Hu Yi Xuan: Xia Xiao Ju
Chen Bo Hao: Cheng Lang
Qi Yan Di: Lin You
Tan Quan: Huang Jun
Jiang Zhuo Jun: Qiu Le Tao
(Updated as of May 2022)
♠ To Fly with You (2021)
♠ Party A Who Lives Beside Me (2021)
♠ Gank Your Heart (2019)
Scriptwriter: Jin Yuan Yuan
♠ I Will Never Let You Go (2019)
♠ Legend of Yun Xi (2018)
♠ Fighter of Destiny (2017)
♠ Perfect Couple (2014)
Five (5/5)
Four (4/5)
Reviewer: FanFanX
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Oct 2021
Right off the bat, I knew that Lu Shi Yu (Wang Rui Chang) was going to be fun to watch. He just loves teasing her. And it's hilarious to watch them bicker and fight. The way he looks at her... and he's always taking care of her. The sweet things Lu Shi Yi's done to make her happy outweigh anything Cheng Lang's done for her. Granted, some things end in disaster or become a misunderstanding. I'd blame dramaland but the more I think about it - they're both young, new at relationships, and still trying to navigate their emotions. E19, when he hugs her after he injured himself saving her from boxes - his face made me want to just hug him. Xia Xiao Ju knew how she felt about Cheng Lang and didn't know what to do about how she felt about Lu Shi Yi, and her fear made her hesitate over and over again. On one hand, I wanted to blame him for not being brave enough to just tell her, own it and accept the consequences. On the other hand, she kept turning that knife into his heart every time he thought he'd finally been accepted into hers as the only one. But she's his first and only love, and he didn't any idea what he was doing either. Emotions ran high, and after years of feeling rejected/dejected, I understood why he had to leave. He needed to be in less pain, and perhaps absence does make the (hers) heart fonder?
They had serious communication issues. They are best friends, love each other, bickering was their norm, but when it came to their emotions/romance - he was scared and she was confused. They were both blockheads for way too long.
E14 is one of my favorites. When she's practicing for the talent show, then they roll down the hill and he realizes he really likes her. But the following 4 eps hurt so much for the two of them.
Cheng Lang is nice, helpful, smart, and friendly. But he treated her like a sister and that was the extent of it. She was just so infatuated with him. She spent so much time on him. I don't know why she thought she loved Cheng Lang so much. However, I also get it - this type of love doesn't always make sense. Frustrating enough to have experienced it, let alone watch someone go through it. Meanwhile, he spent a lot of time and effort on Lin You, which is a whole other story. I'll give credit where it's due - he tried to help Lu Shi Yi pursue Xia Xiao Ju.
Lu Shi Yi and Cheng Lang are best friends. The sore spot for Lu Shi Yi being Xia Xiao Ju. I wish he'd been able to be mature enough to talk to Cheng Lang and figure it out that way instead of believing that Xia Xiao Ju's was still into CL. (She'd gotten used to crushing on CL but had finally stopped wanting to be with him. LYS had entered her heart but she was too confused to know what he meant to her.)
Lin You's (Judy Qi) dub voice. Why?! (I've seen her in another series and her voice is fine.) What is it with her relationships constantly being a tangled mess - like real life perhaps - complicated and painful. Cheng Lang finally got her, for about 2 years and then things had to end. Poor Cheng Lang. Unfortunately, I felt like there was way too much time spent on this storyline - will they or not.
Shen Duo. I dislike her so much. Lu Shi Yi made it very clear to her that he's not interested in her, or anyone else but Xia Xiao Ju. She wouldn't let go of Lu Shi Yi and pretty much ruins Lu Shi Yi and Xia Xiao Ju's relationship for several years. (I never like this type of character anyway.)
E22. The three broken hearts. And Lu Shi Yi still tried to mend things for Xia Xiao Ju and Cheng Lang, even though he, himself was upset, angry and lost.
E25. Beautifully shot ep. And made me wish Lu Shi Yi and Xia Xiao Ju were truly together, instead of him consoling her.
Huang Jun and Le Tao – I’ve disliked them as a couple because Huang Jun was just too selfish and childish - wanted his cake and eat it, too. (Qiu Le Tao has done so much for him.) Xu Meng Lu knew exactly what she was doing (manipulative!). And he let it happen more than once or twice. I wanted to deck him. Later, he had the gall to do the same thing to Xu Meng Lu because he was still hung up on Qiu Le Tao. She was his first love and yet he screwed it up so bad, and wouldn't let her go for so long. And she wasn't in love with him anymore. I found him so frustrating. Qiu Le Tao knew when to cut her losses and move on.
Chang Le (Vincent Wei, who was the serene music teacher from Wait, My Youth) has a crush on Xia Xiao Ju. He has some of the best microexpressions. The seething and smug looks on Lu Shi Yi's face and his rudeness just cracks me up. (Jealousy) These two sizing up each other in every scene... but she's oblivious. (Woman, wake up!)
When Lu Shi Yi does confess in E28/29 she literally RUNS AWAY?! Then she avoids him the next morning. But he catches her and is still trying so hard. (I felt so bad for him.) Both Cheng Lang and Lu Shi Yi are pursuing her. She actually rejects Chang Le (finally!), but automatically shoves Lu Shi Yi so hard into the friendzone.
Why is this selfless guy always rescuing her, while he's hurting?? He seriously just loves her. She almost doesn't deserve him.
And then the fake dating relationship after that? What in the world... She made me want to shake some sense into her! (She wasn't ready, still.) I seriously feel bad for him...
E30. Lu Shi Yi just loves calling Xia Xiao Ju his girlfriend. And he's sincere (mostly, lol). But she's noticing him more and still so fierce. There's forum post up about their relationship and she blames him for posting it. She gets so angry that she tells him, "I will never like you, so just give up." Those words cut through him, and that hurt look on his face - how could she not notice??! Cheng Lang thinks Lu Shi Yi bullied Xia Xiao Ju, when, in fact, she's the one who thinks the worst of him. Ah, Cheng Lang knows how much Lu Shi Yi likes Xia Xiao Ju. The guys works together to clear up the online posting and she apologizes to him. He hugs her and they make up. He suggests they go on a date and she actually agrees.
But Xia Xiao Ju makes it a double date with Lin You and Cheng Lang. (Cheng Lang, please help him out and refuse!!!) Awww, Lu Shi Yi insists on holding her hand during this double date. (The poor woman is confused....) Meanwhile, Qiu Le Tao is happy and dating someone without telling her friends who he is. Ironically, Xia Xiao Ju tells Qiu Le Tao that she can accept anyone, but not Lu Shi Yi - because he's her best friend. She then asks him to break up with her in front of Lin You. He refuses and instead suggests they go on a date to the movies. She suggests a horror movie. They both end up scared, but he pretends to pass out from the blood. (I'm starting to understand why else she can't accept him - he's sincere in liking her but he's so immature about it at times.) He's an attentive boyfriend, brought her lunch (because she forgets to eat when she's busy), and he waits for her at night when she's back from her tour work. She suggests that they end things - their fake relationship. He asks what is she afraid of - that she'll really like him?
E31. Everyone's back in their hometown. Her mother is telling her to give away corn (from grandparents' farm) to Cheng Lang and Lu Shi Yi.
Cheng Lang is giving Lu Mom hope about Lu Shi Yi dating. His mother goes to ask him, and Xia Xiao Ju shows up. He says that's his girlfriend but they broke up. Xia Xiao Ju is speechless so Lu Shi Yi tells them it's a joke. Xia Xiao Ju leaves embarrassed by this, and both of his parents are ticked off by this ‘joke’.
Flashback: Xia Xiao Ju never gave him an answer that night and they really did break up.
Now, she's still confused about her feelings. Lu Shi Yi is hoping retreating will help.
Currently, they're not speaking to each other.
Huang Jun's band breaks up. They're ready to move on as they’re getting ready to graduate, and music has been his dream, not theirs. Later, a record company calls him. They've been following him for two years. He finds out that Qiu Le Tao had been writing to the record company, and he seeks her out to ask recommending his music. She replies that she was too nice, and hopes to never see him again and walks away.
Lin You's ex shows up, and later he calls her. He shows up again and apologizes about what happened before. She leaves and he grabs her arm. She shakes him off and she notices the scar in his arm. He had an accident abroad and a tendon was cut, and it shakes at times so he's unable to play piano anymore. He's in composition now. This was why he broke up with her as he didn't want to burden her. The ex-boyfriend wants her back.
Xia Xiao Ju sees them talking. She's not sure if she should tell Cheng Lang or not. (She’s friends with both Lin You and Cheng Lang, and it’s complicated enough.)
Lin You tells Cheng Lang she won't go abroad. The ex-boyfriend shows up at her mother's place, and she overhears their conversation. Lin You feels horrible that she didn't know before now. He wants her back and she says no. He hugs her to console her and Cheng Lang finds them and punches him. Lin You is more concerned about her ex-boyfriend’s injury.
Xia Xiao Ju goes to see Lu Shi Yi. She asks about Cheng Lang. Lu Shi Yi thinks she's still interested in Cheng Lang. She says she saw Lin You’s ex. Lu Shi Yi asks why she didn't tell him and he should know. Cheng Lang shows up and is still visibly upset that she knew already.
E32. Lu Shi Yi and Cheng Lang are drinking together. Ex calls Cheng Lang. They meet up the next day, and ex says that she's given up her abroad opportunity because of him. He confronts her about it. They break up.
Xia Xiao Ju goes to see Lin You and asks her if she knows how much Cheng Leng loves her. She's confused about her feelings for Cheng Lang and her ex. Lin You also knows that CL is Cheng Lang. (She had overheard Lu Shi Yi saying it that day in the library.)
Lin You leaves with her ex-boyfriend, and Xia Xiao Ju comes to see her off.
Cheng Lang is heartbroken. Both Xia Xiao Ju and Lu Shi Yi are worried about him, but Lu Shi Yi thinks she still likes Cheng Lang, when she’s actually just trying to be a friend to Cheng Lang (and she herself is sad about Lin You’s departure as well).
Xia Xiao Ju brings hot pot to Cheng Lang's room. He's going to leave for a business opportunity. He knows she's Mango Pudding. He's thankful for her support. She knows he can do anything for her except return her feelings. He says she's like family, like Lu Shi Yi, and treats them both as brother and sister. She says, he just doesn't like her, and it's all in the past. She's grateful for him and Lu Shi Yi.
Lu Shi Yi is offered an abroad opportunity. He goes to see Cheng Lang and it seems like Lu Shi Yi and Xia Xiao Ju are hugging. He was actually helping her put on an apron. The look on poor Lu Shi Yi's face. Cheng Lang offers to go explain to him, but Xia Xiao Ju doesn’t want him to.
E33. Lu Shi Yi leaves angry. But he's waiting outside for Xia Xiao Ju. They're sitting outside and it's getting dark. He asks her to talk but she won't say anything. So he tells her he's going abroad. He wants her to say something but she's not saying what he wants to hear. (This scene is hard to watch. They both want the same thing but neither wants to say it. This broke my heart knowing that they’re both so close to being at the same place but just don’t make it there.) And so he leaves and says she never cared about him. She's pretty sad that he left.
Lu Shi Yi and Cheng Lang face off on the basketball court. It gets pretty aggressive with Lu Shi Yi shoving Cheng Lang onto the floor at the end. Cheng Lang asks to talk after their game. Cheng Lang tells him that he didn't know he was such a jealous man, and to stop being jealous. And he's made it clear with Xia Xiao Ju, that he'd always be his best friend just like he is with Lu Shi Yi. He also tells him he's leaving for work in another city. He asks if he (Lu Shi Yi) really wants to go abroad. Lu Shi Yi says no one cares about him, and when he told Xia Xiao Ju, she said nothing but congratulate him. Cheng Lang asks if she was supposed to tell him to not go and give up that opportunity.
Le Tao asks Xia Xiao how she feels about Lu Shi Yi. She tells her that she doesn't know, but she was happy, comfortable with him, and relied on him a lot.
Lu Shi Yi meets up with her one more time and apologizes to her for the other night, and tells her she's the most important to him. He asks her again about him going abroad. He also says that there's no future for them if he goes abroad. She's not able to tell him anything. He asks if it's that hard to admit she likes him and doesn't want him to go abroad. (Yes, it's that hard for her - she's so frustrating!)
Huang Jun is following Qiu Le Tao again. He wants to sing her a final song. She goes and listens to him. They're really done. He's finally let her go. (It’s his final goodbye to her. I seriously can’t stand him.)
Lu Shi Yi is worried about Xia Xiao Ju being away for her tour group, where there are heavy rains and mudslides, which was in the news. He goes to find her. Cheng Lang finds her first and asks her why she hasn't been answering her phone and her parents have been worried. She says that her phone's been dead.
E34. She's hanging out with Cheng Lang at a seafood market and someone takes her bag. Cheng Lang gets her bag back. The first thing she looks for is the seashell hairclip that Lu Shi Yi gave her. Cheng Lang points that out – it was not her phone nor the purse that she looked at, but the hairpin Lu Shi Yi that gave her. He asks her if that means something, that she does like Lu Shi Yi. (Cheng Lang is doing his best to get her to own up to her feelings but this woman....SMH.)
Lu Shi Yi leaves to go abroad. He actually saw and heard Cheng Lang and Xia Xiao Ju’s conversation that night at the market (but only part of it). And so he misunderstands and leaves in defeat.
Xia Xiao Ju's mother calls and asks her to come back in two days' time to visit and to say bye to Lu Shi Yi but she doesn't hear the last part. She's on the bus back to her hometown and looking at the hairpin in her hand but it falls and she steps on it. She arrives right after Lu Shi Yi left, about 5 minutes before he left. She runs to go after him but it's too late. They miss each other.
Xia Xiao Ju spends some time trying to contact him. He doesn't use his old phone. She gets a photo from Qiu Le Tao of him with Shen Duo, looking like a couple (but it’s more of Shen Duo hanging onto him in the photo and him looking unhappy). She's more depressed now. Lu Mom gets a call from him and gives Xia Xiao Ju his new number. She calls him but Shen Duo answers and implies that they're dating. She also hears Lu Shi Yi talking in the background, so she hangs up. She ends up getting drunk with Qiu Le Tao.
They graduate.
She falls asleep on the drive, and when he stops the car, he goes to cover her with a jacket but she wakes up. They look at the beach across the way, and he asks her if putting seashells in a heart formation would be something his girlfriend likes. She gets annoyed and says he should ask his girlfriend. He's looking at a seashell hairpin (like the one he gave her, and the one she broke) and puts it near her hair as if he was considering it, but he decides to get the bracelet instead. She gets aggravated and asks why he was looking at the hairpin if he knew he wanted to buy the bracelet. He says, it's for my girlfriend but she didn't like the shell hairpin (he thinks this because she never wore it). He says that the bracelet suits her better. She walks away from him. They walk to the beach and he takes pictures of the beach (& her) but he acts like she’s in the way of the scenery.
Lu Shi Yi has booked a place for them to stay, which she’s not that happy about. Xia Xiao Ju is staying in the unit above him and purposely trying to annoy him by jumping up and down on the floor.
Cheng Lang calls to tell Xia Xiao Ju that he can't make it to Qiu Le Tao's party. Then he tells her that Lu Shi Yi is back. But she tells him to not mention Lu Shi Yi to her.
They're at Qiu Le Tao's party. Lu Shi Yin shows up and Xia Xiao Ju is still very upset. She says that they don't know each other. Le Tao asks her to be happy for tonight. Xia Xiao Ju proposes a toast and acknowledges everyone but snubs Lu Shi Yi. So now he's annoyed as well. (These two are never in harmony for long.) The groom arrives and it’s BaoBao (glowed up, sans curls; and Xia Xiao Ju is clueless.) Qiu Le Tao is wondering why he's late. He says he was dealing with tomorrow's wedding and holds her hand
He addresses the room, and Xia Xiao Ju if he's the MC. He says that the tab is on him tonight. Xia Xiao Ju asks, shouldn't that be for the groom to offer? It finally dawns on her that BaoBao is the groom. She asks Qiu Le Tao why she didn't say anything earlier! Then she asks Lu Shi Yi if he already knew about this. He asks, do we know each other? Hahaha. They start arguing and insulting each other. As usual, they need to be separated.
BaoBao and Xia Xiao Ju have a drinking contest, and both end up very drunk. Qiu Le Tao takes care of a drunk BaoBao and has Lu Shi Yi take care of a drunk Xia Xiao Ju. Qiu Le Tao gives him a room key for Xia Xiao Ju. He carries her to the room and puts her on the bed. He wipes her face, and then just looks at her face. Her eyes open, and she pulls on his collar and lifts up to kiss him. He turns away and asks if she knows who he is, she says Da Tu. She pulls him down to continue kissing him. (Does more happen??!)
The next morning, she’s awoken by her cell but she’s naked under the covers. Lu Shi Yi isn’t in the room.
Qiu Le Tao and BaoBao are married. Lu Shi Yi offers his arm to Xia Xiao Ju but she won't take it. (They're in the wedding party.) Huang Jun is actually watching from outside the wedding area. The bouquet is thrown and Xia Xiao Ju catches it. Lu Shu Yi mentions to Cheng Lang that he's nervous and can't remember all of his lines.
BaoBao announces that Lu Shi Yi is putting on a show. Cheng Lang hands a nervous Lu Shi Yi a box, and tells him, he must make it this time. Qiu Le Tao pulls and practically drags Xia Xiao Ju to stand near the center. Lu Shi Yi is on the other end of the stage, facing Xia Xiao Ju.
He's confessing to her on this stage. "I used to run behind you, hoping one day you would look back at me. But now, I no longer want to be behind you. I wish we could walk side-by-side and spend our lives together.”
Lu Shi Yi walks towards Xia Xiao Ju, and Qiu Le Tao pushes her forward to walk and meet him. They meet in the middle. He asks, if she would marry him. She asks, don't you have a girlfriend. He holds her by the shoulders, looks her in the eyes and says, "Xia Xiao Ju. Remember this. I don't have a girlfriend. There's not such a person. You're always the only one I love." He gets down on one knee and opens the ring box. He asks again, if she would marry him. She's crying but smiling, and says yes. He looks so relieved and happy. He puts the ring on her finger, gets up and they kiss. Cheng Lang pushes a button and the balloons pop, letting down smaller balloons and confetti. The end.
Why didn't this series have a better ending? Let me clarify. That ending was happy but not satisfactory! I want scenes of them together after that proposal!! *stomps foot* Or edit out some of that time focused on Cheng Lang and Lin You's and Le Tao and Huang Juang's relationships?! If enough of us complain do you think they might give us a one-hour special ep?!?! Or have a Season 2 with half the number of eps? I'm left wanting more.
I’d rewatch this series, but I’d have to brace myself for the angst. The friendships were so great to watch.
They had serious communication issues. They are best friends, love each other, bickering was their norm, but when it came to their emotions/romance - he was scared and she was confused. They were both blockheads for way too long.
E14 is one of my favorites. When she's practicing for the talent show, then they roll down the hill and he realizes he really likes her. But the following 4 eps hurt so much for the two of them.
Cheng Lang is nice, helpful, smart, and friendly. But he treated her like a sister and that was the extent of it. She was just so infatuated with him. She spent so much time on him. I don't know why she thought she loved Cheng Lang so much. However, I also get it - this type of love doesn't always make sense. Frustrating enough to have experienced it, let alone watch someone go through it. Meanwhile, he spent a lot of time and effort on Lin You, which is a whole other story. I'll give credit where it's due - he tried to help Lu Shi Yi pursue Xia Xiao Ju.
Lu Shi Yi and Cheng Lang are best friends. The sore spot for Lu Shi Yi being Xia Xiao Ju. I wish he'd been able to be mature enough to talk to Cheng Lang and figure it out that way instead of believing that Xia Xiao Ju's was still into CL. (She'd gotten used to crushing on CL but had finally stopped wanting to be with him. LYS had entered her heart but she was too confused to know what he meant to her.)
Lin You's (Judy Qi) dub voice. Why?! (I've seen her in another series and her voice is fine.) What is it with her relationships constantly being a tangled mess - like real life perhaps - complicated and painful. Cheng Lang finally got her, for about 2 years and then things had to end. Poor Cheng Lang. Unfortunately, I felt like there was way too much time spent on this storyline - will they or not.
Shen Duo. I dislike her so much. Lu Shi Yi made it very clear to her that he's not interested in her, or anyone else but Xia Xiao Ju. She wouldn't let go of Lu Shi Yi and pretty much ruins Lu Shi Yi and Xia Xiao Ju's relationship for several years. (I never like this type of character anyway.)
E22. The three broken hearts. And Lu Shi Yi still tried to mend things for Xia Xiao Ju and Cheng Lang, even though he, himself was upset, angry and lost.
E25. Beautifully shot ep. And made me wish Lu Shi Yi and Xia Xiao Ju were truly together, instead of him consoling her.
Huang Jun and Le Tao – I’ve disliked them as a couple because Huang Jun was just too selfish and childish - wanted his cake and eat it, too. (Qiu Le Tao has done so much for him.) Xu Meng Lu knew exactly what she was doing (manipulative!). And he let it happen more than once or twice. I wanted to deck him. Later, he had the gall to do the same thing to Xu Meng Lu because he was still hung up on Qiu Le Tao. She was his first love and yet he screwed it up so bad, and wouldn't let her go for so long. And she wasn't in love with him anymore. I found him so frustrating. Qiu Le Tao knew when to cut her losses and move on.
Chang Le (Vincent Wei, who was the serene music teacher from Wait, My Youth) has a crush on Xia Xiao Ju. He has some of the best microexpressions. The seething and smug looks on Lu Shi Yi's face and his rudeness just cracks me up. (Jealousy) These two sizing up each other in every scene... but she's oblivious. (Woman, wake up!)
When Lu Shi Yi does confess in E28/29 she literally RUNS AWAY?! Then she avoids him the next morning. But he catches her and is still trying so hard. (I felt so bad for him.) Both Cheng Lang and Lu Shi Yi are pursuing her. She actually rejects Chang Le (finally!), but automatically shoves Lu Shi Yi so hard into the friendzone.
Why is this selfless guy always rescuing her, while he's hurting?? He seriously just loves her. She almost doesn't deserve him.
And then the fake dating relationship after that? What in the world... She made me want to shake some sense into her! (She wasn't ready, still.) I seriously feel bad for him...
E30. Lu Shi Yi just loves calling Xia Xiao Ju his girlfriend. And he's sincere (mostly, lol). But she's noticing him more and still so fierce. There's forum post up about their relationship and she blames him for posting it. She gets so angry that she tells him, "I will never like you, so just give up." Those words cut through him, and that hurt look on his face - how could she not notice??! Cheng Lang thinks Lu Shi Yi bullied Xia Xiao Ju, when, in fact, she's the one who thinks the worst of him. Ah, Cheng Lang knows how much Lu Shi Yi likes Xia Xiao Ju. The guys works together to clear up the online posting and she apologizes to him. He hugs her and they make up. He suggests they go on a date and she actually agrees.
But Xia Xiao Ju makes it a double date with Lin You and Cheng Lang. (Cheng Lang, please help him out and refuse!!!) Awww, Lu Shi Yi insists on holding her hand during this double date. (The poor woman is confused....) Meanwhile, Qiu Le Tao is happy and dating someone without telling her friends who he is. Ironically, Xia Xiao Ju tells Qiu Le Tao that she can accept anyone, but not Lu Shi Yi - because he's her best friend. She then asks him to break up with her in front of Lin You. He refuses and instead suggests they go on a date to the movies. She suggests a horror movie. They both end up scared, but he pretends to pass out from the blood. (I'm starting to understand why else she can't accept him - he's sincere in liking her but he's so immature about it at times.) He's an attentive boyfriend, brought her lunch (because she forgets to eat when she's busy), and he waits for her at night when she's back from her tour work. She suggests that they end things - their fake relationship. He asks what is she afraid of - that she'll really like him?
E31. Everyone's back in their hometown. Her mother is telling her to give away corn (from grandparents' farm) to Cheng Lang and Lu Shi Yi.
Cheng Lang is giving Lu Mom hope about Lu Shi Yi dating. His mother goes to ask him, and Xia Xiao Ju shows up. He says that's his girlfriend but they broke up. Xia Xiao Ju is speechless so Lu Shi Yi tells them it's a joke. Xia Xiao Ju leaves embarrassed by this, and both of his parents are ticked off by this ‘joke’.
Flashback: Xia Xiao Ju never gave him an answer that night and they really did break up.
Now, she's still confused about her feelings. Lu Shi Yi is hoping retreating will help.
Currently, they're not speaking to each other.
Huang Jun's band breaks up. They're ready to move on as they’re getting ready to graduate, and music has been his dream, not theirs. Later, a record company calls him. They've been following him for two years. He finds out that Qiu Le Tao had been writing to the record company, and he seeks her out to ask recommending his music. She replies that she was too nice, and hopes to never see him again and walks away.
Lin You's ex shows up, and later he calls her. He shows up again and apologizes about what happened before. She leaves and he grabs her arm. She shakes him off and she notices the scar in his arm. He had an accident abroad and a tendon was cut, and it shakes at times so he's unable to play piano anymore. He's in composition now. This was why he broke up with her as he didn't want to burden her. The ex-boyfriend wants her back.
Xia Xiao Ju sees them talking. She's not sure if she should tell Cheng Lang or not. (She’s friends with both Lin You and Cheng Lang, and it’s complicated enough.)
Lin You tells Cheng Lang she won't go abroad. The ex-boyfriend shows up at her mother's place, and she overhears their conversation. Lin You feels horrible that she didn't know before now. He wants her back and she says no. He hugs her to console her and Cheng Lang finds them and punches him. Lin You is more concerned about her ex-boyfriend’s injury.
Xia Xiao Ju goes to see Lu Shi Yi. She asks about Cheng Lang. Lu Shi Yi thinks she's still interested in Cheng Lang. She says she saw Lin You’s ex. Lu Shi Yi asks why she didn't tell him and he should know. Cheng Lang shows up and is still visibly upset that she knew already.
E32. Lu Shi Yi and Cheng Lang are drinking together. Ex calls Cheng Lang. They meet up the next day, and ex says that she's given up her abroad opportunity because of him. He confronts her about it. They break up.
Xia Xiao Ju goes to see Lin You and asks her if she knows how much Cheng Leng loves her. She's confused about her feelings for Cheng Lang and her ex. Lin You also knows that CL is Cheng Lang. (She had overheard Lu Shi Yi saying it that day in the library.)
Lin You leaves with her ex-boyfriend, and Xia Xiao Ju comes to see her off.
Cheng Lang is heartbroken. Both Xia Xiao Ju and Lu Shi Yi are worried about him, but Lu Shi Yi thinks she still likes Cheng Lang, when she’s actually just trying to be a friend to Cheng Lang (and she herself is sad about Lin You’s departure as well).
Xia Xiao Ju brings hot pot to Cheng Lang's room. He's going to leave for a business opportunity. He knows she's Mango Pudding. He's thankful for her support. She knows he can do anything for her except return her feelings. He says she's like family, like Lu Shi Yi, and treats them both as brother and sister. She says, he just doesn't like her, and it's all in the past. She's grateful for him and Lu Shi Yi.
Lu Shi Yi is offered an abroad opportunity. He goes to see Cheng Lang and it seems like Lu Shi Yi and Xia Xiao Ju are hugging. He was actually helping her put on an apron. The look on poor Lu Shi Yi's face. Cheng Lang offers to go explain to him, but Xia Xiao Ju doesn’t want him to.
E33. Lu Shi Yi leaves angry. But he's waiting outside for Xia Xiao Ju. They're sitting outside and it's getting dark. He asks her to talk but she won't say anything. So he tells her he's going abroad. He wants her to say something but she's not saying what he wants to hear. (This scene is hard to watch. They both want the same thing but neither wants to say it. This broke my heart knowing that they’re both so close to being at the same place but just don’t make it there.) And so he leaves and says she never cared about him. She's pretty sad that he left.
Lu Shi Yi and Cheng Lang face off on the basketball court. It gets pretty aggressive with Lu Shi Yi shoving Cheng Lang onto the floor at the end. Cheng Lang asks to talk after their game. Cheng Lang tells him that he didn't know he was such a jealous man, and to stop being jealous. And he's made it clear with Xia Xiao Ju, that he'd always be his best friend just like he is with Lu Shi Yi. He also tells him he's leaving for work in another city. He asks if he (Lu Shi Yi) really wants to go abroad. Lu Shi Yi says no one cares about him, and when he told Xia Xiao Ju, she said nothing but congratulate him. Cheng Lang asks if she was supposed to tell him to not go and give up that opportunity.
Le Tao asks Xia Xiao how she feels about Lu Shi Yi. She tells her that she doesn't know, but she was happy, comfortable with him, and relied on him a lot.
Lu Shi Yi meets up with her one more time and apologizes to her for the other night, and tells her she's the most important to him. He asks her again about him going abroad. He also says that there's no future for them if he goes abroad. She's not able to tell him anything. He asks if it's that hard to admit she likes him and doesn't want him to go abroad. (Yes, it's that hard for her - she's so frustrating!)
Huang Jun is following Qiu Le Tao again. He wants to sing her a final song. She goes and listens to him. They're really done. He's finally let her go. (It’s his final goodbye to her. I seriously can’t stand him.)
Lu Shi Yi is worried about Xia Xiao Ju being away for her tour group, where there are heavy rains and mudslides, which was in the news. He goes to find her. Cheng Lang finds her first and asks her why she hasn't been answering her phone and her parents have been worried. She says that her phone's been dead.
E34. She's hanging out with Cheng Lang at a seafood market and someone takes her bag. Cheng Lang gets her bag back. The first thing she looks for is the seashell hairclip that Lu Shi Yi gave her. Cheng Lang points that out – it was not her phone nor the purse that she looked at, but the hairpin Lu Shi Yi that gave her. He asks her if that means something, that she does like Lu Shi Yi. (Cheng Lang is doing his best to get her to own up to her feelings but this woman....SMH.)
Lu Shi Yi leaves to go abroad. He actually saw and heard Cheng Lang and Xia Xiao Ju’s conversation that night at the market (but only part of it). And so he misunderstands and leaves in defeat.
Xia Xiao Ju's mother calls and asks her to come back in two days' time to visit and to say bye to Lu Shi Yi but she doesn't hear the last part. She's on the bus back to her hometown and looking at the hairpin in her hand but it falls and she steps on it. She arrives right after Lu Shi Yi left, about 5 minutes before he left. She runs to go after him but it's too late. They miss each other.
Xia Xiao Ju spends some time trying to contact him. He doesn't use his old phone. She gets a photo from Qiu Le Tao of him with Shen Duo, looking like a couple (but it’s more of Shen Duo hanging onto him in the photo and him looking unhappy). She's more depressed now. Lu Mom gets a call from him and gives Xia Xiao Ju his new number. She calls him but Shen Duo answers and implies that they're dating. She also hears Lu Shi Yi talking in the background, so she hangs up. She ends up getting drunk with Qiu Le Tao.
They graduate.
E35. It's now 2007. Qiu Le Tao tells Xia Xiao Ju she's getting married, who is shocked as she’s never met this boyfriend.
Xia Xiao Ju goes to work and is given a new assignment, as a high-end personal guide. Her mother says she needs to come home for dinner. Cheng Lang joins them for dinner. Her mother is trying to set them up. (Oh, moms, you’re all waaaay too late for that ship.) Cheng Lang tells her that Lu Shi Yi is coming back. He asks if she still likes him. She said it’s pointless to talk about it. Lu Shi Yi hasn't contact her ever since he went abroad.
Xia Xiao Ju’s new client turns out to be Lu Shi Yi, the one who needs a personal guide. He tells her that he's planning to propose to his girlfriend so he ordered this romantic journey. He wants to see these locations in advance. She tries to get out of it, and says someone else handles the couple tours. He says that the guide assigned on his contract is her. He threatens to tell her boss if she doesn’t comply. So she’s stuck with him.
They meet the next day and he gives her a list of places. He's driving and asks her to sing for him. (It's the song she sang for Cheng Lang but Lu Shi Yi had taught her how to play the guitar.) He sings with her as well. (She’s so oblivious that he’s still in love with her.)
She falls asleep on the drive, and when he stops the car, he goes to cover her with a jacket but she wakes up. They look at the beach across the way, and he asks her if putting seashells in a heart formation would be something his girlfriend likes. She gets annoyed and says he should ask his girlfriend. He's looking at a seashell hairpin (like the one he gave her, and the one she broke) and puts it near her hair as if he was considering it, but he decides to get the bracelet instead. She gets aggravated and asks why he was looking at the hairpin if he knew he wanted to buy the bracelet. He says, it's for my girlfriend but she didn't like the shell hairpin (he thinks this because she never wore it). He says that the bracelet suits her better. She walks away from him. They walk to the beach and he takes pictures of the beach (& her) but he acts like she’s in the way of the scenery.
Lu Shi Yi has booked a place for them to stay, which she’s not that happy about. Xia Xiao Ju is staying in the unit above him and purposely trying to annoy him by jumping up and down on the floor.
It's nighttime now, and he's calling her name outside (like when they in high school) to take her to dinner. She gets angry when she finds out that he ordered the couple set. She says, he has a girlfriend, and she's sick of it. She leaves and he tries to get her to stop. But then he slips into the pool and she goes to leave but remembers he can't swim, so she runs back to him and goes after him in the pool.
E36. Lu Shi Yi is fine. He tells her that he'll wait for her at the beach tomorrow. She leaves angry (as always). That night, she has a dream of him proposing to her on the beach. (Dramaland, you stink for teasing us like this!!) The next morning, room service knocks on her door with breakfast and a box with the shell bracelet from Lu Shi Yi. She ends up running to the beach to wait for him but he never shows up. She calls him and turns out that he had left for a work emergency, but she's upset and throws the bracelet away on the beach. (This is so typical of their relationship.)
Cheng Lang calls to tell Xia Xiao Ju that he can't make it to Qiu Le Tao's party. Then he tells her that Lu Shi Yi is back. But she tells him to not mention Lu Shi Yi to her.
They're at Qiu Le Tao's party. Lu Shi Yin shows up and Xia Xiao Ju is still very upset. She says that they don't know each other. Le Tao asks her to be happy for tonight. Xia Xiao Ju proposes a toast and acknowledges everyone but snubs Lu Shi Yi. So now he's annoyed as well. (These two are never in harmony for long.) The groom arrives and it’s BaoBao (glowed up, sans curls; and Xia Xiao Ju is clueless.) Qiu Le Tao is wondering why he's late. He says he was dealing with tomorrow's wedding and holds her hand
He addresses the room, and Xia Xiao Ju if he's the MC. He says that the tab is on him tonight. Xia Xiao Ju asks, shouldn't that be for the groom to offer? It finally dawns on her that BaoBao is the groom. She asks Qiu Le Tao why she didn't say anything earlier! Then she asks Lu Shi Yi if he already knew about this. He asks, do we know each other? Hahaha. They start arguing and insulting each other. As usual, they need to be separated.
BaoBao and Xia Xiao Ju have a drinking contest, and both end up very drunk. Qiu Le Tao takes care of a drunk BaoBao and has Lu Shi Yi take care of a drunk Xia Xiao Ju. Qiu Le Tao gives him a room key for Xia Xiao Ju. He carries her to the room and puts her on the bed. He wipes her face, and then just looks at her face. Her eyes open, and she pulls on his collar and lifts up to kiss him. He turns away and asks if she knows who he is, she says Da Tu. She pulls him down to continue kissing him. (Does more happen??!)
The next morning, she’s awoken by her cell but she’s naked under the covers. Lu Shi Yi isn’t in the room.
Qiu Le Tao and BaoBao are married. Lu Shi Yi offers his arm to Xia Xiao Ju but she won't take it. (They're in the wedding party.) Huang Jun is actually watching from outside the wedding area. The bouquet is thrown and Xia Xiao Ju catches it. Lu Shu Yi mentions to Cheng Lang that he's nervous and can't remember all of his lines.
BaoBao announces that Lu Shi Yi is putting on a show. Cheng Lang hands a nervous Lu Shi Yi a box, and tells him, he must make it this time. Qiu Le Tao pulls and practically drags Xia Xiao Ju to stand near the center. Lu Shi Yi is on the other end of the stage, facing Xia Xiao Ju.
He's confessing to her on this stage. "I used to run behind you, hoping one day you would look back at me. But now, I no longer want to be behind you. I wish we could walk side-by-side and spend our lives together.”
Lu Shi Yi walks towards Xia Xiao Ju, and Qiu Le Tao pushes her forward to walk and meet him. They meet in the middle. He asks, if she would marry him. She asks, don't you have a girlfriend. He holds her by the shoulders, looks her in the eyes and says, "Xia Xiao Ju. Remember this. I don't have a girlfriend. There's not such a person. You're always the only one I love." He gets down on one knee and opens the ring box. He asks again, if she would marry him. She's crying but smiling, and says yes. He looks so relieved and happy. He puts the ring on her finger, gets up and they kiss. Cheng Lang pushes a button and the balloons pop, letting down smaller balloons and confetti. The end.
It seemed to take forever but I'm so happy that Lu Shi Yi and Xia Xiao Ju are finally together. They should've been together like 5 eps before, with a better ending eps! I wish they both would've communicated better (although I know Lu Shi Yi was thwarted so many times because he was always more worried about her feelings/ mood than his own). That and Xia Xiao Ju is just so stupidly oblivious for way too long. The build-up to the last two eps was kind of rushed. While they're finally together, I seriously hate how it ended. I would have loved to see them having a good relationship. The actors had such good chemistry, too.
The OST is so beautiful! My favorite is the closing credits song, Dear Journey.
Cyn Lynn's right about Xia Xiao Ju/Hu Yi Xuan. I'm used to this actress looking more like an adult than a HS or university student. But she pulled it off. I love her character, execept for her weakness (Cheng Lang) and being oblivious (Lu Shi Yi) made me so frustrated. Gahhh!! She ruins almost every moment Lu Shi Yi wants with her. My heart just hurt for him every single time. They had serious communication issues when it came to the matters of the heart – because they were good together in every aspect except that. I wish she would’ve tried harder to talk to him after he left for abroad, instead of being so afraid. Wang Rui Chang was really great as Lu Shi Yi (hadn’t seen him before this series).
The OST is so beautiful! My favorite is the closing credits song, Dear Journey.
Cyn Lynn's right about Xia Xiao Ju/Hu Yi Xuan. I'm used to this actress looking more like an adult than a HS or university student. But she pulled it off. I love her character, execept for her weakness (Cheng Lang) and being oblivious (Lu Shi Yi) made me so frustrated. Gahhh!! She ruins almost every moment Lu Shi Yi wants with her. My heart just hurt for him every single time. They had serious communication issues when it came to the matters of the heart – because they were good together in every aspect except that. I wish she would’ve tried harder to talk to him after he left for abroad, instead of being so afraid. Wang Rui Chang was really great as Lu Shi Yi (hadn’t seen him before this series).
Why didn't this series have a better ending? Let me clarify. That ending was happy but not satisfactory! I want scenes of them together after that proposal!! *stomps foot* Or edit out some of that time focused on Cheng Lang and Lin You's and Le Tao and Huang Juang's relationships?! If enough of us complain do you think they might give us a one-hour special ep?!?! Or have a Season 2 with half the number of eps? I'm left wanting more.
I’d rewatch this series, but I’d have to brace myself for the angst. The friendships were so great to watch.
Three (3/5)
Reviewer: cynlynn
(Copied and pasted from Recaps&Review)
Actors are A+
Despite the lack of satisfaction I feel for the ending, it is still a happy one. Somewhere deeeeep within me, I do feel relieved Lu Shi Yi got what he wanted. I certainly enjoyed most of the drama for the main actors: Hu Yi Xuan and Wang Rui Chang. For them and the beautifully shot scenes, I feel like I didn't waste my time.
Aesthetics are A+
Story is Boo -
Before you think this is bad, it's not. Logically, I can understand why people would love this. It's a slice-of-life and coming-of-age drama – there are various possibilities to the couples. It may not end the way it started. Life isn't perfect (don't worry, it's still a happy ending). Like a river, this drama takes us through our character's peaks and troughs, their choices, their heartbreaks and by the end, it has me rooting for the main characters (especially Lu Shi Yi!! Cooper Lu!). I like that for the most part this drama is character based.
But I'm gritting my teeth at the romance.
Everyone loves someone who doesn’t love them back. There's a girl crushing on a guy who doesn't like her for 20+ episodes. There's a guy crushing on a girl who has him friendzoned so hard, he's nailed in for ~30 episodes. Honestly, if a guy is friendzoned the way Lu Shi Yi is, there really is no coming back, but hey, it's a drama, and I want my ML to be happy, so I was rooting for him. But man, Drama, you make the process so bland and bitter. Over two-thirds of the drama, I am deprived of sweet moments (especially from Xiao Ju) and then tada, everyone is happy. I didn't go through all those episodes witnessing Xiao Ju abuse Lu Shi Yi's feelings with her idiocy for a sloppy happy ending for the sake of a happy ending.
[Ending Spoiler] I don't think I ever felt this way but I almost wished this wasn't a happy ending for the main CP. This is how unsatisfied I am with the sloppy finale. From a narrative perspective, it actually makes more sense that Xiao Ju never reciprocated Lu Shi Yi's love. His happy ending is an outlier among everyone else's. No one had a fruitful first love except Lu Shi Yi. Xiao Ju didn't; Cheng Lang didn't; Lin You didn't; Le Tao didn't; Huang Jun didn't. How come Shi Yi got a pass? Because he's the ML? And what a sloppy pass it was. The drama inserted the happy ending without any proper buildup. I may not like sad endings, but a halfhearted one like this is a major disservice to a quality drama. Given the trajectory of the story, a bittersweet closure could easily elevate the poignancy, the realism, the nostalgia, and the artistic appeal that's already in the drama's foundation. [/Spoiler]