December 1, 2021

Love at Night | Recap and Review

Love at Night
A drunken night leads to a blossoming office romance
Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhang Yu Xi: Xu Qing You
Liu Xue Yi: Mo Ling Ze 
Chinese Title 
When Night Falls
Episodes: 30

Recap Grade: A 
First Impression: 3.5/5

Recap Grade: C/D

flash2351: 3rd review! I... honestly didn't have much expectations initially, only picked it up because of the drought of good dramas at that point in time. It's also workplace and appears more mature than my usual cup of tea, but OMG, am I glad I gave this a chance. I think the truth is, this is a teenage drama, wrapped with lots of romantic slowmo shots, trying to pretend to be a mature drama. The two leads also really impressed me, I loved all the shots of them together. Their loving interactions just make me go D'awwwwww, while their witty, sarcastic banter is seriously hilarious. Unfortunately, my schedule is a bit busy, so the recaps are likely to be quite a bit behind the actual release. Sorry!

Mini Recaps

[Ep1]Scene opens with our FL (Xu Qing You) hung over and in a partial state of undress in a hotel bed. She receives a wake-up call from the front desk, arranged by our ML (Mo Ling Ze). Ok, the names are already amazing haha. Qing You can be interpreted as overcoming worry, while her surname carries the meaning of wish. So her full name Xu Qing You means wishing to be able to overcome her worries. Ling Ze (灵泽) sounds like 灵择, which means a wise choice. However, his surname means not, so taken together, his name means not a wise choice! Hahahaha. Anyway, more thoughts in random thoughts. Xu Qing You has brief flashbacks of her making out with another guy and she clutches her head…

Rewind to 1 day ago…. Xu Qing You is a sales team leader in a company called Le Mi. At breakfast, she receives a call from her fiancé Fan Yun Xi. He’s surprised to find her working so early, and suggests bringing the wedding forward so that she can retire and stay home to be a housewife. Xu Qing You replies in a somewhat roundabout way, “Big lawyer Fang is working so hard to earn money for this family, so isn’t it a good thing that I use my own ability to help share your workload?” It’s not super direct, but I think it’s pretty clear that she enjoys her work and doesn’t want to retire. She’s just not stating it explicitly. Fan Yun Xi accuses her of changing the topic whenever he talks about retirement. He asks, “Isn’t it every woman’s dream to marry a rich man and stay at home and do nothing every day?” Huh? Didn’t she answer his question lol. Also, shouldn’t retiring and etc be agreed on before getting engaged??? Lastly, that last question is so toxic masculinity, I can’t even… Xu Qing You clarifies that it isn’t, that’s purely what men like to believe. You go girl! Anyway, the conversation gets cut short by another team leader calling her to complain about her stealing their work. I’m totally not interested in the work, so most of the mentions will probably be pretty superficial, unless they are plot relevant. 

Mo Ling Ze is an executive at an investment company, Shang Ge. This morning, he is hunting for the reclusive nerd boss of a gaming company that he wants to invest in, so he stalks out the guy’s usual breakfast place. Coincidentally, Xu Qing You is there as well and bumps into the reclusive boss first. Mo Ling Ze and his assistant spots the reclusive boss and immediately chases him. In a panic, he pushes Xu Qing You into the warm embrace of Mo Ling Ze, and she leaves a perfect print of her lipstick on his shirt. 

How much lipstick does one have to apply to get such a perfect print?

Xu Qing You is super apologetic and tries to clean it up, but Mo Ling Ze doesn’t have time for her, he’s more interested in chasing down the reclusive boss. Xu Qing You then offers to pay for the shirt and asks for his whatsapp (in china, you can pay each other money using the chinese version of whatsapp, wechat). Our cold boss, Mo Ling Ze tells her, “Your acting is too over the top” and even his assistant snidely comments “What an old trick…” Lmao, how arrogant and egoistic do you have to be to think every woman is trying to hit on you? Lol… Anyway, Mo Ling Ze manages to win over the reclusive boss by getting him an autographed manga book from his favorite author, plus he also scores a victory against his ex-company (Jin Yang). 

At work, Xu Qing You’s rival (Team Leader Long) is an irrelevant sexist ass, but Xu Qing You coolly puts him back in his place. Xu Qing You also reassures her assistant, Xia Meng, that she is not going to retire anytime soon. (Random tangent: Xia Meng's name literally means Summer's Dream, which makes me wonder if it's a subtle reference to "a midsummer's night dream" by Shakespeare? Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it.) A work crisis soon crops up- a blogger is accusing their platform of selling fakes. Our female career woman is way on top of things though, she handles the crisis coolly and calmly. Unfortunately, before she can resolve the matter at hand, Xu Qing You gets another piece of bad news, evidence that her fiancé was unfaithful… Honestly, I feel like just the morning conversation had enough red flags, but I guess if the cheating causes her to leave him, the end is more important than the process. 

She agrees to meet him for dinner, where she confronts him about the cheating. When shown the photo, he says, “I’m not going to make excuses. Even though I was drunk that night and have no memory, I admit to this. But I only have you in my heart, I will give you a happy life.” Can I just say, god, this 2ML totally rubs me the wrong way. First, he says I’m not going to make excuses when the literal next line he says is that he was drunk and doesn't remember? How is that not an excuse? Also, how about the words sorry? Or I won’t do it again? I really get the vibe that he doesn’t actually love her, he just wants to marry her because that’s the next step for him in his life. She throws a glass of red wine in his face and walks off. *clap clap* Good for her!

Broken-hearted, Xu Qing You goes to a bar to get drunk. She isn’t in the mood to socialize, so she takes her frustrations out on the poor arcade machine and crushes the previous record. At that bar, there is a special rule where the record-holder gets to make one request from the previous record-holder…. Who happens to be Mo Ling Ze. Mo Ling Ze is still unimpressed by her though, and instead just goes to get ready for his performance. Not only is he a boss, he is also a guitarist for the band! Xu Qing You gets super drunk, while also being the ultimate fangirl hahahaha.

I must say Zhang Yu Xi acts as a super convincing drunk haha...

Anyway, it's closing time at the bar, and the bartender offers to call her fiancé for her. Annoyed, Xu Qing You dumps her phone in the ice bucket. Random tangent but do people actually do that????? Mo Ling Ze walks by and offers to take care of her. Drunken Xu Qing You still recognizes Mo Ling Ze from their morning encounter and drunkenly searches for her lipstick mark while taking the chance to grope multiple feels of his chiseled chest. Unable to find it, she offers to make a new lipstick mark for him, a perfect one. Hahaha, this is so ridiculous and unbelievable that it’s actually tickling me. How can you make a perfect lipstick mark? Mo Ling Ze coldly pushes her away, so she reminds him that he owes her one request. Her request? Obey her every whim tonight. Lol, drama, could you have a cheesier plot device????

Tonight…. You are mine…

Mo Ling Ze demands to know her address so that he can send her home, but she refuses, and instead, confesses her tragedy to him- her fiancé of 10 years cheated on her, 3 months before her wedding. Her world has come crashing down, and now, she wonders if everything she has ever believed is a lie. Cold-hearted Mo Ling Ze is unmoved by all of these though, he is just concerned about getting her home. He offers to flip a coin, heads he sends her home, tails he sends her to the police station. Xu Qing You drunkenly snatches the coin out of his hand and pulls him in very seductively. She whispers in his ear that she doesn’t want to go home. 

I’m amazed at the amount of skinship in this drama… and how Mo Ling Ze can hold his own against her seduction

She falls asleep on his shoulder, so he carries her to the hotel… and we are back to where the show started… Awww, drama, no teasers on what happened at the hotel room? Anyway, she shows up to work in the exact same attire (except for her hair being tied up and a scarf around her neck) so obviously no-one notices it. She’s all business though, ready to tackle the work crisis.

She gets lunch delivered by her bestie, Fang Qi, and they chat about Fan Yun Xi. Fang Qi is super harsh on him, saying that when it comes to cheating, there’s only 2 possible counts, zero and countless times. If he cheats once, he will definitely cheat again… Ehhhh…. Lots of thoughts on this, so down to random thoughts it goes. Before Xu Qing You can reply or dig in, she’s called away to work again. 

She meets the blogger, but instead of apologizing, she demands that he apologize instead. Turns out he is a professional blackmailer(?). He purposely pretends to receive defective goods to get companies to pay him for his silence, but unfortunately, Le Mi has no guilty conscience and Xu Qing You happens to be good at her job. She also records the entire conversation as evidence. Not only so, she also found the warehouse staff who was involved in the scam as well. *clap clap* I like our FL being a badass at work! 

She calls in to report her progress to her boss and he mentions that their new investor, Shang Ge, is very concerned about this scandal and even sent their new assistant CEO (?) to oversee the case. Honestly, I don’t understand half the company titles, especially when they shorten it to things like 副总, which means assistant chief. But it can be assistant CEO (副总裁), assistant GM (副总经理), assistant group leader (副总监), so I’m just giving it my best guess hahaha… Anyway, if you were paying attention to my recap… the assistant CEO is none other than our ML Mo Ling Ze. One of his assistants is Fang Qi. While getting a tour of the office, he notices a photo of Xu Qing You at her desk and learns that she’s working at Le Mi. Random tangent, who puts a photoshoot photo of themselves at their desk???? It’s so…. Weird. He smirks with realization. Hmmm… does a warm beating heart lie under that frozen exterior?

Xu Qing You arrives late to the meeting and is surprised to see Mo Ling Ze there. She clearly recognizes him, but she barely misses a step as she presents her breakdown of the whole incident and her solution. I am impressed! Truly an outstanding career woman. Mo Ling Ze doesn’t show much expression, but a small smile shows that he is clearly impressed by her (at least in my opinion).

Xu Qing You sends Mo Ling Ze off, and he casually makes pointed small talk. 

MLZ: Group Leader Xu, you look somewhat familiar but I can’t remember where I’ve seen you?

XQY: Is that so? Assistant CEO Mo must be mistaking me for someone else. Girl, just cause you were drunk and can’t remember everything, it doesn’t mean he won’t remember LOL.

MLZ: Perhaps you’ve seen me somewhere? 

This is like watching a lion play with his food hahaha

XQY: Nope. I guess if you lie to yourself hard enough, you can almost believe it eh?

*the lift arrives*

MLZ (leans in as he walks past): Please remember to reimburse me for the hotel room.

*XQY’s stunned look as the scene fades to black* 

Hahaha, what a way to end off Ep 1. A strong start, great backdrop and a spicy finish. I love dramas that sets up fast, so we can get into the juicy meat parts. Initially, looking at posters and such, I wasn’t very taken by Xu Qing You. But I must say her dress sense and her acting/pose really carries the character. She’s not the typical school girly FL, but rather a more mature and sexy FL. It’s an interesting contrast and I’m intrigued to watch more. Also, I feel like MLZ is already somewhat taken by XQY, hence the provocative conversation at the lift. (Another checkbox ticked since I’m a sucker for cdramas where guys chase the girl haha).

[Ep2Xu Qing You tries to add Mo Ling Ze as a contact to pay him back for the hotel room, but instead of accepting her request, he snidely replies “Oh, so now you remember what happened last night?” She has no time for his nonsense and replies, “I just want to clear my debt and forget anything ever happened.” He replies with a stone-faced emoji (? I think?) and refuses to accept her request. Nothing can stop our driven FL though, so she packs the wad of cash in an envelope and passes it to Sa Jie, the female boss of the bar from last night. Coincidentally, Lin Si Yu is there too, looking for Mo Ling Ze. She refers to him as Ling Ze Ge Ge (basically the chinese equivalent of Oppa) and wonders if he is purposely avoiding her. This only further reaffirms Xu Qing You’s initial perception of Mo Ling Ze as a player. Whelps, misunderstandings abound T_T… Also, I kinda feel like she’s slightly prejudiced against him???  

Fan Yun Xi keeps messaging Xu Qing You, asking to meet, telling her to calm down and that they shouldn’t just give up on their 10 years of relationship. Honestly, this feels like gaslighting- implying that she is making a rash and irrational decision and pushing the responsibility for the breakup onto her. Where was this 10 years of relationship when he was cheating on her eh? Xu Qing You is a softie when it comes to their relationship though and goes to meet him. He tells her that all the work they’ve put into their relationship is finally coming to fruition and asks her to forgive him. What is there to forgive eh? Have he even admitted your mistake or apologized????? (No offence to lawyers) but I can’t help thinking he’ll probably make an impeccable lawyer (or politician). The way he shifts the focus, pushes the responsibility and never says a single thing that can be used against him… Is she even a fiancée at this point? Or simply an opposing counsel he’s trying to win over? He claims that this is just a small bump in their relationship and it’ll soon pass. Well, if he says so right? He also uses the most classical scummy defense that everyone makes mistakes and points out everything that he has done for her. I agree everyone makes mistakes, but like, using that to ask for forgiveness is just so shitty IMO. Thankfully, Xu Qing You isn’t fully stupid in love and doesn’t get swayed by him. She walks off, but Fan Yun Xi says he’s not going to break up with her. Unfortunately dude, relationships are a two-party consent agreement. Also, omg, I cannot stand Fan Yun Xi at all. He just feels so manipulative, scummy and all round terrible. Drama gods, please make him disappear asap…. 

The next day, Fang Qi bumps into Xu Qing You at the lift lobby (both Shang Ge and Le Mi are at the same building, just different floors so lots of lift lobby meetings), and proposes bringing her to a roller coaster ride or an escape room to help cheer her up. (Slight tangent, escape rooms in China are super popular now, but afaik, those in China often have more scare/horror factors as compared to the Western ones which are more puzzle solving). However, Xu Qing You is apparently quite afraid of scary escape rooms. Mo Ling Ze also walks by at this time and overhears???

The lift arrives and everyone gets on except Mo Ling Ze and Xu Qing You. 

XQY: Let’s forget about everything that happened that night.

MLZ: What if I have a very deep impression of that night and can’t forget it? Awww, is he saying that it was a very memorable night for him? 

XQY: We were just playing around, there’s no need to take things seriously.

MLZ: Oh, it looks like you are very experienced in this area (of one night stands).

XQY: Just like you.

MLZ: Your ears are turning red.

Oh ok, I think I’m understanding XQY’s perspective more. She thinks that he is a player that picks up and sleeps with drunk girls at bars, and she feels somewhat guilty and wants to pretend the night never happened. I think there is also a bit of transference where she turns the guilt into annoyance/anger towards him for picking her up and sleeping with her.

Mo Ling Ze is a tough boss at work, but upon the mention of an extremely scary escape room, he offers to do the recce of the business himself. Also, errrr, I’m not an investor, but like the investment company here seems a bit… different from what I expected. My impression is investment firms are just mostly number crunching and report analysis, but here, they are super involved in the invested companies, doing things like location recce, assisting with company issues, etc… He smirks as he messages Xu Qing You to meet him at the escape room. This is all a ploy to get back at her for embarrassing him by passing the money to Sa Jie. The picture of the money gets posted in their band chat, and everyone teases him for being worth so little (implying that she treated him like a male prostitute). Xu Qing You initially refuses, but he offers to forget about everything if she comes. He also returned the money to her. 

Mo Ling Ze’s condition is for them to clear the escape room within the time limit. Xu Qing You is super scared, but she doesn’t want to appear weak, so she agrees. Mo Ling Ze is secretly enjoying watching her struggle, but quickly offers a helping hand when she slips and falls into the water. Somehow, watching him reminds me of little boys pulling the pigtails for girls that they like. She slaps his hand away and tells him to stop trying to get physical (动手动脚, which literally translates to moving hands and legs). Mo Ling Ze replies that he isn’t the one who likes to get physical, which triggers her recollection of that night, when she suddenly hugged him from behind and groped his chest. Hahahaha. She replies that night is over, and we are going to forget about it once we clear this stage. Cue announcement that they have exceeded the time limit and failed to clear the stage. Lol, what perfect timing. 

An annoyed Xu Qing You asks if Mo Ling Ze enjoys watching her make a fool of herself. Nah girl, he just enjoys watching you period. He replies that she seems prejudiced against him, but she denies it. He also refuses to forget about that night, so she just walks off angrily. I’m like… 90% sure Mo Ling Ze is already crushing on her HARD, except he doesn’t really know how or maybe doesn’t want to show it. 

Lin Si Yu is stalking Mo Ling Ze’s car, but it turns out his assistant, Wang Ji, is the one driving. I totally don’t care about this couple so I’m just going to flash past them. Wang Ji was initially dismissive of her, but he becomes super docile once he finds out her dad is some big boss. Urgh, how spineless. Anyway, he ends up agreeing to help her woo Mo Ling Ze.

Xu Wei, Xu Qing You’s younger brother, returns from overseas after completing his degree in four years, instead of five. He also turned down the opportunity to pursue a MFA (MBA?).Google tells me that MFA stands for Master in Fine Arts, but his arts certificate already shows masters. Based on their future conversations, I think it’s actually referring to a MBA? I’m just going to call it that anyway, to make it less confusing. Instead, he has returned in search of artistic inspiration, and asks his sister to keep his MFA rejection a secret from their parents. 

Mo Ling Ze is all moody at the bar, so Sa Jie casually chats with him, saying Xu Qing You isn’t his type. Mo Ling Ze is immediately annoyed and asks, “What is my type then?”. Sa Jie replies, “ A metal tree that never blooms” He was actually asking for the type of girls she thinks he likes, but she turns it into an opportunity to call him basically a monk. Hahaha… I like this Sa Jie.  Lin Si Yu organizes a masquerade party at Sa Jie’s bar and intentionally requests that Mo Ling Ze is present. 

Fang Qi drops in to visit Xu Qing You and Xu Wei was going to answer the door in his pjs. Upon seeing it’s Fang Qi through the peephole, he rushes up and gets changed into nice clothes for her. Ooooo, is this our secondary couple? I like them already. She still treats him like a little boy though, and makes fun of him for spraying cologne. Fang Qi is here to drag Xu Qing You to attend the masquerade party. D’awww, wingwoman already at work!

I love Xu Qing You’s wardrobe so far btw

A reluctant Xu Qing You attends the party with Fang Qi. Everyone is given a number tag, and two lucky numbers are drawn randomly, who will become the “couple of the night”. Mo Ling Ze’s buddy stuffed the number 17 tag to him. Coincidentally, the numbers drawn are 17 and 99, which happens to be Mo Ling Ze and Lin Si Yu… Nope, Wang Ji accidentally(?) messed up and gave Lin Si Yu 66 instead. The real 99 is with Fang Qi, who (best wingwoman alert!) quickly stuffs it in Xu Qing You’s hand and pushes her up. Mo Ling Ze also gets pushed up by his buddies and both of them are startled to see each other when their masks get removed. 

Their hands get tied together, and Mo Ling Ze gets requested to play a song for the crowd. He twirls her into his embrace and the two of them play the guitar together. Oh, no wonder, I felt it was so weird for them to tie the two right hands together instead of the left+right hand. 

He is so clearly smitten by her. Also, how does her heart not get melted by his smoldering gaze?

D’awww, the first time a masquerade party works out in favour of our couple! I really enjoyed the shots of them playing the guitar together too. I’m a sucker for guys wooing girls, and this drama is checking the box big time for me. Fang Qi and Xu Wei also look like a promising couple. However, I really don’t care for the third couple, Lin Si Yu and Wang Ji. Also, praying for the early disappearance of Fan Yun Xi.

[Ep3More scenes of the two of them playing the guitar together <3. After the performance, he drags her to the bar counter.

XQY (annoyed): What are you doing?

MLZ: I’m just trying to help you solve a difficult problem.

XQY: If you really want to help me, just forget about everything that happened that night. Honestly, she’s getting a bit annoying on how she keeps harping about that night. For all she knows, he might have already forgotten about it if she stops bringing it up.

MLZ (leans in seductively): What do you think really happened between us that night?

XQY: No matter what happened, it’s not going to happen again.

MLZ leans in even more, until she finally leans back to move away. He grabs a pair of scissors from the bar to untie their hands. 

MLZ: Want to play with me? You aren’t qualified...LOL, what a tease dude.

Xu Qing You runs off…. And runs back to confront him again. Girl, what are you doing???? She transfers him the money for the room AGAIN. Have we not been down this road???

XQY: I’ve paid you for the room. Please check that you have received it. I hope you will stop saying weird and suggestive things to me. We are not the same type of people, I have a fiancé. Oh, she’s using her fiancé as a shield. Great idea, except you already told Mo Ling Ze that your fiancé is scum.

MLZ: Your fiancé betrayed your 10 years of relationship and cheated on you. Or have you forgotten about that? 

XQY: How do you know about my personal stuff? 

MLZ: That night that you got drunk, you told it to me yourself while hugging me. 

XQY: Let’s just treat that night as a bad joke. I hope the two of us can have clear boundaries. 

MLZ: It seems like your prejudice is clouding your judgement. I guess I should just tell you what happened that night.

Flashback to the drunken night. Mo Ling Ze brings her to a hotel room and tries to put her to rest alone. A drunken Xu Qing You refuses to let him go though, and repeatedly grabs him, takes off his jacket, and other acts of sexual harassment. He reluctantly sat and endured her nonsense, until she needed to throw up, so he dumped her in the bathtub with a dustbin. She mistakes him for Fan Yun Xi and starts venting to him, “Back when we first started working, we didn’t have money. So I would take an hour-long train ride every week, just because I wanted to see you. Now that I think about it, from then till now, every date is arranged by me, because I miss you. Then, you went overseas for two years, and so I threw myself into my work as well. I thought that by working so hard and overtime, I can shuffle my leaves around so that I can go find you over the long weekends. Following that, we were finally in the same city but you were always so busy and stressed about work. So I decided to work harder, and scrimp and save. I almost never bought clothes even. I just wanted to save up all these money, so that I can show it to you and say that I can help support us, don’t worry. For these ten years, I’ve always been thinking about us… What about you?” Omg, so touching and so sad at the same time… This reminds me of a chinese phrase (不怕爱过,只怕爱错) It’s not scary to have loved and lost, what is truly scary is to have loved the wrong person. I can’t believe she put in so much effort and feelings into her relationship with Fan Yun Xi. Mo Ling Ze also finally shows some expression, though it’s a bit hard to decipher… Is it pity? Sympathy? Sadness? Regardless, he feels more human now. 

Mo Ling Ze offers her a bottle of water, but she suddenly doesn’t recognize him. She accuses him of trying to take advantage of a drunk girl and sprays him with water. Mo Ling Ze annoyedly throws her onto the bed and starts taking off his shirt. This is when she gropes him from behind in her previous recollection. He doesn’t have any patience for her antics, and tries to force her back into bed, but his hand slips and we have the classic cdrama accidental kiss. Mo Ling Ze quickly backs away though and dries his shirt in the toilet. When he’s done, she had already fallen asleep, so he left. 

Back in the present, Xu Qing You is embarrassed to find out that they never slept together and feels bad for all her presumptions and accusations about him being a player. 

XQY: I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused… *turns to leave*

MLZ: Wait, so why did you come back then?

XQY: Didn’t I tell you? To pay you for the room and clear the air between us.

MLZ (slowly stepping towards her): What is there to clear between us? What is there between us?

XQY (slowly backs away): Indeed, now that you’ve told me everything, there is indeed nothing between us. (not even physical space hahaha)

MLZ: Then why do you sound disappointed that nothing happened? Why is your heart racing? 

XQY: I’m not disappointed, and my heart is only racing because I ran here.

MLZ: Nope, it’s because you told a lie. Which lie? The fiancé? That she wants a boundary? That she’s not disappointed? Lol, there’s too many lies to keep track of here!

The two of them look so compatible here!

Mo Ling Ze puts his hand on the wall and attempts to bidong her, but she just ducks and runs away. Wow, finally a drama that doesn’t pretend simply placing a hand on the wall can cause the FL to freeze in place. He looks at her running away, with a smile in her eyes. 

Xu Wei pretends to be just passing by, but he actually just keeps waiting outside the bar for Fang Qi. Finally he goes in and drags a drunken Fang Qi out and sends her home. He carries her home and takes great care of her. He tells the blacked out Fang Qi that even though there are things that she’s already forgotten, he still remembers.

Flashback to a few years ago? Fang Qi is stuffing her face because she just got divorced. She proclaims that she will find a new and better partner before she turns 30 and Xu Wei replies, even if she doesn’t find anyone, he will be there for her when she turns 30. D’awww, he might be a little boy, but he seems so mature and responsible!

At work, Xu Qing You’s team is starting a new advertising project entitled “Meeting Your Dream Guy” and while she is discussing with her boss, Mo Ling Ze drops by. The boss suggests using Mo Ling Ze as the model for their advertisement. Keen to maintain her distance, she replies that Mo Ling Ze far exceeds all their metrics and he was too good for them. To which Mo Ling Ze replies “I can’t believe you have such a high opinion of me” Hahahahaha… It was a polite way of turning him down, but he intentionally took it literally. She also receives a box of vitamins from Fan Yun Xi who calls her and tries to guilt her into getting back together again. Why is he still around? He’s served his plot purpose, kthxbye!

Xu Wei delivers hangover food to Fang Qi and excitedly tells her that he has found a job teaching art. When he earns his first paycheck, he wants to treat her to a meal. Fang Qi praises him for knowing to respect his elders, to which he grumbles she can’t be considered his elder or rather he doesn’t want her to be his elder haha… He also reassures her that he never had any romances overseas, his heart only has room for (her)... He’s shy to say it though, so he lies that his heart only has room for studying. Hahaha... 

The shooting for “Meeting your Dream Guy” is going swimmingly well, until the model for the office type guy is suddenly unavailable, and so is the back-up. Because clearly none of the other models can dress up in office wear. Regardless, they have no choice but to ask Mo Ling Ze for help because he is the only one that can pull off office wear.Xu Qing You’s initial reaction is a negative, but she finally gives in to her assistants bugging. She calls Mo Ling Ze with this super fake, cutesy voice and asks him to help. Mo Ling Ze bears a grudge though and reminds her that she previously said he was too good for them. Xu Qing You bites her lips and maintains her cheery facade, praising him and all that nonsense. However, Mo Ling Ze only has one question for her, “Am I your dream guy?” She hesitates, and Mo Ling Ze expresses his disappointment over her hesitation and says that he isn’t coming. LOL, how obvious can he be? 

All the other models look terrible in office wear and the director refuses to shoot with such terrible models. What???? This plot is so ridiculous. But whatever. At this critical juncture, Mo Ling Ze shows up, with his own lighting and halo. Also, didn’t he say he wasn’t coming. Typical stiff-lipped, soft-hearted guy hahahaha...

Even with her sunglasses, it’s super obvious that Xu Qing You is drooling over him. He smiles at her too. The shoot is a stunning success, although our childish Mo Ling Ze wants Xu Qing You to adjust his tie for him. She takes the chance to thank him, to which he replies that he is charging her by the minute. She replies that it’s fine by her, she doesn’t like owing people favors anyway. So…. how is she going to pay him eh? 

To thank him, she offers to bring him to eat a big meal… at a roadside eatery selling skewers. Hahahaha, I feel like Mo Ling Ze was expecting some Michelin Star restaurant or something. He remarks as much, and Xu Qing You clarifies that this is her favourite restaurant, and she doesn’t bring just anyone here. He visibly brightens up upon hearing that and they have a nice chat, though Mo Ling Ze seems reluctant to share about himself. 

Awww, I do like how Mo Ling Ze is a gentleman to her the night she got drunk. And based on his expressions, I think he fell in love with her because of her drunken antics. He was not impressed by her professional exterior in Ep 1,2 , he was unmoved by her cutesy antics in Ep 3, but it was when she was drunk and being her true self that touched him. I like that message a lot, it’s saying that he loves her for who she is, and not the masks and facades that she puts on for the world. I also think that he is being ridiculously obvious in his pursuit of her, and yet, Xu Qing You seems completely clueless. I guess, in her defence, she’s been out of the game for 10 years. Plus she spent those 10 years being emotionally manipulated and gaslit by her fiancé, so perhaps it’s only logical that she is somewhat dumb in love. 

Also, I keep rereading my recaps, but I still feel like it doesn’t do the show justice haha. Our two leads look so good together and I loved all the shots of them together, even when they are just talking. Plus, I like how they bring out a marked contrast in each other.  He is cold and aloof, but yet can’t help letting the tiniest hint of a smile escape when interacting with her. She is all professional and business-like, but she can’t help getting flustered by his teasing, or sometimes, just by his proximity.

[Ep4At dinner, Mo Ling Ze also takes off his jacket to cover her legs. This leads her to comment that he is a dangerous man- he doesn’t show his feelings and his thoughts are inscrutable. She says that she is no match for him, and hopes to stop getting into “accidents” with him. Mo Ling Ze points out that life is simply a cumulation of countless accidents. So true, also we get a peek into Xu Qing You’s more controlling personality, for lack of a better word. I think she feels a strong need to be in control of her life. Lin Si Yu also spies the two of them eating together, but she doesn’t approach them. Instead, she questions Wang Ji to find out who Xu Qing You is. 

Xu Qing You returns home to find out that their parents are back early. Xu Wei runs to his sister for help, he lied to his dad that he didn’t manage to pass the entrance exam for MBA and now the dad is super mad. Things only get worse because Fan Yun Xi has been taking care of her parents’ medical needs and the parents are full of praise for him. Daddy Xu even tells her to stop throwing tantrums with him, Yun Xi is his student and he knows him best. Well…. It’s a refreshing change that the annoying parent is the dad this time but GOD, way to stick up for the student over your daughter. Frustrated, Xu Qing You comments that the two of them should get married instead. My thoughts exactly! You like him, you marry him! Don’t make your daughter marry someone just because you like him! Daddy Xu loses his temper, but gets told off by Mummy Xu. *clap clap* Mummy Xu I love you! Also, I love how she’s like what’s wrong with you? Menopause? LOL. 

After dinner, Daddy Xu talks to Xu Qing You in her room. He asks her if something has happened between her and Fan Yun Xi. Xu Qing You hesitates, but before she can do anything, super chauvinistic and annoying Daddy Xu continues, "You are already 30 years old. Stop throwing children's tantrums. Yun Xi is so busy at work, you must be more supportive of him... and learn to be content. I suggest that the two of you get married sooner than later." Urgh, seriously? At least ask her what's going on first before assuming she's throwing a tantrum?

XQY: In your opinion, is Fan Yun Xi the only person I can marry? 

DX: You've been together 10 years, if you aren't getting married, then what are the two of you doing? Who treats you better than him? Who knows you better than him? And he is so successful at work too. 1) Sunk cost fallacy, just cause she spent 10 years with him, doesn't mean she has to spend the rest of her life with him. 2) Mo Ling Ze treats and knows her better than him, she just doesn't know it yet. 
XQY: Indeed, in everyone's eyes, it's only natural that we get married. But what if some accident happened in our relationship?
DX: Accident? What accident? Besides, who's life doesn't have accidents? As long as you get back on track, everything will be fine. Wow, Daddy of the year material right here. Who cares what your daughter thinks or wants right? Or even what happened to her? As long as she lives her life according to your plan?
XQY: Is that so? 
DX: Yun Xi is the person most suitable for you...
XQY: Is being suitable more important than being in love? 
DX: Love... is touching when you are 20, but purely childish and naïve when you are 30. Marriage is just about finding someone to spend your life with, that's much more important than whatever love is. Yun Xi is busy with work now, he doesn't have time to go on romantic trips with you, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you. WHAT???? I swear... I'm going to have an aneurysm if Daddy Xu gets any more feature time. So many things wrong with this, like how do you even spend the rest of your life with someone that you don't love? Also, way to make excuses for the person who cheated on your daughter....
DX: Did you know that when you were in the last year of university, he gave up his chance to go overseas for PhD because he wanted to take care of you during your high fever? Ok... that's quite touching... but still... it's one act, as compared to all the red flags I'm seeing right now. 

Xu Qing You flashes back to their university days. She remembers that she once gave him an unconditional pardon, on no matter what he does to make her angry. Ahhhhhhh, is she going to get back together with him? OMG girl... nooooooooooooooo...

Also, during the conversation, I was somewhat annoyed at Xu Qing You for not simply telling her parents the full story. After all, wouldn't that resolve everything immediately? But I thought about it more, and I think there are a few factors at play here. 1) I think she might feel embarrassed to be cheated on. It's a somewhat cultural and antiqued thinking, where the wife (or fiancée) didn't do well enough at home, which is why the husband goes out to mess around. 2) Fan Yun Xi is her dad's favourite student, I think that she might not want to ruin their relationship, especially since that's a private matter... 3) (I'm not sure if she knows this consciously, but subconsciously) I think she's afraid that even after she tells her dad the truth, he would just dismiss it as a one-off mistake and continue pushing them towards marriage. She's afraid to find out just how much her dad loves Fan Yun Xi and how little he cares about her feelings. (For the record, I do think that if Daddy Xu knew the whole story, he would probably take a machete to Fan Yun Xi, but just based on his superficial expressions, I think Xu Qing You is not confident of that)...

Meanwhile, Mo Ling Ze is at the bar again, and he can’t stop thinking about Xu Qing You. I find it interesting that all the flashbacks of her were of her drunken night, which I take as evidence to support my previous assertion that he fell in love with the real her, not the facades that she put on in her personal and professional lives. Sa Jie offers to make him a drink, but he just wants soda water. She comments that there is something wrong with him, but he denies it, and just says that he met someone interesting. Oh, also random tangent, apparently Wang Ji is Mo Ling Ze's brother? And lots of random stuff about company politics that I don't care about.

Xu Qing You meets with Fan Yun Xi and asks him about the overseas PhD. He admits, and says that he didn't tell her because there was no need to, since it doesn't change anything and he didn't want her to feel guilty. Wow, it's almost as though you know, people in relationships talk and don't keep secrets from each other... Anyway, he also brings out the pardon, her favourite pastry and a whole lot of emotional manipulation and guilt-tripping that I'm not going into because I just had lunch and would like to keep that in my stomach. Xu Qing You runs to the toilet and cries her eyes out... and decides to give him a second chance...Omg why... This is such a classic sunk cost fallacy that I can't even...

Fang Qi (true to her name which sounds like 放弃 (give up)) gives up on Xu Qing You who doesn't want to give up on her 10 years of relationship with Fan Yun Xi. Sorry, I couldn't resist.... She explains herself, that it's been 10 years of her life, she can't give up on it so easily. Fang Qi angrily tells her that it's just 10 years, is she going to throw the rest of her life away for those 10 years? My sentiments exactly! Fang Qi tells her that her personality would be the death of her, but Xu Qing You comes up with a bunch of reasons that make zero sense IMO.

Mo Ling Ze proposes trimming the fat of the company, firing some employees with poor performance. Whelps... looks like he's going to butt heads with Xu Qing You now.. Speaking of which, they bump into each other... and Fan Yun Xi who dropped by to see her. Awkward... His visit was also unannounced, much to the annoyance of Xu Qing You. He clearly knows her best eh? He also introduces himself to Mo Ling Ze as Xu Qing You's fiancé. Mo Ling Ze looks at her questioning, but she doesn't explain. As Fan Yun Xi leaves, Mo Ling Ze sarcastically remarks to Xu Qing You, "Well, it looks like you actually have quite a high tolerance for accidents in your life." To which, she snidely quotes himself back to him, "Life is simply a cumulation of countless accidents" Hahahaha, I love their sarcasm towards each other. Mo Ling Ze is less than impressed though, he replies "Well congratulations on achieving a life without accidents (referring to himself) then." Whelps...

Lin Si Yu goes to find Xu Qing You at work and tells her to back off from Mo Ling Ze. Lin Si Yu says a whole bunch of insulting and childish things, causing a huge ruckus in her office. Omg, I've met like 10 years old who are more mature than Lin Si Yu for god's sake... Xu Qing You drags her to the toilet and informs her that she's not interested in Mo Ling Ze. After Lin Si Yu leaves, Xu Qing You accidentally twists her ankle. 

Xu Qing You goes to hand Mo Ling Ze some documents and he immediately notices that she is limping. Our cold-exterior warm-hearted Mo Ling Ze immediately drags her to the hospital to get it seen by a doctor. He buys dinner for her and even buys her a pair of flat-sole shoes. He kneels down to change the shoes for her, despite her objections. Seriously, how much more obvious does he need to be Xu Qing You? Dude is crushing on you so hard that people can probably see it from the moon. 


She thanks Mo Ling Ze for his help, but tells him that her boyfriend is coming to fetch her, so he can make a move her. While I am not a fan of her current relationship, I applaud her for being committed to the relationship and keeping her distance from Mo Ling Ze. Also, interesting that she calls him her boyfriend, and not fiancé. Mo Ling Ze is annoyed by this though, and comments, "You keep emphasizing boundaries with me, do you have a guilty conscience?" Ehhhh, I get he's frustrated here, but feel like this is a bit of an immature and indirect way to express it. He stomps off angrily...

Fan Yun Xi promised to come pick Xu Qing You up, except he's uncontactable. He sends her a message that he's held up at a meeting and tells her to wait for him. 10/10 boyfriend. She lies that her colleague is with her and he is giving her a lift. In reality, she calls for a taxi, but the waiting time is almost an hour. Of course, our secretly caring Mo Ling Ze hasn't left, he watches her limp out and sit by the curb. He drives by, and asks sarcastically, "Where's your boyfriend? Are you trying to find one on the spot?" Honestly, the sarcasm in their dialogue is way too good. Definitely to my taste. She lies that he is arriving soon and walks away, but Mo Ling Ze grabs her and throws her over his shoulder... Lol, is this considered kidnapping?

Ahhhhhhh, why, oh why is she back with Fan Yun Xi? Can this arc be over soon? That said, I feel like the witty/sarcastic dialogue that arises from their immature jealousy is super hilarious and enjoyable, so... not the worst I guess. Honestly, there isn't much plot, just a lot of secret infatuation on both sides and her trying to keep her distance. It's the whole subtle attraction between the two and the hilarious dialogue that keeps me watching haha...

[Ep5] He carries her to his car and puts her into the passenger seat. He asks, "Do you really want to keep such a big distance between us?" What distance? You were literally carrying her dude! lol... She angrily replies, "What does what I want matter? You are used to making decisions for others anyway!" Haha, does this not remind you of a child throwing a tantrum? 

Mo Ling Ze drops her off at the office. Instead of the typical reaching over to fasten seat-belt scene, we have Mo Ling Ze reaching over to help her remove her seatbelt. hahaha
Another quintessential cdrama scene hahaha

She thanks him for the ride and tells him that they are even now (the phrase an added connotation of since we are even, we don't need to interact with each other anymore, but I don't think there's a equivalent expression in english?). Also, how is she not tired of drawing boundaries with Mo Ling Ze, even I am tired of hearing her say it.

Mo Ling Ze drives away in frustration and heads to the same bar. Now, he's thinking back to the night where they played the guitar together...  His friends tease him about it and even keep a joke record of girls (I think most of it are just girls that are interested in Mo Ling Ze? Given that he isn't actually a player). Anyway, they add Xu Qing You to the list, calling her "a white-collar woman who pretends to be uptight and serious". This annoys Mo Ling Ze, who rips out the page, but his friends just write a new one. 

Xu Qing You also finds out about Mo Ling Ze's recommendation to trim the fat of the company. The recommendation is to fire 3 members of her team. She angrily barges into her boss and Mo Ling Ze's meeting, saying that it's her fault for not training them better and asks her boss to reconsider. Mo Ling Ze tells her off, saying that this is a business, she shouldn't be swayed by personal emotions. She shouldn't use her kindness and mercy at the workplace. I... kinda agree with Mo Ling Ze here, although there is something to be said about length of service and workplace loyalty? I don't know, and I don't really care... haha..

Xu Qing You reassures her team that she will protect them and reminds them of all the hard times they've been through. In comparison, this is just another bump in the road. Awwww, I like this pep talk. Also, I guess Xu Qing You is meant to be the emotional foil to the emotionless Mo Ling Ze? She pulls an all-nighter, listing out the various strengths of all her team members. Fan Yun Xi calls her and tells her that he knows about the plan to fire her team members. He tries to reassure her (?) by saying it could be a blessing in disguise, she could just take this opportunity to retire and get ready to be his wife. Man, how well he knows his fiancée eh? Totally on the same page. Xu Qing You dismisses the notion in annoyance and hangs up. Afterwards, he calls his secretary to prepare to sue Le Mi for illegal firing, using Xu Qing You's name. He also tells his secretary not to tell or discuss it with her???? Wow, what would she do without him right? He knows exactly what she wants and is definitely not going to throw a spanner into the works/destroy any chance of peaceful resolution and any semblance of relationship between her and her boss. 10/10 boyfriend, would recommend to all my friends. (P.S. Sorry for the sarcasm, I'm starting to realize that its my favourite clutch when dealing with irritating, annoying and ridiculously terrible characters.) Oh also, using company resources for personal reasons eh???

Xu Qing You tries to find time to meet Mo Ling Ze, but he says he is too busy for her. So now he's too busy? But previously, he had all the time in the world to take photoshoots, eat skewers and even send her to the hospital. But logic->window right? I'm just going to enjoy their interactions and not think so much haha... She relentlessly stalks him and her persistence finally pays off. He agrees to listen to her for 10 minutes and she shows him all the strengths and achievements of her team members. He listens but disagrees, and tells her that emotion is the greatest tripping stone when investing (I agree). She counters that while the firing might make sense numerically, it can have negative externalities, like disrupting team cohesion and morale (I agree too). But really, this is why the show doesn't make sense IMO. He is an investor, he shouldn't be micromanaging to this level. He counters with a good point though, if her team is indeed as excellent as she says, she shouldn't need to stay up an entire night to come up with their strengths, their results should speak for themselves. Frustrated, she lashes out, "Are you really that cold-hearted and emotionless? Do you care about anything besides making money?" Ouch.....

The next day, she approaches her boss and offers him a bet. She stakes her career in exchange for 3 months to increase her team's sales by 30%. If she succeeds, her team won't get fired. Mo Ling Ze also visits her boss and tells him that he is willing to give Xu Qing You's team a second chance. I like how even though they bicker and get angry with each other, they still listen to what the other party is saying. Xu Qing You understands Mo Ling Ze's point about her team needing to prove themselves, hence why her bet is for her team to improve their performance. For Mo Ling Ze, it's not super clear, but I believe he also understood her points about team cohesion and morale, which is why he was willing to give her a second chance. (For the record, I don't think he is giving her preferential treatment just because he likes her.)

Xu Qing You stops Mo Ling Ze as he leaves, but struggles to find the right words. Mo Ling Ze simply says, "You're welcome." Hahahaha, I love this confidence from him. Xu Qing You offers to treat him to a thank-you lunch, to which he coldly replies, "No thanks. I'm cold-hearted, emotionless and only care about making money. I have no use for gratitude." Wow, he can sure bear a grudge eh? Also, quite immature hahaha. Again, I'm reminded of the saying 爱使人变得幼稚 (love makes a person immature). Despite that, he still accepts her lunch invitation. Hahaha, talk about 嘴硬心软 (stiff upper lip). 

At the restaurant, Xu Qing You pre-orders all the dishes and tell the waitress to serve the dishes once Mo Ling Ze arrives. He overhears it and whines, "Are you in a rush? Looks like your thank-you isn't very sincere eh?" Xu Qing You replies, "I know your time is precious, so I just wanted to finish lunch quickly to save your time." Hahahaha, he really brings nit-pickiness to another level. Also, it's hilarious how relative his time is. He complains that she is treating this as a task (how whiny...). They start their usual bickering, but there's a lot of 话中有话 (underlying connotations).

MLZ: You shouldn't order dishes in a rush. Hastiness can leads to mistakes, and jumping to inaccurate conclusions. (He seems to be talking about the dishes, but really he is complaining about her jumping to conclusions about him.)
XQY with some inconsequential business talk
MLZ: Well then, I hope Group Leader Xu doesn't become my greatest risk. Haha, she might not be your biggest investment risk, but she is undeniably your biggest romantic risk. 
XQY: Of course. Don't worry. I won't be your risk, romantic or investment-wise.
MLZ: You know, you are such a smart person, so why is it that when faced with a losing prospect, you don't cut your losses, but instead throw yourself deeper into the pit? (Talking about her betting her career for her team? Nah.... he is asking why is she not cutting her losses with Fan Yun Xi, instead she is trying again with him)
XQY (looking pensive, I think she gets his subtext): This is my personal choice, it has nothing to do with intelligence. So she's admitting that she's making a dumb choice? 

I also quite like this conversation, because it showcases their contrasting outlooks in life. Mo Ling Ze is cold, calculating and perfectly rational. He is someone who wouldn't hesitate to cut off his arm to save his life. Xu Qing You is overly sentimental, to a point where even she is aware the decisions she makes is dumb. And yet, she can't help wanting to try again, if only to make her previous sacrifices and commitments worth something. It's easy as a bystander to shout "SUNK COST FALLACY", but when it happens to you, perspective goes out the window (旁观者清,当局者迷).

Mo Ling Ze isn't satisfied with just the meal though, he wants her to drive him home. As she stops at a red light (Safety first! hahahaha), she couldn't resist staring at his face while he sleeps. Except he isn't sleeping and is fully aware of her drooling over him. He teases her by turning his face towards her and saying, "Look at me like this, I look better from this angle" HAHAHAHA, I love this line too much, its sarcastic, witty and so egotistical. Basically, Mo Ling Ze in one line. She denies it, claiming she was looking at the car behind using the side mirror. Except there's no car behind and they both know it. Lol....

Fan Yun Xi buys like 10 boxes of hairy crabs for her and her colleagues to share. Errrr, ok. He also has a conversation with CEO Han, where there's a whole bunch of scheming nonsense that I am too uninterested to even try to understandHe also says a whole bunch of chauvanistic nonsense that I don't really want to recap. Seriously, he says degusting lines like "Being together for 10 years isn't devotion. It's just that I've molded her into the wife that I want, so she's the most suitable person for me. Just like a piece of clothing, if you spend 10 years measuring, cutting and sowing, it'll definitely be the perfect fit for you." OMFG, get this guy out of my drama PLEASE. 

Their project "Meeting Your Dream Guy" is going very well, so the team decides to ride the hype and shadow and livestream one of the dream guys and do something like "A Day with Your Dream Guy". And of course, they chose the most popular dream guy.... who is none other than Mo Ling Ze. HAHAHA, I swear, the plot has no other purpose except to blatantly push our two leads together. Xu Qing You is initially resistant, but finally agrees under the insistence of her team. Her assistant, Xia Meng, comes up with a brilliant plan of re-giving a box of hairy crabs to Mo Ling Ze as a thank you and also as a conversation starter for proposing the live stream segment. Lol, it feels a bit weird to be regifting, and even more so when its from essentially his love rival hahaha...

Xu Qing You finds out Mo Ling Ze's location from Fang Qi. Before she manages to find him, he first bumps into Lin Si Yu, who pretended to be a client. He's annoyed at her for messing with his work and also for having no principles. (She basically proposes just breaking all sorts of rules for him because she likes him. Urgh, cannot stand her...) Anyway, Xu Qing You shows up and offers Mo Ling Ze the hairy crabs. He stares at it... and says evenly "I can't accept this gift." and walks off. ????? The super duper annoying Lin Si Yu doesn't hesitate to make fun of her rejection. 

2nd couple: Xu Wei treats Fang Qi to dinner, bringing her to a posh fancy restaurant. He tries to impress her, but she just keeps treating him as a little kid. After dinner, he asks her to go to an art exhibit with him but she turns him down. Whelps... poor guy. He falls deeper in love with her, but she is completely unaware. 

[Ep6] The two leads bump into each other awkwardly at work, and Mo Ling Ze tries to apologize, but Xu Qing You isn't having any of it. She stomps off so he drags her into a storage closet to "talk". She lets him drag her into the closet, before trying to stomp off again (consistency much?), ripping her shirt in the process. Seriously, drama is just filled with too many cliques to push our two leads together. Not that I'm complaining haha.

Mo Ling Ze gallantly takes off his jacket and puts it around her. He also uses the chance to explain, he didn't accept the hairy crabs because of his mum. When she was alive, she loved to make hairy crabs. so he stopped eating once she passed. I... sorta get it? But you know, you could have just accepted it and not eat it, or give it to someone else. She wasn't forcing you to eat on the spot. But whatever, logic -> window. This explanation is good enough for Xu Qing You though, and she even apologizes, asking if he's alright. He's like, ya I'm fine, as long as you don't misunderstand me. 

Lots of business talk that I neither understand nor care for, but apparently Fan Yun Xi and Mo Ling Ze are working together now? Sorta? Whatever, the key is Xu Qing You bumps into both of them as she was intending to visit Mo Ling Ze to return his jacket. Awkwardness ensues as Xu Qing You doesn't really know how to explain the coat. Mo Ling Ze saves the day and implies that she was returning the jacket from a previous photoshoot. Honestly, I hate everything about Fan Yun Xi's actions. He first thanks Mo Ling Ze on Xu Qing You's behalf (because she can't talk amirite?). Then, he keeps referring to his mum as "our mum" to Xu Qing You, even though she keeps calling her "Aunt". And then the endless rush to push her to get married. Can we just get this guy out of this show?

Xu Qing You's boss tells her about Fan Yun Xi's lawsuit in her name, and so she confronts him. Again even more chauvinistic bullshit and like did he even consider the impact of this lawsuit on her working relationships? Xu Qing You is starting to realize that their relationship is not as perfect as she imagined. Thank god... Finally girl... 

She goes to find Mo Ling Ze to talk about the live stream by tricking his assistant into revealing his location (swimming at a pool). Lots of flirty conversation from Mo Ling Ze while Xu Qing You tries to keep things professional. But honestly, this scene is pretty much pointless except that she trips and falls into the pool, so we have the classic ML saving the damsel in distress scene. 
Xu Qing You goes to the rooftop of another block to check on the advertisement projections. She trips and sprains her ankle AGAIN. Someone should tell this woman to stop wearing heels! Her block suddenly has a blackout too, and to make matters worse, her phone goes flat after Fan Yun Xi calls. I wonder if the writers have a bet on how many cliques they can squeeze in a single episode LOL. She does manage to tell him where she is though. At the same time, Mo Ling Ze notices the blackout and learns that Xu Qing You is there. Unable to get through to her, he sprints off. Xu Qing You struggles with her ankle, and hears someone.... It's Mo Ling Ze! 

He runs all the way over to check on her, but he lies that he is here to check on the advertisements. Xu Qing You sees through his lie though, and quietly thanks him. He also helps massage her ankle and slowly helps her down the stairs. Mo Ling Ze also agrees to the live stream. Fan Yun Xi also arrives at the same block, but after learning the rooftop is 20 floors up, he just waits at the lobby of the block. Can I just say this alone shows who actually cares about Xu Qing You? 

2nd Couple: Xu Wei finds out that Fang Qi doesn't actually like him and is going to a speed dating event. All the guys are horrendous though, and Xu Wei crashes the event, claiming that it was Xu Qing You's orders. She hits it off with a guy who sounds too good to be true though. He is indeed too good to be true, he was just looking for an easy one night stand. He gets handsy with Fang Qi, but Xu Wei jumps in to "save the day". He has a super cool line btw, telling the girl, "Just let me take out the trash". Hilariously, he gets beaten up instead. Also, Fang Qi seems more than capable of holding her own I think? She treats his wounds, but he is the one who comforts the wounds in her heart. He tells her that she is a strong, independent woman who can take care of herself and needs no man. She also reveals that the reason why she is so desperately looking for a boyfriend is because her ex-husband, Qu Kai, has a new younger and prettier girlfriend. Ehhhh, kinda childish IMO. Is she still hung up on her ex?

I think I've achieved a zen-like state with this drama. Don't take anything seriously, everything just happens because logic isn't important. What's important is squeezing in every clique possible while doing everything imaginable to push our two leads together. Oh and of course, so many romantic slow-mo shots of the two leads. 

Ok, that aside, I actually quite like Xu Qing You in this episode. I like that she is intentionally trying to keep her distance with Mo Ling Ze. Yes, she might be attracted to him, but she is in a relationship with someone else now, and she is respecting that relationship. The same cannot be said for Fan Yun Xi though. Every time he appears, I just count the seconds till he disappears. Somehow, every word he says also makes me dislike him even more, when I thought I've already hit the limit of my possible dislike. 

[Ep7] Fan Yun Xi is clearly jealous about Mo Ling Ze's presence, and makes some snide remarks about him being over-invested in the project. Mo Ling Ze replies that he always take responsibility for everything that he invests in (including his girl =P) and walks off. Fan Yun Xi sends her home and tells her that he doesn't like how close she and Mo Ling Ze is and asks her to keep her distance. That's rich coming from someone who cheated eh?  

The next day, Mo Ling Ze reviews the live stream proposal and asks for some changes. He also insists that she makes all the changes on the spot, in his office. A little childish, but I like it xP. Fan Yun Xi calls Xu Qing You and asks her to deliver a document for her (What??? Also, bad feeling about this. I suspect he has an ulterior motive.) Indeed, he pulls her to a lunch with Mo Ling Ze and his boss. Clearly marking his territory... At lunch, Fan Yun Xi tries to play the doting boyfriend, except he doesn't know Xu Qing You doesn't eat wasabi (I mean.... how does he not know???? I even know which of my close friends eat wasabi.). She quietly pushes his wasabi-coated sashimi away and eats a new slice but nothing escapes Mo Ling Ze's eyes. When he got asked about the type of girl he likes, he cheekily remarks, "I like girls who don't eat wasabi." HAHAHAHA, I'm dying here... Put on the spot, Xu Qing You puts the slice of wasabi-coated sashimi in her mouth, and chokes. T_T, what for girl??? They bump into each other in the restroom and have a hilariously snide conversation.

MLZ: You've been together for so many years and he doesn't even know that you don't eat wasabi? (I know right!) I really have to admire your ability at putting on an act (implying that she is just acting along with Fan Yun Xi)
XQY: Your ability to imagine that girls are into you is not bad either. (sure, keep denying the truth eh?)
MLZ: Do you find this entertaining at all? Your fiancée went through all these effort to organize this lunch, what is the point? 
XQY: You are overthinking things... Does she just enjoy lying to everyone and herself? Lol
MLZ: Am I? Is it very fun to lie to yourself and everyone? My sentiments exactly. 
He pushes her into a bidong
MLZ: You can't really believe that you can pretend the cheating never happened!
XQY: That's my own business.
MLZ: I'm sorry. The moment he dragged you here to stake his claim on you, it's no longer just your business. Ehhhh, kinda toeing the line here buddy.
MLZ: What's the point of forcing yourself into this relationship that you are clearly unhappy with?

At this point, Fan Yun Xi comes looking for her, so she tries to push him into a stall "to avoid misunderstandings". Except Mo Ling Ze drags her into the stall with him LOL. She asks him if he is crazy, to which he replies, "Perhaps, but I'm no longer happy with just being a spectator. If he really trusts you, you don't have to do all these. Don't you find your relationship very laughable?" Fan Yun Xi checks stall by stall, but they get saved by a phone call. I... kinda understand what Mo Ling Ze is thinking here. He wants to respect her and keep his distance, but at the same time, he can't bear watching her suffer in this relationship that she is clearly unhappy with. 

In the car ride home, she can't stop thinking about him and their conversation (I think he's right, but he is a little too forceful...). Fan Yun Xi tries to clear a smudge on her lip, but she is clearly uncomfortable with him and stops his hand. Fan Yun Xi also takes the opportunity to talk bad about Mo Ling Ze because clearly that's how you keep a woman by your side.

Random business talk that I'm not interested in, but Fan Yun Xi takes the opportunity to make snide remarks about Mo Ling Ze. Mo Ling Ze calmly rebuffs him and also wins the business debate? Afterwards, Fan Yun Xi asks to talk to Mo Ling Ze privately. 

FYX: I'm a very sentimental person, and so is Xu Qing You. So she's not going to change her mind easily.
MLZ: Indeed, I'm not as sentimental as you, nor am I as good as you at manipulating people. But there's one principle I understand perfectly, cutting your losses. We need to be forward-looking, just relying on past sentiments to tie someone to your side is neither logical nor workable. If I could nod any harder, my head would probably fall off.
FYX: Perhaps you are right. But let me remind you that some things are immoral. Be careful that you don't destroy your own character. Can I just say, how rich is this coming from the ass that cheated?????
MLZ: But in the business world, people's titles change all the time. Perspectives change all the time. Perhaps you should check your own title first. There's a subtlety here in that there are two meanings to the titles. 1) he is referring to FYX's title as fiancee and his as a spectator, but also 2) the phrase they use for immoral is 名不正,言不顺, which loosely translates to (If a person's title is not correct, naturally the words are wrong). So he's also saying that things might not always be immoral.  

Round 2 to Mo Ling Ze again =P. Fan Yun Xi sends a cake and afternoon tea to Xu Qing You's workplace as a show of dominance, but she is clearly not happy about it. He apparently even posts about it on social media. Lol... Mo Ling Ze drops by to apologize for his behavior last night (*clap clap* what a gentleman). Also, the difference between the two of them is so stark!

XQY: It's ok, as long as you don't cross the line again (gesturing at a invisible line between them)
MLZ: What if I have a terrible sense of distance, and can't control myself around you? Lol, there's really no if in this statement.
MLZ: Are you really happy in your current relationship? EXACTLY. 
XQY: Whether I'm happy or not, it doesn't concern you right? Girl, how does it not concern him lol!
MLZ: Fine, I'll respect your line! (and stomps off angrily). 
The line is basically the chinese equivalent of drawing boundaries, except the chinese saying is literally "drawing a clear line".

The next day, they shadow Mo Ling Ze for the filming, where Xu Qing You can't help but admire him. She comments as much to her assistant, who happily relays the information to Mo Ling Ze. Hahaha, what an unwitting wingman. She tries to pass it off as a joke, but Mo Ling Ze isn't buying it. He says, "I take everything you say seriously!" How he manages to be both snarky and cute is amazing.
Look at him smirking after getting praised =P
In the middle of the live stream, Fan Yun Xi also calls Xu Qing You to check up on her and remind her that Mo Ling Ze is a terrible person. Gawd.... She also takes the chance to tell him her displeasure about the afternoon tea and tells him that it's going to take time to rebuild their relationship. Really, time is what's going to fix this? How delusional are you girl?

Her project is going well, until the printing company they hired suddenly has a electrical short circuit and cannot deliver. Apparently all the companies in the city are too busy to handle the sudden large job, but luckily Xu Wei, being an artist, clearly knows all about printing companies. That was sarcasm, in case it wasnt clear haha. Anyway, he recommends a company able to handle the job, except it's quite remote. She rushes out and bumps into Mo Ling Ze, accidentally mixing up their thumb-drives. 

2nd Couple: The two of them go have ice cream together and bump into her ex-husband and his fiancée. Xu Wei pretends to be Fang Qi's fiancé. 

Ahhhhhh, I can totally feel Mo Ling Ze's frustration. On one hand, he doesn't want to cross the boundaries she set, but on the other hand, it must be torturous for him to watch her torture herself like this.... Xu Qing You, please wake up your idea!!!

[Ep8] Xu Qing You rushes to the printing company and only then does she realize that she grabbed the wrong thumbdrive. Luckily, Mo Ling Ze realized long beforehand and arrives before she can even call him. Real heros don't wear capes!

The printing job is very long, so Xu Qing You stays over outside the printing company to wait. Because clearly waiting in front of the company is going to speed up the printing. Mo Ling Ze also opts to stay with her because the air in the outskirts is "fresher". He also gentlemanly takes off his coat to cover her exposed legs. The two of them glaze at the stars in the night sky together and reminiscent about their childhood. Love is in the air~~~
The next day, Mo Ling Ze drives her back. She notices that he's sleepy and he replies that he was too busy looking at the stars (sure.... stars are what we are calling her now eh?) to sleep. She offers him a sweet to help him stay awake and he notices that her hands are cold. Without a second word, he immediately turns up the heater in the car. *swoons* if I were a girl, I wouldn't be able to resist MLZ either hahaha... She notices, smiles secretly but chooses not to comment.

Their project is a huge success but unfortunately, things aren't as great in her personal life. Fan Yun Xi surprises her with a visit from his mum. He also subtly steers the conversation towards marriage to get his mum to pressurize her into pushing forward the marriage. Urgh... 

Fan Yun Xi goes to buy a wedding ring for Xu Qing You on his mum's nagging and of course, he bumps into none other than Mo Ling Ze. Show is really testing the limit of my tolerance for this sort of random bumping into each others hahaha. Fan Yun Xi lies that they have already set a date for their wedding. Mo Ling Ze questions as to why Xu Qing You isn't here and Fan Yun Xi says that she's busy, but it's ok, because he knows all her preferences. *cough* wasabi *cough cough* Mo Ling Ze rebuts that sometimes what we think we know might not be the truth. (It's super effective!

Hilariously, the next shot is Fan Yun Xi buying breakfast for Xu Qing You, except he buys her cappuccino, which she has stopped drinking a long time ago. Lmao, I think he's better off buying things that he thinks she doesn't like because he's like 0 for 10 or something so far hahahaha. He also made a full day of plans for the two of them on Saturday, but Xu Qing You replies that she'll be very busy with work this week, so she wants to take Saturday to rest. Fan Yun Xi tells her to push all the unimportant duties, after all she should be getting ready to resign and be his stay-at-home wife. I cannot believe how ridiculously chauvinistic and dismissive of her work he is being... 

Mo Ling Ze pretends to bump into Xu Qing You at the lobby (he was actually waiting for her to arrive hahaha). He congratulates her on her upcoming wedding cordially, to which she just replies thank you. The lift arrives, but only he gets on. They stare at each other as the lift doors takes a thousand years to close. Such a good symbolism IMO. Both of them yearn for each other, but neither of them are willing to take the first step to stop their relationship from ending T_T. The closing of the lift doors symbolizing the ending of their relationship that never was...
Someone hold the door!!!!!!

Fan Yun Xi's mum pays a visit to Xu Qing You's parents to rush the wedding and that's the last straw for Xu Qing You. It seems a bit random, but I think the sub-text is that she is fully aware Fan Yun Xi is manipulating his mum to rush the wedding. She messages Fan Yun Xi with the ominous "We need to talk" message. She waits for him as the restaurant but Fan Yun Xi, knowing the doom that awaits him, lies that he has a last-minute client to avoid her. Fan Yun Xi might not know anything about Xu Qing You, but she knows him like the back of her hand (irony much?) and angrily calls him out on his lie. She calls him to tell him that she has been putting in her utmost effort into repairing this relationship, but she feels like he has been neglecting her feelings more and more. She's starting to realize that he doesn't care about her, it's just that their wedding is a step in his grand life plan that he doesn't want to change no matter what. Girl, took you long enough! 

She is finally realizing that Mo Ling Ze is right, that trying again is merely postponing the inevitable. She moodily leaves the restaurant, while Mo Ling Ze also moodily slips his whiskey and he thinks about her wistfully. He still thinks that she is going to get married to Fan Yun Xi T_T...

At work, both of them opt to skip the weekly meeting to avoid each other. Xu Qing You goes to talk to a livestreamer (Lv Luo) that they are hoping to sign and Mo Ling Ze visits another company's warehouse. Xu Qing You arrives just in time to see Lv Luo in some sort of trouble. She competently bails her out of trouble because she is our FL and manages to secure the livestreamer's partnership. At times, I feel like I should pay more attention to their work stuff, but then I realize how all of it is fluff and all it serves to do is just push our two leads together. Anyway, Xu Qing You has to go carry some boxes over for god knows what reason. It also starts raining cats and dogs just because. Her hand slips and she drops everything on the floor. As she bends down to pick the boxes up, a pair of shoes appear in front of her. It's Mo Ling Ze!!!!!! who just happens to be visiting a warehouse next door... He passes her the umbrella and picks up the boxes for her. 
D'awwwww they look so compatiable here...
She thanks him and they make awkward conversation.... until Mo Ling Ze breaks the ice. He tells her that he regrets his previous decision. Yayyyyy, things are getting back on track!!!

2nd Couple: Fang Qi is still hung up on her ex and all broody as she heads home. She decides to go on more dates to find a new boyfriend, so she calls up her friends to ask about their previous boyfriend recommendations. Unfortunately, all of them are already taken/married lol. There are also some third couple interactions that are just meh. Totally uninterested in them.

I find this episode quite hilarious. It's funny how literally everything Fan Yun Xi does it wrong. He buys the wrong coffee, he dips the wrong sauce. It's getting to the point where he might as well just buy the opposite of what he thinks she likes and have a higher chance of getting it correct. It makes me wonder, how were they ever together in the first place. 

Mo Ling Ze is finally making his move!!!! And Xu Qing You is finally realizing how terrible a choice Fan Yun Xi is. Thank god! I can't wait for them to actually start pursuing/dating each other!!!

[Ep9] Mo Ling Ze regrets respecting her boundaries. He can't bear to watch her shortchange herself and suffer but she replies that she's alright. T_T this stiff upper lip is going to be the death of you Xu Qing You!

They are standing almost shoulder to shoulder, but there might as well be an ocean between them...
The next day, Xu Qing You sees the umbrella in her office and flashes back to her conversation with Mo Ling Ze. She tries to occupy herself with work, but it's clearly not working. Mo Ling Ze takes his frustrations out on the squash court. These two idiots.... why can't they just admit their feelings....

Xu Qing You is reporting to her boss on their progress when she suddenly receive news that Mo Ling Ze and his coworker are involved in an accident. Her expression is one of shock and disbelief, but her body is already sprinting towards the scene of the accident. She cares for him!!!! On the cab right over, she can't get through to him at all. She ignores the pouring rain and tries to run past the police barricade. The officer stops her, but she tells him that she's the victim's family. Honestly, one of my favorite moments in the show. I love how naturally that lie slips out of her mouth, perhaps because it's not really a lie anymore. Her acting is top-notch here IMO, so good that I can ignore the glaring plothole of the officer not verifying her identity or anything haha. She rushes round the scene, trying to find Mo Ling Ze, but she's unsuccessful. 
I can totally feel her anxiety and her desperation...
She finally gets through to him on the phone. She finally finds out that he's fine, and she was about to hang up when an ambulance drives by... Mo Ling Ze instantly realizes that she has rushed to the scene and sees through her thinly veiled line that she's still at work. He runs out of the ambulance and shouts her name. She turns and he pulls her into his embrace... 
Embracing each other in the pouring rain...
He asks her to stop running away from them as they embrace. She closes her eyes and loses herself in the moment. But the siren of another ambulance pulls her back into reality. She pushes him away and says that she needs to go. He understands, but gives her an umbrella before she goes. Because clearly she can get even more soaking wet than she already is eh? Hahahaha.... He reluctantly watches her leave... I really enjoyed this scene. I loved how her raw emotions shone through and I enjoyed the symmetry, how it was an ambulance siren that brought them together, but the same siren also ended their brief illusion. I also appreciate drama not making her cheat. My understanding of this scene is that she realizes her feelings for Mo Ling Ze, but she wants to end things with Fan Yun Xi first. 

Xu Qing You goes to her bestie Fang Qi's place. She tells Fang Qi what happened, but also comments that her decision was indeed rash. To her, Mo Ling Ze is inscrutable, he isn't a wise choice for her. (clear references to his name!) Fang Qi also advises her to stop delaying the inevitable with Fan Yun Xi and points out that the cheating isn't the biggest problem, their relationship was fragmented long before that. I concur!

Meanwhile, Mo Ling Ze is playing with a Newton's cradle at Sa Jie's bar. She asks him why is he wasting his time here after such a romantic night. He compares his relationship with Xu Qing You to the Newton's cradle, him at one end, her at the other. Every time he tries to approach her, she ends up pulling away, just like how when the ball at one end returns to the group, the ball at the other end leaves. The only way for the two balls to be closest to each other is for them to both be stationary, and so that is what he is doing too, just waiting for her. I love this analogy! There are even more layers that aren't vocalized by him, on how no matter how you shake the cradle, the balls at the end will always try to swing towards each other, just like their inevitable attraction towards each other. It's also a perfect model of their push and pull courtship so far!

Xu Qing You finally has the talk with Fan Yun Xi. She finally speaks her mind with him, expressing how she is trying her best, and yet he keeps running away from the problems and ignoring them. He retorts that he feels that there isn't any problems which is literally the problem hahaha. She says that of course he feels that way, because everything is going the way he wants, but he doesn't care about her and her feelings (Exactly!). He tries to justify that the way he wants is best for both of them, after all he knows her so well (Lmao, wasabi, cappuccino, need I go on?). He asks if it's because of Mo Ling Ze and that he knows she and Mo Ling Ze stayed over at the printing factory. He accuses her of cheating WHAT???? I don't even.... Xu Qing You is stunned by his accusation, but he reassures her, "It's ok that you cheated. I also cheated, so now we are even. It cancels out and we can get back to our marriage." Lmao, I clearly underestimated how ridiculous this guy is. First, you accuse without proof, then you offer to cancel it out of good will. I don't even.... Ya... thank god he's going away... Xu Qing You finally realizes that all he wants is a wedding, a marriage, whatever else happens is not important, even their feelings are not important. Xu Qing You finally tells him it's over. He tries a last ditch attempt by insinuating that she's old and she has no better options. Sure..... that's the way to a girl's heart, calling her old. lol...  

2nd Couple: Xu Wei is also hung up on meeting Fang Qi's ex-husband. Fang Qi suddenly pops by and acts all flirty around Xu Wei and praises him incessantly. Turns out she is trying to practice her seduction techniques HAHAHAHA.... Poor Xu Wei......He asks her if she is still hung up on her ex, which upsets her and she stomps out angrily. Her heel gets stuck in a crack, so she angrily kicks off both. She starts to walk barefoot to the cab but Xu Wei swoops her up in her arms and princess carries her to the cab. D'awwww how manly! She is still mad at him though, and ignores all his messages. So Xu Wei stalks her to a restaurant and pretends to work there to talk to her??? There's like zero character consistency to Xu Wei lol. 

Time to break out the champagne because Xu Qing You and Fan Yun Xi officially broke up. Honestly, I don't know what she ever saw in him. I also loved that accident scene, that pouring rain, that irresistible embrace. I doubt either of them were rational or conscious of their actions at that point, it was just a basal response from the adrenaline and cortisol rushing through their systems. They just needed to hold each other at that point and so they did. 

[Ep10] Xu Qing You wanders aimlessly and comes across a keychain shop with various little figurines. She recalls making a couple's keychain with Fan Yun Xi, but her face no longer carries the same happy smile as before. She takes the keychain out, smiles at it wistfully and lays it down at the shop counter and walks away. Ok, I get the symbolism her and I like it, but who the hell leaves a random keychain at a shop that they didn't buy it from? Couldn't she throw it into a bin or something? Lol...

The next day, Xu Qing You breaks the news of their break up to her parents. Her dad is super agitated and reminds her that marriage is not a game, how can she just decide not to get married? Huh? Isn't it precisely because marriage is not a game that we should be very careful about who we get married to? Her dad says he already thinks of Fan Yun Xi as his son-in-law, but her mum rightfully tells dad off for losing his temper before even asking why she broke up in the first place. Go Mummy Xu <3! Daddy Xu is insistent though and asks her to meet Fan Yun Xi to talk again (which she just did hello????) and threatens to kick her out of the house. To make matters worse, Xu Wei comes home drunk in the middle of the day and infuriates Daddy Xu even more. Xu Qing You stomps out and Xu Wei chases after her, just to tell her that he will support her no matter what. Urgh, Daddy is awful here, but again, I think a small part of the blame lies with Xu Qing You. Just tell your dad what he did! Is it really so hard? 

Fan Yun Xi's gifts to her (sent by his secretary, how sincere!) get rejected and he says that she is just throwing a tantrum. ??? Is he in denial? Or does he just not listen to a word she says? He also says that he doesn't have time to attend to her, she just needs to calm down and realize that he is the optimal choice. Ok, I stand corrected. He's just delusional. 

Mo Ling Ze overhears Fang Qi talking to Xu Qing You about her breakup because what else does he do but overhear relevant conversation tibits at the correct time? He reassigns some of Fang Qi's work and tells her to take the afternoon off to rest, relax and meet friends. Lol, the perks of being besties with your boss' crush. Hahahahahaha.... Also, I love how stiff and awkward he is about this hahaha..

Fang Qi takes the afternoon to spend time with Xu Qing You and comforts her. She also comments on how she just broke up with Fan Yun Xi and there is already someone waiting for her. Haha, I love how perceptive she is. Fang Qi comments that Mo Ling Ze might appear cold and uncaring, but deep down, he actually cares about her a lot. Their besties conversation gets interrupted by Xu Wei's cry for help, their parents found out that Xu Wei turned down the MBA offer. Xu Qing You can't go back since her parents are still angry at her, so she begs Fang Qi to go save him. 

Fang Qi reaches the Xu residence as Daddy Xu is chasing Xu Wei around with a feather duster to hit him(FYI for non-chinese, the feather duster is one of the primary weapons of choice for chinese parents to hit their children with. No idea why, maybe it just happens to be a stick-like structure of the correct length?). Fang Qi tries to calm down Daddy Xu by offering to beat up Xu Wei for him.
Because you clearly chase someone by lifting your leg so high up...
This finally calms down Daddy Xu, who changes his targets as well. He starts interrogating Fang Qi about Xu Qing You's breakup. Fang Qi avoids the questions and runs away with Xu Wei. Fang Qi attends to Xu Wei's wounds, but he gets annoyed at how she keeps referring to him as a little kiddo. But at least they've reconciled...

More trouble pops up at work. Lv Luo, the livestreamer that she signed, gets accused of copying her works from another artist. Mo Ling Ze's boss is considering withdrawing their investment from Le Mi because of this, but Mo Ling Ze uses his position to guarantee that this incident will be properly handled by Le Mi and not affect their investments. Is he doing this out of love or confidence in her ability? Xu Qing You visits a music producer who establishes that no copying was involved, the two songs just sounds similar. But she rightfully acknowledges that facts matter less than feelings in the court of public opinion. She also receives an endless stream of phonecalls from random CEOs threatening to terminate their contracts and whatnot. I feel like this is over-dramatized? Like do companies actually just terminate contracts willy nilly over a random accusation, especially when the accused person is just the equivalent of a sub-contractor?

Xu Qing You sits below the office tower, dejected. To make matters worse, she starts getting stomach cramps because she hasn't eaten all day. Of course, Mo Ling Ze chooses this time to walk by and swoops her up in his arms without a second word. 
He tells her off for not taking better care of herself (awwwww, so protective already!). She rants to him about her work and asks to go back to office to continue working. However, he refuses and tells her to go home and rest instead. Leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow. 100% agree.

The annoying idiots at work are giving both Mo Ling Ze and Xu Qing You a hard time by badmouthing and making snarky remarks about the incident in front of their boss. Group Leader Long goes the extra yard and insists that they make Lv Luo apologize. I hate this stupid caving to public pressure nonsense, especially when guilt hasn't been established. Also, Group Leader Long is bloody obnoxious. Xu Qing You rebuffs him and argues that an apology would be taken as an admission of guilt and they have the evidence to prove that it's not a copy. Lv Luo also chooses this moment to enter and refuses to apologize, if anything, she's the victim of slander... Xu Qing You supports her.

Mo Ling Ze also found a way to help Xu Qing You, but he doesn't miss the chance to tease her, saying, "If I help you again, then you probably will never be able to repay all the favors you owe me so far." She retorts that this is a crisis for both their companies, so why is he been petty and secretive about his plan? Hahahaha, is this how adults flirt in the workplace? Lol....
D'awww... This actually looks like a romantic dating spot haha...
Meanwhile, Daddy Xu insists that Xu Wei goes back and take the MBA course. They argue and Xu Wei gets kicked out of the house. Urgh, I... think Daddy Xu is unnecessarily harsh here, but somewhat understandable... I think that to the older generation, certs are like everything. If you have a cert, even if you are terrible at your job, people will still look up to you. If you don't have a cert, people might not even respect you despite your amazing skills. In fact, I think this attitude is still prevalent in some fields *cough* research *cough*. Times are changing and I think Xu Wei is right here, but he needs to take the time to communicate and explain to his dad that the world is changing. The fact that he lied about it initially just serves to make matters worse... Xu Wei uses this opportunity to spend more time with Fang Qi. They go for kickboxing together and have dinner after. 

Wow, Mo Ling Ze wasting no time at all, coming in all guns blazing. He straight away gives Fang Qi the day off to accompany her, then princess carries her to his car and now, he's her knight in shining armour, saving her from the crisis. All in the span of a few days? How does Xu Qing You even resist his charms? 

[Ep11] Mo Ling Ze's master plan was for Lv Luo and Yifu (the guy she was accused of copying) to do a joint broadcast to show that even he doesn't believe she copied him. And since the original songwriter doesn't believe it, all the idiots online no longer have a foot to stand on. The joint stream is a huge success, not only clearing the air but also bringing in a record number of audience. Xu Qing You thanks Mo Ling Ze who complains that he is not getting the right returns for his investment. She asks him what he wants then, to which he replies that he will inform her once he thinks of it. Lol, this blatant workplace flirting....

Fan Yun Xi comes to find Xu Qing You at work to try and reconcile, but she turns him down. He grabs her hand just as Mo Ling Ze walks by. Lol.... the timing almost seems intentional... Anyway, Xu Qing You pushes his hand away and walks off. Just as the lift door is closing, she presses the button and the door opens again.... revealing Mo Ling Ze. Pretty sure this is a reference to Ep 8, where they let the door close between them. Now, she is willing to give him a chance!

She steps into the lift and passes the present she prepared for her. Unfortunately, he mistakes that she received the present from Fan Yun Xi, so he turns it down. Cue bickering lol.

MLZ: Group Leader Xu is always so indecisive and doesn't make a clean cut of things. Don't you find that tiring?
XQYAssistant CEO Mo is always so moody and your words are full of double entredre. Don't you find that even more tiring?

Mo Ling Ze is restructuring another company (Yixin), but an old friend of his dad is a director who refuses to agree to it. He meets up with the director personally and tries to persuade him, telling him sometimes you need to sacrifice some stuff for the greater good (e.g. giving up a rook to protect your king in the chess game that they are playing). Such apt symbolism. The director refuses to give up because the company is like his baby, but Mo Ling Ze points out that the company has been suffering losses for years, so why not restructure it to give it a way out? Honestly, I agree with Mo Ling Ze here and I think that the director is just too stubborn. Using the same analogy, would you not give up your child if he can lead a better life instead of starving with you? I know it's tough, but I would want what's best for my child. As a last act of defiance, the director mentions that his father would be ashamed to see Mo Ling Ze now. Wtf, that's low.
Xu Qing You receives news that the apartment she wants is available so she happily dances in her seat, just as Mo Ling Ze walks in. He smirks and quietly watches her as she dances on, oblivious to his presence. She's still upset about the morning snide, so she chases him off. However, he tells her that he is in a very bad mood and asks her to accompany him. She agrees, realizing how down he is. D'awwww, aren't they already a couple? Doing all these couply stuff. 

He brings her to the amusement park and make her take all sorts of thriller rides with him. He is totally enjoying it while she is basically scared out of her mind. He also seems to be taking joy in her misery hahahaha.
He tells her about his troubles, how he feels that his decisions are quite inhumane sometimes. Although he knows he makes the most rational decision, but emotionally, it still feels wrong. I can understand this. What's best for the company might not be best for each individual. So while he needs to do what's best for the company, he will likely be shortchanging some employees. Xu Qing You comforts him, that even though he's quite annoying when he's all cold and calculating, that doesn't mean he isn't right. Since he made the correct decision rationally, he should stop beating up himself emotionally. They spend the rest of the day having lots of fun at the amusement park, mostly following Xu Qing You's arrangements. 
D'aww such strong CP vibes
Xu Wei has nowhere to stay so he crashes at the art studio. Because of that, he falls sick, but he's all noble like I have to teach my students! Lol.... really? Anyway, his friend plays a brilliant cupid. He doesn't give Xu Wei medicine and instead take photos of Xu Wei all sick and worn out on the couch. He sends them to Fang Xin who coldly replies, "Just take medicine if you are sick". Ouch! Xu Wei continues giving his lesson and at the end of it, a teenage girl comes up to offer him medicine for his cold. Xu Wei rejects her initially, but finally gives in to her. Fang Qi walks in at this exact time to be jealous haha. She bought medicine and a thermometer for him. She also offers for him to stay with her since he has nowhere to go. Xu Wei is wayyyyy too excited about this haha...

Fang Qi writes up an entire contract, basically giving her absolute power. Xu Wei doesn't just agree to everything, he even offers to cook and wash her clothes. LOL. He signs the contract just as Xu Qing You enters. She not just agrees with the contract, she asks if the rent is too low. LOL, with a sister like this, who needs enemies? Anyway, the two girls have some alone time. Xu Qing You says that he looked really pitiful then, which is why she agreed to go with him. Fang Qi is surprised. Oh, he only dares to be vulnerable in front of her.... D'awwww. Fang Qi also wonders why he went to find her instead of his buddies, to which Xu Qing You replies it's her bad luck. Dummies, how can you not tell he's into her/you? Fang Qi suspects that this is a ploy to make her fall in love with him. 

Xu Qing You is moving out and her mom asks all about her new apartment. Daddy Xu pretends to not care and just clean the fish tank, except the only spot that is cleaned is the bit nearest to the mother and daughter haha. Mummy Xu tells her that she has her unconditional love and support. D'awwww, Mommy Xu <3. Fang Qi and Xu Wei helps her move into her new apartment. The three of them have a karaoke party to celebrate the move.... and this disturbs her neighbour's work, who is none other than Mo Ling Ze. Hahahahaha.....

I felt so cheated when I watched this episode cause the trailer showed the amusement park footage, so I thought they've gotten together. But nope, we still have to watch this dance for a bit more. I also like how besides emotionally, our couples are also moving closer physically. One is becoming neighbours and the other, tenant and landlord. Hahahaha....

[Ep12] Mo Ling Ze cannot stand the noise, so he calls up the management. Our poor estate manager tells her that she is violating noise laws and threaten to sue her. He then apologizes and then said that was her neighbour's words. Minutes later, he's back to threaten to sue her for obstructing the walkway with her boxes. Lol. As Xu Qing You is moving the boxes in, Mo Ling Ze walks out and they realize who the other party is. Hahahahaha, awkward.

The next day, Xu Qing You purposely leaves late to avoid Mo Ling Ze. Ironically, she still bumps into him at the lift lobby. Wow, now we don't just get office lift lobby scenes, we also get estate lift lobby scenes. What a treat. They interact awkwardly lol.

To help Xu Qing You move on and get more exposure to other guys, Fang Qi brings her to ogle at guys by the poolside. Xu Qing You blatantly stares at a guy getting out the pool.... except it's Mo Ling Ze. Lol, can there be so many coincidences? Mo Ling Ze snidely asks if she is here to talk to him about work again? Lol. A random guy approaches Xu Qing You to flirt, and Mo Ling Ze cannot take it. He immediately drags her away and starts asking her about work. Lol, can't believe how easily jealous this dude is. Hahahaha... 

Xu Wei bought couple everything for the house (slippers, cups, toothbrush, towels, literally everything). The only problem is, she doesn't want pink stuff, so she ends up taking all the blue items while making him take all the pink items. He reluctantly agrees, because it's still couple items anyway. Lol, he is such an easy kid haha...Xu Wei also does all the housework around the house and even cooks dinner for her. 

[Ep13] Daddy Xu asks to meet Xu Qing You, except its not just her he's invited, he asked Fan Yun Xi along too. He wants them to talk things out and resolve the misunderstandings so that they can get married. Urgh, Daddy Xu why..... why must you be so dumb.... . She can't take it anymore and asks him if simply going against his wishes is disappointing him and accuses him of just wanting her to marry Fan Yun Xi so that he can have an outstanding son-in-law to show off. I... think Xu Qing You is slightly overboard here. Yes, Daddy Xu keeps comparing her to someone else, but I think it's just his (wrong) way to motivating her. And I think he really believes that Fan Yun Xi will treat her well. I think there is some elements of wanting to show off, but I believe deep down he still loves her. Fan Yun Xi makes things worse by pretending to be all understanding of Xu Qing You's tantrums when he is the cause of all the problems in the first place. Omg I hate how slimy Fan Yun Xi is here. What a bloody scum. Daddy Xu even apologizes to him for Xu Qing You. Urgh.....

Xu Qing You stomps off and walks in the pouring rain. She keeps replaying the conversation in her head.... and bumps into Mo Ling Ze. He carries an umbrella over her and offers to bring her somewhere, his secret spot. It's a phonebooth where he goes into to vent all his anger and frustrations. Xu Qing You goes in and pretends to talk to her younger self. She acknowledges the pain and frustrations that she felt, but also muses on how painful and tough it is to forge her own path. Mo Ling Ze waits outside, sighing as he watches the woman he loves be in pain, and yet he can't do anything to help. As she exits the phonebooth, he pulls her into his embrace and tells her not to carry all her burdens by herself. 
He walks her home, but stops at a pharmacy to get a plaster for her blister, something she didn't even notice herself. Cue the double speak: 

MLZ: You are just too used to bearing with everything. Although change might be difficult and challenging, it's better than suffering endlessly." Are we talking about blisters, he personal life or her love life here? 
XQY (smirks): I recall telling you that you are a very dangerous man. Awwwww, it's her way of telling him that she is unable to resist his charms.
MLZ: You also said that you hope we would keep a professional distance between us. I'm sorry your wish didn't come true.
XQY: But you also said life is just made up of countless little accidents, one after another. I like how they know exactly what each other said before and using it against each other haha.
MLZ: If that's the case, then what are you afraid of? 
XQY: The cord, the dark, the dangers, the accidents...
MLZ: I didn't realize how timid you are. Then aren't you afraid of being alone with me this late at night?
XQY: What's there to be scared of? You're not one to take advantage of another. If not, at the bar...
MLZ: Am I being friendzoned here? I don't want to be your friend. I've always been waiting for your decision, but now I don't want to wait. Tomorrow, 9pm, there's a performance at the bar. If you have an answer by then, come for it.  D'awwww, he's making his move!

Fan Yun Xi gets drunk at a bar and bumps into Sa Jie. She recommends that he goes drink at her bar if he likes whiskey. He's all I will always get what I want and she advises him that sometimes it's better to let go, even if it's only for his own sake. Urgh, is he going to get a loveline with Sa Jie? I hate it, no please....

Xu Qing You flips a coin, the coin from their first encounter. Heads, she goes... And it's heads! Random psych babble on coin flipping theory in random thoughts. Mo Ling Ze reserves the central table for her, but as he performs, she is nowhere to be found? His eyes keep darting between the empty table and the door, wondering where exactly is she. 

Xu Qing You returns home. Where did she go then???? I'm confused. Flashbacks reveal that she actually arrived at the bar early. She comes across the calendar full of girls (who throws themselves at Mo Ling Ze) but she misunderstands, thinking that it's a record of his conquests. Furthermore, the comments on her are super harsh (Pretentious white-collar woman who doesn't like challenges and is used to running away). She's very upset by it and leaves. She also ignores the messages from Mo Ling Ze asking her where she is. 

The next day, they bump into each other at the lift lobby again. I swear, drama is pushing the limits of believability here haha... Mo Ling Ze drags her to a remote corner and asks her what happened last night. Xu Qing You thanks him for his kindness, but suggests that they keep their private lives seperate. Mo Ling Ze asks if she is drawing a line between them again, to which she replies, hasn't there always been a line between us? Man.... the misunderstandings T_T... Why can't she just clarify with him??? Ironically, she is behaving exactly as the calender describes too. Haha....

Xu Qing You gets drunk with Fang Qi, cursing Mo Ling Ze non-stop. Upon reaching home, she makes a scene at the playground, attracting the security guard. She also drunk calls Mo Ling Ze? (I assume, or it could be the security guard calling the last dialed?). Mo Ling Ze misses her calls initially, but rushes over the moment he notices the missed calls. The security guard asks if he knows her, to which he denies upon seeing her drunken self again. Hahahaha...
Ok, maybe she's too drunk to call him. 
The security officer lectures him for not taking better care of his wife/girlfriend. Omg I'm dying at the hilarity of this whole situation.

Awwww, I liked how he was so supportive of her and bringing her to his secret spot to let her vent. But it's so frustrating how one misunderstanding after another is keeping our main CP apart. Just talk to each other for the love of god... The flirtation is fun in the beginning but it's feeling a bit draggy (as you can probably tell by the length of my recaps...)

[Ep14] Fang Qi returns home drunk and Xu Wei is all naggy and caring, not letting her drink cold drinks and making her warm ginger tea. Fang Qi is like, "You little squirt, don't tell me what to do!" and stomps off. Ok, second couple is boring me so I'm just going to ff most of their stuff. Random ex-husband stuff upsets Fang Qi and Xu Wei keeps prying. They argue and fall out. 

Meanwhile, Mo Ling Ze takes care of a drunken and demanding Xu Qing You who can't stop complimenting his looks and attractiveness LOL really 酒后吐真言 (you spew the truth after getting drunk). She confesses that she's scared of getting into a serious relationship with him, but before she can tell him why, she falls asleep on him...
Look at his helplessly frustrated expression lol....
The next day, Xu Qing You wakes up and finds that she completely destroyed Mo Ling Ze's apartment in her drunken state last night. She ignores his note asking her to clean up and just sneaks out. Lol, he is so going to get her for this, I can already tell...

Xu Qing You bumps into Mo Ling Ze at work (some livestream event) and her assistant noticed scratch marks on his hand. He snidely comments "Last night, my cat lose her temper and scratched me." The clueless assistant comments, "Indeed, it's mating season for cats now, so it's no wonder she lost her temper". The cat, I mean Xu Qing You glares at her assistant while Mo Ling Ze snickers quietly. Yifu's music producer, a random dude, approaches Xu Qing You and makes small talk. Alarm bells immediately go off in Mo Ling Ze's head and he immediately goes over to mark his territory. Random dude asks Xu Qing You out for a dinner to thank her and she accepts, much to Mo Ling Ze's displeasure. Of course, our childish Mo Ling Ze is not going to just sit there and watch it happen, so immediately after the event ends, he demands Xu Qing You comes back to his place.... to clean up her mess. 

They return to Mo Ling Ze's place, where an auntie is already helping clean up. Xu Qing You is annoyed that he already has help, but he makes up a bunch of ridiculous excuses on why she needs to be the one to do it. Once the auntie leaves, he approaches her and demands that she clarify what she means by she can't afford to be serious with him? They bicker, and she calls him a trap, someone who only woos a girl to win, and gets into a relationship to possess her... Ouch, talk about jumping to conclusions eh? Mo Ling Ze is infuriated and sarcastically comments, "Wow, looks like you've studied me pretty thoroughly eh?" RIP.... Xu Qing You receives a phone call and stomps off, leaving Mo Ling Ze torn between infuriation and sadness. Kinda... feel that he's quite pitiful here, being misunderstood to such an extreme by the girl he likes T_T....

Xu Qing You's call was from Fan Yun Xi. His mum is ill and wants to see her. He also hasn't told her about the breakup and asks Xu Qing You to keep it from her as well, claiming that she might be too traumatized by the news. Wtf, sorry Auntie (because it turned out to be a real illness), but I was like 70% sure this was all an elaborate fake ploy by Fan Yun Xi to win her back. Xu Qing You agrees. Not satisfied with just that, Fan Yun Xi tries all sorts of tricks to get her to stay, saying nonsense like "Oh, what if my mum wakes up and doesn't see you." Soft-hearted Xu Qing You caves in and agrees to stay the night at the hospital.

Meanwhile, Mo Ling Ze gets harassed by Lin Si Yu who chases after him and injures her leg. Poor Mo Ling Ze has no choice but to bring her to the hospital. Of course who would they bump into but Xu Qing You and Fan Yun Xi. Awkward.......... Annoying Lin Si Yu immediately approaches them and ask if they are here for a pre-wedding checkup and also lies that she injured her leg while on a date with Mo Ling Ze. Mo Ling Ze is just seething with rage at everything and just snaps at Lin Si Yu, "Haven't you said enough?" and stomps off. Xu Qing You looks longingly at his retreating back... O man.... this two idiots... If only you know, there was a tool that they could use to communicate, you know, the sort of organ that could open and close and make some sounds?

[Ep15] 2nd couple: Xu Wei apologizes uses an interesting story. Legend has it that the cactus (Fang Qi) was once the gentlest plant in the desert. She fell in love with a passing traveler (her ex-husband) but the traveler hurt her deeply, planting a thorn in her heart. The cactus couldn't remove the thorn, so she grew thorns all over to protect herself. A tumbling weed (Xu Wei) grew up next to the cactus and tried to remove the thorn for the cactus. But he didn't realize the thorn was already part of the cactus, forcibly removing it would only hurt the cactus more. The tumbling weed couldn't bear to let the cactus suffer, so he came up with a stupid solution - he took root beside the cactus and sheltered it from the rain and storms, waiting for the day the cactus is ready to open her heart to him and let him remove the thorn and heal her heart. Awwww, Fang Qi is starting to fall in love with Xu Wei, but she is like.... no, I can't... he's my little brother.... Fang Qi falls ill too and Xu Wei takes care of her, well as best as he can while she keeps trying to work (man, I wish my team was as hardworking as her hahaha). There's a class reunion and Xu Wei attends as her pretend boyfriend. He also reveals how he knows literally everything about her and totally charms her entire class and helps her get back at her ex-husband and his annoying new fiancée. 

Xu Qing You goes up to the roof to clear her head and hears a stray cat stuck above the roof. She recklessly climbs up to save it, but now, both of them are stranded on top.... Lol.... Mo Ling Ze shows up in the nick of time to help her. D'awwww, not all heros wear capes. As Xu Qing You climbs down the ladder, he naturally offers his hand and she naturally grabs it. Of course, Fan Yun Xi chooses this moment to call. He "claims" that his mother wants to take some family portraits now. Xu Qing You tries to reject him but he continuously guilt trips her, saying what if his mum doesn't make it. God, what a scumbag... His mum's illness might be real, but it's pretty clear he is just milking it for his own advantage here. Disgusting... Xu Qing You agrees reluctantly. She turns around to continue talking to Mo Ling Ze, but he has already stomped off in annoyance. 

They take the family portraits... which for some reason involves Xu Qing You being dressed in a wedding dress. Of course, Mo Ling Ze is coincidentally nearby and they see each other. Mo Ling Ze in seething, while Xu Qing You stares at him guiltily. RIP this couple. 

At work, their livestream is extremely successful, so much so that they achieved the goals they set in half in time. To celebrate, their boss announces a weekend retreat for the entire company and asks Xu Qing You to invite Mo Ling Ze as well. Lol, I swear, the only purpose of their jobs is to force this two into close proximity. Xu Qing You asks Mo Ling Ze out. She tries to thank him, but he sarcastically quips that Le Mi's performance will also be reflected in his evaluation, so he is only helping himself. Sureeeeeeeee.... whatever you say boss... Xu Qing You gets interrupted by a ping and plays the voice message she receives out loud (yes because that clearly what normal people do in the middle of a conversation with someone else). It's Fan Yun Xi, asking her to choose which photos she likes. Could the timing be any better? Xu Qing You tried to clarify, but it turns out Mo Ling Ze is somewhat aware of what's going on? But that doesn't mean he is happy about it. Xu Qing You tries to invite him to the retreat, to which Mo Ling Ze asks, "Is it your boss' idea?" Lol, the undertone is so clear. He wants to know if she wants him there. Unclear if she is oblivious or pretending to be oblivious, she simply replies yes. Mo Ling Ze angrily snaps that he is too busy for retreats and stomps off. Lol.... Even teenagers in love ain't so angsty.... Xu Qing You calls Fang Qi to bitch about Mo Ling Ze on the way home.... except she bumps into him at the lobby and he overhears all her complaints.... Hahahaha....

At the retreat, Fang Qi sends Xu Qing You an seductive outfit, but she doesn't dare wear it out cause it's too sexy. She just models it for herself (and Fang Qi) in her room. She takes some pictures on the balcony for Fang Qi and tells her that she's too cowardly to wear it out.... Except her ribbon falls off the balcony, so she happily walks out in the same dress to go pick it up. Drama, do you even logic? And of course, she bumps into..... none other than Mo Ling Ze. She's super happy to see him, but immediately wipes the smile off her face to be annoyed at him. 

Honestly, very impressed at how quickly she can change her expressions here. 1 Gold star for the actress!
She asks him what he's doing here since he said he is too busy for retreats. Mo Ling Ze lies and claims he's here for a potential investment in the resort.... except Xu Qing You knows that the resort is not looking for investors. Lol, Mo Ling Ze getting caught with his pants down. Before she could press the point further, she gets another voice message (this time from Fang Qi) that she plays in front of Mo Ling Ze. Girl, did you not learn your lesson from last time? Fang Qi tells her to show off her sexy figure and attract all the guys attention at the retreat. LOL Mo Ling Ze sarcastically asks who she wants to show her sexy figure to. At this moment, the rest of her team comes up the stairs, so Xu Qing You barges into Mo Ling Ze's room to hide. Annoyed, Mo Ling Ze tries to open the door, but Xu Qing You puts him into a bidong! Wooooo, a girl bidonging a guy, now that I can get behind hahaha....
Mo Ling Ze asks her why is she hiding, to which she replies she's just trying to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings... Mo Ling Ze asks again, "You just finished taking pictures with your ex, now you are here trying to seduce all the guys, Group Leader Xu is indeed casting a wide net! Am I just another fish caught in your net then?" Xu Qing You clarifies everything to him (Fang Qi's joke and Auntie Fan's illness), which causes him to laugh in happiness. Awwww, I like this emotion, he's so in love with her that he's giddy with relief to know that she's not flirting with anyone else =)... Xu Qing You misunderstands though, and thinks he is laughing at her. Annoyed, she reveals that she knows about the calendar of girls and accuses him of being the real player. This only makes Mo Ling Ze smile even wider, because he finally knows what upset her. They really took their sweet time to clear up this miniscule misunderstanding eh?

Oh, are we finally making progress in their relationship? Also, this being my second watch-through, I'm starting to realize how ridiculously liberal our drama is with coincidences, bumping into each other and other illogical actions to just advance the plot. But whatever, I'm just here to 嗑CP (enjoy the couple), logic and common sense can take a backseat thank you very much.  

[Ep16] Their conversation gets interrupted by Lin Si Yu, but Wang Ji takes her away against her strong objections. Jealous, Xu Qing You comments that his charm is so great that girls can chase him all over the country to throw themselves at him. Mo Ling Ze retorts that she was ready to scatter her charm over all the other men too. They both stare angrily into the distance, until Mo Ling Ze takes off his coat to cover her up. D'awwww, and it just suddenly turns romantic.

Xu Qing You and Mo Ling Ze are barbequing together and Mo Ling Ze smugly remarks that she is too busy caring about everyone else and neglects herself, handing her the ribbon she dropped earlier. Sweet yes, but drama, he has never seen her with that ribbon before, how would he even know that specific one is hers? Xu Qing You accidentally scalds her finger and Mo Ling Ze immediately showers her with concern and sticks by her side. Lin Si Yu also shows up to tell her that she intends to rig the dinner role play game later to force Mo Ling Ze to kiss her. She also clarifies that the calendar is just a joke by the band and Mo Ling Ze is actually a serious and devoted guy. Finally... Random aside, I feel like Xu Qing You was overly obsessed with the calendar and ignoring literally every other evidence that Mo Ling Ze is devoted to her. Like if he is really a player like you imagine, why is he basically spending all his time with you? What is setting you apart from all the other girls that he could be wooing in probably 1/10th the time?

The dinner role play game happens and finally, it's time for Lin Si Yu to kiss Mo Ling Ze. Xu Qing You looks visibly uncomfortable while Mo Ling Ze literally only has eyes for her. She caves, and pretends to receive a phone call and runs off for a "work emergency". Watching her run away, Mo Ling Ze smirks, and says he has something to do too. He leaves after her. Xu Qing You runs to the pool and chides herself for being so sensitive. Mo Ling Ze walks by and covers her with his jacket...

MLZ: Don't you have an work emergency?
XQY: Why? Am I interfering with your game?
MLZ: Do you think I really wanted to play that game?
XQY: I don't know, and I don't care to guess anymore....
MLZ: Then let me tell you straight. There is no pretentious white-collar woman, there is not calendar full of girls, there's no chance that I would kiss Lin Si Yu. 
XQY: (smiles happily, but pretends not to care) Why are you telling me this? It doesn't concern me at all.
MLZ: Of course it concerns you! I like someone and she knows that. And I know she cares a lot about me. She'll get upset, angry, jealous and worried for me (Why are all the emotions here negative? Lol...). If this isn't love, then what is? 
They kiss!!!! Honestly? kind of an anti-climatic confession if I'm being honest here....

The next morning. Xu Qing You wakes up, this time she actually slept with Mo Ling Ze, unlike in Ep 1 hahahaha. Mo Ling Ze greets her good morning, and leans it for a morning kiss, but Xu Qing You shys away... I think Xu Qing You does love him, she's just afraid of getting hurt again, so she's nervous about the relationship.
D'awww, this scene is so cute and artistic! 
Their lovely morning routine gets interrupted by Lin Si Yu banging on her door. Mo Ling Ze goes to open the door, but Xu Qing You stops him, she's not ready to go public with their relationship yet. She stuffs him into the closet against his objections, silencing him with a kiss. 
Is this the same girl who was shying away from a kiss just a minute ago?
Mo Ling Ze reluctantly agrees, and grumpily says, this is the one and only time. Lin Si Yu tells her that Mo Ling Ze disappeared and didn't return for the whole night. Xu Qing You feigns ignorance. Luckily, he is smart enough to call Wang Ji to get Lin Si Yu away. After Lin Si Yu leaves, Mo Ling Ze asks Xu Qing You to attend a wine tasting event with him, but she's reluctant to go public with their relationship because of the discrepancy in their positions. Ehhh, I kinda think it's not so much the job difference, but just her insecurities and fear of getting hurt.

2nd couple: Fang Qi gets drunk with Xu Wei and she confesses that she likes him too! They agree to be together, but the next day, Fang Qi wakes up from her drunken stupor and renegades on her words last night.

FINALLY, they are together!!! I can forgive the get-together scene for being so lacklustre after seeing the super cute and hilarious morning after scene. Not really a fan of them keeping their relationship under wraps though, since they are working together, so there is a huge conflict of interest....

[Ep172nd couple: Xu Wei discusses his situation with his bestie and they agree that the best plan of action is to solidify his roommate position and slowly try to win Fang Qi over.... Except Fang Qi is currently actively searching for a new place to stay for him.

Mo Ling Ze and Xu Qing You returns home, but Xu Qing You is awkward around Mo Ling Ze, so she makes up another "work emergency" to try and run off. Except Mo Ling Ze isn't buying any of it. He probes further and she confesses that she still feels timid and nervous around him. Awwww, she regresses to a little girl in front of him. So sweet! Before he can convince her otherwise, she receives a real emergency call from Fang Qi and runs off. 

Fang Qi doesn't know how to explain the situation to Xu Qing You, especially when the other party is her younger brother. Xu Qing You offers having some alcohol to loosen her tongue, but a flashback to last night prompts Fang Qi to resolutely turn her down. Hahahaha. She replies, "Once bitten, twice shy", to which Xu Qing You asks, "When did you get bitten before?" Lol, oops. 

Changeover of Recaps

FanFanX: I will be providing limited recaps on Eps18-30. They will be 90% focused on the main couple, and will also be mostly bereft of much substance on the second and third couples.

[Ep18Lin Si Yu confronts Xu Qing You about how she stole Mo Ling Ze from her. He didn’t belong to her but okay, sure, act like a child who had her toy taken away. Why is Wang Ji even helping her in her delusions? Lin Si Yu tries to grab a cup of coffee to pour on her but Xu Qing You stops her and asks if she's not concerned that she'll tell Mo Ling Ze about her behavior. She asks her why she thinks that Mo Ling Ze likes her - because he treats her well. Xu Qing You explains that he's nice to everyone. 

At work, Wang Ji confronts Mo Ling Ze about his treatment of Lin Si Yu which he claims is bordering on cruelty to her. Mo Ling Ze’s advice to him: If he likes her, then he should pursue her himself. 

Xu Qing You gets ready to attend the evening reception with Mo Ling Ze but she receives a call from Fan Yun Xi to come to the hospital. Mo Ling Ze is waiting for her and Lin Si Yu appears instead. He spots her and goes to call Xu Qing You. She tells him that she won't be coming as she's at the hospital. Fan Yun Xi’s mother is undergoing surgery this evening. As he's hanging up the call, Lin Si Yu finds him. She asks to be his plus one as his didn't appear. She asks why he can’t see her even though everyone else sees her beauty. His response: “Lie to you, exploit your innocence, take your love as a stepping stone for profits and status. This is what you want?” He leaves but she asks what Xu Qing You has to offer to him, as she’s only a white collar worker, a piece of eye candy. He tells her 1) she’s not just eye candy as she earns her own living; 2) as his woman, his love is enough and he doesn’t care for others’ opinion. She asks how is she better than her though? He tells her: “You are not inferior to her. It’s just that you are just not her.” He then leaves and she stands there whining. Mo Ling Ze calls Wang Ji to pick up Lin Si Yu. 

Xu Qing You is waiting with Fan Yun Xi who is worried about his mother. Mo Ling Ze comes to the hospital to keep her company and sees Fan Yun Xi holding onto Xu Qing You’s hands. He asks her to stay by his side, and she says that she came to his mother as she was worried about her. He then asks for her forgiveness, and she removes his hands from her arms. He then tells her: “I just didn't expect that one day I would lose the two most important people to me in my life at the same time.” Xu Qing You leaves but is stopped by a nurse who gives her a bag from Mo Ling Ze. She checks out the bag (it’s food and drinks for her, aww, good boyfriend), and Fang Yun Xi sees this. It’s revealed that he saw Mo Zing Le out of the corner of his eye earlier - right before he grabbed Xu Qing You’s hands and made that bizarre emotional appeal. He’s so manipulative.

Fan Yan Xi’s mother’s operation is successful but they will keep her in ICU for a few days for recovery. He thanks Xu Qing You for staying with him, and then tries to get her to stay but she tells him that they’ve broken up and she has her own life and he needs to move on. He replies that he hopes their relationship can recover from an operation like his mother. Vile. Her response: “Some things can be saved, but something cannot be retrieved, just like spilled water."  Then she tells him that she needs to leave as she has some work to do and she’ll be back in a few days to see his mother. She leaves and when she’s out of earshot, he says that he won’t let her go. Ick. I hate this narcissistic jerk.

On his way into work, Mo Ling Ze is greeted by Xu Qing You who hands him a cup of coffee. He asks if she's thought about her plan to compensate him (for missing their date), and she says that it's better to talk and walk. 

Wang Ji calls Mo Ling Ze to tell him that Lin Su Yi is missing. So they all go looking for her. After finding out today’s date, Mo Ling Ze realizes where she is. She’s waiting for him at King’s Island. 

Flashback: Three years ago she was at this restaurant on King’s Island, and the waiter gave her the recommendation for the pineapple steak that this restaurant is known for. However, the man at another table ordered it before she did, and it’s the last one. She (the brat she always is) approaches him and whines to him, Mo Ling Ze, and offers to pay for his meal so she can have the steak for herself. He didn't accept her offer, but later, the pineapple steak showed up on her table. 

The trio find Lin Si Yu at the beach. She asks Mo Ling Ze to have one last meal with her. He doesn't want to but Xu Qing You tells him to go. At this dinner, she admits that she likes him but she wants to have this meal to end her crush on him. She wants to move on. 

Now they're kissing in the access area by the stairs. (~25:55) Whoa! Hot kisses. She asks if he’s satisfied and he says bu gou (not enough). I like the way he says it. She tells him that she'll treat him to lunch then.
When the kiss ends, he tells her to wait and he removes his scarf and puts it on her and says that he has to make a mark on her to prevent any potential rivals. She laughs and gives him another kiss.

Their lunch date turns out to be in a hotel…in an actual room. (I thought maybe it was at the restaurant in the hotel but no.) She says that she objects and she’s exhausted from staying at the hospital. He just lifts her up into his arms. Ou?

[Ep19He's just carrying her to the bed - to let her get some rest. The best boyfriend ever! 

Mo Ling Ze tells Mr. Luo and Mr. Han that he’s been successful in trying to acquire shares (37%) of Taikang Biology. The two men are happy with this result.  

Later Xu Qing You is preparing to make dinner while on the phone with Fang Qi. Fang Qi is trying to figure out how to deal with her feelings for Xu Wei, but she's uncomfortable trying to tell Xu Qing You that it's her brother. Their call ends and Xu Qing You attempts to cook a meal but it ends in disaster. LOL That fish was way too large  for that frying pan. She resorts to ordering takeaway.

It appears that Mr. Han is working with Fan Yan Xi, who is surprised that Mo Ling Ze hasn’t figured out that the information on the company has been altered. Mr. Han says that it’s too late as the investment agreement will be out soon. Fan Yan Xi wants to bring Mo Ling Ze to his downfall, while Mr. Han had only wanted to see him kicked out of Shang Ger. 

Mo Ling Ze is looking into the data on Taikang Biology and asks Wang Ji to look over everything again. He also asks Wang Ji to intercept the investment agreement - before it’s officially processed.

Now Mo Ling Ze shows up at Xu Qing You’s for dinner. She shows him the spread on the table, but he notices the receipt hanging out of the garbage can. lol He laughs and says that the takeaway is very sincere. She groans and says that she doesn't know how to cook. Then she kisses him and asks if that makes up for it. He says bu gou before pulling her back for another kiss and another and another. Until there's a knock on the door - it's her brother, who’s there for dinner at her house. lol 

Her brother points out that the flowers and candles on the table, if people didn’t know them, would indicate that they’re in an underground relationship. Mo Ling Ze laughs quietly at this and she coughs at this but denies it. During this meal, her brother asks Mo Ling Ze if there’s someone he likes. He says he does. Then her brother asks if they're dating. He says he is, and her brother says that he's envious of him. Mo Ling Ze says to not be too envious as his girlfriend wants to make their relationship public. lol He continues teasing her in his conversation with her brother so she kicks him twice before he grabs her ankle and keeps it by his leg as he nonchalantly holds his glass and drinks with the other hand. Haha. Her brother knocks down his chopsticks onto the floor and reaches down to pick them up and Mo Ling Zi quickly lets go of her leg before they’re caught. Her brother gets up from the table to wash the chopsticks and use the bathroom.

Mo Ling Ze takes the opportunity to walk over to her and kisses her. She allows the kiss but then she pushes him away and says that her brother is still here. Ah but stolen kisses can be so sweet. ;) He says it’s punishment for breaking their appointment. She says that she’ll make it up to him tomorrow with a date after work. 

Xu Qing You finally tells Fan Qi that she's in a relationship with Mo Ling Ze. Her friend finds it weird that she’s with that Poker Face. lol But she won’t say a word to anyone.

Mo Ling Ze informs Mr. Luo that there is a problem with Taikang Biology - falsified sales numbers. Mr. Luo says there is someone who can help him and hands him a card for a Tang Xi.

Later, Tang Xi shows up to meet with him. (I cannot stand this actress to begin with, so I doubt I’m going to like whatever she brings to the table.) He needs whatever data she has on Taikang Biology, and in exchange, she can have 5% of the shares. She counters that she wants him. He gets up and says that this is not something that Shang Ger can offer and leaves. It is revealed that she’s his ex-girlfriend. 

He receives a text message from Xu Qing Mo that she has a fever, so he shows up to take care of her and scolds her for not taking care of herself. She tells him that she’s made reservations for a restaurant and they can go now. He stops her and tells her that she needs to stay home and rest. She tries to plead her case but she starts having a coughing fit. She’s not going anywhere. 

The next day he tries to feed her medicine but she refuses and whines about it being too bitter. (I hate this trope. lol It's medicine - not supposed to taste good.) He asks if she really isn't going to drink it and she nods. He says fine, it took him half an hour to boil it so now he'll go dump it as she won't drink it. She stops him and says that she'll drink it reluctantly. He feeds her and she complains with every spoonful. She takes the bowl from him and just drinks it all at once. He gives her a piece of candy after she finishes. 

[Ep20While Wang Ji and Xu Qing You are waiting for the other two to have their meal, Xu Qing You tells Wang Ji that love takes courage, or one might miss it altogether. (He's worried that she's out of his league.)

Afterwards, Mo Ling Ze goes on a walk on the beach with Xu Qing You. He comments that she’s so generous (for trusting him to have that meal with Lin Si Yu) and not even jealous. He mentions that she must think she’s got him under control - and she says yes. So he jokingly pushes her into the ocean. 
They run around the beach for a while before finally sitting down to enjoy the sunset together. I like the way she’s looking at him here. 
She suggests that they stay overnight to watch the sunrise here. He says no but tells her to kiss him and he'll go. She kisses him and then asks if he'll go now. He says bu gou. She laughs at this, and so she gives him a longer kiss. And they kiss for a while.

It's early morning the next day, and she's still asleep in bed. He tries to wake her but she asks to sleep in. He tells her it's already 5 o'clock and she says that it's too early. He asks her who it was that said they were going to see the sunrise. She laughs and asks who said that? It wasn't her. She asks for a hug and he carries her out of bed. They're finally outside just in time for the sunrise. She tells him that this is her first time watching the sunrise in her life, and then says her long-cherished wish has come true. He asks what wish? She replies to see the sunrise with her most important person. He asks who that person was in her past. She replies that it was Fang Qi. He holds her in his arms and tells her that from now, that person can only be him. They continue watching the sunset together in each other’s embrace. 

At work, Mo Ling Ze is concerned that Yuhai Tech is suddenly agreeable to cooperating as they've always declined in the past. Fang Qi says that she's checked the data and hasn't noticed any issues. He suggests that she go back and negotiate the prices again to find out what's going on. They are being forced to check the data from Taikang Biology, one-by-one in person. Mr. Han and Fan Yan Zi are having a meeting about it and her odious ex says that he wants Mo Ling Ze to learn to not touch what doesn't belong to him. *rolling eyes* He's obviously referring to Xu Qing Mo. Mr. Han says that their cooperation will last a long time. Fan Yan Zi says that the next time they meet, they might be enemies. Mr. Han just laughs at this.

Tang Xi shows up at Mo Ling Ze’s office to speak to him and Wang Ji can’t stop her from waiting. She gives him a present, it’s a tie. As she attempts to put it on him, he’s already trying to push her hands away, Fang Qi walks into his office and tells her that Shang Ger doesn’t like idlers. Mo Ling Ze asks Tang Xi to leave. 

On her way out, coming from the elevators, Tang Xi bumps into Xu Qing You and knocks the files out of her hands. She helps her pick up the papers. 

The next evening Xu Qing You goes to the bar to wait for Mo Ling Ze. Li Sa shows her her reserved spot, arranged by Mo Ling Ze. Tang Xi shows up at this bar as well and sits down at the same table. Xu Qing You asks if she's there for the show. Tang Xi says that she's there to watch someone perform, who means a lot to her. Bo Bo and A Luo notice Tang Xi. Bo Bo asks why she's back as she's already abandoned her home? Mo Ling Ze walks up to Xu Qing You, puts his hands on her arms and asks if she's been waiting long. She denies it and then he introduces her as the newest family member of their band to Bo Bo and A Luo. Bo Bo greets her as sister-in-law and A Luo says she's a family member. This is a dig at Tang Xi, who now realizes who Xu Qing You is to Mo Ling Ze. Tang Xi then introduces herself to Xu Qing You, and says that she's the one who introduced "Ling Ze" to the band. She then thanks Xu Qing You for taking care of him in her absence. *rolling eyes* So calculating. Xu Qing You says that she should thank her for protecting him so well before she appeared. Mo Ling Ze laughs at this and then tells her that he has a surprise for her.

Before their set, Mo Ling Ze announces that the first song is for his girlfriend, who is very cute but gets jealous easily. She laughs at this. Tang Xi is glaring as she’s standing right next to her. The crowd cheers. After the first song, a fan in the crowd recognizes Tang Xi and he asks if she’ll be singing today. He starts a chant for her to sing a song. The guys try to leave the stage but Li Sa stops them and brings up Tang Xi. Tang Xi  then announces that she’s going to sing a song that was written by an important person to her, for her. She says that she hadn’t dared to sing the song in a long time but today, she wants to sing it for them, and she looks over at Mo Ling Ze. Xu Qing You no longer looks so relaxed and easy about this and she later leaves the bar by herself. 

[Ep21Xu Qing You is at home and telling herself that it’s just a song. 

Tang Xi mentions to Mo Ling Ze that they still have a tacit understanding on stage, and he tells her they do not - not now nor in the future. He leaves to find Xu Qing You who left without telling him. Tang Xi tells Li Sa that she plans to get him back. Li Sa shows her that when she left, he had looked for her everywhere but she left without an explanation. Li Sa says that he's found a better person for him now and doesn't need her anymore. Li Sa leaves and Tang Xi mutters that she can give him anything he wants. *rolling eyes* Everyone wants to give to him but no one considers if he even wants it. He doesn’t. 

Mo Ling Ze goes to see Xu Qing You who is still sulking. She opens the door, and he asks if she's jealous and she denies it. She then tells him she's going to sleep. He just bends down and carries her over his shoulder into her living room. She admits that she doesn't like to think this way but her head is full of images of him and Tang Xi together. She realizes that the longer she's with him, she knows even less about him. He tells her that it'll be the band's anniversary in a few days and he'd like to take a family member (her). She says that she'll think about it first. He asks how she will decide, and she says it'll depend on his performance. He holds onto her arm and snuggles his head on her shoulder and asks if she made a decision yet. She asks how she can decide like this. So he starts rubbing his head back and forth on her shoulder and asks again. She laughs and says okay.

Fang Qi and Xu Wei are officially dating but she’s been unable to tell Xu Qing You about them. 

Tang Xi insists on having a chat with Xu Qing You. She shows her some old footage of Mo Ling Ze and herself, and says that she’s been a part of his entire youth and asks if she’s not curious at all. Xu Qing You politely tells her that she’s not at all, and points out that she, in fact, seems most concerned about their present. Ha. She tells her to stop living in her memories, as it's in the past. Tang Xi goes on to explain that Mo Ling Ze was different in college, more introverted until he met her. *rolling eyes* So what he owes her his life? 

At his studio, Fang Qi and Xu Wei are about to kiss on the couch when Xu Qing You walks in on them. She says the Xu family is screwed and just walks out. When they follow her and try to make her listen, she tells them that she needs time, and if either one of them continues to follow her, she'll end things now. 

She goes to see Mo Ling Ze and she wordlessly enters his place when he opens the door. She finally tells him that Fang Qi and Xu Wei are dating. She's surprised as he used to follow them around and now her friend is kissing him. She says what bothers her is that neither one of them wanted to tell her and hid it from her. He points out that they haven't been forthcoming about their relationship either. She says that it's not the same thing - one is her brother and the other is her best friend. Fang Qi keeps calling her but she's not ready to deal with it yet. Mo Ling Ze offers to get her revenge - by giving Fang Qi more work. She doesn't agree with that. 

Fang Qi drops by Xu Qing You's home with her favorite fried chicken with eight different sauces as bribery. The two women end up arguing and Xu Qing You throws her out. 

Mo Ling Ze has a meeting with Tang Xi, at a restaurant. But she has gotten a white dog for them to raise together, or rather, for him to raise. He comments that her allergies must have been cured, which she claims hasn’t. She keeps bringing up the past but he just wants to talk about Taikang. She then runs her hand over his shoulder and chest. He gets up and away from her and tells her that he never makes up for past mistakes when he makes investments. He only pursues newer returns, and he does not like little dogs. Then he leaves. 


Xu Qing You and Fang Qi somehow end up at lunch together. A woman drops by their table asking which one of them is Fang Qi. When she finds out who it is, she then demands to see her husband as she had followed him here. Fang Qi knows the husband's name but is confused as to why it would be related to her. This woman then dumps water on her face and then physically attacks her and calls her flirt. Xu Qing You tries to pull the woman off of Fang Qi but ends up being part of the altercation. WTH. The husband suddenly appears, apologizes as he’s pushing out his angry wife. As the two women are checking on each other, the husband returns to grab his wife’s purse, apologizes again and runs back out. 

The two women sit back down and are finally talking again. A delivery arrives for Fang Qi - it's a medical pack that Xu Qing You ordered for her. Xu Wei arrives and sees that Fang Qi is injured and asks his sister what's going on. Mo Ling Ze arrives right after him and asks if the two of them fought. Fang Qi rolls her eyes at this and Xu Qing Yao won't look at him. 

Back at Xu Qing You's place, Mo Ling Ze seems very angry.  He’s actually upset that she put herself in harm’s way by getting involved in the altercation. She says that she couldn't stand watching Fang Qi being bullied. He tells her then she should have pulled Fang Qi to the side and then called the police. She promises that she'll do that next time. Then she grabs his hands and coaxes him into forgiving her already. He finally laughs at her goofy face. And then he goes back to looking serious and reminds her to not forget the band's hot pot dinner tomorrow. She nods and then puts her hands around her face to gaze at him and says that he's so good looking, which makes him smile again. She asks him to stop being angry. 

During the hot pot dinner with his friends, Mo Ling Ze receives a call from Tang Xi. She tells him that she's waiting for him at Shang Ger and he needs to be there in 30 minutes or else the project will fall through. Gee, the timing is just coincidental? I think not.

[Ep22 Tang Xi is already in his office and just shows him the headline on the screen. The news of the investment has been leaked, but he knows that it's just a way to force him to sign the contract. She offers to help him find evidence against Taikang. He's aware that she's offering to help him as it would benefit her - Ruiying Technology, an affiliate of Taikang, is her company with the largest investment share. So if something goes wrong with Taikung, it'll affect her company. If things go south, he would have to resign but she'd go bankrupt. He shows her the evidence he has against Taikang - auditing issues. They now need a third-party to intervene. 

After the dinner, Li Sa tells Xu Qing You that she's known Mo Ling Ze for a long time but she hadn't seen him fall in love with any woman, except for her. Xu Qing You smiles at this. Li Sa tells her that he's a person who won't change easily once he's determined. 

They are almost done with their work, but Tang Xi suddenly has an allergy attack. She's having severe shortness of breath and clutching at her chest. He goes looking for her medicine in her purse and she tells him that there isn't any. He offers to buy some and goes to leave but she grabs his arm. 
He starts unbuttoning her shirt but Xu Qing You sees them. Xu Qing You walks up and removes his arm and then rips open Tang Xi's shirt. (6:56, Whoa! LOL!!) This exposes her bra, so Mo Ling Ze immediately averts his eyes and turns to face the other way. Xu Qing You looks at her and then pulls her shirt back up over her shoulders. She tells Mo Ling Ze that it's too slow to undo one button at a time. lol She turns back to Tang Xi tells her that she thought she would have more clever means but this is it - Showing weakness to redeem the relationship. She then says that if she wanted to make her angry, she's succeeded but she's nowhere near redeeming Mo Ling Ze's heart. The stage is hers and she can go on acting by herself. Xu Qing You turns around and asks Mo Ling Ze if he's staying here for the night. He shakes his head. She then pulls him by his tie to have him go with her - he’s not fighting her. Teehee. (~7:37) They leave Tang Xi to sit there alone as she slowly buttons up her shirt. 

At Mo Ling Ze's place, they are drinking in silence. He just smiles at her and tells her to fire away. She asks when they were together. He says if he remembers his anniversary with his ex so clearly, then someone will be unhappy and he smiles at the end. XD She denies it and asks him when they broke up and who initiated it. He says it was eight years ago and she just left without saying goodbye. She asks since she's reappeared, does it touch his heart? He ponders this for a moment and says yes, it does. And she looks surprised and averts her gaze at this. He laughs and says that she's so unsure of herself. She takes a deep breath and tells him to keep talking. He says that he just appreciates her working ability. She makes a face but gives him a thumbs up at this. He asks if she's curious about the details. She asks what details would she be curious about as it would make her unhappy. What she cares about is that he won't be connected with her now and in the future. And if they break up in the future, he can contact whoever he wants then as it won't have anything to do with her. She asks what if he has an affair? He says that she's attractive enough that he won't be interested in others. Then she asks what if she falls in love with others in the future? He scowls and asks if she's lost her mind today. lol She says no matter what happens, she won't leave him without saying goodbye in the future. And of course she won't have an affair. Then she says good night and leaves. He just laughs at this. 

During a movie date, Fang Qi accidentally lets slip to Xu Wei that Xu Qing You is dating. But she doesn’t answer his questions about his sister. 

While they're talking about Taikang, Tang Xi tries to seduce Mo Ling Ze again by touching him. It doesn't work and he coldly says that he only wants a work relationship with her.  

Fang Qi and Xu Qing You are out shopping on their lunch break. Xu Qing You has bought Tang Xi a top to replace the one she tore. Not long after, Xu Qing You is asked to meet Tang Xi. Over coffee, Tang Xi asks her about why Mo Ling Ze would like someone like her. You mean one that isn’t like a viper? Tang Xi goes on to tell her that Mo Ling Ze wears black suits because of her. He was created by her. So he’s her possession forever? Xu Qing You tells her that since he is with, he will have own appearance. What she loves is the real him, not some formula that has been worked out. Tang Xi asks if she knows the real him. She asks if she knows why he never believes in long-term relationships. Xu Qing You doesn't say anything but Tang Xi asks if she wants to just wait for her to win him back. Xu Qing You says if she was able to handle him, why would she need to be telling her these things? Xu Qing You thanks her for the coffee and then leaves. 

[Ep23] There’s a competition (for a project or position?) at Xu Qing You’s work, and Mo Ling Ze is one of the judges. 

While at Mo Ling Ze’s place, Xu Qing You receives a video call from her mother. Her mother notices that her furniture looks different so she says she’s rearranged it recently. Meanwhile, Mo Ling Ze is teasing her - by pretending to pop up on the screen, and trying to touch her, which results in her looking flushed, which her mother asks about. Her mother asks if she’s been eating too much takeaway and needs to make soup at home. Mo Ling Ze nods his head and wags his finger at her in agreement. lol She finally hangs up the call and bops him on the head for messing around while she was on the call. 

Xu Qing You doesn’t win the competition. Mo Ling Ze takes her to task over her previous mistakes when she admits that she would’ve made the same decision again. Later, Mo Ling Ze calls her and she ignores it. She goes for a meal with Fang Qi, and complains about Mo Ling Ze's behavior. She is also concerned that she's not up to par with Tang Xi when it comes to business matters. Mo Ling Ze finds them as Fang Qi told him. Boss trumps best friend? lol Fang Qi leaves and he explains why she lost - it was her position. She tells him that she wants her boyfriend to comfort her, and not an analysis. She gets up to leave. He mentions that she’s being so stubborn right now, but if she wants to apologize one day, don’t be embarrassed to do so. She replies who wants to apologize and leaves. 

Back at the office, Mr. Zhai (her boss) tells her that while she lost the competition, she still impressed the judges. He says that she has the ability to be a live streamer operator and manager. The company has set up a business development department for her to run. He mentions that Mo Ling Ze said this track is more suitable for her. She’s surprised. And is going to need to eat crow.

Mr. Han asks Mo Ling Ze to handle the Hua Group merger case. The relationship between Mrs. Hua, a major shareholder, and her son, Chen Zi Ming is in a deadlock. Mr. Han mentions that they received this inside information from Tang Xi, so Mo Ling Ze asks what her terms are. Tang Xi wants him to go with them (and her). 

Xu Qing You’s way of apology: set up a table full of food complete with candles at his place. He figures out that she had purchased semi-prepared foods from the supermarket, though. Ha.  She apologizes for misunderstanding him. Tang Xi calls him during their meal and he shows the phone to Xu Qing You who answers the call and puts it on speaker. Tang Xi reminds him to bring a change of clothes for their overnight business trip.

[Ep24Xu Qing You answers that she’ll pack for him. Tang Xi replies to tell him that they’re leaving this weekend and hangs up the call. Xu Qing You asks him why she hasn’t heard anything about this trip with Tang Xi. He explains that he had planned to tell her tonight and it is a business trip, but he won’t go if she objects. She tells him to go as it’s for work. 

Xu Qing You makes a ceramic cup for his birthday while Mo Ling Ze is away on the trip. She tells Fang Qi that she’s not worried but she laid out some ground rules: 1) No physical contact, 2) No alone time, and 3) No reminiscing of the past. Fang Qi comments that she’s giving him a cup for his birthday (yi bei = cup; beiju = tragedy. It's a homophone). Xu Qing You loudly says the cup (yi bei) means they’ll be together for a lifetime (yi bei zi). Cute. Fang Qi says forget preparing any presents, just present herself as the gift. Xu Qing You says that she’s not interested and they don’t have to be together on his birthday.

Xu Qing You calls Mo Ling Ze while they’re waiting for Chen Zi Ming. Tang Xi points out that he’s never taken care of personal business during work hours before. He replies that she’s never judged others’ affairs before. Chen Zi Ming meets with them, but Xu Qing You makes a surprise appearance at the hotel. Mo Ling Ze goes to greet her and invites her to dinner, and Tang Xi interrupts to tell him that Chen Zi Ming has a tight schedule. He leaves to talk to Chen Zi Ming and Tang Xi tells her that surprises can turn into something scary. She rolls her eyes at this after Tang Xi leaves.

Mo Ling Ze convinces Chen Zi Ming to help with persuading Mrs. Hua to sign the contract so her company can be saved from facing bankruptcy, which would also affect his company. Chen Zi Ming asks to spar with Tang Xi as his fencing opponent, as an apology for their trap today. Tang Xi ends up having an asthmatic attack and Mo Ling Ze takes her to the hospital. He thanks her for what she did for Shang Ger, but she says that she did it for him. She asks him to stay with her for the night.

Meanwhile, Xu Qing You has prepared a surprise for Mo Ling Ze. She has rehearsed with the band and is waiting for him to join her. She insists on waiting for him even though it’s been several hours and it’s dark out now. He finally shows up and he apologizes and explains what happened. 

She sings him a song as a present for him. After the song ends, she then sings “happy birthday” to him and he seems to become withdrawn. When the cake shows up with a lit sparkler on it, he only tells her that he’s tired and wants to go rest. She asks what’s wrong and he asks for her to leave him alone. He leaves and knocks down the box of cups - it’s a pair for the two of them. She’s confused and only picks up the pieces of the broken cups. She now recalls Tang Xi’s words about surprises turning into something scary.

Mo Ling Ze runs to the bathroom to splash water on his face and recalls when his father was taken away by the police at his piano competition on his birthday. He returns to the reserved area that Xu Qing You had set up and finds the box of broken ceramic pieces. He calls Xu Qing You but they miss each other as she’s exiting the hotel already. 

She answers his call and tells him that she’s returning home for work as she received a call from Mr. Zhai for a meeting tomorrow. He offers to take her but she says that she’s already in the taxi cab. He says that he’ll give her an explanation tomorrow. She doesn’t say anything and just hangs up.

[Ep25Xu Qing You is back in town and having a drink at the same bar as Lin Si Yu. Lin Si Yu is surprised to see her when she sits down next to her and even clinks glasses with her. Lin Si Yu asks where Mo Ling Ze is and Xu Qing You only sighs and takes another sip of her drink. She then asks if they had a fight. Xu Qing You just looks at her, and Lin Si Yu laughs and says that she didn’t know that the two of them could fight. Xu Qing You suddenly grabs her, puts her hand on her shoulder, gets real close to her face and tells her that men are unworthy, and then finishes her drink and leaves. 

Xu Qing You is hanging out with Li Sa at the arcade. She says that she can’t figure something out. She tells her that she gave Mo Ling Ze a birthday present. Li Sa tells her that he’s never celebrated his birthday, and not since his 18th birthday. She says for most people it’s fond memories but not for him. She tells her what little bit she knows from what he told her in a drunken stupor.  

Mo Ling Ze returns to town and tells her that he’s turned down two appointments and finished his work half a day earlier, to come back and give her an explanation. She tells him that he can tell her when he’s ready to tell her.

Xu Qing You is cooking at Mo Ling Ze’s again. She calls her mother for cooking instructions. When she hangs up, Mo Ling Ze offers to help and she refuses his help. She is using what looks like a small paring knife to cut into the fish. He tells her where the larger knives are, but she tells him to stop interfering. She continues trying to cook and makes a mess. (LOL, I recognize my oil bottle on the counter. The lid looks like a bird’s head and when you pour it, the beak opens to reveal the pour spout.) He says that a new restaurant just opened and she tells him to shut up. She then breaks the tip of his knife into the fish when she stabs the fish, and laughs about it. At some point, the fish just ends up on the floor. What did the poor fish ever do to her? Ha. He finally gets up to do the cooking, and she warns him that the knife tip is somewhere in the fish. lol She cleans up the mess she’s made while he’s preparing the fish. 

They’re finally sitting down to dinner. He has her try one of his dishes, which used to be made by his mother. Then he explains what happened on his 18th birthday: his father was taken away by the police, and his mother became depressed and committed suicide. So for him, birthdays were no longer a happy event, and his eyes tear up, only a painful memory. They’re both tearing up here. He says that he didn’t intend to embarrass her. She takes his hand and tells him that she wanted to celebrate his birthday. A person should be happy on that day. If one has a bad memory, then treat this day as just another day. She brings over a candle and says that she wishes to bring him light, to shed light on the 18-year-old him. He tells her that now - his voice cracks - she is his light. 

While at work, Mo Ling Ze receives a call from Tang Xi asking him to come to her as she has some insider information. He texts Xu Qing You that he needs to go see Tang Xi about work and asks “Can I, my dear girlfriend?” Her response: “Permission granted. Call me Your Royal Highness from now on." He laughs at this. 

Mo Ling Ze goes to see Tang Xi and it turns out to be at their old apartment, which had been torn down and rebuilt. When she returned, she made sure to rent it and decorated the place to look like the old days. He doesn't really want to walk through but he does and it brings up memories of the old days of practicing with the band. She then pulls out a large pot full of beef and black pepper porridge. She says tastes don't really change. *rolling eyes* When she tries to feed him a spoonful of it, he snaps that she's gone too far. Then he asks when she'll give up. He says she's going to pretend like nothing happened so they can be together again. She says don't say angry words as it'll only prove that he's not over it. Ugh. Everything about her infuriates me. He asks if she can't hear his rejection. She points that he came when she called. He says that he knew she was using business as a ploy and he came by to tell her stop and to let everything go. She asks why she has to and if he's really forgotten about them.

[Ep26Mo Ling Ze tells her that he hasn’t forgotten about them. The vital significance of the past relationship is teaching him how to cherish the present. She asks if it's Xu Qing You. He says yes. She asks how can he be sure she's his Ms. Right, and why is he so confident about it? He says it's not confidence - he just believes her. Her eyes flutter as if she's about to cry and she finally sits down and tells him to leave. He leaves. 

Tang Xi goes to have a drink at Li Sa’s bar. She’s giving up on Mo Ling Ze as she realizes that she’s wasting her time. 

Mo Ling Ze gives Xu Qing You a present - two ceramic cups made by him. 

Tang Xi is having a farewell dinner and the band is invited, including Mo Ling Ze. Xu Qing You buys a bottle of wine for him to bring. Tang Xi has made everyone's favorite dish. But there's still anger at her for creating the band and then ending it when she suddenly left. Bo Bo and A Luo say what they need to to her and ask her why she left. She says that if she hadn't left, they'd still be in the band and where would they be now. The four of them are her only friends. She also has no regrets about taking an opportunity to put herself where she is now. She asks them to put the good memories in the bottom of their hearts. They end the night with her leaving first, to disappear into the night. 

Fan Yun Xi has dug up some dirt on Mo Ling Ze and made sure that Xu Dad knows about it. I had hoped that he was long gone but I guess not. Sigh. Xu Dad is now scolding his daughter about her new boyfriend. He’s going on about his father's imprisonment and mother's suicide and wonders if he’s a good person. Her mother says that he wasn’t that great back then either but in the end, she did marry him. lol Her mother brings up how he used to flirt with some girl in his class all day long. Her parents start quibbling over this. Xu Qing You says she’s leaving now if there isn’t anything else. Her father tells her if she keeps doing what she’s doing now, don’t bother coming back. After she leaves, her mother tells him she'll wait and see what happens if she really never comes back. 

Xu Dad then calls his son to ask about his sister being fooled by Mo Ling Ze. Xu Wei tells him to let it go as she broke up with Fan Yun Xi because he had affairs. He is surprised by this. The next day, he goes to see Fan Yun Xi, who is quite happy to see him. Xu Dad pulls out the pen, the one he bought him with his first salary. He grabs Fan Yun Xi's hand and slaps it into his hand and tells him "You're not my student in the future. Maybe society can go easy on a lawyer who has affairs. But as You You's father, there's no way.” Fan Xun Yi apologizes and calls it just a moment of weakness. He then says that he really wants to restart the relationship with her and hopes that he’ll give him a chance. Her father tells him that he's made his bed, now he must lie in it. *boom* *mic drop* 

[Ep27Xu Qing You tells Li Sa that her father doesn't like Mo Ling Ze. Li Sa says that he's not someone that her father would like. Li Sa compares the two men to two cats - the old cat (her father) who is forced to deal with a new cat (Mo Ling Ze). One normally keeps the cats separated at first and then let the older one get used to the scene of the new cat. Li Sa says that the new cat has a bad temper though - grumpy. Haha. Xu Qing You agrees and says if they're not careful, he'll bite. Li Sa laughs at this. Xu Qing You says no matter their temperament, she wants to let them get along well with each other. 

Xu Qing You decides to set up a camera in her living room (on a shelf above the TV, that she puts behind a statue that has a circular opening, lol, so not really hidden) to record what a good boyfriend Mo Ling Ze is, to show to her father. She pretends to be sick and he comes running. He suggests taking her to the hospital when her temperature reads 39°C (102°F)but she says she’s fine and she gets gastritis. He tries to get her off of the couch to get some rest in the bedroom but she says to just let her rest and asks that he take care of her and she’ll be better soon. He goes to get her a heavy blanket and turns up the thermostat. Now she’s really burning up. lol Meanwhile, he’s making her a medicinal tonic and makes her drink it before letting her lay back down on the couch, and tucking her back in.  

Not long after, she claims that she's been sweating a lot, her fever's gone, and leaves the couch. But he makes her sit back down to feed her the porridge that he has just made. However, he sits down on the coffee table so his back is to the camera. He tries to feed her and she asks that he blow on the porridge first (to cool it down). When she realizes that his actions won’t be seen from that angle, she then complains about the lighting and suggests that he sit down next to her instead. He sits next to her and tries to feed her the porridge and she asks him to blow on it some more and keeps looking over in the direction of the TV/shelving unit. He’s a bit suspicious at this point, and looks over to see what she’s looking at and he spots the recording camera. (The red light is on.)  
He leaves her with the bowl of porridge and gets up to look at the camera. When she realizes he's discovered the camera, she starts having a coughing fit. Real inconspicuous...not. When he grabs the camera and unplugs it, she starts clutching her stomach and claims that she has a stomachache. He walks over with the camera in hand and picks up the thermometer from the coffee table, looks at it and then scoffs. Then he says “A 42°C (107°F) fever doesn't stop our drama queen”. LOL! He asks what's going on. She doesn't say anything so he sets everything down and says he's leaving then.

She quickly gets up from the couch to stop him and says she'll tell him the truth. She wanted to show her father how he took care of her when she was sick, so her father wouldn't misunderstand him. He smiles and asks if she talked to her father about him, and guesses that it wasn't a good conversation.  She says that he doesn't know what a good person he is and he'll come around. Mo Ling Ze says he understands her father and he'll handle it himself, so she doesn't have to worry about it. She mutters that the new cat is cuter and more obedient. lol 

On another day, Xu Mom is over at Xu Qing You’s place making soup. Her mother suggests that she invite Mo Ling Ze over to meet her first. She calls him and he says that he has a client meeting tonight so he may be late. 

Mo Ling Ze is actually meeting with Xu Dad. While Xu Mom and daughter are talking about letting the two men meet on their own, Xu Dad is telling him that he knows his daughter best and she must’ve been captivated by his decent appearance. Mo Ling Ze asks if he thinks his daughter is the kind of person who only values appearance. He admits that he hasn't known for long, but he knows that she knows what she wants. Xu Mom is telling her daughter that while her father may appear strict and serious, he is actually zhilaohu (paper tiger, one that is outwardly powerful or dangerous but inwardly weak or ineffectual). She explains that after two or three rounds, he won't be like that any longer. lol Her daughter replies it's more like one round because as soon as he drinks, he won't be like that any longer. Mo Ling Ze and Xu Dad start drinking and playing drinking games. Xu Mom says no way as he’ll lose control and it would be embarrassing if he calls Mo Ling Ze his little brother. It’s too late! Both men are stumbling around drunk and her father is calling him little brother. Her father is telling him about her fingerheart gesture and shows it to him. lol Her father asks him why he loves his daughter. He says that he loves all of her. 
Her father starts yelling at him to love her forever, protect her, and she can never be hurt in any way. Mo Ling Ze is barely able to nod properly, so Xu Dad taps the drunk Mo Ling Ze on the chest who is barely standing up properly and asks if he heard him. Mo Li Zi salutes him but it’s not quite right as his hand is by the side of his face. lol  

Xu Mom receives a call that her husband is drunk and leaves immediately to go pick him up. Xu Qing You asks when will he stop doing this, as he's the one looking down on Mo Ling Ze, who at least doesn't sleep outside cuddling with a telephone pole. Her mother leaves and she receives a call from someone calling about Mo Li Ze. Of course, she finds him cuddling with a sign post. lol (~18:50) She tries to get him to let go of the pole but he won’t do it. He actually pouts and hugs it even more. He whines about how she's never shown him that gesture and he wants her to show him right now. She asks what gesture. He giggles and says the super cute one and then shows her a succession of fingerhearts with an accompanying "pew, pew, pew" sound. lol So cute. She laughs and shows him how it's done. Haha. He finally lets go of the pole and looks like he wants to hug her and leans forward like he’s going to kiss her. But he kind of flops over onto her, with his head on her shoulder and his eyes are closed. She taps on him to get him to wake up or move. He opens his eyes and notices the street cleaning vehicle driving by, and spins her around to shield her from the spray. She starts walking and gets him to kind of walk. lol 

Now he's jumping up and down on the sidewalk as she's walking next to him. She finally walks in front of him and tells him to stop moving around and orders him to stand still right in front of her. He pouts and tells her to not be angry. She pulls out her phone and says then he should repeat what she says, and then she starts recording.

XQY: I, Mo Ling Ze, hereby make the declaration.
MLZ: You, Xu Qing You, hereby make the declaration.
XQY: I'm Xu Qing You. You are Mo Ling Ze.
MLZ: You are Xu Qing You. I am Mo Ling Ze. XD
XQY to herself: I must be patient, very patient. Only in this way can I have my family standing. 

XQY: I will listen to Xu Qing You from now on. I will obey her absolutely. 
MLZ: I will listen to Mo Ling Ze from now on. I will obey him absolutely. XD
XQY: I don't think you are drunk at all. You did it on purpose. He drunkenly shakes his head. So cute. If I break the contract, I will take on all of the housework. 
MLZ: Liability and punishment for breach of contract need to be discussed with the legal specialist. 

She receives a message from Fan Yan Zi, so the recording ends. She ignores the text message. She then says to herself that it's fine and she can cut that part anyway. She smiles at Mo Ling Ze and says let's go. 

Fan Yan Zi is getting drunk at Li Sa’s bar and wants a sixth shot. Li Sa sees him and asks if he'd like to try this other drink. He asks why he has to try new things as it's too risky and too costly. She says drinking alone makes people drunk. He says that the person he was waiting for didn’t come. He just wants what belongs to him returned to him. He finishes his sixth shot and leaves. 

Mo Ling Ze is putting together a jigsaw puzzle (it's of the Prince and Fox from “The Little Prince”) on the floor as a very sleepy Xu Qing You watches. She sleepily says that it's 3 a.m. and asks if he can go to sleep. He puts a finger to his lips to shush her. So she stops trying. But then he lays down next to the puzzle and quickly falls asleep. She covers him with a blanket and gives him a quick peck. She ends up staying up to work on the puzzle. 

The next morning, he's still asleep on the floor and she's sleeping leaning against the couch. Mo Ling Ze wakes up first and his rustling around wakes up Xu Qing You. His hair is a mess and his head hurts him. She asks if he's awake and has a headache. He asks why he is there. She tells him if she hadn't stopped him, he would've fought with the stool leg. He also watched the galaxy (the puzzle) all night. She shows him the video of his declaration saying that he would listen to her from now on, etc. She edited the footage to suit her needs. lol She's so bad. He's scowling but asks her what she wants. She says to let her arrange for New Year's Eve. He then says she should know that an agreement made without a clear head has no legal effect. She shows him a still of his smile and says this is how he usually smiles, which shows that he had a clear head at the time. LOL It's a horrible shot of him. Haha. He argues then why did she edit, reorganize and subtitle it? She replies because she wants to keep his perfect image. Ha. He asks for the original video. She claims that she deleted it as it was embarrassing.   
Then he does this hair swipe move (~28:05, LOL, it’s so cheesy and funny somehow) and says that's great and he'll arrange for New Year's Eve. XD
He gets up from the floor and says that he usually smiles like this before he leaves. (~28:36, lies, but we’re treated to his double dimples for a couple seconds!) She just sighs. 

Xu Dad shows up at work looking for her. He's shown to her office and sees that she's leading a meeting in the conference room. So he leaves the bag of food and container of soup for her on her desk. He sits in her chair and looks around her desk for a while. When she's out of her meeting, she finds the food and calls her mother and asks if she missed her. Her mother says it was her father who wanted to see her work place. She asked if he was angry. Her mother says he seemed happy when he returned home. He interrupts their conversation to tell her to bring Mo Ling Ze home for the winter solstice. Her father leaves and she asks her mother if he's trying to break them up. Her mother says that depends on if the young lovers are strong enough. lol

Xu Qing You goes to see Mo Ling Ze with a (different) container of soup for him. Methinks she poured the soup from home into this one though. lol Why does she keep lying about her cooking skills? Just admit that she can’t already! She then tells him that her father has invited him to their home for winter solstice. She warns him about her father being a professor all of his life and is used to criticizing students. Ha, how do these two women still not know that the two men got drunk together? 

At her parents' house, Xu Dad just wordlessly stares at Mo Ling Ze, while both women look on nervously.

[Ep28Xu Qing You whispers to her mother what her father is planning as the two men have been staring at each other for ten minutes now.  Her mother explains that he wants to overpower Mo Ling Ze. Xu Dad says that they're having a family dinner today, so why is he here? Xu Qing You reminds her father that he's the one who invited him. XD He turns to scowl and then winks at her. Then he turns back to Mo Ling Ze and asks when they're going to hold the wedding. Mo Ling Ze says it's up to her. 
Her father asks where they'll be residing after the marriage. He replies either his place or they can move to be their neighbors. Xu Dad asks how many children will they have. Mo Ling Ze just looks at Xu Qing You at this point, and both women tell Xu Dad to stop. Xu Mom says that she knows that he likes Xiao Mo, so why is he pretending to be like this? Hahaha. She tells Mo Ling Ze to drink his tea, and then realizes that it must be cold by now, so she swats at her husband to get him some hot water. Her husband reaches for his glass but Mo Ling Ze says he's fine, and now they're both trying to go. Mo Ling Ze manages to make his escape. lol I’m enjoying our leads’ smiles here. 

Not long after, Xu Wei and Fang Qi show up but they pretend they're not together. At dinner, Xu Dad asks Fang Qi how it is working for Mo Ling Ze. She says that he's not very accessible, and working with him is like walking on thin ice. XD Not helping! Xu Qing You taps her glass on the table and gives her a look. Mo Ling Ze tells her to say what's on her mind today as they're friends right now, and he'll be her ling dao tomorrow. Xu Qing You puts food on her plate and tells her to eat. IOW, STFU. She goes on to say that with his work attitude, he is not easily distracted and he will solve her problems at a critical moment. She's relieved to have such a ling dao. Uh huh. No idea why she thought it was a good idea to throw him, her superior, under the bus as she's the one with a secret. The parents mention to Mo Ling Ze that they treat Fang Qi like family - she’s their other daughter as she grew up with Xu Qing You. Xu Wei protests and says her surname isn't Xu so how is she their daughter, too. She gives him a pointed look as his father calls him a silly boy. Fang Qi says that since he's grown up now and has a successful career, he's not a boy to her. Xu Dad says that a successful career isn't as important as health and happiness. And then one can find the right person and live in happiness. Dad goes on to say he's not sure when his son will find a girlfriend. Xu Wei mutters who says he doesn't have a girlfriend. Dad says he wonders which girl has such bad judgment and takes a fancy to him. XD Fang Qi chokes as she takes a sip of fruit juice and Xu Qing You just laughs heartily at this and Mo Ling Ze represses his own laughter. 

Afterwards, Xu Qing You shows him her room. She teases him with the video of him and he says she needs to delete it and they have a fight over a phone which results in her falling back onto her bed with him on top of her. When he goes to kiss her, her brother just runs in without knocking. WTH, little bro, what are you, a mannerless 5-year-old? He starts backing out of the room and she yells at him for not knocking before entering. Fang Qi shows up behind him and asks if he’s being bullied. Xu Wei says he didn’t see anything, but then he gives Fang Qi a quick kiss, which makes Xi Qing You cringe and avert her eyes. lol Mo Ling Ze tells them that his parents don't know about them. Now the other couple leave them alone and quickly close the door behind them. lol Mo Ling Ze goes back to trying to get her to delete the video on her phone, and they resume wrestling on the bed. Meanwhile, downstairs, Xu Wei asks why she was avoiding his kiss just now. She pulls on his ears and tells him to not go too far. He asks how he went too far and then proceeds to kiss her again. This time, Xu Dad sees them and he starts scolding him for kissing his jie jie. Xu Dad gets the feather duster (it's good for something other than collecting dust) to beat his son with it. Fang Qi tries to keep herself in between them, and Xu Mom shows up asking what's going on. Dad resumes chasing his son around the room and soon everyone's involved in this mess, including Mo Ling Ze and Xu Qing You. Mo Ling Ze and Xu Qing You leave first, and her mother tells him to come back for dinner sometime. Her mother goes back inside and Mo Ling You tells her that her father hit Xu Wei very hard just now, and wonders what would’ve happened if he hadn’t intervened a few times. She explains that he used to hit them like that, because of his temper. 

Back inside Xu house, Xu parents, Fang Qi and Xu Wei are sitting at the table in tense silence. Fang Qi says that they've misunderstood them as they're just messing around. Xu Wei says that he's not. Xu Mom asks him what's really going on. He says that they're in love, and Fang Qi hits him to get him to stop talking. Dad angrily objects to this. Xu Wei asks why he is objecting to it as love without blood relationship is protected by law. This makes Dad even angrier, and asks him if he knows that she's his jie jie. He tells his father to listen to his opinion and stop acting like a tyrant. Fang Qi tells him to stop talking. Dad starts angrily sputtering and Mom says that she'll take care of this. She calmly tells Fang Qi that this was quite sudden, and to give them time to accept this. Fang Qi says that it's their fault for being so abrupt and thoughtless. Then she says that she thinks she should go and she apologizes before getting up. She goes to put on her shoes and Xu Wei goes to help put on her jacket and grabs her purse. She walks out and he hobbles to put on his shoes to follow her out. Once they leave, Dad clutches at his chest from all of the excitement. Maybe he shouldn't raise his cortisol levels like this. He then asks his wife to get his heart medication. 

Outside, Xu Wei is running after Fang Qi who asks him why he's so childish. He asks if it's better to keep it from them and have a secret relationship all the time? He asks why she minds his parents knowing. She tells him that since her mother died and her father went abroad, she grew up with his sister. But she is also a divorced woman who is eight years older than him. And she's suddenly fallen in love with their baby son. Does he think they'll accept it easily? He asks since they've watched her grow up - wouldn't they know what kind of person she is - regardless of what she just mentioned. He says that they just need some time to accept it and she disagrees. He says that he doesn't care as he wants to be with her. She asks if he can fight against the world for her and walks away. He says that he would but she replies that she won't agree. 

Mr. Zhai gives Xu Qing You the task of handling the event for the New Year's Eve Association as all of the partners and investors will be participating. Mo Ling Ze later asks if she has to attend. She says that her boss told her to go so she has to. She promises that she’ll leave before midnight. He tells her that she needs to stay until after midnight, as he’ll be attending as well. 

At the event, Mo Ling Ze watches a white sequin dress clad Xu Qing You flit around the venue in her own element. Her colleagues comment to her that he can't keep his eyes off of her tonight (he’s at a different table from them) and his eyes are not as cold as before, and surmise that he's in love with her. Heh. She laughs and plays it off like it's a joke. When Mo Ling Ze goes to approach her, her colleagues all scatter. They share a toast and then someone catches his attention so he leaves. Soon there's an announcement that it's almost midnight, and she receives a text from him to come to the roof. She meets him at the roof and invites her to watch the stars. She replies that the stars are fleeting and she has a present for him, that'll keep time. She hands him a scrapbook that she made of them. Cue cute couple montage here, as he's flipping through the scrapbook and smiling and laughing at the entries. She then asks for her present. He tells her that he's afraid he'll have to disappoint her. She tells him that she'll give him 24 hours to make it up to her. He asks if 24 hours is not enough, could he give himself as a gift to her? She says she'll think about it, what if she's not satisfied with the gift - could she return it or have a lifetime warranty? He says, no way, once sold, no return or exchange. She says that's a hard sell. He says, of course. These two. When the fireworks start going off, Mo Ling Ze offers her a bracelet - it's the only thing his mother left him and he cherishes it the most. He asks if she's willing to accept it. She accepts it and then they kiss.  

Fang Qi and Xu Wei keep missing each other for New Year’s Eve. First they show up at each other’s place without the other knowing, and later they end up watching the same fireworks but they’re standing about 10 feet apart in the crowd but don’t know it. This could easily be resolved by a text message or phone call but whatever.

Fan Yun Xi has something else planned for Mo Ling Ze. *rolling eyes* Why is he still here?! 

Someone is taking photos of Mo Ling Ze and Xu Qing You as they’re embracing each other and watching the fireworks. 

[Ep29Mo Ling Ze and Xu Qing You's morning is interrupted by the leak of their relationship. The headlines are calling it “power and sex transactions”. The two decide to go to work hand in hand and face it together. 

At Shang Ger, Mr. Luo asks him to explain it. Mo Ling Ze admits that they're in a relationship but it's not as the headlines portray it as, and his private life has nothing to do with work. Mr. Luo stresses the importance of handling this properly now that it's public. Mr. Han continues reading the headlines out loud at the meeting. Tool. Mr. Luo stops him and tells Mo Ling Ze to handle it however he needs to. He also mentions that until this issue is resolved, Shang Ger's partnership with Le Mi is suspended. Mr. Han says that actions only on their side aren't enough. He suggests pressuring Le Mi to suspend Xu Qing You's work. Mo Ling Ze is not looking too pleased with this. He replies that if the invested company suspends its employee because of this, Shang Ger will become a joke of the industry. Isn’t suspending either one of them admitting that they did something wrong, when in fact, they didn’t? Mr. Han continues riling up the other executives at the meeting. Mo Ling Ze tells Mr. Luo that he'll fix everything and he will bear the losses caused to the company, but the employees in his department have nothing to do with this. He hopes that the company will handle it impartially. 

Mr. Zhai asks to see Xu Qing You. He asks her to put aside her latest project for the time being. He asks her to go to the other departments so she can do other work and let lower-level employees gain more experience. He actually trusts her and Mo Ling Ze, but he's cognizant of the fact that the public opinion is putting pressure on the client to withdraw. He even says that when this is over, he'll be a witness to their marriage. He's the most considerate and calmest boss ever. 

Fang Qi goes to see Xu Qing You with bags of groceries and lets herself in. She finds Xu Wei already in the kitchen cutting into a black silkie chicken. She suggests that they don’t interfere with each other today and that the main purpose of today's cooperation is to make Xu Qing You happy. The two prepare their dishes and wait for her return. When she does return and sits down to eat, they are both quick to tell her about their dishes. (It's a competition for them.) She tells them both to stop talking and asks them why they're even here. Her brother says it's been a long time since he's visited her. Fang Qi says that she was itching to cook today. She smiles at both of them, thanks them for coming and says that she knows exactly why they're there. She starts eating. 

Mo Ling Ze is waiting for Mr. Zhang (a LP = limited partner) to get out of his meeting. The snake known as Fan Yun Xi walks out and sees Mo Ling Ze in the waiting area. Mo Ling Ze says he wonders how a private matter went into a blaze so quickly and knows there's a pusher behind it. Fan Yun Xi says that the corner digger needs to pay a price. Mo Ling Ze says that he's definitely not the one who pays the price, and gets up to walk by him. Fan Yun Xi stops him by asking him what about others, does he not care? Mo Ling Ze turns back and grabs him by the lapel of his jacket and says it doesn't matter how he slanders him but it's another matter if he hurts someone close to him. Fan Yun Xi scoffs and says someone close to him? If it wasn't for him, they wouldn't be here. Mo Ling Ze smiles at this and lets go of his jacket, smooths it out and says that it seems that he really doesn't know Xu Qing You and walks away. 

Mo Ling Ze is still trying to fix the issue but hasn't really been in communication with Xu Qing You. She knows that he's busy but is still worried about him. Xu Dad goes to see Mo Ling Ze and tells him that his daughter is worried about him. He then says that he won't interfere with the young people's affairs but he wants him to remember one thing: No matter what difficulties he encounters, they will always be his family. They face difficulties together. Mo Ling Ze smiles and just nods. Dad then gives him a container of chicken ginseng soup that Xu Mom had made for him. He’s part of the family now. Before he leaves, he tells him to keep his daughter company when he has time. Mo Ling Ze tells him to not worry and he'll take care of Qing You.  

Mo Ling Ze goes to see Xu Qing You, and finds her surrounded by purses on her bed. She claims to be tidying up. She shows him her life savings on her phone and says that she can sell these bags. He realizes that Fang Qi told her about the problem either being resolved or requiring a large sum of money, and she's trying to come up with more funds for him. She sees the container and recognizes it as her family's and wonders if her Dad came by. He tells her that he dropped it off for him. While they’re drinking the soup, they agree to face everything together. 

While Mo Ling Ze has been busy dealing with work issues, Xu Qing You has been learning to sing a song. Li Sa calls him to tell him to come to the bar that evening. He says that he doesn't have time, so she says then he'll miss his girlfriend's surprise. He comes to the bar and she's on stage alone with the guitar and singing to him and his friends. After her song, she has him approach her by the stage, and she earnestly proposes to him. His friends start chanting "I do" over and over. He doesn't say anything at first, but then he apologizes and says that he can't. Huh, why did he say no?

[Ep30He tells her that it’s not the right time. She looks hurt by this but then she laughs and plays it off by tapping him on the arm and tells his friends that she knew he wouldn't agree. She gets off the stage and says that they made the bet and owes her money and she goes to collect. His friends play along. Aww, poor her. As they're busy helping her save some dignity, Mo Ling Ze receives a text message from Wang Ji and tells her that he needs to go somewhere. He asks her to wait at home for him. Once he leaves, she leaves as well. His friends are confused by his response as well. 

Back at home, Xu Qing You receives a delivery. It’s from her mother - but it's for Mo Ling Ze.  She receives a text from her mother telling her to make sure he gets the soup. She mutters why isn’t she getting this. Ha, he's the golden child now. But I guess this is how they’re showing their support - by showing love to him. 

Wang Ji has Mo Ling Ze meet him at some restaurant to talk about a potential spy at Shang Ger. Wang Ji asks if it’ll require a lot of money. Mo Ling Ze says if it can’t be resolved another way, then it will be money. Wang Ji just slides his bank card to him. Mo Ling Ze thanks him and returns the card to him. Mo Ling Ze looks at the documents he gave him and tells him that the documents are quite detailed and comprehensive. Then he points out that there is only one key person. Wang Ji looks surprised. Mo Ling Ze just nods. 

Xu Wei recreates the last ten minutes of New Year’s Eve for Fang Qi, so they’re able to spend it together. They've made up.

Mo Ling Ze returns home and sees the container of soup on the table. Xu Qing You is sleeping on the couch and wakes up at the noise. She doesn’t greet him and pretends to go back to sleep. He asks if she's angry that he said no to her proposal. She denies it and says that it was a bet with his friends. He says that he was just a bit surprised. He explains that he rejected the proposal because he didn't want to make a hasty decision at such a special moment. He says if he had said yes, then he was not being responsible for their future. She tells him that the soup is getting cold and gets up to leave.   

At another meeting at Shang Ger, Mr. Han asks Mo Ling Ze if he's found a solution yet. He complains that there hasn't been any progress, and asks if they can only wait for the investors to pull out. Mo Ling Ze tells him that divestment is not terrible, so long as there's a new investment. Mr. Zhang then comes in and says that he agrees with Mo Ling Ze, so long as there is new investment to ensure the capital chain. Mr. Han asks if Mr. Zhang is planning to keep the investment. He says no, he's adding to the investment as he'll make up for the part that was withdrawn. He asks Mr. Luo to have the legal department prepare a new equity contract.  

When Mo Ling Ze had gone to see Mr. Zhang, he had offered to help Mr. Zhang invest in Tianmeng Games who won't allow external investors right now, so long as he keeps his current investment in Shang Ger. However, Mr. Zhang tells him that he doesn't want that investment - he wants him.   

Afterwards, Mr. Han tells Fan Yun Xi that Mo Ling Ze has been poached by Mr. Zhang. He says that Mo Ling Ze says that he did it for Shang Ger, but Mr. Han thinks it's for a higher social position, and now the two of them look like fools. Fan Yun Xi actually looks scared now. :D He asks Mr. Han if he's willing to be defeated by him. He tells him it's not just him, it's both of them - and they've lost. Mr. Luo has already talked to him and knows everything. He also knows about Fan Yun Xi using the loophole in the contract to set Shang Ger up for the fall. Mr. Han says to get ready to be discarded and gets up to leave. Fan Yun Xi asks if he's shifting all of the responsibility onto him. Mr. Han says that they just took advantage of each other, and at this critical point, a clean getaway is enough. Fan Yun Xi is left standing there looking worried. What he said in Ep20 came true - they are enemies. And it couldn’t happen to a better POS. 

Mo Ling Ze tells her the good news - that the problem has been resolved. She asks if they're not going to lose their jobs, not selling their apartments, not needing to take out all of their savings and not becoming poor. He confirms all of this. She’s pretty ecstatic, and asks to celebrate later. He replies that he’ll cook tonight and leaves with a smile. But when he turns his back to her and walks away, he looks quite serious. Poker Face is back.

Lin Si Yu comes to see Xu Qing You asking about where Mo Ling Ze is as she wants to tell him that he can’t take her darling (Wang Ji) away with him. She doesn't know what she's talking about so Lin Si Yu tells her that in order to keep the investment at Shang Ger, he's promised to work overseas for three years and Wang Ji needs to go with him. 

Mo Ling Ze comes home to a subdued Xu Qing You at the dinner table. She asks him if he’s working overseas. He confirms that it's true. She says then everyone else knew except for her, his girlfriend. She's upset that they'll be separated, and that he made the decision without even discussing it with her. She then gets up and leaves his place. 

The next day, she goes for a massage with Fang Qi and tells her about Mo Ling Ze's plans to work abroad for three years. Her friend is outraged by this. While Fang Qi is paying for their massages, Xu Qing You receives a call from Mr. Zhai asking her to go to Haicheng today. She tells her friend that she needs to leave for Haicheng for work and runs out. 

Not long after, Mo Ling Ze calls Fang Qi and asks where Xu Qing You is. Fang Qi says that he’s her boyfriend so why is he asking her. Ha. He tells her that as his subordinate, she needs to answer truthfully. She says as he's working abroad for three years, he'll no longer be her boss soon. He replies that he has written a letter of recommendation for the senior manager of the investment department. It seems that he may have to reconsider it. (~22:05, just liked the way he says the last part.) She says wait a minute - he smiles on his end. She tells him that as he's going abroad, Xu Qing You is too upset and wants to leave this city. She's accepted an assignment from Le Mi to go to Haicheng. He starts leaving his office. She goes on to say that she went by high-speed railway so he can't go after her by car and she realizes that he hung up on her before she was even finished. She mutters that they’re both in such a rush. lol

Xu Qing You is walking on the beach and calls Mr. Zhai to let him know that the client has agreed to work with them again and the previous contract is still valid. She then asks for a half day off as a reward and he agrees. Again, the nicest boss ever. 

She is now throwing darts at balloons (some booth at the beach), and muttering about Poker Face going abroad for three years. A well-dressed guy with sunglasses on, approaches her and shows her how to line up the dart with the balloon to hit the bullseye. He then removes his sunglasses. She thanks him and he asks if she's there on vacation as well. She asks if he could have the pleasure of her company for parasailing or a hot air balloon ride. She's trying to figure out what to say when a voice chimes in that anyone with a fear of heights had better not try these things. She looks over to see Mo Ling Ze next to her. The guy says that's fine and they can go diving instead as he's a master scuba diver. (I think this guy is trying to impress her as a polyglot - as he's been speaking in Mandarin and English with ease.) She says that it's hot so she'd like to go diving. Mo Ling Ze chimes in that as far as he knows…that she can't swim. The guy now suggests that they go hiking as the mountain scenery is good. Mo Ling Ze points out that with the strong winds, camping or climbing is too dangerous. The guy finally notices and points at them and asks if the two of them are...? She says that she has nothing to do with him. Mo Ling Ze walks closer to her and puts his arm around her shoulders and looks at the guy with a smile. The guy asks her why didn't she tell him that she has a boyfriend? Ha. Take a wild guess. He also says that a gentleman won't take the love of others and he's leaving now. He tells them to take their time to chat and walks off. Why didn’t this guy get more screen time instead of her jerk of an ex? And he's not even listed anywhere.

Mo Ling Ze barks like a dog at her and she removes his hand from her shoulder. Then she goes back to throwing darts and not hitting a single balloon. lol He stands behind her and guides her to hit the mark, and asks if she left without saying goodbye just to play darts. She asks if he's calling it a French leave (an unauthorized or unannounced departure) but he's going abroad. He says they both have their assignments, so they’re even. She says assignment - and then asks if Fang Qi told him this. She says if he knew everything, then why did he come for her? She says they should leave a perfect French leave and then walks away from him. 

He runs after her, calling her name and says that she's misunderstood. He admits that he was asked to work overseas for a period of time and he didn’t tell her because he’s been trying to resolve the issue. She admits that she was sent here by Mr. Zhai to resolve a previous case, and she didn't tell him because the client was in a hurry. He stops and looks at her and says so there is no assignment then. She asks him, how does it feel to know everything from others? Touché. He nods and says it's bad. She nods and smiles and says well, he knows, then drops her smile and says goodbye and walks away from him. He continues following her on the beach, so she asks why he's still following her. He says that she is not satisfied with him, so he needs to impress her with sincerity. She says if he's really sincere - she turns around and extends her hand to him - never separate from her from now on. He says yes, madam, and then goes to carry her off and spins her around as if he was going to throw her into the ocean but he doesn't. They end up playing by the waves, walking and hugging. (~26:30, they look good together.) 

Fan Yun Xi is getting drunk at Li Sa’s bar. Li Sa asks if he got the thing he wanted last time. He says that he only wanted the return of his belongings. He asks her why he's lost even more. She tells him, in gambling, sometimes the more you want to win, the more you indulge in losing everything easily. She says that maybe what he wants doesn't belong to him anymore. He asks what she recommended last time. She says didn't he say that he wouldn't drink anything else? He says that he wants to try it today. She gets him the drink and says it's better than what he had last time. He downs it and says that he doesn't like it but it's not bad. She says that it's good to start with something new and then leaves him there. 

Fan Yun Xi sees Xu Qing You finishing up a meeting with a client at his work building and goes to say hi. Why, dude, why. He tells her that he's canceled his contract with Shang Ger. He heard that she had interceded for him. She denies it was her and says it was Mo Ling Ze. He admits that he thought Mo Ling Ze would win but now he (himself) has finally lost to him in this way. He says that he owes her an apology all the time. She says it's in the past and she's fine now. He says that she's getting better and has come a long way, while he's still where he was. She tells him that as long as he looks ahead, everything will get better. She wishes him good luck and good bye and then leaves. I couldn't be nice to this jerk. I'd seriously just dodge him to avoid exchanging words. And I don’t believe that his narcissistic ways would change - or that he’d give up. I know from experience, narcissists are quite resistant to change. So I’m actually surprised that he even tried the alcohol and wasn't a complete jerk about it. This guy makes me want to run far, far away. 

Xu Qing You receives a text from Mo Ling Ze to meet at the bar tonight. She tells Fang Qi that there's a farewell party and covers her eyes at the thought. She arrives at the bar and sees that it's covered in balloons and Mo Ling Ze is waiting for her. When the lights come on, all of their friends (including Fang Qi, so she knew earlier!) appear. 

She asks him if this is a parting gift for her. He says that it's a parting gift to singleness. She laughs and then says that she'll have to think about it as she's enjoying her single life. He asks how long she is going to enjoy it. She says until he comes back. So she asks how long is that? He says maybe three years...or one month? She smiles brightly at this. Then he gets down on one knee and presents a ring to her. 

MLZ: Xu Qing You. For so many years, I've been looking for an ideal love. But no one has ever touched me like you in the beginning. The world is so big. Luckily I met you. She smiles with tears in her eyes. His eyes are welled up with tears as well. I won't get lost again. Xu Qing You. Will you marry me? Everyone is looking and waiting for her response.
XQY nodding: Of course. She extends her hand. He laughs and places the ring on her finger. 
He stands up and they hug each other. Their friends are all smiling now. The newly betrothed couple kiss and kiss as red flower petals rain on them. 

The End.


by flash2351

[First Impression (Ep1-6)So, I actually binged all the way to Ep 16 before settling down to write my first impressions, but I’ll try to keep the focus on the first few episodes. I do think that getting to Ep 16 helped me appreciate the series more though, and I’ll go into that later.

First, hats off to Zhang Yu Xi and Liu Xue Yi, their chemistry is off the charts, and their scenes together are smoldering hot. The main leads are amazing, and the main reason why I kept watching the show. Honestly, I wasn’t super taken in by Zhang Yu Xi when looking at the posters and promotional material. However, her acting (and the editing/costumes) totally took my breath away. Special shoutout to her costume designs, which are super amazing and sexy/professional. 

Plot-wise, it’s kinda thin, and the villains in this show just feel bleargh. A second of Fan Yun Xi is a second too much screen time for him. Lin Si Yu also just appears dumb, endlessly throwing herself at the ML who shows zero reciprocation? I’m also not super invested in the work plots, they don’t feel realistic nor interesting.

So… Initially, I was kinda meh on the show, but reaching Ep 16 made me realize I’ve been watching the show wrongly. Given the premise, the wardrobe, etc, I expected the show to be about a mature relationship, facing realistic adult issues and problems. So I was understandably annoyed by the flimsy plot and terrible villains. But I realized that actually, this is an immature teenage romance, with teenage problems and teenage angst, dressed up and pretending to be adults. Watching it through that lens makes me enjoy the drama a lot more. Don’t watch it for a serious, interesting plot and complex characters. Watch it to see the hot scenes between the two leads, their irresistible attraction towards each other and their witty exchanges and hilarious immature "conflicts

Also, one plus point I like about this drama is that even though its a male "CEO" drama, there isn't really any of the typical CEO-poor girl shtick, she is more than capable of holding her own in the business world.

[Actors/ActressesZhang Yu Xi: I didn't watch her shows prior to this but I must say her acting is amazing in this. Her character feels both relatable and realistic and I can really feel the emotions that her character is going through. Her drunken scenes and the car accident in Ep 9 are standouts for me IMO. I also love her styling in this series. She somehow manages to look mature and sexy, but also classy and professional in her clothing. The only dress I disliked was the white dress on NYE, which just felt shapeless and fell short of her usual clean and crisp dresses.

Liu Xue Yi: He has this effortless charm around him, and I think he did a good job portraying Mo Ling Ze. I also think that he has the brooding ML look nailed to perfection. Acting-wise, it's hard to say, because Mo Ling Ze is written to be more inscrutable, but I must say I do feel his affection towards Xu Qing You so it's good enough. 

[Random Thoughts] [Ep 1, names] *Minor future episode spoilers* The reason I highlighted the meanings of their names alone as well as their full names (surname+name) meaning is because I think that there is an intentional design here. In Chinese culture, when you are unfamiliar with someone, you refer to them by their full names. Only beyond a certain point of familiarity do you start referring to people by their names (without the surname). In a way, that mirrors the development of the characters in this show. Initially, when our CP doesn’t really know each other, misunderstandings and first impressions make Mo Ling Ze appear to be not a wise choice. However, as our CP gets to know each other more and more, Mo Ling Ze slowly transforms from not a wise choice (Mo Ling Ze) to a wise choice (Ling Ze). 

The FL’s name is a bit more complex, but I suspect that it will tie into her character development. In the initial episodes, she gives off a very uptight and controlling vibe, as someone who worries and frets over every detail (hence the name Xu Qing You, wishing to be able to overcome her worries). My BOLD prediction for the show is that as our CP gets closer, Xu Qing You will slowly learn to let go and not fret over everything, hence overcoming her worries (Qing You). 

[Ep 1, cheating] It’s funny because when I first watched this episode, I felt like I agreed with what Fang Qi said…. Once a cheater, always a cheater… But then, I was re-watching The Intern (an english rom(?)-com, highly recommended btw) with my wife, and… I sorta re-evaluated. I guess, there are extenuating circumstances right? Like what if they got blackout drunk and taken advantage of, or like they made a mistake that they totally regret? Is it fair to judge an entire relationship off one night of poor judgement? 人非圣贤,孰能无过。We are humans, not deities, who can say that they never made a mistake? 

But I think, the second line of the above saying is just as important: 知错能改,善莫大焉。Knowing your mistakes and improving yourself is the most crucial. So perhaps, the focus shouldn’t be on the mistake itself, but how they react and what they do after that matters the most. If they still love you, and regret their stupidity, drunkenness, or whatnot, then perhaps there is still hope? Maybe? But if they are unrepentant, full of excuses, etc, (i.e. in this case) then the relationship is probably over… 

Random nerdy tangent, I also think that there is a sampling bias in saying that cheating -> breakups. After all, most cheaters are in unhappy, fragmented relationships that are plagued with issues. So it might not be so much that cheating directly causes the breakup, but rather relationships that are headed towards breakups will often involve cheating, but said relationship was probably doomed with or without the cheating (just like in this case)…

[Dropped] Just a quick explanation for this hiatus: Honestly, the remaining 12 eps aren't that bad, but they are not stellar either. Normally, I would have finished recapping them, but it's just been too long because of Christmas, New Years, Chinese New Year celebrations, writing Year End caps, and other delays, so I've sorta lost interest/motivation for it. I also found another drama that I really want to recap, and I don't think I have the time to recap 2 simultaneously, so.... this recap is on hiatus until further notice. If you want to know my rating for this drama, it's probably a 2/5. 


by FanFanX

[Behind the ScenesThese two, Zhang Yu Xi and Liu Xue Yi like to prank each other. This is a 12-minute long video of several clips. First clip, he’s getting makeup put on him and she goes to whisper in his ear but he acts like she tried to kiss him. She runs away, ha! Second clip, she tries to put her leg over his shoulder instead of around his waist, and he asks her if she’s lost her mind and then throws the script. She’s laughing so hard at his reaction. There are more clips in here, including one of her with her ex and his mother, and the two women are comparing their arm muscles. If you keep watching this video, you’ll see that the leads had a lot of fun together, which is probably why their onscreen chemistry came across as being strong. 

Zhao Yuan Yuan and Gu Zi Cheng, the actors for our second couple are cuter together in the BTS clips than in the actual series here, which is a shame. About 6 minutes in, that scene of Mo Ling Ze sweetly taking care of her when she was (pretending to be) sick? This is a not very nice boyfriend thing Liu Xue Yi did, ha!

More of our leads being goofy together and keeping the laughter going.


[Ending] Happy for our couple. Her ex finally goes away (but not soon enough).

[Review & Rating
This series is a sexier version of what could've been a great romcom but with even less plot (scooping up water with a sieve). Plot, what plot? I wasn’t here for the plot - I was here for the couple. I mean how could I not want to look at Liu Xue Yi and Zhang Yu Xi together?! Xu Qing You and Mo Ling Ze are a great match, and they are way too flirty to be just friends, ha. Is this a mature love? Depends on your definition of mature. Short answer: No.

I enjoyed this particular conversation in Ep18, which shows us what kind of man Mo Ling Ze is: “Lie to you, exploit your innocence, take your love as a stepping stone for profits and status. This is what you want?” And this is exactly what Xu Qing You’s ex-fiancée does to her. Then the love rival/stalker asks Mo Ling Ze about what’s wrong with her compared to Xu Qing You: “You are not inferior to her. It’s just that you are just not her.” It’s not a contest. This love rival doesn’t know that her own self-worth does not have to be measured by what she can do for people by using her father’s status. It’s not always about which rung you’re climbing to or clinging from.

This series definitely peaks around Ep18/19, so you could/should watch it until here and just stop.

While our leads are good together, Mo Ling Ze has communication issues. He shuts down or keeps things to himself, and lets it become a misunderstanding before he corrects the issue. This is a no-no in any relationship. Meanwhile, we also have Xu Qing You who wants certain things who will sometimes do immature things to get it. Case in point: When she sets up a camera in her living room to capture proof of Mo Ling Ze as a good boyfriend. 

 One of my favorite scenes is from Ep27 - a drunk Mo Ling Ze and the day after. He’s so funny, sexy and cute here. Plus, he smiles and dimples here. Added bonus: she has footage of his drunk ramblings - that she coached and then edited for her own purposes. I have no idea why but the hair swipe move is popping up in more cdramas. While it’s so cheesy, it’s also hilarious because of how absurd it looks.  

I cannot stand narcissistic jerks [insert any expletive here] like Xu Qing You’s ex - controlling, thinks the world revolves around him, and nothing else matters but his needs - and she’s just a part of his trophy case. He actually tells her: “You won’t find a better option.” He’s gaslighting her and her family doesn’t even know about his lies. Why did he have to stay through the entire series from beginning to end though?! (The actor, Li Zi Feng has these eyes that remind me of a shelter puppy - but his character is full of big lies - so don’t fall for it!) I am seriously not sure they kept him on for the entire series. I was tired of seeing him and started rolling my eyes whenever he’d pull that sad-puppy face with her. Ugh. At least, he gets his just deserts.

Memorable Scene: Mo Ling Ze’s ex-girlfriend’s (yet another narcissist) shirt rip in Ep22 (~6:56) was just A-MAZ-ING! Gotta give Xu Qing You credit for facing that head-on instead of running away in tears like any other FL in a series would’ve done. And then she drags Mo Ling Ze out by his tie - claiming her property man. Ha! (Unfortunately for this actress, Tian Yuan who plays his ex, I already disliked her to begin with because her acting is so off-putting and irritates me to no end. So nothing would have satisfied me until she was off-screen.)  

Everything after Ep19 (with exception to Ep27) is more of a miss than a hit. The second and third couples? Meh, as much as I like the actress (Zhao Yuan Yuan) as Fang Qi, her OWYM story just wasn’t that captivating, and Gu Zi Cheng’s eye mole was distracting. I almost went to clean my screen (thinking I had something on it) in the first few scenes with him. Haha. (They're actually cuter in BTS clips than in the series itself.) And the third couple? I don’t even understand why they needed to be a) part of the story, and b) a couple at all. I skipped through most scenes of the third couple. 

I enjoyed Li Sa (Cheng Hei Yee/Yumiko Chen) who had an interesting role as a friend/confidante for different people in this series - for Mo Ling Ze, his ex-girlfriend, and his love rival/stalker. And she was also quite friendly and encouraging to Xu Qing You. I thought she was gorgeous and gave the series a bit more of female power and plenty of edge. Unfortunately, female power isn’t focused on enough and instead we are stuck with terribly long storylines (I’m also using “storyline” very loosely here) for all three couples with their own set of problems. 

I’d say this is only worth a watch if you know exactly where the fun scenes are. And by fun, I am referring to the leads’funny moments, and more likely than not, their very hot or sweet kisses. Lower your expectations and just enjoy the first 19 eps. Otherwise, you’re going to sit through so much drivel before you realize, oh, that was it?

Rating: 2/5