot, then she will forget too! 

While our “meimei” is stressing over the kiss, it seems that we all have forgotten something. The actual step-meimei. SONG WU! She’s still grounded! LOL. No one lie: we all forgot about her, hahaha. She’s tragically plucking her white hair while her golden maids are happily playing a game. Then the locks are finally rattling. Someone is opening the door! *DRAMATIC MUSIC* 
It’s Su Shen! Song Wu is so touched she can cry! LMAO. The theatrical expressions. I LOVE THESE TWO! She thinks her gege finally remembered her! No hun, he completely forgot about you. She wants to go find him, but Su Shen tells Song Wu to not bother the lovebirds and their breakfast. Song Wu wails and stomps like a child. Is anyone keeping a list of funniest scenes in 2022? This has to be in there

[Ep9] Jinchuan is collecting their loan from Xinchuan, but the province is depleted after relieving Danchuan’s flood. Yin Song (2nd) plans to cover the debt by taking his wife’s family’s minerals from Daichuan. Even if she refuses, it’s useless. Well peabrain, your daddy disapproves. Emperor Yin will not use Daichuan’s minerals to cover Jinchuan’s debt. He takes Yin Zheng's idea instead, which is to raise money from their loans. At 2nd’s manor, jealous Yin Song takes it out on Hao Jia because she supported his idea. Peabrain, do you understand the words that are coming out of your mouth? That was YOUR idea. Zhao Fang Ru had no idea until now that he wanted to take all her family's money. Can the wife and concubine team up now? (In a later scene it seems Li Wei’s lovable quality is melting Zhao Fang Ru. Li Wei is the only one in the palace who likes luosifen along with her.)
Everyone has to be frugal. Special orders are given to Yin An (3rd) since he’s the most extravagant. This cheapskate deducts his concubines allowance instead. And this cheapskate moment somehow needs to be gloriously recorded?!?! LOL. He’s killing me. The wives thoughts are unanimous: When will the lightning strike him down?  

Yin Qi (5th) sells all his precious belongings to buy Shangguan Jing yummy food! Aw! He sold her belongings too. LOL. *Facepalm* These princes, hahahaha.
By the end of the episode, she has a harvest. How? 
Li Wei starts planting, which is prohibited in the palace. Song Wu tattles, but Yin Zheng, who’s always on Li Wei’s side, says that he already permitted it. Did he? I don’t think they were on talking terms. Then Li Wei accidentally talks to him. She forgot she was supposed to forget about the kiss. Yin Zheng is relieved that she isn’t angry anymore even though he doesn’t know why she was angry.
Li Wei shares a tip about debt collecting to Yin Zheng: you gotta be shameless. And there’s no one more shameless than our glorious Yin An (3rd)! With Li Wei’s help, Yin An is tricked into volunteering with debt collection. It’s easy for him. Shameless is his middle-name! LOL. But I wasn’t expecting Yin Zheng to be shameless too

Li Wei is excited for Yin Zheng who’s working hard so that he can be promoted. This means she can go home faster, but then she mutters that she’ll be condemned for being a concubine. He wants her to know that as long as she asks him for help, he’ll do whatever she wants. Our naive girl, although flustered, ultimately cannot process his words. Once alone, Yin Zheng sighs, but he’s not alone. Su Shen was there all along! Hahaha. Su Shen must be on set 24/7

Yin Zheng plans to promote Li Wei from a concubine to a wife. Su Shen is excited! Li Wei will definitely stay if she gets to be his wife. That’s not Yin Zheng’s plan though. He wants to divorce her as a wife so she wouldn’t have a hard time at home. Su Shen hurts for his master. He was neglected since birth and now that there’s a woman he loves, why not fight to keep her? Yin Zheng doesn’t want to force Li Wei. :( 
Yin Zheng makes Li Wei study because if she scores well in class, she can be promoted. He lies that it’s for his promotion. And so they spend their nights studying. She struggles with the abacus. He teaches her while holding her hand. She's flustered. Then very cleverly, she compliments him, “In my heart, you’re the best,” just to fool him into calculating the rest. He smiles and takes the stack of books from her and is like You wishLOL. They study into the night, being playful and being sweet, occasionally stealing glances at each other and smiling. D’awww! 
Yin Zheng and Li Wei are not alone! They have an audience! And the audience has an audience, lol xD. Su Shen is teary for his master who has changed because of love.
They play during the day too. Really, so cute

[Ep10] Li Wei did not get first place thanks to bratty Song Wu, but Li Wei also wouldn’t have gotten it based on her own merit because all the girls failed for her. She offends Nanny Yan too (who’s just easily offended). Consort He gets wind of this  (I wonder why, Song Wu) and lectures Yin Zheng. Song Wu suggests to divorce Li Wei. Consort He will consider that. But there’s nothing to consider! Yin Zheng declares that Li Wei will be his one and only wife. Aw. Back at his manor, Li Wei apologizes to Yin Zheng, thinking he’d be mad. No girl, you will always have his support (and heart). 
Li Wei studies with Yin Zheng at night. While she’s eating his leftover soup, he leans in to ask why she has makeup on just to study with him. She’s flustered that she likes him beauty, and clumsily leaves, but he holds her back to tell her he has to leave for a business trip tomorrow (to Jinchuan to negotiate loan repayments in installments). As she walks away, Li Wei has to pat her heart to calm it from jumping out. 
Butler Su Shen is always on point with his expressions
Li Wei bids farewell to Yin Zheng and tucks him warm in his cape. He tells her, “Wait for me to come back”. All this while Yin An (3rd) has been stuck in this glorious pose. His wife/concubines can’t wait to see him gone. Hahaha. Once he’s out of their sight, they jump in joy. 

Immediately after negotiations with Jinchuan’s Emperor (no thanks to Yin An), Yin Zheng wants to return home already. Yin An is surprised. Is Yin Zheng really in such a rush on returning? Yep. He can’t wait! His words.
Li Wei misses Yin Zheng too. While she’s studying, she’s constantly thinking of him. It’s finally the day he returns and she insists on waiting in the cold. She brightens up at the sight of him but fixes her expression to surprise him that she didn’t score first place. Meanwhile over at Yin An’s (3rd), it’s seriously chilly there. Chilly and empty. But he’s too narcissistic to understand his wives are avoiding him. He thinks they must have tired themselves out from waiting for him. He is in bliss ~  

The Emperor promotes Yin Zheng and in turn, he asks to promote Li Wei as his wife too, which is made easier since she aced her tests. Yin Zheng hasn’t told Li Wei yet and lets her see their new home first. It looks like Jichuan! Of course, Yin Zheng planned it. He asks her to stay for a few more days to help him decorate his yard. She agrees. For him, just a bit longer. He’s saddened that she really is leaving, and then asks her to name his yard. It’ll be his way of remembering her. This girl suggests Calm () Courtyard. It’s because he circled this line from the poem Bai Zhou

To calm down and think carefully. 

Yin Zheng is sombre. It’s a poem about the heart worn down by sadness. He recites these lines from the same poem:

My heart is not like a pebble, not easy to come and go
My heart is not like a woven mat, not easy to roll (as you please)

It’s as if Li Wei is telling him that he cannot wish for more, and that he cannot fly high to his heart’s content. This is from the rest of the poem. Su Shen is so riled, he jumps up and down. He can’t yell at the woman hurting his master, but our Su Shen is in agony, “Why add a wound to his battered heart?” Su Shen is almost in tears, asking her to consider why Yin Zheng would have a yard that looks like Jichuan, why he would want her to decorate his garden and why he would want her to name his house. “He likes you!!!!!” 

For the next few days, Yin Zheng avoids Li Wei, but he sends her sketches. He can draw exactly how she wants the house to look like even without asking her. Li Wei is finally ready to see Yin Zheng with the excuse that she wants to discuss the design of Baifu’s home. Li Wei actually wants to hear it for herself why Yin Zheng wanted her to study. Then she suggests that he can meet better girls. “No more.” There won’t be anyone else he will love. She’s flustered and before she can finish her question, he answers her heart with confidence, “Yes, I like you.” Waaaa! 

[Ep11] Li Wei won’t leave yet, but she also doesn’t have an answer for Yin Zheng. He gives her all the time she needs. He’s in no rush. Neither is she. It was in her subconsciousness to spend winter here. Hope for Yin Zheng! But there was hope the moment she didn’t want to return home “yet”.  
Song Wu’s true love might actually be Li Wei and not Yin Zheng?? xD Her clever and snarky servant notices Song Wu clings more onto Li Wei. Smirking, Li Wei teases her too. Could Song Wu be pestering Yin Zheng to get Li Wei’s attention all along? LOL. Also, Tian Xi Wei strikes as “short” but she’s almost a head taller than Song Wu

6th and 5th couple have hotpot together. So modern, lol. Shangguan Jing envies Li Wei for moving out and gaining freedom. She wants to travel jianghu. Yin Qi chirps that he’ll join her, but she finds him cumbersome. Bringing him... Does she hate herself for living too happily? xD Yin Qi whines that she’s his wife. Does she plan to run? Yin Zheng perks up, “Sister-in-law can’t run!” Yeah Li Wei! Btw, Yin Zheng's tone is very Bai Jing Ting, lol. Yin Qi stuffs food to Yin Zheng to make him shut up, but Yin Zheng, our picky-eater, refuses. Li Wei gives him the same roll, but with less sauce, and he tries it without hesitation. He says it tastes so much better, rubbing it into Yin Qi. Everyone bullies Yin

It’s been half a month and Li Wei hasn’t given an answer. Yin Zheng isn’t in a rush: a lifetime is long and eventually there will be an answer. Young lord! Your butler’s lifetime isn’t that long though! Su Shen is like What if I die and you still haven’t held her little hand? No worries. Yin Zheng will burn the ending to him. LOL

Hao Jia gives Li Wei some love advice. It’s rare for Xinchuan men to commit to monogamy when polygamy is the norm here. Yin Zheng must really love her. I admire Hao Jia. She has nothing (true love, happy family), but she’s genuinely happy for Li Wei who’s getting everything. Li Wei also shares her feelings: she feels safe with Yin Zheng. She looks forward to living together, eating together, and reading together, but she’s afraid her decision will be rash. It’s not very logical. Girl, forget logic! The moment you thought he was dying you weren’t logical anyway xD. On her way back to her room, she awkwardly bumps into Yin Zheng. Then she awkwardly leaves. Then he awkwardly follows her, pretending to read, and ignoring the fact that he just came from that direction.
Hao Jia seduces Yin Song (2nd). Ugh. But I do love how artificial everything was. She’s fake about it and the petals falling were manufactured xD. As he’s holding her waist, he comments it’s time to diet. She’s not lovable with her fat waist. Douche. When he’s not looking, Hao Jia gives him a dirty look (lol), but the next day she’s dieting. 

The other girls want to lose weight too. Shangguan Jing exercises, but Yin Qi (5th) tells her not to overexert herself. “You’re skinny enough!” Aw. He’s always clumsily saying the right thing. He also bought back all her precious weapons. Shangguan Jing smiles. To express her gratitude, she “lightly pats” him. At Yin Zheng’s (6th), Li Wei refuses her meat in the morning. Yin Zheng tells her there’s no need to diet. 

Yin Zheng: If the clothes are small then it’s the clothes' fault. Exactly! xD

But not all husbands are doting like 5th and 6th. Yin An (3rd) starves his wife enough that she faints. Now Li Wei despises body-shaming with a passion and snips all her clothes. She will make oversized-style a trend. Surprisingly, Yin Zheng can sew and helps her. Su Shen explains that Yin Zheng grew up without his mother. He had to take care of himself and did what he could do. Yin Zheng tells him to stop but behind his back, there’s a thumbs up for Su Shen to go on. LOL. I love Show for tackling this trope where the masters always tell their servants to stop talking AFTER everything important has been said
And here comes Su Shen’s weep story about our neglected lord ~ In between his sobs though, he explains their lord’s pickiness with food is just because he’s picky. Nothing more. Lol. Su Shen is so engrossed with the rest of the story, he's having an emotional meltdown. Yin Zheng whispers that he overdid it, but Su Shen is sincere! He’s genuinely crying! xD His tears are fruitful though!
As Yin Zheng struggles with pulling the red string through the needle, Li Wei shyly calls him, “Yin...Zheng. [...] I’m calling you. Do you answer?” Yin Zheng twirls the red string in his hands, unable to believe his ears. She’s willing to be his wife and he promises she will be his only one. The red string of fate
Such a lovely moment, of course there is Su Shen and his tears as witness! Who needs parents when there is Butler Su! Right, Yin Zheng? 

The next morning, Su Shen is fixing up Yin Zheng’s clothes. He’s so delicate at it. When’s it Li Wei’s turn? Li Wei almost oversleeps but makes it in time to tell Yin Zheng that he’s the best. Su Shen is incredulous that Yin Zheng could actually hear her when she was so far away. She’s in his heart. He can hear everything from her

All is well, until nothing is swell. Yin Zheng is commanded by his father to marry Jinchuan’s princess. Yin Zheng actually refuses his father for Li Wei! The Emperor is furious, asking him if he’s blind to the benefits. Yin Zheng mocks the word “benefit”. What benefit is there when he can’t even be with the person he loves? And since when was it ever his turn for benefits? 

[Ep12] The Emperor is enraged, but it seems Consort He is protecting Yin Zheng. She snaps at him before the Emperor could and reminds Yin Zheng that once he is removed from his position, he will be useless. That look of longing from Consort He...
After Li Wei learns Yin Zheng will marry someone else, she cries. Not even food will cheer her up. She plans to leave. I just want to gush about that scene transition: her tear drops and then the next scene is the pond rippling
Li Wei isn’t the only one crying. Song Wu is too. LOL. She’s wailing again, hahahahaMy favourite bratty princess. Then she uses Baifu's furs to wipe her snot.....! I think she bonded with Baifu the most.
The wedding is over. There’s a new wife in the house: Yuan Ying. But she didn’t want to marry either. She strikes a deal with Yin Zheng! She will help him solidify his career, and in exchange, he will grant her an amicable divorce. Deja vu? How come no one wants to stay with Yin Zheng lol
Yin Jun (9th), the prince who’s one of the girls, piggybacks a drunk Li Wei home. Yin Zheng takes her back into his arms. Although he’s a little drunk, his promise to her is sincere. He will solve everything. 
The next day, Yuan Ying summons Li Wei. But Song Wu is here too. She won’t leave because she’s here to protect her best friend for life – Li Wei! The person in question is confused. Since when were they friends? But with a glare from Yuan Ying, Song Wu retreats LOL

Yuan Ying assesses Li Wei’s skills. She has none, as expected. I love how Yuan Ying drew a line down the checklist, ran out of ink, but that didn’t stop her from completing the line. She’s a person who will see it through to the end
Yuan Ying resolves Li Wei and Yin Zheng’s misunderstandings – she hates these, it’s a waste of time. Go Yuan Ying! I am suddenly her fan. And so Li Wei learns of their deal with Yuan Ying asserting that the wife Yin Zheng wants is Li Wei. However, Li Wei is still undecided. Yuan Ying advocates for Yin Zheng, eyes Li Wei (and must see her silent consent), and decides for the two of them. She will be Li Wei’s teacher and guide her into being a proper Big Madam for the manor. There’s a whole stack of books ready. Yin Zheng thinks it’s too much for Li Wei. No hun, the books are for you, Yin Zheng. Only the thin one at the top is for Li Wei. LOL. Li Wei, who doesn’t even have that many books to read, asks to be exempted. Both Yuan Ying and Yin Zheng deny her request. Then both girls deny Yin Zheng’s denial. Who is he to deny? xD Hahaha. Yin Zheng has lost his spot in both their hearts.  
Song Wu eavesdrops on the three, but she’s too far. She assumes the handbook is a divorce letter and runs in to rip it in shreds. When she realizes she misunderstood, she mutters an apology, but an apology isn’t enough for Yuan Ying. Song Wu has to piece together the book bit by bit. Yuan Ying tamed everyone in one day

[Ep13] Yuan Ying is strict with both Yin Zheng and Li Wei. They’re studying all day. (In case it’s not translated, the band on Li Wei’s head is “Possessed by Yuan Ying”). Yin Zheng isn’t allowed to see Li Wei, and Li Wei isn’t allowed to have her midnight snacks. Her Yin Zheng also loses his status at home. Even if he picks up his chopsticks, the girls don’t dare to eat unless Yuan Ying speaks. xD
Li Wei’s lovable charm is alluring Yuan Ying too. She's allowed to eat despite scoring 50%. On the other hand, Yin Zheng is lacking in that department and will have to finish studying first. Despite being drilled and starved, Li Wei admires Yuan Ying. She won’t be a woman confined to the backcourt. 
Yin Zheng – the master of the house – sneaks into his own kitchen to steal food. He encounters Li Wei who’s stuffing herself with steamed buns. She offers the buns, but he doesn’t like it. Picky! She makes it tastier by adding syrup. There’s only a tablespoon left. If it was someone else, she wouldn’t have shared it. He takes a step closer and asks, “And you’re giving it to me...?” She tells him in arduous times not to be flirty 曖昧 (aimei, a vague affectionate relationship). His posture sinks a little as he takes a step back. Then he hesitantly asks if she’s still leaving. Li Wei doesn’t know. She just wants to help Yuan Ying. 
Their matters will be for later. Then she pushes the last bun to him. Aw, is she sharing her food? 
Yuan Ying knows the couple are hiding in the kitchen and leaves them alone. Sly little Yin Zheng lies that Yuan Ying hasn’t left yet. Well, it doesn’t look like Li Wei is uncomfortable sitting side by side with him

Yin Zheng opens a night market to increase revenue. He recruits Yin An (3rd) who’s experienced in managing business. Yin An is grateful because he’s free from the palace’s high walls. Yin Song (2nd) is resentful, like always, and derides Yin Zheng. Yin Zheng cannot refute his brother, but Li Wei defends her husband! Yin Zheng is in awe that she offended the legitimate child. Li Wei mutters, “Who told him to bully you?” She gives credit to Yuan Ying though because she learned to diss eloquently through her teachings. 
After our couple is done strolling the night market, they don’t want to return home. But Su Shen is waiting! LOLThese two say they’re avoiding Yuan Ying, but I see through them. They just want to spend time alone! Hang in there, Su Shen ~ Back inside, they share the crabs they bought. Yin Zheng peels one for Li Wei, but she likes cracking them herself. She tells him to give it to Yuan Ying instead. Yuan Ying is touched by Li Wei’s affection. Aw! But Yin Zheng peeled them...just saying. But she’s still stern and prohibits everyone from eating the crabs for reasons like health (Yin Zheng), concealing preferences (Li Wei), and for no reason at all (Song Wu). 
It’s the housewarming banquet! Hurrah! 
But Yin Song (2nd) announces that he isn’t attending and so no one dares to go. That includes:
  • Yin An (3rd) who prohibits his harem from attending too.  
  • Yin Qi (5th) who stops Shangguan Jing from going as well. She’s like, “Sometimes I really don’t want hit you, but sometimes, I can’t help but hit you!” But then he says he doesn’t want her in danger. Aw. She definitely doesn’t want to hit him now
  • Yin Yan (7th) and Ruan Si Si. She thinks she should go though, but he doesn’t want her to go alone. They both decide to deliver a present instead. I want to know more about these two!!! A guy who’s quiet and a girl who’s slow
[Ep14] No one is at the banquet! The host, Yuan Ying, is crushed but she’s controlling her expression. Ahhh, but then Li Wei’s friends start walking in one by one!!! 
Yin Zheng is smiling and staring at Li Wei...!
  • Shangguan Jing is first ~ Who is Yin Qi (5th) to protect her anyway? He’s also limping in after her. Of course she kicked him. 
  • Dong Hai Tang and the harem are next! They deflected Yin An (3rd), but oh, he’s actually attending as well? He says he’s only here to pick up the girls and somehow has a present for Yin Zheng too. Aww, this guy instantly redeemed himself with this move. I am that easy. He continues to call Yuan Ying his 姨姥姥 (Mother’s mother’s sister), ha.
  • Yin Jun (9th) carries Yin Cai (11th) in. The little brother apologizes to Yin Zheng for napping over time. 
  • Hao Jia walks in! Oh man, this one made me cry. Instantly. Li Wei is choked with tears too. 
  • Ruan Si Si and Yin Yan (7th) deliver fireworks as their present. Oh, he’s using a cane? Their social anxiety is hilarious btw. So cute!  
Unfortunately, Yin Qi (5th) faints over. He was poisoned! When he regains consciousness, he lies to the doctor that he drank too much. It’s for Shangguan Jing's sake. If others learn that she gave him food, then if he dies, she will be responsible for his death. Aw, 5th isn’t so tactless! He can protect her! 

Li Wei saves the day (and Yin Qi). After examining the food, she finds the cause of the poison and the antidote. Yuan Ying is relieved since she was the one who approved of the change in menu. She’s grateful for Li Wei who in turn tells Yuan Ying not to overexert herself. Li Wei can share some of her responsibilities too. Yuan Ying is moved. Aw Li Wei gets more love in this manor than the man of the house.  

Yin Qi (5th) isn’t used to Shangguan Jing’s tenderness (e.g. getting hot water for him). He’s more accustomed to being bullied and neglected by his brothers and father. This is why he bonds with 6th. Yin Qi assures her that he doesn’t get bullied or hit him anymore. “It’s you now.” LOL...I shouldn’t be laughing.... Feeling guilty, Shangguan Jin promises to not hit him so much. Yes!! I’m so happy her “abuse” of him is addressed! 

Yin Zheng is feeling down but he’s used to being bullied by his brothers too. Li Wei comforts him about Yin Song's (2nd) actions. She doesn’t want him to be used to oppression. Just as Yin Zheng is looking for some alcohol, she prohibits him. He doesn’t understand why. His stomach is better and he never oversteps his boundaries when drunk. Ahem. And now he remembers. *Glass shatters* 
To confirm what he remembered, Yin Zheng clinks the pots. *Tap tap*  I love the way he’s tapping them twice to ask if they “kissed kissed”. It’s common to say kiss (親) in as doubles 親親. The confirmation is in her order: he cannot drink anymore. Yin Zheng clarifies, “Did you not want me to drink or do you not want me to drink with someone else?” ;)
Yin Song (2nd) slaps and strangles Hao Jia. Zhao Fan Ru indirectly saves Hao Jia. The ladies are bonding! 

Yin Song’s antics don’t stop there. Now he sabotages Yin Zheng’s night market. Yin Zheng is punished when he did nothing wrong. Yin An (3rd) actually tries to help Yin Zheng! But when Yin Zheng insists he isn't wrong, Yin An steps away, lol. Of course, but hey, he actually helped. As punishment, Yin Zheng is grounded at home. The ministers witness the harsh punishment on Yin Zheng and they must see that it’s unfair too, right? 

The Emperor knows of Yin Zheng's innocence and Yin Song’s manipulation, but he’s the Emperor, and the father of nine princes. He needs to balance this delicate power and hopes Yin Zheng can understand that he needs the support of the old ministers. The eunuch assures the Emperor that Yin Zheng will understand. No... Yin Zheng has locked himself in his room, refusing to eat. 

Li Wei understands that Yin Zheng isn’t eating because when the body is in more pain, the heartache will feel less in comparison. If he won’t eat, she doesn’t feel like eating either. If he’s sad, she’s sad too. When he’s like this, she doesn’t want him to be alone. In her sweet voice, she asks, “I’ll accompany you for a bit. Can I?” She lends him her sleeve to cry, but he takes her small hand instead. He’s used to it all. Most parents fight for their children, but it’s the opposite for Yin Zheng. All his grievances are from them. She motivates him that the road to success is not without its bumps, but don’t get used to being wronged. “I don’t want to see you suffering.” Yin Zheng thanks her. Now that he’s smiling a bit, Li Wei feeds him. He eats! 
Yin Zheng’s manor is low on provision since he’s the neglected prince. There’s not enough food and logs for the winter. The family huddles together to think of a plan. Yin Zheng tries to speak but is cut off every time by Yuan Ying. She’s even sitting in the middle LOL

Yin Qi (5th) and Yin Yan (7th) are promoted ahead of schedule. On their way back, Yin Qi gives Yin Yan a ride home. Now we understand why our social phobic Yin Yan was reluctant. The carriage is a confined space that he has to share with another talking body and of all bodies, it’s the yappy Yin Qi's. Poor Yin Yan xD. While the brothers are happy about the promotion, the Empress is not. It’s unfair to Yin Song (2nd) who was promoted accordingly. The Emperor puts it eloquently that it’s to support Yin Song better in court. More like the Emperor is balancing the playing field so that Yin Song doesn’t dominate
[Ep15] Zhao Fang Ru helps Hao Jia regain Yin Song’s (2nd) affection. She says she's just afraid that if Hao Jia dies, she has to clean up her corpse. 

When it’s cold and lonely at home, there is the radiant Li Wei! Her presence alone is warming. She’s at Yin Zheng’s room to read out loud the letter Hao Jia sent her without being asked. She just wants to share everything with Yin Zheng since they’re on the same boat (and Hao Jia is 2nd’s concubine). She leaves after she’s done reading, and roots for him, “Don’t be too tired, Yin Zheng!” It was Yin Zheng who asked her to call him something more affectionate than “Young Lord”, and so she had attempted to call him “Zheng gege”, but that gave everyone chills. It’s too Song Wu xD. Li Wei sends warmth to Yuan Ying too in the form of hand warmers. Aw. Yuan Ying is staying up to finish work. Surely, there can’t be that much work? She doesn’t want to look weak in front of the servants, or they’ll panic. She’s also fighting a cold. 
It’s Yin Qi (5th) and Yin Yan’s (7th) turn to host a housewarming party. Unsurprisingly, Yin Qi and Shangguan Jing fight over preparations. Yin Yan and Ruan Si Si struggle with this one. LOL. But they find a way to solve it! They send bentos to everyone instead. No need to socialize! Yippee!
Over at 6th’s, they’re grounded, but they’re having a blast. Yin Zheng annihilates everyone at mahjong. Chef Liu wins everything at ring toss. However, Yuan Ying lectures them all. It’s not the time to have fun. When Yin Zheng can finally squeeze in a word, he assures her that their plan will work. Plan? 

Here is their plan. Yin Zheng had enlisted Yin An (3rd) and Yin Qi's (5th) to supervise the night market in his absence. He was able to communicate with them after he learned how Li Wei was receiving her letters.  Their next phase is to raise a police force but also teach them morals and give them employee benefits. Li Wei wants to eventually hire women, but she understands it will be hard since this is Xinchuan. Yin Zheng thinks it’s worth a try. 

The Emperor recognizes Yin Zheng is the main coordinator of the night market. He’s ungrounded! When he comes home with the edict, he’s just in time to see Li Wei attempting to burn down the door. She was fighting a way out against the guards because Yuan Ying fell sick and needed a doctor. 
Yuan Ying recuperates but still insists on working. She only relaxes when Li Wei calms her and fills in for her work. Yuan Ying is learning to depend on Li Wei ~ Her stubbornness persists even when she’s kite flying. She refuses to relent when the kite isn’t flying well. Then Li Wei snips the string. The kite flies with the wind. There’s no need to fight so hard at everything. Li Wei understands that Yuan Ying’s parents must have been tough on her. It seems Li Wei said the words Yuan Ying craves to hear: she doesn’t need to be so perfect. Is it just me who’s easy to cry or is this just really touching? I love her personality of seeing things to the end, but it’s also this personality that’s suppressing her. Li Wei saw through her T_T. Yuan Ying wants to chase her dream, but it happens to be against her parents’ wishes. Li Wei motivates her to go forward. She isn’t the type to bow down to fate anyway. She's sure her parents will understand. Yuan Ying asks for Li Wei’s dreams. Hers is simple. What she wants happens to be in this home. As Yuan Ying and Li Wei are bonding, don’t forget about Song Wu! She wants to play with Li Wei too. xD Who is our ML even? Forget him! 

[Ep16] Hao Jia sneaks out to play with the girls despite knowing the consequences. Zhao Fang Ru envies Hao Jia. She’s reminded of herself in the past. 
I’m happy to report that Yuan Ying is part of the gang. 
Insert female empowerment scene here. Sorry guys, not a huge fan of these in dramas (especially when it’s said and not shown). It’s also in too many dramas. Go Li Wei though! The girls are all drunk and the princes are here to pick up their concubines/wives. Yin Zheng is proud of Li Wei (drunkenly) advocating for women, and he’s the only one proud. Yin Qi (5th) is worried. Yin Song (2nd) is furious. Yin An (2nd) is disapproving. He has to count his concubines to know that he picked them all up, lol

Yuan Ying is the most drunk of them all. Yin Zheng (who’s actually still holding a grudge!) tuts at Yuan Ying for judging his alcohol tolerance when hers is just as bad. LOL. Oh, Bai Jing Ting

Hao Jia is punished to transcribe all night. Zhao Fang Ru delivers food to her, and says it was leftover. Hao Jia knows it isn’t. 

Yin An’s (3rd) harem is scolded for being in public and the lecture somehow concludes with him saying they must love him too much. I don’t even know how. LOL. Before they disperse, he asks “Bai Lu” to stay the night. She freaks out because she’s ovulating these days. And so another girl volunteers to sacrifice for her. LOL. The next day, the Empress summons Dong Hai Tang and asks why Yin An has so many concubines, and yet no one is pregnant. I wonder why! xD
Yin An takes his wife/concubines to see the doctor. I swear the physician was blind! But then he opened his eyes when all the girls filed in xD, haha. The doctor is incredulous that Yin An would ask among his 20+ wives, who is infertile. Without even checking his pulse, he prescribes Yin An with medication. LOL. But the problem isn’t actually with him, hahaha. I mean, it is his problem, but it isn’t that problem. Refusing to believe he’s infertile, he invites 5th and 6th for food. He asks them why their wives aren’t pregnant either and wonders whose problem it could be. Does he want to blame the Emperor? But he has 9 sons! Our 3rd wants company xD 
Song Wu is assigned to marry to Mochuan. The “honour” fell on her because she is adopted. None of the royals want to send their own grand/daughters to the military state. This time Song Wu’s tears are actually sad. And still funny, lol. Between her sobs, Yin Zheng and Su Shen can’t understand what she’s saying. Only Li Wei can translate. There aren't even subtitles for her words, hahaha. Li Wei even translates the insults, which at this point the boys can understand. 

Li Wei has an idea since she has experience with escaping marriages. Yin Zheng clears his throat and clarifies, she may have experience, but she failed. Yin Zheng will help, but he also understands why this sacrifice is necessary. Li Wei doesn’t. Why must girls be sacrificed for the country? She’s angry at this tradition and how it’s normalized, and how Yin Zheng thinks it’s fine. 

Here is Li Wei’s plan: make it look like Song Wu is sick. But Song Wu's pulse is full of vitality, more than most girls. Lol! However, the physician is bullied into signing off on the fake diagnosis because of Yin Zheng, Li Wei, and Yuan Ying's daunting aura.

Immediately after the physician leaves, Song Wu asks if Li Wei fought with Yin Zheng “xiongzhang”. (By dropping “gege”, Song Wu has given up on marrying Yin Zheng.) Song Wu’s life is on the line and here she’s concerned about Li Wei and Yin Zheng’s minor fight. Yuan Ying also advises Li Wei to reconcile with with Yin Zheng. The irony in this scene: one was a love rival and the other is the legitimate wife, and both are rooting for the concubine

The marriage alliance falls on the Empress’s daughter, Shu Yu. The Emperor is reluctant too, but it’s for the country! The Empress suggests Ping An, the 1st prince’s daughter. It’s perfect since he’s stationed at Mochuan. They’ll be reuniting the father and daughter. But she doesn’t want to marry either. Unfortunately, there’s no choice for Pin An. Hold up! Yin Kun (1st) is back. No-one can touch his daughter! This Dad is looking cool.
[Ep17] Li Wei is saddened when she learns Yin Kun’s daughter has to marry in place of Song Wu. Li Wei also realizes Yin Zheng plans to contest the marriage alliance at court. He didn’t say it directly, but she can tell. She apologizes for being angry at him and wonders how he’s so caring when he was so neglected. Su Shen has the answer! And the sob story. Hahahaha. We totally need someone announcing our ML’s hidden feelings all the time...until he overdoes it... 
That last screenshot is so Bai Jing Ting! While he and Su Shen are in a comedy, Li Wei is very serious in acting touched. I love the contrast. 

With the help of the girls, Yin Zheng earns a chance to visit Mochuan to find an alternative to solidify their alliance without a forced marriage. On this diplomatic mission, he invites Li Wei and Yin An (3rd). Yin An didn’t want to go, but he’s desperate for some manly yang energy that is definitely airborne over at Mochuan. Yin An bids his farewell to his wives who will surely, undoubtedly miss him dearly, haha. Yin Qi (5th) and Shangguan Jing are joining as well. 
Meanwhile Li Wei is clinging onto Yuan Ying, pleading with her to go too. She’s so cute with YY! But Yuan Ying must guard the manor. It’s their critical time. Once Yin Zheng is successful, she can leave. Aw, I don’t want her to leave.

Yin Zheng and Li Wei get their own carriage. In passing, she tells him not to drink. He teases her and asks why when he knows exactly why. *Tap Tap*
At Mochuan, everyone has to readjust their concept of portion. Dimsum (little-sum) is big-sum. Cups are bowls... And uh oh! Yin Zheng is forced to drink! Actually he’s been throwing it away when no one is looking. Because he promised her not to drink! xD The other princes aren’t as sly and clever. They’re drinking and partying. A tipsy Yin An recruits a new concubine to round up his 24 girls, but the girl has a better idea. How about he be her #30? LOL.  
To end the drinking, Bai Jing Ting a sober Yin Zheng drops his head to the table with a thud. LMAO. The way he head-desked!! He even cushioned his fall with his arm LMAO. You smartie Bai Jing Ting. Li Wei carries him out, and once the coast is clear, he quickly stands upright, all fine and dandy. 
Yin Zheng knows the Mochuan landlord wants them drunk to prevent negotiating on agriculture expansion and so the next day, our princes feed the landlord with three “cups” of tea (credit goes to Li Wei for bringing the tealeaves). The lord can chug his alcohol, but not his tea. His kidneys are crying. This is torture, especially when they won’t let him pee, and so he has to listen to what our princes have to say instead of avoiding them. 

[Ep18] Yin Qi (2nd) feels exhausted. Everyone has to be so crafty and fake in order to achieve their goal. He might just have to live like this – unsuccessful – his whole life. Shangguan Jing wonders if that is bad. There isn’t just one way to live. If someone makes it difficult for him because he prefers to be straightforward, then she will protect him. His heart is tickled and he recalls an idiom that’s quivering at the corner of his lips. She says it for him: 恃寵而驕 You cannot be arrogant just because you are pamperedNo one has ever pampered him. Until now. Aw. But he’s also reminding himself not to be arrogant just because he’s pampered. But she said it wrong, lol. But whatever she says is his law. From now on it will be 寵而驕! Instead of “relying on pampering” it is now “to support / to control the pampering” You don’t say, 持 fits Shangguan Jing more

Yin An (5th) visits a doctor at Mochuan. Here are some highlights: 

Physician(At the moment when Yin An visits) You are sick. [...] I have medicine. 
Physician: You’re not too capable over there
Physician(When Yin An exclaims at the dosage) If you want to cure this disease, as long as you don’t die from this medicine, eat it like you’re dying. ...What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?

It’s safe to say, Yin An is successfully scammed. 

Li Wei makes an invention to enrich the soil and that wraps up the mission at Mochuan. What’s left is to pay a visit to Li Wei’s grandfather. He offers the princes alcohol and all our princes are grimacing LOL. The men play a drinking game but Yin Zheng beats Grandpa Li every time. Apparently, her grandfather always uses the same hand. Grandpa Li heard Yin Zheng say that and beat him in the next round. He beat 6th with a 666! In an interview, BJT was likely referring to this scene where everyone had a lot of ideas and input. Li Wei notices Yin Zheng said it loud enough for Grandpa Li to hear. Aw. Li Wei knows him so well now! Since Yin Zhen lost, he drinks. He gulps it down this time unlike with the landlords. He can’t deceive Grandpa Li, and definitely not her grandpa

When everyone is asleep, Grandpa Li gives Li Wei a bangle, the last token of late Grandma Li. He wants her to keep it in case she ever needs money for herself. 
Li Wei returns inside and finds her husband drunk, as expected. Yin Zheng is the type of drunk who likes sitting. He’s sober enough to notice she cried (because of Grandpa Li) and so he promises her that as long as she misses her family, he’ll bring her home. But really, he’s not that sober. He kisses her again! But she had her thumb in between! Sigh. She complains that he’ll forget the kiss again. But as she’s leaving, he mutters that he will bring her home. He may forget about the kiss, but he won’t forget about his promise ~ 

Consort He wants to arrange a marriage between Yin Zheng and Song Wu. Yin Zheng scoffs. If his mother can tell Song Wu likes him, then how come she can’t tell that he only treated her like a sister? Consort He can understand her adopted daughter, but not her son. That’s the part that's hurting Yin Zheng. His feelings don’t matter to her. It seems his mother wants to speak with him some more, but he’s done with her and stalks off.  
Li Wei has an idea to help Song Wu meet a man she will love: blind dates. Good idea! Except the men are just awful. They get worse and worse, and then we meet 10th prince: Yin Yue. He tells her his mother is the Empress. Did she know? Lol. Uh, yeah. Song Wu asks if she argued with his mother, what would he do. He’s the mama’s boy and physically breaks down as he answers. He rambles that it would never be his mother’s fault. And even if it is her fault, it cannot be her fault. Hahaha
Song Wu has had enough. She stomps by Li Wei and asks her where the closest monastery is. For what you ask? She’s being a nun! The way her voice cracks xD.
[Ep19] Yin An (3rd) is ill from all that yang stimulating medication. But it’s a surprise it didn’t kill him!  In my Kelly Clarkson voice: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Stronger!” The physician also assures him he’s fine there. He immediately rises from his bed, elated, but confused. What could be wrong? And that’s when he finds out his wife/concubines have been taking birth control powder. He’s infuriated. How could they do this to him! And of all the “traitors”, he’s the most disappointed in Bai Lu. Yeah dude, because your Bai Lu is not Bai Lu but Shuang Jiang. Feeling indignation, Yin Ah punishes wife and concubines with palm-slaps. 

Yuan Ying kicks open the door to save the girls. Oh right, she’s Yin An’s “elder”, his mother's mother’s sister xD. Li Wei helps the girls up. Out of spite, Yin An dares the girls to leave, and everyone files out. Not a single woman stays. But what will the girls do? Li Wei and Yuan Ying have a plan: open a restaurant. 

At home, Li Wei has a delicious dessert ready for Yin Zheng. His first reaction:“Tell me, what’s wrong?” She confesses everything and how she wants to use her dowry to help the concubines. Yin Zheng is shocked that everyone (except Dong Hai Tang) ran away. He presumes there will be problems with opening the store. Li Wei sulks and takes back the dessert, which Yin Zheng pulls back. “But when we encounter problems, we’ll solve them together.” She’s glowing and skips back to her room. This is her ideal marriage: discuss their problems. and solve them together

Yin Song (2nd) is no different from Yin An as he forgets which of his wife/concubine likes luosifenAnd this man only has two. In comparison, Yin An isn’t so bad, right? xD  He’s also worse than Yin An with his inferiority. He will not allow Hao Jia to befriend Li Wei because of Yin Zheng.

Song Wu and Song Wu fall in love at first sight. Ah, this is not confusing. Her Wu means “dance” and his Wu means “martial arts”. Li Wei helps Song Wu (F) woo her man with the ways of her mother: save the hero in distress! That’s how her mother scammed her father into falling in love with her, lol
But where to find a hooligan to scare Song Wu (M)? Fear not! We have Yin Qi (5th)! The man who will not be “crafty or fake” is now pretending to be a bandit! xD It’s all about priorities, lol. They even have Sailor-Moon-like chants and poses LOL. But they were so shockingly awful, Song Wu (M) saw through the act. The next day, he finds her with the jade she left behind. She apologizes and compensates for his store. He gives her a small amount: 1000 coins. She writes him a contract that each day she’ll give him one coin. Smooth. That’s at least a 1000 days of seeing him. He agrees to that, but he isn’t responding to her feelings when it’s obvious. Song Wu takes it that he doesn’t like her. However, he’s back the next day to return the same jade. Her servant – the clever one! – asks him why he didn’t leave the jade behind since this was their manor. That’s because he wanted to see her. Song Wu and Song Wu are together! 

Li Wei and Yin Zheng are watching Song Wu x2. She’s happy, but she wants Yin Zheng to investigate Song Wu (M). Aw. Li Wei feels like a mother to Song Wu. Yin Zheng checks. He’s a good guy. 
[Ep20] Yin Qi (5th) returns home in a fit from being lectured by the Empress. He was trying to speak up for Song Wu, but instead he was laughed at for his idiom: 懸崖勒馬. It’s because he pronounced 勒 as lei instead of leBoth pronunciations are correct, but when used with that idiom, it is le and he indeed was wrong. But Shangguan Jing doesn’t know better (LOL) and supports his husband that he is right and the Empress is wrong, but he cannot embarrass her. He sighs and leans on her shoulder for comfort. He says, “I’m tired.” 我累了. And the joke is extended. These words are pronounced as wo lei le. Although not the same words, it is the same pronunciations that he messed up. She offers to help him transcribe (his punishment). He smiles, until he realizes her words are uglier than his. 
Song Wu can marry Song Wu but she’s no longer royal. Song Wu (M/F) doesn’t care about her status. They hug. I feel like he’s scammed. He hasn’t seen a fraction of the real her, lol. At the manor, the farewell is teary. Yuan Ying is very emotional. And envious? Song Wu can be free and live the way she wants. Li Wei stands up to receive Song Wu’s tea and these two just cry and look at each other. Their hug is more emotional than the one between Song Wu x2. Her golden servants are crying too. Su Shen included! Of course there’s Su Shen! What about a farewell with Baifu? 
There’s a formal banquet, but Li Wei is prohibited from attending because she is a concubine. Li Wei lies to Yin Zheng, who doesn’t know the orders yet, that she’s staying behind because Baifu is sick. When everyone’s gone, she’s drinking alone. She spent so long preparing for the banquet and it all went to waste. She’s a little wasted herself and swings the empty liquor away and it’s attracted to Yin Zheng's forehead. *Bong!* The man is down! Looketh! He bought home food. Is it the food she asked for before he left? It’s scattered on the floor. He returned early to see her. She sorrowfully tells him what’s wrong only because he asked. She knows it’s not his fault, and asks him to let her calm down for a few days. 
As Li Wei finds comfort in Baifu, Yuan Ying visits her and apologizes. But Li Wei’s priorities are straight. It’s not her fault (or Yin Zheng’s). It’s the rules that are frustrating. Yuan Ying agrees. She’s better than her brothers, but there’s no such thing as a female minister. She wants to inspire more women to fight for their freedom. Meanwhile Li Wei just wants to live her life peacefully and protect the ones she loves. They just want to have a choice for their own life whether it’s working alongside men or staying at home. It’s all about choice

The girls are hustling for a restaurant in a sexist city that won’t rent to women. By the way, Song Wu invests (and her wedding will be soon). Ruan Si Si is part of the sisterhood too. She doesn’t have much, she's just filthy rich. 
Yin Zheng and Yin Qi watch over the girls in secret while they're negotiating with a restaurant owner. Yin Qi can’t sit still and wants to help, but Yin Qi tells him to chill and let the girls handle it on their own, but when the girls come out, he’s anxiously peeking around. Who said to stay chill? When he sees Li Wei smiling, he knows she (and the girls) were successful. These dumb-dumb brothers and their dumb-cute smiles

[Ep21] Li Wei still isn’t speaking to Yin Zheng. She knows the banquet incident wasn’t his fault but she needs a few days to sort through her feelings. She asks for three days alone. He bargains for two days. Nope. 
The preview of this scene looked so romantic! But that’s not how it went at all xD
Slipping through the window...
“Ow!” He actually said “ow”. Haha
But he’s okay!
And then he slips out sideways.

Yin Zheng agreed to stay out of sight, but not out of mind! He sends Li Wei a letter, sweetly reminding her of the specific dinnerware and flatware to cater to each province. 

And well, Yin Zheng doesn’t actually agree to staying out of sight. Su Shen (with his eyes “cramping up”) and Yuan Ying (who understood those cramping eyes) give our non-speaking couple alone time. But Li Wei has her principles. She said three days and she means three days. He’s unnervingly obedient and leaves without another word. Li Wei is upset and whines to her servants, and guess what, he’s here in her room and heard her wanting him to stay. He only left to prepare food for her. 
Yin Zheng also has the yes-ma'am attitude. Anything Li Wei wants: Yes! Cute! But he is also very sincere in apologizing. He will work hard until he has the power to change the laws. 

Yin Zheng: You are a family I met by luck, so please don’t not want me. The choice of word for luck: 僥倖 (jiǎo xìng). Each character means “lucky” and “lucky”. It’s gaining fortunes for accidental reasons. To have met her, it is luck on top of fortune

He’s asking her not to leave him, but in case anything happens to him, he assures her he will find a way to send her back home in one piece. This is very sweet. He’s doing everything he can without being too invasive but letting her know that he really wants her to stay and if ever he’s in danger, she’ll still be safe. Li Wei finally speaks. She doesn’t want to leave him. She wants to be with him through thick and thin. She didn’t know he was thinking she’d leave him. She just wanted three days so that her emotions don’t negatively affect him. She holds his hands to assure him not to overthink it. Awwwwww. Then she gives him shrimp, which he doesn’t like. Boooo. But there’s no such thing as being picky in front of Li Wei and so he's the good (pouty) boy as he eats his shrimp. *Pat Pat* Didn’t he like his shrimp birthday noodle?
Yin An (3rd) is butthurt and ruins the restaurant’s opening act, but our girls are strong as a unit and so his contrivance is bootless to their business. 
Yin Qi (5th) and Shangguan Jing – this pair of slow-witted couple – finally reciprocate their feelings. It’s thanks to our mama’s boy, Yin Yue (10th) who was at the restaurant to meet girls and no surprise, he likes older women who can take care of him. Anyway, at the restaurant he insults Shanggang Jing which infuriates Yin Qi who punches his brother (a legitimate son). Shangguan Jing is touched that her husband, who can barely fight, fought for her. She permits him to “protect” her when he heals. I think that’s the most romantic sentence we’ll ever hear from her.
[Ep22] Yin Zheng takes Li Wei to meet his colleagues. She was so nervous, but Yuan Ying was confident she could handle the ministers. Also, if rumours spread that he loves his concubine more, then other ministers won’t marry their daughters to him. It’s a win-win. 

Hao Jiao is candid with the girls that Yin Song (2nd) sent her to the restaurant to investigate. The girls have nothing to be afraid of and welcome Hao Jiao. She’s grateful to have friends like them. This awful marriage was her choice. She regrets it but she has no one to blame but herself. 
Hao Jia is pregnant! Oh no. The girls were just discussing how to help her escape her abusive husband, but now she can’t leave. Also Yin Song thinks he’s so sweet by telling Hao Jia that their son – because no other sex is allowed – will be raised by another woman and don’t worry, it won’t be Zhao Fang Ru. He plans ruin marry another woman

Consort He mulls that Yin Zheng seems so distant. If they were close like a mother and son, he wouldn’t be so courteous with her. Yin Cai (11th) tells his mother to just talk to Yin Zheng, “Adults are stupid!” 
Yin An (3rd) opens a restaurant across from the girls. He’s so loud and disruptive, it gives a reason for Yue Heng (the princes’ uncle who is in cahoots with Yin Song) to shut down both restaurants until they change to his liking. Yin An is gobsmacked that someone could be as annoying as Yue Heng and even more devastated as he realizes he's just like Yue Heng. It was HILARIOUS how 3rd broke the fourth wall to HEAR the girls. And he can finally hear the girls! Literally and figuratively. Very subtle and clever! He wails and apologizes to the girls.

[Ep23] Yin Zheng helps the girls settle the restaurant dispute with the approval of the Emperor. Yue Heng takes offence and makes Yin Zheng drink a bowl of alcohol. Yin Zheng knew this was coming, and drinks it obediently. Then he faints. 
Su Shen laments that the other princes were trained on their alcohol tolerance, but poor Yin Zheng wasn’t loved by his mother or father. Su Shen hands a napkin to Li Wei. He's passing on the duty of tending Yin Zheng to her. Su Shen, who is the mom and the dad, is handing the torch to Yin Zheng’s wife. Oh, and no kissing this time, but he still drunk-talks. 

Yin Zheng (mumbles): Second brother can bully me, but I won’t let him bully you. I won’t let him bully you. 

Tearing up, Li Wei whispers softly that she’ll always be with him.  

After however many days later, the three friendly brothers have hotpot. 5th and 6th rub it in that Yin An (3rd) is wifeless. Love them for bullying 3rd xD LOL. He’s fed up and leaves. Where to? The girls’ restaurant! Lol. Dong Hai Tang lets him eat because why not when he’s a paying customer. 

Song Wu is already married! Eh. She wants to learn business now. Since Li Wei graduated from The School of Yuan Ying, Li Wei can accept Song Wu as her student. 
It’s raining after work. Yin Zheng comes out looking dashing with his umbrella to pick up Li Wei. 

The last one waiting for her husband is Shangguan Jing. He’s not here. He must have forgotten her. AWWW. 5TH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING. When she runs halfway, she bumps into Yin Qi (5th). He’s drenched and muddied. He was lectured by his father, didn’t have time for the carriage and so he ran by foot to meet her, but tripped on the way. Awww! He beat 6th in sweetness. Then when Shangguan Jing wants to open a business, he agrees. He doesn’t even ask what business she wants to do because as long as she wants it, he’ll support her. (She wants to teach girls self-defence) 
This is Li Wei wanting to scare everyone but Yuan Ying and Yin Zheng are too boring to be startled.
It’s New Years, and it’s present time ~ Li Wei gives Yin Zheng new shoes. Oh hey, she mentioned getting him new shoes so he wouldn’t scare her with his soundless footsteps (Ep10). And is this why she’s trying to scare him? To get back at him for all the times he soundlessly startled her? Only it didn’t work, lol. He immediately wears the shoes, but ow! There’s a needle inside. The proof that she sewed it herself! xD He scrutinizes the shoe and shakes it several times before he wears it again xD. He loves it – other than the needle. It fits snuggly. Giving shoes used to be a no-no. But I guess omitting shoes as present ideas isn’t convenient anymore and so the saying with gifting shoes is To Walk in Life Together

Li Wei opens her presents. Yuan Ying gave her housekeeping duties. Best present ever. Okay, but it also means she’s the woman of the house. Yin Zheng gave her money. A whole stack of gigantic bills! LOL. Li Wei laughs that it’s very Yin Zheng.
In comparison, 5th is so much more romantic! Yin Qi (5th) gives Shuangguan Jing “snow” in the form of feathers to remind her of Danchuan. She’s so moved, she hugs him. 

And there’s really no point in comparing 5th and 6th to 2nd. It’s chilly and bitter at Yin Song’s. As Hao Jia’s belly gets fuller, her depression worsens. Nothing makes her happy, except a letter from her mother. Her mother is the only one who cares about her and cares about her health. 
[Ep24] Yin An (3rd) is hilariously whipped by the ladies. Since he wants to invest with the ladies, he has to please the ladies. So remember those tests from Ep4? Bring back those coins and the A4 paper! Unsurprisingly, he fails all the tests. This means he’ll have to diet – starve! –  until the ladies are satisfied. 
A female shaman says Hao Jia's fetus is female because of this ritual that involves a lot of smoke (second-hand smoke?) and some bell that doesn’t fall (no duh, it’s tied around her belly!). Yin Song, the idiot, believes it, and neglects Hao Jia. I’m so worried for her. There’s something called postpartum depression. When Li Wei tells Yin Zheng about Hao Jia who is always crying, Su Shen is reminded of Consort He who was crying so much that she had to send Yin Zheng to the servant’s room. 
Li Wei plans to help Hao Jia escape. The rest of the girls are in it too. Li Wei understands the consequences and so to protect Yin Zheng, she asks him to write a divorce letter. Yin Zheng writes 休想 (Dream on!) instead. Phew. When he wrote the first word, it scared me. Dream On and Divorce Letter start with the same character. Li Wei tightly hugs him. She wanted to protect him. It was too hard on him all these years. She’d feel so guilty if anything happens to him. He holds her hand and tells her not to be afraid in any of her decisions. He’s here. BTS (Youtube)! Li Wei is asked to run once more with more force, but it’s an NG when they burst out laughing. It's because she was facing the wrong direction and Yin Zheng could feel it
Li Wei helps Hao Jia escape and reunites her with her mother. However Mom Hao is not hao (好 good) at all!! She’s here to convince her daughter to stay with the man who’s abusing her and giving her depression. It’s for the family. How is it that there’s a character more despicable than 2nd? Hao Jia stays for the f family. And almost dies for the f family. She’s in labour and Yin Song won’t summon a doctor for pain management because it will harm the baby. Can’t harm the boy! Oh, and don’t message him again until she gives birth to a boy.  Even 4th brother is horrified by his words. 

Fortunately, Hao Jia has Zhao Fang Ru! Hao Jia cries and gasps, begging her to take care of her child if she dies. Zhao Fan Ru refuses. She will torture her child so Hao Jia better live. She also calls for pain management, disregarding Yin Song’s orders. 

Hao Jia delivers safely. It’s a baby girl. Her little name will be Chang Le and her birth name will be Hao Yu. The servant says it isn’t a good idea to call her Yin Hao Yu because it has Hao Jia’s surname. Hao Jia corrects her servant. Her daughter will take after her surname. It’s simply Hao Yu. Zhao Fang Ru smiles.

[Ep25] Hao Jia has postpartum depression, but that’s not a thing in ancient times and so Yin Song (2nd) believes she’s cursed. He’s also annoyed at the crying baby girl. He wants neither of them in the house. Moreover, he asks his wife to find him more concubines to make babies sons with. Zhao Fang Ru offers to raise the baby girl, but Yin Song scoffs that she would never have his child. Omo. What is that supposed to mean. Whatever you’re thinking is right! This scoundrel diluted infertile-ingredients into her water all these years. And I thought he couldn’t get worse. What hurts Zhao Fang Ru the most is that she had truly loved Yin Song. She gave all of herself to him and he ruined her. 

Li Wei begs Consort He for help to visit the imprisoned Hao Jia. However, Consort He wavers. She has her traumas too. I’m not sure Consort He can face them even though it’s been so many years. Consort He mentions that if she had a friend like Li Wei then her past might be different. Will Consort He help? She does. 
After a hard-fought chance to see Hao Jia, she lies to Li Wei that she’s fine to keep up Yin Song’s farce. However, Hao Jia is done pretending in front of Yin Song. She exposes his inferiorities and insecurities, but he strangles her and overpowers her. He snickers at her. He chose her because she was different from Zhao Fang Ru. Hao Jia had nothing. No matter how he treated her, she can only endure. Oh his inferiority complex runs deep. He made Zhao Fang Ru infertile so he could control her and manipulate her. If she had a son, it would somehow threaten his position in the house. Oh you coward!!!! He haunts her that for the rest of her life, she will be trapped here. And he will visit her. And next time, he wants her hip line to look better. Revolting. Feeling devastated, Hao Jia commits suicide by drowning. :O She was already planning to die when she told the girls to leave

Li Wei saves Hao Jia! (She even pointed a sword at the guards.) But Hao Jia drowned for too long. She’s in critical condition. There’s hope if they can find Physician Xu, but he’s an imperial doctor and the Emperor has already fallen asleep. So wake the man?? Bring the drums! But the show has better ideas: Yin Qi (5th) holds himself hostage (lol) to threaten the physician and drag him to 2nd’s manor. He did it to protect Shangguan Jing who was going to do it herself (aw). Then Yin Zheng paves a way for him to reach Hao Jia, but alas, there’s the last obstacle. Yin Song (2nd). The imbecile won’t let them in. Li Wei slaps him and he slaps her back and then points a sword at her. Never fear! Yin Zheng is here! He kicks him down, takes his sword, and aims it at his throat. Yin Zheng said so! Yin Song can bully him, but he can’t bully Li Wei. Yin Song can’t budge not only because of the sword, but Yin Zheng has evidence of his embezzlement. 

The doctor tries his best but Hao Jia is still unconscious. In desperation, Zhao Fang Ru yells at her, threatens her, anything to bring her back. (She had even made the baby cry to call her mother back T_T). Hao Jia wakes up! She mumbles that Zhao Fang Ru only ever has that one trick: threaten. It’s the sweetest threat. She’s also grateful for everything her sisters (and brother-in-laws!) have done for her. When Hao Jia looks up, the sun is rising. It’s a brand new day. Hao Jia will be fine. 
[Ep26] In order to free Hao Jia, our team is having Yin Qi (5th) pretend to fight with Yin Song (2nd) over Hao Jia. I forgot 5th had a little crush on Hao Jia in the beginning! This “fight” makes sense. As a result, Yin Qi (5th) is flogged by the Emperor. The Emperor notices Yin Qi is different. He’s actually enduring the punishment when he used to whine after the first hit. Later, Yin An (3rd) persuades the Empress to free Hao Jia to prevent the brothers (2nd and 5th) from fighting. Aw, but wait, why is 3rd helping? And look at 6th, keeping himself invisible in all of this xD. He’s really like his rumours: no presence.

However, the Empress will not sway, that is until Consort He’s servant delivers a hairpin. It was originally a present from the Empress. They used to be friends, but grew apart because the Emperor preferred Consort He. Then she had depression and the Emperor no longer visited her. The Empress was actually happy, but then Consort He attempted suicide. After recalling their story, the Empress permits Hao Jia to leave. For her guilt and for their lost friendship. The Empress and 2nd...both insecure. The more power, the more they fear to lose? 
Hao Jia can leave, but what about Chang Le, her daughter? That’s covered too. Since Yin Song (2nd) is superstitious, Yin An (3rd) and Dong Hai Tang threaten the bogus shaman lady to speak ill of the baby. In exchange, the shaman lady and her family will be fed for the rest of their lives. She thought it meant a life of ease with fortune, but she doesn’t know Yin An. He’s feeding her family in prison because they’re all criminals. Dong Hai Tang smiles at his conniving ways. Mission is over. She gets up to leave, but Yin An shyly asks if she can stay after all that he did. Rawr! She threatens him that she’ll break his leg if he speaks to her like that. Lol. She’s cute! And he backs down. 
Yin Song wants Hao Jia to strip everything before she leaves, but not with Zhao Fang Ru cutting in! Yin Song rattles his superiority at her (like a baby wah wah wah~) but our lady of the house isn’t afraid of him anymore. She knows he cannot bully her. 

Zhao Fang Ru: So please my lord, one day at a time, endure with me. You and I, just like this, let us disgust each other. *Bows*. *Clap clap clap* More specifically, her last line is 相看兩生厭 (xiāng kàn liǎng shēng yàn): Let us look at each other and grow to loathe each other
Hao Jia leaves the house! If the maid could, she would leave with her and serve her, but Hao Jia wants her to consider her own future. Instead Hao Jia asks if she doesn’t mind to be sisters instead of master-and-servant. The maid agrees. She takes off her shoes for Hao Jia, who’s stripped of hers because of Yin Song, and wishes Hao Jia’s path will be smooth-sailing without bumps from now on. 

Hao Jia is with the ladies now, which inspires Li Wei to develop a menu to cater to mothers/moms-to-be. They’re also providing pre- and post-natal classes. My gosh. The whole millennium is happening here, whew.  

Yin Zheng overhears Li Wei and Consort He's conversation: she wasn’t ready to be a mother. She was afraid. She was but a child herself. After she gave birth, he looked nothing like her. He always cried. She was so stressed out, her hair fell in locks. She felt like she aged overnight. The more he cried, the more she wanted to run away. Then she couldn’t face him anymore. Li Wei comforts Consort He to free herself of guilt. It wasn’t her fault. And although it’s hard to face Yin Zheng, she can’t be compensate by pouring all her love into raising 11th. 

The moment of truth. Yin Zheng asks Consort He if she committed suicide because of him. No. It was her own problem. She apologizes to him, but he says it isn’t her fault either. She tells him that she only knew how to be a mother after giving birth to 11th. This is why she gives 11th so much love. She regrets not being able to accompany his growth. “Don’t regret.” Yin Zheng says she still has time to make it up, aw.
Li Wei stays to wait for Yin Zheng. She knows he would want someone to talk afterwards.

Counterfeit money is in the market. 

[Ep27I’m kinda lazy: 2nd and 3rd investigate the counterfeit money but 2nd is stalling and so 3rd asks 6th for help. 6th is very capable and the Emperor makes sure 2nd knows all about it and now 2nd wants 4th to sabotage 6th. 

Through 6th’s investigation, it leads to Chen Xi. No surprise, he's in cahoots with 2nd. There’s also a link to DaichuanOh no, will Zhao Fang Ru be implicated? All of a sudden, there is a diplomatic mission at Daichuan, which is a trap 2nd/4th has laid for 6th. For this mission, 5th joins 6th and now both of them are implicated. In front of the Emperor, 6th shielded 5th and took all the blame, but when the Emperor had orders to remove 6th from the court, 5th shoulders the blame. It’s a crime punishable by death. 

When 6th has a chance to free himself, he doesn’t. He kneels in the rain to beg the Emperor to be lenient on 5th. But like always, the Emperor doesn’t even spare him a glance. Remember his dog? He also has some words for the Emperor: to treat the sons like weapons and not like humans, one of these days his sons will abandon him. The Emperor and 6th both understand each other. 6th is a weapon the Emperor uses to suppress 2nd. Yin Zheng also said “the seeming harmony belies underlying disagreement” which actually reminds me of the relationship between 2nd and 4th. Whenever 4th plays card games with 2nd, he loses very strategically. I remember for the Daichuan flood, only 6th and 4th were praised for their proposals. 4th is a sharp lad and has strategically secured himself next to 2nd. But he might be so sharp that he’s cutting himself

Basically, the episode
1) 2nd is a toad. 
2) 4th is smarter than you think
3) 5th and 6th brotherly love! I love how Yin Zheng is the annoying little brother, exposing 5th’s horse-sickness to Shangguan Jing, and then teasing him that he’s all grown up. And of course, the way they protect each other <3

[Ep28] 4th SIL manipulates Shangguan Jing to bust out Yin Qi (5th). Thankfully, Li Wei and others stop her in time. However, it doesn’t stop Yin Qi from being deposed of his prince status. T_T. Yin Qi knows everyone thinks he’s a clown, but he has more clarity than anyone else. He knows the Emperor needed a scapegoat, but Yin Zheng is useful, and so he abandoned a useless son – him. He yells at his father that they’re family. Strangers can take advantage of each other, but family cannot. How can a father like him exist? The Emperor leaves bitterly. Then Yin Qi bows as he shouts to thank the Emperor for sparing him and for raising him. Is 5th rubbing it in? That the Emperor wasn’t at all a good father, but 5th will keep up that farce for his dear father

Yin Qi (5th) protected Yin Zheng because he's the older brother. Yin Zheng never had a mother to protect him for all his life, and when there’s no one beside him, Yin Qi wanted to be there for him. Brb. Tissue! Anyway, now that Yin Qi is no longer princely, Shangguan Jing can divorce him. But she didn’t. She’s loyal. She won’t abandon him. Yin Qi doesn’t seem happy to hear this. If it’s out of loyalty, I think Yin Qi wants her to leave him for a better life

The girls' restaurant is (temporarily) shutdown too. Hao Jia, who’s always so graceful and refined, is cussing out at the toad for still being alive. 

Everyone feels down, but not with Li Wei around! However, she’s just concealing her sorrows for everyone’s sake. She’s the vitamin of the family. She has to keep it together. But everyone knows her well!! Yin Zheng gives incense for relaxation and sleep, and Yuan Ying lifts the ban on midnight snacks to cheer up Li Wei. 

Yin Zheng is righteously angry. By taking down Yin Qi (5th), Yin Song (2nd) has stirred a tiger that is Yin Zheng. Roar! He plans to catch Chen Xi. It will be dangerous. Dun dun dun! Increasing the intensity (because I don’t actually feel it, but hopefully you guys do!) Before that, Li Wei invites Yin Zheng for a taste test. He says he’s busy and wants to leave, but when she sternly calls him “Yin Zheng”, his cute little obedient booty is back on the seat. But of course, it’s seafood again. Look at all the shrimps! However, since it’s prepared with the refreshing winter melon, it eliminates the fishy taste. He likes it! And if Mr. Picky likes it, it has to be good. Li Wei is curing him of all his pickiness.  But he was a tad disappointed that he was her second option; Yuan Ying was too busy to be a guinea pig. But actually! Li Wei specifically chose Yin Zheng. She wanted to ease his stress for the operation tonight. It’s see. He assures her that if anything happens to him, he will still keep her safe. Li Wei shushes him. It wouldn’t be bad if he was deposed. He can finally descend from his godly realm and be mortal like her. She can also support him! She’s bright and cheery, but when it’s really time to leave, Li Wei can’t hide her sadness. She tells him she can’t finish the Winter Melon Pot by herself. He must come home. They hug and don’t kiss

[Ep29] Yin Zheng arrests Chen Xi and is looking real good at torturing. When Yin Song (2nd) receives this piece of news, he was just writing 遊目騁懷 (Roam with the eyes, open(/expand) with the heart(/mind) but taints the last word 懷 (heart/mind)Just like his sullied heart/mind

Yin Zheng has the evidence he needs. When he returns home, Li Wei throws him a big hug. He’s not that happy though. Yin Zheng wonders if he would be the same as Yin Song and change because of status and power. Li Wei assures him that he won’t, and even if he does commit a mistake, Li Wei won’t leave him. She’ll yell at him and hit him until she corrects him.
The Emperor grimaces at receiving Yin Zheng’s compelling evidence against Yin Song. It’s hard on the Emperor because a) he’s the Emperor b) it’s another son he has to punish. I actually sympathize with him even for all he did to 5th and 6th. The Emperor was an illegitimate child and because of that status, he has suffered. With his legitimate son, he was already born better. The Emperor didn’t want Yin Song to suffer at all and taught him strictly. He was harder on him than any other sons. He personally taught him calligraphy not only to teach him how to write characters but to be a good character. In the end, somehow, it all went wrong. He’s even more disheartened when Yin Song lost his chance to confess his wrongdoings. Without any reason to save his son, the Emperor follows Yin Zheng's plan: exile Yin Song as a prisoner from the capital city. Oh hey, this frees Zhao Fang Ru because he’s deposed. She can be legally divorced. But he already ruined her life  >_> 

Yin Song has the audacity to berate his father that he didn’t have the guts to tell him of his sentencing to his face. Dude, that was your last chance. He blames his father for his life. He was pressured to be the best. He was imprisoned by his father’s expectations. Just one mistake, and his father would be disappointed. He tried his best but his father was never satisfied. He feared for a day his brothers would surpass him and then he would be nothing. He wishes his father never said the crown was his. 

The Emperor serves Yin Song (2nd) poisonous wine. But wait, that wasn’t the sentencing! It’s Chen Xi impersonating a eunuch to kill Yin Song. Yin Zheng saves his brother in time! Despite not knowing the actual decree, Yin Zheng believed the Emperor wouldn’t kill Yin Song (which actually surprises the Emperor. He didn’t think there was at least one son who would view him kindly. For his heroism, Yin Zheng is bestowed a jade that allows him to make any (legal) request). 

Yin Zheng suffers a small hand injury, which upsets Li Wei. She nags at him while treating him. Then food is served. He grimaces at being tortured like a guinea pig again. With the cutest grouch, she’s like “I’m poisoning you!” She was so cute! For the record, it’s not seafood this time.
[Ep30] In tears, Yin Qi (5th) suggests to divorce. Shangguan Jing can’t believe her ears. He lies that he’s in love with Hao Jia. The lies are shattering both of their hearts, but he keeps up the lie with a smile.  Gah! When she leaves, he’s weeping on the floor. Thankfully they’re not our main CP >_> These two are filming their own separate romcom or something.  
Speaking of Hao Jia, she’s a single mother supporting her baby while selling makeup disguised as a man. I wasn’t expecting such a masculine transformation. She’s crushing it. From now on, she needs no man. She's her own man. 
Yin Zheng drags Yin An (3rd) to console Yin Qi (5th) who hasn’t eaten in three days. It’s because he read Shangguan Jing’s reply to Yin Zheng’s letter where he tried to explain Yin Qi’s reasoning for divorcing her. It’s her cursing him. He had predicted it, but it still stung, lol. Yin An comforts Yin Qi that only one wife ran. Look at him, he’s fine when 20+ wives fled. LOL. Is this why Yin Zheng got 3rd to help? xD 
Yin Qi has lost his sense of taste. Nothing is spicy no matter how much pepper he adds. But he’s fired up when he learns that Shangguan Jing is looking for a new groom! Technically, 赘婿 (son-in-law living at the wife’s parent house). He departs for Danchuan and that was the best decision of his life. From an Un-Wanted Poster, he realizes she called him the #1 Traitor of Love, which makes this poster a pronouncement to the world that she loved him! Because there cannot be betrayal if there wasn’t love. He jumps in joy and now he's flipping and rolling through all the obstacles lurched at him. However, great love shalt not come without great obstacles. This time, though, Queen Shangguan Yan is not that obstacle. She’s actually giving Yin Qi a chance (to kneel), after all this is Shangguan Jing’s decision to make. 

While Hao Jia is busy working, Yin Zheng and Li Wei babysit. They’re the stepparents (not uncles/aunts because Baby Hao is not Baby Yin), but when Baby Hao won’t stop crying, only Yin Zheng can coo her. This girl has good taste already! Outside, Yuan Ying watches the couple and smiles. It’s her time to leave, aw

Only Su Shen gets this special treatment from Yin Zheng: 
Bai Jing Ting xD

At Danchuan, Yin Qi (5th) is an inch away from collapsing, but then he’s invigorated when the candidates file in to be Shangguan Jing’s groom. He musters all his strength to stand to stop the match! Wait no. He’s joining! No one but him can be her 赘婿! The first test is spicy tolerance. The natives of Danchuan are actually struggling, but not Yin Qi. Perhaps the pain of this spice cannot be compared to the desolation of losing her. The second test is combat. When it comes to Yin Qi’s turn, he’s barehanded. And he wins! It’s because Shangguan Jing is always hitting him. Compared to her, dodging and stealing this guard’s weapon is a piece of cake. Pft. However, Shangguan Jing chooses none of them. The guard takes pity on Yin Qi and tells him Shangguan Jing’s itinerary and off he goes. 

Back at Yinchuan, since Yin Song (2nd) is deposed, who will overtake his duties? All the ministers nominate Yin Zheng, but he recommends Yin An (3rd) for he has experience. Yin An is grateful for the acknowledgement from his little bro. With him in position, the girls can reopen the restaurant! 
Li Wei excels at managing the store which earns her a cute flick on the nose from Yuan Ying
More sisterhood on your way: Zhao Fang Ru and Hao Jia. Together, they eat smelly food (Zhao Fan Ru’s favourite), and visit the incarcerated Yin Song who’s delirious enough to think they miss him. Hao Jia’s words sting like acid, which is only normal given she’s been churning them in her stomach for all this time. Zhao Fang Ru is a little gentler. She’s here simply to have him sign the divorce letter. Bye loserAm a little disappointed Zhao Fang Ru didn’t deliver his final demise for everything that he has done to her

[Ep31Yin Song (2nd) says goodbye to his mother/Empress. He smiles, and keeps his head humbly low. He comforts his mother that being a regular citizen isn’t so bad. He can try depending on himself. He doesn’t need to be caged like a beast anymore. Before he leaves, he gives his mother three full bows, thanking her for raising him. Yin Yue (10th) is there whimpering. The Emperor isn’t there but he sent his eunuch to deliver a pouch. Yin Song rejects. Whichever it is, a present or compensation, Yin Song doesn’t need it. He doesn’t even need the last three coins in his palms. He tosses it in the air, letting them fall to the ground. (Did I miss the significance of the coins?)
What was in the Emperor’s pouch? Yin Song’s calligraphy. The title of the poem is “Memories of Father”. Yin Song wasn’t a filial son nor a good brother. Whose fault was it? The Emperor laments that it was his as the father. But in this palace, there aren’t many father and son moments. Then he asks his eunuch about Yin Zheng. The Emperor is skeptical that Yin Zheng's “change” was overnight like all the ministers believe. 

Yuan Ying is leaving! Yin Zheng uses the jade that the Emperor gave him. However, there’s still Yuan Ying’s father. No matter how much better she is than all her brothers, ultimately she is a girl. Her father would never approve of the divorce and make her a minister. 

Yin Qi (5th) finds Shangguan Jing. She reminds him that they’re divorced. But it doesn’t count! She wrote his name wrong. Lol, of course. Instead of writing his Qi (岐), she used another qi (歧) as in 誤入歧途 (= to take a wrong step in life). Lol. Was this the reason his name was Qi from the beginning? xD. He apologizes for that lie. He didn’t want her to suffer with him. He’s a little greedy now and wants to know if she can forgive him. No. She will not (but she’s giving in). Before she leaves, she points at his hair and shakes her head. She doesn’t like it. But that’s his jianghu hairstyle to match hers! xD The wisps aren’t working on him like they do for Yin Zheng

[Ep32Shangguan Jing tells Yin Qi that she likes him who is so shocked, he forgets to breathe until she reminds him to, lol. BUT. They’re incompatible. Oi. She says that this isn’t true love. They were forced together. They changed themselves to please the other, but she doesn’t want him to change for her. She wants him to find someone he truly loves. They bid their farewells, and look back at each other with that perfectly missed timing. They have it all, the noble idiocies, missing the timings... But aha! He caught her staring. She must still love him! Pft. Now he’s stealthily following her or he thinks he’s stealthily following her. In the end she has to save him from his own hiding spot. 

Yuan Ying has her mother’s support to convince the Lord of Yinchuan that she’s more than capable of helping him in politics. The mother may look composed, but she was so nervous, she had notes written on her palm and now it’s all blurry from her sweat. LOL, aw! The dad is sweet too! Li Wei knows that Lord of Yinchuan’s disapproval isn’t because of sexism but that as a father he’s worried about his daughter’s future after her divorce. Yuan Ying’s parents are so nice!!! This is such a pleasant surprise, wow. There’s a whole spectrum of parents here. Finally, the Lord of Yinchuan approves of the divorce. He cackles that he never saw her this happy, but he is also worried for her. He can imagine all her hardships already. He really didn't want his daughter to walk this path. He just wants her safe and happy. Yuan Ying cries. She never knew her father loved her like this. Her father pats her hands. He knows her well: she’s not a flower dependent on a man, but a phoenix with great wings that can fly to the nine heavens.  He won’t stop her anymore. 
Li Wei rips all the pages from Rules for Girls, leaving the binds empty. From now on, Yuan Ying won’t be bound by these rules. Instead, Li Wei binds her to another set of obligations: eat three meals a day, sleep at least eight hours a night, have three days off per week, exercise regularly, and seek for a physician if she’s sick. Li Wei already had Yuan Ying's parents sign it. They will monitor Yuan Ying for her. Aw! Yuan Ying signs too. It’s sealed with a pinky promise and thumb stamp.
Before the girls leave, they hug as sisters and bow to each other as teacher and student. And of course there’s the requisite threat to Yin Zheng from Yuan Ying to take care of Li Wei. 

The Emperor punishes Yin Zheng for the divorce, but it’s a very light one: kneel at the ancestral hall. The Emperor will also permit Li Wei’s promotion as his wife, but not right now. 

Yin Jun (4th) is promoted to work alongside Yin An (3rd). Yin An is worried for Yin Zheng since 4th is potentially dangerous. Yin Zheng doesn’t seem to care.  

[Ep33]  Yuan Ying may have left, but she exists within Li Wei, who is now a business gal, turning her restaurants into a franchise. She’s got a new boring hairstyle to prove that she’s serious. She’s stressing out with hiring a new chef, though. Yin Han (9th) has an excellent recommendation: Xiao Yang. Li Wei brings him home and now the whole family is on alert. No one likes Xiao Yang. We’re all team Yin Zheng! But Yin Zheng feels threatened because Xiao Yang is also from Jichuan and knows gardening/cooking better than him. So funny when Yin Zheng is like “good bye” and steps backward. Not embarrassed.

Zhao Fang Ru bids farewell to Hao Jia. She’s going back to Daichuan to inherit her family business. If her brothers are sexist and deny her inheritance, then she’ll give them a lesson. Hao Jia tells her to take care as she calls her “Fang Ru.” It’s been too long since someone has called her by her name. 
While Yin An (3rd) is worried about Yin Jun (4th) inserting his people everywhere, Yin Zheng has more pressing matters: Xiao Yang! We’re back on track with the romance! I kinda like you, Xiao Yang. Li Wei is oblivious because when she’s looking, Yin Zheng is shining an innocent smile and a cute wave at her and only when she’s not looking, is he scowling, hahaha. Li Wei is sure that Yin Zheng wouldn’t misunderstand because Xiao Yang is close with Yin Han (9th). Ha! Cdrama sneaking by censorship
Yin An (3rd) is picking up that his Dong Hai Tang is also smiling at Xiao Yang. Yin Zheng corrects his brother that Dong Hai Tang is no longer hisha. Don’t be too mean, Yin Zheng xD. Despite the jeering, Yin An warns Yin Zheng that Xiao Yang is no Little Lamb (xiao yang; homophone), and could be more dangerous than 4th. Yin An also thinks he should warn 7th since all the brothers (except 1st) are “divorced”. LOL. This is true! And he has changed! He doesn’t want his brothers miserable with him. Remember when he thought he was infertile and he wanted his brothers to join him xD.

Su Shen is like a mother cooing Yin Zheng not to fear Xiao Yang. He’s nothing! And then when Xiao Yang shows up, Su Shen is a stern dad, glaring at Xiao Yang. Clearly not “nothing”, ha. Li Wei brings Xiao Yang home again. Did I say the whole house is Team Yin Zheng? It still is until it isn’t, hahaha. Xiao Yang has successfully bribed everyone. With what you say? Didn’t he show up empty handed? Nope. It’s a Jichuan speciality – there is nothing they cannot hide in their clothes. Su Shen was offended to see everyone betray their lord, and so when it’s his turn, he’s searching Xiao Yang’s body for his own present, lol. Except there’s none! That’s because the best present for Su Shen is curing Yin Zheng’s health. This is true and that’s how he’s bribed. Who could ever blame Su Shen? 
Li Wei has likened Xiao Yang as her chef master so that she can make food for Yin Zheng, but Yin Zheng doesn’t know. He’s eating sour grapes by himself. Then when he sees everyone chummy with Xiao Yang, he feels betrayed and lonely. He leaves without eating (while stumbling away in dramatic fashion, lol) and even criticizes the food, which upsets Li Wei.

Yin Jun (4th) is kissing up to Yin An (3rd) or is he vying for the throne himself? He’s a bit of a hidden card, swaying either way. Meanwhile, Yin An (3rd) doesn’t want the throne. Smart guy. He tells Yin Zheng that on the surface, he’ll look neutral between them. Yin Zheng agrees and so when 3rd asks for food, Yin Zheng reminds him he needs to look neutral, ha. 6th is just pulling his leg, until his own leg is pulled when he learns Li Wei is hanging out with Little Lamb. Now it's Yin An (3rd) who’s dragging Yin Zheng to the restaurant to save his little bro’s relationship. 
Yin Zheng arrives just in time to see the (friendly) pat on the arm from Xiao Yang to Li Wei (who’s upset because of Yin Zheng). BTS: Director tells Yin Zheng to keep those eyes wide! xD Love the eyebrow twitch, too! At lunch, our jealous Zheng cuts in by sitting between Li Wei and Xiao Yang. The chair! xD How is he so funny at being cute! Later at night, Su Shen frantically runs to Li Wei that something is wrong with Yin Zheng. The way he says it Li Wei thinks he’s dying. Well doesn’t this sound familiar! And here she is falling for it again. She’s got the right reaction this time tho! 
Shangguan Jing wants to go to Cangchuan. Yin Qi will take her there. He says he memorized the map and describes the road with lively descriptions, but ends up lost. Now she knows why his name is Yin Qi: 引上歧路 (yǐn shàng  lù) = Leading her astray. Again, she’s using the wrong Qi! xD. The whole journey, Yin Qi keeps mucking up and finally he burns her cape. He’s disappointed in himself for ruining everything and promises to leave the next morning. It was all solemn until the cape/scarf move xD

[Ep34] Li Wei realizes she’s scammed when she sees the lantern boats on the pond and Su Shen running away. This was Yin Zheng’s romantic surprise for her. 
With her magnetically beautiful eyes, she invites the truth from him, which he mutters that he, the Xinchuan’s 6th Lord, is indeed jealous of a chef. He’s afraid she’ll leave with the chef back to JichuanFor the sake of our 6th’s great pride, I have to clarify that he didn’t say it directly
Li Wei leans on his shoulder. “Then what should I do? I only want to go home with you.” She also slips in a praise for him that he’s the all mighty 6th Lord, how could he be jealous! And look at that smug smile of his! Our 6th is so easy! :D And she’s so clever. She used his sentence and his tone back on him. 
Our great 6th Lord isn’t just getting compliments, he’s getting a confession! 

Li Wei: I like you, only you, and love you the most most moooooost.  
And she doesn’t stop at just a confession, she also kisses him! Go girl! And she challenges him! 

Li Wei (teases): What? You didn’t drink and now you don’t know how? I stand corrected. 6th isn’t easy. Li Wei’s a pro! 
Taking the sweet dare, Yin Zheng kisses her. Then they kiss some more after he tells her that he’ll make her his wife. Btw, this was the scene where Bai Jing Ting almost slipped into the pond and shouted for help xD
Shangguan Jing and Yin Qi (5th) are seriously having their own separate romcom. So there’s a hill and they’re rolling down from it because the man needs saving. He feels awful about it and swears he’s really really really leaving this time. And she’s like Really? Are you sure? Are you really sure? The clueless man is like Yes. Yes. Yes. Finally, one of them stops being an idiot: Shangguan Jing tells him she’s afraid. What will she do if he’s injured? She says that since she’s so strong, her trip can’t be too smooth. And what can be more cumbersome than bringing him? Plus he’s so useless, how will he survive without her? She must have lived her life too happily to want to ruin it like this, hahaha. She said this in Ep11 hotpot scene! (Not me). Ecstatic, Yin Qi hugs her, but something is poking her. It’s the candy he kept from prison. Aw, he didn’t eat any of it this entire time! He even feeds her first again and then he finally takes the last one.  But nothing is sweeter than this moment. (5th is so good at acting!!! I teared up here even when I was mocking their entire scene, lol).
Li Wei and Yin Zheng sleep together at night! Look at the speed of these two: a confession, a kiss, and now sleeping together. And a kid is there! It’s not their kid. It’s Yin Cai (11th), the cute cupid, who wants to sleep with the “married” couple. There’s always someone in the middle of these two. Yin Cai can’t sleep and wants a bedtime story. Yin Zheng mutters that he never had one. There’s this look on Li Wei that makes me wonder if she’ll tell him a bedtime story in the future to make up for his childhood
Since Yin Cai wants to hear how our couple met,Yin Zheng begins with Li Wei stealing food. A bashful Li Wei hides under the blanket and edits the story with facts, but they don’t always favour her, haha

Yin Cai might be a cupid, but he’s an exhausting one. When Yin Zheng can’t answer his questions (not only is there a lot, his questions jab), 11th is disappointed, especially when their mother said Yin Zheng was smart. LOL, not as smart as you, hun! Yin Zheng sends him to school and oof, the poor teacher. I thought kids these days were tough. The last resort is Teacher Dai, but even he keels over. Not even books from Song Wu (x2) can tempt Teacher Dai. 
Li Wei and Yin Zheng are tired just looking at Yin Cai play. He’s even tiring out the dog! Li Wei sighs. Yin Cai isn’t even their son. How tiring will it be once they have a child of their own? Chummy Yin Zheng says he’ll take charge. Aw. She wants him to sign and stamp on it, lol
Song Wu is here to deliver the books and somehow she gets in a fight with Yin Cai! Turns out they have beef! Lol! Yin Cai is the reason Song Wu moved out of Consort He’s manor to live with Yin Zheng. She was jealous that 11th was getting all of Consort He’s love. Ahhhh, this also explains why she wanted Yin Zheng’s attention when Li Wei arrived. It also turns out that Yin Cai is jealous of Song Wu. But wait, isn’t she too old to fight with 11th? LOL. How old is her character supposed to be?! xD. Li Wei and Yin Zheng fix up their relationship. 11th is going back home! Yin Zheng does welcome Yin Cai whenever he wants to visit and invites his mother too. 
There’s finally no one in the middle!! But now our couple isn't used to it, haha
Li Wei is so nervous she doesn’t realize she rolled up all the blankets to her side. He assures her that she can make the call whenever she’s ready. 
Grateful that he’s understanding, Li Wei pecks him cutely on the cheekIs this why Yin Zheng’s neck is resting on the hard rail instead of the soft pillow, lol. So it’s easier for her to kiss?? xD She thanks him and peeks at him with a smile. 
It’s Chinese New Years! Yin Qi (5th) finally confesses. Oh hey look, she got a new scarfHe’s looking for an idiom to express his happiness, which our smartie Shangguan Jing knows: 心寬體胖 =  Big-hearted and serene (feeling very content in the heart and body). It’s the correct idiom alright, but the wrong pronunciation. 胖 should be pán and not pàngI assume the change in pronunciation for the idiom is to deemphasize the colloquial use of 胖 which means Fat) But 5th’s law dictates that if she says it’s pàng then it’s pàngI have to compliment Shangguan Jing now. What a feat it is to not crack up because of 5th
[Ep35An Xi Yuan, Yin Jun’s (4th) wife, is pregnant. It’s been four months and we’re sure it's a boy. Will you look at that. They’re more advanced than our technology. This is their secret weapon to edge out Yin Zheng for the throne. It’s later revealed that An Xi Yuan is an illegitimate daughter who approached Yin Jun, the way Hao Jia approached 2nd. She seems to be the ambitious one, pushing Yin Jun forward. An Xi Yuan is everything we didn’t want Hao Jia to be. Manipulative and conniving for all the wrong reasons

Yin Yan (7th) approaches Yin Zheng to offer his support if 6th ever needs him. Aw. Is my socially awkward Yin Yan initiating contact with his brother? Cute.  In the next scene, the eunuch is also getting a lot of screen time. Hmmmmm. Is he helping out a prince? 4th? 6th?!?  

There’s a humanitarian crisis near Cangchuan in the northwest territories. It’s already dry and arid there, but this year, it’s particularly cold. Yin Zheng and Yin Jun (4th) are deployed to send resources. 

The night before the departure, our clever, clever Yu Ping (maid) lies to Yin Zheng that Li Wei’s blankets are drenched – the perfect excuse to have Li Wei sleep over with Yin Zheng or that’s what you would think. Our GREAT 6th lord smoothly tells Yu Ping to get new ones. Pft. “IMPOSSIBLE!” Yu Ping shouts. HAHA. She insists that all the blankets are wet. But our great 6th lord still doesn’t get it! Oi oi oi! He swiftly tells Yu Ping to take his instead. And look at him being all proud of that solution! Su Shen shakes his head at the imbecile, lol. Yin Zheng will rue the day he realizes what he missed out tonight. And can you believe it? Our great 6th lord STILL doesn’t get it! His brain shutdowns when it comes to girls. xD  

Yin Zheng and Yin Jun (4th) are nearing the borders of Cangchuan, Yin Zheng wants to visit Canghe County first, which is beyond the borders of Xinchuan. It’s the town lacking the most, but Yin Jun (4th) wants to go to the richer capital, Wuxiang County, which is still within the borders of XinchuanYin Zheng treats every province equally, but not Yin Jun. Yin Zheng speaks to him (4th) no more. It’s pointless. He directly addresses the soldiers and asks for volunteers to embark for CC. A lot of hands go up! (They also get a bit more pay). Oh by the way, 5th and Shuangguan Jing are headed there too. 

Dong Hai Tang (3rd’s wife), who is from Cangchuan, wants to raise money, but girl is married to the bank! Why raise money when she can get it out of Yin An? He’s the treasurer! With some fake tears and fake whimpering from her, Yin An, the scrooge, to loosen up and increase the subsidies without him even realizing what just happened. xD 

Li Wei’s anxiety is up. Yin Zheng hasn’t sent her a letter. The maids barely convince her that Yin Zheng could really be busy, and then Su Shen reveals that 4th SIL got a letter from 4th. I love how Su Shen went uHHhhHhhHH. LOL. Over at Yin Zheng’s, he really is busy. He’s also sick! To preserve the wood, he doesn’t even set the fire. He even gives away his cape to a blind lady and his shoes, which Li Wei made for him, so that the villagers can use it as a template to make more light and warm shoes. By the way, Li Wei also invented instant noodle soup packs, which helped Yin Zheng ameliorate the famine. 

Over at WC where Yin Jun's (4th) is, it’s practically luxurious in comparison. He gets wine and multiple side dishes, and they’re still crying poor. When Yin Zheng sends a letter to Yin Jun for more resources, Yin Jun approves, but this nasty fella (I didn’t think you were this nasty, Jun Jun!) has bandits stealing it back. When the soldiers return to Yin Zheng all injured and crying to be forgiven for losing more than half of the food, Yin Zheng bellows at them. It is by no means their fault for risking their lives to protect the food for the villagers. This will be enough for 3-5 days. With an implacable aura, he motivates his soldiers; they’ll steal everything right back. Our Yin Zheng is a true leader. 

Also, nasty Yin Jun (4th) and his wife have been intercepting the letters. This is why Li Wei received nothing. When she finally gets news, it’s bad news that Yin Zheng has met with the bandits. Li Wei tries to keep calm. She knows how sly 4th SIL can be. And so the next day, Li Wei departs to Cangchuan! However, Su Shen gets them lost. He struggles starting a fire too. Our butler doesn’t function very well out of the house. Don’t worry, Li Wei has everyone covered. With her Jichuan specialty, she also has lots of food in her clothes. She even has condiments! Spice anyone? But uhoh, they come across the bandits too. 

[Ep36] Li Wei and co hide from the bandits, but their presence is exposed. Li Wei cleverly uses her condiment – the spice! – as pepper spray. Then she successfully lure the bandits away from Su Shen and the maids, but now Li Wei is nowhere to be found! Yin Zheng wants a search party dispatched, but Yin Jun (4th) says it will damage Li Wei’s reputation. Well, for the first time ever, Yin Jun has come face to face with Yin Zheng’s wrath. The little brother’s menacing aura stuns Yin Jun who has no choice but to concede. Our 6th’s wrath also sends a renowned bandit leader into panic during a scalding interrogation, in which we learn that Li Wei ran away. 
Li Wei is lost in the woods. It’s cold and she only has three flame sticks left. She makes a wish on the first one, hoping to not die of starvation. That would be the worst type of death for her. But the fire ceases. She tries a second one. Why is she wasting her lighters like this? Why not up a fire? Keep warm? Where are your survival skills, sweetie! She sniffles that she doesn’t want to die from starvation or hypothermia and then that flame goes out too. On the third stick, she takes back her first wishes. She can be cold and she can be hungry, but she can’t be without Yin Zheng. 
Li Wei: I really miss Yin Zheng. Can you let me see him? Please. I really miss him. 
The flame dies, but the wish worked. Yin Zheng finds her. He apologizes for being late. She cries and hugs him, calling him “Yin Zheng” over and over again. I really like how she calls him. He piggybacks her down the woods (when he’s sick!). Then Yin Zheng confronts Yin Jun (4th) that if he messes with his family again, he will die an ugly death. Ou. When Yin Zheng was this mad, it was for 5th and then he took down 2nd. 4th, don’t mess with Li Wei, or you’re done. 

Yin An (3rd) will no longer be neutral! He quite likes Yin Zheng. His intuition tells him that Yin Zheng deserves the support. Amen. This man has intuition. He’s our good-sly guy now and in front of the Emperor, Yin An praises Yin Jun (4th) but it’s actually a diss. He “compliments” 4th for spending X amount of money and receiving compliments from all the ministers whereas 6th is barely spending anything. But it’s obvious where the famine is: CC. So why is Yin Jun spending all that money in WC? 

It cannot be more obvious to the Emperor who is more capable: the extravagant 4th who’s busy socializing at WC or the economical 6th who’s working with a tight budget but saving lives at CC. So now the more obvious 4th SIL is flaunting her altruism, the shallower they appear. Speaking of her, she’s punished by Consort He to transcribe. 4th SIL says she’s fermenting a royal baby and can’t use her hands?. No worries. Consort He has her covered. Four physicians will be on standby. Do you need morePft. An Xi Yuan can’t utter a word. 

At Cangchuan, Yin Zheng faints from a burning fever. Yin Jun (4th) won’t send a doctor and is preventing prescriptions! It was An Xi Yuan (4th SIL) who incited him to leave Yin Zheng to die. Li Wei takes matters in her own hands. If she doesn’t get medicine, then she’ll use her remedies (salt water, food and blankets upon blankets) to treat Yin Zheng. All the villagers eagerly volunteer to help. They donate their food when food is scarce for them. My eyes are moist. That’s all. The blind lady returns the cape. The little boy whose shoes were repaired by Yin Zheng gives Li Wei candy. Everyone wants to save their hero. 
Yin Zheng wakes up! Since Li Wei sleeps too soundly, she tied a red string to their wrists so that if he stirs, she’ll know. Awwwwwww. I love this little detail. She does sleep soundly! Song Wu would know. Li Wei keeps her voice from quivering. She says it wasn’t tough. Not for him, it wasn’t tough. The past few days were scarier than when she was alone in the woods. 

Li Wei: Yin Zheng. We need to live forever with each other – healthily, safely, and happily forever. 
Yin Zheng (nods): 好 (hao). 

Back at Xinchuan, Yin Jun (4th), who has a bit of consciousness, confesses to An Xi Yuan that he doesn’t actually want to kill Yin Zheng, She comforts him that she understands and dispels his concerns for attempted murder. And so they continue to withhold Yin Zheng’s condition to the Emperor. 

Consort He is in tears. She asks the Emperor if the rumours are true that he is abandoning Yin Zheng, who’s dying in Cangchuan. Actually, the Emperor doesn’t know. The eunuch hasn’t been updating him of the rumours for the sake of his ailing health. He immediately dispatches a physician to Cangchaun.

At Cangchuan....
...who is Li Wei running to with those open arms and that bright smile?
...Yin Zheng, her hero, of course. 
Yin Zheng has recovered completely, but he’ll stay at Cangchuan for a while longer. Why? So the vitriol against 4th snowballs. Noice. 4th wanted those rumours to boost his reputation, well now he's getting ‘em the way we like it
When Yin Zheng makes his grand return, he pauses to scan the palace from the top. There’s desire in those eyes. He wants the throne. Sigh. But being the Emperor is so lonely! Anyway, I can imagine BJT raving about himself for being handsome in this scene, haha. Love you, Bai Jing Ting! The Emperor urges Yin Zheng to get better soon and to return to court. Yin Jun (4th) gets a “reward” too. He gets three months off. Good bye. But not yet! You need to suffer! The Emperor did drop 4th a hint when he lectured 10th: to confess his sins. 2nd was also given a similar chance. Will 4th realize it and take it?

[Ep37] An Xi Yuan is displeased at Yin Jun (4th). I think she even disdains him. He wants to live his days peacefully, but she wants him to fight for the throne. Girl. Why are you so power-hungry?  

Over at Yin Zheng's, there’s a happy family gathering with Li Wei, his mother, and his brother. Li Wei shares with Consort He how she treats picky Yin Zheng like a baby to get him to eat, lol. Consort He sweetly corrects Li Wei: She should be calling her “mother”. Yes, mother! <- This is me. Li Wei was sweeter.  
Yin Zheng will be sleeping in Li Wei’s room! She’s eagerly setting up the bed, making Yin Zheng awkward. He thinks he should leave. Oh please. She’s in opposition. He can’t leave! At Cangchuan, she got used to staring at him to sleep. If he leaves, she can’t sleep. Aw! She’s done with the bed and cheerfully tells him to come on over. 
But why is he sleeping like that? LOL
When she inches closer, so does he. When she flips on top of him (ou!), he immediately unties his robe. So fast! Haha. That’s why the covers are that low. It’s for us to see the string. But she just wanted the lights out. He’s a little embarrassed, but pulls her down to rest on his chest anyway. Forget the lights. 
Lying on his chest, Li Wei recalls the days when he was unconscious. If he died, she had wondered how she’d join him. That’s when she realized she wasn’t afraid of death if it was with him. As long as she can be by his side, she can do anything. At this precise moment, Yin Zheng is reminded that she originally wanted to be a widow. LOL. Yin Zheng is allergic to romance.  She’s offended but it’s because he’s speaking of his death. To stop him, she kisses him. 
Our trickster gets the hack and makes her kiss him again and again until he finally flips her over. He’ll take the lead! He’s curious about something though, her Jichuan speciality. Is she hiding something in her clothes right now? She shyly shakes her head, eyes clear and wide. He doesn’t believe it. He wants to check. Kyaaaaaa~ Why am I shy? LOL. What are these lines that I have to type?! Well, GIMME MORE! They kiss, and caress and interlace~ 
Li Wei wakes up first and admires Yin Zheng’s sleeping face. He’s stirred and tells her to sleep some more. It’s not time for him to attend the palace yet. But his eyes pop right open. Since it isn’t time yet, *eyebrow wiggles* why not have more fun under the blanket? 

Yin An (3rd) exaggerates Yin Zheng’s illness at Cangchuan to a very worried looking Emperor. I love it that Yin An actually looks worried.  Yin An also lectures Yin Jun (4th) for plotting to kill his own brother. Yin Jun is trying to apologize (insincerely) to the Emperor, who seems wrought. As a father, he wishes Yin Jun was truly sincere in confessing. And then the Emperor faints. 

The Emperor is resting at the Empress’s. However, she refuses to serve him for the night for what he did to Yin Song (2nd). She’s spiteful and mocks the Emperor that he has ten sons, but look at him now. None are at his side. He exploited all of them and all of them have abandoned him. He’s reaping what he sows. This might be the first time I’ve seen an Emperor portrayed this way: neglected by everyone and he deserved every bit of it, and yet he’s pitiful. Complicated

There is one son who cares! Yin Zheng. Actually three: there’s also Yin An (3rd) and Yin Yan (7th). However, everyone else is already anticipating his death like Yin Jun (4th). Right now, the Emperor also refuses to see anyone. But there is someone who can break those rules. Yin Qi (5th)! If there’s anyone who can make a scene, it is indeed 5th. 

Yin Qi (5th) cries and wails and then barges in to see the Emperor. They’re family. He knows the Emperor is concealing his ailing health in case someone wants to overtake him, but there are sons who care about him. Also his birthday is next month. He can’t be hiding behind a divider to receive their blessings, can he? The father is touched that Yin Qi remembers his birthday. Dude, you’re the emperor. Yin Qi says he’ll always remember his father’s birthday. If I lived at that time, I can forget my father’s and not the Emperor’s... The Emperor is tearful. He’s comforted that he is loved as a father. 

The Emperor is healthier now. He’s having lunch with the family: 3rd, 5th (+mom), 6th and 11th (+mom). 7th probably doesn’t like social gatherings even if its family *shrugs*. Yin Zheng serves food prepared by Li Wei to the Emperor who loves it, which reminds him that it’s time to promote Li Wei to be Yin Zheng’s legitimate wife. He cackles that he’s never seen Yin Zheng this happy. As the sons and mothers chatter, the Emperor has a warm smile. And then Yin Jun (4th) and An Xi Yuan request to see him. My eyes just automatically went up and rolled down. They’re soon dismissed. No one is happy to see them. 

An Xi Yuan is dead set on the throne though and will ensure that she gives birth prematurely on the day of the Emperor’s birthday even if she has to risk her health. Yin Jun asks what if it’s not a baby boy. No ifs. She will change it to a son then. Woah. 5th was filming a romcom, and now 4th SIL is filming a scheming palace drama, lol. And so on the day of the Emperor’s birthday, An Xi Yuan gives birth to a boy.  Or is it a boy? Yin Jun brings the newborn to see the Emperor. Letting the newborn face the cold on Day0, cruel! Our wonderfully devious Yin An (3rd) backhandedly compliments Yin Jun for having a premature baby right on the Emperor’s birthday. What a neat coincidence, eh! I love him. Yin Jun ignores him and asks the Emperor to grant his grand/son a name. The Emperor dismisses him. He will think about it. Well, that was a cold response.

[Ep38] The Emperor wants Yin Jun (4th) to divorce An Xi Yuan. He knows she’s the one ruining 4th. When 4th pleads for her, the Emperor relents, but this also means it’ll be the end of his prospects. He would never abandon her because she’s the only person who chose him when he was nothing, when no one cared about him, and when no one saw his worth. But she doesn’t sound like she loves him..??? She finally concedes to living quietly and peacefully. They comfort themselves that their son will still have a good future as the legitimate son. The Emperor had given him a name: Yin Che. It means clear and penetrating. It’s the Emperor's wish for him to be different from 4th and not to follow in the tracks of an overturned cart. 
The Emperor promotes Li Wei to be Yin Zheng’s legitimate wife! That’s not all. The Emperor asks Yin Zheng for his thoughts on patrolling the borders with him. Without hesitation, Yin Zheng agrees but first he’ll have to wrap up his duties here. This is so different from 4th who clearly didn’t want to go. But the Emperor has different plans for Yin Zheng. He wants him to stay and govern in his place. Yin Zheng is officially the next in line! He’s chosen because of his love for the common people. Guys, the take home message: choosing the right wife is very important! xD Yin Zheng went from the invisible son, who didn’t even have his own portrait, to the crown prince. Everything changed when he got that portrait of his own from Li Wei, LOL. See. Gotta get the right wife! 

Hao Jia is our local conglomerate. Her brand decorates the street, selling various products. Since the ban on females working is lifted, she can dress up as a girl again, but she’s sort of addicted to the male getup. There are even girls asking her if they can be Chang Le’s stepmom, haha
Yin Zheng and Li Wei depart to Jichuan to visit her parents before the wedding. Our loyal Su Shen helps Yin Zheng exaggerate that he stayed up all night to prepare presents for his in-laws. Yin Zheng shushes Su Shen, but when Li Wei isn’t looking, Yin Zheng is giving Su Shen a big fat thumbs up. The servants are joining in!
Our couple don’t need the servants to join but Su Shen and Yu Ping really want to go! Haha and awwww. Yu Zhan is happy for the break and holds them down. LOL. I love this family dynamic

Finally we’re at JichuanYin Zheng really made the house look like Jichuan! The place looks the same! The drama must have saved a chunk from the budget too, lol. Dad Li is the only one against the marriage (when she’s already married??). The whole family demands a reason. “WHY!” Mom Li is supportive because Li Wei likes Yin Zheng. Little Bro is supportive because Li Wei won’t be home stealing his food. 
The next day, Dad Li subjects Yin Zheng to multiple tests. He “clumsily” cruises the tests, which include retrieving eggs from angry chicken moms (What was he saying to the Little Bro? That there’s more egg in his chest?) and splitting logs with an axe. Dad Li is breaking a sweat just to find one thing to criticize. It’s a feat that he found one: his chopping tempo is off. It should be da-da-da-chopAnyway Dad Li is pretty miffed that he’s failing to fail Yin Zheng and so he orders him to retrieve locust seeds from the woods. Ultimately, Yin Zhen returns injured in order to protect someone. He did manage to gather some locust seeds for Li Wei. She was panicking when he was gone and now she’s close to crying. Not cool Dad Li! 

Dad Li feels very guilty and tends to Yin Zheng’s injuries. Mom Li apologizes on behalf of Dad Li. He gets a little overprotective when it comes to his only daughter. Yin Zheng understands. He even speaks up for Dad Li and offers the parents a house in Xinchuan so that they can visit Li Wei and check if he’s good to her, that is if they don’t mind. Don’t mind! Dad Li has real concerns though: Yin Zheng may love her now but what about three years later? Mom Li lectures Dad Li that their daughter can make her own decisions too. Li Wei can fend for herself. Yin Zheng vouches for this. Li Wei is independent and is making more money than most men, which piques the parents’ interest. Isn’t Yin Zheng against women working, especially when he’s from Xinchuan? Yin Zheng replies that Li Wei wants it so who is he to stop her? Aw. The parents are pleased. So pleased. So so so pleased! 
Early next morning, Yin Zheng takes Li Wei on a date. She was so cute at offering to hold hands. When she realizes they’re going to Yuelao temple, she’s dazed. It’s very effective and if he goes back on his words, he will surely suffer. Our Yin Zheng has nothing to be afraid of. He takes her hand and runs Forward even faster. 

At the temple, Yin Zheng warns Li Wei that this is her “very very very” last chance to refuse him. I feel like Yin Zheng is imitating Li Wei’s “most most most” love confession in Ep34. It’s the same word in Chinese. He will be the heir, meaning there will be more danger ahead but before he can finish speaking, she cuts him off with, “I do.” She’s ready to be his wife. Forever. She almost lost him in Cangchuan. She knows what she wants. She’s not the Li Wei in Ep2 eagerly waiting for the day he dies. She’s the Li Wei who won’t even let him speak of death.
Our couple kneels to Yuelao Deity (Old Moon Deity). Yin Zheng vows that he will work hard to become the person deserving of Li Wei's love and to love her with his all. This mirrors Li Wei’s wish in Ep8 where she wanted someone she loved and who loved her back (you know, the grass snap moment). If he fails his promise, he will be struck by lightning, split to pieces, and he has more curses for himself but Li Wei had already stopped him. 

It’s time to write wishes to hang on the tree but there’s no brush and ink. No worries. Li Wei’s Jichuan speciality comes in handy! How does she carry ink though LOL.
Yin Zheng (mutters): What else does your body have? One of these days, I must get to the bottom of this. LOL. You have your whole life and every night
Yin Zheng serendipitously finds Li Wei’s old wish. She wanted to fail the bride selection and to find true love. Yin Zheng quizzically asks if the temple is really effective if only half her wish came true, lol. Anyway they write their wishes for everyone: peace, harmony, and safety. 

[Ep39] During dinner with Li Wei’s family, Yin Zheng is late because he was making a pirate ship fruit platter for Li Wei who’s in awe. This scene was set up impressively. I’ve been noticing Li Wei peeling tangerines for Yin Zheng and now with the pirate ship, it’s a full circle back to Ep7 in Danchuan. He told her that men adoring their wives isn’t bad at all and now he’s subtly showing it with this simple action. Okay, maybe not simple, lol. Li Wei can feel it with every fibre in her body that this man adores her and will always adore her
Dad Li is worse at drinking than Yin Zheng. Remarkable. These men have something beautifully in common: their love for Li Wei. I love how Yin Zheng clutched onto Dad Li’s hands. I also love how Mom Li hauled Dad Li up
Little Bro is taking care of our inebriated Yin Zheng, who is sitting up again. I like how consistent his drunk habits are. It’s the type of detail that I wonder if he’s imitating someone BJT knows in real life.  Li Wei urgently runs into the room in case Yin Zheng steals her brother’s first kiss, haha. When the couple are alone, it’s Li Wei who kisses him on the cheek. AW
And just when you think Yin Zheng is drunk, his eyes pop open with clear focus. She had tried to lie that she wasn’t Li Wei. He knows. “You, are Li Wei.” Swiftly, he spins her around and leans in to kiss her. He calls her “lecherous” (teasing, ofc), but clearly he’s got the lusty pair of eyes xD
Li Wei (between the kisses)You’re already a picky eater and now you're also a picky kisser. Awwwwww. This is so true. He only eats her food and only kisses her. 

We’re heading back to Xinchuan, and the Li Family insists on riding donkeys. It’s how it all started. But this time, we get a proper wedding ~ The guests chatter as they wait for Li Wei and Yin Zheng. 
  • Yin An (3rd), our chatterbox, mentions how Yin Zheng married four times in three years. Four? But in the end he still only has one wife, unlike him...who’s got so many associates! Hahaha. I love it when he takes jabs at others but love it more when he jabs himself
  • Yin Yan (7th) and Ruan Si Si finally appear! They’re relieved that the wedding isn’t so bad for their hearts even though it’s a social gathering. 
  • Yin Yue (10th) is upset. He wants to marry too! When is it his turn! He’s told that he has to remove his oil first. I don’t there’s enough blotting paper in the world for him
  • Yin Han (9th) is absent. He’s busy busy at the restaurant with Little Lamb. Woot. 
  • Dad Li is sobbing. It’s overly sensitive, but hold up, there’s Su Shen! He’s wailing! Of course he is! He’s the dad AND the mom! He’s got enough tears to cry a river. Meanwhile, the real dad, the Emperor, is laughing merrily. Understandable. I love these dynamics!!! 
Wedding night! Yin Zheng pretends to be drunk, which is so obvious but Li Wei falls for it anyway, and then he kisses her. While her lips are locked, she mumbles that she still has candy in her mouth. He doesn’t care. As if the kiss wasn’t already sweet enough (; 
Li Wei has transformed into a Crown Princess! I have now confirmed that Yuan Ying was training her to not just be Yin Zheng’s madam but the Xinchuan’s Queen. Her servants are hilariously blunt to Li Wei that she has changed. She’s currently in charge of updating the curriculum for women’s education. She wants to teach Food & Nutrition because food is the basic necessity of life. She hopes that the girls will develop a desire to improve and then expand to clothes, business, etc. This is so Li Wei! She started off as a foodie. And look, she’s the crown princess now. Calling all foodies, we all have queen potential! The girls work together to convince the nanny who’s actually not so bad. She was only harsh to brace the girls for whatever the future hurls at them. I cannot believe Show remembered the nanny and actually had a meaningful moment for her

Li Wei returns, but Yin Zheng is already asleep – or so she thinks. He catches her by surprise, and flips her over in bed. Aw, he was waiting for her when he’s probably busier than her. Although it’s late and they both have to wake up early, he’s not letting the night slip away uneventfully. 

A few hours (?) later. 

Li Wei doesn’t want to sleep even though the sun will rise soon. She misses Yin Zheng. She suggests he set up a schedule so that it’s less hectic and he has time to eat. And...

Li Wei: ...even if it’s just one hour, I want to see you. 
Yin Zheng (lustfully): One hour. That’s not enough. Naughty naughty

And bring on the naughty. Yin Zheng still has lots of energy left tonight. 

Yin Zheng is officially taking the reins as the Emperor prepares to retire. Yin Zheng also gives Yin Jun (4th) a second chance. I do think he was a good guy but was led astray by his wife’s greed. Yin Jun is rather amazed at Yin Zheng. There were so many paths he could have chosen, but he chose the hardest one. 

Yin Zheng is busy at work and then he receives a peculiar request. It’s a proposal from Li Wei to have a date! He approves and gives her his favourite food (because that’s what you do when you love someone). Li Wei sends back another dish, also his favourite. Is it hairy tofu? I don’t know Chinese food that well. I can’t tell by looking. Yin Zheng plans to send a note: “Understand clearly”, but Su Shen gingerly asks if Yin Zheng can write more. You see, Su Shen has been running the errands. If Yin Zheng writes more, he thinks he can run less, lol.
The long-awaited date! Yin Zheng brings Li Wei to their burial site. The view is great. LOL. Yin Zheng did say that a Jichuan bride can bless him with an auspicious burial site, hahaha. Omg these two. Their relationship started from “death” and till death will they part

[Ep40] It’s the annual bride selection. Correction! It is now a job fair thanks to Li Wei. This will sustain the alliance without sacrificing girls. The Emperor approves. When the Emperor lost and Yin Zheng said it was just one game, I don’t know why but I thought of Yin Song and felt kind of bad for him. The Empress is also missing from the episodes. In a way, this is also her retribution for ignoring a friend in need (Consort He)
The princes don’t know yet. 
  • Yin An (3rd) thought he could make a profit from the foreigners to help Dong Hai Tang, which upsets her for taking advantage of the new girls. I love the running joke that Hai Tang never notices him in the same room haha. He meant well, but chose the dumbest method. A sarcastic servant motivates Yin An to express his sincerity to her. I just noticed how much personality all the servants have in this show. There was Song Wu’s “Jin” Ping/Zhan. xD And also Hao Jia’s maid! 
  • Yin Yue (10th) excitedly grades the girls, thinking he’ll marry one. Yin Cai (11th) finds that rude (go kid!) and ditches 10th who has no one else to play with. 
  • Yin Han (9th) had planned to run away because he didn't want to marry girls, and even punched out 10th, haha
  • Somehow the princes got a happy ending through this change too. 10th is doing his part in saving the world by not marrying
Li Wei’s fellow Jichuan compatriot (Zhang Zao'er) doesn’t know of the changes. She wants to run away. It’s the last episode and there’s still a little joke about the Jichuan speciality, which I’m sure is already famous in Xinchuan, haha. Li Wei assures Zao'er, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” Li Wei has changed so much! She can protect people now *sniffles* but how did my cute Li Wei change before my now dewy eyes! Li Wei grew up before I realized it! How! The girls line up and hand over their jade to the new generation. It’s time for the young ones to take the baton. 
Li Wei’s change impressed me the most and kept me from noticing the details in the costumes had it not been for this commentYou could really see the three years and their experience with it on the way they were styled. Si Si wears brighter colors now while Shangguan Jing's fiery red has been mellowed out. Hao Jia's very feminine and alluring look is more mature and her collars are covered. While Li Wei looks totally mature and Crown Princess like. Up until ep 39, we really couldn't believe that she could do it.”

Yin Yue remains unmarried because his reputation stinks and it looks like he will stay single forever unless he changes himself. He whines like Song Wu! It’s the exact same line and there’s the pillow-hugging too! But wait, where’s Song Wu?! 
Yin Zheng has dinner prepared for Li Wei (by Chef Liu). It was their first meal – exactly three square ribs! Since he remembers every detail, Li Wei teases him for falling in love with her at first sight. He denies it, which makes her pout. But girl, he wasn’t even at you when you stole his food! In fact, he found her outrageous, but yet so amusing that he couldn’t be mad at her. Aw. The flashbacks remind me of his line: “sorry, my stomachaches aren’t enough to kill me” xD. From the girl who thought his stomachaches would kill him to the girl who’s meticulously caring for his health. He doesn’t know when he fell in love with her, but at Danchuan when she told him about her dream marriage, he knew then that he wanted her life to have him in it. His love for her was gradual: 

Perhaps it’s just like this, the wheel coming in full circle in this fleeting time. 
My eyes cannot tolerate anyone else (but you)
To live ordinarily with you like this and yet it doesn’t feel tedious at all. 

And this is how these two enjoy their “first” meal togetherA full circle.
The full moon festival is here! This means it’s Yin Zheng’s birthday. He wants to ask Li Wei out, but she’s busy. Pretending like he’s not hurt at all, he tells her “Fine,” with a thin smile. Hehe. But how could she forget his birthday? She has a surprise and everyone is in on it. She was almost late, and so she rode the horse back home. But she doesn’t know how to get down. It’s too tall. LOL. I was just complimenting her for learning how to ride one too, haha

At the surprise party, Yin Zheng is left all alone while everyone is chitchatting with their loved ones: the Emperor and Consort He are feeding 11th; 5th and Shangguan Jing are sharing food, Yuan Ying and Hao Jia are catching up; 7th and Si Si are worried about toasting with real people, lol. 9th and 10th are absent: Yin Han (9th) is at the restaurant, (having some lambs? Haha) and Yin Yue (10th) is on his hunt for girls across the country. 
Finally, Li Wei arrives with the birthday noodles! Yin An (3rd) chimes in that they always remembered Yin Zheng's birthday was on Autumn Festival. Yin Zheng is like Oho, really now? 3rd goes “Ya!” Pft. You shameless 3rd. Li Wei has another present, which she shares with him in a low whisper. She’s pregnant! The way they’re clutching each other’s hand is so sweet! 
At the end of it all, the big family sits on the roof (sturdy roof) to admire the moon with some mooncakes. Yin Zheng finds it too sweet. Yuan Ying thinks sweet is good because that should be the taste of life. Hao Jia teases Yuan Ying that the old her wouldn’t like sweets. It's not healthy. Meanwhile Yin Qi (5th) prefers his mooncakes spicy. Lol. Clever

What are everyone’s plans? Yin Qi (5th) will travel jianghu with Shangguan Jing. He didn’t like politics anyway. Yin An (3rd) will do whatever Dong Hai Tang wants. No one asks Yin Yan (7th), which he’s probably happy about. The fact that he’s here deserves an applause. Yuan Ying wonders when they can gather again. Li Wei proposes every autumn festival when the moon is full. Everyone agrees. 

Li Wei: Next year will definitely be better than this year! 
Yin Zheng: Then what about next next year? 
Shangguan Jing: It will be even better.
Yin Qi (5th): What about the next next next year? 
Hao Jia: It will be even even better.
Yin An (3rd): What about next next next next year?
Girls: It will be even even even better..
Guys (minus 6th who’s laughing and 7th who’s social phobic): What about next next next next next year?
Girls: It will be even even even even better! 

The end.


[First Impression (Ep1-10)]
 Regardless of my malfunctioning drama-antenna for the man who is Bai Jing Ting, drama is much more than just him being meek, cute and hot at the same time.

This is a winning comedic romcom. It’s low on angst with a cute contract marriage, wholesome sisterhood, pretty sets and bonus food scenes. I had worried about the comedy, but not anymore. It’s actually funny without overdoing it. Supporting cast is uproariously hilarious, notably Butler Su Shen(!) and Stepsister Song Wu(!!). I can’t keep my hands off of screen-capping their expressions, that is if I’m not grabbing shots of everything else.

The story isn’t plot heavy (i.e. the ML simply wants recognition from his father and the FL wants a loving marriage like her parents, there’s no secret identity or revenge), but somehow the pacing is fast. Each episode gets better. Li Xi Wei and Ba Jing Ting’s chemistry also gets cuter. I love how our leads are travelling the country and hopefully by 40 episodes, we would get to visit all the provinces.

I’m impressed that show kept it concise and simple when the introduction was loaded. That isn’t easy. It also isn’t easy to have so many likable women, the convincing and not the contrived kind. I even look forward to Hao Jia and Zhao Fang Ru’s development. I only have one complaint and that’s for Shangguan Jing. Abuse is abuse regardless of gender. I would like her character to stop hitting her husband and then I’ll be very happy with her and this couple.

If you’re looking for a dramatic historical romance, scoot. 

If you’re happy with a cute wholesome couple with a fun cast and pretty settings, this is it!

[Actors/ActressesBai Jing Ting and Tian Xi Wei are as cute as I imagined them to be. Tian Xi Wei being the leading lady is a surprise for me because she doesn’t have the resume to nab a production of this calibre, which actually makes me respect this production a bit more (than I already do). This means she was chosen for suitability, right? She effortlessly eases into her role: sweet, earnest, and lovable. Her expressions just pop. Since she’s so convincing, I never doubted why Bai Jing Ting’s character would fall in love with Li Wei so soon. It’s only natural. Really, do they even need to act their characters? That’s how easy their roles look.

[Behind the Scenes
→ Ep19 Song Wu and 5th saving the hero (not) in distress moment – “In the name of the moon, I will punish you!” xD (see in comments)
→ Ep24 Back Hug – Li Wei is asked to run once more with more force, but it’s an NG when they burst out laughing. It’s because she was facing the wrong direction and Yin Zheng could feel it. 
Details in the drama (no engsubs but explained in comment)

Bai Jing Ting and Song Yi are dating: This news dropped on Nov10, exactly one day after drama premiered. They recently (Nov6) wrapped 長風渡. 
Tian Xi Wen and Qu Chu Xiao is/was dating: This news dropped following BJT’s by the same reporter. 

→ Bai Jing Ting (see in comments)

→ 5th Describes Bai Jing Ting’s Adlib in Ep8: 6th pushing 5th to learn fighting/performance and then shutting the door on him was Bai Jing Ting’s adlib. In a livestream, 5th complimented Bai Jing Ting for that because when the door shut, his character’s anxiety went up.
→  5th, Hao Jia, 2nd, and Zhao Fang Ru: Zhao Fang Ru can talk about anything like 2nd’s body hair and how she hasn’t seen it LOL. 5th also teased 2nd that whenever he was in the episode, the live comments barraged the screen (hating on him). 5th defends 2nd for a bit to say that when the cameras were off, it was the girls (HJ and ZFR) who were bullying 2nd. The girls denied 5th’s claims though because 2nd was too cute for them to bully. Zhao Fang Ru even describes how cute his smile was. (Zhao Fang Ru needs to go on more variety shows. She talks about anything, haha. I do agree 2nd, though. His vibe is so different in the livestream vs. the drama).

辣妹子 là mèi zi –  Spicy Girls → sassy young women or pretty girls. (Ep6)
有眼無珠 Yǒu yǎn wú zhū – Have eyes but no pupil / Fail to see what’s in front. (Ep7)
赘婿 Zhuì xù – Son-in-law living at the wife’s parent house. (Ep7, 30)
666 Liù liù liù – Smooth / Perfect / Awesome. It sounds like 溜 (liū) which means smooth and stealth. (Ep7)
懸崖勒馬 Xuányálèmǎ – To reign in the horse at the edge of the precipice  →  to act in the nick of time (Ep20)
僥倖 Jiǎo xìng –  Gaining fortunes for accidental reasons. It’s luck on top of fortune. Each character means luck. (Ep21)
遊目騁懷 Yóu mù chěng huái – Roam with the eyes, open(expand) with the heart(/mind). (Ep29)
誤入歧途 Wù rù qí tú – To take a wrong step in life. (Ep31)
歧路 Qí lù – To diverge from the main road. (Ep33)

[Ending] So happy. 

[A Highlight] For whatever reason my memorable scene is..... Yin Zheng in the window (Ep21)

[Review & Rating]
The story follows ten princes and their ordinary lives with their wives... or is it many wives and their ordinary lives with their princes... Both works 

Best Ensemble Cast of the Year. Whether it’s characterization, character growth or acting, this cast and story has it all. The actors easily switch from hilarious to emotional and back and forth (and a special shout-out to Bai Jing Ting who can shift between cute and hot and cuter and hotter). As much as I love the girls. I think the men out-acted the women, but that’s just me and my positive dilemma. I have no dilemma though in choosing Su Shen as the G.O.A.T. Hands down. Best butler. 

Lighthearted, Heartwarming and Consistently Hilarious. There are sensitive topics, but they’re often resolved within two episodes. There are poignant moments, many poignant moments in fact, and yet drama is most definitely lighthearted. There's a lot of crying, but a lot more of laughing. As of now, I still can’t choose who is funniest. Is it Su Shen? Yin An? Yin Qi? Yin Zheng? Yin Cai? What about Song Wu? 

Fulsome Sisterhood. If you thought this was a palace drama. You’re wrong. It is firstly “Sisterhood of the Travelling Hanfu” (quoted from my witty commenters). If you thought there would be romance throughout 40 episodes. You’re wrong. It is firstly “Sisterhood of the Travelling Hanfu”. 

Feminism is portrayed a lot better in this cdrama than most (e.g. A Dream of Splendour, Romance of Tiger and Rose). However, this one is distinguishably feministic because of how dedicated and extensively long the female empowerment arc is. You can compliment it for covering the breadth of topics fairly or criticize it for being shallow, but either way drama meant well. By the end, I was blinking back tears for the girl’s growth. That one ending scene shocked me because I didn’t realize how much these girls have matured. It was a beautiful moment. 

Fulfilling Ending. The more invested you are in the characters, the more rewarding this ending is. It was a full two episodes of happiness brimming my heart that spilled as tears. I cried! For happiness! It should be expected from a good drama to make callbacks, but this one went beyond. I thought the initial food scenes were gratuities but drama ties in every dish meaningfully. Nothing felt tedious. 

Romance Gets Cuter! Last but not least! Or maybe it is the last and the least? The romance is packed into the first ten episodes and the last ten episodes. By the end, expect lots of kisses and some lusty Yin Zheng~ I’m also the type of romcom-er who doesn’t mind how much romance there is, despite complaining, I’m happy as long as when Show has romance, there is chemistry, there is spark and there is sweetness. These two, Yin Zheng and Li Wei, have it all. 

Random Recommendation: Fake Princess (2020)

Rating: 4/5 ♥ (+)

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