Notable Actors/Actresses
First Impression: 3/5
Mini Recaps
Bai Ling Ling is rushing to her oral defence for her undergraduate thesis and takes a shortcut by jumping down from a wall, but her bestie, Guan Xiao Yu, is too afraid to jump. Bai Ling Ling has no choice but to abandon her for a short while, promising to come back once her defence is over. Guan Xiao Yu meets a guy, Geng Pan Pan, while stuck on the wall. He apparently knows her from a bar but she has no recollection of him. She pretends to remember him in order to ask him to get a ladder for her. Is this going to be our 2nd CP?
Bai Ling Ling’s defence goes reasonably well, although she upsets Professor Jiang slightly because she says that she was naïve initially to want to do a Ph.D. and now she just wants to graduate and earn money asap. Everything goes bad the moment Yang Lan Hang steps in, he bluntly points out that one of her values are wrong, and thus, as a cascading effect, all following calculations are wrong and pointless. Bai Ling Ling argues that this is a closed defence, so Yang Lan Hang shouldn’t be here… Except that all of her work is literally based on the material he developed. Lol, awkward…. Well, apparently this issue was already flagged up to her by her advisor, so she fails the defence and is unable to graduate. Yang Lan Hang tries to apologise but she ignores him. He even tries to plead for her with the defence committee, but he gets cut off. Eh…. Kinda feel like this is a huge mistake and the committee is right to fail her. So I don’t get why he is pleading for her. That said, mathematically it’s just a factor of 2 error, so it should be relatively easy to clean up the cascade of errors, so like in another way of looking at it, it’s not THAT big a deal...
Everything is just not going Bai Ling Ling’s way. She tries to wash her face to cheer herself up, but the water is cut off for servicing. She gets a call from the nursing home because her grandma is kicking up a fuss again. When it rains, it pours eh… Grandma Bai is kicking up a fuss and refusing to eat her meal. Bai Ling Ling apologizes for her grandma, and it turns out that she is refusing the food because it’s too expensive. She can’t bear to spend so much money on food. This is quite a common mindset in the older Chinese generation I think, that they don’t bear to spend money on themselves. Instead, they scrim and save because they feel like they don’t matter, they just want their children to lead a better and happier life. Bai Ling Ling also belatedly realizes that her grandma has stuffed a wad of cash in her bag. She tears up looking at the money.
Bai Ling Ling is indeed quite cash-strapped, and being unable to graduate, all her post-graduation internship plans are no longer possible. To solve this, she plans to plead with Professor Jiang the next day. Guan Xiao Yu offers to support her financially, but she turns her down. I understand not wanting to treat your friend as an ATM, but I kinda feel that sometimes, especially in Chinese culture, pride is too much of a hindrance than anything else. Anyway, her kind bestie finds the next best way to help her out, by providing her with accommodations as they must move out of the dorms soon. While packing their stuff, Bai Ling Ling receives a large scale public confession from Wang Tao. She has rejected him before though, and she tells him gently that she hasn’t changed her mind. Very awkward…. Also, I don’t understand doing this sort of stuff in public (unless you already know she was going to say yes), since it’s awkward if she rejects and if she says yes, it might just be caving to public/societal pressure….
Figurines of the two besties. +pts for Guan Xiao Yu. |
PO: Online romance???YLH: What’s so surprising about that? Any type of romance has a chance of success and a chance of failure. Some people can find true love through the internet, while others (gestures at PO) are doomed to be single in real life. Shots fired hahahaPO: But you don’t even know if she is human or animal…YLH: Inter-species relationship is also quite interesting, it’s good as long as it’s her. Hilarious how he takes an expression at face value and still manages to make it somewhat romantic.
It’s revealed that he has seen the girl already (ok, so he knows she’s Bai Ling Ling, but I guess she doesn’t know who he is?). Furthermore, she has already blocked him for a long period of time, so Playboy Ouyang advises him to move on. To help him, Playboy Ouyang installs this new dating app (Heart’s door) on Yang Lan Hang’s phone using his beta invite. It’s a software that pairs people up using big data (lmao, buzzword alert) and it’s developed by Playboy Ouyang’s friend.
Bai Ling Ling and Guan Xiao Yu are moving, but they have too much stuff. So Guan Xiao Yu heads up to get a trolley while Bai LIng LIng waits downstairs. A drunken Wang Tao approaches him and asks her for a second chance. She turns him down again, which enrages him. He reveals that he has hacked into her computer/cloud (it’s actually not that easy to hack a person’s account as tv shows like to portray) and found out that she has an online relationship with a guy. He tries to force himself on her, but just in time, Zheng Ming Hao arrives and pulls him off her, delivering a much deserved kick to that ass. Well done Zheng Ming Hao! Wang Tao angrily tells Zheng Ming Hao that he knows Zheng Ming Hao likes Bai Ling Ling too, but neither of them can compare to her online penpal… He even offers to share her chat log with Zheng Ming Hao, which earns him a slap from Bai Ling Ling. She tells him that he despises him and tells him to get lost. Zheng Ming Hao comforts an upset Bai Ling Ling, wrapping her up in his jacket. Yang Lan Hang witnesses everything in his car… O man…. I already see the love triangle and misunderstanding happening…
Zheng Ming Hao hints strongly at Guan Xiao Yu to give him some personal time with Bai Ling Ling, but she is quick to get rid of him anyway… I’m guessing she knows he’s interested in her, but because they are friends, she’s trying to hint at it gently? The first thing she unpacks is a jaw of coins, to which she adds another one. Is she counting the days or something? Below the house, Zheng Ming Hao hatches a scheme to woo Bai Ling Ling and begs Guan Xiao Yu to help him. To make sure he’s sincere, Guan Xiao Yu lists out her conditions.
GXY: In future, if the two of you end up together, you must treat her well and if the two of you ever end up with only 500 dollars left…ZMH: Rest assured, I will give her 498 dollars, only taking 2 dollars to buy a bottle of mineral water. You are broke and you want to spend money on mineral water? Have you not heard of this thing called a tap?GXY: No you dummy, if that time comes, you got to make sure you work your back off to earn money for her… Hahaha, ok that’s an even better answer hahaha...
Anyway, apparently Zheng Ming Hao is the developer for the Heart’s door dating app, so his plan is for Bai Ling Ling to download the app, and Guan Xiao Yu to observe her answers to all the questions. He can then answer the questions identically, causing the system to match them up. I mean…. Ok, that’s one way… But like you are the developer, can’t you just write an exception to force her account to match with you? Lol. Apparently the app only matches you with one person and you are locked in for 3 months… The plan goes terribly because Bai Ling Ling just simply skips past most of the questions without looking… and instantly matches with Yang Lan Hang. Lol, the power of fate... It’s Big Data...
Meanwhile, Yang Lan Hang is moving into his new accoms. The only luggage he’s carrying is a sapling planted in a glass jar… Feel like there is some significance to this sapling given the amount it’s been featured... He tells Playboy Ouyang that he met Bai Ling Ling, and worries that she already has a boyfriend, given what he saw of her interactions with Zheng Ming Hao. Playboy Ouyang takes the opportunity to convince him to use the dating app. Also, Playboy Ouyang fell out with his family because he doesn’t want to go on a blind date, so he begs Yang Lan Hang to let him crash. I guess Playboy Ouyang is going to be his love advisor? Hahahaha… While Playboy Ouyang goes to shower, Yang Lan Hang opens the app and similarly non-chantedly skips most questions.
Seeing the name 永远有多远 (“How long is forever?” Yang Lan Hang’s account name), Bai Ling Ling’s expression changes immediately...They are 99.9% compatible hahaha… Bai Ling Ling is the first to break the silence.
BLL: It’s been so long…YLH: 1338 days (Omg, this is totally the sort of nerdy thing that I would do hahaha)BLL glances at her jar of coins. On top of it, there’s a counter for the number of coins, displaying 1338… D’awwww, both of them are counting the days!YLH (super nervously): Are you still angry with me? You’ve blocked me for so long… Do you still hate me?BLL: You are thinking too much, I already have other people that I’m disliking…YLH instantly breaks into a smile…YLH: Why don’t you tell me who? I can dislike him together with you!BLL smiles super widely… D’awww, I can already feel their CP vibesBLL: This guy called Yang Lan Hang…Awkward………..
Checking himself out in the mirror cause clearly dislikeable is a physical appearance trait, not a personality trait hahaha |
Clearly still in love with him haha |
In fact, she is so affected by the rejection that she can’t sleep and goes to consult her bestie. Guan Xiao Yu is watching a horror movie in preparation for her date (watching the same movie). She needs to watch the movie first so that she can control the tempo, deciding when to be scared and when not to be...Hahaha, this is too over the top! Do girls actually do that? Bai Ling Ling tells Guan Xiao Yu that she got paired with the same guy, and she still likes him. Even though they haven't spoken for so long, the moment she heard from him, her heart started beating rapidly… D’awwwww... Bai Ling Ling worries that he doesn’t like her because he refused to add her on Wechat, but Guan Xiao Yu disagrees. She suspects that he is throwing a tantrum because Bai Ling Ling blocked him for so long previously. Random tangential updates, Guan Xiao Yu is being dragged to a blind date by her mum. Oh, so she and Playboy Ouyang is going to be our 2nd CP? Meanwhile, Bai Ling Ling also reveals that she actually wants to do a PhD, but she doesn’t have the financial capacity, plus she has to support her grandma...
The next day, Yang Lan Hang consults Playboy Ouyang’s manual on how to figure out if a girl is attached… Turns out it’s just adding the question “How about your boyfriend?” to any reply… Lol… They even demonstrate.
PO: How have you been?YLH: Fine.PO: Then how about your boyfriend?------YLH: Have you eaten?PO: Not yet.YLH: Then how about your boyfriend?------YLH: Are you going to do a PhD?PO: Nope.YLH: Then how about your boyfriend?
Yang Lan Hang is amazed and all prepared to use it and I’m all prepared to watch the train wreck. Meanwhile, Playboy Ouyang (due to his financial dependence on his family) caves in and decides to go on the blind date. Yang Lan Hang makes fun of him for caving.
At the blind date, Guan Xiao Yu texts Bai Ling Ling, asking her when will she come to her rescue? Unfortunately, Bai Ling Ling is too busy camping outside the department to beg Professor Jiang for leniency. Taking matters into her own hands, Guan Xiao Yu uses the excuse of touching up her makeup to run away. Meanwhile, Playboy Ouyang gets blocked by one of his ex-girlfriends, who is super clingy. Coincidentally, the two of them bump into each other and use the opportunity to escape (her from her mum, him from his ex). She drives off in his car with him in the passenger seat. Lol, pretty sure they are each other’s blind dates. It’s funny how they were both trying to avoid their blind date, and yet still end up together lol. Fatalism indeed.
Zheng Ming Hao abuses his position to decide to update the dating app and temporarily suspend it. He makes up a bunch of excuses, and also says he wants to change the three month limit to become a flexible one. His partner is like, “I told you so, but during the proposal, you were insistent on the three months limit!” I’m kinda liking Zheng Ming Hao less and less. So you are basically giving 0 thought to your app and just deciding to alter it and take it offline for the sake of wooing a girl? What about all your employees who spend their time developing this app? Plus, you clearly had your principles for insisting for three months, but now, principles be damned eh? When leaving the company, he gets ambushed by Wang Tao, but he easily dispatches him. Apparently, someone sent a video of his assault on Bai Ling Ling to his company, threatening to go to the police if the company doesn’t fire him. Zheng Ming Hao looks confused, but admits to it anyway. I’m guessing its YLH who sent the video then. Wang Tao provokes him and calls him a lovesick puppy, and this triggers Zheng Ming Hao and he demands to know the name of Bai Ling Ling’s online male friend. Urghhhh, ya, liking him even less now. What happened to respecting her privacy eh? Plus, I just felt like he was excessively violent towards Wang Tao? Not that the ass doesn’t deserve it, but still… Also, Wang Tao is such an annoying little twat. You know what’s the best way to not get caught on video assaulting girls? Not assaulting them in the first place. It’s also revealed that it was indeed Yang Lan Hang who sent the video in.
Meanwhile, Yang Lan Hang is also meeting Professor Jiang, who shows up a tiny bit late. Professor Jiang apologizes, saying “You must have waited for quite a while”, to which Yang Lan Hang replies “10 minutes”. Hahahaha, I mean, I think it’s a little contrived to try and impress upon us how low EQ he is, but at the same time, I still find it hilarious hahaha. Professor Jiang and Yang Lan Hang discuss a new lab they are setting up and Yang Lan Hang starts to mention Bai Ling Ling, only for her to interrupt. She straight away bows down and apologizes, begging for leniency. Professor Jiang refuses, so she drags him to the side and says “I know you failed me because of him (Yang Lan Hang) right? If not for him, you wouldn’t have been so harsh right?“ Ehhhh, I dislike this. At the end of the day, it was her mistake, she shouldn’t be angry at YLH for pointing it out, but rather focusing on correcting it right? Professor Jiang tells her off for thinking that and assures Yang Lan Hang that it has nothing to do with him. Professor Jiang is not unreasonable though, he explains the importance of data accuracy to her, and also offers her an opportunity to interview for a job at a new lab to earn money (in compensation for the job she lost). Professor Jiang walks off and Bai Ling Ling chases after him, carelessly stepping into the path of a bicycle. Yang Lan Hang pulls her out of the way… and into his arms for the classic cdrama pose hahaha.
Can I just say that Jasper Liu looks very hot here haha |
*Online Usernames*
Bai Ling Ling’s username is 008, which basically sounds like her name Bai (8) Ling Ling (00). For Yang Lan Hang, his username (永远有多远) is a lot more interesting. At the most superficial level, it reads as “How long is forever?” which is like a typical nerdy unromantic scientific reply to a romantic statement such as I love you forever… However, the 远 is actually a measure of distance, so it can also be read as “How far away is forever?”, i.e. the sort of exclamation you would make when pursuing your happily ever after. Or alternatively, it can also be interpreted as him poking fun at using 远 (a measure of distance) to indicate time (永远) as some sort of nerdy joke. The english equivalent for this interpretation would probably be like “How many minutes are there in a light year?” Light year is a measure of distance btw.
So far, I quite like Yang Lan Hang, but I might be biased because I like Jasper Liu a lot, and his stereotypical one-track scientist mind resonates with me hahaha. Bai Ling Ling has been ok so far, but I dislike her blaming her delayed graduation on Yang Lan Hang. It was her mistake, so she should be blaming herself for making it, rather than blaming who pointed it out. And I agree with Professor Jiang, precision is quintessential in research, a single numerical value difference can have drastic consequences.
[Ep3] Continuing the previous ending scene, Bai Ling Ling and Yang Lan Hang stare at each other…
I love how you can make Yang Lan Hang clearly in her eyes. The nerd in me wonders if she has to wear special contacts to achieve this effect hahaha. |
Yang Lan Hang is the first to break the silence, “Be careful”. But of course, our nerdy scientist has to ruin the moment, “ And how about your boyfriend?” Lol, I saw this trainwreck coming a mile away (i.e. last episode), but I did not expect it to be such a huge one hahahaha. Bai Ling Ling calls him crazy and runs off.
Bai Ling Ling wants to message her online “boyfriend” but realizes the app is updating :(. Zheng Ming Hao comes to have lunch with Bai Ling Ling, who starts nagging him about updating the software and why is it taking so long. Hahahaha, someone is already in love eh? Zheng Ming Hao promises her to rush the engineers, but he messages his friend to take his time with the update instead. Ya… I’m liking him less and less. After lunch, the two of them bump into Yang Lan Hang and Zheng Ming Hao suggests giving him a beating for causing Bai Ling Ling to fail. Who needs you know, law or morales right? Just beat up everyone you don’t like and the world will be at peace. Hahahaha… Bai Ling Ling calls him childish and chases after Yang Lan Hang.
She apologizes to Yang Lan Hang about her poor attitude (this doesn’t feel sincere though...), but Yang Lan Hang says he is the one who should apologize. He didn’t expect that correcting her figures would cause her to fail. He tells her “if there is anything you needs help with, just let me know…. Or if your boyfriend need help…” Lol, trainwreck #2. Bai Ling Ling says it’s partially her fault as well and offers him a bottle of coke as an apology, but intentionally? lets it slip. Is she trying to spray him with coke as revenge or something??
Yang Lan Hang goes to give his lecture and Bai Ling Ling is sitting there discreetly. Ya… something is going to happen… As Yang Lan Hang starts talking, random high pitch noises start coming from his bag. He awkwardly rummages through his bag until he finds the speaker that Bai Ling Ling threw in his bag just now (when he was picking up the coke). Bai Ling Ling reveals himself, but immediately gets up to run away when Yang Lan Hang starts chasing her. I don’t get it? Why admit to doing something and then run away lol. You either just keep hiding, or admit and wait to confront him? This is like neither here nor there… Bai Ling Ling hides behind a pillar, but of course Yang Lan Hang finds her. She defends herself, claiming he offered to help her, so she was just using him to take out her anger. Yang Lan Hang tells her off, saying that it’s fine to take her anger out on him, but she should not have disrupted his lecture. Bai Ling Ling argues back “Well, you take your lectures very seriously right? I also take my oral defense very seriously and yet you just strolled in and interrupted me!” Yang Lan Hang is exasperated with her, so he just says, fine, we’re even now then and moves to give her back her speaker. Bai Ling Ling thought he was going to hit her, so she immediately moved to protect herself. Yang Lan Hang just puts her speaker on her head and smiles. Ehhh, I feel like Bai Ling Ling is totally in the wrong here. First, she disrupted his lecture, wasting not only his time, but also the time of all the students who came for the lecture. Second, the two interruptions are not comparable at all- he interrupted her cause she was factually inaccurate whereas her interruption was just a childish revenge. Lastly, if she really took her oral defense seriously, she should have checked her figures!
Even though he’s mad at her, he still can’t bear to be too harsh towards her.. |
GXY: Where? Don’t tell me you are a human trafficker.PO: Nah, don’t worry. I only steal hearts, not people. Omg too cheesy hahaha
He brings her to a bar (which apparently she is a regular at) but she pretends that it’s her first time hahaha. They had a wonderful time, partying and whatnot, and even waited to see the sunrise at this super romantic spot somewhere. Playboy Ouyang is still fast asleep though, so Guan Xiao Yu leaves an earring with him, as a way for him to find her… Errrr what, how is he supposed to do that? Girl, you watched wayyy too much Cinderella hahaha…
D’awwwww |
Back home, Bai Ling Ling realizes that she printed the wrong version of her thesis and her figure was indeed wrong. Yang Lan Hang was correct. Errr, what? Isn’t that a given? Or did she think he was just pulling numbers out of thin air to cause trouble for her? But credit where credit is due, at least she realized her mistake and feels bad about her actions. She also applies to work for the new lab that Professor Jiang recommended and immediately gets an interview appointment. Guan Xiao Yu is totally in love with Playboy Ouyang and happily recounts her date with him. She even thinks he is her soulmate. Her only complaint is that he brought her to the same bar that she always goes to (you dummy, he is bringing you to the place you first met hahaha). However, the bubble pops immediately. She receives a phonecall from her mum, revealing that Playboy Ouyang always knew who she was. She’s now doubting everything he did was a ploy and a setup and she immediately blocks him. Ehhhhhhhh, that’s a bit of an overreaction eh? Plus how was he supposed to plan you hijacking his car? She also asks Bai Ling Ling to throw away all flowers and presents that are arriving since they are most probably from Playboy Ouyang. She agrees and turns down all the flowers for Guan Xiao Yu. However, at the back of the card, it has the letter 耿, i.e. from Geng Pan Pan, not Playboy Ouyang. Guan Xiao Yu doesn’t know though..
Yang Lan Hang is staring intently at the bottle of coke that Bai Ling Ling gave him but he doesn’t open it (does he suspect that it is tampered with? Or just can’t bear to open it because Bai Ling Ling gave it to him?). Playboy Ouyang opens it before Yang Lan Hang can stop him though, and the entire drink fizzes all over him. Turns out she added a weak base to the coke, causing it to fizz the moment it opens? I never tried, but scientifically it makes sense as long as she can add the base without opening the bottle. The air pressure will keep the drink from fizzing before being opened, and that is probably what YLH noticed as well: the bottle being a lot more stiff than usual.
Just before her interview, Bai Ling Ling texts her online “boyfriend” that she is feeling very nervous. Yang Lan Hang (her interviewer) thinks in his mind “I’m nervous too” hahahaha… He reassures her and reminds her of the same trick that she taught him, think of all your interviewers as brinjals, and you won’t be afraid of them anymore. D’awww, he remembers all the stuff that she says... To further help her, Yang Lan Hang takes off his black jacket, so he is dressed completely in a purple shirt hahahahaha.
The cutest brinjal ever... |
Epilogue: Zheng Ming Hao searches his dating app database for “How long is forever” and mistakenly believes that Playboy Ouyang is the account holder. Whatever happened to client privacy and confidentiality eh?
Maybe because I’m a scientist as well? but I’m totally on Yang Lan Hang’s side here. Bai Ling Ling just feels very childish and unable to bear responsibility for her own actions? If anything, she is already getting a lot of preferential treatment and yet she still whines about how everyone is against her. Plus every time she apologizes, she has to add a but behind it, which makes the apology feel pretty insincere IMO. I honestly don’t know what Yang Lan Hang sees in her currently...
[Ep4] Guan Xiao Yu is on a movie date with another random guy, but every time he tries to put his hand around her, a gummy worm lands on his hand, startling him. It turns out to be Playboy Ouyang stalking her, and he even follows them out of the theatre and all the way to their next venue. Playboy Ouyang reveals that the random guy is basically a cheating scum and drives Guan Xiao Yu away. She just uses him to get away though, and doesn’t give him any attention. Poor guy...
On the other hand, Yang Lan Hang wonders if Bai Ling Ling really wants to come to the lab in the first place. He consultes Playboy Ouyang’s love manual, and accurately deduces that she actually wants to join the lab (? Honestly I’m not sure at this point. I don’t feel Bai Ling Ling’s passion for research at all). He confirms his suspicions by messaging Bai Ling Ling using his online persona and tells her that he has a way to get her into the lab if she wants. She agrees. Ehhhhhh, I dislike Yang Lan Hang doing this. He can help her, sure, but getting her a position in the lab just because he likes her is kinda morally ambiguous.
They start chatting randomly, and Bai Ling Ling doesn’t want to reveal that she is job-searching, so she lies to Yang Lan Hang that she’s watching “Before Sunrise”. Truth is, she’s never watched it before and neither has he hahaha. However, she lies and says that she's watched it many times, because every time she watches a movie, her outlook on life is different, so she experiences different emotions. She also hopes to one day watch it with the person she likes… *hint hint*... They try to discuss the movie, but it’s super awkward because neither of them have watched it. Yang Lan Hang consults wikipedia while Bai Ling Ling consults Guan Xiao Yu’s notes hahaha. Yang Lan Hang also finally succeeds in using the line “How about your boyfriend” to establish Bai Ling Ling is single. Yang Lan Hang is super excited to hear that hahahaha. Their discussion on the movie is quite interesting, because Yang Lan Hang believes in the happily ever after, whereas Bai Ling Ling (echoing Guan Xiao Yu) thinks that happily ever after is reserved only for fairytales. In reality, being able to meet a soulmate, even for a few hours, is already the best one can hope for in this world. I like that their views on love mirrors their real personalities. YLH is an idealist, and hence he chases after the perfect love story with a happily ever after, whereas BLL has been worn down by the world, and is more realist, being content with the bare minimum.
While Bai Ling Ling is preparing for her first day of work, Zheng Ming Hao starts telling Bai Ling Ling about their app update, how if she doesn’t like who she is matched with, she can remove him immediately instead of waiting for 3 months. Heavily implying that she can remove “How long is forever” asap. His plan backfires though, because Bai Ling Ling says, how about instead of shortening the lock-in period, how about lengthening it? Hahahaha. She proceeds to tell him about this “friend” who has had a crush on a guy for six years… No prizes for guessing which friend this is
Bai Ling Ling appears super well-dressed for her first day of work and is super excited to get started… only to find out that her job is a janitor. Awkward…. She also doesn’t really know her salary… or job scope… or anything really. Haha, maybe you should have double checked before agreeing? Zhang Yi An, the head of the research group, brings her around, but he also doesn’t know much about her stuff haha. Online Yang Lan Hang explains that back when he was a student and didn’t have enough experience to get hired, he also worked as a janitor. The janitor job scope is very light, but it provides an opportunity for her to get access to the lab and learn. I can understand both their clashing views here. YLH is solely focused on the science aspect, so to him, the chores of a janitor is merely a payment for the opportunity to learn in the lab. Whereas for BLL, she needs the money urgently, so the pay is what matters, the science is secondary. Actually, from my experience, most labs don’t hire janitors at all, or at most the janitor is only responsible for sweeping and mopping. All other tidying chores, such as washing flasks, disposing waste,etc are handled either by professional lab technicians or distributed via a roster system among the most junior staff (it’s not just a confidentiality issue, but also a safety one). So it’s probably more accurate to call her a lab tech? But I guess that reduces the humiliation factor. Also, I guess getting her a janitorial or lab tech position isn’t that ammoral comparatively. Anyway. Bai Ling Ling agrees to work for a month just to not make things awkward for online Yang Lan Hang.
Online Yang Lan Hang says that he has an experiment that is running for about another hour, and asks if she is willing to wait up for him for a bit. Bai Ling Ling agrees, but his experiment overruns, and she ends up waiting for him for over 5 hours. How does an experiment overrun from 1 to 5 hours lol… Anyway, he is finally done and he asks Bai Ling Ling if she wants to watch a movie together (he even dresses up in a suit for this LOL). She agrees and both of them start watching the movie at 2.30am.
Watching their first movie together! |
Even watching a movie until 4+ am doesn’t stop Yang Lan Hang from preparing breakfast for his love. They bump into each other at the lab, both surprised to see each other present so early. Yang Lan Hang tells her to take the day off given that she hasn’t slept a whole night. She catches his slip-up, but he makes up an excuse saying that he can tell from her eyebags. She says, oh ok, but you have quite bad eyebags too. Duh, he was up watching the movie with you! Before she leaves, he gives her his breakfast of love, but she is suspicious. So he pretends that he is using it to bribe her to answer a question. His question: “A guy has a crush on a girl and he knows she wants to do some activity with the guy she likes, so without consulting her, he organizes the said activity with her. How do you think the girl would feel?” Basically indirectly asking her about how she feels about last night hahahaha. Bai Ling Ling doesn’t understand though, so she replies “I think it’s a bit awkward. Sometimes when you do this sort of stuff, it’s just to satisfy your own feelings. If the other party doesn’t like you, they will feel a lot of pressure and awkwardness.” Ouch, the worst possible answer! She is terrible at giving advice hahaha, especially when it pertains to herself! Shouldn’t she tell him to confirm how the girl feels first? Lol… Yang Lan Hang feels very upset by her answer and worries that she might have a poor impression of him. It’s also revealed that Yang Lan Hang specially asked Professor Jiang to create this janitor job for Bai Ling Ling and is paying her salary out of his own pocket. Meanwhile, Bai Ling Ling is still puzzled over what online Yang Lan Hang said. Lol, her EQ is just as low as his eh? Bai Ling Ling also wants to take on a second job so that she can earn more money.
Epilogue: Playboy Ouyang’s subordinate did the background check on Guan Xiao Yu’s date and Playboy Ouyang comments on what a horrible person he is, to which his subordinate replies, “Indeed, there seems to be something about Guan Xiao Yu that attracts all the horrible guys” Hahahaha, and he says it with a deadpan face too!
This episode is getting better-ish? I like how they showcase the clear contrast in their world views, but I also… feel like Yang Lan Hang is treading the line a little bit? While what he does isn’t strictly wrong, it doesn’t really sit well with me. Whether you like her, or you believe in her, it’s ok to give her opportunities or guidance, but specially creating a job is kind of a grey area? Also, while I enjoy the double interactions (real life vs online), I kinda feel like he should come clean sooner than later? I’m also struggling to feel Bai Ling Ling’s passion for research.
Bai Ling Ling and online Yang Lan Hang hasn’t talked for days too, because he has been actively avoiding her. He thinks that Bai Ling Ling felt awkward and uncomfortable about the encounter, but Playboy Ouyang enlightens him that if she wasn’t interested in him, she wouldn’t have stayed up so late to watch the movie with him. Anyway, Playboy Ouyang gives him some advice to impress Bai Ling Ling at work, primarily:
- Create opportunities to be together
- Showcase your seriousness at work
- Show her concern above and beyond that of a colleague
The next day, Yang Lan Hang starts his plan. First, he substitutes her fitbit with one he altered. This one sends an alert to him whenever her heart rate exceeds 100 lol. Ya, circuitry and soldering is a completely different field from materials science, although it’s not that difficult to pick up… Anyway, Scientist Ouyang shows up at work and scares Bai Ling Ling, immediately helping Yang Lan Hang test his alter fitbit. He tries to implement the 3 steps Playboy Ouyang taught him, by intentionally making Bai Ling Ling stay late with him and working seriously (1&2). Bai Ling Ling keeps hinting that she is tired by yawning and fake-yawning but he just ignores her. He tries to show more concern, so he tells Bai Ling Ling that since it’s so late…… why don’t she just sleep at the staff dormitory downstairs? LOL, could this have gone any worse? You know, if only you had a car to send her home? Lots of other Yang Lan Hang’s wooing fails that I can’t be bothered to cover follows..
At lunch, the team comments that Jing Jing, Scientist Ouyang’s assistant, has two different personalities. She is super quiet when Scientist Ouyang is around, but becomes super bubbly and cheerful the moment he leaves. Fun fact, her name literally translates to Quiet Quiet haha… Yang Lan Hang also confirms that Bai Ling Ling likes his online persona by texting her out of the blue, saying “I miss you” and noting that her heart rate suddenly spiked in response. He laughs to himself joyously, attracting weird looks from the rest of the research team haha.
Zhai Qin Yi (YLH’s no. 1 fanboy): He is a genius indeed. I bet he came up with some amazing new ideaJing Jing: If only Scientist Ouyang is as expressive with his feelings as Yang Lan Hang… But it’s ok, I understand him even if he doesn’t show it.Zhang Yi An: This guy is so weird, does he never stop thinking about work?Bai Ling Ling: Sicko… Hahahaha
Bai Ling Ling is super happy to hear from her online “boyfriend” and they agree to talk later tonight. But just when she is about to knock off, Yang Lan Hang asks her to stay back for extra work. Huh? Are you trying to make her hate you in real life? This pushes her to the edge, and she decides to confess her feelings to him, but not really. She’s doing a fake confess so as to scare Yang Lan Hang away and cause him to stay as far away from her as possible. She tells her plan to her online “boyfriend” and Yang Lan Hang tries to defend himself, but she doesn’t listen. Lol, she just told the one person she should never tell the plan to hahahahahaha. Also, what a terrible plan…
The next day, Yang Lan Hang keeps waiting for her to confess, but she is still busy working up the courage. Finally, she changes into a red dress and high heels. She confesses to him super awkwardly hahaha. Yang Lan Hang barely manages to keep his composure…
BLL: I’m telling you… I like you…YLH: Errr… I thank you…BLL: I’m telling you… I really really like you…YLH: I’m telling you… I really really thank you…This takes the cake for the weirdest conversation ever hahaha...YLH: How about you take off your clothes first? HAHAHAHABLL: ???YLH: I meant to say, do you want to change back to your uniform or wear a coat first…BLL: Let me explain. I purposely chose this dress because I wanted to confess to you… Don’t you like it?YLH: (straining against every fibre of his being to not say yes, rambles) ok, fine, since you like me, from now on you don’t need to go home or anywhere else, just spend 24/7 in the lab and work non-stop…
Cdrama getting more and more creative with their bidongs hahaha. Also, Jasper’s face is 10/10 |
BLL: Who would’ve known. You were right, he really accepted my confession of love. Lol, turns out when you are the other party, you can predict their actions 100% of the time.YLH: Ok, then what are you going to do about it? Are you going to keep your word? Oh so this is his plan? To accept her fake confession as a real one and use it to kickstart their relationship? Well, I guess this is one thing our CP has in common, both of them have absolutely terrible plans hahahaha.BLL: That’s impossible, he’s just purposely messing with me.YLH: But what if he takes what you said seriously?BLL: Nah, he is just messing with me and playing a game of chicken…Lol, the two of them are hilarious...
Meanwhile, Guan Xiao Yu tells Zheng Ming Hao that the person Bai Ling Ling matched with is the same one she chatted with for 6 years and Zheng Ming Hao tells Guan Xiao Yu that the account is owned by Playboy Ouyang. Who needs privacy laws anyway right? The two of them make a pact to get Playboy Ouyang to back off and don’t want to tell Bai Ling Ling because they are afraid of breaking her heart. Guan Xiao Yu calls Playboy Ouyang to meet up, but he plays hard to get and tells her that he will call her once his schedule frees up. He is clearly happy to hear from her though.
On the weekend, Zheng Ming Hao follows Bai Ling Ling to her lab. Ok, what the hell. Literally basic lab rules 101, no unauthorized personnel in the lab. Zheng Ming Hao also looks down on her janitor role. Kinda bordering on actively disliking him now... To explain her importance, Bai Ling Ling starts pointing out various instruments and explaining what they do. Except she points at a simple light microscope and calls it an atomic force microscope HAHAHA… The other machine she calls a nanoindentation device but looks like just a closed fume hood to me? Not sure about his one. Anyway, he offers to help so she lets him help her carry the rubbish out. Cue internal screaming about him handling biohazard waste without gloves. Also without safety training… On his way out, he bumps into Scientist Ouyang and Jing Jing. Without a second word, Scientist Ouyang empties the trash onto the floor.
The length of my recap probably tells you that I’m enjoying the show less and less. Mainly, I’m struggling to find a reason why YLH likes BLL. He is doing so much for her, yet she just keeps behaving like a spoiled brat and also breaking lab rules… Also, there is only so much low EQ humor can entertain me...
After cleaning up, Bai Ling Ling tries to approach Scientist Ouyang. She’s unsure about what to say, so she nervously picks up a glass prism to clean. Kinda weird to have optical prisms in a biologist’s lab though haha.
SO (glances at her): wrong.JJ: He is saying that you are cleaning the prisms the wrong way. You should do….BLL: Sorry, I’ll redo it now.SO: Just leave it.JJ: He means this is not the first time that you made a mistake. Scientist Ouyang doesn’t want you to waste anyone else’s time anymore and doesn’t want you to touch the equipment anymore.BLL: What do you mean?SO: Resign.JJ: He wishes for you to voluntarily resign and leave the lab.BLL: But… but why are you saying this is not my first mistake? Then why didn’t you say anything when I made my previous mistakes? If you don’t tell me, how would I know I’m doing things wrong? I admit today is my mistake, but all my previous mistakes, I don’t admit to them. Liking her even less for this. I mean, SO could be more communicative, but like, you should at least respect his authority and ask what mistakes? Instead of straight away saying it’s not your fault?SO (glares at her): harboring ill intent.He shows her the picture of her in a red dress confessing to YLH lol.BLL: What’s wrong with that? There is no rule against dating in the lab. I have a right to pursue my own happiness!SO: Fine.BLL: Oh, does that mean everything is alright then?JJ: What he means is that you have a right to pursue happiness, but you can’t let it affect your work. The equipment in the lab is extremely expensive and the data we work with is very sensitive, even a piece of scrap paper could contain essential information. If you want other people to respect you, then stop making such simple mistakes.BLL (stomping off): I don’t understand, how come he only says a single word and yet you can understand so much from it. I don’t understand this either haha.
Afterwards, Jing Jing approaches Bai Ling Ling on her own and tries to comfort her. Bai Ling Ling asks if this is indeed not her first mistake. Jing Jing confirms it, and lists out all her mistakes previously and says Scientist Ouyang is really angry this time and she must leave. She also reveals that Yang Lan Hang has been pleading with Scientist Ouyang to not fire her for her past mistakes and has also been cleaning up her messes secretly.
She’s zoning out at her locker and Yang Lan Hang approaches her. He clips a sapling hairclip on her. I think it looks very bleargh, but perhaps to him, it's more that a sapling is a representation of what she is. He asks her out for dinner, but she says that she has to visit her grandma.
Ok, the hairclip is bleargh, but it looks kinda cute on her. |
At dinner, they chat, well mostly Yang Lan Hang talks and Scientist Ouyang gives one word answers. They discuss Bai Ling Ling and Yang Lan Hang reminds him of their childhood, where they broke into his dad’s lab and made a huge mess. His dad didn’t chase them out, but only punished them to clean up their own mess. He tells Scientist Ouyang if she leaves on her own accord, he won’t stop her, but if she wants to stay, he hopes Scientist Ouyang can give him another chance just like when they were kids. Ehhh, I get where he is coming from, but the difference is children vs a university graduate… They get interrupted by a random girl who mistakes Scientist Ouyang for Playboy Ouyang, but it seems they are used to it. He curtly replies all her questions and turns her down, all the while carefully moving any open drinks out of her reach. Hahaha, clearly experienced already hahaha
Bai Ling Ling asks Zheng Ming Hao to just drop her at the bus stop but he insists on following her to see grandma. Grandma is obsessed with following dramas, but unfortunately her phone isn’t capable of streaming videos cause it’s a cheap/old model. Grandma takes an instant liking to Zheng Ming Hao. She discusses her grandma’s situation with her doctor. It turns out that grandma has an artificial metal valve replacement on her heart. Zheng Ming Hao sends her home and starts to tell her something (his confession), but she receives a text from her online “boyfriend” so she rushes off to chat with him.
YLH: You are awesome. Don’t beat yourself up.BLL: Actually, I lied to you previously. I actually felt like working as a janitor was a waste of my talents and I was intending to quit after a month.YLH: I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I should have discussed it with you first.BLL: Nah, it’s my problem. I messed up the figure on my thesis, and I used being too tired from my internship as an excuse. I messed up the job interview, and I blamed YLH for picking on me. It never occurred to me that it was my own problems in the first place. That’s why whenever YLH asks me to do stuff or tries to teach me, I get very impatient because I thought he has a superiority complex and why is he making my job as a janitor so tough. But today, I found out this job was not as simple as I thought, and I’m not as capable as I thought too. It’s not people making things difficult for me, it’s just me not being good enough. I can’t even do a janitor’s job properly. Ok, I am suitably impressed here. I’m glad that she is becoming aware of her own shortcomings and realizing that she has been misplacing blame this whole time.YLH: Don’t say that, I think being able to accurately assess your own capabilities is a good thing. It might sound a little harsh, but I agree with him here, especially if she intends to stay in science. Because research is such a wide and borderless ocean, being able to correctly assess one’s ability and setting achievable goals is essential.YLH: But don’t let a small failure define your entirety. What you need to do is identify your problems and address them. If you don’t know, learn. If you fail, try and try again. If even you don’t believe in yourself, no-one else will too. I love these lines by Yang Lan Hang. Anyone doing research should really read and digest these lines.BLL: Actually, I always wanted to do a PhD. Do you think it’s too late to start studying for the entrance exam now? Apparently PhD admissions in China are slightly different? In that they sit for an exam, upon which only the top scholars get accepted and then they choose/assign labs. In most other countries, PhD admissions are often at the sole discretion of the head of the lab, contingent on the slots being available from the department.YLH: No, it's never too late. The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago. The second best time, today. D’awww, I like that he is motivating her.
Bai Ling Ling starts taking her work very seriously and gains the recognition and approval of all the other lab members, including Scientist Ouyang. I like him a lot btw, he also reminds me of myself, probably as unbelievable as it sounds hahahaha. Professor Jiang asks to speak to Bai Ling Ling privately and tells her she is being let go. Bai Ling Ling apologizes for her past mistakes and says she wants to improve herself. She tells Professor Jiang that she wants to sit for the PhD admission exams. Because of that, she wants to continue working at the lab so that she can learn more. She is happy to take less money, or even work for free. Before Professor Jiang could answer, Scientist Ouyang walks in and says a single word, “OK”. Ok, I’m starting to feel a bit of her passion for research now, but I do wonder how much of this is her latent passion that YLH ignited, and how much of this is just because she likes YLH.
Playboy Ouyang can’t stop thinking about Guan Xiao Yu either, so he finally texts her, asking to meet up tomorrow. Tomorrow rolls around and Guan Xiao Yu and Geng Pan Pan splashes him with a bucket of ice water. She tells him to stop bothering Bai Ling Ling, but he is confused since he has zero idea who that is. She tells him she knows he is “How long is forever” and warns him, if he keeps bothering Bai Ling Ling, she won’t let him off so easily. Playboy Ouyang tries to clarify but Guan Xiao Yu refuses to believe he is innocent. So he says, “ Fine, I’ll stop bothering Bai Ling Ling… From now on, I will just bother you”. Hahaha. Random tangent, I feel like the 3 males leads in this show are all super good-tempered? I mean, he got splashed with a bucket of ice water and he didn’t even lose his temper or shout at Guan Xiao Yu.
Yang Lan Hang and Scientist Ouyang are discussing work and Zhai Qin Yi crashes in, asking what they are talking about. Yang Lan Hang explains that they are talking about a bioprocessor, which is basically a cell growing tank, providing them with the nutrients and the right environment to grow and differentiate. Pretty accurate-ish. Anyway, Zhai Qin Yi offers to help, so he sends him to assist Doctor Li with whatever he needs. This earns him a curious stare from Scientist Ouyang and Yang Lan Hang replies, “It’s rare that someone wants to do my work for me, I got to seize this opportunity to go pursue romance.” Hahaha, there are times when Yang Lan Hang is such a facepalm block of wood, but then he randomly sprouts this lovey-dovey lines and I’m all confused hahaha...
Bai Ling Ling is hard at work studying in the library, so Yang Lan Hang picks up a book and starts reading it a few seats opposite her, keeping her company. I like how he is simply content being near her, I can totally feel how much he likes her. After working for hours, Bai Ling Ling finally notices that Yang Lan Hang is opposite her. She doesn’t know he is here to keep her company, so she thinks to herself, “Do geniuses have to work this hard as well?”. She slowly dozes off and when she wakes up, Yang Lan Hang has left, but he left a cute paw sweet for her. Oh, Zhai Qin Yi also tells her that their work next week involves the bioprocessor and tells her to read up on it first in preparation.
Love is simply enjoying each other’s presence... |
JJ: SO, do you really dislike this Zheng Ming Hao guy?SO: Nope.JJ: then why…SO shoots a pointed look at YLH. Wow, what a bro indeed.JJ: Ah ok, I understand now.
Zhai Qin Yi overhears everything and asks Jing Jing how she has such good chemistry with Scientist Ouyang, she understands all his single words and gestures perfectly. Jing Jing doesn’t answer him, but in her heart she thinks, “As long as you like someone, you will be able to tell what they are thinking all the time.” She flashes back to her first meeting with Scientist Ouyang.. It was love at first sight… D’awwww, I like this couple, they are cuteeeeee
It’s funny how both shows I reviewed so far really step things up on Ep 6, almost as though knowing that this is when they get their first impression score (lol xD). I like this episode a lot because Bai Ling Ling finally owns up to her mistakes and problems. I guess this story is about her growth then, from this immature girl to a scientist capable of standing beside Yang Lan Hang. I also like the chemistry between Scientist Ouyang and Jing Jing, they feel so organic and cute together. D’awwww.
The next day, our CP bumps into each other on the way out of their house, and Yang Lan Hang offers her a lift. Turns out they live almost next to each other haha. She takes the opportunity to ask him about bioprocessors, but Yang Lan Hang is focused on only one thing, where’s her sapling hair clip? Bai Ling Ling misinterpreted it as him wanting the hair clip back, but Yang Lan Hang says it’s his present for her. She clearly hates it lol. She takes a deep breath and puts it on reluctantly. Yang Lan Hang brightens up visibly and starts explaining bioprocessors to her.
At work, Jing Jing struggles with detaching the cells from the surface and Bai Ling Ling helps her out by reminding her that she needs to add a certain chemical. I don’t recognize the chinese chemical names, but she is correct in saying you need to add a chemical to detach the cells from the surface. Afterwards, you then dilute the chemical with cell medium to prevent the chemical from killing the cells. (Can’t remember the chemical name because the last time I did cell work was 6 years ago LOL). She impresses everyone present.
After work, Zheng Ming Hao comes to pick up Bai Ling Ling, causing Yang Lan Hang to become jealous. He organizes an impromptu group dinner (much to the confusion of the rest of the lab) to try and get more time with her and disrupt Zheng Ming Hao’s plans. Lol…. but Zheng Ming Hao is present at the dinner as well and he keeps scooping food for Bai Ling Ling, much to Yang Lan Hang’s displeasure. Zhang Yi An comments on this change in Yang Lan Hang. Previously, he never attended a single social event overseas, and yet now, he suddenly starts actively organizing dinners lol. Yang Lan Hang replies that “Science is never a solo battle.” Hmmm, I wonder if he intentionally used the same phrase as before to hint his identity to Bai Ling Ling. He seriously overestimated her I/EQ. Zhang Yi An comments that the change is still too drastic, and wonders if it’s because he has a new girlfriend, who helped raise his EQ. Zheng Ming Hao, being a total and utter ass, replies, “That’s impossible. How can a guy like him have a girlfriend?” Wtf dude? He was already being super rude with a frowny face throughout the whole dinner, and now he says such an insulting thing? O btw, the person he insulted is the person paying for his dinner. Honestly, I’m starting to find his face punchable. Bai Ling Ling tries to defuse the situation, claiming that it was just a bad joke. Zheng Ming Hao claims that he is helping Bai Ling Ling take revenge for his past actions, but Bai Ling Ling clarifies that the two of them are on ok terms now. Seriously dude? Like first, try and get a handle on the situation before shooting your mouth off. And two, if YLH was truly a terrible and unreasonable boss as you believed, what do you think is going to happen to BLL tomorrow after you insult him? For a computer scientist and a boss of a tech company, he seems a bit lacking in the brain department.
Yang Lan Hang excuses himself and texts Bai Ling Ling as his online persona, while secretly observing her.
YLH: I think I’ve fallen for a girl.BLL: Who? If you like her, go chase her! Don’t wuss out…She does look slightly upset after reading his text though...YLH: But that girl seems to have a lot of suitors…BLL hesitates. I think she’s conflicted on what to say. On one hand, she probably hopes it passes since she likes him, but on the other hand, she also wants him to pursue his own happiness.
I think YLH was building up to a confession here? Not sure why else he would message her all of these suddenly, but he backs out at the last second. But the whole conversation just felt very odd...I think YLH was building up to a confession here? Not sure why else he would message her all of these suddenly, but he backs out at the last second. But the whole conversation just felt very odd...
YLH: Oh, I was just asking for a friend.BLL’s facial expression clearly shows she doesn’t believe his last statement...
Zheng Ming Hao was about to share his good news with Bai Ling Ling but he gets interrupted by Zhang Yi An congratulating Bai Ling Ling on her good performance and saying he looks forward to her joining the lab as a PhD student. Zheng Ming Hao is shocked and tells her that his business partner has a new girlfriend. I think his good news is something else actually though? Maybe a job offer? After dinner, both guys fight to send her home, but Jing Jing smartly drags her away first hahaha.
Returning home, Guan Xiao Yu tells Bai Ling Ling the real good news, she has a job offer from some big real estate company. However, she is totally distracted and does not process a single word Guan Xiao Yu says. Clearly still hung up on what YLH texted her... Guan Xiao Yu guesses that her distraction was due to the success of Geng Pan Pan emptying the food waste on Playboy Ouyang, causing him to finally back off.
Poor Ouyang…… |
True bros indeed. |
The next day, while Bai Ling Ling is slowly and methodologically cleaning up the lab, Yang Lan Hang squeezes with the crowd of students, ready to fight to the death for a seat for his love. Hahahaha…. He manages to snatch a seat for Bai Ling Ling, but unfortunately he can’t stay (after all he has his actual work to do), so he just leaves a piece of paper saying “This seat is reserved for Bai Ling Ling”. The other students don’t care though, and simply crumble up the paper and steal the seat after he leaves.
Ok, this is definitely an over-dramatization haha... |
Yang Lan Hang returns to check on the self-study area and tells Bai Ling Ling she is sitting in the wrong seat. Hahahaha, this I can relate to. He tells her that he calculated that the other seat is optimal lol. Bai Ling Ling reluctantly agrees due to his insistence, and Yang Lan Hang takes the seat opposite her, just looking at her studying. A little cute in his nerdy way, but also a tiny bit creepy. Zheng Ming Hao returns and is displeased that Yang Lan Hang took his seat. An argument starts, and Bai Ling Ling quietly packs up her stuff. She offers to leave so that they can both have a seat. Lol, dummy, there’s no point to the seats if you aren’t there! Both guys yell at her to sit down simultaneously. Hahahaha. They agree to talk about this outside.
Lol, this childish fight and the synchronized, “You sit down” is quite funny |
ZMH: Last time, there were a lot of people present. I had to consider Bai Ling Ling’s feelings and reputation, so I couldn’t say a lot of things.Dude, you’ve said plenty enough last time already. Also, I shudder to think what nonsense he would’ve sprouted if he didn’t hold himself back.YLH: I don’t like people like you. You go YLH!ZMH (grabs his jacket): You caused Bai Ling Ling to be unable to graduate, don’t you think you should be accountable for that? You have to give me an explanation!YLH: I’ve already talked to Bai Ling Ling about this, we have agreed to let the matter rest.ZMH: That’s with her. How about me?YLH: What does this have to do with you? Exactly! Who are you to her?ZMH: I’m her….. Close friend.YLH: Well then, I guess my relationship with her is slightly closer than you.
Hearing that, Zheng Ming Hao throws a punch at Yang Lan Hang’s face. WTH???? First and foremost, this matter has literally nothing to do with you. Moreover, Bai Ling Ling has told you repeatedly that things are fine already. And worst of all, you can’t out-argue him, so you decide to punch him? How caveman are you? Not only is Zheng Ming Hao an infuriating person, he just feels very poorly written too...
Bai Ling Ling sees the punch and rushes to stop him. Zheng Ming Hao says, “See, now look who she is closer to.” Errr, wth? You weren’t punched, so what is wrong with your brain? Yang Lan Hang calls him childish EXACTLY and Bai Ling Ling asks him to apologize. Zheng Ming Hao refuses because he says Yang Lan Hang provoked him… Clearly we should go around beating up anyone that says anything remotely upsetting to us right? That’s how society works no? Bai Ling Ling tries to get her to apologize, but he keep refusing. At the end of her tether, Bai Ling Ling bribes him with a one-on-one lunch to get him to apologize. Zheng Ming Hao immediately starts smiling like a silly goof and gives Yang Lan Hang an insincere apology. As they walk off, he gloats about the lunch to Yang Lan Hang behind Bai Ling Ling’s back. ??? How dumb is he supposed to be again? His character is suddenly behaving like a lovesick puppy, except that lovesick puppies are cute…
At lunch, Zheng Ming Hao confesses his feelings for Bai Ling Ling, but Bai Ling Ling says “Sorry, I only treat you as a friend. I already have someone that I like”. Zheng Ming Hao replies, “So what, even if you like someone else, that won’t stop me from liking you.” That enlightens Bai Ling Ling, and I think this is the point where she decides to continue liking her online “boyfriend”. She tells him that she can’t tell him not to like her even though she likes someone else, because she is in the same situation, she can’t stop liking her online “boyfriend” just because he likes someone else. Desperate, Zheng Ming Hao tells her that the person she likes is not who she thinks it is. He reveals that the account holder should be Playboy Ouyang. Once again, who cares about confidentiality eh? Bai Ling Ling doesn't believe him though, after all they’ve been chatting online for 6 years. She believes that there must be some mistake somewhere. Urgh, no words for Zheng Ming Hao, I’m just actively erasing his stuff from my memory because so much of what he says irks me. I think Bai Ling Ling handled the situation super well though, from gently letting him down to rationally assessing the situation with her online “boyfriend”.
Zheng Ming Hao tells Guan Xiao Yu that he told Bai Ling Ling everything and she rightfully loses her temper at him. Zheng Ming Hao defends his actions, saying that Bai Ling Ling is capable of thinking for herself and she deserves to know the truth…. Right… That’s why you never agreed to keep this from her in the first place right? O wait… I hate this sort of post-hoc rationalization. He clearly said it in a desperate attempt to woo her and it backfired, but he tries to portray it as some noble act because she has a right to know… They plan to ask Playboy Ouyang out to meet Bai Ling Ling so that she can see the truth.
Bai Ling Ling is affected though, she can’t focus on her studies and keeps staring at the dating app. Finally, she can’t take it and heads home to talk to Guan Xiao Yu. She asks if Playboy Ouyang ever confessed to being “How long is forever”, which Guan Xiao Yu replies with the negative. Bai Ling Ling compares his messages with her online “boyfriend” and confirms that they are two different people because they have different syntax. It’s also revealed she only deleted the cloud copy of her old chat logs with “How long is forever”, she still has a physical copy on her thumb drives.
Guan Xiao Yu gives her some love advice though, that her limbo-like relationship status with her online “boyfriend” is not a good thing. She should either go for it, or give up on it, holding on partially is a terrible feeling. I agree. She goes on to argue for Zheng Ming Hao, saying that since her “online” boyfriend is in Europe, he can’t be there to pick her up with an umbrella when it rains, he can’t be there to take care of her when she is ill and he can’t comfort her when she is upset… T_T. This hit me right in the feels…. My wife and I were in a long distance relationship for a few years, and it always pained me when I was unable to be next to her when she needed me… Bai Ling Ling says she understands all of these, but she says she can still manage on her own, and while this limbo-like state isn’t great, she is going to go for it sooner or later, after all, she is sure that she likes him. D’awwwww
I’m starting to wonder if I just have an active bias against ML’s love rivals, because I just seem to dislike all of them? In my defence though, Zheng Ming Hao is just…. bad, wrong and terrible on so many levels, so I think he is meant to be disliked? Furthermore, his character just seems bland and poorly written. How can he both be a computer scientist/head of a company and yet so dumb? How can he be like a total gangster punk one moment and literally a lovesick puppy wagging his tail the next?
The next day, Yang Lan Hang goes for his appointment while Playboy Ouyang waits outside. While walking around, Playboy Ouyang spies Guan Xiao Yu passing by. It turns out that she and Geng Pan Pan are planning another ambush on him. Lol, caught with their pants down eh? Playboy Ouyang confronts them and clarifies with them that he is not “How long is forever?”. He tells them that he sold the account and don’t know who the current account holder is. He offers her his phone to check through.They finally realize it was their mistake… Awkward…. She quickly offers to compensate him for his dry-cleaning, his meal and a spa to make up for all that they’ve done. Playboy Ouyang turns her down, saying that he wants mental compensation instead. Guan Xiao Yu misunderstands and goes, “Ok, what movie do you want to watch? Or what book? I’ll happily buy it for you…” Playboy Ouyang says, “Nope, I want you…. To be my girlfriend” Somehow, this overbearing CEO schtick is working for me here haha… Guan Xiao Yu refuses, coming up with the excuse that she already has a “boyfriend”, Geng Pan Pan. Playboy Ouyang replies, “It’s ok. I can wait. The two of you are doomed to break up sooner or later”. It’s later revealed that the two of them aren’t a real couple, it’s a lie to deter Playboy Ouyang. However, it’s clear that Geng Pan Pan is super infatuated with her. A short flashback reveals that Geng Pan Pan finally recognized that Playboy Ouyang was the one who saved them at the bar last time (Ep 3).
At his doctor’s appointment, it’s revealed that Yang Lan Hang has a heart problem, and his research is actually geared towards treating his own condition as well. It hasn’t been made super clear what his research is on, but it clearly has something to do with hearts given that literally every other diagram in the lab is the picture of a heart. Yang Lan Hang notices that it suddenly started raining, so he immediately rushes out of the room and texts Bai Ling Ling as his online persona, asking her if it’s raining at her side.
Bai Ling Ling is surprised that he knows, and lies to him that she has an umbrella. In actual fact, she is stranded at the study room entrance. Our knight in shining armour, Yang Lan Hang, pulls up in a cab, all ready to give her an umbrella… except Zheng Ming Hao shows up first…. Bleargh. He sends her home while holding the umbrella for her. Yang Lan Hang watches quietly and sadly from his cab…
Note the contrast between the spread of food he lovingly prepared for her and the tiny bowl of porridge that he is having… |
Bai Ling Ling searched high and low for her grandma, but she’s nowhere to be found. After a long long search, a nurse finally brings Grandma back. Both of them say some harsh words, but they actually really really care for each other. They just don’t know how to express it. Not knowing what to say, Bai Ling Ling gives her a long, tight hug… As a Chinese myself, this is too relatable… See random thoughts.
Hug scene *tears* |
BLL: DId I go too overboard?YLH: No, your intentions were good, you just went about it the wrong way.BLL: Ya, actually I thought about it, I could have just paid him back the money. But that phone was so expensive, I don’t have that much cash on hand…. At the end of the day, it’s just because I’m too useless. I say that I’m filial, but I can’t even give her what she likes the most..YLH: I have a suggestion, why don’t you get her a tablet instead since she just wants to watch shows right? Tablets are cheaper and have a larger screen too. Plus there’s constantly new models coming out, so buying a second-hand one is probably within your budget.
He then provides her with a website that sells second-hand electronics, and grabs Playboy Ouyang’s tablet to list and sell on the same website. Hahaha, that’s cute and innovative. See Zheng Ming Hao, this is how you help the person you love out, not by going behind their backs and causing trouble. Poor Playboy Ouyang though, his tablet gets snatched, but at least he is getting a new tablet the next day hahaha.
To help Bai Ling Ling study, Yang Lan Hang creates a chat group with everyone else from the lab. He wants everyone to take turns to teach Bai Ling Ling and help her with her exam preparation. Without a single word, Scientist Ouyang leaves the chat and repeatedly refuses Yang Lan Hang’s invitations to rejoin the chat. So true to his character haha. Zhai Qin Yi is super excited to be invited to what he perceives to be the “in” group and happily lists out his available timings. Yang Lan Hang replies “Ok, thank you” and instantly removes him from the chat group. Lol…. Awks…
Happiness and Sadness is just a split second difference. |
Yang Lan Hang also calls Bai Ling Ling and tells her that he has discussed with the professor and arranged for her to study in the storage room next to the lab, so that she doesn’t have to fight for seats anymore, and can also approach them for help easily if she has any questions. Bai Ling Ling tries to turn him down… so he blackmails her into accepting by using her love confession hahahaha… She instantly changes her tune and agrees hahaha...
His script is so cute!!!! Just missing a flowchart of possible replies haha |
Lol, literally the difference between heaven and hell |
Epilogue: It turns out Guan Xiao Yu has installed a CCTV in front of their door, so they have video footage of who delivered the food for Bai Ling Ling’s online “boyfriend”. Yang Lan Hang was wearing a hoodie and a mask though, so they weren’t able to recognize him on the CCTV, though Bai Ling Ling finds his silhouette familiar…
Ok, I feel that Yang Lan Hang is maturing as well, the way that he is helping her feels a lot more comfortable and acceptable to me. He is helping her by giving her the tools she needs to succeed, rather than bending the rules or creating fictitious positions for her. Oh, and I was also quite touched by the breakfast. Playboy Ouyang and Guan Xiao Yu are finally making progress too, excited to see how they will develop, though I suspect the Geng Pan Pan arc is going to last a while… Also, random thought, but Geng Pan Pan feels a little off. I worry that drama is going to make him go psycho or something once Guan Xiao Yu rejects him >.<
Things are getting a lot better between Bai Ling Ling and her grandma. It’s New Year’s Eve, so the two of them decide to take a trip out and explore the night markets. Bai Ling Ling texts her plans to her online “boyfriend”. Yang Lan Hang is having New Year’s Eve dinner with his parents, so he proposes going out for a walk after dinner and stalk their future daughter-in-law? Hahahaha…
Meanwhile, Guan Xiao Yu is getting ready to go to the ball, and so is Geng Pan Pan. He’s all suited up and prepared to confess his feelings to her the moment the clock strikes 12. As Guan Xiao Yu alights in front of the school, her bag gets snatched by a thief. She gives chase and Playboy Ouyang just happens to drive past with Scientist Ouyang. He immediately abandons Scientist Ouyang and rushes off to help Guan Xiao Yu. Scientist Ouyang doesn’t know how to drive, so he calls Jing Jing and says “Where are you? Save me!” Ooooooo, our 3 couples are all going to be together to welcome the start of the new year?
Yang Lan Hang is at the same night market as well, searching for her. He spies her hanging up her wish on the wishing tree and watches on as she loses her balance and starts to fall… The countdown to the new year starts as he races to catch her while she falls… At the same time, Playboy Ouyang is wrestling with the thief for Guan Xiao Yu’s bag. Guan Xiao Yu lunges for the thief and… Our last couple just quietly sits in the car, driving home as the countdown starts. Come come, place your bets on which couple is going to get the new year’s kiss!
Guan Xiao Yu and Playboy Ouyang accidentally kiss! Embarrassed, Guan Xiao Yu grabs her bag and runs off. Playboy smiles like a fool as he watches the fireworks sparkle overhead. Yang Lan Hang merely catches Bai Ling Ling, and wisher her “Happy New Year!” They smile at each other as fireworks sparkle overhead. Jing Jing quietly wishes Scientist Ouyang Happy New Year, and a hint of a smile appears on his lips as fireworks sparkle overhead.
Ushering in the new year with our 3 CPs! |
Scientist Ouyang and Jing Jing show up, and an awkward Guan Xiao Yu tries to escape unnoticed. Jing Jing whispers to Bai Ling Ling that Scientist Ouyang wanted to come help her celebrate on his own accord. I guess this is drama’s way of telling us BLL is actually passionate about research? So much so that she can win over the stoic Scientist Ouyang? Guan Xiao Yu mistakes Scientist Ouyang as Playboy Ouyang lol, and Bai Ling Ling doesn’t know enough to correct her. Trying to escape, Guan Xiao Yu ends up bumping into Scientist Ouyang instead. She starts to talk to him, but Scientist Ouyang just continues walking. Hahahaha…. Guan Xiao Yu thinks he is trying to play hard to get, so she bets with herself he will turn around in 10 seconds. She counts down but Scientist Ouyang just continues walking. Finally, she can’t bear it anymore and confronts Scientist Ouyang. Scientist Ouyang simply answers in the affirmative to all her questions, so she happily concludes that Playboy Ouyang is no longer interested in her and has given up on wooing her. All the right elements for an epic misunderstanding is present haha.
After partying, Bai Ling Ling is very drunk, so Yang Lan Hang sends her home, claiming that it’s on his way home. In the car, drunk Bai Ling Ling yells out the window that she is very happy. She also tells him that she really really hates Yang Lan Hang.
BLL: Imagine if someone caused you to be unable to graduate, made you lose your job and then even use his professional position to torture you for his personal vendetta…YLH: I don’t have any personal vendetta..BLL: I’m just asking you if this person is annoying! Are you annoying?YLH: (gives up on reasoning with her) Yes annoying. I’m annoying hahahahaBLL: I know I was wrong about my thesis, and you were right. You also cleared up all my messes in the lab. But, but… I just can’t forgive you, because you keep using my love confession to threaten me…(I mean he uses it to threaten her in order to help her though…)BLL: But this time, I have to admit, if not for you and all your help, I wouldn’t have been able to do so well for this exam. Thank you. So I, unilaterally, decide to forgive you and forget all our past grudges…YLH: I thought we agreed to do so already?BLL: That’s what you think (and laughs like a maniac)
Zheng Ming Hao calls Bai Ling Ling to congratulate her, and also reveals that he has left for Shenzhen because it’s better for his company to continue developing there. He told her all of these over voice messages because he didn’t know how to tell her in person. He's afraid that she will not even try to stop him, but also more afraid that she would tell him to stay, because he would, if she asked. He also tells her that he is willing to let go of her, as long as she’s happy. But she isn’t happy, after she leaves, who is going to carry an umbrella for her when it rains? She can’t live the rest of her life hugging a phone right? Annoyed, Yang Lan Hang snatches the phone away. Yayyyyy, good riddance Zheng Ming Hao. And also, what a cowardly character, you don’t even have the guts to tell the girl you like goodbye? Instead, you leave her voice messages and randomly decide that she’s not happy? Do you have omniscence or something?
Bai Ling Ling is feeling nauseous, so Yang Lan Hang pulls over for her to puke. She asks him, “Why does no-one believe that me and him can have a happy ending? Actually nevermind, even I sometimes don’t believe it. You know, that day when it was raining, I didn’t have an umbrella, but I lied. Because I was worried that he wouldn’t care, wouldn’t do anything, so I didn’t tell him the truth. Do you think this is a sign of low self-confidence? I don’t dare ask his name, look for his picture, much less confess my love. I’m afraid that if I do, I will destroy this beautiful illusion that I created. I’m scared that when we meet each other, the versions of each other that we love will be shattered by reality. It’s like I have a sweet. I believe that this sweet is the best candy in the world, so as long as I don’t eat it, I can maintain this belief. But what happens if I eat it and find that it’s not sweet? Who doesn’t want to eat sweets? Who doesn’t want to be in love? I want to tell him, six years, it’s been six years and I really really love him….” Tell her now you dummy!!!! Go for it… Except they get interrupted by her throwing up lol… O man, that was such a romantic confession. It feels so real, so relatable… I understand how she feels, because she has liked him for 6 years, she has built up this perfect image of him in her mind, so she is scared of seeing the real him, and being disappointed when the real him doesn’t measure up. But I think one ultimately has to live in reality, so they have to meet sooner or later, and kicking the can down the road will only result in a greater contrast between fantasy and reality. Just rip off the band-aid! 长痛不如短痛...
Guan Xiao Yu goes back to her favourite bar that she has been avoiding to avoid Playboy Ouyang. Playboy Ouyang shows up and asks her how she is so daring to show up at his favourite bar. The rest of the night is a blur… until she wakes up in Playboy Ouyang’s bed. Don’t worry, Playboy Ouyang is a gentleman and he took the couch. Guan Xiao Yu yells at him for taking advantage of her, but Playboy Ouyang is like what the heck is wrong with you? You got drunk last night and refused to let go of me, so I had no choice but to bring you home!
The next morning, Bai Ling Ling wakes up to a text from her online “boyfriend”, “I like you! Let’s meet” Bai Ling Ling is overjoyed and shares the happy news with Guan Xiao Yu. She replies, “I like you too!”. But the surprise doesn’t stop there… He tells her to look out the window, where he released a whole bunch of balloons. On each balloon, 008520 (008, I love you) is written. D’awww who says our scientist is not a romantic?
Epilogue: After Bai Ling Ling finishes throwing up, Yang Lan Hang confesses that he is her online “boyfriend”, except she has passed out and doesn’t remember. O man, is she going to randomly remember this incident and that’s how she discovers his identity?
Can we just take a minute to celebrate the departure of the annoying Zheng Ming Hao? Our main CP is also finally together… sorta? I feel like this dual identity is a ticking time bomb though… Given what we’ve seen of Bai Ling Ling, she might end up just breaking up with him when she finds out >_<. Also, I feel like show hasn’t fully addressed my main issue with the show so far, which is I can’t see Bai Ling Ling’s passion for research. And that makes me wonder how much of what she does is because she really likes research vs because she is chasing in the footsteps of “How long is forever?”
YLH: Busy is the default state of all researchers, but no matter how busy, I will always make time for important events… and peopleWho is this and what have you done with our nerdy scientist!!?!YLH: Don’t you want to see me?BLL: It’s not that, it’s just that it’s a bit sudden….YLH: It’s not sudden at all, I’ve been contemplating this for a long time. Perhaps I’m just too greedy. I wish that you can ignore my accolades, finances and all other external factors, and just love me for who I am. But at the same time, I wish that besides my soul, you can accept everything about me. I hope that when you see me, you would still like me… (and not kick my ass for being Yang Lan Hang hahahaha…)
GXY: I don’t want to talk about it… It’s a pair of twins….BLL (touches GXY’s tummy): You’re pregnant? When was this??? LOLLLLLLLGXY: What are you thinking of! I’m talking about twin brothers!!!BLL: WHAT? You haven’t started showing yet and you already know their gender? Too funnyyyyyGXY (pushes BLL’s head): I’m talking about Playboy Ouyang! He has a twin, Scientist Ouyang! lollllllll
Bai Ling Ling tries to leave the building, but the stairwell is locked, so she contemplates jumping from the second floor ledge???. Zheng Ming Hao (why is he back???) stops her from jumping and gets someone to unlock the gate for her. He’s back for an investment meeting. Meanwhile, Yang Lan Hang arrives at an empty lab. He is visibly disappointed and simply continues recording the readings for her. He also starts eating the food he prepared for her.
Bai Ling Ling is on her way back when she notices that Yang Lan Hang is in the lab through the webcam she set up. She rushes back and tries to gauge his emotions…
BLL: Oh, why are you here?
BLL: Oh, you also haven’t had breakfast? I also haven’t… It looks quite tasty, can I have a bite?
BLL reaches for one, but YLH pushes her hand away.
BLL: Why don’t you go home and eat? I can take care of things here..
YLH continues giving her the cold shoulder
BLL: Ok, I know I’m in the wrong. I know I shouldn’t have left the lab without informing anyone. But I just left for a tiny period to get some rat poison. I didn’t leave for more than an hour…
BLL: I’m really sorry. I promise I won’t do it again.
YLH (softens slightly): So the only mistake you made was to leave the experiment unattended?
BLL: I also shouldn’t have tried to be smart and use the webcam…
YLH seems to have forgiven her, and opens up another lunchbox for her.
BLL: Since I admitted my mistake, you won’t tell Professor Jiang right? I’m afraid that if he knows, he’ll kick me out of the doctorate programme. O man…. The worst thing to say right now…
YLH (visibly pissed now, but still talking in a super restrained voice): Since you came back, you have yet to ask me about the experiment, about whether anything went wrong…
BLL: But you are here, so what could go wrong…
YLH: So? So to you, compared to a brilliant report card, compared to whether you can stay on the doctorate programme, this experiment doesn’t matter? BLL, why did you try so hard to get into the doctorate programme?
BLL: to become better….
YLH: And then? Have a better CV? Get into a better-paying job?
BLL: Is there anything wrong with that?
YLH: No, nothing wrong…
He angrily packs up everything, dumps it in the trash and stomps off.
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so disappointed in BLL here. I think YLH is spot on in his criticism, that she was keen to admit her mistake and apologize because she is worried about herself, and not about the experiment. Sure, it’s unlikely to have gone wrong when YLH is there, but what about during the period when neither of you were? Sure, I think the webcam solution is quite smart, but if she wanted to do it, at least clear it with the supervisors first. For all you know, they might have already thought of the idea and rejected it because of various factors such as safety or reliability. I also totally understood YLH’s disappointment at the end. Yes, there’s nothing wrong with just wanting a better-paying job, but he had so much higher expectations for BLL. Also, I just think that this would not have been an issue at all if she had just stopped to think for a second. Call someone to take over if you are so scared of the mouse. Or else call someone else to buy the rat poison then. Or at the very least, inform your supervisors of what you are going to do and seek their approval first...
Bai Ling Ling messages her online boyfriend “I’m doomed. I didn’t take the experiment seriously and got caught red-handed by Yang Lan Hang. But I don’t understand why he got so angry, it’s not even his experiment! It looks like we are not destined to be friends… Do you think he will tell on me to the professor?” Girl…. Why did you have to include the last sentence………… Yang Lan Hang angrily turns off his phone and tosses it aside. Ehhhhh, I understand you are disappointed in her, but isn’t this like the advantage of your dual identity? Use your online persona to calmly explain to her why he is angry and why he is so disappointed in her… It might not be her or his experiment, but this experiment is the accumulation of someone’s blood, sweat and tears. So she should accredit it with just as much importance as if it was her own, just like when someone is helping her with her experiment in future, she would hope they take it as seriously right?
Zheng Ming Hao brings breakfast over for Guan Xiao Yu and Bai Ling Ling and tries to convince her to take up a job at some big conglomerate. However, she turns him down, saying that given how difficult it was for her to get into the doctorate programme, she wants to finish it, no matter how tough it is. He tries to change her mind, asking her why she wanted to get into the programme in the first place?
BLL: A PhD graduate probably has an easier time finding a job than a basic graduate…
ZMH: Exactly, previously I supported you doing a PhD so that you can find a better job. But now a better job offer is already here, so why don’t you take it?
GXY: I agree. After all, look at all those millionaires, such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, they are all school dropouts. OMG, I hate this statement so freaking much. Using a few literal outliers to justify dropping out is the stupidest possible train of thought. For every Bill Gates, there are probably a million others who regret dropping out of school. It’s like saying, oh, this one guy fell from nine stories high and didn’t die, so why don’t all of us jump from nine stories now then? Imagine the amount of time we save!!!!
Oh, another random tangent. Scientists aren’t actually that well-paid. Sure if you compare starting pays, PhD holders have a higher starting pay. But if you compare the starting pay of a PhD holder vs a graduate with 4-years working experience (the equivalent time of a PhD), they are usually quite similar, or even slightly higher for the graduate. Of course, all these vary a lot depending on the field of study, country, industry or academia, etc, but the key takeaway is, doing a PhD is not a get-rich-quick method.
Bai Ling Ling turns both of them down. I guess this is show’s way of showing us that despite what Bai Ling Ling says, she isn’t just doing a PhD for the money, she’s actually interested in science? Kind of a stretch though…. She also has not had a reply from her online boyfriend in the past two days, so she messages him, telling him her situation and asks for his opinion. Ehhhh, kinda disappointed in YLH tbh. I get your YLH persona is mad at her, but your online boyfriend persona isn’t. So why is your online persona giving her the cold shoulder too? We understand that it’s because you are the same person, but what about BLL?
Epilogue: Yang Lan Hang’s nightmare. He approaches Bai Ling Ling and tells her, I am Yang Lan Hang. First, she laughs in disbelief, and then afterwards she threatens to block him again if he continues insisting he is Yang Lan Hang. He caves, and just says “I am How long is forever?” and she hugs him. Lol, I guess this is to show us that he is very scared of her rejection of the real him.
Haiiii, very disappointed in BLL this episode. I just don’t understand how she can have such a flippant attitude towards experiments and yet be interested in research? I am on Yang Lan Hang’s side 100% during the argument, though I think giving her the cold shoulder for 2 days afterwards is a tiny bit childish. He should try and make her understand why what she did is wrong, and why he was so mad.
[Ep11] Yang Lan Hang calls Bai Ling Ling late at night, asking her to translate a journal article to chinese by tomorrow morning. She tries to bargain for more time, but he just hangs up on her. Lol…. Annoyed, Bai Ling Ling simply copies the entire text into google translate and sends the translated version to Yang Lan Hang. Haha, it’s both errrr, amusing and dumb at the same time… But mostly irresponsible really. Like you are being assigned a task by your boss and this is how you do it? It’s just things like this that make me doubt her passion for research.
Getting into bed, Bai Ling Ling accidentally knocks over a heavily rusted metal box filled with coins and little notes. She flashes back to when she was a kid, her mum was wheeled away in a hospital. A little boy approaches her and gives her the same metal box. He tells her not to worry and just use the money to buy her mum a new heart and she won’t die. The money was originally saved up to buy himself a new heart, so she asks him what about him? He reassures her that he will be fine without it because he is a genius. Awwww, they knew each other even as kids? BLL doesn’t know the boy is YLH, but does he know that the girl is BLL?
Early next morning, Yang Lan Hang calls her to come down immediately. Bai Ling Ling is in no mood to be ordered around though, so she takes her own sweet time getting ready and eating breakfast. Eh, her behaviour is super childish and irritating. I seriously cannot stand people being late, especially more so when they know I’m waiting for them and they are still intentionally taking their time. Moreover, he didn’t even report her irresponsible behaviour to the professor. Honestly, I still don’t understand what he sees in her… Even Guan Xiao Yu keeps nagging her to go down faster.
Yang Lan Hang brings her to the hospital, where her grandma is volunteering for a clinical trial involving experimental valve replacement surgery. Yang Lan Hang starts to explain the clinical trial, but Bai Ling Ling cuts him off and refuses to let her grandma participate. This leads to a massive argument between grandma and Bai Ling Ling and Bai Ling Ling takes her frustrations out on Yang Lan Hang, accusing him of using her grandma to get back at her. BLL is wayyyyy out of line here. I don’t get why she keeps thinking of YLH as someone petty/trying to get back at her when all he has been doing is trying to help her. If anything, she has always been the petty one and doing ridiculous stuff like disrupting his lectures and not doing her work properly… From a relative’s POV, I understand the hesitancy towards joining a clinical trial, because there can be unforeseen side-effects. But nowadays, all clinical trials are heavily regulated by national and international safety committees, so the least she could do is have the decency to hear YLH out...
Grandma tries to explain to Bai Ling Ling and gets quite agitated, so Yang Lan Hang drags Bai Ling Ling away to talk to her privately. It turns out that the day Grandma got lost, she actually tried to commit suicide but Yang Lan Hang stopped her. Grandma was actually suffering from severe depression, exacerbated by insomnia brought on by the constant sounds of her metallic heart valve. T_T....
Bai Ling Ling feels guilty, but explains that there’s no other choice, since the only other alternative, a valve derived from animal tissue, can only last 20 years, after which it needs to be replaced again. Accurate. Yang Lan Hang explains that their clinical trial is the third option, which is growing a valve using the recipient’s own cells. This way, the valve won’t degrade and also won’t be rejected by the body. Errrrrr, theoretically yes. But practically, where is he getting the stem cells from? And also, it’s a very complex procedure to get the cells to differentiate and grow into the correct organization. More importantly, this is a cell/tissue biologist field of work, so I’m not sure where he comes in as a material scientist? The explanation is that he builds the scaffolding for the valve so that cells can attach, but that’s kinda not really materials research… Oh also, time-line wise, afaik, it takes years to even reach the stage of clinical trials from lab experiments for this sort of novel material/surgeries.
He explains that it’s not at the clinical stage yet, but perhaps Grandma is just too anxious. Bai Ling Ling thanks him for saving her grandma and giving her a motivation to live. Yang Lan Hang tells her that she doesn’t have to feel guilty and that her grandma is already super grateful to her, and never resented her for anything. Awwww…. Bai Ling Ling also agrees to the clinical trial, when the time comes around. Yang Lan Hang has also applied for a psychologist to make weekly visits for Grandma. Seriously, what has BLL done in her past lives to deserve YLH???
Bai Ling Ling asks about the progress of the experiment, and Yang Lan Hang replies that they are currently finalizing the initial plans and getting ready to start animal trials soon. I think time-line wise, this is just being expedited along ridiculously fast for plot purposes so I’m just going to stop commenting on it. Just remember that it takes eons to go from basic research to actually being used in humans. Bai Ling Ling asks to join the team. She previously thought about quitting, but now she’s changed her mind. She wants to know everything about the valve that is going into her grandma. Yang Lan Hang takes the chance to lecture her gently about the terrible google translate article, “Even if it isn’t your grandma here today, it will still be someone’s grandma or relative, so as scientists, we have a responsibility to always do our best, and not just clock in the hours. The purpose of us doing research is to help save previously unsaveable lives, to guide humanity towards a better future. So I hope that as long as you are still doing research, you will take everything you do seriously.” Bai Ling Ling apologizes about the google translation, but she defends her past decisions (wanting to quit to earn more money). Yang Lan Hang replies, “Indeed, there is nothing wrong with wanting to earn more money and a better job. But if everyone thinks this way, the world will not become a better place.” Wow, YLH’s speech is hitting all the right notes for me and totally resonates with me. I could not have put it better myself. I was slightly worried when he brought BLL to Grandma, because it looked a bit manipulative? But the flashback revealed that he didn’t even know that it was BLL’s grandma initially. Moreover, I really like the sentence about how even if it’s not her grandma, it would be someone else’s. Of course, we would want our family to get the best possible treatment, but remember, everyone we meet is also someone else’s family, so we should treat them the same way we would want our family to be treated. This is not just about research, but also about our daily interactions with our friends, colleagues, bosses, subordinates and even strangers on the street.
Bai Ling Ling messages Zhen Ming Hao, turning down his job offer and he leaves. Good riddance now??? Bai Ling Ling officially becomes a member of the lab and everybody is hard at work on the novel heart valve. Yang Lan Hang messages Bai Ling Ling as her online boyfriend, saying that he will return the next day. However, Bai Ling Ling suggests that they postpone their meeting, because she is too busy with the lab and everything else. Ehhhh, I get that you are suddenly motivated, but life has gotta go on, you can’t just put everything else on hold… Yang Lan Hang is more amused than anything though, because she called him irresponsible for ending his experiments early to come back and see her.
At the lab, Yang Lan Hang explains their materials design to her, it's a structure that allows the muscle cells to organize into a valve that can subsequently be absorbed into the body once the valve is fully grown. Oooo, so basically a similar material to the stent design in Ep 1. Interesting, They have a cute conversation where they describe the process using chinese idioms. BLL uses 过河拆桥, which translates to dismantling a bridge after you’ve crossed the river. It has a very negative connotation, often referring to people who use others for their own purposes, and then abandoning them once they’ve served their purpose. YLH uses 功成身退, which means to withdraw after completing your task. This is a positive version, which is often referring to people doing good deeds and simply leaving after, not wanting any accolades or praises for their actions. I guess this is shedding some light into their worldviews eh? The same action, but one chooses the negative POV and the other, the positive.
Wow, this was a loaded episode. Hmmm, ok, I think I might be a little harsh on BLL sometimes. I think drama is trying to portray her as someone who has been hurt by the world too many times and so she naturally thinks of the worst possible explanation for everything. It’s not so much that she’s prejudiced against YLH, but more of she doesn’t dare believe in good intentions, because she’s been burnt too many times. Or at least, this is my rationalization for her behaviour.
Grandma wanting to commit suicide was a shocker to me, thought I did suspect there was more to the story when Grandma was suddenly so calm when she returned previously. I am slightly worried that BLL’s motivation isn’t “correct” though, it seems like she is solely interested in joining the team to help her grandma. But what if her grandma passes away in the meantime? Or suddenly becomes ineligible? Will she give up on research again? I think that’s why YLH said those lines that I really agree with, but I don’t know how much of it BLL took in.
Lastly, YLH’s speech was amazing. It almost sounds like something I would say when people ask me why I chose to do research. I think that nearly everyone in research has had moments of doubt, especially in my generation, because I’m sure more than 90% of us can probably jump into industry or other fields and probably get a huge raise, if not double our salaries. But I think that given enough money to live on, there are a lot of other things that are just as important, if not more so than money. And for those of us doing research, I think contributing to a better and brighter future is one of those things. At the same time though, I think of what Jing Jing said to Yu Tu’s professor in YAMG, and I agree with that as well. I hate that politicians/leadership use passion and contribution to society as emotional blackmail to compel researchers to stay, while refusing to acknowledge the monetary differences. It’s just like someone saying that our contributions can’t be measured in dollars and cents, so we don’t need to be paid more? lol...
[Ep12] Bai Ling Ling and Zhai Qin Yi have lunch and bumped into Yang Lan Hang with a woman, Li Fei Fei. They all have lunch together, and it’s revealed that Li Fei Fei is a famous actress. It’s clear that Li Fei Fei is into Yang Lan Hang, but he is not interested in her at all. Both Bai Ling Ling and Zhai Qin Yi mistake her as Yang Lan Hang’s girlfriend though.
How to tell when someone isn’t interested in you 101 |
His stunned face upon being called boyfriend morphing into a wider and wider smile with each compliment |
BLL: Thank you, shi ge. (Shi Ge basically means senior, and it’s her usual way of addressing him because he is her senior in the same department. It’s quite a typical term, but also a little distancing I think?)YLH: Since we are outside, you don’t need to call me shi ge. You can just call my name.BLL: How can I do that? A senior is like a parent (this is a chinese idiom, 长兄如父), I have to respect you! (I think this is slightly jokingly, but also a polite way of turning him down? In a way, she doesn’t feel that close to him yet I think?) Good night!BLL starts walking a few steps...YLH: O wait. In two days, I’m going to Shenzhen for a conference. Do you want to come along?BLL: Why me?YLH: Actually the purpose of this trip is to meet some experts in 3d printing cells, so I think you can benefit from coming along. If you are interested, I can…BLL: Yup I do!YLH: In that case, please send me your passport details, etc tonight so that I can make the necessary arrangements.BLL: Ok then. Good night! (2nd time)BLL walks a few steps…YLH: Bai Ling Ling! Lets go see Grandma tomorrow, I promised her previously…BLL: Ok! Good night! (3rd time)BLL walks a few steps….YLH: Bai Ling Ling! Remember to send me your passport details!BLL: Ok…. good night….(4th time)BLL walks a few steps….YLH: Bai Ling Ling!BLL: Shi ge, can you say everything at one go???YLH: Oh it’s nothing much. Just rest early ok? And sweet dreams.BLL: Nothing else?YLH: Nope….BLL: Really nothing else?YLH: Really…BLL: Ok then… good night! (5th time)BLL walks a few steps, then looks back and checks. A few more steps, and checks. YLH is still standing there…BLL: If there’s nothing, why are you still standing there?YLH: It’s ok, go on ahead. Good night!BLL continues walking a few steps…YLH: Shi mei! (Junior, the corresponding term to shi ge)BLL: WHAT!!!?!YLH: Aren’t you going to wish me good night?BLL: Fine… good night! (6th time)BLL stomps up quickly...
Finally snapping at YLH for his nonsense hahaha |
Our nerdy scientist is too cute!!!! |
Yang Lan Hang learns that she just wants to sneak away and eat the local street food, so he cancels the reservation with Li Fei Fei and tries to get one-on-one time with Bai Ling LIng, but Li Fei Fei refuses to be shaken off. Cue awkward 3 person dinner. Li Fei Fei keeps trying to hit on Yang Lan Hang, but Yang Lan Hang just politely rejects her at each turn, while focusing on Bai Ling Ling. Li Fei Fei takes a chance to confront Bai Ling Ling and stake her claim on Yang Lan Hang. Even though she said some not super nice stuff, I like Li Fei Fei being direct and not scheming at all. A love rival that I don’t hate!!!
[Ep14] Our main couple wakes up to some heavy and persistent knocking next door, and it takes them ages to realize that they were knocking on Yang Lan Hang’s door. Random thought: YLH having a sore arm after BLL slept on it the whole night is super relatable hahahahaha... Turns out it's their school principal and Yang Lan Hang’s dad coming for a surprise visit. Awks…
Caught with their pants down hahahaha |
Who needs a hubby when you have a new daughter-in-law? XD |
[Ep16] Yang Lan Hang and Playboy Ouyang have a grand plan to confess to Bai Ling Ling that he is “how long is forever?”, except that when the lights are off, and the spotlights come up, neither of them are there. The two of them and Scientist Ouyang are racing off because the monkey is in critical condition. ??? Why though? What’s the point of them rushing over? Literally none of them are veterinarians, so what’s the point of spoiling the night???? Drama, you disappoint me here. Furthermore, the trailer had the confession scene, which turned out to be Yang Lan Hang’s imagination…
Well, at least we get this cool slow-mo run hahaha |
Look at how wide her eyes are LOL |
[Ep17] Playboy Ouyang meets up with Guan Xiao Yu, apparently her posting about the valve on her official account is in violation of the contract with Playboy Ouyang’s dad’s company. She asks him what he wants then, to which he replies, be my girlfriend. This earns him a cup of hot coffee in his face haha...
You…. really know how to drive? |
Daddy Yang jealous of his kid hahahaha |
When reality comes crashing down for the first time... |
YLH: After giving you the metal tin of money, I was super happy and told my mum about the good deed that I did. To my surprise, instead of praising me, she gave me a harsh scolding and broke down. I later learnt that money cannot buy a heart, it was just a white lie my parents told me. I cried my eyes out too, not for myself, but because I felt guilty for lying to you and giving you false hope. Every night after that, I had nightmares of the little girl crying in the hospital corridors, begging me to know where to buy a heart... T_T… I didn’t expect this... That’s also why I chose to do this field of research, so that I can build a real heart, so that no other children will have to lose their parents…
Flashbacks reveal that Yang Lan Hang constantly kept tabs on Bai Ling Ling, even as a kid. He wanted to protect her and her dreams from the cruel world and that’s also why he contacted her as “How long is forever?”. As that online persona, he inspired her to aim for the university that he was at. Because of him, she dared to try and agree to look for him, who will be carrying a pot of jasmine. Literally the worst timing to reveal who you are dude…. Also, oh, that’s why the jasmine was featured so heavily at the start!
Bai Ling Ling is too shocked and stunned to respond.
YLH: It’s me. Now that I’m back, I won’t ever leave again. Actually, I have always carried the regret of my childhood mistake with me. I’ve seen you in your darkest despair, so I’m afraid that you will no longer believe in hopes and dreams. I feel that I have a responsibility to protect you as you grow, so I’ve always looked out for you, using seven years of “How long is forever?” and seventeen years of Yang Lan Hang’s life…. I actually wanted to contact you once I touched down overseas, but you’ve blocked me…
Unable to process everything, Bai Ling Ling ran home and curled up in a ball in bed crying… Yang Lan Hang reaches out for her, apologizing but she ignores him…. T_T Bai Ling Ling confides in Guan Xiao Yu that she feels super guilty for falling in love with two people at the same time and she hates herself for being so fickle. She even chose to give both of them up because she felt she was a terrible person and unworthy of their love. YLH, this is all your fault! I don’t blame BLL for being angry with you at all! Though she is a little harsh on herself eh?
The next day, she received an urgent phonecall from Playboy Ouyang that Yang Lan Hang is in critical condition. She rushes to the hospital, but realizes it’s just a ploy because his heart monitor is completely normal. She tells him not to get up though, because she has some things to say to him. She sits with her back to him, because she doesn’t know how to face him yet. She thanks him for all that he has done, but that she is still upset with him. He also apologizes, because when he left, he was only focused on his research, and thought that she would be fine without him, now that she is in university. But it was only when she blocked him, then he realized he had already fallen hopelessly in love with her… He asks for her forgiveness for his stupidity and his cowardice in hiding his identity. Bai Ling Ling returns the metal box to him and says she just wants to forget all about the past and restart… ??? This is not a translation error, I also totally don’t understand what BLL means here.
One month later, our cockroach, I mean Zheng Ming Hao reappears and proposes to Bai Ling Ling AGAIN at dinner. I mean…. Dude, take a hint! There also some random bragging by him about his looks *pukes* and how successful his business is. Anyway, just as Bai Ling Ling is about to turn him down for the millionth time, a steak gets served, which is seasoned with jasmine. How would that even taste like lol! Anyway, Bai Ling Ling realizes its cooked by Yang Lan Hang (because who else would do something so criminal to a perfectly good steak?). She rushes off to intercept him and tells him off for running around while he is still ill. Yang Lan Hang pouts and says “But what if by the time I recover, you already end up as someone else’s girlfriend?” He uses his health to blackmail her into visiting him everyday. Hahaha, YLH is so cute! Bai Ling Ling reluctantly agrees. So…. they are together???
Epilogue: Guan Xiao Yu comforts Bai Ling Ling and tries to speak up for Yang Lan Hang. She praises him for having such a strong sense of responsibility even as a little kid, and also suggests that he never intended to woo her, he just wanted to look after her and protect her. It’s only until he succeeded and decided to leave that he realized he had fallen hopelessly in love with her. I think this is actually the case? And it’s also quite a sweet origin story for their love. She also defends Yang Lan Hang not coming clean initially given how awkward their first few interactions were. While logically Bai Ling Ling understands, she just feels annoyed at everything Yang Lan Hang put her through….
We finally have the big reveal… well, big is debatable. He probably picked the worst moment, but hey at least everything is out in the open now! I can understand Bai Ling Ling’s annoyance, but it’s probably just a matter of time before she forgives him and returns to his side. Looking forward to seeing our CP interact!
Great disguise eh? Lol…. |
YLH: What are you doing here?BLL: Well…. You see, you just got discharged, so I’m worried that something might happen to you and then I have to take care of you again….YLH (steps closer): So… you’re here to check up on my health? So that’s why you were just staring at me non-stop?BLL: Yes…. (then realizes what she said) I wasn’t staring ok?YLH: Oh… So I’m overthinking things then? In that case, I’ll go have lunch with a few female juniors. They have some technical questions to ask me… Hahaha, our nerdy boy knows which buttons to push eh? =PBLL: YANG LAN HANG! You are not allowed to go!YLH: It’s ok. We are just sitting down for lunch and discussing some material science questions. It won’t be too tiring…BLL: This isn’t a matter of sitting down to eat or standing to eat. The juniors don’t have good intentions! They are either lusting after your body or your money. What’s so nice about lunch anyway? You aren’t going. You are not allowed to go. Hahaha, barely together and already so possessive!YLH: How do you know?BLL: I just do… That thing… (stretches out her hand and gestures)YLH gives her a confused look and she clarifies: Your bank card.YLH: Oh… (immediately and happily gives her his bank card) Honestly, the first time I’ve seen a guy so happy to give up his bank card!BLL: This… I’ll help you keep safe for the time being. After all these things have passed, I’ll return it to you.YLH: Nononono… It’s ok. You can keep it for however long you want. Well, we all know who’s going to be wearing the pants in this relationship hahaha...BLL: Not going to have lunch with your female juniors anymore?YLH: Nope, not going anymore.BLL happily walks away…
His stunned face after being kissed. Hahahaha... |
This nerdy solution and silly smile is such a goofy combo hahaha |
[Ep21] Jing Jing is all dressed up for her date with Scientist Ouyang, and so is he… But unfortunately… He gets called away for a work emergency before he could meet her. He just texts her sorry which breaks her heart…. T_T… I know you don’t talk much, but at least text more dude!!! Yang Lan Hang and Bai Ling Ling’s date also gets interrupted by the same emergency.
Ya… I feel like the scriptwriters sort of wrote themselves into a dead end and just gave up lol. What an unsatisfactory wrap-up. Zhen Ming Hao’s final appearance is also super anti-climatic. Haiz…
Final scene of them masked up and walking out in formation to “fight the virus”! Honestly, unless you are working in infectious disease or related research, your research will most probably not have anything to do with covid at all.
[First Impression (Ep1-6)] First off, I’m probably super biased for this show, so my rating is probably higher than it should be. I really like the setting and the two scientist MLs feels super relatable. The stuff that Yang Lan Hang says resonates very strongly with me. Plus while the dual reality/virtual relationship feels a little contrived, it does allow our CP to progress somewhat uniquely, differentiating it from other typical cdramas. I also finally see some character growth in the FL, so hopefully she becomes more likeable as time passes. I also look forward to when our CP finally get together, and slowly uniting their polar opposite world views (idealist vs realist).
What isn’t really working for me is that I struggle to see FL’s passion for research, nor a reason for our ML to like her. So it’s hard for me to root for them when the relationship just feels a tad contrived. ML also does a bit of toeing the moral line, which doesn’t sit that well with me. Lastly, while the low EQ scientist humor is good for a few laughs, I think it is slightly overdone in this show. It just feels like playing to the overused stereotypes when there is so much more that they can explore. This frustrates and annoys me.
The show does have potential though, which is why I’m sticking with it. That, and my obsession with completing stuff haha...
[Actors/Actresses] Jasper Liu is as handsome and dazzling as ever and a huge reason why this drama has not been dropped yet. I enjoy his performance and charm here as well.
[Random Thoughts]
[Ending] Happy with a truckload of random patriotism
[Review & Rating]