October 7, 2021

Kanojo wa Kirei datta | Recap and Review

A girl thinks she's not pretty enough for her first love
Notable Actors/Actresses
Nakajima KentoHasebe Sosuke
Koshiba Fuka: Sato Ai
English Title
She Was Pretty
Episodes: 10
Recap Grade: A

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] First loves reunited (not really)Sato Ai and Hasebe Sosuke are each other's first loves. Before Sosuke-kun left for America during elementary school, he gave Sato Ai a kiss on the cheek and a puzzle piece. It’s the one missing piece to the incomplete puzzle he has kept to this day. They’re supposed to meet but she chickens out. Sato Ai thought he would be the fatty he was, but he’s glowing – winning in looks and in career. He’s successful and she’s a bum with curly hair, making her evermore self-conscious. No offence to curly hair. I think it looks great. It’s just She Was Pretty franchise doesn't think so. She gets her hot bestie, Kiriyama Risa, to substitute for her meeting and to lie that she will be staying abroad. Sato Ai thinks lying is the right choice – Sosuke-kun looks happy to meet a pretty version of her. 

Once upon a time when Sato Ai was a kid, She Was Pretty with long straight hair but around the time her father was bankrupt, her father’s genes took over and curly hair dominated. 

Meeting again. Sato Ai is miraculously hired at Most (a fashion magazine) General Affairs Department. She meets Higuchi Takuya, a playful and carefree boy. Thanks to him, (well herself for being able to do everything she’s assigned to), she’s transferred to Sosuke-kun’s editorial department as a proofreader for three months. But nobody knows three months is Most’s termination date. Sosuke-kun is here to shut down the magazine. 

The miraculous streak continues. Sato-Ai is stuck in an elevator with Sosuke-kun. It’s dark and she freaks out. To calm her, he puts an earbud in her ear, letting her listen to the same music she had shared with him in the past. However, that's pretty much it for his kindness towards her. He’s not very impressed with her, especially when she’s clumsy and unprofessional. Sato Ai almost would have quit the first day if she wasn’t motivated by Risa. 

Severance of first love? The next day, Sato Ai drags herself to work but she’s so tired, she doesn’t realize she’s walking into an oncoming vehicle. It was Sosuke-kun who pulled her into safety. Then when she’s ordered around at work, running like a headless dog, it’s him who tells her to remember her priorities. Then he leaves for a meeting. Sato Ai runs after him to tell him her name isn’t "General Affairs". He has been calling her that all this time. He walks up to her – like up close – to tell her he doesn’t like her name. From this conversation, Sato Ai realizes the Sosuke-kun she loves is no longer here. Actually, I see a lot of kindness in this guy. He knows she's being used by her coworkers and he was setting her priorities straight. He refuses to call her by her name because this clumsy girl is tarnishing his precious first love’s name

The cliffhanger: Sosuke-kun bumps into Risa, the person he believes is his beloved Sato Ai. But wait, isn’t she supposed to be studying overseas? 

[Ep2] Sosuke-kun is a kind guy. Sosuke-kun believes Risa’s lie that she’s back. He’s just happy that she’s staying. Sosuke-kun, at work, is also quite genuine. He’s not closing down Most, he’s trying to save it. Perhaps this is why he’s critical of Sato Ai who clearly isn’t benefiting the department. Sosuke-kun is also quite the workaholic. When he’s focused, he can’t hear or see anything. The waitress will be by his ear and he can’t hear her. The glass door is still closed and he’d walk right into it. A dork, ha xD. At the traffic intersection, though, his focus breaks immediately when he hears: “Okay. Go ahead!”. It’s something Sato Ai would always say as a child. Does he spot Sato Ai with her curly hair at the intersection? Nope. He phones Risa instead. 

Risa falls in love with Sosuke-kun. Sosuke-kun is upset at work because of Sato Ai (but I say he’s equally if not more at fault for the blunder) and so he phones Risa to cheer himself up but then he notices she’s upset too. They have dinner together. Risa starts falling in love with him and loses the desire to tell him the truth. He’s so understanding and such a gentleman with her, who wouldn’t fall in love D:.

Higuichi Takuya falls in love with Sato Ai. Higuchi Takuya takes Sato Ai out for dinner because he notices she’s upset from work (= Sosuke-kun). He uses the excuse that his dinner coupon is expiring. He would also instinctively protect her from water (a woman’s natural archenemy). His heart flutters when he’s close to her. The boy is in love. This guy knows our girl is a beauty. Under that messy hair, there’s a hardworking girl

The cliffhanger: Sato Ai drunk calls Sosuke-kun, naming him “Tablet Guy” (because he’s always staring at his tablet). He’s like Ah, General Affairs? Sato Ai clarifies she’s Sato Ai and not any other Sato Ai. She is the Sato Ai that he knows! 

[Ep3Sosuke-kun doesn’t hear the truth. Thanks to Higuchi Takuya who hung up for Sato Ai, Sosuke-kun never heard her full confession that she is his Sato Ai. He is reflecting, though. He recognizes the airport issue was his fault and is looking for a chance to apologize. 

Sato Ai learns the truth. Sato Ai knows Most will be discontinued if they don’t show results. She keeps the secret with Sosuke-kun. 

Embarrassing but elucidating. At a get-together with the department, Sosuke-kun ordered Oolong tea but he drank beer instead. One sip and he’s gone. Buh-bye. Sato Ai and another coworker (Miyagi Bunta) carry him home. Miyagi is hilarious. He’s always catching our CP at awkward moments which really isn’t that awkward until he makes it awkward xD. Then she's stuck alone with Sosuke-kun at his place. She notices the puzzle framed on his wall with a missing piece – her missing piece. When Sosuke-kun wakes up, she’s startled and the frame falls. His first reaction is to pull her away from the glass shards. The puzzle he cherishes falls to the ground. They both recognize that they’re in a semi-hug and quickly separate. It’s awkward and so she bends down to pick up the shards. He doesn’t let her clean it. He shouts, "Go Home. Now!” I had to laugh at the bad acting, haha. He’s like "Go Home – Camera, did you catch my sharp jawline – Now!”. Sato Ai flew out the door but she grabbed the wrong pair of shoes. She’s at the door, debating on ringing the doorbell, but he opens it! He’s like Eh? He wasn't expecting her to be there. He had wanted to give her a bandaid (aw!) but now she’s really flying away after dashing in and out for her shoes. Sato Ai can’t be anymore embarrassed while I’m elucidated on the fact that he cares about her whether or not he knows she is his Sato Ai. He chose her over the puzzle.

Sosuke-kun starts noticing Sato Ai. Next day at work, he pays extra attention to her finger that's bandaged. All in all, he can’t help but notice her whether she's rushing to help others, or taking on the work of a lazy coworker. Without her telling him, he also knows she's looking for a bandage during her OT. Our girl is so clumsy and nervous around him, she struggles with the sticky piece of healing paper. He applies it for her. I don't know what it is about Jdramas, or maybe it's just this one, but I think this scene is convincingly done to make me believe she really needs the help. And alas, this is the perfect moment to apologize ~ But then Sato Ai starts apologizing, staying true to her doormat character. He wants her to stop apologizing and so she apologizes for apologizing which is followed by another apology for apologizing and there's just no saving her. Then he pulls a chair next to her desk to help her finish her work that’s not hers. Aww

Sosuke-kun reminds her that her work is to assist others, not enabling them to slack off. Sato Ai is just  relieved to have work. Sensing her low self-esteem, Sosuke-kun shares his personal experience. When he was down, there was a girl who told him: "Why don’t you believe in your own potential?" These words were originally from Sato Ai. The current Sato Ai is touched by his words and moved that her words were profound to him.

The next day, Sato Ai is rejuvenated at work. She wants to make a difference for Most. Sosuke-kun calls her naive. Her effort alone isn’t enough to save the company but when he sees her cheerfully working hard, he smiles. He even repels the slacker-coworker for her. Aw

Higuchi Takuya learns the truth. Higuichi Takuya (2ML) helps Sato Ai rescue her puzzle piece that's currently squashed under Sosuke-kun’s foot by pulling Sosuke-kun for a man-to-man hug in the middle of the office during working hours. Not weird :D. It's actually not weird because Higuchi Takuya is just that type of eccentric, go-lucky guy. He's helping Sato Ai keep her secret that Sosuke-kun is her first love. After work, something takes over Takuya and he's suddenly proposing, “Marry me!” Sato Ai bursts out laughing; she's certain that it's a joke. He cracks up too. Not a joke. He might be an eccentric guy, but he meant it

Risa asks Higuchi Takuya to pretend to be her fiancé. These two met on a random run. Despite being in love with Sosuke-kun, Risa feels guilty from lying and this fake fiancé plan is the best way she can think of to keep everything in balance. 
The cliffhanger: Reunited?! Sosuke-kun doesn’t make it to the meeting with Risa (and her fake fiancé). He was on his way but became traumatized when there’s an accident on the road. A woman and a motorbike are on the ground. He’s reminded of the car accident that killed his mother on a similar rainy day. Sato Ai is on her way home and sees him crouched on the ground. She recognizes his fear and comfortingly tells him it’s okay just like when they were children. She repeats it until he’s calmed. When Sosuke-kun looks up at her, he caresses her cheek, calling her “Ai."

[Ep4Sosuke-kun, the dork. Sosuke-kun was momentarily distracted and thought Sato Ai was his Sato Ai. She is, but y’know. The next day Sato Ai shows up at work with a mask on. She has a few coughs – a cold from the rainy night. Sosuke-kun notices but does a horrible job at pretending not to notice. He tries to give her cold medication but every time someone almost notices, he covers up his actions by doing something that’s totally not weird like picking up a phone call on someone else’s desk that never rang. Oh man, I love this guy. His awkwardness is so adorable.  
Sato Ai is carrying this big box that's blocking her vision and so she's unaware of all of Sosuke-kun's grand and heroic dives to clear her path. I LOVE HIM. Sosuke-kun probably never had such a tiring break in his entire career. 

The onion. There's a large onion on Sato Ai's desk. What dork Who could have given it to her? It's Sosuke-kun. She knows it's him and draws a smilie face on the onion and rests it on a glass of water. She’s going to grow an onion? Sosuke-kun grins at the happy onion. At this moment, Sato Ai turns around. He quickly clasps his hand over his mouth in the slimiest coolest way possible because he couldn't control his facial muscles from smiling (; . He's back to being a dummy, doing random actions to hide his desires like loudly yelling:“Oi! General Affairs!” It's so loud, everyone's looking at him, wondering what could be so important. "Did you refill the copier?” Sosuke-kun, did you refill your brain? xD 

Higuchi Takuya knows everything. Higuchi Takuya knows about Sosuke-kun's cold medication and onion. Takuya asks Sato Ai if it would be better if she was just honest with Sosuke-kun. Perhaps he’ll be nicer to her. Sato Ai doesn’t think so. Then Takuya finds out even more. The guy Risa is lying to is Sosuke-kun. Takuya is conflicted and ditches Risa on his promise to be her fake fiancé. 

A muddy date filled with falls and laughter. Sato Ai and Sasuke-Kun have a day trip (location shooting). She drives like she’s choking. During the ride she tries to make a conversation – another choking effort. Afterwards, Sosuke-kun takes the wheel. He probably thinks he’s the better driver (but I think he also wants her to rest)The way he said he would drive was cute too :D. She is surprised he can drive (given his fear). She thought he’d be a bad driver. He’s like Are you picking a fight with me? The conversation ends as he drives off the road. She quickly says it’s the road that’s bad, lol. Anyway, their car is stuck and she thinks she can push the car back onto the road. He thinks it's futile. But you never know. It might work. Motivated by her optimism and energy, he smartly puts leverage under the wheel and then they push together. The car budges and is back on the road. However, he slips backward and is stuck in mud. Sato Ai pulls him up but they both end up falling into the mud. Sato Ai bursts out laughing. Seeing her laugh, he smiles with her. 
Now they're at the beach and Sato Ai excitedly runs into the ocean. Sosuke-kun can’t help but snap pictures of her. With her contagious laughter, she beckons him to join her. Keeping his best grumpy face, he happily joins her. Ah, he’s actually playing with her! After relaxing, they both have the same inspiration and settle on a pen pal letter themed magazine shoot. He holds his hand up for a high five. She doesn’t know if he’s serious. Is this the boss she hated so much? Her reaction is too slow and so he slaps her hand for the high-five.

Sosuke-kun smiles: Good Idea. Let’s go, Sato! 
Sato Ai: Eh? 
Sosuke-kun repeats: Let’s go, Sato Ai! 

I love, love, love how we have arrived to the point that he’s willing to call her 'Sato Ai', the name of the woman he loves

At the aquarium, (this is a full course date!) Sosuke-kun returns her napkin, the one she used to wipe him that rainy night. He thanks her and tells her that whenever it rains and there’s an accident on the road, he’s reminded of the day his mother died. 

Night falls, and they reach the hotel. Sato Ai muses at the stars, "Tomorrow will be a beautiful day.” His Sato Ai would always say this too but Sosuke-kun knows she isn't his Sato Ai. 

And then she falls, like a flat-on-her-face-on-flat-floor kind of fall. Worriedly, Sosuke-kun asks if she's okay. Lending his hand, he helps her up. And then he can't contain his laughter anymore. He's never seen an adult fall the way she did. Sato Ai frowns that he fell earlier today too. Sosuke-kun laughs even louder. Seeing this version of Sosuke-kun, Sato Ai is in love again. Her Sosuke-kun never changed – still kind and still clumsy. 

The cliffhanger: Sato Ai wants to tell Sosuke-kun the truth...!  

[Ep5Loving and Lying. Higuchi Takuya is here to interrupt once again! He spontaneously joins their location shooting and Sato Ai misses her chance and now she's lost all her courage. Back at work, Sosuke-kun attempts to ask what she had wanted to tell him the other night, but guess who’s at work early too? Higuchi Takuya is here to interrupt again – this time purely by accident. Later on. Sosuke-kun finally gets the chance to ask! She says it’s nothing but it’s clearly something. He hates being lied to. Sato Ai agrees to tell him after their next photoshoot. Although Higuchi Takuya is always interrupting, he isn’t a bad guy. He convinces Risa to be honest with Sato Ai. 

Sato Ai is fired. Sato Ai was assigned to watch a dress but the security guard calls her away to move a car and in that short duration the dress is ruined. The supermodel wants Sato Ai fired in order to reschedule. Sosuke-kun looks torn but he can’t say anything especially when he’s the leader of Most. (We learn that it was the supermodel’s side who ruined the dress when an assistant knocked it over. Still, it is Sato Ai’s fault for leaving the dress unattended. It was her only assignment.) Back at home, Risa hugs a crying Sato Ai. Risa doesn't have the heart to tell her the truth yet. 

Higuchi Takuya, the Cupid! Higuchi Takuya further confirms Sosuke-kun likes Sato Ai by finding the camera Sosuke-kun used to take pictures of her at the beach. Then during a meeting, Higuchi Takuya proposes a fairytale theme for their replacement photo-shoot. focusing on supporting characters like the stepsisters of Cinderella. The title can be “Change the World by Changing the Way You Look at it!” or “Even Supporting Roles Can be Leading Roles!” His proposal is approved but it’s actually not his idea – it’s Sato Ai. Higuchi Takuya puts aside his own love for her and tells Sosuke-kun to win her back. 
Win her back he does but in Sosuke-style weirdness. Sosuke-kun awkwardly slides down a children’s slide in an attempt to hide from Sato Ai (when he’s supposed to be there to look for her). Anyway. They have a proper chat. He wants her back at Most to oversee her fairytale photoshoot. He's choosing her over the photoshoot with the superstar. He should have protected her. He made a bad decision and hurt her. He bows down to apologize to her. He apologizes really well

Sosuke-kun: You have to believe in your own potential. 

Sato Ai makes a beautiful transformation. Sato Ai is still hesitating on returning to work. Does she really have potential? She calls Dad who tells her that she should learn to like herself. Aw D: Then at night, she receives a text from Sosuke-kun. He drew a crying face on her happy onion (at the back). 

“Hurry up and come back.” What a sweetie

Sato Ai is motivated and returns with confidence. She learns to love herself and puts in effort to straighten her hair and apply makeup. Pretty! I’m not familiar with this actress, so this transformation is pretty stunning for me. Sosuke-kun is stunned at her transformation too, the inner kind.

[Ep6Some sweetness for an overworked Ai. Work isn’t too, too smooth. Sato Ai is buried under papers. Sosuke-kun is personally editing her rough drafts. Every edit is drowning in red from Sosuke-kun's corrections. There’s barely any white space left, but with each draft there is less and less red. Sato Ai needs fast-acting carbs (i.e. sugar) to fuel her brain. It's really sweet watching these two work hard together for the same goal. The rough draft is finally good to go for proofreading! He buys dessert to treat everyone but really it’s just for Sato Ai. He thinks she likes sweets. Too bad she’s busy and is running to her next interview with an author she admires. Sosuke-kun is disappointed. 

Who is the real Sato Ai? The Sato Ai at work is reminding Sosuke-kun more of his Ai. There's her hair that will puff in the rain and her signature “Okay. Go ahead!” at the intersection. Meanwhile Risa (the one he thinks is real) wants Sosuke-kun to stop talking about the past. A little disappointed, Sosuke-kun changes the topic to his colleague who shares the same name as her. Ah, he's still talking about Sato Ai ~ 

Sosuke-kun is very confused about his feelings. His body, mind, and heart are all exhausted. Noticing his condition (and not knowing the reason is her), Sato Ai gives him a caramel candy to cheer him up. He denies being tired, though. Sato Ai walks away but then he calls her back. He wants that candy. :D 

Risa confesses! Risa takes the puzzle piece and confesses she loves Sosuke-kun.  Girl, why? Why use Ai's puzzle piece! However, he receives a call that Sato Ai might be in danger (a fire at a hotel). Who is this call from? Of course it’s Miyagi! xD I love how the drama uses him. He hurriedly gets up to leave and apologizes. This apology can mean I'm-sorry-I-have-to-leave but I think it's a I'm-sorry-I-don't-love-you. 

Sosuke-kun chooses his Ai! In the rain, Sosuke-kun runs as fast as he can to find Sato Ai. Desperately, he’s asking anyone among the crowd for Sato Ai’s whereabouts. Then she shouts to him. She’s fine. It’s her turn to ask if he’s okay. Does he not notice it’s raining and the sirens are flashing? He doesn’t. He was so immersed with worrying about her, he forgot about his own trauma. 

Ai chooses to be brave! In the taxi, there’s tension between Sosuke-kun and Ai, the good kind. He drops her off. She watches his car disappear but then realizes she’s the one who’s been running away from him. Determined to confess, she chases him all the way to his home. But then her plans are throttled when.....

The cliffhanger: Risa is waiting at Sosuke-kun's lobby. He calls her "Ai" 

[Ep7Avoiding Sosuke-kun. Risa was just returning Sosuke-kun's bag which he left behind. Sosuke-kun doesn’t really talk to her. The next morning Sato Ai avoids Risa and Sosuke-kun. Sosuke-kun is a little hard to get rid of, though. He has her bag strap hostage to prevent her from running away. He  tells her he couldn’t sleep at all last night and says “I was thinking of you.” Woah! And then Miyagi-san appears, giving Sato Ai the desperate excuse she needs to flee. No, Miyagi-san! What are you doing! This is not you!  
Sato Ai can’t avoid Sosuke-kun at work, though. He calls her into his office. She looks down, unable to lift her head. He asks Isn’t that too low? She quickly lifts her head but he had meant the chair. He hovers behind her and elevates her chair. When he sits back on his own chair, her seat is practically towering over his. Lol. He’s liking the angle. Sosuke-kun wants to talk about last night. Sato Ai manages to ditch again, this time using Higuchi Takuya 

Avoiding Sosuke-kun really isn’t working. Sato Ai is given the duty to bring wine to Sosuke-kun’s place. Miyagi-san knows Sosuke-kun's address too but he shoves the task to Sato Ai. Lol. Plot, I like obvious you are. Sato Ai had wanted to leave the wine at the front desk without leaving her name but it’s too late, Sosuke-kun is at the lobby too. He won’t receive the wine from her and flaunts away with his fancy footwork. He wants her to bring it up to his condo. She refuses and he accuses her of avoiding him. She says she isn’t. Well then, perfect, she can come up for coffee. Smooth. When it’s all brewed, he sits down next to her, leaving no breathing space between their arms. It’s like she’s allergic to the touch and slides away on the couch. 

Sosuke-kun confesses! Given the chance, Sosuke-kun’s forthright with his feelings. She’s so desperate to avoid him and there's no more human bodies in this room for her to use, she pours her attention on to this pretty cup. He holds her hand and wins her full attention. 

Sosuke-kun: You’re very special to me. 

And then she spills coffee all over herself. He insists she changes into his clothes. It’s a long hoodie with a long sleeve. As he’s rolling up her sleeve, he apologizes for bothering her but asks her to listen. Whenever he’s with her, he can be relaxed. The sleeves are rolled up and now he’s holding her hand, telling her “I really like you.” I love the sleeve detail. Sato Ai starts crying. Probably thinking that she messed up everything so badly. Sosuke-kun wipes the tears from her cheeks. Then with a hand cupping the back of her neck, he pulls her closer for a kiss. However, she’s reminded of Risa. Sato Ai can’t kiss him, knowing that Risa likes him too. 

Sosuke-kun knows! From a magazine, Sosuke-kun finds out Risa’s real name. Before she can explain, he takes off to find his real Ai(And also "Ai' means love)

Sato Ai realizes Higuchi Takuya loves her. Ai apologizes she can’t reciprocate his feelings. Higuchi Takuya makes his third request (because she promised him three). He hugs her, asking for a chance. He doesn’t want to settle being her friend. But then her phone rings. It’s Sosuke-kun. 

Sosuke-kun (on the phone): Oi, Just what is the meaning of this, Sato Ai? You don't understand anything! Do you know how much I wanted to see you these 16 years? 
Sato Ai who realizes he’s talking to her: Sosuke? 
Sosuke-kun (on the phone): During this time, sorry. 
Higuchi Takuya: Don’t go. 
Sosuke-kun (on the phone): I want to see you. 
Higuchi Takuya: Don’t go. 
Sato Ai: I’m sorry. She apologizes to the man in front of her because she's choosing the man on the phone. It’s a parallel to Sosuke-kun's apology to Risa. To Sosuke-kun and Risa, their choices were always each other.

Sato Ai and Sosuke-kun are running across the city to search for each other. Neither have hung up on the phone. He spots her first in her red dress and kisses her ~ Ah, after 7 episodes he found the right one! Yay ~

[Ep8Sato Ai and Sosuke-kun clear their misunderstandings! There’s none of that I-hate-you-for-lying-to-me! Sweeeet! She explains she was ashamed of herself for her sorry state in the beginning. This makes him apologize for messing up, aw. But then he asks her if she would mind if he didn’t show up half as successful as he did. Of course she wouldn’t! He tells her it’s the same for him, aw. It didn't matter to him how she looked that day. "I just wanted to see you." 

Rise and shine! It’s a lovely morning for Sosuke-kun. At the intersection, Sosuke-kun is basking in the sun with his arms stretched out. Cute! He is now calling her “Ai”. However, Ai can’t receive his enthusiasm. Ai feels guilty for her happiness when her bestie is struggling. Poor Sosuke-kun is very confused. So cute! Well. The expression is cute until it’s no longer cute because she’s hurting him with her rejection. The boy was so ready to spoil her with love

Fall and burn! Not only is Sosuke-kun not getting the love from Ai, the editorial staff found out Most will be discontinued. They’re mad at him for keeping them in the dark. He denied them the right to know and now he’s shunned by everyone. Sato Ai hurts for Sosuke-kun but he doesn’t need her kindness (if it’s just kindness from a subordinate or “classmate”). She turns her attention to convince the coworkers that Sosuke-un cares about the magazine just as much as they do. 

Sato Ai is always there for Sosuke-kun. Sato Ai waits for Sosuke-kun after work. She motivates him that he’s not alone. The team just needs to hear his sincerity. He also realizes Ai is avoiding him for Risa. He lowers his posture to meet her at eye-level. He assures her that he fell in love with her (Ai) all over again without knowing she was his Ai. There’s no need to rush but he won't let go of this hand that's important to him. 

Sato Ai and Risa are besties again. Sato Ai runs after Risa who’s avoiding her. It takes a big fat fall from Ai for Risa to stop running at high speed in her heels. For once I appreciate her clumsy fall. Risa is guilty. She knows she betrayed Ai. She cries and hollers that it was difficult to not love Sosuke but it was even harder for her to lose Ai. She was running away because she was afraid to lose Ai. Not confronting the issue was keeping their friendship. However, the hardest of it all was that when things were tough, she couldn’t tell Ai. Risa wails that not having Ai was the toughest. This was touching. Ai also has cake ready. It’s Risa’s birthday. However, the cake is a clump of cream and flour like cake technically is. But that doesn't matter; the cake is just as delicious and probably the best they’ve had. When Ai is asleep, Risa texts Sosuke-kun to take care of Ai and that she really did like him. It’s Risa’s closure. 

The good in the bad; the bad in the good. Sosuke-kun’s speech motivates everyone to work together with him. However, there is a problem. It’s leaked to the press that Most will be discontinued next month. As a result, their sponsors are pulling out. Sosuke-kun tells Ai that they can only look forward now. Sato Ai takes Sosuke-kun’s hand and apologizes for making him wait. He smiles and reminds her that he loves her but before he can finish, Ai cuts him off. 

Sato Ai: Sosuke-kun I love you. It’s the same for me, now and then, I love you. 

The cliffhanger: The light turns green. Sosuke-kun takes a step forward,  "Okay! Go ahead.” But he faints dramatically

[Ep9The good in the bad. Sosuke-kun fainted from overwork. Don’t worry, Drama gives us a hospital bed kiss scene. Ai asks him to not push himself too hard. He promises like this:

Sosuke-kun: I’m not going to hold back on how much I love you or how much I miss you. 

Rise and shine 2.0! Crows poop on Sosuke-kun’s shoulders. But he’s like A-Ha-Ha-Ha. It’s a good day! Then he whams his forehead on the elevator doors and the shock sends him backwards. On the floor, he’s like A-Ha-Ha-Ha. It’s a good day! I am addicted to this laughter. It’s not just the laughs that are weird. His attitude is weird. He’s all dandy and smilie. Ai enters his office to tell him to be normal. He doesn’t get it. This is normal. Lol! Before she leave his office, she's strict with him: "No more than three cups of coffee per day!" Sosuke is stunned, How can she be so cute? 

Time for a proposal. Sosuke-kun is working over the weekend. Ai makes lunch for him and leaves it at his desk. He notices it’s still warm and runs out the building to catch her before she leaves. He’ll limit his lunch for two hours. That’s limiting? Lol. Sosuke-kun wants to make the “most” of their time. They’re already missed too many years. 

Sosuke-kun: When the next issue is out and Most can survive, I want to propose to you.” Yikes, what if Most doesn’t survive? xD 

There’s a lot of problems for Most. Boy, why bet your proposal on Most? The group they wanted to interview are embroiled in a scandal. Ai cheers up Sosuke and with her optimism and then he's inspired. He tells the team each of them are to write an article for the next issue – the best article need not be from interviews with famous people. Ai ponders hard on what she wants to write the “most” about. At last she settles it with an interview with her dream author. 

After Sosuke hands in the final draft for publishing, he returns to the office. Ai knew he would be there. He cries that he really loves Most and everyone there. She pats his back as he cries on her lap ,telling him: “You did well.” 

The cliffhanger: The printing for the new issue is halted for some reason. Today is also the inauguration of the new vice-president. Guess who! It’s Miyagi-san! Then Sosuke gets a message to meet with Kusunose Rin. Who is that? It’s Higuchi Takuya ~ 

[Ep10Higuchi Takuya’s worthy sacrifice. The VP is pretty much useless. He can’t disregard the board’s decision. However Higuchi Takuya has a way. He is the masked writer (who Ai and Sosuke are fans of). He’s the one who stopped the publication so that they can use his interview as Kusunose Rin to save the magazine. If it was bound that his identity would be revealed, he wanted it to be with Most. Sosuke had deleted the interview, but Higuchi went ahead and published it. In the article he discloses that he grew up in an orphanage. He cherished himself the most, but at Most, he learned to love others. When he published his first book, he was advertised as a lonely, tormented boy. He had to re-debut under the current name "Kusonose Rin" to write freely. However, he believes with this exposure, he can move on to the next stage of his life. His motto will always be the same: enjoying life. 

Meeting the parents. Ai brings Sosuke home to introduce to her parents. Dad pours him beer. Sheepishly with a smile, Sosuke takes a glass. Ai roars! But it’s too late, lol. He drank it. Buh-byeOmg, he doesn't know his tolerance? xD. The family puts him to sleep. While he’s asleep, Ai, for the first time, gives her parents allowance. If that’s the case, the parents have something to give her too. It’s also a bank book of fixed deposits for her wedding fund. 

A change in career
  • Risa is selling all her belongings. She’s going to study business management and hopes to one day open her own restaurant. She also meets Sosuke by chance. She directly apologizes and asks him to take care of Ai. 
  • Ai is back in General Affairs (it's been three months). She receives a message from the Sensei she admired. Sensei has decided to publish again and it’s all thanks to Ai’s motivation. She invites Ai to work with her at her studio since it was Ai’s dream to publish picture books. 
  • Sosuke has an offer to return to New York. He wants to take it because he wants to prove himself. He had wanted to propose after he saved Most but the magazine survived because of Kusonose Rin, and not him. The Lady Chief laughs at him for belittling women. They’re much more flexible than most would think. 
  • Higuchi Takuya leaves. He gives Ai a last hug. He tells her to enjoy her life. 
A fight: Ai finds out Sosuke wants to leave for America. Ai is mad that Sosuke didn’t tell her. He had wanted her to come with him but he didn’t know how to say it to her and he didn’t want her to give up anything for him. She’s like Treat me as an equal and let me think for myself. However, the next day, she goes and refuses the sensei's offer to be her assistant. The regret is instant, though. She stares at Sensei's drawings filled with little animals happily doing what they love. At home, she sees how beautiful Risa is when she's working towards her dream even if her hair is all messy and tied up. Ai wants to be beautiful too. 

A proposal from Ai! Ai barges into Sosuke’s condo with an awkward kabedon. Spontaneously, she proposes: “Marry me!” She even has the rings ready and before he can react his ring is on his finger and she puts on her own ring by herself. It’s a proposal and it's to ask him for more time. She will only marry him – that part is certain. She wants to stay in Japan to improve herself and to work with the Sensei she loves. Ai believes that people are the most beautiful when they do what they love. She wants to be beautiful like that to him. As Ai is rambling, Sosuke interrupts her. 

Sosuke: I look forward to the day I can marry an even more beautiful Ai. Ahh~

Another proposal? Sosuke reveals that he was planning to propose today too. He keeps teasing Ai about it and now she’s really curious. Then they accidentally knock over the coffee on the table. While she’s in the kitchen, he quickly runs to grab something and then poof, he places an onion on the table. The ring is on the head of the smiling onion. Tada! This is his proposal! LOL. Our boy thought he was super romantic, hahahaha. In comparison, her proposal is now so much better xD At least there was a reverse kabedon. Ai laughs that he’s too cute. Sounding grumpy, he’s like Forget it. Ai quickly apologizes, thinking she hurt his ego, but he meant forget the conversation and get on with the action: he slips on the ring and gives her the quickest kiss on the hand, and a romantic “I love you.” Points for sincerity ~ 

Ai leaves his home. He asks if she really needs to leave. Her words tumble out of her mouth saying that she’s got laundry to do and plants to water. Sosuke understands and watches her leave. He closes the door and then stares at his ring, smiling. The doorbell rings. Ou. Who could it be! It’s Ai ~ She's tripping over her words again saying that she can do the laundry tomorrow and water the plants tomorrow. Enough with the words! Sosuke’s lips take command. Ai is so breathless from the kiss, her knees cave. But he’s unrelenting. They continue to kiss even on the ground.

Our puzzle is complete!

Two years later

Kusunose Rin (Higuchi Takuya) writes a new novel. It’s dedicated to his best friend, "Jackson”. Ai

Sosuke phones Ai. She asks about the weather in London. He says it’s a tad chilly here. Ou, Ai's background looks windy too~. Then he calls her out for dressing so thinly. He’s in Japan! They run to meet each other in the middle of the road. Why? That’s where accidents happen. He was never in London. In fact, he’s permanently staying in Japan. His transfer application was approved. He’s now the Editor in Chief for Most. This is where he wants to be in the middle of the road and hugging Ai.  

Sosuke: You’ve become so beautiful. 

Our current Ai is looking like a regular girl with minimal makeup, but indeed, she’s shining. She’s doing what she loves. She smiles and hugs him. His reply: a hearty laugh. And then she kisses him first: His reply: a bigger hearty laugh. Sosuke takes her up to the roof. It’s raining. He comments that he’s happy with her rain or shine. 

Five years later.

Sosuke is still using the same umbrella he bought her 7 years ago. They have a daughter! She’s Mio and she’s carrying her mother’s (Ai) picture book, “A Lovely Rainy Day.” Sosuke and Mio cross the road. At the green light, little Mio shouts, “Okay, go ahead!” The camera pans to the sky and we see a rainbow. A lovely rainy day it is


[Review] A no filler romcom is so good! 

This Japanese version is hands down the best¹ and outshines the original Korean one. Let's not even talk about the Chinese version... Before watching this, I never understood why She Was Pretty even got one remake. However, whoever (Simizu Yukako and Miura Kisa) condensed She Was Pretty into this zippy ten episode drama knew exactly why this romcom is a charmer. It’s about first loves falling in love all over again. It’s about seeing the beauty in the heart. It’s about improving yourself, being happy with yourself, and that is when you are the most beautiful. In this story, Hasebe Sosuke will fall in love with Sato Ai’s beautiful heart even if he doesn’t recognize her. In turn, Sato Ai will aspire to be the most beautiful version of herself starting from within. 

The other reason why this is good is because there’s no time to be bad. All the annoying arcs are neatly condensed. The jerky ML is no more! He is still kind of, a little bit, a teeny bit jerky but is actually mostly goofy. Give him a chance and you won’t regret it. The doormat FL has no time to be a doormat for too long (guys, there’s only ten episodes). The sismance dips but rebounds even higher. The second lead syndrome isn’t so bad, not because the actor isn’t good, but because the ML is too good.

It’s ten fulfilling episodes of sweetness with dabs of comedy. 

[Actors/Actresses] Nakajima Kento (Hasebe Kosuke) has these really fake laughs that work for him and I am now addicted to his Ha Ha Ha! 

[Ending] Happy!

1. I didn't know there was a Thailand version too... so my "the best" refers to my opinion on the K and C version.