At Dream Media, Cheng Yu is standing around with Si Han as she watches her brother quietly playing on his phone. Si Han gets her attention, and Cheng Yu looks over and says “not bad.” Si Han laughs, then points at him and says that he happened to be in the area. She then says they should talk about work so leave him alone. Cheng Yu says that her article about the “Confession” dessert is quite well-received. Her subscriber count is rising and her goal to reach 1M subscribers is only short by 20,000. The company is thinking about giving her a few brand deals, including three that are based out of town. Cheng Mu turns around to look at them but he doesn’t say anything and returns to looking at his phone instead. Cheng Yu tells her that luckily there are two better ones in the local area. She’s already taken the liberty to reject the three that are not local. She gives her the information on the deals, and then says they’re done talking about work. She then asks in a near whisper, how did it happen between her and her brother? Cheng Mu gets up from his seat and says that he’s hungry - let’s go eat. Haha. Cheng Yu says okay, they’ll talk while they’re eating. Cheng Mu asks Cheng Yu what’s going on. She says, aren’t they having dinner together? He looks abashed as he rubs his neck as Si Han laughs nervously. Cheng Yu then says she’s receiving a call and pretends to answer a call from Li Jing Yang inviting her for dinner. She then leaves while still on the phone. Cheng Mu asks Si Han if his sister is holding the phone upside down. lol
Si Han and Cheng Mu are holding hands as they show up together at Sol. Wan Jie is bemoaning the fact that he still has so many flyers to hand out. Si Han offers to help and takes the stack from him. Cheng Mu lets go of her hand to take the stack from her, keeps half of them and then returns the rest to Wan Jie. Then he insists on holding her hand again as they leave to distribute the flyers. The boys and Xiang Lan are shocked as they watch them go. Is this really their boss, the once cold and aloof Cheng Mu? Yi Hang says he’s better at others, even at dating. Hehe. Wan Jie says to think that their boss could be so head over heels in love. Xian Ning looks at him and says so is he but he just hasn’t had the opportunity to show it. Ou, what’s going on here?
Si Han’s mother gripes to her husband that Si Han isn’t answering her call again. Dad says it’s fine as she must be busy. Mom says it’s all his fault as he’s spoiled them since they were young and now he’s on bad terms with them. Dad says that’s because one of them wants to go abroad and the other wants to go to a big city. So let them go and be free. Mom says what’s wrong with that - they’re working. However, Si Han hasn’t been answering her calls lately, and only replies to WeChat messages. With a scowl, she says that she feels very uneasy. Is every mother like this? Dad says they’re grown up and making their own decisions, so don’t be angry. He then tells her to eat, and she swats her chopsticks at him and asks how he can eat at a time like this. She tells him to go do the dishes as she’s going to look up flights. She walks away in a huff. He calls after her, he’s not done eating so how can she ask him to do the dishes already. Ha.
Si Han returns home exhausted and Cheng Mu lovingly scolds her for taking so many flyers. She says that she saw him working too hard and wanted to share his burden, so why is he scolding her. He says, fine, he was wrong and then hands her the glass of water he just poured. Then he goes to grab her some medicine. He returns with the medicine and sits down next to her as he says that it’s quite bitter but once she has it, she’ll feel better. With a glint in her eye, she tells him to come closer. So he moves over closer to her but she says closer still. He moves until he’s right next to her and puts his arm around her shoulder and then tries to get her to open her mouth to take the medicine. She grins and says that she’s better now. He asks her if she’s sure as she should at least try it. She insists that she’s better now and then whispers because his cuteness is her medicine. Hehe. He laughs and finally sets down the medicine on the table. He then pounces on her and says “take your medicine,” which makes her giggle. (~6:51, Ahhhh, the cuteness!)
The next morning, a still sleeping Si Han answers a call from her mother which wakes her up immediately and then makes her straight up in bed. She then runs out of there and Cheng Mu asks her why she’s up so early and where she is going, especially as she’s still in her pajamas with her bangs in a curler. In a distressed tone she says that her parents are here and she needs to go pick them up. He asks, her parents? She says in a whine, yes, she’s doomed. He gets up and asks her why is it over? She tells him that they don’t know she’s switched jobs as she’s been lying to them. She’s told them she’s an accountant. She then asks him to not let it slip. If she tells them now, they’ll surely force her to go home with them. She then pouts and says then he wouldn’t be able to see her anymore, and he doesn’t want that, right? He offers to pick them up with her, and they can’t stay at a hotel plus she’s already canceled the lease on her place. With a grin, she asks if he’s ready to meet her parents then. He says of course but he looks a tiny bit nervous.
They return with her parents, and they ask Cheng Mu if he’s friends with Zhou Ming. He says they were classmates and roommates in college. Si Han then tells them that he’s not only that but also her boyfriend. This makes Cheng Mu choke on his water. Ha. She continues saying that they’re together now. Her parents and Cheng Mu are all surprised by her words. Her mother gets upset that she just sprung this on them and without any warning. Si Han says what warning would that be, as she’ll have to tell them anyway. Her father then looks around and gestures towards the bedroom, and then asks if the two of them – Cheng Mu quickly says that they sleep in separate rooms. Si Han calmly tells her father that they just got together and they’re not at that stage yet. Dad finally cracks a smile.
Mom then asks about him taking care of Rui Rui recently. Cheng Mu says he’s good friends with Zhou Ming and Rui Rui is his godfather. Dad coughs at this. Cheng Mu corrects himself – he’s Rui Rui’s godfather, so they’re family. Dad tells Si Han that she doesn’t tell them what’s going on, and trouble others with their problems instead. He then asks her to go outside as he needs to talk to her. She doesn’t want to leave Cheng Mu alone but Dad insists.
Mom then asks Cheng Mu what he does for work. He says that he runs a small dessert shop. He says if they have time, he’d be happy to bring them by. She then asks what his parents do and he replies that his parents passed away when he was very young. So his sister raised him.
Outside, Dad asks Si Han about her work situation as he didn’t want to ask in front of Cheng Mu. She says work is great and the salary is good. She then says that she’s a financial manager at Cheng Mu’s sister’s company, who takes good care of her. Dad tells her that this is the kind of stable job she should be looking for. But don’t even think about becoming a blogger, doing social media, or writing content. He says there’s no security in freelancing at all and no one pays for her insurance. She says yes, he’s right. He says it was fine that she treated blogging as a hobby before, but she’s an adult now, she has to be down-to-earth. Even if she can’t be extremely rich, she can at least have financial security. Cheng Mu interrupts Dad to say that Si Han needs to go to work. She says yes, she’s the backbone of her company so they can’t operate without her. lol Laying it on very thick. Cheng Mu says that the guestroom is ready so the two of them should make themselves at home. They’ll take them out to dinner when they’re off work. Dad says goodbye to them.
Si Han tells Cheng Mu that she’s so pitiful. Now that her parents are here, she can’t even stay at home. He asks if it isn’t nice that they’re visiting. She replies they’re not here for a visit, as it’s clearly for a check-in. He says they’re doing that because they care about her. She says they’ll just placate them like this for the next few days. After they leave, she’ll be free. He asks if she’s really not going to tell them what it is that she does. She says she can’t tell them and neither can he. He doesn’t know what they’re like. When she graduated, she’d told her father that she wanted to be a blogger, and he flew over the very next day to bring her home. So she had to tell him that she found a job in finance to get him to go back. Cheng Mu says they can't keep doing this. She asks then what else can she do? If she tells him now, he’ll blow up immediately. Cheng Mu says he doesn’t think they care what she does, as much as they care about whether she’s doing well. She replies that he doesn’t know them, as they want her to find a stable job. She then reminds him to keep it a secret which he agrees to.
Mom and Dad are busy unpacking, including food that she might be missing from home. Aww. Then Mom discovers some medicine which Dad looks up on his phone and finds out it’s for depression. Mom starts freaking out that their daughter is depressed. But then she takes a closer look at the box that the medicine came in and sees that it was addressed to Cheng Mu.

Ji Han hangs out at Sol and Wan Jie and Xian Ning come by to talk to her. Wan Jie greets her as sao zi [sister-in-law] and says that he’ll keep an eye on Cheng Mu for her. She tells him to stop talking nonsense or else she’ll tell Cheng Mu about him. Wan Jie quickly says no, he’s sorry. She says if he’s jealous then he should find a partner. He then looks over at Xian Ning who doesn’t look too pleased by this. See above. lol Wan Jie asks where he could find one. A random girl walks up and asks to add Wan Jie via WeChat. Wan Jie hesitates and looks at Si Han and then Xian Ning who looks upset and has his arms crossed. Wan Jie says no, as he doesn’t swim, work out, or buy products. The girl says okay and then leaves. Si Han barely stifles her laughter at this. Wan Jie immediately complains about why no one notices his charms as girls these days have bad taste. Xian Ning just shakes his head at this. Si Han asks if it’s because they have bad taste or there’s a problem with him. She then says she finally realizes why he’s always single. Series, is this a hint of BL flavor? There was an earlier scene with Wan Jie needing a ride, so he hitches a ride on the back of Xian Ning’s bike… Si Han then says she’s leaving for work.
At Dream Media, Cheng Yu is working at her desk and Li Jing Yang is leaning against her as he’s playing on his phone. So natural… lol! She quickly shoves him away from her when she sees Si Han walking in. Si Han doesn’t see them together because she’s looking down at the floor. Cheng Yu asks her why she’s here. Si Han glumly says that she has nowhere to go. Cheng Yu asks if she’s had a quarrel with Cheng Mu. Li Jang Yang says no way, Cheng Mu is like a block of wood, so it’s impossible for him to get into a quarrel. Haha. Both women look at him and say his name in an unhappy tone. He quickly says that he was referring to himself and goes back to playing on his phone. Si Han says that her parents are here and she hasn’t told them that she’s a blogger. She’s lied to them about being a financial manager here. So for a while, she’ll have to come in during office hours every day to work. Cheng Yu tells her to have a proper conversation with them instead, as it’s not a good idea to keep lying to them. Si Han says she will think about it. Cheng Yu says that it’s not easy for her parents to visit, and then offers to treat her parents to dinner tonight. Si Han says that’s troublesome. Cheng Yu says this is what she should do. She should take it as her and Cheng Mu meeting each other’s parents in advance. Li Jing Yang hunkers down next to Cheng Yu and congratulates Si Han. Then he asks through smiling teeth, when Cheng Yu is planning to meet his parents. This earns him a quick nudge from her.
The family dinner seems to go well. But at the end of it, Mom is alone and waiting for Cheng Yu. She asks if Cheng Mu has depression.
Cheng Yu looks surprised by this and isn’t quite sure how to answer. Mom grabs onto her hand and says to not misunderstand her. She says that the other day, they accidentally saw his medicine. So they want to know what’s going on. A still nervous-looking Cheng Yu only nods. Mom tells her to not worry as they’re not old-fashioned people. They understand that young people nowadays are under too much pressure. Cheng Yu calmly says that her brother does have mild depression and panic disorder but his condition is stable now. She then grabs Mom’s hand and says that she promises that Cheng Mu will never do anything to hurt Si Han. If he does, she won’t let him off either. Mom says she believes her, and she didn’t mean anything else either. Mom continues that she was really concerned about Cheng Mu. Awww. Mom says she knows that she’s a good girl, so please take good care of Si Han in the future. A relieved and now-smiling Cheng Yu agrees to this. Si Han then calls for her mother to move along as Cheng Yu isn’t going with them.
Li Jing Yang is at home playing on his phone but he’s interrupted by incessant knocking on the door. He asks who it is but the knocking just continues. So he goes to see who is banging on his door in the middle of the night. He opens the door to Cheng Yu who comes inside, drops her jacket and purse on the floor and then puts her arms around him and starts kissing him. The kissing then leads to clothes coming off on the couch…
Cheng Yu is now sleeping next to Li Jing Yang on the couch. He’s actually looking at a ring in his left hand. He then quietly places it on her right ring finger. This disturbs her from her sleep and she notices it on her hand. She asks him what he’s doing. He replies that it was time to take their relationship to the next level so he prepared this surprise for her. He admits he was afraid he’d wake her up while just putting it on just now. She removes the ring from her hand and places it in his right palm, and asks him if things aren’t good between them right now. He asks her what she means, and she says she likes the way they are now. She wants them to go just the way they are now. He says that Cheng Mu and Si Han are together now. Isn’t it time for her to give him a proper label, too? He can’t be her secret boyfriend forever.
She says that he knows Cheng Mu, and he’s together with Si Han now, but who can guarantee that they will be together forever. She then asks what if one day Si Han can’t stand him anymore, or if her family decides he doesn’t cut it anymore. He shakes his head at this. She asks if Si Han leaves him, then what should he do? If that happens again, then he would be all alone again. She can’t leave him in the lurch. Wow. She’s carrying so much alone… She asks what if - and he asks what, break up?
LJY: I’ve treated you wholeheartedly. But what am I in your eyes? When you’re happy, you humor me. When you’re not, you cast me aside.
CY: You’re unwilling?
LJY: - No response. -
CY: Leave then. He slams the ring onto the coffee table and gets up.
LJY: Fine. But then he turns around and looks at her. This is my house. She sits up and grabs her shoes.
CY: I’ll leave. She walks out and slams the door behind her.
Li Jing Yang starts drinking and then calls Cheng Mu to tell him to go to the boxing gym. Cheng Mu meets him there and immediately asks what’s wrong with him, asking him to box in the middle of the night. Li Jing Yang doesn’t say anything as he continues wrapping up his wrist to get ready. Cheng Mu takes a closer look at him and asks if he’s been drinking. Li Jing Ying slowly says he doesn’t think they’ve ever had a proper match. Then he gets up and suddenly punches Cheng Mu in the face! Li Jing Yang then asks if he doesn’t think that he’s being too selfish. Cheng Mu asks if he’s gone mad as he’s wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. Li Jing Yang says yes, he’s not selfish. After he’s achieved happiness, he wouldn’t allow his sister to be happy.
Cheng Mu asks what he’s talking about. Li Jing Yang asks if he remembers what he once said? “Jie jie, can you stay single? Don’t date. Don’t get married. Stay by my side forever.” And because of what he said, over the years, his sister has rejected too many people. Then he asks if he doesn’t think he’s pathetic and then he tries to swing at Cheng Mu. This time Cheng Mu steps out of the way which makes Li Jing Yang fall to the ground. He continues saying yes, he’s sick, so they all spoil him. But who cares about how the rest of them are feeling? He tells Cheng Mu that he’s not the only one who lost their parents then. Cheng Yu did too. Li Jing Ying finally seems to fall asleep and Cheng Mu leaves after covering him with a jacket.
Cheng Mu then goes to see his sister, who is sitting in the dark as she’s drinking alone. She notices the cut by his mouth and asks how he got the wound. He replies that Li Jing Wang went mad. She asks if he’s okay. He asks what she did to him. He finishes unpacking the desserts that he’s brought, including a green and white truncated pyramid-shaped that he sets directly on the table. He asks how long it has been since they’ve had a proper conversation.
CM: Let’s be honest today. She looks away. Do you really not have feelings for him? She now looks at him.
CY: He told you everything? He nods yes.
CM: Why? Why won’t you get together with him? She grabs onto his hand.
CY: To me, nobody is more important than you. I can break up with him tomorrow. He sighs.
CM: Jie, be honest, have you ever hated me? She looks surprised by this. She quickly shakes her head no.
CY: No.
CM: But I’ve hated you. She looks quite shocked by this. When I was about eight years old, you told me you were going to a boarding school. Do you remember? She reaches over and refills her empty wine glass. And I didn’t know what “boarding school” even meant. You said, “I’m going to the board school tomorrow.” I said, “Okay.” Thinking about how you were going to a better place, I felt very happy. The next morning when I woke up, you were gone. She starts tearing up. You didn’t come home from school in the evening. You weren’t home the next day either. I was the only one left in the house. He laughs. I hated you back then. She just nods at this. He lets out a deep breath. It feels much better to say it out loud. Try it. He nods at her.
CY: I remember everything. She starts sniffling as she’s crying. I was also young back then. I’m sorry. He shakes his head at this. That’s why I won’t do anything like that ever again. I will never abandon you again. No matter what happens, I will be with you.
CM: You really never hated me? She shakes her head no. I really hate myself. His voice breaks. I hate myself. Why am I like this? Why do I need my sister? The person I care about the most is telling me, crying, that she will break up with the person she likes tomorrow. He starts shaking her arm. Why am I like this?
CY: Don’t think about yourself like that.
CM: Tell me the truth. Do you like Li Jing Yang? She looks away and takes a big gulp of her wine. She then gives a barely perceptible nod. Why can’t you be with him?
CY tearfully: Do you blame me? He shakes his head no.
CM tearfully: I only blame you for ruining your life for my sake.
CY: I’m sorry.
CM blinking back tears: So I beg you. If you like him, just be with him. He then laughs even as he’s still crying. You can dump him in the future. She laughs tearfully at this. Eat. It’s called “Coexist,” I made it for you. He then uses a small spoon to scoop a bite for her and places it near her mouth.
CY: Coexist? He nods. She tries it and then she picks up the dessert and looks at it. (~10:50, about 4 minutes) Love these lovely siblings!
Back at home, Si Han finds Cheng Mu is sitting in the dark living room with an ice pack on his mouth. She asks why he still isn’t asleep at this hour. She crouches down in front of him and asks what’s wrong. She then pulls the ice pack away from his face and sees the wound by his mouth. She becomes concerned and sandwiches his face between her hands as she asks how he got hurt. He just shakes his head at her and holds onto one of her hands. She says she’ll get him some medicine and gets up to go but he continues holding onto her hand. He pulls her back to hug her tightly as he burrows his face against her midsection. He then asks if she can stay with him tonight. She starts stroking his head as she says yes.
The next morning, she wakes up and walks into the living room to say good morning to her parents. But her parents notice where she just came from and asks where she slept last night. She points in the direction of Cheng Mu’s room and then realizes what it looks like. She quickly says that they didn’t do anything. Mom says Cheng Mu fought with his friend, then quarreled with his sister, so she slept in his room. Si Han replies that they didn’t do anything except sleep. Her father threatens to beat her as he chases her around the couch.
Li Jing Yang’s phone wakes him up, and he wonders why he’s sleeping in the boxing ring. He then pulls out his phone and sees messages congratulating him. Si Han even asks if she should refer to him as brother-in-law. He asks her what’s going on. She asks if he’s seen Cheng Yu’s Moments. She’s posted photos of the one of her by herself, with the caption he took it; the one of him by himself, with the caption, she took it; and finally a picture of the two of them looking cozy, with the caption selfie. He quickly sits up and starts laughing. But then he remembers punching Cheng Mu and runs out of there.
At Sol, Li Jing Yang is listening to the boys’ singing as they’re done for the night. Once the song ends, Cheng Mu receives a call from Si Han. He answers the call with “You finally remembered me after a whole day?” She asks why he didn’t wake her up this morning. Then she asks if he knows how embarrassed she was in front of her parents. He apologizes and then says she can punish him when she gets back. She says she doesn’t care, as she’s soooo embarrassed. She’s so cute. He tells her that he can’t right now as Li Jing Yang is here to apologize to him. She tells him to beat him up as he’s damaged her boyfriend's handsome face. He says of course, and they’ll talk at home but he’s hanging up now. Li Jing Yang says he’s been waiting all day so just talk to him. The boys start mocking him as they repeat his words. Hahaha. Li Jing Yang just hangs his head. Cheng Mu removes his apron and tells him that they’re going to the beach. The boys start singing goodbye as the guys leave. lol
Li Jing Yang apologizes for yesterday. He says that he was drunk and he didn’t mean what he said. Cheng Mu doesn’t say anything but he’s sporting a smirk that Li Jing Yang can’t see. Li Jing Yang says he was selfish. He then says Cheng Mu isn’t sick, as he’s the sick one. Cheng Mu finally can’t help but laugh quietly at this. Li Jing Yang asks if he isn’t angry. Cheng Mu stops laughing and says he is and then asks if he knows how hard he hit him yesterday? Li Jing Yang asks why he didn't hit back then. Cheng Mu says yes, so Li Jing Yang stands up straighter and braces himself for it now. Cheng Mu wipes at his wound and then gives him a light tap on the chest instead. Cheng Mu tells him that he owes him and to thank Cheng Yu. Li Jing Yang starts laughing in glee. Cheng Mu says that he needs to tell him something. But he’s still snickering, so Cheng Mu kicks him in the shin and says it’s serious. He finally stops his mirth.
CM: Li Jing Yang. I’ll leave my sister in your care. From now on, don’t let her get hurt. Don’t make her sad. He starts tearing up. Do you hear me?
LJY nodding: Yes. Cheng Mu turns away and sniffles. Li Jiang Yang gives a few fist pumps and whispers to himself: Great. He clears his throat. Now that we’re good again, shouldn’t someone call me brother-in-law? Cheng Mu moves to hit him on the arm and Li Jing Yang flinches away before he even makes contact. The guys then laugh.
CM: You two will have to get registered first.
LJY: All right. As your brother-in-law, I won’t argue with you anymore. Cheng Mu, don’t worry. I will treat your sister well. Cheng Mu smiles and nods. He then taps him on the arm.
CM grinning: I know very well how much money you’ve saved over the years.
LJY: You can’t say that!
CM: When you propose to my sister –
LJY: No, no, no!
CM with a glint in his eyes: Don’t you make any lies of omission...
LJY with a finger over his lips: Shhh!
CM: Let me tell you…
LJY: We can’t talk about this. Shhh… They two continue squabbling.
Si Han’s parents are folding Si Han’s clothes and putting away the little messes around the place. Mom then discovers a notebook, which has Si Han’s expenses. They’re actually worried about how she’s living so frugally, even though she has a good job.
Si Han and Cheng Mu are walking back together discussing Li Jing Yang as she asks if he taught him a lesson. She then sees her parents walking by and asks with a tinge of sadness, when did her parents grow old? Cheng Mu strokes her hand to console her and says that “We’ll all grow old.” She looks at him and then says, she doesn’t want to hide it from them anymore. He says okay, she makes the decision. Then he sweetly kisses her hand before saying he supports her. She smiles as they continue walking home together.
Back at home, dinner is ready at the table but Si Han is nervously sitting on the couch, all by herself. Her father asks her what’s wrong. She looks over at Cheng Mu who gives her a look of encouragement and nods for her to go ahead and talk to them. She stands up and tells her parents that she has something to tell them. Mom and Dad get up from the table and walk over to sit down with her on the couch, one on each side of her. Now they’re all ears. She says that she changed jobs as she’s a blogger. What she said before about being an accountant were all lies. She apologizes as she should have told them earlier, but she was afraid that they wouldn’t accept it. She also didn’t want them to worry. Dad loses it as he yells her full name quite loudly and says she’s getting bolder. She tearfully says she’s sorry to her father. Her mother calmly tells her to not cry, and admits that her parents already knew about this. She then says her father was just kidding and both parents start laughing.
Earlier, Dad had actually spoken to Cheng Mu in private asking for the truth about Si Han working another job. Cheng Mu had looked uncomfortable but Dad had told him to not lie to him, as he’s already seen her accounting. Cheng Mu had told him to not get angry at her as she didn’t mean to hide from them. Dad had asked if he thought that he shouldn’t stop Si Han from pursuing her dreams.
CM: Si Han has talked about her work with me. When she talks about it, her eyes really light up. She truly believes that she can do this well. She believes that she can influence more people. This gives her a sense of accomplishment.
Dad: Yes. In life, one needs to feel fulfilled.
CM: In this regard, we are quite alike. When I first started making desserts, I didn’t think too much about it. I just wanted to find something I could pour my time and energy into. In the end, I truly fell in love with it. After that, I turned it into my career. Dad sighs.
Dad: For ordinary families like ours, pursuing what we like is not that easy. Her sister has always liked drawing, and she has a gift for it. Cheng Mu nods. But in the end, she was still defeated by reality. She’s already in her thirties, but she wants to switch professions and go abroad. It’s not that easy to live abroad. Cheng Mu nods again.
CM: It’s a little tough on Si Man, but she’s really happy. He then shows him his phone. Uncle, look. On Si Han’s account, there are all these comments left by her fans. She is really something. Dad doesn’t look placated by this and sighs heavily.
Dad: One of my children has already hit a dead end. As a parent, how can I bear to see the same happen to my second child?
CM: Uncle, I’m going to be honest with you. Don’t be angry. In our era, in this city, we won’t starve no matter what our jobs are. But whatever we do, there will be difficulties. I know a lot of people who, to look good in the eyes of others, or for the sake of material things, have gone back on what they believed in. It’s not easy for us to get to do what we know we want to do. Si Han was finally able to build up her mental world. Do you really want her to give it up for your sakes? Dad looks at him and ponders this. (~26:35)
Back in the present, Dad says he should have tormented her more as he pokes at the side of her head. Si Han admits that she shouldn’t have lied to them. Dad asks when they have been unreasonable parents. She smiles and asks if they’re not angry anymore and if they won’t force her to be an accountant anymore? Mom says no, but she needs to understand where they’re coming from, too. This is only their second time being parents, so they don’t have much experience. They just want to give her the best. But who knew that they neglected her feelings. Si Han apologizes and goes to hug her mother. Dad makes it clear – if she fails at being a blogger this time, she’ll have to come home and find a stable job. Mom tells him to stop it and to go get it. Dad leaves the room and Mom tells her that when they were cleaning, they found her expenses notebook. Dad returns with a white box. He says that they noticed that her computer was really too old, so they’ve bought her a new one. While they can’t help her with anything else, with the necessities, they can give as much as she needs. He hands her a new Apple laptop. She tearfully thanks her Dad. She then laughs through her tears. Dad says let’s have dinner. When the three get up from the couch, they see that Cheng Mu is crying at the dinner table. Aww. He wipes the tears from his face and says that dinner is ready. So much love and tears again!
At dinner, Mom tells Cheng Mu that she didn’t know what she liked to eat, so they made some home-style dishes for him. Cheng Mu sweetly tells her to not trouble herself in the future – just cook what Si Han likes. Mom says she’s not important. Ha! From now on, he is the most important. Si Han asks if she’s really her daughter, as she picks up some food and puts it in Cheng Mu’s bowl. Her mother teasingly says it seems like she wishes she really weren’t. If she had a handsome and obedient son like Xiao Cheng instead, it’d save her so much trouble. Si Han says yes, she’s right and to eat more. Dad then says that they’ve bought tickets to leave tomorrow. Si Han looks sad at this and asks why they’re going back so early. She asks for them to stay a few more days. Mom says that her dad misses the neighbors who play Go with him, and if they really miss them, they should come visit often. Si Han whines and clings to her mother’s arm that she doesn’t want to let her go. Mom says she’ll take her with her, then they’ll never be apart. Si Han quickly lets go of her arm and says she’ll visit them more often. lol Dad says that they should start preparing her dowry. Hehe. Dad then raises a toast: May all go well with their work and let them all be healthy.
This has been one of the most emotional eps - with everyone having at least one heart-to-heart talk if not two or three. I wasn’t crying - someone’s cutting onions! *sniffle*