I saw too many clips of this series to not want to watch it. And while I know the plot is a bit convoluted, the interactions between Yin Si Chen and Gu Xi Xi are hilarious. Durian and pig = love. LOL E14, bwahaha. I think that’s my favorite ep of them trying to one up each other. They are a very cute couple though – whether they’re bickering or actually being loving. (He’s in over his head way faster than her. How the mighty have fallen.) Bottomline: I love how kind and supportive they are to each other over and over (once they figure out they're on the same team.)
I love Yin Si Chen’s CEO hair - especially when it's slicked back, I am digging it and him. Geez, I’m way into his hair. Haha. (I know I’m not the only one…been reading about it, ha!) His hair is its own entity. LOL! The way he behaves reminds me of every CEO/tycoon male lead in a romance novel (I’m talking about Harlequin novels) that I’ve read. But he’s got more heart/vulnerability than those books ever had. He’s so supportive and very attentive (perhaps a bit too cloying at times, ha).
I actually really like Gu Xi Xi. She has the cutest reactions/gestures. And I appreciate the fact that she sticks to her plans to reach her goal, even if there’s adversity. I love her flower/fruit tops and dresses. (Although all of her sleevelessness (say that 3x as fast) makes my arms cold, haha!) Gah, her horrible deadbeat father and criticizing grandmother, I can’t even imagine dealing with such toxicity. (I was so happy when they disappeared from the show.) I also loved the ep of her trying to imitate Yin Si Chen’s expressions to her best friend. Hahaha. This might be lost on some people but she seriously reminds me of Olive Oyl (Popeye’s wife, cartoon version) because she can be so exaggerated in expression and has that cartoonish flexibility/flowing movement.
The dubbing…I’ve had to learn to ignore it when it’s off-sync – if the show is worth watching. If it’s a train wreck to begin with, I don’t even bother to go through with it.
Yi Bai Chen/Ian, I remember him from Well-Intended Love 2 – and he’s basically about the same here as Mo Zi Xin – sweet, but annoying and passive, and just makes me want to kick him in the shins for some reason. Oh, and that dumb mask, which might as well be Clark Kent’s disguise. He reminds me of a Ken doll – handsome, boyish, perfect-looking, puppy eyes, but so passive that I can’t stand it. I never had a Ken doll, and I was okay without him. Ha. And the “friend excuse”? C’mon, even his assistant was telling him that she has a husband for, well, everything!
Ran Xi Wei is very annoying. The guy doesn’t want you – move on. (What is with her eye makeup – I kept thinking she looked like a lemur at times, especially when she was not blinking.) I just want to push her off a cliff…could I please?! Siiiigh. How many times does he need to tell her that a) he loves his wife, b) he’s willing to support his wife, even if and especially if they face adversity, and c) he has no interest in her?! (Are restraining orders not a real thing in dramaland? lol) She's even in the final ep... >_<
Shang Ke is very weird, and stupid. I mean, how many times can you misunderstand Mu Ruo Na and ‘accidentally’ create problems for yourself and others?? Yes, there’s too much focus on this couple – why not Chen Fei Ang (MVP Assistant! The way he carried off that guy in E23. Hahaha.) and Lin Xiao Ya?!
Grandma just cracks me up! :D And their #1 supporter!
Oh, and his end of the world place – I want to be there! (Don't tell me it's just a green screen, lol.)
Plot is a 3, but it’s closer to almost a 4 for me with this couple. I’d re-watch this series for an easy binge.