September 14, 2021

GO Into Your Heart | Recap and Review

GO Into Your Heart
A Go player with a colour vision deficiency instantly falls in love with the one girl who colours his life. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Niu Jun FengSheng Jing Chu
Li Lan Di: Cheng Liao
Chinese Title
Episodes: 41
Recap Grade: C
First Impression: 2.55/5

[Ep 1-20] cynlynn
[Ep 21-41beautifuljangmi

Jump to review

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Sheng Jing Chu is our legendary Go player. A chance encounter on the bus introduces him to Cheng Liao, a novice reporter. All of a sudden, she's special to him – she colours his life, literally. Sheng Jing Chu can only see black and white. With her warm yellow hoodie, she becomes the only person he can see colour from. However, he blackens her day. Under circumstantial evidence, Cheng Liao mistakes Sheng Jing Chu as a thief – obviously, he's not – and unfortunately-coincidentally, he's also the person she has to interview. Now she dodges him whenever she can while he's searching for her, his miracle girl. 
Being a staff member, Cheng Liao gets to watch Sheng Jing Chu's Go match up close. Our players are so focused on their game, we get absorbed into their minds where they rip out their lightsaber inspired weapons. Hiyah! Oho ~ so this is what happens in a real Go match! Epiphany

Sheng Jing Chu finally locates Cheng Liao. She slumps over to apologize, expecting menace but our ML is kind and forgiving. He gives her candy and politely adds, "Nice to meet you." 

[Ep2] Cheng Liao casually asks Sheng Jing Chu what type of pomelo flavour is the candy. Um, pomelo? Apparently, there are various types of pomelo (pinyin: you) flavours. He repeats, "Nice to meet 'you'". Cute. Pomelo candy is also his most favourite thing in the world until she becomes his favourite thing in the world, of course.

Cheng Liao promised to give Sheng Jing Chu her QR code to add each other as friends but she's interrupted with a call before he could scan it. Back at home, he uses his photographic memory to recreate the QR code with his online Go board! Mission complete. He can add her on WeChat. Woohoo! Boy, I'm happy for ya xD

Sheng Jing Chu completes all of Cheng Liao's interview questions that are written in her journal. He did it without her asking. However, the next day before Cheng Liao submits her interview, articles are already up. It's her and Sheng Jing Chu's dating gossip. 

[Ep3] Cheng Liao, as a reporter, tags along to Sheng Jing Chu's Go match in another city. Somehow she also becomes his temporary assistant because we're in a Cdrama and Sheng Jing Chu wants her. She studies up his biography so that she can care for all his particular needs. She also learns that he's an orphan. At around 5yo, he was in a car accident that led to his colour vision deficiency. Sheng Jing Chu doesn’t seem nearly as picky as his original secretary had depicted. Sheng Jing Chu's only request of her is to not block him on WeChat, in fact, he wants her to never block him. 

Cheng Liao's name was supposed to be Cheng Zhi Liao; zhiliao is the sound cicada makes........ He makes the connection that she's born in the summer to which she easily tells him her birthday is 0721. Our genius smugly makes a mental nod. 
Sheng Jing Chu and Cheng Liao play a game of Go on the street with an older man but actually they're air-hopping mega-sized Go pieces! They win this mega hopping game. These scenes have become the reason why I'm watching this drama

[Ep4] Everyone thinks Sheng Jing Chu was kicked out by his Master (who adopted him and taught him Go). That's not quite it. His master wanted him to experience life outside of Go, outside of his dojo. 

Cheng Liao personally makes fish soup for Sheng Jing Chu (who's sick), hoping to recreate the flavour of his mother's – it's her promise to him for all his help. His taste buds are awakened. It's the taste of Mom. 

[Ep5] Well, it's almost the taste of Mom. 

Sheng Jing Chu has a love rival! Cheng Liao has a crush on Xu Chi, who is now her manager and someone she idolized as she grew up. However, Xu Chi seems to like Cheng Yi, Cheng Liao's older sister. 

[Ep6] Master accepts Yao Ke as a student in his dojo. Yao Ke's agenda: defeat Sheng Jing Chu. 

[Ep7] Ashes of Love makes a cameo. Skate Into Love had this too, lol. The purpose of the cameo: to motivate Cheng Liao to confess to Xu Chi. Cheng Liao updates her new best friend, Sheng Jing Chu, she's going to confess. Sheng Jing Chu is no longer in shopping mood. 

Cheng Liao confesses to Xu Chi! But Sheng Jing Chu accepts the confession as if it was meant for him. Sheng Jing Chu knows Xu Chi loves Cheng Yi and so Sheng was saving Cheng Liao from embarrassing herself. Also, Cheng Liao finally learns the girl Xu Chi loves is her sister. 
[Ep8] After Cheng Liao's unintended love confession to Sheng Jing Chu, she asks him to clarify they're not dating. With a voice lacking enthusiasm, he's like Again? They agree on pretending to be in a temporary relationship since they've already denied it too many times, people are going to suspect them anyway. And so they are now officially in a fake relationship. 
Sheng Jing Chu and Cheng Liao go on "dates". He's accompanying her emotional journey of overcoming her heartbreak. They're at an amusement park. Then the world turns pink and cottony. These random special The OST is good, though. Cheng Liao is lost. Sheng Jing Chu tells her to stay put. He's confident he can find her. Here is where his colour deficient vision comes in handy – it seems easy to find someone when the entire world is black or white except for her. 

Cheng Yi rejected Xu Chi's confession. She never thought of him as more than a friend or a brother. Perhaps her fate lies with another man: Jiang Yu Da. It's Zhu Jia Qi! I like this actor

[Ep9] Jiang Yu Da is also a Go player. He is the best of the best and wants to challenge only the best. Correction: he thinks he's the best. Ding Lan smirks and takes on the challenge. It's 3-0 K.O. Ding Lan sweeps him despite being ranked the lowest among the boys. Jiang Yu Da is in tears at his defeat and then begs her to take him as her disciple. She refuses. He's kinda crazy. I'd refuse too.

To support his non-existent Go career, Jiang Yu Da delivers food. The client is Xu Chi and then they randomly become friends after being misunderstood by a security officer for being a gay couple when in fact they both love the same woman – Cheng Yi. 

[Ep10] It's raining and Cheng Liao is stuck at Sheng Jing Chu's home. Rain can kill and so it's safer under his roof.  

Cheng Liao viciously attacks dough to vent her pent up emotions. Sheng Jing Chu's kitchen is at her expense, which he gladly lends her. He'll also give her his Porsche race car. He can't drive anyway because of his eyes. She laughs that she'll have to cook the rest of her life to pay it off (and it still won't be enough). Sheng Jing Chu wants to take the joke seriously. 

Cheng Yi is reprimanded at work for a scandalous picture! Oh my, it's her and Jiang Yu Da at a pub and she's touching his shoulder. Rolls eyes.

[Ep11] Cheng Yi apologizes to her manager and then breaks down alone in her car. Never had she expressed her troubles to her father nor dare posted anything emotional on her Weibo. She's never done anything wrong and for something that's not even anything, she has to be removed from her program. It's awful and unfair.  

Only Sheng Jing Chu remembers Cheng Liao's birthday. With his brains, easy-peasy. He helps her recreate memories to erase Xu Chi from her heart. One of those memories is her falling into Xu Chi's arms when he saved her from falling off a high wall. At the same high wall, Sheng Jing Chu opens his arms towards her, inviting her to fall on him. When he catches her, they accidentally kiss. I need a drama that when this happen they chip their teeth and bleed or something. He also gave her a necklace as a present. He personally carved a cicada pendant for her.

[Ep12] Sheng Jing Chu loses his valuable Taoism book that he always has before any competition. He feels lost and hopeless without it. And so Cheng Liao hugs him in public with cameras flashing. She's going to be his lucky charm, his most precious belonging. 

Sheng Jing Chu starts his Go match. And now we have a showdown between ninjas. Sheng Jing Chu almost loses but then his palms give birth to words from his Taoism book which then lighs up in the sky and materialize into his sword. Voila, his ninja sword is back. He wins. It is the power of words. Legit. I am describing the scene as I see it

[Ep13] The one who stole Sheng Jing Chu's book is Yao Ke's lackey who did it without permission. The book is precious because it's from Sheng Jing Chu's master

[Ep14] What a popular guy Sheng Jing Chu is. On one side there's a Korean dude who really wants a meal with Sheng Jing Chu and he won't stop winking at Sheng. On the other side, there's Jiang Yu Da who's begging Sheng Jing Chu to be his Go Master because he's like his god. Korean Dude wins. 

But our popular guy likes Cheng Liao. He confesses to her! 

[Ep15] Cheng Liao doesn't accept the confessions. She says she needs time. Pulling his best I'm-not-sad-smile, Sheng Jing Chu gives her a pomelo (you) candy, "I'll wait for you." She doesn't know whether to accept him because she doesn't know him that well. However, her smiles betray her heart whenever she thinks of Sheng Jing Chu. 

Sheng Jing Chu thinks he's rejected. Jiang Yu Da promises he can help Sheng Jing Chu with his love problems. And this is how Jiang Da Yu gets his foot in the door to learn Go from his idol. What screw is unloose for Sheng Jing Chu to trust Jiang Yu Da?

[Ep16] Jiang Da Yu part-times at Dad Cheng's restaurant. He's supposed to buy groceries but forgets all of that when he spots his goddess: Cheng Yi. She's against him working for her father but she can't stop the crazy from being crazy. She might just like this crazy one and not know it yet.

Cheng Liao asks Sheng Jing Chu for time. She doesn't want to hastily accept his confession. She wants to know him first. It's a chance! And so when Sheng Jing Chu gets a call from her to pick her up, he zooms there with his super-duper regular bike. Then when it's raining, he lies that his umbrella is broken – it's not, he just wants to share one with her. 

[Ep17] Sheng Jing Chu's traumatic memories of his parent's death resurfaces. He has a meltdown and Cheng Liao's dad witnesses it all. He can't entrust his precious daughter to Sheng Jing Chu. 

[Ep18] Cheng Yi quits her station. Jiang Da Yu cheers her up. 

Sheng Jing Chu makes a moving speech to convince Dad Cheng to accept him. He says Cheng Liao is his one and only, a presence that lets him see the world in a new colour. However, Dad Cheng isn't ready to let go of his precious daughter. Dad even shows Sheng Jing Chu pictures of little Cheng Liao.  Childhood connection check: Through the picture, Sheng Jing Chu remembers why Cheng Liao is special to him. He had met Cheng Liao on the night his parents passed away at the hospital. It was her who gave him pomelo candy and said, "Nice to meet you." That is why pomelo is his favourite thing in the world. She is his favourite thing in the world

Cheng Liao overhears everything on the phone. While Sheng Jing Chu is running to her, she's running to him too. Insert dramatic music. They run into each other for the big grand hug. He doesn't want to wait anymore. He wants her at his side at all times. Meanwhile she tells him she bought a pomelo candy. Guess what flavour it is. It's "I want to be with you." She feeds him the candy. Then he feeds her too – with his mouth. It's a "you" kiss. 

Changeover of Recaps

by The Beautiful beautifuljangmi (:

Taking over where the lovely cyn-lynn left off! -beautifuljangmi 

[Ep19] Cheng Yi joins Xu Chi at his work Pinecone Video. He explains he will let his feelings go and they can continue being the ‘good buddies’ they always have been. But he has no real intention of doing so, he simply wants to keep her close to him.

Sheng Jing Chu believes it is time to formally introduce Cheng Liao as his girlfriend to his GO Family. They put on a big show of disappointment and disapproval before bringing out the streamers and celebrating the happy couple. Cute friends! They had me going too lol. Our leads also come up with nicknames for each other; him panda and her Liao Liao (meaning ‘in a short lifetime, I will hold your hands for the rest of it’) my ♡.

On the first episode of Cheng Yi’s new show she invites Sheng Jing Chu’s wannabe rival, Yao Ke. During the interview he personally challenges Sheng Jing Chu to an intense 10 round match and says he has every confidence he will beat him at least 6/10 times.

[Ep20] Our leads are meant to go on their first vacation together but the GO challenge is looming in the air. Sheng Jing Chu is determined to decline the challenge and continue with their original plans, but after everyone else corners her Cheng Liao says he should accept the match.

Everyone is excited to see two rising GO stars go head to head. The players practice and Sheng Jing Chu knows that Yao Ke is better prepared for this first match as he has been observing his playing style since joining their team, waiting for this opportunity.

[Ep21I love the GO scenes where instead of the pieces on a board we have (ninjas?) fighting in a black and white forest lol. 

The first match continues and Yao Ke, who had begun the match full of confidence, was quickly faltering. Sheng Jing Chu realizes Yao Ke’s strategy and wins the first match, leaving the latter devastated.

Cheng Yi continues to be charmed by Yu Da though she likes to pretend she’s not totally smitten with him. Meanwhile, our leads are also being adorable coining on a short overnight stay to Sheng Jing Chu’s childhood home. Here Cheng Liao begins to suspect that Sheng Jing Chu can see colors again.

[Ep22] Cheng Yi is locked in a closet by a jealous coworker. She has a terrible claustrophobia and immediately began to panic. Thankfully, Xu Chi was able to rescue her. 

Sheng Jing Chu is beginning to see colors beyond Cheng Liao. As long as she is touching the item, he can now see correct colors. I’m not certain why he is keeping this a secret from her, it truly feels like the writers simply wanted an excuse for them to fight down the road but are being too lazy to give us a good excuse/reason why.

[Ep23] The second, third, and fourth match happen quickly with Sheng Jing Chu defeating Yao Ke each time. He slowly begins to lose his mind trying to understand how he keeps losing. SJC does a great hero pose when he goes to block reporters from taking pictures of Yao Ke in his saddened state. 

[Ep24To no ones surprise Sheng Jing Chu wins the fifth match. Reporters swarm the champion hoping for an interview, but he only answers questions asked by his personal reporter Cheng Liao.

Cheng Liao’s father saves a child from being hit by a car, causing himself to get injured. Cheng Yi blames Yu Da as her father was only in that situation because of his tardiness. I feel bad for the guy but at the same time what is he doing with his time and life? He came back to China to be a master GO player but only follows CY around like a puppy. 

[Ep25] Yao Ke loses the 6th and final match with Sheng Jing Chu. The stress and mental anguish from the crushing defeat causes him to faint. His fellow GO members tried to encourage him to look past the 10 game match, but he was too obsessed with winning, making his loss unbearable. Poor lost soul loses his mind a bit. SJC promised to never become like this due to having Cheng Liao. Her presence gives his life a greater purpose than just winning. Love them! He also encourages Cheng Liao to pursue her passion of cooking in an upcoming competition her sister is producing.

[Ep26] Sheng Jing Chu and Cheng Liao are set up by Yao Ke’s brother. Thugs attack them and Cheng Liao jumps in front of a pinned down SJC as they go to break his arm, causing herself to be injured instead. Making her the hero was such a great flip from the norm, I love it. 

Yu Da officially becomes Sheng Jing Chu’s apprentice. They have a welcoming ceremony for him at the GO house and it was so cute seeing him so happy. Even Cheng Yi was proud!

[Ep27] Cheng Liao participates in her first cooking competition despite her dad’s disapproval though deep down he is actually touched she wishes to follow in his footsteps. She does well, placing third! And dad couldn’t stay angry, he ends up running on stage to congratulate her in front of everyone, too cute.

[Ep28] Cheng Liao, Cheng Yi, and their dad come together to honor the death anniversary of their mother/wife. Yu Da really shows his mature side when comforting Cheng Yi. 

Sheng Jing Chu tricks Cheng Liao into staying in the same hotel room together during the GO press conference. Sneaky boy lol

[Ep29] Everyone, except for an upset Sheng Jing Chu, was impressed with Cheng Liao’s confidence when a love rival He Yu comes into the picture. They couldn’t understand how she was completely unfazed by the situation but all she does is smile and proudly proclaim, “he’s mine” insert hair flip. 

Cheng Liao also becomes the owner of her father’s restaurant.

[Ep30] SJC visits his psychologist who emphasizes how important it is for SJC to tell Cheng Liao he can see her in color as it will create a misunderstanding if kept secret. NO! You don’t say!? I’m shocked. 

He Yu tries to openly declare war with Cheng Liao for SJC’s heart, but Cheng Liao doesn’t let it faze her. I have seen very few female leads handle themselves as well as Cheng Liao did in this situation. Feeling proud.

[Ep31] He Yu uses an abroad tournament to try and get closer to SJC. Unsuccessfully. Meanwhile, Yao Ke uses SJC’s absence to plot his revenge. Successfully.

After a “fan” (Yao Ke) tells He Yu about SJC seeing Cheng Liao in color, she admits defeat and chooses to disappear from their lives for good. Of course she had to drop that bomb on CL first, couldn’t just bow out gracefully after trying to steal someone else’s boyfriend. 

[Ep32] SJC asks everyone for advice on how to win back Cheng Liao, but the only thing she wants is to know SJC’s feelings for her. The writers have managed to write the female lead perfectly, she is acting exactly how a normal girl would in this situation. But then they made the male lead a clammed up idiot. Smh. 

After a much needed time out SJC was able to successfully apologize to Cheng Liao.

[Ep33] Both Cheng Liao and SJC declare their love for one another, coloring his world. Literally! SJC has been cured from his color blindness! 

Yao Ke continues to spiral and plot his revenge. I would love for someone to explain to him it is not SJC’s fault that he’s a better Go player. Feels like a very shallow reason to hate a person and wish ill will towards them.

[Ep34] Sheng Jing Chu plays too passively and loses his next Go match. While everyone is worried he is upset or ill, it turns out it is simply his way of thinking that has changed. Meeting Cheng Liao allowed him to see past the Go board, winning and losing, and focus on everything else the world has to offer. He lost because he played differently as now he feels differently. His loss turns into a losing streak as he continuously loses one match after the next. Why should him being in love cause him to lose?! He should still know how to play! Gah. 

Our adorable side couple Cao Xi He and Ding Lan finally begin dating! Causing a ripple effect, as the senior member of the Go club finally goes after his one true love as well. 

[Ep35] Cheng Yi continues to try and ignore Yu Da’s charms, but finds herself secretly smiling whenever she thinks of him. I really love both of these characters, but I honestly don’t see them as a couple.

[Ep36] Sheng Jing Chu has one of his toughest match to date. However, his losing streak is behind him and he wins with flying colors! 

After his win, Cheng Yi uses the opportunity to interview SJC and ask about how his current relationship changes the way he plays Go. He answers by saying Cheng Liao is his everything, the reason he wins, and the reason he has become a better person. He will not allow anyone to hurt her. Aww, everyone on this show is so cute (except Xu Chi, he’s obsessive behavior towards Cheng Yi is more creepy than cute).

[Ep37] This episode was a ton of filler. Mainly, SJC plays against his teacher and wins. (Semi-reluctantly). 

LOL. This episode recap, hahahaIt was a ridiculous amount of filler!! Half the episode was spent on a side character trying to get his old crush only to find out she was getting married. WHY!!? So unnecessary lol.

[Ep38] Cheng Yi officially chooses Yu Da! I really liked this couple but they lost their spark to me. Now I really only cheer for them so Xu Chi couldn’t have her lol.

SJC’s master falls ill and is rushed to the hospital. 

[Ep39] Yao Ke uses their Go Master Xie’s illness to trick everyone into believing he was leaving the club to him. But really, Master Xie had wanted to leave it to SJC and was simply confused. Everyone else is genuinely sad and concerned and Yao Ke is always scheming, so selfish.

Master Xie passes away, leaving behind many sad family and friends. SJC in particular is distraught and disappears on the day of the funeral. When Cheng Liao finally finds SJC, he devastatingly decides he is done with Go.

[Ep40] The Go club comes up with a plan to have Yao Ke confess to his crimes in front of the same reporters he himself had called to bad mouth SJC. Love the karma lol. 

Xu Chi supposedly has an epiphany and realizes that him and Cheng Yi are better as friends. Yes, most people easily let go of life long obsessions over night. Totally believable.

[Ep41] Yu Da’s father comes to save the day! He decides to sponsor the Go club so they can begin playing like before. 

Everyone has their happy ending; the Go club is restored, even Yao Ke redeems himself by doing absolutely nothing and simply declaring he’s changed. Cough* Xu Chi cough***

Our series ends with SJC and Cheng Liao in love and ready to continue building their lives together. I wish they had more screen time these last few episodes, they are adorable.

The end. 


by cynlynn

[First Impression (Ep1-8)] GO Into Your Heart is definitely not a Hikaru no GO. Go is merely a vehicle for a romance between an average girl and an atypical genius. 

It's my stress-free drama that I play in the background. There's also good music. Unfortunately, it's 40 episodes and our ML is already in love the second he laid eyes on our FL. The reason for his instantaneous love: our ML can’t see colour and our FL colours his eyes and life. If he's in love with her so soon, I don't know what the drama has left in store for the next 30 episodes. 

Unexpectedly, the scenes that attract me are the Go matches – well, not exactly. It's like Drama knew my attention was waning and inserted these virtual action scenes to amuse me. One minute they're playing Go, next second Niu Jun Feng is flying and whipping around a lightsaber. It's ridiculous but I like Drama's effort. 

I believe the same production team behind Ashes of Love and Skate into Love is bringing us GO Into Your Heart (these titles...). 

[Actors/Actresses] Visually, this is the best I've seen of Niu Jun Feng. I also like his acting here. He's not copying and pasting the typical aloof guy character. He's got this absent-gaze that's fitting for his role. His character is also a nice guy. I’m actually a little surprised at how many nice guys there are in Cdramas this year. 

Zhu Jia Qi is another reason that's motivating me to watch this one. He was in Really Meet Love That Day and Healer. Regardless of how much I like both dramas, I always like his characters. 

[Dropped (Ep18)] I'm bored, so bored. 


by beautifuljangmi 

[Ending] Happy!! Our leads are very much in love and most side characters found their HEA as well. 

[Review & Rating]

This was a cute drama but there is a ton of filler. If you are in it for the romance our leads relationship is pretty much settled 2/3rds of the way in. The last bit of the drama is focused on Go, the club, and tying up loose ends. 

Random Recommendation: Love o2o (the series). A much better drama and you will also see a very different side to our ML. He plays a goofier role and the juxtaposition between the two characters is hysterical!

Rating: 3/5