March 17, 2022

Assistant of Superstar | Recap and Review

Assistant of Superstar
A top history student is stuck tutoring an obnoxious superstar.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Sun Ze Yuan: You Xi 
Lu Yang Yang: Yuchi Yao Yao
Chinese Title
Assistant to Heavenly King
Episodes: 24

Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 2.75/5

FanFanX: No. 9 - Still on the fluff train! Life's been too serious to watch anything too cerebral. This one is funny, sweet and a bit loud. Just know that there are a few annoying side characters. *facepalm*

Mini Recaps

[Ep1The Prelude

Yuchi Yao Yao (“Yao Yao”) has always been seen as a model child - hardworking, diligent and mature. “Sometimes, I'd hope for a little change in my life”  She is a third-year history student at Jiangzhou university and a part-time private tutor. 

You Xi has been a baddie since childhood. He is now a popular beloved top-idol. “Looks are all I need. Working hard is...that's for the common folk. Until this girl entered my life.” 

In unison they say, “that was the start of this beautiful dream.” 

Yao Yao is looking for "Gongyang Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals" at a bookstore while it appears that there is a signing event going on. It’s You Xi’s pictorial book signing event. She sees the lines and politely asks a clerk to point her towards the right area. 

She then finds the book but is unable to reach it as it's on the top shelf. You Xi sees Yao Yao trying to reach for it and asks if that’s the book she wants. She confirms it and he easily grabs the book from the top shelf. He grabs it and she thanks him. But he tells her that he wants it and leaves with the book. She looks incredulous that he just did that. She follows him and tells him that she saw it first and it's very important for her. He replies that he took it first. She argues that’s because he - and he rudely interjects with “because she's short”. Pfft. He claims since he took it first, so it’s his now. Suddenly one of his fans notices him as they recognize the backpack he’s carrying. He quickly drops his backpack on the floor and it lands next to her. Then he grabs her backpack (identical to his) from her hand and drops it next to himself. 
The fans come running through and he pulls her in for a hug as the crowd runs by them. Once they’ve passed through, he picks up her backpack and goes to leave. She grabs onto his arm to stop him and tells him that she's giving that book to her boyfriend for his birthday. He grabs his pictorial book and pulls out a gold marker and asks for her name. He starts writing and tells her that he hasn't given out an autograph in years. Then he shoves the book at her and leaves. She looks at the autographed book, and he's signed it to “Mu Mu". (Mu = 木 (wood).1

On the car ride, his agent, Zhu Da Zhuang (“Moore”*), tells him that he has the "Gongyang Commentary", the clothes and the bag. But he tells him that he needs to change his white shoes for this pair of green ones because Director Wei Ran likes green the most. You Xi retorts that he hates green. *Subtitles has it as Maury, as that's how it's pronounced, however, it shows up as Moore on You Xi's phone, so I've chosen to use Moore. They also refer to him as Zhu ge and Zhuang ge, but again, I've just chosen to use Moore to keep it simple.

At the meeting with Director Wei, You Xi notices and smirks at the Director's bright green socks. Director Wei mentally makes note of You Xi’s lime green socks with his olive green shoes. He tells the Director that to prepare for this role he's read multiple books about the Spring and Autumn period (as the book is on the table in front of him). The Director asks him what he understands about the film. You Xi says that he’s written an essay and needs his advice, so he reaches into the bag and is horrified by what he finds – a child’s essay entitled “My Dad”. 

Yao Yao is meeting with the mother of a potential tutee. The mother asks for her credentials, and when she reaches into her backpack, she’s unable to find her materials. She ends up pulling out a double-headed axe (movie prop?). 

This is actually the start of their nightmare. 

Present Timeline

You Xi and Song Qie Ge (his rival) are both vying for the lead role in “Chancellor Zhong”. Moore tells You Xi that Director Wei would give him two months to understand the historical background and characters of the film. But he’ll need to clean up his image and he’s found him a top-tier tutor from Jiangzhou University, she’s the top student from the history department. 

You Xi meets his new tutor, Yuchi Yao Yao. They recognize each other and ask for their respective bags. Moore looks worried, and asks if they know each other. You Xi says that she’s the one who took his bag and almost cost him this role. She retorts that he’s obviously the one who took her bag and she almost received a complaint and bad rating from the mother. He asks so what if she got a bad rating? He’s upset that the “Character Exposition” that he painstakingly wrote became “My Dad”. He tells her that had Director Wei seen his essay, then this role would easily have been his and there wouldn’t be a need for her to be here now. 

Yao Yao apologizes and then says that she can’t be his teacher. She asks to have the contract canceled and suggests they hire someone else. She goes to leave and You Xi asks Moore what she means by this. Moore placatingly tells him that whatever he just heard is nothing. You Xi confronts her with his hands on his hips and says it should be him firing her. He asks what right she has to fire him. She replies that in her opinion, his “Character Exposition” was almost the same standard as “My Dad”. XD She finishes saying that she can’t teach him, grabs her stuff and leaves. He looks awestruck and then goes to angrily follow her but Moore stops him from going after her. You Xi starts complaining about her vicious mouth and Moore tells him that he’s a huge celebrity and shouldn’t stoop to arguing with little girls. His manager then leaves to meet with Mr. Zhang (his boss). 

A phone on the table rings and You Xi sees that it’s Song Qie Ge calling. Song Qie Ge is asking Yuchi Yao Yao to teach him about the Spring and Autumn Period, but is greeted by an angry You Xi who asks why he’s showing up everywhere. You Xi snidely tells him that she can’t teach him because she’s already agreed to teach him. Song Qie Ge politely says to convey his pity to her as it’s impossible to teach him and then hangs up on him. You Xi is angrily sputtering about this as Yao Yao reappears and says that that’s her phone. He haughtily tells her that he’s already decided to officially hire her as his tutor until he lands the role in “Chancellor Zhong”. She politely tells him that she said it very clearly already that she won’t be his teacher. He hands her the phone and says that he hopes that she doesn’t regret it. She leaves the office but stops in her tracks when she receives a notification that all of her classes have been booked. 

Back in the office, a smirking You Xi is counting down until when she’ll reappear. She walks in and asks him what’s going on. He says that he’s booked all of her classes for the next few months. She retorts that even if he books her classes for an entire year, she still won’t be his teacher. He arrogantly tells her that he’s booked all of her classes so he’s her employer now. If she doesn’t perform well, her five-star rating will drop to negative, and he will even complain about her. 

When he says “complain”, she recalls her previous conversation with her supervisor about the mother's complaint about her having violent tendencies. She had explained that there had been a bag mix-up. Her supervisor asks if anyone can prove that, and goes on further to say that if she receives two complaints then she won't be able to teach or tutor anyone on any platform. So if You Xi lodges a complaint, she'll be unable to teach/tutor anyone. He smirks at her when he realizes that she is afraid of receiving a complaint. He tells her that he's already rejected Song Qie Ge and she can only teach him. She stammers at him and he mockingly tells her isn't she supposed to be good with words. Frustrated, she tells him that she's never met someone as rude as him. He retorts that he's afraid that she has to meet him every day from now on. He leaves with these parting words: "See you tomorrow. Don't be late." He’s so smug. I want to muzzle him. 

Now she’s meeting with Moore, who advises her to do her absolute best to teach You Xi in the next two months, to get him the lead role in Wei Ran's new film. She doesn't think this is enough time. His manager asks if she can't do her job, and threatens to send in a complaint. She denies it and he hands her the Confidentiality Agreement for her signature. 

The next morning, Yao Yao arrives at You Xi’s home, and he greets her in his pajamas. He’s irate that she’s there so early. She says that his manager said that he needs to be somewhere in the afternoon, and asked her to come over this morning. When he hears that his manager told her to come over, he lets her in and lays down the ground rules. She's forbidden from going upstairs without his permission, and then points to his long list of rules. (At least 20?!) 
While she’s reading the rules, he disappears upstairs. Suddenly she hears him yelling “Ah, help!!” She runs upstairs to where the sound came from. She finds him jumping up and down on his bed with a stuffed crocodile. He stops jumping and then they both scream at each other. She spins around with her back to him as he sits down to duck under the covers. She says she didn’t see anything. He stammers angrily what else did she want to see as he’s clutching the covers to his chest. lol He shouts who asked her to come up there. She replies that he did. He asks if her name is “Ah” and then shouts at her to get out. Now she turns around to glare at him but he suddenly becomes frightened at the sight of a fly (or is it a mosquito? CGI bugs are huge. lol) buzzing around and goes, “Ah, ah, ah!!” He asks her why she’s just standing there and to help him get rid of it. Her polite response is to say that her name is not “Ah”. HAHA! He says, Yuchi Mu Mu, quickly, quickly, quickly! She says she’s sorry and her name is Yuchi Yao Yao. He repeats Yuchi Yao Yao and asks if Heroine Yuchi will do? XD She smiles placidly at him, then walks up to his bedside, grabs the crocodile pillow and swats at the fly that’s landed right on the headboard, right near his head. He flinches and closes his eyes tightly in response. The fly is dead. Now he opens his eyes and she calmly tells him that she will see him downstairs. He’s a princess!

Back downstairs, You Xi is faced with nearly two dozen books on the coffee table. He asks about there being so many, and she says that he has to understand the historical context and environment to fully understand the character. She's teaching him about military history and he starts yawning and starts to get up from the couch. She asks where he's going and he says that he needs to use the bathroom. She says that half an hour hasn't even passed and he’s already gone three times. He just says ou and then gets up anyway. While she’s waiting for him to use the bathroom again, she texts her boyfriend, Yin Jiu, to ask what he’s doing. You Xi returns and plops down onto the couch and unenthusiastically tells her to proceed. 

She tells him that she saw in the news that Wei Ran has chosen Song Qie Ge as the male lead. Now he’s paying attention - he asks her to show him the news. She says that if he continues with this attitude, that’s what will be in the news in two months. He curls his lip at her and says that she scared him and goes back to looking at the books disinterestedly. She tells him that if he really wants this role, then he needs to work harder and take it seriously. He says he knows, and she’s more annoying than his mother. And he’s more annoying than any of her younger tutees is my guess.

He asks her to help him pick out an outfit. From his closet, she shows him several items - and he objects to each item: black jacket - too formal; velvet grey jacket - too thick; white button-down shirt - too thin; Burberry plaid shirt - too uncool. She says as nothing she's selected works for him so why doesn't he just pick it out himself. He says that his teacher is checking her phone during class instruction, and asks what else needs to go into his complaint. She's reminded of her supervisor's warning about her receiving a second complaint. She holds her tongue and just smiles at him. He asks for the time and realizes it's almost time to leave. He tells her to grab the black jacket in the closet which is marked with today's date. She asks him, as she's quietly fuming, if he already knew what he was going to wear, why did he make her pick for so long. He says that he never said he was going to wear what she picked. She asks him if what she’s holding isn’t a black jacket which he said was too formal. He replies that there are yellow spiders on this one, so they’re not the same. She just shoots eye daggers at him. 

On their way to his car, she asks why he's making her go to the set with him as she's carrying several bags and his clothes in a garment bag. He says that if there's time, he could continue learning on set. She asks why he didn't use all that time this morning to learn and why he'd need to learn on set. Because he's a brat. She doesn't believe that he'll continue learning there. He then tells her when they arrive on set, she's not to tell anyone that she's his teacher. She asks what she is then. He looks at her carrying the bags and his clothes, and says that she’s his assistant. She looks at him in shock and says that she's here to be his teacher, not his assistant. He asks her if she would rather be an assistant or get a complaint and waves his phone at her. She asks if he has no other threat or could at least use a different tactic next time. With a smile, he says, because it works. He also tells her to call him Mr. You. 

They’re in the car and he’s looking at the directions on his phone and sighing. She asks him what’s wrong and he says that there’s heavy traffic and it’ll take two hours to get there. He says that they're going to be late so it's over. She says that she has an idea. 
His hands are full. How's he holding on? lol
His legs. XD
They’re now on her pink motorbike. She’s driving as he’s sitting behind her holding his own garment bags and his long legs are dangling off the sides. lol  He asks her if this is her great idea. He then complains about his hair being a mess (from the helmet). She calmly tells him that the winds are strong today but they'll be there soon. He's looking around and tells her that he thinks they've passed by this place three times already. She says that he's mistaken. He forces her to stop the vehicle. He then insists on driving them and tells her that in his six years as an actor, he's never been late and today's not the day to start. 

They arrive at the filming location and he looks at his hair in the mirror and complains about it being a mess. She asks why they didn’t drive all the way in, and he says that if anyone sees him like this, no one in the entertainment industry would take him seriously ever again. The huge truck across the street moves and the crew sees them standing next to the pink motorbike as he's holding his white helmet and she's holding her pink one and all of his stuff. They all call him by name. Ha!

On the set of "Accidentally in Love," they’re filming You Xi with an actress, Zheng Jia Er, who asks for one last kiss in the scene. When he goes to fake kiss her – she pulls his head towards her and actually kisses him. You Xi looks quite shocked by this. He then goes to fervently brush his teeth and angrily complains to Yao Yao about how Zheng Jia Er really kissed him even though the Director clearly asked her to fake it.  (He's a germaphobe.)

Now they’re filming a chase and fight sequence with You Xi taking out the bad guys one by one. Moments later, the Director complains about the stunt double not coming today and says that they’re not doing that scene. The other guy offers to call the stunt actor but You Xi says that he can do it. The guy says it’s too dangerous for him but You Xi says that he’s worn the harness before. The crew are putting the harness on him and Yao Yao worriedly asks him if he’s really going to do it. She asks him to reconsider this, as the Director said it would be fine to not film this scene. He tells her to not worry as when he first started out, he did all of his own stunts. He didn’t have any stunt doubles then so he has some experience. He smiles at her to reassure her but she only purses her lips at this. 

The stunt scene involves You Xi standing near the edge of a small landing on a building (Guessing about 10-15 feet off the ground?), and he's hooked up to a crane for this jump-off-the-building scene. Yao Yao watches worriedly from down below. You Xi goes to jump and the rope/wire snaps and he lands on the ground on his back. Why wasn’t there a pad down below? Or did he land away from that area? And how is he not bleeding anywhere (like his head) from the impact? Yao Yao reaches him first and asks him to wake up but he’s just staring at her in a daze. She yells for someone to call an ambulance. He then passes out. 

An actress, Shen Yi Ling goes to see Song Qie Ge (his hair is awful - he has a tiny ponytail but only for the upper half of his hair), who is pouring himself a drink next to some books. She asks him about his fight with You Xi for the role in "Chancellor Zhong" and then asks him how it’s going. He says that he’s studying history. She mentions that she heard You Xi got injured during a stunt and has been hospitalized. He nonchalantly says he thinks so. 

Moore shows up at the hospital and is in a panicked state. A guy from the set tells him to not panic but Moore starts yelling and getting in this guy’s face about if he knows that if something happens to You Xi how many drama series and commercials will be disrupted and how SG Entertainment will suffer an enormous loss. Then he threatens to drag the whole filming crew down with them if there are any complications. Then he turns around, gets in Yao Yao’s face for being on the set and blames her for causing this. This forces her to sit down as she’s trying to get away from him. WTH, dude. The doctor comes out from the emergency room and asks what the noise is about, and reprimands Moore for making all of this noise. A nurse rolls out You Xi in a wheelchair. He’s wearing a neck brace and a bandage on his left arm. Moore asks the doctor what's wrong with You Xi's hand. The doctor tells him that he has a hairline fracture but he should be fine in two days’ time. (Only 2 days? Really?) Moore takes the doctor aside to have a private chat and yells at Yao Yao to take care of him. She asks You Xi if he's all right, and he asks if anything happened to his face.

Back in the hospital bed, he looks at his face in the mirror and touches the huge bruise on the right side of his face. Moore tells him that he’ll have someone come by to take care of him. You Xi looks at Yao Yao and says that she can do it. Both Yao Yao and Moore are shocked at this. You Xi says she’s now his assistant. Moore asks how she’s his assistant as at the same time Yao Yao denies this. But then You Xi pulls out his phone and threatens to lodge a complaint against her. She tries to take the phone out of his hand and it drops onto his injured hand. He scowls at her and she smiles nervously at him and says that she’s Mr. You’s assistant now. Moore laughs at this and makes her go outside with him. 

Outside the room, she tells Moore that it wasn’t an accident. Before the stunt went wrong, she'd seen someone suspicious-looking with some rope in his hand. She had asked the stunt coordinator about the person and was told that he was a new staff member for stunt casting. She had told the stunt coordinator that You Xi was doing the stunts himself today so she had asked if he would check it more carefully today. The stunt coordinator reassured her that they have more than ten years of experience. She tells Moore that it was checked but the accident still happened. She mentions that the stunt double just happened to be unavailable today, so You Xi was pretty much forced to do the stunt himself. She asks him to have someone investigate this. She’s already asked the Director to preserve the set as-is for the time being.

You Xi can be heard yelling for Yuchi Mu Mu and asking where she went. He demands that she come back, so she returns to his room. He’s standing up in the room and looking out the window. She asks what he is doing and he asks her to close the door first. She closes the door and he asks if Moore’s left. She confirms that he has and he sits down in relief and tells her that he’s hungry and she should go pick up some food. She asks what he’d like and he says braised chicken. 

He’s sitting down eating the braised chicken with a tiny fork, sniffing the chicken and smiling in glee with every bite. She says it’s only braised chicken, does he need to taste it like this. He says that she doesn’t understand – he hasn’t eaten this in five years. The company focuses on healthy eating and maintaining his image so he has been banned from eating braised chicken, malatang, and mutton hotpot since. He also hasn’t even had a whiff of any of these items and goes back to sniff the chicken. 

He receives a call from Moore, and freaks out about him checking on him. He makes Yao Yao hide the chicken dish (under the table) and has her answer the call, so it looks like he’s eating some fruit. Moore notices the bones on the table so You Xi starts reprimanding Yao Yao for eating the braised chicken dish in his room. She starts sputtering that it’s her fault? He says she’s not allowed to bring such rubbish in his presence again - or else, with a devilish grin - he’ll complain. *rolling eyes* She smiles and complacently says that she won’t do it again. Then she says that she won’t ever do it again, and while staring right at him - she says she will throw it away right now. He quickly loses his smile. She slaps the phone into his hand and picks up the container of chicken and says that she will throw it all away and she won’t leave a single drop behind. Now he looks quite unhappy.  

Yin Jiu, Yao Yao's boyfriend and her best friend, Tong Jin are waiting for Yao Yao to join them at this restaurant. Tong Jin gives him a watch for his birthday. (Isn't a watch, or any jewelry, usually reserved for a significant other to give??) He tries to reject it by saying that it's too extravagant. She says that as long as he likes it, it's fine. Then she says that she’ll put it on for him. Without any resistance, he offers her his wrist. As she’s putting it on him, it appears to match the one on her own wrist. Yao Yao interrupts with her appearance, and the two separate their hands. Tong Jin gripes that they’ve been waiting all night for her. Yao Yao apologizes and then gives Yin Jiu his present - a bracelet and offers to put it on for him. He says no need, grabs the bracelet and puts it back into its box and then claims that he's hungry. He’s also not raising the hand with the new watch on it. Jerk radar is going off for me. 

The next day, Yao Yao shows up at You Xi’s hospital room and wakes him up for class. He looks at her incredulously and then lifts his arm to say that his hand is injured, so how could he study? She says that his hand injury won’t affect his studies. Then he puts his uninjured hand on his head and claims that his head hurts. She sits down with the books and he asks what she’s doing. She says that she’s waiting for the pain to subside. He is the pain. 

She’s now giving a history lesson using little figurines to explain it to him: “Guan Zhong helped Duke Huan of Qi unite his empire, saving all his citizens from the suffering of war. That’s why everyone called him Chancellor Zhong.”  She then says that the lesson is over. He goes to lay down on the couch and she says now it’s time for the test. He asks what’s wrong with her as his hand is injured and he can’t write. She says there’s no need to write anything as it’s a multiple-choice test and he can circle his answers. She hands him the clipboard and says that he has thirty minutes. 

After these thirty minutes have passed, Yao Yao is shelling melon seeds and doing a count of 998, 999.  As it turned out, You Xi had handed her a long list of tasks for her to complete and if she didn’t complete it in thirty minutes, he’d complain about it. This again! She hands him the plate of 999 seeds and they argue about its count but she remains polite and tells him that she needs to leave. 

She then receives a call from his manager checking on his status. She tells him that he’s fine as he’s laughing at the TV. She then says that she needs to leave. He asks her as his condition isn’t stable, how can she leave him. He tells her that until You Xi has recovered, she is not allowed to take a single step out of that hospital. (Isn’t she a student?!?) He yells that he’ll complain about her and just hangs up on her. You Xi just smirks at her. 

Yao Yao has fallen asleep in a chair at his bedside and is dreaming about the accident. She starts muttering “don’t jump” in her sleep which wakes up You Xi. He tries to shake her arm to wake her up but she grabs his wrist in her sleep and says “Mr. You, don’t jump! The wire is dangerous.” He says he’s got it and he won’t jump. She goes back to sleep but continues holding onto his wrist. 

The next morning, he wakes up and she’s still asleep on his arm. He’s noticing her facial features - her eyebrows, long eyelashes, perfect little nose, and her lips - but then his arm twitches which wakes her up. He looks away as she sits up in the chair and he tells her that she’s been asleep on his hand the entire night and she's been talking in her sleep. He even tells her that he didn’t sleep well because of her. She nervously asks what she said in her sleep. He says he doesn't remember and breaks eye contact with her.  

Qi Chao (songwriter and singer) arrives at the hospital to visit You Xi, and all the females, including the nurses are just staring at him. He goes into You Xi's room and You Xi asks why he didn't come earlier and that his leg is almost broken. Qi Chao tells him to stop pretending as he's already looking into it. Yao Yao returns to the room and is startled to see Qi Chao. Qi Chao just looks at him, and he explains that she's his new assistant. He then tells her to give them some privacy. The minute she's out of the room, he tells his friend that she's really dumb. Qi Chao asks then why did he hire her? XD He sighs and says that he had an accident. You Xi pulls out his phone to take a selfie with him but he's unable to take it from that angle. So Qi Chao and You Xi end up sitting quite close with Qi Chao's arm around him to take the shot, and this is how Yao Yao finds them when she returns with instructions from the doctor. You Xi yells at her to get out. And the boys go back to taking a selfie together as You Xi coaxes the stone-faced Qi Chao to smile. 

Yao Yao waits outside the room but she receives a call from Yin Jiu who says that there’s something he needs to tell her.  She asks him what it is but a red car pulls up beside him and honks at him. He tells her that he'll tell her later and hangs up to get into the car. 

Yao Yao returns with two bags full of snacks and notices that Qi Chao is leaving. She asks if he's leaving as You Xi had her buy some snacks for them. He says that the two of them can have it and leaves. She sets down the snacks and runs after him to walk him out. As they're walking, he asks her if she's really You Xi's assistant. She replies that she supposes she is. He tells her to not listen to everything he says. She looks at him curiously. He then says but don't defy him either. lol What? He then puts on his sunglasses and leaves.

Yao Yao is back in the room and looking at her phone waiting to hear from Yin Jiu. You Xi suddenly gets up from the bed and asks where his bag and shoes are as he wants to go out. She tells him that Moore knew he wouldn't be able to stand it so he took away his shoes and bag. He says that won't stop him, and puts on a floppy hat, a Dior shirt over his hospital clothes, flip-flops, and a black face mask. He asks if she thinks anyone would recognize him this way and she says she thinks not. They leave the hospital.

While they’re walking a girl approaches them with a flier, and asks shu shu (uncle) to look at it - it’s for an idol fan meeting. He gets annoyed at being called shu shu and goes to remove his mask to show her who he is but Yao Yao stops him from doing so. This hotheaded idiot. Now he looks at the flier, it's for a fan meeting with Song Qie Ge. He crumbles up the flier into a ball and when he goes to kick it, he also sends his flip-flop flying into the water fountain. Now they're at a shoe store and he asks Yao Yao to pay but she says that she doesn’t have enough money. 

He goes to ask the clerk if he can pay for the shoes with his face. She says no. Then he explains that he's the ambassador for this brand and points at the large banner behind him, and says that he'll take the shoes first and send him the money next time. The clerk looks at the banner and then at him (with his face mask) and says his eyes resemble You Xi's a little bit. Haha. But it's not a good reason to not pay. She asks him to take off the shoes. He then asks her to take a closer look at him, and she promptly calls for security. 

Now they're sitting outside and he's wearing a pair of simple grey shoes. He asks Yao Yao who asked her to buy such an ugly pair of shoes. She explains that she only has enough money for this pair and he'll have to make do. He tells her that he wants to go home now. She looks at him, but she sees something across the way that shocks her and she suddenly drops her drink on the ground. You Xi yells "Yuchi Mu Mu" at her but she says "Yin Jiu? Tong Jin?" You Xi now see what she's looking at and sees the couple who are holding hands. 

Yao Yao confronts Yin Jiu and Tong Jin. Tong Jiu refuses to let go of Yin Jiu’s hand and tells her that they’ve been dating for a long time now. (Why does the other woman always have such a nasty attitude and irritating voice to go with it?) She says that they haven't told her because they didn't want to hurt her. Oh, really? Tong Jin says since she's already agreed to break up, then give them her blessing. Gross. Yao Yao asks "break up”? She looks at Yin Jiu and asks him when did they break up? 

He pulls out his phone and says this is from their conversation today. "Let's break up. It's not you, it's me. You agreed to break up." Now he apologizes and says it's over between them. She then looks over at You Xi who is sitting away from them. Earlier, when she had left her phone in his room and he had seen the message and replied "I'm breaking up with you instead. You don't deserve me." 

You Xi looks away from her. Tong Jin spitefully tells her that all these years Yin Jiu has been with her, he’s never been happy. He just couldn’t bear to break up with her. I’m laughing because I know Yin Jiu is going to have a pleasant life with this new girl. Hahaha. She says it's also because her father was his mentor. She goes on to say that she was always writing those poems for him. Yin Jiu says only since he's been together with Tong Jin has he known what love really was like. (I'm going to say this girl has money and that's why he "loves" her.) You Xi gets up and walks over to them. He asks Yin Jiu if he's graduated from university. Tong Jin says that her boyfriend already has a doctorate. You Xi says that's the reason why he broke up with her - he has his doctorate now so he doesn't need her or her father anymore. You Xi notices Yin Jiu's watch and comments that it's a limited edition watch and it's not something that he could afford. Her ex tries hiding his hand in his pants pocket now. You Xi says that he and Yao Yao are indeed over, as the text agreeing to the break was sent by him. He then says he can't really see how Tong Jin is better than Yao Yao. XD He goes on to say that he's not afraid to tell them that they got together long ago, and he reaches over to grab Yao Yao's hand. He looks at her and asks "Isn't that right, Yuchi Yao Yao?" Her cowardly ex is surprised by this. You Xi then lets go of her hand and puts his arm around her to hug her to his side. She just looks up at him while Yin Jiu just looks at them with shock.

[Ep2Tong Jin tells Yao Yao that she knows that she's sad about being dumped but she doesn't have to make do like this. You Xi gets offended and his face mask has slipped down below his nose now. Tong Jin asks him what his profession is. He says not much – actor. Tong Jin tells Yao Yao that extras have no future. You Xi asks who she is calling an extra. Two women walk by and one of them says that he looks like You Xi, and the other woman says how could You Xi dress like that. XD Yao Yao drags You Xi away and he calls Tong Jin an upstart as he’s leaving. She says his whole family are upstarts and Yin Jiu grabs onto her arm to keep her from going after them.

You Xi has removed his mask now and somehow has a green leaf in his hair and is complaining about being called an extra. He asks why she isn't saying anything. She looks quite peeved and calmly asks him if he really sent that reply. He admits that he sent it for her. She makes a fist and raises it, and he quickly says that even if he hadn't sent that message, he was going to break up with her. And he was just helping her dump him before he dumped her. She raises her fist even higher and he tells her to calm down. Uh oh. He asks if she's fighting with him over a garbage boyfriend. He says that he's never hit women as her fist heads towards his head. He closes his eyes and she plucks the leaf out of his hair. She walks away from him and he puts his mask back on before following her.

They're back at his house now, and he receives a call from Moore that there are rumors about him and Zheng Jia Er on Weibo. He starts complaining about the Weibo post (it’s a photo of him hugging Zheng Jia Er but it’s actually a still from the series they're shooting), and how he's going to explain this. Yao Yao is wordlessly wiping the table but she's thinking about Tong Jin and Yin Jiu holding hands and what he said about not knowing what love was until Tong Jin. She clutches the towel in her hand and slams it down on the table and tells You Xi that she'll take care of it. 

Yao Yao is now busy replying to Weibo posts. She is interrupted by a message from Yin Jiu "Yao Yao. About our breakup, can you wait after my thesis defense and then tell Professor Yuchi?" She looks at this message angrily but only replies with an "OK" and angrily slams down the phone. She goes back to replying to Weibo posts - I think this is how she's redirecting her rage. She leaves his study as there isn't a single book in there and it's suffocating her. XD 

Now You Xi is on the phone with Qi Chao mentioning how weird she's being today. 1) She asked him to take his medicine with Pepsi. 2) She drew him a cold bath. 3) She brought him a suit for pajamas. Qi Chao says if he's really concerned about her then he should call her and stop talking to him. You Xi says who cares about her, and he doesn't care about her before he hangs up. 

At home, Yao Yao is looking at "Records of the Three Kingdoms" with the inscription "Dear Yao Yao. Yin Jiu." Her phone rings and she drops the book on her foot to answer the call. You Xi tells her to not forget to go to work tomorrow. She says she remembers but then she rubs her toe and gasps from the pain. He asks what's the matter and she says it hurts. He immediately pictures her slashing her wrist. He tells her to listen to him, and says that there are plenty of fish in the sea and not to take it to heart. She tries to grab the mug on the table and knocks off the spoon onto the floor and he hears the sound and tells her to put down the knife and he'll call the police. She suddenly says "it's on fire" and puts down the phone to run off. He hears this, so he removes the splint on his hand and drives over to her house. 

At her house, the firemen are already there. She had an electrical fire, caused by aged wiring. The fireman tells her that she was lucky that she spotted it in time. You Xi sees her and her face covered with smudges of soot. He grabs her hand and tells her to go with him. She asks where they are going and he says to his home. 

They're back at his place and he nervously tells her that no one's ever stayed at his place before. He tells her to make herself at home, so long as it doesn't affect him. lol She apologizes for the trouble and says that she'll move back as soon as her place is fixed up. He hands her a blanket and tells her to take the guest room on the second floor. He gets up and she asks him where his splint is. He tells her it's almost healed. They say good night. 

In the middle of the night, he goes to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of water. But on his way back, he starts screaming as Yao Yao is sitting on the couch in the dark. He asks her why she's sitting there and she says that there's no bed in her room. Of course he wouldn't have one in there. *Facepalm* He asks her why she didn't knock on his door. She says that she didn't want to interrupt his sleep but she slipped a note under his door. He says note? Then he lifts his right foot - there's a note stuck to the bottom of his slipper: "Mr. You. Are you asleep? Hehe. He wants to yell at her but only says that he'll take care of it tomorrow. He tells her to make do with the couch tonight. 

The next morning he wakes to the sound of a vacuum downstairs. He asks Yao Yao what she’s doing and she says that she’s cleaning. He asks her for the time and she says it’s already 8:20. 

He goes to his study and finds his shelves full of books and he starts yelling for "Yuchi Mu Mu". He demands an explanation and she says these are the books he needs to read. He asks if he has to read so many books. Later he finds a study plan posted up in the living room. He demands an explanation and she says it's eye-catching and can remind him to study. He tells her to rip it down. He goes to his room and she's knocking on the door to tell him it's time to study. After the lesson, she tells him that she needs to return to her place to pick up a few things. He happily sends her on her way and tells her to not rush back. She leaves and he pulls out a game console. It starts raining heavily outside and he wonders if she really went out in this. The doorbell rings and he finds a very soaked Yao Yao standing outside. 

Now he's crouched down and laying down a towel with every step she takes into the house. (Because he couldn't just get her dry clothes or something?) She tells him that she forgot to lock up her motorbike and presents her keys to him. He looks at her and notices that her toes are covered up in scrapes and bruises. He says that he'll go and grabs the keys from her and she suddenly falls forward and lands right on top of him on the floor. They're staring at each other until she starts dripping onto him and he screams her name in anger. 

He’s taking a bath and Yao Yao knocks on the door. He screams that he’s taking a bath. She asks him where he put her luggage. He asks why he would know where it was. Earlier in the day, a courier had dropped off a large bag but You Xi hadn't bothered to get off the couch and told him to leave it outside the door. It sat outside in the heavy downpour. OMG, dude. 

Since her clothes won't be dry today, he's brought her a set of his clothes. She doesn't say anything as she's sitting in a chair and spacing out. He gets her attention and asks if she's zoned out. She tells him that she's remembered something - that she and Yin Jiu met on such a rainy day. Mentally, he's regretting asking at all. He tells her that she's just ended a relationship, it's not embarrassing for her to cry. Then he says she can go to her best friend and realizes that he just put his foot in his mouth - that's who is with her ex now. He quickly says he meant any of her best friends aside from Tong Jin. She just looks at him wordlessly. He says she can ask him - drink, eat or keep her company - no problem. What? XD But he says it's too late today, starts yawning and says he'll go to sleep now. He scurries back upstairs to his room. Back in his room, he receives a text from Longteng Driving School, for a buy-two-get-one-free deal. He recalls their previous conversation about her not knowing how to drive a car. 

The next morning, Yao Yao goes to knock on his door and he opens the door before she can. She asks when they can start today's lesson. He tells her that he's signed up for driving school already and shows her his phone. 

At the driving school, she is told by the owner that these three guys are her instructors. She asks the owner if she needs to choose one of the three, and he tells her that all three of them are her instructors. Buy-two-get-one-free deal. XD At home, You Xi is relishing in the peace and quiet. He suddenly receives a call from the hospital.

When he arrives at the hospital, the driving school owner starts yelling about how much damage was caused to the driving school. The guy pulls back the curtain to reveal the three injured driving instructors. Yao Yao was driving alone in the car, and drove into all three instructors. The owner says that for the safety of their instructors and students, Yuchi Yao Yao needs to be expelled. He won't be refunding any of the fees and demands compensation for medical fees and mental damages. He says otherwise he will call the police. You Xi pulls out his phone and the guy asks what he's doing. He replies that he will call the police and lodge a complaint against his driving school. He lays out the facts: 1) The driving instructors arbitrarily got out of the car to chat and left the student practice alone, which violates the regulations. 2) Expelling a student without refunding the fees is not mentioned in the contract. 3) Three grown men failed to train a girl. Yao Yao is looking at him with something akin to admiration now. He seriously doubts their teaching ability. The guy starts sputtering. You Xi says that he will be covering the medical expenses. He then says that they'll stop their training course not due to an expulsion but because they quit. He leaves hand-in-hand with Yao Yao. Ou? 

Back at home, You Xi is yelling outside for Yuchi Mu Mu to hurry up for her driving lesson. She exits the house with her pink helmet, sunglasses and a matching pink outfit - complete with elbow guards, wrist guards and knee pads (as if she's going roller skating, lol). He asks what she's doing. She explains that she's not confident in her skills. He tells her that he's an experienced driver and tells her to remove all of the protective gear.

In the car, he tells her that he'll teach her something difficult - backing up. O_o He says once she masters backing up the car, then she won't have any problems with driving. Errrrr, okay... He gives her instructions: step lightly on the brake pedal, engage the reverse gear, check her rearview mirror, then release the brake and step lightly on the gas pedal.   

She says that there was a pole for reversing at the driving school. He says that he'll get out and be the pole for her. O_o She starts backing up the car and hits him with the car because she stepped on the gas pedal. At the hospital, You Xi is in bed with a brace on his left leg and just calmly looking at his phone. Meanwhile, Moore is yelling at Yao Yao for driving into him with the car. She explains that she's already received a fine and a lecture from the police. Moore tells her to get lost so she apologizes to him and to Yu Xi before turning to leave the room. You Xi tells her to bring back porridge for him on her way back. She says that Moore just said – and You Xi asks her who's the boss – him or Moore? She nods and says okay and then leaves the room. Moore says that his hand just got better and now his leg is injured. He asks if anything happens again, who will take responsibility? You Xi says he will. Moore sighs and sits down in the chair. You Xi downplays the injury by saying it's just a bruise and to stop making a fuss. 

Back at home, You Xi is trying to climb the stairs with a crutch. They look quite daunting to him right now (marble stairs look like a pleasant place to fall - not). He calls for Yuchi Mu Mu and is met with silence. He angrily hobbles over to his study and finds her working at his desk, surrounded by papers.  He yells to ask her what she's doing. She replies that she's sorting the revisions for "Accidentally in Love" script and she's found a lot of problems. He hobbles over to the desk and starts yelling about why she cares, if she's a scriptwriter, and why does it matter if the script is good or not. She tells him that it does because he's an actor, who acts out the scripts and she has a responsibility to help him present the best work to the audience. He disagrees and says that actors are responsible for acting and he doesn't care if the script is terrible. She looks at him with concern and then says "Oh, no wonder he's been in so many bad movies". He asks how it is bad as he's won the Golden Turnip Award for Good Acting and hobbles away. But then he falls in the hallway and yelps from the fall. She finds him facedown on the floor. She helps him to the stairs, but then she lets go of his arm. He asks her what she's doing. She recites Rule No. 8: Never enter, eavesdrop, or look into Mr. You's bedroom. He asks if she wants him to go on his own like this. She's studious and he's the one who created these rules. lol He offers his arm to her, to help him up the stairs. Before they climb up the stairs, he asks her to close her eyes before entering his room.
When they get to his room, her eyes are closed and he has to verbally guide her around his room. She helps him to the end of the bed, and then he asks for water. But she's not able to see so he tells her it's to her right. She peeks with one eye before moving forward and he yells at her to keep her eyes closed. When she gets to the nightstand, she peeks with one eye before grabbing the cup of water and walking back to You Xi and offers it to him - but she has it pressed up against his face. lol He tells her to open her eyes, so she opens one eye and then both eyes. When she sees what she’s done, she quickly removes the mug from his angry face. She apologizes and then offers the cup to him again. He accepts it and takes a sip before telling her “In the future, if you get into my room, you don't have to cover your eyes.” She says okay and then takes a look around the room - it's covered in comic book posters, comic-book based collectible items, Nintendo games (it’s a kid’s idea of heaven) but when her eyes land on the crocodile on his bed, he removes it to hide behind his back and asks her what she's looking at. She asks him if he doesn't let anyone into his room because of his germophobia or...? He tells her that this is the only space that completely belongs to him. Aww. She says that she understands, as he can't eat what he likes and has to be told what to wear. He has so many involuntary decisions in his life and then she sighs. He makes her leave. 

The next day, the Assistant Director and Producer of "Accidentally in Love" show up at his house, with a reporter. The reporter asks when he will be returning to work. You Xi tells them that as an actor, he wants to present the best work to the audience. They agree with him but he tells them to stop shooting. They're aghast at his suggestion. You Xi gestures at Yao Yao to give them the script revisions, which he says he's reviewed in the last two days (it's her, obviously). Yao Yao mentions that it's full of  literary mistakes. The two men leave with the revisions, and You Xi suggests they ask his assistant if they need further help. When the men leave, she's just looking at him and he asks why she's staring at him. She says that she thought he didn't agree with her ideas. He says he doesn't because - his feet are injured and he doesn't want to work. XD She says that she takes back what she said last night - and admits that his movies aren’t that bad. He doesn’t say anything in response but turns around to grin secretly. Then he turns around and tells her to clean all the places they’ve touched. 

Later that evening, Moore calls Yao Yao who relays the message to You Xi that he is returning to work tomorrow. He tells her to go to bed and she goes to leave but then asks him when her bed will arrive. He says that it's a custom-made one to fit with the rest of his furniture. He suggests that she make do with the couch for a few more nights. She agrees but he's sitting on the couch.  

The next morning, You Xi and Yao Yao are discussing who the second lead female is as he's driving them to work. It's a new actress, Pan Duo, who was recommended (and mentored) by Moore. You Xi and Yao Yao arrive on set to applause. He apologizes for the delay in the filming and says that he's treating everyone to dinner tonight. Zheng Jia Er arrives with a bouquet of lilies for You Xi and he tells her that he's allergic to lilies. But to his dismay, Yao Yao accepts them for him. Before he leaves, he tells the Assistant Director to make sure that the scene is secured during shooting. Then he says so no candid photos - looking directly at Zheng Jia Er - are leaked out. 

Back in his lounge, he complains about Zheng Jia Er pulling a publicity stunt which gets blamed on him, and then she just pretends nothing happened. He sees Yao Yao with the bouquet and tells her to get rid of them as he sniffles. She asks if he's really allergic to lilies. He replies why would he lie and he wants them gone. She leaves with the flowers and meets a pretty doe-eyed girl who says that she loves lilies, and asks for one of them. Yao Yao hands her the entire bouquet, and then the girl asks her where You Xi's lounge is. Yao Yao points to his room, and the girl barges in there with the lilies. 

You Xi asks who she is but he sniffles and asks where she got the flowers. The girl gets closer with the flowers and he starts shouting. Yao Yao realizes that the lilies are back in his room and goes back in. He’s annoyed with Yao Yao. The girl turns out to be Pan Duo, the new actress who will be shooting scenes with him today. He comments that Moore’s standards have lowered, but Yao Yao says that she thinks she’s quite cute. Pan Duo gives her a finger heart. She then asks You Xi if he wants to go over lines with her, and he says this isn’t something he does and tells her to get out. She gets up to leave and seems really sad about it and Yao Yao asks if he went a bit overboard just now. He tells Pan Duo to come back, and she suddenly turns back and asks if her acting was good just now and innocently blinks and asks if they can go over the lines now. XD

You Xi and Pan Duo are in a scene together about being friends. They both look so cute in the scene but once "cut" is yelled, he drops his cute smile and goes back to looking grumpy. (His usual state.) The Director compliments both of their performances. Pan Duo says that You Xi brings out the greatness in her and offers her hand to him while asking if it was nice working together for the first time, with a big smile. He reluctantly offers his hand and she shakes it vigorously. Now she is in a scene with Zheng Jia Er and it's supposed to be a sad scene on the swings. Pan Duo is consoling Zheng Jia Er, who suddenly starts badly fake-crying and the Director yells cut. He gets up to ask Zheng Jia Er if she understands emotions. You Xi is eating an apple nearby and watching this and rolling his eyes at this. Zheng Jia Er asks him to enlighten her. The Director asks how she's asking him. He explains that the man she loves the most just died, but she can't even act as well as the new actress. You Xi comments to Yao Yao that Pan Duo seems flighty but her acting was rather good, and at least a bit better than Zheng Jia Er. 

Moore drops by the set which You Xi is surprised about. Pan Duo sees Moore and comes running over and calls him Er Jiu (second uncle, from her mother's side). Both You Xi and Yao Yao are surprised by this. Moore introduces his niece to them, and asks You Xi to take care of her as it’s her first time acting. Moore says based on the generational hierarchy, she’s also You Xi's niece. Pan Duo calls him San Jiu (third uncle), and he gets annoyed at this and tells Moore that his visit is over. lol Moore says that he can’t leave yet as he has something urgent to tell him. 

Moore says there are too many ears on set and will have to tell him after they're done for the day. Later Moore tells him that the wires (from his accident) were tampered with and there's something wrong with the stunt actor that Yao Yao saw. You Xi asks where this stunt actor is and is told that he's run away. He says that he'll make sure to keep looking for him. You Xi thinks it's Song Qie Ge, as he's always competing with him. Moore admits that he is their prime suspect. You Xi yells that he's the culprit. You Xi says that it wasn't enough that he was kicked out of the company but he needs to be kicked out of the industry. Yao Yao isn't looking too happy about this.

Back at home, You Xi tells them that he's going to sleep and to not wake him up for anything unimportant, or anything at all. Yao Yao is looking up who Song Qie Ge is. Moore says as You Xi's assistant, she doesn't know who his nemesis is. He says that he fights with You Xi over everything but he is always second best. She asks why You Xi doesn't like him. Moore says it was because of one man. They were trainees together when they first started out. 

Back then, You Xi, Song Qie Ge, and Cai Xun Wei, were once close. One day, the three guys were getting ready to audition (separately) for a show, and Cai Xun Wei was first up. Song Qie Ge pulls out a vial and says that a whiff of this will help clear one's head, so his friend took a whiff of it right before he was called in. At the audition, Cai Xun Wei seemed to have lost his voice, and then he changed professions after this incident. Song Qie Ge looked smug about this, and he become quite popular after being on this show and was signed with SG Entertainment. A year later, You Xi entered the industry and signed with the same company. You Xi became the hottest commodity, and the first thing he did was have Song Qie Ge kicked out of the company. 

Currently, Song Qie Ge finds out that You Xi has returned to work. 

[Ep3Pan Duo, You Xi and Yao Yao are having a meal together at the set. You Xi picks up a piece of meat to eat it but then looks over at Yao Yao and says that he doesn't eat meat and puts it in her bowl. Yao Yao just gives a little smile. Pan Duo tells him that she likes to eat meat and rudely reaches all the way over to take the meat out of Yao Yao's bowl. Both Yao Yao and You Xi look at her, and she says that she'll eat the meat for her. Yu Xi says that she's an actress but doesn't know how to control her weight and says she's unprofessional. She tries to pick up another piece of meat from the communal dish, and he blocks her chopsticks from touching the meat dish. He then picks up another piece for Yao Yao and puts it in her bowl. 

Song Qie Ge suddenly shows up on the set with his assistant and media friends. You Xi isn't happy to see him and stays where he is. Yao Yao gets up and tells Song Qie Ge and his entourage that the new film is still being kept under wraps and asks for there to be no photos taken. Song Qie Ge dismisses the photographers. Once the photographers leave, You Xi goes to confront Song Qie Ge, who says that he heard that he had an accident - and then asks if he faked it as he likes milking it for others' sympathy. This guy looks a rat. You Xi walks right up to his face. Yao Yao remembers what Moore told her. You Xi calls him ugly trash and a litany of cuss words are directed at Song Qie Ge. You Xi then shoves Song Qie Ge on the chest. Song Qie Ge surreptitiously looks over to make sure that the photographer hiding nearby, is taking pictures of this encounter. Then he provokes You Xi by asking if Director Wei Ran will really choose an illiterate like him. You Xi angrily grabs him by the shirt and asks who he's calling an illiterate. The photographer continues taking photos as Song Qie Ge says that he called him that and asks if he wants to get physical. You Xi punches him in the face and Song Qie Ge gets "thrown" by this punch, but he's looking over at the photographer to make sure the pictures were taken. The photographer nods and then sneaks away. How is there no security or anyone else around on the set? 
Song Qie Ge suddenly picks up a plastic blue chair and hits You Xi in the face with it - leaving a cut on his face. Song Qie Ge lifts the chair again to hit him with it but is stopped by a small-but-thick book, the “Modern Chinese Dictionary”. 
You Xi looks over in the direction that the book came from, and sees a very angry and panting Yao Yao, who walks over and pushes him out of the way to confront Song Qie Ge herself. You Xi looks quite surprised and almost petrified by this.

She tells Song Qie Ge, who is being assisted by his bodyguards, that gentlemen use words, not fists. The jerk waves away his bodyguards and just looks at her. Yao Yao introduces herself to him as You Xi's assistant. She calls him despicable for bringing the media with him and purposely provoking You Xi into attacking him. You Xi is looking smugly at Song Qie Ge as she continues defending him. She also says “From the past until now, Spring and Autumn's Qing Fu, Qin Dynasty's Zhao Gao, Dong Han's Liang Ji. People like you don't end well." He tries to interrupt and she cuts him off to tell him to not interrupt her as it's very rude. You Xi and Pan Duo both smile at this. She then asks him out of the historical people she had mentioned, how many does he know? You Xi chimes in if he knows any and Song Qie Ge just glares at him. She continues that from his dazed expression, she can tell that he obviously doesn't know. He sputters and points at You Xi. Pan Duo offers her an insulated flask and tells her to drink some water. You Xi picks up the chair that was thrown down, calling her xiao mu tou, tells her to sit down. (Xiao mu tou = little wood block, so he’s calling her a little blockhead. Even though he’s the real blockhead.)
Pick me! No, pick me! No, me!
Pan Duo and You Xi fight over who she needs to accept first as she looks left, then right, and back and forth to look at them. She finally sits down with the thermos in her hands, as Song Qie Ge calls this ridiculous and walks away. You Xi calls after him to not leave as they’re not done yet. XD Fight a psychopath with more craziness.

Back in his lounge, You Xi asks Yao Yao what she hit him with. She says the Modern Chinese Dictionary and he sounds surprised. Then he asks why she would have such a thing on set. She says that she was thinking if she's not around, when he was reading the script and saw a word he didn't understand, he could, at least, look it up. He loses his smile. She’s being helpful, you dodo. She goes on to say what if he says it incorrectly and gets mocked at by others. He gets annoyed and says that if she hadn't interrupted his plans, then he would have knocked him down at once. She then goes to put medicine on the scratch on his face but he jerks away and asks her what she's doing. She explains and he says that he doesn’t need it.  

He says that as a man, he doesn't need it for such a small cut and would be laughed at if it gets out - but he still turns his cheek towards her for her to apply it. She just smiles at this and gently dabs at his face with a cotton swab. He asks her if she believes that he can't beat him. She says that she believes in him. 
He says that even though Song Qie Ge had the advantage just now, if he had used his taekwondo skills, he would've crushed him. She says that it's because she likes him more, and she doesn't like Song Qie Ge as she's dabbing at the cut on his face. He's staring at her with wide eyes now. When she finally looks into his eyes, he starts blushing. XD So cute. She notices he's looking flushes and asks about his face, and he immediately says that she's got a huge mosquito on hers and gets up to leave. Bwahaha. She touches her face to look for the mosquito. 

Back at home, You Xi is thinking about how embarrassing that was and why his face turned red looking at xiao mu tou. But then he sees her reaching for a book on a high shelf, and he's reminded of when they first met at the bookstore. He walks over to stand behind her to reach over her, with his hand is nearly over hers, to grab the book for her. She turns around and comes face-to-face with him. They're interrupted by a call from Moore, who has found the suspicious stunt man. 

In person, he shows them proof (photo) that the stunt man had met with Song Qie Ge's assistant before. You Xi gets angry and Yao Yao tells him to not act rashly and alarm them. Moore agrees as there isn't enough evidence against them. Moore receives a call about a video of today's fight. However, it only shows a clip of You Xi beating Song Qie Ge and not the rest of the fight. The netizens are already clamoring about how You Xi is bad-tempered and arrogant. Moore says that they will have to spend more time figuring this out. 

Shen Yi Ling is laughing at the clip of You Xi punching Song Qie Ge. She tells him that she never thought he’d do this. He tells her that the video is the proof and the netizen who posted it is the witness. He says even if You Xi comes up with excuses, his reputation will still be impacted by this. They both laugh about this. Oh, such toxicity here. He says that this is only the start and he's heard that sponsors are dropping him. He's also helped him get a sponsor.   

At Moore's office, they're looking at the various sponsorship options - educational children's game, pantyhose, fertilizer, Summer Breeze Florida Water amongst others. You Xi says he wants to look at other options and Moore says that this is more serious than they'd anticipated. He's received five calls from sponsors terminating their contract today, and there are seven others in discussions about discontinuing theirs as well. Moore says that this Florida Water (flora water = perfume, but it’s used as a mosquito repellent) is one of the best deals they have right now. You Xi doesn't want to go to the filming location for it - Dabao Mountain Wetlands. Moore says that's a 4A tourist destination (5A is the highest rating) and to treat it like he's on a holiday. You Xi says that he wants to prepare for the "Chancellor Zhong" and won't have time. Yao Yao, who’s been taking notes of this conversation, interrupts to say that she'll rearrange his lesson schedule so surely he can squeeze out one for filming. Moore smiles at her. You Xi petulantly says that he doesn't want to go. Moore gestures at her with his eyes to continue coaxing him. She says that the King Gou Jian of Yue could endure sleeping on the brushwood (undergrowth, twigs, and small branches, typically used for firewood or kindling) and Han Xin (Chinese military general) could endure his torture. As he’s in a crucial situation right now, he needs to be willing to adapt. If he continues to do it his way, then he'll surely lose. She points out that this might be Song Qie Ge's very intention. Now You Xi is paying attention. 

You Xi and Yao Yao arrive at Dabao Mountain Wetlands and he complains about there not being a single other soul at this 4A tourist destination. Yao Yao tells him to not worry about this as they're only here to film for one day, as she unloads all of the stuff from the trunk of the car. He still doesn't believe that this is a 4A destination, so she tells him that they should go inside as it could be a hidden fairyland inside. He points out to her that the A's on the sign are not even capitalized - it does say "aaaa". Uh oh. 

Now they're sitting outside waiting and he's complaining about the mosquitos. She pulls out a fan and contently fans herself with it but he rudely snatches it from her and starts swatting at the mosquitos with it. She asks him to be careful with the fan so he asks what's so special about a torn fan. He then looks at the fan and struggles to read the text on it. She tells him, "Stay tenacious. Stay grounded." He glares at her and says that he can read it himself, and says that this isn't written too badly. She laughs and says that it wasn't written by her. This poem was written by Zheng Ban Qiao called "Inscription". He then says that he meant her handwriting wasn't bad. She corrects him and says that it's not her handwriting as her calligraphy isn't the best. He throws the fan down onto the table, gets up and bumps his leg onto the table, which knocks over the open flask of coffee. It spills onto the fan. He notices it and tries to pick up the fan, but she’s looking at it in horror and then in sadness. He asks how much the fan cost as he will compensate her. She sighs exasperatedly at him and says that this was Zheng Ban Qiao's actual script and there is no second one. (If it’s that rare, why is it outside the home then?! How is a 300-plus-year-old fan able to survive outside of glass anyway? lol) She's fuming and just walks away from him. 

Now they’re filming the ad for Summer Breeze Florida Water and You Xi is being asked to smile more which he complies with. Then he’s asked to raise the bottle higher as it’s out of frame. He does this a third time and then they take a break. Yao Yao brings him a blanket after he’s done with this shot but she doesn’t say anything to him. She just gives him the stink eye and walks away. He finds her sitting down looking glumly at her soiled fan. He pulls out his phone and posts "I'm a celebrity who made my assistant angry. What should I do? Urgent." LOL! 

The responses come in. 

  • Are you a singer or an actor? 
  • Do you usually wash your own underwear? Do the assistants of celebrities have insurance? 
  • I didn't know that celebrities use communication platforms as well. Tell us some gossip before you leave. 
  • You're anxious because your assistant threw a fit? Are you in love with your assistant? Ding, ding, ding!

He suddenly looks quite scared and concerned with the last one as he looks over at Yao Yao, who notices him looking at her but she’s still peeved. He shakes his head and says “impossible” several times. He’s back to shooting the ad but distracted by his thoughts. The Director tells him to smile and exude his charisma, as they want to convey to the viewers that by using this Summer Breeze Florida Water, they will also emit the same idol charisma as him. Now he walks around while spraying the bottle and looking kind of mysterious. But then the camera stops on a sleeping Yao Yao behind him, and the Director yells who is sleeping over there. The Director's assistant quietly tells him that that's You Xi's assistant. You Xi then sees her sleeping and scratching her neck in her sleep. You Xi tells the Director that the filming is too tiring so what's the problem with taking a nap. The Director doesn’t have a response. 

You Xi walks back to the starting point to reshoot the ad. They restart the shoot but then the Director stops and says to take a break. You Xi asks if it was his fault. The Director says it wasn’t his fault but the filming and awkwardly swats at the cameraman with his paperwork. A bit weird.

You Xi walks over to a sleeping Yao Yao, who is continuing to scratch in her sleep. He decides to put some of the Florida Water on his fingers and goes to put it on her, but then rethinks it as it's inappropriate for him to touch her and if she wakes up, she'll think he's a pervert. So he goes to leave and then doubles back and thinks that he's so charismatic and handsome, so there's no need for him to be a pervert. He puts the Florida Water on his fingers again and goes to put it on her arm. But he rethinks it - she can do whatever she wants, and even if the bites cover her whole body, why is it his business? He goes to walk away again, but then he decides to just put it on her as no one will know anyway. So he puts it on her arm, and then goes to put it on her neck but she wakes up. He tells her to not move and points out that there are mosquitos everywhere around her. She sits up and leans closer to his face, to look at the mosquito that's landed on his face. He's not sure what she's doing. Then she whispers that there's a huge mosquito on his face. She tells him to not move and then raises her hand to slap him. LOL 

Now he's back in front of the camera with a red mark on his left cheek. Haha. The Director asks what’s wrong with the left side of his face, and his assistant says that she tried her best. You Xi looks over at Yao Yao who is now catching and killing the mosquitos with her bare hands. He gets this huge smile on his face as he's watching her. Boy got a crush?! The Director says that the right side of his face is fine, so they start shooting him as he's smiling at Yao Yao. He says the lines with a smile and holds up the bottle.   

On their walk back to the car, Yao Yao tells him to look at the sky. He asks if there's a plane. She says it's sunset. The sky is full of pretty reds and oranges, but he only looks at her. She's smiling and says "When the rain has ended on the mountains, the air is clear and the sunset is brilliant." Now he looks at the sunset and smiles. She asks if it's beautiful. He drops his smile before asking her what's so special about this? He asks if she's been to Turkey before. She shakes her head no. Then he asks if she's watched a sunset on a hot-air balloon ride? She shakes her head and says no and looks at him. He’s smiling as he tells her that he'll take her there if he has the chance next time. Ou? She smiles and says okay. She then asks if that will be their team-building activity. He loses his smile and just walks away. XD She hurries to catch up to him with all of his stuff. 

It's nighttime now and You Xi is driving and complaining that others have a capable assistant but he's stuck driving himself. Yao Yao is sleeping in the passenger seat. He’s stopped at the red light and continues to complain about how unlucky he is and then it starts raining heavily. He sighs and then looks over at her sleeping face. She starts moving around as she's cold in her sleep and he removes his seatbelt to remove his shirt to cover her with it. But then the online question about being in love with his assistant makes him snatch his shirt off of her, which makes her wake up. She sleepily asks if they’ve arrived as he’s putting his seatbelt back on. He says no but misses the light turning green. She stares at him and he asks why she’s staring at him. She sleepily tells him that the light turned green and he steps on the gas pedal. She starts sneezing and he throws her his shirt and tells her to not spread her cold to him. She sniffles and puts the shirt on her lap. Then she starts scratching at the bites. He stops the car when he notices her bite on her arm is quite red and angry-looking. He asks what’s going on. She says she has no idea and says with a yawn that she’ll feel better after she gets some rest. He fiercely says, go home? They’re going to the hospital! 

At the hospital, it turns out that she’s allergic to the Florida Water. (She’s aggressively scratching at her arm, where he had put the Florida Water.) The doctor advises her to not use it anymore and will prescribe her an allergy medication for it. You Xi swats at her hand to stop scratching and asks why she didn’t say she was allergic to it. She says that she’s not allergic to it as she’s used it since she was young. Uh oh. Bad product? The doctor gives her the prescription and then advises her to avoid certain foods - seafood, red meat, chives and chili peppers. You Xi asks what she can eat then. The doctor just looks at him and You Xi says that he'll go get the medicine. LOL 

Back at home, You Xi calls Moore and tells him to send Summer Breeze Florida Water to a lab for testing. He asks him what’s wrong, and You Xi says he’s not sure yet. Moore says he’ll take care of it. Then You Xi tells him to let the filming team know that he’s taking two days of leave. Moore asks for what reason - and he says to take care of his assistant.  

The delivery man tells You Xi that the Mediterranean Fantasy Princess Series - You Xi raises a finger to get him to lower his voice. The delivery man continues in sotto voce, Super Single bed he ordered on urgent demand has just been delivered and asks if he can give them a five-star rating if he’s satisfied. 

The guy leaves and You Xi smiles as he walks into her room. Yao Yao is sitting on the new bed, and the entire room is decked out in pink. She asks him why he purchased a pink bed. He looks perplexed and asks doesn't she like pink? She asks him who told him that she likes pink? He asks then why does she keep riding that broken pink scooter every day? She says her father bought that for her. He walks over to her, stands over her and gets real close to her face, which makes her lean back a bit on the bed. He tells her sternly that even if she doesn’t like the bed he bought her, she still has to sleep in it. She just nods her head in agreement. He backs off and leaves her room.

Back in his room, he's looking at the coffee-stained fan and wondering who Zheng Ban Qiao is. He asks how there could someone he's never heard of. No one knows everyone and everything, dude. He calls a sleeping Qi Chao who answers his call. He asks him if he knows who Zheng Ban Qiao is. He sleepily says that he does, so You Xi asks him where he is and to bring him to him. His friend asks him why. He says that he wants him to draw on a fan for him. His friend says that he can't do that and You Xi says money is not an issue. Qi Chao says that it's not about money. You Xi says what, he has to beg him? He says that has never begged anyone in his life. His friend sleepily says that it doesn't matter if he begs. You Xi then says that nobody alive can make him kneel to him. His friend says there's no use praying either. You Xi is outraged and asks how there can be someone more self-important than him? No kidding as he’s barely cognizant of the fact that his friend was asleep?! His friend tells him to go search online for him and hangs up and falls back to sleep immediately.

You Xi finds Zheng Ban Qiao on Baidu, and learns that he was a Qing Dynasty calligrapher and scholar. He’s not alive, dude. The next morning, You Xi is wearing a pink apron and has made breakfast. He’s putting plates of food on the table when he receives a call from Mr. Lu, who tells him that he'll receive what he asked for in a few days' time. He thanks him and hangs up the call. Yao Yao comes into the room and laughs at the sight of him in the pink apron.
He smiles at her as he’s holding up two plates of food. He's so cute-looking here. He then asks what she’s laughing at. She asks him if perhaps he’s the one who likes pink, points at his apron, but is too ashamed to admit it. He loses his smile, sets down the plates and sputters that the housekeeper left the apron there and goes to remove the apron. He finishes putting the plates on the table and tells her to sit down. 

He has her try the food first. She takes her first bite and is very happy with the food he made. The doorbell rings and he opens the door to Moore and Pan Duo, who are here to help him. *scratches head* Why are they there? He doesn't look happy about this and tells them to wait and closes the door. He reopens the door and sprays them with disinfectant before letting them inside. 

Moore has brought him the lab report for Summer Breeze Florida Water and is telling him about it as they’re walking through the living room. Yao Yao says hello to him and Moore asks why she is there. Pan Duo sits down next to Yao Yao, who just looks at You Xi. He tells her to check on the soup that’s simmering on the stove. You Xi leaves the room and Moore wants an answer but has no choice but to follow him. 

Pan Duo grins at Yao Yao and the inquisition starts: when did she move in, did You Xi ask her to move and how long has she been here. Yao Yao says that her place had a fire and it’s being renovated. She’s grateful that You Xi agreed to take her in. Pan Duo says her uncle told her that You Xi has a severe germophobia as he’ll throw a fit if anyone touches his things. Pan Duo says that he lets her move in and even lets her drink his soup. She asks Yao Yao if she’s sick, and suggests that she take a rest as she’ll look after his soup.

In his study, Moore is asking You Xi why Yao Yao is staying there. You Xi replies that he's letting her stay here temporarily. Moore asks how he could let a stranger stay here. He reaches over to check his forehead temperature and You Xi bats his hand away and says it's temporary.  He drops the matter and drops the lab report on his desk. After investigating, they’ve determined that there is no production date, no quality checks and no manufacturers for this product. One guess who it is. All of the products this company has produced have been counterfeit. The test confirms that there are toxins in the water. You Xi says that's why xiao mu tou had an allergic reaction. Moore says vehemently that there is a serious issue with quality, so he'll contact the company to end the contract. You Xi asks how he came across this endorsement. Moore had received a call from this company asking to negotiate a deal. He then apologizes for his mistake and You Xi says to terminate the contract immediately. Moore then notices and comments on his book-filled bookcase in his study. You Xi quickly denies this and grabs “The Commentary of Zuo” (an ancient Chinese narrative history that is traditionally regarded as a commentary on the ancient Chinese chronicle Spring and Autumn Annals) and says that he likes to read and flips through this big book with very fine-sized print. (What is going on with this study? It's mostly black and white, but the decor looks as if the geometric shapes had a war and there's abstract “bloodshed” on the walls and floors. lol) You Xi asks him what he’s looking at and then drags Moore out with the report. 

Yao Yao is reading a book when Pan Duo plops down next to her on the couch. You Xi walks by and tells Pan Duo that her uncle is leaving so she should as well. She glumly says goodbye to Yao Yao and You Xi and leaves with Moore. You Xi looks at Yao Yao and asks why she's in the living room as she’s supposed to be keeping an eye on his soup. She says that Pan Duo said she would help with that. He looks at her in horror and runs to the kitchen and discovers the pot of soup is empty. He screams Pan Duo's name and Yao Yao comes running to ask what's wrong. He yells that Pan Duo drank all of his soup. (How did that tiny girl drink all of that soup?! lol I'm guessing it's at least 3 quarts’ worth.) Yao Yao calmly tells him isn't this an affirmation of cooking skills. He tells her that he made this soup for her. She tells him to treat it as if she was the one who drank it. He yells how is that the same?! He sets down the empty pot and walks off in a huff. She’s confused as to how it’s not the same thing. 

Shen Yi Ling is on the phone with her manager, as she’s throwing a fit about her photos for a magazine and threatening to never work with them again. Meanwhile Song Qie Ge is pouring himself a drink as his assistant hovers nearby. When she hangs up, he comments that she’s quite demanding. She smirks and says that’s her style. The toxic duo. His assistant tells him that Mr. Sun (from Summer Breeze) is outside and keeps asking for him. Song Qie Ge tells him to let him come in. Mr. Sun walks in and calls him lao ban (boss), and Song Qie Ge gives a curt tilt of his head at Shen Yi Ling for her to give up her seat. So she gets up and moves down to the next chair. 

Song Qie Ge tells him asked ask him to not show his face at the company. Mr. Sun says that they're in trouble as You Xi has asked to terminate the contract. Song Qie Ge says that he must have noticed that something was amiss. Shen Yi Ling asks what they should do now as they've already paid a lot. He says that they must strike first and gain the upper hand.

You Xi's ad with Florida Water airs, and Moore and Pan Duo are in You Xi's living room. Moore is trying to get the ad removed and informs You Xi that the company is a shell corporation and Mr. Sun has disappeared, along with everyone else in the company. The doorbell rings and You Xi tells Pan Duo to answer the door as she's closest to the door.
Pan Duo's daydream. Qi Chao looked so cute here that I had to share.
She opens the door to Qi Chao, who she stares at wordlessly. She daydreams of a smiling Qi Chao proposing to her. In real life, she tells him that she will! A stone-faced Qi Chao just looks at her and walks around her to go inside. He asks You Xi why he didn't tell him about what's happening and how he's able to remain so calm right now. Pan Duo chimes in that he's not putting up a fight and she's ashamed of him. Oh God, save me from her - she's going to chase after Qi Chao, isn't she? They’re interrupted by You Xi’s phone. He’s getting a call from Mr. Lu. He tells them that it’s urgent before he answers the call. Moore asks Yao Yao what urgent matters he could have, and she just shakes her head. On the phone, You Xi happily agrees to meet Mr. Lu for a cup of tea and says that he'll be right there. After he hangs up the call, he tells Moore to investigate who Song Qie Ge has been meeting with recently. Then he tells Yao Yao, xiao mu tou, let’s go and leaves and she hurriedly follows him. Moore asks where they’re going but there’s no response.

You Xi and Yao Yao are with Mr. Lu who says that he's brought it with him and hands him a long narrow box. He carefully sets down the box on the table and opens the lid to reveal a folded fan which he presents to Yao Yao. She opens the fan and he happily tells her to take a close look at it. She opens the fan and looks at the calligraphy on it and gasps. She looks at Mr. Lu and then You Xi and asks if this is Zheng Ban Qiao's authentic work. Mr. Lu nods and then You Xi nods as well. She's happily looking at the fan but You Xi looks at her to hand him a larger narrow box, which he hands to Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu opens the box and reveals a painting which he says is authentic and then he leaves. You Xi says this is his way of making amends. Awww. Yao Yao asks if the painting is the sole copy of the authentic work of Tang Bo Hu. He says that it’s good that she recognizes it. 

He's smiling as they leave the place but then he notices that she's cradling the fan in its box with a glum expression. He asks if she's really that touched. She says that she feels pity. (The painting was much older than the fan is, by a couple hundred years.) He asks if she wants it or not. She doesn't say anything so he reaches for the box and says he'll throw it away then. She resists and says that she wants it. He tells her with the wag of his finger, that she’s to remember to  live and die with that fan before he walks away. She sighs as she cradles the fan like one would a baby in the crook of her arm, and then she follows him out. 

[Ep4] Back on the set of "Accidentally in Love", Zheng Jia Er and You Xi are doing a breakup scene together. She’s sad about this breakup (her words are but there are no tears). Then she ends up grabbing onto his jacket to shake him, but she’s actually shaking herself and asking him “why” over and over. Yao Yao and Pan Duo are watching this with grimaces on their faces. She's sooo bad at acting! XD The Director yells cut and she stops like a toy with its batteries removed. The Director then asks for them to redo the scene. She wipes off a non-existent tear off of her face and asks in a whining tone to just tell her what went wrong. She's just so wrong. lol She says that she's not a faucet and You Xi glares at her as he’s getting his makeup retouched. Hahaha. 

Pan Duo tells Yao Yao that her uncle told her that her (Zheng Jia Er’s) backer got her female leads for three movies. Yao Yao looks at her in surprise. Pan Duo then says with her acting, these movies will all flop hard. XD Yao Yao says that she's beautiful but she lacks something. She also says that her eyes are dull. She also says that even though she looks so gorgeous, can she make people's hearts flutter? My advice: bring earplugs if you have to watch/listen to her. lol Pan Duo looks at her and says that she really is a woman of letters as she even makes cursing someone sound so beautiful and gives her a thumbs up. Yao Yao just smiles at this. Pan Duo says the reason why her eyes are so dull is that she’s wearing colored contact lenses. The Director tells her to remove her contact lenses, and Zheng Jia Er whines that she won’t. He tells her if she really won’t. She says she won’t so he says then he’ll edit out all of her scenes. She continues whining no. 

Qi Chao arrives on the set and both Yao Yao and Pan Duo notice him immediately. Qi Chao meets with You Xi outside the set and hands him an envelope. He says these are the files of everyone that Song Qie Ge met with recently and then he leaves. You Xi smiles and immediately starts opening the envelope to look at the information. 

In You Xi’s lounge, Yao Yao brings in takeaway food and You Xi complains that there’s no nutrition in takeaway food. Yao Yao says isn’t that what he’s always had on the set before. He says that was before. He gestures at the suitcase until the table and tells her to open it. She opens it and finds a set of pots and pans in it. She just looks at him as he nods. XD I guess he's cooking.

Now they’re sitting down to a table full of food. She says it smells good. He says that he had limited ingredients so he wasn’t able to exhibit his full cooking skills. She then goes to pick up a piece of meat but he swats at her chopsticks to drop the food and tells her to take photos first and post it to Weibo. She pulls out her phone and snaps pictures of the food. She asks him what to write for the post. He takes the phone from her and says that he'll do it. He looks at her as he composes the message "The assistant's cooking skills are not bad. I'll have to make do." She looks over at him and waits - he nods and she gets ready to eat. She notices that he’s just watching her, and she asks if he’s not eating. He says that he’s not as he’s watching his figure. She tells him that it's tasty and it's okay to have a few bites. He says that he said he's not eating, so he's not eating. He says that he has professional integrity.  Aww, he just cooked for her. She just smiles and happily digs in as he watches, and he looks quite hungry.

You Xi notices he's trending on Weibo - "make donations to You Xi". He's wondering why he would need donations. The netizens are saying that he’s using a knock-off phone, so he's short on cash and he's been endorsing so many fake and shoddy products. He then notices the comment about a knock-off phone and realizes that it's due to Yao Yao's phone. He yells for Yuchi Mu Mu and Yao Yao comes running. He asks if he would post on Weibo with a knock-off phone. She apologizes and says that she will delete the post immediately. He says what's the point as he's about to receive donations from the fans. She replies that she'll ask Moore to make an announcement then. He looks at her incredulously and throws his phone onto the couch. 

Now they're shooting a scene with You Xi saying that he'll raise their child alone. But a delivery man shows up behind him in the scene. The Director yells cut and asks who just ruined the scene. The delivery man raises a package in his hand and asks who the handsomest man in the universe is. You Xi coughs at this, then he smiles and says that it's him. LMAO It's raining on the set now and Yao Yao is holding an umbrella as You Xi opens the box and hands her the new phone. He tells her to use this phone from now on. She says that she can't accept this gift. He says who says this is a gift - it's a work phone - for posting on Weibo. He then pulls out a second phone and she asks if he got himself one, too. He says his phone is old. Did he just get them a set of couple's phones?! She looks at him and asks, hasn't he only had that phone for half a month? He says that he got 50% off for the second phone so he bought it. She then informs him that they're having a wrap party afterwards at a KTV and the Director said that he needs to be there. 

While everyone else is drunkenly singing in the room, Moore and Yu Xi are outside discussing the list that You Xi gave him. Moore says that he finally found the actual controller of the shell company but there's no direct evidence that links him to this. You Xi says that he'll figure out a way. Pan Duo drunkenly calls out for her uncle and tells both of them to come inside and have a drink. You Xi says that he's not going. She tells him that Yao Yao is in there, and she's drunk. He looks at her in surprise. He goes into the room and finds Yao Yao clinking her beer with Zheng Jia Er's glass. She appears quite drunk and he looks a bit ticked off and walks over to her but Zheng Jia Er says that she's been waiting for him and offers him the microphone which he refuses. Then she asks if he'll drink with them. He refuses and tells Yao Yao that they're going home. 

They arrive at home, and he’s carrying her in his arms with her arms wrapped around his neck. He tells her to hang on and to close her mouth. She looks up at him and asks him why he's so harsh - so harsh to her. He changes his tone and says gently that he wasn't being harsh to her on purpose.
She looks at him and then pouts. She drunkenly tells him that he used to be so gentle to her. He asks, used to? She then calls him Yin Jiu and then lays her head on his shoulder as she continues pouting. He looks less than happy about this. But then she starts to make gagging sounds and he tells her to get down. She ends up throwing up over his shoulder. 

You Xi has cleaned up now and finds Yao Yao on the couch. She has vomit on the front of her blouse and he's looking at it in disgust. Our boy can't handle messes. He sighs and says Yuchi Mu Mu a few times but she's asleep. He rolls his eyes and realizes that he is resigned to cleaning her himself. He wipes her shirt with the towel, but then she wakes up and pulls him down. Now they're face-to-face and she asks what he's doing. He explains that she threw up on herself and says it was disgusting.

She looks at him and grins and points out that he's blushing. He asks her, Yao Yao, if she can see clearly who he is. She takes an even closer look and says, Mr. You, he's finally got her name correct. He then leans down and kisses her. She looks surprised by this. O_O

The next morning, Yao Yao wakes up and finds herself in her pajamas in her own bed. She recalls puking on him, but then an arm lands on her and she screams. She looks over and it's Pan Duo. She explains that around 2 a.m. You Xi had called her. He had asked her to come over to wash her up and get her changed. But then she was too tired and ended up staying here. Yao Yao asks if she was very drunk last night. Pan Duo says she wasn't very drunk - she was extremely drunk. lol She says that she turns into a different person when she's drunk. She had pulled You Xi to sing and dance, and then she threw up all over the floor. She says that You Xi was furious, and she didn't know that she had that in her when she's drunk. Yao Yao is embarrassed. 

Meanwhile, You Xi is remembering last night's kiss. He hurriedly brushes his teeth and recalls that she had bitten him on the lips. 

Yao Yao nervously goes to knock on You Xi’s door. She finally knocks and he opens the door and sees her smiling face and she says last night - and he quickly closes the door on her. Inside his room, he is wondering what to do and is talking to the crocodile, Pi Dan (preserved egg) and says that it's so embarrassing. Meanwhile, Yao Yao is still standing at the door and thinking that she ruined his clothes and if she will forever be blacklisted by him. You Xi tells him to calm down and then starts practicing what he'll tell her. "Xiao mu tou, we're both grown-ups. It was just a kiss. Not a big deal."  She's outside thinking that he seems very angry and wonders if she should leave him to calm down. Inside, he's still practicing: "Xiao mu tou, I'll take care of you." Then he throws Pi Dan and yells "That's crazy! Take care of what?" Hahaha. He says what's happening has to happen. He's not afraid.  And makes himself open the door, to Yao Yao as she's about to knock again. They both say, "I have things to say to you." 

Outside, they're sitting on the deck but they’re both talking at the same time, and they each tell the other to go first. 

YX: Say it. How do you want to deal with this? 
YYY: Mr. You. It won't be a problem for me however you want to handle it. 
YX: What do you mean by you won't have a problem however I want to handle it? How could I know what you think since you haven't said anything?
YYY: It doesn't matter what I think, Mr. You. Do you want to fire me?
YX: Do you want to quit? He gets this crestfallen look on his face. Why would I fire you? 
YYY: Because...I threw up on you yesterday. 
YX thinking: It seems she doesn't remember anything. 

YX: That's right. Not only did you throw up on me, but you also made my house a mess. It was a long night for me. 
YYY: I'll go get my things.  
YX: Sit down. Are you leaving just like that? I didn't finish my sentence. She sits back down.
YYY: Did I do something else yesterday? 

YX: You really can't remember what happened?

YYY shaking her head: I don't remember.  
YX looking relieved: That's good. He smiles. That's okay. Your boss is quite a generous guy. I'm over it. 
YYY: Hold on. I think I remember. He looks nervous now. She points at the couch inside. Last night I was drunk and lying there. Mr. You helped me get up. He's thinking about how he kissed her. And then -
YX interjects: Never mind. Never mind. Just forget about it if you can't remember. 
YYY: No. I'll correct my mistakes. If I didn't make any, I'll avoid them nonetheless. I must recognize my mistakes in order to rectify them. He looks worried now. And then... And then... He shakes his head.
YX: And then you bit a huge hole in my rug! 
YYY points to herself: Me??

She’s now holding a white furry rug up to her face and is looking through this huge hole, looking at him and asking if he’s saying that she bit this hole? Haha. He pulls down the rug and asks her if she’s saying that he’s wrong. He tells her that his mother bought back this rug from Iran, and asks her how she’ll pay for it. He stole a kiss but somehow she owes him a rug! LMAO She replies that she never said that she was paying for it. He just grimaces at her. She says that this is obviously cut out. He tells her fine, just stop and they’ll end the matter here. He gets up and leaves her there, and she continues looking at the rug.

Back in his study, he’s looking at a pair of gold scissors. He’s the culprit with the weapon. Ha. Pan Duo comes into the room and he covers up the scissors with his hand.  She says that she’s seen everything, and he thinks she’s talking about the scissors. She reaches over and grabs the open bag of snacks on his desk. This girl is always eating his food. He quickly puts the scissors in a drawer. She’s eating the snacks and says that she’s hungry and asks him to cook. He tells her to go home and eat. She tells him that he’s a good cook. She then whines that she wants to eat his food. She is really annoying me here. She threatens to tell Yao Yao that he uses the “Modern Chinese Dictionary” as a seat cushion, so he runs after her.

Now she’s happily stuffing her face with the food he made. He’s watching her with disgust as she’s eating so messily. He tells her to eat, as she’ll eat her way into becoming fat. She looks at her phone and casually mentions the dictionary that Yao Yao gave him. Yao Yao looks over at her, and he tells Pan Duo to eat more. She suddenly asks if Qi Chao likes plump girls. He tells her that he doesn’t like girls at all, especially not ones as naive as her - having never been kissed. She says he doesn’t know anything. So he asks her about who she kissed for the first time. She says it was in third grade with a classmate. He says then she hasn’t had her first kiss. Pan Duo says that Yao Yao probably hasn’t had her first kiss either. He tells Pan Duo that she had a boyfriend before but Yao Yao looks away. He looks at Yao Yao and she’s still averting her gaze.  He looks at her incredulously and says that she was in a two-year relationship and they didn’t even kiss. She quietly nods. He asks her if she’s been saving her first kiss…and realizes that he stole her first kiss. He claims that he has a headache and hurries up the stairs to go to his room. 

In his room, he pulls out his phone and posts: "Stole a girl's first kiss and didn't take responsibility. Was I a playboy?” lol!

The responses come in. 

  • Which grade are you in, primary schooler? Have you finished your summer homework? XD
  • I think this post was written by my ex. 
  • Only a good-looking guy can be called a playboy. Post a selfie to let us see.

He then receives a notification that his post was added to #playboys' bewildering behaviors. He gets upset and puts down his phone. He then knocks on Yao Yao's door. She answers the door and asks him what's going on. He laughs super awkwardly and then shows her his phone. He tells her to check out this post - isn't it funny? She reads the post and comments and says this guy isn't a playboy. He's a coward as he stole the first kiss of a girl and then only dared to make a post about it online. He loses his smile and looks at her as she explains that he doesn't know what the first kiss means to a girl. He just says okay and nods. 

He's back in his room and jumps onto his bed. He convinces himself to admit to stealing her first kiss. So he knocks on her door and says about what happened last night. But then Pan Duo pops out her head and says that she wants to hear this, too, and then stuffs her face with some snack. Why is she still here?! He sighs in exasperation and leaves. 

The next day, he finds her in his study and tries to tell her the truth. But Pan Duo opens the door and pops her head in to listen. He glares at her and just leaves the room. She blinks her lemur-like eyes at Yao Yao who just shrugs. Augh. 

Yao Yao and You Xi are outside the deck and sitting across from each other. He looks around for Pan Duo before he starts talking. Once he starts saying “In fact…”, Pan Duo pops up from behind one of the chairs and asks in fact what? (Okay, show, enough with this dumb gag.) He gets annoyed and asks her why she’s everywhere. She gets up from behind the chair and then sits down right next to Yao Yao and tells him to keep talking. Go away. It's his home – why isn't he making her leave? He just glares at her and leaves again. 

You Xi is sitting outside, looking at his phone and muttering if he's such a bad kisser and then he puckers his lips at his phone which is on selfie mode. Pan Duo suddenly pops up to ask him what he's doing. She asks him if something is bothering her, and suggests that he could talk to his best friend/her idol, Qi Chao. Now I know why she is also called Pandora on the show – once she’s been let out of the box - it’s endless BS. *facepalm* No, I'm not using that moniker.

He meets up with Qi Chao but they meet at a cafe (instead of Qi Chao’s home) because Pan Duo is following him. You Xi tries to tell him what happened but he struggles to get the words out. He finally tells him that he has a friend, who accidentally kissed his secretary. Qi Chao asks, accidentally, how? You Xi says never mind that. The secretary was drunk and had forgotten all about it. The point is, it just so happened to be the secretary's first kiss so his friend feels responsible for her. Qi Chao suggests just telling her then. You Xi says that telling her would be very embarrassing. Qi Chao says then don't tell her. They go around in circles as no matter which one Qi Chao suggests, You Xi has a reason refuting why the friend should or shouldn't tell her. You Xi says that he needs a substantive answer from him, and Qi Chao says that he doesn't know. 

You Xi says that he's the love song prince and Qi Chao retorts that he's the idol drama prince. You Xi says that his idol dramas have no actual reference value. Qi Chao says that his love songs have nothing to do with workplace harassment. You Xi says what workplace harassment - if anything “she's the one harassing me.” Qi Chao notices the slip up and You Xi quickly corrects it to "his friend". Qi Chao laughs at this. Yao Xi says his friend is handsome and tall, so why would he harass anyone. Qi Chao then asks if his friend likes her. You Xi says like her - it's impossible. Qi Chao says "Clever people never say no so easily." You Xi asks how does he know whether his friend likes her or not? Qi Chao beckons for him to come closer, and Yu Xi leans closer across the table and Qi Chao whispers into his ear, asking him if he did act in all those idol dramas for nothing. XD You Xi sits back up and Qi Chao mentions the following signs to tell if he likes her: 

  • Always peeking at her from time to time (watching her eat, sleep, etc.) 
  • Feeling nervous when seeing her injured (when she had the allergic reaction)
  • Feeling a quicker heartbeat when having physical contact with her (when he grabbed the book for her at home)
  • Developing a fondness for the things she likes (drinking tea and reading books) but he disagrees vehemently on this one

Qi Chao says three of out four – that's pretty close. You Xi asks if this method is scientific. Qi Chao says no it isn't but it's accurate. He then says that he's tired and wants to go home. 

YX: One last question. Suppose… I mean hypothetically, if my friend is going to confess to his secretary about what happened that night, how should he start? 
QC: Here's my advice. Before telling her that her first kiss was gone, you'd better prepare her for it. Otherwise...
YX: Spit it out. Otherwise what? 
QC: There will be serious consequences. I'm going. Bye-bye. He leaves. (~29:00, three minutes long.) 

Back at home, You Xi is telling himself that it's just a kiss, it's not a big deal and practicing what he'll say. But he's knocking on the wall outside her room, and she opens the door and asks him what's going on as she's carrying a knife (box cutters) in her right hand. He asks her what she's doing with that knife as she extends the blade further and further. She says that she's sharpening a pencil as she shows him the pencil in her left hand. XD Ah, sharpening a pencil with a knife is quite pleasant. He laughs nervously at this and says what a coincidence as he needs a knife to pare an apple, and takes the knife from her hand and then retracts the blade. He tells her that she's been reading for so long so she must be tired. She says that she's not tired. He then pulls her into the living room to watch TV with him. 

They're watching one of his series, where he tries to kiss the female (it's that evil Shen Yi Ling actress) but she stops him and tells him that they're no longer together. He ends up kissing her anyway. (I like how anytime they're showing him kissing a girl (other than Yao Yao) - it's always the very obvious 'fake' kissing angle - see nothing but hair and bright lights. lol) You Xi looks over at Yao Yao and gets this grin on his face (yes, he's smitten), and asks her if she has any thoughts about the scene. She says that he did well in that scene, got all the lines right and emotions were displayed well. He says that's not what he's asking about. He tells her that sometimes between men and women - demonstrating with his hands and touching the tip of his index fingers together - kissing is perfectly normal. She's watching him kissing the female and she says that it's not normal at all. He asks why it isn't normal.

YYY very seriously: It is a very sacred contract. It's just like how lovers in ancient times would give each other plums and red adzuki beans as tokens of love. Once that contract is formed, the two must honor that contract for life. Hold hands and grow old together. Stay together forever till death comes. He looks at her incredulously. She then laughs. I'm kidding, Mr. You. XD
YX: Don't joke like that. She keeps laughing at him. 

The doorbell rings and he gets up to answer the door. It's Moore who says that he called him but he didn't answer his phone. Yao Yao asks him what’s going on and he tells her to check Weibo. You Xi looks crushed by what he finds on Weibo: There are complaints about You Xi's endorsement of Summer Breeze Florida Water, and it has caused multiple severe allergy cases.

[Ep5] Moore says that Mr. Sun was the mastermind behind this scam but there isn't enough evidence to show that Mr. Sun is related to this company. He tells You Xi that he will need to take responsibility for the quality issues related to Florida Water. :(
You Xi is sitting outside with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. Yao Yao sits down next to him and he tells her about his solo debut as a trainee. Someone had thrown red paint all over him and he'd been so scared at the time. Later he found out that another trainee had instigated someone to do it. Later his company poached this trainee, who wanted to patch things up with him. She asks if he gave in and he asks what she thinks happened. She says she doesn't think he did. He says she's right as he quit and became an actor instead. She asks if he'll be blacklisted this time and he says to not worry as he is blessed, so nothing will happen to him. He also says that he's not the same person he was years ago.  

She nods and they continue sitting together quietly looking into the darkness. 

The next day, You Xi asks Moore to organize a press conference for the next day as he wants to explain everything regarding the incident. 

The toxic duo, Song Qie Ge and Shen Yi Ling are discussing You Xi’s Weibo post about having a press conference tomorrow regarding Summer Breeze Florida Water. She asks him if there will be any issues with Mr. Sun. He says that Mr. Sun has been instructed to go into hiding overseas for a while so the company will disappear as well. He wants to see what You Xi can really say about this. 

You Xi is treating the group (Qi Chao, Pan Duo, Moore and Yao Yao) to a meal today as he says that his name will be cleared tomorrow. Pan Duo starts to reach for the chicken but then says that the chicken drumstick is too big for her to finish. You Xi says is there any drumstick she can't finish? XD She spins the lazy susan so the chicken dish is in front of Qi Chao and she offers it to him. He then says that he doesn't like chicken so You Xi reaches for it. Pan Duo clears her throat and glares at him. You Xi says that he doesn't like chicken and offers it to Yao Yao, who reaches for it. Pan Duo gives her a pouty look so Yao Yao tells Moore to eat it. Pan Duo clears her throat and glares at her uncle, who then says he's on a diet. Yao Yao says that Pan Duo likes chicken drumsticks the most and spins the dish over to her. Ugh!  She then asks Qi Chao if he wants a chicken wing. (He already said he doesn't like chicken.) He looks annoyed but only says he's full and then excuses himself to go to the bathroom. Then Pan Duo follows him out. (Sorry but I am not a fan of characters that use their “cute” appearance to get things their way.) She is literally waiting for him to get out of the bathroom and when he comes out, she asks him to tell her anything he wants to say as it's just the two of them now. He asks what she wants to hear. She says that she knows that going to the bathroom was just an excuse to speak to her in private. *scratches head* What?? He admits that it was an excuse - to avoid her.

He goes to leave but two fan girls grab onto him for a photo. The girls hand the phone over to Pan Duo to take the photo for them. She objects to the girls putting their hands on him and she also tells them to put some space between them and him but they won't. So she takes bad photos of them - his head is cut off in one shot and the other is only their legs. The girls are outraged by this and start squawking at her. Qi Chao grabs her arm and leads her away from the girls. She smiles at him and he maintains a scowl.

They're back in the dining room with the group and Pan Duo is rubbing her arm where he touched her and smiling like a lunatic (more than usual). You Xi asks him what he did to her and Qi Chao tells him to shut up. You Xi comments that love is blind. Qi Chao turns the tables on him and asks him how things are between his friend and his secretary. You Xi looks over at Yao Yao and then back at Qi Chao and asks what things, as he just has to make do. Qi Pao says he meant in terms of relationships. You Xi looks flabbergasted by this but Yao Yao and Pan Duo both look at him. You Xi then starts shoving food into his mouth. Pan Duo recommends the dish of mushrooms, which he starts to eat a ton of.

Back at home, Yao Yao brings the white rug to You Xi who asks why she hasn't thrown it away yet. She says that his mother gave it to him so she thought it would have a special meaning to him, so she patched the hole with some chartreuse-colored material. (The color and shape makes me think of Grogu. lol) He looks at it and says it's quite ugly and tells her to throw it away. She says that she can change the color but he demands that she throw it away. She says that it's a bit ugly but it's a reminder of his mother. He says that he doesn't need it and he can ask his mother to buy a new one.  

Now they are fighting over the rug as they both insist on laying it out on the floor. But then he pulls too hard and she ends up right against him with the rug in between them. They're staring at each other and he asks if she really doesn't remember what happened that night? She says what? He asks her if she thinks kissing is a very serious thing. She replies that if two people truly like each other and are both willing, what's wrong with kissing? Then he asks what if one person was drunk? She backs away from him and says that's being indecent. No matter in ancient times or now, such a person is to be despised. Now he says that night, he saw Pan Duo stealing a kiss from her, as she definitely has other intentions towards her. LMAO Really? He ends with, no matter what, don't bring this up in front of her. Yao Yao suddenly starts leaning in to look very closely at his neck and then his hands as red spots have appeared. He suddenly faints. 

It turns out that You Xi is allergic to mushrooms which caused his vocal cords to swell. For some reason, Pan Duo is shaking him like a rag doll as he's laying there, and apologizing for giving him the mushrooms as she didn't know he was allergic. Who shakes a person who is feeling unwell anyway? This lunatic. He suddenly vomits into the trash can beside the bed. Yao Yao tells her that she just shook the medicine he just took out of his system and then she wipes his mouth. Pan Duo says she'll go get him more medicine and leaves immediately. 

You Xi beckons Yao Yao to come closer and says “tomorrow’s press conference.” She asks Moore if they can postpone tomorrow’s press conference. Moore says they can’t as it would make them appear guilty. Yao Yao is worried about You Xi and looks at him, and he says okay, he’ll go. Moore says who said he was going – he meant Yao Yao was going. They're both flabbergasted at this. 

Moore leaves and tells her to prepare well for it. She asks him if she really has to go. He tells her as she's a victim of the inferior Florida Water, for public safety, shouldn't she speak out against the company? And as the assistant, shouldn't she share her boss' burdens? She nods. He says whether for professional reasons or otherwise, it should be her. She tries to tell him why she doesn't want – he tells her as she's the first victim, her words will be the most convincing. 

She is practicing her speech in front of the monitor screen – it’s a photo of a room full of people looking at her. But she's quite anxious and imagining the crowd jeering at her and telling her to get off the stage. She starts hyperventilating and clutches at her collar. You Xi pops up from behind the picture and asks her if she's nervous. He walks over to her and puts his index finger right in between her eyes, smiles and then says jia you. He realizes he's grinning like an idiot, so he drops the smile and wipes his finger on her sleeve. He turns around to leave and she says that for him, she'll do her best and he walks away with a big smile on his face. (She can't see it.)  

The next day, You Xi is at home watching the press conference on his phone. He takes a sip of water and notices a bottle of Estazolam tablets (tranquilizer) on a top shelf. Yao Yao had taken some in advance of the press conference and stowed them up there. He's examining the bottle now.

Yao Yao is at the press conference with Moore. She looks quite scared and wants to tell him something but he snidely tells her that whether or not You Xi's name is cleared depends on her performance today. WTH is wrong with him half of the time? He's so Jekyll and Hyde. He hands her the mic and says that she can do it. Then he pushes her towards the media with their flashing cameras, multiple questions and other noise. She thinks about You Xi's story about his solo debut and then Moore's words to her the night before about her being the first victim. She takes some deep breaths and gets on the stage to address the media.  She is asked about her relationship with You Xi, when You Xi is coming, and she starts hyperventilating and thinks about a woman getting hit with a car and ends up bleeding on the ground with papers under her head. She then starts clutching at her necklace. But she drops the microphone and runs away. Song Qie Ge and Shen Yi Ling are enjoying this show from home. 

Moore ends up talking to the press instead. He's asked if You Xi's illness is just a publicity stunt. As Moore is addressing the press, You Xi shows up in an all white suit. Song Qie Ge loses his smug smile. Meanwhile, Yao Yao is walking around outside lost in her thoughts. But then she hears You Xi's voice and sees him on a large screen addressing the press conference. He thanks the press and then he announces that his assistant had an allergic reaction from using Florida Water. They had Florida Water sent in for testing, which stated that it contained high toxins. She's watching him with tears in her eyes. The toxic duo are scowling now as he talks about the investigation and how he asked Summer Breeze to stop selling and advertising their product and make an announcement to warn consumers to not purchase the product. He says that he did request a termination of the contract but the reporter points out that there is no proof of this. He admits that there is no proof, however, when he sent out the termination notice, he had paid three times the stipulated liquidated damages. Yao Yao gasps at this and remembers that he had told her that Mr. Sun wouldn't by this amount of money. So the minute he touches the money in that account, then he can prove that he's related to Summer Breeze. He pulls out his banking account receipt. The press believe that he's a victim now. The toxic duo are surprised by the liquidated damages, and Song Qie Ge says that Mr. Sun never told him about this. Then You Xi announces that the person in charge of Summer Breeze has transferred the liquidated damages to his personal account and attempted to escape but was nabbed at the airport yesterday morning. You Xi intends to sue the company for fraud and for conspiring against SG Entertainment and himself personally. He admits that he and his company are still responsible and promises to take any future endorsements seriously. Qi Chao is watching this broadcast with a smile. He ends the conference with a deep bow. Outside, Yao Yao is crying and apologizing to him. 

Song Qie Ge angrily says that he didn't know that You Xi would pay three times the liquidated damages, and Shen Yi Ling snidely counters that You Xi is better than him in this regard. Oof. 

You Xi leaves the conference with Moore talking incessantly at his side. You Xi is looking for Yao Yao and asks him where she is. Moore gets angry about her dropping the ball at a crucial moment. He calls her and realizes that she left her phone there with her bag. Now You Xi is driving around looking for her and on the phone with Qi Chao. You Xi asks if she's hiding because she was afraid that he'd blame her. His friend tells him that maybe she's had enough of him and she will use this opportunity to leave. You Xi sputters at him to stop spouting rubbish. Then he says that she's quite responsible and she's not done teaching him about Chancellor Zhong. He adamantly says that she won't leave and then hangs up on his friend. 

You Xi finds Yao Yao by a lake. He runs to hug her and tells her that he thought...He just smiles and continues hugging her. 

Back at home, with teary eyes she tries to tell him something but he says never mind and tells her to get some rest. He walks towards his room. But with a tearful voice, she finally admits that she has agoraphobia (extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places). He turns around and she tells him that she had taken medication to help calm her down but she didn't think that she would still ruin his press conference. She apologizes to him and he says that it's okay and it's not her fault at all.    

She's crying and has such red eyes, but she looks at him and asks him if he knows why she chose to be a home tutor. She says her dream is to be a teacher. But considering her agoraphobia, she tells herself every day that as long as she gets stronger and works hard to improve, one day, she will definitely step up to the podium. She sniffles and apologizes for wrecking it. He slowly moves his hand towards her face to wipe her tears but instead he pats her hair and tells her that she'll get better. 
The next morning, You Xi knocks on her door and takes her outside. He tells her that if she wants to teach a class next time, she can treat – waves his hands at the shelves with potted plants (with a photograph of him on each one) – as her classroom. How thoughtful.

He introduces her to her students - each plant has a different variant of his name: Xiao You Xi (top student), You Xi Xi (mischievous), but then he accidentally pricks himself on a cactus spine and a drop of blood shows up on the papers he's holding. She looks at the spot of blood in horror and envisions a woman on the ground with blood seeping from her head onto paper and she starts clutching at her necklace and starts hyperventilating. You Xi is looking at his finger but notices that something is wrong with Yao Yao. 

Now, You Xi is talking to a psychologist about agoraphobia. She tells him it's a common psychological disorder. The patients will feel an intense fear or anxiety when they're in front of strangers or under the scrutiny of others in a social setting or performances. In psychology terms, it's a social anxiety disorder. He asks if there is any treatment available. There are but they need to know the cause first - genetic or biological. Patients who suffer from such a disorder when they have had certain trauma. So one needs to figure out their deepest fear and help them overcome it before they can recover. He receives a call from Moore during this, who tells him that the company just had a meeting and has decided to fire Yao Yao. 

You Xi barges into Moore’s office and demands an explanation. He asks if they asked for his permission before changing his assistant. Moore said they decided this at the meeting, and Yao Yao's mistake was too large to ignore. You Xi says that she only left midway through the press conference - is this necessary? A woman interrupts and says that Mr. Zhang wants to see You Xi.   

You Xi goes to bat for keeping Yao Yao onboard. She's diligent, attentive, capable and responsible - and she is more than capable of being his assistant. He tells Mr. Zhang that there's no need to change assistants. Mr. Zhang tells him to have a look at the drama series contract. It's a period romance drama, "The Founding of the Three Kingdoms." You Xi says that he doesn't want to take on any new series as he needs to prepare for his role in "Chancellor Zhong." Mr. Zhang tells him that they aren't mutually exclusive. Mr. Zhang says that he'll be the main lead and the compensation is very generous. You Xi says that what he wants is for him to usher the way for the newcomers and earn money for the company. He asks if it's Pan Duo or Zheng Jia Er this time. He says that they're all going. You Xi says that he's not going. Mr. Zhang tells him that Song Qie Ge wants this role as well. You Xi repeats that he's not going.  

[Ep6] You Xi continues saying that he refuses to go. Mr. Zhang says he has one choice, and they can discuss changing his assistant if he doesn't sign. He signs the contract and leaves.

Back at home, Yao Yao finds the contract and tells him that he is taking part in a 10-day exclusive training on the history of the Three Kingdoms Period. You Xi grabs the contract from her and says that he didn't see that term. She tells him that it's a good thing and necessary as it'll help play the role better. She also says that it'll be at her university. Oh, Show remembered that she is a student. He unhappily says that he suffered a lot to graduate and now he has to go back to school. And he has to wake up early for classes. He asks if he has to sleep at the dorms. She says yes. He asks if he could cancel the contract. She says to take it as a chance to be a college student again. He says a chance - he went to college as well. She looks at him like she doesn't believe him. He asks if she doesn't believe him and she doesn't say anything, just purses her lips. lol He says that he'll show her his certificate of graduation now. But then he seems unsure where it is. He says that he'll call his tutor but she says it's okay as she believes him. I'm skeptical but okay. lol Pan Duo calls him to remind him that it's Qi Chao's birthday. And then the doorbell rings and it's Pan Duo and Moore and they want him to cook the meal. Pan Duo asks if he's prepared a gift for Qi Chao. He says that he hasn't. He asks what she's prepared for him, and she says that she's prepared a feast for him. She means him, and puts on the pitiful-girl act to get him to help her. He's stuck in the kitchen by himself as everyone else is out enjoying the sun/shade in the backyard. *rolling eyes*

Qi Chao shows up at You Xi's house and no one answers the door when he rings the doorbell. But the door appears to be unlocked so he walks in, and it's a surprise birthday party. Pan Duo is carrying this pink cake with a kissing couple and wings on it and grinning at him like a lunatic. He remains stone-faced. 

Now they're sitting down to the meal that You Xi prepared. Pan Duo insists on putting a piece of meat on Qi Chao's plate and tells him to eat it. *rolling eyes* Her crazy lemur-like eyes. He just looks glumly at his plate. You Xi tells her to stop talking, as her voice reminds him of the unpeeled potatoes. She promptly closes her mouth. You Xi then shows his friend the blisters on his hand as they all did nothing, while he cooked everything. Qi Chao tells him that it's nothing and to man up. You Xi wants to argue with him but doesn't argue with him as it's his birthday. Pan Duo tells them to eat up as she has something fun planned later. They're playing mahjong as Yao Yao sits out. Pan Duo whines about how Qi Chao plays his tiles. She just won't stop talking so he just leaves. You Xi tells her to take his spot. Yao Yao says that she's never played before but she ends up beating everyone every single round. lol Of course. :) Either beginner’s luck or a quick learner. You Xi ends up kicking out the guests. 

You Xi asks didn't she say that she's never played mahjong? She says that's correct but after watching them play so many rounds, she got the hang of it. She says it's similar to playing chess as one observes and listens to everyone, and remembers the move of other players. She says that after a while, she can deduce what the opponents' moves are going to be. He asks if she can give in little for him, as Pan Duo is always helping Qi Chao. Ugh, no, dude, that's obsession! Yao Yao tells him that playing mahjong is a type of entertainment but it's also a game that should be played fairly. She then says that losing at games isn't shameful. She says it's shameful to be a spectator and use tricks in the game instead of learning and improving skills when he's not good enough. He looks at her in frustration and gets up from the couch.  

At night, she's practicing for her lecture before a full classroom, while looking at a photo, but she’s still struggling to get through the anxiety. You Xi sees her and thinks about her dream, and he leaves her alone. You Xi calls Moore to ask about the crew for “The Founding of the Three Kingdoms” needing an assistant teacher, and recommends Yao Yao for the position. Moore says that he can’t arrange that as it’s up to the production team. You Xi tells him in a condescending tone that he can’t even make small requests like this now? Moore quickly tells him that they are conducting interviews at Jiangzhou University for this, and students on campus are allowed to participate.

At the University, Yao Yao tells You Xi that he didn’t have to accompany her for this as she knows her way around the school. He tells her that this is of vital importance and he wants to see her sign up in person. Aww, all the little things he’s doing for her. She walks away from him but then she turns back and he asks if she’s ready to run away already. She smiles and tells him that for him she will work hard. She then pumps her fist and says jia you. He wishes her jia you, and then she walks away. He’s left smiling and telling himself that xiao mu tou is doing this for him. 

At a cafe, You Xi is smiling but in a daze (thinking about training on campus with Yao Yao) while sitting across from Yao Yao. Yao Yao breaks his reverie to tell about her interview. She passed this round of interviews to advance to the final interviews which are taking place in two days’ time. You Xi says that it’s such a short time. Oh, now he wants to be on campus, haha. Yao Yao says that she doesn’t think so as the competition is quite fierce. You Xi encouragingly says that she’ll get the position. A girl’s voice chimes in that it’s not good to underestimate her competitors. A girl with a pair of huge glasses perched on her nose appears at their table. She looks at Yao Yao over the top of the glasses and tells her that she feels lucky to pass the first round. She says that without losers for comparison, don’t be too sad when she fails the final round, and then she gives Yao Yao a disdainful look before pushing up her glasses and then leaves. You Xi is incredulous by this one-sided conversation and asks Yao Yao who she was. He says that she’s more arrogant than him. XD He laughs and says she said this while holding a dictionary and asks if she thinks she’s Einstein. Yao Yao seriously tells him that Einstein is a scientist. He loses his smile, slaps his hand on the table and says that he doesn’t care. He says that she has to beat her in the final. Yao Yao says that Duan Fei Fei is a legend at their university and she’s been on TV. She is also a postdoctoral researcher in the History Department. He dismissively says so what, as she still can’t be his assistant. He tells her that if he says that she can defeat her, then she can. He then says let’s go home but she says that she’s waiting for someone. That someone is Pan Duo who pops up just then, and You Xi looks annoyed by this. I’m there with you, dude. Pan Duo tells him that she needs to borrow Yao Yao for the night and grabs Yao Yao’s arm to leave with her. The girls leave and he yells where are they going. Pan Duo yells back that it’s none of his business.

Pan Duo and Yao Yao are carrying bags of snacks to a recording studio. Yao Yao asks if it’s inappropriate for them to visit uninvited. Pan Duo tells her that she has spent a lot of time searching for where Qi Chao was recording his songs. Stalker vibes. The girls just show up in the control room, and the guys ask them who they are. Pan Duo’s response: Chao Ge’s friends. Special friends. She then waves at Qi Chao who is in the live room, and then forms her arms in a heart shape and shoots finger hearts at him. He looks peeved.  

Meanwhile, You Xi (wearing the cutest dinosaur pajamas) is at home playing games and checking the time on the couch. He can’t stand it and ends up calling Yao Yao and asks her to come home and claims that he’s hungry. She answers the call but she’s in the control room, and the engineers are giving her looks. She whispers that she can’t talk to him and hangs up on him. He’s shocked that she hung up on him.

One of the guys complains about when the backup singer will be arriving as Qi Chao’s been waiting for hours. The other guy tells him that she had a row with her boyfriend so might not be coming today. The first guy gets upset and says that it’s hard to get an appointment with Qi Chao. Pan Duo volunteers to sing with him. She hands her phone to Yao Yao to record this. Pan Duo starts singing terribly and Qi Chao tells her to stop. She says that she needs to adjust the microphone as it’s too high for her (he’s much taller than her), and he goes to adjust it but she fights him for it and the microphone falls and hits the ground. O_o The girls leave the studio and a dejected Pan Duo mopes about singing poorly in front of her idol and breaking his favorite microphone. Yao Yao consoles her by saying that Qi Chao is kind and generous so he won’t make a fuss about it. Pan Duo then receives a message from Qi Chao: “Stop following me around.” She drops her head onto Yao Yao’s shoulder but then she stands up and says that she needs snacks. 

Yao Yao returns home and the place is dark but she is startled to find You Xi sitting on the floor in front of the TV just staring at the screensaver with a prompt to “Open the list of input”. She walks up to him and asks him what he’s doing and is met with silence. He is quite stone-faced here. She looks at the screen and asks him what he’s looking at. He looks at her and says in an eerily quiet voice that he’s looking at the scenery. She looks at the screen in confusion and then he suddenly starts yelling “Do you know what time it is now?!” Uh oh. He gets up and grabs the remote to turn on the lights. She follows him and apologizes for coming back so late. He angrily tells her that when she was absent, he had to boil the water himself, had to order takeaway himself, and drove out the mosquitoes all on his own! She apologizes, doesn’t make eye contact and says that “I shouldn’t have left our home behind.” He continues yelling, “Yes. It’s all your fault. You left our home behind…” He pauses, thinks about her words, and asks her if she said “ourour home”? She looks at him now and makes a sound indicating she’s not sure what he’s referring to. (~21:34) He looks away, scratches his head and tells her that he’s sleepy. 
He walks away with a huge grin on his face. She just stares at him curiously as he’s walking away. He goes back to his room and talks to Pi Dan (crocodile pillow) and says that she called it “zan jia, zan jia!!” (zan jia = our home, ~21:50). He’s so happy about this. Had to share his cute dino pajamas, his bunny headband (he wears different ones all the time) and the way she’s looking at him. :)

The next morning, You Xi brushes his teeth and sets his brush down when he’s finished. But then he notices how far away hers is and he purposely moves their brushes so they’re right next to each other. He says zan jia before he leaves the bathroom.

He greets Yao Yao in the study with what’s for breakfast at zan jia today? (He’s emphasizing this phrase.) She goes to get up from the desk and says that she’ll make him noodles. He runs over to her to tell her no, no, sit down and has her sit back down. Then he says there is ham in the fridge of zan jia, and asks if he should add it to the noodles? She says okay and he says he’ll start preparing then. Before he leaves, he says that he’ll see her later in the dining room of zan jia. He even skips/dances out of the room. XD Yao Yao sits there confused about what’s going on. 

You Xi receives a call from Moore about his findings on Duan Fei Fei. She’s had a pitiful life - raised by a single mother who is a cleaner, her little brother has leukemia and in need of bone marrow, a straight-A student, and an elite at the university. You Xi stays stone-faced and hangs up the call. Then he smiles and skips to the kitchen. 

At the university, Yao Yao is going over the material as they’re waiting to go in for the interviews. You Xi overhears Duan Fei Fei on the phone with her mother (who is asking for money for her brother’s medical expenses). Yao Yao’s name is called and he tells her jia you with a smile but she walks away like she’s facing the guillotine. 

At the interview, it’s Yao Yao against Duan Fei Fei. Both girls are neck-to-neck and near the end, they’re at 200 points each. The final question: What is the most representative award for young artists in our country at the moment? A. Golden Dragon Award or B. Golden Turnip Award. Yao Yao looks at the interviewers when she hears the Golden Turnip Award, but Duan Fei Fei doesn’t know what it is, but thinks Golden Turnip sounds ridiculous. Yao Yao is remembering You Xi telling her about winning the Golden Turnip Award. Yao Yao says her answer is B. Duan Fei Fei thinks it must be A. The correct answer is the Golden Turnip Award.

Duan Fei Fei exits the interview room first and You Xi sees her on the phone with her mother. Her mother tells her that her boss has transferred the funds to the hospital, and says he’s a kind person. She wonders about “her boss”. Earlier, You Xi had asked Moore to find out which hospital Duan Fei Fei’s brother was at and to transfer the money for his surgery. Moore says that he’ll let the media know about this philanthropic act and You Xi corrects him – anonymously. Moore protests but You Xi hangs up on him. He can be sweet and humble. Yao Yao finally exits the room and walks up to You Xi but doesn’t say anything. He thinks that she didn’t pass and he tells her that it’s okay, at least they tried and she’ll be better next time. She finally says excitedly that she passed and she got the job. He’s very happy for her but they’re interrupted by Duan Fei Fei who says that she didn’t lose to her academically and if she has a chance in the future, she’ll beat her. 

Shen Yi Ling struts into Song Qie Ge’s living room and flings his book, “The History of the Spring and Autumn Period” onto the seat next to him. He looks at the book and then at her. She says that she’s secured the role of Tian Jing in “Chancellor Zhong.” She had spoken to Director Wei Ran, who said that the character is a harlot, one of Guan Zhong’s concubines. He asked how she can be a heroine. She retorted that there are no records of Guan Zhong’s wife and other concubines in history, and only Tian Jing is known by everyone. She says who cares whether she was a harlot or not - it’s best to make others remember her. 

So Song Qie Ge congratulates her and she notices the contract for “Torn Apart” on his table, and the shooting starts the same day as “The Founding of the Three Kingdoms”. Shen Yi Ling smirks and says that he wants to compete with You Xi in every aspect. He asks if she wants to be the leading lady in it. She agrees and says that she wants to focus on bringing down You Xi. Toxic duo.

Back at home, You Xi has cooked up six dishes to celebrate her securing the assistant teacher position. She tries each and every dish happily in front of him and he looks like he wants to eat as well. He says that he’ll try a bite of the vegetables but then he continues stuffing his face. 

The next day, they go for a run but Yao Yao asks for a break as she can’t handle the exertion. She then receives a call from Yin Jiu. She asks You Xi if she could answer the call, and he sees the name, glares at it and says derisively “scumbag” and then runs off. Yao Yao answers the call and asks him what he wants. He tells her that he heard that his teacher is returning to Jiangzhou soon and asks about what she promised him last time. She replies that she hasn’t told her father about their breakup, and if there isn’t anything else, she’s going to hang up. He goes to ask her something else but she’s hung up on him. 

They are now back on campus for the 10-day history training, and You Xi looks less than delighted about this. Yao Yao is excited to be a teaching assistant but he seems upset with her as he hasn’t said a single word to her. He gets out of the car and walks away. 

Later, he’s complaining about his clothes and name tag. But then Yao Yao waves at him with her cute little smile and he starts daydreaming of her as a teacher with glasses on and in a short skirt in a classroom. And he’s her only student. lol Hot-for-teacher moment. He smiles at her but zoned out, so she walks up to him to get his attention. He really has a cute smile. He snaps back to reality. She asks him why he hasn’t said a single word to her until now. He tells her to think about it and she says that she can’t figure it out. He goes to walk away but she grabs him by the elbow to keep him there and explains that there will be a test later. He asks why there is a test, and on what exactly. She doesn’t say anything but then he says that she’s the assistant teacher so she must know what’s on it. Her cheating ex, Yin Jiu interrupts them and You Xi practically sneers at him to say zha nan (渣男 = scumbag). XD Her ex says last time when his girlfriend was there, he didn’t have a chance to speak to her but now they talk things through. You Xi says no way. Yin Jiu looks at him and asks who he is. You Xi goes to put his arm around her waist and says he’s her boyf – at the same time – Yao Yao says he’s her boss. You Xi drops his arm as Yin Jiu asks if she’s dropped out of school. She replies that it’s just an internship. Her self-centered ex says if he’s made her avoid the school and do this silly thing, he’d blame himself. She looks away and purses her lips at this. You Xi is thinking that this scumbag is more full of himself than he is. Yao Yao tells her ex that she’s busy and needs to go. Her ex moves his arm to stop her but You Xi blocks him from touching her by grabbing onto her ex’s wrist and gives him a real good glare. Yao Yao is watching at the two guys sizing up each other. (Although, she's a bit oblivious as to why...)

[Ep7A guy comes looking for Yao Yao and You Xi releases his grip on Yin Jiu's wrist. The guy tells her that the Director is looking for her and wants to give her instructions on today's tasks. She says goodbye to You Xi, who stops her to put on her name tag. They smile at each other and Yin Jiu is watching this with a clenched jaw. The guy then asks Yin Jiu where his name tag is as he's one of the other assistant teachers. Now Yin Jiu pops up into You Xi's earlier daydream, as he and Yao Yao disappear together to mark papers and proceed to ignore You Xi. XD Later You Xi complains on the phone with Moore about how there's another assistant teacher. Moore says he doesn't know, and guesses that one of them was a last-minute add-on. Moore says this isn't very important and You Xi tells him that it's important as this teaching assistant is affecting his mood. He says he's not acting in this show.  Moore points out that if he doesn't act in this show, then Yao Yao won't be his assistant either. He glumly hangs up the phone.

In an empty classroom, Yin Jiu asks Yao Yao what company she is interning at as her boss looks pretty uncultured. She tells him that Mr. You doesn't run a company. He asks her a few business questions and she replies that he's an actor and she's his assistant. He gets outraged that as a girl, she's serving others. She purses her lips and looks away from him. He tells her if she's met any difficulties (ha!) that she can tell him. She says that Mr. You treats her very well. He then practically scolds her about why she became an assistant teacher and taking on two jobs. He asks if the pay is poor. She says it's not like that and goes to leave. He stops her by saying that he's been wanting to apologize to her. Right, so he can feel better about being a POS. She puts on a placid smile, turns around and tells him that she accepts his apology. She leaves and he's watching her go with what looks like regret. 

Pan Duo is deskmates with You Xi, and she's complaining about having an exam during this training. You Xi says that he thinks it's pretty good and quite necessary. She says that doesn't sound like him and more like something Yao Yao would say. He looks around the room and asks why Zheng Jia Er isn't here, and she whispers that she heard that she's good friends with the biggest investor for the series. You Xi sneers in disgust. Yao Yao walks in and he smiles brightly at the sight of her. Yin Jiu walks in seconds later and You Xi just glares at him. Yin Jiu tells everyone to turn off their phones but he's looking directly at You Xi who remains glaring at him. Yin Jiu then says that if anyone has a question to please raise their hand and ask it. He then goes on with the rest of the instructions. You Xi turns his gaze on his angelic Yao Yao and gets this soft smile on his face, and she smiles in return. 

The test starts but there’s a late arrival - a cute boy, who makes Pan Duo sit up and smile at him. He spots a hair clip on the floor, which he picks up and just puts it in Yao Yao's hair after telling her that she dropped it. She looks at him in shock, and he only smiles at her. Uhm, normal protocol would be to ask first. You Xi slams his hand on the desk at this. Pan Duo waves and calls him by name, Wen Mo Xuan, then she points at him to sit in front of her. The guy smiles and goes to sit in front of them and You Xi asks her if they know each other. The two decide to catch up (but this is during the exam!?), and he asks her about their teacher. He's looking at Yao Yao, and she tells him that she's Ms. Yuchi, her good friend. You Xi is now glaring at her and he suddenly nudges her. He scolds Wen Mo Xuan and tells him to stop talking as he's distracting them. Yao Yao drops off the hair clip on Wen Mo Xuan's desk and tells him that it's not hers and walks away, which leaves You Ci smiling.

Some time passes, and many have finished with their exams, except for Pan Duo and You Xi with a small handful of other students. Pan Duo asks him when Yao Yao is going to help them with their test. Ha! You Xi raises his hand and tries to get her attention and ends up with Yin Jiu instead. Yin Jiu hunkers down to his desk and asks how he may help him. You Xi says that his pen is out of ink. Yin Jiu looks at his exam papers and mentions that they're blank so how could he have run out of ink. Yao Yao walks over and puts a pen on the desk and tells him to be prepared in advance and to not make that mistake again. You Xi smiles and pleasantly thanks her, and then snatches his exam papers from Yin Jiu with a glare. XD More time passes and You Xi, Pan Duo and Wen Mo Xuan are still working on their exams. When Yin Jiu leaves the room, You Xi takes apart the pen that Yao Yao gave him and wonders out loud where the answers are. Pan Duo just glares at him. You Xi gets Yao Yao to come over to them and asks where the paper is. She asks what paper. He waves at her dismissively and then says just tell him what to write on the exam. Yao Yao says this is the first time she's seen a student asking the examiner how to answer the questions. She ends with this is his examination, not hers, and walks away. 

Wen Mo Xuan has been listening to this but he's still writing on his papers. Pan Duo then gets Wen Mo Xuan to let her copy his answers. You Xi tries to copy her answers but she blocks him. He starts muttering at her and Yao Yao tells him to stop whispering. You Xi points at the two of them but Wen Mo Xuan and Pan Duo both act like they’re not doing anything wrong. Yao Yao scolds him for trying to change the topic by talking about others. He sputters at this. Wen Mo Xuan gets up to turn in his paper to Yao Yao and admits that he finished his exam a half hour ago. He asks her if she knows why he didn't hand it in earlier. She shakes her head. He says with a smile "because I wanted to look at you longer." (~11:28) You Xi angrily bangs on his desk at this and knocks off a pen. XD Wen Mo Xuan leaves and Yao Yao isn't sure how to take this. Pan Duo turns in her exam and Yao Yao tells him that the time is up. She sees that his papers are blank and asks him why they're still blank. He asks if he writes something now, if he would still get one mark. She says yes, and when he goes to write something, she pulls the papers away and says that time's up so he can't write anymore. 

You Xi is now deep cleaning the dorm room (because he's a germaphobe). When he finally sits down on a chair, a leg breaks off and he almost falls off of it. He's crouched down on the floor looking at the broken leg and trying to figure out how to fix it when Wen Mo Xuan comes in and asks da shu (uncle) if this is room 602. You Xi doesn't realize that he's talking to him. So Wen Mo Xuan says, this da shu who is hugging the leg of the chair, is this 602? You Xi looks miffed, turns around and angrily asks who is he calling da shu? The guys are face to face now and they recognize each other. Wen Mo Xuan calls him You Xi ge and walks in with his suitcase but You Xi angrily says who says he could move, and tells him to get out. Wen Mo Xuan tells him that he's his roommate. You Xi blinks incredulously at this and says roommate?  

Yao Yao is walking with You Xi to go to lunch but he's in a foul mood again. She tells him excitedly about the food on campus: the best braised pork, mini wontons and his favorite, spicy pepper chicken. He finally stops walking to look at her and asks if she's doing this on purpose. She asks what he's talking about. He asks if she's pretending to be confused with him. She asks him if he wants her to help him cheat. He sighs and just walks away. She follows him and asks him why he is so angry. He asks her if she already knew that Yin Jiu was going to be an assistant teacher. She says that she didn't know. Our very jealous boy. Now he smiles and says that he wants to eat mini wontons. They're at the cafeteria and he's smiling as he's watching her get the food. When she turns around with the mini wontons, he drops his cute smile and becomes stone-faced. He tells her that he's not hungry now and he'll eat it later. She tells him that it's delicious now, and it won't be as nice when it's cold. She offers the tray to him and he repeats that he's not hungry and will eat it later. Wen Mo Xuan joins them to You Xi's ire. Wen Mo Xuan looks at the food on the tray and says that he's heard that this university's mini wontons are the best. She nods and he asks if he could - You Xi grabs the tray from her for himself now. XD You Xi says that it's for him and sneers at him to go buy his own. lol He walks off with the tray, leaving Wen Mo Xuan to look at Yao Yao and she then points him in the direction of where to buy the mini wontons. 

You Xi and Yao Yao are in the library, where she tells him about the General Lu Bu who was an accurate marksman and good at battles, chose to avoid a battle by throwing his halberd towards the gate of battalion. You Xi asks why he didn’t just fight if he was victorious in battles. She explains that he wanted to avoid more casualties and forced this truce in this manner, so why use violence when it can be done more peacefully. Now You Xi understands. Yao Yao suddenly says that she needs to go to the airport to pick up someone and leaves him alone in the library. She doesn't tell him who she's picking up so he's left wondering who it is. 

Yao Yao is in the taxi with her father who is telling her about the ancient city (archaeological study) was outstanding. It has a long history starting from Spring and Autumn Period till the Qing Dynasty and filled with cultural relics. He says most importantly, this place has the nicest gourd-shaped chicken. He says that he'll take her to try it next time. He asks her about how things are with Yin Jiu. She says that they're doing fine. He says that's good as he's a good kid and once she's graduated - She cuts him off to tell him that she knows. He tells her that when they get back home, he'll make her favorite dish - tomato egg noodles. Such a jovial dad. She asks her father if he could stay at the hotel near the campus first. He asks why and she explains that their place caught fire. Yuchi Dad asks if she's okay and she tells him to not worry as she's fine. She tells him that the walls and floors are ruined and they will need to renovate it again. He breathes a sigh of relief that she's fine. And so sweet. He then asks where she is living then. She tells him that she's living at a friend's place. 
Back in the dorms, You Xi is playing a card game with Wen Mo Yuan. It appears that You Xi is losing as he has more pieces of paper on his face than Wen Mo Xuan's two strips. They're interrupted by Wen Mo Xuan's assistant who sends a message to make sure that he's getting some rest, using a face mask before going to sleep, and reminds him to eat breakfast. 

You Xi receives a message from Yao Yao and plays the message from his assistant now. Yao Yao is telling him to continue being diligent in his studies as he's been showing improvement. Then she says that he wrote a lot of words incorrectly and continues correcting him but he turns off the message and returns to the game with Wen Mo Xuan. 

The next morning at breakfast, Yao Yao sets a tray down on the table and notices that You Xi is upset again. He tells her that she doesn't care about him. She says that she does care about him. He says that other people's assistants are gentle and caring when they show concern but she only forces him to study. (She is gentle and caring, but he’s too focused on her criticisms. lol) She tells him that she'll care about him more next time. He loses his grumpy face and pulls the tray closer and tells her that he wants a bun and fresh meat, not minced. Our princess is back. In her usual gentle manner, she tells him that she knows and gets up to get the food. 

But then Wen Mo Xuan shows up with a tray of food and You Xi tells him immediately that there's no room at this table. Wen Mo Xuan just sets down the tray on the table and asks Yao Yao if she's had breakfast and offers her a meat pie that he bought for her. She looks at him with surprise and says there are only limited quantities of this meat pie in school. He says that he saw that she liked the school's meat pie on her WeChat Moments yesterday, so he thought she would like it. She smiles at him and thanks him for it and accepts the meat pie. She says that the school's meat pie is quite delicious and goes to take a bite. You Xi says eating a meat pie so early in the morning is too heavy. Yao Yao offers it to him and he snarls that he doesn't want it. Yin Jiu shows up with one for her as he remembers that she likes the school's meat pie the most. LMAO! You Xi looks shell-shocked by this as Yin Jiu tells her to eat it while it's hot. Poor You Xi just drops the bun from his hand and just looks at the trio. He suddenly gets up and says that xiao mu tou doesn't eat meat pies now. She likes noodles. Then he reaches over and snatches the meat pie from her hand and the one from Yin Jiu's hand and puts them together to take a bite out of them. (~22:19) Like a dog with a forbidden item, he chews as he glares at them. LOL 
L-R: Wen Mo Xuan, Yao Yao and Yin Jiu. 
The three of them are wordlessly staring at him now, and he asks what they're looking at. They don't say anything so he takes an even bigger bite of the meat pies and continues chewing. XD (~22:30) She just quietly laughs at him. 

Later, You Xi is walking around campus but backtracks his steps when he sees Yin Jiu and Yao Yao sitting side by side alone in a classroom discussing the lesson plan. He is glaring at them from outside. 

He stays outside with Pan Duo, who is busy shoving her face with snacks again. He asks her as she's an actress, could she eat less? Pan Duo then spots Wen Mo Xuan offering a snack to Yao Yao. Now You Xi steals Pan Duo's snacks to stuff his own mouth with them. lol He’s going to ruin his girlish figure with all of this stress eating. 

The next day You Xi wakes up to his alarm and is up before Wen Mo Xuan is. He gets this devilish grin and tiptoes out of the room. Now he's sliding a plate of meat pie to Yao Yao. But she tells him that her stomach was upset last night so she can't eat something so oily now. He angrily says forget it and takes the food away. SMH, he’s quite immature.

Now he's drinking beers with Qi Chao in the stands of the university’s empty sports field. He asks Qi Chao what's wrong with his friend's secretary's boyfriend. He says that he keeps making things difficult for his friend. Qi Chao asks him if he woke him up at midnight just to talk about his friend's secretary's boyfriend? You Xi says that he's worried about his friend. Qi Chao sighs. Then You Xi asks if her ex-boyfriend is trying to get back together with her. Qi Chao says that gentlemen don't turn back. You Xi realizes in horror that he's not a gentleman and asks him what he should do. Qi Chao asks him why he's so worked up. You Xi says that he's concerned about his friend, and then he mentions that there's another - he looks around - then says manager of a department that is pursuing her. Qi Chao just nods. You Xi says that her previous relationship hasn't been settled and here's come another outsider and then chugs his beer. Qi Chao is smiling now and asks, so popular? You Xi says that any girl his friend likes is bound to be popular. He asks him what his friend should do and if she will choose his friend [himself]. Qi Chao explains that in dealing with girls, giving her a sense of security will surely work in his favor. You Xi says a sense of security is a difficult one as it's not his friend's fault that he's good looking. Qi Chao says that he's not referring to that kind of security. You Xi asks him to explain but the security guard shows up and the guys flee from him. 

Now You Xi is in a blue jersey with a basketball, and Jin Yiu shows up in a red jersey and tells him that he won’t go easy on him. It’s a 3-on-3 game, and Pan Duo, Yao Yao and other girls are there to cheer them on. During the game, You Xi becomes distracted as he’s staring at Yao Yao. So when Wen Mo Xuan calls his name and passes the ball to him, he punches the ball instead and bounces the ball off of Yin Jiu's head. Yin Jiu ends up in the infirmary with You Xi and Yao Yao at his bedside.

Yao Yao tells Yin Jiu that You Xi (say that three times as fast now, lol. I've already mistyped Yin Jiu's name several times, haha) didn't do it on purpose and asks him to not be upset with him. Yao Yao beckons You Xi with her eyes to apologize to him, but he says that he refuses to. Yin Jiu says that it's okay, as You Xi is a superstar so why would he apologize to him? You Xi continues glaring at him. Yao Yao tells You Xi that no matter what, Yin Jiu is injured because of him, so she feels that he should apologize. You Xi reluctantly mumbles out an apology and Yin Jiu asks him what he said. You Xi then practically shouts his apology with a fierce glare now. Yao Yao smiles and Yin Jiu tells him that it's okay as he knows that he didn't do it on purpose. You Xi looks even angrier now. Yao Yao tells You Xi to return to class and he goes to leave. She then hands Yin Jiu a bowl of medicine and he asks her to feed him. Dude, where's your girlfriend? You Xi yells loudly, she cannot as his arm isn't even injured. Yao Yao purses her lips at this. Yin Jiu goes one step further with his pathetic act, and says that he remembers when he was injured before she would feed him his medicine.

A very angry You Xi stomps back to his bedside, takes the bowl from Yao Yao and says that he'll do it. He then feeds Yin Jiu his medicine. LMAO Yin Jiu is stuck with this angry guy feeding him his medicine and Yao Yao just laughs at this. (~29:54) You Xi continues shoving spoonful after spoonful of medicine into Yin Jiu's mouth even as Yao Yao leaves the room. XD Someone from the crew tells Yao Yao to inform all of the actors to head to the classroom as their guest professor is arriving soon. 

Back in the classroom, You Xi complains to Pan Duo that this guest professor must be a big deal as they’re making the superstars wait for them. Yuchi Dad shows up and introduces himself as Professor Yuchi. Yao Yao is surprised to see him and says "Dad?" All the students, including You Xi and Pan Duo, look at her and then back at her father. You Xi looks petrified as he stares at Yuchi Dad. 

Afterwards, Yao Yao asks her father how he ended up as the guest professor. He says that the crew reached out to him and that this would be a good opportunity to promote ancient culture, so he agreed. He asks how she's the assistant teacher to these celebrities. She tells him that she's You Xi's assistant, and he had to participate in the training. He thinks she's nervous about idolizing a star, which he isn't opposed to so long as it doesn't affect her studies. She clarifies that she's not idolizing a star. He then asks which star she does idolize and which art troupe he's from. She explains that You Xi isn't from an art troupe - he's an actor. Then he asks which famous opera actor did he learn from. She says that acting and being in an opera are two different things. He says that they need to talk about work then. He mentions that they've already learned about Jingzhou, which is an extremely important point in the Three Kingdoms' history, and suggests that they have a surprise test to see how well they've been learning. She looks concerned about this.

At the library, You Xi is fidgeting around and not studying. He watches Yao Yao work on the computer and continues being agitated. She looks over at him and he reads the text from the book and mutters that the names are confusing. She tells him so long as he knows how the people are related and their motives, he’ll be fine. But he shouldn’t keep browsing through the book like this. He asks why there is suddenly a surprise test and why she didn’t tell him sooner. She says that she told him as soon as she found it. She had whispered it to him first, and then she had announced it to everyone that they will be having a surprise test tomorrow so everyone should prepare well for it. 

He asks her what she's doing on her computer and she tells him that she's sorting out the answers for tomorrow's test. He tells her to go and get him some water. She pulls out a bottle from her bag and hands it to him. He then asks her to give him her laptop so he can do some research. She suggests that he use his phone and he claims that it's broken. His phone starts ringing and he says that it starts ringing for no reason - so it's broken. She figures it out and asks him if he's trying to sneak a peek at the answers. He denies this and ask if she thinks that he's such a person. She just looks at him but then she leaves to answer a call. He then takes a look at her laptop and she catches him in the act. She goes to delete the answers so he's not so distracted, and can focus on his studies. He asks for her laptop again - this time it's to do research but then the laptop battery dies.

Back in the dorms, You Xi wakes up from a call from his parents, who are wishing him a happy birthday. He forgot that it's his birthday. He tells his parents that they're in different time zones and he's tired so he blows them a kiss and then hangs up. He checks online for birthday wishes and receives a text from Pan Duo and Zheng Jia Er as well. He hasn't received anything from Yao Yao and says that he'll give her 10 more minutes. He keeps waiting and tries to stay awake but then he finally calls Yao Yao whose phone line is busy. He finally gives up and goes back to sleep.   

[Ep8The next morning, Yao Yao sees You Xi and asks if he didn’t sleep well or perhaps he stayed up late studying. He curtly tells her that he didn’t and just walks away from her. She follows him but they’re interrupted by Wen Mo Xuan who asks if he’s prepared for the test. You Xi says with a smile that he has the help of the assistant teacher, so he’s well prepared. Wen Mo Xuan says he isn’t prepared but then thanks Yao Yao jie for comforting and encouraging him on the phone last night for three hours. You Xi turns around in shock to look at her. Wen Mo Xuan leaves them and You Xi says she talked to him for three hours on the phone. Then he loudly says that she’s not allowed to call him. Yao Yao asks why that is. He yells, “Because you’re my…” She looks at him and he finishes with “full-time assistant”. He says that she needs to be available for him if anything urgent comes up. She asks if he has anything urgent now. He says he meant if. Yuchi Dad (with Yin Jiu) interrupts to tell her that she’s the supervisor for the exam and needs to get ready. She says that she’s ready and he asks her who this person [You Xi] is. Yin Jiu answers for Yao Yao and You Xi, by saying that Yao Yao is You Xi’s tutor. Then he quickly changes it to his assistant. Yuchi Dad asks if he’s You Xi. Yuchi Dad sternly looks up and down at him but then he breaks out into a smile and says what a bright and energetic boy, no wonder he became a star. He then tells him to get ready for the exam. You Xi walks off with Yao Yao as Yin Jiu just grimaces after them. 

During the exam, You Xi and Pan Duo are once again sitting there and not writing anything on their exam papers. Yao Yao walks by and places a note on his desk. Her father notices this. You Xi excitedly opens the note: “Please write the answers, Mr. You.” Now he glares at Yao Yao, crumbles up the note and just sighs. Yuchi Dad walks over to Yao Yao and hands her a note - “Wait for me at the door.” She glumly walks outside to wait for her father. He asks her if she knows what she did wrong. She says “Dad…” and he says “You gave the note too blatantly.” He sighs and goes back into the classroom. XD She’s confused by this but she remains standing outside the classroom.  

Later, Yuchi Dad gives his assessment on the exams in front of the entire classroom. He first praises Wen Mo Xuan for answering the questions about The Three Kingdoms correctly, as well as completing his analysis problems, and he also did well with his classical Chinese poem. Then he informs Pan Duo that her answers were not correct for the first two sections, however, she did well with the Li Bai poem, “Quiet Night Thought”. Then he tells her to work on her handwriting which makes all the students laugh including You Xi. Now he calls You Xi, who did not complete the answers for the first section, and while he wrote the answers for the analysis problems - they were on the wrong sheets. Yin Jiu is smirking at this as he’s writing down the notes for everyone’s assessment. Yuchi Dad says that his poem isn’t too bad, which he reads out loud - it’s actually the lyrics to Jacky Cheung’s song “In Deep Autumn”.  Yuchi Dad says that although he is fond of Jacky Cheung’s song, he advises him to not write lyrics again. Now everyone is snickering at him. 

Yuchi Dad moves on to the poem, “Though the Tortoise Lives Long” by Cao Cao, one of the central figures during the Three Kingdoms period. To the surprise of Yao Yao and You Xi, he then asks You Xi to write this poem on the chalkboard. A scared-looking You Xi walks up to the front of the room and Yuchi Dad hands him a piece of chalk with a piece of paper wrapped around it. (~8:20) You Xi gets to the chalkboard and wonders if the father-and-daughter duo have ganged up on him. He opens the note and it’s the poem he needs to write. You Xi grins at Yuchi Dad who just blinks at him to go on. You Xi starts reading the poem out loud as he’s writing on the board to everyone’s surprise. Afterwards, Yuchi Dad is impressed by his performance today and says that he deserves to be called an actor. He then tells him that one of his favorite Cao Cao poems is “View of the Blue Sea”. He also hopes that there is an opportunity for You Xi to recite it some day. He’s my favorite TV Dad now. You Xi happily agrees to this. He then says that after attending his lecture, he has a new understanding of this poem. He says maybe, that’s the charm of literature - as he can have new feelings every time he reads it. With a big smile, Yuchi Dad says that’s good and encourages him to keep working before he walks away. You Xi smiles and nods at him but he sees Yao Yao, he loses his smile. He tells her “Your dad treated me much better than you did” and then turns his back to her and walks away. SMH. Really? Yao Yao follows him and asks him if he’s free tonight. He asks why. She says that she wants him to go to the rooftop with her. This makes him stop in his tracks and he asks her why she wants him to go there. She tells him that tonight is a very important moment and she wants to spend it with him. He smiles and thinks to himself that he knew that xiao mu tou would remember his birthday. Wen Mo Xuan interrupts to tell them about the meteor shower tonight, and Yao Yao says that knows about it too? Wen Mo Xuan nods and Yao Yao tells You Xi that they should all go together then. He asks her if the big moment she was referring to was this meteor shower. She says the Lyrids meteor shower is very rare. He becomes stone-faced but then Wen Mo Xuan suggests they all go together and he says that it’s boring and won’t go. 

It’s nighttime now and You Xi is angrily walking around outside but he decides to go up to the empty rooftop to look for the meteor shower and mutters about not seeing anything in the skies. Yin Jiu overhears him and decides to lock him in on the rooftop, and drops the keys on the ground right in front of the door. After he leaves, You Xi tries to leave the rooftop but discovers that he’s locked out. He tries to use his phone but has no signal. Yin Jiu is carrying a book, “Records of the Three Kingdoms” and tells the security guy that he’s found the book so the door can be locked. As he’s leaving, he overhears that the signal blocker is still on even though exams are over, and the security guy turns off the signal blocker. 

You Xi receives a call from Pan Duo who asks how he’s celebrating his birthday and if Qi Chao is coming. He angrily tells her no and hangs up on her. 

Yin Jiu tells the security guy to leave the signal blocker on per the Director’s request, and flicks the switch over to on. Eww. You Xi goes back to having no signal on his phone. Pan Duo is walking around campus and is approached by some guy who says he’s a fan but thinks she’s Zhang Jia Er. He quickly says that he’ll unfollow Zhang Jia Er. Then he takes a picture with her, and goes to put his arm around her. But then Qi Chao shows up behind them and stops the guy’s hand from touching her. The guy runs away when the much taller and bigger Qi Chao threatens to beat him up by cracking his knuckles. Qi Chao tells her to learn to protect herself, which is something most primary school students would know. She replies that he cares about her and is following her. He denies this. Then she grabs onto his arm and tells him to join them for You Xi’s birthday celebration and he says no, but she grabs his arm and drags him with her. *rolling eyes*

Yao Yao is sitting out on the field with the group with telescopes waiting for the meteor showers to start. She pulls out her phone and sees from a post online that it’s You Xi’s birthday today. She realizes why he was so angry and adamant about not going to the rooftop with her now. She calls him but his phone is busy. Meanwhile, You Xi is still waving his phone around looking for a signal. Wen Mo Xuan sees Yao Yao sitting by herself and offers her a gift - a hairpin with stars, which he says suits her and as a souvenir for the first time they have the meteor shower together. He says that he hopes he can watch every meteor shower with her in the future. She doesn’t accept the gift but she asks him what type of gifts boys like. He says it may be the one he can’t get by all means. She looks at him in consternation but then she’s reminded of when You Xii tried to pay for that pair of shoes with his face. Ha. She thanks him and says that she has an errand to run. He sits there looking at the star hairpin in his hands. 

Yao Yao is back at the shoe store looking for that pair of shoes but they’re sold out and since it’s a few months old, they’ve also been removed from the shelves. She asks if the clerk could look again for her but she says that they don’t have any more. Then the clerk goes back to looking at her phone and comments on how handsome You Xi is. Yao Yao tells her that the shoes are a gift for You Xi and they’re his favorite pair. The girl points to her screen - this You Xi? Yao Yao confirms that it’s for him. The girl tells her to go to the location on Chunhua Road as their business isn’t doing as well so they should have some left, and tells her to hurry up. Yao Yao goes to leave but the clerk pulls out her keys and says she’ll drive her there. 

Moore, Pan Duo and Qi Chao are looking for You Xi on campus but they’re not able to find him nor reach him. Pan Duo tells her uncle to call Yao Yao, but she doesn’t answer her phone either. Pan Duo wonders if they’re missing together and… Now the trio are really searching for You Xi in the dark buildings, the woods, etc. 

Yao Yao arrives back on campus on the back of the motorcycle clutching a box of shoes. The clerk tells her to make sure to give You Xi the present. She looks at her phone and notices that she missed 20 calls. She calls Moore who asks her where You Xi is. She says wouldn’t he be in the dorms, and he gets snotty with her about not knowing, and then he starts whining about his poor You Xi. He lets it slip that if it wasn’t for her, to protect her from being fired, You Xi wouldn’t have agreed to shoot this series. He then angrily says that he’s spending his birthday alone and if something happens to him, he’s not going to let her go! The histrionics! She realizes that he had accepted the contract and training for her. And she’d been hard on him recently. She’s doing her job and keeping her principles by not letting him cheat but okay, somehow this is her fault. 

She recalls their earlier conversation about meeting on the rooftop but she finds the door locked. She finds the keys and unlocks the door but she finds You Xi standing over the rail, waving his phone. He casually asks her what kind of post he should use to jump off. She tries to talk out of jumping off by saying they only live once, and not to end his precious life like this. He then leans over the railing and gestures if he should go like this. She says he’ll ruin his handsome face if he jumps off like this. He turns around to ask her about his good looks, and she continues praising him. But then he spreads his arms and then says he’ll jump off this way instead (backwards) and she runs to hug him and tells him that no matter the difficulties, she’d always stay by his side and begs him to not jump. He’s surprised by this but then he smiles and represses it to ask her why she spent three hours on the phone with Wen Mo Xuan. She continues clinging to him and says that he asked for her help on some literature problems. He goes one step further - and says that she went to watch the meteor shower with Wen Mo Xuan and left him all alone. She continues hugging him, and looks up at him to tell him “Happy Birthday”. He finally smiles at her. 

Now they’re sitting down and she hands him the shoes. He pulls out the card which reads “Happy Birthday to my favorite prince charming” and it’s signed with a lipstick lip print. He asks if this is from her. She takes it from him and says no, it’s from one of his fans, who told her to give it to him. So that’s what the clerk meant earlier. She says thanks to her, she was able to get the shoes. She then points out that the other card is from her. 

He smiles and opens her card: 

May your happiness flows like the endless water of the Great Eastern Sea2

May you live as long like the Southern mountain3

He becomes confused by this and he asks her what she wrote.  She reads it out loud to him and he complains that she wrote such a commonplace birthday wish to him. Then he snatches the other card from her and says that his fan wrote him a better wish. lol She tells him that she was worried if she wrote too sophisticated of a wish, he wouldn’t understand. And she thought about this one for a long time, and thought that he would understand it. Girl, you’re his tutor, you should know where his reading comprehension is at. He retorts that he understands it, but he didn’t recognize her handwriting. *facepalm* He pulls out the shoes and asks why she got him such an ugly pair. (They’re just plain white sneakers, which I find to be hideous at any rate. lol) She explains that this was the pair of shoes he wanted that day but they got thrown out because they couldn’t pay for them. He grumbles that they’re already out-of-date as they’re several months old now. She apologizes and says that she rarely goes shopping. Girl, why are you apologizing when he’s being so ungrateful? He looks at her glum face and tells her it’s okay, even though they’re out-of-date, as a fashion leader, he can still make it trendy again. He asks her if she paid for these with her own money. She says yes. He asks if she didn’t use the petty cash? She asks him what’s petty cash? Screeching sound. You Xi looks at her in horror and asks if Moore never gave her any petty cash. She says no. He realizes that he’s spending her money this whole time. She tells him that her salary can cover his expenses. He adamantly tells her that he’s You Xi so how could he spend a woman’s money? He says, later he’ll give her his secondary card. 

She looks up at the sky and notices a shooting star. She runs to the rail and excitedly tells him that if one wishes on a shooting star, the wishes will come true. So she clasps her hands together and closes her eyes. He calls it childish but does the same thing. lol He wishes they can make wishes together under the next meteor shower, and then he looks over at her smiling face (eyes closed) still making her wish. She finishes making her wish, opens her eyes and looks over at him and he promptly drops his hands. He then points at the night sky and asks her if she’s sure it’s a shooting star and not a plane. He angrily leaves the rooftop. 

The next day, Qi Chao and You Xi are in the cafeteria and You Xi is talking about the secretary buying his friend a birthday present and asking him to watch the meteor shower with her. He asks if she has a thing for his friend. Qi Chao asks if his friend's birthday is the same day as his. Haha. He says that's not what matters. What matters is that she remembers his friend's casual remarks by heart and she even secretly got him a present. You Xi then steps on the bottom rung of his chair, then shakes his foot at him and says they were expensive. Qi Chao says that people will only treat ordinary friends with so many civilities. But as for the one loved, they will be more attentive. He happily tells him that she even wrote a birthday card to him. He asks what she wrote. He recalls what she wrote but won't tell Qi Chao what it was. He just ends the conversation. So mature...

Later You Xi is watching Yao Yao writing in her notebook and smiles at her. He then gives her his secondary card, which she says she doesn't need. He sets it down on her notebook. He asks what she's doing and she says that she's writing a poem and then asks if he wants to hear it. He tells her that she knows that he has no ear for poetry. She says it's okay, as she just wants to know how he feels about it. 

Her poem:

Behind the towns and hills,
the sun sets reluctantly.
A gentle breeze caught me on the face.
On the hillsides the soil was moist.
The willow trees were shrouded by green smoke.
(Sorry but my poetry analyzing skills are rusty, and I have no business trying to translate its meaning from the Chinese language.) 

She asks him what he thinks and he's zoned out with a smile on his face. She calls his name and he snaps out of it and says that he thinks it's very good. She tells him that he's the first one to hear her poem. He just smiles at her and then turns around, grins like a fool and goes to leave. She asks where he's going and he replies, the library. 

At the library, You Xi is wearing a headband and has at least two dozen books stacked into two high towers on a table. He pulls off one of the books and starts reading. Yin Jiu sees him and snidely tells him that he's in the wrong place as this is the library. You Xi just ignores him and continues reading. 

It's nighttime now and You Xi is sitting outside with a lollipop in his mouth and playing a game on his phone. Yao Yao sees him and reprimands him for playing on his phone as the test is in two days' time. He retorts that he's not playing on his phone but studying. She looks at his phone, it's a cartoon depicting "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". She asks why he's watching this and he says that the books she recommended made him nod off so it's more fun to watch the cartoons. She hands him a binder - she wrote an overview of historical figures in The Three Kingdoms Period for him. He accepts it but tells her that he doesn't need such a thing. Boy, you need all the help you can get. Yet you complain about her not caring - not sure what else you want!  She purses her lips at him and leaves but he just smiles and goes back to his phone. In the dorm room, You Xi is looking at the binder. The first page "Introduction to Lu Bu. Tailor-made for You Xi. This is the only version." He smiles and then he starts reading the material out loud with enthusiasm. She's even included a chart of the different people.  But then he starts crossing off several pages as material that won't appear on the test: common knowledge, too easy, too difficult, things he doesn't know - so basically any reason excuse he can come up with. However, he does continue reviewing the binder late into the night even as Wen Mo Xuan is already asleep. 

The next day, in class, Yin Jiu tells You Xi that he wants to play Lu Bu but does he know the meaning of "the slave of three masters"? You Xi replies, when Lu Bu was nine, his grandfather killed a sheep. Does he know the name of that sheep? Yin Jiu doesn't have a response and You Xi just scoffs at him. You Xi is actually writing on the papers which amazes Yin Jiu. Yuchi Dad tells the class that their grades from this test are higher than that of last time. He says that Wen Mo Xuan's performance is still outstanding - high accuracy but even wrote an answer with brush calligraphy. The class applauds him. Then Yuchi Dad mentions that one of them has made great progress and deserves praise as well - it's Pan Duo. You Xi is disappointed.

On the bench at the basketball game, You Xi is looking at his test result, a score of 20 with plenty of red marks all over it. Yao Yao sees it and he tries to hide it from her and says that his scores are a secret. She replies that she's the one who graded the papers. She sits down next to him and tells him that his grade this time is 20 times better than that of last time. He tells her that she's terrible at comforting people. lol She says that she really thinks he's made great progress this time. She tells him that so long as he keeps trying, he'll see more progress next time. He stops being grumpy and tells her that he'll accept her sincere encouragement. They're interrupted by a call from Moore who asks if he's looked at the TV. You Xi asks what for and Moore tells him that "Accidentally in Love" is going to be on TV tonight. Weibo has been dominated by his fans about the countdown to its broadcasting time. He hangs up and asks Yao Yao where he can find a TV to watch a series. 

[Ep9You Xi, Yao Yao, Pan Duo and Qi Chao are watching "Accidentally in Love" on this very small TV set complete with rabbit ears (antenna) in the security guy's office. lol Pan Duo comments that Zhang Jia Er's acting is so terrible that it's a waste of his talent. He smiles but tells her to not say such harsh words as they are all colleagues. Yao Yao praises him for his acting ability in this film as someone who is constantly ignored by his secret crush. XD She says his acting is quite realistic and it's very moving. He laughs at this until Qi Chao deadpans that anyone can tell that he has that experience. LMAO You Xi suddenly claims there's a mosquito in the room. lol He starts fanning it but it's in the direction of Pan Duo, and they start having this childish fight which leads to her throwing snacks at him. Qi Chao says he's tired and asks if he can leave now. You Xi and Pan Duo both tell him to not move and the two stop fighting momentarily. Then two proceed to fight about who to watch next - as Yao Yao should watch You Xi rescuing a damsel in distress, and Qi Chao should watch Pan Duo as Cinderella waiting for her prince. Suddenly (and luckily) the power goes out.

At breakfast the next day, Yao Yao and You Xi are in the cafeteria and he asks her about how many fans he gained after last night's premiere. She tells him that he's gained 50,000 fans on Weibo. Pan Duo interrupts to tell them that she's gained 200,000 fans since last night's premiere. You Xi complains about how she's gained four times the fans that he did. Sigh. Yao Yao tells him that Pan Duo is a newcomer and her fan base was quite small to start, and You Xi has been in the industry longer, and has all the fans he should have, so the growth rate is slower, which is normal. Now he tells her that she's pretty good at comforting people. Moore calls him to tell him that the series is quite popular. He's also received many calls from companies who want to work with him, so he can choose to endorse any brand he likes.   

Yin Jiu is meeting with Song Qie Ge at the cafe. They both look like villains so this seems about right. Yin Jiu has provided him with a character exposition for the Chancellor Zhong role. Now he asks Song Qie Ge for a favor - he wishes for him to defeat You Xi. The two guys suddenly hear You Xi discussing Lu Bu loudly with Yao Yao at the same cafe. Song Qie Ge is surprised to see him there but he approaches his table to taunt him for still being so childish. You Xi stands up and sees that Yin Jiu is with him and calls them jerk and scumbag, respectively. XD Yin Jiu protests at being called a scumbag. You Xi asks why they're together. Song Qie Ge says that he took away his teacher so he had to hire someone else. You Xi says that's right and he'll take the role of Chancellor Zhong as well. Song Qie Ge says don't even think about it as he has his heart set on it and it'll be his. Yao Yao reads from her phone "You Xi will star in Wei Ran's "Chancellor Zhong" as Guan Zhong" and says it was announced today. You Xi looks at the phone and Song Qie Ge says they're dreaming. You Xi says that's right, as that's what he'll see in the news in a month's time. 

Song Qie Ge says he doesn't want to stand here and argue with him, so he leaves. Once he leaves, You Xi looks a bit petrified as he's recalling Yao Yao earlier words to him about Song Qie Ge getting the role (Ep1) to motivate him to work harder. You Xi storms off and Yao Yao chases after him, reassuring him over and over that he'll get the role in a month's time. 

You Xi returns to the dorm room and Wen Mo Xuan is on the phone with his jie jie but he leaves the room to put on the jersey to show her. You Xi picks up the phone and starts yelling for Yuchi Mu Mu to come back on the phone. (Because Wen Mo Xuan calls her jie.) It's actually Wen Mo Xuan's sister (it’s really the same actor in a wig - did they not have the budget to hire another actress for this role, or just thought this was funny?), who starts screaming for everyone to come as You Xi is talking to her. Wen Mo Xuan returns in his blue jersey and sees him holding his phone and explains that his twin sister is a huge fan of his. You Xi returns the phone to him. 

You Xi stays diligent in studying after class is dismissed. Yin Jiu takes the opportunity to ridicule him and tells him that Yao Yao could fall for anyone except him. He tells him that he should know how much she dislikes an illiterate like him. You Xi throws down his book, calls him a scumbag and tells him to stop trying to drive a wedge between them. Yin Jiu tells him to ask himself honestly if the two of them have anything in common. Does he understand the books she reads? Does he understand the poems she reads? You Xi looks a bit discouraged now. Then Yin Jiu tells him that he heard Wen Mo Xuan asked Yao Yao to go to the library to study again tonight, and alludes that they might be doing something other than studying…You Xi looks concerned now, as the seed of doubt has been planted. 

Now You Xi is spying (not very stealthily though, lol) on Yao Yao as she’s eating lunch in the cafeteria. She receives a call and looks happy about it. Then she goes to purchase two milk teas which makes him wonder. He follows her and then actually grabs her by the elbow to turn her around and tells her point blank that she’s not allowed to date Wen Mo Xuan. She looks confused and asks what he’s talking about. He says that he’s seen everything and asks why she has two milk tea drinks. She goes to explain but a girl walks up and asks why she hasn’t gone in yet. Then she notices the milk tea and thanks her for purchasing the tea for her.  He realizes that she’s not dating Wen Mo Xuan. She tells him that they’re preparing for the university’s Cultural Fair. She then asks why he’s there, and he uses the lame excuse that he just had lunch and is going for a walk.

You Xi is back to drinking beers with Qi Chao in the stands of the empty sports field. He tells him that it was just a false alarm. You Xi says that they need to speed up and let her know what’s on his friend’s mind, and asks for his friend’s help. Qi Chao says there’s a blunt approach and subtle approach. He says that his friend might not be able to handle the blunt approach, so he asks for the subtle approach. Qi Chao suggests leaving her a hint then. What could go wrong with hints…XD They see the lights from the security guard and make a run for it. 

Later on, You Xi is eating lunch at a table with four other girls, and Yao Yao sees him but just sits at another table instead. Later, he tells Qi Chao that it’s useless for someone as dumb as her. More like his hint is useless because he’s usually surrounded by girls anyway! He says they have to be more aggressive. Qi Chao suggests agitating her – by making her jealous. Boys and their dumb games. Once again, they run from the angry security guard.

You Xi is back at the table with the four girls and is having a jolly good time. Yao Yao walks up just as two of the girls are clinging onto him. In his head, he’s hoping she’ll sit down in the seat he saved for her, but he actually tells her that there are no seats left and she should sit somewhere else. So she happily sits somewhere and just smiles at him when he’s staring at her. Back in the stands, he tells Qi Chao that he needs something more effective. Qi Chao says he needs to play the ultimate trump card – a confession. You Xi balks at this idea. Qi Chao tells him when it comes to love, someone must make the first move. That person isn’t affected by his friend at all, so his friend has to be the one to make the first move. You Xi looks petrified and keeps muttering “confession” over and over. They’re finally caught by the security guard this time as he brought backup this time. lol 

Yao Yao shows up to get them out and tries to persuade the security guard to let them go this time, and they know they’ve made a mistake. The guy says loudly that these are the school rules and there’s no use in begging for mercy. She starts to plead on their behalf but You Xi interrupts to tell the guy to punish them however he sees fit. He happily pulls Qi Chao with him to go sign the confession and then he signs on Qi Chao’s behalf as well. The security guy looks at the paperwork, and reads the names - Tong Jin (Qi Chao) and Yiu Jin (You Xi). lol He doesn’t check their ID?  Yao Yao looks at him but You Xi only says that his mother always wanted a girl. XD Yao Yao purses her lips and wants to rectify this but You Xi grabs her by the shoulders and turns her around to push her out the door and Qi Chao just follows him out. Outside, You Xi is cackling about this but Yao Yao isn’t happy with him. She thinks it’s wrong of him, but he explains that he’s gotten her revenge for her.  The boys leave but Yao Yao returns to the office to report them for using fake names. 

The next day, Yin Jiu receives a phone call from an angry Tong Jin asking him what’s going on with him and Yao Yao. She tells him that there's news of him and Yao Yao having been found loitering around the sports field at night multiple times, and they are being reprimanded for it. She then says given his low score in practical training, she had asked her father to get him in as assistant teacher. Ah, so he was the add-on! She asks if he’s rekindling his love with his ex. This woman has such a nasty scowl, too. He tells her that he has no idea what’s going on as he wasn’t with her. He asks her to believe him, but she says she doesn’t and angrily hangs up on him. 

In the cafeteria, an angry Tong Jin is walking with Yin Jiu following her and begging her to listen to him. You Xi is laughing as he’s watching this with a smiling Yao Yao is standing next to him. You Xi tells her that he didn’t know that she was such a genius. She admits that she had told the security guard to change Yin Jiu’s name to hers but he changed Tong Jin’s name instead. He starts to really cackle at this. Accidental deviousness. XD

Yao Yao meets with her father who wants to discuss what happened with her. Dad says that she’s definitely grown up now, as she’s in love and wants to stay together with Yin Jiu all the time. She tells him it’s not what he thinks. But he goes on about when he was dating her mother and how they were together all the time. She interrupts him to stop him as she already knows all about this.

Later that evening, Yao Yao receives a call that the renovations for her place have been completed, so she can move back anytime now. She sighs and then marks off today’s date (September 4th) on her calendar. The 12th is starred with a circle around it. She then receives a call from You Xi who tells her that he will wait for her in the concert hall tomorrow at 2 p.m. She asks why she needs to go there and he just hangs up on her. 

The next day she shows up at the otherwise empty concert hall and You Xi is on stage, sitting on a chair with a guitar. (~23:00). He starts playing the guitar and sings 我的女人 (My Girl) to her.

世界那么大 / The world is so big
你一句情话就让我融化  / One word from you makes me melt
看你在布置这小小的家  /  Watching you decorating this little home
满溢的幸福快要装不下  /  It’s bursting with happiness
春秋的喧哗冬夏的温差  /  The vibrance of spring and autumn, the temperature of autumn and winter

你是我的女人  /  You’re my girl*
我要你当我一辈子的女神  /  I want you to be my goddess forever
静静的夜里轻轻为你点灯  /  I’ll gently light your lamp in the quiet of the night
我的怀抱负责让你睡得安稳  /  I’ll hold you in my arms and let you sleep soundly
我是你的男人  /  I’m your man
*女人= woman, but for all intents and purposes, girl is more appropriate here.
She walks up to join him on the stage, and she’s listening attentively with her hands clutched under her chin, and she beams at him. He gets up from the chair and confesses to her. He says that he likes her, so she walks into his arms with a smile and puts her arms around his neck to hug him. They’re hugging and smiling. Music screeches to a halt. This is You Xi's daydreaming but he remains sitting there thinking about her smile. 

The next day, You Xi shows up with his guitar and two boxes, at the concert hall and finds out from the security guy that it’s closed for an event and only authorized personnel are allowed. He tells the security guy that he has it booked for 2 p.m. He tells him that the event was supposed to wrap up at 1 p.m. but something went wrong so they’re still not finished. He advises him to book any one of the available classrooms nearby if it’s urgent. 

Yao Yao shows up at the concert hall in a pretty pale yellow dress, and follows the many arrows leading her to one of the classrooms. When she appears, he starts playing the guitar and singing “My Girl” for her. (~26:55, it's real!)

YX: Xiao mu tou.
YYY: Hmm.

YX: I’ve always wanted to tell you something. I –

Some guy: Dude, are you done with the lamp? If you are, return it now! XD
YX: Give me a moment.
Some guy: Hurry up! The guy shakes his head and then closes the door.
YX sighs: I wanted to surprise you with a song. I couldn’t use the concert hall, so I booked this classroom and even borrowed a lamp. [It’s a large spotlight.] It ruined the ambience. I… 
YYY: Mr. You. I really like this song. No one has ever sung like this for me before. He beams at her and she smiles back.
YX: Xiao mu tou. I’ve been waiting to tell you something. I… And then his phone rings. 

He sighs and answers it with a grimace. It’s Moore asking him if he remembered that he was invited by the investors for the banquet for “The Founding of the Three Kingdoms”. He stresses that it’s very important and advises him to not be late and You Xi says okay and hangs up the call. You Xi tells Yao Yao that he has something to give to her. He hands her the two boxes and tells her to come with him to the banquet tonight.  She asks why and he asks why she is asking. He shoves the boxes at her and tells her to try it on and he’ll wait for her outside. 

After a while, he yells if she’s ready yet. She says she is and he opens the doors to see her looking stunning in a sleeveless, nearly floor-length pretty white dress with red flowers on it, and a small black belt around the waist, and in heels. His jaw drops at the sight of her. He finally walks up to her and she asks if she has to wear this as it feels strange. He quietly says that she looks stunning in it. She can barely hear him, so he changes it to - hurry up as they’ll be late. Heh. He tells her to remove her necklace as it’s ugly. She clutches at the pendant on it and tells him that she can’t take it off. 

They arrive at the event and You Xi is in a light grey suit with some blue birds embroidered on it. Moore (who is wearing a suit that’s red on top and then goes to black on the bottom half of his jacket to black pants, and looks like a server complete with the bow tie, lol) greets them and then insults Yao Yao for her casual wear and tells her to go home. Yao Yao readily agrees to go home and goes to leave but You Xi grabs onto her arm to prevent her from leaving. He tells Moore that he asked her to come and Moore just looks at him. He says that she’s just an assistant and You Xi asks what’s wrong with that. He offers his arm to Yao Yao, links their arms together and they walk inside. You Xi finds out it’s a birthday banquet for Tong Jin, who is Huateng Group’s Chairman’s daughter.  Moore pulls him aside and tells him that Tong Jin’s father is the investor for “The Founding of the Three Kingdoms”. 

As Yao Yao is waiting for them, the catty Tong Jin on the arm of Yin Jiu shows up to tell her that she forgot to invite her to her birthday party. She asks Yao Yao if she’s there as a part-time server. *rolling eyes* Yao Yao doesn’t really have a response (she seems nervous), and Yin Jiu tells his snotty girlfriend that they should go inside. Tong Jin asks what the rush is as they got together fair and square. Stealing is fair? 

You Xi continues arguing with Moore and wants to leave but then he sees Yao Yao is being taunted by Tong Jin and goes to rescue her. Tong Jin recognizes him (sans mask), and asks what his relationship is with her. He holds her hand and raises it to show them and asks, isn't it obvious? Yao Yao and Yin Jiu are both looking at him, as is Moore who is rapidly blinking. He excuses himself and walks away from them. Tong Jin whines why she gets to date a big celebrity like him. Yin Jiu watches Yao Yao go, and tells Tong Jin that he’s underestimated Yao Yao, and Tong Jin asks if he regrets it now. He goes to hold her hand and she jerks away from him and storms off. He follows her and tells her that his relationship with Yao Yao is in the past, and she says that his eyes already gave him away. She walks away and he tells her to not throw a tantrum. 

Mr. Sun (another director) is asking Dan to invest in his upcoming movie. Moore joins them and Dan tells Mr. Sun that she will invest in the movie, if You Xi is in it. Moore quickly runs off to get You Xi, who is reluctant to leave Yao Yao alone and tells her that if she needs anything, to let him know and he’d be right back. Moore and You Xi are approached by several women on their way back to that table, who ask to have photos taken. Moore politely tells them You Xi only came to attend the birthday party and says that they can have photos with him next time. Moore introduces You Xi to Mr. Sun and Dan as Yao Yao grabs a dessert plate and sits down at a table by herself. Yin Jiu notices that Yao Yao is sitting by herself as You Xi is busy, so he walks over to talk to her. He comments that she’s still suffering from enochlophobia (fear of crowds). She just purses her lips and looks away from him. He asks her where her boyfriend is, or did he abandon her already? She asks what he’s talking about. He asks how long she’s been dating her boss. What gives him any right to even inquire about this? Nil. She just sighs and he asks if it was after they broke up or before. Pompous jerk. She just looks at him in shock. He says that he really underestimated her. Double standard. You Xi looks over and sees Yao Yao stand up from her seat and hears her tell Yin Jiu that You Xi is her boss - that’s all. She then tries to leave but he blocks her. You Xi is becoming agitated and isn’t paying attention to the business chatter. Yin Jiu tells her that he might be able to deceive her but not him - he tells her that he may be talking to someone else but his eyes have been on her. She looks over at You Xi and he is staring at them. Yin Jiu says, it looks like he’s seen them together now, so he must be quite anxious. Yao Yao tells him to stop talking nonsense. He says that she doesn’t believe him, so he purposely starts leaning towards her, further trapping her in the booth. Both You Xi and Tong Jin are watching them now. 

You Xi finally excuses himself and makes a beeline for Yao Yao. Moore runs after him to bring him back to the table, but they’re interrupted by Tong Jin making an announcement. She thanks everyone for coming, and then thanks her good friend, Yao Yao. She invites her to come up on the stage. The witch. A bunch of girls go to bring her up to the stage, and You Xiu tries to stop it but Moore won’t let him and tells him to not make a scene. 

Tong Jin then asks her to introduce herself. Yao Yao looks around nervously.

[Ep10Tong Jin keeps prodding for her to say something but Yao Yao just can’t. So Tong Jin says she’ll do it for her and pushes her away from the mic. You Xi is angrily watching this unfold. Tong Jin says she’s been good friends with Yao Yao for almost fours since their freshman year. This girl has the gall to say that though unpleasant things have occurred between them, she hopes that they will continue to be best friends. She then asks Yao Yao why she approached Yin Jiu behind her back, knowing that he was her boyfriend. OMG, this selfish wench. Yao Yao only takes a deep breath. Now the room is chattering about how she stole her best friend’s boyfriend. You Xi is becoming angrier by the minute as the entire room starts chattering about what a bad person Yao Yao is. Yin Jiu just drinks his wine. Tong Jin keeps prodding her to talk, to say anything. Yao Yao starts having an anxiety attack and clutches at her necklace. Tong Jin continues saying that as no one loves her, that’s why she had to steal someone else’s boyfriend, and keeps walking towards her. You Xi can’t take it anymore and heads for the stage even as Moore protests. He then pulls Yao Yao behind him, looks at her and asks her why she didn’t get him when she needed help. She says, “I…” and he says to not be afraid as he’s here. He then glares at Tong Jin, walks over to the microphone and announces that he’s today’s special guest speaker. 

Dan says what’s going on as she’s supposed to be the guest speaker. You Xi starts by wishing Tong Jin a very happy birthday, and hopes that she can stay beautiful forever. (Such a hideous soul though.) He then clarifies that Yao Yao had been in a relationship with her boyfriend, Yin Jiu for two years, and they [these two] have only been together for a few months. He says that he wants everyone to know exactly who stole whose boyfriend from her friend. The room is now chattering about what a bad person Tong Jin is. She scrunches her face into this hideous expression. Now he directs a question at Yin Jiu and says while he was cheating on her with her best friend, if he considered the fact that he’d ruin the girls’ relationship with each other? He repeats her statement that no one would love Yuchi Yao Yao and retorts that he doesn’t think so. 

YX:  She is innocent and kind-hearted. She’d never defend herself even when she was wronged. She is perfect except for her low EQ. In my view, she is the girl that everyone loves. Yao Yao widens her eyes at him. She can stay up all night to mend a rug that she thought was important to me. Even though the results are hideous. When I made mistakes, she would criticize me with no mercy. When I was sad, she would stay by my side to comfort me. Even though she’s pretty bad at it.  She could even fight for me. Even though - He turns to look at her - I was more worried that she would get hurt.

Everyone starts pulling out their phones to take photos of them and Moore tries to stop them all. 

YX: Actually, I’ve always wanted to tell you something. 

He walks towards her and holds onto her hands. Then he kisses her forehead. (~6:36) She looks shocked at this. He only smiles at her and then he takes her off the stage with him. Tong Jin starts yelling at everyone to stop him but no one does, and they only continue taking photos. Moore calls someone to suppress this news. Yin Jiu approaches Tong Jin on the stage and she yells at him to stay away from her. She then yells at You Xi, that she’s not done with him. 

You Xi and Yao Yao are outside the venue now and he has this huge smile on his face. But then she asks him to let go of her hand. He lets go of her hand and tells her let’s go home or if there’s somewhere she wants to go, he’ll go with her. She tells him that she wants to take a walk alone and walks away from him. 

She’s walking around, and he’s following several feet behind her. She finally turns around and tells him to go home as she wants to be alone. She continues walking by herself for a bit but then she turns around and discovers that he’s really no longer there. So she turns around to go forward and he’s standing there waiting for her. (~9:40, I knew he wouldn’t leave her!) 

She smiles at him and walks up to him, and they smile at each other. 

Now they’re sitting quietly but then she starts shivering. So he places his jacket on her shoulders. She says then he’ll be cold and he replies that he’s in good health. Barely a few moments later, he starts shivering but denies being cold. He asks her how she ended up with enochlophobia.

Flashback: Yao Yao was the next presenter for a lecture but she had forgotten her speech. She called her mother frantically asking where she was. Her mother told her to not rush her as she would be right there after she crossed this intersection. She ends up getting hit by a car in the intersection and the papers fly out of her hands and she bled out onto the papers on the ground. Yao Yao had heard it happen.

She's crying and tells You Xi that if she hadn't asked her mother to deliver her speech draft, she'd be all right. Through her sobs, she repeats over and over that it's all her fault. You Xi puts an arm around her and lets her cry on his shoulder. He tells her that he hadn't finished his words at the birthday party, so he'll tell her now. 

YX: I know it's not pleasant to be my assistant. I am strict and always bossing you around. If you really feel it's unfair, you could be my girlfriend. If so, I will spoil you and can also cook for you every day. I'll do whatever you ask. Isn't that a great deal? He looks down at her and realizes that she's fallen asleep. (~13:20, his heart here.) They continue sitting there in silence. 

Moore is dealing with the aftermath, and trying to get a guest list to get everyone to erase the photos from their phones. His assistant runs in to tell him that Mr. Tong wants to pull the plug and the crew wants to take You Xi out of the series. Uh oh. 

The next day, Moore is over at You Xi's house and tells him that he ruined the birthday party of Mr. Tong's daughter. They're threatening to withdraw the funds if You Xi isn't pulled out of this project. You Xi tells him it's fine as he's done with it. Moore starts raising his voice to yell at him but he tells him to lower his voice and if xiao mu tou hears about this... Yao Yao shows up behind him. Yao Yao tells them that she heard everything and says it's all her fault. She says that she'll go and apologize to Tong Jin. Why?! She goes to leave and Moore encourages her to go but You Xi tells her to come back. He asks her who says it's her fault. She says that it doesn't matter as she can't let him get into trouble over this. She tries to leave again but You Xi tells her to come back again. He tells her that she's not the one who got him into trouble, as he's the one who scolded Tong Jin and has nothing to do with her. He then tells her that she can't go without his permission and tells her to sit down and eat the noodles. Moore is not happy about this but then his assistant calls him to tell him that filming crew are there to see him. He tells her to get the letter of termination ready: they're the ones canceling the contract without cause, so increase the interest in the termination clause, and try to recover the loss as much as possible.  

Back in her room, she's drafting a message to Tong Jin: “What happened yesterday was her fault. Please don't be mad.” She sends the message but Yu Xi startles her and she tries to hide the phone from him. He demands to see her phone. She won't give it to him, so he snatches it from her. He sees the message and angrily asks why she hasn't blocked her yet and she even sent this message to her. Yao Yao insists that this is her fault. How? She says she'll apologize to her and then ask her to talk to her father. He's outraged that she's going to apologize to her. Yao Yao, quit being so complacent. You Xi drafts a message on her phone: "You, the upstart fake best friend, could only ask your father for help. Shame on you. Just withdraw your capital. I'm already done with that. Don't let me see you again or I'll scold you." And he sends it. Yao Yao looks at her phone and is horrified by what he sent. He tells her, apologize? No way! Tong Jin sees the messages and says that she's not going let either one of them get away with this. 

In the meeting, Moore tells the three men that they can end the contract but You Xi did not break any terms of the contract. He says that they're the ones trying to cancel the contract without cause, so...

You Xi is putting the books for The Three Kingdoms into a box and he looks a bit sad as he's flipping through the books. Yao Yao finds him and he says he doesn't have to read any more.  She comments that he's been preparing for this role for so long and now he has to give it up.  He says that he wanted to quit long ago and he'll have plenty of roles waiting for him. He starts grabbing more books and shoving them into the box and she quietly watches him. The doorbell suddenly rings. 

It's Moore with news that they didn't want to terminate the contract with him. Here’s what really happened at that meeting: The contract was canceled with Mr. Tong as he was going to pull his funds anyway. The three men were investors interested in “The Founding of the Three Kingdoms” and they had wanted to meet face-to-face to discuss it. They said that the role of Lu Bu is tailored for You Xi. One of the investors said if You Xi agreed to this project, he would double his investments immediately. Moore did his due diligence and did a background check on the investors. The three of them are successful but work in three different fields and have never crossed paths with one another but they all have one common thing – and he then looks at Yao Yao. She has no idea. 

Now Yao Yao is at her father’s office and tells him that she got him into trouble this time. He says that he's been teaching for decades so it's normal to have some connections. The best dad ever! Then he asks why she didn't tell him about the breakup with Yin Jiu. She tells him that she didn't want him to worry. He tells her that he's her father, so he would like anything that she likes. She's not sure what he's talking about. Then he asks her when she and You Xi started dating. She tells him that he's misunderstood as there's nothing going on between her and You Xi. He then asks why would he kiss her in front of all those people. She asks how he knows about it and he tells her that Yin Jiu told him. Yin Jiu also told him that he started dating Tong Jin after she started dating You Xi. OMG, I want to dropkick her ex. She just sighs and repeats that there's nothing going on between her and You Xi. He then looks over at a photo of her mother and starts talking about how he and her mother were dating at the university. He turns around and discovers that Yao Yao has disappeared. lol 

You Xi is waiting outside the office for Yao Yao and asks her how it went with her father. She says that her father said...and trails off into nothing. He then says he'll go in to thank her father and she stops him to say that he's busy grading papers. She suggests that they go home and do the homework. He says that he's lost all of it.

Back at home, he's holding up some very stained and stinky papers over his desk. lol She asks why he threw the textbooks into the trash as it took her a long time to look for it. He says that he thought the contract was terminated. She says she has all of the homework for him and just hands him a pen. He begrudgingly removes the glove and takes the pen from her, and starts writing but then he offers to cook her tang yuan (rice dumplings) - even though she says that she's not hungry. He insists on taking her with him. Now they're eating tang yuan and he's eating every so slowly. She tells him that he needs to hurry up so they can have class. She starts talking about how they're going to learn about Three Visits to –  and he tells her to shut up and places his spoon with a tang yuan in it, right in front of her lips. She backs away and looks at him in surprise and tells him that that's his spoon. He says so what, don't want to share a spoon? She asks, isn't he a germaphobe? He says that he was but he's not now. She looks at her bowl but he tries to feed her one on his spoon and pushes it towards her mouth, which startles her. He thinks that he's scalded her and offers to blow at it (her mouth). (~25:47) He puts down his bowl and spoon and leans in real close to her and earnestly starts blowing at her mouth. She becomes very aware of how close they are and just looks at him. Moments later, he stops blowing just to look at her before moving back to his seat and stuffing his face with dumplings. Later that evening, he is actually studying and taking notes. 

Today's the last day of training/class. Yuchi Dad says he's noticed the growth and progress of each one of them, and he is pleased and moved by this. He hopes they remain true to their original aspirations and take their roles seriously. He wants them to bring this glorious history to more people and pass on the time-honored Chinese culture. He then bows and thanks them. You Xi raises his arm and says that he wants to recite a poem, "View of the Blue Sea", a favorite of Yuchi Dad's (Ep8). He enthusiastically recites this poem and doesn’t stumble over a single word. 

The actors/students are all taking pictures together, including You Xi who continues to stare at Yao Yao who is keeping her distance from them. Pan Duo insists on them taking a selfie together, so he reluctantly agrees. Yuchi Dad passes by and the students ask him to take pictures with them. Yao Yao continues watching them but is approached by Wen Mo Xuan who asks why she isn't joining them. She doesn't say anything except shake her head. He tells her that he has something for her - it's the star hairpin. She tells him that she had to leave in a hurry last time, thanks him and goes to reach for it. But he pulls it out of her reach, to put it in her hair himself. You Xi happens to look over at that point and walks over to them. Wen Mo Xuan tells her that this time, it is the hairpin that she dropped. She just gives him a small smile and then he leaves. You Xi appears before her and looks at the hairpin and adamantly says that yellow doesn't suit her and neither does the pattern. He then tells her that she shouldn't wear a hairpin (but she does!) and then reaches over to remove it from her hair. Yuchi Dad glances over at that moment and tells him to come over to his office later. 

You Xi is outside Yuchi Dad's office and pacing back and forth. Yao Yao finds him and asks him what's going on. He tells her that her father told him to wait by the door. She tells him that once he goes inside that he shouldn't touch anything or else... He asks or else what? She tells him the story of when a student broke an ornament in his office…and then he dropped out of school. No one's seen him since. She then whispers that she'll wait for him downstairs and leaves. I think she’s trolling him. You Xi timidly knocks on the door and the door just creaks open. He nervously walks in and the first thing he does is almost knock over a vase, which he catches and puts back up on its stands. Yuchi Dad tells him to sit down and have some tea. You Xi grabs a tea cup and Dad pours some tea into it but then You Xi suddenly yells that it's hot and drops the cup. It lands on a ceramic figurine on the table. You Xi immediately says that he'll pay for it. Dad tells him to sit down and tells him that the figurine is fake. Dad tells him that he's only telling him this and to not spread it around. You Xi says that Yao Yao told him… Dad says that she told him about the student who dropped out of school because he broke his ornament? Dad clarifies that the student dropped out of school because he had demolition of his house and he had gone home to inherit the family property. It’s totally unrelated to him. 

You Xi smiles at this. Dad says since the story was going around as it was, he decided to take advantage of it so students would behave when they were in his office. You Xi grins and says that's clever and gives him a thumbs up. You Xi then thanks him for the venture of "The Founding of the Three Kingdoms" and for the note that he gave up before he went to the board. Dad looks at him curiously and says “Note? What note?” Then he says with a straight face, the he has no idea. You Xi then realizes that he's just messing with him and he starts to laugh, which makes Dad smile, too. :) You Xi stops himself from laughing to ask him why he asked him to come here. Dad says that he shouldn't get into the young people's business but Yao Yao is a special case. You Xi says that he knows all about it already. Dad looks surprised and asks if he knows about her fear of crowds too? You Xi quietly says he knows. Dad says that Yao Yao has never  mentioned this matter to anyone. 

Yuchi Dad: If you cannot make Yao Yao happy, I hope you can leave her as soon as possible. Because as a father, I don't want my daughter to get hurt again.  Maybe he knows more about Yin Jiu than he lets on in front of her?

Afterwards, You Xi is walking around campus looking a bit pensive but then Yao Yao finds him and asks him what her father said. He says it was a lot of things, and then asks if she wants to hear the story of her being at school and crying while chasing a bus when she was seven? Or the story of her being chased by a rooster in the yard when she was three? She looks embarrassed and wonders why her father told him those stories. He just walks away with a smile. She goes after him and says that her father was lying to him and to not believe it. He asks her why does it sound real to him?

At the office, Moore is reassuring Mr. Zhang that he will take care of the loose ends and then hangs up the call. He's still trying to get ahold of all the people who had taken photos at that party. His assistant tells him that they’re asking for a lot of money. Moore says it’s worth it. 

Meanwhile, Song Qie Ge is smirking at his phone - it's a photo of You Xi holding Yao Yao's arms on stage. He tells Shen Yi Ling that she's quite quick, and she gets up and says that she'll contact the press now. He tells her to wait as it's not the right time now. She asks when is the right time, if not now. He wants to wait to use that photo. 

Flashback: On You Xi’s first day at SG Entertainment, he didn’t say a single word to Song Qie Ge (who was already there) but walked right by him and purposely bumped shoulders with him. Later, the office celebrated when You Xi reached 10 million followers on Weibo. You Xi also went on to receive an endorsement, instead of Song Qie Ge. Song Qie Ge had congratulated him but he snubbed him. 

Back at home, You Xi is happy to finally be at home and flops onto the couch to say he no longer has exams, early mornings or classes. Yao Yao then drops off a small stack of books on the coffee table. He asks her what's with the books. She tells him that the training may be over but they're not done going over Chancellor Zhong. She tells him that there are still five days left before he meets with Director Wei Ran. You Xi is shocked that it's in five days' time.

[Ep11] It’s cram session time. You Xi and Yao Yao are both working diligently to get through the material. 

It's down to the last two days, and You Xi is starting to feel quite fatigued. The doorbell rings and for once, You Xi is glad to see Pan Duo, who urgently needs to use his bathroom. lol Outside the entrance, he offers to help her with anything (buying her snacks, cooking for her, etc.). But she keeps telling him that she only needs to use his bathroom. He then points out the big mosquito bite on her face and says that Qi Chao won’t like that. Now she’s sitting next to Yao Yao and crying about this tiny red bite on her face, and fretting about Qi Chao seeing an imperfect her. You Xi says even without this bite, she is still imperfect. LOL Yao Yao gently tells her that she’s worrying needlessly about her looks, as she has many qualities that make her attractive - kind, smart, hardworking and diligent. Pan Duo is surprised to hear this and then starts whining that he never looks at her. You Xi tells her that she’s always rushing towards him, so he must be scared of her. Yao Yao tells her “If you like someone, you’ll like everything about them, including their strengths and shortcomings. There’s no need to pretend or conform to their preferences. If Mr. Qi really likes you, he’ll like the true you. So be yourself.” You Xi smiles at this.  Pan Duo says she understands, and then tells You Xi that he needs to get rid of his OCD, his pettiness and his bad temper. Hahaha! He sputters at her and she replies that Yao Yao said this. Now she happily leaves their house. You Xi then asks Yao Yao if she likes someone who is proactive like Pan Duo. She replies that she likes those who can read her mind and be in sync with her. In other words, words are not needed for them to understand each other. 

Meanwhile, Yin Jiu is tutoring Song Qie Ge on the same material. Ugh. Shen Yi Ling texts Song Qie Ge that they need to meet and discuss something very important. He just smirks at this.

You Xi is studying but is distracted by Yao Yao’s earlier words about being in sync with her. Yao Yao knocks on the door and tells him that Song Qie Ge posted something about him on Weibo. She reads the post: He said he would take part in a drama that would be released at the same time as “The Founding of The Three Kingdoms”. He can’t wait.  Yao Yao then suggests that they post an announcement that the series is about to start filming soon, along with his best publicity photo, with the title “Successful people don’t care about competition.” He gives her a thumbs up. She then runs off to grab him a glass of milk and when he taps the glass, she puts in the straw. He thinks that they’re in sync now. More like she’s doing her job. lol 

At night, Yao Yao marks off September 10th on her calendar and rubs the starred 12th with her thumb. She’s remembering when You Xi sang to her, and how he was in the beginning, cantankerous and finding every excuse to get out of studying.

The next day, Yao Yao goes to wake up You Xi who complains that it’s too early for class but brings his book to open the door. He notices that she’s dressed to go outside and asks her where her book is. She tells him that it’s their last day, so they’re going to go outside and play today. He excitedly goes to change his clothes.

They’re on a non-date: bumper cars, playing games (shooting basketballs) and arcade games. When You Xi fails to get any of the toys in the claw machine, he gets her an ice cream. Later they return home with a set of bunny ears on You Xi’s head and a huge teddy bear in Yao Yao’s arms. She asks him why he wouldn’t let her watch when he was catching the toys. He says it’s a secret and then puts the bunny ears on her head before they head inside. They both look so cute in this headband. She wishes him the best of luck on tomorrow’s test. 

Both guys get ready for today’s meeting/test with Director Wei Ran. Separately, You Xi and Song Qie Ge are both able to provide articulate answers to the Director’s questions about the characters and their relationships. You Xi wears a pair of simple black sneakers while Song Qie Ge wears green socks with a pair of olive green shoes. 

The final question: Why did Bao Shu Ya repeatedly help Guan Zhong? (Bao Shu Ya was a famous official of the State of Qi under Duke Huan of Qi.) 

  • Song Qie Ge’s answer is that Bao Shu Ya had the foresight to discover Guan Zhong’s hidden talents, especially if one looks at how Guan Zhong helped Duke Huan of Qi. 

He asks the Director if he thinks that he’s a good fit for the role. The Director tells him that they still need to have an internal discussion about this. 

  • You Xi answers that it’s because they were friends, which surprises the Director. You Xi expounds on his answer: Guan Zhong said that his parents gave him life, but Bao Shu knew him the best. Bao Shu Ya treated Guan Zhong as a friend. That’s why he admired him, supported him and trusted him unconditionally. Guan Zhong treated Bao Shu Ya as a friend. Hence, he trusted him completely as well. From what I see, they’re friends.

The Director tells him that his character analysis has opened his eyes. He then says that he believes that he’ll be able to portray a realistic Chancellor Zhong. Then the Director notices that his shoes are black, just like his, and he admits that he doesn’t like green either. XD You Xi just smiles at this. Afterwards, Yao Yao asks how it went and You Xi acts mopey which makes her think about how to console him. But then he breaks out into a big smile and says that he got the role. He wants to leave and go celebrate but she says that needs to let Moore know.

At SG Entertainment, Moore announces to his team that You Xi got the lead role in “Chancellor Zhong”. Moore says that he’s successfully changed his image so he may possibly be popular for the next ten or twenty years. He says that they will be celebrating tonight and he’ll pick up the tab.

Song Qie Ge’s assistant tells him about the four investors for “Chancellor Zhong”, with the biggest one being Tong Tian Ming (Tong Jin’s father). Song Qie Ge says that he wants to meet him. 

Yao Yao is looking at her calendar when You Xi comes into her room to ask her what she’s doing. (He’s back to calling her Yuchi Mu Mu.) She tells him that he’s gotten the role so she’s completed her mission and she’s moving out tomorrow. He tells her that she can’t leave. She asks why – because she’s his assistant. She tells him that she needs to attend her lectures, so she can’t be his assistant. Oh, show remembers that she is a student. lol She says that he can come find her at school. Ou? He grumpily says who wants to look for her. She says, true, he is a star so he can’t do that. He angrily says what does she know before storming off. 

The next day, all of the books in his study are being packed up by Yao Yao. He watches her leave with her pink motorbike but he hides behind the curtains when she looks back. He hears thunder outside and calls after her that it’s going to rain but she continues walking with her motorbike. He goes back inside and sees the mended rug and angrily throws it out the front door, calling it ugly. He then goes inside and marks the door to her room as “sealed”. 

After the rain, he’s sitting outside with the rug hanging up, and is beating it with a feather duster. Another series that uses a feather duster for anything but dusting. lol Pan Duo calls him to congratulate him on getting the lead role and he wordlessly hangs up on her. He does realize that he should be happy as he got the lead role. He ends up watching his own work, “Accidentally in Love” and crying at the couple’s parting scene. The doorbell rings and he opens the door to a delivery man who was looking for another house.

Yao Yao is tutoring a young boy who asks to use the bathroom during their session. She tells him that it’s been less than a half hour, and he's already gone - she just lets him go. She is thinking about You Xi. 

At home, You Xi is absentmindedly playing mahjong with Qi Chao, Moore and Pan Duo. He wins a round and isn’t even excited about it. Moore then asks him to pick a new assistant, and You Xi promptly kicks them all out. Pan Duo scolds her uncle for bringing it up as everyone knows that You Xi is upset about Yao Yao’s departure. While the two of them are arguing, Qi Chao only says to let him cool off for a bit and then leaves. Of course Pan Duo decides to follow him and ditches her uncle but claims that her uncle abandoned her. She then offers to hang out with him, and he says it’s inconvenient. Then she offers to stay at his place and do chores, and he says that there’s no space. She continues chasing after him, even as Moore trails behind them. 

Song Qie Ge is meeting with Tong Jin’s father, to ask for his help in securing the lead role for “Chancellor Zhong”. He asks why he should help him. Song Qie Ge brings up the incident with You Xi and his withdrawal from that project, and surmises that he won’t let him get his way this time either. Tong Jin’s father says that that was an internal business decision and it wasn’t due to You Xi. He’s a businessman who is interested in money. Then he asks him to leave. Song Qie Ge says that he’ll beg him in the future. Is it bad that I'm begging for him to get alcohol poisoning? :P

You Xi and Yao Yao obviously miss each other but they exhibit it in different ways. He’s depressed and angry about it, while she reminisces about their time together and just laughs. You Xi stands outside her empty room and recalls her words of looking for her at school. 

The next day, You Xi shows up on campus with a facemask and creates a stir as all the students still recognize him. Yao Yao looks at her phone and finds out that he is on campus and everyone’s looking for him. He ends up trying to hide from them and Yao Yao finds him and takes him to her father’s office. Where did the vase by the door go? lol She tells him that he’s safe in the office as no one normally comes here. He hasn’t said anything but has a big grin on his face. She then asks why he’s there. He asks if she isn’t touched by this. She looks at him in confusion.  He tells her that he took such a big risk to come and see her. So she asks him why he’s come looking for her. (He’s right about her low EQ. lol) Her father walks in and sees them, and says that he’s busy and the president is looking for him. He tells them to continue, turns around and leaves his own office and even closes the door for them. You Xi smiles at this but Yao Yao just continues looking confused. He drops his smile and tells her that the company is hiring him a new assistant. She says, ou. He asks, is that all she has to say? He then asks if she doesn't want to come back and be his assistant? She smiles and tells him that he knows that her dream is to be a teacher, plus she has classes and no free time.

You Xi is back to moping around town. Qi Chao calls him to say that he heard that someone went to Jiangzhou University today and caused an uproar. Yu Xi tells him to get to the point. Qi Chao says that he hasn’t heard any news about his friend for a while. You Xi says that there’s no need anymore. Qi Chao asks if he succeeded then. You Xi said that she quit. His friend asks him doesn’t he want her to stay? You Xi says no need, and Qi Chao says it’s a pity as he was going to share his plan. You Xi says to tell him now. Qi Chao says, “The player sees less clearly than the bystanders. If your friend constantly tries to stop the girl from leaving, she’ll only become even more reluctant to stay. So he’ll need a third party’s help.” You Xi says third party? But an idea strikes him and he abruptly hangs up on his friend.

You Xi and Pan Duo are standing on a pedestrian bridge. He appears to be looking for something/someone with a monocular, as Pan Duo is stuffing her face with spicy tteokbokki but she mentions eating at a delicious barbeque place nearby. He tells her to shut up as the tteokbokki still doesn’t shut her up. SMH. He then asks if she remembers what he taught her. She says that her acting skills are great. You Xi then spots Yao Yao across the way. Before going to meet her, Pan Duo decides to lick her fingers and wipes it on her cheeks near her eyes. I think I know where this is heading… Then Pan Duo goes to meet her. 

Yao Yao is surprised and happy to see her. Then Pan Duo suddenly hugs her and turns on the fake waterworks and says that since she's left, she's been feeling so lonely and so empty. She can eat or sleep well either. She then starts fanning herself and says that her eyes hurt. Yao Yao is watching her with curiosity. Something's going on with Pan Duo's eyes – Yao Yao says it looks like there's a chili flake by her eye. LOL! Pan Duo pulls out her compact mirror and removes it from the corner of her eye. 

Pan Duo is now stuffing her face with barbeque as You Xi looks on in disgust (because he thinks the food looks unhygienic, remember, he's a germaphobe). The table is full of food but Pan Duo orders more wings. You Xi asks her how she has the cheek to eat. She says that she can't be blamed. If anything, he should blame the tteokbokki for being too spicy. Combined with her saliva, the chili flake turned into chili water with her eyes. She then blames him for buying her the tteokbokki. XD He retorts who insisted on eating it. She asks him what they should do now. He glares at her and says “nothing”.

[Ep12Qi Chao shows up at this dinner and tells him that it looks like his plan wasn't successful. Pan Duo enthusiastically shoves some skewers of chicken thigh meat in front of his face. He shoves her arm away from his face and asks You Xi whose help he asked for. You Xi says Pan Duo and who else could he ask. Qi Chao apologizes and says who his friend asked for help from. XD Pan Duo says, oh, You Xi does have a thing for Yao Yao. You Xi glares at Qi Chao and says, they both knew this all along? He asks if it's that obvious and they both nod at him. So obvious. Now he scolds Qi Chao for his bad advice. Then he taps Pan Duo's head and says that she knows nothing but eating. Pan Duo points out that he needs an assistant right now, and You Xi says that he was already rejected. Qi Chao says that he knows someone that could help.

The next day, You Xi is in Yuchi Dad's office, who tells him that he can't help him with this. He says that, he, of all people, should know how Yao Yao is. No one can change her decision once she's made up her mind, and not even him. He goes on to say as it was a decision that she made, he has no reason to change it. You Xi tries to persuade him but Dad stops him and tells him to drop it. Dad then says that he heard his costume drama is starting filming soon. You Xi says that it will start next week. Dad tells him that Yao Yao spent a long time helping him with this character so he mustn’t fail her or else she will be the first one to disapprove. So he's going to provoke her? lol  

That evening, Yao Yao receives notification of You Xi's WeChat Moment post. "My dear friends, please like my first WeChat Moment. The shooting starts next week. This time, I'll play the handsome Lu Bu. He can flirt with the beauty, Diao Chan (one of the Four Beauties of ancient China). This guy is such a love master.” Yao Yao gasps in shock at this.
At home, You Xi is grinning like a fiend about this post, because it was only shared with her! XD His deviant face here! (~5:13) Then he turns around to remove the sealed label from Yao Yao’s room. And right on cue, Yao Yao calls. He makes sure to wipe off that gleeful look on his face before he answers the phone with a serious face to say “Who is this?” He barely suppresses his smugness though. She tells him that Lu Bu is not a man who was only obsessed with love. He’s a valiant and invincible hero. She continues and he actually yawns into the phone! He tells her that she's already told him these things but he doesn't remember them. Now, he'll just play this role in the ways he likes and it's none of her business. He'll turn this historical drama into an idol drama and play him as a playboy. He ends the call by saying he needs to go read the script and then just hangs up on her. She’s shocked that he just did that. On his end, he’s laughing, humming and dancing. She goes back to studying but she's distracted. She's recalling an earlier conversation with You Xi about Lu Bu, but then she thinks about him in character as he's kissing a female. 

The next day is the photoshoot for the series and Pan Duo brings in Yao Yao with her. You Xi, in armor costume, sees Yao Yao but turns away to hide his smile. When he turns back to face her, he’s stone-faced and asks why she came here. Yao Yao isn’t sure how to answer this. Pan Duo says that Yao Yao fears that he might ruin his character, so she’s here to supervise him. Yao Yao criticizes his costume as being immature. Pan Duo laughs so he gets annoyed and walks off. Yao Yao runs after him and tells him he needs a halberd (weapon: an ax blade balanced by a pick with an elongated pike head at the end of the staff). 

Now You Xi is posing with the halberd. The girls are watching him and Pan Duo tells her that You Xi can't do anything without her. And if she's not by his side, he won't capture the essence of the character. Yao Yao says being his assistant would mean being on call and she has to attend her lectures. Pan Duo says that she doesn't have to follow him around all day, she can give him advice when she has spare time. Pan Duo begs her to say yes, and then she'd get to see her more as well. Yao Yao agrees, and Pan Duo is proud of herself. Fine, I’ll give her credit here! Unbeknownst to Yao Yao, she signals "OK" to You Xi, and he smiles and gives a quick thumbs up before dropping the smile and looking fierce for his photoshoot. lol Yao Yao asks which role Pan Duo has - she’s Diao Chan. 

Pan Duo and Zheng Jia Er are in costume waiting for filming to start but Zheng Jia Er is annoying Pan Duo with her fake giggling and spinning around in character. It’s expected as she’s a total ditz. This actress does a good job playing this role though. lol Pan Duo asks if she’s a spinning top and Zheng Jia Er says that she should have the role of Diao Chan as she’s too young to compete with her. You Xi and Yao Yao enter the room and You Xi makes her go away. Pan Duo then complains about her uncle and him losing their clout at SG Entertainment as her role was stolen by that spinning weirdo. You Xi tells her to let her play that role as that character will get scolded by the public. Both You Xi and Yao Yao tell her that her Sun Shang Xiang character is a more likable character with more depth than Diao Chan who is only eye candy. 

Moore tells You Xi that he needs to attend Mr. Zhang's 50th birthday party tomorrow evening.

The next day, You Xi wakes up late for the party. Yao Yao isn't feeling well, so he goes to see her first. It turns out that her fever is related to her period. He makes her some ginger soup and tries to feed it to her. She tells him to leave before he's late and he refuses to go. She tells him if he doesn't go, then she's not drinking the soup either. He agrees to go once she finishes the soup. Moore is freaking out that You Xi is late. (Moore is wearing that terrible red and black suit again, ha. They didn't have enough nice clothes for him. lol) You Xi tells Moore that he's in love, and Moore thinks he's kidding. At the dinner, Mr. Zhang gives a long speech and everyone is waiting to eat. You Xi speeds up the process by blowing out the candle for him, before he can give another speech. You Xi then tries to leave. Mr. Zhang grabs onto his arm to stop him and tells him that he can leave if he can give a toast to everyone, and he ends up drinking a full glass of wine. He's now drunk as a skunk and barely able to stand much less walk. Pan Duo is trying to help him walk, and has no choice but to call Yao Yao for help. 

While waiting, Pan Duo is playing hide and seek with a drunk You Xi who is hiding behind the trash cans. (Strange for someone who hates germs. lol) Yao Yao arrives and a drunk You Xi admits to Pan Duo that he wants xiao mu tou to be his girlfriend. Pan Duo asks him what he'll do if she says no. He says that then he won't go home and drunkenly walks away. Pan Duo tells him that she's really here, so he actually asks the real Yao Yao to be his girlfriend. She doesn't say anything so he says he'll leave and go look for her. Pan Duo urges her to agree to it, and so she grabs onto his hand and agrees. He then pulls her in for a kiss. They're spotted by a seemingly sober Moore with a very drunk Mr. Zhang, who doesn't seem to know it's You Xi. Pan Duo tells Yao Yao to not let them see her face, so Yao Yao runs away. Moore goes after her but is stopped by Pan Duo. After they bring him home, she is questioned by her uncle and she claims to not have seen the person who kissed You Xi. 

The next day, Pan Duo asks You Xi what he remembers from last night. He says that he doesn't remember much so she's relieved and leaves. While washing his face, he suddenly remembers asking Yao Yao to be his girlfriend and that she had agreed. Now, Yao Yao is sitting next to You Xi as Pan Duo sits real close to Qi Chao in an adjacent chair. You Xi has gathered them here to announce his relationship with Yao Yao. However, Yao Yao just gets up and leaves. 

That evening, You Xi is sitting outside with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. Qi Chao joins him to ask him if he'll say anything. You Xi says that he's been dumped. Qi Chao says that he needs to be in a relationship first before being dumped. You Xi admits that Yao Yao told him that she had only agreed at the time so he wouldn't do anything crazy while drunk. Qi Chao asks then what else. You Xi says he just left. Qi Chao says that she probably had more to say, as she's slower at this. At home, Yao Yao is drafting a message that she would agree if he hadn't asked when he was drunk but she doesn't send it. She thinks about their past interactions.   

The next day, You Xi and Song Qie Ge's crew fight over a censer (vessel that holds burning incense). Because there’s apparently zero to be had anywhere in the world?! Pan Duo arrives with a makeshift censer so they cease fighting over it. You Xi comments to Pan Duo that the pot looks familiar. She admits that it's from his balcony, which she had planned to give to Qi Chao. He glares at her.

[Ep13] You Xi is having issues with his lines and Yao Yao offers to practice with him. While the two are running lines, Song Qie Ge and Shen Yi Ling interrupt them. In the past, You Xi had told Shen Yi Ling in front of the crew that he had no interest in her. Today, she's still upset because no one had ever turned her down before. He says he's sorry as he's turned down so many people, so she's not that special enough - he then looks over at Yao Yao - to leave an impression on him. He smiles at Yao Yao and she gives him a responding small smile of her own. Song Qie Ge makes note of this. 

Pan Duo struggles with her monologue scene. She can't seem to get the walk and movements right. She feels discouraged but Yao Yao tells her that it's her first costume series. Zheng Jia Er comes by to mock her for having 20 takes for one scene. Once Zheng Jia Er leaves, Yao Yao shows her how to pose and walk as one would in those ancient times. It's a success as her scene is complete now. The Assistant Director is unable to locate an extra so You Xi's next scene is at a standstill. Pan Duo suggests that Yao Yao be the extra. Of course You Xi is on board with this. She reluctantly goes for makeup and costume. 

Pan Duo and You Xi are bickering over the script but they both stop when they see Yao Yao in her lavender gown. You Xi just stares and even drops the script in his hand. Yao Yao stops in front of them and he's just zoned out with his arm out holding an invisible script. XD Pan Duo taps him several times to get him to snap out of it. Yao Yao asks if she looks weird. Pan Duo says she looks quite nice and asks You Xi if he agrees. He nonchalantly says that she's fine. 

She's in the hero-saves-damsel-in-distress scene. When she's rescued by another male character, You Xi yells from afar "LET GO OF HER!!” and gets up to confront them. Haha. Pan Duo has to remind him that they're acting. XD He stays down and asks who is playing this Zhao Zi Long character. Pan Duo says Zhao Yi is a new actor who is good-looking with solid acting skills, humble and all the girls love him. He's also three years younger than You Xi. Pan Duo says that this role was originally intended for Wen Mo Xuan, the one who gave Yao Yao a hairpin. This earns her a deathly glare from You Xi. Wen Mo Xuan is on tour, so Zhao Yi is a last-minute add-in. A jealous You Xi walks up to Yao Yao and Zhao Yi and asks what's going on - she introduces him to Zhao Yi ge, which further rankles him. Zhao Yi politely extends his hand for a handshake and says that it's nice to meet him, and they've worked together before. You Xi says that he only remembers the top five people he works with. LMAO So rude. He doesn't shake his hand and just pulls Yao Yao away with him. 

You Xi tells Moore to ask the Director to arrange a fight scene with Zhao Zi Long. XD He hangs up the call and mutters about Zhao Yi and that he will beat him. The writer tells Moore that in history Zhao Zi Long and Lu Bu never met so how could they have a fight. The Director says this is making things difficult for him. The writer suggests having them fight in a dream sequence. Moore says no, he was thinking about having it as a behind-the-scenes for new media marketing. Director is pleased by this option. 

So the two guys have a fight sequence in full armor with halberds. Zhao Yi has the advantage over You Xi. At some point You Xi slips on the loose gravel on the platform, and he almost falls backwards onto the ground but Zhao Yi rescues him with an arm behind his waist before he falls. lol Guy-in-distress needs rescuing, too. Zhao Yi asks him if he's all right and You Xi jerks out of his arms and says that he's fine as everyone is clapping, including Yao Yao.

Now You Xi (still in costume) is muttering about Zhao Yi while kicking on a swing. Yao Yao and Zhao Yi both come by to check on him. He gets annoyed at seeing Zhao Yi and refuses to thank him for helping him earlier, even though Yao Yao is pleading with him to. Two fangirls run up to have their photos taken with Zhao Yi. Yao Yao goes to take photos of them but You Xi inserts himself into the shot. Right before she's about to take the shot, he claims there's an airplane so everyone's looking at the sky while he beams at the camera. XD For the second shot, at the last second, he purposely moves to stand right in front of Zhao Yi with his arms spread wide open, he even obscures the two girls' faces with his hands. God, he’s so bad but it’s so funny! The girls are annoyed and are now standing by Yao Yao as she tries to take a picture of just the two guys for a final photo. The two guys are standing back against back but at the last second, You Xi moves and spins around which makes Zhao Yi fall.
Essentially the photos look like the one above. (~25:32) His smug face cracks me up. LOL! Yao Yao hands the phone back to the girls and they say forget it and just walk away. Ha. Yao Yao grimaces at him with disapproval.

Now You Xi is in the dressing room with Pan Duo and instructing her to edit the photos to make himself look good and Zhao Yi look uglier. lol Pan Duo says that a jealous man is scary, and then wonders what Qi Chao would be like. Yao Yao comes in as Pan Duo leaves. He hands her the phone and asks her which photos are best for his Weibo post. She looks at the photos and says that he looks good but Zhao Yi doesn't look good, so he shouldn’t post these. He goes on a tirade about how he’s better than Zhao Yi as he looks through his photos but then he realizes that Yao Yao has ditched him. 

Pan Duo is now chasing her TV husband for a selfie. When she gets the photo, she dismisses this guy and posts it to her Weibo. After a while, she wonders why Qi Chao hasn't said anything so she calls him. He says that he's seen the headlines and she finds it - "Popular actress Pan Duo had a low-key wedding. The couple is taking wedding photos sweetly." She tells him to let her explain, and he only tells her congratulations and hangs up on her. Ha. 

Qi Chao comes to see You Xi in his dressing room, and says that he's there to see if someone needs his help. You Xi grumbles that he doesn't need his help. Qi Chao says that he just saw Yao Yao with Zhao Yi talking about poetry and literature. You Xi starts complaining about this new actor trying to steal his girl. Haha. Qi Chao doesn't say anything and just waits for him to ask. You Xi finally asks and Qi Chao suggests that he make her jealous. Moore interrupts them to ask You Xi to do a memoir, which he readily agrees to do - because he wants to get rid of him and listen to Qi Chao's plans. Before he leaves, Moore mentions submitting 10,000 words/week. You Xi isn’t really listening and only ask Qi Chao what the plans are to make her jealous. 

You Xi has a kissing scene with Zheng Jia Er, where he bidongs her against a column and fake kisses her. Yao Yao is watching pretty closely and seems bothered by it. When You Xi sees that Yao Yao is watching, he blatantly wipes at his lips with his thumb. XD Yao Yao sighs in frustration as she flips through the script. You Xi calmly goes to sit down and Yao Yao sits down next to him and asks him why he suddenly has five kissing scenes this afternoon. He tells her that he's just following the script and going with what the Director wants. What really happened: He had asked the Director to have all of Lu Bu's kissing scenes shot all together in one go. Now, he asks Yao Yao if she has any issues, which she says no. He tells her that he's going to get ready for the next scene and walks off with a smirk. It's a back hugging scene with Zheng Jia Er, who he turns around to kiss. The scene ends and Zheng Jia Er grabs onto his arm and he shakes her hand off. Yao Yao is looking miffed here. Now it's a kissing scene in the kitchen with Zheng Jia Er, wherein she pulls him back to her and causes him to bidong her as he’s trying to keep himself from falling from the momentum, and they have yet another kiss. Yao Yao is now really crumbling up the script and sighing. You Xi looks over at her and Yao Yao just storms off. Zheng Jia Er tries to really kiss him and he just keeps her away from him with a finger to her forehead. lol

Back at home, Yao Yao is in bed and thinking about You Xi's various kissing and touching scenes with Zheng Jia Er. She's tossing and turning in bed. But she seems to calm down when she remembers their kiss. 

[Ep14Yao Yao is an extra again, in a pink gown with two braids. She walks into the dressing room, and You Xi acts like he's nervous about one of his scenes. He wants her to rehearse the scene with him but she's not getting the hint. So he says that he'll go look for Zheng Jia Er then. 

She makes a face but doesn't say anything so he gets up to walk as slowly as humanly possible to find her but Yao Yao stops him to say that she'll rehearse with him. He tells her that the scene is when Lu Bu and Diao Chan (Zheng Jia Er's character) promise their love to each other. They rehearse the scene and are about to kiss, and she even drops her script in anticipation. But then Pan Duo barges in, which makes Yao Yao hide her face, and then ducks to hide in between the clothing racks. Pan Duo only notices the girl's braids as she's hiding. You Xi is looking at Yao Yao and wondering what's going on. She clings to the bottom of the clothing rack and just shakes her head at him. You Xi stands right in front of Yao Yao to block her from Pan Duo's view and asks her what she wants. Pan Duo asks where Yao Yao is and he says that he doesn't know but he wants to take a nap and tells her to go. Pan Duo asks if he's planning to nap while standing. He says it's the new trend. LOL Pan Duo leaves and Yao Yao stands up. Outside, Pan Duo is wondering who the girl with braids is and thinks that You Xi has fallen in love with someone else. *facepalm*

Pan Duo discovers that all of the female extras have braids today. On their lunch break, You Xi puts a piece of meat in Yao Yao's bowl, and Pan Duo angrily asks if he's ever given another woman a piece of meat. He says he has - his mother.  Pan Duo just accuses him of being guilty of something. You Xi angrily asks her what she's getting at. She asks what he was doing earlier in the dressing room - and points at the clothing racks. You Xi thinks about the almost kiss, and he has a silent conversation with Yao Yao, who is indicating to him not to implicate her. So he only tells Pan Duo that it's none of her business. Pan Duo then accuses him of smooching another girl behind Yao Yao's back. You Xi says there is no other girl. Pan Duo asks who the girl with the braids is. Pan Duo keeps badgering him for an answer and even calls him a scumbag. Yao Yao finally interjects and admits that the person with the braids was her. Pan Duo loses her fierceness as Yao Yao says that they were rehearsing. Pan Duo seems to have forgiven You Xi but he tells her that he's a scumbag so she should stay away from him and moves his chair closer to Yao Yao now. lol  

Later, Moore calls to check on the status of his memoir. He wants to look at the 10,000 words tomorrow. That evening, You Xi has a blank page for his memoir and crashes his computer. When Moore shows up the next day, he tells him that his computer crashed as he was typing away. Moore tells him that all word documents are automatically backed up on the cloud. You Xi just admits that he hasn't written anything. So his punishment is to play with a handful of elementary students. Afterwards, he flops down next to Yao Yao on the park bench and they proceed to have a discussion about raising kids. It becomes a quibble about how they're going to raise their kids in the future. She actually says "The child doesn't belong to you alone. He's mine, too!"  Hehe. (~16:49) You Xi just looks at her and they both quickly look away, but they're smiling.

Song Qie Ge has suggested to the producer of "Torn Apart" to hire Qi Chao for their theme song. Qi Chao hasn't released a song in three years, so this song will be composed and sung by him. Qi Chao rejects this offer as he wants to give the song to You Xi's series. Meanwhile, You Xi is cackling into the phone, directly into Qi Chao's ear about how peeved Song Qie Ge must be. The recording starts tomorrow and he asks You Xi to not tell Pan Duo. Unfortunately, Yao Yao's had her phone call with Pan Duo on speakerphone the entire time. You Xi knows that Qi Chai is going to be angry. 

At the recording studio, there's a sign banning Pan Duo from the studio. But she still enters as a delivery person with food for everyone. I hate this part of her character. *rolling eyes* During the recording, Qi Chao looks over at Pan Duo who is waving lollipops along with the music, and he is reminded of another female in his past who was celebrating with him. This makes him stop in the middle of the singing his song. Song Qie Ge tells Shen Yi Ling that he has plans for You Xi. That evening Yao Yao advises You Xi to not let down his guard as "the calmer the tides, the rougher the undercurrents". He says that he's not afraid.  

Next day at filming, the Director announces that filming is done as the producer has pulled the plug on the project. Moore calls Yao Yao to check You Xi’s Weibo. Late last evening, someone had leaked most of the original script and pointed out that the script may have distorted historical facts. Qi Chao calls You Xi to ask if he's seen the news about the accusations of Qi Chao's potential plagiarism. Uh oh.

You Xi and Yao Yao go visit Qi Chao, and Pan Duo insists on coming along. He opens the door and only sees You Xi and Yao Yao and allows them to come in, and of course, Pan Duo pops up from behind You Xi and runs in ahead of them. *rolling eyes* Inside they're listening to the song that he's accused of plagiarizing, which is a song that was released a week ago. Qi Chao’s demo must’ve been leaked before then. Qi Chao wants them to leave but You Xi and Pan Duo won't leave. Yao Yao says that they really should go as Qi Chao wants them to go. The three leave, but Pan Duo (in typical stalker fashion) manages to stay behind unbeknownst to Qi Chao as he's distracted by his phone call. She is also stupidly snooping around his place as he’s on his call in another room. She also goes to pour herself and him a glass of water. WTF. She is so dumb. Of course he finds her as she’s hiding out in the open. Duh.

[Ep15Yao Yao defends You Xi against his anti-fans as they're spray painting his face on a life-sized cutout of him, much to his glee. You Xi remembers all the other times she's come to his defense and offered her support. You Xi sends her a text message: Even though I've already been rejected once, I still want to ask - will you be my girlfriend? Yao Yao gasps at this and replies with "I will". You Xi laughs at the message and goes looking for her.
He knocks on her door but she's not at home. So he goes outside, and calls her and she shows up behind him. They're so cute here. He pulls her in for a kiss and then several more follow. (~9:38) Our sweet couple is here!! 

Pan Duo is still at Qi Chao's but she's unable to reach You Xi nor her uncle. So she says that she can't go home. He suggests that she call for a cab. She says that she can't go alone. He then offers to drive her home but she says that he can't drive since he ate the drunk duck that she had ordered. He then says he'll call the police to take her home. She says that she can't go home as her uncle hits her when he's drunk. Qi Chao asks if she's using this excuse again. *rolling eyes* 

The next morning, You Xi wakes up grinning and hugging Pi Dan. He texts “I got to a happy ending for real this time" in a group message. He then receives a call from Pan Duo, who is at some cafe with Qi Chao. She says that she's made progress with Qi Chao, and he excitedly goes to tell her about him and Yao Yao but she hangs up on him. Now he calls Qi Chao who ignores his call as he's waiting for someone for a meeting. You Xi then calls Moore who answers his call but says he's busy right now and hangs up on him, too. He calls his parents who are asleep (they live in Australia), and neither one wants to talk to him as they just want to go back to sleep. So Dad just hangs up on him. lol Yao Yao comes over and You Xi wants to post to Weibo to announce that he's in a relationship. She tells him that he can't post it as he's not allowed to publicly announce his relationships per the contract. He suddenly realizes that he can tell her father. At Dad's office, Yao Yao and her father do nothing but discuss historical facts. Yu Xi tries to interrupt them but is told to shut up by both of them. XD Poor guy can't brag to anyone!

Qi Chao is meeting with the guy who's accusing him of plagiarism. Qi Chao knows this guy is making up lies. Later, the guy posts a video acting like a victim and saying that Qi Chao bullied him. Qi Chao is waiting to see who leaked the script. 

In Moore's office, You Xi tells him that he has a girlfriend and then kisses Yao Yao right in front of him! (~21:01) Moore is shocked about this and tries to remind him of the realities of their current work issues. You Xi says that he wants to support Qi Chao, and Moore tries to get Yao Yao to convince him to not show any outward support. Yao Yao starts to say that he should lay low with everything that's going on but then she ends up saying that if he's only protecting himself in a time like this, what kind of person is he? She drafts his Weibo post: "The Qi Chao I know is a singer who is dedicated to his craft. All the insults will pass. I'm waiting for the truth to be revealed." You Xi has had his head resting on one hand while smiling at her this entire time. He happily tells her, "That's why you're my girlfriend.” He takes the phone from her and posts it. Moore is clutching his head now. 

Qi Chao is angry as to why this matter isn't being investigated and tells his agent that he has three days to do so, otherwise he'll look for another agent. Pan Duo is still at Qi Chao's place but she only drops off the takeaway food and actually goes back home on her own. Back at home, Pan Duo tries to sweeten up her uncle to find out who leaked Qi Chao's demo. He refuses until she threatens to talk to her mother (his sister). He finally agrees to help investigate the matter.

Yao Yao is looking at Weibo and tells him about the posts accusing him of colluding with Qi Chao and how he's helping the evil with spreading plagiarism. You Xi says that he doesn't care and he wants an apology when the truth is revealed.  

The next day, Pan Duo shows up at SG Entertainment and tries to feed her uncle fruit. But he tells her to stop trying to bribe him and just hands her the investigation results. A composer that works with Qi Chao was recently offered a very large sum of money. Pan Duo guesses that it's probably Shen Yi Ling and Song Qie Ge. She then sees the name "Shen Da Zhi" and asks her uncle who that is. He says that's Shen Yi Ling's legal name.   

Pan Duo goes to see Shen Yi Ling in her makeup room about what she did and Pan Duo claims that she's been recording their entire conversation. Except Shen Yi Ling points out that she forgot to hit the record button. Pan Duo then takes a picture of her (pre-makeup) for sharing. She gets thrown out by security and encounters Qi Chao outside. She looks at her phone and finds a video that she had taken of Qi Chao when he’d been working on the theme song for “The Founding of The Three Kingdoms” previously. (I guess this is the one time her obsession with him - taking photos and videos of him non-stop - helps him out.) They show the video to Yu Xi and Yao Yao, who asks her when she took this video. She says that she took it the last time they were at Qi Chao’s to play mahjong. You Xi says that she sure was stalling that time, and now he knows why, and he calls her a stalker and not to say that she knows him. lol Finally, I’m not the only one to call her this. She points out if it wasn’t for this video, how else were they going to prove that he actually composed this song. Qi Chao sends them all home for the night  and tells You Xi to have her uncle lock in Pan Duo. Ha.

Pan Duo posts about visiting Shen Da Zhi aka Shen Yi Ling behind the scenes: A natural, fairy-like beauty with the photos. Fire alert.

[Ep16At You Xi’s house, Yao Yao stays up late into the night researching facts to refute the historical distortion claims. She then receives a text from You Xi asking her to come outside, so she goes outside to a dark backyard. You Xi snaps his fingers and all the lights come on. He's set up an outdoor movie theatre for her. He holds her hand as they're watching the movie. Moments later, he grumbles about her not writing him any poems. It gets cold and he puts a blanket around them and tells her if she gets even colder, he'll hold her even closer. When he does hold her closer, they end up sharing a sweet kiss. He smiles and tells her that if it gets too late in the future, she can sleep here. She only nods and then she puts her head on his shoulder. 

The two wake up together on the outdoor couch. They're awakened by her cellphone which You Xi answers. Moore asks where Yao Yao is and he explains that they worked late into the night and are still sleeping now. Moore demands the statement from her for the post, which she does immediately.

Today, it’s a wrap for Song Qie Ge and Shen Li Ying's series. Song Qie Ge's assistant tells him that You Xi has refuted and justified every allegation. Shen Li Ying gets angry and asks him what he’s going to do now. Song Qie Ge’s response is to post that Yu Xi is using sophistry (use of fallacious arguments) and they will initiate the Woozle effect (evidence by citation, or a woozle, occurs when frequent citation of publications lacking evidence misleads individuals, groups, and the public, and non-facts become urban myths and factoids). Ick. Yao Yao has historians and professors, with Yuchi Dad spearheading the charge to repost You Xi's post, and refute the negative backlash from Song Qie Ge's campaign. Song Qie Ge's assistant tells him that there's nothing they can do right now. He then asks for Shen Yi Ling's photo of You Xi and Yao Yao. 

You Xi asks Yao Yao what movie she wants to watch and it turns out that she's invited Moore, Qi Chao and Pan Duo over to join them. They end up watching a romantic movie, which makes Moore wail like a banshee.   

During a meeting with Mr. Zhang, You Xi notices that there's bad weather coming and suddenly runs out to get an umbrella. Yao Yao is at the school library and a librarian tells her that a guy is waiting outside for her. She assumes it's You Xi but when the guy with the large bouquet of flowers turns around, it's actually Yin Jiu. He tells her that they haven't seen each other in a long time. She explains that it's normal for people who are not related to each other to not see each other for two or three months. He asks how they're unrelated as they were together every day in classes before. She points out that the tulips are Tong Jin's preference and he has a slap mark on his face. So she knows that he came to pick up Tong Jin but she turned him down. She tells him that she doesn't care about what's going on between them and sternly tells him to not pester her again. Yin Jiu asks for them to start over. What is he, deaf? He starts waxing poetry about how they've had a long journey together. She tells him if he's sick, he needs to see a psychiatrist as it's not good to delay treatment. Haha. She then says that she already has someone that she likes. He asks if it's You Xi. She smiles and makes a sound confirming it. He says that he doesn't believe it and asks how he's better than him. She tells him that he's better than him in every aspect and walks away even as he's saying her name. He then pulls out his phone and tells Tong Jin that she's the only one he loves. He says that Yao Yao asked him for a reconciliation and he didn't agree to it. Gross!  

She finds You Xi waiting outside the school with an umbrella. She asks what he's doing there. He tells her that he came to pick her up as it's going to rain soon. She then asks him how long he's been here, and he says since she said "he was sick." lol She asks him why he didn't come over then. He says it's cool listening to her scold others. Ha. They walk off together sharing the umbrella. 

You Xi and Yao Yao's relationship is exposed. There's a photo of You Xi with Yao Yao at the library and the headline reads "Shocked! You Xi's love affair exposed. Popular idol in love with a mysterious woman." You Xi shows Moore and Mr. Zhang the statement he plans to post: "I am indeed in a relationship with Yuchi Yao Yao. Hope that everyone can give a like and their blessing. " Both men are angered by this. Mr. Zhang demands that Moore gives her a settlement and make her leave. You Xi tells Mr. Zhang it's either they settle with this statement or they can forget about it. He tells them to take their pick and then leaves.

At school, Yao Yao is surrounded by all of her classmates asking questions about her relationship with You Xi. You Xi receives messages from Moore about losing endorsements. Yao Yao is getting harassed on the phone and on-line about dating "their idol". That evening, it's a quiet dinner. You Xi hides the fact that he's been asked to end their relationship and pretends everything is normal. Both of their phones start ringing continuously but neither answers their phone. After dinner, You Xi answers Moore's call, who tells him that three movies and two variety shows wants him replaced, along with "The Founding of The Three Kingdoms." Yao Yao answers another call harassing her and they both lie to each other about who the calls were from. Yao Yao is unable to study as she continues receiving messages insulting her and even threatening her. 

The next day, Yao Yao is cornered by several female students but is rescued by Pan Duo with a megaphone threatening to report them to the administration. Yao Yao has been in an almost fetal position since the start of this and remains clutching her necklace. She didn't even realize it was Pan Duo until she was directly in front of her and trying to talk to her. Pan Duo had seen the threats online against her and was there to help her. Annoying girl but a good friend. Yao Yao asks if the exposure of her relationship has a great impact on You Xi. Pan Duo tells her that there’s an immense impact, and almost says more. But then she recalls You Xi yelling at her about not saying anything to Yao Yao. So she backpedals and says that You Xi is gaining more popularity now and attracting countless fans. She then says that she needs to go. Yao Yao asks her to not tell You Xi about what happened today. Pan Duo agrees but mutters to herself as she’s leaving that she can’t say anything to either one of them, so she might as well suffocate to death. Ha. 

Back at home, You Xi asks Yao Yao how school went. She says it was fine so he asks why he wasn't able to reach her all day. She says that she changed her phone number, and when asked why, she says that the old one was hard to remember. She asks what he's thinking about. He tells her that he's thinking about whether they have a love token or not. He says it's the autographed photo book from when they first met. He says "It turns out that fate is predestined from the very beginning."  She admits that she threw away the photo book. He's outraged by this and gives her a noogie on her head. She says that she was wrong but they have a new love token. He asks what it is. She says it’s Zheng Ban Qiao's fan, the one he gave her. He says that it's not romantic. (Because the pictorial book of him is?! lol) She repeats his words to him: "I exist with the fan and perish with the fan." She says that for life or death, such an earth-shattering oath - what could be more romantic than this? He looks at her and says that she dares to be loquacious with him now? With a smile, she says that she's serious. He replies that he'll teach her a lesson and starts tickling her and asks how she's going to exist with the fan. (~33:02, soooo cute!) He eventually stops to hug her. 

Tong Jin with her face scrunched up into a sneer, is looking at messages asking about who Yuchi Yao Yao is, who has captured their idol's You Xi's heart. Tong Jin makes a call to get more attention on Yao Yao. 

Overnight there were posts about Yao Yao dating someone while taking his fans' money. Moore wants to hide what's going on from You Xi but he shows up at the office and overhears it. Moore says that last night someone posted information about Yao Yao saying that she relied on her father to be where she is, fabricated academic credentials, and became a homewrecker in others’ relationships. (Gee, Tong Jin, real subtle - not.) You Xi asks for more people to work on this. Moore says there are bigger issues at hand. You Xi tells him if he won't work on it, he'll do it himself. You Xi hides this latest development from her, and instead tells her that there are pictures of them kissing online so she might feel embarrassed if she sees them. He's cooking them a meal when Moore calls him to tell him that Mr. Zhang is livid. He leaves to go to the office and tells her to wait for him.

[Ep17] Mr. Zhang is furiously yelling at Moore for using company resources for personal use just to help an assistant. You Xi walks in and tells him that he instructed him to do it so it's not his fault. You Xi then demands that the company help resolve Yao Yao's crisis. Mr. Zhang tells him to not go too far. You Xi says that's his limit and there are no grounds for negotiations. 

Mr. Zhang then orders him to make a statement denying any relation with her and then make her leave. You Xi says that he can't do it. You Xi tells him that there's no need for their contract and throws it on the table. Yao Yao shows up at SG Entertainment and overhears employees chatting about what's really going on. Moore's assistant says that he's doing all of this to help Yao Yao, for love. Another girl interrupts to inform them that Mr. Zhang wants to end You Xi's contract. Yao Yao is shocked by this and drops the bag of food in her arms. Moore's assistant spots her and only says that You Xi is busy right now. Yao Yao tells her to not tell You Xi that she was there before she leaves. She's walking home and thinking about their most recent conversations and knows that he was protecting her, and recalls what everyone's been saying about her and its impact on his career. 

Yao Yao waits at home for You Xi who is very happy to see that she hadn't left yet. She tells him that she wanted to wait for him and see him before she left. He sits down next to her on the couch, and she rests her head on his shoulder. She mentions their first meeting - how she took his bag, ruined his meeting with Director Wei Ran, and chaotically, she became his tutor and assistant. How on her first day of work, she drove him to work on her motorbike, and he smiles at this. He has the cutest smiles. She also brings up the press conference that she ran away from which forced him to appear. 
She starts quietly crying as she says that her appearance has only brought him trouble. He says it would seem so when she puts it that way but he then changes positions to rest his head in her lap. She asks if he’s tired but he doesn’t say anything as he seems to be sleeping already. She says that she doesn’t want him to be tired because of her. He has his career and future and she doesn’t want them ruined by her. She says that she’s thought about it and if she had never appeared, would it all be different? She’s still crying as she strokes his head.

In the morning, You Xi wakes up alone on the couch. Then he answers Moore's call who is happily polishing his awards as he tells him that he’s happy that he really thought it through this time.  Moore then says that they will need a press conference to clarify everything and he’ll go back to being a star and she’ll go back to being a student. You Xi asks him what he’s talking about. Moore says it’s about his Weibo post: “Yuchi Yao Yao and I are only about business. Yuchi Yao Yao officially resigns as my assistant. May everyone stop speculating or spreading rumors.” You Xi looks horrified by this. 

Last evening, after he was deep asleep on the couch, Yao Yao had taken his phone and she had composed the post thinking of his life goals and career, and how she has become part of his problem. Noble idiocy. She had caressed his cheek and gave him a tearful kiss on the forehead before leaving.

Now, You Xi is trying to message her but he’s been blocked. Then he tries to call her but her phone is off. He goes to her place to bang on her door but there’s no response. Next, he goes to see Moore and asks him if he forced her to leave. Moore denies this. You Xi asks then how could she have disappeared without saying a single word. He tries to threaten Moore but is stopped by Pan Duo who tells him to calm down. She asks him if Yao Yao left him anything when she left, like in the movies, she must’ve left a note or a letter. She didn’t and You Xi is confused as to how she left without a word. Qi Chao says that she must’ve toughened up and doesn’t want to be found. You Xi leaves to look for her and Qi Chao asks if he’s considered checking with her father first. At Yuchi Dad’s office, he finds out that Yuchi Dad had left last week for an ancient town for research on folklores. 

Yao Yao has joined her father in this ancient town. When she arrives, she only says one word to him: “Dad.” He opens his arms to her, and she falls into them as she cries. Our poor girl. You Xi is on the phone with Pan Duo who says that Yao Yao asked her to not tell him anything. Yao Yao is sitting on a pedestrian bridge with her father and pulls out her phone from her pocket but accidentally drops it into the water. Her father immediately offers to get it for her but she tells him to not bother as the water is so deep and the phone is useless now. She says to let it be but she looks mournfully at the phone for a moment before walking off with her father.

You Xi is unable to sleep so he finally opens the door to her room. He sees the bed that he had bought for her, and how he’d demanded that she sleep in that bed even if she didn’t want to. In his study, he looks at the book of poems that she had written to him but he only looks at a couple before placing it in the drawer. Aww, she did write him some. He then looks sadly at the empty spot next to him on the couch, which was occupied by her not long ago, and rubs the spot before getting up. You Xi returns to his study to work on a document titled “To restore the authentic Yuchi Yao Yao…”  

You Xi wakes up in his study to a call from Moore, who tells him whether Yao Yao is missing or gone, he still needs him to have the press conference which is set for next Tuesday, regarding his relationship with Yao Yao. He calmly agrees to it without a fight, which Moore is surprised about. Moore gets his assistant to contact the media.

Back in the ancient town, Yao Yao is taking notes as she’s listening to someone telling a story but is suddenly distracted by You Xi’s voice calling her xiao mu tou. She looks down at her notebook and sees an imaginary mini You Xi trying to get her attention. He asks if she isn’t bored by this, which she says she isn’t. He tells her to let him give her an exclusive performance - by making faces at her, which makes her laugh out loud. Her father finds her laughing and interrupts her, and she goes to show him her notebook - which has notes on one page and a sketch of You Xi on the other page. Her dad doesn’t say anything about it and only says let’s go. 

Yao Yao approaches a man fishing with a pole in one hand and fanning himself with the other, to ask him if he’s caught anything today. The man turns around and she sees You Xi, who tells her of course, and he’ll make her sweet and sour fish tonight, followed by a cute wink. (~23:05) She scrunches her eyes closed and opens them to still see You Xi for a moment before she sees the real man sitting there fanning himself.

Later that evening, while in bed, she’s reading a history book and flips the page to see him looking at her. She quickly closes the book and grabs the fan next to her. She opens the fan to look at the writing and wonders how he’s doing. She haphazardly closes the fan and drops it to go to sleep. 

The next morning, Yuchi Dad turns off the air conditioner and asks her why she had it on last night when it rained so heavily. She says that it was too humid here and she was worried about her fan getting moldy. A pale and sickly-looking Yao Yao tells him that she had wanted to turn on the heater but apparently pressed the wrong button. He tells her to stop talking as she’s not feeling well and to get some rest. Once she’s better, they can go study folklore culture. She tries to protest but her father sternly tells her if she doesn’t listen to him, he’ll send her back to Jiangzhou. She obediently lays back down under the covers and her father smiles.

Meanwhile, Pan Duo and Qi Chao are reading what You Xi has drafted so far: “There’s a beautiful woman in the South. Her beauty is just like the plum flowers. Yuchi Yao Yao is kind and innocent. Even if her ex-boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend, and even if she faces unreasonable criticisms and harm, she would always choose to accept it alone. She’s talented but humble. Her diligent teaching is just like a lighthouse in the dark, guiding You Xi and Pan Duo, who are leaders of the lost sheep, to get back on the right track.” Pan Duo says his essay is so moving, that anyone who reads it will either feel sad or tear up. She then asks him to not post it. He asks her why. She says because she doesn’t want to be one of the lost sheep and asks to have her name removed. Haha.

Pan Duo takes over the typing but in the vein of scolding the netizens. You Xi stops her and tells her that he wanted her to say good things about Yao Yao on his behalf, but not to scold everyone.  He says it makes them look so uncultured. Aww, he never seemed to care before. Pan Duo tells Qi Chao that it’s his turn. Qi Chao writes a post in his usual manner - “Yao Yao is a very good person. How could you guys…” You Xi asks him if it could be less dry, and more intense to get more attention. Qi Chao changes his draft to “Is there anything new to spill? Everything is pointless.” fXD Now You Xi complains that that line is so outdated. Moore calls him to ask about florists wanting to sponsor this press conference and wants to go over various theme options, which revolve around their breakup. You Xi tells him to pick out whatever he wants. When he hangs up, Pan Duo asks him about the press conference and he tells her to mind her own business. Pan Duo figures out that it’s about Yao Yao and their relationship and is disappointed with him and makes Qi Chao leave with her. Her parting words are it’s no wonder Yao Yao left him. Oof.

You Xi continues reading the online comments about Yao Yao, and makes himself calm down by saying he’s not angry. He then pulls out her book of poetry to look at it as he starts drafting a long response. “Whether Yuchi Yao Yao stole her best friend’s boyfriend, or her bad best friend and player boyfriend united to cheat, you can all do actual research and ask anyone in Jiangzhou University who knows. The truth will surface. Listening to any random person online is pointless. About entering by pulling strings, got exceptionally admitted into Jiangzhou University, come on, Yuchi Yao Yao needs a back door? With her talent and intelligence, Jiangzhou University should be begging her to enroll. I’ll post a poem that she wrote later to let you all worship it well. Lastly, about her leaving without a word. She’s not guilty. She doesn’t want to hurt anyone. But one day, she will come back.”  The truth is out and our boy is happy. 

The next day, Yuchi Dad gives her a new phone, which she tries to refuse but he tells her to just use it. She agrees and thanks him. He then tells her that the weather is nice outside and suggests that she go out for a walk and enjoy the sunshine. Yao Yao ends up studying outside and two students arrive and the guy calls her the “Queen of Douban” and asks why she’s here. The girl gets upset and calls him a flirt and drags him away by his ear. Later, Yao Yao is watching “Accidentally in Love” and clutching the fan in her hand. She pulls out her phone and types in You Xi’s number but hesitates at actually contacting him.

You Xi is unhappy with the short list for tomorrow’s press conference. He tells Moore to call all of the agriculture channel and relationship-related programs - the more, the merrier. He says that he wants all of China to see tomorrow’s press conference. 

Song Qie Ge and Shen Yi Ling (she has one of the most irritating, fake-polite-fake-nice voices ever - I have to mute her now) are discussing tomorrow’s press conference. Song Qie Ge tells her that he has more than just that one photo to be released. 

Before the press conference, You Xi is looking at pictures of himself with Yao Yao. A still sickly-looking Yao Yao is reading in bed but then she starts coughing. So she takes her temperature - it’s registering at 38.5°C (101.3°F). She turns on the TV and You Xi’s relationship clarification press conference fills the screen. She sits up in bed and wonders what’s going on. 

You Xi starts the conference with a snap of his fingers and the photo of himself with Yao Yao fills the large screen behind him. He says that Yao Yao started as his assistant four months ago and resigned three days ago. She had fulfilled her professional obligations. She is a professional, focused and responsible assistant. He explains that this photo was taken at a dinner even two months ago. At the time, he had rushed to resolve her crisis, on impulse, he had made a gesture. All the guests in attendance can attest to the situation that evening. So this photo from an unknown source is not enough to prove that they’re together. 

At home, Song Qie Ge tells his assistant to release the photos. 

At the same time, You Xi smiles and then says “Evidence should at least look like this.” He snaps his fingers and a bunch of pictures of himself with Yao Yao populate on the screen behind him. Both Moore and Yao Yao are shocked by this. The press approaches the stage to take more photos and a reporter says that You Xi has just confessed during the live press conference.

Shen Yi Ling is confused by this turn of events but Song Qie Ge says with a smirk, that he’s digging his own grave.

[Ep18] You Xi admits that he and Yao Yao got together about a half month ago and that he's secretly liked her for a long time. He's not sure when it started - maybe, when she protected him for the first time, or seeing her help him organize the script conscientiously every time. But he really doesn't remember. What he does remember is the fluttering of his heart, which is something that he's never felt in any of the idol dramas that he's been a part of. He says that was the one pursuing her. He tells them to stop speculating about her having any ulterior motives with him or how she was pestering him incessantly. He can accept an attack from anyone as he's used to it, but she is a kind and innocent girl. He can't bear to see the slightest hurt being inflicted on her. Yao Yao is quietly crying now. He says no matter who uploaded the picture, whether it was intentional or not, he accepts full responsibility for his actions. As for opening up about their relationship, he doesn't need the help of others.  Moore looks worried. Song Qie Ge's assistant asks if he still wants to release the photos which earns a glare from him. You Xi understands the damage caused to his fans is beyond repair, and then apologizes to everyone with a deep bow. Yao Yao is noisily sobbing now. You Xi says to the fans who still want to cancel him – they're welcome to return his posters, photo books, as well as every little peripheral item, and he will refund them at a ten-fold rate. He suggests they contact the number on the screen for more information. Moore recognizes it as Pan Duo's number and starts calling her a rascal. You Xi thanks them, deep bows and leaves the stage and room. Moore is mobbed by the press with further questions and only says that it's all a misunderstanding. Yao Yao continues crying, but she manages to get out her bed and walks towards the door but ends up passing out on the bed instead. Behind the scenes, Pan Duo and Qi Chao have been the ones working the slideshow for You Xi's press conference. 

Pan Duo tells Qi Chao that she really can't go home this time. In these special times, they have to help each other. She asks if his guest room is available. He gets this look on his face but doesn’t say anything. 

Mr. Zhang is berating Moore for failing to manage his client. Moore admits that he didn't know as You Xi readily agreed to the press conference but then he did this. Mr. Zhang tells him to call all of the PR teams for an emergency meeting, and if they can't come up with a solution, don't even think about sleeping. He also yells at him to keep an eye on You Xi and if he says even one more word to the press, he'll skin him alive. Moore says that he can't control him. Mr. Zhang asks where You Xi is and he says that he has no idea. Mr. Zhang gets more angry and just storms off. 

Yao Yao returns to You Xi's house but it's been seal under the property management office. A security guard shows up and asks her who she's looking for. She tells him she's looking for You Xi. He struggles to recall who that is, and then says oh, it's that washed-up star who used to live here. But after announcing his love relationship, he was fired from the company. He also tells her that friends and fans have all left him. Yao Yao suddenly wakes up from this dream and realizes that she's in the hospital.

You Xi asks her what her dream was about. She's startled to see him and wonders if he's really there. She says his name and he replies that at least he remembers what he looks like. She then starts pinching herself and he asks if she's been watching "Inception" too much. The doctor comes in and says that if she had been sent here any later, she could have had brain damage from the fever. You Xi takes the medicine from the doctor and then feeds it to her. She just looks at him with tears in her eyes. She asks him how he knew she was here. He tells her to take a guess - her father. He says that her father handed her over to him and then just went home. Outside, Yuchi Dad is bragging about You Xi being an actor and having acted in quite a number of TV dramas. Yao Yao asks about the press conference, so he sets down the bowl of medicine. He looks at her and tells her quite seriously that he was speaking from his heart. She sits straight up in bed and tells him that he needs to go see his boss and explain the matter clearly, and she mentions that Moore must be quite worried about him. You Xi just gives her a small smile but then she climbs out of the bed. He grabs her hand when she walks by and pulls her in for a hug. He tells her it's fine and he's settled everything. Now she puts her arms around his waist to hug him back. She pulls back and tells him that living in a rural area is difficult. He says with a smile that it doesn't matter as he's You Xi and he's braved the storm. 

The next day, she knocks on his door to tell him that it’s getting late and they need to interview three families today. When he opens the door, he's wearing a matching white floppy hat like her black one, and greets her with the cutest smile. So cute! (~11:51) *heart eyes here* She laughs at him which makes him drop that cute smile. He stammers out what is she laughing at. She loses her mirth and looks serious as usual. He takes her hand and they leave together. 

On this outing, Yao Yao becomes worried about her necklace being loose, so You Xi helps her secure it. But then a swarm of bees fly by and You Xi freaks out and flings the necklace into a nearby planter. It's just a bee sting on his finger, and the doctor says that if he had arrived any later, he would have fully recovered. Hehe. You Xi whines to Yao Yao that he's really in pain. The doctor says that he'll prescribe him something then. Ha.  

While they're waiting for the doctor, Moore calls him to yell at him to return to Jiangzhou. You Xi says he's dialed the wrong number and hangs up on him. Yao Yao asks him if he needs to return back. He lies by telling her that he's settled everything work-related. She can tell he's lying. He says that Moore is in Mauritius looking at penguins right now, so that's why he's able to be on vacation right now. He then tells her that tonight he'll make her spicy chicken. 

Song Qie Ge (who is examining yet another glass of alcohol) is listening to his assistant's updates on You Xi: plummeted in fan numbers, endorsers are suing him for breach of contract, SG Entertainment is a mess and You Xi is nowhere to be found. Song Qie Ge smirks and snidely says he wonders how You Xi is going to get out of this. He finally takes a sip of his drink. This guy has three modes: drink, smirk, or cut his eyes. Then he receives a call from Tong Jin's father.

Qi Chao and Pan Duo are in the ancient town looking for Yao Yao and You Xi but there's a lot of walking involved and Pan Duo whines about it and tries to get Qi Chao to carry her. Luckily, Qi Chao finds Yao Yao and You Xi before she got her way. You Xi is holding a live chicken and is telling Yao Yao who knew that in order to make the spicy chicken, one had to pluck the feathers off himself. He has several chicken feathers in his hair. lol You pluck it, after you kill it, silly. 
You Xi asks Qi Chao why he’s there and Qi Chao says that he’s there to see if he’s living a miserable life. You Xi says with a smile that he’s doing quite well. Qi Chao repeats “quite well?” and then plucks a chicken feather out of his hair and shows it to him. Haha. (~18:15) You Xi loses his smile but Qi Chao continues removing more chicken feathers from his hair. No one but your bestie will groom you like this. 
Later while the girls are chatting on the swing, Qi Chao asks You Xi what his next plan is. You Xi asks if he's there to persuade him to go back, too. Qi Chao asks even if he was, would he listen to him? You Xi looks over at Yao Yao posing with Pan Duo for a selfie, and when she smiles (~18:39), this huge grin appears on his face as well. I adore this boy’s smiles. :)

A woman comes by to tell them that there's a bonfire tonight, and You Xi says he's not going. I think he’s worried about Yao Yao. Pan Duo interjects and says that they're going.

At this bonfire, Qi Chao and You Xi are singing but Yao Yao chooses to sit down away from the group and You Xi leaves to join her. He tells her that they can go but she doesn't say anything. So he sits down next to her and asks if she isn't bored sitting there by herself. She tells him that it's okay and he should go sing a song. He tells her that she doesn't have to care about other people's feelings, and she should just do what she likes. She looks at him and she says that she actually - and he grabs her hand and tells her to not be afraid. They return to the bonfire circle and her dad is surprised to see her standing next to You Xi with a microphone each.

You Xi starts singing and continues to hold hands with her and she eventually starts singing with him, too. Yuchi Dad is remembering when he had told You Xi that if he couldn't make his daughter happy, then he should leave her. Now he smiles as sees his daughter smiling and singing with You Xi in a large group setting.

He recalls that time You Xi was in his office, and he had told him: "I sincerely like Yao Yao. I will do everything I can to protect her from the slightest harm. Maybe I won't be the last person to give her happiness, but I hope that I can be the one."  Yuchi Dad had accepted this and said that he was a good kid. (Now we know what happened in Ep11.) Dad smiles at the sight of his happy daughter with You Xi next to her. One of the older guys sitting next to Dad tells him that this young man looks energetic and asks how he's so lucky. Dad agrees with him and then says who else can have such a son-in-law like him. The man chuckles at this and Yao Yao says "Dad" in an embarrassed tone. Her father just laughs and Yao Yao walks away. You Xi watches her go and starts serenading her with this song (~22:44):

当我唱起这首歌  /  When I sing this song
我又想起你了  /  I think of you again.
还记得那年我们都很快乐  /  I remember when we were both happy
当我唱起这首歌  /  When I sing this song
眼泪不听话了  /  Tears become disobedient
才发现你是最无法代替的  /  Realizing that it's you who is the most irreplaceable
亲爱的你是最无法代替的  /  My dear, you are the most irreplaceable

She stays to listen to him and smiles prettily at him. Everyone is swaying to the song, including Pan Duo who is holding Qi Chao's hand. 

Meanwhile Moore is desperately still trying to reach You Xi, and saying that they're doomed if he doesn't come back. Qi Chao and Pan Duo are leaving, and Yao Yao asks if they're sure that they can't stay the night. Pan Duo tries to persuade him to stay. Qi Chao says that he has to finish recording a song so he needs to go back. You Xi tells Pan Duo if there's nothing else, then she may leave. Before Pan Duo leaves, You Xi says her name and she tells him that she won't tell her uncle anything as her lips are sealed. You Xi then ignores any another call from Moore.

Before they go to their rooms, You Xi tells her that his roommate snored all night last evening and he couldn't sleep well. She tells him that the conditions in the village are hard, but to make do. He asks how he can make do with that as he can't sleep well and his nerves have turned weak. He then says that he has to cook for everyone, too. Yao Yao suggests getting him another room, and turns to ask the lady at the desk. Behind Yao Yao, You Xi is quickly shaking his head no. So the lady tells Yao Yao that they're fully booked so there's no room left. You Xi grins at the lady’s words and quickly nods his thanks. (It is revealed that earlier he had bought out all of the remaining rooms available.) When Yao Yao turns around, he’s back to being stone-faced and then asks her with an almost-pout what they can do now. She sweetly tells him that she can take him on her motorbike to a hotel in town to get him a room. She knows what he’s trying to do. He asks if they have to go to the trouble. He then mentions that since she's staying alone, he could sleep on the floor. She politely says that it's not good for unmarried singles to stay in the same room. 

Yuchi Dad walks up and asks them what's going on and You Xi says that nothing's going on. XD Yao Yao tells her father that You Xi is disturbed by his roommate's snoring and would like to change rooms but there are no more rooms. Dad tells him that he can bunk with anyone. He says that as You Xi is her boyfriend now, what is there to feel shy about. You Xi starts laughing while Yao Yao is surprised at her father. Dad asks if he minds sharing a room with someone. You Xi says that sharing a room - looking at Yao Yao - of course, he doesn't mind. Dad suggests that he shares a room with him tonight. You Xi quickly says that there's no need and her dad says to not worry as he doesn't snore. Dad drags him away with him. Yao Yao just laughs at this. In bed, You Xi is thinking about all of his lost job opportunities. You Xi then hears a noise in the other room, and gets out of bed to investigate. Yuchi Dad is sleep talking in his sleep. He then suddenly sits up, has his eyes wide open and starts reciting a poem, then he laughs and just as suddenly he lays back down to sleep. XD (~27:45) After this weird incident, You Xi notices the books on Dad's table, so he grabs a poetry book for the long night of unrest ahead of him. 

In her room, Yao Yao finally notices that her necklace has gone missing. She realizes that it must've gone missing when You Xi was worried about the bees. She now sneaks out of her room with only a flashlight to look for the necklace in the dark. Unfortunately a noise startles Yao Yao and she loses her footing near some steps, falls down onto the ground and drops her flashlight in the process. She reaches for the flashlight to look at the bruise on her foot but realizes that the light won’t turn on anymore. 

Yao Yao pulls out her phone to call someone but the door behind her opens and You Xi sneaks up behind her to scare her. When she sees who it is, she cries in relief and hugs him. She tearfully tells him that she's lost her mother's necklace. She tries to get up but he realizes that there's something wrong with her foot. He tells her to wait there and he'll go look for her. He pulls out his phone to use the flashlight on it and looks through the plants, finds the necklace and puts it into his pocket. Then he wipes his face but ends up putting dirt streaks on his right cheek. He tells her that he couldn't find it and he'd buy her a new one tomorrow. She starts crying even harder but he quickly grabs her hand and drops the necklace into it. She thanks him but then she notices the marks on his face and goes to say something about his face. He cuts her off and says that he knows that he’s handsome, so she just laughs and doesn’t say anything more.

He helps her go back to her room by offering her his back - so he can carry her back to her room. She asks how he knew she was there. He asks her how she can ask him this. He says while her father doesn't snore, he talks non-stop in his sleep, so he's been unable to sleep. He had decided to come looking for her and luckily, he had found her. He asks her if the necklace is very important to her. She tells him that the necklace was left behind by her mother before she had passed. He tells her if something like this happens, she needs to make sure to let him know and he'd go with. He then stops walking and teases her about eating too well lately. She offers to get down and walk but he just readjusts and says if they encounter a ghost, he'll just leave her behind and run away. She then pouts and just hugs him tighter. He says since she's so scared, then he'll just run away with her and he starts running with her on his back as they’re both laughing. Back in her room, he is checking on her foot, making sure to move it in a circular motion and that she’s not in pain. The two sneak peeks at each other but have a hard time maintaining eye contact.   

Eventually he says that he's leaving, and she says okay. He looks disappointed but he turns to go. Yao Yao stops him and says that if her father snores in his sleep, then he can sleep here. He leaves to go use the bathroom, and notices the dirt streaks on his face. He realizes that this is the face that xiao mu tou has been looking at, and it's his soul that she's really in love with. Yao Yao interrupts his thoughts to tell him that she's made his bed, so he can sleep now. He washes the dirt off of his face and runs back to the bedroom to ask if she sleeps on the inside or outside of the bed. He then sees the extra bedding and pillow on the floor next to the bed. Yao Yao turns to face him and thanks him. He asks if she has anything else to say to him. She says good night and turns her back to him. He says that's all she has to say, as it's their first time sleeping together, and asks if she really doesn't have anything to say from the heart? He calls her name a few times but she doesn't acknowledge him, but she does laugh silently. He finally goes to sleep.

In the morning, You Xi wakes up to Moore’s call asking him where he is. You Xi says that he's in California, and to come catch him if he can. You Xi walks out of the room and discovers that Moore is here. He pulls Moore back into the room and asks if anyone else knows he's here (only Pan Duo) and if anyone's followed him here. Moore says that he's covered his tracks well. Moore tries to get him to go back with him to Jiangzhou but You Xi says he refuses as he's happy here. Moore starts whimpering and tells him that his hair is messed up from the windy tractor ride here. Then he pulls on his shirt and says that his shirt is in this condition because of - as he pulls out chicken feathers from his pocket and flings them up into the air - after being pecked by chickens. Haha. He also dropped a shoe while passing through the cornfield trying to find him, so he has one white sneaker and one blue slipper with a cute little bunny on it. XD Moore then starts to fake cry and starts pleading with him to return as the entertainment industry is in chaos and the company is in shambles. Yao Yao walks in and Moore angrily flares his nostrils at her. 

[Ep19] You Xi is busy and happily cooking their meals as Moore is freaking out that his precious star has become this way. Later You Xi tells Yao Yao that he likes her but he needs to return to Jiangzhou soon. She offers to go with him but he wants her to wait until this storm passes. As the two are saying bye to each other, Moore won't stop babbling about what You Xi needs to do (apologize to Mr. Zhang, appeal to the advertisers, etc.) You Xi loses his smile and Yuchi Dad intervenes by pulling Moore aside for small talk so the the couple can say goodbye. Yao Yao starts sniffling and doesn't really want to let go of his hand. Yuchi Dad tells him to be safe and quickly slips something into his hand. Yao Yao smiles through her tears to wave him off. You Xi opens the note from Dad: “However difficult it may seem, the challenge will be overcome.” Aww, I love this dad!    

Song Qie Ge has been asked by Tong Jin's father to be the brand ambassador of Huateng Hotel for free. He knows that he needs to change his image. 

Back at SG Entertainment, Wen Mo Xuan is one of their new talents onboard, brought in by a new manager, Lucy. Moore doesn't seem to like her, and then he finds out that she's taken over his office now. You Xi is being replaced with Wen Mo Xuan as the new leading celebrity (his contract at another agency was bought out). Moore thinks that they can convince the advertisers. You Xi goes home feeling quite down but then he sees Yao Yao's text telling him to stay warm during this cold weather. 

Yao Yao spends her time in the village but is constantly reminded of You Xi. You Xi and Moore spend their time at various advertisers but are unsuccessful. Yao Yao finds out from that guy why he calls her the Queen of Douban as she's been trending on the site for her poetry. (Social networking site that promotes lifestyle and culture products and services for white-collar urbanites and college students.) She says that she wrote these poems but hasn't had any of it published and then realizes that it was You Xi. She receives a reassuring text from him that he's doing well (even though he's really not). 

The next day, Yuchi Dad seems unwell and when Yao Yao offers to get him medicine, he says he can only be cured by You Xi's spicy chicken dish. Meanwhile, You Xi is cooking by himself but asking for Yao Yao's help but she's not there. Yao Yao makes You Xi's spicy chicken dish for her father but has added vinegar to the dish. Nevertheless, her father is happy to eat this dish made by her, even though it doesn't taste quite right. At home, You Xi goes to set down a second bowl on the table and then realizes that he’s still alone. He then takes a bite of his spicy chicken dish and thinks about Yao Yao enjoying his cooking and their sweet moments together. He walks away from the table leaving the food untouched.

The advertisers have agreed to not sue them for breach of contract, and agreed to have Wen Mo Xuan as its endorser. "The Founding of The Three Kingdoms" is ready to resume filming but with Zhao Yi Long as its male lead, so You Xi is no longer in the series. Moore's salary has been cut in half so he needs to sell his wine, shoes, bags and golf club. 

Yuchi Dad calls his friend to find out what’s going on and tells Yao Yao that he's tried his best but there's nothing else he can do. Yao Yao calls Pan Duo to ask how You Xi is doing, and she almost tells her the truth but then she remembers You Xi scolding her. She lies that he's doing quite well and quite busy. She then puts her on hold and Yao Yao overhears her yelling at her uncle for putting her clothes for sale. The next day, Yuchi Dad finds a note in Yao Yao's room: "Dad, I'm going to learn to make spicy chicken." Dad only smiles at this. Clever dad!

You Xi receives a call from a reporter wanting to interview him about Wen Mo Xuan replacing him and he just hangs up on her. He receives another call and yells at them to not call him again. Yao Yao asks him where he is and he says that he's filming for "The Founding of The Three Kingdoms" but then his doorbell rings. 

He tells her that the Director is asking for him so he needs to go. He looks so miserable here but he goes to answer the door. To his surprise, it's Yao Yao and he tries to close the door on her but she stops him. He walks away from her but she tells him that she knows everything. He coldly tells her that she's here to make things worse, and he'll solve his own problems. She walks up behind him and puts her hand over his, but he jerks away from her and yells that he doesn't want her to see him in this state and to think he's useless. He continues yelling that he doesn't want her to face these troubles with him and he doesn't want - she stops him with a hug. She only says that she misses him and he loses his anger and puts his arms around her. She smiles as they continue hugging. Later he makes her food, including spicy chicken. She tells him that he told her that vinegar is the soul of the spicy chicken dish but she just noticed that he didn't put any in it. He admits that he was afraid if she learned how to make it, then she wouldn't eat the one he made for her. Awww. He puts a piece of chicken in her bowl and she smiles at him. 

Our couple is now in Moore's office, who is angry about Wen Mo Xuan taking everything from You Xi. Yao Yao comforts You Xi by squeezing his hand. After they leave Moore's office, they run into Wen Mo Xuan who is happy to see Yao Yao and walks closer to talk to her, but You Xi pushes him away with a finger on his chest. lol You Xi asks if he saw his press conference, which Wen Mo Yuan says he did. So You Xi puts his arm around Yao Yao and pulls her in close to him and asks him if he thinks that they're a perfect couple but doesn't let him answer and just walks away. Wen Mo Xuan is confused by this. At home, You Xi is showing her Wen Mo Xuan's Weibo posts and complaining about his popularity. She takes the phone from him, turns off the screen, and laces her fingers with his. He asks her what she's doing. She tells him that his fans must be shocked from his announcement about their relationship. She believes once he returns, his works will speak for him and his fans will be happy. He's cheered up by this and says that he'll definitely beat him then.   

At SG Entertainment, there’s a meeting about You Xi. It’s been a month since his relationship announcement, and his fan base has decreased immensely. His relationship has also earned the advertisers' ire. They believe that all of the power and resources should go to Wen Mo Xuan instead. Mr. Zhang is persuaded by Lucy to shelve You Xi. Moore asks for more time and Mr. Zhang replies that he has failed to change his image. Moore tells You Xi the bad news and says that he can still have a comeback. 

Yao Yao finds out from watching the news, but You Xi doesn't tell her himself, and instead he says that he's going to see Moore. You Xi is actually drinking at Qi Chao's as he doesn't want Yao Yao to see him like this. Qi Chao tells him: “A flower will not bloom forever. Rather than be forgotten slowly, it's better to retire when you are at your best. Isn't that good?” You Xi asks him what kind of comfort is this? Qi Chao replies that he's done comforting him. He tells him something more serious. He had debuted at age 15 and stayed in the film industry for ten years before deciding to become a singer. So he sees the path more clearly than he does. The entertainment industry doesn't have a shortage of new people and it's easy to be famous overnight. But it's easier to be forgotten by the audience. No matter how good the show, when the curtains close, the last person standing will never be the most popular person, but the one who is most skilled. You Xi asks if he's praising himself and Qi Chao says yes. 

Later Qi Chao drops off a drunk You Xi to Yao Yao. Before he leaves, he asks her about Pan Duo. Ou? She replies if he really cares about her, why not ask her himself? He says never mind and leaves. Yao Yao brings You Xi upstairs to his room and tucks him into the bed. She offers to get him warm water to wash his face but he grabs onto her wrist and drunkenly asks if she's his fan. She says yes and admits that she's liked him for a long time now, and is an organizer of one of his fan groups. He then asks what she likes about him. 

YYY: I like that you - he laughs drunkenly - accompany me when I'm sad. That you protect me when I'm in danger. I like the spicy chicken you make for me. I like the soup you make for me. I like that you feed me medicine when I'm sick. She then realizes that he’s fallen asleep while holding onto her hand. She looks at him tenderly and gently caresses his face. 

Back at home, Pan Duo notices that much of her uncle's belongings have been sold off. She tells him that in times like this, they must stay together and she'll keep him company. Then she says that she'll move to Qi Chao's so he can save on expenditures. SMH. He gets annoyed with her. 

The next morning, You Xi wakes up and finds Yao Yao making him breakfast. At breakfast, he tells her that he wasn't trying to keep his being shelved a secret from her, but he wanted to calm down before he could tell her. She says that she knows as he didn't want her to be sad. She then tells him when two people are together, regardless of whether it's happy or sad news, they have to share and bear the burden together. She would rather he kept happy things from her and be secretly happy, than see him being sad alone. He replies that he won't do that anymore. The doorbell rings and she answers the door to receive some fan letters. She offers to read the letters for him but realizes that it's hate mail. She lies by changing the words from hate to praises for his acting abilities. He continues eating and she opens the next letter. It's more hate mail which she reads as positive fan mail for him. She then tells him that all of these letters are similar, so she'll organize them for him. He says it's from his fans and grabs them all from her to put them into his keepsake box. She tries to stop him but he tells her that since his debut, he's kept all the letters and gifts from his fans and looks at them whenever he's feeling down. As long as he has fans, even if it's one, then he will persevere. The hate mail remains in the keepsake box.

[Ep20Pan Duo is back on the set of "The Founding of the Three Kingdoms" and Shen Yi Ling pays her a visit in the makeup room to show her an ugly picture of her which she's going to post to Weibo. Pan Duo repeatedly tells her to delete the photo which she refuses to do. Qi Chao comes in and says that he won’t repeat the request. Shen Yi Ling says that she refuses to delete it and asks what he is going to do about it. Qi Chao says the transfer record of the money she had sent to the composer doesn't mean anything. He then holds up a recorder, but this recording of the composer and her assistant… She asks how he has that, and he says that her assistant should be more careful next time. He then tells her to delete the photo or else. Shen Yi Ling refuses and says that it must be fake. Qi Chao says if she's willing to stake her perfect persona on that, he doesn't care but she'll definitely be in the headlines tomorrow. She tells Pan Duo that she should consider herself as being lucky today and deletes the photo in front of them, and then takes the recorder with her when she storms off. Pan Duo tells him that she can't believe she's that important to him and he deadpans that there's nothing on the recorder. lol She asks why he's there and he pulls out a teddy bear keychain and tells her that she left this in his car last time. She asks if he purposely waited to give it back to her and he doesn't respond but just walks away. This crazy girl. 

Yao Yao is writing fan mail to You Xi. You Xi receives a call from Moore telling him that he's already scolded his assistant for delivering those letters. You Xi has no idea what he's talking about. He says for the hate mail and not to think too much when he sees those letters. You Xi hangs up on him and looks at the letters in the keepsake box. He reads each piece of hate mail. Yao Yao comes in from outside claiming that there's more fan mail for him. The house is empty and she finds the stack of opened hate mail. You Xi is wandering around with a bag of beers and drinking them as he walks by and hears people talking about Wen Mo Xuan. He continues drinking about the bus stop in front of the banner of himself, which is being changed to Wen Mo Xuan. Yao Yao has called Qi Chao about You Xi's whereabouts as she's worried about him. You Xi finally returns home and hesitates at Yao Yao's door. He just goes to his room instead. 

The next day You Xi answers the call from Qi Chao who told him he's taking him to an acting class. He takes him to his former acting teacher, Jiang Shao Yan aka "Acting Textbook." Qi Chao tells him that he needs to go in by himself and he'll wait for him outside. 

You Xi goes into the house and is looking at an award, when Jiang Shao Yan starts yelling at him for abandoning his daughter after killing the child in her womb. He says she's still lying in the hospital - so where was he when she needed him the most. You Xi tells him that he can't say things like that. The guy then points to a picture and asks him if he can swear on his daughter's photo that he didn't do her wrong. You Xi asks if that isn't a man in the photo. The guy calmly tells him that it's his son, and then he says that he's failed the entrance exam. You Xi asks what he means. Jiang Shao Yan tells him that he couldn't continue his skit. As an actor, he needs to enter the acting mode anytime, anywhere. He needs to deduce the character's inner thoughts. No matter what sort of provocation, he needs to be able to receive them all.  

You Xi agrees to start over and goes to put the award back on the mantle, ready to restart the skit but Jiang Shao Yan has disappeared from the room. Jiang Shao Yan comes back in and throws a towel over his shoulder and says Master Yao, it's been so long.  He tells him that Ms. Li is fully booked today and asks if he should go get her. You Xi asks him if he should and Jiang Shao Yan says that he's asking him. You Xi tells him to go get her and the guy leaves to go get her. You Xi wonders what kind of school is this. You Xi looks beaten down when he goes to meet Qi Chao outside. Qi Chao says that he's a bit eccentric and asks if he wants another teacher. You Xi tells him that today's class was "TOO EXCITING!" as he jumps up and down. He's ready to continue tomorrow. 

The next day, Jiang Shao Yan is trying to get You Xi to cry but he can't. He tells him to tear himself apart and then put himself back together. He's now in a scene with an older woman who is acting quite dramatic in a very distinctive accent. You Xi tries to respond to her but he looks at Jiang Shao Yan and says how can he rehearse like this. He tells him that being unaffected by the other's emotions and condition is the basic requirement of an actor. He makes him redo the scene. The lady repeats her lines and he finishes with a stammering "I love you" at the end, which makes Jiang Shao Yan quietly laugh. 

You Xi is supposed to know the lines from “Li Sao” from Verses of Chu but he struggles without peeking at the book. Jiang Shao Yan keeps swatting at him with the fly swatter, and says if he can't remember a few lines, how is he ever going to remember his lines as an actor. He tells him that he must remember it by tomorrow or else he needn't show his face tomorrow. Back at home, You Xi is reading the poetry and trying to understand what it means. (Why isn't he asking his girlfriend, you know, the girl who loves history and poetry?) 

The next day, he tells Yao Yao that he recited the Li Sao poem with utmost perfection and his teacher was happy. Yao Yao sets down some unevenly cooked chicken wings in front of him and she tells him that she wanted to make him something nice as he's been working so hard but... (They're in a cute couple's pajamas - pink plaid and blue plaid.) She tries to remove the plate but he tells her that he'll eat it. He takes a bite and forces himself to continue chewing. He says it tastes good but when she tries to eat one, he tells her that she made it for him, so he’ll eat it. He then says that anything his girlfriend makes is delicious. So she offers to make them every day for him and he drops the wing on the plate. He tells her that they'll see about tomorrow. He doesn't have class tomorrow and he settles on skateboarding.

The next day You Xi has no problems on his skateboard, while Yao Yao is barely able to stay balanced on her skateboard and hasn't moved anywhere. She asks him if they can do something else. 

At the house of toxicity, Song Qie Ge asks why Shen Yi Ling is studying so hard. Surprisingly, they’re only drinking water, fancy bottles of water. lol Shen Yi Ling says since You Xi's been shelved, he has nothing to worry about, but she still has to take out an opponent - Pan Duo. Song Qie Ge says that she isn't a threat. Shen Yi Ling says that she auditioned for a supporting female role and got the leading role. She's not going to let down her guard as Pan Duo has already embarrassed her once. 

You Xi shows up at Jiang Shao Yan's house and is informed that he has a guest so there's no class today. You Xi thinks it's another test and barges in cursing about this guest. He discovers that it's actually Director Wei Ran. Awkward. He leaves. Director Wei asks if You Xi is his student. He tells him he is and he may look happy-go-lucky but he's talented in acting, a gifted child. Then he asks him if he's found his male lead for "Chancellor Zhong" and that he should look at You Xi. 

At a cafe, Moore is meeting with Song Qie Ge who says that he just wants to catch-up as he was once his agent. Moore asks him to get to the point. Song Qie Ge is trying to get Moore to work with him at his agency. He says that he doesn't need to sink with You Xi. Moore laughs at this and asks him how greedy he thinks he is. He says that You Xi needs his support and help the most right now, and he wants him to abandon him. Song Qie Ge says that he's in this predicament now because of the careless announcement of You Xi's relationship. Moore tells him that he must still be really jealous of You Xi. Moore admits that he is no saint but he is still an upright person, and won't use underhanded and self-serving methods, so count him out. He then tells him that he's especially irked by lowlifes. He asks him if he knows why he keeps losing to You Xi: he has feelings with his laughter and his tears, and is always true. He will give his all for the people and things he loves. Whereas Song Qie Ge will always be a cold, icy merchandise; forever just merchandise. Moore sips the last of his coffee and thanks him for the coffee before he leaves.

You Xi is doing his homework - looking at his past roles to figure out what his shortcomings are. He critiques several scenes with Yao Yao and then he shows her how the scenes should've been done. In one scene, he says "I love you" to the female lead after he had to kill her (he uses the TV remote here) and Yao Yao just flops onto the couch pretending to be dead. They're sooo cute together. Another scene is when he forcefully kisses the girl that he likes to make her stay after she misunderstood his relationship with another girl - they're both a bit uncomfortable watching this. However, he then gently pushes her back onto the couch, stares at her and then slowly goes to kiss her but they're interrupted by the door bell. They quickly separate from each other and he goes to answer the door, it's a sad-looking Pan Duo, who says that she's been slandered. 

Everyone online is scolding her for her poor acting, instead of Zheng Jia Er. You Xi tells her that this is normal and if she can't handle it, she should pack her bags and go. He then tells her to leave as they're going to the movies. She says that she wants to go but You Xi says no. Pan Duo then starts fake crying and says how she's so pitiful and leans against Yao Yao. 

You Xi shakes his head no, crosses his arms in an X-formation and gives his girlfriend a stern “no” look. (~36:48, I know he’s being serious here but it cracks me up instead!) Pan Duo continues with the whining and fake tears and Yao Yao says that they can go together. You Xi gets outraged at Pan Duo, and she continues happily chatting to Yao Yao about what movie they’re going to see. You Xi is sulking but then he smiles as he’s struck by an idea.  

He brings up Qi Chao and suggests that she go rehearse scenes with him as he's a good listener. She happily runs off to go see him instead. Pan Duo shows up at Qi Chao with a bag of beers and says that she needs to be consoled. So she drinks and snacks away as usual. She tries to offer him a drink but he says that he's not drinking. She then asks him if she's better at acting or if Zheng Jia Er. He says he's never seen either of them. So she gets up and demonstrates how she'd react as a girl who was proposed to. He almost smiles at this. Then she demonstrates Zheng Jia Er's acting ability: high-pitched, drawn own syllables, peculiar overemphasis on the wrong words which makes him cringe. She asks him who was better - and he says "You..." She is happy about it but he finishes by saying "Are you done?" She then says to move on to the next step. He asks, next step? She suggests that they rehearse some scenes and she crawls over to sit next to him. She wants to rehearse a kissing scene with him. She just throws the script and puts her arms around his neck. He moves away from her but he doesn't push her away. She then falls asleep and he tries to move out of her clutches but ultimately he stays where he is. Uh oh. Is she breaking down his resistance with every interaction?!

[Ep21] The next part of his training with Jiang Shao Yan is for You Xi to play different characters in several projects. During one of these roles, You Xi is getting makeup put on but then the makeup artist is called away for a more urgent task. So his face remains only half painted and You Xi finishes the clown makeup himself. Later Yao Yao asks him if he's okay. He says that he's fine and he knows that the teacher wants him to play these smaller roles so he can forget about being a superstar and start over. He says no matter how small a role is, he will try his best to make it shine. Our sweet boy is growing up! Yao Yao offers to remove the makeup for him and he just stares at her as she's removing the makeup. You Xi then receives a call from Moore asking him to come into the office as there's a company who wants him as a brand ambassador.

At the office, You Xi asks Mr. Wang of Huanyu Technology why he wants him to be his brand ambassador in light of recent events. Mr. Wang says that thanks to him, his company could make it to today. You Xi is not sure what he means. I think I know... A few months ago, they had launched their own mobile phone and had no budget for advertising. They had a huge cash flow problem and the company was about to collapse, but then he sent a Weibo post with their phone. You Xi recalls when Yao Yao had posted his food pics with her knockoff phone. :) This post promoted their phone and accelerated their sales. They are wanting to develop the best smart device made in China and they're about to launch their new product. You Xi wants to agree to it immediately but Moore tells him that they will think about it and get back to them. 

Suddenly, You Xi's parents show up at his house. They have no interest in seeing him, and only in meeting Yao Yao. His mother complains that she had to find out about her own son's girlfriend through the news. Ep15, he tried telling them but they hung up on him! His mother tells Yao Yao that she looks prettier than in that photo. To his chagrin, his mother tells her that she worries if her son is good enough for her. XD You Xi asks his parents why they're here and his father says that it was spontaneous. You Xi asks if there were no other intentions. His mother admits that they're back to do one thing only - to meet her father. Yao Yao looks worriedly at You Xi. His father says that he has some academic questions for Mr. Yuchi. You Xi laughs at this and then becomes serious and says, him with academic questions? His mother coaxes Yao Yao into agreeing to the meeting. 

Now they're at lunch with Yuchi Dad, and You Dad mentions to Yuchi Dad that he knows he's into antiques and pulls out a large vase to have him look at it. Yuchi Dad examines and says that it's quite excellent and You Dad says that it's a gift for him. Yuchi Dad says it's very precious so he can't accept it. You Dad says no matter how precious it is, his Yao Yao is most precious. Yao Dad then says that he's given his precious daughter to his son, so this is the least he can do. You Xi tells his dad to stop talking. You Mom says that they're back this time to settle down the marriage between the kids. Said kids look at them in surprise and Yuchi Dad just smiles. You Mom tells Yao Yao that she knows she's an excellent student in school and their son has won many awards when he was little as well. She says that she'll show them now. She pulls out a Best Dance Award in dancing competition from year one in primary school. Then she pulls one out from year seven, Best Manners in the athletic games. Yao Yao just beams at You Xi who looks embarrassed by this. Mom then also shares his award for Best Style in the speech competition during high school. 

You Xi interrupts and says that Yao Yao is hungry so let's eat. You Dad tells Yuchi Dad that they have finally met and then he pulls out this bottle of bai jiu and says that they should drink together. You Dad suggests that they drink this evening and Yuchi Dad excitedly agrees to. Then the two dads start drinking and pouring for everyone. You Xi asks about her father drinking, and she says "Free from all cumbrous thoughts and cares, enjoying his breezy buoyancy under a vine. Now he is overcome with sousing at a stroke, and recovering wide-awake, is in spirits divine..." You Xi only says ou, and then tells her to eat. She then takes a shot of bai jiu. She says it's good, winks and then gives him a thumbs up. The four continue drinking shot after shot as You Xi is suddenly the only sober one who looks concerned. Haha. You Xi tries to get her to stop drinking but she says that she's fine. Yuchi Dad now suggests that they go singing, which You Xi says isn't a good idea. The parents and Yao Yao continue singing until eventually You Xi gets up to sing a song to her, it's "My Girl". I do love hearing this song so much.  

You Xi brings home a drunk Yao Yao and puts her into her very pink bed. He scolds her for drinking so much. She drunkenly asks him if they were really married, if she would be “You Yuchi”? He tells her that xiao mu tou sounds better. He says that he doesn't care what others call her but this name is only for him. Awwww. He tells her even if someone else calls her by that name, she can't answer them. She only nods in agreement. He looks down into the living room and hears his father saying that he wants to puke, and this is echoed from Yao Yao's room as well. O_o Poor You Xi. lol 

The next morning, You Xi is cleaning the living room as a bright and happy Yao Yao comes down and says that he's up early. He tells her that he hasn't slept as the three of them were sick for the whole night and he was busy all night. He starts complaining about his back bothering him and she massages his back and he just pulls her arms around him and she stays hugging him from behind. Soooo cute. His parents then sneaks up behind them to take photos of them. They're noisy enough that You Xi turns around and his parents are suddenly busy cleaning with a feather duster. 

At breakfast, his parents notices how he puts food in Yao Yao's bowl and wipes at the corner of her mouth. His parents are enjoying their PDA. You Xi asks his parents when they're going back to Australia. You Dad says that they're not leaving and decided to open a business in China. Then his mother says that they’ve decided to live here temporarily, for two to three years. You Xi gets this look on his face and his mother asks if he doesn't want them there. He laughs feebly at this, and now there's an awkward pause. His mother laughs and tells him that she's joking as they're not wanting to interrupt them. Dad says that they've settled the marriage, so they're ready to leave. The doorbell rings and Dad says their car is here and they're leaving for the airport. Outside, Yao Yao asks if they're really not staying for a couple days more. His mother whispers to Yao Yao that she's his first love. His mother then tells her to come visit them in Australia when she has time. His parents leave and Yao Yao comments that so he's never been in a relationship before. He stammers out what's wrong with that. He asks if being in a relationship before is better. She just shrugs and walks back to the house. He follows her to say that he's self-taught and gifted. She continues walking with a smile.

You Xi is practicing a bidong scene asking the person to be with him. It's with Jiang Shao Yan, who doesn't agree and asks him if he knows how delivery guys talk. So You Xi takes Yao Yao's pink motorbike to deliver food. Moore calls him to ask if he's really that desperate when he hears him say that the delivery will be there soon. Moore tells him that he has an audition for a new movie and tries to get him off the phone. Moore then tells him that the director is Wei Ran. You Xi gets excited. You Xi returns home and tells her that he has good news and bad news and asks which one she wants to hear first.  She says after the bitter comes the sweet, so she wants to hear the bad news first. He says that he got a penalty during delivery today. She says it's fine as he has good news. He tells her that he has an audition before Director Wei Ran. She gets really excited for him and actually jumps up to hug him. He then spins her around and around. Later, Yao Yao is looking for his lines in the script and he points out the single short line of text he had highlighted. She looks at him and says that's all? He says it doesn't matter, as long as he studies it well and does it with his heart, one sentence can be legendary. He then shows her his analysis of the line on the whiteboard. He proves that he has studied his character and knows the history between his character and Guan Zhong to deliver this line "Your mother passed away" with an emotional tremble in his voice. He asks her what she thinks and she says it's not quite right. After a bit of discussion, he figures out how he'll present this line and then runs off to cook for her.

Later he goes to the audition and has to wait in the very long extras line. He takes this in stride as he knows that his teacher wants him to experience difficulties and enjoy setbacks. They are parts of life he needs to go through. The people in the line are excited to see You Xi and he waves to them. But then a guy asks if this is the line for the audition. You Xi asks what role he's looking for and turns around to see Song Qie Ge, with a smirk, telling him it’s for lead actor. *rolling eyes* Song Qie Ge asks him if he thinks being an extra will get him back to being a leading actor. Even if he is still acting when he's 30 or 40, he will age and who would be interested in seeing him then. Yao Yao goes to scold him but You Xi stops her and Song Qie Ge leans in closely to tell him that "An ant is an ant. I can easily lift up my foot to spare it, but I can also step on it gently to end it. You will be dead anytime." Then he smirks, pats him on the arm, and tells him that he won't do it as seeing him being humble and struggling is quite entertaining. Psychopath. You Xi has lost the look of ease. Song Qie Ge leaves and Yao Yao asks if he's okay. You Xi says he's here for an audition and it's quite meaningless to argue with him. He's then called for his audition. 

He starts with only part of his line and he's immediately told by the Assistant Director, Wang Kai, that he has the role. The Assistant Director was a script clerk who helped him remember his lines in "Accidentally in Love''. As he's leaving with Yao Yao, You Xi is called back to help with a scene in the main role audition before Director Wei Ran. It's opposite Song Qie Ge as Guan Zhong, who is relishing this moment. Song Qie Ge is told by You Xi as Soldier A, in passing, that his mother has passed. So upon hearing the news, he clutches at his heart and falls down to the ground pretending to cry but doesn't shed a single tear. He’s also facing the opposite direction from You Xi. Meanwhile, You Xi continues his soldier formation and a single tear slips down his cheek. Director Wei asks Song Qie Ge why he performed in this way. Song Qie Ge says that the loss of his mother was devastating and hard to accept.

Director Wei then poses the same question to You Xi, who says that wars are cruel and make people desensitized to death. But the cry of Guan Zhong awakened the soldier's heart as he was reminded of his own mother. As he was facing in the direction of his hometown, a tear had dropped. Director Wei asks him if he were Guan Zhong, then how would he act out this role. Song Qie Ge looks over at You Xi, who looks shocked by this. Director tells him to try. You Xi gets down onto his knees in the direction of his hometown and kowtows three times with his forehead thumping on the stage. Then he gets up and the Director dismisses both of them. Before You Xi leaves, Director Wei asks him if he passed his audition, and he tells him that he did. Song Qie Ge looks worried. You sick psycho. 

Back at home, You Xi and Yao Yao are in matching pajamas again with You Xi wearing a cute rabbit ears headband. She asks him what he's working on and he says his memoir. She asks what he's written and he says many things such as his thoughts about working in the entertainment industry, his deep understanding of acting, and his reflections on life and the future. The most important thing is their love story. She asks if that is inappropriate. He asks how it is inappropriate as it's something he's gone through, unless she doesn't want to be in his book. She says that's not what she meant and he says that he'll delete it now. She tells him what she meant was that they should consider the choice of words so that readers can feel related, immersive and captivated. 

Moore shows up at You Xi's house but it's quite dark inside. Moore asks why the lights aren't on. You Xi says that bills have been overdue for more than a month but the candles are fine. Yao Yao is doing some needlework by candlelight. lol You Xi tells Yao Yao to get some food for Moore and she says she'll go next door for some rice, which Moore refuses. You Xi then offers him some food in his bowl, which he refuses as well. You Xi then starts slurping from the bowl which makes Moore start crying and clinging to his arm to say that he'll take him to his favorite spicy chicken place. He continues crying on his shoulder and wailing about helping him. At this point, You Xi is laughing and smiling at Yao Yao who has a tiny smile and continues her needlework by candlelight. Moore continues wailing and now You Xi is smiling even bigger but keeps his face averted from Moore and just nods his head, as Moore says that he'll sell his house in his hometown tomorrow. Yao Yao turns on the lights with a remote control and blows out the candle. Hahaha. 
She then gets up to sit down next to You Xi who puts his arms around her, and Moore asks what's going on as he thought that bills were overdue. He then notices our laughing couple. (~41:01 is the start of this little con.) He’s suddenly calm and asks what’s going on. 

Yao Yao cutely admits that she was doing a scene play with You Xi. You Xi asks him if he got into it too much. Moore scoffs at him and You Xi tells him to not be angry. Moore throws an invitation for the "Superstar" show at him. You Xi asks shouldn't this be given to Zhao Yi and not him. Moore says that Zhao Yi's schedule is too busy, so they want him to go instead. You Xi says no way, but Moore tells him to take a closer look at the guest list. Song Qie Ge and Shen Yi Ling are the other guest as they wanted the leads from both series to attend. Moore goads him into going by saying that Song Qie Ge will say that he's afraid. You Xi insists on going now. 

[Ep22] You Xi and Pan Duo are a united front, for once, ready to battle against Song Qie Ge and Shen Yi Ling on the show "Superstar". 

The hostess of the show asks about the challenges that the actors faced during filming. Song Qie Ge answers that he faces hardships by adjusting his mood and putting his best face forward. You Xi mentions how Song Qie Ge's popularity revolves around his Weibo posts about having a cold. Then Song Qie Ge mentions how You Xi has turned to delivering takeaway these days. The audience reacts to this revelation. The hostess then tries to move past this uncomfortable moment by posing another question but You Xi interrupts to respond to Song Qie Ge’s dig by admitting he has been and been self-reflecting. He says that he can't change the past but all he can do is be responsible for himself in the future. He then quotes Lu Xun (writer and poet): "To explode in silence, or to die in it." He admits that he's trying to change himself, whether by delivering takeaway or taking on smaller roles, which he would've never done before. These are all special experiences to him now as he hopes that one day, his fans can see a changed him - brilliant and surprising. He doesn't want them to see him die in silence. The audience starts chanting his name now. The hostess thanks him for sharing and helping them understand an actor's life behind-the-scenes. Zheng Jia Er interjects by sharing her difficulties during filming - using the restroom through the thick dresses for historical dramas. The hostess interrupts to tell her to be mindful of the time. 

Now it's Pan Duo's turn to answer and she says she's not a top-tier idol or actress but she hopes to become a great actor. Shen Yi Ling chimes in that she sympathizes with Pan Duo as she brings up the time when people were trolling Pan Duo by saying her acting was bad and telling her to get out of showbiz. Yeah, really sympathetic. She then says that she couldn't stand it herself and even stood up for her. Lies. Since she’s only recently debuted, there's a long road ahead of her to becoming a great actor. Pan Duo has been biting her tongue this entire time, but she finally says that she's right, as she debuted seven years ago so it must've been so hard for her to get to where she is today, as she sees many actresses of the same age receiving multiple awards while she loses out. XD Point to Pan Duo. She says that she feels a lot of pity for her. You Xi agrees with her that it's truly a pity. LOL Pan Duo then asks if she shares her anxiety as when Shen Yi Ling was being trolled for being not only a bad actress but for putting on airs. She also only prefers dining at three-star Michelin restaurants and only stays at five-star hotels, and has created a lot of trouble for the staff. Now the audience clamors on her poor behavior, and even Zheng Jia Er quietly laughs at this.  

During the break, Pan Duo and You Xi are gleefully laughing next to a serious Moore, who tells him that he needs to call someone for the other half of the program. You Xi pulls out his phone to show him Yao Yao's name but Moore says that she's in a precarious position right now so he needs to call someone else. You Xi refuses as she's his girlfriend and he won't budge on this. Moore and Pan Duo eventually both leave him alone in the lounge. Shen Yi Ling appears and You Xi asks if she can read as the sign says "The Founding of The Three Kingdoms' Lounge". She's there to mock him about Song Qie Ge being the rising star now. You Xi ignores by just laughing at the video on his phone. She then asks if he's even listening to her. He looks up at her and asks if someone is speaking as all he hears is buzzing. XD His face here, haha. She tells him that the leads for Director Wei's movie will definitely go to her and Song Qie Ge. He doesn't respond. He only laughs as he's watching his video.

It's the second segment of the program now: call the first person in their contacts and say "I miss you". Shen Yi Ling is up first and she claims it's a young fan of hers. She calls this Miao Miao and it sounds like an adult man. Both You Xi and Pan Duo are cringing at this. XD Zheng Jia Er calls her mother and per the usual, she overacts during the entire call. This actress is so good at "poor acting" that she cracks me up now. The hostess cuts her off again. lol Song Qie Get then calls his mentor, Mr. Yu, who says that he was the top student with the best grades. But then he mentions that was also the only student that didn't attend the class reunion, which makes You Xi and Pan Duo snicker. It gets better, as Mr. Yu mentions that his assistant called yesterday that he was going to call him about some show. Everyone notices how fake he is. Ha.

Pan Duo says that she's calling her idol, so she calls Qi Chao and when she says that she misses him, he just hangs up on him. Haha. You Xi admits that his girlfriend is his first contact. Unfortunately, he calls her as she's in class so she doesn't answer the call. Oops. He calls her again and she accidentally answers the call in class and everyone hears him say "I miss you" but she promptly hangs up. The hostess says that it appears that Ms. Yuchi is busy so they'll stop bothering her, and she announces the end of the show. Now Yao Yao is calling him, and when he answers, she says that she just got out of class, and sweetly says that she misses him, too. He asks her what she's doing now, and she says that she's going to the cafeteria to buy his favorite red bean cakes. She then asks if there's anything else he'd like: mini wontons. The females in the audience are squealing over this sweet conversation. She tells him that there aren't any mini wontons today, so she'll bring him fried dough twists. He then adds an order of fried yogurt. She laughs and says blueberry flavor, no nuts, add red beans, raisins, pineapple, cantaloupe, peaches, and the list goes on. 

Later in the lounge, Shen Yi Ling eavesdrops on Pan Duo's message to Yao Yao about how cute they were on the show. Then she complains about why her idol wouldn't answer her call. Shen Yi Ling tells her that he's not interested in her. Shen Yi Ling tells her to look into his past relationships and find out what his ideal type is. 

At home, Pan Duo finds out about Qi Chao’s past relationships. Moore tells her that he did have a girlfriend before, and the two of them were truly in love. Pan Duo asks if she was like her and he says no. She then assumes that they broke up. Her uncle says when did he say they broke up. She then asks where she went then, and he points up at the ceiling. Pan Duo looks shocked by this and Moore just nods at her. He then tells her about Qi Chao's past: This was before he had left the film industry, when he was still a young and top actor. His girlfriend was an actress as well but never got her big break. But there was a director who had ulterior motives toward her. He had lured her with an audition and asked to meet with her at a hotel in the middle of the night. He tried to assault her and to get away from him, she had jumped from a high floor in the hotel. After this, Qi Chao left the film industry.

Moore and Pan Duo are over at You Xi's house watching the results of the votes from the "Superstar" show. It’s a popularity contest. Moore notices that You Xi is receiving more votes than Song Qie Ge, and there's been an increase for his Weibo followers. You Xi reaches over and turns off Moore's screen, which he protests at. You Xi says that it rises and falls every day, and if he isn’t tired of this. Moore just goes back to looking at his phone. You Xi then feeds Yao Yao a piece of fruit and says that “being happy is the most important”.  Pan Duo tells him that "Mr. You" is trending, as You Xi's girlfriend calls him Mr. You, and other girls are following the trend now for calling their boyfriends mister, too. XD Her reverence = trendy. You Xi receives a call from someone asking if this is You Xi, and he replies that he doesn't want their insurance nor membership, bye-bye. The caller says that this is Wei Ran. You Xi sits straight up and stammers out "Hello, Director Wei." 

Song Qie Ge is watching "Superstar" in frustration and ends up turning it off. His assistant then tells him that Wei Ran is going to meet with You Xi. So he goes to see Tong Jin's father to ask him about You Xi's meeting with the Director. (lol, I like how they always preface his scenes with a picture of the father and daughter.) Tong Jin's father tells him that it's just a small role, nothing to be scared of. Song Qie Ge raises his eyebrows at him and haughtily tells him that he doesn't want anything unexpected to happen. 

At Wei Ran's home, he asks You Xi if Song Qie Ge suits this role. You Xi politely tells him that he thinks his opinion is clear and he believes that he deserves someone better. Wei Ran admits that he has someone else in mind, and asks for his opinion on Zhao Yi. Afterwards, Yao Yao asks him how he replied to Director Wei's question. You Xi boisterously says that he told him that Zhao Yi has terrible acting skills, terrible character, likes to put on airs, and tried to steal his girlfriend, and whoever uses him will have bad luck. Yao Yao looks horrified by this. What he really said: His acting is all right and his character is okay. In other words, he's much better than Song Qie Ge. Currently, he tells Yao Yao, let's go home as today's the first broadcast for "The Founding of The Three Kingdoms" and the day of his battle with Song Qie Ge as both series are airing on the same day. 

They're on a three-way conference call from their respective homes for the broadcast. Qi Chao asks if he really needs his views. You Xi says that teamwork is power. Moore and Pan Duo start arguing about who spends the budget on what, so Qi Chao asks if he can hang up. Both You Xi and Pan Duo tell him no. Pan Duo has readied the troops (her family members) to watch the series and post about it on Weibo. Pan Duo and Moore are unable to watch it as the TV's been sold already, so Pan Duo asks Qi Chao how he thinks she looks. Qi Chao, who had been doing some other work, finally looks up at the TV. He then describes the scene: "You're wearing all green, sitting next to the river. The sun is shining down on you...Makes you.” He seems enchanted by her appearance. But then he snaps out of it and says that he’s lost the TV signal and hangs up the call. Moore just smiles at this. What? She comments that her idol is mesmerized by her and can't even hear her anymore. Qi Chao sighs as he continues looking at Pan Duo on the screen. 

Song Qie Ge and Shen Yi Ling are watching their series, "Torn Apart" accompanied by more glasses of alcohol.  

Yao Yao checks Weibo and sees that Qi Chao's theme song is surpassing Torn Apart's theme song, including positive reviews. However, Song Qie Ge's kiss with his wife is trending above You Xi's Lu Bu. She tells him to not worry about short-term results but about what happens over time. 

At SG Entertainment, Moore tells the trio that "The Founding of The Three Kingdoms" is in first place for ratings. You Xi tells Yao Yao to post it to Weibo immediately. Moore goes on to gloat that the reviews for "Torn Apart" were super negative just after half an episode. They had turned a historical drama into an idol drama. There was a kiss in the first episode and bed scenes in the second episode. So it's like a soap opera or telenovela or lakorn? Hehe.

Pan Duo goes to post about Shen Yi Ling and sees that there's an article about the man behind her career, her uncle. The article alleges that Pan Duo got the female lead role because of her uncle, however, Zheng Jia Er’s backer has more pull so Pan Duo had to settle for second female lead. Pan Duo also has a second man helping her out, SG Entertainment's top male celebrity, You Xi. However, You Xi's fall from the top, left him with less resources to satisfy Pan Duo's ambition and greed. So she moved on to new prey, a third man, Qi Chao, who she keeps pursuing but Qi Chao's thoughts are unknown. Presumably Pan Duo used the live interview to confess to Qi Chao, who had hung up on her. You Xi comments that all of this sounds more exciting than her real life. But Pan Duo is sitting there looking quite worried about if Qi Chao will believe this. She leaves immediately to go explain everything to him. 

Meanwhile, the snotty Shen Yi Ling is gloating about this. *rolling eyes*  Song Qie Ge tells her that their enemy is You Xi, and not Pan Duo. He tells her that they need to set their priorities straight. She asks him if You Xi will fight with her for female lead role or best actress nominations. She says that her biggest enemy is, in fact, Pan Duo. She then tells him if he's heard this saying "A pair of birds used to live in the same forest, but flew separate ways in the face of disaster." She also says they're not even a couple and then leaves. Ou. Even hell gets a timeout sometimes. 

Qi Chao opens the door to Pan Duo and says that he doesn't need her explanation and then slams the door in her face. She tries to find ways to get him to open the door but he doesn't respond. Inside, he's staring off into space and unable to focus on his music. He receives a WeChat message from Pan Duo who is threatening to harm herself with a knife. This triggers his memories of his dead girlfriend, and he now runs out of his apartment and finds her sitting on the floor right outside his door. But she's not responsive so he gathers her up into his arms and says that they're going to the hospital. She then tells him that it's an act and he drops her, and this time he's really angry with her. She says that she didn't do it intentionally. He yells if she thinks it's a joke as he's remembering his lifeless girlfriend in his arms. He tells her that he never wants to see her ever again and slams the door forcibly behind him. I'm livid that pulled this stunt to get him to pay attention. Hello, PTSD?!? Pan Duo stays outside his place looking remorseful. 

The next day, he opens the door and finds her still outside. She tells him that she's hungry. Isn't she always? He lets her inside and gives her food but tells her to leave once she's done. Qi Chao is even more closed off than normal, and he won't look at her at all. She tells him that she has things that she needs to tell him. He says that she doesn't but she insists that she has to. She tells him that she didn't approach him because of his fame. It was truly because she likes him. He doesn't say anything. She says if he doesn't believe her, then she swears that if she lies, she'll get hit by a car, gain weight from drinking water, and choke from eating bread. And then she really starts choking and he slaps her on the back and she spits out whatever was stuck in her throat. He finally says something.

QC: First, I never believe in entertainment news. Second, I never give people I don't trust a second chance to approach me. Third, it is common for celebrities to have haters. Don't be upset. 

He goes to walk away, but she pulls on his arm to stop him. With a smile, she says that she knew that he'd believe her and goes to hug him but he stops her with a finger on her forehead which pushes her back down on the couch. Qi Chao is now reading the Weibo posts about her and is actually responding to the trolls, as he looks over at a resting Pan Duo on his couch. He continues typing and Pan Duo sneaks up behind him to ask if he's helping support her now. He says yes, but she says that she can deal with the haters. So he gets up from his chair and lets her take over. He actually starts smiling from her handiwork.

[Ep23Moore is now crying hysterically over at You Xi's home as he's been unable to reach Pan Duo and she didn't come home the night before. You Xi and Yao Yao soon find out that Pan Duo has been busy in a forum flame war defending herself and her post received a “like” from Qi Chao. Moore then receives a call from Qi Chao.

Pan Duo and Qi Chao show up at You Xi's and she is immediately scolded by her uncle. 1) For staying out all night and failing to let anyone know where she was. 2) As a female artist who is involved in a scandal, instead of cooperating with the company, she disappeared. 3) She spent the whole night with a guy who doesn't care about her reputation or honor. The entire time, she's throwing finger hearts at Qi Chao who actually has a faint hint of a smile appear on his usually sullen face. Moore isn’t finished but You Xi interrupts his tirade to say that since they’re all together now, so why don’t they all just relax. 

In the kitchen, You Xi is grumpily griping to Qi Chao about cooking while they're all playing cards. However as soon as Yao Yao says from the other room that she'd like to have spicy chicken, he happily tells her "sure" and Qi Chao just laughs. You Xi asks how he's in a good mood as he's been losing money to him. Qi Chao says it's just bad luck. You Xi asks if it's bad luck, or if he's been losing on purpose, which makes Qi Chao pause at peeling the potato in his hand. You Xi tells him that he noticed him giving his cards to Pan Duo, and then asks if she's finally melted the iceberg. Qi Chao doesn’t say anything. You Xi says if he plans to be with Pan Duo then he'll have to address him as San Jiu (Pan Duo calls him this), too. At these words, Qi Chao drops the potato and peeler and walks off but You Xi stops him. He says that it's been a long time and it's time for him to move on. 

Moore calls You Xi about the contract for "Chancellor Zhong" but it's actually for Pan Duo as the second female lead role. Pan Duo calls You Xi to inform him as well and then says to forget the celebration party as she's poor right now. She then calls Qi Chao for a celebration party and he only tells her to send him the address. It's actually a candlelit dinner for the two of them. Pan Duo, who is wearing a very feminine and sweet-looking antique rose dress, has laid out a table full of food. Qi Chao arrives in an all-white suit with sheet music embroidered on the sleeves paired with a blue shirt, and behind his back, he's holding a small white box in his hands. He asks where everyone else is and she says that You Xi and her uncle are both busy. 

Qi Chao sits down with the box in his hands and then he takes a sip of wine. Pan Duo nervously says that she had something to tell him. She confesses that she had fallen in love with him for a long time. She had fallen for him since their first meeting. She admits to liking him and wanting to be by his side forever. Qi Chao grips the box even tighter and says her name but she says she's not done talking. She says she knows that he would probably reject her or even stay away from her. But she's willing to wait for him until he's ready to accept her. Qi Chao congratulates her on landing her role and then gets up to leave. She tells him to not leave and to not run away from his past. She admits that she already knows about it. She feels that liking someone is all about making them happy. If he can't let go of the past, how can he really be happy? She then says she believes if she's looking down from heaven, she would definitely not want to see him being sad. She hugs him and tells him that she's willing to walk out of the past with him as long as he gives her a chance. 

He says her name a couple of times but she clings to him and says that she's not letting go of him. He finally says that he likes her, too. O__o At this, she lets go of him and just looks at him. He admits that he didn't know when it started but maybe it was when she cheered him up or when she stood up for him. He thanks her for letting him start over, and for giving him a chance to fall in love again. For once, she’s speechless. 

He opens the box and pulls out a bracelet which he puts on her. He then gently pulls her in for a kiss. And they kiss and kiss. Our second couple is here.

At home, You Xi and Yao Yao are watching the news. According to Wei Ran, the male and female leading roles for Chancellor Zhong are still under consideration. You Xi is fretting over where his contract is, and Yao Yao tells him to be patient. Yao Yao notices Qi Chao's post and shows it to You Xi: “The only and only Pan Duo in the world,” with a candid photo of her. It's official. Shen Yi Ling finds out that Qi Chao, the Ballad King, has announced his relationship with Pan Duo, which quells the rumors of her scandal. She's quite peeved but only enough to turn off the TV and throw the remote. Ha. 

You Xi's memoir has been released and they're flying off the shelves.

The final text in his book: Some people say that I've hit rock bottom. I don't deny it. But when people say that I have nothing, I beg to differ. As compared to what I have lost, I have gained more. I discovered my own imperfections and immaturity. It's a gain. It is also a gain to discover that there are so many people who appreciate and care about me. Finding a goal worth fighting and striving for is the greatest gain. This is not the end but a new beginning. It's the starting point for me to scale new heights. I hope to meet a new me together with you in the future.   

You Xi's book is sold out everywhere and receiving positive reviews. Yao Yao informs him that he's received a "like" on his Weibo post - it's Wei Ran. You Xi meets with Wei Ran who is flipping through his book, and says that he's read his book and finds it to be well-written. You Xi says it was casually written about trivial things in life, without much literary merit. Wei Ran tells him that being real itself is hard to come by. He tells him that he's changed, or rather he's never changed. You Xi is confused by this. Wei Ran tells him that he's grown in maturity as he’s no longer that impetuous and conceited idol. You Xi asks if there's any issue with his role as the cast members have all received their contracts, except for him. He then says no matter how small the role is, he will give it his very best. Wei Ran nods and says that after careful consideration, this role isn't right for him. You Xi gets the crestfallen look on his face. Wei Ran tells him to give him his autograph and to pass it to him when they meet next time. Wei Ran leaves and You Xi can only sigh. But then he opens the book that Wei Ran left behind, it says “male lead” on the inside. Now he’s happy! 

Song Qie Ge’s assistant tells him that Tong Jin's father has confirmed that both the leading roles for "Chancellor Zhong" have been finalized and then hands him the envelope. Song Qie Ge hurriedly opens the envelope and finds out that You Xi is the male lead. 

Behind closed doors, Wei Ran had played the clip of You Xi's Soldier A audition to the investors, and said that he wanted him to play the male lead. Tong Jin's father had tried to dissuade him by saying that his popularity is less than Song Qie Ge's, plus he is willful and hard to keep in line. Wei Ran had said that he valued the actor's acting skills and understanding of the character above all else. The other investors were agreeable to whatever Wei Ran wanted, so…

Now Song Qie Ge barges into Tong Jin’s father’s office demanding what’s going on. Tong Jin’s father calmly tells him if he wants the role, then You Xi… He leaves in a huff, and calls his assistant to locate Shen Yi Ling. 

Shen Yi Ling meets with Song Qie Ge, who tells her that he's playing the male lead and Pan Duo is the female lead. Manipulation at its finest. SMH. She's incredulous that it's not her as the female lead. He's offering to help her because now their common enemy isn't just You Xi or Pan Duo, it's SG Entertainment. He tells her to meet him at Huateng Hotel tomorrow evening. 

During the meeting with Mr. Zhang, Lucy reports on Wen Mo Xuan's schedule and Mr. Zhang dismisses them from this meeting. But Moore says that he hasn't reported about You Xi's schedule - he's the male lead in Wei Ran's new drama. Now Mr. Zhang is all ears and asks to see the contract. Lucy is not happy about this. Moore asks about the board of directors' decision to cancel You Xi, and Mr. Zhang says that he will speak to the board today to revoke the decision. 

Now there's news of You Xi cheating with Shen Yi Ling. There's even an edited clip of You Xi and Shen Yi Ling making eyes at each other during the "Superstar" show. Moore tells him to not worry. He then brings up that there's a well-written 80,000-word article, which includes an in-depth analysis and comparison of his and Shen Yi Ling's itineraries over the past few months. This person has included a psychoanalysis of their interactions, including micro-expressions, neurological and other perspectives, between him and Shen Yi Ling, with videos and pictures. It's a live performance of an unrequited, heart-rending love elegy. You Xi demands a one-on-one confrontation with this person, and Moore calmly tells him that he's assigned someone to refute each one of the points of this post. You Xi would just need to issue a statement to clarify and do a show of affection and this matter will blow over. Moore asks his assistant to have the PR team keep an eye on the Internet for anything the next few days. 

Song Qie Ge's assistant informs him that You Xi has posted a statement denying the allegations. Song Qie Ge asks if the hotel surveillance video is ready. 

Qi Chao and Pan Duo are outside You Xi's home looking for them but no one appears to be at home. Yao Yao suddenly opens the door and leaves with her suitcase with You Xi following her out, begging her to not leave. He grabs onto her arm and she tells him to let go. He then asks if she still loves him. She smiles and removes her sunglasses and tells him that she's not the only one he loves, right? Pan Duo tries to intervene and says that they're just rumors and begs her to not believe them. Yao Yao lists off all of the places that he's been with Shen Yi Ling as places they've never been together. He asks her if she just doesn't believe him, and her response is to remove his hand from her arm and she walks away with her suitcase. Pan Duo says that he needs to go after her and explain. You Xi looks at her with this huge grin and then calls after Yao Yao to come back. HAHAHA I knew it. Remember Ep21, the needlework by candlelight? :)  Pan Duo and Qi Chao are both confused by this. 

Back inside their home, Yao Yao is feeding You Xi fruit, while the other couple is concerned. Pan Duo asks if that was acting and not really a breakup? You Xi says that their love is more solid than gold, so it's not easy to drive a wedge between them. The other couple sigh in relief, but Qi Chao calls him childish. Haha. You Xi says that he knows it's Song Qie Ge behind this as the "Chancellor Zhong" role is too important to him. They're waiting to see what his next move is. Moore's team have been able to refute the cheating allegations but he's worried about Wei Ran's announcement after midnight. Unfortunately, a video of You Xi's (supposed) rendezvous with Shen Yi Ling has been released. It shows You Xi entering a hotel room, which is later entered by Shen Yi Ling as well.

At home, Yao Yao just wordlessly looks at You Xi. He says that he did not do this. She continues just looking at him, and he says that he seriously did not. They're interrupted by his phone, but she's not speaking to him. Song Qie Ge is smirking at the TV. Yao Yao and You Xi are at Moore's office and he's swearing to her that he's never been to a hotel with Shen Yi Ling, and has no interest in her. She's silently fuming. But then she tells him that he has been to this hotel. He says that she's wronged him. She tells him that they've been there together as they had had to stay there after a long day of work and after-work party. She remembers it was the same room number and that he was wearing the exact outfit in the video footage. Now he remembers that he stayed in this room and she stayed in the room next door. Moore comes to the wrong conclusion - that You Xi cheated with Shen Yi Ling while Yao Yao was in the room next door. You Xi angrily tells him to stop fanning the flames. XD Yao Yao says there's only one explanation - video manipulation. Shen Yi Ling did indeed go to the same room but the footage is from different time periods. 

Shen Yi Ling angrily demands an explanation from Song Qie Ge as she realizes that she's been used to take down You Xi. He tells her that he can sell out anyone, except himself. She tells him that she's going to expose him by telling everyone everything. He tells her that ten minutes ago, Shen Yi Ling posted to Weibo about her underground relationship with You Xi and that she'll quit the entertainment industry for good. He tells her that her assistant has been holding grudges against her and betrayed her in an instant - money. He also tells her that the board of directors had a meeting and she's been fired. She tries to slap him and he stops her and tells her that she's out. Before he leaves, he drops the bomb - that the original female lead in “Chancellor Zhong” was her. I knew it. Shen Yi Ling is left crying and screaming his name while sitting on the floor.

Wei Ran and the investors are worried about the lead roles for "Chancellor Zhong" due to the scandal, and the announcement for the roles hasn't even been issued yet. The investors suggest looking for new lead actors. Uh oh.

At SG Entertainment, there's a meeting about what's going on which is affecting the entire agency. All of the blame is on You Xi. This scandal is also affecting other artists, including Zheng Jia Er, Wen Mo Xuan and Pan Duo in their agency. Lucy tries to convince Mr. Zhang to terminate You Xi as the other agency has already terminated Shen Yi Ling to maintain their stock price. Moore tries to convince Mr. Zhang to give them more time to resolve the video issue. Mr. Zhang says to announce the termination of You Xi's contract. Moore stands up and objects to this.  

[Ep24] Moore talks about You Xi's beginnings at the company, willingness to take on anything, being hardworking, and he never complained. Now that he needs them the most, the company chooses to terminate him. Moore says that if they terminate him, he will also quit. And so he leaves with his belongings. But then You Xi comes to see Mr. Zhang and says that he will release the statement about terminating his contract with SG Entertainment. He apologizes to the company for the negative impacts he's brought to the company and deep bows. Before he leaves, he tells them that losing Moore will be a great loss to the company. You Xi goes to the lobby and finds Yao Yao waiting for him. 

You Xi's termination makes the headlines, much to Song Qie Ge's glee. He even goes to visit him at his home to gloat. He's there to tell him that the pain he's suffered will be imprinted on his memory. He then tells You Xi that he went to see Wei Ran who told him that he has the male lead role now. 

Moore informs everyone that the original surveillance from the hotel is gone, and there's no trace of who uploaded the video. You Xi says that they're missing a key person - Shen Yi Ling. So our couple pay her a visit as she's in the middle of her move. You Xi asks her who she went to see at the hotel. She tells them about what happened and how Song Qie Ge is a real jerk. He deceived her but she has no evidence against him.

Song Qie Ge signs a contract with Tong Jin's father. He asks about the recording and Tong Jin's father confirms that the recording has been destroyed so You Xi can't do anything about it. Tong Jin looks at the contract and says that she doesn't like him and asks why he's decided to make him the hotel's spokesperson. Her father says she'll see soon. She then asks if he really destroyed the recording. He doesn't reply. Ugh, she's back.
So bad. lol
Our team arrives at the hotel - Qi Chao is in a security guard uniform, Moore is in his customary vest, and You Xi is wearing a suit with a horrible fake mustache. XD Yao Yao and Pan Duo are dressed as hotel employees. So they all disperse and go snooping around the hotel looking for clues. No one is successful in finding evidence of Song Qie Ge's involvement, surveillance, etc. So they're back to square one.

The next day Yao Yao receives a call in the middle of cooking and leaves without telling You Xi. She's meeting with Tong Jin. You Xi keeps calling her but is unable to reach her. Tong Jin shows Yao Yao the video surveillance of Shen Yi Ling meeting with Song Qie Ge outside the hotel room before they go inside. She tells Tong Jin that she'll do anything she wants if she gives her the recording. Tong Jin says that she won't give it to her, and only wants to destroy the evidence in front of it. She deletes the video and gloats about it. She leaves an agitated Yao Yao alone with the laptop.

Tong Jin's father has a plan to force Wei Ran to have Song Qie Ge as male lead by announcing it themselves, and they know the movie won't happen without investment funds. Tong Jin and Jin Yiu show up Song Qie Ge's press conference, and her father ignores Jin Yiu. XD Song Qie Ge thanks everyone for their support throughout the past 7 years. He then thanks the most important person in his career, Director Wei Ran. The press asks if he's playing the lead role in "Chancellor Zhong", which he confirms. Another reporter asks how he edged out You Xi to get this role. Pan Duo shows up and says that he doesn't deserve it. She gets on the stage and takes the microphone from Song Qie Ge and says that Song Qie Ge has framed You Xi. She says that the man who met Shen Yi Ling that evening in the hotel was Song Qie Ge. Pan Duo says that they have a recording of him entering and exiting the hotel and she holds up a flash drive. The video is played but his face is not shown, however, Pan Duo points out that the suit he is wearing in it is a brand that is endorsed by him. He then claims that this video is fake but this suit was sold at a charity auction three months ago. He also points out that there isn't a mole on Shen Yi Ling's shoulder. He repeats that it's all fake, and Pan Duo just made it up, and he says that he'll sue her for libel. The security guards come to remove her and Moore tries to stop them. Pan Duo admits that the video is fake but he really did frame You Xi. The security guards try to remove Pan Duo and Moore again but they're stopped by Qi Chao, who tells Song Qie Ge that Yao Yao has footage of his misdeeds. Pan Duo passes the microphone over to Yao Yao and Song Qie Ge has his security team try to remove Pan Duo, Moore and Qi Chao. Pan Duo calls him out for asking his security guards to beat on them and says that it's all being recorded. He calls off the security team, and Yao Yao takes the stage. 

Her friends look worriedly at her, and even Yin Jiu looks worried until he notices Tong Jin's death stare pointed at him. Song Qie Ge smirks and badgers her about the evidence. Yao Yao thinks about Song Qie Ge trying to press down on You Xi, and how You Xi had hit rock bottom and still gotten back on that horse. She clutches at her necklace and Song Qie Ge tries to take the microphone from her but she refuses to let go. She tells him that before she shows them the evidence, she has a question for him. Did he really get this role with a clear conscience? He doesn't have a response for her. She addresses the press, as everyone has seen the video of You Xi and Shen Yi Ling going into the hotel room separately, but there's no actual footage of them together from beginning to the end of the video. She states that the video is actually comprised of two different videos pieced together. She then says that the person who met Shen Yi Ling that evening was not You Xi but Song Qie Ge. She says that she has evidence and he fights with her for microphone. He's successful at ripping it away from her but causes her to fall onto the stage floor. The press captures everything, so he goes to help her up and she refuses his help. You Xi suddenly shows up and slaps Song Qie Ge on the face! Yay!

You Xi tells Song Qie Ge that he's always wanted to do that. Song Qie Ge just clutches at his face. You Xi helps Yao Yao up and then tells Song Qie Ge that he hates people interrupting his girlfriend when she's talking. She talks into the microphone and asks why the CCTV recordings would be lost at this crucial moment. She says Tong Jin's father, the owner of Huateng Hotel had reached a secret agreement with Song Qie Ge - securing the role for Song Qie Ge and maximum gains for the hotel. However, Tong Jin's father didn't trust him, so he secretly kept the recording as a means to keep him in line some day. Now the real footage plays on the screen and everyone can see Song Qie Ge's face as he exits the room to meet Shen Yi Ling. Tong Jin's father looks at her and she whines that she only let her take a glimpse of it and then deleted it. Yao Yao had found a way to recover the deleted file.

Yao Yao says that Song Qie Ge did all this for one purpose, to frame You Xi into making him a failure forever. He wanted to take away the role that should have been You Xi's. Song Qie Ge retorts who says it should have been his? A voice says that he did - it's Director Wei. The Director says that he has no idea about Song Qie Ge being the lead actor, and he insists on You Xi being in that role. This is met with applause, much to Tong Jin and Song Qie Ge's chagrin. Song Qie Ge can't believe that he's lost and he demands that Tong Jin's father say something. Her father says that he's been tricked long enough by him and this time, he's on Director Wei's side. Song Qie Ge just scoffs at this as he looks at the room full of cameras and asks how he's not better than him, and points at You Xi. He starts screaming about why it's not him. Yao Yao looking at You Xi says, "Mr. You is warm-hearted, brave and responsible. He can do anything for friends and he even secretly paid medical fees for a rival's brother who's ill and on bedrest." She then looks at Song Qie Ge: "Can you do these things? Look at you. You would do anything dirty in your own interests. Now you don't dare to admit your faults. You used a fake video to frame Mr. You. You even made use of your partner Shen Yi Ling. From head to toe, nothing of you could be as good as Mr. You." Song Qie Ge shakes his head at this. Our couple look at each other and walk off the stage together. 

Song Qie Ge then grabs a baton off a security guard's belt and tries to sneak attack You Xi but Yao Yao sees the movement from the corner of her eye and pushes You Xi out of the way. It looks like Yao Yao might've been struck instead.

Song Qie Ge is hauled away in handcuffs by the police. You Xi asks him if he regrets it. Song Qie Ge says he's still not inferior to him and then the police drive away with him.

Some time later.

At SG Entertainment, Zheng Jia Er is pleading with Mr. Zhang to get her Pan Duo's role in "Chancellor Zhong". He tells her that he doesn't make the decisions. She then asks if he can talk to Director Wei and ask him to change the script to make her character the heroine. Mr. Zhang slips away as she goes on with her daydreaming.

Moore goes over You Xi's schedule with him, and You Xi tells him to cancel all of them. He says that "Chancellor Zhong" will start shooting soon and he needs to go over the script soon, as he's leafing through a book, "Reflections of the Spring and Autumn Period." Moore says that there's no conflict with the events and his shooting but You Xi just looks at him. Moore says he'll cancel all of it and bemoans the loss of money. Moore then hands him a list of candidates for an assistant and says that it may be time to hire a new assistant as Yao Yao has been… What?!

One year later. 

Within two weeks after "Chancellor Zhong" was released, the film has taken the top spot in the box office ranking, breaking many domestic box office records. You Xi has been shortlisted for a few Best Actor awards. Yin Jiu is watching this news with his arm around a different girl. He tells her that he and Yu Xi were once love rivals. No, dude, you were a dud, or better yet, a floating turd. The girl is impressed. An angry Tong Jin shows up and he removes his arm from the girl and quickly tells her that it's not what she thinks. Tong Jin slaps him across the face and then storms off. He clutches his face and yells after her to listen to his explanation. Haha, these two deserve each other. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

At SG Entertainment, Moore is greeted with cheering by the staff. Lucy tells him that Wen Mo Xuan has a busy schedule for the next week so You Xi needs to be careful. He tells her to dream on if she thinks he'll catch up to You Xi. 

Qi Chao is feeding Pan Duo her lunch while on set. Ha, they're cute together. Her lunch is interrupted by a crew member telling her that she has a kissing scene with the lead actor now. Qi Chao looks miffed and says that she's already done five kissing scenes today so why is the kissing going on and on. XD Guess she’s finding out what a jealous Qi Chao is like. She tells him that it's a love story between a domineering CEO and his assistant, so the romance goes with kisses. She then tells him to hold his horses. Then Wen Mo Xuan swings by and the two leave for their kissing scene. Qi Chao just glares after them and looks like he's about to blow a fuse. He only finishes eating the food that he had been feeding her.

You Xi goes to see Yao Yao at a high school, where she is the model volunteer teacher. It turns out that Song Qie Ge had swung that baton and had only hit Yao Yao's braid! Cute (and sad) couple montage here. We see Yuchi Dad here at least! Our couple continue smiling at each other.   

The End.


by FanFanX

[First Impression (Ep1-6)] My first impression is less than a 3 because some of the supporting characters are so annoying (see Dislikes section). However, I do love our leads.

Our girl, Yao Yao, is sweet, reserved, pretty and smart. She’s dealing with this superstar/idol as her new (forced) tutee. She’s a generally quiet person but is kind to others. And she has so much patience. 

Our boy, You Xi, starts out as an obnoxious and self-centered superstar/idol but as each episode progresses, we see more layers coming off and we see who he really is. He’s not just this superstar - he’s a brash, immature, but well-intentioned sweet boy. He keeps a very small circle around him and there’s a reason for it. 

You Xi’s best friend, Qi Chao, a well known songwriter and singer, is clever and snarky. While You Xi is hot-headed, Qi Chao is quite levelheaded and almost robotic with his lack of response/indifference.

Dislikes: Fellow actress Pan Duo and You Xi’s agent, Moore (they’re also niece and uncle, respectively) are annoying. I think they’re supposed to be comic relief. There is also our toxic duo - Song Qie Ge and Shen Yi Ling. If that’s not vexing enough, let’s throw in Yao Yao’s ex-boyfriend, Yin Jiu and her former best friend, Tong Jin. 

[Actors/Actresses] Sun Ze Yuan (Sun Kele)’s You Xi is really growing on me. I haven’t watched him in anything before this series but why did they give him this strange mullet-like hair style. He’s not everyone’s definition of a pretty boy male lead, but I find him to be quite cute (sans terrible hair style), especially when he smiles, and his acting chops shine in this. 

I didn’t recognize Lu Yang Yang (Hanna) at first, but I’ve seen her in First Romance as the talented pianist/haughty love rival, Tang Tang. However, she looks and acts quite different here. She’s very pretty in an understated way as Yao Yao. Smart to a fault.  

After watching Chen Peng Wan Li as Wang Ji in Love At Night, I wasn’t sure I’d care for him here. But he’s quite different and actually so much better as the laconic Qi Chao in this series. 

[Behind the ScenesProof that our leads are quite cute together. I find Lu Yang Yang to be very pretty so I loved seeing her in these clips. I especially enjoyed the kissing scene (from Ep15 in Moore’s office) at 3:20, when Sun Ze Yuan kissed her before the cue. His face when he realizes what he just did. Haha.

Ep21 has this spinning scene in it, and it appears that Sun Ze Yuan made himself dizzy by spinning her like that. Ha!

[OSTThis OST is quite pleasing. (Caveat: I'm not a fan of Chen Peng Wan Li’s rock ballad song…it’s just too loud for me.)

This song reminds me of Yao Yao’s love for You Xi: Dear 亲爱的 | Han Dan 韩丹 There’s a tinge of sadness, as she’s quite pensive.

The opening song is so bubbly, catchy…and describes Yao Yao to a tee. :) BiuBiu | Xiao Fengfeng/Chen Feng (小峰峰/陳峰)

Our ML, Sun Ze Yuan (Kele Sun) has a few songs:

世界那么大  /  The world is so big
你一句情话就让我融化  /  One word from you makes me melt
看你在布置这小小的家  /  Watching you decorating this little home
满溢的幸福快要装不下  /  It’s bursting with happiness
春秋的喧哗冬夏的温差  /  The vibrance of spring and autumn, the temperature of autumn and winter 
都变得如画  /  They’re all picturesque

伴随一些日落色的牵挂  /  Along with the colors of the sunset

有什么理由不珍惜当下  / There’s no reason to not treasure what we have
我会陪着你当你泛起了泪光  /  I’ll be with you when you’re in tears

我会宠着你不让你哭花了妆  /  I’ll spoil you so you don’t cry your makeup away

我会牵着你去你想去的任何地方  /  I’ll take you wherever you want to go
你是我的女人  /  You’re my girl  
我要你当我一辈子的女神  /  I want you to be my goddess forever
静静的夜里轻轻为你点灯  /  I’ll gently light your lamp in the quiet of the night
我的怀抱负责让你睡得安稳  /  I’ll hold you in my arms and let you sleep soundly

我是你的男人  /  I’m your man

当我唱起这首歌  /  When I sing this song
我又想起你了  /  I think of you again.
还记得那年我们都很快乐  /  I remember when we were both happy 
当我唱起这首歌  /  When I sing this song
眼泪不听话了  /  Tears become disobedient
才发现你是最无法代替的  / Realizing that it's you who is the most irreplaceable
亲爱的你是最无法代替的  / My dear, you are the most irreplaceable

[Ending] Sweet and simple. 

1. [Ep1; Flash2351's comment] Just pointing out the reason why You Xi calls Yao Yao as Mu Mu or "Little Wooden Block"(小木头) is because the chinese character for her name is 杳杳 (Yao Yao), which is a very rare word, that most people wouldn't know how to pronounce (as chinese is not a phonetic language). In such situations, a way to try and sneak by is 有边读边 (pronounce the word using the part of the character you know), which is why he calls her 木木 (Mu Mu), reading just the top half of the character haha. While we are on the matter of names, Yao Yao and You Xi actually have very complimentary names- 杳(Yao) refers to the setting sun, darkness, while 曦 (Xi) refers to sunrise, or the sun itself. How apt. Yin Jiu may be an ass, but it's hard to be anything else when 旧(Jiu) literally means "previous/old" lol.

2. [Ep8] A long time ago, one year on Hainan Island, there was a serious drought and terrible famine sweeping all around the village. A kind boy, Ahan coincidentally helped the third princess of the Dragon King in the Eastern Sea. As a token of her gratitude, the princess told him the one's wishes would come true after drinking sea water three times. From hereafter, the wills of villagers were certain to be true as long as they went to the seaside and drank the sea water three times. People in the village consider their happiness was awarded from the Eastern Sea, from which the idiom spread through years of "Happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea".

3. [Ep8] One year, the pouring rain lasted continuously seven days and seven nights in Qiongzhou. On the eighth day, with loud thundering and huge cracking, Qiongzhou was isolated as an Island from the main continents. The natural disaster killed thousands of people, accompanied by river diversion and mountain deformation, and some even disappeared. However, there remained a hill named Nanshan (South Mountain) with no one wounded, which was totally astounding. In the tales or legends, all survivors in this crack became immortals with hundreds years of centenarians in the end. 

[Review & Rating]
I love the leads in this. You Xi’s growth is noticeable from episode to episode (and when he falters, it's generally in a pretty hilarious way). I love how Yao Yao remains calm, quiet and smart so it’s a delight when her silly side comes out. Her father is one of the best and sweetest TV dads ever. He was so refreshing from most of the other TV dads I’ve seen thus far. I wanted more scenes with him!

While the plot for this series appears to be nil for the most part, there’s an underlying commentary about how celebrities have real feelings and real lives. You know, they’re actually human beings, too. The public’s opinion or rather the public's ability to be swayed can have such negative impacts on celebrities’ lives. While there is some romance in this series, I honestly think this is more about a boy’s growth from a superstar to being a mature human being.

What makes this series lose points is the annoying side characters and villains. 

  1. Pan Duo is a great friend to You Xi and Yao Yao, and even the bickering scenes with You Xi are hilarious. However, I am not a fan of how Pan Duo chases Qi Chao throughout the entire series. Some people may find her/this to be cute, whereas I find it to be a crime - she’s seriously stalking him. There is also one particular scene that really angered me as I couldn’t believe a) that she did it, and b) how they swept it under the rug and suddenly everything was perfect for them. 
  2. Her counterpart, Uncle Moore does try to look out for You Xi’s best interests as his agent but his histrionics made me want to quit this series. 

  3. The bad guys, Song Qie Ge and Shen Yi Ling (who are alcoholics with huge egos) seem to have the upper hand for much of the series, but at least they have no redemption scenes, which I was never going to buy anyway. 

  4. Yao Yao’s ex-boyfriend, Yin Jiu and her ex-best-friend, Tong Jin were a match made in hell, and perfect for each other. 

I’d recommend watching this if you’re in the mood to have this playing in the background and don’t have high expectations. There are some cute and funny moments. 

Random Recommendation: Love The Way You Are  - A boy who loves a girl no matter how she appears.

Rating: 2/5

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