Notable Actors/Actresses
Chen Xiao: Deng Zi Ang
Wang Zi Wen: Jiao Jia Ren
Chinese Title
[Ep1&2 Mini Summary] Deng Zi Ang is a seasoned pediatrician. He treats his patients with care. He's also armoured with skills that allows him to be haughty. Jiao Jia Ren is a new resident in town assigned to learn under Deng Zi Ang's guidance but everything she does turns on his nasty temper. In his eyes she's incompetent but she is diligent and hardworking. Her passion to be a qualified pediatrician is no less than his. Her words might also be a little blunt. There's also another new resident, Gu Jia Ren (same name, different surname) who is smart and beautiful but spoiled and bratty. She's the least passionate of the three and finds many aspects of being a pediatrician disgusting. She also categorizes Jiao Jia Ren to be of the lower kind. An accidental touch from Jiao Jia Ren will make her repulsive. On the other hand, a touch from Deng Zi Ang will make her heart flutter. Deng Zi Ang and her are long acquaintances; he’s close to her family. Although she has a crush on him, Deng Zi Ang doesn't seem like the type to settle on a serious relationship. Perhaps he hasn't found the one yet.
[Ep3] Gu Jia Ren instigates a fight with Jiao Jia Ren. To settle the matter, Deng Zi Ang makes the two residents battle it out in three rounds. The winner will get to stay and be his student. Only one can stay. First round is to drink three bowls of soup. Easy? Not until he puts a bag of vomit right in front of them. Gu Jia Ren loses when she pukes before getting to the third bowl. Jiao Jia Ren did win until she puked after her third bowl. Not only did she puke, she puked all over Deng Zi Ang.
[Ep4] Round Two is during the doctor rounds and whoever can answer all of Deng Zi Ang's questions is the winner. Being the smarty-pants, Gu Jia Ren wins as she's able to come up with the answer a second earlier than Jiao Jia Ren. Since no one won during round one, the resident who gets to stay is Gu Jia Ren. Jiao Jia Ren argues that she should have won the first round then because Gu puked first. To settle the argument between the girls, Deng Zi Ang makes a round three. The winner of that gets to stay.
[Ep5] Fang Man (a nurse and friend of Jiao Jia Ren) is mad at Jiao Jia Ren for not telling her she has connections. There are rumours she got into the hospital because she knows the director Gu Li Feng (who also happens to be Gu Jia Ren's father). Gu Li Feng was the doctor who saved Jiao Jia Ren when she was young. He's more like a master and saviour to her. She didn't get in through connections. Fang Man and Jiao Jia Ren make up.
[Ep6] Deng Zi Ang needs an assist but Gu Jia Ren is off work. Jiao Jia Ren is his assist for this surgery. However, he's soon fed up with her and tells her to step aside. After the surgery, Deng Zi Ang compliments Jiao for accomplishing what she has so far.
[Ep7] Deng Zi Ang asks the principal to give Jiao Jia Ren another chance to volunteer at the daycare. It makes the principal very curious what his relationship is with her. Deng Zi Ang sighs that god sent her here to torment him.

Small update: Jiao Jia Ren still hasn't signed out of Deng Zhi Ang's iCloud account and because of that he hasn't taken a selfie since, lol.
[Ep16] Sun Yi Juan was actually under Gu Li Feng’s orders to assign Jiao Jia Ren to Deng Zhi Ang. Sun Yi Juan is worried that Jiao would be dismissed by Deng Zhi Ang in the end. Gu Li Feng assures her that Jiao isn’t that weak. The more she’s pressured, the more she will excel. That’s why Gu Li Feng wants her to learn under Deng Zi Ang (someone who can push her to excel).
[Ep19] Jiao Jia Ren is super happy to be complimented by Deng Zhi Ang.
There’s another competition between the Jia Rens. Whoever can stitch an orange without breaking the inner skin. What a waste of oranges. Only Deng Zhi Ang can do it with ease.
[Ep20] Gu Jia Ren thinks Jiao Jia Ren is her father’s illegitimate daughter. Jiao Jia Ren is just an orphan Gu Li Feng saved. Meanwhile Deng Zhi Ang accidentally finds out Jiao is an orphan.
[Ep22] Deng Zhi Ang rejects Gu Jia Ren. However, there's a deeper reason why he rejected her. Her confession makes him weak. He yearns for love but the closer he is to it, the more afraid he is. His father-less family reminds him he never had love. After the rejection, his aimless wanderings take him back to the hospital. He overhears Jiao Jia Ren speaking with his half-brother. The kid asks her if Deng Zhi Ang is good looking. He tilts his head towards the door, curious to hear her answer. She admits that he is but the kid is better looking. Deng Zhi Ang sighs and leaves. He doesn't hear how his half-brother teases Jiao for liking Deng Zhi Ang.

[Ep28] Deng Zhi Ang is complimenting Jiao Jia Ren because he wants her to be more confident.
Deng Zhi Ang is afraid of dogs (to an extreme level) but not cats. His half brother made him adopt the dog for him for a few days because his mother doesn’t want an infectious dog in the house. Later at night, Deng Zhi Ang calls Jiao Jia Ren to take the dog for a health checkup. It’s her fault he has to care for one so she has to be responsible, he says.
Deng Zhi Ang can’t take care of the dog anymore and it's only been one night. He makes Jiao Jia Ren live at his place to care for the dog. He gives her five seconds to think of a better plan. Ten seconds have past and she can’t think of anything and so he drags her to his door to add her fingerprint. Jiao Jia Ren tells Fang Man it’s only for a few days until the dog heals, plus Deng Zhi Ang is on night shifts anyways.
Jiao Jia Ren arrives at Deng Zhi Ang’s place. As expected he’s not there but that doesn’t mean she can’t imagine him there. While she brushes her teeth, she imagines him sharing the cup with her. While she’s sleeping, she imagines him coming home, stripping and then sleeping next to her.
She’s not the only one having “spring dreams”. Deng Zhi Ang is having his sweet dreams at the dorms too. Initially, it's not obvious what he dreamed about but later when he sees Jiao Jia Ren he daydreams back to the image he had last night. It's of them lying down together and smiling at each other on the same bed. It's the same dream she had.
With Jiao Jia Ren's help, Deng Zhi Ang successfully returns the dog back to his half brother’s family. Deng Zhi Ang hugs Jiao Jia Ren as gratitude for all her help. That was pretty sweet and just a tad awkward, but still sweet lol. She blinks and freezes. He tells her he has something else for her. Scene skip, she’s holding mops and brushes. He wants her to clean his house. Dog fur bothers him? I guess. With a bit of pampering from him (he calls her the female owner of the house), she cleans for him. On the side, he sits there quietly watching her clean (and taking secret pictures). There's a slight smile to his expression the entire time. Afterwards, he compliments her: 'qingxiu'. Delicate and pretty.

[Ep30] Gu Jia Ren barges in Deng Zhi Ang’s place to give him food. At the same time, Jiao Jia Ren walks out in his clothes after her shower. With Deng Zhi Ang in bath robes, neither of them can explain to Gu Jia Ren that nothing has happened between them. Aaaawkward. Jiao Jia Ren tries to explain but when Gu confronts her on her feelings for Deng Zhi Ang, Jiao is silent. Gu Jia Ren angrily leaves.
Jiao Jia Ren wants to leave too but Deng Zhi Ang convinces her to stay. They didn't do anything wrong. After he takes her to his favourite place to calm down they forget about Gu Jia Ren. Tonight will be the first night they’re sleeping under the same roof (different rooms). He’s totally being sexy but walks away from her. Gosh, I really want to see Chen Xiao in more romance dramas.
Second Couple: Fang Man is staying over at Wang Han’s. By the way the girls are not sleeping in their condo because of moronic fans of that teen celebrity.
Deng Zhi Ang walks Jiao Jia Ren home. Neither of them want to separate so she walks him back to the security office (lobby area). Once there, Deng Zhi Ang says it’s not right of him to not walk her back. As they head back to the building, the security guard has had enough. This is their seventh time. Lol.
[Ep32] Deng Zhi Ang shows up unannounced in Jiao Jia Ren's condo the next morning. Fang Man lets him in. Jiao Jia Ren is still dreaming on her bed. Embarrassed, she drapes on a random sweater to cover up her pj's. I think Deng Zhi Ang is lost in thought just staring at her no matter what she looks like. He says he'll give her two minutes to get ready; he'll wait for her downstairs. He also has breakfast ready for her. While she's busy looking at the yummy food, she walks right into him. She didn't notice him stopping and turning around. That impact makes him lost in thought again. He forgot why he turned around. To stare at her? Perhaps.
[Ep34] Gu Jia Ren is back! Jiao Jia Ren also completes her first independent surgery. Gu Jia Ren gives her a congratulatory hug, it's a sincere one. These girls are friends again.

[Ep36] Jiao Jia Ren is still mourning for Xiao Yu. She hasn't slept for days. Gu Li Feng talks to her. Deng Zhi Ang is always there with her. He even sings her to sleep at her request. Slowly, she recovers.

[Ep38] Jiao Jia Ren and Gu Jia Ren are mentors now. Jiao Jia Ren finally understands what Deng Zhi Ang went through when he taught her. She belatedly apologizes to him.
[Ep40] Deng Zhi Ang injures his hand while saving Xiao Jie’s mother from committing suicide. It won’t affect his surgery hand, it’s only superficial but the wound in his heart is deep. He develops PTSD and refuses to return to work. All he does is seclude himself in his room and succumb to alcohol. Jiao Jia Ren resorts to kidnapping him (literally). She takes him on a trip to her orphanage.
Xia Yong Qiang's daughter is in ICU but he keeps himself busy with other patients. He can’t face reality. There’s also nothing he can do for his own child. When his sister confronts him for not visiting his daughter at all, he cries.
[Ep42] After all these years, Gu Jia Ren accepts Lei Hao’s confession.
[Ep44] Jiao Jia Ren performs the organ transplant surgery. Deng Zhi Ang has the perfect plan to implant it. Xu Bing Ze is proud of his student.
*Note: I was not paying enough attention to the surgery details to comment on it. These last episodes are a collaboration with Japanese doctors. Finally a nice take on Japanese in a Chinese drama but they’re still showing the prowess of China over Japan. Whatever, lol. There’s also a collaboration between the hospitals that Deng Zhi Ang and Xu Bing Ze respectively work for to enhance the scope of paediatrics. Hospitals shouldn’t be rivals but allies because “saving one child is saving the world’s future”.
[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I did not like this after the first episode because just watching the FL bobble the child with head trauma all the way to the hospital without stabilizing the head made my eyes pop. Then I had nothing else to watch so I watched a bit more of this and I realized there really isn't a lot of medical stuff here. This is more about becoming a doctor than it is being a doctor. If you're looking for a doctor drama about surgeries and a huge focus on children then this might not be it from what I see. Meanwhile I like the focus on the rivalry between the two Jia-Rens. I also like the slow but steady recognition our FL gets from our ML. There's one thing I definitely don't like: the godly narrations in every single episode. Please stop talking unknown male voice.
[Ending] Happy.
I find it funny that right at the end this drama reminds us it’s supposed to be a medical drama. Lol. Okie-dokie, drama. I do like the message but I can’t help but find it unbalanced.
For those who like their romances it might not be satisfying but I don’t think all dramas need to end in a marriage or a proposal. I got more than what I had hoped in the romantic department so I’d say I’m satisfied.
[Review] Healer of Children is a medical romance drama but I wouldn’t watch this for the medical tag. Its focus is on the relationship between the doctors, and their own growth as pediatricians and human beings. I don't like that and I like that. It chose to be light rather than dramatic when it had the potential to be a tearjerker (given it's about sick children). Not that I want to be crying every episode, I just thought a potential was missed. However, I don't think the drama ever wanted to be that. It is perfectly complacent with its slow pace and light dabs on each children’s story which for the most part I'm okay with, I just wasn't highly engaged.
As for what I really like: Chen Xiao's Deng Zhi Ang. He’s a flawed man. He appears iron-hearted with hard skills and precise judgement. Outwardly, Gu Jia Ren is the female version of him. However, inside his iron heart is a man who yearns for love. With Jiao Jia Ren’s appearance, the iron barricade around his heart slowly melts.
The drama as a whole doesn’t impress me but as someone who likes Chen Xiao, I find this extremely satisfying. I earnestly wish this man would be in more romantic dramas.
Mini Recaps
[Ep3] Gu Jia Ren instigates a fight with Jiao Jia Ren. To settle the matter, Deng Zi Ang makes the two residents battle it out in three rounds. The winner will get to stay and be his student. Only one can stay. First round is to drink three bowls of soup. Easy? Not until he puts a bag of vomit right in front of them. Gu Jia Ren loses when she pukes before getting to the third bowl. Jiao Jia Ren did win until she puked after her third bowl. Not only did she puke, she puked all over Deng Zi Ang.
[Ep4] Round Two is during the doctor rounds and whoever can answer all of Deng Zi Ang's questions is the winner. Being the smarty-pants, Gu Jia Ren wins as she's able to come up with the answer a second earlier than Jiao Jia Ren. Since no one won during round one, the resident who gets to stay is Gu Jia Ren. Jiao Jia Ren argues that she should have won the first round then because Gu puked first. To settle the argument between the girls, Deng Zi Ang makes a round three. The winner of that gets to stay.
The topic of the third round is to play video games. According to Deng Zi Ang, there is a research that supports doctors who play video games for a few hours per day are better. Whatever. The winner goes to, dun dun dun dun, Gu Jia Ren.
Despite announcing Gu as the winner, Deng Zi Ang isn't happy with her. Other than testing gaming skills, it was a test for teamwork. Jiao Jia Ren had asked her for help but she ignored her. A surgeon doesn't complete his/her surgery alone; it's a team effort. Deng Zi Ang ends his critique on a good note that he appreciates her winning mentality though.
Although Deng Zi Ang doesn't want Jiao Jia Ren in his team, he does make sure she gets a teacher of her own so that she can stay in this hospital. Jiao Jia Ren's new teacher is Xu Bing Ze (another qualified and caring pediatrician).
[Ep5] Fang Man (a nurse and friend of Jiao Jia Ren) is mad at Jiao Jia Ren for not telling her she has connections. There are rumours she got into the hospital because she knows the director Gu Li Feng (who also happens to be Gu Jia Ren's father). Gu Li Feng was the doctor who saved Jiao Jia Ren when she was young. He's more like a master and saviour to her. She didn't get in through connections. Fang Man and Jiao Jia Ren make up.
The rivalry between the the Jia Rens: Xu Bing Ze praises Jiao Jia Ren for being a big helper during the operation. Meanwhile Gu Jia Ren got to lead the operation herself with Deng Zi Ang being the assist. Gu is elated to win over Jiao Jia Ren but Deng Zi Ang reminds her that their backgrounds are too different to even compare. Gu Jia Ren is supposed to be better in terms of education alone. He tells her to set her vision higher.
[Ep6] Deng Zi Ang needs an assist but Gu Jia Ren is off work. Jiao Jia Ren is his assist for this surgery. However, he's soon fed up with her and tells her to step aside. After the surgery, Deng Zi Ang compliments Jiao for accomplishing what she has so far.
Deng Zi Ang assigns the double Jia Rens to volunteer at a daycare. Jiao is immediately dismissed. It wasn't because of how she cared for children but it was how she spoke to the parents.
[Ep7] Deng Zi Ang asks the principal to give Jiao Jia Ren another chance to volunteer at the daycare. It makes the principal very curious what his relationship is with her. Deng Zi Ang sighs that god sent her here to torment him.
Jiao Jia Ren spends her spare time to make a child speak his first words ever since his hospitalization. He’s her first patient. She finally makes the kid talk. He asks her for a secret of hers since she knows his (that he likes hamburgers). She tells him her parents died when a building collapsed. Her secret is that she’s an orphan.
Jiao Jia Ren is lost while finding a bookstore (she’s new to the city). She bumps into Deng Zi Ang who’s running his laps. Unluckily for him, he drops his phone and she accidentally pours water over it. She claims that shaking the phone will make it work again. While she’s busy flicking his phone, he walks her to the stationary store that’s nearby (not really). When he learns she’s going there to buy a picture book for the patient, he’s silently impressed with her. She also discovers that she finally has one thing in common with him: they both like Naruto. However, Deng Zi Ang claims he’ll stop reading it from now on. He doesn’t want to turn out like her. Pft. When they arrive after a long time, she thanks him. His phone also works again. He corrects her that he didn’t purposely walk her here. It’s on his way home.
Jiao Jia Ren misunderstands that Deng Zi Ang is a cheater. She had seen him being slapped by his girlfriend and now there’s another girl called “Hui” something calling him.
Deng Zi Ang goes out of his way to connect a father who lost his job to another one of his patient’s parent who owns an IT company. Deng Zi Ang and Jiao Jia Ren are one and alike.
[Ep8] Deng Zi Ang’s girlfriend visits the hospital. He already broke up with her but she’s in denial. When she meets Jiao Jia Ren, she thinks “Jia Ren” is the one he’s cheating with. Poor Jiao Jia Ren gets a slap to the face. Because of this incident, Deng Zi Ang is removed from an important surgery. The surgery goes to Xu Bing Ze and he’s giving Jiao Jia Ren a chance to assist.
The “Hui” something girl calling Deng Zi Ang is his mother. She’s here to celebrate his birthday but she's called for a meeting. Deng Zi Ang is used to his mother neglecting him for work and lets her off easy. He walks with his cake and bumps into Jiao Jia Ren who’s sulking after being lectured by the department director for overstepping her boundaries with her patient (the drawing kid).
[Ep9] Deng Zi Ang sympathizes with Jiao Jia Ren about her love for her first patient. He wishes her good luck. He also had a similar experience where he became too attached to his first patient (Duo Duo).
Xu Bing Ze advises Jiao Jia Ren to focus more on their important surgery than pouring her effort into caring for the drawing kid.

Gu Jia Ren makes a move on Deng Zi Ang. He tells her to come closer and when she does he flings her head towards the security camera. Unfortunately, Jiao Jia Ren walks in on them and thus begins her third misunderstanding. He doesn't get time to explain himself to her. Gu Jia Rn also walks away with a shy girly smile.
Jiao Jia Ren continues to involve herself with the drawing kid. The mother is upset because she's delaying his studies. The mother files a complaint on Jiao Jia Ren. With that on her resume, she cannot join in on the important surgery. She's also lost all the trust of other patient's parents.
There's another patient: Ting Ting. She's four. Two years ago, her parents ran away after finding out she has leukemia and has never returned. I think this girl will be a tearjerker in future episodes... This little girl is particularly obedient in the hospital because she knows her parents abadonned her.
[Ep10] Jiao Jia Ren is highly suspicious the drawing kid has an underlying condition preventing his recovery. She confides in Xu Bing Ze but he's busy with the important surgery. Deng Zhi Ang overhears and decides to help her investigate into it. Meanwhile Gu Jia Ren is asking Xu Bing Ze to allow her be his assist. He permits it. Deng Zhi Ang should have just stuck with Jiao as his student.
A parent revokes her complaint on Jiao Jia Ren thanks to Deng Zhi Ang investigating into the drawing-kid's underlying condition. Jiao Jia Ren asks Xu Bing Ze if she can partake in the surgery now. He hesitates on telling her about Gu Jia Ren. When Xu Bing Ze speaks to the head director, Gu Li Feng, he happily approves of replacing Jiao with Gu again. Xu Bing Ze swallows back that he had intended to keep Gu. However, Xu Bing Ze's wife calls him dumb. There's no way a father wouldn't want their daughter in such an important surgery.
That girlfriend of Deng Zhi Ang who likes slapping people is back in the office. She finds the real "Jia Ren" (Gu Jia Ren) that has been calling Deng Zi Ang all the time. No slap this time? Aw – but, she's still as crazy. The ex-girlfriend throws a tantrum and random things out in the hallway. The head director, Gu Li Feng and a notable physician was in the hallway. Deng Zhi Ang gets into trouble again because of her. I think this girl actually has a temper management problem. Every time she explodes she's short of breath.
[Ep11] After Deng Zhi Ang breaks up with the girl for the nth time, she sits out in the rain, her mascara is running. The person who gives her an umbrella is Jiao Jia Ren. The girl apologizes for that day but Jiao is like which day? The girls smile at each other.

Deng Zhi Ang had given Jiao Jia Ren his old iPad. It was for her to play with the patients but then she broke it. She tells him she's repairing it but he tells her to keep it. He doesn't use it anymore. Thus, when Jiao Jia Ren uses it to take a selfie with the patients (confidentiality?) he finds Deng Zhi Ang's pictures too since it's his iCloud account. It has become her entertainment to browse through his arrogant looking selfies including abs and cute cat filters.
Deng Zhi Ang belatedly realizes his pictures are accessible to Jiao Jia Ren. She pretends to be innocent but her face screams I-am-guilty-of-seeing-everything. He demands for his iPad back but she refuses. She even adds a Meow gesture to tease him. He calmly tells her he doesn't care but the next second he's aggressively chasing her around the office. He can't catch her though.
[Ep12] Lei Hao likes Gu Jia Ren. He also misunderstands that Jiao Jia Ren likes him. He rejects Jiao Jia Ren. Deng Zhi Ang overhears. He's rather amused. When Jiao is alone, he purposely walks out of the bush to prove that he overheard. Haha.
Xu Bing Ze has fainted. His daughter is hospitalized (the mother had urged him multiple times to get a checkup but he was too busy). He has also been overworking himself to prepare for the important liver transplant. But now that he's fainted, there's no one to do the surgery. Deng Zhi Ang cannot let a life go like that. The child needs the surgery so he takes responsibility for the operation.
Deng Zhi Ang switches out Jiao Jia Ren with Gu Jia Ren. Her mind and heart isn't in the right place after what had happened to Xu Bing Ze. She's fatigued too and not in her best condition. Jiao assures him she can do it. He questions her whether she's insistent about doing this surgery because of the patient or her own ambitions. Jiao is switched out to Gu. And so the surgery is back to the original surgeons. Are there no other more qualified doctors other than two residents to perform such a high risk surgery?
Xu Bing Ze wakes up. The first thing this man cares about is the surgery and not his daughter...
[Ep13] Xu Bing Ze wasn’t able to perform the surgery but the worst of it all is Deng Zhi Ang performing it with perfection without any preparation. In comparison, Xu Bing Ze spent weeks to research it and even collapsed from exhaustion for it. I get his pain. Some people can easily do things but some have to work their entire life and may not even achieve it. But that doesn’t mean people who easily succeed don’t put in any effort at all. Deng Zhi Ang may not look as studious as Xu Bing Ze but his career as a pediatrician is constantly on his mind no matter where he is. Additionally, Deng Zhi Ang's heart is in the right place. He wants to save a patient with the surgery, not to use it to advance his career.
Second Couple: Wang Hang confesses to Fang Man.
[Ep14] Xu Bing Ze is at home resting up. His wife wants him to work at a new hospital. Xu Bing Ze knows that if he leaves it will create a butterfly effect. The hospital that wants Xu Bing Ze is a rival with Gu Li Feng’s.
Deng Zhi Ang advises Gu Jia Ren to consider Jiao Jia Ren as her rival. Gu doesn't see any of her merits though. Deng Zhi Ang warns her that if she doesn't see how Jiao has any merits then there's a serious problem with her (Gu).
[Ep15] The department director (Sun Yi Juan) assigns Deng Zhi Ang to be Jiao Jia Ren's mentor again since Xu Bing Ze has decided to quit. Deng Zhi Ang is brutally honest and says Jiao isn't fit to be his student. Jiao Jia Ren vows to prove that she's qualified.
Jiao Jia Ren and Gu Jia Ren are on better terms. Gu is actually motivating Jiao to beat her. Jiao Jia Ren shows Gu her phone wallpaper. It's the bill that Gu had thrown at her when she dirtied her clothes the first day they met. Gu was insanely haughty that day. Jiao had made a promise to herself that if she loses to her (Gu), she'll use that bill to buy a plane ticket home. Gu laughs at her.
[Ep16] Sun Yi Juan was actually under Gu Li Feng’s orders to assign Jiao Jia Ren to Deng Zhi Ang. Sun Yi Juan is worried that Jiao would be dismissed by Deng Zhi Ang in the end. Gu Li Feng assures her that Jiao isn’t that weak. The more she’s pressured, the more she will excel. That’s why Gu Li Feng wants her to learn under Deng Zi Ang (someone who can push her to excel).
Xu Bing Ze is here to pack his stuff. He motivates Jiao Jia Ren that they’re not the “genius’ type so they have to work extra hard. Jiao Jia Ren nods. She knows and she will. It’s awkward between Xu Bing Ze and Deng Zhi Ang. Xu Bing Ze was Deng Zhi Ang’s mentor and friend. But now he’s neither. Xu Bing Ze won’t even accept his coffee. Jiao Jia Ren sees everything from afar; our godly narrator tells us she feels bad for Deng Zhi Ang. The higher up he is, the lonelier he is.
The drawing kid who was discharged is back for a check-up. When he leaves he asks if he can speak to Deng Zhi Ang in private. Finding it odd, Deng Zhi Ang obliges. Once separated from Jiao Jia Ren, the drawing kid glares at him, “Men cannot bully women.” Haha. When Jiao Jia Ren asks the drawing kid what he said to Deng Zhi Ang, the kid is like, “This is men’s talk.” Thus Jiao Jia Ren asks Deng Zhi Ang who stares at her incredulously. All he tells her is that he now feels a little scared. Hahaha.
Despite being threatened (or maybe it’s because he was threatened), Deng Zhi Ang drops a helpful hint to Jiao Jia Ren for her stitching practices. When Jiao Jia Ren passes his test (stitching under time limit), he allows her to perform a surgery. He doesn’t directly compliment her. Only when she’s gone does he boast to Wang Hang what a good teacher he is because Jiao Jia Ren’s stitches are perfect-o.
[Ep17] Deng Zhi Ang is still affected by the departure of Xu Bing Ze. When a fellow pediatrician commits a mistake, instead of yelling like he always does, he goes soft on him. It’s obvious Deng Zhi Ang is doing his best to restrain himself. He doesn't want to lose another colleague. He's kinda really cute.
The kid who’s close to Fang Man dies. He’s the kid that comforts her whenever she gives him an IV. He’s a brave kid to allow her to continue poking him until she finds the vein. Bye bye brave one :(
Xu Bing Ze and Jiao Jia Ren bump into each other at the bookstore. She asks him if he really left their hospital to earn more money. He did. However he also tells her that he’s a father of two children. This new job gives him time to be a father and a husband. Jiao Jia Ren understands. No matter where he goes she’ll support him. Xu Bing Ze has an advice for her: Don’t compare herself with Gu Jia Ren. Jiao has her own qualities incomparable to others.
There's a huge explosion and a lot of kids are sent to the hospital. Jiao Jia Ren loses control when she sees a kid she knows from the daycare die. He's triaged as black. Those are ones whose injuries are too severe to even attempt to save. Gu Jia Ren tells her to not waste her time. I’m 100% with Gu. Jiao doesn’t listen. Deng Zhi Ang has to physically yank her away. He gives her time to recuperate though.
[Ep18] Xu Bing Ze has left the hospital but he’s worried about his fellow colleagues after seeing the news.
The kid who’s close to Fang Man dies. He’s the kid that comforts her whenever she gives him an IV. He’s a brave kid to allow her to continue poking him until she finds the vein. Bye bye brave one :(
Xu Bing Ze and Jiao Jia Ren bump into each other at the bookstore. She asks him if he really left their hospital to earn more money. He did. However he also tells her that he’s a father of two children. This new job gives him time to be a father and a husband. Jiao Jia Ren understands. No matter where he goes she’ll support him. Xu Bing Ze has an advice for her: Don’t compare herself with Gu Jia Ren. Jiao has her own qualities incomparable to others.
There's a huge explosion and a lot of kids are sent to the hospital. Jiao Jia Ren loses control when she sees a kid she knows from the daycare die. He's triaged as black. Those are ones whose injuries are too severe to even attempt to save. Gu Jia Ren tells her to not waste her time. I’m 100% with Gu. Jiao doesn’t listen. Deng Zhi Ang has to physically yank her away. He gives her time to recuperate though.
[Ep18] Xu Bing Ze has left the hospital but he’s worried about his fellow colleagues after seeing the news.
Jiao Jia Ren gathers herself and brings herself back to the hospital to help her colleagues. She takes over Gu Jia Ren who has barely slept.
Gu Jia Ren stops a kid from leaving the hospital. She suspects the kid has cancer but it's only a hypothesis without proper examination. The parent is adamant on leaving because he already did an x-ray and nothing was there. Jiao Jia Ren helps Gu convince the parent to stay. Gu Jia Ren was right, the child does have cancer. The surgeons to operate on the child is Jiao and Deng Zhi Ang. For once, Jiao Jia Ren is truly impressed with Deng Zhi Ang's skills.
There’s another competition between the Jia Rens. Whoever can stitch an orange without breaking the inner skin. What a waste of oranges. Only Deng Zhi Ang can do it with ease.
[Ep20] Gu Jia Ren thinks Jiao Jia Ren is her father’s illegitimate daughter. Jiao Jia Ren is just an orphan Gu Li Feng saved. Meanwhile Deng Zhi Ang accidentally finds out Jiao is an orphan.
Deng Zhi Ang has his family woes too. His father had left his family since he was young. He never really had a father and now his father is at the hospital accompanying his toddler son, Deng Zhi Ang’s toddler half brother.
Jiao Jia Ren makes wonton for Deng Zhi Ang to thank him for teaching her. He likes it quite a bit. He then compliments her cooking by letting her take the last wonton. Like a child he laughs at her and tells her the last person to eat needs to wash the dishes.
Deng Zhi Ang plays cupid between Fang Man and Wang Hang. In the process, Deng Zhi Ang pulls Jiao Jia Ren away to give these two alone time (and also alone time for themselves?).
Jiao Jia Ren makes wonton for Deng Zhi Ang to thank him for teaching her. He likes it quite a bit. He then compliments her cooking by letting her take the last wonton. Like a child he laughs at her and tells her the last person to eat needs to wash the dishes.
Deng Zhi Ang plays cupid between Fang Man and Wang Hang. In the process, Deng Zhi Ang pulls Jiao Jia Ren away to give these two alone time (and also alone time for themselves?).
[Ep21] Wang Hang took a lot of courage to confess to Fang Man. It was funny how he just stared at her and couldn’t say anything. She tells him she'll consider it but he cutely pulls at her sleeve. He makes her turn around so he can hug her, “Why would you just consider?" She finally agrees to date him.
Gu Jia Ren knows of Jiao's childhood thus she's nice to her again. Also, Gu Jia Ren commits a mistake at work and Jiao comforts her. There two truly friends now.
Gu Jia Ren makes a move on Deng Zhi Ang. She asks him if he really doesn't have her in his heart. He doesn’t have an answer but it bothers him all night. He knows she’s serious about him and it bothers him.
Gu Jia Ren makes a scene with Deng Zhi Ang's father's wife. Gu Jia Ren comforts Deng Zhi An with a bubble tea just like she did with Gu previously.
[Ep22] Deng Zhi Ang rejects Gu Jia Ren. However, there's a deeper reason why he rejected her. Her confession makes him weak. He yearns for love but the closer he is to it, the more afraid he is. His father-less family reminds him he never had love. After the rejection, his aimless wanderings take him back to the hospital. He overhears Jiao Jia Ren speaking with his half-brother. The kid asks her if Deng Zhi Ang is good looking. He tilts his head towards the door, curious to hear her answer. She admits that he is but the kid is better looking. Deng Zhi Ang sighs and leaves. He doesn't hear how his half-brother teases Jiao for liking Deng Zhi Ang.
Thanks to Gu Jia Ren creating a scene, Deng Zhi Ang's cheating father is the talk of the hospital.
[Ep23] Gu Jia Ren hasn't given up on Deng Zhi Ang. She waits for him at her condo to run with him.
Wang Han has a plan for his future with Fang Man. It's detailed down to which days he'll save enough to buy her clothes. The end goal is for them to buy a house. Basically, it screams cheap. Am I the only one who think this is okay? Lol. Fang Man tells her that her planning for their future kills her current life. This wasn't the romance she wanted. Deng Zhi Ang is on Fang Man’s side too; it’s okay to be economical but not cheap.
[Ep24] Fang Man is jealous when she spots Wang Han eating with another girl (a patient’s father had set him up). It’s not the nicest experience for Wang Han because he meets someone cheaper than him, haha.
Jiao Jia Ren manages to have Dr. Chen see her brother (from the orphan). Although there was an altercation between their departments, Dr. Chen is gracious and will examine her brother for free. Since it’s his off-time, she’s technically not butting in line from other families who have been lining up to see him. Dr. Chen even operates on him. So how is this not butting in line when her brother took up a surgery time slot?

[Ep25] Jiao Jia Ren is unnecessarily involved in Deng Zhi Ang’s family (she makes him visit his half-brother to discharge him). He lectures her. She tells him that she’s extremely grateful to him for being her mentor and caring for her feelings when they’re unreasonable at times. She bows her head to him and as she rises up, she knocks out Deng Zhi Ang’s chin. Worriedly she asks him if he bit his tongue. In anger, he spits back: "I want to bite you.” That’s when he realizes what he just said and she too is shocked. She runs out, face flushed. He appears calm but he doesn’t realize he’s drinking from her cup until someone teases him for indirectly kissing Jiao Jia Ren through the cup. Both of them surely felt the butterflies.
Ting Ting will die soon if her bone marrow transplant doesn't make it on time. Just when everyone thought there would be a donor, the donor disappears. Jiao Jia Ren is determined to find the donor. Uh....donor confidentiality??
[Ep26] Deng Zhi Ang stops Jiao Jia Ren in time before she commits a huge mistake. He reminds her she can’t force someone to be a donor. However, Deng Zhi Ang has a way of his own to save Ting Ting. Wang Han is willing to donate his bone marrow to help Ting Ting gain more time. Deng Zhi Ang permits it. He’s not a high match donor for Ting Ting and her body will reject it but at least they have time to wait for the right donor. Gu Jiao Ren is disappointed that Deng Zhi Ang agreed with this plan (it's too emotional and it’s wasting hospital resources).
[Ep27] Wang Han is in trouble because that stingy girl who’s not a girlfriend accepted bribery money. He’s on probation for now. Deng Zhi Ang is furious at Gu Li Feng for punishing Wang Han but there's nothing he can do until that stingy girl clarifies for Wang Han. She eventually does and it's all thanks to Fang Man who convinced her.
The episode ends with Deng Zhi Ang complimenting Jiao Jia Ren that she’s inferior to no one. She can’t believe her ears. He never complimented her, at least not so directly.
[Ep28] Deng Zhi Ang is complimenting Jiao Jia Ren because he wants her to be more confident.
Deng Zhi Ang is afraid of dogs (to an extreme level) but not cats. His half brother made him adopt the dog for him for a few days because his mother doesn’t want an infectious dog in the house. Later at night, Deng Zhi Ang calls Jiao Jia Ren to take the dog for a health checkup. It’s her fault he has to care for one so she has to be responsible, he says.
Deng Zhi Ang can’t take care of the dog anymore and it's only been one night. He makes Jiao Jia Ren live at his place to care for the dog. He gives her five seconds to think of a better plan. Ten seconds have past and she can’t think of anything and so he drags her to his door to add her fingerprint. Jiao Jia Ren tells Fang Man it’s only for a few days until the dog heals, plus Deng Zhi Ang is on night shifts anyways.

She’s not the only one having “spring dreams”. Deng Zhi Ang is having his sweet dreams at the dorms too. Initially, it's not obvious what he dreamed about but later when he sees Jiao Jia Ren he daydreams back to the image he had last night. It's of them lying down together and smiling at each other on the same bed. It's the same dream she had.

[Ep29] Deng Zhi Ang clarifies the compliment: she’s perfect for a slave, a labourer. Hah? Then he examines the place or that’s what he says to her because he’s actually examining her, circling around her and eyeing her up and down. She doesn’t notice it though. But how does one not notice? Dramas. He moves his hand from her shoulder, then slowly to her neck and then finally to her hair... to pick out a hair. This man....
A teenage female celebrity (Dan Dan) publicly complains on Jiao Jia Ren for her incompetence (Jiao had Dan Dan undergo several tests but nothing shows up and that’s why she’s upset). Her fans begin to harass Jiao Jia Ren. They even injure her. Deng Zhi Ang spots the news and quickly rushes over. She thought he was worried about his half brother who was with her at that time but he was worried about her. He reminds her that she’s a girl.

He tells her to pull her bangs back so that he can put a bandaid on her injuries. They stare into each other’s eyes and time is lost. He moves his hand to her forehead to touch it again. There's more staring until she breaks away from his eye contact. He pretends to be distracted and leaves to shower. When he’s done, he finds her asleep on his couch in this airplane-about-to-take-off pose.

He snaps a picture of her. That’s not enough for him. He sits next to her on the couch and takes a selfie with her. When she suddenly awakens, he crunches his apple oh so casually.
[Ep30] Gu Jia Ren barges in Deng Zhi Ang’s place to give him food. At the same time, Jiao Jia Ren walks out in his clothes after her shower. With Deng Zhi Ang in bath robes, neither of them can explain to Gu Jia Ren that nothing has happened between them. Aaaawkward. Jiao Jia Ren tries to explain but when Gu confronts her on her feelings for Deng Zhi Ang, Jiao is silent. Gu Jia Ren angrily leaves.
Jiao Jia Ren wants to leave too but Deng Zhi Ang convinces her to stay. They didn't do anything wrong. After he takes her to his favourite place to calm down they forget about Gu Jia Ren. Tonight will be the first night they’re sleeping under the same roof (different rooms). He’s totally being sexy but walks away from her. Gosh, I really want to see Chen Xiao in more romance dramas.
Second Couple: Fang Man is staying over at Wang Han’s. By the way the girls are not sleeping in their condo because of moronic fans of that teen celebrity.
[Ep31] It’s Gu Jia Ren’s birthday. Lei Hao is planning the surprise party. Deng Zhi Ang is in charge of inviting her. However, Gu Jia Ren thinks it’s a chance to talk about that night Jiao was at his place. She can forgive him for it. She forcefully hugs him and now the whole department knows about the triangular relationship between Deng, Gu, and Jiao. Awkwardly, the crowd reveals themselves. Since she’s already embarrassed, Gu asks him if he likes her (Gu). No answer. Gu changes the question: Do you like her? She doesn’t say Jiao’s name but it’s pretty obvious. Deng Zhi Ang’s answer: Yes. He does like her. He admits it in front of everyone.
Deng Zhi Ang walks Jiao Jia Ren home. Neither of them want to separate so she walks him back to the security office (lobby area). Once there, Deng Zhi Ang says it’s not right of him to not walk her back. As they head back to the building, the security guard has had enough. This is their seventh time. Lol.
Fang Man and Wang Han are also back together.
[Ep32] Deng Zhi Ang shows up unannounced in Jiao Jia Ren's condo the next morning. Fang Man lets him in. Jiao Jia Ren is still dreaming on her bed. Embarrassed, she drapes on a random sweater to cover up her pj's. I think Deng Zhi Ang is lost in thought just staring at her no matter what she looks like. He says he'll give her two minutes to get ready; he'll wait for her downstairs. He also has breakfast ready for her. While she's busy looking at the yummy food, she walks right into him. She didn't notice him stopping and turning around. That impact makes him lost in thought again. He forgot why he turned around. To stare at her? Perhaps.
Gu Jia Ren makes a very obvious effort to avoid Jiao and Deng Zhi Ang. Other hospital staff are gossiping about the new couple. They can't believe Deng Zhi Ang likes Jiao Jia Ren when she's not the usual supermodel type of girl he goes for. Deng Zhi Ang spots Jiao Jia Ren eavesdropping in the corner and proudly takes Jiao Jia Ren to lunch in front of the gossipers.
Dan Dan is back in the hospital. Jiao Jia Ren is her doctor. I missed the translation to her rare disease. It's curable but it's a terrifying process where she cannot move her lower body.
Jiao Jia Ren is worried about Dan Dan being too mature for her age, withholding her pains. She thinks that she does have a little girl in her heart somewhere hidden. Deng Zhi Ang stares at her with a slight smile. When she notices, he says that her hair-line is twisted. He stares at it closely muttering that there must be something wrong or she wouldn't be this silly. She glares up at him. He clarifies he likes her having this innocent silliness to her.
[Ep33] The patient next to Dan Dan is to be discharged but before he leaves, he sings and dances to Dan Dan to encourage her.
A patient's grandfather takes out his anger on Gu Jia Ren. He thought she was looking down on them for being poor and not giving her a red envelope (bribes) like other patients do. It doesn't help that she’s naturally haughty. The grandfather pours this basin of water from an unknown source all over her in public. It's a humiliating scene. Jiao Jia Ren quickly backs her up and proves there was no bribery. Jiao Jia Ren hugs Gu to comfort her. This event is enough to make Gu Jia Ren give up on being a doctor (she's also still in a humiliating heartbreak).
Gu Jia Ren really does quit. As she’s walking on the streets she finds an abandoned baby. The grandfather threw away the sick baby. Oh my. Gu Jia Ren hugs the baby to warm her up in this freezing weather. She brings the unconscious baby to the hospital. When the parents want to see their baby, Gu Jia Ren slams the door on them. She hollers at them for wearing clothes when they don’t even deserve to be humans. How can they throw away the baby because she’s sick? The grandfather apologizes to Doctor Gu. He admits it was all his fault. Gu Jia Ren tells them she’s no longer a doctor. All because of this inhuman grandfather. The baby is rescued though.
[Ep34] Gu Jia Ren is back! Jiao Jia Ren also completes her first independent surgery. Gu Jia Ren gives her a congratulatory hug, it's a sincere one. These girls are friends again.
Jiao Jia Ren is preparing food but she's not that good with her knife skills. Deng Zhi Ang smiles and takes over. He tells her that in the family, as long as one of them is good at cooking is enough. They're preparing a birthday dinner for Wang Han. While Deng and Jiao are in the kitchen, Fang Man and Wang Han are outside enjoying a sweet strawberry candy kiss. Jiao secretly spots them. Deng Zhi Ang wants a kiss too but Jiao Jia Ren shouts for dinner instead, interrupting all the kissers in the room. During dinner, Jiao Jia Ren and Deng Zhi Ang tease Fang Man and Wang Han for their kiss. Wang Han is so angry, he cutely yells at Deng Zhi Ang. Wang Han was very cute here, haha.

After dinner, Deng Zhi Ang pulls Jiao Jia Ren into her room. He closes the door and asks her should he go over to her or should she come to him. He reaches out her hand, but she doesn't take it. Instead, she sits down on her bed. Smiling, he walks over to her and touches her cheeks. When she sees the gap between her and the door open, she dashes for it. Deng Zhi Ang catches the door before she can open it. With his lips on her hair, he asks her why she's nervous. He connects the dot and thinks out loud that she can't be... Before he finishes his sentence, she admits that it is. It's her first kiss, her first time. He's calm with her, and asks her for a hug instead. Then slowly, he kisses her nose. Just when their lips slightly touch, Fang Man calls her. What comes around goes around. Deng Zhi Ang holds her head and coos her that it's nothing, lol, until Fang Man calls her again, haha.
[Ep35] Xiao Yu (the drawing kid; Xiao Jiao's first patient) dies. Under constant pressure from her mother to perform better academically, he ran away from home and commits suicide? gets into a traffic accident? CPR couldn't save him. He dies in front of Jiao Jia Ren.
Xiao Yu's mother lived a difficult life too. She has to repay all the debt her late husband left behind. Unfortunately, she exerted all her pressure on her son who couldn't live up to her expectations.
[Ep36] Jiao Jia Ren is still mourning for Xiao Yu. She hasn't slept for days. Gu Li Feng talks to her. Deng Zhi Ang is always there with her. He even sings her to sleep at her request. Slowly, she recovers.
Fang Man's father commits suicide. He was scammed and all his relatives are banging his door to get their money back. Wang Han assures the family that he'll resolve this in a week. He's not buying his home anymore. This stingy guy is giving Fang Man all his savings. She feels bad. He only has one question for her: If he doesn't have a house anymore, will she still be with him. Fang Man's answer: Of course.

[Ep37] Gu Jia Ren and Jiao Jia Ren past the test and are officially paediatricians. Deng Zhi Ang celebrates with Jiao Jia Ren romantically. It’s also her birthday. He lights up the entire place with candles. He recalls when they were young they both had a life changing event, hers was the disaster that made her an orphan while his was the divorce of his parents. Both of them had to learn to be strong from that moment. He lights a candle on a cake for every milestone she had in her life. He wants to see each one of them. He walks over and closes his eyes, waiting for a kiss. She’s in tears and just smiles up at him with dreamy eyes. Haha. Embarrassed, he says he forgot to light up one more candle. It’s for next year, haha. As he’s distracting himself from his embarrassment, she pulls him for a big kiss. She tells him she’s happy where she is now. He kisses her back.
Second Couple: The old lady who’s selling her house to Wang Han arrives to the hospital to return him the deposit. She thinks he’s an exceptional man and promises to wait for him to buy her home. Wang Han is also on good terms with Fang Man’s father. It’s also a proposal episode. He wants to be with her forever. She asks him how. He answers that he’ll first buy their home and then their gravestone. LOL. Romantic. She accepts. A week later, they get their marriage license.
[Ep38] Jiao Jia Ren and Gu Jia Ren are mentors now. Jiao Jia Ren finally understands what Deng Zhi Ang went through when he taught her. She belatedly apologizes to him.
Deng Zhi Ang wants to take on a high risk brain tumour surgery because Xiao Jie reminds him of Duo Duo, his first patient. He's willing to take all responsibility if he fails.
It's Ting Ting's birthday but Wang Han isn't happy at all. It might be her last birthday. Her condition is worsening and her father still hasn't shown up.
[Ep39] Ting Ting's birthday wish is for Wang Han to be her father. Her second wish is to have hair so she can tie pigtails. Her third wish is to see a mermaid in the ocean. Wang Han will make all three of them come true. The most difficult one is to allow her out of the hospital (her last wish) but Wang Han finds a way. He also finds her the picture of her family but Ting Ting rips it apart and throws it in the ocean. Wang Han being there for her is enough. Wang Han is also there with her to the very last minutes of her life.
Deng Zhi Ang operates on the boy with the brain tumour who no other surgeon is willing to do. Jiao Jia Ren supports him. She's his first assist. The surgery fails. Xiao Jie dies on the table. Deng Zhi Ang failed to save the patient he had really wanted to save for himself. He blames himself for doing the most cruel thing he could do to a mother: giving her hope and taking it away.
[Ep40] Deng Zhi Ang injures his hand while saving Xiao Jie’s mother from committing suicide. It won’t affect his surgery hand, it’s only superficial but the wound in his heart is deep. He develops PTSD and refuses to return to work. All he does is seclude himself in his room and succumb to alcohol. Jiao Jia Ren resorts to kidnapping him (literally). She takes him on a trip to her orphanage.
Xia Yong Qiang's daughter is in ICU but he keeps himself busy with other patients. He can’t face reality. There’s also nothing he can do for his own child. When his sister confronts him for not visiting his daughter at all, he cries.
[Ep41] Fang Man is pregnant!
Deng Zhi Ang is slowly healing his heart at the orphanage.
[Ep42] After all these years, Gu Jia Ren accepts Lei Hao’s confession.
Xia Yong Qiang considers giving up on Tian Tian’s treatment. Xu Bing Ze tells him he needs to believe in medicine. Xia Yong Qiang doesn’t see any hope. Xu Bing Ze tells him when that time does come, he won’t stop him from making that decision again.
Wang Han complains about married life, or pregnant life lol; from what I understand in his story he’s jealous his mother is treating his unborn child better than him. He also advises Deng Zhi Ang to take marriage slowly.
The team is in Japan to perform a surgery. Wang Han is worried about Deng Zhi Ang’s hand. Although Deng Zhi Ang overcame his PTSD, the surgery requires very fine skills that his hand might not be able to perform.
[Ep43] Tian Tian can be saved.
Deng Zhi Ang can perform surgeries with perfection.
Deng Zhi Ang can perform surgeries with perfection.
[Ep44] Jiao Jia Ren performs the organ transplant surgery. Deng Zhi Ang has the perfect plan to implant it. Xu Bing Ze is proud of his student.
*Note: I was not paying enough attention to the surgery details to comment on it. These last episodes are a collaboration with Japanese doctors. Finally a nice take on Japanese in a Chinese drama but they’re still showing the prowess of China over Japan. Whatever, lol. There’s also a collaboration between the hospitals that Deng Zhi Ang and Xu Bing Ze respectively work for to enhance the scope of paediatrics. Hospitals shouldn’t be rivals but allies because “saving one child is saving the world’s future”.
[First Impression (Ep1-8)] I did not like this after the first episode because just watching the FL bobble the child with head trauma all the way to the hospital without stabilizing the head made my eyes pop. Then I had nothing else to watch so I watched a bit more of this and I realized there really isn't a lot of medical stuff here. This is more about becoming a doctor than it is being a doctor. If you're looking for a doctor drama about surgeries and a huge focus on children then this might not be it from what I see. Meanwhile I like the focus on the rivalry between the two Jia-Rens. I also like the slow but steady recognition our FL gets from our ML. There's one thing I definitely don't like: the godly narrations in every single episode. Please stop talking unknown male voice.
Other interesting stuff:
- Lei Hao is a character in the drama who was acted by Tong Zhuo but since he has a scandal, the drama replaced him with another actor, Li Huan, by using AI. It's pretty cool. It's obvious once you notice it but it doesn't take away from the drama at all. Technology is amazing.
- Jia Ren (佳人) means beautiful woman or fine person, so you can imagine all sorts of misunderstandings that can go with their names.
[Actors/Actresses] I have not seen Wang Zi Wen since Ode to Joy days. Her character (Qu Xiao Xiao) left such a strong impression it was hard to unsee that character in her following dramas. It's both a blessing and a plague on her career. Seeing her here though, I have finally moved on from Xiao Xiao. I like her here. Resilient and a little dull. I haven't finished a lot of Chen Xiao dramas and the ones I did finish I didn't really like and yet I have a soft spot for this man.
[Behind the Scenes]
[Behind the Scenes]
[Ending] Happy.
I find it funny that right at the end this drama reminds us it’s supposed to be a medical drama. Lol. Okie-dokie, drama. I do like the message but I can’t help but find it unbalanced.
For those who like their romances it might not be satisfying but I don’t think all dramas need to end in a marriage or a proposal. I got more than what I had hoped in the romantic department so I’d say I’m satisfied.
Final Review
[Review] Healer of Children is a medical romance drama but I wouldn’t watch this for the medical tag. Its focus is on the relationship between the doctors, and their own growth as pediatricians and human beings. I don't like that and I like that. It chose to be light rather than dramatic when it had the potential to be a tearjerker (given it's about sick children). Not that I want to be crying every episode, I just thought a potential was missed. However, I don't think the drama ever wanted to be that. It is perfectly complacent with its slow pace and light dabs on each children’s story which for the most part I'm okay with, I just wasn't highly engaged.
As for what I really like: Chen Xiao's Deng Zhi Ang. He’s a flawed man. He appears iron-hearted with hard skills and precise judgement. Outwardly, Gu Jia Ren is the female version of him. However, inside his iron heart is a man who yearns for love. With Jiao Jia Ren’s appearance, the iron barricade around his heart slowly melts.
The drama as a whole doesn’t impress me but as someone who likes Chen Xiao, I find this extremely satisfying. I earnestly wish this man would be in more romantic dramas.