October 29, 2020

Hikaru no Go | Recap and Review

Hikaru no Go
For the love of Go. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Hu Xian XuShi Guang
Zhang ChaoChu Ying
Hao Fu ShenYu Liang
Chinese Title
The Soul of Chess
Episodes: 36
Recap Grade: A/B
First Impression: 3/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Shi Guang finds Chu Ying, a master at Go who’s been hovering on earth for a thousand years. Chu Ying can only be seen by Shi Guang. Chu Ying had met a previous human, Xiao Bai Long. Like Shi Guang, he ran away from him but soon became a master at Go with Chu Ying’s guidance but he died young. 

Shi Guang is adamant on refusing to play Go. Chu Ying proceeds to whimper. When his desires to play are unmet, Shi Guang will puke. His yearn to play is even more important than his life. When he was playing for the Emperor, he was sabotaged. He couldn’t play anymore. He secluded himself in his home. He doesn’t know how he became a wandering soul. He only remembers his loneliness without Go. Chu Ying's life is only completed once he meets the 'Chosen One' – the top Go Player discovers a divine Go move. 

Shi Guang takes him to play Go at a club. The lady tells her to not play with Yu Liang because he’s a pro despite his young age. An innocent Shi Guang doesn’t care and challenges him. With Chu Ying at his side, there’s nothing to fear. He’s just busy counting the grids to put the pieces in the right spot. Meanwhile, everyone thinks Shi Guang is a genius. 
[Ep2-3] Shi Guang is tempted to play Go professionally. Not for the passion but for the money. Hearing that, Chu Ying’s heart twangs a bit. Yu Liang yells at him that he doesn’t deserve to play Go. Shi Guang realizes he’s in the wrong and promises to play a game with him. But he’s tired today, so tomorrow. Yu Liang: Hmph! Shi Guang gives in and accepts to play today. Yu Liang grabs his hand and immediately drags him to play. Awwww

Yu Liang loses again and not just once but even at a competition. He cries so pitifully, it's heartbreaking. 

As Chu Ying guides Shi Guang to a championship title for the youth competition, Shi Guang realizes he really doesn’t deserve to play. He’s overwhelmed by everyone’s passion for Go when he barely knows how to put down the pieces accurately and yet he won the trophy. He hollers at Chu Ying for winning the trophy. Chu Ying won't lose on purpose though. That's his respect for the game of Go and his competitors. Shi Guang tells Chu Ying to disappear from his life. 

Six years later. Shi Guang is in high school now. After his friend is bullied, the bully challenges him with a game of Go. If Shi Guang wins then he’ll stop bullying his friend. Shi Guang picks up Go again. He bought a game board and books to teach himself. However, he’s not good enough to play. Shi Guang tries looking for Chu Ying again but he’s nowhere to be found. 

While playing the bully, Shi Guang suddenly hears Chu Ying’s voice but he can’t see him. He runs in the middle of the game and jumps into the water. He smiles when he sees something. 
[Ep4] Shi Guang sees Chu Ying again. They reunite romantically in the water. Shi Guang convinces him to bring him into the world of Go. Chu Ying is still a bit sulky but he’s happy to be back. They’re cute

Shi Guang realizes the bully has a love for Go but he quit because he kept losing to Yu Liang six years ago. The bully denies it. But when Shi Guang (under Chu Ying’s advice) asks him if he regrets not playing, he doesn’t speak. He regrets it. He isn’t technically a bully. He only bullied Wu Di because he wanted to challenge Shi Guang who beat Yu Liang once. His name is He Jia Jia
As a team of three, Shi Guang, bully, and weak kid (He Jia Jia and Wu Di respectively) enter a Go competition. I like this team. One of them is a pro who slacks around, the other is a nerd who takes his win slow and steady, and the last one just sucks but he’s got the world’s best ghost master guiding him . 

Yu Liang is all grown up too and he's back from studying Go abroad. He finds Shi Guang and gives him his number to contact him. 

[Ep5] Yu Liang seeks out Shi Guang again because Shi Guang hasn't called him. A compilation of Yu Liang's words to Shi Guang: "Why don’t you call me?" "My heart is always thinking about you." "Why won’t you play with me?" LOL. I find Yu Liang so sweet. Shi Guang doesn't want to play Yu Liang because he's nowhere near Yu Liang's level. He doesn't want to lie to him and use Chu Ying to beat him. 

Shi Guang is serious about Go now. He starts a club at school. Chu Ying has a name for it: The Three Swordsmen (because the team has Shi Guang, Jiang Xue Ming and Wu Di). However, Shi Guang has a better name: The Four Swordsmen. Shi Guang says his presence is like that of two people. Aw, he's including Chu Ying in the name.

[Ep6] Shi Guang needs a third male to participate in the match. Shi Guang wants to enlist Gu Yu but he has a habit of cheating. Only Shi Guang believed in him and he was right to. Gu Yu is a good guy deep down and he does love Go. Gu Yu is The Untamed dude

[Ep7] Gu Yu tells us you can win Go by distracting the competitor and making them nervous. Heh

During the competition, Shi Guang plays his best on his own without Chu Ying's tips but when his next competitor is Yu Liang, he's nervous. He begs Chu Ying for help against Yu Liang because he doesn't want to disappoint Yu Liang when his expectations of him are so high. 

During the match Yu Liang is so nervous, he spills his white pieces. Yu Liang's eyes change when he plays. It's those eyes that make Shi Guang realize he shouldn't lie to Yu Liang. He stops listening to Chu Ying's advice and makes his own moves. Yu Liang's eyebrows furrow. His concentration breaks. That move Shi Guang made was awful. Shi Guang loses pitifully. But it's Yu Liang who's crying. For six years Yu Liang had dreamed of beating him. He had studied abroad for him but the match just now was utterly heartbreaking. Everyone told him he was silly to go that far, only he didn’t, but now he understands he did  waste his time. He bows to Shi Guang without meeting his eyes when his own are teary. Oh my. ): 

All three of them have lost to Yu Liang's team. They're out of the competition. Wu Di comforts Gu Yu and Shi Guang. However, it's Wu Di who breaks out in tears. Jiang Xue Ming and her two girls cheer up their squad by lifting a banner to support them. He Jia Jia is also there to comfort them. With this tough loss, Shi Guang realizes he loves Go. 

[Ep8] It’s Shi Guang’s turn to ask Yu Liang to play against him but Yu Liang was burned too severely. He rejects. Aw, lol.

Shi Guang finds a way to let Chu Ying play with his real name: online. Chu Ying is the God of Go in the online realm. 

[Ep9] Chu Ying and Yu Liang can recognize each other online even without naming themselves. Yu Liang <3 Chu Ying. Haha
[Ep10] There's a Go camp. Shi Guang joins. Yu Liang is also there. Chu Ying calls it destiny. Between who though?
[Ep11] Shi Guang takes Chu Ying to the mountain to find the tree that he and Bai Xiao Long planted together. He ends up getting separated from the group and he's lost. Can't Chu Ying float about the place and tell him which path will lead him out of the mountain? Shi Guang finds a telephone booth to make a call but all his friends are unreachable (because they're in the mountains looking for him). He swears on his life to not call Yu Liang. Next second, he calls him. Hehe. No matter how many times Yu Liang says he won't help him, he finds him. Chu Ying takes his fan and hides his smile at their romance friendship. It's dark and Shi Guang trips. Yu Liang catches him in the arm. Aw. Yu Liang is so sweet

Shi Guang buys a Go book to thank Yu Liang. Shi Guang says he just doesn't want to owe Yu Liang anything. Yu Liang also doesn't show any emotions when he receives the book from him. In the end, Yu Liang gives the book away to Shen Yi Lang (the leader of the Go camping group). 

Couple Updates: Gu Yu likes Jiang Xue Ming. He's the only one getting seconds of her nasty chocolate. He also compliments her makeup. However, Jiang Xue Ming likes Shi Guang. There's another romance between Shen Yi Lang and Bai Xiao Xiao. She likes him. 

[Ep12] Gu Yu feels betrayed that Shi Guang is leaving their team to play professionally. Shi Guang tries to reconcile with his friends. He meets up with each of them individually to challenge them to Go. If he loses, he won't leave. He also challenges He Jia Jia by finding him in the stall. He Jia Jia is like, Man, you can recognize me in here too? Ha. Shi Guang takes on the three of them all at once. If he wins two of three games then he'll aim for professional. If he loses, he'll stay. The result: Shi Guang wins. The one game he lost (of three) was to He Jia Jia. Gu Yu still isn’t exactly happy Shi Guang is leaving but he’s not as angry. 

It wasn't just his friends who have been giving him a hard time to be professional. His mother is too. Shi Guang ends up saying some really harsh words to her but come the day of the test, his mother is at the entrance waiting for him. She paid for his expensive tuition.

[Ep13]  Shi Guang narrows down on how Chu Ying could have possibly become a soul. They think it's because of cosmetology. If you think I am glossing over this, you are correct

The home room teacher belittles Shi Guang’s dream to be a Go player in front of the entire class. I want to slap this man. Shi Guang’s acceptance is still unknown. Our invisible Chu Ying is emotional and cutely yells at the teacher for Shi Guang's sake, “Our Shi Guang will definitely be a pro!” The Go Gods must have heard Chu Ying because Shi Guang gets his acceptance letter after school. Shi Guang was so cute at how afraid he was of opening it. Unlike all his friends who sent him off, Gu Yu doesn’t say goodbye to him. Instead, he watches him leave through the window from afar. 

Shi Guang is placed into the second class. Every match is important to him to enter into the first class which has the highest chance of being professional. A female student (last in class) who beat Shi Guang cannot persevere anymore and quits. 

Shi Guang is still chasing after Yu Liang’s legacy. Yu Liang doesn’t show it, but he is very interested in Shi Guang’s progress too. He tells Shi Guang quite harshly, “Once you know where I am, I’m already not there.” Translation: you’ll never reach my level

[Ep14] Yu Liang is fired up after meeting Shi Guang. He’s also under immense pressure to win a national competition because his father is a renowned Go player. 

[Ep15] Hong He (Shi Guang’s roommate) gives his valuable chance to learn from Teacher Lin to Shi Guang. Teacher Lin advises Shi Guang that attacking is the best defence. Hong He gets his reward too for his good deed. He meets Teacher Lin’s daughter, Lin Can. There’s love in his eyes. 

Shi Guang kept losing since entering the prestigious Go school. It’s because he keeps imagining his opponents to be the likes of Chu Ying. That’s why he’s always defending against his opponents because every time he attacks, he fears his opponents just like he fears Chu Ying. But Chu Ying reminds him that his opponents are not him and definitely not his level. 

Shi Guang takes a day off from school but soon returns. He picks up his spirits and enters the classroom. The mean teacher hollers at him to leave because he approves of his request for a day off. The request paper is here and as long as it’s here, Shi Guang is not allowed in the classroom. Shi Guang takes the paper and swallows it whole. The paper isn’t there so Shi Guang sits down obediently in class. Haha. Shi Guang, I love you. 

After a Go match with the horribly mean teacher, Shi Guang explodes. That explosion seems to have freed Shi Guang. He’s much more relaxed now and quickly ascends in class ranking. From last place, he’s first in Class Two. 

Before anyone yells at the horribly mean teacher, he’s a nice guy! In a mean way. He made a bet with another teacher that in two months, he can make Shi Guang improve and that’s why he’s been dreadful to Shi Guang. This teacher says Shi Guang was born with talent. 

[Ep16] Shi Guang is in class one. It's no paradise. It's a whole new level of intensity. Hong He is kicked out of class for even whispering to Shi Guang. Hong He also narrows down on the online Go master Chu Ying being Shi Guang. Hong He finally traps him into logging in as Chu Ying. Shi Guang manages to (hilariously) lie that Chu Ying is his grandfather. 

[Ep17] Excuse my lack of recaps. I’m enjoying watching the matches and Chu Ying’s monologues to remember to recap anything useful. Although Shi Guang lost, his skills are recognized at a large-scale Go match. Yu Liang is very interested in his progress. I find Yu Liang’s obsession with Shi Guang so cute

Hong He gets in a physical brawl with a sore loser at the match. This loser is upset they (Hong He and other classmates) were distracting him during the match so he makes fun of all their skills. 
[Ep18] There’s a new Go player: Long Yan. He’s over the age to be a professional player. He’s both jealous and envious of the students in Shi Guang’s school which is why he vandalizes the school building leaving his name on the walls. It’s his way of attending this school that he can’t. He doesn’t think his skills are any less than any of them. But after Shi Guang (or more like Chu Ying) beat him, he can settle his heart and continue his life. He asks Shi Guang how long he has been playing Go. Shi Guang smirks at Chu Ying. Together they tell Long Yan, “One thousand years.” So cute

Couple Updates: Bai Xiao Xiao and Shen Yi Lang started dating but he wants a break because she distracts him from Go. 

[Ep19] There’s a recognized Go tournament for newbie Go players. Shi Guang’s first competitor looks like he’s part of a motorcyclist gang member. This guy was almost late. He said he came from the hospital. For the entire competition, Shi Guang stares at his injured arm that’s still bleeding through the bandages. However, this guy was late on purpose (within regulations). He was on his motorcycle driving circles to calm himself down. In the end Shi Guang lost. I think he lost against that guy’s psychological game. Although there's still the next round, Shi Guang is caving in to the pressure. Chu Ying recognizes the heart of his problem and teaches him weird breathing techniques to calm him. It works like a charm. She Guang wins the next few rounds but when a competitor uses tears on him he almost gives him. Thankfully, Chu Ying wakes him up. Shi Guang enters the finals. 

[Ep20]  Hong He fools Shi Guang that the line he’s in is to get free mooncakes but it’s actually for some devil-like counselling from the teachers. Shi Guang whimpers as he leaves the room. He’s too cute

Yu Liang plans to celebrate his birthday practicing for his Go match. His opponent is Korean. I was not expecting so much Korean from Yu Liang. Off topic, I miss seeing Yu Liang and Shi Guang together..

Shi Guang, Hong He and Shen Yi Lang travel the city to find extraordinary Go players to train with. These masterful Go players are located in hot saunas, truck driving companies, and temples. I learned

[Ep21] Yu Liang purposely ties all four players at once (these players are important investors in the Go team Yu Liang is signed to). That’s apparently harder than winning them. In other words, he’s messing with them. He wants to quit this team because the manager does not respect Go. Yu Liang’s senior helps him pay for the cancellation fee without him knowing. Why send him away in the first place, boy? 

The funny. Chu Ying yelling at a “dead corpse” when he’s practically a ghost himself.

[Ep22] Shi Guang and that annoying motorcycle competitor become friends. He saw Shi Guang's improvement and has become his fan and hopes he can achieve the dream he cannot. 

[Ep23] Before another set of matches, Chu Ying teaches Shi Guang taichi for relaxation. His next opponent is Shen Yi Lang. For the past years, he has always been plagued by his dreaded "seventh" match. No matter the competition, he always loses by the seventh one. He's also under the pressure that Shi Guang might replace him in the professional team he wants to join. During the match, Shen Yi Lang accidentally takes back the stone he set. That's against regulations. Shi Guang is shocked Shen Yi Lang did that. Shi Guang could have let it go but he was also afraid of losing the match and so Shen Yi Lang called it a defeat. Back at the dorms, it becomes super awkward between the boys. Shen Yi Lang loses the next matches. Shi Guang is also distracted by Shen Yi Lang and he too loses a game. 

Shi Guang regains his composure but Shen Yi Lang doesn't. 

Bai Xiao Xiao is out of the competition and she’s also at the end of her Go career. There’s nowhere forward for her to go. However, if she wins the next match, she's able to help Shen Yi Lang boost his score to enter the finals. How I think it works: If Shen Yi Lang's previous opponents that he defeated have high scores that means he's a more skillful player despite another player having won more games. And so Bai Xiao Xiao is fighting through her fever to beat her opponents to help Shen Yi Lang. Aw. Once she wins, she immediately faints over. 

Yu Liang update. He's still as obsessed with Shi Guang. He indirectly tries to get information from this other player he's coaching (Yue Zhi). Yue Zhi is in the same competition as Shi Guang and belittles him but when Shi Guang beats Shen Yi Lang, he quickly calls over Yu Liang for help. Yu Liang smirks and makes him call him properly as Teacher Yu Liang, pftSo when are Yu Liang and Shi Guang going to share a screen!

[Ep24] That really mean teacher (Teacher Da) barges into Shen Yi Lang's room to yell at him for losing three consecutive rounds. Shen Yi Lang is already upset at himself for affecting Shi Guang and making Bai Xiao Xiao win for him so that he has the points to advance. His emotions burst and I guess that's what Teacher Da was aiming for. He softens his voice to tell Shen Yi Lang he cannot turn back. The only way to go is forward. I teared up. Teacher Da is actually also risking his own health (his life!) to keep an eye on Shen Yi Lang. He's got a high risk of stroke and his doctor never permitted his discharge. He shouldn’t be here comforting Shen Yi Lang. O-kay, now I'm crying.

Hong He has his problems too. He has been lying to his father about being in Go school (for three years!). His father never supported his Go dream and wants him to quit to take over their family business but Hong He is determined to play. His dad doesn't recognize his skill, but Teacher Lin does. He accepts Hong He as his student. Hong He kneels and calls him "Dad" LOL. He definitely wants to call him Dad because he likes Lin Can. Hong He quickly corrects himself that a master is like a father. 

Shi Guang sees Yu Liang leave the building. Shi Guang only manages to catch up to Yue Zhi. He tells Shi Guang that Yu Liang doesn't care one bit about him (Shi Guang) and that the only rival Yu Liang recognizes is himself, Yue Zhi. Yue Zhi is like the jealous second female lead

Couple Updates: Shen Yi Lang confesses to Bai Xiao Xiao. He asks her to wait for him once he finishes the competition. She nods and they hug. Lin Can gives her scarf to Shen Yi Lang. He says he'll never take it off. (Later on Shi Guang tells Hong He to stay far away from him because his scarf smells)

[Ep25] Shi Guang and Yu Zhi are opponents. They’re like jealous girls fighting for Yu Liang’s love approval. Moments later, Yu Zhi leaves the table. It was very confusing who won because Chu Ying lectures Shi Guang on how he played. It’s only until Hong He runs to congratulate Shi Guang do we know he won. Shi Guang has made history for being in his first year and winning (he's the top sixth finalist). Being a finalist means he can go pro. However, because he won Shen Yi Lang can’t advance; he lost his chance at going pro. Shi Guang's score beats Shen Yi Lang’s. This was what Shen Yi Lang didn’t want Hong He to tell Shi Guang. Everyone knew of this except Shi Guang. Shi Guang’s eyes turn red. He’s tearing up but he’s also furious he’s the only one who didn’t know. He ended his friend’s career by winning. Sniffles

Yu Liang is secretly happy with Shi Guang’s result. Fang Xu knows he’s happy and casually asks him what if he signs Shi Guang. Yu Liang has this smile-snicker-but-not-really-a-smile (cute!) when Fang Xu was like I’ll consider signing Shi Guang

Shi Guang apologizes to Shen Yi Lang that he can’t go professional because of him. This makes Shen Yi Lang angry. He doesn’t need his pity. When Shi Guang apologizes sincerely, Shen Yi Lang receives it. He tells Shi Guang to never give up. But...

Shen Yi Lang quits. He submitted his school forms. Teacher Da is so furious he leaves the hospital in his gown to find his student. Shen Yi Lang asks him what he sees in him to help him this much. Teacher Da doesn’t care, he just promises he will turn him into a professional. He can’t quit without his permission. Teacher Da sends him to train in Japan. Shen Yi Lang promises to be back in a year and hopes to meet them (Shi Guang and Hong He) in a higher place in the world of Go.

[Ep26] Yu Liang really wants Fang Xu to sign Shi Guang but Fang Xu has someone else in mind. Aw, Fang Xu, why give us hope of their reunion in the first place? 

At least Yu Liang and Shi Guang meet in this episode! They’re looking for this monk because he’s this Go pro (not the camera). It’s getting dark and the monk insists for the two boys to stay the night. There’s a bit of cute bantering. Yu Liang challenges Shi Guang for a match but Shi Guang sorta chickens out after all the talk. He knows he’s not good enough yet. 

Shi Guang is at the temple to help Chu Ying find proof he existed on Earth. They don’t get the proof but Shi Guang assures Chu Ying where there is Go, there is Chu Ying. Our Shi Guang has grown up with his way of comforting others

[Ep27] Fang Xu actually asks Shi Guang to join his team. Shi Guang intends to sign with him too. It’s so cute when Yu Liang hears news of this and super cute when Shi Guang is smug about it. Fang Xu is a cutie being in the middle. Shi Guang has decided to move out. He doesn’t notice how upset his mother is. He only thinks that mom is making it difficult for him not knowing she’ll miss him. 

After living out for a few days, Mom visits Shi Guang at his new place. Immediately he gives her a big hug. He misses her. Awwww. She knew her son would miss her cooking that is why he's visiting. While mom is in the kitchen, he stares at his mother with love and kisses her on the cheek. Omg Shi Guang is such a sweetie

Hong He gave Shi Guang his chance to observe Yu Liang’s father’s Go match. It was brilliant and Shi Guang recounts every detail to Hong He. Hong He is dying of regret not being there in person. Shi Guang rubs it in. I love these two too. So funny.   
Shi Guang's unimpressed look
Shi Guang learns why Fang Xu is signing him. His improvement directly reflects Yu Liang’s improvement. Fang Xu wants him on the team just to motivate Yu Liang. Shi Guang feels used and refuses to sign. 

[Ep28] Shi Guang’s professional career might be saved when Yu Liang’s father wants to compete with him. All professional teams are keeping an eye on this match. Hong He convinces his master to sign Shi Guang if he holds up against Yu Liang’s father. Yu Liang is also nervous about this match. 

Chu Ying wants to play too but Shi Guang won’t let him. It’d be weird if he won over the dad. Chu Ying is desperate to play probably because he thinks he has to leave. There’s news that this astrological comet thing is to grace Earth again. When the match arrives and Shi Guang sees how much Chu Ying yearns to play, he concedes. As Chu Ying plays, he also considers Shi Guang’s skill level. Unfortunately, Chu Ying makes the wrong bet and loses. 

There’s a master who appreciates Shi Guang’s game. Yu Liang doesn’t quite understand and asks this master more about Shi Guang. He notices Yu Liang really cares about Shi Guang. The master tells him that Go requires two people to play. Master predicts that Shi Guang and Yu Liang will be like Gemini, a twin constellation. Shi Guang is the light and Yu Liang is the dark. The yin and yang of Go

Gosh. I love the last two episodes. All my favourites characters got to shine and so many cute relationships

[Ep29] There’s a Go competition. Shi Guang is excited he gets to play Yu Liang but Yu Liang doesn’t make it. Shi Guang thinks Yu Liang doesn’t want to play him but in actuality, Yu Liang’s father (Yu Xiao Yang) had a heart attack. 

Shi Guang visits Yu Xiao Yang in the hospital. He bumps into Yu Liang in the elevator. Shi Guang tells him he’s signed into a professional team and they’ll meet soon. Yu Liang knows. He also reminds Shi Guang that meeting will be hard. He’s the main player on his team, pft

Shi Guang convinces Yu Xiao Yang to play with Chu Ying online. (Yu Xiao Yang makes a bet that if he loses, he’ll quit Go.) Getting Chu Ying this game is Shi Guang’s return present to Chu Ying when he gifted him the game board. Chu Ying is so touched he can cry. Shi Guang teases him that he must have thought he had forgotten all about it. Shi Guang wouldn’t. Chu Ying is like a part of his body now. Like a thigh or something, lol. Aw, that’s sweet..? 

[Ep30] Chu Ying is so nervous for the competition against Yu Xiao Yang, it’s making Shi Guang nervous and it’s making me nervous. Shi Guang was walking fine on a sidewalk but Chu Ying screams for him to watch out. It’s an old man riding on his bike. LOL. Shi Guang was scared too. He was scared by Chu Ying’s screaming. Meanwhile on Yu Xiao Yang’s side, he’s nervous too. 
Above is a series of pictures of Shi Guang calming down Chu Ying. It’s finally Shi Guang who returns the favour. Chu Ying complained about how much brain juice he used to think of ways to calm him, hahaha. 

It’s finally D-day. News of Chu Ying and Yu Xiao Yang playing online travels around Go world. Even Bai Xiao Xiao, who’s dying her hair, stops in the middle of it to watch. He Jia Jia (long time no see!) is watching too. He’s a hairdresser now?

Omg I love how drama includes that truck driver that Shi Guang beat previously. The truck driver almost crashed into Wu Di (another long time no see!) because Wu Di was rushing to go home to watch the match. The truck driver arrives at school where all the Go students are surrounding the computer. He joins in to watch this monumental game as well. 

Yu Xiao Yang loses but he doesn’t regret it. It was a good match. However, even in this legendary match both of them admit that there wasn’t a divine move. Yu Xiao Yang is starting to believe it doesn’t exist. However, Chu Ying has been searching for this divine move for a thousand years. It has to exist. It’s why he exists until now. However, Chu Ying does acknowledge that if he doesn’t find the divine move, he has found something equally precious: Shi Guang. AWWWW.
Although the match is over Shi Guang continues to ruminate every move. He doesn’t notice Chu Ying is giving him a formal bow (grateful for his existence and grateful he let him play). Shi Guang has thought of something. He replays the match and tells Chu Ying he’s found a move that could turn the tables and make Chu Ying lose instead. This is the divine move! Shi Guang gave Chu Ying the divine move! Shi Guang has no idea how significant that one piece he placed on the board was for Chu Ying. Instead, he suddenly remembers Yu Xiao Yang was going to quit if he lost. He quickly runs to Yu Xiao Yang.

[Ep31] Yu Xiao Yang is going to retire. Nothing Shi Guang says will change his mind. However, he still wants to play Chu Ying one more time. Shi Guang is happy for him but Chu Ying’s smile is sad. He feels his body will soon disappear. He knows his time is limited.

Chu Ying is rushing things. He wants Shi Guang to improve as fast as he can. He forces him to play Go his way. Shi Guang loses a match after an opponent exposes him to copying another person's style that isn't his. Shi Guang hates Chu Ying for pushing his style on him and accidentally yells at Chu Ying for not being able to lift a piece without him. Shi Guang instantly regrets saying it. He's interrupted by a call from his mother. Something urgent is up with Grandpa. Chu Ying wants to leave with him but his soul suddenly returns to the cliff he last remembers standing at when he was alive. His body is no longer transparent at the cliff edge. Fortunately, he returns. But for how long? Noooooo. Chu Ying leaving is like this drama leaving me

[Ep32] There was a thief at Grandpa's home. Chu Ying reminds Shi Guang to check up on the Go board in the attic (where Shi Guang found Chu Ying). Chu Ying swears the marking on the Go board is fainter. Shi Guang waves him off.

Yu Liang and Shi Guang meet at a competition. They're not opponents but Shi Guang is his cute haughty self and reminds Yu Liang he owes him a match. Yu Liang tells him there's a national competition half a year later. The winners will represent China. Shi Guang smiles and confidently tells Yu Liang they'll meet half a year later. Guys, Chu Ying is becoming more transparent in these scenes!!!

Yu Liang loses against his opponent. Shi Guang looks over and notices the loss. Meanwhile, Shi Guang beats his opponent (the guy who won first place when Shi Guang won sixth). Shi Guang gives a cute bratty wink at Yu Liang, hehehe

Fang Xu is upset because his juniors lost. He's also been upset since Yu Xiao Yang retired and wants to beat Chu Ying for himself. A drunk Fang Xu bumps into Shi Guang and demands a match with Chu Ying. Chu Ying quickly agrees. Since he's drunk, Shi Guang plays along and pretends that Chu Ying is in the room next door. Every time Fang Xu makes a move, Shi Guang walks back and forth pretending to receive orders from Chu Ying. Shi Guang is like this is the most tiring Go match I've ever played while glaring at Chu Ying. Haha. During the game, Chu Ying is flickering. He disappeared for good for a brief moment. Omg. I almost cried. I thought he disappeared for real. Chu Ying wins the match. Fang Xu falls asleep. Shi Guang messes up the board to make sure Fang Xu can't remember a thing the next morning.

Chu Ying asks Shi Guang if he liked Go because of him or because of Yu Liang. Sounds like a girlfriend asking a boyfriend that question. Shi Guang's answer: Chu Ying. Aw. Yu Liang motivates him but the one who made him love Go is him. Chu Ying flickers again. This whole flickering thing makes my heart ache
Chu Ying tells Shi Guang that today is actually his birthday. Shi Guang calls his mother and declares that today is his birthday and makes his mother buy him a birthday cake. Shi Guang calculates his age to be 1508. Chu Ying lived about 1500 years plus the eight years with him (Shi Guang). Chu Ying asks Shi Guang what his appearance and disappearance would mean to him. 

Shi Guang: Your appearance is like the sky's moon. I can see you but I can't touch you. However, you're right there above me. If you're not there, you're like the jellybeans in my pocket. Even if I don't eat them, I know what it tastes like. 
Chu Ying: What if I leave? 
Shi Guang: Im-possible. The moon is always hanging there and it won't fall. Candies are always sweet. 

Chu Ying says he's just joking around. Shi Guang brings out the seed he bought that day he won the competition to be a pro. He plants it and happily tells the plant that it's going to have the same birthday as Chu Ying. GAH

Shi Guang falls asleep. That's when Chu Ying confesses everything. He played three lifetimes of Go and found the divine move but Chu Ying still has regrets. Chu Ying lied about today being his birthday. Even if it isn't, it's the happiest day he ever spent.  When Shi Guang lit up the candles on his cake, Chu Ying realized that life is like candles. One candle lights up the other. One candle gives life to another. If Xiao Bai lived his life for Chu Ying then Chu Ying lived his life for Shi Guang. And perhaps one day Shi Guang will live his life for another. Go connects thousands of generations. A slew of flashbacks of all the characters in the drama appear. Who's not in a mess right now? Where's my box of tissues? 
Chu Ying tells a sleeping Shi Guang his birthday wish is to be with Shi Guang, to play Go with Shi Guang, and to grow old together with Shi Guang. Even the divine move cannot compare to the time he spent with Shi Guang. Chu Ying admits he was too dumb and too late to realize the truth now of what he truly wants. 

Chu Ying: The moon will always be there but Chu Ying will have to leave. 

The same light spectacle from eight years ago shoots across the sky. 

Chu Ying is gone. 

At least the "moon" is there. Moon in Chinese is Yu Liang. 

[Ep33] Shi Guang searches for Chu Ying high and low. He doesn't know he's gone for good. At first he thinks Chu Ying was mad and starts to cheer him up. Natta. Then he threatens Chu Ying that he’ll give up Go. Still nothing. He calls up He Jia Jia to replay the exact same match and jumps into the water to reawaken Chu Ying. NopeHe’s gone, Shi Guang ah

Hong He thinks Shi Guang is heartbroken because of a girl. He teaches Shi Guang that the next time they meet, he should hug her and tell her she’s his only one. Lol. Well, if Hong He takes out the “she” then this is a helpful advice. Sorta
With the help of the truck driver, Shi Guang arrives at the tree hoping to find Chu Ying. He kicks the tree and cries, “You liar!” Chu Ying appeared and disappeared at his own accord. Shi Guang breaks down in tears. The truck driver asks what's wrong and he tells him everything. The truck driver listens and doesn’t refute him. He tries to help Shi Guang the best he can. 

The truck driver brings Shi Guang to the temple. The monk receives him noting, “This time it’s just you,” even though the truck driver is there too. Oh right, he was the monk from Ep1 who knew the sky changed composition. By the way, the actor for the monk is also the real director of the drama: Liu Chang. However, the monk won’t say anything. Shi Guang kneels in front of the temple until night falls. The monk finally speaks to him and gives him the records with Chu Ying's game signed as No Name. The monk assures him that whether it is by Chu Ying or No Name, this game exists. Chu Ying existed. Sniffle. Shi Guang feels a bit relieved but he wants Chu Ying back. The monk comforts him that leaving might not be a bad thing; Chu Ying wouldn’t want to see him sad. The reality is sinking in: Chu Ying is gone. 

Shi Guang is crestfallen. He's skipping practices and competitions. Yu Liang is curious why he’s absent. From Hong He he overhears that Shi Guang is experiencing something emotional (romantic). Yu Liang is disgruntled. He tells his mate if he ever cares about Shi Guang again, he won’t be Yu anymore. He's going to be eating his words
Mom comforts Shi Guang (who looks gaunt almost). If Go makes him this unhappy, she’ll support his decision to quit. Mom is too sweet

Shi Guang looks up to the sky: Chu Ying, I’m giving up on Go. I’ll let you play. Come back. 

Shi Guang, Chu Ying might be in the plant
[Ep34] It's been months since Shi Guang played Go. The leader of Shi Guang’s team visits Shi Guang to bring him back to the team. They go to the seesaw he plays with Chu Ying all the time. The leader is fed up with Shi Guang but he humours Shi Guang on the seesaw. He sits down to play with him. Only he doesn’t let him down. Shi Guang is finally stuck up there. Something Chu Ying could have never done. :( Chu Ying.

Shi Guang ends his contract. Omg
Shi Guang deletes Chu Ying’s online account. He’s in tears. Omg. I’m in tears

Shi Guang is back to school. He has to repeat a year. As mom and Shi Guang walk by a classroom, his ex-home room teacher is spiteful. He tells his class that university is the way to go, "What’s the use of playing professional Go when that person in question is back in school." Rude af

The only classmate who doesn’t accept Shi Guang back with open arms is Gu Yu. Jiang Xue Ming had ordered everyone not to mention Go in front of Shi Guang. Gu Yu does the exact opposite. He keeps mentioning Go. He wants Shi Guang to leave; Go back to Go

Yu Liang is distracted while playing Go with his father, something that rarely happens. It’s all because of Shi Guang. He tells dad about Shi Guang. At first he was scared of Shi Guang. Then he sucked at his game. Then he started chasing him. Now he’s on his heels. But now he’s not there anymore. Yu Liang always thought Go was a lonely game. He had no friends. With Shi Guang's appearance, he thought Go wasn't lonely anymore. Dad is like you sure like him. Yu Liang corrects him that he acknowledges Shi Guang’s skills. Dad asks Yu Liang about his character. Yu Liang quickly complains that he's heartless, brash, and has no principles. Dad smiles. He can tell his son values Shi Guang. He tells Yu Liang that Go isn’t a one person game; he should do his part and bring him back. 

Yu Liang signs up for Shi Guang for the upcoming competition (the one they promised to meet in). Yu Liang also shows up in the library to motivate Shi Guang. If he’s offended that he thought of him as a punching bag, Yu Liang apologizes for it but he swears he never did. He shouts out the apology. He's so angry at Shi Guang, there’s tears in his eyes. He calms himself down but Shi Guang tells him he won't play anymore. Yu Liang is crestfallen. He waited for him for that long and now Shi Guang isn't playing and won't give him a reason. Shi Guang only tells him the rival he was waiting for was never him. It was Chu Ying :(

Jiang Xue Ming changes the club name to reflect the amount of members they have now. This angers Shi Guang. "The Four Swordsmen" had Chu Ying in it. Shi Guang won’t allow the change but no one else understands his sudden outburst. He runs off. More tears. More crying. Gu Yu has been following him. He confesses to Shi Guang he lied about playing Go for five years. He was ashamed to tell him he played for eleven years but still sucks. He was too embarrassed to tell Shi Guang who only used one year of time to beat him. However, he never felt more proud of himself to have met a genius like Shi Guang in real life. He made the right bet on Shi Guang. Gu Yu earnestly begs Shi Guang to leave, to go back to Go. 

The next man up to motivate Shi Guang is Shen Yi Lang. He’s back from Japan and is entering the competition to become a pro. He asks Shi Guang to play with him as practice. Shi Guang won’t so Shen Yi Lang reminds Shi Guang every night he thought of their game a year ago. He wants to know whether he lost because of himself or Shi Guang. Shen Yi Lang continues to push him by saying Shi Guang took his place in the pro world and now he’s quitting. “Are you even worthy of calling yourself a friend?” With that Shi Guang plays. 

But he quits halfway. 

Yu Liang is back to convince Shi Guang. He couldn’t reach his cell so he visited his place. He returns the watch Shi Guang gave him back in 1997 when Shi Guang defeated him. Yu Liang kept the watch to this day but now he doesn’t want it anymore. 

Yu Liang: Can we pretend that never happened. That "Shi Guang" never happened. Shi Guang’s name also means "moment".  
That last push from Yu Liang (and everyone else) makes Shi Guang take out his Go Board again. !! Each piece he plays, he hears Chu Ying. Shi Guang realizes the only way to connect with Chu Ying again is through Go, through his game. Chu Ying has left an imprint on Shi Guang through Go even if he's not there

The Chu Ying inside Shi Guang tells himself: I have left but I am always here. 
Shi Guang understands: He's always in your game, he lives in your game. Forever long you play, forever long he'll exist in your heart. Stop running away.

Shi Guang's dream world crumbles. He's alone in this place. He answers the rhetorical question Chu Ying asked him: Do you understand what a 1000 years feel like? A thousand years is when someone tells you your everyday is like today but then the next day that person disappears and each day after that feels like a thousand years. Like the days after a heartbreak. 

[Ep35] Shi Guang shows up at the match!  

Yu Liang shouts: Why are you so late! So cute seeing him happily upset

Shi Guang was there all along but he was too nervous to show up too early. He hasn't played for half a year. 
Yu Liang hands him his name card. Shi Guang continues to blabber but there's barely any time left. Yu Liang takes his wrist and the boys run for it. Bromantic. They're on time. 
Shi Guang puts his first piece down. Chu Ying's words echo in his ears. From another table, Yu Liang glances over and smirks at him. I'm smiling at you too, Yu Liang :D. Shi Guang's classmates get news of Shi Guang playing again. They're simultaneously happy and worried. Shi Guang hasn't played for far too long. Gu Yu assures everyone Shi Guang is different. 

Gu Yu: He was born for Go. 
Shi Guang beats his boastful opponent. Shi Guang promises Yu Liang that Go is a road he'll take forever. 

Shi Guang: Thank you for helping me sign up. But you seriously have a nasty temper. Hehe.
Yu Liang: This time I'll be your punching bag so –hesitates– don't disappoint me.
Shi Guang laughs at him: See! You did treat me like a punching bag. 

Yu Liang holds his fists for a pump. A pump he gets. :D

Hong He never rented out Shi Guang's room. He was waiting for him to come back. Hong He is curious why he can be so confident. Shi Guang tells him although he never touched a piece but whenever he closed his eyes, all he thought of was Go: when he ate, when he slept, when he went to the bathroom. Hong He is relieved. Shi Guang threatens Hong He that he better keep winning, he doesn't want to knock him out. (Shi Guang is in the elimination bracket of the competition because he lost the first round with his no show. He has to win every single match against those who lost once just like him to reach the final. As long as Hong He keeps winning, they'll never cross paths and they'll both make it to the finals where the top three players can represent China to go against Korea).

Shi Guang continues to play in Chu Ying's shadows. With every move, he listens to the Chu Ying inside his heart. However, Shi Guang finds himself at a disadvantage in his next game against Mu Qing Chun (the guy who won 1st when Sui Guang was 6th). Shi Guang realizes he can't copy Chu Ying. If he copies him then he will never be able to overcome him. There's also no way he can be Chu Ying. Chu Ying's game is Chu Ying's alone. Shi Guang recalls Chu Ying's words: 

"Once you have enough skills, there won't be 'your' game or 'my' game." 
"Use your heart to play, don't just listen to my words."
Please see the fan in this picture
Shi Guang finally realizes there is no 'his' Go or Chu Ying's Go. It's their Go. This is Shi Guang's new way of playing, playing with Chu Ying. Warning: Long blurb. I need to give a moment to admire this specific scene. In Shi Guang's first game against his previous opponent, Chu Ying's fan would point first and then Shi Guang would put his piece down. In this scene. Shi Guang and Chu Ying's fan moves at the same time. It's Shi Guang's transition from playing like Chu Ying to playing with Chu Ying. Sublime

Shi Guang wins. He wholeheartedly thanks Mu Qing Chun for awakening him. Pft.

Yu Zhi is Shi Guang's next opponent. He calls Yu Liang “teacher” and asks him to teach him. Heh. But Yu Liang won’t. 
Shi Guang sends off Shen Yi Lang to his (no longer cursed) 6th match. Shi Guang sits at the bench and recalls the memories of Chu Ying encouraging him, "When you really want to do something, everything and anything will help you." He says his goodbye to Chu Ying and enters his competition with Yu Zhi brimming with confidence. Shi Guang has nothing to lose. 
Shi Guang wins Yu Zhi. Shi Guang enters the press conference where Yu Liang is smiling and waiting for him. :D look at that bright smile on Yu Liang, and look at that pat Shi Guang gave Yu Liang :D. Yu Liang whispers congratulations to Shi Guang. She Guang does too. 

Fang Xu and Bai Chuan are in the audience. Bai Chuan rubs it in to Fang Xu that he won the bet on who would win. Fang Xu is smug because he had bet on Shi Guang too. 

But what is up with Hong He?? He won second but didn't show up for the press conference.

There's another piece of bad news: one of the Korean opponents is over age. The rules have changed and it's a two-person battle. There's no need for third place. Shi Guang doesn't get to represent China anymore. 

[Ep36So what is up with Hong He. His father had a stroke. Hong He has decided to quit. He lies to his father that he lost his match. Omg. I wasn’t expecting to cry for Hong He this entire drama. Such a good actor. He’s taking over his father’s business. Shi Guang followed Hong He all the way to the hospital. Shi Guang tries to convince him to return to Go. 
Hong He: Go was half my life but my dad is my entire life. I'm reminded of Hong He and his master's exchange. The master told him that someone who may be talented may not always mean Go is meant for him. Those words were mentioned when Shi Guang quit but they were meant for Hong He...

Hong He is giving up on Go. 

Shi Guang takes over Hong He's second place in the international match. (He vows that once he finishes the match, he'll continue to motivate Hong He.)
Shi Guang realizes as he grows older, people leave him (He Jia Jia, Wu Di, Gu Yu, Bai Xiao Xiao, Shen Yi Lang, and now Hong He). Yu Liang doesn't hesitate to tell him, "You still have me." Yu Liang is super cute when he's honest like this
Shen Yi Lang wins his match and is a pro now. He visits Bai Xiao Xiao at her university. With a nod from him, she knows he succeeded. 
Shi Guang and Yu Liang play their long awaited rematch in Grandpa's attic where he first found Chu Ying. It’s a special place to Shi Guang. Yu Liang doesn't know that. This game will also determine who will play first in the international match. The loser will also have to shout that they lost three times. Yu Liang wins but Shi Guang is being a sore loser, he won't admit defeat and says he has diarrhea. Yu Liang laughs at him. This rematch isn't as dramatic as I thought but it's a pleasant surprise

Yu Liang turns serious. He wants to know the game from nine years ago, "Your Go has another person's shadow." Shi Guang doesn't know how to tell him the truth to make him believe it. Instead, Shi Guang admits defeat. He goes by the window and shouts Yu Liang won. In a quieter voice he asks the wind and the sky: 

Shi Guang: Chu Ying, did you see? We finished the game from nine years ago. Although I lost, I can catch up soon. Can you see? If you see it, just like now, let the wind speak for you. 

The wind suddenly stops. 
That night, Shi Guang dreams of Chu Ying. Chu Ying doesn't say anything though. Shi Guang says he's fine without him. Psh. Chu Ying gives him his fan. Shi Guang can touch it! Chu Ying also gives him a formal bow plus a proud smile. Then he disappears. I miss Chu Ying! He isn't always here but he is here. When Shi Guang wakes up, there's Chu Ying's fan on his desk. Hey, where's the plant?

Fang Xu is worried about Yu Liang and Shi Guang's match. They're to team up and play as a pair. Shi Guang and Yu Liang laugh it off and assure Fang Xu they have it all down. 

Yu Liang smirks: Every move Shi Guang makes is within my grasp. 
Fang Xu rolls his eyes.
Shi Guang: It's not just within my grasp, but Yu Liang's every thought is clear to me as night and day.
Yu Liang smirks again: Through his every glance and twitch, I can know 80-90% of his motives. This has become a competition of who knows who best, hahaha
Shi Guang: Only 80-90%? I know you 100%. 
Yu Liang smilesHe likes beating Shi Guang and hearing how much Shi Guang loves him.

Fang Xu has had enough with their boasting. He wants Shi Guang and Yu Liang to live and eat together every moment from now until the competition. Thus begins their days of living together. 
I also like this drink moment. Shi Guang has his own drink but takes his straw to sip Yu Liang's. Yu Liang had known immediately once Shi Guang took his straw so he moved his drink all the way to the other side. That doesn't stop Shi Guang. He takes the drink directly from across the table and gulps it down without the straw, heh

Once they start living together, it turns out they're the least bit compatible. HAHA. They play against Fang Xu and these two start arguing over each other's poor moves. As they argue about the game, the argument transitions to noodles. Hahahaha. Fang Xu sighs that these two constantly think about each other but once they're physically together, they hate each other.

Fang Xu brings Bai Chuan to compete against Yu Liang and Shi Guang. Fang Xu and Bai Chuan argue with each other when they're supposed to show perfect compatibility. However, Yu Liang and Shi Guang knew that their seniors were putting on a show for them. As partners, they need to have trust. After Yu Liang saved Shi Guang from his own bed sheet (don't ask me how it happened), Yu Liang tells him sincerely that they lack trust. Shi Guang agrees. 

Yu Liang: Do you trust me? 
Shi Guang: When you speak to me like this, I can't not believe you even if I didn't want to.
Yu Liang isn't exactly satisfied with the answer: Then please from now on trust me at all times just like how you would trust yourself. 
Shi Guang nods: I promise you.

These two sleep together too. 
Shi Guang and Yu Liang compete against Teacher Ban and Teacher Da today! They lose though. However, these two teachers are a formidable opponent. They have played these partner games frequently, it's not a surprise Shi Guang and Yu Liang lost. Teacher Da reveals that although they fight all the time for all these years, they care about each other. The games they play have love. There's CP feelings between the teachers too, cute

Shi Guang rests his arm on Yu Liang's shoulders: Hey Yu Liang, we’ve been fighting (in a good way) each other for a while too now, haven’t we?
Yu Liang: You care about me quite a bit too, huh? 
Shi Guang pushes him away: Yeah, yeah, yeah

Shi Guang and Yu Liang are up against the big masters today. It's the master who bet on Shi Guang when he was competing against Yu Xiao Yang. They win these big masters. At first the masters went easy but as they played, they became serious and still lost to this young duo. Shi Guang and Yu Liang are starting to have a lot of fun playing with each other. Shi Guang also has never left his fan.
Shi Guang almost forgot about his classmates' match. He makes a gigantic banner to support his friends with Yu Liang's help. His classmates win the trophy for both the male and female division. Yu Liang rubs it in that Shi Guang must be jealous since he never won this high school match. Gu Yu calls Shi Guang, Wu Di and He Jia Jia for the champion picture. Gu Yu lets Shi Guang hold the cup but Shi Guang gives it to Wu Di instead. Aw. Shi Guang also stands aside to give space for Chu Ying in the picture. AWW.

Shi Guang speaks to himself/Chu Ying: The Four Swordsmen, we won. 
Yu Liang brings Shi Guang to his favourite place whenever he needs peace. 

Yu Liang: When I was young, I spent half my "Shi Guang" here. There's no other place as peaceful as here. I translated this just because Yu Liang used "Shi Guang" to say "moment"

It's near the place they used to play Go when they were children.

Shi Guang: Go is something once you love, you can't stop loving it.

Shi Guang and Yu Liang find these two kids who resemble them. They stare at each other and laugh. Omg this new kid looks a lot like the original child actor for Shi Guang. Yu Liang is still curious about the game from nine years ago. 

Shi Guang: Think of it as a Shi Guang brought by divinity. "Shi Guang" here is interchangeable with "moment" or Shi Guang himself
Yu Liang sighs at the answer but is still grateful: Thank you for playing Go with me. 
Shi Guang: Which game? 
Yu Liang: Not which game. I'm thanking you for the past nine years. I have a proud mommy smile on me
It's the Korean competition. Shi Guang and Yu Liang enters the match with confidence. Shi Guang has his fan in his hand. Chu Ying is there
Notice how they're wearing the same colours as Shi Guang and Yu Liang in the previous scene
The kids will continue Yu Liang and Shi Guang's legacy. 

Meanwhile Shi Guang and Yu Liang won their competition (in Fang Xu's voice-over). 

The end. 
Who else let the ending song play until the end?
Who else has tears in their eyes when it's clearly a happy ending?


[First Impression (Ep1-10)] I have not watched the anime nor do I know anything about Go but I like this so far. The drama starts out with a kid meeting Chu Ying (a wandering soul). He plays Go casually for Chu Ying but when he starts meeting various Go players, he’s overwhelmed by their passion. He quits Go. Fast forward six years later, our kid is in high school and has developed a passion for Go. He finds Chu Ying again to chase their dreams together. 

I love the introduction by Shi Guang where he tells us he’s a normal dude; he just has this companion who's taller than most things and older than most things. The aesthetics are so pleasing especially in the first episode. 

I laugh a lot at the “romance” between the boys in this. It’s not really romance. They all just really love this one thing: Go. Yu Liang is chasing Shi Guang. He doesn’t know he’s actually chasing after Chu Ying, the soul. Meanwhile Shi Guang starts falling in love with Go and then he starts to chase Yu Liang who’s chasing Chu Ying. It’s quite a fun relationship really. 

[Actors/Actresses] I might also be biased towards this because I have a soft spot for the actors. 

The Never Gone cast is special to me. That drama just found all the right actors right before their prime. I’m so happy each of them have a leading or memorable project in their pockets after Never Gone. I already saw huge potential in this guy and in this drama, he definitely proves he's got skills. 

I also love Zhang Chao from Somewhere Only We Know. He’s got that deep voice. Also, my love for him won’t stop just because he's sporting this awful eyeliner and white makeup. I think the eyeliner also helps him channel the girly-vibe he’s going for. I think.

I also want to praise the kid actor for Shi Guang. Even kids are this talented. Crazy. 

[OST] I like it when the ending song plays. It's very game-like and gets me very excited for the next episode. It's from the original anime. This version is sung by Cao Yin called Our Adventure (我们的冒险).

[Behind the Scenes
Interviews of Shi Guang, Chu Ying, and Yu Liang. Seeing Hu Xian Xu's interview, I realize he's practically acting himself for Shi Guang's role, haha. I loved it when Zhang Chao described his Chu Ying character as a teacher, a friend, a mother, and a father to Shi Guang. For Hao Fu Shen's interview, he was asked who would Shi Guang save first. He answered Yu Liang but Hu Xian Xu answered Chu Ying, heh. 

Additionally, Hu Xuan Xu is a leftie. The entire time he was acting as Shi Guang, he had to pretend to be right handed. But the one who had the hardest time was Zhang Chao who had to wear an extra vest underneath to fill out his large clothes in the summer heat. With the addition of his hat plus heels, he was almost two metres tall. 

[Ending] Happy. Chu Ying is forever within Shi Guang. And Shi Guang and Yu Liang are forever together playing Go.

Where did Chu Ying go? He may not have died in his time. When he disappeared in Shi Guang's time, Chu Ying might have returned back to his time. His arrival in Shi Guang's world might just be because of his deep desire to find the divine move.

Final Review

[Review] I had zero intention of loving this drama this much. It's an adaptation of a shounen manga that I never read. I never even thought of reading it or watching the anime. When I was at the halfway mark of the drama, I was pretty certain I'd rate this between a three or a four. But. This drama grew on me. It really grew on me. By the second last week of the drama (Ep25) I realized I had to say goodbye to this and certain characters – a character – had to leave. I felt empty. So empty. 

I don’t think the entire drama was amazing but the last twelve episodes are exceptional. This drama kept escalating to the finale and I was in a mess – a happy and sad mess. It was a back and forth of crying, smiling, crying, crying, crying and smiling. And then crying because I missed the drama when it ended. 

The story. It’s about Go. It’s definitely not the most popular game on Earth but this drama sells it. Go is amazing. If a drama makes me care about something I’ve never cared about, this drama is a success. Shi Guang, the main character, is a boy who also never cared about Go. He didn’t even know how to put the pieces down properly but fate has it that he meets Chu Ying, a soul who loves and lives for Go. His only purpose was to find the divine move. Under his influence, Shi Guang falls in love with Go. But do not undermine the fact that Shi Guang was destined for Go all along. In his journey, he meets Yu Liang, a boy who also lives for Go. Yu Liang’s journey was a lonely one until he met Shi Guang. In these 36 episodes, rivalries and friendships are formed. It is these relationships that are the heart and soul of this drama. 

Bromance (not BL). Chu Ying and Shi Guang are the main pairing. These two made me laugh and cry so much. Yu Liang and Shi Guang are the cute pair. These two had a healing effect on me, especially near the end. I honestly cannot choose between which pair I like most. That’s just torture. Shi Guang also has a lot of other friendships (Gu Yu, He Jia Jia, Shen Yi Lang, Hong He, Truck Driver, etc). All of them are fun to watch. Other non-Shi Guang pairs surprised me with how lovely they were too (Teacher Da and Teacher Ban, and Fang Xu and Bai Chuan). There’s just a lot of relationships to love and it all spawned from their passion for Go. 

Theme: Light & Candles. In Episode 32, Chu Ying made a comment about candles; how one candle lights up another candle. It’s an imagery of how one’s life can influence another's. Xiao Bai was the candle that lit up Chu Ying. Chu Ying then brought light to Shi Guang. Then who does Shi Guang bright light to? Before I give you my answer, “Guang” in his name means Light. He is the light to many people: Gu Yu, He Jia Jia, Wu Di, Shen Yi Lang, and Hong He. He carries the dreams of all these people who love Go. However, the person I strongly believe Shi Guang brings light to is Yu Liang. "Yu Liang” alludes to the "bright moon" in the night sky. Why is the moon bright? Because it reflects the “Light" of the sun. I’m not saying Shi Guang (meaning Light) is superior to Yu Liang because that’s obviously not the case. The moon is there regardless if there’s light. It’s just in the dark, invisible. Yu Liang had always thought Go was a lonely journey but with Shi Guang lighting his path, Yu Liang has found his company, a soulmate, a partner. He’s no longer lonely in the dark. By the end of the drama, he’s a bright, pure soul with Shi Guang at his side. Thus, Chu Ying brings light to Shi Guang; Shi Guang brings light to Yu Liang. 

I know the names are based on the Japanese names of the original characters. Since I didn’t read the original manga, my interpretations of the names might not be accurate to the manga but the above is what I believe after watching the drama. 

Characters. Our three main characters all had splendid growth. Yu Liang went from a dark and moody boy to a smiling angel. He really opened up near the end. Chu Ying who existed only to find the divine move began to exist for Shi Guang. Yu Liang and Chu Ying are similar in that they only existed for Go but Shi Guang’s appearance invigorated their life beyond what Go alone could do. 

The character with the biggest growth of all is Shi Guang. A boy who knew nothing about Go ends up loving it with all his heart and soul (thanks to Chu Ying and Yu Liang). It’s honestly so satisfying to watch these three leave an imprint on each other. It’s unbelievable how much chemistry Shi Guang had with just about anyone. 

Other notable character(s): Hong He, the loyal friend, brought a lot of laughter and tears too. And there’s the touching love Teacher Da had for Shen Yi Lang. 

Actors. Hu Xian Xu and Zhang Chao play off each other so well, it's synergistic. Hu Xian Xu will have a bright career (if his face stays slim, hahaha). Zhang Chao had a tough role and he could only speak to Hu Xian Xu. I am absolutely relieved Zhang Chao will be recognized for this role. I was anxious for him when I saw initial reactions that his acting and makeup was cringe-y. I was ready to defend him but it’s totally unnecessary now. I’ve never seen Hao Fu Shen and am pleasantly surprised how cute he is. Another actor I need to praise: Zhao Hao Hong (Hong He). This man made me laugh and cry more than I thought I would for him. 

Favourite little scene(s). The seesaw moments. When Yu Liang smiles because of Shi Guang. Hong He and Grandpa being Chu Ying.  

Overall. As much as I love this, I don’t think it’s for everyone. If you love the first ten episodes, watch until the end and you’ll love this even more. That’s how I felt. 

Random Recommendation. Anime watchers, try Daiya No Ace! Meanwhile, I’m considering Hikaru no Go (anime). New Zhang Chao fans, try Somewhere Only We Know (it's the same director).   


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