A female psychologist meets a radio host who has fallen in love with her at first sight.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Notable Actors/Actresses
Yang Zi: He Dun
The Female Psychologist
[Ep1] In 2019, at least 700 000 persons died by suicide (WHO, 2021). This is how our drama opens. Aaaand I'm hoping this is not set in 2019....

[Ep3] He Dun becomes You Na’s psychologist. He Dun learns from Qian Kai Yi (You Na’s substitute teacher) that there was rivalry between You Na and Zhao Zhe. It’s more than a competition to be the top student; it involves You Na's father whom You Na believes is cheating with the mother of Zhao Zhe.
Network: Youku
Recap Grade: A/B
First Impression: 2.85/5
First Impression: 2.85/5
Mini Recaps
Qian Kai Yi is riding his motorbike. He spots a woman walking against the oncoming traffic, barefooted. At a red light, he accelerates forward, jump-fly in the air, and saves the woman from the truck. He's alive, of course, and so is the woman. The bike is fine too. The big truck isn't. And if the truck can brake for a spontaneous flying bike, I'm pretty sure it could have braked for the slow moving woman. Alas, Qian Kai Yi is our superman-like ML.
[Case 1: You Na (Suicidal)]
He Dun, our female psychologist, is at the emergency calltaking centre and receives a distress signal from a high school student (You Na) wanting to commit suicide. He Dun deescalates You Na's desire to die. He Dun even phones You Na's substitute teacher (Qian Kai Yi) to have him play inspiring music through the PA system. He gets it done by rappelling down a building to enter the broadcasting room. And of course, there is rappelling equipment readily available at school for our ML. You Na is saved by He Dun’s counselling (+ Qian Kai Yi’s rappelling). Alas, He Dun is our superwoman-like FL.
I think the way He Dun talks to You Na is condescending, top-down, too confident, but I don't know how it works. Do psychologists opt for a professional (I-am-more-informed-than-you-attitude) or a friend approach? Or maybe it depends.
I do like the rational behind counting and then stopping in how it activates our logical reasoning to counteract the emotional desire to commit suicide. Again, I'm not sure how practical that method is.
Mom Zhao (He Dun's Mom) fake dies to prank her daughter. It's already the third time. Mom seems mentally unstable and mistakes He Dun as "Jun Jun". While hugging her mother, He Dun holds back her tears. (In a family photo, He Dun has/had a little brother)
He Dun quits her job. She's accused by Qian Qian (a teenage girl) for encouraging her mother to divorce, ruining her family. It's all over social media. He Dun admits to it but the real truth is the mother has terminal cancer. The parents agreed to a divorce to fool their children, thinking it would diminish their children's grief. Everyone has a different way of handling death, but I can't quite understand this one even given the drama's context. It's very cruel to the teenage daughter – she's robbed of a chance to properly say goodbye to her mother.
[Ep2] Qian Kai Yi is a part-time teacher and a full-time radio producer. He wants He Dun on his new show. He tries to catch her at a bar but she's busy saving another person who has taken antidepressants (MAOIs) and drank alcohol – a suicidal combo. He Dun saves him (Ye Jia Hui) but after he's sent to the hospital, he disappears. Because this is somewhat a medical drama, this is pretty bad logic. I don't know how he can walk away fine after she just did CPR on him. Furthermore, the content is still in his stomach. It needs to be pumped out.
He Dun and Qian Kai Yi have a connection. Back in high school, he took her diary and changed it into lyrics which he sang over the PA system. That’s...rude. He even encouraged her to confess to his friend because he knew she liked the friend. That’s really rude... This was a humiliating memory for her so of course, she recognizes him and she loathes him. But does he recognize her?
Qian Kai Yi misses his chance to ask He Dun to be on the panel for his show when they both receive a call notifying them of You Na’s second suicide attempt. He Dun jumps into the pool to save her but then she drowns. Psst, the pool isn’t that deep, but one can still drown... Qian Kai Yi rescues He Dun with the requisite CPR (the kiss). The parents pick up You Na. As for Qian Kai Yi and He Dun, their clothes are wet. The homeroom teacher has school uniforms for them to change into before they leave on Qian Kai Yi’s motorbike (and he claims to be the Famous Mount Qiu’s Motorbike God).

Qian Kai Yi and He Dun are arrested. The police officers think they’re underaged (and dating). They’re at the station where their friends have to proof they’re adults, lol.
Although You Na is saved from her second suicide attempt. Her problem remains. Mom screams when You Na slaps herself repeatedly.
[Ep3] He Dun becomes You Na’s psychologist. He Dun learns from Qian Kai Yi (You Na’s substitute teacher) that there was rivalry between You Na and Zhao Zhe. It’s more than a competition to be the top student; it involves You Na's father whom You Na believes is cheating with the mother of Zhao Zhe.
Qian Kai Yi invites He Dun to be on his radio broadcast. He Dun flatly refuses. He tries to earn brownie points by ordering her food when he knows she’s time crunched, but it’s still a no.
[Ep4] Qian Kai Yi has another chance to earn He Dun's approval. Tang Li Li invites him to whip up He Dun's rooftop with thousands of figurine as a respite space for clients. Qian Kai Yi has figured it out. Why doesn't He Dun have a boyfriend? Her friend (Tang Li Li) practically dries them up, there's no way to survive. Ha. Still, he cleans up the place in one afternoon. Oddly, a firefighter figurine makes him pensive. Later, He Dun thought Tang Li Li decorated the place and offers her body for this favour but when she learns Qian Kai Yi did it, she's reproachful. Qian Kai Yi shuffles around saying it's not like he wanted her body even if she offered it. Alright there (: He Dun does take up the offer for his radio show though. He wants to make mental health services more accessible and she sees the worth in it.
What is making You Na suicidal? He Dun identifies the underlying source: her parents are divorced but You Na knows. Her suicidal attempts are to seek her parents' love and presence. He Dun recognizes that as long as the parent's imbalance in their relationship exist, You Na's mental health will persist. He Dun has a session with the parents to have them identify and realize their harmful role in You Na's health.
The ex-spouses exhibit a Distancer-Pursuer relationship. Dad is the distancer. Mom is the pursuer. Mom's verbal abuse of Dad makes him withdrawn. He escapes her to find peace and comfort. The daughter is innocently caught in the middle and yet her presence escalates their imbalance with her desire for Dad to stay. Mom feels this is a sense of betrayal, which triggers her to escalate her pursuer behaviour – verbal abuse.
Next, He Dun tackles You Na's differences with Zhao Zhe (the "effect" of the cause). She clarifies to You Na that it’s their family who was indebted to Mother Zhao and so Dad is just repaying a favour. To apologize to Zhao Zhe, You Na helps Mother Zhao at her food stand. [Case 1 Ends]
He Dun's shijie (a female senior), Li Yun asks their professor (shifu) Ji Ming Cong to retrieve the "F case" from He Dun. This girl seems to be doing it for a guy (or someone she loves) and it is clearly not for her husband.
Ye Jia Hui (the runaway ambulance guy) is He Dun's new neighbour. He's creepy. He recognized He Dun right from the beginning, didn't he? The timing of his appearance after the shijie giggling at her phone makes me think she was contacting this guy. He Dun remembers about his medication and kindly offers her old clinic if he ever needed consultation. He wonders why she doesn't recommend her own clinic but then when she does, he outright rejects her. His reason: if they're doctor-patient relationship then they cannot fall in love. Uhhhh. UH.

Back at home, Qian Kai Yi is kicking himself with jealousy but then reveries all the times he met He Dun. It seems he fell in love with her at first sight at the bar and continued to fall in love as he witnessed her saving a life and even more when she was her passenger on his bike. All in all, it seems everything she does makes him love her.
[Ep5] Qian Kai Yi paid from his own pocket for He Dun to be on his show. The next morning he confronts the boss on how is it right that the company paid 50 and he (Qian) paid 200. And it's a total of 250, the number that means idiot in Chinese, lol. Anyway, today is the day He Dun reports to the office to sign her contract. At the lobby, she meets Wang Zhuo, her acquaintance and Qian Kai Yi's colleague. Wang tries to introduce her to Qian Kai Yi but our man is like "No need, she's my woman." Pft. Then when boss shakes He Dun's hands too long, Qian Kai Yi is bothered by that too. Oh dear, lol.
Qian Kai Yi and He Dun have a test run at the broadcasting station which she realizes is an enclosed room without any windows. She's claustrophobic. She apologizes to him that she cannot be on the panel anymore.
Tang Li Li is fired by her boss's wife, Director Chang, for seducing her husband. The scandal is all over the tabloids. He Dun investigates for her. She uses her psychological expertise and draws Director Chang's sympathy. Director Chang climbed her way up just like Tang Li Li and so why is she blocking her path? Plus, Tang Li Li was sabotaged by an envious secretary.
While He Dun is helping Tang Li Li recover her career, Tang Li Li is also watching He Dun's back. She suspects the new neighbour, Ye Jia Hui. It's too coincidental that they met at a bar and now he's He Dun's neighbour. She probed into his background and knows he's a reputable psychiatrist in Japan. Why did he give up such a prestigious career path to live here? What is his motive? She preses him until he explains his grandmother is ill and doesn't like to travel. He moved back to take care of her. Tang Li Li accepts that explanation.
Our girls friendship began years ago when Tang Li Li was dumped by her rich boyfriend. Other hooligans thought she was easy and tried to make a move on her. He Dun protected her against the thugs but she's one tiny girl (no matter how big she tries to act). Tang Li Li protects her for protecting her with a broken glass bottle. After they're safe. they settle down at the restaurant. Tang Li Li reveals she's afraid of poverty and that's why she was dependent on men. She grew up in poverty and doesn't want to live in poverty anymore. He Dun gives Tang Li Li two options. She can her psychologist or she can be her friend. Tang Li Li chose friendship.
[Ep6] Qian Kai Yi solves the window-less broadcasting room. He transforms an abandoned building/storage into a station and a cafe!

Qian Kai Yi kneels down: Can you promise to work on the program with me.
He Dun internally spazzes. She tells him to get up and accepts the proposal the offer to work together.
He Dun learns Ye Jia Hui is a psychiatrist. This confuses her. No one with basic medical background could commit such a mistake of mixing his SSRIs with his alcohol. He addresses her concern that it was truly a lapse in judgement as he was celebrating with his friends for his return. He also reveals he switched his specialty to psychiatrist to treat his own mental health. (By the way, it seems he's investigating into He Dun's mentor which is most likely the reason he's appraoching her.) He Dun doesn't probe him any further.
[Case 2: Xiao Wen (Delusional – Erotomanic type)]
He Dun has an anti-fan already before the radio show even begins. She's Xiao Wen who's delusional about Qian Kai Yi and identifies He Dun as her love rival. She says Qian Kai Yi left her for He Dun (for the record, the guy is clueless). Then she dangerously points a knife at the He Dun.
[Ep7] He Dun offers Xiao Wen a chance to retaliate on live broadcast. Xiao Wen accepts. Thus, He Dun analyzes Xiao Wen on air. It's not Xiao Wen's first time in developing a delusional relationship with someone she never met. Xiao Wen has a heightened fear of abandonment. As He Dun accurately acknowledges her current state, Xiao Wen relaxes. She's open to counselling. He Dun recommends her to a colleague (rather than herself because having a "love rival" as a psychologist is contradictory for her recovery). The pilot broadcast is a success for the patient and the ratings. [Case 2 Ends]
[Case 3: Mr. Xun (Panic Disorder)]
Mr. Xun has visited multiple hospitals. He feels like he's dying but every doctor is telling him he's fine. Ji Ming Cong recommends Mr. Xun to consult with He Dun. Since there's stigma about mental health, he hires a lookalike to attend the therapy for him. I was so confused. I thought he had dissociative identity disorder. The real Mr. Xun finally sits down for proper consultation. He reveals his symptoms, including trembling and sweating. Sometimes he feels like he can't breathe. He Dun tells him he has signs of Panic Disorder. It is treatable. But first what is the source?
[Ep8] Mr. Xun is estranged from his only living son after his wife and eldest died in a car accident. That was the first time he had his panic disorder. Then it reappeared when his son wanted to study overseas. From phone calls to messages, their communication dwindled, ultimately, they lost all forms of contact.
Currently, Mr. Xun's son is back in the country. He is worried about his father but because they haven't talked for so long, he doesn't know how to approach Mr. Xun. Well, He Dun has eased up Mr. Xun and now the father and son make up. Son tells Dad, "Let me protect you." [Case 3 Ends]
Qian Kai Yi invites He Dun to his friend’s wedding as his partner. It's to deepen their panelist relationship. Whatever, lol. He even bought He Dun a dress but she refuses to wear one. She likes her deadbeat looking dress shirt, jeans and army boots. Once she arrives at the wedding venue, she recognizes the groom's picture. It's the boy she liked back in high school, Xiao Yun. It's reception, so Qian Kai Yi and He Dun chat about marriage. He believes a harmonious relationship is when a couple recognize their differences and meet in the middle. He Dun thinks differently. When a couple decides to be together, one shouldn't look to change the other but rather to accept and integrate their differences.
Qian Kai Yi abruptly changes the topic, his tone is a little challenging: I don't like egg yolk.He Dun: I don't eat egg whites.Qian Kai Yi: Then He laoshi, do you like men who eat egg yolks or egg whitesHe Dun: I like men who don't waste. I approve, lol. Smart answer.
He Dun meets Qian Kai Yi's ex. She's Fang Yu Xuan, a (semi?) popular host. They toast and she purposely spills red wine all over Qian Ka Yi's horrible clothes. Great! Now she can change into Qian Kai Yi's dress.
[Case 4: Sha Sha (Premarital Mental Disorder?)]

[Ep9] Via a picture that the bride draws, He Dun solves everyone's problems. Couple is married. [Case 4 ends]
Time for the bouquet throw. Fang Yu Xuan snags it and the spotlight by taking the mic and confessing to Qian Kai Yi. The family is upset at Fang Yu Xuan. She's messing up the wedding. But Fang Yu Xuan doesn't care. She refuses to step off stage until Qian Kai Yi admits he still likes her. He Dun saves her man (and the wedding)! Cue dramatic music! Cue dramatic entrance!

The background even changes as He Dun catwalks down the stage. Her confidence is strutting. Her assertive voiceover and charismatic music fills our ears:
Calm, impartial, perceptive, and salvific. This is what a psychologist devotes her life to. I dare to love; I dare to hate; revenge must be taken.
BWAHAHA. Chinese dramas, only you. Only you. Psychologists out there, you better live up to your life's mission!

Qian Kai Yi and He Dun leave the wedding. She gets a call from security that her mother fell. He drives her home and meets Mom who’s fine and is excited her daughter has a man. They exchange contact; Qian Kai Yi is eager to help Mom whenever she needs.

Qian Kai Yi fulfills the first task: fix the electricity. He tells He Dun to be careful as the light turns on. His hands are covering her eyes, to shield them from the bright light. Aw! She turns around to look up at him. *Ding!* Romantic gaze locked! Lol, this drama isn’t subtle at all.
He Dun shoos and shoves Qian Kai Yi from her home otherwise he can talk to her mother forever. Qian Kai Yi whines that he wants to stay with Mom who likes him. He Dun is reminded of another female who likes him. Smirking, he teases her if she's still mad about Fang Yu Xuan. Or perhaps she's jealous. The elevator is here but he won’t leave until he gets her answer. Exasperatingly, she admits to both. He leaves. The elevator door closes. But it opens again! LOL. "Are you really not mad?” He asks her again and again. She shoves him back inside. The door closes. She sighs heavily. And then the door opens again! Hahaha.

He laughs in her face. She bursts out laughing too. So Yang Zi. Lol, this has to be an adlib. Their expressions are priceless.
Creepy Ye Jia Hui is at He Dun's home. What is he doing there? What is the meaning of the musical box he gave her?
[Ep10] He Dun sends off Qian Kai Yi (again). Did we not just have that elevator scene? She's not wearing the dress anymore. He calls her "Jun Jun" thinking that's her Little Name. He Dun freezes up and then snaps at Qian Kai Yi. He doesn't know what he did wrong. It’s her brother’s name. I think she refuses to wear a dress because of her brother too.
Li Yun's husband reports her to the board for dating her client. He Dun is surprised because her shijie looked like the perfect wife. Ji Ming Cong says that's the image Li Yun wanted to portray. He thinks her adultery is related to this F client. O' who could he be! So hard to guess! Later in this episode F Ye Jia Hui makes a move on He Dun's mom by treating her leg. Then He Dun openly apologizes to Ye Jia Hui for suspecting his creepiness him.
[Ep11] Ye Jia Hui can do anything. He fixes He Dun's wifi. While he's at it, he might as well wiretap her home/office. He Dun (reluctantly) agrees on a date with him to thank him for wiretapping her home. Meanwhile Qian Kai Yi continues to phone He Dun. He jokingly asks about "our" mom. He Dun rolls her eyes and tells him to get to the point. He’s calling about the photoshoot for their program. Tang Li Li overhears and does a quick search to find the poster Qian Kai Yi did with Fang Yu Xuan. He Dun glimpses at it and the next second, he hangs up on Qian Kai Yi. Tang Li Li is shocked. Could He Dun be jealous? She denies it with a poor excuse.
Qian Kai Yi is relentless. He tries to tempt He Dun with a picture he photoshopped of her; she’s in the dress from the wedding with long hair. Upon seeing it, He Dun mentally breaks down. Qian Kai Yi visits because he’s worried about He Dun’s non-replies. He catches her crying and calls her Jun Jun. He Dun sobs and tells him that’s her brother’s name who died when he was 8yo.

Qian Kai Yi comforts He Dun. She thanks him for trying but she doesn't believe another person could truly understand her. Perhaps it's a good thing to not make him miserable with her.
Qian Kai Yi: If you ever need someone to listen to you, just turn around and I will definitely be there.
The next day, Qian Kai Yi’s mind is filled with He Dun. He has a boxing match with his friend, the groom, who is also the guy He Dun liked back in high school. Qian Kai Yi finally remembers how he humiliated her. Instantly, he punches the lights out of his buddy. Dude, you did this to yourself. Why hit your buddy, lol.
The date. Ye Jia Hui takes He Dun to visit his grandmother at her residential care home. He tells her they're not related and that it is him who is lucky to have met her.
[Ep12] While the date continues at a movie theatre, He Dun ignores all of Qian Kai Yi's phone calls. I think Qian Kai Yi's eyes are permanently stuck in glaring mode. He's going to grow horns on his head any minute now, lol.
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Drama is so dramatic for this scene, lol |
Qian Kai Yi invites himself to He Dun's dinner date but once he's at the lobby, he notices He Dun’s poster (with the picture he photoshopped). His colleague used it without his permission. Like a secret agent, Qian Kai Yi dangles on the ledge to snip He Dun's picture before her dinner is over. He Dun sees the (snipped) ad and smiles. Did she notice hers was deliberately cut off?
After his secret agent job is over, Qian Kai Yi waits outside of He Dun's home. She passes him napkins to wipe the ashes from his neck. Yeah, she knows. He’s here to apologize for his flippant attitude in high school. He never meant to humiliate her. However, if she still plans to like his buddy, he won't approve of it. He's being childish but this infuriates He Dun. She yells that she never liked his buddy and throws her diary at him. He hollers back that she still kept it, he’s so loud, He Dun is shocked. In a louder voice, she demands him to read it carefully. He does and finds the drawing a a boy with a #9 uniform, which everyone knows belonged to his buddy. He Dun is ballistic. Tang Li Li has heard enough and tries to explain who He Dun liked but the latter interrupts. Ultimately, Qian Kai Yi is left outside all alone. He sits there to wait for the girls. This scene was extra hilarious because of the heavy sliding doors and how obedient he was in closing it for them.

Flashback. The one He Dun likes is Qian Kai Yi! Oh, he's such an idiot. He was wearing Xiao Yun's uniform when he saved her from being hit by a basketball. Although I don't why she would walk on the court during an active game. (By the way, the note on the jar of stars: “There’s a light shining from your body.”)
It's morning, and Qian Kai Yi is still at He Dun's home. He apologies again when he sees her. She takes pity on him and gives him a bit of water. And I mean just a bit of water. She also pours him milk , though. He didn't mean to make fun of her jar of stars. He admits to being a “sour grape” (lit. he can't eat the grapes so he called them sour). He says he was too young and naive. He Dun doesn't think age has helped him grow up. LOL. If she can make fun of him, he's pretty much forgiven.
Qian Kai Yi: You have to give me a chance to make it up for you. Since your first love is over – He Dun glares at him – how about I pay you with myself. Hahah!
He Dun barely swallows her bread and leaves after his shocking proposal. It sounds like a joke to the girls, but he means it! But then he's such a jokester it's hard to blame the girls for not taking him seriously.
Tang Li Li gives Qian Kai Yi her two cents. He's currently "pursuing his wife to the crematorium” (追妻火葬場.). Qin Kai Yi doesn't get it. She explains it's when a man loses the woman he loves and tries to win her back but he will have to exert double the effort. This excruciating process is 追妻火葬場. Qian Kai Yi is in the midst of chasing his wife. He scoffs that he's only doing this for his radio show. Tang Li Li sneers and ditches him too. Now that he’s alone in the kitchen, he smiles at the milk He Dun poured for him. After he leaves her home, he snoops around his love rival's home. Ye Jia Hui ends up creeping up behind him. Qian Kai Yi, the sour grape, flippantly tells him, "From now on we're neighbours."
Tang Li Li is offered a job by a boss she dissed (Boss Fang).
[Case 5 (Ep10): Jiang Jing (Bulimia Nervosa)]
Jiang Jing tells He Dun she knows her own condition. She had asked doctors for help but they only gave her medication and were inpatient with her. Ahhh, putting down medical doctors to make psychologists sound better.... He Dun searches deeper into Jiang Jin's source of problem: it lies with her mother and the pressure she’s exerted on her daughter to be successful and independent.
[Ep13] While He Dun is counselling Jiang Jing, Ye Jia Hui is undermining all her efforts. He meets with Mom Jiang, pretending to be a renowned musical director. Mom Jiang proudly shows off her daughter in that she had practiced 10hrs/day of piano since she was 5yo. Oh. Well, I don't really need a psychologist to tell me where the problem is. Jiang Jing had no weekends and no summer vacation. Ye Jia Hui compliments Mom Jiang and subtly hints that her own daughter should be influenced by her rather than a stranger (i.e. He Dun).
Ye Nian Tang's return to the country disturbs Ji Ming Cong. (I think he’s the guy who’s back with research that can seemingly overtake psychology??? I have actively shut off my brain to this so...count me out on the logic of this.)
Qian Kai Yi has a meeting at work. The ratings aren't that great. One of his colleagues suggests for He Dun to discuss her patients on the show (using an alias). Qian Kai Yi bans the idea because to He Dun that's the same as breaching patient confidentiality. I think that's a very common practice. Just gotta have the patient's consent to be safe. Ye Jia Hui wiretapped Qian Kai Yi's workplace too.
Ye Jia Hui makes the girls drunk to search for some document.
This episode kind of sucks. Overuse of suspicious filters and music. I no longer buy into the suspense. Please just do something already.
As for Qian Kai Yi, he's at home learning how to fold stars. Aw. The reason I’m here.
[Ep14] Ye Jia Hui is doing sneaky stuff like visiting He Dun’s mother and indirectly asking about He Jun (brother). Qian Kai Yi hears of Ye Jia Hui’s visit and jealously pops in, thwarting Ye Jia Hui’s plans. He bought all sorts of Chinese delicacies for Mom. First there’s ginseng, but Ye Jia Hui is like Mom has high blood pressure. Qian Kai Yi opens another box. It’s dongcongxiacao (Caterpillar Fungus), but Doc Ye is like there’s inflammatory components in it too. Qian Kai Yi also has bird’s nest, but Doc Ye is like it’s mainly protein and equivalent to regular egg whites, so it’s better to just eat eggs. LOL. Finally, Qian Kai Yi has meat and dumplings to which Doc Ye is opinionated once again. Can't they just let the lady eat? xD
He Dun is worried for Jiang Jing. She hasn’t showed up for their counsel. Instead it’s Mom Jiang who assures He Dun that everything is fine and they will be terminating their therapies. He Dun sets out to look for Jiang Jing. Tang Li Lis worries for He Dun who might be crossing the line and for her safety. He Dun assures her that she’ll just find a person to accompany her. Tang Li Li, a fine human being, shouts, “Am I not a person?!" Haha. It’s just the person He Dun is thinking of is Qian Kai Yi.
Jiang Jing is grounded at home without her phone. She locks herself in her room and considers self harm. Then her laptop plays an audio. It’s Qian Kai Yi making a live broadcast via his phone. I think she’s got a virus. Anyway, he plays a song by this band who’s drummer lost an arm but that didn’t stop the drummer from playing his music. (Jiang Jing loves drumming, btw.) Qian Kai Yi’s message: there are many warm stories in this world, let us hear them and embrace them. Jiang Jing drops the sharp object and calmly speaks to her mother behind the locked doors.
Jiang Jing: Why are you hurting me for what Dad did to you? You’re afraid I’ll grow up and leave you.
Jiang Jing doesn’t want to be trapped in her mother’s castle anymore. She’s not 5 or 10 anymore. Growing up doesn’t mean she’ll leave her. Mom cries as she listens. The two ladies resolve their differences. Oh and Qian Kai Yi's live broadcast was He Dun’s idea. [Case 5 Ends]
Ji Ming Cong recruits He Dun to replace him as a psychology professor so that he can retire. He also asks her thoughts on converging psychology with medicine. He Dun is happy with her job where she can help her clients one by one. She also believes psychology is psychology and medicine is medicine. They should each perfect their field to best provide for people who need their services. Ji Ming Cong likes that answer. He also gives her the F file.
[Ep15] Tang Li Li's mother seems to be addicted to gambling(?). It's severe to the point that Mom lost all the money that was meant to treat Dad. Tang Li Li has always been covering her debts.
Ye Jia Hui goes ballistic after he overhears Ji Ming Cong’s interview that he doesn’t have anyone he loves. I’m quite certain his mother loved Ji Ming Cong but could Ye Jia Hui be his son?? He falls sick (uh, fake sick? whatever sick) in front of He Dun just to search for this mysterious document. He fails (again). He distracts her by telling him about his past. He felt like he died ever since he was 7 when his mother abandoned him. In his flashback, a man shoved him away. As he consults with He Dun, she seems to relate. A part of her has died too. She remembers her past. She overheard a conversation between her mother and a man (presumably her father?). The man asks Mom to leave with him and his mother. Her mother chose to stay with He Dun.
[Case 6: Mo Ning (Fear of Social Rejection?)]
Mo Ning struggles to reject anyone. He’s also isolated at work. For a dinner get together, no one tells him the location. He even went to a salon to get a new hairdo for it and ended up buying an expensive salon membership that he knows he’ll never need. Then the next day, he'd buy milk tea for everyone like nothing happened. Omg, it’s CoCo! I love their milk tea. He desires to be accepted and will do anything for it, but he regrets it every time he fails to reject someone.
[Ep16] Qian Kai Yi has a theme for his next radio show “Say No” (a guide on how to reject people respectfully). He Dun receives the notice and laughs at the coincidence. Qian Kai Yi tells her to not over prepare because he knows she’s excellent at it already, ha.
Qian Kai Yi works overtime alone (he let his team rest). But then the office is eerie. There’s a loud bang from an unknown source. Then the photocopier activates itself. Then the phone rings with a jokester laughter. Then the light flickers. Scaredy-cat Qian Kai Yi phones He Dun to ask her to pick him up from work. LOL. He Dun is slightly worried for him. Thanks to Tang Li Li, Qian Kai Yi is adopted for the night, but Tang Li Li also invites Ye Jia Hui for a game night. He Dun is hesitant and Tang Li Li takes shots at her for only wanting Qian Kai Yi ~ During the game (Uno), Qian Kai Yi makes it easy for He Dun to win but He Dun only acknowledges Ye Jia Hui’s help.
He Dun receives a call from Ji Ming Cong (who wants the F file back). Ye Jia Hui pays particular attention. Does Tang Li Li notice?
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Omg his postures!! This guy, such an earnest idiot xD |

[Ep17] He Dun has agreed to join Qian Kai Yi in the photoshoot. The photographers are the team members and they’re having fun suggesting hugging poses. He Dun lays her ears to his chest. The world around her comes to a soft lull as she remembers how he saved her in school. Show has restored a bit of faith in me in that it knows how to be romantic without being dramatic.

In the middle of the radio show (people can also walk in to enjoy coffee, which is such a cool concept!), Qian Kai Yi slides her the jar of stars he made for her. She almost loses herself mid-sentence. He mouths to her “I’m sorry”. When the music plays and they’re allowed to speak, Qian Kai Yi remains silent. Using two fingers on the table, he walks towards her and then kneels on his knuckles. He Dun laughs. This is sweet! She gave him the jar in high school because she liked him and now it’s his turn to give her the stars.
The next day, Qian Kai Yi wants to confess to He Dun but he's doing stupid things again lol, of course like showing off his muscles and his brains, in which he’s proven he has neither. He doesn’t even have courage. Dude is ruining his own chances, haha.
Other happenings:
→ Ye Jia Hui’s father is Ye Nian Tang. The friends laugh at how old his son is compared to youthful(???) dad. Meaning Ye Jia Hui may not be his son (but really, Ye Nian Tang looks enough to have a son that age...). They’re both teaming up to harass Ming Cong (who has just burned F file).
→ Tang Li Li is dating her boss. Ye Jia Hui finds out and tattles to He Dun.
[Ep18] The episode begins by revisiting Qian Kai Yi's confession. In that weird poem he recited to show off his "intelligence", the first word of each of the five lines read: "He Dun, I like you." He Dun finds the paper and knows ~
Qian Kai Yi approaches Tang Li Li for some romantic advice. He may look irresponsible but his feelings for He Dun are sincere. Hearing that he may have the slightest chance, he's ecstatic. Ah, but the real treat is when Tang Li Li slips up and reveals He Dun liked Qian Kai Yi. Ahaha, I love this guy's animated expressions! The eyebrow arch! Ahh, but his ego need not be larger! xD This doofus, I don't think he can handle it, haha.

Qian Kai Yi has roses, ready to confess to He Dun but she just dreamed of her brother that turned into a nightmare. He finds her tachypneic and guides her to deep inhales and exhales. But his instructions are all wrong LOL. He's telling her to exhale when his actions are to inhale, haha. He Dun thanks him (for his incorrect instructions). She asks him why he's here. Flustered, he tells her to look to the sky so that he has time to kick away his bouquet. He Dun may be a little disoriented but she's not dumb. She sees the petals on the ground and notices his black attire as if he's mimicking a certain someone (Ye Jia Hui). He admits that he thought she'd like someone more mature. She laughs. She much prefers the colourful patterns he wears. It suits him more. She also says she really likes it – the high school picture he gave her, not the guy, of course. Definitely the guy but she can’t give him too much sugar, or our toddler will be too hyper.
Other happenings:
→ Ye Jia Hui approaches Mo Ning (He Dun's client #6) and manipulates his weakness. Why?? What is the purpose of this? I'm so done with his scenes.
→ Mo Ning is quite pitiful. The whole team is in it to take advantage of him. During a meeting, he finally takes credit for his work which is everything. I quite like this actor (Zhang Hai Yu) and I think he's doing an excellent job at scaring me with his expressions alone.
[Ep19] Mo Ning says he feels great about himself, which prompts He Dun to ask why he’s here for her counselling then. Because he’s not great. He feels guilty. He only said what he wanted but why does he feel depressed? Why am I such a coward? Do I deserve to be hated? He remembers when it all started. A classmate of his was bullied (forced to eat chalk, stuffed up his nostrils). Mo Ning didn’t say anything but he knew that classmate would have wanted someone, anyone to speak up. If he had helped, he would have been bullied. He remembers he was relieved that the bullies changed their target. Now he’s ashamed of his cowardly thoughts. He deserves rejection from his colleagues, from everyone.
He Dun assures him: That’s not true. You didn’t protect him because you needed to protect yourself first.
Can someone really protect himself and watch others suffer? Mo Ning thinks he was selfish. He Dun reminds him that if he wants to protect others, he needs to first protect himself.
He Dun takes Mo Ning into a simulation. We’re in his mind now. He’s home and currently a child. He tells his parents that he’s bullied. Mom hums, "Is that so?" Wut. He says he’s being pushed around. Dad: “They’re joking with you.” ??? He says he doesn’t like that joke and had asked them to stop but they wouldn't. Mom: "Then stop provoking them. If you didn’t provoke them, why would they bully you in the first place?” ... The little boy runs back to his room and cries. The real Mo Ning is there. “Your parents don’t know how to help you." So they’re victim blaming. “They do love you, they just don’t have time to show you” Oh, I fear it when they do show it. Mo Ning teaches his young self that he doesn’t need to be afraid, he doesn’t need to beat his bullies. If it escalates to physical abuse, let the teachers and the police officers know. And not parents, obviously.
Alright, enough with my sarcasm. I can’t help it with this scenario. I get the message that if parents aren’t helpful, you have teachers and you have police officers. But I am unimpressed with this piece of advice and for the show to plaster it in text on the screen makes me feel like this is their take home message. Seek for help is the basic advice. I wish Show dived a little deeper and focused on the barriers in accessing that help.
The simulation is over. Mo Ning cries and reveals he hasn’t cried like this in a long time. He Dun smiles. She confidently tells him, “I understand your emotions but I am very happy.” These lines. So textbook like. Mo Ning is happy too and is looking forward to their next session.
He Dun is concerned if Tang Li Li is dating. Tang Li Li becomes defensive. Her guards are up as she counters He Dun’s condescending attitude. She’s always judging from her moral high ground.
Tang Li Li: In front of you, I’m immature and inexperienced like a child. Yes, I admit it. I love rich men because I lack a sense of security. I like old men because I lack fatherly love. So what? I’m satisfying what I want. I will take responsibility for my choices. Alright?He Dun: Li Li, you just said it right now. You lack a sense of security, which means you don’t truly love them. You just need them.
Omg...if someone spoke to me like this when I’m mad, I’d slam the door on that person. He Dun’s lines are so detached from reality...ugh.
Tang Li Li doesn’t want to hear anymore of it and tries to shake her off but He Dun hugs her. He Dun assures her that she will meet someone she loves one of these days. Oooooookaaaaay psychologist. He Dun hasn’t even met the guy! How is she certain Tang Li Li doesn’t love him? Why is He Dun jumping to conclusions? It’s her attitude that’s making Tang Li Li defensive. Tang Li Li is unreceptive. Who is she to give her advice? He Dun doesn’t even have the courage to love.
Aaaaand the creep was listening in. I guess he wiretapped her lawn too.....?? Good thing it’s a sunny windless day.
Qian Kai Yi realizes He Dun is experiencing Intrusive Thoughts (a potential symptom of PTSD). He Dun is suppressing her memories of her brother, which also means she’s trapping herself in those memories. During the radio show, he doesn’t know what’s upsetting her (or that she’s upset) but his considerateness cheers her up.
Tang Li Li is depressed too. She knows she hurt He Dun. Knowing He Dun, she’d keep all her pains to herself. Tang Li Li cries just thinking of her.
[Ep20] [Case 7: Zhan Lu (Postpartum Depression)]
Zhan Lu is He Dun’s next client. She thinks she’s abnormal because she had thoughts of killing her son. He Dun asked if she had a plan. No. But she’s afraid of these thoughts turning into reality. She thinks her mother-in-law is ridiculing her for her poor motherly skills. She thinks her husband is only pretending to love their son when he actually just wants to watch his ball games. She just finished cleaning and her MIL will tell her to cook. It’s as if MIL can’t stand it when she’s not doing any chores. Then her husband will call her and ask if the food’s ready and her thoughts are this: "It’s as if the whole world needs to wait for me to finish cooking and then they can eat." She regrets giving birth. There’s no one who can help her.
He Dun tells her the assessment: PPD. He Dun gives her the stats* of all the mothers who have PPD. "You are not alone. [...] Believe in me. I will accompany you through the assessment and evaluation of the level of your PPD.” Ahhhhh why must she talk like this! Assessment and evaluation are very important on paper but it’s not something you say to a client while trying to sound like you’re the most empathetic person in this world.
*My two cents: It is inconsiderate to tell someone that s/he is one person within a statistic when they’re in such an emotional state. Telling her that her problem is normal and that she is not alone is merely diminishing her feelings when she thinks she wants to kill her son. I think regular people say it because they don’t know what to say, which is understandable. It’s a normal reaction to comfort that person and make their problem less of a problem, thinking that will help them. But for a psychologist who’s trained to speak to clients and who wants to know more about their problems, why diminish her feelings?
I also think the drama has good intentions (just poor execution). I believe the stats are more for the audience to learn than it is for the mother in the drama to hear. My assumption of Chinese society (pertaining to boomers and gen x) is that they’re not very aware of mental health disorders. Our drama might just be targeting this subset and is dumbing down the disorders to raise awareness (for example PPD is a real disorder and not mothers being emotional).
Just me, playing devil’s advocate by myself.
He Dun teaches Zhan Lu about Beck’s Cognitive Triad (also known as negative triad). It describes three views that are present in depression: negative views about oneself, about the world (surroundings) and about the future. Zhan Lu exhibits them all: “I’m abnormal”, “No one can help me”, “I have no future (no hope)”. He Dun assures that these are her thoughts and not reality. She. Is. Confident. Her. Depression. Will. Be. Alleviated. 

He Dun asks Zhan Lu when her thoughts of wanting to kill her son are the strongest. It’s when her MIL is doting her son over her eldest daughter. She fears the preferential treatment against her daughter. Then He Dun asks her when her negative thoughts are at their lowest. It’s the precious moments with her daughter. Her little girl knows to ask if Mom is sick and will cry with her. Ah. Her daughter’s happiness is her life support.
It’s almost 3:30pm and Zhan Lu is rushing to pick up her daughter at 5pm (= anxiety). The parents are surrounding the teacher, asking about their children’s academics. Zhan Lu squeezes in and learns that only their family hasn’t handed in their homework. Moms are tough. Gotta do homework. But teachers are tough too. Zhan Lu feels so anxious that she pees her pants – incontinence from psychological stress. A kid points a finger at her and laughs. All the parents are watching. Her daughter (Ye Zi) runs back to protect her mother but Zhan Lu is too embarrassed and hollers at Ye Zi from coming any closer. The kid's laughter is haunting. Ye Zi, our precious little girl, starts running again. She gives her vulnerable mother a big comforting and tearful hug. T__T. Mom’s life support.
The next day, Ye Zi visits the radio station to look for He Dun and Qian Kai Yi. She wants their signatures because Mom loves listening to their radio show. Instead, the little girl sees Qian Kai Yi admiring his picture with He Dun. Ye Zi laughs and runs away.
Other happenings:
→ Ye Jia Hui is still manipulating Mo Ning. This time he gives him medication. Can his license be removed?
→ Tong Yao shows up at He Dun’s office to look for Tang Li Li. Ah, Boss Fang has a wife. Tang Li Li doesn’t know she’s a mistress.
→ Ji Ming Cong has someone he loves, which seems to be the reason he’s still single. This woman he loves went missing.
→ He Dun suspects Ye Jia Hui when he chanced upon Ji Ming Cong at a bookstore.

[Ep21] He Dun applies a bandaid on Ye Jia Hui’s chin injury. Qian Kai Yi is like No way! (He’s here because Tang Li Li had asked him to visit He Dun). He pulls He Dun behind him and checks on his rival. He gasps at the scratch, exaggerating at the cut. Hahaha. Then he pushes him down on the couch to personally apply the bandage for him. Furthermore, Qian Kai Yi stays for the night to protect her from a potential wolf. He’s sleeping in a tent outside her home. He Dun doesn’t show it, but she’s grateful he’s here.
![]() |
Not a good looking actor, but I appreciate his performances a lot |

Zhan Lu is seeing improvements. She has plans for her future. She has a goal. She wants to work again. She’s not just dependent on her daughter. He Dun also compliments that being a housewife is nothing to be ashamed of. It is hard work. He Dun motivates her to invite her husband for the therapies. A positive and supportive family is beneficial to PPD recovery. Zhan Lu will try. (She also apologizes for the late night call. He Dun laughs. So this was the call that scared Qian Kai Yi.)
At night, Zhan Lu speaks with her husband that she wants to work. He says he will help with the housework. Her MIL is supportive too. Zhan Lu is looking forward to her future (as a writer), as a wife and as a mother. [Case 7 ends]

Tang Li Li learns her boyfriend (and boss) has a wife. The women cat-fight in the office. They actually fight, like roll on the floor kind. Wow, lol. Boss Fang stops Tang Li Li who then slaps him. The employees are silent in shock. Tang Li Li walks away as confident as she can before she breaks down in tears.
[Ep22] Zhan Lu takes her daughter to visit He Dun at the radio-cafe. She’s here to thank the radio hosts. Then she gets a call from an employer for an interview. But what about Ye Zi (her daughter)? She wants to go to an amusement park and so Qian Kai Yi and He Dun are like mom and dad who take her to play. This little girl is <3. Qian Kai Yi is amazed at the marine show but Ye Zi can sense He Dun’s fear (of water). Qian Kai Yi, man! A little girl is more perceptive than you! But seriously, Ye Zi is too precious. Her sensitivity saved her mother too.

No wonder Qian Kai Yi was enthusiastic about the marine show. He’s afraid of heights, lol. Ye Zi isn’t sensitive to him and laughs at him for it. He’s a cool sport (and probably not that afraid). On the Ferris wheel, Ye Zi whispers loudly that Qian Kai Yi really likes He Dun. Qian Kai Yi smirks. He Dun calls her nosy.

However, Ye Zi isn’t as bright as she seems. She says she wants to be just like He Dun to protect her mother, her father.... and her brother. Her voice dims as she finishes her sentence.
Ye Zi: Dad protects my brother. Mom protects my brother. But there isn’t anyone to protect me. I like my brother but I also hate my brother. I’m a bad sister.
He Dun is reminded of her own brother. Qian Kai Yi speaks up first to comfort Ye Zi. Then He Dun assures Ye Zi that her mother wants to protect her the most. Ahh, so was that man in the flashback really He Dun’s dad who didn’t want her?
The day resumes happily. A little boy goes hmph! at Ye Zi for no reason (the boy likes her. For sure.) Qian Kai Yi glares back at the kid and together he and Ye Zi double-hmph! the boy. Haha.
There’s a cake making event for kids. The lady chef tells the “parents” to wait at the tables. Qian Kai Yi is pretty smug at that misunderstanding. They end up talking about his parents. He always admired his father who was a firefighter. He died on the job. Then his mother fell ill and subsequently passed away as well. He Dun apologizes for bringing it up but he’s okay. He reveals he applied to be a firefighter but didn’t make the cut. He was sad about it but reconciled that there are other ways he can follow his father’s footsteps like being passionate in helping others. He Dun understands why he’s so agile now, rappelling down a building, flinging a motorcycle while doing summersaults, and sniping that poster from the railings. Whoops. She just revealed she knew. She awkwardly changes the topic to his current career. His aunt introduced him to the job because their family couldn't bear another loss. Now it’s He Dun’s turn to open up. She smiles as she tells him it was her brother who motivated her to be a psychologist. She’s actually smiling at the mention of her brother. He Jun wanted to study medicine to make a medication that can bring happiness. He Dun was never good at science and ended up being a psychologist. Then Ye Zi sets her cake down for her “parents” and asks if they’re dating. She senses the mood between them just now was romantic. The “parents” don’t answer and so Ye Zi whispers (quietly this time) that Qian Kai Yi needs to take initiative.

Qian Kai Yi wants to buy cotton candy but it’s not for sale. They need to complete a set of family photos for it. I love how Qian Kai Yi plays with Ye Zi’s face.
As the family date winds down, Qian Kai Yi has one more thing to tell He Dun. He admits to hiring her because she was controversial, but later he realizes she’s more important to him. Then he skips away after that bashful confession. This big boy is skipping!! xD.
He Dun falls asleep in Qian Kai Yi’s car. When she wakes up, she’s home already. She unbuckles her seatbelt, ready to leave but Qian Kai Yi stops her to comb the hair that fell out of place. He Dun motionlessly waits for him to be done, keeping her face calm. When she’s out of the car, she’s smiling. Qian Kai Yi follows her out of the car and asks if she needs someone to accompany her tonight. It’s dangerous for her to be alone. He Dun shoots down the offer, “Two people in my home is more dangerous.” Lol. Qian Kai Yi says he can sleep in the tent but she won’t let him. It’s because she cares about him sleeping outside, methinks. Qian Kai Yi doesn’t want to separate. He has another last thing to tell her. He made a deal with Ye Zi and asks He Dun to come closer so he can whisper it to her. She won’t and so he doesn’t tell her. She’s ready to leave again but he calls her name again xD He Dun smiles until her dimples are showing but she just doesn’t show it to him. Meanwhile Qian Kai Yi jumps and spins in happiness.
When He Dun is home, Mo Ning strangles He Dun, thinking she betrayed him. Qian Kai Yi saves He Dun (he’s back to return the ID she left in his car). Mo Ning whips a brick at Qian Kai Yi who then bleeds. Out of fear, Mo Ning runs away. He Dun tends to Qian Kai Yi’s head injury and sees a scar on his back. It was from a fire, the fire that killed his father. He Dun asks Qian Kai Yi if it still hurts. The physical pain no longer hurts, it’s the pain in the heart that still lingers. He Dun turns quiet. She never knew he had such a traumatic past. With Qian Kai Yi’s personality, no one could guess it. He’s the opposite of He Dun.
Ye Jia Hui heard everything but chose to stand by. He had wanted Mo Ning to expose her (and not hurt her? But then, why stand by?). Mo Ning is very not okay. He’s eating five hamburgers. He doesn’t remember he injured her. He just knows he had medication. Ye Jia Hui throws him another bottle of pills. It will be his last time helping him.
[Ep23] [Case 8: He Dun's Mom (PTSD)]
Mom visits a psychologist (not her daughter). She reveals she has a brother (Jun Jun) but he died at 8. I think she's "pretending" to be He Dun. She ran away from home. Jun Jun followed her and fell off the cliff into a thrashing river. She tried to save him. Then Mom jumped in the water too. She grabbed both her children but she could only save one. Mom chose to save her daughter. The psychologist, Dr. Wen assesses Mom's condition. She has signs of intrusive memories, avoidance (of water), and heightened emotions (easily frightened). Mom has PTSD. Since it's been so long since the trauma, Dr. Wen tells her it will take (exactly??) three years. However, Mom doesn't have three years.
Qian Ka Yi, He Dun, and Ye Jia Hui spend the day together. First, they were at Ji Ming Cong's where Qian Kai Yi sucked up to the professor. Then all three of them are at Qian Kai Yi's hometown. The aunties are gossiping in their faces. I love how Qian Kai Yi copies their way of speaking, lol. Qian Kai Yi introduces Ye Jia Hui as a doctor. Ye Jia Hui says his specialty is curing the crazies with a pointed look at Qian Kai Yi who then throws a tangerine at him. Is this an adlib too?
Ye Jia Hui softens up. He learns of Qian Kai Yi's childhood and is rather amazed he doesn’t look like he grew up with such a traumatic experience. Qian Kai Yi's optimism is rubbing off on Ye Jia Hui and He Dun. All three of them have experienced the loss but Qian Kai Yi lives each day brightly. It's in their clothing choices as well. Qian Kai Yi loves his patterned shirts meanwhile He Dun and Ye Jia Hui are in solid plain colours with Ye jia Hui’s colours being the darkest of them all. Ye Jia Hui has to leave first. He wants a handshake with Qian Kai Yi but once again, it's slapped away, but this time around, Qian Kai Yi offers a prop.

But He Dun pukes!!! She stuffs her hand in his face to give herself space to vomit. She apologizes. She's retching from eating too much. Qian Kai Yi wants to check on her but her hand is still in his face. HAHAHA. This has to be the most mortifying interrupted kiss scene in the history of dramas. He Dun laughs and apologizes. She's too embarrassed to say anything else. Qian Kai Yi is too ashamed to reply as well. He just nods. Ashamed (and laughing), He Dun screams and runs away. Qian Kai Yi screams just like her and runs away just like her. This guy! LMAO. Where is the behind-the-scenes for this!!
Ye Jia Hui tells Dad he wants a break. He wants friends and perhaps romance. Dad sees a threat in his son’s resolve for revenge and so he takes out a letter from his mother to guilt trip Ye Jia Hui. It’s to Ji Cheng. Who? I thought Dad’s name was Ye Nian Tang. Mom left her son to Ji Cheng who is like her brother, her friend, and her husband. All these relationships are one sided (from him). She needs to run away to find a balance with her disorder.
Tang Li Li returned all of the money to Boss Fang and now the convenience store belongs to her and her mother. Tang Li Li says she won’t marry as long as Mom isn’t annoyed with living with her.
He Dun visits Dr. Wen. She’s her psychologist too. He Dun shares her patient's (Mo Ning) story. She’s scared but wants to help him. He Dun suspects a third party.
Dr. Wen is filmed in such a mysterious way. Is she a good character? I do love her aura, though.
[Ep24] Tang Li Li apologizes to He Dun who remains mostly silent. Tang Li Li reveals she's heartbroken even though she knows Boss Fang is a jerk. Finally, He Dun explodes (in He Dun way), no longer sounding “pretentious", just a friend to a friend, using derogatory terms (like fart, lol. I think that’s derogatory for He Dun). Our girls make up.
The next day, Tang Li Li needs to physically get over her heartbreak. She wants to box it out. He Dun doesn’t know how to block, which is why Tang Li Li invited Qian Kai Yi. He incites her, and provokes her. Qian Kai Yi does such a good job at angering her, Tang Li Li orders He Dun to turn her phone on silent – Boss Fang has been calling her incessantly.
Mo Ning faints at home from overdosing fluoxetine. This is reported on the news. Why??? Must be a quiet day. Is Ye Jia Hui’s motive to have He Dun’s licensing revoked?? Or penalized.
He Dun consults with Ji Ming Cong about her mother. She faked her death again and called her Jun Jun. He Dun doesn’t know if her mother is hallucinating. Ji Ming Cong assesses Mom for He Dun who overlooked Mom’s fake death act. Mom is afraid of death, afraid of leaving the person she loves. Mom is afraid of her own death.
Mom visits Dr. Wen. She reveals that after Jun Jun's death, she was blind for a half a year. No doctor could explain why. Then one day she rolled down the stairs and suddenly she could see. Could that be the explanation for her heightened sense of hearing? And what happened to that? Did show forget?
He Dun is back at her mother’s home. She finds hospital receipts. Qian Kai Yi was just calling her to let her know their 'Say No' segment is ranked #1 but she tells him first that her mother isn’t okay.
[Ep25] He Dun asks her mother if it’s because she’s (He Dun) sick that she doesn’t depend on her. If Jun Jun was here, would she tell him instead? Mom hugs her daughter that it’s not like that. She doesn’t want to add to her stress. They tearfully hug each other. He Dun convinces Mom to go to a hospital. Qian Kai Yi is there with them too. After the examination, Mom is fine. Mom, who we all thought was sleeping, sits right up to ask if it’s real. She’s happy like a kid. This scene was done with so much anxiety from Mom’s angle that made me anxious too, but it turned out to be nothing. I don’t like Show wasting my emotions.
Mom asks He Dun if she was hurt when she called her Jun Jun. She did it on purpose. Mom wants He Dun to hate her so that He Dun won’t think of her after her death.
Ye Jia Hui has a musical box for He Dun. It’s a love confession but she doesn’t accept it. She’s now in her room and sees her high school picture. Her mind and heart is filled with memories of Qian Kai Yi. She runs back out to Ye Jia Hui to tell him she has someone she loves. It’s the first time she’s admitting her feelings. Qian Kai Yi is eavesdropping and smiles. Ye Jia Hui knows she likes Qian Kai Yi. Actually, he likes him too. This shocks both He Dun and the eavesdropping Qian Kai Yi but Ye Jia Hui says it’s not like that.
Ye Jia Hui treats/massages Tang Li Li’s injuries (from the cat fight). She doesn’t tell him the reasons for her injury. Then he presses somewhere that hurts and she’s like What was that! He says it's the place for heartbreak. He knows without her telling and to use half the suspicions she had on him on the guys she dates. She teases him if he holds a grudge against her. Uh. They’re going to be the second couple????? But I still don’t like Ye Jia Hui. Can we solve his problem first?
Other happenings: Ji Ming Cong remembers/hallucinates the woman he loves. The woman should be Ye Jia Hui’s mother. I can’t tell if she’s alive, a hallucination, or a fragment of memory in that hospital scene.
[Ep26] [Case 9: Li Wei (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Rape)]
Li Wei has been insomniac for the past 4-5 days. When she can’t sleep, she will shower or wash hands 3/4x. She thinks she’s dirty. He Dun asks if there’s a reason for those thoughts. Li Wei asks if she can trust her. He Dun in her empathetic voice, "Of course, you can completely trust me.” Ah. I don’t know why the production team thought talking like this is empathetic x_x. Li Wei was raped by her client. He Dun asks if she can concretely tell her of her thoughts at that time. Li Wei recounts that she couldn’t move and she couldn’t scream. She couldn’t turn around to see his face. She could only look up at the ceiling. She wished time were faster so it could end.
He Dun asks Li Wei if she called the police and went to the hospital. She did the later but not the former. She can only wash herself. She’s ashamed. She hated it but why couldn’t she resist him? Is it because she wanted it? He Dun says that when we’re stressed we have complicated responses. Li Wei’s response was “Stiff State” [is there a proper English term? (Update: It might be 'Dissociation'¹. Li Wei slaps herself repeatedly. Even if her mind was in a stiff state, why must her body betray her too? Why did her body react to him? He Dun calms her down. This is normal. This is something their mind cannot control. Sometimes the body’s reaction can be stronger under resistance.
He Dun asking Li Wei to relive the trauma bothered me a lot. I get it that Drama needs to dive into Li Wei’s story, but that was really uncomfortable.
Zhan Lu is hired. Her husband is resistant to the therapy but Zhan Lu is able to assess herself. She’s feeling better and her communication with her husband has improved.
Ye Jia Hui beats the crap out of Tang Li Li’s ex. Our doc speaks with his fist, eh. Well, at least the police officer reprimands him. Later that night, the boys, Ye Jia Hui and Qian Kai Yi, drink so random but okay. The girls are having their own drinks. He Dun admits to Tang Li Li that she likes Qian Kai Yi.
Qian Kai Yi’s colleague, Zhang Miu, quits the team. He doesn’t agree with Qian Kai Yi in giving up their previous program for their current mental health one.
[Ep27] He Dun is sitting at home waiting for a call from a certain someone. It’s weird that he hasn’t called her. Is it? Does he cling onto her that much? Could he be in a car accident? No, he's just depressed that a member left his team and that he couldn't answer whether he kept He Dun’s program for personal reasons. When He Dun phones him, he's reclusive. Although He Dun was awkward on the phone, she senses Qian Kai Yi's sadness. She finds him and drinks with him. She asks him if he chose their radio program for her. She reveals she agreed to be on the panel because of him. It was him who convinced her the program was worthwhile. In turn, Qian Kai Yi is reminded of its value. He's happier.
Li Wei is back for another consultation. She's dressed in a light pink dress, contrary to her black ones. She thinks changing her image with lighter colours will make her mood brighter. However, she reveals the man had cornered her again. He said it was consensual. No one would believe her if she confessed to being raped. Li Wei says she's not the typical "good girl". Men would always approach her but she never refused them when they touched her. He Dun denies this. Li Wei did refuse them but indirectly – a refusal is a refusal. Li Wei is pessimistic. People will think she did this to herself and that she deserved it (for dressing sexily, smiling when men made a move on her). It was her who seduced him to rape her because she's not the typical "good girl". He Dun asks her to reconsider that if she was this supposed "good girl", what would that night be like? The man would still make her drink. The answer is no matter how you change yourself, you cannot change that man's actions. The only explanation for rape is in the rapist.
That night, Li Wei posts her experience on an online forum. I cried with her when she hit post. It took a lot of courage to expose herself but she also wants to give courage to girls who are like her.
Dr. Wen is a team with Ye Nian Tang. Drama's way of making people suspicious is way too obvious. If they had toned down the technique, I could have been surprised at this.
[Ep28] Qian Kai Yi cheers up because of He Dun and his colleagues' supportive messages.
Li Wei has another consultation. In her post, there are comments blaming her for being raped. Her coworkers aren't supportive. Worse, her manager tells her to keep silent, saying it's for her sake (more like it's for the company).
He Dun compliments Li Wei that she is already very courageous, but Li Wei can't suppress her negativity. She wants those girls who look down on her to suffer the same consequences. She doesn't know what to do at this point.
He Dun: If your coworkers tell you they want to help you, will you feel better? If society tells you they can understand you, will that give you more courage to say everything? If I say I will support you, will that give you more courage?
Yes. To Li Wei, support and understanding is what she's looking for.
Tang Li Li reads the article on Li Wei and is upset for her. Tang Li Li knows the rapist's reputation. She records the conversation with the man that he was the one who slandered Li Wei's reputation. Ye Jia Hui is her partner in crime, the one who gave her the necklace to record everything. He also shows up in time to save her by pretending to be a car cleaner.
Ye Nian Tang's old name is Ye Ji Cheng
[Ep29] In the middle of the radio show, the lights are out. There’s backup, but only enough for the broadcast and not the lights. He Dun is afraid of the dark. Qian Kai Yi ends the show with, “As long as you need, I will always be there.” Then he holds her hand. He Dun smiles. After the show, Qian Kai Yi takes He Dun to the balcony. He teaches her to yell out her stress. She’d feel better that way. She can’t. She wonders how he can be so happy all the time, unlike her. When the lights went out, she was thinking of her brother. There was a period when she lost her sight and lived in darkness, hence her acute hearing abilities. Qian Kai Yi tells He Dun that happiness can be a choice. Throw away the suffocating sadness and leave space for happiness to grow. He tells her to shout it all out. He Dun gives it a try. "Qian Kai Yi!!!!” He answers, “Oi!” Noise pollution!
Mom apologizes to Dr. Wen. Her story was fake. Jun Jun is her son and not her brother. However, Dr. Wen continues to assess Mom, who also has her own traumas.
A man visits Mom. Is it Dad? Her ex? Confused. They’re on good terms but when Tang Li Li and Ye Jia Hui are on their way, he has to quickly leave.
The secondary romance is also kicking up a notch when there is a bidong in a supermarket. Ye Jia Hui even hangs up on “Y” (who I assume is Ye Nian Tang) when talking to Tang Li Li.
Li Wei is asked to bring a document to a dinner gathering. It’s with the rapist. She sees him pressuring another girl. Li Wei takes a glass bottle and hammers it down on the back of his head. Then she’s chased by his men. Qian Kai Yi finds Li Wei. Here comes Qian Kai Yi’s dramatic heroic scene.. Action! Qian Kai Yi grovels. Nevermind. He loses the bravado and acts chummy with the guys. Then he negotiates to switch him for the hostage but he ends up being beaten, and Li Wei is still tied up. He Dun saves them both, but she's scared too and screams when she strikes each time. Yang Zi. 100%. He Dun, Qian Kai Yi, and Li Wei split ways and flee.
He Dun and Qian Kai Yi find themselves hiding in a corridor – the perfectly cramped space for kissing~ He Dun backs away, though. Qian Kai Yi isn’t backing away. He pulls her close and they make out between the walls. Romantic! But is Li Wei okay?!
He Dun and Qian Kai Yi are at Mom’s home. Qian Kai Yi is suddenly very nervous because of that. He Dun acts innocent. Qian Kai Yi asks if he needs to remind her as he bidongs her. He Dun stuffs her hand in his face to stop him from kissing her. Lol. Stop ruining his face! xD. She tries to run away by ducking but he slides down with her and blocks her escape. LOL! They’re doing another elevator scene but they're the ones going up and down.
Once they’re home, they find everyone (Tang Li Li, Ye Jia Hui, and Mom) drunk. They’re like a happy family. Then on TV, the hooligans from earlier are arrested (which means Li Wei is safe).
[Ep30] Li Wei takes responsibility for losing the client. She quits. Her Manager won’t accept the resignation. The Manager admits her fault in handling Li Wei’s case. The entire team supports her too. Then they receive news that the rapist is arrested. [Case 9 ends]
Ye Jia Hui confronts Dr. Wen on using Mom to target He Dun. Dr. Wen plays it cool and indirectly denies his accusations.
[Case 10: Yao Ke Xin (Sexual assault victim)] Yao Ke Xin accuses Ji Ming Cong of sexual harassment. The mastermind seems to be Ye Nian Tang (and Dr. Wen?)
Ye Jia Hui helps with Ji Ming Cong's case. But is he helping or sabotaging?
[Ep31] Ye Jia Hui, this creep, is indeed guilty. He is counselling Yao Ke Xin to accuse Ji Ming Cong. Yao Ke Xin is working for them because she’s in debt.
Tang Li Li is into this police officer. O-kay. No secondary couple?
Wen He (a psychologist; Janine Chang cameo) is invited on a competing show. It's a double blow for He Dun since she's currently associated with her professor's scandal.
Interestingly, Wen He is Dr. Wen’s sister. They do actually look like sisters.
[Ep32] During the public hearing on Yao Ke Xin's accusations towards Ji Ming Cong (for sexual harassment and failing her paper unfairly), he now accuses her of stealing his research. She has proof, though. It's a video of an interview with client F (= Ye Jia Hui's mother). Yao Ke Xin's voice in the background asking her questions. However, with He Dun’s sensitive ears, she immediately deciphers the video was edited. Yao Ke Xin cannot refute. She asks for a break so that she has time to receive another proof. The hearing resumes. He Dun suggests inviting client F and the truth will be out. Ji Ming Cong is against it. He promised to keep client F's identity confidential as he should. What is He Dun smoking? And isn't the video edit enough proof that the evidence is fabricated? Ji Ming Cong picks up his bag to leave as he doesn't want F's identity revealed. Here's the reversal. Yao Ke Xin reads an apology letter that she says is from Ji Ming Cong. In the letter, he's apologizing for falling in love with her. After hearing it, Ji Ming Cong is emotionally agitated and physically in pain as he crouches over, clutching his stomach. Cameras are flashing. Among the unrest, Ji Ming Cong recognizes Ye Jia Hui in the audience.
He Dun is worried for Ji Ming Cong but he won't tell her anything. Qian Kai Yi comforts He Dun. He also thinks there's something up with the letter. It doesn't sound like it's written for Yao Ke Xin. It's more like a love confession than an apology. He Dun isn’t quite comforted. If it's written to a client then Ji Ming Cong has breached the ethical codes of a psychologist. Qian Kai Yi reasons with her that no one is perfect. It's important to consider the type of and the reason for his crime. He tells her that Ji Ming Cong must have his reasons for his silence and if she wants to investigate, he will accompany her to the very end. She thanks him for his silliness and for cheering her up until she smiled. As her boyfriend, it's Qian Kai Yi's honour. I love how he cheered her up. From being objective, to being silly and then being serious and considerate. He did everything right!
Ye Jia Hui confronts his father, Ye Nian Tang, on the letter. Ye Jia Hui only wants to search for his mother and not to expose her. Clearly, that’s not Ye Nian Tang’s agenda.
He Dun tells Mom that Qian Kai Yi is her boyfriend. Mom sort of knew and is happy it's the cheerful Qian Kai Yi.
He Dun wants to discuss Yao Ke Xin as their next topic on the radio show. Qian Kai Yi almost loses the steering wheel, worried about the backlash against her. He Dun is confident she can handle this appropriately. However, Qian Kai Yi was right to be worried. Before the show even started, the public tarnishes He Dun’s reputation too. He Dun analyzes the overblown reaction. She's targeted because she's the only one who can help Ji Ming Cong and they want her eliminated.
Ye Jia Hui meets Ji Ming Cong. No more pretences. Ji Ming Cong tells Ye Jia Hui to not drag in F. Her condition is unstable. She needs a quiet place to recover. Oh, he wasn't hallucinating her. Ye Jia Hui is so angry he flips Ji Ming Cong out of his chair. He just wants to know where F is. Omg, just tell the son where his mother is.
At Qian Kai Yi's broadcast station, Wen He is to replace He Dun. The competing show is to replace Qian Kai Yi's show. It's still a negotiable idea but hot headed Qian Ka Yi wants a competition: program against program, psychologist against psychologist.
[Ep33] Mo Ning visits He Dun and apologizes [Case 6 ends]. With his testimony, she confirms there was a third party who gave Mo Ning medication to destabilize his condition. Then He Dun is reminded of her shijie (Li Yun) who was targeted too. Qian Kai Yi suspects Ye Jia Hui because he saw him at the hearing. They (Qian Kai Yi, He Dun, and Tang Li Li) sneak into Ye Jia Hui's home. Our show becomes a spy drama and now they're trying to find a hidden room behind the bookshelf. They’re twisting anything that looks like a contraption to open the door but the bookcase is simply a sliding door. Qian Kai Yi acts all dramatic as he takes the lead downstairs. He's overreacting to everything. He Dun confides in Tang Li Li that she's considering a breakup. Tang Li Li supports her. Once they're in the basement, a doll scares them all. It's He Dun who calms everyone down. Oh, so is He Dun not claustrophobic and afraid of the dark anymore? Anyway, they confirm Ye Jia Hui is behind everything thus far. He’s arrested. The police officer happens to be Tang Li Li’s new crush.
Since He Dun's home is all wiretapped, Qian Kai Yi takes her to his place. He's preparing the bed for her. Alone in the living room, she finds his boxers with Tom and Jerry prints that's neatly displayed on the couch as if waiting for her to see. They also make out. I guess she'll get to confirm if he's wearing Tom and Jerry.
The police officer (in his day clothes) sends Tang Li Li home. He teaches her how to defend herself and while she's pinning him down, she asks him to be her boyfriend. He's silent. She takes it as a rejection but he pulls her back and twirls her into his arms. *Romantic stare, dundundun* Then the police officer gathers himself and runs away. Tang Li Li laughs at his bashfulness.
He Dun wakes up on the couch (where they were making out last night). She’s also in Qian Kai Yi's oversized clothes. She realizes Ji Ming Cong's letter was written to F. She decides to call Li Yun to ask about Ye Jia Hui. Li Yun doesn't have much information but tells He Dun to be careful.
[Ep34] He Dun finds client F (Ye Jia Hui's mother, Fu Tang). She's in a psychiatric hospital. I think. She has a patient band on her. I guess He Dun found F via Li Yun, but if Li Yun knew, why didn’t she tell Ye Jia Hui?
Mom Ye plays with He Dun and they drink alcohol. A patient drinking in a hospital? Even if it's not a hospital, it's still a mental health service that's being monitored by nurses. And He Dun is permitting it? Whaa. He Dun asks her about her love life. In flashbacks, we know her first love is Ji Ming Cong (but He Dun doesn't know). Then the ladies go out to play in some playground. He Dun is so drunk, she has forgotten Fu Tang who has disappeared to who knows where. So many red flags x_x
Qian Kai Yi is here to pick up his drunk girlfriend. He Dun orders him to sit down, sign up and tell her his problems as if he's her client. Amused, he says he has one problem: his girlfriend won't give him a status. Is this curable? He Dun concludes that his girlfriend is certainly a problem, but it's curable! Get a new girlfriend! I'm kidding. Or am I? (; She smooches him for the first therapy. He's very amused. Now she has homework for him and he's to jot down these notes: (1) winged beans (four-angled beans) because that represents him; (2) the jar of stars were for him, not his buddy; and (3) She really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really likes him. At this point, He Dun is in a crying tantrum. Qian Kai Yi wipes her tears and laughs. He Dun yells at him for laughing and he's like I am not laughing while laughing. Our cute drunk He Dun wants to examine his notes. He hands it to her but when she's close enough, he flings the notebook away to pull her close for a kiss, intertwining their bodies.
In the morning, He Dun has no idea how she returned home. Tang Li Li, looking grumpy, asks about winged beans. Confused, He Dun says it's a type of vegetable. Well, Tang Li Li tells her the vegetable sent her home with a lot of smooching and hugging. He Dun finally tells Tang Li Li her boyfriend is Qian Kai Yi. Tang Li Li also shares that she's got a boyfriend (= police officer = Jin Tao). Where did this secondary romance pop up from? So confused.
Mom visits Dr. Wen. She reveals her ex-husband (He Dun's father?) is back in her life. He used to eat messily and selfishly walk ahead without her, but now he's changed. He's clean, and will considerately wait for her. However, it's hard to forgive him for abandoning her and He Dun, and when speaking of He Dun mom's anxiety escalates. Dr. Wen assesses that Mom is most concerned about He Dun's reaction.
Ye Jia Hui is released from the station. He will move out. The girls don't care. Tang Li Li has a date and walks off. He Dun returns the musical box and smashes it in the process.
[Ep35] He Dun learns from Fu Tang that it was her son’s stepfather (Ye Nian Tang) who took her to a psychiatrist ward. From that moment she was separated from her son.
He Dun wants to confirm with Ji Ming Cong if Fu Tang is the client he fell in love with. However, when she saw his backside, she noticed for the first time her reliable father-like teacher was aging. She couldn’t expose his weakness. Qian Kai Yi comforts her that they’ll find another way, but Ji Ming Cong knew what she wanted to ask. He gives her a document that details Fu Tang’s conditions:
Fu Tang has bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder with cleanliness (anyone visiting her will have to be disinfected from head to toe and donning full PPE). She also has occasional streaks of violence.
Ye Jia Hui is moving out. He Dun apologizes to him. She knows he’s Fu Tang's son. She doesn’t tell him that but she realizes he was suffering and she knew but didn’t help him. She promises that if he needs her, she will be there for him. He absolutely hates the look she’s giving him now – full of pity. From her tone, he can sense that she’s treating him like her patient, he recognizes her psychologist-speak. “Do you think you’re amazing? Do you think you can save everyone?” He Dun remains compassionate. I’m done with translating He Dun’s psychologist speak. It’s unfortunately pissing me off. Anyway. She convinces him to stay and he opens up about his childhood. He Dun assures him his mother must have loved him.
[Ep36] Ji Ming Cong visits Fu Tang. He asks about her romance novels that she’s writing. Then she would tell him she really likes his disciple He Dun, who’s her new psychologist.
Mom visits Dr. Wen. She’s afraid to tell He Dun of Dad’s reappearance. In the past, she remembers suppressing her sadness in front of He Dun, afraid her daughter would think she regretted saving her. She didn’t want to add to He Dun's pain of their father leaving them. Mom already lost her son, she didn’t want to lose her daughter. Mom had always wondered if she should have been braver and held onto both her children. Dr. Wen trimly assures her, “You’re already very brave, very courageous.” Mom breaks down. It’s the first time anyone has told her that. She cries in Dr. Wen’s comforting arms. I like Dr. Wen’s counselling scenes. Very little focus on her, and more on the client. Her voice is direct and calming. Saying just enough and not too much. Why can’t He Dun’s scenes be like this? Dr. Wen explains that expressing grief is important and that they missed that opportunity.
Ye Nian Tang visits Ji Ming Cong to ask for Fu Tang’s whereabouts. If Ye Family had so much money to wiretap everything, why not hire a PI and follow Ji Ming Cong to the hospital?
Tang Li Li meets Jin Tao's parents. She can feel their love and is touched.
He Dun brings Ye Jia Hui to meet his mother, Fu Tang. Ah. Watching this scene makes me pity him now. Forcefully separated from his mother and now he can finally see her for the first time. Fu Tang doesn’t recognize her grownup son. She asks him, He Dun, and Qian Kai Yi to act out her story. Through this reenactment, we learn from flashbacks that Ji Ming Cong was her first love. He is like a mountain to her, stable, unmoving, secure, and stubborn like an ox. As for Ye Nian Tang, he was her childhood friend. He was in pharmacology research and he had a bipolar medication in Phase II. He shared the news with Fu Tang and even took the pills to show her. She wanted it, but he refused. She grew angry at him for withholding them. At this point of her story, neither Ji Ming Cong or Ye Nian Tang knew of each other’s existence.
Afterwards, Ye Jia Hui visits Ji Ming Cong who tells him to stay for dinner.
[Ep37] Ji Ming Cong wants to know if Ye Jia Hui is his son. Ye Jia Hui denies it. Ji Ming Cong cries as Ye Jia Hui leaves.
Tang Li Li and Jin Tao have a date at the gym. He’s training her to defend herself. He needs to “leave” for a while but he can’t tell her the details. She thinks it’s a breakup.
Fu Tang’s Story: Fu Tang had asked Ji Ming Cong to date. He tried his best to refuse her. Ye Nian Tang found out and hence why he’s jealous?. Some point later in time (I really don’t know, timeline is super confusing), Fu Tang secretly ate the medication that is still in Phase II. Ji Ming Cong confronts Ye Nian Tang who is defensive. Ji Ming Cong, the psychologist, blames the medication for meddling in his therapy sessions. Ye Nian Tang, the pharmacologist, supports his medication that without it, Fu Tang’s condition would have deteriorated. Ultimately, his medication doesn’t pass the clinical trials. He thought Ji Ming Cong sabotaged him(?). However, Fu Tang’s condition does destabilize – she’s hallucinating – and Ye Nian Tang knows it and is in denial?.
[Ep38] He Dun finds out about Dad and Mom. She’s devastated. She was never against Mom finding a partner but this partner needs to love her. Dad is not the one. He abandoned them. Mom had to work countless jobs to support He Dun, and knowing this, He Dun cannot accept Dad for the sake of her mother. (But she’s not listening that Mom wants to forgive Dad). He Dun hyperventilates.
The next day, Mom separates from Dad. She tells him it’s best for He Dun. But Mom is crying.
[Case 11: Wu Shu Fang and Chang Song (Arguing Couple)] He Dun has new clients. It’s a couple. They're experiencing a Distancer-Pursuer relationship. Did we not already cover a similar case? Why is drama squeezing in a new case in the finale when it hasn’t solved the bigger plot? The wife accuses the husband of cheating. The husband angrily admits to everything and leaves the counselling room. He Dun tells him that is a form of escaping too.
Ye Jia Hui takes Fu Tang out of the residential home for a day. She wants to cook for him and so he takes her home but he’s got no pots or pans or seasoning. Tang Li Li is home and gives them everything they need.
[Ep39] Ye Jia Hui apologizes to He Dun and Tang Li Li. He admits to everything he did. The girls forgive him (since they know his childhood). He’s going to move back.
[Ep40] The arguing couple make up. Their problem was lack of communication. [Case 11 ends]
Fu Tang is put under a therapeutic head apparatus. It aggravates her and she’s reminded of how Ye Nian Tang imprisoned her in a psychological ward. It was Ji Ming Cong who saved her. Me trying to make sense of the timeline here...so this is when Ye Jia Hui was separated from her mother? Also, did Ji Ming Cong know she was at any time pregnant? How could he not? It’s nine months.
Currently, He Dun, Ye Jia Hui, Qian Kai Yi, and Tang Li Li are at the hospital, investigating the head apparatus. It’s clearly faulty and affects multiple patients. The apparatus was approved by the board, which used to be led by Ji Ming Cong but now that he’s removed because of the scandal, the new president is Dr. Wen Liang. He Dun suspects Dr. Wen for what? For being at the hospital and spying on them? So what? He Dun still has zero knowledge of Dr. Wen's involvement with her mother. Does He Dun even know Ye Nian Tang exists? And we’re on the final ep....
Tang Li Li’s mother is cornered by gangsters. Another debt? They’re saved by her boyfriend, Jin Tao. He’s also in a cast. Oh, and he wants to marry her. He explains that he had a(n undercover) mission.
Ye Jia Hui is Ji Ming Cong’s son. Ji Ming Cong still doesn’t know. Ye Nian Tang knows. Little Ye Jia Hui was listening to this too. He may have known.
Ye Nian Tang makes his way to the residential home to find Fu Tang, but Ye Jia Hui has taken Fu Tang to the beach. Fu Tang reveals to Ye Jia Hui that she knows he’s her son. She also tells him that she loves Ji Ming Cong. Finally, she wishes he has freedom to do everything he loves and it’s what she wants to give him the most. Ultimately, she commits suicide once Ye Jia Hui is off on an errand to buy her candy. Sensing something is wrong, Ye Jia Hui runs back and saves his mother from the ocean.
There’s only a few more minutes left of the show and We get a recap of all of He Dun’s cases. (FYI, She’s available if you need her.)
He Dun looks straight to the camera to tell us her story just started. Wtf?
We enter a simulation. He Dun is on a bus filled with people, holding an empty Pepsi bottle. It’s raining outside. The bus brakes and He Dun is shocked.
The Flipping End.
Where is my poster kiss scene?!?!
Does He Dun reconcile with her father?
Will Ye Jia Hui reunite with his father?
What will happen between Ye Nian Tang and Ji Ming Cong now?
[First Impression (Ep1-10)] My first Jing Bo Ran drama, and ah ~ he’s cute! That pretty much sums up why I’m watching this, ha.
Our drama is a psychological one, but not the gripping/thriller kind. It’s family friendly and covers cases pertaining to, well, family and relationship problems. Our FL, with her acute auditory senses (which I currently find completely unnecessary), is the superwoman who can solve anyone’s problems with merely one consultation. It’s exaggerated and oversimplified. However, at times, I do find that drama is trying to be factual (which is nice) even though it only scratches the surface. It’s like a psychology 101 course that I can do on wikipedia.
I read one comment by a Douban user that I wholeheartedly agree with. It mainly criticizes the first episode for pitting data analysis against “psychology”, essentially pitting “hard science” against “soft science”. Reality is, it's not a rivalry between the sciences. It's not this science vs. that science. Psychology relies on statistics as well. I’m no psychologist, but I do understand that often times, treatment is a collaborative/interdisciplinary effort. Care at different levels intersect depending on the patient's needs. But honestly, our show is not that deep!!!!! But if the inaccuracies bother you then they bother you.
My problem with the drama lies with the dry resolution of the cases. It’s too easy and by Ep10, I’ve lost interest in how He Dun solves everything. I am still intrigued with the overarching case, though, which seems to involve a creepy dude who’s stalking our FL. Also, our FL has her own mental health to explore, along with her mother’s. They’re both overcoming/ignoring a traumatic experience.
The most redeeming thing about this drama: Jing Bo Ran (and his interactions with Yang Zi). I particularly love him in Ep9. It’s not a full blown romance (yet) but his unrequited love is adorable. See, I told you my first sentence sums up why I’m watching this. I don’t know why you had to read this whole thing.
[Actors/Actresses] Watching Yang Zi act He Dun takes a lot of effort from me. LOL. Her persona (in her behind the scenes, variety shows, etc.) is so strong, omg. If you don’t know, she’s more like her Ode to Joy character, and that's really all I know. As I’m staring at her trying to be smart, I’m just laughing. Don’t get me wrong, I like her, but sometimes it’s best not to see an actor be goofy everywhere else.
Jing Bo Ran is a blank canvas to me and a happy surprise. I’ve never seen in him in anything (why!!). His natural charisma lights up the drama for me.
[Cases] The drama doesn’t always disclose the disorder name and especially not in English, so if I have it wrong, please correct me! There will be spoilers but at the same time I felt like maybe some of these are triggers that you may want to know before watching the drama.
[1] Ep 1-4: You Na (Suicidal; psychological effects of divorce on children)
[2] Ep 6-7: Xiao Wen (Delusional - erotomania type)
[3] Ep 7-8: Mr. Xun (Panic Disorder; psychological effects of family loss)
[4] Ep 8-9: Sha Sha (Pre-martial problems; overly zealous mother-in-law)
[5] Ep 10-14: Jiang Jing (Bulimia Nervosa; psychological effects of a single mother)
[6] Ep 15-33 : Mo Ning (Fear of Social Rejection)
[7] Ep 20-22/26: Zhan Lu (PPD; + effect on children)
[8] Ep 23-28: Mom (PTSD? + effect on mother?)
[9] Ep 26-30: Li Wei (Obsessive Cumpulsive Disorder + rape)
[10] Ep30- : Yao Ke Xin ("Sexual Assault Victim”)
[11] Ep38-40: Wu Shu Fang and Chang Song (Married Couple Communication Problems)
[Behind the Scenes]
[Ending] Irresponsible. I don’t know if there’s a continuation. I also don’t know if I have the patience to watch it.
Instead of tying the knots, the ending decided to cover a new case that has nothing to do with the overarching plot. NOTHING from that plot is solved.
I barely even get a scene of Qian Kai Yi and He Dun.
There’s a secondary romance out of nowhere.
The ending is all about Ye Jia Hui being friends with the girls again and reuniting with his mother (who has bipolar).
Everyone else is forgotten.
Oh ya. Janine Chang had a cameo in the drama. Useless. I don’t know why she’s there.
The end.
1. [Ep26] FanFanX: Dissociation is an adaptive response to threat and is a form of “freezing”. It is a strategy that is often used when the option of fighting or running (fleeing) is not an option.”
[Review & Rating]