Five (5/5)
Four (4/5)
Three (3/5)
Yan Ke is quiet, talented pianist, sincere, and has that boy-next-door appeal. But he's not the typical stoic, cold ML. At times, you can tell he's vulnerable, and it's very obvious that he really cares for Xiong Yi Fan. He makes choices to be closer to her, is supportive but not demanding. When Tang Tang reappears though, he tries to keep her a distance but it doesn't always work. And he's a bit oblivious to the fact that Tang Tang sees him as hers. (Oh, dramaland!) He's also a bit awkward, so it creates room for misunderstanding/miscommunication with Xiong Yi Fan. What I really like about Yan Ke is how earnest and genuine he is with Xiong Yi Fan.
Xiong Yi Fan is bubbly, kind, athletic, and for the most part, confident. She appears to be very strong but she has her own weakness (her javelin throwing career and the physical toll it takes on her over time). She has had a crush on Yan Ke since high school but due to some misunderstandings, they didn't reconnect again until college. XYF needed to love herself more, and just be herself. And finding her place in the world was something that she struggled with and overcame in the later eps. She's also smart enough to reject Bai Yu Ze (multiple times!) and tries to keep him at a distance (he's too persistent). I love how easily she bonds with Yan Ke's mom before she knows who she is. (What I'm not a fan of is her so-called tomboy years, which results in Yan Ke thinking he was possibly in love with a guy in high school...🙄 If you can get over that, enjoy the rest of this series. To be clear, I'm not against tomboys - I'm annoyed with how they used that fact for a plot device more than once.)
Yan Ke and Xiong Yi Fan are both hardworking, and have dreams that sometimes requires them to be more apart than together. It was gratifying to see them grow, and then grow up together. While she loves watching him in his element, she actually falls asleep at any other classical concerts. 😆 I love their relationship - they're comfortable with each other (once they're over the initial awkwardness).
Ding Ming is Xiong Yi Fan's best friend - sassy, unique and self reliant. She's very encouraging and nudges her towards Yan Ke. (I love how she makes sure Xiong Yi Fan spends New Year's with Yan Ke alone for a moment, while she and Qi Xiao Song wait to interrupt.) She falls for Bai Yu Ze but he's still hung up on Xiong Yi Fan (and chasing tail). And she knows better than to get involved with him - at least not until later.
Qi Xiao Song is her other best friend. He's very supportive of her, brotherly and hilarious. I love how he tries to help XYF and YK be together. He has a crush on Tang Tang but ends up pursuing Coach Ming Xi Yue for some time. They're an odd pairing. (Not sure it was necessary or useful for the story.)
Bai Yu Ze arrives on the scene in college. He's a playboy, rides a motorcycle, and really falls for Xiong Yi Fan. But he's never been in love, and none of his usual tricks/lines work on her - and that just makes him more interested in trying to win her over. Sadly, his pursuit of XYF started because his cousin Tang Tang had hatched this plan to keep XYF away from Yan Ke, to keep him for herself. Ding Ming starts working for him, and while they're on assignments, she sees a deeper side of him, a vulnerability, which is something he normally hides and purposely keeps things "casual" with women. When he's pursuing XYF at the same time as YK, I started respecting him just a little bit.
Tang Tang is BYZ's older cousin and is Xiong Yi Fan's love rival. She's very pretty but mean - wolf in sheep's clothing. She and Yan Ke are childhood friends/colleagues. She thinks she can't play the piano solo (performance anxiety) or basically, live without him, so she becomes relentless in pursuing Yan Ke. She's also very direct about being mean to XYF, uses childish tactics and clings onto Yan Ke. She also ruined a lot of XYF & YK's sweeter moments - frustrating! Later on, she becomes a better friend than an enemy.
Overall, this series was definitely slow, awkward (truly first love) at times but I thought it was also very sweet, funny, a bit melodramatic, and had light romance. I didn't care for the high school scenes, girl-mistaken-as-boy plot device, but it was necessary to lay the ground for Yan Ke and Xiong Yi Fan's history/growing love. The 3 (4, including Ding Ming) leads are all quite good in their respective roles, and I appreciate the character development over the course of the series.
This series is what made me fall in love with Wan Peng. (Watched this twice so far.) She's so likeable, awkward, funny, smart, and just perfect as she is. (I also think I like her because she's so relatable in her roles.) I also enjoyed Riley Wang in this. (He's good at being the sweet, affable guy.)
It's a light (& slow) fluffy rom-com. I love the main leads.
Xiong Yi Fan is bubbly, kind, athletic, and for the most part, confident. She appears to be very strong but she has her own weakness (her javelin throwing career and the physical toll it takes on her over time). She has had a crush on Yan Ke since high school but due to some misunderstandings, they didn't reconnect again until college. XYF needed to love herself more, and just be herself. And finding her place in the world was something that she struggled with and overcame in the later eps. She's also smart enough to reject Bai Yu Ze (multiple times!) and tries to keep him at a distance (he's too persistent). I love how easily she bonds with Yan Ke's mom before she knows who she is. (What I'm not a fan of is her so-called tomboy years, which results in Yan Ke thinking he was possibly in love with a guy in high school...🙄 If you can get over that, enjoy the rest of this series. To be clear, I'm not against tomboys - I'm annoyed with how they used that fact for a plot device more than once.)
Yan Ke and Xiong Yi Fan are both hardworking, and have dreams that sometimes requires them to be more apart than together. It was gratifying to see them grow, and then grow up together. While she loves watching him in his element, she actually falls asleep at any other classical concerts. 😆 I love their relationship - they're comfortable with each other (once they're over the initial awkwardness).
Ding Ming is Xiong Yi Fan's best friend - sassy, unique and self reliant. She's very encouraging and nudges her towards Yan Ke. (I love how she makes sure Xiong Yi Fan spends New Year's with Yan Ke alone for a moment, while she and Qi Xiao Song wait to interrupt.) She falls for Bai Yu Ze but he's still hung up on Xiong Yi Fan (and chasing tail). And she knows better than to get involved with him - at least not until later.
Qi Xiao Song is her other best friend. He's very supportive of her, brotherly and hilarious. I love how he tries to help XYF and YK be together. He has a crush on Tang Tang but ends up pursuing Coach Ming Xi Yue for some time. They're an odd pairing. (Not sure it was necessary or useful for the story.)
Bai Yu Ze arrives on the scene in college. He's a playboy, rides a motorcycle, and really falls for Xiong Yi Fan. But he's never been in love, and none of his usual tricks/lines work on her - and that just makes him more interested in trying to win her over. Sadly, his pursuit of XYF started because his cousin Tang Tang had hatched this plan to keep XYF away from Yan Ke, to keep him for herself. Ding Ming starts working for him, and while they're on assignments, she sees a deeper side of him, a vulnerability, which is something he normally hides and purposely keeps things "casual" with women. When he's pursuing XYF at the same time as YK, I started respecting him just a little bit.
Tang Tang is BYZ's older cousin and is Xiong Yi Fan's love rival. She's very pretty but mean - wolf in sheep's clothing. She and Yan Ke are childhood friends/colleagues. She thinks she can't play the piano solo (performance anxiety) or basically, live without him, so she becomes relentless in pursuing Yan Ke. She's also very direct about being mean to XYF, uses childish tactics and clings onto Yan Ke. She also ruined a lot of XYF & YK's sweeter moments - frustrating! Later on, she becomes a better friend than an enemy.
Overall, this series was definitely slow, awkward (truly first love) at times but I thought it was also very sweet, funny, a bit melodramatic, and had light romance. I didn't care for the high school scenes, girl-mistaken-as-boy plot device, but it was necessary to lay the ground for Yan Ke and Xiong Yi Fan's history/growing love. The 3 (4, including Ding Ming) leads are all quite good in their respective roles, and I appreciate the character development over the course of the series.
This series is what made me fall in love with Wan Peng. (Watched this twice so far.) She's so likeable, awkward, funny, smart, and just perfect as she is. (I also think I like her because she's so relatable in her roles.) I also enjoyed Riley Wang in this. (He's good at being the sweet, affable guy.)
It's a light (& slow) fluffy rom-com. I love the main leads.